diff options
authorBoris Kolpackov <boris@codesynthesis.com>2012-06-18 15:28:15 +0200
committerBoris Kolpackov <boris@codesynthesis.com>2012-06-18 15:28:15 +0200
commitef4efbab2664232aa35b0111a6d430d2c67ababd (patch)
parentc2d38a4c6abd15c898492f09b4646eb93a01da69 (diff)
Initial work on CLI port
Add options files with all the documentation. Move documentation and usage to use the new approach. Finally get rid of dependency on libbackend-elements.
32 files changed, 3093 insertions, 5616 deletions
diff --git a/build/import/cli/LICENSE b/build/import/cli/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57ee246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/import/cli/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Code Synthesis Tools CC.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/build/import/cli/cli-cxx.make b/build/import/cli/cli-cxx.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd009d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/import/cli/cli-cxx.make
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# file : build/import/cli/cli-cxx.make
+# copyright : Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Code Synthesis Tools CC
+# license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+# Here we are operating in the importing project's space, not in
+# cli's.
+# Get the C++ file extensions.
+$(call include,$(bld_root)/cxx/configuration-static.make)
+cli_pattern := \
+$(out_base)/%.$(cxx_s_suffix) \
+$(out_base)/%.$(cxx_h_suffix) \
+$(cli_pattern): cli_options := \
+--hxx-suffix .$(cxx_h_suffix) \
+--ixx-suffix .$(cxx_i_suffix) \
+--cxx-suffix .$(cxx_s_suffix)
+.PRECIOUS: $(cli_pattern)
+ifeq ($(out_base),$(src_base))
+$(cli_pattern): $(src_base)/%.cli
+ $(call message,cli $<,$(cli) $(cli_options) --output-dir $(dir $@) $<)
+$(cli_pattern): $(src_base)/%.cli | $$(dir $$@).
+ $(call message,cli $<,$(cli) $(cli_options) --output-dir $(dir $@) $<)
+$(cli_pattern): $(out_base)/%.cli | $$(dir $$@).
+ $(call message,cli $<,$(cli) $(cli_options) --output-dir $(dir $@) $<)
+.PHONY: $(out_base)/%.cxx.cli.clean
+$(out_base)/%.cxx.cli.clean: cxx_s_suffix := $(cxx_s_suffix)
+$(out_base)/%.cxx.cli.clean: cxx_h_suffix := $(cxx_h_suffix)
+$(out_base)/%.cxx.cli.clean: cxx_i_suffix := $(cxx_i_suffix)
+ $(call message,rm $$1,rm -f $$1,$(@:.cxx.cli.clean=.$(cxx_s_suffix)))
+ $(call message,rm $$1,rm -f $$1,$(@:.cxx.cli.clean=.$(cxx_h_suffix)))
+ $(call message,rm $$1,rm -f $$1,$(@:.cxx.cli.clean=.$(cxx_i_suffix)))
diff --git a/build/import/cli/configuration-rules.make b/build/import/cli/configuration-rules.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fb2485
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/import/cli/configuration-rules.make
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# file : build/import/cli/configuration-rules.make
+# copyright : Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Code Synthesis Tools CC
+# license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+$(dcf_root)/import/cli/configuration-dynamic.make: | $(dcf_root)/import/cli/.
+ $(call message,,$(scf_root)/import/cli/configure $@)
+ifndef %foreign%
+ $(call message,rm $(dcf_root)/import/cli/configuration-dynamic.make,\
+rm -f $(dcf_root)/import/cli/configuration-dynamic.make)
diff --git a/build/import/cli/configure b/build/import/cli/configure
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ae1e512
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/import/cli/configure
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+# file : build/import/cli/configure
+# copyright : Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Code Synthesis Tools CC
+# license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+# $1 - out file
+# bld_root - build root
+# project_name - project name
+source $bld_root/dialog.bash
+$echo "Configuring external dependency on 'cli' for '$project_name'."
+$echo "Would you like to configure dependency on the installed "
+$echo "version of 'cli' as opposed to the development build?"
+installed=`read_y_n y`
+if [ "$installed" = "n" ]; then
+$echo "Please enter the src_root for 'cli'."
+src_root=`read_path --directory --exist`
+$echo "Please enter the out_root for 'cli'."
+out_root=`read_path --directory $src_root`
+echo cli_installed := $installed >$1
+if [ "$installed" = "n" ]; then
+echo src_root := $src_root >>$1
+echo scf_root := \$\(src_root\)/build >>$1
+echo out_root := $out_root >>$1
diff --git a/build/import/cli/stub.make b/build/import/cli/stub.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3704723
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/import/cli/stub.make
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# file : build/import/cli/stub.make
+# copyright : Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Code Synthesis Tools CC
+# license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+$(call include-once,$(scf_root)/import/cli/configuration-rules.make,$(dcf_root))
+cli_installed :=
+$(call -include,$(dcf_root)/import/cli/configuration-dynamic.make)
+ifdef cli_installed
+ifeq ($(cli_installed),y)
+$(call export,cli: cli,cli-rules: $(scf_root)/import/cli/cli-cxx.make)
+# Include export stub.
+$(call include,$(scf_root)/export/cli/stub.make)
diff --git a/build/import/libbackend-elements/LICENSE b/build/import/libbackend-elements/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index 3912109..0000000
--- a/build/import/libbackend-elements/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
- Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
- We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
- Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
- Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
- 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
- whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
- part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
- parties under the terms of this License.
- c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
- when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
- interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
- announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
- notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
- a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
- these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
- License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
- does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
- the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
- a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
- source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
- 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
- b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
- years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
- cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
- machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
- distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
- customarily used for software interchange; or,
- c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
- to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
- allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
- received the program in object code or executable form with such
- an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
- 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
- 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
- 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
- 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
- 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
- How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
- Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
- Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
- Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
- `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
- <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
-Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/build/import/libbackend-elements/configuration-rules.make b/build/import/libbackend-elements/configuration-rules.make
deleted file mode 100644
index 1766f03..0000000
--- a/build/import/libbackend-elements/configuration-rules.make
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# file : build/import/libbackend-elements/configuration-rules.make
-# author : Boris Kolpackov <boris@kolpackov.net>
-# copyright : Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Boris Kolpackov
-# license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file
-$(dcf_root)/import/libbackend-elements/configuration-dynamic.make: | $(dcf_root)/import/libbackend-elements/.
- $(call message,,$(scf_root)/import/libbackend-elements/configure $@)
-ifndef %foreign%
- $(call message,rm $(dcf_root)/import/libbackend-elements/configuration-dynamic.make,\
-rm -f $(dcf_root)/import/libbackend-elements/configuration-dynamic.make)
diff --git a/build/import/libbackend-elements/configure b/build/import/libbackend-elements/configure
deleted file mode 100755
index db3e44d..0000000
--- a/build/import/libbackend-elements/configure
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env bash
-# file : build/import/libbackend-elements/configure
-# author : Boris Kolpackov <boris@kolpackov.net>
-# copyright : Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Boris Kolpackov
-# license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file
-# $1 - out file
-# bld_root - build root
-# project_name - project name
-source $bld_root/dialog.bash
-$echo "Configuring external dependency on 'libbackend-elements' for '$project_name'."
-$echo "Would you like to configure dependency on the installed version"
-$echo "of 'libbackend-elements' as opposed to the development build?"
-installed=`read_y_n y`
-if [ "$installed" = "n" ]; then
-$echo "Please enter the src_root for 'libbackend-elements'."
-src_root=`read_path --directory --exist`
-$echo "Please enter the out_root for 'libbackend-elements'."
-out_root=`read_path --directory $src_root`
-echo libbackend_elements_installed := $installed >$1
-if [ "$installed" = "n" ]; then
-echo src_root := $src_root >>$1
-echo scf_root := \$\(src_root\)/build >>$1
-echo out_root := $out_root >>$1
diff --git a/build/import/libbackend-elements/stub.make b/build/import/libbackend-elements/stub.make
deleted file mode 100644
index b171c30..0000000
--- a/build/import/libbackend-elements/stub.make
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# file : build/import/libbackend-elements/stub.make
-# author : Boris Kolpackov <boris@kolpackov.net>
-# copyright : Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Boris Kolpackov
-# license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file
-$(call include-once,$(scf_root)/import/libbackend-elements/configuration-rules.make,$(dcf_root))
-libbackend_elements_installed :=
-$(call -include,$(dcf_root)/import/libbackend-elements/configuration-dynamic.make)
-ifdef libbackend_elements_installed
-ifeq ($(libbackend_elements_installed),y)
-$(call export,l: -lcult -lboost_regex,cpp_options: )
-# Include export stub.
-$(call include,$(scf_root)/export/libbackend-elements/stub.make)
diff --git a/documentation/makefile b/documentation/makefile
index 5b2f0e8..1a72794 100644
--- a/documentation/makefile
+++ b/documentation/makefile
@@ -11,35 +11,148 @@ dist-win := $(out_base)/.dist-win
install := $(out_base)/.install
cleandoc := $(out_base)/.cleandoc
-$(default): $(out_base)/cxx/
+# Import.
+$(call import,\
+ $(scf_root)/import/cli/stub.make,\
+ cli: cli,cli-rules: cli_rules)
+# Build.
+$(default): \
+$(out_base)/cxx/ \
+$(out_base)/xsde.xhtml \
+# Man/html pages.
+$(out_base)/xsde.xhtml $(out_base)/xsde.1: cli := $(cli)
+$(out_base)/xsde.xhtml $(out_base)/xsde.1: cli_options += -I $(src_root)/xsde
+$(out_base)/xsde.xhtml $(out_base)/xsde.1: \
+$(src_root)/xsde/options.cli \
+$(src_root)/xsde/cxx/options.cli \
+$(src_root)/xsde/cxx/hybrid/options.cli \
+$(src_root)/xsde/cxx/parser/options.cli \
+# Assemble the options from different files in a specific order.
+$(out_base)/xsde.xhtml: $(src_base)/xsde-prologue.xhtml \
+ $(src_base)/xsde-epilogue.xhtml \
+ $(src_base)/xsde-hybrid-header.xhtml \
+ $(src_base)/xsde-parser-header.xhtml \
+ $(src_base)/xsde-serializer-header.xhtml \
+ | $(out_base)/.
+# Common options.
+ $(call message,cli-html $$1,$(cli) $(cli_options) --generate-html \
+--stdout --suppress-undocumented --exclude-base --class CXX::options \
+--class options --html-prologue $(src_base)/xsde-prologue.xhtml \
+$$1 >$@, $(src_root)/xsde/cxx/options.cli)
+# C++/Hybrid options.
+ $(call message,cli-html $$1,$(cli) $(cli_options) --generate-html \
+--stdout --suppress-undocumented --exclude-base \
+--html-prologue $(src_base)/xsde-hybrid-header.xhtml \
+$$1 >>$@, $(src_root)/xsde/cxx/hybrid/options.cli)
+# C++/Parser options.
+ $(call message,cli-html $$1,$(cli) $(cli_options) --generate-html \
+--stdout --suppress-undocumented --exclude-base \
+--html-prologue $(src_base)/xsde-parser-header.xhtml \
+$$1 >>$@, $(src_root)/xsde/cxx/parser/options.cli)
+# C++/Serializer options.
+ $(call message,cli-html $$1,$(cli) $(cli_options) --generate-html \
+--stdout --suppress-undocumented --exclude-base \
+--html-prologue $(src_base)/xsde-serializer-header.xhtml \
+--html-epilogue $(src_base)/xsde-epilogue.xhtml \
+$$1 >>$@, $(src_root)/xsde/cxx/serializer/options.cli)
+# MAN
+$(out_base)/xsde.1: $(src_base)/xsde-prologue.1 \
+ $(src_base)/xsde-epilogue.1 \
+ $(src_base)/xsde-hybrid-header.1 \
+ $(src_base)/xsde-parser-header.1 \
+ $(src_base)/xsde-serializer-header.1 \
+ | $(out_base)/.
+# Common options.
+ $(call message,cli-man $$1,$(cli) $(cli_options) --generate-man \
+--stdout --suppress-undocumented --exclude-base --class CXX::options \
+--class options --man-prologue $(src_base)/xsde-prologue.1 \
+$$1 >$@, $(src_root)/xsde/cxx/options.cli)
+# C++/Hybrid options.
+ $(call message,cli-man $$1,$(cli) $(cli_options) --generate-man \
+--stdout --suppress-undocumented --exclude-base \
+--man-prologue $(src_base)/xsde-hybrid-header.1 \
+$$1 >>$@, $(src_root)/xsde/cxx/hybrid/options.cli)
+# C++/Parser options.
+ $(call message,cli-man $$1,$(cli) $(cli_options) --generate-man \
+--stdout --suppress-undocumented --exclude-base \
+--man-prologue $(src_base)/xsde-parser-header.1 \
+$$1 >>$@, $(src_root)/xsde/cxx/parser/options.cli)
+# C++/Serializer options.
+ $(call message,cli-man $$1,$(cli) $(cli_options) --generate-man \
+--stdout --suppress-undocumented --exclude-base \
+--man-prologue $(src_base)/xsde-serializer-header.1 \
+--man-epilogue $(src_base)/xsde-epilogue.1 \
+$$1 >>$@, $(src_root)/xsde/cxx/serializer/options.cli)
# Dist.
dist-common := $(out_base)/.dist-common
+$(dist-common): $(out_base)/xsde.xhtml \
+ $(out_base)/xsde.1
$(call install-data,$(src_base)/default.css,$(dist_prefix)/documentation/default.css)
- $(call install-data,$(src_base)/xsde.xhtml,$(dist_prefix)/documentation/xsde.xhtml)
- $(call install-data,$(src_base)/xsde.1,$(dist_prefix)/documentation/xsde.1)
+ $(call install-data,$(out_base)/xsde.xhtml,$(dist_prefix)/documentation/xsde.xhtml)
+ $(call install-data,$(out_base)/xsde.1,$(dist_prefix)/documentation/xsde.1)
$(dist): $(dist-common) $(out_base)/cxx/.dist
$(dist-win): $(dist-common) $(out_base)/cxx/.dist
# Install.
+$(install): $(out_base)/xsde.xhtml \
+ $(out_base)/xsde.1
$(call install-dir,$(src_base)/cxx,$(install_doc_dir)/xsde/cxx)
$(call install-data,$(src_base)/default.css,$(install_doc_dir)/xsde/default.css)
- $(call install-data,$(src_base)/xsde.xhtml,$(install_doc_dir)/xsde/xsde.xhtml)
- $(call install-data,$(src_base)/xsde.1,$(install_man_dir)/man1/xsde.1)
+ $(call install-data,$(out_base)/xsde.xhtml,$(install_doc_dir)/xsde/xsde.xhtml)
+ $(call install-data,$(out_base)/xsde.1,$(install_man_dir)/man1/xsde.1)
# Clean.
$(cleandoc): $(src_base)/cxx/.cleandoc
+ $(call message,rm $$1,rm -f $$1,$(out_base)/xsde.1)
+ $(call message,rm $$1,rm -f $$1,$(out_base)/xsde.xhtml)
+# Generated .gitignore.
+ifeq ($(out_base),$(src_base))
+$(out_base)/xsde.xhtml $(out_base)/xsde.1: | $(out_base)/.gitignore
-$(call include,$(bld_root)/install.make)
+$(out_base)/.gitignore: files := xsde.1 xsde.xhtml
+$(clean): $(out_base)/.gitignore.clean
+$(call include,$(bld_root)/git/gitignore.make)
+$(call include,$(bld_root)/install.make)
$(call import,$(src_base)/cxx/makefile)
diff --git a/documentation/xsde-epilogue.1 b/documentation/xsde-epilogue.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3049ab0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/xsde-epilogue.1
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+.\" Type map
+Type map files are used to define a mapping between XML Schema and
+C++ types. For C++/Parser, the compiler uses this information to
+determine the return types of
+.B post_*
+functions in parser skeletons corresponding to XML Schema types as
+well as argument types for callbacks corresponding to elements and
+attributes of these types. For C++/Serializer, type maps are used
+to determine the argument type of
+.B pre
+functions in serializer skeletons corresponding to XML Schema types
+as well as return types for callbacks corresponding to elements and
+attributes of these types.
+The compiler has a set of predefined mapping rules that map the
+built-in XML Schema types to suitable C++ types (discussed in
+the following sub-sections) and all other types to
+.BR void .
+By providing your own type maps you can override these predefined
+rules. The format of the type map file is presented below:
+.B namespace
+.I schema-namespace
+.I cxx-namespace
+.B {
+ (
+.B include
+.IB file-name ;
+ ([
+.B type
+.I schema-type cxx-ret-type
+.I cxx-arg-type
+.RB ] ;
+.B }
+.I schema-namespace
+.I schema-type
+are regex patterns while
+.IR cxx-namespace ,
+.IR cxx-ret-type ,
+.I cxx-arg-type
+are regex pattern substitutions. All names can be optionally enclosed
+in \fR" "\fR, for example, to include white-spaces.
+.I schema-namespace
+determines XML Schema namespace. Optional
+.I cxx-namespace
+is prefixed to every C++ type name in this namespace declaration.
+.I cxx-ret-type
+is a C++ type name that is used as a return type for the
+.B post_*
+function in C++/Parser or for element/attribute callbacks in C++/Serializer.
+.I cxx-arg-type
+is an argument type for element/attribute callbacks in C++/Parser or for the
+.B pre
+function in C++/Serializer. If
+.I cxx-arg-type
+is not specified, it defaults to
+.I cxx-ret-type
+.I cxx-ret-type
+ends with
+.B *
+.B &
+(that is, it is a pointer or a reference) and
+.B const
+\fIcxx-ret-type\fB&\fR otherwise.
+.I file-name
+is a file name either in the \fR" "\fR or < > format and is added with the
+.B #include
+directive to the generated code.
+The \fB#\fR character starts a comment that ends with a new line or end of
+file. To specify a name that contains \fB#\fR enclose it in \fR" "\fR. For
+namespace http://www.example.com/xmlns/my my
+ include "my.hxx";
+ # Pass apples by value.
+ #
+ apple apple;
+ # Pass oranges as pointers.
+ #
+ orange orange_t*;
+In the example above, for the
+.B http://www.example.com/xmlns/my#orange
+XML Schema type, the
+.B my::orange_t*
+C++ type will be used as both return and argument types.
+Several namespace declarations can be specified in a single file.
+The namespace declaration can also be completely omitted to map
+types in a schema without a namespace. For instance:
+include "my.hxx";
+apple apple;
+namespace http://www.example.com/xmlns/my
+ orange "const orange_t*";
+The compiler has a number of predefined mapping rules for the built-in
+XML Schema types that vary depending on the mapping used. They are
+described in the following subsections. The last predefined rule
+for all the mappings maps anything that wasn't mapped by previous rules to
+.BR void :
+namespace .*
+ .* void void;
+When you provide your own type maps with the
+.B --type-map
+option, they are evaluated first. This allows you to selectively override
+predefined rules.
+.\" Predefined C++/Parser Type Maps
+.SS Predefined C++/Parser Type Maps
+The C++/Parser mapping provides a number of predefined type map rules
+for the built-in XML Schema types. They can be presented as the
+following map files:
+namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
+ boolean bool bool;
+ byte "signed char" "signed char";
+ unsignedByte "unsigned char" "unsigned char";
+ short short short;
+ unsignedShort "unsigned short" "unsigned short";
+ int int int;
+ unsignedInt "unsigned int" "unsigned int";
+ long "long long" "long long";
+ unsignedLong "unsigned long long" "unsigned long long";
+ integer long long;
+ negativeInteger long long;
+ nonPositiveInteger long long;
+ positiveInteger "unsigned long" "unsigned long";
+ nonNegativeInteger "unsigned long" "unsigned long";
+ float float float;
+ double double double;
+ decimal double double;
+ NMTOKENS xml_schema::string_sequence*;
+ IDREFS xml_schema::string_sequence*;
+ base64Binary xml_schema::buffer*;
+ hexBinary xml_schema::buffer*;
+ date xml_schema::date;
+ dateTime xml_schema::date_time;
+ duration xml_schema::duration;
+ gDay xml_schema::gday;
+ gMonth xml_schema::gmonth;
+ gMonthDay xml_schema::gmonth_day;
+ gYear xml_schema::gyear;
+ gYearMonth xml_schema::gyear_month;
+ time xml_schema::time;
+If the
+.B --no-stl
+option is not specified, the following mapping is used for the
+string-based XML Schema built-in types:
+namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
+ include <string>;
+ string std::string;
+ normalizedString std::string;
+ token std::string;
+ Name std::string;
+ NMTOKEN std::string;
+ NCName std::string;
+ ID std::string;
+ IDREF std::string;
+ language std::string;
+ anyURI std::string;
+ QName xml_schema::qname;
+Otherwise, a C string-based mapping is used:
+namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
+ string char*;
+ normalizedString char*;
+ token char*;
+ Name char*;
+ NMTOKEN char*;
+ NCName char*;
+ ID char*;
+ IDREF char*;
+ language char*;
+ anyURI char*;
+ QName xml_schema::qname*;
+.\" Predefined C++/Serializer Type Maps
+.SS Predefined C++/Serializer Type Maps
+The C++/Serializer mapping provides a number of predefined type map
+rules for the built-in XML Schema types. They can be presented as the
+following map files:
+namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
+ boolean bool bool;
+ byte "signed char" "signed char";
+ unsignedByte "unsigned char" "unsigned char";
+ short short short;
+ unsignedShort "unsigned short" "unsigned short";
+ int int int;
+ unsignedInt "unsigned int" "unsigned int";
+ long "long long" "long long";
+ unsignedLong "unsigned long long" "unsigned long long";
+ integer long long;
+ negativeInteger long long;
+ nonPositiveInteger long long;
+ positiveInteger "unsigned long" "unsigned long";
+ nonNegativeInteger "unsigned long" "unsigned long";
+ float float float;
+ double double double;
+ decimal double double;
+ NMTOKENS "const xml_schema::string_sequence*";
+ IDREFS "const xml_schema::string_sequence*";
+ base64Binary "const xml_schema::buffer*";
+ hexBinary "const xml_schema::buffer*";
+ date xml_schema::date;
+ dateTime xml_schema::date_time;
+ duration xml_schema::duration;
+ gDay xml_schema::gday;
+ gMonth xml_schema::gmonth;
+ gMonthDay xml_schema::gmonth_day;
+ gYear xml_schema::gyear;
+ gYearMonth xml_schema::gyear_month;
+ time xml_schema::time;
+If the
+.B --no-stl
+option is not specified, the following mapping is used for the
+string-based XML Schema built-in types:
+namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
+ include <string>;
+ string std::string;
+ normalizedString std::string;
+ token std::string;
+ Name std::string;
+ NMTOKEN std::string;
+ NCName std::string;
+ ID std::string;
+ IDREF std::string;
+ language std::string;
+ anyURI std::string;
+ QName xml_schema::qname;
+Otherwise, a C string-based mapping is used:
+namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
+ string "const char*";
+ normalizedString "const char*";
+ token "const char*";
+ Name "const char*";
+ NMTOKEN "const char*";
+ NCName "const char*";
+ ID "const char*";
+ IDREF "const char*";
+ language "const char*";
+ anyURI "const char*";
+ QName "const xml_schema::qname*";
+When entering a regular expression argument in the shell command line
+it is often necessary to use quoting (enclosing the argument in " "
+or ' ') in order to prevent the shell from interpreting certain
+characters, for example, spaces as argument separators and $ as
+variable expansions.
+Unfortunately it is hard to achieve this in a manner that is portable
+across POSIX shells, such as those found on GNU/Linux and UNIX, and
+Windows shell. For example, if you use " " for quoting you will get
+a wrong result with POSIX shells if your expression contains $. The
+standard way of dealing with this on POSIX systems is to use ' '
+instead. Unfortunately, Windows shell does not remove ' ' from
+arguments when they are passed to applications. As a result you may
+have to use ' ' for POSIX and " " for Windows ($ is not treated as
+a special character on Windows).
+Alternatively, you can save regular expression options into a file,
+one option per line, and use this file with the
+.B --options-file
+option. With this approach you don't need to worry about shell quoting.
+If the input file is not a valid W3C XML Schema definition,
+.B xsde
+will issue diagnostic messages to
+and exit with non-zero exit code.
+Send bug reports to the xsde-users@codesynthesis.com mailing list.
+Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Code Synthesis Tools CC.
+Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
+document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,
+version 1.2; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts and
+no Back-Cover Texts. Copy of the license can be obtained from
diff --git a/documentation/xsde-epilogue.xhtml b/documentation/xsde-epilogue.xhtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93701c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/xsde-epilogue.xhtml
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+ <h1>TYPE MAP</h1>
+ <p>Type map files are used to define a mapping between XML Schema
+ and C++ types. For C++/Parser, the compiler uses
+ this information to determine the return types of
+ <code><b>post_*</b></code> functions in parser skeletons
+ corresponding to XML Schema types as well as argument types
+ for callbacks corresponding to elements and attributes of these
+ types. For C++/Serializer, type maps are used to determine
+ the argument type of <code><b>pre</b></code> functions in
+ serializer skeletons corresponding to XML Schema types as
+ well as return types for callbacks corresponding to elements
+ and attributes of these types.</p>
+ <p>The compiler has a set of predefined mapping rules that map
+ the built-in XML Schema types to suitable C++ types (discussed
+ in the following sub-sections) and all other types to
+ <code><b>void</b></code>. By providing your own type maps you
+ can override these predefined rules. The format of the type map
+ file is presented below:
+ </p>
+ <pre>
+namespace &lt;schema-namespace> [&lt;cxx-namespace>]
+ (include &lt;file-name>;)*
+ ([type] &lt;schema-type> &lt;cxx-ret-type> [&lt;cxx-arg-type>];)*
+ </pre>
+ <p>Both <code><i>&lt;schema-namespace></i></code> and
+ <code><i>&lt;schema-type></i></code> are regex patterns while
+ <code><i>&lt;cxx-namespace></i></code>,
+ <code><i>&lt;cxx-ret-type></i></code>, and
+ <code><i>&lt;cxx-arg-type></i></code> are regex pattern
+ substitutions. All names can be optionally enclosed in
+ <code><b>"&nbsp;"</b></code>, for example, to include white-spaces.</p>
+ <p><code><i>&lt;schema-namespace></i></code> determines XML
+ Schema namespace. Optional <code><i>&lt;cxx-namespace></i></code>
+ is prefixed to every C++ type name in this namespace declaration.
+ <code><i>&lt;cxx-ret-type></i></code> is a C++ type name that is
+ used as a return type for the <code><b>post_*</b></code> function
+ in C++/Parser or for element/attribute callbacks in C++/Serializer.
+ Optional <code><i>&lt;cxx-arg-type></i></code> is an argument type
+ for element/attribute callbacks in C++/Parser or for the
+ <code><b>pre</b></code> function in C++/Serializer. If
+ <code><i>&lt;cxx-arg-type></i></code> is not specified, it defaults
+ to <code><i>&lt;cxx-ret-type></i></code> if <code><i>&lt;cxx-ret-type></i></code>
+ ends with <code><b>*</b></code> or <code><b>&amp;</b></code> (that is,
+ it is a pointer or a reference) and
+ <code><b>const</b>&nbsp;<i>&lt;cxx-ret-type></i><b>&amp;</b></code>
+ otherwise.
+ <code><i>&lt;file-name></i></code> is a file name either in the
+ <code><b>"&nbsp;"</b></code> or <code><b>&lt;&nbsp;></b></code> format
+ and is added with the <code><b>#include</b></code> directive to
+ the generated code.</p>
+ <p>The <code><b>#</b></code> character starts a comment that ends
+ with a new line or end of file. To specify a name that contains
+ <code><b>#</b></code> enclose it in <code><b>"&nbsp;"</b></code>.
+ For example:</p>
+ <pre>
+namespace http://www.example.com/xmlns/my my
+ include "my.hxx";
+ # Pass apples by value.
+ #
+ apple apple;
+ # Pass oranges as pointers.
+ #
+ orange orange_t*;
+ </pre>
+ <p>In the example above, for the
+ <code><b>http://www.example.com/xmlns/my#orange</b></code>
+ XML Schema type, the <code><b>my::orange_t*</b></code> C++ type will
+ be used as both return and argument types.</p>
+ <p>Several namespace declarations can be specified in a single
+ file. The namespace declaration can also be completely
+ omitted to map types in a schema without a namespace. For
+ instance:</p>
+ <pre>
+include "my.hxx";
+apple apple;
+namespace http://www.example.com/xmlns/my
+ orange "const orange_t*";
+ </pre>
+ <p>The compiler has a number of predefined mapping rules
+ for the built-in XML Schema types that vary depending on
+ the mapping used. They are described in the following
+ subsections. The last predefined rule for all the mappings
+ maps anything that wasn't mapped by previous rules to
+ <code><b>void</b></code>:</p>
+ <pre>
+namespace .*
+ .* void void;
+ </pre>
+ <p>When you provide your own type maps with the
+ <code><b>--type-map</b></code> option, they are evaluated first.
