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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
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- <title>XSD/e 3.3.0 Compiler Command Line Manual</title>
- <meta name="copyright" content="&copy; 2005-2011 Code Synthesis Tools CC"/>
- <meta name="keywords" content="xsd,xml,schema,c++,mapping,data,binding,code,generator,manual,man,page"/>
- <meta name="description" content="XSD/e Compiler Command Line Manual"/>
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- <div id="content">
- <h1>NAME</h1>
- <p>xsde - W3C XML Schema to C++ Compiler for Embedded Systems</p>
- <h1>SYNOPSIS</h1>
- <dl id="synopsis">
- <dt><code><b>xsde</b> <i>command</i> [<i>options</i>] <i>file</i> [<i>file</i> ...]</code></dt>
- <dt><code><b>xsde help</b> [<i>command</i>]</code></dt>
- <dt><code><b>xsde version</b></code></dt>
- </dl>
- <h1>DESCRIPTION</h1>
- <p><code><b>xsde</b></code> generates vocabulary-specific, statically-typed
- C++ mapping from W3C XML Schema definitions. Particular mapping to
- produce is selected by a <code><i>command</i></code>. Each mapping has
- a number of mapping-specific <code><i>options</i></code> that should
- appear, if any, after the <code><i>command</i></code>. Input files should
- be W3C XML Schema definitions. The exact set of the generated files
- depends on the selected mapping and options.</p>
- <h1>COMMANDS</h1>
- <dl id="commands">
- <dt><code><b>cxx-hybrid</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate the Embedded C++/Hybrid mapping. For each input file in the
- form <code><b>name.xsd</b></code> the following C++ files are generated:
- <code><b>name.hxx</b></code> (object model header file),
- <code><b>name.ixx</b></code> (object model inline file, generated only
- if the <code><b>--generate-inline</b></code> option is specified),
- <code><b>name.cxx</b></code> (object model source file), and
- <code><b>name-fwd.hxx</b></code> (object model forward declaration
- file, generated only if the <code><b>--generate-forward</b></code>
- option is specified).
- <p>If the <code><b>--generate-parser</b></code> option is specified,
- the Embedded C++/Parser mapping is invoked and the
- <code><b>name-pskel.hxx</b></code>,
- <code><b>name-pskel.ixx</b></code>, and
- <code><b>name-pskel.cxx</b></code> parser skeleton files are
- generated, as described below. Additionally, the following parser
- implementation files are generated:
- <code><b>name-pimpl.hxx</b></code> (parser implementation header
- file) and
- <code><b>name-pimpl.cxx</b></code> (parser implementation source
- file).</p>
- <p>If the <code><b>--generate-serializer</b></code> option is
- specified, the Embedded C++/Serializer mapping is invoked and the
- <code><b>name-sskel.hxx</b></code>,
- <code><b>name-sskel.ixx</b></code>, and
- <code><b>name-sskel.cxx</b></code> serializer skeleton files are
- generated, as described below. Additionally, the following serializer
- implementation files are generated:
- <code><b>name-simpl.hxx</b></code> (serializer implementation header
- file) and
- <code><b>name-simpl.cxx</b></code> (serializer implementation source
- file).</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>cxx-parser</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate the Embedded C++/Parser mapping. For each input file in the
- form <code><b>name.xsd</b></code> the following C++ files are generated:
- <code><b>name-pskel.hxx</b></code> (parser skeleton header file),
- <code><b>name-pskel.ixx</b></code> (parser skeleton inline file,
- generated only if the <code><b>--generate-inline</b></code>
- option is specified), and
- <code><b>name-pskel.cxx</b></code> (parser skeleton source file).
- If the <code><b>--generate-noop-impl</b></code> or
- <code><b>--generate-print-impl</b></code> option is specified,
- the following additional sample implementation files are generated:
- <code><b>name-pimpl.hxx</b></code> (parser implementation header
- file) and
- <code><b>name-pimpl.cxx</b></code> (parser implementation source
- file). If the <code><b>--generate-test-driver</b></code> option
- is specified, the additional <code><b>name-pdriver.cxx</b></code>
- test driver file is generated.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>cxx-serializer</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate the Embedded C++/Serializer mapping. For each input file
- in the form <code><b>name.xsd</b></code> the following C++ files
- are generated: <code><b>name-sskel.hxx</b></code> (serializer
- skeleton header file), <code><b>name-sskel.ixx</b></code> (serializer
- skeleton inline file, generated only if the
- <code><b>--generate-inline</b></code> option is specified), and
- <code><b>name-sskel.cxx</b></code> (serializer skeleton source file).
- If the <code><b>--generate-empty-impl</b></code> option is specified,
- the following additional sample implementation files are generated:
- <code><b>name-simpl.hxx</b></code> (serializer implementation header
- file) and <code><b>name-simpl.cxx</b></code> (serializer
- implementation source file). If the <code><b>--generate-test-driver</b></code>
- option is specified, the additional <code><b>name-sdriver.cxx</b></code>
- test driver file is generated.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>help</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Print usage information and exit. Use
- <p><code><b>xsde help</b> <i>command</i></code></p>
- for command-specific help.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>version</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Print version and exit.</dd>
- </dl>
- <h1>OPTIONS</h1>
- <p>Command-specific <code><i>options</i></code>, if any, should appear
- after the corresponding <code><i>command</i></code>.</p>
- <dl class="options">
- <dt><code><b>--output-dir</b> <i>dir</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Write generated files to <code><i>dir</i></code> instead of
- the current directory.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--char-encoding</b> <i>enc</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Specify the application character encoding. Valid values are
- <code><b>utf8</b></code> (default) and <code><b>iso8859-1</b></code>.
- Note that this encoding is not the same as the XML document encoding
- that is being parsed or serialized. Rather, it is the encoding that
- is used inside the application. When an XML document is parsed, the
- character data is automatically converted to the application encoding.
- Similarly, when an XML document is serialized, the data in the
- application encoding is automatically converted to the resulting
- document encoding.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--no-stl</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate code that does not use the Standard Template Library
- (STL).</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--no-iostream</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate code that does not use the standard input/output
- stream library (iostream).</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--no-exceptions</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate code that does not use C++ exceptions.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--no-long-long</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate code that does not use the <code><b>long long</b></code>
- and <code><b>unsigned long long</b></code> types. The
- 64 bit <code><b>long</b></code> and <code><b>unsignedLong</b></code>
- built-in XML Schema types are then mapped to <code><b>long</b></code>
- and <code><b>unsigned long</b></code>.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--custom-allocator</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate code that performs memory management using custom allocator
- functions provided by your application instead of the standard
- operator new/delete.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-inline</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate simple functions inline. This option triggers creation
- of the inline file.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--namespace-map</b> <i>xns</i><b>=</b><i>cns</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Map XML Schema namespace <i>xns</i> to C++ namespace <i>cns</i>.
