path: root/xsd/cxx/tree
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'xsd/cxx/tree')
2 files changed, 418 insertions, 534 deletions
diff --git a/xsd/cxx/tree/generator.cxx b/xsd/cxx/tree/generator.cxx
index 5fe4af5..7a6759b 100644
--- a/xsd/cxx/tree/generator.cxx
+++ b/xsd/cxx/tree/generator.cxx
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
#include <cutl/compiler/cxx-indenter.hxx>
#include <cutl/compiler/sloc-counter.hxx>
-#include <backend-elements/indentation/clip.hxx>
#include <xsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
#include <cxx/tree/generator.hxx>
@@ -47,7 +45,7 @@
#include <cxx/tree/stream-insertion-source.hxx>
#include <cxx/tree/stream-extraction-source.hxx>
-#include <usage.hxx>
+#include <cxx/tree/options.hxx>
#include "../../../libxsd/xsd/cxx/version.hxx"
@@ -223,536 +221,8 @@ namespace CXX
Void Tree::Generator::
usage ()
- std::wostream& o (wcout);
- ::CLI::Indent::Clip< ::CLI::OptionsUsage, WideChar> clip (o);
- o << "--char-type <type>" << endl
- << " Use <type> as the base character type. Valid\n"
- << " values are 'char' (default) and 'wchar_t'."
- << endl;
- o << "--char-encoding <enc>" << endl
- << " Specify the character encoding that should be used\n"
- << " in the object model. Valid values for the 'char'\n"
- << " character type are 'utf8' (default), 'iso8859-1',\n"
- << " 'lcp', and 'custom'. For the 'wchar_t' character\n"
- << " type the only valid value is 'auto'."
- << endl;
- o << "--output-dir <dir>" << endl
- << " Write generated files to <dir> instead of current\n"
- << " directory."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-polymorphic" << endl
- << " Generate polymorphism-aware code. Specify this\n"
- << " option if you use substitution groups or xsi:type."
- << endl;
- o << "--polymorphic-type <type>" << endl
- << " Indicate that <type> is a root of a polymorphic\n"
- << " type hierarchy."
- << endl;
- o << "--polymorphic-type-all" << endl
- << " Indicate that all types should be treated as\n"
- << " polymorphic."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-serialization" << endl
- << " Generate serialization functions. They convert an\n"
- << " in-memory representation back to XML."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-inline" << endl
- << " Generate certain functions inline."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-ostream" << endl
- << " Generate ostream insertion operators."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-doxygen" << endl
- << " Generate documentation comments in the Doxygen\n"
- << " format."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-comparison" << endl
- << " Generate comparison operators."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-default-ctor" << endl
- << " Generate default constructors even for types that\n"
- << " have required members."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-from-base-ctor" << endl
- << " Generate from-base constructors."
- << endl;
- o << "--suppress-assignment" << endl
- << " Suppress the generation of copy assignment\n"
- << " operators for complex types."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-detach" << endl
- << " Generate detach functions for required members."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-wildcard" << endl
- << " Generate accessors/modifiers as well as parsing\n"
- << " and serialization code for XML Schema wildcards."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-insertion <os>" << endl
- << " Generate data representation stream insertion\n"
- << " operators for the <os> output stream type."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-extraction <is>" << endl
- << " Generate data representation stream extraction\n"
- << " constructors for the <is> input stream type."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-forward" << endl
- << " Generate forward declaration file."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-xml-schema" << endl
- << " Generate a C++ header file as if the schema being\n"
- << " compiled defines the XML Schema namespace."
- << endl;
- o << "--extern-xml-schema <file>" << endl
- << " Generate code as if the XML Schema namespace was\n"
- << " defined in <file> and xsd:included in the schema\n"
- << " being compiled."
- << endl;
- o << "--suppress-parsing" << endl
- << " Suppress the generation of parsing functions."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-element-type" << endl
- << " Generate types instead of parsing/serialization\n"
- << " functions for root elements."
