path: root/odb/relational/schema.hxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'odb/relational/schema.hxx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1606 deletions
diff --git a/odb/relational/schema.hxx b/odb/relational/schema.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index cd975b7..0000000
--- a/odb/relational/schema.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1606 +0,0 @@
-// file : odb/relational/schema.hxx
-// license : GNU GPL v3; see accompanying LICENSE file
-#include <set>
-#include <vector>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <odb/emitter.hxx>
-#include <odb/relational/common.hxx>
-#include <odb/relational/context.hxx>
-namespace relational
- namespace schema
- {
- typedef std::set<qname> table_set;
- struct common: virtual context
- {
- typedef ::emitter emitter_type;
- common (emitter_type& e, ostream& os, schema_format f)
- : e_ (e), os_ (os), format_ (f) {}
- void
- pre_statement ()
- {
- e_.pre ();
- diverge (os_);
- }
- void
- post_statement ()
- {
- restore ();
- ();
- }
- emitter_type&
- emitter () const
- {
- return e_;
- }
- ostream&
- stream () const
- {
- return os_;
- }
- public:
- // Find an entity corresponding to the drop node in alter_table.
- //
- template <typename T, typename D>
- T&
- find (D& d)
- {
- using sema_rel::model;
- using sema_rel::changeset;
- using sema_rel::table;
- using sema_rel::alter_table;
- alter_table& at (dynamic_cast<alter_table&> (d.scope ()));
- changeset& cs (dynamic_cast<changeset&> (at.scope ()));
- model& bm (cs.base_model ());
- table* bt (bm.find<table> ( ()));
- assert (bt != 0);
- T* b (bt->find<T> ( ()));
- assert (b != 0);
- return *b;
- }
- protected:
- emitter_type& e_;
- ostream& os_;
- schema_format format_;
- };
- //
- // Drop.
- //
- // Only used in migration.
- //
- struct drop_column: trav_rel::drop_column, common
- {
- typedef drop_column base;
- drop_column (common const& c, bool* first = 0)
- : common (c),
- first_ (first != 0 ? *first : first_data_),
- first_data_ (true)
- {
- }
- drop_column (drop_column const& c)
- : root_context (), // @@ -Wextra
- context (),
- common (c),
- first_ (&c.first_ != &c.first_data_ ? c.first_ : first_data_),
- first_data_ (c.first_data_)
- {
- }
- virtual void
- drop_header ()
- {
- // By default ADD COLUMN though some databases use just ADD.
- //
- os << "DROP COLUMN ";
- }
- virtual void
- traverse (sema_rel::drop_column& dc)
- {
- if (first_)
- first_ = false;
- else
- os << ",";
- os << endl
- << " ";
- drop_header ();
- os << quote_id ( ());
- }
- protected:
- bool& first_;
- bool first_data_;
- };
- // Normally only used in migration but some databases use it as a
- // base to also drop foreign keys in schema.
- //
- struct drop_foreign_key: trav_rel::foreign_key,
- trav_rel::drop_foreign_key,
- trav_rel::add_foreign_key, // Override.
- common
- {
- typedef drop_foreign_key base;
- // Schema constructor.
- //
- drop_foreign_key (common const& c, table_set& dropped, bool* first = 0)
- : common (c),
- dropped_ (&dropped),
- first_ (first != 0 ? *first : first_data_),
- first_data_ (true)
- {
- }
- // Migration constructor.
- //
- drop_foreign_key (common const& c, bool* first = 0)
- : common (c),
- dropped_ (0),
- first_ (first != 0 ? *first : first_data_),
- first_data_ (true)
- {
- }
- drop_foreign_key (drop_foreign_key const& c)
- : root_context (), // @@ -Wextra
- context (),
- common (c),
- dropped_ (c.dropped_),
- first_ (&c.first_ != &c.first_data_ ? c.first_ : first_data_),
- first_data_ (c.first_data_)
- {
- }
- virtual void
- drop_header ()
- {
- }
- virtual void
- traverse (sema_rel::foreign_key& fk)
- {
- // If the table which we reference is droped before us, then
- // we need to drop the constraint first. Similarly, if the
- // referenced table is not part if this model, then assume
- // it is dropped before us. In migration we always do this
- // first.