- Repeat this option to specify mapping for more than one XML Schema
- namespace. For example, the following option:
- <p><code><b>--namespace-map http://example.com/foo/bar=foo::bar</b></code></p>
- <p>will map the <code><b>http://example.com/foo/bar</b></code>
- XML Schema namespace to the <code><b>foo::bar</b></code> C++
- namespace.</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--namespace-regex</b> <i>regex</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Add <code><i>regex</i></code> to the list of regular expressions
- used to translate XML Schema namespace names to C++ namespace
- names. <code><i>regex</i></code> is a perl-like regular expression in
- the form <code><b>/</b><i>pattern</i><b>/</b><i>replacement</i><b>/</b></code>.
- Any character can be used as a delimiter instead of <code><b>/</b></code>.
- Escaping of the delimiter character in <code><i>pattern</i></code> or
- <code><i>replacement</i></code> is not supported.
- <p>All the regular expressions are pushed into a stack with the last
- specified expression considered first. The first match that
- succeeds is used. Regular expressions are applied to a string
- in the form</p>
- <p><code><i>filename</i> <i>namespace</i></code></p>
- <p>For example, if you have file <code><b>hello.xsd</b></code>
- with namespace <code><b>http://example.com/hello</b></code> and you run
- <code><b>xsd</b></code> on this file, then the string in question
- will be:</p>
- <p><code><b>hello.xsd. http://example.com/hello</b></code></p>
- <p>For the built-in XML Schema namespace the string is:</p>
- <p><code><b>XMLSchema.xsd http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema</b></code></p>
- <p>The following three steps are performed for each regular expression
- until the match is found:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>The expression is applied and if the result is empty the
- next expression is considered.</li>
- <li>All <code><b>/</b></code> are replaced with
- <code><b>::</b></code>.</li>
- <li>The result is verified to be a valid C++ scope name (e.g.,
- <code><b>foo::bar</b></code>). If this test succeeds, the
- result is used as a C++ namespace name.</li>
- </ol>
- <p>As an example, the following expression maps XML Schema
- namespaces in the form
- <code><b>http://example.com/foo/bar</b></code> to C++
- namespaces in the form <code><b>foo::bar</b></code>:</p>
- <p><code><b>%.* http://example.com/(.+)%$1%</b></code></p>
- <p>See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--namespace-regex-trace</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Trace the process of applying regular expressions specified with
- the <code><b>--namespace-regex</b></code> option. Use this option
- to find out why your regular expressions don't do what you expected
- them to do.
- </dd>
- <!-- Reserved names -->
- <dt><code><b>--reserved-name</b> <i>name</i>[<b>=</b><i>rep</i>]</code></dt>
- <dd>Add <code><i>name</i></code> to the list of names that should not
- be used as identifiers. The name can optionally be followed by
- <code><b>=</b></code> and the replacement name that should be
- used instead. All the C++ keywords are already in this list.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--include-with-brackets</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Use angle brackets (&lt;&gt;) instead of quotes ("") in
- generated <code><b>#include</b></code> directives.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--include-prefix</b> <i>prefix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Add <code><i>prefix</i></code> to generated <code><b>#include</b></code>
- directive paths.
- <p>For example, if you had the following import element in your
- schema</p>
- <p><code><b>&lt;import namespace="..." schemaLocation="base.xsd"/&gt;</b></code></p>
- <p>and compiled this fragment with <code><b>--include-prefix schemas/</b></code>,
- then the include directive in the generated code would be:</p>
- <p><code><b>#include "schemas/base.hxx"</b></code></p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--include-regex</b> <i>regex</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Add <code><i>regex</i></code> to the list of regular expressions
- used to transform <code><b>#include</b></code> directive paths.
- <code><i>regex</i></code> is a perl-like regular expression in
- the form <code><b>/</b><i>pattern</i><b>/</b><i>replacement</i><b>/</b></code>.
- Any character can be used as a delimiter instead of <code><b>/</b></code>.
- Escaping of the delimiter character in <code><i>pattern</i></code> or
- <code><i>replacement</i></code> is not supported.
- <p>All the regular expressions are pushed into a stack with the last
- specified expression considered first. The first match that
- succeeds is used.</p>
- <p>As an example, the following expression transforms paths
- in the form <code><b>schemas/foo/bar</b></code> to paths
- in the form <code><b>generated/foo/bar</b></code>:</p>
- <p><code><b>%schemas/(.+)%generated/$1%</b></code></p>
- <p>See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--include-regex-trace</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Trace the process of applying regular expressions specified with
- the <code><b>--include-regex</b></code> option. Use this option
- to find out why your regular expressions don't do what you expected
- them to do.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--guard-prefix</b> <i>prefix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Add <code><i>prefix</i></code> to generated header inclusion guards.
- The prefix is transformed to upper case and characters that are
- illegal in a preprocessor macro name are replaced with underscores.
- If this option is not specified then the directory part of the
- input schema file is used as a prefix.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--hxx-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the default
- <code><b>.hxx</b></code> to construct the name of the header file.
- Note that this suffix is also used to construct names for
- included/imported schemas.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--ixx-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the default
- <code><b>.ixx</b></code> to construct the name of the inline file.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--cxx-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the default
- <code><b>.cxx</b></code> to construct the name of the source file.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--fwd-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the default
- <code><b>-fwd.hxx</b></code> to construct the name of the forward
- declaration file (C++/Hybrid mapping only).
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--hxx-regex</b> <i>regex</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided expression to construct the name of the header
- file. <code><i>regex</i></code> is a perl-like regular expression
- in the form
- <code><b>/</b><i>pattern</i><b>/</b><i>replacement</i><b>/</b></code>.
- This expression is also used to construct names for included/imported
- schemas.
- <p>
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>regex</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key in the form
- <code><i>key</i>=<i>regex</i></code>. The valid values for
- <code><i>key</i></code> are <code><b>pskel</b></code> (parser
- skeleton files), <code><b>pimpl</b></code> (parser implementation
- files), <code><b>sskel</b></code> (serializer skeleton files),
- <code><b>simpl</b></code> (serializer implementation files),
- and <code><b>*</b></code> (all files). If <code><i>key</i></code>
- is empty or not present then the expression is used for the
- object model files only.
- </p>
- <p>See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--ixx-regex</b> <i>regex</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided expression to construct the name of the inline
- file. <code><i>regex</i></code> is a perl-like regular expression
- in the form
- <code><b>/</b><i>pattern</i><b>/</b><i>replacement</i><b>/</b></code>.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>regex</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-regex</b></code> option for details.
- See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--cxx-regex</b> <i>regex</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided expression to construct the name of the source
- file. <code><i>regex</i></code> is a perl-like regular expression
- in the form
- <code><b>/</b><i>pattern</i><b>/</b><i>replacement</i><b>/</b></code>.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>regex</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-regex</b></code> option for details.
- See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--fwd-regex</b> <i>regex</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided expression to construct the name of the forward
- declaration file (C++/Hybrid mapping only). <code><i>regex</i></code>
- is a perl-like regular expression in the form
- <code><b>/</b><i>pattern</i><b>/</b><i>replacement</i><b>/</b></code>.
- See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.