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-element-map" << endl
- << " Generate a root element map that allows uniform\n"
- << " parsing/serialization of multiple root elements.\n"
- << endl;
- o << "--generate-intellisense" << endl
- << " Generate workarounds for IntelliSense bugs in\n"
- << " Visual Studio 2005 (8.0)."
- << endl;
- o << "--omit-default-attributes" << endl
- << " Omit attributes with default and fixed values\n"
- << " from serialized XML documents."
- << endl;
- o << "--namespace-map <xns>=<cns>" << endl
- << " Map XML Schema namespace <xns> to C++ namespace\n"
- << " <cns>. Repeat this option to specify mapping for\n"
- << " more than one XML Schema namespace."
- << endl;
- o << "--namespace-regex <regex>" << endl
- << " Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions\n"
- << " used to translate XML Schema namespace names to\n"
- << " C++ namespace names."
- << endl;
- o << "--namespace-regex-trace" << endl
- << " Trace the process of applying regular expressions\n"
- << " specified with the --namespace-regex option."
- << endl;
- o << "--reserved-name <name>" << endl
- << " Add <name> to the list of names that should not\n"
- << " be used as identifiers. The name can optionally\n"
- << " be followed by '=' and the replacement name that\n"
- << " should be used instead."
- << endl;
- o << "--type-naming <style>" << endl
- << " Specify the type naming convention that should be\n"
- << " used in the generated code. Valid styles are 'knr'\n"
- << " (default), 'ucc', and 'java'."
- << endl;
- o << "--function-naming <style>" << endl
- << " Specify the function naming convention that should\n"
- << " be used in the generated code. Valid styles are\n"
- << " 'knr' (default), 'lcc', and 'java'."
- << endl;
- o << "--type-regex <expr>" << endl
- << " Add <expr> to the list of regular expressions\n"
- << " used to translate XML Schema type names to C++\n"
- << " type names."
- << endl;
- o << "--accessor-regex <expr>" << endl
- << " Add <expr> to the list of regular expressions\n"
- << " used to translate XML Schema names of elements and\n"
- << " attributes to C++ accessor function names."
- << endl;
- o << "--one-accessor-regex <expr>" << endl
- << " Add <expr> to the list of regular expressions\n"
- << " used to translate XML Schema names of elements\n"
- << " and attributes with cardinality one to C++\n"
- << " accessor function names."
- << endl;
- o << "--opt-accessor-regex <expr>" << endl
- << " Add <expr> to the list of regular expressions\n"
- << " used to translate XML Schema names of elements\n"
- << " and attributes with cardinality optional to C++\n"
- << " accessor function names."
- << endl;
- o << "--seq-accessor-regex <expr>" << endl
- << " Add <expr> to the list of regular expressions\n"
- << " used to translate XML Schema names of elements\n"
- << " and attributes with cardinality sequence to C++\n"
- << " accessor function names."
- << endl;
- o << "--modifier-regex <expr>" << endl
- << " Add <expr> to the list of regular expressions\n"
- << " used to translate XML Schema names of elements and\n"
- << " attributes to C++ modifier function names."
- << endl;
- o << "--one-modifier-regex <expr>" << endl
- << " Add <expr> to the list of regular expressions\n"
- << " used to translate XML Schema names of elements\n"
- << " and attributes with cardinality one to C++\n"
- << " modifier function names."
- << endl;
- o << "--opt-modifier-regex <expr>" << endl
- << " Add <expr> to the list of regular expressions\n"
- << " used to translate XML Schema names of elements\n"
- << " and attributes with cardinality optional to C++\n"
- << " modifier function names."
- << endl;
- o << "--seq-modifier-regex <expr>" << endl
- << " Add <expr> to the list of regular expressions\n"
- << " used to translate XML Schema names of elements\n"
- << " and attributes with cardinality sequence to C++\n"
- << " modifier function names."