+ This allows you to selectively override predefined rules.</p>
+ <h2>Predefined C++/Parser Type Maps</h2>
+ <p>The C++/Parser mapping provides a number of predefined type
+ map rules for the built-in XML Schema types. They can be
+ presented as the following map files:</p>
+ <pre>
+namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
+ boolean bool bool;
+ byte "signed char" "signed char";
+ unsignedByte "unsigned char" "unsigned char";
+ short short short;
+ unsignedShort "unsigned short" "unsigned short";
+ int int int;
+ unsignedInt "unsigned int" "unsigned int";
+ long "long long" "long long";
+ unsignedLong "unsigned long long" "unsigned long long";
+ integer long long;
+ negativeInteger long long;
+ nonPositiveInteger long long;
+ positiveInteger "unsigned long" "unsigned long";
+ nonNegativeInteger "unsigned long" "unsigned long";
+ float float float;
+ double double double;
+ decimal double double;
+ NMTOKENS xml_schema::string_sequence*;
+ IDREFS xml_schema::string_sequence*;
+ base64Binary xml_schema::buffer*;
+ hexBinary xml_schema::buffer*;
+ date xml_schema::date;
+ dateTime xml_schema::date_time;
+ duration xml_schema::duration;
+ gDay xml_schema::gday;
+ gMonth xml_schema::gmonth;
+ gMonthDay xml_schema::gmonth_day;
+ gYear xml_schema::gyear;
+ gYearMonth xml_schema::gyear_month;
+ time xml_schema::time;
+ </pre>
+ <p>If the <code><b>--no-stl</b></code> option is not specified,
+ the following mapping is used for the string-based XML Schema
+ built-in types:</p>
+ <pre>
+namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
+ include &lt;string>;
+ string std::string;
+ normalizedString std::string;
+ token std::string;
+ Name std::string;
+ NMTOKEN std::string;
+ NCName std::string;
+ ID std::string;
+ IDREF std::string;
+ language std::string;
+ anyURI std::string;
+ QName xml_schema::qname;
+ </pre>
+ <p>Otherwise, a C string-based mapping is used:</p>
+ <pre>
+namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
+ string char*;
+ normalizedString char*;
+ token char*;
+ Name char*;
+ NMTOKEN char*;
+ NCName char*;
+ ID char*;
+ IDREF char*;
+ language char*;
+ anyURI char*;
+ QName xml_schema::qname*;
+ </pre>
+ <h2>Predefined C++/Serializer Type Maps</h2>
+ <p>The C++/Serializer mapping provides a number of predefined type
+ map rules for the built-in XML Schema types. They can be
+ presented as the following map files:</p>
+ <pre>
+namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
+ boolean bool bool;
+ byte "signed char" "signed char";
+ unsignedByte "unsigned char" "unsigned char";
+ short short short;
+ unsignedShort "unsigned short" "unsigned short";
+ int int int;
+ unsignedInt "unsigned int" "unsigned int";
+ long "long long" "long long";
+ unsignedLong "unsigned long long" "unsigned long long";
+ integer long long;
+ negativeInteger long long;
+ nonPositiveInteger long long;
+ positiveInteger "unsigned long" "unsigned long";
+ nonNegativeInteger "unsigned long" "unsigned long";
+ float float float;
+ double double double;
+ decimal double double;
+ NMTOKENS "const xml_schema::string_sequence*";
+ IDREFS "const xml_schema::string_sequence*";
+ base64Binary "const xml_schema::buffer*";
+ hexBinary "const xml_schema::buffer*";
+ date xml_schema::date;
+ dateTime xml_schema::date_time;
+ duration xml_schema::duration;
+ gDay xml_schema::gday;
+ gMonth xml_schema::gmonth;
+ gMonthDay xml_schema::gmonth_day;
+ gYear xml_schema::gyear;
+ gYearMonth xml_schema::gyear_month;
+ time xml_schema::time;
+ </pre>
+ <p>If the <code><b>--no-stl</b></code> option is not specified,
+ the following mapping is used for the string-based XML Schema
+ built-in types:</p>
+ <pre>
+namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
+ include &lt;string>;
+ string std::string;
+ normalizedString std::string;
+ token std::string;
+ Name std::string;
+ NMTOKEN std::string;
+ NCName std::string;
+ ID std::string;
+ IDREF std::string;
+ language std::string;
+ anyURI std::string;
+ QName xml_schema::qname;
+ </pre>
+ <p>Otherwise, a C string-based mapping is used:</p>
+ <pre>
+namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
+ string "const char*";
+ normalizedString "const char*";
+ token "const char*";
+ Name "const char*";
+ NMTOKEN "const char*";
+ NCName "const char*";
+ ID "const char*";
+ IDREF "const char*";
+ language "const char*";
+ anyURI "const char*";
+ QName "const xml_schema::qname*";
+ </pre>
+ <p>When entering a regular expression argument in the shell
+ command line it is often necessary to use quoting (enclosing
+ the argument in <code><b>"&nbsp;"</b></code> or
+ <code><b>'&nbsp;'</b></code>) in order to prevent the shell
+ from interpreting certain characters, for example, spaces as
+ argument separators and <code><b>$</b></code> as variable
+ expansions.</p>
+ <p>Unfortunately it is hard to achieve this in a manner that is
+ portable across POSIX shells, such as those found on
+ GNU/Linux and UNIX, and Windows shell. For example, if you
+ use <code><b>"&nbsp;"</b></code> for quoting you will get a
+ wrong result with POSIX shells if your expression contains
+ <code><b>$</b></code>. The standard way of dealing with this
+ on POSIX systems is to use <code><b>'&nbsp;'</b></code> instead.
+ Unfortunately, Windows shell does not remove <code><b>'&nbsp;'</b></code>
+ from arguments when they are passed to applications. As a result you
+ may have to use <code><b>'&nbsp;'</b></code> for POSIX and
+ <code><b>"&nbsp;"</b></code> for Windows (<code><b>$</b></code> is
+ not treated as a special character on Windows).</p>
+ <p>Alternatively, you can save regular expression options into
+ a file, one option per line, and use this file with the
+ <code><b>--options-file</b></code> option. With this approach
+ you don't need to worry about shell quoting.</p>
+ <h1>DIAGNOSTICS</h1>
+ <p>If the input file is not a valid W3C XML Schema definition,
+ <code><b>xsde</b></code> will issue diagnostic messages to STDERR
+ and exit with non-zero exit code.</p>
+ <h1>BUGS</h1>
+ <p>Send bug reports to the
+ <a href="mailto:xsde-users@codesynthesis.com">xsde-users@codesynthesis.com</a> mailing list.</p>
+ </div>
+ <div id="footer">
+ &copy;2005-2011 <a href="http://codesynthesis.com">CODE SYNTHESIS TOOLS CC</a>
+ <div id="terms">
+ Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
+ document under the terms of the
+ <a href="http://codesynthesis.com/licenses/fdl-1.2.txt">GNU Free
+ Documentation License, version 1.2</a>; with no Invariant Sections,
+ no Front-Cover Texts and no Back-Cover Texts.
+ </div>
+ </div>
diff --git a/documentation/xsde-hybrid-header.1 b/documentation/xsde-hybrid-header.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2853956
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/xsde-hybrid-header.1
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+.\" C++/Hybrid options.
+.SS cxx-hybrid command options
diff --git a/documentation/xsde-hybrid-header.xhtml b/documentation/xsde-hybrid-header.xhtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b208c2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/xsde-hybrid-header.xhtml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/documentation/xsde-parser-header.1 b/documentation/xsde-parser-header.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9785f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/xsde-parser-header.1
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+.\" C++/Parser options.
+.SS cxx-parser command options
diff --git a/documentation/xsde-parser-header.xhtml b/documentation/xsde-parser-header.xhtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94fa2c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/xsde-parser-header.xhtml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/documentation/xsde-prologue.1 b/documentation/xsde-prologue.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e03f9e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/xsde-prologue.1
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+.\" Process this file with
+.\" groff -man -Tascii xsde.1
+.TH XSD/e 1 "September 2011" "XSD/e 3.3.0"
+xsde \- W3C XML Schema to C++ Compiler for Embedded Systems
+.B xsde
+.I command
+.B [
+.I options
+.B ]
+.I file
+.B [
+.I file
+.B ...]
+.B xsde help
+.B [
+.I command
+.B ]
+.B xsde version
+.B xsde
+generates vocabulary-specific, statically-typed C++ mapping from W3C XML
+Schema definitions. Particular mapping to produce is selected by a
+.IR command .
+Each mapping has a number of mapping-specific
+.I options
+that should appear, if any, after the
+.IR command .
+Input files should be W3C XML Schema definitions. The exact set of the
+generated files depends on the selected mapping and options.
+.IP \fBcxx-hybrid\fR
+Generate the Embedded C++/Hybrid mapping. For each input file in the
+.B name.xsd
+the following C++ files are generated:
+.B name.hxx
+(object model header file),
+.B name.ixx
+(object model inline file, generated only if the
+.B --generate-inline
+option is specified),
+.B name.cxx
+(object model source file), and
+.B name-fwd.hxx
+(object model forward declaration file, generated only if the
+.B --generate-forward
+option is specified).
+If the
+.B --generate-parser
+option is specified, the Embedded C++/Parser mapping is invoked and the
+.BR name-pskel.hxx ,
+.BR name-pskel.ixx ,
+.B name-pskel.cxx
+parser skeleton files are generated, as described below. Additionally,
+the following parser implementation files are generated:
+.B name-pimpl.hxx
+(parser implementation header file) and
+.B name-pimpl.cxx
+(parser implementation source file).
+If the
+.B --generate-serializer
+option is specified, the Embedded C++/Serializer mapping is invoked and the
+.BR name-sskel.hxx ,
+.BR name-sskel.ixx ,
+.B name-sskel.cxx
+serializer skeleton files are generated, as described below. Additionally,
+the following serializer implementation files are generated:
+.B name-simpl.hxx
+(serializer implementation header file) and
+.B name-simpl.cxx
+(serializer implementation source file).
+.IP \fBcxx-parser\fR
+Generate the Embedded C++/Parser mapping. For each input file in the form
+.B name.xsd
+the following C++ files are generated:
+.B name-pskel.hxx
+(parser skeleton header file),
+.B name-pskel.ixx
+(parser skeleton inline file, generated only if the
+.B --generate-inline
+option is specified), and
+.B name-pskel.cxx
+(parser skeleton source file). If the
+.B --generate-noop-impl
+.B --generate-print-impl
+option is specified, the following additional sample implementation files
+are generated:
+.B name-pimpl.hxx
+(parser implementation header file) and
+.B name-pimpl.cxx
+(parser implementation source file). If the
+.B --generate-test-driver
+option is specified, the additional
+.B name-pdriver.cxx
+test driver file is generated.
+.IP \fBcxx-parser\fR
+Generate the Embedded C++/Serializer mapping. For each input file in the form
+.B name.xsd
+the following C++ files are generated:
+.B name-sskel.hxx
+(serializer skeleton header file),
+.B name-sskel.ixx
+(serializer skeleton inline file, generated only if the
+.B --generate-inline
+option is specified), and
+.B name-sskel.cxx
+(serializer skeleton source file). If the
+.B --generate-empty-impl
+option is specified, the following additional sample implementation files
+are generated:
+.B name-simpl.hxx
+(serializer implementation header file) and
+.B name-simpl.cxx
+(serializer implementation source file). If the
+.B --generate-test-driver
+option is specified, the additional
+.B name-sdriver.cxx
+test driver file is generated.
+.IP \fBhelp\fR
+Print usage information and exit. Use
+.RS 3
+.B xsde help
+.I command
+for command-specific help.
+.IP \fBversion\fR
+Print version and exit.
+.IR options ,
+if any, should appear after the corresponding
+.IR command .
+.\" Common options.
+.SS common options
diff --git a/documentation/xsde-prologue.xhtml b/documentation/xsde-prologue.xhtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c88f65b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/xsde-prologue.xhtml
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
+ <title>XSD/e 3.3.0 Compiler Command Line Manual</title>
+ <meta name="copyright" content="&copy; 2005-2011 Code Synthesis Tools CC"/>
+ <meta name="keywords" content="xsd,xml,schema,c++,mapping,data,binding,code,generator,manual,man,page"/>
+ <meta name="description" content="XSD/e Compiler Command Line Manual"/>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="default.css" />
+<style type="text/css">
+ #synopsis {
+ list-style-type: none;
+ }
+ #synopsis li {
+ padding-top : 0.0em;
+ padding-bottom : 0.0em;
+ }
+ #commands dt {
+ padding-top : 0.4em;
+ }
+ #commands dd {
+ padding-bottom : 0.4em;
+ padding-left : 2em;
+ }
+ .options dt {
+ padding-top : 0.4em;
+ }
+ .options dd {
+ padding-top : 0.1em;
+ padding-bottom : 0.4em;
+ padding-left : 1.4em;
+ }
+<div id="container">
+ <div id="content">
+ <h1>NAME</h1>
+ <p>xsde - W3C XML Schema to C++ Compiler for Embedded Systems</p>
+ <h1>SYNOPSIS</h1>
+ <dl id="synopsis">
+ <dt><code><b>xsde</b> <i>command</i> [<i>options</i>] <i>file</i> [<i>file</i> ...]</code></dt>
+ <dt><code><b>xsde help</b> [<i>command</i>]</code></dt>
+ <dt><code><b>xsde version</b></code></dt>
+ </dl>
+ <h1>DESCRIPTION</h1>
+ <p><code><b>xsde</b></code> generates vocabulary-specific, statically-typed
+ C++ mapping from W3C XML Schema definitions. Particular mapping to
+ produce is selected by a <code><i>command</i></code>. Each mapping has
+ a number of mapping-specific <code><i>options</i></code> that should
+ appear, if any, after the <code><i>command</i></code>. Input files should
+ be W3C XML Schema definitions. The exact set of the generated files
+ depends on the selected mapping and options.</p>
+ <h1>COMMANDS</h1>
+ <dl id="commands">
+ <dt><code><b>cxx-hybrid</b></code></dt>
+ <dd>Generate the Embedded C++/Hybrid mapping. For each input file in the
+ form <code><b>name.xsd</b></code> the following C++ files are generated:
+ <code><b>name.hxx</b></code> (object model header file),
+ <code><b>name.ixx</b></code> (object model inline file, generated only
+ if the <code><b>--generate-inline</b></code> option is specified),
+ <code><b>name.cxx</b></code> (object model source file), and
+ <code><b>name-fwd.hxx</b></code> (object model forward declaration
+ file, generated only if the <code><b>--generate-forward</b></code>
+ option is specified).
+ <p>If the <code><b>--generate-parser</b></code> option is specified,
+ the Embedded C++/Parser mapping is invoked and the
+ <code><b>name-pskel.hxx</b></code>,
+ <code><b>name-pskel.ixx</b></code>, and
+ <code><b>name-pskel.cxx</b></code> parser skeleton files are
+ generated, as described below. Additionally, the following parser
+ implementation files are generated:
+ <code><b>name-pimpl.hxx</b></code> (parser implementation header
+ file) and
+ <code><b>name-pimpl.cxx</b></code> (parser implementation source
+ file).</p>
+ <p>If the <code><b>--generate-serializer</b></code> option is
+ specified, the Embedded C++/Serializer mapping is invoked and the
+ <code><b>name-sskel.hxx</b></code>,
+ <code><b>name-sskel.ixx</b></code>, and
+ <code><b>name-sskel.cxx</b></code> serializer skeleton files are
+ generated, as described below. Additionally, the following serializer
+ implementation files are generated:
+ <code><b>name-simpl.hxx</b></code> (serializer implementation header
+ file) and
+ <code><b>name-simpl.cxx</b></code> (serializer implementation source
+ file).</p>
+ </dd>
+ <dt><code><b>cxx-parser</b></code></dt>
+ <dd>Generate the Embedded C++/Parser mapping. For each input file in the
+ form <code><b>name.xsd</b></code> the following C++ files are generated:
+ <code><b>name-pskel.hxx</b></code> (parser skeleton header file),
+ <code><b>name-pskel.ixx</b></code> (parser skeleton inline file,
+ generated only if the <code><b>--generate-inline</b></code>
+ option is specified), and
+ <code><b>name-pskel.cxx</b></code> (parser skeleton source file).
+ If the <code><b>--generate-noop-impl</b></code> or
+ <code><b>--generate-print-impl</b></code> option is specified,
+ the following additional sample implementation files are generated:
+ <code><b>name-pimpl.hxx</b></code> (parser implementation header
+ file) and
+ <code><b>name-pimpl.cxx</b></code> (parser implementation source
+ file). If the <code><b>--generate-test-driver</b></code> option
+ is specified, the additional <code><b>name-pdriver.cxx</b></code>
+ test driver file is generated.</dd>
+ <dt><code><b>cxx-serializer</b></code></dt>
+ <dd>Generate the Embedded C++/Serializer mapping. For each input file
+ in the form <code><b>name.xsd</b></code> the following C++ files
+ are generated: <code><b>name-sskel.hxx</b></code> (serializer
+ skeleton header file), <code><b>name-sskel.ixx</b></code> (serializer
+ skeleton inline file, generated only if the
+ <code><b>--generate-inline</b></code> option is specified), and
+ <code><b>name-sskel.cxx</b></code> (serializer skeleton source file).
+ If the <code><b>--generate-empty-impl</b></code> option is specified,
+ the following additional sample implementation files are generated:
+ <code><b>name-simpl.hxx</b></code> (serializer implementation header
+ file) and <code><b>name-simpl.cxx</b></code> (serializer
+ implementation source file). If the <code><b>--generate-test-driver</b></code>
+ option is specified, the additional <code><b>name-sdriver.cxx</b></code>
+ test driver file is generated.
+ </dd>
+ <dt><code><b>help</b></code></dt>
+ <dd>Print usage information and exit. Use
+ <p><code><b>xsde help</b> <i>command</i></code></p>
+ for command-specific help.
+ </dd>
+ <dt><code><b>version</b></code></dt>
+ <dd>Print version and exit.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <h1>OPTIONS</h1>
+ <p>Command-specific <code><i>options</i></code>, if any, should appear
+ after the corresponding <code><i>command</i></code>.</p>
diff --git a/documentation/xsde-serializer-header.1 b/documentation/xsde-serializer-header.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e977500
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/xsde-serializer-header.1
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+.\" C++/Serializer options.
+.SS cxx-serializer command options
diff --git a/documentation/xsde-serializer-header.xhtml b/documentation/xsde-serializer-header.xhtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78988bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/xsde-serializer-header.xhtml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/documentation/xsde.1 b/documentation/xsde.1
deleted file mode 100644
index eee915e..0000000
--- a/documentation/xsde.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2110 +0,0 @@
-.\" Process this file with
-.\" groff -man -Tascii xsde.1
-.TH XSD/e 1 "September 2011" "XSD/e 3.3.0"
-xsde \- W3C XML Schema to C++ Compiler for Embedded Systems
-.B xsde
-.I command
-.B [
-.I options
-.B ]
-.I file
-.B [
-.I file
-.B ...]
-.B xsde help
-.B [
-.I command
-.B ]
-.B xsde version
-.B xsde
-generates vocabulary-specific, statically-typed C++ mapping from W3C XML
-Schema definitions. Particular mapping to produce is selected by a
-.IR command .
-Each mapping has a number of mapping-specific
-.I options
-that should appear, if any, after the
-.IR command .
-Input files should be W3C XML Schema definitions. The exact set of the
-generated files depends on the selected mapping and options.
-.IP \fBcxx-hybrid\fR
-Generate the Embedded C++/Hybrid mapping. For each input file in the
-.B name.xsd
-the following C++ files are generated:
-.B name.hxx
-(object model header file),
-.B name.ixx
-(object model inline file, generated only if the
-.B --generate-inline
-option is specified),
-.B name.cxx
-(object model source file), and
-.B name-fwd.hxx
-(object model forward declaration file, generated only if the
-.B --generate-forward
-option is specified).
-If the
-.B --generate-parser
-option is specified, the Embedded C++/Parser mapping is invoked and the
-.BR name-pskel.hxx ,
-.BR name-pskel.ixx ,
-.B name-pskel.cxx
-parser skeleton files are generated, as described below. Additionally,
-the following parser implementation files are generated:
-.B name-pimpl.hxx
-(parser implementation header file) and
-.B name-pimpl.cxx
-(parser implementation source file).
-If the
-.B --generate-serializer
-option is specified, the Embedded C++/Serializer mapping is invoked and the
-.BR name-sskel.hxx ,
-.BR name-sskel.ixx ,
-.B name-sskel.cxx
-serializer skeleton files are generated, as described below. Additionally,
-the following serializer implementation files are generated:
-.B name-simpl.hxx
-(serializer implementation header file) and
-.B name-simpl.cxx
-(serializer implementation source file).
-.IP \fBcxx-parser\fR
-Generate the Embedded C++/Parser mapping. For each input file in the form
-.B name.xsd
-the following C++ files are generated:
-.B name-pskel.hxx
-(parser skeleton header file),
-.B name-pskel.ixx
-(parser skeleton inline file, generated only if the
-.B --generate-inline
-option is specified), and
-.B name-pskel.cxx
-(parser skeleton source file). If the
-.B --generate-noop-impl
-.B --generate-print-impl
-option is specified, the following additional sample implementation files
-are generated:
-.B name-pimpl.hxx
-(parser implementation header file) and
-.B name-pimpl.cxx
-(parser implementation source file). If the
-.B --generate-test-driver
-option is specified, the additional
-.B name-pdriver.cxx
-test driver file is generated.
-.IP \fBcxx-parser\fR
-Generate the Embedded C++/Serializer mapping. For each input file in the form
-.B name.xsd
-the following C++ files are generated:
-.B name-sskel.hxx
-(serializer skeleton header file),
-.B name-sskel.ixx
-(serializer skeleton inline file, generated only if the
-.B --generate-inline
-option is specified), and
-.B name-sskel.cxx
-(serializer skeleton source file). If the
-.B --generate-empty-impl
-option is specified, the following additional sample implementation files
-are generated:
-.B name-simpl.hxx
-(serializer implementation header file) and
-.B name-simpl.cxx
-(serializer implementation source file). If the
-.B --generate-test-driver
-option is specified, the additional
-.B name-sdriver.cxx
-test driver file is generated.
-.IP \fBhelp\fR
-Print usage information and exit. Use
-.RS 3
-.B xsde help
-.I command
-for command-specific help.
-.IP \fBversion\fR
-Print version and exit.
-.IR options ,
-if any, should appear after the corresponding
-.IR command .
-.\" Common options
-.SS common options
-.IP "\fB\--output-dir \fIdir\fR"
-Write generated files to
-.I dir
-instead of the current directory.
-.IP "\fB\--char-encoding \fIenc\fR"
-Specify the application character encoding. Valid values are
-.B utf8
-(default) and
-.BR iso8859-1 .
-Note that this encoding is not the same as the XML document encoding
-that is being parsed or serialized. Rather, it is the encoding that
-is used inside the application. When an XML document is parsed, the
-character data is automatically converted to the application encoding.
-Similarly, when an XML document is serialized, the data in the
-application encoding is automatically converted to the resulting
-document encoding.
-.IP "\fB\--no-stl\fR"
-Generate code that does not use the Standard Template Library (STL).
-.IP "\fB\--no-iostream\fR"
-Generate code that does not use the standard input/output stream
-library (iostream).
-.IP "\fB\--no-exceptions\fR"
-Generate code that does not use C++ exceptions.
-.IP "\fB\--no-long-long\fR"
-Generate code that does not use the
-.B long long
-.B unsigned long long
-types. The 64 bit
-.B long
-.B unsignedLong
-built-in XML Schema types are then mapped to
-.B long
-.B unsigned
-.BR long .
-.IP "\fB\--custom-allocator\fR"
-Generate code that performs memory management using custom allocator
-functions provided by your application instead of the standard operator
-.IP "\fB\--generate-inline\fR"
-Generate simple functions inline. This option triggers creation of the
-inline file.
-.IP "\fB\--namespace-map \fIxns\fB=\fIcns"
-Map XML Schema namespace
-.I xns
-to C++ namespace
-.IR cns .
-Repeat this option to specify mapping for more than one XML Schema namespace.
-For example, the following option:
-.B --namespace-map http://example.com/foo/bar=foo::bar
-will map the
-.B http://example.com/foo/bar
-XML Schema namespace to the
-.B foo::bar
-C++ namespace.
-.IP "\fB\--namespace-regex \fIregex\fR"
-.I regex
-to the list of regular expressions used to translate XML Schema namespace
-names to C++ namespace names.
-.I regex
-is a perl-like regular expression in the form
-.BI / pattern / replacement /\fR.
-Any character can be used as a delimiter instead of
-.BR / .
-Escaping of the delimiter character in
-.I pattern
-.I replacement
-is not supported.
-All the regular expressions are pushed into a stack with the last specified
-expression considered first. The first match that succeeds is used. Regular
-expressions are applied to a string in the form
-.I filename namespace
-For example, if you have file
-.B hello.xsd
-with namespace
-.B http://example.com/hello
-and you run
-.B xsd
-on this file, then the string in question will be:
-.B hello.xsd. http://example.com/hello
-For the built-in XML Schema namespace the string is:
-.B XMLSchema.xsd http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
-The following three steps are performed for each regular expression until
-the match is found:
-.RS 3
-.TP 3
-The expression is applied and if the result is empty the next expression
-is considered.
-.TP 3
-.B /
-are replaced with
-.BR :: .
-.TP 3
-The result is verified to be a valid C++ scope name (e.g.,
-.BR foo::bar ).
-If this test succeeds, the result is used as a C++ namespace name.
-As an example, the following expression maps XML Schema namespaces in the
-.B http://example.com/foo/bar
-to C++ namespaces in the form
-.BR foo::bar :
-.B "%.* http://example.com/(.+)%$1%"
-See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.
-.IP "\fB\--namespace-regex-trace\fR"
-Trace the process of applying regular expressions specified with
-.B --namespace-regex
-option. Use this option to find out why your regular expressions
-don't do what you expected them to do.
-\" Reserved names.
-.IP "\fB\--reserved-name \fIname\fR[\fB=\fIrep\fR]"
-.I name
-to the list of names that should not be used as identifiers. The name
-can optionally be followed by
-.B =
-and the replacement name that should be used instead. All the C++ keywords
-are already in this list.
-.IP "\fB\--include-with-brackets\fR"
-Use angle brackets (<>) instead of quotes ("") in generated
-.B #include
-.IP "\fB\--include-prefix \fIprefix\fR"
-.I prefix
-to generated
-.B #include
-directive paths.
-For example, if you had the following import element in your schema
-.B <import namespace="..." schemaLocation="base.xsd"/>
-and compiled this fragment with
-.B --include-prefix schemas/\fR,
-then the include directive in the generated code would be:
-.B #include "schemas/base.hxx"
-.IP "\fB\--include-regex \fIregex\fR"
-.I regex
-to the list of regular expressions used to transform
-.B #include
-directive paths.
-.I regex
-is a perl-like regular expression in the form
-.BI / pattern / replacement /\fR.
-Any character can be used as a delimiter instead of
-.BR / .
-Escaping of the delimiter character in
-.I pattern
-.I replacement
-is not supported.
-All the regular expressions are pushed into a stack with the last specified
-expression considered first. The first match that succeeds is used.
-As an example, the following expression transforms paths in the form
-.B schemas/foo/bar
-to paths in the form
-.BR generated/foo/bar :
-.B "%schemas/(.+)%generated/$1%"
-See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.
-.IP "\fB\--include-regex-trace\fR"
-Trace the process of applying regular expressions specified with
-.B --include-regex
-option. Use this option to find out why your regular expressions
-don't do what you expected them to do.
-.IP "\fB\--guard-prefix \fIprefix\fR"
-.I prefix
-to generated header inclusion guards. The prefix is transformed to upper
-case and characters that are illegal in a preprocessor macro name are
-replaced with underscores. If this option is not specified then the
-directory part of the input schema file is used as a prefix.
-.IP "\fB\--hxx-suffix \fIsuffix\fR"
-Use the provided
-.I suffix
-instead of the default
-.B .hxx
-to construct the name of the header file. Note that this suffix is also
-used to construct names for included/imported schemas.
-.IP "\fB\--ixx-suffix \fIsuffix\fR"
-Use the provided
-.I suffix
-instead of the default
-.B .ixx
-to construct the name of the inline file.
-.IP "\fB\--cxx-suffix \fIsuffix\fR"
-Use the provided
-.I suffix
-instead of the default
-.B .cxx
-to construct the name of the source file.
-.IP "\fB\--fwd-suffix \fIsuffix\fR"
-Use the provided
-.I suffix
-instead of the default
-.B -fwd.hxx
-to construct the name of the forward declaration file (C++/Hybrid
-mapping only).
-.IP "\fB\--hxx-regex \fIregex\fR"
-Use the provided expression to construct the name of the header file.
-.I regex
-is a perl-like regular expression in the form
-.BI / pattern / replacement /\fR.
-This expression is also used to construct names for included/imported schemas.
-For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the
-.I regex
-argument can be optionally prefixed with a file key in the form
-.IB key = regex\fR.
-The valid values for
-.I key
-.B pskel
-(parser skeleton files),
-.B pimpl
-(parser implementation files),
-.B sskel
-(serializer skeleton files),
-.B simpl
-(serializer implementation files), and
-.B *
-(all files). If
-.I key
-is empty or not present then the expression is used for the object model
-files only.
-See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.
-.IP "\fB\--ixx-regex \fIregex\fR"
-Use the provided expression to construct the name of the inline file.
-.I regex
-is a perl-like regular expression in the form
-.BI / pattern / replacement /\fR.
-For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the
-.I regex
-argument can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
-.B --hxx-regex
-option for details.
-See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.
-.IP "\fB\--cxx-regex \fIregex\fR"
-Use the provided expression to construct the name of the source file.
-.I regex
-is a perl-like regular expression in the form
-.BI / pattern / replacement /\fR.
-For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the
-.I regex
-argument can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
-.B --hxx-regex
-option for details.
-See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.
-.IP "\fB\--fwd-regex \fIregex\fR"
-Use the provided expression to construct the name of the forward
-declaration file (C++/Hybrid mapping only).
-.I regex
-is a perl-like regular expression in the form
-.BI / pattern / replacement /\fR.
-See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.
-.IP "\fB\--hxx-prologue \fItext\fR"
-.I text
-at the beginning of the header file.
-For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the
-.I text
-argument can be optionally prefixed with a file key in the form
-.IB key = text\fR.
-The valid values for
-.I key
-.B pskel
-(parser skeleton files),
-.B pimpl
-(parser implementation files),
-.B sskel
-(serializer skeleton files),
-.B simpl
-(serializer implementation files), and
-.B *
-(all files). If
-.I key
-is empty or not present then the text is used for the object model files only.
-.IP "\fB\--ixx-prologue \fItext\fR"
-.I text
-at the beginning of the inline file.
-For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the
-.I text
-argument can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
-.B --hxx-prologue
-option for details.
-.IP "\fB\--cxx-prologue \fItext\fR"
-.I text
-at the beginning of the source file.
-For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the
-.I text
-argument can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
-.B --hxx-prologue
-option for details.
-.IP "\fB\--fwd-prologue \fItext\fR"
-.I text
-at the beginning of the forward declaration file (C++/Hybrid mapping only).
