path: root/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'xsd/cxx/tree/elements.cxx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1410 deletions
diff --git a/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.cxx b/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 429d64f..0000000
--- a/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1410 +0,0 @@
-// file : xsd/cxx/tree/elements.cxx
-// copyright : Copyright (c) 2005-2017 Code Synthesis Tools CC
-// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
-#include <cxx/tree/elements.hxx>
-namespace CXX
- namespace Tree
- {
- // Context
- //
- Context::
- Context (std::wostream& o,
- SemanticGraph::Schema& root,
- SemanticGraph::Path const& path,
- options_type const& ops,
- Counts const& counts_,
- bool generate_xml_schema__,
- StringLiteralMap const* map,
- Regex const* fe,
- Regex const* he,
- Regex const* ie)
- : CXX::Context (o, root, path, ops, map),
- options (ops),
- counts (counts_),
- any_type (any_type_),
- any_simple_type (any_simple_type_),
- element_type (element_type_),
- container (container_),
- flags_type (flags_type_),
- qname_type (qname_type_),
- xs_string_type (xs_string_type_),
- properties_type (properties_type_),
- error_handler_type (error_handler_type_),
- list_stream_type (list_stream_type_),
- namespace_infomap_type (namespace_infomap_type_),
- parser_type (parser_type_),
- std_ostream_type (std_ostream_type_),
- ostream_type (ostream_type_),
- istream_type (istream_type_),
- xerces_ns (xerces_ns_),
- dom_auto_ptr (dom_auto_ptr_),
- dom_node_key (dom_node_key_),
- as_double_type (as_double_type_),
- as_decimal_type (as_decimal_type_),
- generate_xml_schema (generate_xml_schema_),
- doxygen (doxygen_),
- polymorphic (ops.generate_polymorphic ()),
- polymorphic_all (ops.polymorphic_type_all ()),
- poly_plate (ops.polymorphic_plate ()),
- detach (ops.generate_detach ()),
- fwd_expr (fe),
- hxx_expr (he),
- ixx_expr (ie),
- ns_scope (ns_scope_),
- regex_custom_type_map (regex_custom_type_map_),
- direct_custom_type_map (direct_custom_type_map_),
- qname_type_ (L"::xsd::cxx::xml::qualified_name< " + char_type + L" >"),
- parser_type_ (L"::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::parser< " + char_type + L" >"),
- generate_xml_schema_ (generate_xml_schema__),
- doxygen_ (ops.generate_doxygen ()),
- ns_scope_stack (ns_scope_stack_),
- cxx_uq_id_expr_ (L"^[a-zA-Z_]\\w*$"),
- cxx_uq_id_expr (cxx_uq_id_expr_)
- {
- SemanticGraph::Namespace& xs (xs_ns ());
- SemanticGraph::Context& xsc (xs.context ());
- // Cache some often-used names from the XML Schema namespace
- // if names have already been processed.
- //
- if (xsc.count ("container"))
- {
- String xs_name (ns_name (xs));
- any_type = fq_name (xs.find ("anyType").first->named ());
- any_simple_type = fq_name (xs.find ("anySimpleType").first->named ());
- xs_string_type = fq_name (xs.find ("string").first->named ());
- container = xs_name + L"::" + xsc.get<String> ("container");
- flags_type = xs_name + L"::" + xsc.get<String> ("flags");
- if (ops.generate_element_type ())
- element_type = xs_name + L"::" + xsc.get<String> ("element-type");
- properties_type = xs_name + L"::" + xsc.get<String> ("properties");
- if (!ops.suppress_parsing () || ops.generate_serialization ())
- {
- error_handler_type = xs_name + L"::" +
- xsc.get<String> ("error-handler");
- }
- dom_auto_ptr_ = xs_name + (std >= cxx_version::cxx11
- ? L"::dom::unique_ptr"
- : L"::dom::auto_ptr");
- dom_node_key_ = xs_name + L"::dom::" +
- xsc.get<String> ("tree-node-key");
- if (ops.generate_serialization ())
- {
- as_double_type_ = xs_name + L"::" +
- xsc.get<String> ("as-double");
- as_decimal_type_ = xs_name + L"::" +
- xsc.get<String> ("as-decimal");
- list_stream_type = xs_name + L"::" +
- xsc.get<String> ("list-stream");
- namespace_infomap_type = xs_name + L"::" +
- xsc.get<String> ("namespace-infomap");
- }
- // istream and ostream are templates and for now use the same
- // names regardless of the naming convention.