- << endl;
- o << "--parser-regex <expr>" << endl
- << " Add <expr> to the list of regular expressions\n"
- << " used to translate XML Schema element names to\n"
- << " C++ parsing function names."
- << endl;
- o << "--serializer-regex <expr>" << endl
- << " Add <expr> to the list of regular expressions\n"
- << " used to translate XML Schema element names to\n"
- << " C++ serialization function names."
- << endl;
- o << "--enumerator-regex <expr>" << endl
- << " Add <expr> to the list of regular expressions\n"
- << " used to translate XML Schema enumeration values\n"
- << " to C++ enumerator names."
- << endl;
- o << "--element-type-regex <expr>" << endl
- << " Add <expr> to the list of regular expressions\n"
- << " used to translate XML Schema element names to\n"
- << " C++ element type names."
- << endl;
- o << "--name-regex-trace" << endl
- << " Trace the process of applying regular expressions\n"
- << " specified with the name transformation options."
- << endl;
- o << "--include-with-brackets" << endl
- << " Use angle brackets (<>) instead of quotes (\"\") in\n"
- << " generated #include directives."
- << endl;
- o << "--include-prefix <prefix>" << endl
- << " Add <prefix> to generated #include directive\n"
- << " paths."
- << endl;
- o << "--include-regex <regex>" << endl
- << " Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions\n"
- << " used to transform #include directive paths."
- << endl;
- o << "--include-regex-trace" << endl
- << " Trace the process of applying regular expressions\n"
- << " specified with the --include-regex option."
- << endl;
- o << "--guard-prefix <prefix>" << endl
- << " Add <prefix> to generated header inclusion guards."
- << endl;
- o << "--root-element-first" << endl
- << " Treat only the first global element as a document\n"
- << " root."
- << endl;
- o << "--root-element-last" << endl
- << " Treat only the last global element as a document\n"
- << " root."
- << endl;
- o << "--root-element-all" << endl
- << " Treat all global elements as document roots."
- << endl;
- o << "--root-element-none" << endl
- << " Don't treat any global elements as document roots."
- << endl;
- o << "--root-element <element>" << endl
- << " Treat only <element> as a document root. Repeat\n"
- << " this option to specify more than one root element."
- << endl;
- o << "--custom-type <map>" << endl
- << " Use a custom C++ type instead of the generated\n"
- << " class. The <map> argument is in the form\n"
- << " name[=type[/base]], where <name> is a type name as\n"
- << " defined in XML Schema, <type> is a C++ type name\n"
- << " that should be used instead, and optional <base>\n"
- << " is a C++ name that should be given to the C++\n"
- << " class generated from the XML Schema definition\n"
- << " which is normally used as a base for the custom\n"
- << " type."
- << endl;
- o << "--custom-type-regex <regex>" << endl
- << " Use custom C++ types instead of the generated\n"
- << " classes. The <regex> argument is in the form\n"
- << " /name/[type/[base/]], where <name> is a regex\n"
- << " pattern that will be matched against type names\n"
- << " as defined in XML Schema, <type> is a C++ type\n"
- << " name that should be used instead, and optional\n"
- << " <base> is a C++ name that should be given to\n"
- << " the C++ class generated from the XML Schema\n"
- << " definition."
- << endl;
- o << "--hxx-suffix <suffix>" << endl
- << " Use <suffix> instead of the default '.hxx' to\n"
- << " construct the name of the header file."
- << endl;
- o << "--ixx-suffix <suffix>" << endl
- << " Use <suffix> instead of the default '.ixx' to\n"
- << " construct the name of the inline file."
- << endl;
- o << "--cxx-suffix <suffix>" << endl
- << " Use <suffix> instead of the default '.cxx' to\n"
- << " construct the name of the source file."
- << endl;
- o << "--fwd-suffix <suffix>" << endl
- << " Use <suffix> instead of the default '-fwd.hxx'\n"
- << " to construct the name of the forward declaration\n"
- << " file."