-.IP "\fB\--prologue \fItext\fR"
-.I text
-at the beginning of each generated file for which there is no file-specific
-For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the
-.I text
-argument can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
-.B --hxx-prologue
-option for details.
-.IP "\fB\--hxx-epilogue \fItext\fR"
-.I text
-at the end of the header file.
-For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the
-.I text
-argument can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
-.B --hxx-prologue
-option for details.
-.IP "\fB\--ixx-epilogue \fItext\fR"
-.I text
-at the end of the inline file.
-For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the
-.I text
-argument can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
-.B --hxx-prologue
-option for details.
-.IP "\fB\--cxx-epilogue \fItext\fR"
-.I text
-at the end of the source file.
-For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the
-.I text
-argument can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
-.B --hxx-prologue
-option for details.
-.IP "\fB\--fwd-epilogue \fItext\fR"
-.I text
-at the end of the forward declaration file (C++/Hybrid mapping only).
-.IP "\fB\--epilogue \fItext\fR"
-.I text
-at the end of each generated file for which there is no file-specific
-For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the
-.I text
-argument can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
-.B --hxx-prologue
-option for details.
-.IP "\fB\--hxx-prologue-file \fIfile\fR"
-Insert the content of the
-.I file
-at the beginning of the header file.
-For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the
-.I file
-argument can be optionally prefixed with a file key in the form
-.IB key = file\fR.
-The valid values for
-.I key
-.B pskel
-(parser skeleton files),
-.B pimpl
-(parser implementation files),
-.B sskel
-(serializer skeleton files),
-.B simpl
-(serializer implementation files), and
-.B *
-(all files). If
-.I key
-is empty or not present then the file is used for the object model files only.
-.IP "\fB\--ixx-prologue-file \fIfile\fR"
-Insert the content of the
-.I file
-at the beginning of the inline file.
-For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the
-.I file
-argument can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
-.B --hxx-prologue-file
-option for details.
-.IP "\fB\--cxx-prologue-file \fIfile\fR"
-Insert the content of the
-.I file
-at the beginning of the source file.
-For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the
-.I file
-argument can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
-.B --hxx-prologue-file
-option for details.
-.IP "\fB\--fwd-prologue-file \fIfile\fR"
-Insert the content of the
-.I file
-at the beginning of the forward declaration file (C++/Hybrid mapping only).
-.IP "\fB\--prologue-file \fIfile\fR"
-Insert the content of the
-.I file
-at the beginning of each generated file for which there is no file-specific
-prologue file.
-For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the
-.I file
-argument can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
-.B --hxx-prologue-file
-option for details.
-.IP "\fB\--hxx-epilogue-file \fIfile\fR"
-Insert the content of the
-.I file
-at the end of the header file.
-For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the
-.I file
-argument can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
-.B --hxx-prologue-file
-option for details.
-.IP "\fB\--ixx-epilogue-file \fIfile\fR"
-Insert the content of the
-.I file
-at the end of the inline file.
-For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the
-.I file
-argument can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
-.B --hxx-prologue-file
-option for details.
-.IP "\fB\--cxx-epilogue-file \fIfile\fR"
-Insert the content of the
-.I file
-at the end of the source file.
-For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the
-.I file
-argument can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
-.B --hxx-prologue-file
-option for details.
-.IP "\fB\--fwd-epilogue-file \fIfile\fR"
-Insert the content of the
-.I file
-at the end of the forward declaration file (C++/Hybrid mapping only).
-.IP "\fB\--epilogue-file \fIfile\fR"
-Insert the content of the
-.I file
-at the end of each generated file for which there is no file-specific
-epilogue file.
-For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the
-.I file
-argument can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
-.B --hxx-prologue-file
-option for details.
-.IP "\fB\--disable-warning \fIwarn\fR"
-Disable printing warning with id
-.IR warn .
-.B all
-is specified for the warning id then all the warnings are disabled.
-.IP "\fB\--show-sloc\fR"
-Show the number of generated physical source lines of code (SLOC).
-.IP "\fB\--sloc-limit \fInum\fR"
-Check that the number of generated physical source lines of code (SLOC)
-does not exceed
-.I num.
-.IP "\fB\--options-file \fIfile\fR"
-Read additional options from
-.IR file .
-Each option should appear on a separate line optionally followed by
-space and an argument. Empty lines and lines starting with
-.B #
-are ignored. The semantics of providing options in a file is equivalent
-to providing the same set of options in the same order in the command
-line at the point where the
-.B --options-file
-option is specified except that shell escaping and quoting is not
-required. Repeat this option to specify more than one options files.
-.IP "\fB\--proprietary-license\fR"
-Indicate that the generated code is licensed under a proprietary license
-instead of the GPL.
-.IP "\fB\--preserve-anonymous\fR"
-Preserve anonymous types. By default anonymous types are
-automatically named with names derived from the enclosing
-elements/attributes. Because mappings implemented by this
-compiler require all types to be named, this option is only
-useful if you want to make sure your schemas don't have
-anonymous types.
-.IP "\fB\--show-anonymous\fR"
-Show elements and attributes that are of anonymous types. This option
-only makes sense together with the
-.B --preserve-anonymous
-.IP "\fB\--anonymous-regex \fIregex\fR"
-.I regex
-to the list of regular expressions used to derive names for anonymous
-types from the enclosing attributes/elements.
-.I regex
-is a perl-like regular expression in the form
-.BI / pattern / replacement /\fR.
-Any character can be used as a delimiter instead of
-.BR / .
-Escaping of the delimiter character in
-.I pattern
-.I replacement
-is not supported.
-All the regular expressions are pushed into a stack with the last
-specified expression considered first. The first match that
-succeeds is used. Regular expressions are applied to a string
-in the form
-.I filename namespace xpath
-For instance:
-.B hello.xsd http://example.com/hello element
-.B hello.xsd http://example.com/hello type/element
-As an example, the following expression makes all the derived
-names start with capital letters. This could be useful when
-your naming convention requires type names to start with
-capital letters:
-.B %.* .* (.+/)*(.+)%\\\\u$2%
-See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.
-.IP "\fB\--anonymous-regex-trace\fR"
-Trace the process of applying regular expressions specified with
-.B --anonymous-regex
-option. Use this option to find out why your regular expressions
-don't do what you expected them to do.
-.IP "\fB\--location-map \fIol\fB=\fInl"
-Map the original schema location
-.I ol
-that is specified in the XML Schema include or import elements to new
-schema location
-.IR nl .
-Repeat this option to map more than one schema location. For example,
-the following option maps the
-.B http://example.com/foo.xsd
-URL to the
-.B foo.xsd
-local file.
-.B --location-map http://example.com/foo.xsd=foo.xsd
-.IP "\fB\--location-regex \fIregex\fR"
-.I regex
-to the list of regular expressions used to map schema locations that are
-specified in the XML Schema include or import elements.
-.I regex
-is a perl-like regular expression in the form
-.BI / pattern / replacement /\fR.
-Any character can be used as a delimiter instead of
-.BR / .
-Escaping of the delimiter character in
-.I pattern
-.I replacement
-is not supported. All the regular expressions are pushed into a stack with the
-last specified expression considered first. The first match that succeeds
-is used.
-For example, the following expression maps URL locations in the form
-.B http://example.com/foo/bar.xsd
-to local files in the form
-.BR bar.xsd :
-.B %http://.+/(.+)%$1%
-See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.
-.IP "\fB\--location-regex-trace\fR"
-Trace the process of applying regular expressions specified with
-.B --location-regex
-option. Use this option to find out why your regular expressions
-don't do what you expected them to do.
-.IP "\fB\--file-per-type\fR"
-Generate a separate set of C++ files for each type defined in XML Schema.
-Note that in this mode you only need to compile the root schema(s) and the
-code will be generated for all included and imported schemas. This
-compilation mode is primarily useful when some of your schemas cannot be
-compiled separately or have cyclic dependencies which involve type
-inheritance. Other options related to this mode are:
-.BR --type-file-regex ,
-.BR --schema-file-regex,
-.BR --file-list .
-.IP "\fB\--type-file-regex \fIregex\fR"
-.I regex
-to the list of regular expressions used to translate type names to file
-names when the
-.B --file-per-type
-option is specified.
-.I regex
-is a perl-like regular expression in the form
-.BI / pattern / replacement /\fR.
-Any character can be used as a delimiter instead of
-.BR / .
-Escaping of the delimiter character in
-.I pattern
-.I replacement
-is not supported. All the regular expressions are pushed into a stack with
-the last specified expression considered first. The first match that
-succeeds is used. Regular expressions are applied to a string
-in the form
-.I namespace type-name
-For example, the following expression maps type
-.B foo
-that is defined in the
-.B http://example.com/bar
-namespace to file name
-.BR bar-foo :
-.B %http://example.com/(.+) (.+)%$1-$2%
-See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.
-.IP "\fB\--type-file-regex-trace\fR"
-Trace the process of applying regular expressions specified with
-.B --type-file-regex
-option. Use this option to find out why your regular expressions
-don't do what you expected them to do.
-.IP "\fB\--schema-file-regex \fIregex\fR"
-.I regex
-to the list of regular expressions used to translate schema file names
-when the
-.B --file-per-type
-option is specified.
-.I regex
-is a perl-like regular expression in the form
-.BI / pattern / replacement /\fR.
-Any character can be used as a delimiter instead of
-.BR / .
-Escaping of the delimiter character in
-.I pattern
-.I replacement
-is not supported. All the regular expressions are pushed into a stack
-with the last specified expression considered first. The first match
-that succeeds is used. Regular expressions are applied to the absolute
-filesystem path of a schema file and the result, including the directory
-part, if any, is used to derive the
-.B #include
-directive paths as well as the generated C++ file paths. This option, along
-.B --type-file-regex
-are primarily used to place the generated files into subdirectories or to
-resolve file name conflicts.
-For example, the following expression maps schema files in the
-.B foo/1.0.0/
-subdirectory to the files in the
-.B foo/
-subdirectory. As a result, the
-.B #include
-directive paths for such schemas will be in the
-.B foo/schema.hxx
-form and the generated C++ files will be placed into the
-.B foo/
-.B %.*/foo/1.0.0/(.+)%foo/$1%
-See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.
-.IP "\fB\--schema-file-regex-trace\fR"
-Trace the process of applying regular expressions specified with
-.B --schema-file-regex
-option. Use this option to find out why your regular expressions
-don't do what you expected them to do.
-.IP "\fB\--fat-type-file\fR"
-Generate code corresponding to global elements into type files
-instead of schema files when the
-.B --type-file-regex
-option is specified. This option is primarily useful when trying
-to minimize the amount of object code that is linked to an executable
-by packaging compiled generated code into a static (archive) library.
-.IP "\fB\--file-list \fIfile\fR"
-Write a list of generated C++ files to
-.IR file .
-This option is primarily useful in the file-per-type compilation mode
-.RB ( --file-per-type )
-to create a list of generated C++ files, for example, as a makefile fragment.
-.IP "\fB\--file-list-prologue \fItext\fR"
-.I text
-at the beginning of the file list. As a convenience, all occurrences of the
-\\n character sequence in
-.I text
-are replaced with new lines. This option can, for example, be used to assign
-the generated file list to a makefile variable.
-.IP "\fB\--file-list-epilogue \fItext\fR"
-.I text
-at the end of the file list. As a convenience, all occurrences of the
-\\n character sequence in
-.I text
-are replaced with new lines.
-.IP "\fB\--file-list-delim \fItext\fR"
-Delimit file names written to the file list with
-.I text
-instead of new lines. As a convenience, all occurrences of the \\n character
-sequence in
-.I text
-are replaced with new lines.
-.\" C++/Hybrid options
-.SS cxx-hybrid command options
-.IP "\fB\--generate-parser\fR"
-Generate XML parsing code.
-.IP "\fB\--generate-serializer\fR"
-Generate XML serialization code.
-.IP "\fB\--generate-aggregate\fR"
-Generate parser/serializer aggregates for root elements and/or
-types. See also the
-.B --root-element-*
-.B --root-type
-.IP "\fB\--suppress-validation\fR"
-Suppress the generation of validation code in parser and serializer.
-.IP "\fB\--suppress-parser-val\fR"
-Suppress the generation of validation code in parser.
-.IP "\fB\--suppress-serializer-val\fR"
-Suppress the generation of validation code in serializer.
-.IP "\fB\--omit-default-attributes\fR"
-Omit attributes with default and fixed values from serialized XML
-.IP "\fB\--suppress-enum\fR"
-Suppress the generation of the XML Schema enumeration to C++ enum mapping.
-.IP "\fB\--generate-clone\fR"
-Generate clone functions for variable-length types. These functions allow
-you to make dynamically-allocated copies of variable-length objects.
-.IP "\fB\--generate-detach\fR"
-Generate detach functions for elements and attributes of variable-length
-types. These functions, for example, allow you to move sub-trees in the
-object model either within the same tree or between different trees.
-.IP "\fB\--generate-insertion \fIos\fR"
-Generate data representation stream insertion operators for the
-.I os
-output stream type. Repeat this option to specify more than one stream
-type. The special
-arguments are recognized as ACE CDR and Sun RPC XDR stream types and the
-corresponding stream wrappers provided by the XSD/e runtime are automatically
-used. For custom stream types use the
-.B --hxx-prologue*
-options to include the necessary declarations.
-.IP "\fB\--generate-extraction \fIis\fR"
-Generate data representation stream extraction operators for the
-.I is
-input stream type. Repeat this option to specify more than one stream
-type. The special
-arguments are recognized as ACE CDR and Sun RPC XDR stream types and the
-corresponding stream wrappers provided by the XSD/e runtime are automatically
-used. For custom stream types use the
-.B --hxx-prologue*
-options to include the necessary declarations.
-.IP "\fB\--generate-forward\fR"
-Generate forward declaration file.
-.IP "\fB\--generate-xml-schema\fR"
-Generate C++ header files as if the schema being compiled defines
-the XML Schema namespace. In particular, the resulting files will
-have definitions for all object model types, parser skeletons and
-implementations, as well as serializer skeletons and implementations
-corresponding to the XML Schema built-in types. The schema file
-provided to the compiler need not exist and is only used to derive
-the names of the resulting header files. Use the
-.B --extern-xml-schema
-option to include these file in the generated files for other schemas.
-.IP "\fB\--extern-xml-schema \fIfile\fR"
-Include header files derived from
-.I file
-instead of generating the XML Schema namespace mapping inline. The
-provided file need not exist and is only used to derive the names
-of the included header files. Use the
-.B --generate-xml-schema
-option to generate these header files.
-.IP "\fB\--suppress-reset\fR"
-Suppress the generation of parser and serializer reset code.
-Reset support allows you to reuse parsers and serializers
-after an error.
-.IP "\fB\--generate-polymorphic\fR"
-Generate polymorphism-aware code. Specify this option if you use substitution
-groups or
-.BR xsi:type .
-Use the
-.B --polymorphic-type
-option to specify which type hierarchies are polymorphic.
-.IP "\fB\--runtime-polymorphic\fR"
-Generate non-polymorphic code that uses the runtime library configured with
-polymorphism support.
-.IP "\fB\--polymorphic-type \fItype\fR"
-Indicate that
-.I type
-is a root of a polymorphic type hierarchy. The compiler can often
-automatically determine which types are polymorphic based on the
-substitution group declarations. However, you may need to use this
-option if you are not using substitution groups or if substitution
-groups are defined in another schema. You need to specify this option
-when compiling every schema file that references
-.IR type .
-.IP "\fB\--generate-typeinfo\fR"
-Generate custom type information querying functions for polymorphic
-object model types. These functions can be used instead of the standard
-C++ RTTI mechanism to determine object's type at runtime.
-.IP "\fB\--polymorphic-schema \fIfile\fR"
-Indicate that
-.I file
-contains derivations of polymorphic types that are not otherwise visible
-from the schema being compiled. This option is used to make sure that
-during the generation of parser and serializer aggregates the compiler
-is aware of all possible derivations of polymorphic types. Repeat this
-option to specify more than one schema file.
-.IP "\fB\--reuse-style-mixin\fR"
-Generate code that supports the mixin base parser/serializer
-implementation reuse style. Note that this reuse style
-relies on virtual inheritance and may result in a substantial
-object code size increase for large vocabularies. By default
-the tiein reuse style is used.
-.IP "\fB\--custom-data \fItype\fR"
-Add the ability to store custom data to the C++ class generated
-for XML Schema type
-.IR type .
-To add custom data to a nested compositor class use the qualified
-name starting from the XML Schema type containing the compositor,
-for example,
-.BR foo::sequence::choise1 .
-.IP "\fB\--custom-type \fIname\fR[\fB=\fR[\fIflags\fR][\fB/\fR[\fIbase\fR][\fB/\fR[\fItype\fR][\fB/\fIinclude\fR]]]]"
-Use a custom type implementation instead of the generated version. The
-.I name
-component is the XML Schema type name being customized. Optional
-.I flags
-allow you to specify whether the custom type is fixed or variable-length. The
-.B f
-flag indicates the type is fixed-length and the
-.B v
-flag indicates the type is variable-length. If omitted, the default rules
-are used to determine the type length. Optional
-.I type
-is a C++ type name that should be used instead. If specified, the object
-model type is defined as a
-.B typedef
-alias for this C++ type. Optional
-.I base
-is a C++ name that should be given to the generated version. It is normally
-used as a base for the custom implementation. Optional
-.I include
-is the header file that defines the custom implementation. It is
-.BR #include 'ed
-into the generated code immediately after (if
-.I base
-is specified) or instead of the generated version.
-.IP "\fB\--custom-parser \fIname\fR[\fB=\fR[\fIbase\fR][\fB/\fIinclude\fR]]"
-Use a custom parser implementation instead of the generated version.
-.I name
-component is the XML Schema type name being customized. Optional
-.I base
-is a C++ name that should be given to the generated version. It is
-normally used as a base for the custom implementation. Optional
-.I include
-is the header file that defines the custom implementation. It is
-.BR #include 'ed
-into the generated code immediately after (if
-.I base
-is specified) or instead of the generated version.
-.IP "\fB\--custom-serializer \fIname\fR[\fB=\fR[\fIbase\fR][\fB/\fIinclude\fR]]"
-Use a custom serializer implementation instead of the generated version.
-.I name
-component is the XML Schema type name being customized. Optional
-.I base
-is a C++ name that should be given to the generated version. It is
-normally used as a base for the custom implementation. Optional
-.I include
-is the header file that defines the custom implementation. It is
-.BR #include 'ed
-into the generated code immediately after (if
-.I base
-is specified) or instead of the generated version.
-.IP "\fB\--root-element-first\fR"
-Treat only the first global element as a document root. This
-determines for which elements parser and serializer aggregates
-are generated. By default all global elements are considered
-document roots. See also the
-.B --generate-aggregate
-.IP "\fB\--root-element-last\fR"
-Treat only the last global element as a document root. This
-determines for which elements parser and serializer aggregates
-are generated. By default all global elements are considered
-document roots. See also the
-.B --generate-aggregate
-.IP "\fB\--root-element-all\fR"
-Treat all global elements as document roots (the default
-behavior). This determines for which elements parser and
-serializer aggregates are generated. By explicitly specifying
-this option you can suppress the warning that is issued if
-more than one global element is defined. See also the
-.B --generate-aggregate
-.IP "\fB\--root-element-none\fR"
-Do not treat any global elements as document roots. This
-determines for which elements parser and serializer aggregates
-are generated. By default all global elements are considered
-document roots. See also the
-.B --generate-aggregate
-.IP "\fB\--root-element \fIelement\fR"
-Treat only
-.I element
-as a document root. This
-determines for which elements parser and serializer aggregates
-are generated. Repeat this option to specify more than one root
-element. See also the
-.B --generate-aggregate
-.IP "\fB\--root-type \fItype\fR"
-Generate parser/serializer aggregate for
-.IR type .
-Repeat this option to specify more than one type. See also the
-.B --generate-aggregate
-.IP "\fB\--pskel-type-suffix \fIsuffix\fR"
-.I suffix
-instead of the default
-.B _pskel
-to construct the names of generated parser skeletons.
-.IP "\fB\--sskel-type-suffix \fIsuffix\fR"
-.I suffix
-instead of the default
-.B _sskel
-to construct the names of generated serializer skeletons.
-.IP "\fB\--pskel-file-suffix \fIsuffix\fR"
-.I suffix
-instead of the default
-.B -pskel
-to construct the names of generated parser skeleton files.
-.IP "\fB\--sskel-file-suffix \fIsuffix\fR"
-.I suffix
-instead of the default
-.B -sskel
-to construct the names of generated serializer skeleton files.
-.IP "\fB\--pimpl-type-suffix \fIsuffix\fR"
-.I suffix
-instead of the default
-.B _pimpl
-to construct the names of generated parser implementations.
-.IP "\fB\--simpl-type-suffix \fIsuffix\fR"
-.I suffix
-instead of the default
-.B _simpl
-to construct the names of generated serializer implementations.
-.IP "\fB\--pimpl-file-suffix \fIsuffix\fR"
-.I suffix
-instead of the default
-.B -pimpl
-to construct the names of generated parser implementation files.
-.IP "\fB\--simpl-file-suffix \fIsuffix\fR"
-.I suffix
-instead of the default
-.B -simpl
-to construct the names of generated serializer implementation files.
-.IP "\fB\--paggr-type-suffix \fIsuffix\fR"
-.I suffix
-instead of the default
-.B _paggs
-to construct the names of generated parser aggregates.
-.IP "\fB\--saggr-type-suffix \fIsuffix\fR"
-.I suffix
-instead of the default
-.B _saggr
-to construct the names of generated serializer aggregates.
-.\" C++/Parser options
-.SS cxx-parser command options
-.IP "\fB\--type-map \fImapfile\fR"
-Read XML Schema to C++ type mapping information from
-.I mapfile
-Repeat this option to specify several type maps. Type maps are
-considered in order of appearance and the first match is used.
-By default all user-defined types are mapped to
-.BR void .
-See the TYPE MAP section below for more information.
-.IP "\fB\--reuse-style-mixin\fR"
-Generate code that supports the mixin base parser implementation reuse
-style. Note that this reuse style relies on virtual inheritance and may
-result in a substantial object code size increase for large vocabularies.
-By default support for the tiein style is generated.
-.IP "\fB\--reuse-style-none\fR"
-Do not generate any support for base parser implementation reuse. By
-default support for the tiein style is generated.
-.IP "\fB\--suppress-validation\fR"
-Suppress the generation of validation code.
-.IP "\fB\--generate-polymorphic\fR"
-Generate polymorphism-aware code. Specify this option if you use substitution
-groups or
-.BR xsi:type .
-.IP "\fB\--runtime-polymorphic\fR"
-Generate non-polymorphic code that uses the runtime library configured with
-polymorphism support.
-.IP "\fB\--suppress-reset\fR"
-Suppress the generation of parser reset code. Reset support allows you to reuse
-parsers after an error.
-.IP "\fB\--generate-noop-impl\fR"
-Generate a sample parser implementation that does nothing (no operation).
-The sample implementation can then be filled with the application-specific
-code. For an input file in the form
-.B name.xsd
-this option triggers the generation of the two additional C++ files in the form:
-.B name-pimpl.hxx
-(parser implementation header file) and
-.B name-pimpl.cxx
-(parser implementation source file).
-.IP "\fB\--generate-print-impl\fR"
-Generate a sample parser implementation that prints the XML data to STDOUT.
-For an input file in the form
-.B name.xsd
-this option triggers the generation of the two additional C++ files in the form:
-.B name-pimpl.hxx
-(parser implementation header file) and
-.B name-pimpl.cxx
-(parser implementation source file).
-.IP "\fB\--generate-test-driver\fR"
-Generate a test driver for the sample parser implementation. For an input
-file in the form
-.B name.xsd
-this option triggers the generation of an additional C++ file in the form
-.BR name-pdriver.cxx .
-.IP "\fB\--force-overwrite\fR"
-Force overwriting of the existing implementation and test driver files.
-Use this option only if you do not mind loosing the changes you have made
-in the sample implementation or test driver files.
-.IP "\fB\--root-element-first\fR"
-Indicate that the first global element is the document root. This information
-is used to generate the test driver for the sample implementation.
-.IP "\fB\--root-element-last\fR"
-Indicate that the last global element is the document root. This information
-is used to generate the test driver for the sample implementation.
-.IP "\fB\--root-element \fIelement\fR"
-Indicate that
-.I element
-is the document root. This information is used to generate the test driver
-for the sample implementation.
-.IP "\fB\--generate-xml-schema\fR"
-Generate a C++ header file as if the schema being compiled defines the
-XML Schema namespace. In particular, the resulting file will have
-definitions for all parser skeletons and implementations corresponding
-to the XML Schema built-in types. The schema file provided to the compiler
-need not exist and is only used to derive the name of the resulting header
-file. Use the
-.B --extern-xml-schema
-option to include this file in the generated files for other schemas.
-.IP "\fB\--extern-xml-schema \fIfile\fR"
-Include a header file derived from
-.I file
-instead of generating the XML Schema namespace mapping inline. The provided
-file need not exist and is only used to derive the name of the included
-header file. Use the
-.B --generate-xml-schema
-option to generate this header file.
-.IP "\fB\--skel-type-suffix \fIsuffix\fR"
-Use the provided
-.I suffix
-instead of the default
-.B _pskel
-to construct the names of generated parser skeletons.
-.IP "\fB\--skel-file-suffix \fIsuffix\fR"
-Use the provided
-.I suffix
-instead of the default
-.B -pskel
-to construct the names of generated parser skeleton files.
-.IP "\fB\--impl-type-suffix \fIsuffix\fR"
-Use the provided
-.I suffix
-instead of the default
-.B _pimpl
-to construct the names of parser implementations for the built-in XML
-Schema types and sample parser implementations.
-.IP "\fB\--impl-file-suffix \fIsuffix\fR"
-Use the provided
-.I suffix
-instead of the default
-.B -pimpl
-to construct the names of generated sample parser implementation files.
-.\" C++/Serializer options
-.SS cxx-serializer command options
-.IP "\fB\--type-map \fImapfile\fR"
-Read XML Schema to C++ type mapping information from
-.I mapfile
-Repeat this option to specify several type maps. Type maps are
-considered in order of appearance and the first match is used.
-By default all user-defined types are mapped to
-.BR void .
-See the TYPE MAP section below for more information.
-.IP "\fB\--reuse-style-mixin\fR"
-Generate code that supports the mixin base serializer implementation reuse
-style. Note that this reuse style relies on virtual inheritance and may
-result in a substantial object code size increase for large vocabularies.
-By default support for the tiein style is generated.
-.IP "\fB\--reuse-style-none\fR"
-Do not generate any support for base serializer implementation reuse. By
-default support for the tiein style is generated.
-.IP "\fB\--suppress-validation\fR"
-Suppress the generation of validation code.
-.IP "\fB\--generate-polymorphic\fR"
-Generate polymorphism-aware code. Specify this option if you use substitution
-groups or
-.BR xsi:type .
-.IP "\fB\--runtime-polymorphic\fR"
-Generate non-polymorphic code that uses the runtime library configured with
-polymorphism support.
-.IP "\fB\--suppress-reset\fR"
-Suppress the generation of serializer reset code. Reset support allows you to
-reuse serializers after an error.
-.IP "\fB\--generate-empty-impl\fR"
-Generate a sample serializer implementation with empty function bodies
-which can then be filled with the application-specific code. For an input
-file in the form
-.B name.xsd
-this option triggers the generation of the two additional C++ files in the form:
-.B name-simpl.hxx
-(serializer implementation header file) and
-.B name-simpl.cxx
-(serializer implementation source file).
-.IP "\fB\--generate-test-driver\fR"
-Generate a test driver for the sample serializer implementation. For an input
-file in the form
-.B name.xsd
-this option triggers the generation of an additional C++ file in the form
-.BR name-sdriver.cxx .
-.IP "\fB\--force-overwrite\fR"
-Force overwriting of the existing implementation and test driver files.
-Use this option only if you do not mind loosing the changes you have made
-in the sample implementation or test driver files.
-.IP "\fB\--root-element-first\fR"
-Indicate that the first global element is the document root. This information
-is used to generate the test driver for the sample implementation.
-.IP "\fB\--root-element-last\fR"
-Indicate that the last global element is the document root. This information
-is used to generate the test driver for the sample implementation.
-.IP "\fB\--root-element \fIelement\fR"
-Indicate that
-.I element
-is the document root. This information is used to generate the test driver
-for the sample implementation.
-.IP "\fB\--generate-xml-schema\fR"
-Generate a C++ header file as if the schema being compiled defines the
-XML Schema namespace. In particular, the resulting file will have
-definitions for all serializer skeletons and implementations corresponding
-to the XML Schema built-in types. The schema file provided to the compiler
-need not exist and is only used to derive the name of the resulting header
-file. Use the
-.B --extern-xml-schema
-option to include this file in the generated files for other schemas.
-.IP "\fB\--extern-xml-schema \fIfile\fR"
-Include a header file derived from
-.I file
-instead of generating the XML Schema namespace mapping inline. The provided
-file need not exist and is only used to derive the name of the included
-header file. Use the
-.B --generate-xml-schema
-option to generate this header file.
-.IP "\fB\--skel-type-suffix \fIsuffix\fR"
-Use the provided
-.I suffix
-instead of the default
-.B _sskel
-to construct the names of generated serializer skeletons.
-.IP "\fB\--skel-file-suffix \fIsuffix\fR"
-Use the provided
-.I suffix
-instead of the default
-.B -sskel
-to construct the names of generated serializer skeleton files.
-.IP "\fB\--impl-type-suffix \fIsuffix\fR"
-Use the provided
-.I suffix
-instead of the default
-.B _simpl
-to construct the names of serializer implementations for the built-in XML
-Schema types and sample serializer implementations.
-.IP "\fB\--impl-file-suffix \fIsuffix\fR"
-Use the provided
-.I suffix
-instead of the default
-.B -simpl
-to construct the names of generated sample serializer implementation files.