- //
- sema_rel::table& t (dynamic_cast<sema_rel::table&> (fk.scope ()));
- if (dropped_ != 0)
- {
- sema_rel::qname const& rt (fk.referenced_table ());
- sema_rel::model& m (dynamic_cast<sema_rel::model&> (t.scope ()));
- if (dropped_->find (rt) == dropped_->end () &&
- m.find (rt) != m.names_end ())
- return;
- }
- drop (t, fk);
- }
- virtual void
- drop (sema_rel::table& t, sema_rel::foreign_key& fk)
- {
- // When generating schema we would need to check if the key exists.
- // So this implementation will need to be customize on the per-
- // database level.
- //
- pre_statement ();
- os << "ALTER TABLE " << quote_id ( ()) << endl
- << " ";
- drop_header ();
- os << quote_id ( ()) << endl;
- post_statement ();
- }
- virtual void
- traverse (sema_rel::drop_foreign_key& dfk)
- {
- if (first_)
- first_ = false;
- else
- os << ",";
- os << endl;
- drop (dfk);
- }
- virtual void
- drop (sema_rel::drop_foreign_key& dfk)
- {
- os << " ";
- drop_header ();
- os << quote_id ( ());
- }
- protected:
- table_set* dropped_;
- bool& first_;
- bool first_data_;
- };
- // Currently only used in migration.
- //
- struct drop_index: trav_rel::drop_index, common
- {
- typedef drop_index base;
- enum index_type {unique, non_unique, all};
- drop_index (common const& c, index_type t = all)
- : common (c), type_ (t) {}
- virtual void
- traverse (sema_rel::drop_index& di)
- {
- // Find the index we are dropping in the base model.
- //
- traverse (find<sema_rel::index> (di));
- }
- virtual void
- traverse (sema_rel::index& in)
- {
- if (type_ == unique &&
- in.type ().find ("UNIQUE") == string::npos &&
- in.type ().find ("unique") == string::npos)
- return;
- if (type_ == non_unique && (
- in.type ().find ("UNIQUE") != string::npos ||
- in.type ().find ("unique") != string::npos))
- return;
- pre_statement ();
- drop (in);
- post_statement ();
- }
- virtual string
- name (sema_rel::index& in)
- {
- return quote_id ( ());
- }
- virtual void
- drop (sema_rel::index& in)
- {
- os << "DROP INDEX " << name (in) << endl;
- }
- protected:
- index_type type_;
- };
- struct drop_table: trav_rel::table,
- trav_rel::drop_table,
- trav_rel::add_table, // Override.
- trav_rel::alter_table, // Override.
- common
- {
- typedef drop_table base;
- drop_table (emitter_type& e, ostream& os, schema_format f)
- : common (e, os, f) {}
- virtual void
- drop (sema_rel::table& t, bool migration)
- {
- pre_statement ();
- os << "DROP TABLE " << (migration ? "" : "IF EXISTS ") <<
- quote_id ( ()) << endl;
- post_statement ();
- }
- virtual void
- delete_ (sema_rel::qname const& rtable,
- sema_rel::qname const& dtable,
- sema_rel::primary_key& rkey,
- sema_rel::primary_key& dkey)
- {
- pre_statement ();
- // This might not be the most efficient way for every database.
- //
- os << "DELETE FROM " << quote_id (rtable) << endl
- << " WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM " << quote_id (dtable) << endl
- << " WHERE ";
- for (size_t i (0); i != rkey.contains_size (); ++i)
- {
- if (i != 0)
- os << endl
- << " AND ";
- os << quote_id (rtable) << "." <<
- quote_id (rkey.contains_at (i).column ().name ()) << " = " <<
- quote_id (dtable) << "." <<
- quote_id (dkey.contains_at (i).column ().name ());
- }
- os << ")" << endl;
- post_statement ();
- }
- virtual void
- traverse (sema_rel::table& t, bool migration)
- {
- // By default drop foreign keys referencing tables that would
- // have already been dropped on the first pass.
- //
- if (pass_ == 1)
- {
- // Drop constraints. In migration this is always done on pass 1.