- </dd>
- <!-- prologue options -->
- <dt><code><b>--hxx-prologue</b> <i>text</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert <code><i>text</i></code> at the beginning of the header file.
- <p>
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>text</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key in the form
- <code><i>key</i>=<i>text</i></code>. The valid values for
- <code><i>key</i></code> are <code><b>pskel</b></code> (parser
- skeleton files), <code><b>pimpl</b></code> (parser implementation
- files), <code><b>sskel</b></code> (serializer skeleton files),
- <code><b>simpl</b></code> (serializer implementation files),
- and <code><b>*</b></code> (all files). If <code><i>key</i></code>
- is empty or not present then the text is used for the
- object model files only.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--ixx-prologue</b> <i>text</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert <code><i>text</i></code> at the beginning of the inline file.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>text</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue</b></code> option for details.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--cxx-prologue</b> <i>text</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert <code><i>text</i></code> at the beginning of the source file.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>text</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue</b></code> option for details.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--fwd-prologue</b> <i>text</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert <code><i>text</i></code> at the beginning of the forward
- declaration file (C++/Hybrid mapping only).
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--prologue</b> <i>text</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert <code><i>text</i></code> at the beginning of each generated
- file for which there is no file-specific prologue.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>text</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue</b></code> option for details.
- </dd>
- <!-- epilogue options -->
- <dt><code><b>--hxx-epilogue</b> <i>text</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert <code><i>text</i></code> at the end of the header file.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>text</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue</b></code> option for details.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--ixx-epilogue</b> <i>text</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert <code><i>text</i></code> at the end of the inline file.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>text</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue</b></code> option for details.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--cxx-epilogue</b> <i>text</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert <code><i>text</i></code> at the end of the source file.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>text</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue</b></code> option for details.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--fwd-epilogue</b> <i>text</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert <code><i>text</i></code> at the end of the forward
- declaration file (C++/Hybrid mapping only).
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--epilogue</b> <i>text</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert <code><i>text</i></code> at the end of each generated
- file for which there is no file-specific epilogue.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>text</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue</b></code> option for details.
- </dd>
- <!-- prologue file options -->
- <dt><code><b>--hxx-prologue-file</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert the content of the <code><i>file</i></code> at the beginning
- of the header file.
- <p>
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>file</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key in the form
- <code><i>key</i>=<i>file</i></code>. The valid values for
- <code><i>key</i></code> are <code><b>pskel</b></code> (parser
- skeleton files), <code><b>pimpl</b></code> (parser implementation
- files), <code><b>sskel</b></code> (serializer skeleton files),
- <code><b>simpl</b></code> (serializer implementation files),
- and <code><b>*</b></code> (all files). If <code><i>key</i></code>
- is empty or not present then the file is used for the
- object model files only.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--ixx-prologue-file</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert the content of the <code><i>file</i></code> at the beginning
- of the inline file.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>file</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue-file</b></code> option for details.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--cxx-prologue-file</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert the content of the <code><i>file</i></code> at the beginning
- of the source file.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>file</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue-file</b></code> option for details.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--fwd-prologue-file</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert the content of the <code><i>file</i></code> at the beginning
- of the forward declaration file (C++/Hybrid mapping only).
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--prologue-file</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert the content of the <code><i>file</i></code> at the beginning
- of each generated file for which there is no file-specific prologue
- file.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>file</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue-file</b></code> option for details.
- </dd>
- <!-- epilogue file options -->
- <dt><code><b>--hxx-epilogue-file</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert the content of the <code><i>file</i></code> at the end of the
- header file.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>file</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue-file</b></code> option for details.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--ixx-epilogue-file</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert the content of the <code><i>file</i></code> at the end of the
- inline file.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>file</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue-file</b></code> option for details.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--cxx-epilogue-file</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert the content of the <code><i>file</i></code> at the end of the
- source file.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>file</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue-file</b></code> option for details.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--fwd-epilogue-file</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert the content of the <code><i>file</i></code> at the end of the
- forward declaration file (C++/Hybrid mapping only).
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--epilogue-file</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert the content of the <code><i>file</i></code> at the end of each
- generated file for which there is no file-specific epilogue file.
- For the C++/Hybrid mapping, the <code><i>file</i></code> argument
- can be optionally prefixed with a file key. See the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue-file</b></code> option for details.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--disable-warning</b> <i>warn</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Disable printing warning with id <i>warn</i>. If <code><b>all</b></code>
- is specified for the warning id then all the warnings are disabled.
- </dd>
- <!-- misc options -->
- <dt><code><b>--show-sloc</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Show the number of generated physical source lines of code (SLOC).
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--sloc-limit</b> <i>num</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Check that the number of generated physical source lines of code
- (SLOC) does not exceed <code><i>num</i></code>.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--options-file</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Read additional options from <code><i>file</i></code>. Each option
- should appear on a separate line optionally followed by space and
- an argument. Empty lines and lines starting with <code><b>#</b></code>
- are ignored. The semantics of providing options in a
- file is equivalent to providing the same set of options in
- the same order in the command line at the point where the
- <code><b>--options-file</b></code> option is specified
- except that shell escaping and quoting is not required.
- Repeat this option to specify more than one options files.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--proprietary-license</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Indicate that the generated code is licensed under a proprietary
- license instead of the GPL.
- </dd>
- <!-- Anonymous options. -->
- <dt><code><b>--preserve-anonymous</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Preserve anonymous types. By default anonymous types are
- automatically named with names derived from the enclosing
- elements/attributes. Because mappings implemented by this
- compiler require all types to be named, this option is only
- useful if you want to make sure your schemas don't have
- anonymous types.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--show-anonymous</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Show elements and attributes that are of anonymous types.
- This option only makes sense together with the
- <code><b>--preserve-anonymous</b></code> option.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--anonymous-regex</b> <i>regex</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Add <code><i>regex</i></code> to the list of regular expressions
- used to derive names for anonymous types from the enclosing
- attributes/elements. <code><i>regex</i></code> is a perl-like regular
- expression in the form
- <code><b>/</b><i>pattern</i><b>/</b><i>replacement</i><b>/</b></code>.
- Any character can be used as a delimiter instead of <code><b>/</b></code>.
- Escaping of the delimiter character in <code><i>pattern</i></code> or
- <code><i>replacement</i></code> is not supported.
- <p>All the regular expressions are pushed into a stack with the last
- specified expression considered first. The first match that
- succeeds is used. Regular expressions are applied to a string
- in the form</p>
- <p><code><i>filename</i> <i>namespace</i> <i>xpath</i></code></p>
- <p>For instance:</p>
- <p><code><b>hello.xsd http://example.com/hello element</b></code></p>
- <p><code><b>hello.xsd http://example.com/hello type/element</b></code></p>
- <p>As an example, the following expression makes all the derived
- names start with capital letters. This could be useful when
- your naming convention requires type names to start with
- capital letters:</p>
- <p><code><b>%.* .* (.+/)*(.+)%\u$2%</b></code></p>
- <p>See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--anonymous-regex-trace</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Trace the process of applying regular expressions specified with
- the <code><b>--anonymous-regex</b></code> option. Use this option
- to find out why your regular expressions don't do what you expected
- them to do.