-.\" Type map
-Type map files are used to define a mapping between XML Schema and
-C++ types. For C++/Parser, the compiler uses this information to
-determine the return types of
-.B post_*
-functions in parser skeletons corresponding to XML Schema types as
-well as argument types for callbacks corresponding to elements and
-attributes of these types. For C++/Serializer, type maps are used
-to determine the argument type of
-.B pre
-functions in serializer skeletons corresponding to XML Schema types
-as well as return types for callbacks corresponding to elements and
-attributes of these types.
-The compiler has a set of predefined mapping rules that map the
-built-in XML Schema types to suitable C++ types (discussed in
-the following sub-sections) and all other types to
-.BR void .
-By providing your own type maps you can override these predefined
-rules. The format of the type map file is presented below:
-.B namespace
-.I schema-namespace
-.I cxx-namespace
-.B {
- (
-.B include
-.IB file-name ;
- ([
-.B type
-.I schema-type cxx-ret-type
-.I cxx-arg-type
-.RB ] ;
-.B }
-.I schema-namespace
-.I schema-type
-are regex patterns while
-.IR cxx-namespace ,
-.IR cxx-ret-type ,
-.I cxx-arg-type
-are regex pattern substitutions. All names can be optionally enclosed
-in \fR" "\fR, for example, to include white-spaces.
-.I schema-namespace
-determines XML Schema namespace. Optional
-.I cxx-namespace
-is prefixed to every C++ type name in this namespace declaration.
-.I cxx-ret-type
-is a C++ type name that is used as a return type for the
-.B post_*
-function in C++/Parser or for element/attribute callbacks in C++/Serializer.
-.I cxx-arg-type
-is an argument type for element/attribute callbacks in C++/Parser or for the
-.B pre
-function in C++/Serializer. If
-.I cxx-arg-type
-is not specified, it defaults to
-.I cxx-ret-type
-.I cxx-ret-type
-ends with
-.B *
-.B &
-(that is, it is a pointer or a reference) and
-.B const
-\fIcxx-ret-type\fB&\fR otherwise.
-.I file-name
-is a file name either in the \fR" "\fR or < > format and is added with the
-.B #include
-directive to the generated code.
-The \fB#\fR character starts a comment that ends with a new line or end of
-file. To specify a name that contains \fB#\fR enclose it in \fR" "\fR. For
-namespace http://www.example.com/xmlns/my my
- include "my.hxx";
- # Pass apples by value.
- #
- apple apple;
- # Pass oranges as pointers.
- #
- orange orange_t*;
-In the example above, for the
-.B http://www.example.com/xmlns/my#orange
-XML Schema type, the
-.B my::orange_t*
-C++ type will be used as both return and argument types.
-Several namespace declarations can be specified in a single file.
-The namespace declaration can also be completely omitted to map
-types in a schema without a namespace. For instance:
-include "my.hxx";
-apple apple;
-namespace http://www.example.com/xmlns/my
- orange "const orange_t*";
-The compiler has a number of predefined mapping rules for the built-in
-XML Schema types that vary depending on the mapping used. They are
-described in the following subsections. The last predefined rule
-for all the mappings maps anything that wasn't mapped by previous rules to
-.BR void :
-namespace .*
- .* void void;
-When you provide your own type maps with the
-.B --type-map
-option, they are evaluated first. This allows you to selectively override
-predefined rules.
-.\" Predefined C++/Parser Type Maps
-.SS Predefined C++/Parser Type Maps
-The C++/Parser mapping provides a number of predefined type map rules
-for the built-in XML Schema types. They can be presented as the
-following map files:
-namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
- boolean bool bool;
- byte "signed char" "signed char";
- unsignedByte "unsigned char" "unsigned char";
- short short short;
- unsignedShort "unsigned short" "unsigned short";
- int int int;
- unsignedInt "unsigned int" "unsigned int";
- long "long long" "long long";
- unsignedLong "unsigned long long" "unsigned long long";
- integer long long;
- negativeInteger long long;
- nonPositiveInteger long long;
- positiveInteger "unsigned long" "unsigned long";
- nonNegativeInteger "unsigned long" "unsigned long";
- float float float;
- double double double;
- decimal double double;
- NMTOKENS xml_schema::string_sequence*;
- IDREFS xml_schema::string_sequence*;
- base64Binary xml_schema::buffer*;
- hexBinary xml_schema::buffer*;
- date xml_schema::date;
- dateTime xml_schema::date_time;
- duration xml_schema::duration;
- gDay xml_schema::gday;
- gMonth xml_schema::gmonth;
- gMonthDay xml_schema::gmonth_day;
- gYear xml_schema::gyear;
- gYearMonth xml_schema::gyear_month;
- time xml_schema::time;
-If the
-.B --no-stl
-option is not specified, the following mapping is used for the
-string-based XML Schema built-in types:
-namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
- include <string>;
- string std::string;
- normalizedString std::string;
- token std::string;
- Name std::string;
- NMTOKEN std::string;
- NCName std::string;
- ID std::string;
- IDREF std::string;
- language std::string;
- anyURI std::string;
- QName xml_schema::qname;
-Otherwise, a C string-based mapping is used:
-namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
- string char*;
- normalizedString char*;
- token char*;
- Name char*;
- NMTOKEN char*;
- NCName char*;
- ID char*;
- IDREF char*;
- language char*;
- anyURI char*;
- QName xml_schema::qname*;
-.\" Predefined C++/Serializer Type Maps
-.SS Predefined C++/Serializer Type Maps
-The C++/Serializer mapping provides a number of predefined type map
-rules for the built-in XML Schema types. They can be presented as the
-following map files:
-namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
- boolean bool bool;
- byte "signed char" "signed char";
- unsignedByte "unsigned char" "unsigned char";
- short short short;
- unsignedShort "unsigned short" "unsigned short";
- int int int;
- unsignedInt "unsigned int" "unsigned int";
- long "long long" "long long";
- unsignedLong "unsigned long long" "unsigned long long";
- integer long long;
- negativeInteger long long;
- nonPositiveInteger long long;
- positiveInteger "unsigned long" "unsigned long";
- nonNegativeInteger "unsigned long" "unsigned long";
- float float float;
- double double double;
- decimal double double;
- NMTOKENS "const xml_schema::string_sequence*";
- IDREFS "const xml_schema::string_sequence*";
- base64Binary "const xml_schema::buffer*";
- hexBinary "const xml_schema::buffer*";
- date xml_schema::date;
- dateTime xml_schema::date_time;
- duration xml_schema::duration;
- gDay xml_schema::gday;
- gMonth xml_schema::gmonth;
- gMonthDay xml_schema::gmonth_day;
- gYear xml_schema::gyear;
- gYearMonth xml_schema::gyear_month;
- time xml_schema::time;
-If the
-.B --no-stl
-option is not specified, the following mapping is used for the
-string-based XML Schema built-in types:
-namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
- include <string>;
- string std::string;
- normalizedString std::string;
- token std::string;
- Name std::string;
- NMTOKEN std::string;
- NCName std::string;
- ID std::string;
- IDREF std::string;
- language std::string;
- anyURI std::string;
- QName xml_schema::qname;
-Otherwise, a C string-based mapping is used:
-namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
- string "const char*";
- normalizedString "const char*";
- token "const char*";
- Name "const char*";
- NMTOKEN "const char*";
- NCName "const char*";
- ID "const char*";
- IDREF "const char*";
- language "const char*";
- anyURI "const char*";
- QName "const xml_schema::qname*";
-When entering a regular expression argument in the shell command line
-it is often necessary to use quoting (enclosing the argument in " "
-or ' ') in order to prevent the shell from interpreting certain
-characters, for example, spaces as argument separators and $ as
-variable expansions.
-Unfortunately it is hard to achieve this in a manner that is portable
-across POSIX shells, such as those found on GNU/Linux and UNIX, and
-Windows shell. For example, if you use " " for quoting you will get
-a wrong result with POSIX shells if your expression contains $. The
-standard way of dealing with this on POSIX systems is to use ' '
-instead. Unfortunately, Windows shell does not remove ' ' from
-arguments when they are passed to applications. As a result you may
-have to use ' ' for POSIX and " " for Windows ($ is not treated as
-a special character on Windows).
-Alternatively, you can save regular expression options into a file,
-one option per line, and use this file with the
-.B --options-file
-option. With this approach you don't need to worry about shell quoting.
-If the input file is not a valid W3C XML Schema definition,
-.B xsde
-will issue diagnostic messages to
-and exit with non-zero exit code.
-Send bug reports to the xsde-users@codesynthesis.com mailing list.
-Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Code Synthesis Tools CC.
-Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
-document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,
-version 1.2; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts and
-no Back-Cover Texts. Copy of the license can be obtained from
diff --git a/documentation/xsde.xhtml b/documentation/xsde.xhtml
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- <title>XSD/e 3.3.0 Compiler Command Line Manual</title>
- <meta name="copyright" content="&copy; 2005-2011 Code Synthesis Tools CC"/>
- <meta name="keywords" content="xsd,xml,schema,c++,mapping,data,binding,code,generator,manual,man,page"/>
- <meta name="description" content="XSD/e Compiler Command Line Manual"/>
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- padding-top : 0.4em;
- }
- #commands dd {
- padding-bottom : 0.4em;
- padding-left : 2em;
- }
- .options dt {
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- }
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- }
-<div id="container">
- <div id="content">
- <h1>NAME</h1>
- <p>xsde - W3C XML Schema to C++ Compiler for Embedded Systems</p>
- <h1>SYNOPSIS</h1>
- <dl id="synopsis">
- <dt><code><b>xsde</b> <i>command</i> [<i>options</i>] <i>file</i> [<i>file</i> ...]</code></dt>
- <dt><code><b>xsde help</b> [<i>command</i>]</code></dt>
- <dt><code><b>xsde version</b></code></dt>
- </dl>
- <h1>DESCRIPTION</h1>
- <p><code><b>xsde</b></code> generates vocabulary-specific, statically-typed
- C++ mapping from W3C XML Schema definitions. Particular mapping to
- produce is selected by a <code><i>command</i></code>. Each mapping has
- a number of mapping-specific <code><i>options</i></code> that should
- appear, if any, after the <code><i>command</i></code>. Input files should
- be W3C XML Schema definitions. The exact set of the generated files
- depends on the selected mapping and options.</p>
- <h1>COMMANDS</h1>
- <dl id="commands">
- <dt><code><b>cxx-hybrid</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate the Embedded C++/Hybrid mapping. For each input file in the
- form <code><b>name.xsd</b></code> the following C++ files are generated:
- <code><b>name.hxx</b></code> (object model header file),
- <code><b>name.ixx</b></code> (object model inline file, generated only
- if the <code><b>--generate-inline</b></code> option is specified),
- <code><b>name.cxx</b></code> (object model source file), and
- <code><b>name-fwd.hxx</b></code> (object model forward declaration
- file, generated only if the <code><b>--generate-forward</b></code>
- option is specified).
- <p>If the <code><b>--generate-parser</b></code> option is specified,
- the Embedded C++/Parser mapping is invoked and the
- <code><b>name-pskel.hxx</b></code>,
- <code><b>name-pskel.ixx</b></code>, and
- <code><b>name-pskel.cxx</b></code> parser skeleton files are
- generated, as described below. Additionally, the following parser
- implementation files are generated:
- <code><b>name-pimpl.hxx</b></code> (parser implementation header
- file) and
- <code><b>name-pimpl.cxx</b></code> (parser implementation source
- file).</p>
- <p>If the <code><b>--generate-serializer</b></code> option is
- specified, the Embedded C++/Serializer mapping is invoked and the
- <code><b>name-sskel.hxx</b></code>,
- <code><b>name-sskel.ixx</b></code>, and
- <code><b>name-sskel.cxx</b></code> serializer skeleton files are
- generated, as described below. Additionally, the following serializer
- implementation files are generated:
- <code><b>name-simpl.hxx</b></code> (serializer implementation header
- file) and
- <code><b>name-simpl.cxx</b></code> (serializer implementation source
- file).</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>cxx-parser</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate the Embedded C++/Parser mapping. For each input file in the
- form <code><b>name.xsd</b></code> the following C++ files are generated:
- <code><b>name-pskel.hxx</b></code> (parser skeleton header file),
- <code><b>name-pskel.ixx</b></code> (parser skeleton inline file,
- generated only if the <code><b>--generate-inline</b></code>
- option is specified), and
- <code><b>name-pskel.cxx</b></code> (parser skeleton source file).
- If the <code><b>--generate-noop-impl</b></code> or
- <code><b>--generate-print-impl</b></code> option is specified,
- the following additional sample implementation files are generated:
- <code><b>name-pimpl.hxx</b></code> (parser implementation header
- file) and
- <code><b>name-pimpl.cxx</b></code> (parser implementation source
- file). If the <code><b>--generate-test-driver</b></code> option
- is specified, the additional <code><b>name-pdriver.cxx</b></code>
- test driver file is generated.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>cxx-serializer</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate the Embedded C++/Serializer mapping. For each input file
- in the form <code><b>name.xsd</b></code> the following C++ files
- are generated: <code><b>name-sskel.hxx</b></code> (serializer
- skeleton header file), <code><b>name-sskel.ixx</b></code> (serializer
- skeleton inline file, generated only if the
- <code><b>--generate-inline</b></code> option is specified), and
- <code><b>name-sskel.cxx</b></code> (serializer skeleton source file).
- If the <code><b>--generate-empty-impl</b></code> option is specified,
- the following additional sample implementation files are generated:
- <code><b>name-simpl.hxx</b></code> (serializer implementation header
- file) and <code><b>name-simpl.cxx</b></code> (serializer
- implementation source file). If the <code><b>--generate-test-driver</b></code>
- option is specified, the additional <code><b>name-sdriver.cxx</b></code>
- test driver file is generated.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>help</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Print usage information and exit. Use
- <p><code><b>xsde help</b> <i>command</i></code></p>
- for command-specific help.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>version</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Print version and exit.</dd>
- </dl>
- <h1>OPTIONS</h1>
- <p>Command-specific <code><i>options</i></code>, if any, should appear
- after the corresponding <code><i>command</i></code>.</p>
- <dl class="options">
- <dt><code><b>--output-dir</b> <i>dir</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Write generated files to <code><i>dir</i></code> instead of
- the current directory.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--char-encoding</b> <i>enc</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Specify the application character encoding. Valid values are
- <code><b>utf8</b></code> (default) and <code><b>iso8859-1</b></code>.
- Note that this encoding is not the same as the XML document encoding
- that is being parsed or serialized. Rather, it is the encoding that
- is used inside the application. When an XML document is parsed, the
- character data is automatically converted to the application encoding.
- Similarly, when an XML document is serialized, the data in the
- application encoding is automatically converted to the resulting
- document encoding.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--no-stl</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate code that does not use the Standard Template Library
- (STL).</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--no-iostream</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate code that does not use the standard input/output
- stream library (iostream).</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--no-exceptions</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate code that does not use C++ exceptions.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--no-long-long</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate code that does not use the <code><b>long long</b></code>
- and <code><b>unsigned long long</b></code> types. The
- 64 bit <code><b>long</b></code> and <code><b>unsignedLong</b></code>
- built-in XML Schema types are then mapped to <code><b>long</b></code>
- and <code><b>unsigned long</b></code>.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--custom-allocator</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate code that performs memory management using custom allocator
- functions provided by your application instead of the standard
- operator new/delete.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-inline</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate simple functions inline. This option triggers creation
- of the inline file.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--namespace-map</b> <i>xns</i><b>=</b><i>cns</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Map XML Schema namespace <i>xns</i> to C++ namespace <i>cns</i>.
- Repeat this option to specify mapping for more than one XML Schema
- namespace. For example, the following option:
- <p><code><b>--namespace-map http://example.com/foo/bar=foo::bar</b></code></p>
- <p>will map the <code><b>http://example.com/foo/bar</b></code>
- XML Schema namespace to the <code><b>foo::bar</b></code> C++
- namespace.</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--namespace-regex</b> <i>regex</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Add <code><i>regex</i></code> to the list of regular expressions
- used to translate XML Schema namespace names to C++ namespace
- names. <code><i>regex</i></code> is a perl-like regular expression in
- the form <code><b>/</b><i>pattern</i><b>/</b><i>replacement</i><b>/</b></code>.
- Any character can be used as a delimiter instead of <code><b>/</b></code>.
- Escaping of the delimiter character in <code><i>pattern</i></code> or
- <code><i>replacement</i></code> is not supported.
- <p>All the regular expressions are pushed into a stack with the last
- specified expression considered first. The first match that
- succeeds is used. Regular expressions are applied to a string
- in the form</p>
- <p><code><i>filename</i> <i>namespace</i></code></p>
- <p>For example, if you have file <code><b>hello.xsd</b></code>
- with namespace <code><b>http://example.com/hello</b></code> and you run
- <code><b>xsd</b></code> on this file, then the string in question
- will be:</p>
- <p><code><b>hello.xsd. http://example.com/hello</b></code></p>
- <p>For the built-in XML Schema namespace the string is:</p>
- <p><code><b>XMLSchema.xsd http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema</b></code></p>
- <p>The following three steps are performed for each regular expression
- until the match is found:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>The expression is applied and if the result is empty the
- next expression is considered.</li>
- <li>All <code><b>/</b></code> are replaced with
- <code><b>::</b></code>.</li>
- <li>The result is verified to be a valid C++ scope name (e.g.,
- <code><b>foo::bar</b></code>). If this test succeeds, the
- result is used as a C++ namespace name.</li>
- </ol>
- <p>As an example, the following expression maps XML Schema
- namespaces in the form
- <code><b>http://example.com/foo/bar</b></code> to C++
- namespaces in the form <code><b>foo::bar</b></code>:</p>
- <p><code><b>%.* http://example.com/(.+)%$1%</b></code></p>
- <p>See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--namespace-regex-trace</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Trace the process of applying regular expressions specified with
- the <code><b>--namespace-regex</b></code> option. Use this option
- to find out why your regular expressions don't do what you expected
- them to do.
- </dd>
- <!-- Reserved names -->
- <dt><code><b>--reserved-name</b> <i>name</i>[<b>=</b><i>rep</i>]</code></dt>
- <dd>Add <code><i>name</i></code> to the list of names that should not
- be used as identifiers. The name can optionally be followed by
- <code><b>=</b></code> and the replacement name that should be
- used instead. All the C++ keywords are already in this list.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--include-with-brackets</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Use angle brackets (&lt;&gt;) instead of quotes ("") in
- generated <code><b>#include</b></code> directives.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--include-prefix</b> <i>prefix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Add <code><i>prefix</i></code> to generated <code><b>#include</b></code>
- directive paths.
- <p>For example, if you had the following import element in your
- schema</p>
- <p><code><b>&lt;import namespace="..." schemaLocation="base.xsd"/&gt;</b></code></p>
- <p>and compiled this fragment with <code><b>--include-prefix schemas/</b></code>,
- then the include directive in the generated code would be:</p>
- <p><code><b>#include "schemas/base.hxx"</b></code></p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--include-regex</b> <i>regex</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Add <code><i>regex</i></code> to the list of regular expressions
- used to transform <code><b>#include</b></code> directive paths.
- <code><i>regex</i></code> is a perl-like regular expression in
- the form <code><b>/</b><i>pattern</i><b>/</b><i>replacement</i><b>/</b></code>.
- Any character can be used as a delimiter instead of <code><b>/</b></code>.
- Escaping of the delimiter character in <code><i>pattern</i></code> or
- <code><i>replacement</i></code> is not supported.
- <p>All the regular expressions are pushed into a stack with the last
- specified expression considered first. The first match that
- succeeds is used.</p>
- <p>As an example, the following expression transforms paths
- in the form <code><b>schemas/foo/bar</b></code> to paths
- in the form <code><b>generated/foo/bar</b></code>:</p>
- <p><code><b>%schemas/(.+)%generated/$1%</b></code></p>
- <p>See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--include-regex-trace</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Trace the process of applying regular expressions specified with
- the <code><b>--include-regex</b></code> option. Use this option
- to find out why your regular expressions don't do what you expected
- them to do.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--guard-prefix</b> <i>prefix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Add <code><i>prefix</i></code> to generated header inclusion guards.
- The prefix is transformed to upper case and characters that are
- illegal in a preprocessor macro name are replaced with underscores.
- If this option is not specified then the directory part of the
- input schema file is used as a prefix.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--hxx-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the default
- <code><b>.hxx</b></code> to construct the name of the header file.
- Note that this suffix is also used to construct names for
- included/imported schemas.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--ixx-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the default
- <code><b>.ixx</b></code> to construct the name of the inline file.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--cxx-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the default
- <code><b>.cxx</b></code> to construct the name of the source file.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--fwd-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the default
- <code><b>-fwd.hxx</b></code> to construct the name of the forward
- declaration file (C++/Hybrid mapping only).
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--hxx-regex</b> <i>regex</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided expression to construct the name of the header
- file. <code><i>regex</i></code> is a perl-like regular expression
- in the form
- <code><b>/</b><i>pattern</i><b>/</b><i>replacement</i><b>/</b></code>.
- This expression is also used to construct names for included/imported
- schemas.
- <p>
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>regex</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key in the form
- <code><i>key</i>=<i>regex</i></code>. The valid values for
- <code><i>key</i></code> are <code><b>pskel</b></code> (parser
- skeleton files), <code><b>pimpl</b></code> (parser implementation
- files), <code><b>sskel</b></code> (serializer skeleton files),
- <code><b>simpl</b></code> (serializer implementation files),
- and <code><b>*</b></code> (all files). If <code><i>key</i></code>
- is empty or not present then the expression is used for the
- object model files only.
- </p>
- <p>See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--ixx-regex</b> <i>regex</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided expression to construct the name of the inline
- file. <code><i>regex</i></code> is a perl-like regular expression
- in the form
- <code><b>/</b><i>pattern</i><b>/</b><i>replacement</i><b>/</b></code>.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>regex</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-regex</b></code> option for details.
- See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--cxx-regex</b> <i>regex</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided expression to construct the name of the source
- file. <code><i>regex</i></code> is a perl-like regular expression
- in the form
- <code><b>/</b><i>pattern</i><b>/</b><i>replacement</i><b>/</b></code>.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>regex</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-regex</b></code> option for details.
- See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--fwd-regex</b> <i>regex</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided expression to construct the name of the forward
- declaration file (C++/Hybrid mapping only). <code><i>regex</i></code>
- is a perl-like regular expression in the form
- <code><b>/</b><i>pattern</i><b>/</b><i>replacement</i><b>/</b></code>.
- See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.
- </dd>
- <!-- prologue options -->
- <dt><code><b>--hxx-prologue</b> <i>text</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert <code><i>text</i></code> at the beginning of the header file.
- <p>
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>text</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key in the form
- <code><i>key</i>=<i>text</i></code>. The valid values for
- <code><i>key</i></code> are <code><b>pskel</b></code> (parser
- skeleton files), <code><b>pimpl</b></code> (parser implementation
- files), <code><b>sskel</b></code> (serializer skeleton files),
- <code><b>simpl</b></code> (serializer implementation files),
- and <code><b>*</b></code> (all files). If <code><i>key</i></code>
- is empty or not present then the text is used for the
- object model files only.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--ixx-prologue</b> <i>text</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert <code><i>text</i></code> at the beginning of the inline file.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>text</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue</b></code> option for details.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--cxx-prologue</b> <i>text</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert <code><i>text</i></code> at the beginning of the source file.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>text</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue</b></code> option for details.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--fwd-prologue</b> <i>text</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert <code><i>text</i></code> at the beginning of the forward
- declaration file (C++/Hybrid mapping only).
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--prologue</b> <i>text</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert <code><i>text</i></code> at the beginning of each generated
- file for which there is no file-specific prologue.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>text</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue</b></code> option for details.
- </dd>
- <!-- epilogue options -->
- <dt><code><b>--hxx-epilogue</b> <i>text</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert <code><i>text</i></code> at the end of the header file.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>text</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue</b></code> option for details.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--ixx-epilogue</b> <i>text</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert <code><i>text</i></code> at the end of the inline file.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>text</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue</b></code> option for details.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--cxx-epilogue</b> <i>text</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert <code><i>text</i></code> at the end of the source file.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>text</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue</b></code> option for details.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--fwd-epilogue</b> <i>text</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert <code><i>text</i></code> at the end of the forward
- declaration file (C++/Hybrid mapping only).
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--epilogue</b> <i>text</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert <code><i>text</i></code> at the end of each generated
- file for which there is no file-specific epilogue.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>text</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue</b></code> option for details.
- </dd>
- <!-- prologue file options -->
- <dt><code><b>--hxx-prologue-file</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert the content of the <code><i>file</i></code> at the beginning
- of the header file.
- <p>
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>file</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key in the form
- <code><i>key</i>=<i>file</i></code>. The valid values for
- <code><i>key</i></code> are <code><b>pskel</b></code> (parser
- skeleton files), <code><b>pimpl</b></code> (parser implementation
- files), <code><b>sskel</b></code> (serializer skeleton files),
- <code><b>simpl</b></code> (serializer implementation files),
- and <code><b>*</b></code> (all files). If <code><i>key</i></code>
- is empty or not present then the file is used for the
- object model files only.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--ixx-prologue-file</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert the content of the <code><i>file</i></code> at the beginning
- of the inline file.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>file</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue-file</b></code> option for details.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--cxx-prologue-file</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert the content of the <code><i>file</i></code> at the beginning
- of the source file.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>file</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue-file</b></code> option for details.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--fwd-prologue-file</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert the content of the <code><i>file</i></code> at the beginning
- of the forward declaration file (C++/Hybrid mapping only).
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--prologue-file</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert the content of the <code><i>file</i></code> at the beginning
- of each generated file for which there is no file-specific prologue
- file.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>file</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue-file</b></code> option for details.
- </dd>
- <!-- epilogue file options -->
- <dt><code><b>--hxx-epilogue-file</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert the content of the <code><i>file</i></code> at the end of the
- header file.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>file</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue-file</b></code> option for details.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--ixx-epilogue-file</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert the content of the <code><i>file</i></code> at the end of the
- inline file.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>file</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue-file</b></code> option for details.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--cxx-epilogue-file</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert the content of the <code><i>file</i></code> at the end of the
- source file.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>file</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue-file</b></code> option for details.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--fwd-epilogue-file</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert the content of the <code><i>file</i></code> at the end of the
- forward declaration file (C++/Hybrid mapping only).
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--epilogue-file</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert the content of the <code><i>file</i></code> at the end of each
- generated file for which there is no file-specific epilogue file.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>file</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue-file</b></code> option for details.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--disable-warning</b> <i>warn</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Disable printing warning with id <i>warn</i>. If <code><b>all</b></code>
- is specified for the warning id then all the warnings are disabled.
- </dd>
- <!-- misc options -->
- <dt><code><b>--show-sloc</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Show the number of generated physical source lines of code (SLOC).
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--sloc-limit</b> <i>num</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Check that the number of generated physical source lines of code
- (SLOC) does not exceed <code><i>num</i></code>.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--options-file</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Read additional options from <code><i>file</i></code>. Each option
- should appear on a separate line optionally followed by space and
- an argument. Empty lines and lines starting with <code><b>#</b></code>
- are ignored. The semantics of providing options in a
- file is equivalent to providing the same set of options in
- the same order in the command line at the point where the
- <code><b>--options-file</b></code> option is specified
- except that shell escaping and quoting is not required.
- Repeat this option to specify more than one options files.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--proprietary-license</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Indicate that the generated code is licensed under a proprietary
- license instead of the GPL.
- </dd>
- <!-- Anonymous options. -->
- <dt><code><b>--preserve-anonymous</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Preserve anonymous types. By default anonymous types are
- automatically named with names derived from the enclosing
- elements/attributes. Because mappings implemented by this
- compiler require all types to be named, this option is only
- useful if you want to make sure your schemas don't have
- anonymous types.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--show-anonymous</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Show elements and attributes that are of anonymous types.
- This option only makes sense together with the
- <code><b>--preserve-anonymous</b></code> option.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--anonymous-regex</b> <i>regex</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Add <code><i>regex</i></code> to the list of regular expressions
- used to derive names for anonymous types from the enclosing
- attributes/elements. <code><i>regex</i></code> is a perl-like regular
- expression in the form
- <code><b>/</b><i>pattern</i><b>/</b><i>replacement</i><b>/</b></code>.
- Any character can be used as a delimiter instead of <code><b>/</b></code>.
- Escaping of the delimiter character in <code><i>pattern</i></code> or
- <code><i>replacement</i></code> is not supported.
- <p>All the regular expressions are pushed into a stack with the last
- specified expression considered first. The first match that
- succeeds is used. Regular expressions are applied to a string
- in the form</p>
- <p><code><i>filename</i> <i>namespace</i> <i>xpath</i></code></p>
- <p>For instance:</p>
- <p><code><b>hello.xsd http://example.com/hello element</b></code></p>
- <p><code><b>hello.xsd http://example.com/hello type/element</b></code></p>
- <p>As an example, the following expression makes all the derived
- names start with capital letters. This could be useful when
- your naming convention requires type names to start with
- capital letters:</p>
- <p><code><b>%.* .* (.+/)*(.+)%\u$2%</b></code></p>
- <p>See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--anonymous-regex-trace</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Trace the process of applying regular expressions specified with
- the <code><b>--anonymous-regex</b></code> option. Use this option
- to find out why your regular expressions don't do what you expected
- them to do.
- </dd>
- <!-- Location mapping options. -->
- <dt><code><b>--location-map</b> <i>ol</i><b>=</b><i>nl</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Map the original schema location <i>ol</i> that is specified in
- the XML Schema include or import elements to new schema
- location <i>nl</i>. Repeat this option to map more than one
- schema location. For example, the following option maps the
- <code><b>http://example.com/foo.xsd</b></code> URL to the
- <code><b>foo.xsd</b></code> local file.
- <p><code><b>--location-map http://example.com/foo.xsd=foo.xsd</b></code></p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--location-regex</b> <i>regex</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Add <code><i>regex</i></code> to the list of regular expressions
- used to map schema locations that are specified in the XML Schema
- include or import elements. <code><i>regex</i></code> is a perl-like
- regular expression in the form
- <code><b>/</b><i>pattern</i><b>/</b><i>replacement</i><b>/</b></code>.