- //
- if (migration)
- {
- instance<drop_foreign_key> dfk (*this);
- trav_rel::unames n (*dfk);
- names (t, n);
- }
- else
- {
- dropped_.insert ( ()); // Add it before to cover self-refs.
- instance<drop_foreign_key> dfk (*this, dropped_);
- trav_rel::unames n (*dfk);
- names (t, n);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (migration && t.extra ()["kind"] == "polymorphic derived object")
- {
- // If we are dropping a polymorphic derived object, then we
- // also have to clean the base tables. Note that this won't
- // trigger cascade deletion since we have dropped all the
- // keys on pass 1. But we still need to do this in the base
- // to root order in order not to trigger other cascades.
- //
- using sema_rel::model;
- using sema_rel::table;
- using sema_rel::primary_key;
- using sema_rel::foreign_key;
- model& m (dynamic_cast<model&> (t.scope ()));
- table* p (&t);
- do
- {
- // The polymorphic link is the first primary key.
- //
- for (table::names_iterator i (p->names_begin ());
- i != p->names_end (); ++i)
- {
- if (foreign_key* fk = dynamic_cast<foreign_key*> (
- &i->nameable ()))
- {
- p = m.find<table> (fk->referenced_table ());
- assert (p != 0); // Base table should be there.
- break;
- }
- }
- primary_key& rkey (*p->find<primary_key> (""));
- primary_key& dkey (*t.find<primary_key> (""));
- assert (rkey.contains_size () == dkey.contains_size ());
- delete_ (p->name (), (), rkey, dkey);
- }
- while (p->extra ()["kind"] != "polymorphic root object");
- }
- drop (t, migration);
- }
- }
- virtual void
- traverse (sema_rel::table& t)
- {
- traverse (t, false);
- }
- virtual void
- traverse (sema_rel::drop_table& dt)
- {
- using sema_rel::model;
- using sema_rel::changeset;
- using sema_rel::table;
- // Find the table we are dropping in the base model.
- //
- changeset& cs (dynamic_cast<changeset&> (dt.scope ()));
- model& bm (cs.base_model ());
- table* t (bm.find<table> ( ()));
- assert (t != 0);
- traverse (*t, true);
- }
- using add_table::traverse; // Unhide.
- using alter_table::traverse; // Unhide.
- using table::names;
- void
- pass (unsigned short p)
- {
- pass_ = p;
- }
- protected:
- unsigned short pass_;
- table_set dropped_;
- };
- struct drop_model: trav_rel::model, common
- {
- typedef drop_model base;
- drop_model (emitter_type& e, ostream& os, schema_format f)
- : common (e, os, f)
- {
- }
- virtual void
- traverse (sema_rel::model& m)
- {
- // Traverse named entities in the reverse order. This way we
- // drop them in the order opposite to creating.
- //
- for (sema_rel::model::names_iterator begin (m.names_begin ()),
- end (m.names_end ()); begin != end;)
- dispatch (*--end);
- }
- void
- pass (unsigned short p)
- {
- pass_ = p;
- }
- protected:
- unsigned short pass_;
- };
- //
- // Create.
- //
- struct create_column: trav_rel::column,
- trav_rel::add_column,
- trav_rel::alter_column, // Override.
- common
- {
- typedef create_column base;
- create_column (common const& c,
- bool override_null = true,
- bool* first = 0)
- : common (c),
- override_null_ (override_null),
- first_ (first != 0 ? *first : first_data_),
- first_data_ (true)
- {
- }
- create_column (create_column const& c)
- : root_context (), // @@ -Wextra
- context (),
- common (c),
- override_null_ (c.override_null_),
- first_ (&c.first_ != &c.first_data_ ? c.first_ : first_data_),
- first_data_ (c.first_data_)
- {
- }
- virtual void
- traverse (sema_rel::column& c)
- {
- if (first_)
- first_ = false;
- else
- os << ",";
- os << endl
- << " ";
- create (c);
- }
- virtual void
- add_header ()
- {
- // By default ADD COLUMN though some databases use just ADD.