- //
- if (!ops.generate_extraction ().empty ())
- istream_type = xs_name + L"::istream";
- if (!ops.generate_insertion ().empty ())
- ostream_type = xs_name + L"::ostream";
- }
- // Xerces-C++ namespace. IntelliSense for some reason does not like
- // it fully-qualified (maybe because it's a namespace alias).
- //
- if (ops.generate_intellisense ())
- xerces_ns = "xercesc";
- else
- xerces_ns = "::xercesc";
- //
- //
- if (char_type == L"char")
- std_ostream_type_ = L"::std::ostream";
- else if (char_type == L"wchar_t")
- std_ostream_type_ = L"::std::wostream";
- else
- std_ostream_type_ = L"::std::basic_ostream< " + char_type + L" >";
- // Custom type mapping.
- //
- // Direct custom type mapping.
- //
- {
- NarrowStrings const& v (ops.custom_type ());
- for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (v.begin ()),
- e (v.end ()); i != e; ++i)
- {
- String s (*i);
- if (s.empty ())
- throw InvalidCustomTypeMapping (s, "mapping string is empty");
- // Split the string in two parts at the last '='.
- //
- size_t pos (s.rfind ('='));
- // If no delimiter found then both type and base are empty.
- //
- if (pos == String::npos)
- {
- direct_custom_type_map[s].type.clear ();
- direct_custom_type_map[s].base.clear ();
- continue;
- }
- String name (s, 0, pos);
- String rest (s, pos + 1);
- // See if we've got the base part after '/'.
- //
- pos = rest.rfind ('/');
- String type, base;
- if (pos != String::npos)
- {
- type.assign (rest, 0, pos);
- base.assign (rest, pos + 1, String::npos);
- }
- else
- type = rest;
- // type can be a potentially-qualified template-id. base is
- // an unqualified C++ name.
- //
- if (!base.empty () && !cxx_uq_id_expr.match (base))
- throw InvalidCustomTypeMapping (s, "invalid C++ identifier");
- direct_custom_type_map[name].type = type;
- direct_custom_type_map[name].base = base;
- }
- }
- // Regex custom type mapping.
- //
- {
- NarrowStrings const& v (ops.custom_type_regex ());
- for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (v.begin ()),
- e (v.end ()); i != e; ++i)
- {
- String s (*i);
- if (s.empty ())
- throw InvalidCustomTypeMapping (s, "mapping string is empty");
- wchar_t delimiter (s[0]);
- // First get pattern.
- //
- size_t pos (s.find (delimiter, 1));
- if (pos == String::npos)
- throw InvalidCustomTypeMapping (
- s, "missing pattern-substitution separator");
- String pat (s, 1, pos - 1);
- String rest (s, pos + 1);
- String type, base;
- // See if we've got type and base.
- //
- if (!rest.empty ())
- {
- pos = rest.find (delimiter);
- if (pos == String::npos)
- throw InvalidCustomTypeMapping (
- s, "missing pattern-substitution separator");
- type.assign (rest, 0, pos);
- rest = String (rest, pos + 1);
- if (!rest.empty ())
- {
- pos = rest.find (delimiter);
- if (pos == String::npos)
- throw InvalidCustomTypeMapping (
- s, "missing pattern-substitution separator");
- base.assign (rest, 0, pos);
- rest = String (rest, pos + 1);
- if (!rest.empty ())
- throw InvalidCustomTypeMapping (s, "invalid format");
- }
- }
- regex_custom_type_map.push_back (
- RegexCustomTypeMapInfo (WideRegexPat (pat), type, base));
- }
- }
- }
- Context::
- Context (Context& c)
- : CXX::Context (c),
- options (c.options),
- counts (c.counts),
- any_type (c.any_type),
- any_simple_type (c.any_simple_type),
- element_type (c.element_type),
- container (c.container),
- flags_type (c.flags_type),
- qname_type (c.qname_type),
- xs_string_type (c.xs_string_type),
- properties_type (c.properties_type),
- error_handler_type (c.error_handler_type),
- list_stream_type (c.list_stream_type),