- << endl;
- o << "--hxx-regex <regex>" << endl
- << " Use <regex> to construct the name of the header\n"
- << " file."
- << endl;
- o << "--ixx-regex <regex>" << endl
- << " Use <regex> to construct the name of the inline\n"
- << " file."
- << endl;
- o << "--cxx-regex <regex>" << endl
- << " Use <regex> to construct the name of the source\n"
- << " file."
- << endl;
- o << "--fwd-regex <regex>" << endl
- << " Use <regex> to construct the name of the forward\n"
- << " declaration file."
- << endl;
- // Prologues.
- //
- o << "--hxx-prologue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the beginning of the header file."
- << endl;
- o << "--ixx-prologue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the beginning of the inline file."
- << endl;
- o << "--cxx-prologue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the beginning of the source file."
- << endl;
- o << "--fwd-prologue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the beginning of the forward\n"
- << " declaration file."
- << endl;
- o << "--prologue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the beginning of each generated\n"
- << " file for which there is no file-specific prologue."
- << endl;
- // Epilogues.
- //
- o << "--hxx-epilogue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the end of the header file."
- << endl;
- o << "--ixx-epilogue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the end of the inline file."
- << endl;
- o << "--cxx-epilogue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the end of the source file."
- << endl;
- o << "--fwd-epilogue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the end of the forward\n"
- << " declaration file."
- << endl;
- o << "--epilogue <text>" << endl
- << " Insert <text> at the end of each generated file\n"
- << " for which there is no file-specific epilogue."
- << endl;
- // Prologue files.
- //
- o << "--hxx-prologue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the beginning\n"
- << " of the header file."
- << endl;
- o << "--ixx-prologue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the beginning\n"
- << " of the inline file."
- << endl;
- o << "--cxx-prologue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the beginning\n"
- << " of the source file."
- << endl;
- o << "--fwd-prologue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the beginning\n"
- << " of the forward declaration file."
- << endl;
- o << "--prologue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the beginning\n"
- << " of each generated file for which there is no file-\n"
- << " specific prologue file."
- << endl;
- // Epilogue files.
- //
- o << "--hxx-epilogue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the end of\n"
- << " the header file."
- << endl;
- o << "--ixx-epilogue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the end of\n"
- << " the inline file."
- << endl;
- o << "--cxx-epilogue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the end of\n"
- << " the source file."
- << endl;
- o << "--fwd-epilogue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the end of\n"
- << " the forward declaration file."
- << endl;
- o << "--epilogue-file <file>" << endl
- << " Insert the content of the <file> at the end of\n"
- << " each generated file for which there is no file-\n"
- << " specific epilogue file."
- << endl;
- // Misc.
- //
- o << "--parts <num>" << endl
- << " Split generated source code into <num> parts."
- << endl;
- o << "--parts-suffix <suffix>" << endl
- << " Use <suffix> instead of the default '-' to\n"
- << " separate the file name from the part number."
- << endl;
- o << "--custom-literals <file>" << endl
- << " Load custom XML string to C++ literal mappings\n"
- << " from <file>."
- << endl;
- o << "--export-symbol <symbol>" << endl
- << " Export symbol for Win32 DLL export/import control."
- << endl;
- o << "--export-xml-schema" << endl
- << " Export/import types in the XML Schema namespace."
- << endl;
- o << "--export-maps" << endl
- << " Export polymorphism support maps from Win32 DLL."
- << endl;
- o << "--import-maps" << endl
- << " Import polymorphism support maps from Win32 DLL."
- << endl;
- o << "--show-anonymous" << endl
- << " Show elements and attributes that are of anonymous\n"
- << " types."
- << endl;
- o << "--show-sloc" << endl
- << " Show the number of generated physical source lines\n"
- << " of code (SLOC)."
- << endl;
- o << "--sloc-limit <num>" << endl
- << " Check that the number of generated physical source\n"
- << " lines of code (SLOC) does not exceed <num>."
