changeChange development spec and scripts 7 yearssummarylogtree
gitGit helper scripts 8 weekssummarylogtree
buildMassively-parallel software build system 7 yearssummarylogtree
import-stubsBuild import stubs for third-party libraries 7 yearssummarylogtree
cliCommand Line Interface compiler for C++16 monthssummarylogtree
cli+depDependency configuration for CLI (legacy repository) 7 yearssummarylogtree
genxGenx XML generator 5 yearssummarylogtree
libcutlC++ utility library 16 monthssummarylogtree
libcutl+depDependency configuration for libcutl (legacy repository) 7 yearssummarylogtree
libcutl-etcExtra C++ utility library development files (helper scripts, checklists, etc) 2 yearssummarylogtree
libstudxmlC++ XML library 5 weekssummarylogtree
libstudxml-etcExtra libstudxml development files (helper scripts, checklists, etc) 7 yearssummarylogtree
libxsd-frontendXML Schema compiler frontend 16 monthssummarylogtree
libxsd-frontend-etcExtra XML Schema compiler frontend development files (helper scripts, checklists...2 yearssummarylogtree
libodbCommon ODB runtime library (legacy repository) 13 monthssummarylogtree
libodb-boostBoost ODB profile library (legacy repository) 19 monthssummarylogtree
libodb-mssqlMicrosoft SQL Server ODB runtime library (legacy repository) 12 monthssummarylogtree
libodb-mysqlMySQL ODB runtime library (legacy repository) 12 monthssummarylogtree
libodb-oracleOracle ODB runtime library (legacy repository) 12 monthssummarylogtree
libodb-pgsqlPostgreSQL ODB runtime library (legacy repository) 12 monthssummarylogtree
libodb-qtQt ODB profile library (legacy repository) 15 monthssummarylogtree
libodb-sqliteSQLite ODB runtime library (legacy repository) 12 monthssummarylogtree
libodb-tracerTracer ODB runtime library (legacy repository) 5 yearssummarylogtree
odbObject-relational mapping (ORM) system for C++ 4 weekssummarylogtree
odb-changeODB change development (issue tracker) 7 yearssummarylogtree
odb-etcExtra ODB development files (helper scripts, checklists, etc) 4 weekssummarylogtree
odb-examplesODB examples (legacy repository) 19 monthssummarylogtree
odb-testsODB test suite (legacy repository) 13 monthssummarylogtree
xsdXML Schema to C++ data binding compiler 10 dayssummarylogtree
xsd+depDependency configuration for XSD (legacy repository) 7 yearssummarylogtree
xsd-etcExtra XSD development files (helper scripts, checklists, etc) 16 monthssummarylogtree
xsdeXML Schema to C++ data binding compiler for mobile and embedded systems 3 dayssummarylogtree
xsde+depDependency configuration for XSD/e 7 yearssummarylogtree
xsde-etcExtra XSD/e development files (helper scripts, checklists, etc) 2 dayssummarylogtree