- //
- os << "ADD COLUMN ";
- }
- virtual void
- traverse (sema_rel::add_column& ac)
- {
- if (first_)
- first_ = false;
- else
- os << ",";
- os << endl
- << " ";
- add_header ();
- create (ac);
- }
- virtual void
- create (sema_rel::column& c)
- {
- using sema_rel::column;
- // See if this column is (part of) a primary key.
- //
- sema_rel::primary_key* pk (0);
- for (column::contained_iterator i (c.contained_begin ());
- i != c.contained_end ();
- ++i)
- {
- if ((pk = dynamic_cast<sema_rel::primary_key*> (&i->key ())))
- break;
- }
- os << quote_id ( ()) << " ";
- type (c, pk != 0 && pk->auto_ ());
- constraints (c, pk);
- if (!c.options ().empty ())
- os << " " << c.options ();
- }
- virtual void
- constraints (sema_rel::column& c, sema_rel::primary_key* pk)
- {
- null (c);
- if (!c.default_ ().empty ())
- os << " DEFAULT " << c.default_ ();
- // If this is a single-column primary key, generate it inline.
- //
- if (pk != 0 && pk->contains_size () == 1)
- primary_key ();
- if (pk != 0 && pk->auto_ ())
- auto_ (*pk);
- }
- virtual void
- type (sema_rel::column& c, bool /*auto*/)
- {
- os << c.type ();
- }
- virtual void
- null (sema_rel::column& c)
- {
- bool n (c.null ());
- // If we are adding a new column that doesn't allow NULL nor has
- // a default value, add it as NULL. Later, after migration, we
- // will convert it to NOT NULL.
- //
- if (override_null_ && c.is_a<sema_rel::add_column> () &&
- !n && c.default_ ().empty ())
- n = true;
- // Specify both cases explicitly for better readability,
- // especially in ALTER COLUMN clauses.
- //
- os << (n ? " NULL" : " NOT NULL");
- }
- virtual void
- primary_key ()
- {
- os << " PRIMARY KEY";
- }
- virtual void
- auto_ (sema_rel::primary_key&)
- {
- }
- protected:
- bool override_null_; // Override NOT NULL in add_column.
- bool& first_;
- bool first_data_;
- bool add_;
- };
- struct create_primary_key: trav_rel::primary_key, common
- {
- typedef create_primary_key base;
- create_primary_key (common const& c): common (c) {}
- virtual void
- traverse (sema_rel::primary_key& pk)
- {
- // Single-column primary keys are generated inline in the
- // column declaration.
- //
- if (pk.contains_size () == 1)
- return;
- // We will always follow a column.
- //
- os << "," << endl;
- create (pk);
- }
- virtual void
- create (sema_rel::primary_key& pk)
- {
- using sema_rel::primary_key;
- // By default we create unnamed primary key constraint.
- //
- os << " PRIMARY KEY (";
- for (primary_key::contains_iterator i (pk.contains_begin ());
- i != pk.contains_end ();
- ++i)
- {
- if (i != pk.contains_begin ())
- os << "," << endl
- << " ";
- os << quote_id (i->column ().name ());
- }
- os << ")";
- }
- };
- struct create_foreign_key: trav_rel::foreign_key,
- trav_rel::add_foreign_key,
- common
- {
- typedef create_foreign_key base;
- // Schema constructor, pass 1.
- //
- create_foreign_key (common const& c, table_set& created, bool* first = 0)
- : common (c),
- created_ (&created),
- first_ (first != 0 ? *first : first_data_),
- first_data_ (true)
- {
- }
- // Schema constructor, pass 2 and migration constructor.
- //
- create_foreign_key (common const& c, bool* first = 0)
- : common (c),
- created_ (0),
- first_ (first != 0 ? *first : first_data_),
- first_data_ (true)
- {
- }
- create_foreign_key (create_foreign_key const& c)
- : root_context (), // @@ -Wextra
- context (),
- common (c),
- created_ (c.created_),
- first_ (&c.first_ != &c.first_data_ ? c.first_ : first_data_),
- first_data_ (c.first_data_)
- {
- }
- virtual void
- traverse (sema_rel::foreign_key& fk)
- {
- if (created_ != 0)
- {
- // Pass 1.
- //
- // If the referenced table has already been defined, do the
- // foreign key definition in the table definition. Otherwise
- // postpone it until pass 2 where we do it via ALTER TABLE.