- << endl;
- o << "--options-file <file>" << endl
- << " Read additional options from <file>. Each option\n"
- << " should appear on a separate line optionally\n"
- << " followed by space and an argument."
- << endl;
- o << "--proprietary-license" << endl
- << " Indicate that the generated code is licensed under\n"
- << " a proprietary license instead of the GPL."
- << endl;
+ CXX::Tree::options::print_usage (wcout);
+ CXX::options::print_usage (wcout);
Tree::CLI::OptionsSpec Tree::Generator::
@@ -852,7 +322,6 @@ namespace CXX
AutoUnlinks& unlinks)
using std::ios_base;
- namespace Indentation = BackendElements::Indentation;
typedef cutl::re::regexsub Regex;
diff --git a/xsd/cxx/tree/options.cli b/xsd/cxx/tree/options.cli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58407fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/cxx/tree/options.cli
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/options.cli
+// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
+// copyright : Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Code Synthesis Tools CC
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+include <vector>;
+include <string>;
+include <cstddef>; // std::size_t
+include <cult/types.hxx>; // NarrowString
+include <cxx/options.cli>;
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ class options: CXX::options
+ {
+ // Polymorphism.
+ //
+ bool --generate-polymorphic
+ {
+ "Generate polymorphism-aware code. Specify this option if you use
+ substitution groups or \cb{xsi:type}. Use the \cb{--polymorphic-type}
+ or \cb{--polymorphic-type-all} option to specify which type
+ hierarchies are polymorphic."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --polymorphic-type
+ {
+ "<type>",
+ "Indicate that <type> is a root of a polymorphic type hierarchy. The
+ compiler can often automatically determine which types are
+ polymorphic based on the substitution group declarations. However,
+ you may need to use this option if you are not using substitution
+ groups or if substitution groups are defined in another schema. You
+ need to specify this option when compiling every schema file that
+ references <type>. The <type> argument is an XML Schema type name
+ that can be optionally qualified with a namespace in the
+ \c{\i{namespace}\b{#}\i{name}} form."
+ };
+ bool --polymorphic-type-all
+ {
+ "Indicate that all types should be treated as polymorphic."
+ };
+ // Features.
+ //
+ bool --generate-serialization
+ {
+ "Generate serialization functions. Serialization functions convert
+ the object model back to XML."
+ };
+ bool --generate-inline
+ {
+ "Generate simple functions inline. This option triggers creation of
+ the inline file."
+ };
+ bool --generate-ostream
+ {
+ "Generate ostream insertion operators (\cb{operator<<}) for generated
+ types. This allows one to easily print a fragment or the whole object
+ model for debugging or logging."
+ };
+ bool --generate-doxygen
+ {
+ "Generate documentation comments suitable for extraction by the
+ Doxygen documentation system. Documentation from annotations is
+ added to the comments if present in the schema."
+ };
+ bool --generate-comparison
+ {
+ "Generate comparison operators (\cb{operator==} and \cb{operator!=})
+ for complex types. Comparison is performed member-wise."
+ };
+ bool --generate-default-ctor
+ {
+ "Generate default constructors even for types that have required
+ members. Required members of an instance constructed using such a
+ constructor are not initialized and accessing them results in
+ undefined behavior."
+ };
+ bool --generate-from-base-ctor
+ {
+ "Generate constructors that expect an instance of a base type
+ followed by all required members."
+ };
+ bool --suppress-assignment
+ {
+ "Suppress the generation of copy assignment operators for complex
+ types. If this option is specified, the copy assignment operators
+ for such types are declared private and left unimplemented."
+ };
+ bool --generate-detach
+ {
+ "Generate detach functions for required elements and attributes.
+ Detach functions for optional and sequence cardinalities are
+ provided by the respective containers. These functions, for
+ example, allow you to move sub-trees in the object model either
+ within the same tree or between different trees."
