path: root/odb/semantics/elements.hxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'odb/semantics/elements.hxx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 841 deletions
diff --git a/odb/semantics/elements.hxx b/odb/semantics/elements.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 12164ba..0000000
--- a/odb/semantics/elements.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,841 +0,0 @@
-// file : odb/semantics/elements.hxx
-// license : GNU GPL v3; see accompanying LICENSE file
-#include <map>
-#include <list>
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstdlib> // std::abort
-#include <cstddef> // std::size_t
-#include <utility> // std::pair
-#include <cassert>
-#include <cutl/fs/path.hxx>
-#include <cutl/container/graph.hxx>
-#include <cutl/container/pointer-iterator.hxx>
-#include <cutl/compiler/type-id.hxx>
-#include <cutl/compiler/context.hxx>
-#include <odb/gcc-fwd.hxx>
-#include <odb/location.hxx>
-namespace semantics
- using namespace cutl;
- using std::size_t;
- using std::string;
- using container::graph;
- using container::pointer_iterator;
- using compiler::type_id;
- using compiler::context;
- //
- //
- using fs::path;
- using fs::invalid_path;
- //
- //
- class access
- {
- public:
- enum value { public_, protected_, private_ };
- access (value v)
- : value_ (v)
- {
- }
- operator value () const
- {
- return value_;
- }
- char const* string () const;
- private:
- value value_;
- };
- //
- //
- class node;
- class edge;
- class unit;
- // Support for inserting edges at specified positions.
- //
- template <typename N, typename I>
- struct node_position
- {
- node_position (N& node, I pos)
- : node_ (node), pos_ (pos)
- {
- }
- operator N& () const
- {
- return node_;
- }
- template <typename E>
- void
- add_edge_left (E& e)
- {
- node_.add_edge_left (e, pos_);
- }
- template <typename E>
- void
- add_edge_right (E& e)
- {
- node_.add_edge_right (e, pos_);
- }
- private:
- N& node_;
- I pos_;
- };
- //
- //
- class edge: public context
- {
- public:
- virtual
- ~edge () {}
- public:
- template <typename X>
- X*
- is_a () {return dynamic_cast<X*> (this);}
- template <typename X>
- const X*
- is_a () const {return dynamic_cast<const X*> (this);}
- };
- //
- //
- class node: public context
- {
- public:
- virtual
- ~node () {}
- public:
- tree
- tree_node () const
- {
- return tree_node_;
- }
- public:
- typedef ::location location_type;
- path const&
- file () const
- {
- return loc_.file;
- }
- size_t
- line () const
- {
- return loc_.line;
- }
- size_t
- column () const
- {
- return loc_.column;
- }
- location_type const&
- location () const
- {
- return loc_;
- }
- public:
- template <typename X>
- X*
- is_a () {return dynamic_cast<X*> (this);}
- template <typename X>
- const X*
- is_a () const {return dynamic_cast<const X*> (this);}
- public:
- node (path const& file, size_t line, size_t column, tree);
- // Sink functions that allow extensions in the form of one-way
- // edges.
- //
- void
- add_edge_left (edge&) {}
- void
- add_edge_right (edge&) {}
- protected:
- // For virtual inheritance. Should never be actually called.
- //
- node ();
- protected:
- typedef semantics::unit unit_type;
- unit_type const&
- unit () const
- {
- return *unit_;
- }
- unit_type&
- unit ()
- {
- return *unit_;
- }
- private:
- friend class semantics::unit;
- void
- unit (unit_type& u)
- {
- unit_ = &u;
- }
- private:
- tree tree_node_;
- unit_type* unit_;
- location_type loc_;
- };
- //
- //
- class scope;
- class nameable;
- //
- //
- class names: public edge
- {
- public:
- typedef semantics::scope scope_type;
- typedef semantics::access access_type;
- string const&
- name () const
- {
- return name_;
- }
- scope_type&
- scope () const
- {
- return *scope_;
- }
- // Return true if the entity that this edge names is a global scope.
- // In this case calling scope() is undefined behavior.
- //
- bool
- global_scope () const
- {
- return scope_ == 0;
- }
- nameable&
- named () const
- {
- return *named_;
- }
- access_type
- access () const
- {
- return access_;
- }
- // Names edge in terms of which this edge was defined. Can be NULL.
- //
- public:
- void
- hint (names& hint)
- {
- hint_ = &hint;
- }
- names*
- hint () const
- {
- return hint_;
- }
- public:
- names (string const& name, access_type access = access_type::public_)
- : name_ (name), access_ (access), hint_ (0)
- {
- }
- void
- set_left_node (scope_type& n)
- {
- scope_ = &n;
- }
- void
- set_right_node (nameable& n)
- {
- named_ = &n;
- }
- protected:
- scope_type* scope_;
- nameable* named_;
- string name_;
- access_type access_;
- names* hint_;
- };
- //
- // Declarations and definitions.