- namespace_infomap_type (c.namespace_infomap_type),
- parser_type (c.parser_type),
- std_ostream_type (c.std_ostream_type),
- ostream_type (c.ostream_type),
- istream_type (c.istream_type),
- xerces_ns (c.xerces_ns),
- dom_auto_ptr (c.dom_auto_ptr),
- dom_node_key (c.dom_node_key),
- as_double_type (c.as_double_type),
- as_decimal_type (c.as_decimal_type),
- generate_xml_schema (c.generate_xml_schema),
- doxygen (c.doxygen),
- polymorphic (c.polymorphic),
- polymorphic_all (c.polymorphic_all),
- poly_plate (c.poly_plate),
- detach (c.detach),
- fwd_expr (c.fwd_expr),
- hxx_expr (c.hxx_expr),
- ixx_expr (c.ixx_expr),
- ns_scope (c.ns_scope),
- regex_custom_type_map (c.regex_custom_type_map),
- direct_custom_type_map (c.direct_custom_type_map),
- ns_scope_stack (c.ns_scope_stack),
- cxx_uq_id_expr (c.cxx_uq_id_expr)
- {
- }
- Context::
- Context (Context& c, std::wostream& o)
- : CXX::Context (c, o),
- options (c.options),
- counts (c.counts),
- any_type (c.any_type),
- any_simple_type (c.any_simple_type),
- element_type (c.element_type),
- container (c.container),
- flags_type (c.flags_type),
- qname_type (c.qname_type),
- xs_string_type (c.xs_string_type),
- properties_type (c.properties_type),
- error_handler_type (c.error_handler_type),
- list_stream_type (c.list_stream_type),
- namespace_infomap_type (c.namespace_infomap_type),
- parser_type (c.parser_type),
- std_ostream_type (c.std_ostream_type),
- ostream_type (c.ostream_type),
- istream_type (c.istream_type),
- xerces_ns (c.xerces_ns),
- dom_auto_ptr (c.dom_auto_ptr),
- dom_node_key (c.dom_node_key),
- as_double_type (c.as_double_type),
- as_decimal_type (c.as_decimal_type),
- generate_xml_schema (c.generate_xml_schema),
- doxygen (c.doxygen),
- polymorphic (c.polymorphic),
- polymorphic_all (c.polymorphic_all),
- poly_plate (c.poly_plate),
- detach (c.detach),
- fwd_expr (c.fwd_expr),
- hxx_expr (c.hxx_expr),
- ixx_expr (c.ixx_expr),
- ns_scope (c.ns_scope),
- regex_custom_type_map (c.regex_custom_type_map),
- direct_custom_type_map (c.direct_custom_type_map),
- ns_scope_stack (c.ns_scope_stack),
- cxx_uq_id_expr (c.cxx_uq_id_expr)
- {
- }
- void Context::
- update_ns_scope ()
- {
- ns_scope.clear ();
- bool first (true);
- for (NamespaceStack::iterator i (ns_scope_stack.begin ());
- i != ns_scope_stack.end ();
- ++i)
- {
- // We only qualify names until the namespace level.
- //
- if (first)
- first = false;
- else
- ns_scope += L"::";
- ns_scope += *i;
- }
- }
- bool Context::
- custom_type (SemanticGraph::Type const& t, String& r) const
- {
- String const& name ( ());
- // First search the direct mapping.
- //
- {
- DirectCustomTypeMap::const_iterator i (
- direct_custom_type_map.find (name));
- if (i != direct_custom_type_map.end ())
- {
- r = i->second.type;
- return true;
- }
- }
- // Second search the regex mapping.
- //
- for (RegexCustomTypeMap::const_iterator
- i (regex_custom_type_map.begin ()),
- e (regex_custom_type_map.end ());
- i != e; ++i)
- {
- if (i->pat.match (name))
- {
- // Empty type sub tells us to use the original name.
- //
- if (i->type_sub.empty ())
- {
- r.clear ();
- return true;
- }
- r = i->pat.replace (name, i->type_sub);
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- String Context::
- custom_type (SemanticGraph::Type const& t) const
- {
- String r;
- if (custom_type (t, r))
- {
- // Empty type name tells us to use the original name.
- //
- if (r.empty ())
- r = ename (t);
- }
- return r;
- }
- bool Context::
- renamed_type (SemanticGraph::Type const& t, String& r) const
- {
- String const& name ( ());
- // First search the direct mapping.