- </dd>
- <!-- Location mapping options. -->
- <dt><code><b>--location-map</b> <i>ol</i><b>=</b><i>nl</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Map the original schema location <i>ol</i> that is specified in
- the XML Schema include or import elements to new schema
- location <i>nl</i>. Repeat this option to map more than one
- schema location. For example, the following option maps the
- <code><b>http://example.com/foo.xsd</b></code> URL to the
- <code><b>foo.xsd</b></code> local file.
- <p><code><b>--location-map http://example.com/foo.xsd=foo.xsd</b></code></p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--location-regex</b> <i>regex</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Add <code><i>regex</i></code> to the list of regular expressions
- used to map schema locations that are specified in the XML Schema
- include or import elements. <code><i>regex</i></code> is a perl-like
- regular expression in the form
- <code><b>/</b><i>pattern</i><b>/</b><i>replacement</i><b>/</b></code>.
- Any character can be used as a delimiter instead of <code><b>/</b></code>.
- Escaping of the delimiter character in <code><i>pattern</i></code> or
- <code><i>replacement</i></code> is not supported. All the regular
- expressions are pushed into a stack with the last specified
- expression considered first. The first match that succeeds is used.
- <p>For example, the following expression maps URL locations in the form
- <code><b>http://example.com/foo/bar.xsd</b></code> to local files
- in the form <code><b>bar.xsd</b></code>:</p>
- <p><code><b>%http://.+/(.+)%$1%</b></code></p>
- <p>See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--location-regex-trace</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Trace the process of applying regular expressions specified with
- the <code><b>--location-regex</b></code> option. Use this option
- to find out why your regular expressions don't do what you expected
- them to do.
- </dd>
- <!-- File-per-type compilation mode options. -->
- <dt><code><b>--file-per-type</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate a separate set of C++ files for each type defined in XML
- Schema. Note that in this mode you only need to compile the root
- schema(s) and the code will be generated for all included and
- imported schemas. This compilation mode is primarily useful when
- some of your schemas cannot be compiled separately or have cyclic
- dependencies which involve type inheritance. Other options related
- to this mode are:
- <code><b>--type-file-regex</b></code>,
- <code><b>--schema-file-regex</b></code>, and
- <code><b>--file-list</b></code>.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--type-file-regex</b> <i>regex</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Add <code><i>regex</i></code> to the list of regular expressions
- used to translate type names to file names when the
- <code><b>--file-per-type</b></code> option is specified.
- <code><i>regex</i></code> is a perl-like regular expression in the form
- <code><b>/</b><i>pattern</i><b>/</b><i>replacement</i><b>/</b></code>.
- Any character can be used as a delimiter instead of <code><b>/</b></code>.
- Escaping of the delimiter character in <code><i>pattern</i></code> or
- <code><i>replacement</i></code> is not supported. All the regular
- expressions are pushed into a stack with the last specified
- expression considered first. The first match that succeeds is used.
- Regular expressions are applied to a string in the form
- <p><code><i>namespace</i> <i>type-name</i></code></p>
- <p>For example, the following expression maps type <code><b>foo</b></code>
- that is defined in the <code><b>http://example.com/bar</b></code>
- namespace to file name <code><b>bar-foo</b></code>:</p>
- <p><code><b>%http://example.com/(.+) (.+)%$1-$2%</b></code></p>
- <p>See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--type-file-regex-trace</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Trace the process of applying regular expressions specified with
- the <code><b>--type-file-regex</b></code> option. Use this option
- to find out why your regular expressions don't do what you expected
- them to do.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--schema-file-regex</b> <i>regex</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Add <code><i>regex</i></code> to the list of regular expressions
- used to translate schema file names when the
- <code><b>--file-per-type</b></code> option is specified.
- <code><i>regex</i></code> is a perl-like regular expression in the form
- <code><b>/</b><i>pattern</i><b>/</b><i>replacement</i><b>/</b></code>.
- Any character can be used as a delimiter instead of <code><b>/</b></code>.
- Escaping of the delimiter character in <code><i>pattern</i></code> or
- <code><i>replacement</i></code> is not supported. All the regular
- expressions are pushed into a stack with the last specified
- expression considered first. The first match that succeeds is used.
- Regular expressions are applied to the absolute filesystem path
- of a schema file and the result, including the directory part,
- if any, is used to derive the <code><b>#include</b></code> directive
- paths as well as the generated C++ file paths. This option, along
- with <code><b>--type-file-regex</b></code> are primarily used to
- place the generated files into subdirectories or to resolve file
- name conflicts.
- <p>For example, the following expression maps schema files in the
- <code><b>foo/1.0.0/</b></code> subdirectory to the files in
- the <code><b>foo/</b></code> subdirectory. As a result, the
- <code><b>#include</b></code> directive paths for such schemas
- will be in the <code><b>foo/schema.hxx</b></code> form and
- the generated C++ files will be placed into the
- <code><b>foo/</b></code> subdirectory:</p>
- <p><code><b>%.*/foo/1.0.0/(.+)%foo/$1%</b></code></p>
- <p>See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below.</p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--schema-file-regex-trace</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Trace the process of applying regular expressions specified with
- the <code><b>--schema-file-regex</b></code> option. Use this option
- to find out why your regular expressions don't do what you expected
- them to do.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--fat-type-file</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate code corresponding to global elements into type files
- instead of schema files when the <code><b>--type-file-regex</b></code>
- option is specified. This option is primarily useful when trying
- to minimize the amount of object code that is linked to an executable
- by packaging compiled generated code into a static (archive) library.
- </dd>
- <!-- File list options. -->
- <dt><code><b>--file-list</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Write a list of generated C++ files to <code><i>file</i></code>.
- This option is primarily useful in the file-per-type compilation
- mode (<code><b>--file-per-type</b></code>) to create a list of
- generated C++ files, for example, as a makefile fragment.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--file-list-prologue</b> <i>text</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert <code><i>text</i></code> at the beginning of the file list.
- As a convenience, all occurrences of the \n character sequence in
- <code><i>text</i></code> are replaced with new lines. This option
- can, for example, be used to assign the generated file list to a
- makefile variable.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--file-list-epilogue</b> <i>text</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Insert <code><i>text</i></code> at the end of the file list.
- As a convenience, all occurrences of the \n character sequence in
- <code><i>text</i></code> are replaced with new lines.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--file-list-delim</b> <i>text</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Delimit file names written to the file list with
- <code><i>text</i></code> instead of new lines. As a convenience,
- all occurrences of the \n character sequence in
- <code><i>text</i></code> are replaced with new lines.