- //
- if (created_->find (fk.referenced_table ()) != created_->end ())
- {
- traverse_create (fk);
- fk.set (db.string () + "-fk-defined", true); // Mark it as defined.
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Pass 2.
- //
- if (!fk.count (db.string () + "-fk-defined"))
- traverse_add (fk);
- }
- }
- virtual void
- traverse_create (sema_rel::foreign_key& fk)
- {
- if (first_)
- first_ = false;
- else
- os << ",";
- os << endl
- << " CONSTRAINT ";
- create (fk);
- }
- virtual void
- traverse_add (sema_rel::foreign_key& fk)
- {
- if (first_)
- first_ = false;
- else
- os << ",";
- os << endl;
- add (fk);
- }
- virtual void
- traverse (sema_rel::add_foreign_key& afk)
- {
- traverse_add (afk);
- }
- virtual void
- add_header ()
- {
- os << "ADD CONSTRAINT ";
- }
- virtual void
- add (sema_rel::foreign_key& fk)
- {
- os << " ";
- add_header ();
- create (fk);
- }
- virtual void
- create (sema_rel::foreign_key& fk)
- {
- using sema_rel::foreign_key;
- os << name (fk) << endl
- << " FOREIGN KEY (";
- for (foreign_key::contains_iterator i (fk.contains_begin ());
- i != fk.contains_end ();
- ++i)
- {
- if (i != fk.contains_begin ())
- os << "," << endl
- << " ";
- os << quote_id (i->column ().name ());
- }
- string tn (table_name (fk));
- string tn_pad (tn.size (), ' ');
- os << ")" << endl
- << " REFERENCES " << tn << " (";
- foreign_key::columns const& refs (fk.referenced_columns ());
- for (foreign_key::columns::const_iterator i (refs.begin ());
- i != refs.end ();
- ++i)
- {
- if (i != refs.begin ())
- os << "," << endl
- << " " << tn_pad;
- os << quote_id (*i);
- }
- os << ")";
- if (fk.on_delete () != foreign_key::no_action)
- on_delete (fk.on_delete ());
- if (!fk.not_deferrable ())
- deferrable (fk.deferrable ());
- }
- virtual string
- name (sema_rel::foreign_key& fk)
- {
- return quote_id ( ());
- }
- virtual string
- table_name (sema_rel::foreign_key& fk)
- {
- return quote_id (fk.referenced_table ());
- }
- virtual void
- on_delete (sema_rel::foreign_key::action_type a)
- {
- using sema_rel::foreign_key;
- switch (a)
- {
- case foreign_key::no_action:
- break;
- case foreign_key::cascade:
- {
- os << endl
- break;
- }
- case foreign_key::set_null:
- {
- os << endl
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- virtual void
- deferrable (sema_rel::deferrable d)
- {
- os << endl
- }
- protected:
- table_set* created_;
- bool& first_;
- bool first_data_;
- };
- struct create_index: trav_rel::index, common
- {
- typedef create_index base;
- enum index_type {unique, non_unique, all};
- create_index (common const& c, index_type t = all)
- : common (c), type_ (t) {}
- virtual void
- traverse (sema_rel::index& in)
- {
- if (type_ == unique &&
- in.type ().find ("UNIQUE") == string::npos &&
- in.type ().find ("unique") == string::npos)
- return;
- if (type_ == non_unique && (
- in.type ().find ("UNIQUE") != string::npos ||
- in.type ().find ("unique") != string::npos))
- return;
- pre_statement ();
- create (in);
- post_statement ();
- }
- virtual string
- name (sema_rel::index& in)
- {
- return quote_id ( ());
- }
- virtual string
- table_name (sema_rel::index& in)
- {
- return quote_id (static_cast<sema_rel::table&> (in.scope ()).name ());
- }
- virtual void
- columns (sema_rel::index& in)
- {
- using sema_rel::index;
- for (index::contains_iterator i (in.contains_begin ());
- i != in.contains_end ();
- ++i)
- {
- if (in.contains_size () > 1)
- {
- if (i != in.contains_begin ())
- os << ",";
- os << endl
- << " ";
- }
- os << quote_id (i->column ().name ());
- if (!i->options ().empty ())
- os << ' ' << i->options ();
- }
- }
- virtual void
- create (sema_rel::index& in)
- {
- // Default implementation that ignores the method.