+ };
+ bool --generate-wildcard
+ {
+ "Generate accessors and modifiers as well as parsing and serialization
+ code for XML Schema wildcards (\cb{any} and \cb{anyAttribute}). XML
+ content matched by wildcards is presented as DOM fragments. Note
+ that you need to initialize the Xerces-C++ runtime if you are using
+ this option."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --generate-insertion
+ {
+ "<os>",
+ "Generate data representation stream insertion operators for the <os>
+ output stream type. Repeat this option to specify more than one
+ stream type. The ACE CDR stream (\cb{ACE_OutputCDR}) and RPC XDR
+ are recognized by the compiler and the necessary \cb{#include}
+ directives are automatically generated. For custom stream types use
+ the \cb{--hxx-prologue*} options to provide the necessary
+ declarations."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --generate-extraction
+ {
+ "<is>",
+ "Generate data representation stream extraction constructors for the
+ <is> input stream type. Repeat this option to specify more than one
+ stream type. The ACE CDR stream (\cb{ACE_InputCDR}) and RPC XDR are
+ recognized by the compiler and the necessary \cb{#include} directives
+ are automatically generated. For custom stream types use the
+ \cb{--hxx-prologue*} options to provide the necessary declarations."
+ };
+ bool --generate-forward
+ {
+ "Generate a separate header file with forward declarations for the
+ types being generated."
+ };
+ bool --suppress-parsing
+ {
+ "Suppress the generation of the parsing functions and constructors.
+ Use this option to reduce the generated code size when parsing from
+ XML is not needed."
+ };
+ bool --generate-element-type
+ {
+ "Generate types instead of parsing and serialization functions for
+ root elements. This is primarily useful to distinguish object models
+ with the same root type but with different root elements."
+ };
+ bool --generate-element-map
+ {
+ "Generate a root element map that allows uniform parsing and
+ serialization of multiple root elements. This option is only valid
+ together with \cb{--generate-element-type}."
+ };
+ bool --generate-intellisense
+ {
+ "Generate workarounds for IntelliSense bugs in Visual Studio 2005
+ (8.0). When this option is used, the resulting code is slightly
+ more verbose. IntelliSense in Visual Studio 2008 (9.0) and later
+ does not require these workarounds. Support for IntelliSense in
+ Visual Studio 2003 (7.1) is improved with this option but is
+ still incomplete."
+ };
+ bool --omit-default-attributes
+ {
+ "Omit attributes with default and fixed values from serialized XML
+ documents."
+ };
+ // Naming.
+ //
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --type-naming = "knr"
+ {
+ "<style>",
+ "Specify the type naming convention that should be used in the
+ generated code. Valid styles are \cb{knr} (default), \cb{ucc},
+ and \cb{java}. See the NAMING CONVENTION section below for more
+ information."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --function-naming = "knr"
+ {
+ "<style>",
+ "Specify the function naming convention that should be used in the
+ generated code. Valid styles are \cb{knr} (default), \cb{lcc}, and
+ \cb{java}. See the NAMING CONVENTION section below for more
+ information."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --type-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate
+ XML Schema type names to C++ type names. See the NAMING CONVENTION
+ section below for more information."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --accessor-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate
+ XML Schema names of elements/attributes to C++ accessor function
+ names. See the NAMING CONVENTION section below for more information."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --one-accessor-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate
+ XML Schema names of elements/attributes with cardinality one to
+ C++ accessor function names. See the NAMING CONVENTION section
+ below for more information."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --opt-accessor-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate
+ XML Schema names of elements/attributes with cardinality optional
+ to C++ accessor function names. See the NAMING CONVENTION section
+ below for more information."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --seq-accessor-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate
+ XML Schema names of elements/attributes with cardinality sequence
+ to C++ accessor function names. See the NAMING CONVENTION section
+ below for more information."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --modifier-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate
+ XML Schema names of elements/attributes to C++ modifier function
+ names. See the NAMING CONVENTION section below for more information."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --one-modifier-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate
+ XML Schema names of elements/attributes with cardinality one to C++
+ modifier function names. See the NAMING CONVENTION section below
+ for more information."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --opt-modifier-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate
+ XML Schema names of elements/attributes with cardinality optional
+ to C++ modifier function names. See the NAMING CONVENTION section
+ below for more information."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --seq-modifier-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate
+ XML Schema names of elements/attributes with cardinality sequence
+ to C++ modifier function names. See the NAMING CONVENTION section
+ below for more information."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --parser-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate
+ XML Schema element names to C++ parsing function names. See the
+ NAMING CONVENTION section below for more information."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --serializer-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate
+ XML Schema element names to C++ serialization function names. See
+ the NAMING CONVENTION section below for more information."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --enumerator-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate
+ XML Schema enumeration values to C++ enumerator names. See the
+ NAMING CONVENTION section below for more information."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --element-type-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate
+ XML Schema element names to C++ element type names. See the NAMING
+ CONVENTION section below for more information."