- </dd>
- </dl>
- <dl class="options">
- <dt><code><b>--generate-parser</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate XML parsing code.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-serializer</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate XML serialization code.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-aggregate</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate parser/serializer aggregates for root elements and/or
- types. See also the <code><b>--root-element-*</b></code> and
- <code><b>--root-type</b></code> options.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--suppress-validation</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Suppress the generation of validation code in parser and serializer.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--suppress-parser-val</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Suppress the generation of validation code in parser.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--suppress-serializer-val</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Suppress the generation of validation code in serializer.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--omit-default-attributes</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Omit attributes with default and fixed values from serialized
- XML documents.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--suppress-enum</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Suppress the generation of the XML Schema enumeration to C++
- enum mapping.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-clone</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate clone functions for variable-length types. These
- functions allow you to make dynamically-allocated copies of
- variable-length objects.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-detach</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate detach functions for elements and attributes of
- variable-length types. These functions, for example, allow
- you to move sub-trees in the object model either within the
- same tree or between different trees.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-insertion</b> <i>os</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate data representation stream insertion operators for
- the <code><i>os</i></code> output stream type. Repeat this
- option to specify more than one stream type. The special
- <code><b>CDR</b></code> and <code><b>XDR</b></code> arguments
- are recognized as ACE CDR and Sun RPC XDR stream types and
- the corresponding stream wrappers provided by the XSD/e runtime
- are automatically used. For custom stream types use the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue*</b></code> options to include the
- necessary declarations.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-extraction</b> <i>is</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate data representation stream extraction operators for
- the <code><i>is</i></code> input stream type. Repeat this
- option to specify more than one stream type. The special
- <code><b>CDR</b></code> and <code><b>XDR</b></code> arguments
- are recognized as ACE CDR and Sun RPC XDR stream types and
- the corresponding stream wrappers provided by the XSD/e runtime
- are automatically used. For custom stream types use the
- <code><b>--hxx-prologue*</b></code> options to include the
- necessary declarations.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-forward</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate forward declaration file.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-xml-schema</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate C++ header files as if the schema being compiled defines
- the XML Schema namespace. In particular, the resulting files will
- have definitions for all object model types, parser skeletons and
- implementations, as well as serializer skeletons and implementations
- corresponding to the XML Schema built-in types. The schema file
- provided to the compiler need not exist and is only used to derive
- the names of the resulting header files. Use the
- <code><b>--extern-xml-schema</b></code> option to include these file
- in the generated files for other schemas.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--extern-xml-schema</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Include header files derived from <i>file</i> instead of
- generating the XML Schema namespace mapping inline. The provided
- file need not exist and is only used to derive the names of the
- included header files. Use the <code><b>--generate-xml-schema</b></code>
- option to generate these header files.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--suppress-reset</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Suppress the generation of parser and serializer reset code.
- Reset support allows you to reuse parsers and serializers
- after an error.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-polymorphic</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate polymorphism-aware code. Specify this option if you use
- substitution groups or <code><b>xsi:type</b></code>. Use the
- <code><b>--polymorphic-type</b></code> option to specify which
- type hierarchies are polymorphic.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--runtime-polymorphic</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate non-polymorphic code that uses the runtime library
- configured with polymorphism support.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--polymorphic-type</b></code> <i>type</i></dt>
- <dd>Indicate that <code><i>type</i></code> is a root of a polymorphic
- type hierarchy. The compiler can often automatically determine
- which types are polymorphic based on the substitution group
- declarations. However, you may need to use this option if you are
- not using substitution groups or if substitution groups are defined
- in another schema. You need to specify this option when compiling
- every schema file that references <code><i>type</i></code>.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-typeinfo</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate custom type information querying functions for
- polymorphic object model types. These functions can be used
- instead of the standard C++ RTTI mechanism to determine
- object's type at runtime.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--polymorphic-schema</b></code> <i>file</i></dt>
- <dd>Indicate that <code><i>file</i></code> contains derivations of
- polymorphic types that are not otherwise visible from the schema
- being compiled. This option is used to make sure that during the
- generation of parser and serializer aggregates the compiler is
- aware of all possible derivations of polymorphic types. Repeat
- this option to specify more than one schema file.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--reuse-style-mixin</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate code that supports the mixin base parser/serializer
- implementation reuse style. Note that this reuse style
- relies on virtual inheritance and may result in a substantial
- object code size increase for large vocabularies. By default
- the tiein reuse style is used.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--custom-data</b></code> <i>type</i></dt>
- <dd>Add the ability to store custom data to the C++ class generated
- for XML Schema type <code><i>type</i></code>. To add custom
- data to a nested compositor class use the qualified name
- starting from the XML Schema type containing the compositor,
- for example, <code><b>foo::sequence::choise1</b></code>.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--custom-type</b>
- <i>name</i>[<b>=</b>[<i>flags</i>][<b>/</b>[<i>type</i>][<b>/</b>[<i>base</i>][<b>/</b><i>include</i>]]]]</code></dt>
- <dd>Use a custom type implementation instead of the generated version.
- The <code><i>name</i></code> component is the XML Schema type name
- being customized. Optional <code><i>flags</i></code> allow you to
- specify whether the custom type is fixed or variable-length. The
- <code><b>f</b></code> flag indicates the type is fixed-length and
- the <code><b>v</b></code> flag indicates the type is variable-length.
- If omitted, the default rules are used to determine the type length.
- Optional <code><i>type</i></code> is a C++ type name that should
- be used instead. If specified, the object model type is defined
- as a <code><b>typedef</b></code> alias for this C++ type. Optional
- <code><i>base</i></code> is a C++ name that should be given to the
- generated version. It is normally used as a base for the custom
- implementation. Optional <code><i>include</i></code> is the header
- file that defines the custom implementation. It is
- <code><b>#include</b></code>'ed into the generated code immediately
- after (if <code><i>base</i></code> is specified) or instead of the
- generated version.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--custom-parser</b>
- <i>name</i>[<b>=</b>[<i>base</i>][<b>/</b><i>include</i>]]</code></dt>
- <dd>Use a custom parser implementation instead of the generated version.
- The <code><i>name</i></code> component is the XML Schema type name
- being customized. Optional <code><i>base</i></code> is a C++ name
- that should be given to the generated version. It is normally used
- as a base for the custom implementation. Optional
- <code><i>include</i></code> is the header file that defines the
- custom implementation. It is <code><b>#include</b></code>'ed
- into the generated code immediately after (if <code><i>base</i></code>
- is specified) or instead of the generated version.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--custom-serializer</b>
- <i>name</i>[<b>=</b>[<i>base</i>][<b>/</b><i>include</i>]]</code></dt>
- <dd>Use a custom serializer implementation instead of the generated version.