- //
- os << "CREATE ";
- if (!in.type ().empty ())
- os << in.type () << ' ';
- os << "INDEX " << name (in) << endl
- << " ON " << table_name (in) << " (";
- columns (in);
- os << ")" << endl;
- if (!in.options ().empty ())
- os << ' ' << in.options () << endl;
- }
- protected:
- index_type type_;
- };
- struct create_table: trav_rel::table,
- trav_rel::alter_table, // Override.
- common
- {
- typedef create_table base;
- using trav_rel::table::names;
- create_table (emitter_type& e, ostream& os, schema_format f)
- : common (e, os, f) {}
- virtual void
- create_pre (sema_rel::qname const& table)
- {
- os << "CREATE TABLE " << quote_id (table) << " (";
- }
- virtual void
- create_post (sema_rel::table& t)
- {
- os << ")" << endl;
- if (!t.options ().empty ())
- os << " " << t.options () << endl;
- }
- virtual void
- create (sema_rel::table& t)
- {
- pre_statement ();
- create_pre ( ());
- instance<create_column> c (*this);
- instance<create_primary_key> pk (*this);
- // We will always follow a column, so set first to false.
- //
- bool f (false); // (Im)perfect forwarding.
- bool* pf (&f); // (Im)perfect forwarding.
- instance<create_foreign_key> fk (*this, created_, pf);
- trav_rel::unames n;
- n >> c;
- n >> pk;
- n >> fk;
- names (t, n);
- create_post (t);
- post_statement ();
- // Create indexes.
- //
- {
- instance<create_index> in (*this);
- trav_rel::unames n (*in);
- names (t, n);
- }
- }
- // See if there are any undefined foreign keys that we need to
- // add with ALTER TABLE.
- //
- bool
- check_undefined_fk (sema_rel::table& t)
- {
- for (sema_rel::table::names_iterator i (t.names_begin ());
- i != t.names_end (); ++i)
- {
- if (i->nameable ().is_a<sema_rel::foreign_key> () &&
- !i->nameable ().count (db.string () + "-fk-defined"))
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- virtual void
- traverse (sema_rel::table& t)
- {
- // By default add foreign keys referencing tables that haven't
- // yet been defined on the second pass.
- //
- if (pass_ == 1)
- {
- // In migration we always add foreign keys on pass 2.
- //
- if (!t.is_a<sema_rel::add_table> ())
- created_.insert ( ()); // Add it before to cover self-refs.
- create (t);
- }
- else
- {
- // Add undefined foreign keys.
- //
- if (check_undefined_fk (t))
- {
- pre_statement ();
- os << "ALTER TABLE " << quote_id ( ());
- instance<create_foreign_key> cfk (*this);
- trav_rel::unames n (*cfk);
- names (t, n);
- os << endl;
- post_statement ();
- }
- }
- }
- void
- pass (unsigned short p)
- {
- pass_ = p;
- }
- protected:
- unsigned short pass_;
- table_set created_;
- };
- struct create_model: trav_rel::model, common
- {
- typedef create_model base;
- create_model (emitter_type& e, ostream& os, schema_format f)
- : common (e, os, f) {}
- void
- pass (unsigned short p)
- {
- pass_ = p;
- }
- protected:
- unsigned short pass_;
- };
- //
- // Alter.
- //
- struct alter_column: trav_rel::alter_column,
- trav_rel::add_column,
- common
- {
- typedef alter_column base;
- alter_column (common const& c, bool pre, bool* first = 0)
- : common (c),
- pre_ (pre),
- first_ (first != 0 ? *first : first_data_),
- first_data_ (true),
- fl_ (false),
- def_ (c, fl_)
- {
- }
- alter_column (alter_column const& c)
- : root_context (), // @@ -Wextra
- context (),
- common (c),
- pre_ (c.pre_),
- first_ (&c.first_ != &c.first_data_ ? c.first_ : first_data_),
- first_data_ (c.first_data_),
- fl_ (false),
- def_ (c, fl_)
- {
- }
- virtual void
- alter_header ()
- {
- os << "ALTER COLUMN ";
- }
- virtual void
- alter (sema_rel::column& c)
- {
- // By default use the whole definition.