- //
- {
- DirectCustomTypeMap::const_iterator i (
- direct_custom_type_map.find (name));
- if (i != direct_custom_type_map.end ())
- {
- r = i->second.base;
- return true;
- }
- }
- // Second search the regex mapping.
- //
- for (RegexCustomTypeMap::const_iterator
- i (regex_custom_type_map.begin ()),
- e (regex_custom_type_map.end ());
- i != e; ++i)
- {
- if (i->pat.match (name))
- {
- if (!i->base_sub.empty ())
- {
- r = i->pat.replace (name, i->base_sub);
- }
- else
- r.clear ();
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- void Context::
- write_annotation (SemanticGraph::Annotation& a)
- {
- String const& doc (a.documentation ());
- wchar_t const* s (doc.c_str ());
- size_t size (doc.size ());
- // Remove leading and trailing whitespaces.
- //
- while (*s == wchar_t (0x20) || *s == wchar_t (0x0A) ||
- *s == wchar_t (0x0D) || *s == wchar_t (0x09))
- {
- s++;
- size--;
- }
- if (size != 0)
- {
- wchar_t const* e (s + size - 1);
- while (e > s &&
- (*e == wchar_t (0x20) || *e == wchar_t (0x0A) ||
- *e == wchar_t (0x0D) || *e == wchar_t (0x09)))
- --e;
- size = s <= e ? e - s + 1 : 0;
- }
- if (size != 0)
- {
- os << " * ";
- // Go over the data, forcing newline after 80 chars and adding
- // ' * ' after each new line.
- //
- wchar_t const* last_space (0);
- wchar_t const* b (s);
- wchar_t const* e (s);
- bool after_newline (false);
- bool rogue (false);
- for (; e < s + size; ++e)
- {
- unsigned int u (unicode_char (e)); // May advance e.
- // We are going to treat \v and \f as rogue here even though
- // they can be present in C++ source code.
- //
- if (u > 127 || (u < 32 && u != '\t' && u != '\n'))
- rogue = true;
- if (u == ' ' || u == '\t')
- {
- if (after_newline)
- {
- if (e == b)
- b++; // Skip leading spaces after newline.
- continue;
- }
- else
- last_space = e;
- }
- else if (after_newline)
- {
- os << " * ";
- after_newline = false;
- }
- if (u == '\n')
- {
- write_rogue_text (b, e - b + 1, rogue);
- b = e + 1;
- last_space = 0;
- after_newline = true;
- rogue = false;
- continue;
- }
- if (e - b >= 70 && last_space != 0)
- {
- write_rogue_text (b, last_space - b, rogue);
- os << endl;
- b = last_space + 1;
- last_space = 0;
- after_newline = true;
- // Cannot reset rogue since we don't output the whole string.
- }
- }
- if (e != b)
- write_rogue_text (b, e - b, rogue);
- if (!after_newline)
- os << endl;
- }
- }
- void Context::
- write_rogue_text (wchar_t const* s, size_t size, bool rogue)
- {
- if (!rogue)
- os.write (s, size);
- else
- {
- for (wchar_t const* p (s); p < s + size; ++p)
- {
- unsigned int u (unicode_char (p)); // May advance p.
- // We are going to treat \v and \f as rogue here even though
- // they can be present in C++ source code.
- //
- if (u > 127 || (u < 32 && u != '\t' && u != '\n'))
- os.put ('?');
- else
- os.put (static_cast<wchar_t> (u));
- }
- }
- }
- bool Context::
- polymorphic_p (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
- {
- // IDREF templates cannot be polymorphic.
- //
- if (!t.named_p () &&
- (t.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRef> () ||
- t.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRefs> ()))
- return false;
- if (polymorphic_all)
- {
- bool fund (false);
- IsFundamentalType test (fund);
- test.dispatch (t);
- return !fund;
- }
- else
- return t.context ().get<bool> ("polymorphic");
- }
- bool Context::
- anonymous_substitutes_p (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
- {
- // IDREF templates cannot match.
- //
- if (!t.named_p () &&
- (t.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRef> () ||
- t.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRefs> ()))
- return false;
- // See which elements this type classifies.