- The <code><i>name</i></code> component is the XML Schema type name
- being customized. Optional <code><i>base</i></code> is a C++ name
- that should be given to the generated version. It is normally used
- as a base for the custom implementation. Optional
- <code><i>include</i></code> is the header file that defines the
- custom implementation. It is <code><b>#include</b></code>'ed
- into the generated code immediately after (if <code><i>base</i></code>
- is specified) or instead of the generated version.</dd>
- <!-- Root element/type. -->
- <dt><code><b>--root-element-first</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Treat only the first global element as a document root. This
- determines for which elements parser and serializer aggregates
- are generated. By default all global elements are considered
- document roots. See also the <code><b>--generate-aggregate</b></code>
- option.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--root-element-last</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Treat only the last global element as a document root. This
- determines for which elements parser and serializer aggregates
- are generated. By default all global elements are considered
- document roots. See also the <code><b>--generate-aggregate</b></code>
- option.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--root-element-all</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Treat all global elements as document roots (the default
- behavior). This determines for which elements parser and
- serializer aggregates are generated. By explicitly specifying
- this option you can suppress the warning that is issued if
- more than one global element is defined. See also the
- <code><b>--generate-aggregate</b></code> option.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--root-element-none</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Do not treat any global elements as document roots. This
- determines for which elements parser and serializer aggregates
- are generated. By default all global elements are considered
- document roots. See also the <code><b>--generate-aggregate</b></code>
- option.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--root-element</b> <i>element</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Treat only <code><i>element</i></code> as a document root. This
- determines for which elements parser and serializer aggregates
- are generated. Repeat this option to specify more than one root
- element. See also the <code><b>--generate-aggregate</b></code> option.
- </dd>
- <dt><code><b>--root-type</b> <i>type</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate parser/serializer aggregate for <code><i>type</i></code>.
- Repeat this option to specify more than one type. See also the
- <code><b>--generate-aggregate</b></code> option.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--pskel-type-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the default
- <code><b>_pskel</b></code> to construct the names of generated parser
- skeletons.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--sskel-type-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the default
- <code><b>_sskel</b></code> to construct the names of generated
- serializer skeletons.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--pskel-file-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the default
- <code><b>-pskel</b></code> to construct the names of generated
- parser skeleton files.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--sskel-file-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the default
- <code><b>-sskel</b></code> to construct the names of generated
- serializer skeleton files.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--pimpl-type-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the default
- <code><b>_pimpl</b></code> to construct the names of generated
- parser implementations.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--simpl-type-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the default
- <code><b>_simpl</b></code> to construct the names of generated
- serializer implementations.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--pimpl-file-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the default
- <code><b>-pimpl</b></code> to construct the names of generated
- parser implementation files.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--simpl-file-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the default
- <code><b>-simpl</b></code> to construct the names of generated
- serializer implementation files.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--paggr-type-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the default
- <code><b>_paggs</b></code> to construct the names of generated
- parser aggregates.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--saggr-type-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the default
- <code><b>_saggr</b></code> to construct the names of generated
- serializer aggregates.</dd>
- </dl>
- <dl class="options">
- <dt><code><b>--type-map</b> <i>mapfile</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Read XML Schema to C++ type mapping information from
- <code><i>mapfile</i></code>. Repeat this option to specify
- several type maps. Type maps are considered in order of
- appearance and the first match is used. By default all
- user-defined types are mapped to <code><b>void</b></code>.
- See the TYPE MAP section below for more information.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--reuse-style-mixin</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate code that supports the mixin base parser
- implementation reuse style. Note that this reuse style
- relies on virtual inheritance and may result in a substantial
- object code size increase for large vocabularies. By default
- support for the tiein style is generated.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--reuse-style-none</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Do not generate any support for base parser implementation
- reuse. By default support for the tiein style is generated.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--suppress-validation</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Suppress the generation of validation code.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-polymorphic</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate polymorphism-aware code. Specify this option if you use
- substitution groups or <code><b>xsi:type</b></code>.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--runtime-polymorphic</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate non-polymorphic code that uses the runtime library
- configured with polymorphism support.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--suppress-reset</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Suppress the generation of parser reset code. Reset
- support allows you to reuse parsers after an error.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-noop-impl</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate a sample parser implementation that does nothing (no
- operation). The sample implementation can then be filled with
- the application-specific code. For an input file in the form
- <code><b>name.xsd</b></code> this option triggers the generation
- of the two additional C++ files in the form:
- <code><b>name-pimpl.hxx</b></code> (parser implementation header
- file) and <code><b>name-pimpl.cxx</b></code> (parser implementation
- source file).</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-print-impl</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate a sample parser implementation that prints the XML data
- to STDOUT. For an input file in the form <code><b>name.xsd</b></code>
- this option triggers the generation of the two additional C++ files
- in the form: <code><b>name-pimpl.hxx</b></code> (parser implementation
- header file) and <code><b>name-pimpl.cxx</b></code> (parser
- implementation source file).</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-test-driver</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate a test driver for the sample parser implementation. For an
- input file in the form <code><b>name.xsd</b></code> this option
- triggers the generation of an additional C++ file in the form
- <code><b>name-pdriver.cxx</b></code>.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--force-overwrite</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Force overwriting of the existing implementation and test driver
- files. Use this option only if you do not mind loosing the changes
- you have made in the sample implementation or test driver files.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--root-element-first</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Indicate that the first global element is the document root. This
- information is used to generate the test driver for the sample
- implementation.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--root-element-last</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Indicate that the last global element is the document root. This
- information is used to generate the test driver for the sample
- implementation.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--root-element <i>element</i></b></code></dt>
- <dd>Indicate that <code><i>element</i></code> is the document root.
- This information is used to generate the test driver for the
- sample implementation.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-xml-schema</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate a C++ header file as if the schema being compiled defines
- the XML Schema namespace. In particular, the resulting file will
- have definitions for all parser skeletons and implementations
- corresponding to the XML Schema built-in types. The schema file
- provided to the compiler need not exist and is only used to derive
- the name of the resulting header file. Use the
- <code><b>--extern-xml-schema</b></code> option to include this file
- in the generated files for other schemas.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--extern-xml-schema</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Include a header file derived from <i>file</i> instead of
- generating the XML Schema namespace mapping inline. The provided
- file need not exist and is only used to derive the name of the
- included header file. Use the <code><b>--generate-xml-schema</b></code>
- option to generate this header file.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--skel-type-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the
- default <code><b>_pskel</b></code> to construct the names
- of generated parser skeletons.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--skel-file-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the
- default <code><b>-pskel</b></code> to construct the names of
- generated parser skeleton files.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--impl-type-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the
- default <code><b>_pimpl</b></code> to construct the names of
- parser implementations for the built-in XML Schema types
- and sample parser implementations.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--impl-file-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the
- default <code><b>-pimpl</b></code> to construct the names of
- generated sample parser implementation files.</dd>
- </dl>
- <dl class="options">
- <dt><code><b>--type-map</b> <i>mapfile</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Read XML Schema to C++ type mapping information from
- <code><i>mapfile</i></code>. Repeat this option to specify
- several type maps. Type maps are considered in order of
- appearance and the first match is used. By default all
- user-defined types are mapped to <code><b>void</b></code>.