- Any character can be used as a delimiter instead of <code><b>/</b></code>.
- Escaping of the delimiter character in <code><i>pattern</i></code> or
- <code><i>replacement</i></code> is not supported. All the regular
- expressions are pushed into a stack with the last specified
- expression considered first. The first match that succeeds is used.
- <p>For example, the following expression maps URL locations in the form
- <code><b>http://example.com/foo/bar.xsd</b></code> to local files
- in the form <code><b>bar.xsd</b></code>:</p>
- <p><code><b>%http://.+/(.+)%$1%</b></code></p>
- <p>See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--location-regex-trace</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Trace the process of applying regular expressions specified with
- the <code><b>--location-regex</b></code> option. Use this option
- to find out why your regular expressions don't do what you expected
- them to do.
- </dd>
- <!-- File-per-type compilation mode options. -->
- <dt><code><b>--file-per-type</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate a separate set of C++ files for each type defined in XML
- Schema. Note that in this mode you only need to compile the root
- schema(s) and the code will be generated for all included and
- imported schemas. This compilation mode is primarily useful when
- some of your schemas cannot be compiled separately or have cyclic
- dependencies which involve type inheritance. Other options related
- to this mode are:
- <code><b>--type-file-regex</b></code>,
- <code><b>--schema-file-regex</b></code>, and
- <code><b>--file-list</b></code>.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--type-file-regex</b> <i>regex</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Add <code><i>regex</i></code> to the list of regular expressions
- used to translate type names to file names when the
- <code><b>--file-per-type</b></code> option is specified.
- <code><i>regex</i></code> is a perl-like regular expression in the form
- <code><b>/</b><i>pattern</i><b>/</b><i>replacement</i><b>/</b></code>.
- Any character can be used as a delimiter instead of <code><b>/</b></code>.
- Escaping of the delimiter character in <code><i>pattern</i></code> or
- <code><i>replacement</i></code> is not supported. All the regular
- expressions are pushed into a stack with the last specified
- expression considered first. The first match that succeeds is used.
- Regular expressions are applied to a string in the form
- <p><code><i>namespace</i> <i>type-name</i></code></p>
- <p>For example, the following expression maps type <code><b>foo</b></code>
- that is defined in the <code><b>http://example.com/bar</b></code>
- namespace to file name <code><b>bar-foo</b></code>:</p>
- <p><code><b>%http://example.com/(.+) (.+)%$1-$2%</b></code></p>
- <p>See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--type-file-regex-trace</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Trace the process of applying regular expressions specified with
- the <code><b>--type-file-regex</b></code> option. Use this option
- to find out why your regular expressions don't do what you expected
- them to do.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--schema-file-regex</b> <i>regex</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Add <code><i>regex</i></code> to the list of regular expressions
- used to translate schema file names when the
- <code><b>--file-per-type</b></code> option is specified.
- <code><i>regex</i></code> is a perl-like regular expression in the form
- <code><b>/</b><i>pattern</i><b>/</b><i>replacement</i><b>/</b></code>.
- Any character can be used as a delimiter instead of <code><b>/</b></code>.
- Escaping of the delimiter character in <code><i>pattern</i></code> or
- <code><i>replacement</i></code> is not supported. All the regular
- expressions are pushed into a stack with the last specified
- expression considered first. The first match that succeeds is used.
- Regular expressions are applied to the absolute filesystem path
- of a schema file and the result, including the directory part,
- if any, is used to derive the <code><b>#include</b></code> directive
- paths as well as the generated C++ file paths. This option, along
- with <code><b>--type-file-regex</b></code> are primarily used to
- place the generated files into subdirectories or to resolve file
- name conflicts.
- <p>For example, the following expression maps schema files in the
- <code><b>foo/1.0.0/</b></code> subdirectory to the files in
- the <code><b>foo/</b></code> subdirectory. As a result, the
- <code><b>#include</b></code> directive paths for such schemas
- will be in the <code><b>foo/schema.hxx</b></code> form and
- the generated C++ files will be placed into the
- <code><b>foo/</b></code> subdirectory:</p>
- <p><code><b>%.*/foo/1.0.0/(.+)%foo/$1%</b></code></p>
- <p>See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--schema-file-regex-trace</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Trace the process of applying regular expressions specified with
- the <code><b>--schema-file-regex</b></code> option. Use this option
- to find out why your regular expressions don't do what you expected
- them to do.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--fat-type-file</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate code corresponding to global elements into type files
- instead of schema files when the <code><b>--type-file-regex</b></code>
- option is specified. This option is primarily useful when trying
- to minimize the amount of object code that is linked to an executable
- by packaging compiled generated code into a static (archive) library.
- </dd>
- <!-- File list options. -->
- <dt><code><b>--file-list</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Write a list of generated C++ files to <code><i>file</i></code>.
- This option is primarily useful in the file-per-type compilation
- mode (<code><b>--file-per-type</b></code>) to create a list of
- generated C++ files, for example, as a makefile fragment.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--file-list-prologue</b> <i>text</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert <code><i>text</i></code> at the beginning of the file list.
- As a convenience, all occurrences of the \n character sequence in
- <code><i>text</i></code> are replaced with new lines. This option
- can, for example, be used to assign the generated file list to a
- makefile variable.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--file-list-epilogue</b> <i>text</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert <code><i>text</i></code> at the end of the file list.
- As a convenience, all occurrences of the \n character sequence in
- <code><i>text</i></code> are replaced with new lines.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--file-list-delim</b> <i>text</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Delimit file names written to the file list with
- <code><i>text</i></code> instead of new lines. As a convenience,
- all occurrences of the \n character sequence in
- <code><i>text</i></code> are replaced with new lines.
- </dd>
- </dl>
- <dl class="options">
- <dt><code><b>--generate-parser</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate XML parsing code.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-serializer</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate XML serialization code.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-aggregate</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate parser/serializer aggregates for root elements and/or
- types. See also the <code><b>--root-element-*</b></code> and
- <code><b>--root-type</b></code> options.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--suppress-validation</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Suppress the generation of validation code in parser and serializer.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--suppress-parser-val</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Suppress the generation of validation code in parser.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--suppress-serializer-val</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Suppress the generation of validation code in serializer.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--omit-default-attributes</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Omit attributes with default and fixed values from serialized
- XML documents.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--suppress-enum</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Suppress the generation of the XML Schema enumeration to C++
- enum mapping.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-clone</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate clone functions for variable-length types. These
- functions allow you to make dynamically-allocated copies of
- variable-length objects.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-detach</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate detach functions for elements and attributes of
- variable-length types. These functions, for example, allow
- you to move sub-trees in the object model either within the
- same tree or between different trees.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-insertion</b> <i>os</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate data representation stream insertion operators for
- the <code><i>os</i></code> output stream type. Repeat this
- option to specify more than one stream type. The special
- <code><b>CDR</b></code> and <code><b>XDR</b></code> arguments
- are recognized as ACE CDR and Sun RPC XDR stream types and
- the corresponding stream wrappers provided by the XSD/e runtime
- are automatically used. For custom stream types use the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue*</b></code> options to include the
- necessary declarations.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-extraction</b> <i>is</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate data representation stream extraction operators for
- the <code><i>is</i></code> input stream type. Repeat this
- option to specify more than one stream type. The special
- <code><b>CDR</b></code> and <code><b>XDR</b></code> arguments
- are recognized as ACE CDR and Sun RPC XDR stream types and
- the corresponding stream wrappers provided by the XSD/e runtime
- are automatically used. For custom stream types use the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue*</b></code> options to include the
- necessary declarations.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-forward</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate forward declaration file.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-xml-schema</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate C++ header files as if the schema being compiled defines
- the XML Schema namespace. In particular, the resulting files will
- have definitions for all object model types, parser skeletons and
- implementations, as well as serializer skeletons and implementations
- corresponding to the XML Schema built-in types. The schema file
- provided to the compiler need not exist and is only used to derive
- the names of the resulting header files. Use the
- <code><b>--extern-xml-schema</b></code> option to include these file
- in the generated files for other schemas.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--extern-xml-schema</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Include header files derived from <i>file</i> instead of
- generating the XML Schema namespace mapping inline. The provided
- file need not exist and is only used to derive the names of the
- included header files. Use the <code><b>--generate-xml-schema</b></code>
- option to generate these header files.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--suppress-reset</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Suppress the generation of parser and serializer reset code.
- Reset support allows you to reuse parsers and serializers
- after an error.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-polymorphic</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate polymorphism-aware code. Specify this option if you use
- substitution groups or <code><b>xsi:type</b></code>. Use the
- <code><b>--polymorphic-type</b></code> option to specify which
- type hierarchies are polymorphic.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--runtime-polymorphic</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate non-polymorphic code that uses the runtime library
- configured with polymorphism support.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--polymorphic-type</b></code> <i>type</i></dt>
- <dd>Indicate that <code><i>type</i></code> is a root of a polymorphic
- type hierarchy. The compiler can often automatically determine
- which types are polymorphic based on the substitution group
- declarations. However, you may need to use this option if you are
- not using substitution groups or if substitution groups are defined
- in another schema. You need to specify this option when compiling
- every schema file that references <code><i>type</i></code>.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-typeinfo</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate custom type information querying functions for
- polymorphic object model types. These functions can be used
- instead of the standard C++ RTTI mechanism to determine
- object's type at runtime.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--polymorphic-schema</b></code> <i>file</i></dt>
- <dd>Indicate that <code><i>file</i></code> contains derivations of
- polymorphic types that are not otherwise visible from the schema
- being compiled. This option is used to make sure that during the
- generation of parser and serializer aggregates the compiler is
- aware of all possible derivations of polymorphic types. Repeat
- this option to specify more than one schema file.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--reuse-style-mixin</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate code that supports the mixin base parser/serializer
- implementation reuse style. Note that this reuse style
- relies on virtual inheritance and may result in a substantial
- object code size increase for large vocabularies. By default
- the tiein reuse style is used.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--custom-data</b></code> <i>type</i></dt>
- <dd>Add the ability to store custom data to the C++ class generated
- for XML Schema type <code><i>type</i></code>. To add custom
- data to a nested compositor class use the qualified name
- starting from the XML Schema type containing the compositor,
- for example, <code><b>foo::sequence::choise1</b></code>.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--custom-type</b>
- <i>name</i>[<b>=</b>[<i>flags</i>][<b>/</b>[<i>type</i>][<b>/</b>[<i>base</i>][<b>/</b><i>include</i>]]]]</code></dt>
- <dd>Use a custom type implementation instead of the generated version.
- The <code><i>name</i></code> component is the XML Schema type name
- being customized. Optional <code><i>flags</i></code> allow you to
- specify whether the custom type is fixed or variable-length. The
- <code><b>f</b></code> flag indicates the type is fixed-length and
- the <code><b>v</b></code> flag indicates the type is variable-length.
- If omitted, the default rules are used to determine the type length.
- Optional <code><i>type</i></code> is a C++ type name that should
- be used instead. If specified, the object model type is defined
- as a <code><b>typedef</b></code> alias for this C++ type. Optional
- <code><i>base</i></code> is a C++ name that should be given to the
- generated version. It is normally used as a base for the custom
- implementation. Optional <code><i>include</i></code> is the header
- file that defines the custom implementation. It is
- <code><b>#include</b></code>'ed into the generated code immediately
- after (if <code><i>base</i></code> is specified) or instead of the
- generated version.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--custom-parser</b>
- <i>name</i>[<b>=</b>[<i>base</i>][<b>/</b><i>include</i>]]</code></dt>
- <dd>Use a custom parser implementation instead of the generated version.
- The <code><i>name</i></code> component is the XML Schema type name
- being customized. Optional <code><i>base</i></code> is a C++ name
- that should be given to the generated version. It is normally used
- as a base for the custom implementation. Optional
- <code><i>include</i></code> is the header file that defines the
- custom implementation. It is <code><b>#include</b></code>'ed
- into the generated code immediately after (if <code><i>base</i></code>
- is specified) or instead of the generated version.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--custom-serializer</b>
- <i>name</i>[<b>=</b>[<i>base</i>][<b>/</b><i>include</i>]]</code></dt>
- <dd>Use a custom serializer implementation instead of the generated version.
- The <code><i>name</i></code> component is the XML Schema type name
- being customized. Optional <code><i>base</i></code> is a C++ name
- that should be given to the generated version. It is normally used
- as a base for the custom implementation. Optional
- <code><i>include</i></code> is the header file that defines the
- custom implementation. It is <code><b>#include</b></code>'ed
- into the generated code immediately after (if <code><i>base</i></code>
- is specified) or instead of the generated version.</dd>
- <!-- Root element/type. -->
- <dt><code><b>--root-element-first</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Treat only the first global element as a document root. This
- determines for which elements parser and serializer aggregates
- are generated. By default all global elements are considered
- document roots. See also the <code><b>--generate-aggregate</b></code>
- option.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--root-element-last</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Treat only the last global element as a document root. This
- determines for which elements parser and serializer aggregates
- are generated. By default all global elements are considered
- document roots. See also the <code><b>--generate-aggregate</b></code>
- option.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--root-element-all</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Treat all global elements as document roots (the default
- behavior). This determines for which elements parser and
- serializer aggregates are generated. By explicitly specifying
- this option you can suppress the warning that is issued if
- more than one global element is defined. See also the
- <code><b>--generate-aggregate</b></code> option.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--root-element-none</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Do not treat any global elements as document roots. This
- determines for which elements parser and serializer aggregates
- are generated. By default all global elements are considered
- document roots. See also the <code><b>--generate-aggregate</b></code>
- option.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--root-element</b> <i>element</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Treat only <code><i>element</i></code> as a document root. This
- determines for which elements parser and serializer aggregates
- are generated. Repeat this option to specify more than one root
- element. See also the <code><b>--generate-aggregate</b></code> option.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--root-type</b> <i>type</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate parser/serializer aggregate for <code><i>type</i></code>.
- Repeat this option to specify more than one type. See also the
- <code><b>--generate-aggregate</b></code> option.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--pskel-type-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the default
- <code><b>_pskel</b></code> to construct the names of generated parser
- skeletons.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--sskel-type-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the default
- <code><b>_sskel</b></code> to construct the names of generated
- serializer skeletons.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--pskel-file-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the default
- <code><b>-pskel</b></code> to construct the names of generated
- parser skeleton files.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--sskel-file-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the default
- <code><b>-sskel</b></code> to construct the names of generated
- serializer skeleton files.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--pimpl-type-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the default
- <code><b>_pimpl</b></code> to construct the names of generated
- parser implementations.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--simpl-type-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the default
- <code><b>_simpl</b></code> to construct the names of generated
- serializer implementations.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--pimpl-file-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the default
- <code><b>-pimpl</b></code> to construct the names of generated
- parser implementation files.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--simpl-file-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the default
- <code><b>-simpl</b></code> to construct the names of generated
- serializer implementation files.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--paggr-type-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the default
- <code><b>_paggs</b></code> to construct the names of generated
- parser aggregates.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--saggr-type-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the default
- <code><b>_saggr</b></code> to construct the names of generated
- serializer aggregates.</dd>
- </dl>
- <dl class="options">
- <dt><code><b>--type-map</b> <i>mapfile</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Read XML Schema to C++ type mapping information from
- <code><i>mapfile</i></code>. Repeat this option to specify
- several type maps. Type maps are considered in order of
- appearance and the first match is used. By default all
- user-defined types are mapped to <code><b>void</b></code>.
- See the TYPE MAP section below for more information.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--reuse-style-mixin</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate code that supports the mixin base parser
- implementation reuse style. Note that this reuse style
- relies on virtual inheritance and may result in a substantial
- object code size increase for large vocabularies. By default
- support for the tiein style is generated.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--reuse-style-none</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Do not generate any support for base parser implementation
- reuse. By default support for the tiein style is generated.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--suppress-validation</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Suppress the generation of validation code.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-polymorphic</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate polymorphism-aware code. Specify this option if you use
- substitution groups or <code><b>xsi:type</b></code>.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--runtime-polymorphic</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate non-polymorphic code that uses the runtime library
- configured with polymorphism support.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--suppress-reset</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Suppress the generation of parser reset code. Reset
- support allows you to reuse parsers after an error.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-noop-impl</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate a sample parser implementation that does nothing (no
- operation). The sample implementation can then be filled with
- the application-specific code. For an input file in the form
- <code><b>name.xsd</b></code> this option triggers the generation
- of the two additional C++ files in the form:
- <code><b>name-pimpl.hxx</b></code> (parser implementation header
- file) and <code><b>name-pimpl.cxx</b></code> (parser implementation
- source file).</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-print-impl</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate a sample parser implementation that prints the XML data
- to STDOUT. For an input file in the form <code><b>name.xsd</b></code>
- this option triggers the generation of the two additional C++ files
- in the form: <code><b>name-pimpl.hxx</b></code> (parser implementation
- header file) and <code><b>name-pimpl.cxx</b></code> (parser
- implementation source file).</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-test-driver</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate a test driver for the sample parser implementation. For an
- input file in the form <code><b>name.xsd</b></code> this option
- triggers the generation of an additional C++ file in the form
- <code><b>name-pdriver.cxx</b></code>.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--force-overwrite</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Force overwriting of the existing implementation and test driver
- files. Use this option only if you do not mind loosing the changes
- you have made in the sample implementation or test driver files.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--root-element-first</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Indicate that the first global element is the document root. This
- information is used to generate the test driver for the sample
- implementation.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--root-element-last</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Indicate that the last global element is the document root. This
- information is used to generate the test driver for the sample
- implementation.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--root-element <i>element</i></b></code></dt>
- <dd>Indicate that <code><i>element</i></code> is the document root.
- This information is used to generate the test driver for the
- sample implementation.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-xml-schema</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate a C++ header file as if the schema being compiled defines
- the XML Schema namespace. In particular, the resulting file will
- have definitions for all parser skeletons and implementations
- corresponding to the XML Schema built-in types. The schema file
- provided to the compiler need not exist and is only used to derive
- the name of the resulting header file. Use the
- <code><b>--extern-xml-schema</b></code> option to include this file
- in the generated files for other schemas.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--extern-xml-schema</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Include a header file derived from <i>file</i> instead of
- generating the XML Schema namespace mapping inline. The provided
- file need not exist and is only used to derive the name of the
- included header file. Use the <code><b>--generate-xml-schema</b></code>
- option to generate this header file.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--skel-type-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the
- default <code><b>_pskel</b></code> to construct the names
- of generated parser skeletons.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--skel-file-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the
- default <code><b>-pskel</b></code> to construct the names of
- generated parser skeleton files.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--impl-type-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the
- default <code><b>_pimpl</b></code> to construct the names of
- parser implementations for the built-in XML Schema types
- and sample parser implementations.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--impl-file-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the
- default <code><b>-pimpl</b></code> to construct the names of
- generated sample parser implementation files.</dd>
- </dl>
- <dl class="options">
- <dt><code><b>--type-map</b> <i>mapfile</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Read XML Schema to C++ type mapping information from
- <code><i>mapfile</i></code>. Repeat this option to specify
- several type maps. Type maps are considered in order of
- appearance and the first match is used. By default all
- user-defined types are mapped to <code><b>void</b></code>.
- See the TYPE MAP section below for more information.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--reuse-style-mixin</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate code that supports the mixin base serializer
- implementation reuse style. Note that this reuse style
- relies on virtual inheritance and may result in a substantial
- object code size increase for large vocabularies. By default
- support for the tiein style is generated.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--reuse-style-none</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Do not generate any support for base serializer implementation
- reuse. By default support for the tiein style is generated.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--suppress-validation</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Suppress the generation of validation code.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-polymorphic</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate polymorphism-aware code. Specify this option if you use
- substitution groups or <code><b>xsi:type</b></code>.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--runtime-polymorphic</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate non-polymorphic code that uses the runtime library
- configured with polymorphism support.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--suppress-reset</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Suppress the generation of serializer reset code. Reset
- support allows you to reuse serializers after an error.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-empty-impl</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate a sample serializer implementation with empty function
- bodies which can then be filled with the application-specific code.
- For an input file in the form <code><b>name.xsd</b></code> this
- option triggers the generation of the two additional C++ files in the
- form: <code><b>name-simpl.hxx</b></code> (serializer implementation
- header file) and <code><b>name-simpl.cxx</b></code> (serializer
- implementation source file).</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-test-driver</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate a test driver for the sample serializer implementation. For
- an input file in the form <code><b>name.xsd</b></code> this option
- triggers the generation of an additional C++ file in the form
- <code><b>name-sdriver.cxx</b></code>.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--force-overwrite</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Force overwriting of the existing implementation and test driver
- files. Use this option only if you do not mind loosing the changes
- you have made in the sample implementation or test driver files.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--root-element-first</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Indicate that the first global element is the document root. This
- information is used to generate the test driver for the sample
- implementation.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--root-element-last</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Indicate that the last global element is the document root. This
- information is used to generate the test driver for the sample
- implementation.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--root-element <i>element</i></b></code></dt>
- <dd>Indicate that <code><i>element</i></code> is the document root.
- This information is used to generate the test driver for the
- sample implementation.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-xml-schema</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate a C++ header file as if the schema being compiled defines
- the XML Schema namespace. In particular, the resulting file will
- have definitions for all serializer skeletons and implementations
- corresponding to the XML Schema built-in types. The schema file
- provided to the compiler need not exist and is only used to derive
- the name of the resulting header file. Use the
- <code><b>--extern-xml-schema</b></code> option to include this file
- in the generated files for other schemas.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--extern-xml-schema</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Include a header file derived from <i>file</i> instead of
- generating the XML Schema namespace mapping inline. The provided
- file need not exist and is only used to derive the name of the
- included header file. Use the <code><b>--generate-xml-schema</b></code>
- option to generate this header file.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--skel-type-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the
- default <code><b>_sskel</b></code> to construct the names
- of generated serializer skeletons.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--skel-file-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the
- default <code><b>-sskel</b></code> to construct the names of
- generated serializer skeleton files.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--impl-type-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the
- default <code><b>_simpl</b></code> to construct the names of
- serializer implementations for the built-in XML Schema types
- and sample serializer implementations.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--impl-file-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the
- default <code><b>-simpl</b></code> to construct the names of
- generated sample serializer implementation files.</dd>
- </dl>
- <h1>TYPE MAP</h1>
- <p>Type map files are used to define a mapping between XML Schema
- and C++ types. For C++/Parser, the compiler uses
- this information to determine the return types of
- <code><b>post_*</b></code> functions in parser skeletons
- corresponding to XML Schema types as well as argument types
- for callbacks corresponding to elements and attributes of these
- types. For C++/Serializer, type maps are used to determine
- the argument type of <code><b>pre</b></code> functions in
- serializer skeletons corresponding to XML Schema types as
- well as return types for callbacks corresponding to elements
- and attributes of these types.</p>
- <p>The compiler has a set of predefined mapping rules that map
- the built-in XML Schema types to suitable C++ types (discussed
- in the following sub-sections) and all other types to
- <code><b>void</b></code>. By providing your own type maps you
- can override these predefined rules. The format of the type map
- file is presented below:
- </p>
- <pre>
-namespace &lt;schema-namespace> [&lt;cxx-namespace>]
- (include &lt;file-name>;)*
- ([type] &lt;schema-type> &lt;cxx-ret-type> [&lt;cxx-arg-type>];)*
- </pre>
- <p>Both <code><i>&lt;schema-namespace></i></code> and
- <code><i>&lt;schema-type></i></code> are regex patterns while
- <code><i>&lt;cxx-namespace></i></code>,
- <code><i>&lt;cxx-ret-type></i></code>, and
- <code><i>&lt;cxx-arg-type></i></code> are regex pattern
- substitutions. All names can be optionally enclosed in
- <code><b>"&nbsp;"</b></code>, for example, to include white-spaces.</p>
- <p><code><i>&lt;schema-namespace></i></code> determines XML
- Schema namespace. Optional <code><i>&lt;cxx-namespace></i></code>
- is prefixed to every C++ type name in this namespace declaration.
- <code><i>&lt;cxx-ret-type></i></code> is a C++ type name that is
- used as a return type for the <code><b>post_*</b></code> function
- in C++/Parser or for element/attribute callbacks in C++/Serializer.
- Optional <code><i>&lt;cxx-arg-type></i></code> is an argument type
- for element/attribute callbacks in C++/Parser or for the
- <code><b>pre</b></code> function in C++/Serializer. If
- <code><i>&lt;cxx-arg-type></i></code> is not specified, it defaults
- to <code><i>&lt;cxx-ret-type></i></code> if <code><i>&lt;cxx-ret-type></i></code>
- ends with <code><b>*</b></code> or <code><b>&amp;</b></code> (that is,
- it is a pointer or a reference) and
- <code><b>const</b>&nbsp;<i>&lt;cxx-ret-type></i><b>&amp;</b></code>
- otherwise.
- <code><i>&lt;file-name></i></code> is a file name either in the
- <code><b>"&nbsp;"</b></code> or <code><b>&lt;&nbsp;></b></code> format
- and is added with the <code><b>#include</b></code> directive to
- the generated code.</p>
- <p>The <code><b>#</b></code> character starts a comment that ends
- with a new line or end of file. To specify a name that contains
- <code><b>#</b></code> enclose it in <code><b>"&nbsp;"</b></code>.
- For example:</p>
- <pre>
-namespace http://www.example.com/xmlns/my my
- include "my.hxx";
- # Pass apples by value.
- #
- apple apple;
- # Pass oranges as pointers.
- #
- orange orange_t*;
- </pre>
- <p>In the example above, for the
- <code><b>http://www.example.com/xmlns/my#orange</b></code>
- XML Schema type, the <code><b>my::orange_t*</b></code> C++ type will
- be used as both return and argument types.</p>
- <p>Several namespace declarations can be specified in a single
- file. The namespace declaration can also be completely
- omitted to map types in a schema without a namespace. For
- instance:</p>
- <pre>
-include "my.hxx";
-apple apple;
-namespace http://www.example.com/xmlns/my
- orange "const orange_t*";
- </pre>
- <p>The compiler has a number of predefined mapping rules
- for the built-in XML Schema types that vary depending on
- the mapping used. They are described in the following
- subsections. The last predefined rule for all the mappings
- maps anything that wasn't mapped by previous rules to
- <code><b>void</b></code>:</p>
- <pre>
-namespace .*
- .* void void;
- </pre>
- <p>When you provide your own type maps with the
- <code><b>--type-map</b></code> option, they are evaluated first.
- This allows you to selectively override predefined rules.</p>
- <h2>Predefined C++/Parser Type Maps</h2>
- <p>The C++/Parser mapping provides a number of predefined type
- map rules for the built-in XML Schema types. They can be
- presented as the following map files:</p>
- <pre>
-namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
- boolean bool bool;
- byte "signed char" "signed char";
- unsignedByte "unsigned char" "unsigned char";
- short short short;
- unsignedShort "unsigned short" "unsigned short";
- int int int;
- unsignedInt "unsigned int" "unsigned int";
- long "long long" "long long";
- unsignedLong "unsigned long long" "unsigned long long";
- integer long long;
- negativeInteger long long;
- nonPositiveInteger long long;
- positiveInteger "unsigned long" "unsigned long";
- nonNegativeInteger "unsigned long" "unsigned long";
- float float float;
- double double double;
- decimal double double;
- NMTOKENS xml_schema::string_sequence*;
- IDREFS xml_schema::string_sequence*;
- base64Binary xml_schema::buffer*;
- hexBinary xml_schema::buffer*;
- date xml_schema::date;
- dateTime xml_schema::date_time;
- duration xml_schema::duration;
- gDay xml_schema::gday;
- gMonth xml_schema::gmonth;
- gMonthDay xml_schema::gmonth_day;
- gYear xml_schema::gyear;
- gYearMonth xml_schema::gyear_month;
- time xml_schema::time;
- </pre>
- <p>If the <code><b>--no-stl</b></code> option is not specified,
- the following mapping is used for the string-based XML Schema
- built-in types:</p>
- <pre>
-namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
- include &lt;string>;
- string std::string;
- normalizedString std::string;
- token std::string;
- Name std::string;
- NMTOKEN std::string;
- NCName std::string;
- ID std::string;
- IDREF std::string;
- language std::string;
- anyURI std::string;
- QName xml_schema::qname;
- </pre>
- <p>Otherwise, a C string-based mapping is used:</p>
- <pre>
-namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
- string char*;
- normalizedString char*;
- token char*;
- Name char*;
- NMTOKEN char*;
- NCName char*;
- ID char*;
- IDREF char*;
- language char*;
- anyURI char*;
- QName xml_schema::qname*;
- </pre>
- <h2>Predefined C++/Serializer Type Maps</h2>
- <p>The C++/Serializer mapping provides a number of predefined type
- map rules for the built-in XML Schema types. They can be
- presented as the following map files:</p>
- <pre>
-namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
- boolean bool bool;
- byte "signed char" "signed char";
- unsignedByte "unsigned char" "unsigned char";
- short short short;
- unsignedShort "unsigned short" "unsigned short";
- int int int;
- unsignedInt "unsigned int" "unsigned int";
- long "long long" "long long";
- unsignedLong "unsigned long long" "unsigned long long";
- integer long long;
- negativeInteger long long;
- nonPositiveInteger long long;
- positiveInteger "unsigned long" "unsigned long";
- nonNegativeInteger "unsigned long" "unsigned long";
- float float float;
- double double double;
- decimal double double;
- NMTOKENS "const xml_schema::string_sequence*";
- IDREFS "const xml_schema::string_sequence*";
- base64Binary "const xml_schema::buffer*";
- hexBinary "const xml_schema::buffer*";
- date xml_schema::date;
- dateTime xml_schema::date_time;
- duration xml_schema::duration;
- gDay xml_schema::gday;
- gMonth xml_schema::gmonth;
- gMonthDay xml_schema::gmonth_day;
- gYear xml_schema::gyear;
- gYearMonth xml_schema::gyear_month;
- time xml_schema::time;
- </pre>
- <p>If the <code><b>--no-stl</b></code> option is not specified,
- the following mapping is used for the string-based XML Schema
- built-in types:</p>
- <pre>
-namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
- include &lt;string>;
- string std::string;
- normalizedString std::string;
- token std::string;
- Name std::string;
- NMTOKEN std::string;
- NCName std::string;
- ID std::string;
- IDREF std::string;
- language std::string;
- anyURI std::string;
- QName xml_schema::qname;
- </pre>
- <p>Otherwise, a C string-based mapping is used:</p>
- <pre>
-namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
- string "const char*";
- normalizedString "const char*";
- token "const char*";
- Name "const char*";
- NMTOKEN "const char*";
- NCName "const char*";
- ID "const char*";
- IDREF "const char*";
- language "const char*";
- anyURI "const char*";
- QName "const xml_schema::qname*";
- </pre>
- <p>When entering a regular expression argument in the shell
- command line it is often necessary to use quoting (enclosing
- the argument in <code><b>"&nbsp;"</b></code> or
- <code><b>'&nbsp;'</b></code>) in order to prevent the shell
- from interpreting certain characters, for example, spaces as
- argument separators and <code><b>$</b></code> as variable
- expansions.</p>
- <p>Unfortunately it is hard to achieve this in a manner that is
- portable across POSIX shells, such as those found on
- GNU/Linux and UNIX, and Windows shell. For example, if you
- use <code><b>"&nbsp;"</b></code> for quoting you will get a
- wrong result with POSIX shells if your expression contains
- <code><b>$</b></code>. The standard way of dealing with this
- on POSIX systems is to use <code><b>'&nbsp;'</b></code> instead.