+ };
+ bool --name-regex-trace
+ {
+ "Trace the process of applying regular expressions specified with
+ the name transformation options. Use this option to find out why
+ your regular expressions don't do what you expected them to do."
+ };
+ // Root element.
+ //
+ bool --root-element-first
+ {
+ "Treat only the first global element as a document root. By default
+ all global elements are considered document roots."
+ };
+ bool --root-element-last
+ {
+ "Treat only the last global element as a document root. By default
+ all global elements are considered document roots."
+ };
+ bool --root-element-all
+ {
+ "Treat all global elements as document roots. This is the default
+ behavior. By explicitly specifying this option you can suppress
+ the warning that is issued if more than one global element is
+ defined."
+ };
+ bool --root-element-none
+ {
+ "Do not treat any global elements as document roots. By default all
+ global elements are considered document roots."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --root-element
+ {
+ "<element>",
+ "Treat only <element> as a document root. Repeat this option to
+ specify more than one root element."
+ };
+ // Custom type.
+ //
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --custom-type
+ {
+ "<map>",
+ "Use a custom C++ type instead of the generated class. The <map>
+ argument is in the form \c{\i{name}[\b{=}\i{type}[\b{/}\i{base}]]},
+ where \i{name} is a type name as defined in XML Schema and \i{type}
+ is a C++ type name that should be used instead. If \i{type} is not
+ present or empty then the custom type is assumed to have the same
+ name and be defined in the same namespace as the generated class
+ would have. If \i{base} is specified then the generated class is
+ still generated but with that name."
+ };
+ std::vector<Cult::Types::NarrowString> --custom-type-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Use custom C++ types instead of the generated classes. The <regex>
+ argument is in the form
+ \c{\b{/}\i{name-pat}\b{/}[\i{type-sub}\b{/}[\i{base-sub}\b{/}]]},
+ where \i{name-pat} is a regex pattern that will be matched against
+ type names as defined in XML Schema and \i{type-sub} is a C++ type
+ name substitution that should be used instead. If \i{type-sub} is
+ not present or its substitution results in an empty string then
+ the custom type is assumed to have the same name and be defined
+ in the same namespace as the generated class would have. If
+ \i{base-sub} is present and its substitution results in a
+ non-empty string then the generated class is still generated
+ but with the result of this substitution as its name. The pattern
+ and substitutions are in the Perl regular expression format.
+ See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below."
+ };
+ // Parts.
+ //
+ std::size_t --parts = 1
+ {
+ "<num>",
+ "Split generated source code into <num> parts. This is useful when
+ translating large, monolithic schemas and a C++ compiler is not
+ able to compile the resulting source code at once (usually due
+ to insufficient memory)."
+ };
+ Cult::Types::NarrowString --parts-suffix = "-"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use <suffix> instead of the default '\cb{-}' to separate the file
+ name from the part number."
+ };
+ };
+ }