- See the TYPE MAP section below for more information.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--reuse-style-mixin</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate code that supports the mixin base serializer
- implementation reuse style. Note that this reuse style
- relies on virtual inheritance and may result in a substantial
- object code size increase for large vocabularies. By default
- support for the tiein style is generated.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--reuse-style-none</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Do not generate any support for base serializer implementation
- reuse. By default support for the tiein style is generated.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--suppress-validation</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Suppress the generation of validation code.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-polymorphic</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate polymorphism-aware code. Specify this option if you use
- substitution groups or <code><b>xsi:type</b></code>.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--runtime-polymorphic</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate non-polymorphic code that uses the runtime library
- configured with polymorphism support.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--suppress-reset</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Suppress the generation of serializer reset code. Reset
- support allows you to reuse serializers after an error.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-empty-impl</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate a sample serializer implementation with empty function
- bodies which can then be filled with the application-specific code.
- For an input file in the form <code><b>name.xsd</b></code> this
- option triggers the generation of the two additional C++ files in the
- form: <code><b>name-simpl.hxx</b></code> (serializer implementation
- header file) and <code><b>name-simpl.cxx</b></code> (serializer
- implementation source file).</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-test-driver</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate a test driver for the sample serializer implementation. For
- an input file in the form <code><b>name.xsd</b></code> this option
- triggers the generation of an additional C++ file in the form
- <code><b>name-sdriver.cxx</b></code>.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--force-overwrite</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Force overwriting of the existing implementation and test driver
- files. Use this option only if you do not mind loosing the changes
- you have made in the sample implementation or test driver files.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--root-element-first</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Indicate that the first global element is the document root. This
- information is used to generate the test driver for the sample
- implementation.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--root-element-last</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Indicate that the last global element is the document root. This
- information is used to generate the test driver for the sample
- implementation.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--root-element <i>element</i></b></code></dt>
- <dd>Indicate that <code><i>element</i></code> is the document root.
- This information is used to generate the test driver for the
- sample implementation.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--generate-xml-schema</b></code></dt>
- <dd>Generate a C++ header file as if the schema being compiled defines
- the XML Schema namespace. In particular, the resulting file will
- have definitions for all serializer skeletons and implementations
- corresponding to the XML Schema built-in types. The schema file
- provided to the compiler need not exist and is only used to derive
- the name of the resulting header file. Use the
- <code><b>--extern-xml-schema</b></code> option to include this file
- in the generated files for other schemas.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--extern-xml-schema</b> <i>file</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Include a header file derived from <i>file</i> instead of
- generating the XML Schema namespace mapping inline. The provided
- file need not exist and is only used to derive the name of the
- included header file. Use the <code><b>--generate-xml-schema</b></code>
- option to generate this header file.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--skel-type-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the
- default <code><b>_sskel</b></code> to construct the names
- of generated serializer skeletons.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--skel-file-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the
- default <code><b>-sskel</b></code> to construct the names of
- generated serializer skeleton files.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--impl-type-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the
- default <code><b>_simpl</b></code> to construct the names of
- serializer implementations for the built-in XML Schema types
- and sample serializer implementations.</dd>
- <dt><code><b>--impl-file-suffix</b> <i>suffix</i></code></dt>
- <dd>Use the provided <code><i>suffix</i></code> instead of the
- default <code><b>-simpl</b></code> to construct the names of
- generated sample serializer implementation files.</dd>
- </dl>
- <h1>TYPE MAP</h1>
- <p>Type map files are used to define a mapping between XML Schema
- and C++ types. For C++/Parser, the compiler uses
- this information to determine the return types of
- <code><b>post_*</b></code> functions in parser skeletons
- corresponding to XML Schema types as well as argument types
- for callbacks corresponding to elements and attributes of these
- types. For C++/Serializer, type maps are used to determine
- the argument type of <code><b>pre</b></code> functions in
- serializer skeletons corresponding to XML Schema types as
- well as return types for callbacks corresponding to elements
- and attributes of these types.</p>
- <p>The compiler has a set of predefined mapping rules that map
- the built-in XML Schema types to suitable C++ types (discussed
- in the following sub-sections) and all other types to
- <code><b>void</b></code>. By providing your own type maps you
- can override these predefined rules. The format of the type map
- file is presented below:
- </p>
- <pre>
-namespace &lt;schema-namespace> [&lt;cxx-namespace>]
- (include &lt;file-name>;)*
- ([type] &lt;schema-type> &lt;cxx-ret-type> [&lt;cxx-arg-type>];)*
- </pre>
- <p>Both <code><i>&lt;schema-namespace></i></code> and
- <code><i>&lt;schema-type></i></code> are regex patterns while
- <code><i>&lt;cxx-namespace></i></code>,
- <code><i>&lt;cxx-ret-type></i></code>, and
- <code><i>&lt;cxx-arg-type></i></code> are regex pattern
- substitutions. All names can be optionally enclosed in
- <code><b>"&nbsp;"</b></code>, for example, to include white-spaces.</p>
- <p><code><i>&lt;schema-namespace></i></code> determines XML
- Schema namespace. Optional <code><i>&lt;cxx-namespace></i></code>
- is prefixed to every C++ type name in this namespace declaration.
- <code><i>&lt;cxx-ret-type></i></code> is a C++ type name that is
- used as a return type for the <code><b>post_*</b></code> function
- in C++/Parser or for element/attribute callbacks in C++/Serializer.
- Optional <code><i>&lt;cxx-arg-type></i></code> is an argument type
- for element/attribute callbacks in C++/Parser or for the
- <code><b>pre</b></code> function in C++/Serializer. If
- <code><i>&lt;cxx-arg-type></i></code> is not specified, it defaults
- to <code><i>&lt;cxx-ret-type></i></code> if <code><i>&lt;cxx-ret-type></i></code>
- ends with <code><b>*</b></code> or <code><b>&amp;</b></code> (that is,
- it is a pointer or a reference) and
- <code><b>const</b>&nbsp;<i>&lt;cxx-ret-type></i><b>&amp;</b></code>
- otherwise.
- <code><i>&lt;file-name></i></code> is a file name either in the
- <code><b>"&nbsp;"</b></code> or <code><b>&lt;&nbsp;></b></code> format
- and is added with the <code><b>#include</b></code> directive to
- the generated code.</p>
- <p>The <code><b>#</b></code> character starts a comment that ends
- with a new line or end of file. To specify a name that contains
- <code><b>#</b></code> enclose it in <code><b>"&nbsp;"</b></code>.
- For example:</p>
- <pre>
-namespace http://www.example.com/xmlns/my my
- include "my.hxx";
- # Pass apples by value.
- #
- apple apple;
- # Pass oranges as pointers.
- #
- orange orange_t*;
- </pre>
- <p>In the example above, for the
- <code><b>http://www.example.com/xmlns/my#orange</b></code>
- XML Schema type, the <code><b>my::orange_t*</b></code> C++ type will
- be used as both return and argument types.</p>
- <p>Several namespace declarations can be specified in a single
- file. The namespace declaration can also be completely
- omitted to map types in a schema without a namespace. For
- instance:</p>
- <pre>
-include "my.hxx";
-apple apple;
-namespace http://www.example.com/xmlns/my
- orange "const orange_t*";
- </pre>
- <p>The compiler has a number of predefined mapping rules
- for the built-in XML Schema types that vary depending on
- the mapping used. They are described in the following
- subsections. The last predefined rule for all the mappings
- maps anything that wasn't mapped by previous rules to
- <code><b>void</b></code>:</p>
- <pre>
-namespace .*
- .* void void;
- </pre>
- <p>When you provide your own type maps with the
- <code><b>--type-map</b></code> option, they are evaluated first.