- //
- def_->create (c);
- }
- virtual void
- traverse (sema_rel::column& c)
- {
- // Relax (NULL) in pre and tighten (NOT NULL) in post.
- //
- if (pre_ != c.null ())
- return;
- if (first_)
- first_ = false;
- else
- os << ",";
- os << endl
- << " ";
- alter_header ();
- alter (c);
- }
- virtual void
- traverse (sema_rel::alter_column& ac)
- {
- assert (ac.null_altered ());
- traverse (static_cast<sema_rel::column&> (ac));
- }
- virtual void
- traverse (sema_rel::add_column& ac)
- {
- // We initially add NOT NULL columns without default values as
- // NULL. Now, after the migration, we convert them to NOT NULL.
- //
- if (!ac.null () && ac.default_ ().empty ())
- traverse (static_cast<sema_rel::column&> (ac));
- }
- protected:
- bool pre_;
- bool& first_;
- bool first_data_;
- bool fl_; // (Im)perfect forwarding.
- instance<create_column> def_;
- };
- struct alter_table_common: trav_rel::alter_table, common
- {
- alter_table_common (emitter_type& e, ostream& os, schema_format f)
- : common (e, os, f) {}
- template <typename T>
- T*
- check (sema_rel::alter_table& at)
- {
- for (sema_rel::alter_table::names_iterator i (at.names_begin ());
- i != at.names_end (); ++i)
- {
- if (T* x = dynamic_cast<T*> (&i->nameable ()))
- return x;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- sema_rel::column*
- check_alter_column_null (sema_rel::alter_table& at, bool v)
- {
- for (sema_rel::alter_table::names_iterator i (at.names_begin ());
- i != at.names_end (); ++i)
- {
- using sema_rel::add_column;
- using sema_rel::alter_column;
- if (alter_column* ac = dynamic_cast<alter_column*> (&i->nameable ()))
- {
- if (ac->null_altered () && ac->null () == v)
- return ac;
- }
- // If we are testing for NOT NULL, also look for new columns that
- // we initially add as NULL and later convert to NOT NULL.
- //
- if (!v)
- {
- if (add_column* ac = dynamic_cast<add_column*> (&i->nameable ()))
- {
- if (!ac->null () && ac->default_ ().empty ())
- return ac;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void
- pass (unsigned short p)
- {
- pass_ = p;
- }
- protected:
- unsigned short pass_;
- };
- struct alter_table_pre: alter_table_common
- {
- typedef alter_table_pre base;
- alter_table_pre (emitter_type& e, ostream& os, schema_format f)
- : alter_table_common (e, os, f) {}
- // Check if there will be any clauses in ALTER TABLE.
- //
- using alter_table_common::check;
- virtual bool
- check (sema_rel::alter_table& at)
- {
- // If changing the below test, make sure to also update tests
- // in database-specific code.
- //
- return
- check<sema_rel::drop_foreign_key> (at) ||
- check<sema_rel::add_column> (at) ||
- check_alter_column_null (at, true);
- }
- virtual void
- alter (sema_rel::alter_table& at)
- {
- // By default we generate all the alterations in a single ALTER TABLE
- // statement. Quite a few databases don't support this.
- //
- pre_statement ();
- os << "ALTER TABLE " << quote_id ( ());
- bool f (true); // Shared first flag.
- bool* pf (&f); // (Im)perfect forwarding.
- bool tl (true); // (Im)perfect forwarding.
- instance<create_column> cc (*this, tl, pf);
- instance<alter_column> ac (*this, tl, pf);
- instance<drop_foreign_key> dfk (*this, pf);
- trav_rel::unames n;
- n >> cc;
- n >> ac;
- n >> dfk;
- names (at, n);
- os << endl;
- post_statement ();
- }
- virtual void
- traverse (sema_rel::alter_table& at)
- {
- if (pass_ == 1)
- {
- // Drop unique indexes.