- //
- class declares: public names
- {
- public:
- declares (string const& name, access_type access = access_type::public_)
- : names (name, access)
- {
- }
- };
- class defines: public declares
- {
- public:
- defines (string const& name, access_type access = access_type::public_)
- : declares (name, access)
- {
- }
- };
- class type;
- class typedefs: public declares
- {
- public:
- typedef semantics::type type_type;
- type_type&
- type () const;
- public:
- typedefs (string const& name, access_type access = access_type::public_)
- : declares (name, access)
- {
- }
- };
- //
- //
- class nameable: public virtual node
- {
- typedef std::vector<names*> names_list;
- public:
- typedef semantics::scope scope_type;
- // Return true if this type is unnamed and no literal name, such as
- // template-id or derived type declarator, can be used instead.
- //
- bool
- anonymous () const
- {
- if (defined_ != 0 || !named_.empty ())
- return false;
- return anonymous_ ();
- }
- // Return true if the node itself or any of the scopes up to the
- // global scope is anonymous. For a named class nested in an unnamed
- // class, anonymous() will return false and fq_anonymous() will
- // return true.
- //
- bool
- fq_anonymous () const
- {
- return fq_anonymous_ (0);
- }
- // As above but use the hint to select the first outer scope. If
- // hint is 0, use the defines edge.
- //
- bool
- fq_anonymous (names* hint) const;
- // Return the node's unqualifed name. If the node has a name, then
- // return it, preferring the defines edge. Otherwise, return a
- // literal name, e.g., template-id or a derived type declarator.
- // Finally, if the type is anonymous, return <anonymous> string.
- //
- string
- name () const
- {
- if (defined_ != 0)
- return defined_->name ();
- if (!named_.empty ())
- return named_[0]->name ();
- return name_ ();
- }
- // Return the node's fully-qualifed name.
- //
- virtual string
- fq_name () const;
- // As above but use the hint to select the first outer scope. If hint
- // is 0, use the defines edge.
- //
- virtual string
- fq_name (names* hint) const;
- // Return true if the type is named.
- //
- bool
- named_p () const
- {
- return defined_ != 0 || !named_.empty ();
- }
- scope_type&
- scope () const
- {
- return named ().scope ();
- }
- names&
- named () const
- {
- return defined_ != 0 ? *defined_ : *named_[0];
- }
- bool
- in_scope (scope_type&);
- public:
- nameable ()
- : defined_ (0)
- {
- }
- void
- add_edge_right (defines& e)
- {
- assert (defined_ == 0);
- defined_ = &e;
- }
- void
- add_edge_right (names& e)
- {
- named_.push_back (&e);
- }
- using node::add_edge_right;
- protected:
- // We need to keep the scope we have seen in the fq_* function
- // family in order to detect names that are inside the node
- // and which would otherwise lead to infinite recursion. Here
- // is the canonical example:
- //
- // template <typename X>
- // class c
- // {
- // typedef c this_type;
- // };
- //
- struct scope_entry
- {
- scope_entry (nameable const* e, scope_entry const* p)
- : entry_ (e), prev_ (p)
- {
- }
- bool
- find (nameable const* n) const
- {
- for (scope_entry const* i (this); i != 0; i = i->prev_)
- if (i->entry_ == n)
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- private:
- nameable const* entry_;
- scope_entry const* prev_;
- };
- bool
- anonymous_ () const;
- bool
- fq_anonymous_ (scope_entry const*) const;
- string
- name_ () const;
- string
- fq_name_ (scope_entry const*) const;
- protected:
- defines* defined_;
- names_list named_;
- };
- // Ambiguous name lookup exception.
- //
- struct ambiguous
- {
- ambiguous (names& f, names& s): first (f), second (s) {}
- names& first;
- names& second;
- };
- // Unresolved name lookup exception.
- //
- struct unresolved
- {
- unresolved (string const& n, bool tm): name (n), type_mismatch (tm) {}
- string name;
- bool type_mismatch; // True if the name resolved but types didn't match.