- //
- for (SemanticGraph::Type::ClassifiesIterator i (t.classifies_begin ()),
- e (t.classifies_end ()); i != e; ++i)
- {
- if (SemanticGraph::Element* e =
- dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Element*> (&i->instance ()))
- {
- if (e->substitutes_p ())
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- // GenerateDefautCtor
- //
- GenerateDefaultCtor::
- GenerateDefaultCtor (Context& c, bool& generate, bool no_base)
- : Context (c), generate_ (generate), no_base_ (no_base)
- {
- *this >> inherits_ >> *this;
- *this >> names_ >> *this;
- }
- void GenerateDefaultCtor::
- traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
- {
- // Make sure we figure out if we have any required members before
- // we base our decision on the base type.
- //
- Complex::names (c, names_);
- if (!generate_)
- Complex::inherits (c, inherits_);
- }
- void GenerateDefaultCtor::
- traverse (SemanticGraph::Type&)
- {
- if (!no_base_)
- generate_ = true;
- }
- void GenerateDefaultCtor::
- traverse (SemanticGraph::Enumeration&)
- {
- if (!no_base_)
- generate_ = true;
- }
- void GenerateDefaultCtor::
- traverse (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
- {
- if (!skip (e) && min (e) == 1 && max (e) == 1)
- generate_ = true;
- }
- void GenerateDefaultCtor::
- traverse (SemanticGraph::Attribute& a)
- {
- if (min (a) == 1 && !a.fixed_p ())
- generate_ = true;
- }
- void GenerateDefaultCtor::
- traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a)
- {
- if (options.generate_wildcard () &&
- min (a) == 1 && max (a) == 1)
- generate_ = true;
- }
- // GenerateFromBaseCtor
- //
- GenerateFromBaseCtor::
- GenerateFromBaseCtor (Context& c, bool& generate)
- : generate_ (generate),
- custom_ (false),
- traverser_ (c, generate, custom_)
- {
- inherits_ >> traverser_;
- }
- void GenerateFromBaseCtor::
- traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
- {
- inherits (c, inherits_);
- if (!generate_ && custom_)
- {
- // We have a customized type in the hierarchy. In this case we
- // want to generate the c-tor unless base and ultimate-base are
- // the same (see CtorArgs).
- //
- SemanticGraph::Type& b (c.inherits ().base ());
- generate_ = b.is_a<SemanticGraph::Complex> () &&
- !b.is_a<SemanticGraph::Enumeration> ();
- }
- }
- GenerateFromBaseCtor::Traverser::
- Traverser (Context& c, bool& generate, bool& custom)
- : Context (c), generate_ (generate), custom_ (custom)
- {
- *this >> inherits_ >> *this;
- *this >> names_ >> *this;
- }
- void GenerateFromBaseCtor::Traverser::
- traverse (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
- {
- if (!custom_)
- {
- String tmp;
- custom_ = custom_type (t, tmp);
- }
- }
- void GenerateFromBaseCtor::Traverser::
- traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
- {
- names (c, names_);
- if (!generate_)
- inherits (c, inherits_);
- if (!generate_)
- traverse (static_cast<SemanticGraph::Type&> (c));
- }
- void GenerateFromBaseCtor::Traverser::
- traverse (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
- {
- if (!skip (e) && min (e) == 1 && max (e) == 1)
- generate_ = true;
- }
- void GenerateFromBaseCtor::Traverser::
- traverse (SemanticGraph::Attribute& a)
- {
- if (min (a) == 1 && !a.fixed_p ())
- generate_ = true;
- }
- void GenerateFromBaseCtor::Traverser::
- traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a)
- {
- if (options.generate_wildcard () &&
- min (a) == 1 && max (a) == 1)
- generate_ = true;
- }
- // HasComplexNonOptArgs
- //
- HasComplexPolyNonOptArgs::
- HasComplexPolyNonOptArgs (Context& c,
- bool base,
- bool& complex,
- bool& poly,
- bool& clash)
- : Context (c),
- complex_ (complex),
- poly_ (poly),
- clash_ (clash)
- {
- if (base)
- *this >> inherits_ >> *this;
- *this >> names_ >> *this;
- }
- void HasComplexPolyNonOptArgs::
- traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
- {
- // No optimizations: need to check every arg for clashes.