- Unfortunately, Windows shell does not remove <code><b>'&nbsp;'</b></code>
- from arguments when they are passed to applications. As a result you
- may have to use <code><b>'&nbsp;'</b></code> for POSIX and
- <code><b>"&nbsp;"</b></code> for Windows (<code><b>$</b></code> is
- not treated as a special character on Windows).</p>
- <p>Alternatively, you can save regular expression options into
- a file, one option per line, and use this file with the
- <code><b>--options-file</b></code> option. With this approach
- you don't need to worry about shell quoting.</p>
- <h1>DIAGNOSTICS</h1>
- <p>If the input file is not a valid W3C XML Schema definition,
- <code><b>xsde</b></code> will issue diagnostic messages to STDERR
- and exit with non-zero exit code.</p>
- <h1>BUGS</h1>
- <p>Send bug reports to the
- <a href="mailto:xsde-users@codesynthesis.com">xsde-users@codesynthesis.com</a> mailing list.</p>
- </div>
- <div id="footer">
- &copy;2005-2011 <a href="http://codesynthesis.com">CODE SYNTHESIS TOOLS CC</a>
- <div id="terms">
- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
- document under the terms of the
- <a href="http://codesynthesis.com/licenses/fdl-1.2.txt">GNU Free
- Documentation License, version 1.2</a>; with no Invariant Sections,
- no Front-Cover Texts and no Back-Cover Texts.
- </div>
- </div>
diff --git a/xsde/cxx/hybrid/generator.cxx b/xsde/cxx/hybrid/generator.cxx
index 4db77ea..3a61c95 100644
--- a/xsde/cxx/hybrid/generator.cxx
+++ b/xsde/cxx/hybrid/generator.cxx
@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@
#include <cutl/compiler/cxx-indenter.hxx>
#include <cutl/compiler/sloc-counter.hxx>
-#include <backend-elements/indentation/clip.hxx>
#include <xsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
#include <cxx/hybrid/elements.hxx>
@@ -52,7 +50,7 @@
#include <cxx/hybrid/serializer-aggregate-header.hxx>
#include <cxx/hybrid/serializer-aggregate-source.hxx>
-#include <usage.hxx>
+#include <cxx/hybrid/options.hxx>
#include "../../../libxsde/xsde/cxx/version.hxx"
@@ -61,7 +59,6 @@ using std::wcerr;
using std::wcout;
using namespace XSDFrontend::SemanticGraph;
-namespace Indentation = BackendElements::Indentation;
@@ -213,515 +210,8 @@ namespace CXX
Void Hybrid::Generator::
usage ()
- std::wostream& o (wcout);
- ::CLI::Indent::Clip< ::CLI::OptionsUsage, WideChar> clip (o);
- o << "--char-encoding <enc>" << endl
- << " Specify the character encoding that should be\n"
- << " used in the object model. Valid values are 'utf8'\n"
- << " (default) and 'iso8859-1'."
- << endl;
- o << "--no-stl" << endl
- << " Generate code that does not use STL."
- << endl;
- o << "--no-iostream" << endl
- << " Generate code that does not use the iostream\n"
- << " library."
- << endl;
- o << "--no-exceptions" << endl
- << " Generate code that does not use C++ exceptions."
- << endl;
- o << "--no-long-long" << endl
- << " Generate code that does not use the long long\n"
- << " and unsigned long long types."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-parser" << endl
- << " Generate XML parsing code."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-serializer" << endl
- << " Generate XML serialization code."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-aggregate" << endl
- << " Generate parser/serializer aggregates for root\n"
- << " elements and/or types."
- << endl;
- o << "--suppress-validation" << endl
- << " Suppress the generation of validation code in\n"
- << " parser and serializer."
- << endl;
- o << "--suppress-parser-val" << endl
- << " Suppress the generation of validation code in\n"
- << " parser."
- << endl;
- o << "--suppress-serializer-val" << endl
- << " Suppress the generation of validation code in\n"
- << " serializer."
- << endl;
- o << "--omit-default-attributes" << endl
- << " Omit attributes with default and fixed values\n"
- << " from serialized XML documents."
- << endl;
- o << "--suppress-enum" << endl
- << " Suppress the generation of the XML Schema\n"
- << " enumeration to C++ enum mapping."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-clone" << endl
- << " Generate clone functions for variable-length\n"
- << " types."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-detach" << endl
- << " Generate detach functions for elements and\n"
- << " attributes of variable-length types."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-insertion <os>" << endl
- << " Generate data representation stream insertion\n"
- << " operators for the <os> output stream type."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-extraction <is>" << endl
- << " Generate data representation stream extraction\n"
- << " operators for the <is> input stream type."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-inline" << endl
- << " Generate certain functions inline."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-forward" << endl
- << " Generate forward declaration file."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-xml-schema" << endl
- << " Generate C++ header files as if the schema being\n"
- << " compiled defines the XML Schema namespace."
- << endl;
- o << "--extern-xml-schema <file>" << endl
- << " Generate code as if the XML Schema namespace was\n"
- << " defined in <file> and xsd:included in the schema\n"
- << " being compiled."
- << endl;
- o << "--suppress-reset" << endl
- << " Suppress the generation of parser and serializer\n"
- << " reset code."
- << endl;
- o << "--custom-allocator" << endl
- << " Generate code that uses custom allocator functions\n"
- << " instead of operator new/delete."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-polymorphic" << endl
- << " Generate polymorphism-aware code. Specify this\n"
- << " option if you use substitution groups or xsi:type."
- << endl;
- o << "--runtime-polymorphic" << endl
- << " Generate non-polymorphic code that uses the\n"
- << " runtime library configured with polymorphism\n"
- << " support."
- << endl;
- o << "--polymorphic-type <type>" << endl
- << " Indicate that <type> is a root of a polymorphic\n"
- << " type hierarchy."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-typeinfo" << endl
- << " Generate type information functions for\n"
- << " polymorphic object model types."
- << endl;
- o << "--polymorphic-schema <file>" << endl
- << " Indicate that <file> contains derivations of\n"
- << " polymorphic types."
- << endl;
- o << "--reuse-style-mixin" << endl
- << " Generate code that supports the mixin base\n"
- << " parser/serializer implementation reuse style."
- << endl;
- o << "--custom-data <type>" << endl
- << " Add custom data to the C++ class generated for\n"
- << " XML Schema type <type>."
- << endl;
- o << "--custom-type <map>" << endl
- << " Use a custom type implementation instead of the\n"
- << " generated version. The <map> argument is in the\n"
- << " form name[=[flags][/[type][/[base][/include]]]],\n"
- << " where <name> is an XML Schema type name,\n"
- << " optional <flags> specify whether the custom type\n"
- << " is fixed or variable-length, optional <type> is\n"
- << " a C++ type name that should be used instead,\n"
- << " optional <base> is a C++ name that should be\n"
- << " given to the generated version, and optional\n"
- << " <include> is the header file that defines the\n"
- << " custom implementation."
- << endl;
- o << "--custom-parser <map>" << endl
- << " Use a custom parser implementation instead of the\n"
- << " generated version. The <map> argument is in the\n"
- << " form name[=[base][/include]], where <name> is an\n"
- << " XML Schema type name, optional <base> is a C++\n"
- << " name that should be given to the generated\n"
- << " version, and optional <include> is the header\n"
- << " file that defines the custom implementation."
- << endl;
- o << "--custom-serializer <map>" << endl
- << " Use a custom serializer implementation instead of\n"
- << " the generated version. The <map> argument is in\n"
- << " the form name[=[base][/include]], where <name> is\n"
- << " an XML Schema type name, optional <base> is a C++\n"
- << " name that should be given to the generated\n"
- << " version, and optional <include> is the header\n"
- << " file that defines the custom implementation."
- << endl;
- o << "--root-element-first" << endl
- << " Treat only the first global element as a document\n"
- << " root."
- << endl;
- o << "--root-element-last" << endl
- << " Treat only the last global element as a document\n"
- << " root."
- << endl;
- o << "--root-element-all" << endl
- << " Treat all global elements as document roots."
- << endl;
- o << "--root-element-none" << endl
- << " Don't treat any global elements as document roots."
- << endl;
- o << "--root-element <element>" << endl
- << " Treat only <element> as a document root. Repeat\n"
- << " this option to specify more than one root element."
- << endl;
- o << "--root-type <type>" << endl
- << " Generate parser/serializer aggregate for <type>.\n"
- << " Repeat this option to specify more than one type."
- << endl;
- o << "--output-dir <dir>" << endl
- << " Write generated files to <dir> instead of the\n"
- << " current directory."
- << endl;
- o << "--pskel-type-suffix <sfx>" << endl
- << " Use <sfx> instead of the default '_pskel' suffix\n"
- << " to construct the names of generated parser\n"
- << " skeletons."
- << endl;
- o << "--sskel-type-suffix <sfx>" << endl
- << " Use <sfx> instead of the default '_sskel' suffix\n"
- << " to construct the names of generated serializer\n"
- << " skeletons."
- << endl;
- o << "--pskel-file-suffix <sfx>" << endl
- << " Use <sfx> instead of the default '-pskel' suffix\n"
- << " to construct the names of generated parser\n"
- << " skeleton files."
- << endl;
- o << "--sskel-file-suffix <sfx>" << endl
- << " Use <sfx> instead of the default '-sskel' suffix\n"
- << " to construct the names of generated serializer\n"
- << " skeleton files."
- << endl;
- o << "--pimpl-type-suffix <sfx>" << endl
- << " Use <sfx> instead of the default '_pimpl' suffix\n"
- << " to construct the names of generated parser\n"
- << " implementations."
- << endl;
- o << "--simpl-type-suffix <sfx>" << endl
- << " Use <sfx> instead of the default '_simpl' suffix\n"
- << " to construct the names of generated serializer\n"
- << " implementations."
- << endl;
- o << "--pimpl-file-suffix <sfx>" << endl
- << " Use <sfx> instead of the default '-pimpl' suffix\n"
- << " to construct the names of generated parser\n"
- << " implementation files."
- << endl;
- o << "--simpl-file-suffix <sfx>" << endl
- << " Use <sfx> instead of the default '-simpl' suffix\n"
- << " to construct the names of generated serializer\n"
- << " implementation files."
- << endl;
- o << "--paggr-type-suffix <sfx>" << endl
- << " Use <sfx> instead of the default '_paggs' suffix\n"
- << " to construct the names of generated parser\n"
- << " aggregates."
- << endl;
- o << "--saggr-type-suffix <sfx>" << endl
- << " Use <sfx> instead of the default '_saggr' suffix\n"
- << " to construct the names of generated serializer\n"
- << " aggregates."
- << endl;
- o << "--namespace-map <xns>=<cns>" << endl
- << " Map XML Schema namespace <xns> to C++ namespace\n"
- << " <cns>. Repeat this option to specify mapping for\n"
- << " more than one XML Schema namespace."
- << endl;
- o << "--namespace-regex <regex>" << endl
- << " Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions\n"
- << " used to translate XML Schema namespace names to\n"
- << " C++ namespace names."
- << endl;
- o << "--namespace-regex-trace" << endl
- << " Trace the process of applying regular expressions\n"
- << " specified with the --namespace-regex option."
- << endl;
- o << "--reserved-name <name>" << endl
- << " Add <name> to the list of names that should not\n"
- << " be used as identifiers. The name can optionally\n"
- << " be followed by '=' and the replacement name that\n"
- << " should be used instead."
- << endl;
- o << "--include-with-brackets" << endl
- << " Use angle brackets (<>) instead of quotes (\"\") in\n"
- << " generated #include directives."
- << endl;
- o << "--include-prefix <prefix>" << endl
- << " Add <prefix> to generated #include directive\n"
- << " paths."
- << endl;
- o << "--include-regex <regex>" << endl
- << " Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions\n"
- << " used to transform #include directive paths."
- << endl;
- o << "--include-regex-trace" << endl
- << " Trace the process of applying regular expressions\n"
- << " specified with the --include-regex option."
- << endl;
- o << "--guard-prefix <prefix>" << endl
- << " Add <prefix> to generated header inclusion guards."
- << endl;
- // File suffix.
- //
- o << "--hxx-suffix <suffix>" << endl
- << " Use <suffix> instead of the default '.hxx' to\n"
- << " construct the name of the header files."
- << endl;
- o << "--ixx-suffix <suffix>" << endl
- << " Use <suffix> instead of the default '.ixx' to\n"
- << " construct the name of the inline files."
- << endl;
- o << "--cxx-suffix <suffix>" << endl
- << " Use <suffix> instead of the default '.cxx' to\n"
- << " construct the name of the source files."
- << endl;
- o << "--fwd-suffix <suffix>" << endl
- << " Use <suffix> instead of the default '-fwd.hxx'\n"
- << " to construct the name of the forward declaration\n"
- << " file."
- << endl;
- // File regex.
- //
- o << "--hxx-regex <regex>" << endl
- << " Use <regex> to construct the names of the header\n"
- << " files."
- << endl;
- o << "--ixx-regex <regex>" << endl
- << " Use <regex> to construct the names of the inline\n"
- << " files."
- << endl;
- o << "--cxx-regex <regex>" << endl
- << " Use <regex> to construct the names of the source\n"
- << " files."
- << endl;
- o << "--fwd-regex <regex>" << endl
- << " Use <regex> to construct the name of the forward\n"
- << " declaration file."
- << endl;
- // Prologues.
- //
- o << "--hxx-prologue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the beginning of the header\n"
- << " files."
- << endl;
- o << "--ixx-prologue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the beginning of the inline\n"
- << " files."
- << endl;
- o << "--cxx-prologue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the beginning of the source\n"
- << " files."
- << endl;
- o << "--fwd-prologue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the beginning of the forward\n"
- << " declaration file."
- << endl;
- o << "--prologue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the beginning of each generated\n"
- << " file for which there is no file-specific prologue."
- << endl;
- // Epilogues.
- //
- o << "--hxx-epilogue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the end of the header files."
- << endl;
- o << "--ixx-epilogue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the end of the inline files."
- << endl;
- o << "--cxx-epilogue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the end of the source files."
- << endl;
- o << "--fwd-epilogue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the end of the forward\n"
- << " declaration file."
- << endl;
- o << "--epilogue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the end of each generated file\n"
- << " for which there is no file-specific epilogue."
- << endl;
- // Prologue files.
- //
- o << "--hxx-prologue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the beginning\n"
- << " of the header files."
- << endl;
- o << "--ixx-prologue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the beginning\n"
- << " of the inline files."
- << endl;
- o << "--cxx-prologue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the beginning\n"
- << " of the source files."
- << endl;
- o << "--fwd-prologue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the beginning\n"
- << " of the forward declaration file."
- << endl;
- o << "--prologue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the beginning\n"
- << " of each generated file for which there is no file-\n"
- << " specific prologue file."
- << endl;
- // Epilogue files.
- //
- o << "--hxx-epilogue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the end of\n"
- << " the header files."
- << endl;
- o << "--ixx-epilogue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the end of\n"
- << " the inline files."
- << endl;
- o << "--cxx-epilogue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the end of\n"
- << " the source files."
- << endl;
- o << "--fwd-epilogue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the end of\n"
- << " the forward declaration file."
- << endl;
- o << "--epilogue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the end of\n"
- << " each generated file for which there is no file-\n"
- << " specific epilogue file."
- << endl;
- // Misc.
- //
- o << "--show-anonymous" << endl
- << " Show elements and attributes that are of anonymous\n"
- << " types."
- << endl;
- o << "--show-sloc" << endl
- << " Show the number of generated physical source lines\n"
- << " of code (SLOC)."
- << endl;
- o << "--sloc-limit <num>" << endl
- << " Check that the number of generated physical source\n"
- << " lines of code (SLOC) does not exceed <num>."
- << endl;
- o << "--options-file <file>" << endl
- << " Read additional options from <file>. Each option\n"
- << " should appear on a separate line optionally\n"
- << " followed by space and an argument."
- << endl;
- o << "--proprietary-license" << endl
- << " Indicate that the generated code is licensed under\n"
- << " a proprietary license instead of the GPL."
- << endl;
+ CXX::Hybrid::options::print_usage (wcout);
+ CXX::options::print_usage (wcout);
Hybrid::CLI::OptionsSpec Hybrid::Generator::
diff --git a/xsde/cxx/hybrid/options.cli b/xsde/cxx/hybrid/options.cli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40df945
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsde/cxx/hybrid/options.cli
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+// file : xsde/cxx/hybrid/options.cli
+// author : Boris Kolpackov <boris@codesynthesis.com>
+// copyright : Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Code Synthesis Tools CC
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+include <vector>;
+include <string>;
+include <cstddef>; // std::size_t
+include <cult/types.hxx>; // NarrowString
+include <cxx/options.cli>;
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Hybrid
+ {
+ class options: CXX::options
+ {
+ // Features.
+ //
+ bool --generate-parser
+ {
+ "Generate XML parsing code."
+ };
+ bool --generate-serializer
+ {
+ "Generate XML serialization code."
+ };
+ bool --generate-aggregate
+ {
+ "Generate parser/serializer aggregates for root elements and/or types.
+ See also the \cb{--root-element-*} and \cb{--root-type} options."
+ };
+ bool --suppress-validation
+ {
+ "Suppress the generation of validation code in parser and serializer."
+ };
+ bool --suppress-parser-val
+ {
+ "Suppress the generation of validation code in parser."
+ };
+ bool --suppress-serializer-val
+ {
+ "Suppress the generation of validation code in serializer."
+ };
+ bool --omit-default-attributes
+ {
+ "Omit attributes with default and fixed values from serialized
+ XML documents."
+ };
+ bool --suppress-enum
+ {
+ "Suppress the generation of the XML Schema enumeration to C++
+ \cb{enum} mapping."
+ };
+ bool --generate-clone
+ {
+ "Generate clone functions for variable-length types. These
+ functions allow you to make dynamically-allocated copies of
+ variable-length objects."
+ };
+ bool --generate-detach
+ {
+ "Generate detach functions for elements and attributes of
+ variable-length types. These functions, for example, allow
+ you to move sub-trees in the object model either within the
+ same tree or between different trees."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --generate-insertion
+ {
+ "<os>",
+ "Generate data representation stream insertion operators for the
+ <os> output stream type. Repeat this option to specify more than
+ one stream type. The special \cb{CDR} and \cb{XDR} arguments are
+ recognized as ACE CDR and Sun RPC XDR stream types and the
+ corresponding stream wrappers provided by the XSD/e runtime are
+ automatically used. For custom stream types use the
+ \cb{--hxx-prologue*} options to include the necessary declarations."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --generate-extraction
+ {
+ "<is>",
+ "Generate data representation stream extraction operators for the
+ <is> input stream type. Repeat this option to specify more than
+ one stream type. The special \cb{CDR} and \cb{XDR} arguments are
+ recognized as ACE CDR and Sun RPC XDR stream types and the
+ corresponding stream wrappers provided by the XSD/e runtime are
+ automatically used. For custom stream types use the
+ \cb{--hxx-prologue*} options to include the necessary declarations."
+ };
+ bool --generate-forward
+ {
+ "Generate forward declaration file."
+ };
+ // Polymorphism.
+ //
+ bool --generate-polymorphic
+ {
+ "Generate polymorphism-aware code. Specify this option if you use
+ substitution groups or \cb{xsi:type}. Use the \cb{--polymorphic-type}
+ option to specify which type hierarchies are polymorphic."
+ };
+ bool --runtime-polymorphic
+ {
+ "Generate non-polymorphic code that uses the runtime library
+ configured with polymorphism support."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --polymorphic-type
+ {
+ "<type>",
+ "Indicate that <type> is a root of a polymorphic type hierarchy. The
+ XSD/e compiler can often automatically determine which types are
+ polymorphic based on the substitution group declarations. However,
+ you may need to use this option if you are not using substitution
+ groups or if substitution groups are defined in another schema.
+ You need to specify this option when compiling every schema file
+ that references <type>."
+ };
+ bool --generate-typeinfo
+ {
+ "Generate custom type information querying functions for polymorphic
+ object model types. These functions can be used instead of the
+ standard C++ RTTI mechanism to determine object's type at runtime."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --polymorphic-schema
+ {
+ "<file>",
+ "Indicate that <file> contains derivations of polymorphic types that
+ are not otherwise visible from the schema being compiled. This
+ option is used to make sure that during the generation of parser
+ and serializer aggregates the compiler is aware of all possible
+ derivations of polymorphic types. Repeat this option to specify
+ more than one schema file."
+ };
+ // Reuse style.
+ //
+ bool --reuse-style-mixin
+ {
+ "Generate code that supports the mixin base parser/serializer
+ implementation reuse style. Note that this reuse style relies on
+ virtual inheritance and may result in a substantial object code
+ size increase for large vocabularies. By default the tiein reuse
+ style is used."
+ };
+ // Custom data/type.
+ //
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --custom-data
+ {
+ "<type>",
+ "Add the ability to store custom data to the C++ class generated for
+ XML Schema type <type>. To add custom data to a nested compositor
+ class use the qualified name starting from the XML Schema type
+ containing the compositor, for example, \cb{foo::sequence::choise1}."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --custom-type
+ {
+ "<map>",
+ "Use a custom type implementation instead of the generated version.
+ The <map> argument is in the form
+ \c{\i{name}[\b{=}[\i{flags}][\b{/}[\i{type}][\b{/}[\i{base}][\b{/}\i{include}]]]]},
+ where the \ci{name} component is the XML Schema type name being
+ customized. Optional \ci{flags} allow you to specify whether the
+ custom type is fixed or variable-length. The \cb{f} flag indicates
+ the type is fixed-length and the \cb{v} flag indicates the type is
+ variable-length. If omitted, the default rules are used to determine
+ the type length. Optional \ci{type} is a C++ type name that should
+ be used instead. If specified, the object model type is defined as
+ a \cb{typedef} alias for this C++ type. Optional \ci{base} is a C++
+ name that should be given to the generated version. It is normally
+ used as a base for the custom implementation. Optional \ci{include}
+ is the header file that defines the custom implementation. It is
+ \cb{#include}'ed into the generated code immediately after (if
+ \ci{base} is specified) or instead of the generated version."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --custom-parser
+ {
+ "<map>",
+ "Use a custom parser implementation instead of the generated version.
+ The <map> argument is in the form
+ \c{\i{name}[\b{=}[\i{base}][\b{/}\i{include}]]}, where the \ci{name}
+ component is the XML Schema type name being customized. Optional
+ \ci{base} is a C++ name that should be given to the generated
+ version. It is normally used as a base for the custom implementation.
+ Optional \ci{include} is the header file that defines the custom
+ implementation. It is \cb{#include}'ed into the generated code
+ immediately after (if \ci{base} is specified) or instead of the
+ generated version."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --custom-serializer
+ {
+ "<map>",
+ "Use a custom serializer implementation instead of the generated
+ version. The <map> argument is in the form
+ \c{\i{name}[\b{=}[\i{base}][\b{/}\i{include}]]}, where The \ci{name}
+ component is the XML Schema type name being customized. Optional
+ \ci{base} is a C++ name that should be given to the generated
+ version. It is normally used as a base for the custom implementation.
+ Optional \ci{include} is the header file that defines the custom
+ implementation. It is \cb{#include}'ed into the generated code
+ immediately after (if \ci{base} is specified) or instead of the
+ generated version."
+ };
+ // Root element/type.
+ //
+ bool --root-element-first
+ {
+ "Treat only the first global element as a document root. This
+ determines for which elements parser and serializer aggregates
+ are generated. By default all global elements are considered
+ document roots. See also the \cb{--generate-aggregate} option."
+ };
+ bool --root-element-last
+ {
+ "Treat only the last global element as a document root. This
+ determines for which elements parser and serializer aggregates
+ are generated. By default all global elements are considered
+ document roots. See also the \cb{--generate-aggregate} option."
+ };
+ bool --root-element-all
+ {
+ "Treat all global elements as document roots (the default behavior).
+ This determines for which elements parser and serializer aggregates
+ are generated. By explicitly specifying this option you can suppress
+ the warning that is issued if more than one global element is
+ defined. See also the \cb{--generate-aggregate} option."
+ };
+ bool --root-element-none
+ {
+ "Do not treat any global elements as document roots. This determines
+ for which elements parser and serializer aggregates are generated.
+ By default all global elements are considered document roots. See
+ also the \cb{--generate-aggregate} option."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --root-element
+ {
+ "<element>",
+ "Treat only <element> as a document root. This determines for which
+ elements parser and serializer aggregates are generated. Repeat
+ this option to specify more than one root element. See also the
+ \cb{--generate-aggregate} option."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --root-type
+ {
+ "<type>",
+ "Generate parser/serializer aggregate for <type>. Repeat this option
+ to specify more than one type. See also the \cb{--generate-aggregate}
+ option."
+ };
+ // Suffixes.
+ //
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --pskel-type-suffix = "_pskel"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use <suffix> instead of the default \cb{_pskel} to construct the
+ names of generated parser skeletons."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --sskel-type-suffix = "_sskel"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use <suffix> instead of the default \cb{_sskel} to construct the
+ names of generated serializer skeletons."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --pskel-file-suffix = "-pskel"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use <suffix> instead of the default \cb{-pskel} to construct the
+ names of generated parser skeleton files."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --sskel-file-suffix = "-sskel"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use <suffix> instead of the default \cb{-sskel} to construct the
+ names of generated serializer skeleton files."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --pimpl-type-suffix = "_pimpl"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use <suffix> instead of the default \cb{_pimpl} to construct the
+ names of generated parser implementations."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --simpl-type-suffix = "_simpl"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use <suffix> instead of the default \cb{_simpl} to construct the
+ names of generated serializer implementations."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --pimpl-file-suffix = "-pimpl"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use <suffix> instead of the default \cb{-pimpl} to construct the
+ names of generated parser implementation files."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --simpl-file-suffix = "-simpl"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use <suffix> instead of the default \cb{-simpl} to construct the
+ names of generated serializer implementation files."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --paggr-type-suffix = "_paggs"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use <suffix> instead of the default \cb{_paggs} to construct the
+ names of generated parser aggregates."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --saggr-type-suffix = "_saggr"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use <suffix> instead of the default \cb{_saggr} to construct the
+ names of generated serializer aggregates."
+ };
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/xsde/cxx/options.cli b/xsde/cxx/options.cli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45425ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsde/cxx/options.cli
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+// file : xsde/cxx/options.cli
+// author : Boris Kolpackov <boris@codesynthesis.com>
+// copyright : Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Code Synthesis Tools CC
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+include <vector>;
+include <string>;
+include <cstddef>; // std::size_t
+include <cult/types.hxx>; // NarrowString
+include <options.cli>;
+namespace CXX
+ class options: ::options = 0
+ {
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --output-dir
+ {
+ "<dir>",
+ "Write generated files to <dir> instead of the current directory."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --char-encoding = "utf8"
+ {
+ "<enc>",
+ "Specify the application character encoding. Valid values are \cb{utf8}
+ (default) and \cb{iso8859-1}. Note that this encoding is not the same
+ as the XML document encoding that is being parsed or serialized.
+ Rather, it is the encoding that is used inside the application. When
+ an XML document is parsed, the character data is automatically
+ converted to the application encoding. Similarly, when an XML
+ document is serialized, the data in the application encoding is
+ automatically converted to the resulting document encoding."
+ };
+ // C++ features.
+ //
+ bool --no-stl
+ {
+ "Generate code that does not use the C++ Standard Template Library
+ (STL)."
+ };
+ bool --no-iostream
+ {
+ "Generate code that does not use the C++ standard input/output stream
+ library (iostream)."
+ };
+ bool --no-exceptions
+ {
+ "Generate code that does not use C++ exceptions."
+ };
+ bool --no-long-long
+ {
+ "Generate code that does not use the \cb{long long} and \cb{unsigned
+ long long} types. The 64 bit \cb{long} and \cb{unsignedLong} built-in
+ XML Schema types are then mapped to \cb{long} and \cb{unsigned long}."
+ };
+ bool --custom-allocator
+ {
+ "Generate code that performs memory management using custom allocator
+ functions provided by your application instead of the standard operator
+ \cb{new} and \cb{delete}."
+ };
+ bool --generate-inline
+ {
+ "Generate simple functions inline. This option triggers creation of the
+ inline file."
+ };
+ bool --suppress-reset
+ {
+ "Suppress the generation of parser/serializer reset code. Reset support
+ allows you to reuse parsers/serializers after an error."
+ };
+ // Extern XML Schema.