- };
- //
- //
- class scope: public virtual nameable
- {
- protected:
- typedef std::list<names*> names_list;
- typedef std::map<names*, names_list::iterator> list_iterator_map;
- typedef std::map<string, names_list> names_map;
- public:
- typedef pointer_iterator<names_list::iterator> names_iterator;
- typedef pointer_iterator<names_list::const_iterator> names_const_iterator;
- typedef
- std::pair<names_const_iterator, names_const_iterator>
- names_iterator_pair;
- public:
- bool
- global_scope () const
- {
- return named ().global_scope ();
- }
- scope&
- scope_ () const
- {
- return nameable::scope ();
- }
- names_iterator
- names_begin ()
- {
- return names_.begin ();
- }
- names_iterator
- names_end ()
- {
- return names_.end ();
- }
- names_const_iterator
- names_begin () const
- {
- return names_.begin ();
- }
- names_const_iterator
- names_end () const
- {
- return names_.end ();
- }
- // Find a name in this scope.
- //
- public:
- virtual names_iterator_pair
- find (string const& name) const;
- names_iterator
- find (names&);
- // Lookup a name of the specified type in this scope and, if not
- // found, in outer scopes.
- //
- public:
- static unsigned int const exclude_outer = 0x01; // Exclude outer scopes.
- static unsigned int const include_hidden = 0x02; // Include hidden names.
- virtual names*
- lookup (string const& name,
- type_id const&,
- unsigned int flags = 0,
- bool* hidden = 0) const;
- template <typename T>
- T&
- lookup (string const& name, unsigned int flags = 0) const
- {
- bool hidden (false);
- if (names* n = lookup (name, typeid (T), flags, &hidden))
- return dynamic_cast<T&> (n->named ());
- throw unresolved (name, hidden);
- }
- public:
- scope (path const& file, size_t line, size_t column, tree tn)
- : node (file, line, column, tn)
- {
- }
- void
- add_edge_left (names&);
- void
- add_edge_left (names&, names_iterator after);
- using nameable::add_edge_right;
- protected:
- scope ()
- {
- }
- private:
- names_list names_;
- list_iterator_map iterator_map_;
- names_map names_map_;
- };
- //
- //
- class points;
- class belongs;
- class qualifies;
- class type: public virtual nameable
- {
- typedef std::vector<qualifies*> qualified;
- public:
- typedef pointer_iterator<qualified::const_iterator> qualified_iterator;
- qualified_iterator
- qualified_begin () const
- {
- return qualified_.begin ();
- }
- qualified_iterator
- qualified_end () const
- {
- return qualified_.end ();
- }
- public:
- bool
- pointed_p () const {return pointed_ != 0;}
- points&
- pointed () const {return *pointed_;}
- public:
- type (): pointed_ (0) {}
- void
- add_edge_right (belongs&)
- {
- }
- void
- add_edge_right (qualifies& e)
- {
- qualified_.push_back (&e);
- }
- void
- add_edge_right (points& e)
- {
- pointed_ = &e;
- }
- using nameable::add_edge_right;
- private:
- qualified qualified_;
- points* pointed_;
- };
- //
- //
- class instance;
- class belongs: public edge
- {
- public:
- typedef semantics::type type_type;
- typedef semantics::instance instance_type;
- type_type&
- type () const
- {
- return *type_;
- }
- instance_type&
- instance () const
- {
- return *instance_;
- }
- public:
- void
- hint (names& hint)
- {
- hint_ = &hint;
- }
- names*
- hint () const
- {
- return hint_;
- }
- public:
- belongs ()
- : hint_ (0)
- {
- }
- void
- set_left_node (instance_type& n)
- {
- instance_ = &n;
- }
- void
- set_right_node (type_type& n)
- {
- type_ = &n;
- }
- private:
- type_type* type_;
- instance_type* instance_;
- names* hint_;
- };
- //
- //
- class instance: public virtual node
- {
- public:
- typedef semantics::type type_type;
- typedef semantics::belongs belongs_type;
- type_type&
- type () const
- {
- return belongs_->type ();
- }
- belongs_type&
- belongs () const
- {
- return *belongs_;
- }
- public:
- void
- add_edge_left (belongs_type& e)
- {
- belongs_ = &e;
- }
- protected:
- instance ()
- {
- }
- private:
- belongs_type* belongs_;
- };
- // Data member for class and union types.
- //
- class data_member: public nameable, public instance
- {
- public:
- data_member (path const& file, size_t line, size_t column, tree tn)
- : node (file, line, column, tn)
- {
- }
- protected:
- data_member ()
- {
- }
- };
- // Unsupported type.
- //
- class unsupported_type: public type
- {
- public:
- string const&
- type_name () const
- {
- return type_name_;
- }
- public:
- unsupported_type (path const& file,
- size_t line,
- size_t column,
- tree tn,
- string const& type_name)
- : node (file, line, column, tn), type_name_ (type_name)
- {
- }
- private:
- string const type_name_;
- };
-#include <odb/semantics/elements.ixx>