- //
- inherits (c, inherits_);
- names (c, names_);
- }
- void HasComplexPolyNonOptArgs::
- traverse (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
- {
- if (!skip (e) && min (e) == 1 && max (e) == 1)
- {
- bool poly (polymorphic && polymorphic_p (e.type ()));
- bool simple (true);
- IsSimpleType t (simple);
- t.dispatch (e.type ());
- if (poly)
- poly_ = true;
- if (!simple)
- complex_ = true;
- if (poly && simple)
- clash_ = false;
- }
- }
- // FromBaseCtorArg
- //
- FromBaseCtorArg::
- FromBaseCtorArg (Context& c, CtorArgType at, bool arg)
- : Context (c), arg_type_ (at), arg_ (arg)
- {
- }
- void FromBaseCtorArg::
- traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a)
- {
- if (!options.generate_wildcard ())
- return;
- if (min (a) == 1 && max (a) == 1)
- {
- String const& name (ename (a));
- os << "," << endl
- << "const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement&";
- if (arg_)
- os << " " << name;
- }
- }
- void FromBaseCtorArg::
- traverse (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
- {
- if (skip (e))
- return;
- if (min (e) == 1 && max (e) == 1)
- {
- String const& name (ename (e));
- os << "," << endl;
- bool ptr (false);
- switch (arg_type_)
- {
- case CtorArgType::complex_auto_ptr:
- {
- bool simple (true);
- IsSimpleType t (simple);
- t.dispatch (e.type ());
- ptr = !simple;
- break;
- }
- case CtorArgType::poly_auto_ptr:
- {
- ptr = polymorphic && polymorphic_p (e.type ());
- break;
- }
- case CtorArgType::type:
- break;
- }
- if (ptr)
- os << auto_ptr << "< " << etype (e) << " >";
- else
- os << "const " << etype (e) << "&";
- if (arg_)
- os << " " << name;
- }
- }
- void FromBaseCtorArg::
- traverse (SemanticGraph::Attribute& a)
- {
- // Note that we are not going to include attributes with
- // default or required fixed values here. Instead we are
- // going to default-initialize them.
- //
- if (min (a) == 1 && !a.fixed_p ())
- {
- String const& name (ename (a));
- os << "," << endl
- << "const " << etype (a) << "&";
- if (arg_)
- os << " " << name;
- }
- }
- // CtorArgs
- //
- CtorArgs::
- CtorArgs (Context& c, CtorArgType at)
- : Context (c),
- arg_type_ (at),
- base_arg_ (0),
- first_ (true),
- member_name_ (c)
- {
- *this >> inherits_ >> *this;
- *this >> names_ >> *this;
- }
- CtorArgs::
- CtorArgs (Context& c, CtorArgType at, String& base_arg)
- : Context (c),
- arg_type_ (at),
- base_arg_ (&base_arg),
- first_ (true),
- member_name_ (c)
- {
- *this >> inherits_ >> *this;
- *this >> names_ >> *this;
- }
- void CtorArgs::
- traverse (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
- {
- os << comma () << "const ";
- member_name_.dispatch (t);
- os << "&";
- if (base_arg_ != 0)
- {
- // IDREF templates don't have a name.
- //
- *base_arg_ = t.named_p ()
- ? (L"_xsd_" + ename (t) + L"_base")
- : L"_xsd_base";
- os << " " << *base_arg_;
- }
- }
- void CtorArgs::
- traverse (SemanticGraph::Enumeration& e)
- {
- os << comma () << "const ";
- member_name_.traverse (e);
- os << "&";
- if (base_arg_ != 0)
- {
- *base_arg_ = L"_xsd_" + ename (e) + L"_base";
- os << " " << *base_arg_;
- }
- }
- void CtorArgs::
- traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a)
- {
- if (!options.generate_wildcard ())
- return;
- if (min (a) == 1 && max (a) == 1)
- {
- os << comma () << "const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement&";
- if (base_arg_ != 0)
- os << " " << ename (a);
- }
- }
- void CtorArgs::
- traverse (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
- {
- if (skip (e))
- return;
- if (min (e) == 1 && max (e) == 1)
- {
- bool ptr (false);
- switch (arg_type_)
- {
- case CtorArgType::complex_auto_ptr:
- {
- bool simple (true);
- IsSimpleType t (simple);
- t.dispatch (e.type ());
- ptr = !simple;
- break;
- }
- case CtorArgType::poly_auto_ptr:
- {
- ptr = polymorphic && polymorphic_p (e.type ());
- break;
- }
- case CtorArgType::type:
- break;
- }
- if (ptr)
- os << comma () << auto_ptr << "< " << etype (e) << " >";
- else
- os << comma () << "const " << etype (e) << "&";
- if (base_arg_ != 0)
- os << " " << ename (e);
- }
- }
- void CtorArgs::
- traverse (SemanticGraph::Attribute& a)
- {
- // Note that we are not going to include attributes with
- // default or required fixed values here. Instead we are
- // going to default-initialize them.