+ //
+ bool --generate-xml-schema
+ {
+ "Generate a C++ header files as if the schema being compiled defines the
+ XML Schema namespace. For the C++/Parser mapping, the resulting file
+ will contain definitions for all the parser skeletons and
+ implementations corresponding to the XML Schema built-in types. For
+ the C++/Serializer mapping, the resulting file will contain definitions
+ for all the serializer skeletons and implementations corresponding to
+ the XML Schema built-in types. For the C++/Hybrid mapping, in addition
+ the the above, a third header file will contain definitions for all
+ the object model types corresponding to the XML Schema built-in types.
+ The schema file provided to the compiler need not exist and is only
+ used to derive the name of the resulting header file. Use the
+ \cb{--extern-xml-schema} option to include this file in the
+ generated files for other schemas."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --extern-xml-schema
+ {
+ "<file>",
+ "Include a header file derived from <file> instead of generating the
+ XML Schema namespace mapping inline. The provided file need not
+ exist and is only used to derive the name of the included header
+ file. Use the \cb{--generate-xml-schema} option to generate this
+ header file."
+ };
+ // Namespace mapping.
+ //
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --namespace-map
+ {
+ "<xns>=<cns>",
+ "Map XML Schema namespace <xns> to C++ namespace <cns>. Repeat
+ this option to specify mapping for more than one XML Schema namespace.
+ For example, the following option:
+ \cb{--namespace-map http://example.com/foo/bar=foo::bar}
+ Will map the \cb{http://example.com/foo/bar} XML Schema namespace to
+ the \cb{foo::bar} C++ namespace."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --namespace-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate XML
+ Schema namespace names to C++ namespace names. <regex> is a Perl-like
+ regular expression in the form
+ \c{\b{/}\i{pattern}\b{/}\i{replacement}\b{/}}. Any character can be
+ used as a delimiter instead of \cb{/}. Escaping of the delimiter
+ character in \ci{pattern} or \ci{replacement} is not supported.
+ All the regular expressions are pushed into a stack with the last
+ specified expression considered first. The first match that
+ succeeds is used. Regular expressions are applied to a string in
+ the form
+ \c{\i{filename} \i{namespace}}
+ For example, if you have file \cb{hello.xsd} with namespace
+ \cb{http://example.com/hello} and you run \cb{xsd} on this file,
+ then the string in question will be:
+ \cb{hello.xsd. http://example.com/hello}
+ For the built-in XML Schema namespace the string is:
+ \cb{XMLSchema.xsd http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}
+ The following three steps are performed for each regular expression
+ until the match is found:
+ 1. The expression is applied and if the result is empty the next
+ expression is considered.
+ 2. All \cb{/} are replaced with \cb{::}.
+ 3. The result is verified to be a valid C++ scope name (e.g.,
+ \cb{foo::bar}). If this test succeeds, the result is used as a
+ C++ namespace name.
+ As an example, the following expression maps XML Schema namespaces
+ in the form \cb{http://example.com/foo/bar} to C++ namespaces in the
+ form \cb{foo::bar}:
+ \cb{%.* http://example.com/(.+)%$1%}
+ See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below."
+ };
+ bool --namespace-regex-trace
+ {
+ "Trace the process of applying regular expressions specified with the
+ \cb{--namespace-regex} option. Use this option to find out why your
+ regular expressions don't do what you expected them to do."
+ };
+ // Reserved names.
+ //
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --reserved-name
+ {
+ "<n>[=<r>]",
+ "Add name <n> to the list of names that should not be used as
+ identifiers. The name can optionally be followed by \cb{=} and the
+ replacement name <r> that should be used instead. All the C++ keywords
+ are already in this list."
+ };
+ // Include options.
+ //
+ bool --include-with-brackets
+ {
+ "Use angle brackets (<>) instead of quotes (\"\") in generated
+ \cb{#include} directives."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --include-prefix
+ {
+ "<prefix>",
+ "Add <prefix> to generated \cb{#include} directive paths.
+ For example, if you had the following import element in your schema
+ \cb{<import namespace=\"...\" schemaLocation=\"base.xsd\"/>}
+ and compiled this fragment with \cb{--include-prefix schemas/}, then
+ the include directive in the generated code would be:
+ \cb{#include \"schemas/base.hxx\"}"
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --include-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to transform
+ \cb{#include} directive paths. <regex> is a Perl-like regular
+ expression in the form \c{\b{/}\i{pattern}\b{/}\i{replacement}\b{/}}.
+ Any character can be used as a delimiter instead of \cb{/}. Escaping
+ of the delimiter character in \ci{pattern} or \ci{replacement} is not
+ supported.
+ All the regular expressions are pushed into a stack with the last
+ specified expression considered first. The first match that succeeds
+ is used.
+ As an example, the following expression transforms paths in the form
+ \cb{schemas/foo/bar} to paths in the form \cb{generated/foo/bar}:
+ \cb{%schemas/(.+)%generated/$1%}
+ See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below."
+ };
+ bool --include-regex-trace
+ {
+ "Trace the process of applying regular expressions specified with the
+ \cb{--include-regex} option. Use this option to find out why your
+ regular expressions don't do what you expected them to do."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --guard-prefix
+ {
+ "<prefix>",
+ "Add <prefix> to generated header inclusion guards. The prefix is
+ transformed to upper case and characters that are illegal in a
+ preprocessor macro name are replaced with underscores. If this
+ option is not specified then the directory part of the input schema
+ file is used as a prefix."
+ };
+ // File suffixes.
+ //
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --hxx-suffix = ".hxx"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use the provided <suffix> instead of the default \cb{.hxx} to
+ construct the name of the header file. Note that this suffix is also
+ used to construct names of header files corresponding to
+ included/imported schemas."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --ixx-suffix = ".ixx"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use the provided <suffix> instead of the default \cb{.ixx} to
+ construct the name of the inline file."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --cxx-suffix = ".cxx"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use the provided <suffix> instead of the default \cb{.cxx} to
+ construct the name of the source file."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --fwd-suffix = "-fwd.hxx"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use the provided <suffix> instead of the default \cb{-fwd.hxx} to
+ construct the name of the forward declaration file."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --hxx-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Use the provided expression to construct the name of the header file.
+ <regex> is a Perl-like regular expression in the form
+ \c{\b{/}\i{pattern}\b{/}\i{replacement}\b{/}}.
+ Note that this expression is also used to construct names of header
+ files corresponding to included/imported schemas.
+ For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <regex> argument can be optionally
+ prefixed with a file key in the form \c{\i{key}=\i{regex}}. The valid
+ values for \ci{key} are \cb{pskel} (parser skeleton files), \cb{pimpl}
+ (parser implementation files), \cb{sskel} (serializer skeleton files),
+ \cb{simpl} (serializer implementation files), and \cb{*} (all files).
+ If \ci{key} is empty or not present then the expression is used for the
+ object model files only.
+ See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --ixx-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Use the provided expression to construct the name of the inline file.
+ <regex> is a Perl-like regular expression in the form
+ \c{\b{/}\i{pattern}\b{/}\i{replacement}\b{/}}. For the C++/Hybrid
+ mapping, the <regex> argument can be optionally prefixed with a file
+ key. See the \cb{--hxx-regex} option for details. See also the REGEX
+ AND SHELL QUOTING section below."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --cxx-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Use the provided expression to construct the name of the source file.
+ <regex> is a Perl-like regular expression in the form
+ \c{\b{/}\i{pattern}\b{/}\i{replacement}\b{/}}. For the C++/Hybrid
+ mapping, the <regex> argument can be optionally prefixed with a file
+ key. See the \cb{--hxx-regex} option for details. See also the REGEX
+ AND SHELL QUOTING section below."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --fwd-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Use the provided expression to construct the name of the forward
+ declaration file. <regex> is a Perl-like regular expression in the
+ form \c{\b{/}\i{pattern}\b{/}\i{replacement}\b{/}}. See also the REGEX
+ AND SHELL QUOTING section below."
+ };
+ // Prologues/epilogues.
+ //
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --hxx-prologue
+ {
+ "<text>",
+ "Insert <text> at the beginning of the header file.
+ For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <text> argument can be optionally
+ prefixed with a file key in the form \c{\i{key}=\i{text}}. The valid
+ values for \ci{key} are \cb{pskel} (parser skeleton files), \cb{pimpl}
+ (parser implementation files), \cb{sskel} (serializer skeleton files),
+ \cb{simpl} (serializer implementation files), and \cb{*} (all files).
+ If \ci{key} is empty or not present then the text is used for the
+ object model files only."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --ixx-prologue
+ {
+ "<text>",
+ "Insert <text> at the beginning of the inline file. For the C++/Hybrid
+ mapping, the <text> argument can be optionally prefixed with a file
+ key. See the \cb{--hxx-prologue} option for details."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --cxx-prologue
+ {
+ "<text>",
+ "Insert <text> at the beginning of the source file. For the C++/Hybrid
+ mapping, the <text> argument can be optionally prefixed with a file
+ key. See the \cb{--hxx-prologue} option for details."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --fwd-prologue
+ {
+ "<text>",
+ "Insert <text> at the beginning of the forward declaration file."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --prologue
+ {
+ "<text>",
+ "Insert <text> at the beginning of each generated file for which
+ there is no file-specific prologue. For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the
+ <text> argument can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
+ \cb{--hxx-prologue} option for details."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --hxx-epilogue
+ {
+ "<text>",
+ "Insert <text> at the end of the header file. For the C++/Hybrid
+ mapping, the <text> argument can be optionally prefixed with a file
+ key. See the \cb{--hxx-prologue} option for details."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --ixx-epilogue
+ {
+ "<text>",
+ "Insert <text> at the end of the inline file. For the C++/Hybrid
+ mapping, the <text> argument can be optionally prefixed with a file
+ key. See the \cb{--hxx-prologue} option for details."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --cxx-epilogue
+ {
+ "<text>",
+ "Insert <text> at the end of the source file. For the C++/Hybrid
+ mapping, the <text> argument can be optionally prefixed with a file
+ key. See the \cb{--hxx-prologue} option for details."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --fwd-epilogue
+ {
+ "<text>",
+ "Insert <text> at the end of the forward declaration file."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --epilogue
+ {
+ "<text>",
+ "Insert <text> at the end of each generated file for which there
+ is no file-specific epilogue. For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <text>
+ argument can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
+ \cb{--hxx-prologue} option for details."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --hxx-prologue-file
+ {
+ "<file>",
+ "Insert the content of the <file> at the beginning of the header file.
+ For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <file> argument can be optionally
+ prefixed with a file key in the form \c{\i{key}=\i{file}}. The valid
+ values for \ci{key} are \cb{pskel} (parser skeleton files), \cb{pimpl}
+ (parser implementation files), \cb{sskel} (serializer skeleton files),
+ \cb{simpl} (serializer implementation files), and \cb{*} (all files).
+ If \ci{key} is empty or not present then the file is used for the
+ object model files only."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --ixx-prologue-file
+ {
+ "<file>",
+ "Insert the content of the <file> at the beginning of the inline file.
+ For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <file> argument can be optionally
+ prefixed with a file key. See the \cb{--hxx-prologue-file} option
+ for details."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --cxx-prologue-file
+ {
+ "<file>",
+ "Insert the content of the <file> at the beginning of the source file.
+ For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <file> argument can be optionally
+ prefixed with a file key. See the \cb{--hxx-prologue-file} option
+ for details."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --fwd-prologue-file
+ {
+ "<file>",
+ "Insert the content of the <file> at the beginning of the forward
+ declaration file."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --prologue-file
+ {
+ "<file>",
+ "Insert the content of the <file> at the beginning of each generated
+ file for which there is no file-specific prologue file. For the
+ C++/Hybrid mapping, the <file> argument can be optionally prefixed
+ with a file key. See the \cb{--hxx-prologue-file} option for details."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --hxx-epilogue-file
+ {
+ "<file>",
+ "Insert the content of the <file> at the end of the header file.
+ For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <file> argument can be optionally
+ prefixed with a file key. See the \cb{--hxx-prologue-file} option
+ for details."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --ixx-epilogue-file
+ {
+ "<file>",
+ "Insert the content of the <file> at the end of the inline file.
+ For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <file> argument can be optionally
+ prefixed with a file key. See the \cb{--hxx-prologue-file} option
+ for details."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --cxx-epilogue-file
+ {
+ "<file>",
+ "Insert the content of the <file> at the end of the source file.
+ For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <file> argument can be optionally
+ prefixed with a file key. See the \cb{--hxx-prologue-file} option
+ for details."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --fwd-epilogue-file
+ {
+ "<file>",
+ "Insert the content of the <file> at the end of the forward declaration
+ file."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --epilogue-file
+ {
+ "<file>",
+ "Insert the content of the <file> at the end of each generated file
+ for which there is no file-specific epilogue file. For the C++/Hybrid
+ mapping, the <file> argument can be optionally prefixed with a file
+ key. See the \cb{--hxx-prologue-file} option for details."
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/xsde/cxx/parser/generator.cxx b/xsde/cxx/parser/generator.cxx
index 6c8f8c7..828368a 100644
--- a/xsde/cxx/parser/generator.cxx
+++ b/xsde/cxx/parser/generator.cxx
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
#include <cutl/compiler/cxx-indenter.hxx>
#include <cutl/compiler/sloc-counter.hxx>
-#include <backend-elements/indentation/clip.hxx>
#include <xsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
#include <type-map/lexer.hxx>
@@ -44,7 +42,7 @@
#include <cxx/parser/attribute-validation-source.hxx>
#include <cxx/parser/characters-validation-source.hxx>
-#include <usage.hxx>
+#include <cxx/parser/options.hxx>
#include "../../../libxsde/xsde/cxx/version.hxx"
@@ -184,346 +182,8 @@ namespace CXX
Void Parser::Generator::
usage ()
- std::wostream& o (wcout);
- ::CLI::Indent::Clip< ::CLI::OptionsUsage, WideChar> clip (o);
- o << "--type-map <mapfile>" << endl
- << " Read XML Schema to C++ type mapping information\n"
- << " from <mapfile>. Repeat this option to specify\n"
- << " several type maps. Type maps are considered in\n"
- << " order of appearance and the first match is used."
- << endl;
- o << "--char-encoding <enc>" << endl
- << " Specify the character encoding that should be\n"
- << " used for the extracted text data. Valid values\n"
- << " are 'utf8' (default) and 'iso8859-1'."
- << endl;
- o << "--no-stl" << endl
- << " Generate code that does not use STL."
- << endl;
- o << "--no-iostream" << endl
- << " Generate code that does not use the iostream\n"
- << " library."
- << endl;
- o << "--no-exceptions" << endl
- << " Generate code that does not use C++ exceptions."
- << endl;
- o << "--no-long-long" << endl
- << " Generate code that does not use the long long\n"
- << " and unsigned long long types."
- << endl;
- o << "--reuse-style-mixin" << endl
- << " Generate code that supports the mixin base parser\n"
- << " implementation reuse style."
- << endl;
- o << "--reuse-style-none" << endl
- << " Do not generate any support for base parser\n"
- << " implementation reuse."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-inline" << endl
- << " Generate certain functions inline."
- << endl;
- o << "--suppress-validation" << endl
- << " Suppress the generation of validation code."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-polymorphic" << endl
- << " Generate polymorphism-aware code. Specify this\n"
- << " option if you use substitution groups or xsi:type."
- << endl;
- o << "--runtime-polymorphic" << endl
- << " Generate non-polymorphic code that uses the\n"
- << " runtime library configured with polymorphism\n"
- << " support."
- << endl;
- o << "--suppress-reset" << endl
- << " Suppress the generation of parser reset code."
- << endl;
- o << "--custom-allocator" << endl
- << " Generate code that uses custom allocator functions\n"
- << " instead of operator new/delete."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-noop-impl" << endl
- << " Generate a sample parser implementation that\n"
- << " does nothing (no operation)."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-print-impl" << endl
- << " Generate a sample parser implementation that\n"
- << " prints the XML data to STDOUT."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-test-driver" << endl
- << " Generate a test driver for the sample parser\n"
- << " implementation."
- << endl;
- o << "--force-overwrite" << endl
- << " Force overwriting of the existing implementation\n"
- << " and test driver files."
- << endl;
- o << "--root-element-first" << endl
- << " Indicate that the first global element is the\n"
- << " document root."
- << endl;
- o << "--root-element-last" << endl
- << " Indicate that the last global element is the\n"
- << " document root."
- << endl;
- o << "--root-element <element>" << endl
- << " Indicate that <element> is the document root."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-xml-schema" << endl
- << " Generate a C++ header file as if the schema being\n"
- << " compiled defines the XML Schema namespace."
- << endl;
- o << "--extern-xml-schema <file>" << endl
- << " Generate code as if the XML Schema namespace was\n"
- << " defined in <file> and xsd:included in the schema\n"
- << " being compiled."
- << endl;
- o << "--output-dir <dir>" << endl
- << " Write generated files to <dir> instead of the\n"
- << " current directory."
- << endl;
- o << "--skel-type-suffix <suffix>" << endl
- << " Use <suffix> instead of the default '_pskel' to\n"
- << " construct the names of generated parser skeletons."
- << endl;
- o << "--skel-file-suffix <suffix>" << endl
- << " Use <suffix> instead of the default '-pskel' to\n"
- << " construct the names of generated parser skeleton\n"
- << " files."
- << endl;
- o << "--impl-type-suffix <suffix>" << endl
- << " Use <suffix> instead of the default '_pimpl' to\n"
- << " construct the names of parser implementations for\n"
- << " the built-in XML Schema types and sample parser\n"
- << " implementations."
- << endl;
- o << "--impl-file-suffix <suffix>" << endl
- << " Use <suffix> instead of the default '-pimpl' to\n"
- << " construct the names of generated sample parser\n"
- << " implementation files."
- << endl;
- o << "--namespace-map <xns>=<cns>" << endl
- << " Map XML Schema namespace <xns> to C++ namespace\n"
- << " <cns>. Repeat this option to specify mapping for\n"
- << " more than one XML Schema namespace."
- << endl;
- o << "--namespace-regex <regex>" << endl
- << " Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions\n"
- << " used to translate XML Schema namespace names to\n"
- << " C++ namespace names."
- << endl;
- o << "--namespace-regex-trace" << endl
- << " Trace the process of applying regular expressions\n"
- << " specified with the --namespace-regex option."
- << endl;
- o << "--reserved-name <name>" << endl
- << " Add <name> to the list of names that should not\n"
- << " be used as identifiers. The name can optionally\n"
- << " be followed by '=' and the replacement name that\n"
- << " should be used instead."
- << endl;
- o << "--include-with-brackets" << endl
- << " Use angle brackets (<>) instead of quotes (\"\") in\n"
- << " generated #include directives."
- << endl;
- o << "--include-prefix <prefix>" << endl
- << " Add <prefix> to generated #include directive\n"
- << " paths."
- << endl;
- o << "--include-regex <regex>" << endl
- << " Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions\n"
- << " used to transform #include directive paths."
- << endl;
- o << "--include-regex-trace" << endl
- << " Trace the process of applying regular expressions\n"
- << " specified with the --include-regex option."
- << endl;
- o << "--guard-prefix <prefix>" << endl
- << " Add <prefix> to generated header inclusion guards."
- << endl;
- o << "--hxx-suffix <suffix>" << endl
- << " Use <suffix> instead of the default '.hxx' to\n"
- << " construct the name of the header file."
- << endl;
- o << "--ixx-suffix <suffix>" << endl
- << " Use <suffix> instead of the default '.ixx' to\n"
- << " construct the name of the inline file."
- << endl;
- o << "--cxx-suffix <suffix>" << endl
- << " Use <suffix> instead of the default '.cxx' to\n"
- << " construct the name of the source file."
- << endl;
- o << "--hxx-regex <regex>" << endl
- << " Use <regex> to construct the name of the header\n"
- << " file."
- << endl;
- o << "--ixx-regex <regex>" << endl
- << " Use <regex> to construct the name of the inline\n"
- << " file."
- << endl;
- o << "--cxx-regex <regex>" << endl
- << " Use <regex> to construct the name of the source\n"
- << " file."
- << endl;
- // Prologues.
- //
- o << "--hxx-prologue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the beginning of the header file."
- << endl;
- o << "--ixx-prologue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the beginning of the inline file."
- << endl;
- o << "--cxx-prologue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the beginning of the source file."
- << endl;
- o << "--prologue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the beginning of each generated\n"
- << " file for which there is no file-specific prologue."
- << endl;
- // Epilogues.
- //
- o << "--hxx-epilogue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the end of the header file."
- << endl;
- o << "--ixx-epilogue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the end of the inline file."
- << endl;
- o << "--cxx-epilogue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the end of the source file."
- << endl;
- o << "--epilogue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the end of each generated file\n"
- << " for which there is no file-specific epilogue."
- << endl;
- // Prologue files.
- //
- o << "--hxx-prologue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the beginning\n"
- << " of the header file."
- << endl;
- o << "--ixx-prologue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the beginning\n"
- << " of the inline file."
- << endl;
- o << "--cxx-prologue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the beginning\n"
- << " of the source file."
- << endl;
- o << "--prologue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the beginning\n"
- << " of each generated file for which there is no file-\n"
- << " specific prologue file."
- << endl;
- // Epilogue files.
- //
- o << "--hxx-epilogue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the end of\n"
- << " the header file."
- << endl;
- o << "--ixx-epilogue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the end of\n"
- << " the inline file."
- << endl;
- o << "--cxx-epilogue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the end of\n"
- << " the source file."
- << endl;
- o << "--epilogue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the end of\n"
- << " each generated file for which there is no file-\n"
- << " specific epilogue file."
- << endl;
- // Misc.
- //
- o << "--show-anonymous" << endl
- << " Show elements and attributes that are of anonymous\n"
- << " types."
- << endl;
- o << "--show-sloc" << endl
- << " Show the number of generated physical source lines\n"
- << " of code (SLOC)."
- << endl;
- o << "--sloc-limit <num>" << endl
- << " Check that the number of generated physical source\n"
- << " lines of code (SLOC) does not exceed <num>."
- << endl;
- o << "--options-file <file>" << endl
- << " Read additional options from <file>. Each option\n"
- << " should appear on a separate line optionally\n"
- << " followed by space and an argument."
- << endl;
- o << "--proprietary-license" << endl
- << " Indicate that the generated code is licensed under\n"
- << " a proprietary license instead of the GPL."
- << endl;
+ CXX::Parser::options::print_usage (wcout);
+ CXX::options::print_usage (wcout);
Parser::CLI::OptionsSpec Parser::Generator::
@@ -631,7 +291,6 @@ namespace CXX
AutoUnlinks& unlinks)
using std::ios_base;
- namespace Indentation = BackendElements::Indentation;
typedef cutl::re::regexsub Regex;
diff --git a/xsde/cxx/parser/options.cli b/xsde/cxx/parser/options.cli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..552b473
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsde/cxx/parser/options.cli
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+// file : xsde/cxx/parser/options.cli
+// author : Boris Kolpackov <boris@codesynthesis.com>
+// copyright : Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Code Synthesis Tools CC
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+include <vector>;
+include <string>;
+include <cstddef>; // std::size_t
+include <cult/types.hxx>; // NarrowString
+include <cxx/options.cli>;
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ class options: CXX::options
+ {
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --type-map
+ {
+ "<mapfile>",
+ "Read XML Schema to C++ type mapping information from <mapfile>.
+ Repeat this option to specify several type maps. Type maps are
+ considered in order of appearance and the first match is used.
+ By default all user-defined types are mapped to \cb{void}. See
+ the TYPE MAP section below for more information."
+ };
+ bool --suppress-validation
+ {
+ "Suppress the generation of validation code."
+ };
+ // Reuse style.
+ //
+ bool --reuse-style-mixin
+ {
+ "Generate code that supports the mixin base parser implementation
+ reuse style. Note that this reuse style relies on virtual
+ inheritance and may result in a substantial object code size
+ increase for large vocabularies. By default support for the tiein
+ style is generated."
+ };
+ bool --reuse-style-none
+ {
+ "Do not generate any support for base parser implementation reuse.
+ By default support for the tiein style is generated."
+ };
+ // Polymorphism.
+ //
+ bool --generate-polymorphic
+ {
+ "Generate polymorphism-aware code. Specify this option if you use
+ substitution groups or \cb{xsi:type}."
+ };
+ bool --runtime-polymorphic
+ {
+ "Generate non-polymorphic code that uses the runtime library
+ configured with polymorphism support."
+ };
+ // Implementation/driver.
+ //
+ bool --generate-noop-impl
+ {
+ "Generate a sample parser implementation that does nothing (no
+ operation). The sample implementation can then be filled with
+ the application-specific code. For an input file in the form
+ \cb{name.xsd} this option triggers the generation of the two
+ additional C++ files in the form: \cb{name-pimpl.hxx} (parser
+ implementation header file) and \cb{name-pimpl.cxx} (parser
+ implementation source file)."
+ };
+ bool --generate-print-impl
+ {
+ "Generate a sample parser implementation that prints the XML data
+ to \c{STDOUT}. For an input file in the form \cb{name.xsd} this
+ option triggers the generation of the two additional C++ files
+ in the form: \cb{name-pimpl.hxx} (parser implementation header
+ file) and \cb{name-pimpl.cxx} (parser implementation source file)."
+ };
+ bool --generate-test-driver
+ {
+ "Generate a test driver for the sample parser implementation. For
+ an input file in the form \cb{name.xsd} this option triggers the
+ generation of an additional C++ file in the form
+ \cb{name-pdriver.cxx}."
+ };
+ bool --force-overwrite
+ {
+ "Force overwriting of the existing implementation and test driver
+ files. Use this option only if you do not mind loosing the changes
+ you have made in the sample implementation or test driver files."
+ };
+ // Root element.
+ //
+ bool --root-element-first
+ {
+ "Indicate that the first global element is the document root. This
+ information is used to generate the test driver for the sample
+ implementation."
+ };
+ bool --root-element-last
+ {
+ "Indicate that the last global element is the document root. This
+ information is used to generate the test driver for the sample
+ implementation."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --root-element
+ {
+ "<element>",
+ "Indicate that <element> is the document root. This information is
+ used to generate the test driver for the sample implementation."
+ };
+ // Suffixes.
+ //
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --skel-type-suffix = "_pskel"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use the provided <suffix> instead of the default \cb{_pskel} to
+ construct the names of generated parser skeletons."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --skel-file-suffix = "-pskel"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use the provided <suffix> instead of the default \cb{-pskel} to
+ construct the names of generated parser skeleton files."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --impl-type-suffix = "_pimpl"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use the provided <suffix> instead of the default \cb{_pimpl} to
+ construct the names of parser implementations for the built-in
+ XML Schema types and sample parser implementations."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --impl-file-suffix = "-pimpl"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use the provided <suffix> instead of the default \cb{-pimpl} to
+ construct the names of generated sample parser implementation
+ files."
+ };
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/xsde/cxx/serializer/generator.cxx b/xsde/cxx/serializer/generator.cxx
index 167dae5..98e1cae 100644
--- a/xsde/cxx/serializer/generator.cxx
+++ b/xsde/cxx/serializer/generator.cxx
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
#include <cutl/compiler/cxx-indenter.hxx>
#include <cutl/compiler/sloc-counter.hxx>
-#include <backend-elements/indentation/clip.hxx>
#include <xsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
#include <type-map/lexer.hxx>
@@ -42,7 +40,7 @@
#include <cxx/serializer/element-validation-source.hxx>
#include <cxx/serializer/attribute-validation-source.hxx>
-#include <usage.hxx>
+#include <cxx/serializer/options.hxx>
#include "../../../libxsde/xsde/cxx/version.hxx"
@@ -181,342 +179,8 @@ namespace CXX
Void Serializer::Generator::
usage ()
- std::wostream& o (wcout);
- ::CLI::Indent::Clip< ::CLI::OptionsUsage, WideChar> clip (o);
- o << "--type-map <mapfile>" << endl
- << " Read XML Schema to C++ type mapping information\n"
- << " from <mapfile>. Repeat this option to specify\n"
- << " several type maps. Type maps are considered in\n"
- << " order of appearance and the first match is used."
- << endl;
- o << "--char-encoding <enc>" << endl
- << " Specify the character encoding that is used in\n"
- << " the text data being serialized. Valid values are\n"
- << " 'utf8' (default) and 'iso8859-1'."
- << endl;
- o << "--no-stl" << endl
- << " Generate code that does not use STL."
- << endl;
- o << "--no-iostream" << endl
- << " Generate code that does not use the iostream\n"
- << " library."
- << endl;
- o << "--no-exceptions" << endl
- << " Generate code that does not use C++ exceptions."
- << endl;
- o << "--no-long-long" << endl
- << " Generate code that does not use the long long\n"
- << " and unsigned long long types."
- << endl;
- o << "--reuse-style-mixin" << endl
- << " Generate code that supports the mixin base\n"
- << " serializer implementation reuse style."
- << endl;
- o << "--reuse-style-none" << endl
- << " Do not generate any support for base serializer\n"
- << " implementation reuse."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-inline" << endl
- << " Generate certain functions inline."
- << endl;
- o << "--suppress-validation" << endl
- << " Suppress the generation of validation code."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-polymorphic" << endl
- << " Generate polymorphism-aware code. Specify this\n"
- << " option if you use substitution groups or xsi:type."
- << endl;
- o << "--runtime-polymorphic" << endl
- << " Generate non-polymorphic code that uses the\n"
- << " runtime library configured with polymorphism\n"
- << " support."
- << endl;
- o << "--suppress-reset" << endl
- << " Suppress the generation of serializer reset code."
- << endl;
- o << "--custom-allocator" << endl
- << " Generate code that uses custom allocator functions\n"
- << " instead of operator new/delete."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-empty-impl" << endl
- << " Generate a sample serializer implementation with\n"
- << " empty function bodies."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-test-driver" << endl
- << " Generate a test driver for the sample serializer\n"
- << " implementation."
- << endl;
- o << "--force-overwrite" << endl
- << " Force overwriting of the existing implementation\n"
- << " and test driver files."
- << endl;
- o << "--root-element-first" << endl
- << " Indicate that the first global element is the\n"
- << " document root."
- << endl;
- o << "--root-element-last" << endl
- << " Indicate that the last global element is the\n"
- << " document root."