- This allows you to selectively override predefined rules.</p>
- <h2>Predefined C++/Parser Type Maps</h2>
- <p>The C++/Parser mapping provides a number of predefined type
- map rules for the built-in XML Schema types. They can be
- presented as the following map files:</p>
- <pre>
-namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
- boolean bool bool;
- byte "signed char" "signed char";
- unsignedByte "unsigned char" "unsigned char";
- short short short;
- unsignedShort "unsigned short" "unsigned short";
- int int int;
- unsignedInt "unsigned int" "unsigned int";
- long "long long" "long long";
- unsignedLong "unsigned long long" "unsigned long long";
- integer long long;
- negativeInteger long long;
- nonPositiveInteger long long;
- positiveInteger "unsigned long" "unsigned long";
- nonNegativeInteger "unsigned long" "unsigned long";
- float float float;
- double double double;
- decimal double double;
- NMTOKENS xml_schema::string_sequence*;
- IDREFS xml_schema::string_sequence*;
- base64Binary xml_schema::buffer*;
- hexBinary xml_schema::buffer*;
- date xml_schema::date;
- dateTime xml_schema::date_time;
- duration xml_schema::duration;
- gDay xml_schema::gday;
- gMonth xml_schema::gmonth;
- gMonthDay xml_schema::gmonth_day;
- gYear xml_schema::gyear;
- gYearMonth xml_schema::gyear_month;
- time xml_schema::time;
- </pre>
- <p>If the <code><b>--no-stl</b></code> option is not specified,
- the following mapping is used for the string-based XML Schema
- built-in types:</p>
- <pre>
-namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
- include &lt;string>;
- string std::string;
- normalizedString std::string;
- token std::string;
- Name std::string;
- NMTOKEN std::string;
- NCName std::string;
- ID std::string;
- IDREF std::string;
- language std::string;
- anyURI std::string;
- QName xml_schema::qname;
- </pre>
- <p>Otherwise, a C string-based mapping is used:</p>
- <pre>
-namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
- string char*;
- normalizedString char*;
- token char*;
- Name char*;
- NMTOKEN char*;
- NCName char*;
- ID char*;
- IDREF char*;
- language char*;
- anyURI char*;
- QName xml_schema::qname*;
- </pre>
- <h2>Predefined C++/Serializer Type Maps</h2>
- <p>The C++/Serializer mapping provides a number of predefined type
- map rules for the built-in XML Schema types. They can be
- presented as the following map files:</p>
- <pre>
-namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
- boolean bool bool;
- byte "signed char" "signed char";
- unsignedByte "unsigned char" "unsigned char";
- short short short;
- unsignedShort "unsigned short" "unsigned short";
- int int int;
- unsignedInt "unsigned int" "unsigned int";
- long "long long" "long long";
- unsignedLong "unsigned long long" "unsigned long long";
- integer long long;
- negativeInteger long long;
- nonPositiveInteger long long;
- positiveInteger "unsigned long" "unsigned long";
- nonNegativeInteger "unsigned long" "unsigned long";
- float float float;
- double double double;
- decimal double double;
- NMTOKENS "const xml_schema::string_sequence*";
- IDREFS "const xml_schema::string_sequence*";
- base64Binary "const xml_schema::buffer*";
- hexBinary "const xml_schema::buffer*";
- date xml_schema::date;
- dateTime xml_schema::date_time;
- duration xml_schema::duration;
- gDay xml_schema::gday;
- gMonth xml_schema::gmonth;
- gMonthDay xml_schema::gmonth_day;
- gYear xml_schema::gyear;
- gYearMonth xml_schema::gyear_month;
- time xml_schema::time;
- </pre>
- <p>If the <code><b>--no-stl</b></code> option is not specified,
- the following mapping is used for the string-based XML Schema
- built-in types:</p>
- <pre>
-namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
- include &lt;string>;
- string std::string;
- normalizedString std::string;
- token std::string;
- Name std::string;
- NMTOKEN std::string;
- NCName std::string;
- ID std::string;
- IDREF std::string;
- language std::string;
- anyURI std::string;
- QName xml_schema::qname;
- </pre>
- <p>Otherwise, a C string-based mapping is used:</p>
- <pre>
-namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
- string "const char*";
- normalizedString "const char*";
- token "const char*";
- Name "const char*";
- NMTOKEN "const char*";
- NCName "const char*";
- ID "const char*";
- IDREF "const char*";
- language "const char*";
- anyURI "const char*";
- QName "const xml_schema::qname*";
- </pre>
- <p>When entering a regular expression argument in the shell
- command line it is often necessary to use quoting (enclosing
- the argument in <code><b>"&nbsp;"</b></code> or
- <code><b>'&nbsp;'</b></code>) in order to prevent the shell
- from interpreting certain characters, for example, spaces as
- argument separators and <code><b>$</b></code> as variable
- expansions.</p>
- <p>Unfortunately it is hard to achieve this in a manner that is
- portable across POSIX shells, such as those found on
- GNU/Linux and UNIX, and Windows shell. For example, if you
- use <code><b>"&nbsp;"</b></code> for quoting you will get a
- wrong result with POSIX shells if your expression contains
- <code><b>$</b></code>. The standard way of dealing with this
- on POSIX systems is to use <code><b>'&nbsp;'</b></code> instead.
- Unfortunately, Windows shell does not remove <code><b>'&nbsp;'</b></code>
- from arguments when they are passed to applications. As a result you
- may have to use <code><b>'&nbsp;'</b></code> for POSIX and
- <code><b>"&nbsp;"</b></code> for Windows (<code><b>$</b></code> is
- not treated as a special character on Windows).</p>
- <p>Alternatively, you can save regular expression options into
- a file, one option per line, and use this file with the
- <code><b>--options-file</b></code> option. With this approach
- you don't need to worry about shell quoting.</p>
- <h1>DIAGNOSTICS</h1>
- <p>If the input file is not a valid W3C XML Schema definition,
- <code><b>xsde</b></code> will issue diagnostic messages to STDERR
- and exit with non-zero exit code.</p>
- <h1>BUGS</h1>
- <p>Send bug reports to the
- <a href="mailto:xsde-users@codesynthesis.com">xsde-users@codesynthesis.com</a> mailing list.</p>
- </div>
- <div id="footer">
- &copy;2005-2011 <a href="http://codesynthesis.com">CODE SYNTHESIS TOOLS CC</a>
- <div id="terms">
- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
- document under the terms of the
- <a href="http://codesynthesis.com/licenses/fdl-1.2.txt">GNU Free
- Documentation License, version 1.2</a>; with no Invariant Sections,
- no Front-Cover Texts and no Back-Cover Texts.
- </div>
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