- //
- if (min (a) == 1 && !a.fixed_p ())
- {
- os << comma () << "const " << etype (a) << "&";
- if (base_arg_ != 0)
- os << " " << ename (a);
- }
- }
- String CtorArgs::
- comma ()
- {
- bool tmp (first_);
- first_ = false;
- return tmp ? "" : ",\n";
- }
- // CtorArgsWithoutBase
- //
- CtorArgsWithoutBase::
- CtorArgsWithoutBase (Context& c, CtorArgType at, bool arg, bool first)
- : Context (c), arg_type_ (at), arg_ (arg), first_ (first)
- {
- *this >> inherits_ >> *this;
- *this >> names_ >> *this;
- }
- void CtorArgsWithoutBase::
- traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a)
- {
- if (!options.generate_wildcard ())
- return;
- if (min (a) == 1 && max (a) == 1)
- {
- os << comma () << "const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement&";
- if (arg_)
- os << " " << ename (a);
- }
- }
- void CtorArgsWithoutBase::
- traverse (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
- {
- if (skip (e))
- return;
- if (min (e) == 1 && max (e) == 1)
- {
- bool ptr (false);
- switch (arg_type_)
- {
- case CtorArgType::complex_auto_ptr:
- {
- bool simple (true);
- IsSimpleType t (simple);
- t.dispatch (e.type ());
- ptr = !simple;
- break;
- }
- case CtorArgType::poly_auto_ptr:
- {
- ptr = polymorphic && polymorphic_p (e.type ());
- break;
- }
- case CtorArgType::type:
- break;
- }
- if (ptr)
- os << comma () << auto_ptr << "< " << etype (e) << " >";
- else
- os << comma () << "const " << etype (e) << "&";
- if (arg_)
- os << " " << ename (e);
- }
- }
- void CtorArgsWithoutBase::
- traverse (SemanticGraph::Attribute& a)
- {
- // Note that we are not going to include attributes with
- // default or required fixed values here. Instead we are
- // going to default-initialize them.
- //
- if (min (a) == 1 && !a.fixed_p ())
- {
- os << comma () << "const " << etype (a) << "&";
- if (arg_)
- os << " " << ename (a);
- }
- }
- String CtorArgsWithoutBase::
- comma ()
- {
- bool tmp (first_);
- first_ = false;
- return tmp ? "" : ",\n";
- }
- // GlobalElementBase
- //
- bool GlobalElementBase::
- generate_p (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
- {
- if (e.substitutes_p () && ctx_.polymorphic)
- return true;
- if (!doc_root_p (e))
- return false;
- // If we are not generating element types nor parsing/serialization
- // code then we won't generate anything from it.
- //
- if (!ctx_.options.generate_element_type () &&
- ctx_.options.suppress_parsing () &&
- !ctx_.options.generate_serialization ())
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- bool GlobalElementBase::
- doc_root_p (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
- {
- if (!ctx_.options.root_element_first () &&
- !ctx_.options.root_element_last () &&
- !ctx_.options.root_element_all () &&
- !ctx_.options.root_element_none () &&
- ctx_.options.root_element ().empty ())
- return true; // By default treat them all.
- if (ctx_.options.root_element_none ())
- return false;
- if (ctx_.options.root_element_all ())
- return true;
- if (ctx_.options.root_element_first () &&
- e.context ().count ("first") != 0)
- return true;
- if (ctx_.options.root_element_last () &&
- e.context ().count ("last") != 0)
- return true;
- NarrowStrings const& names (ctx_.options.root_element ());
- // Hopefully nobody will specify more than a handful of names ;-).