- << endl;
- o << "--root-element <element>" << endl
- << " Indicate that <element> is the document root."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-xml-schema" << endl
- << " Generate a C++ header file as if the schema being\n"
- << " compiled defines the XML Schema namespace."
- << endl;
- o << "--extern-xml-schema <file>" << endl
- << " Generate code as if the XML Schema namespace was\n"
- << " defined in <file> and xsd:included in the schema\n"
- << " being compiled."
- << endl;
- o << "--output-dir <dir>" << endl
- << " Write generated files to <dir> instead of the\n"
- << " current directory."
- << endl;
- o << "--skel-type-suffix <suffix>" << endl
- << " Use <suffix> instead of the default '_sskel' to\n"
- << " construct the names of generated serializer\n"
- << " skeletons."
- << endl;
- o << "--skel-file-suffix <suffix>" << endl
- << " Use <suffix> instead of the default '-sskel' to\n"
- << " construct the names of generated serializer\n"
- << " skeleton files."
- << endl;
- o << "--impl-type-suffix <suffix>" << endl
- << " Use <suffix> instead of the default '_simpl' to\n"
- << " construct the names of serializer implementations\n"
- << " for the built-in XML Schema types and sample\n"
- << " serializer implementations."
- << endl;
- o << "--impl-file-suffix <suffix>" << endl
- << " Use <suffix> instead of the default '-simpl' to\n"
- << " construct the names of generated sample\n"
- << " serializer implementation files."
- << endl;
- o << "--namespace-map <xns>=<cns>" << endl
- << " Map XML Schema namespace <xns> to C++ namespace\n"
- << " <cns>. Repeat this option to specify mapping for\n"
- << " more than one XML Schema namespace."
- << endl;
- o << "--namespace-regex <regex>" << endl
- << " Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions\n"
- << " used to translate XML Schema namespace names to\n"
- << " C++ namespace names."
- << endl;
- o << "--namespace-regex-trace" << endl
- << " Trace the process of applying regular expressions\n"
- << " specified with the --namespace-regex option."
- << endl;
- o << "--reserved-name <name>" << endl
- << " Add <name> to the list of names that should not\n"
- << " be used as identifiers. The name can optionally\n"
- << " be followed by '=' and the replacement name that\n"
- << " should be used instead."
- << endl;
- o << "--include-with-brackets" << endl
- << " Use angle brackets (<>) instead of quotes (\"\") in\n"
- << " generated #include directives."
- << endl;
- o << "--include-prefix <prefix>" << endl
- << " Add <prefix> to generated #include directive\n"
- << " paths."
- << endl;
- o << "--include-regex <regex>" << endl
- << " Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions\n"
- << " used to transform #include directive paths."
- << endl;
- o << "--include-regex-trace" << endl
- << " Trace the process of applying regular expressions\n"
- << " specified with the --include-regex option."
- << endl;
- o << "--guard-prefix <prefix>" << endl
- << " Add <prefix> to generated header inclusion guards."
- << endl;
- o << "--hxx-suffix <suffix>" << endl
- << " Use <suffix> instead of the default '.hxx' to\n"
- << " construct the name of the header file."
- << endl;
- o << "--ixx-suffix <suffix>" << endl
- << " Use <suffix> instead of the default '.ixx' to\n"
- << " construct the name of the inline file."
- << endl;
- o << "--cxx-suffix <suffix>" << endl
- << " Use <suffix> instead of the default '.cxx' to\n"
- << " construct the name of the source file."
- << endl;
- o << "--hxx-regex <regex>" << endl
- << " Use <regex> to construct the name of the header\n"
- << " file."
- << endl;
- o << "--ixx-regex <regex>" << endl
- << " Use <regex> to construct the name of the inline\n"
- << " file."
- << endl;
- o << "--cxx-regex <regex>" << endl
- << " Use <regex> to construct the name of the source\n"
- << " file."
- << endl;
- // Prologues.
- //
- o << "--hxx-prologue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the beginning of the header file."
- << endl;
- o << "--ixx-prologue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the beginning of the inline file."
- << endl;
- o << "--cxx-prologue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the beginning of the source file."
- << endl;
- o << "--prologue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the beginning of each generated\n"
- << " file for which there is no file-specific prologue."
- << endl;
- // Epilogues.
- //
- o << "--hxx-epilogue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the end of the header file."
- << endl;
- o << "--ixx-epilogue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the end of the inline file."
- << endl;
- o << "--cxx-epilogue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the end of the source file."
- << endl;
- o << "--epilogue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the end of each generated file\n"
- << " for which there is no file-specific epilogue."
- << endl;
- // Prologue files.
- //
- o << "--hxx-prologue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the beginning\n"
- << " of the header file."
- << endl;
- o << "--ixx-prologue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the beginning\n"
- << " of the inline file."
- << endl;
- o << "--cxx-prologue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the beginning\n"
- << " of the source file."
- << endl;
- o << "--prologue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the beginning\n"
- << " of each generated file for which there is no file-\n"
- << " specific prologue file."
- << endl;
- // Epilogue files.
- //
- o << "--hxx-epilogue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the end of\n"
- << " the header file."
- << endl;
- o << "--ixx-epilogue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the end of\n"
- << " the inline file."
- << endl;
- o << "--cxx-epilogue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the end of\n"
- << " the source file."
- << endl;
- o << "--epilogue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the end of\n"
- << " each generated file for which there is no file-\n"
- << " specific epilogue file."
- << endl;
- // Misc.
- //
- o << "--show-anonymous" << endl
- << " Show elements and attributes that are of anonymous\n"
- << " types."
- << endl;
- o << "--show-sloc" << endl
- << " Show the number of generated physical source lines\n"
- << " of code (SLOC)."
- << endl;
- o << "--sloc-limit <num>" << endl
- << " Check that the number of generated physical source\n"
- << " lines of code (SLOC) does not exceed <num>."
- << endl;
- o << "--options-file <file>" << endl
- << " Read additional options from <file>. Each option\n"
- << " should appear on a separate line optionally\n"
- << " followed by space and an argument."
- << endl;
- o << "--proprietary-license" << endl
- << " Indicate that the generated code is licensed under\n"
- << " a proprietary license instead of the GPL."
- << endl;
+ CXX::Serializer::options::print_usage (wcout);
+ CXX::options::print_usage (wcout);
Serializer::CLI::OptionsSpec Serializer::Generator::
@@ -624,7 +288,6 @@ namespace CXX
AutoUnlinks& unlinks)
using std::ios_base;
- namespace Indentation = BackendElements::Indentation;
typedef cutl::re::regexsub Regex;
diff --git a/xsde/cxx/serializer/options.cli b/xsde/cxx/serializer/options.cli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddb6c60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsde/cxx/serializer/options.cli
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+// file : xsde/cxx/serializer/options.cli
+// author : Boris Kolpackov <boris@codesynthesis.com>
+// copyright : Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Code Synthesis Tools CC
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+include <vector>;
+include <string>;
+include <cstddef>; // std::size_t
+include <cult/types.hxx>; // NarrowString
+include <cxx/options.cli>;
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Serializer
+ {
+ class options: CXX::options
+ {
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --type-map
+ {
+ "<mapfile>",
+ "Read XML Schema to C++ type mapping information from <mapfile>.
+ Repeat this option to specify several type maps. Type maps are
+ considered in order of appearance and the first match is used.
+ By default all user-defined types are mapped to \cb{void}. See
+ the TYPE MAP section below for more information."
+ };
+ bool --suppress-validation
+ {
+ "Suppress the generation of validation code."
+ };
+ // Reuse style.
+ //
+ bool --reuse-style-mixin
+ {
+ "Generate code that supports the mixin base serializer implementation
+ reuse style. Note that this reuse style relies on virtual inheritance
+ and may result in a substantial object code size increase for large
+ vocabularies. By default support for the tiein style is generated."
+ };
+ bool --reuse-style-none
+ {
+ "Do not generate any support for base serializer implementation
+ reuse. By default support for the tiein style is generated."
+ };
+ // Polymorphism.
+ //
+ bool --generate-polymorphic
+ {
+ "Generate polymorphism-aware code. Specify this option if you use
+ substitution groups or \cb{xsi:type}."
+ };
+ bool --runtime-polymorphic
+ {
+ "Generate non-polymorphic code that uses the runtime library
+ configured with polymorphism support."
+ };
+ // Implementation/driver.
+ //
+ bool --generate-empty-impl
+ {
+ "Generate a sample serializer implementation with empty function
+ bodies which can then be filled with the application-specific code.
+ For an input file in the form \cb{name.xsd} this option triggers
+ the generation of the two additional C++ files in the form:
+ \cb{name-simpl.hxx} (serializer implementation header file) and
+ \cb{name-simpl.cxx} (serializer implementation source file)."
+ };
+ bool --generate-test-driver
+ {
+ "Generate a test driver for the sample serializer implementation.
+ For an input file in the form \cb{name.xsd} this option triggers
+ the generation of an additional C++ file in the form
+ \cb{name-sdriver.cxx}."
+ };
+ bool --force-overwrite
+ {
+ "Force overwriting of the existing implementation and test driver
+ files. Use this option only if you do not mind loosing the changes
+ you have made in the sample implementation or test driver files."
+ };
+ // Root element.
+ //
+ bool --root-element-first
+ {
+ "Indicate that the first global element is the document root. This
+ information is used to generate the test driver for the sample
+ implementation."
+ };
+ bool --root-element-last
+ {
+ "Indicate that the last global element is the document root. This
+ information is used to generate the test driver for the sample
+ implementation."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --root-element
+ {
+ "<element>",
+ "Indicate that <element> is the document root. This information is
+ used to generate the test driver for the sample implementation."
+ };
+ // Suffixes.
+ //
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --skel-type-suffix = "_sskel"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use the provided <suffix> instead of the default \cb{_sskel} to
+ construct the names of generated serializer skeletons."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --skel-file-suffix = "-sskel"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use the provided <suffix> instead of the default \cb{-sskel} to
+ construct the names of generated serializer skeleton files."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --impl-type-suffix = "_simpl"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use the provided <suffix> instead of the default \cb{_simpl} to
+ construct the names of serializer implementations for the built-in
+ XML Schema types and sample serializer implementations."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --impl-file-suffix = "-simpl"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use the provided <suffix> instead of the default \cb{-simpl} to
+ construct the names of generated sample serializer implementation
+ files."
+ };
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/xsde/makefile b/xsde/makefile
index e4ab12b..9df2438 100644
--- a/xsde/makefile
+++ b/xsde/makefile
@@ -7,12 +7,11 @@ include $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))../build/bootstrap.make
cxx_tun := xsde.cxx
-# C++
+# C++.
cxx_tun += cxx/elements.cxx
-# C++/Parser
+# C++/Parser.
cxx_tun += cxx/parser/elements.cxx \
cxx/parser/validator.cxx \
@@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ cxx_tun += cxx/parser/elements.cxx \
cxx/parser/attribute-validation-source.cxx \
-# C++/Serializer
+# C++/Serializer.
cxx_tun += cxx/serializer/elements.cxx \
cxx/serializer/validator.cxx \
@@ -48,7 +47,7 @@ cxx_tun += cxx/serializer/elements.cxx \
cxx/serializer/element-validation-source.cxx \
-# C++/Hybrid
+# C++/Hybrid.
cxx_tun += cxx/hybrid/elements.cxx \
cxx/hybrid/validator.cxx \
@@ -76,19 +75,26 @@ cxx_tun += cxx/hybrid/elements.cxx \
cxx/hybrid/serializer-aggregate-header.cxx \
-# Type map
+# Type map.
cxx_tun += type-map/lexer.cxx \
-# Processing
+# Processing.
cxx_tun += processing/inheritance/processor.cxx
+# Options file.
+cli_tun := options.cli \
+ cxx/options.cli \
+ cxx/hybrid/options.cli \
+ cxx/parser/options.cli \
+ cxx/serializer/options.cli
-cxx_obj := $(addprefix $(out_base)/,$(cxx_tun:.cxx=.o))
+cxx_obj := $(addprefix $(out_base)/,$(cxx_tun:.cxx=.o) $(cli_tun:.cli=.o))
cxx_od := $(cxx_obj:.o=.o.d)
xsde := $(out_base)/xsde
@@ -100,6 +106,10 @@ install := $(out_base)/.install
# Import.
$(call import,\
+ $(scf_root)/import/cli/stub.make,\
+ cli: cli,cli-rules: cli_rules)
+$(call import,\
l: cutl.l,cpp-options: cutl.l.cpp-options)
@@ -108,10 +118,6 @@ $(call import,\
l: cult.l,cpp-options: cult.l.cpp-options)
$(call import,\
- $(scf_root)/import/libbackend-elements/stub.make,\
- l: be.l,cpp-options: be.l.cpp-options)
-$(call import,\
l: fs.l,cpp-options: fs.l.cpp-options)
@@ -121,17 +127,52 @@ $(call import,\
# Build.
-$(xsde): $(cxx_obj) $(xsd_fe.l) $(be.l) $(cult.l) $(cutl.l) $(fs.l)
+$(xsde): $(cxx_obj) $(xsd_fe.l) $(cult.l) $(cutl.l) $(fs.l)
$(cxx_obj) $(cxx_od): cpp_options := -I$(src_base)
$(cxx_obj) $(cxx_od): \
$(xsd_fe.l.cpp-options) \
- $(be.l.cpp-options) \
$(cult.l.cpp-options) \
$(cutl.l.cpp-options) \
-$(call include-dep,$(cxx_od))
+genf := $(cli_tun:.cli=.hxx) $(cli_tun:.cli=.ixx) $(cli_tun:.cli=.cxx)
+gen := $(addprefix $(out_base)/,$(genf))
+$(gen): $(cli)
+$(gen): cli := $(cli)
+$(gen): cli_options += \
+-I $(src_base) \
+--ostream-type ::std::wostream \
+--exclude-base \
+--suppress-undocumented \
+--generate-file-scanner \
+--include-with-brackets \
+--option-length 28
+#--include-prefix xsde
+#--guard-prefix XSDE
+$(addprefix $(out_base)/cxx/options,.hxx .ixx .cxx): $(src_base)/options.cli
+$(addprefix $(out_base)/cxx/options,.hxx .ixx .cxx): cli_options += \
+--include-prefix cxx --guard-prefix CXX
+$(addprefix $(out_base)/cxx/hybrid/options,.hxx .ixx .cxx): \
+$(src_base)/options.cli $(src_base)/cxx/options.cli
+$(addprefix $(out_base)/cxx/hybrid/options,.hxx .ixx .cxx): cli_options += \
+--include-prefix cxx/hybrid --guard-prefix CXX_HYBRID
+$(addprefix $(out_base)/cxx/parser/options,.hxx .ixx .cxx): \
+$(src_base)/options.cli $(src_base)/cxx/options.cli
+$(addprefix $(out_base)/cxx/parser/options,.hxx .ixx .cxx): cli_options += \
+--include-prefix cxx/parser --guard-prefix CXX_PARSER
+$(addprefix $(out_base)/cxx/serializer/options,.hxx .ixx .cxx): \
+$(src_base)/options.cli $(src_base)/cxx/options.cli
+$(addprefix $(out_base)/cxx/serializer/options,.hxx .ixx .cxx): cli_options += \
+--include-prefix cxx/serializer --guard-prefix CXX_SERIALIZER
+$(call include-dep,$(cxx_od),$(cxx_obj),$(gen))
# Alias for default target.
@@ -155,7 +196,8 @@ $(install): $(xsde)
$(clean): \
$(xsde).o.clean \
$(addsuffix .cxx.clean,$(cxx_obj)) \
- $(addsuffix .cxx.clean,$(cxx_od))
+ $(addsuffix .cxx.clean,$(cxx_od)) \
+ $(addprefix $(out_base)/,$(cli_tun:.cli=.cxx.cli.clean))
# Generated .gitignore.
@@ -163,15 +205,15 @@ $(clean): \
ifeq ($(out_base),$(src_base))
$(xsde): | $(out_base)/.gitignore
-$(out_base)/.gitignore: files := xsde
+$(out_base)/.gitignore: files := xsde $(genf)
$(clean): $(out_base)/.gitignore.clean
$(call include,$(bld_root)/git/gitignore.make)
-# how to
+# How to.
+$(call include,$(cli_rules))
$(call include,$(bld_root)/cxx/o-e.make)
$(call include,$(bld_root)/cxx/cxx-o.make)
$(call include,$(bld_root)/cxx/cxx-d.make)
diff --git a/xsde/options.cli b/xsde/options.cli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..976ddee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsde/options.cli
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+// file : xsde/options.cli
+// author : Boris Kolpackov <boris@codesynthesis.com>
+// copyright : Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Code Synthesis Tools CC
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+include <vector>;
+include <string>;
+include <cstddef>; // std::size_t
+include <cult/types.hxx>; // NarrowString
+class help_options
+ // These are all documented elsewhere.
+ //
+ bool --help;
+ bool --version;
+ bool --proprietary-license;
+class options = 0
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --disable-warning
+ {
+ "<warn>",
+ "Disable printing warning with id <warn>. If \cb{all} is specified for
+ the warning id then all warnings are disabled."
+ };
+ // The following option is "fake" in that it is actually handled by
+ // argv_file_scanner. We have it here to get the documentation.
+ //
+ std::string --options-file
+ {
+ "<file>",
+ "Read additional options from <file>. Each option should appearing on a
+ separate line optionally followed by space and an option value. Empty
+ lines and lines starting with \cb{#} are ignored. Option values can
+ be enclosed in double (\cb{\"}) or single (\cb{'}) quotes to preserve
+ leading and trailing whitespaces as well as to specify empty values.
+ If the value itself contains trailing or leading quotes, enclose it
+ with an extra pair of quotes, for example \cb{'\"x\"'}. Non-leading
+ and non-trailing quotes are interpreted as being part of the option
+ value.
+ The semantics of providing options in a file is equivalent to providing
+ the same set of options in the same order on the command line at the
+ point where the \cb{--options-file} option is specified except that
+ the shell escaping and quoting is not required. You can repeat this
+ option to specify more than one options file."
+ };
+ // SLOC/license options.
+ //
+ bool --show-sloc
+ {
+ "Show the number of generated physical source lines of code (SLOC)."
+ };
+ std::size_t --sloc-limit
+ {
+ "<num>",
+ "Check that the number of generated physical source lines of code (SLOC)
+ does not exceed <num>."
+ };
+ bool --proprietary-license
+ {
+ "Indicate that the generated code is licensed under a proprietary
+ license instead of the GPL."
+ };
+ // Anonymous type morphing.
+ //
+ bool --preserve-anonymous
+ {
+ "Preserve anonymous types. By default anonymous types are automatically
+ named with names derived from the enclosing elements/attributes. Because
+ mappings implemented by this compiler require all types to be named,
+ this option is only useful if you want to make sure your schemas don't
+ have anonymous types."
+ };
+ bool --show-anonymous
+ {
+ "Show elements and attributes that are of anonymous types. This option
+ only makes sense together with the \cb{--preserve-anonymous} option."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --anonymous-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to derive names for
+ anonymous types from the enclosing attributes/elements. <regex> is a
+ Perl-like regular expression in the form
+ \c{\b{/}\i{pattern}\b{/}\i{replacement}\b{/}}.
+ Any character can be used as a delimiter instead of \cb{/}. Escaping of
+ the delimiter character in \ci{pattern} or \ci{replacement} is not
+ supported.
+ All the regular expressions are pushed into a stack with the last
+ specified expression considered first. The first match that succeeds is
+ used. Regular expressions are applied to a string in the form
+ \c{\i{filename} \i{namespace} \i{xpath}}
+ For instance:
+ \cb{hello.xsd http://example.com/hello element}
+ \cb{hello.xsd http://example.com/hello type/element}
+ As an example, the following expression makes all the derived names
+ start with capital letters. This could be useful when your naming
+ convention requires type names to start with capital letters:
+ \cb{%.* .* (.+/)*(.+)%\\u$2%}
+ See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below."
+ };
+ bool --anonymous-regex-trace
+ {
+ "Trace the process of applying regular expressions specified with the
+ \cb{--anonymous-regex} option. Use this option to find out why your
+ regular expressions don't do what you expected them to do."
+ };
+ bool --morph-anonymous; // Deprecated and therefore undocumented.
+ // Location options.
+ //
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --location-map
+ {
+ "<ol>=<nl>",
+ "Map the original schema location <ol> that is specified in the XML
+ Schema include or import elements to new schema location <nl>. Repeat
+ this option to map more than one schema location. For example, the
+ following option maps the \cb{http://example.com/foo.xsd} URL to the
+ \cb{foo.xsd} local file.
+ \cb{--location-map http://example.com/foo.xsd=foo.xsd}"
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --location-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to map schema
+ locations that are specified in the XML Schema include or import
+ elements. <regex> is a Perl-like regular expression in the form
+ \c{\b{/}\i{pattern}\b{/}\i{replacement}\b{/}}. Any character can
+ be used as a delimiter instead of \cb{/}. Escaping of the delimiter
+ character in \ci{pattern} or \ci{replacement} is not supported. All
+ the regular expressions are pushed into a stack with the last specified
+ expression considered first. The first match that succeeds is used.
+ For example, the following expression maps URL locations in the form
+ \cb{http://example.com/foo/bar.xsd} to local files in the form
+ \cb{bar.xsd}:
+ \cb{%http://.+/(.+)%$1%}
+ See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below."
+ };
+ bool --location-regex-trace
+ {
+ "Trace the process of applying regular expressions specified with the
+ \cb{--location-regex} option. Use this option to find out why your
+ regular expressions don't do what you expected them to do."
+ };
+ // File-per-type option.
+ //
+ bool --file-per-type
+ {
+ "Generate a separate set of C++ files for each type defined in XML
+ Schema. Note that in this mode you only need to compile the root
+ schema(s) and the code will be generated for all included and
+ imported schemas. This compilation mode is primarily useful when
+ some of your schemas cannot be compiled separately or have cyclic
+ dependencies which involve type inheritance. Other options related
+ to this mode are: \cb{--type-file-regex}, \cb{--schema-file-regex},
+ \cb{--fat-type-file}, and \cb{--file-list}."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --type-file-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate type
+ names to file names when the \cb{--file-per-type} option is specified.
+ <regex> is a Perl-like regular expression in the form
+ \c{\b{/}\i{pattern}\b{/}\i{replacement}\b{/}}. Any character can be
+ used as a delimiter instead of \cb{/}. Escaping of the delimiter
+ character in \ci{pattern} or \ci{replacement} is not supported. All
+ the regular expressions are pushed into a stack with the last specified
+ expression considered first. The first match that succeeds is used.
+ Regular expressions are applied to a string in the form
+ \c{\i{namespace} \i{type-name}}
+ For example, the following expression maps type \cb{foo} that is
+ defined in the \cb{http://example.com/bar} namespace to file name
+ \cb{bar-foo}:
+ \cb{%http://example.com/(.+) (.+)%$1-$2%}
+ See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below."
+ };
+ bool --type-file-regex-trace
+ {
+ "Trace the process of applying regular expressions specified with the
+ \cb{--type-file-regex} option. Use this option to find out why your
+ regular expressions don't do what you expected them to do."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --schema-file-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate schema
+ file names when the \cb{--file-per-type} option is specified. <regex> is
+ a Perl-like regular expression in the form
+ \c{\b{/}\i{pattern}\b{/}\i{replacement}\b{/}}. Any character can be used
+ as a delimiter instead of \cb{/}. Escaping of the delimiter character in
+ \ci{pattern} or \ci{replacement} is not supported. All the regular
+ expressions are pushed into a stack with the last specified expression
+ considered first. The first match that succeeds is used. Regular
+ Expressions are applied to the absolute filesystem path of a schema file
+ and the result, including the directory part, if any, is used to derive
+ the \cb{#include} directive paths as well as the generated C++ file
+ paths. This option, along with \cb{--type-file-regex} are primarily
+ useful to place the generated files into subdirectories or to resolve
+ file name conflicts.
+ For example, the following expression maps schema files in the
+ \cb{foo/1.0.0/} subdirectory to the files in the \cb{foo/} subdirectory.
+ As a result, the \cb{#include} directive paths for such schemas will be
+ in the \cb{foo/schema.hxx} form and the generated C++ files will be
+ placed into the \cb{foo/} subdirectory:
+ \cb{%.*/foo/1.0.0/(.+)%foo/$1%}
+ See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below."
+ };
+ bool --schema-file-regex-trace
+ {
+ "Trace the process of applying regular expressions specified with the
+ \cb{--schema-file-regex} option. Use this option to find out why your
+ regular expressions don't do what you expected them to do."
+ };
+ bool --fat-type-file
+ {
+ "Generate code corresponding to global elements into type files instead
+ of schema files when the \cb{--type-file-regex} option is specified.
+ This option is primarily useful when trying to minimize the amount of
+ object code that is linked to an executable by packaging compiled
+ generated code into a static (archive) library."
+ };
+ // File list options.
+ //
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --file-list
+ {
+ "<file>",
+ "Write a list of generated C++ files to <file>. This option is primarily
+ useful in the file-per-type compilation mode (\cb{--file-per-type}) to
+ create a list of generated C++ files, for example, as a makefile
+ fragment."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --file-list-prologue
+ {
+ "<text>",
+ "Insert <text> at the beginning of the file list. As a convenience, all
+ occurrences of the \cb{\\n} character sequence in <text> are replaced
+ with new lines. This option can, for example, be used to assign the
+ generated file list to a makefile variable."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --file-list-epilogue
+ {
+ "<text>",
+ "Insert <text> at the end of the file list. As a convenience, all
+ occurrences of the \cb{\\n} character sequence in <text> are replaced
+ with new lines."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --file-list-delim = "\n"
+ {
+ "<text>",
+ "Delimit file names written to the file list with <text> instead of new
+ lines. As a convenience, all occurrences of the \cb{\\n} character
+ sequence in <text> are replaced with new lines."
+ };
+ // Undocumented.
+ //
+ bool --disable-multi-import;
+ bool --disable-full-check;
diff --git a/xsde/xsde.cxx b/xsde/xsde.cxx
index a14eb94..eb3f9f3 100644
--- a/xsde/xsde.cxx
+++ b/xsde/xsde.cxx
@@ -31,11 +31,10 @@
#include <xsd-frontend/transformations/schema-per-type.hxx>
#include <xsd-frontend/transformations/simplifier.hxx>
-#include <xsde.hxx>
-#include <usage.hxx>
#include <type-map/type-map.hxx>
-#include <backend-elements/indentation/clip.hxx>
+#include <xsde.hxx>
+#include <options.hxx>
#include <cxx/parser/generator.hxx>
#include <cxx/serializer/generator.hxx>
@@ -311,117 +310,9 @@ main (Int argc, Char* argv[])
return 1;
- ::CLI::Indent::Clip< ::CLI::OptionsUsage, WideChar> clip (o);
- // Disable warning option.
- //
- o << "--disable-warning <warn>" << endl
- << " Disable printing warning with id <warn>. If 'all'\n"
- << " is specified for the warning id then all warnings\n"
- << " are disabled."
- << endl;
- // Anonymous morphing options.
- //
- o << "--preserve-anonymous" << endl
- << " Preserve anonymous types. By default anonymous\n"
- << " types are automatically named with names derived\n"
- << " from the enclosing elements/attributes."
- << endl;
- o << "--anonymous-regex <regex>" << endl
- << " Add the provided regular expression to the list of\n"
- << " regular expressions used to derive names for\n"
- << " anonymous types from the names of the enclosing\n"
- << " attributes/elements."
- << endl;
- o << "--anonymous-regex-trace" << endl
- << " Trace the process of applying regular expressions\n"
- << " specified with the --anonymous-regex option."
- << endl;
- // Location mapping options.
- //
- o << "--location-map <ol>=<nl>" << endl
- << " Map the original schema location <ol> that is\n"
- << " specified in the XML Schema include or import\n"
- << " elements to new schema location <nl>. Repeat\n"
- << " this option to map more than one schema location."
- << endl;
- o << "--location-regex <regex>" << endl
- << " Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions\n"
- << " used to map schema locations that are specified\n"
- << " in the XML Schema include or import elements."
- << endl;
- o << "--location-regex-trace" << endl
- << " Trace the process of applying regular expressions\n"
- << " specified with the --location-regex option."
- << endl;
- // File-per-type compilation mode options.
+ // Add frontend options at the end.
- o << "--file-per-type" << endl
- << " Generate a separate set of C++ files for each\n"
- << " type defined in XML Schema."
- << endl;
- o << "--type-file-regex <regex>" << endl
- << " Add the provided regular expression to the list of\n"
- << " regular expressions used to translate type names\n"
- << " to file names when the --file-per-type option is\n"
- << " specified."
- << endl;
- o << "--type-file-regex-trace" << endl
- << " Trace the process of applying regular expressions\n"
- << " specified with the --type-file-regex option."
- << endl;
- o << "--schema-file-regex <regex>" << endl
- << " Add the provided regular expression to the list\n"
- << " of regular expressions used to translate schema\n"
- << " file names when the --file-per-type option is\n"
- << " specified."
- << endl;
- o << "--schema-file-regex-trace" << endl
- << " Trace the process of applying regular expressions\n"
- << " specified with the --schema-file-regex option."
- << endl;
- o << "--fat-type-file" << endl
- << " Generate code corresponding to global elements\n"
- << " into type files instead of schema files when the\n"
- << " --file-per-type option is specified."
- << endl;
- // File list options.
- //
- o << "--file-list <file>" << endl
- << " Write a list of generated C++ files to <file>."
- << endl;
- o << "--file-list-prologue <p>" << endl
- << " Insert <p> at the beginning of the file list. All\n"
- << " occurrences of the \\n character sequence in <p>\n"
- << " are replaced with new lines."
- << endl;
- o << "--file-list-prologue <e>" << endl
- << " Insert <e> at the end of the file list. All\n"
- << " occurrences of the \\n character sequence in <e>\n"
- << " are replaced with new lines."
- << endl;
- o << "--file-list-delim <d>" << endl
- << " Delimit file names written to the file list with\n"
- << " <d> instead of new lines. All occurrences of the\n"
- << " \\n character sequence in <d> are replaced with\n"
- << " new lines."
- << endl;
+ options::print_usage (o);