- //
- for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (names.begin ());
- i != names.end (); ++i)
- {
- String name (*i);
- if ( () == name)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- // Namespace
- //
- Namespace::
- Namespace (Context& c,
- size_t first,
- size_t last)
- : CXX::Namespace (c, *this),
- GlobalElementBase (c),
- ctx_ (c),
- first_ (first),
- last_ (last),
- count_ (0)
- {
- }
- void Namespace::
- traverse (Type& ns)
- {
- using SemanticGraph::Element;
- if (first_ > last_)
- CXX::Namespace::traverse (ns);
- else
- {
- bool opened (false);
- for (Type::NamesIterator i (ns.names_begin ());
- i != ns.names_end (); ++i)
- {
- SemanticGraph::Nameable& n (i->named ());
- if (n.is_a<SemanticGraph::Type> () ||
- (n.is_a<Element> () && generate_p (dynamic_cast<Element&> (n))))
- {
- if (count_ >= first_ && count_ <= last_)
- {
- if (!opened)
- {
- opened = true;
- pre (ns);
- }
- edge_traverser ().dispatch (*i);
- }
- ++count_;
- }
- }
- if (opened)
- post (ns);
- }
- }
- void Namespace::
- enter (Type&, String const& name, bool)
- {
- ctx_.enter_ns_scope (name);
- }
- void Namespace::
- leave ()
- {
- ctx_.leave_ns_scope ();
- }
- // Includes
- //
- void TypeForward::
- traverse (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
- {
- String const& name (ename (t));
- if (String custom = custom_type (t))
- {
- String new_name;
- renamed_type (t, new_name);
- if (new_name)
- os << "class " << new_name << ";";
- if (custom == name)
- os << "class " << name << ";";
- else
- os << "typedef " << custom << " " << name << ";";
- }
- else
- os << "class " << name << ";";
- }
- void Includes::
- traverse_ (SemanticGraph::Uses& u)
- {
- // Support for weak (forward) inclusion used in the file-per-type
- // compilation model.
- //
- Type t (type_);
- bool weak (u.context ().count ("weak"));
- SemanticGraph::Schema& s (u.schema ());
- if (weak && t == header)
- {
- // Generate forward declarations.
- //
- if (forward_)
- t = forward;
- else
- {
- schema_.dispatch (s);
- return;
- }
- }
- if (t == source && !weak)
- {
- if (u.user ().context ().count ("type-schema"))
- {
- // Strong include into a type schema -- this is a base class.
- // We have already included its header in our header so it
- // would seem we don't need to do anything here. There is one
- // subtle issue, however: Our constructors include arguments
- // for base members which we simply pass to the base. The base
- // header has only forward declarations for its members. This
- // is not a problem if we pass references to base members --
- // forward declarations are sufficient for this case. The
- // problematic case is when we pass them as auto/unique_ptr.
- // Because we pass them by value (which is done to support
- // unique_ptr move semantics), the compiler needs to be able
- // to destroy the member, presumably if an exception is thrown.
- // And for that forward declarations are not enough.
- //
- // So what we are going to do here is include all the base
- // member headers (transitively), just like the base's source
- // file does.
- //
- // Note that we only do this for source since in the inline
- // case the necessary files are already pulled via the the
- // .ixx file includes.
- //
- Traversal::Schema schema;
- schema >> *this;
- schema.dispatch (s);
- }
- return;
- }
- SemanticGraph::Path path (
- s.context ().count ("renamed")
- ? s.context ().get<SemanticGraph::Path> ("renamed")
- : u.path ());
- path.normalize ();
- // Try to use the portable representation of the path. If that
- // fails, fall back to the native representation.
- //
- NarrowString path_str;
- try
- {
- path_str = path.posix_string ();
- }
- catch (SemanticGraph::InvalidPath const&)
- {
- path_str = path.string ();
- }
- String inc_path;
- switch (t)
- {
- case forward:
- {
- inc_path = ctx_.fwd_expr->replace (path_str);
- break;
- }
- case header:
- case source:
- {
- inc_path = ctx_.hxx_expr->replace (path_str);
- break;
- }
- case inline_:
- {
- if (weak)
- {
- inc_path = ctx_.hxx_expr->replace (path_str);
- ctx_.os << "#include " << ctx_.process_include_path (inc_path)
- << endl;
- }
- inc_path = ctx_.ixx_expr->replace (path_str);
- break;
- }
- }
- ctx_.os << "#include " << ctx_.process_include_path (inc_path) << endl
- << endl;
- }
- }