- //
- {
- drop_index::index_type it (drop_index::unique);
- instance<drop_index> in (*this, it);
- trav_rel::unames n (*in);
- names (at, n);
- }
- if (check (at))
- alter (at);
- }
- else
- {
- // Add non-unique indexes.
- //
- {
- create_index::index_type it (create_index::non_unique);
- instance<create_index> in (*this, it);
- trav_rel::unames n (*in);
- names (at, n);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- struct changeset_pre: trav_rel::changeset, common
- {
- typedef changeset_pre base;
- changeset_pre (emitter_type& e, ostream& os, schema_format f)
- : common (e, os, f) {}
- void
- pass (unsigned short p)
- {
- pass_ = p;
- }
- protected:
- unsigned short pass_;
- };
- struct alter_table_post: alter_table_common
- {
- typedef alter_table_post base;
- alter_table_post (emitter_type& e, ostream& os, schema_format f)
- : alter_table_common (e, os, f) {}
- // Check if there will be any clauses in ALTER TABLE.
- //
- using alter_table_common::check;
- virtual bool
- check (sema_rel::alter_table& at)
- {
- // If changing the below test, make sure to also update tests
- // in database-specific code.
- //
- return
- check<sema_rel::add_foreign_key> (at) ||
- check<sema_rel::drop_column> (at) ||
- check_alter_column_null (at, false);
- }
- virtual void
- alter (sema_rel::alter_table& at)
- {
- // By default we generate all the alterations in a single ALTER TABLE
- // statement. Quite a few databases don't support this.
- //
- pre_statement ();
- os << "ALTER TABLE " << quote_id ( ());
- bool f (true); // Shared first flag.
- bool* pf (&f); // (Im)perfect forwarding.
- bool fl (false); // (Im)perfect forwarding.
- instance<drop_column> dc (*this, pf);
- instance<alter_column> ac (*this, fl, pf);
- instance<create_foreign_key> fk (*this, pf);
- trav_rel::unames n;
- n >> dc;
- n >> ac;
- n >> fk;
- names (at, n);
- os << endl;
- post_statement ();
- }
- virtual void
- traverse (sema_rel::alter_table& at)
- {
- if (pass_ == 1)
- {
- // Drop non-unique indexes.
- //
- {
- drop_index::index_type it (drop_index::non_unique);
- instance<drop_index> in (*this, it);
- trav_rel::unames n (*in);
- names (at, n);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (check (at))
- alter (at);
- // Add unique indexes.
- //
- {
- create_index::index_type it (create_index::unique);
- instance<create_index> in (*this, it);
- trav_rel::unames n (*in);
- names (at, n);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- struct changeset_post: trav_rel::changeset, common
- {
- typedef changeset_post base;
- changeset_post (emitter_type& e, ostream& os, schema_format f)
- : common (e, os, f) {}
- virtual void
- traverse (sema_rel::changeset& m)
- {
- // Traverse named entities in the reverse order. This way we
- // drop them in the order opposite to creating.
- //
- for (sema_rel::changeset::names_iterator begin (m.names_begin ()),
- end (m.names_end ()); begin != end;)
- dispatch (*--end);
- }
- void
- pass (unsigned short p)
- {
- pass_ = p;
- }
- protected:
- unsigned short pass_;
- };
- //
- // Schema version table.
- //
- struct version_table: common
- {
- typedef version_table base;
- version_table (emitter_type& e, ostream& os, schema_format f)
- : common (e, os, f),
- table_ (options.schema_version_table ()[db]),
- qt_ (quote_id (table_)),
- qs_ (quote_string (options.schema_name ()[db])),
- qn_ (quote_id ("name")),
- qv_ (quote_id ("version")),
- qm_ (quote_id ("migration"))
- {
- }
- // Create the version table if it doesn't exist.
- //
- virtual void
- create_table () {}
- // Remove the version entry. Called after the DROP statements.
- //
- virtual void
- drop ()
- {
- pre_statement ();
- os << "DELETE FROM " << qt_ << endl
- << " WHERE " << qn_ << " = " << qs_ << endl;
- post_statement ();
- }
- // Set the version. Called after the CREATE statements.
- //
- virtual void
- create (sema_rel::version) {}
- // Set the version and migration state to true. Called after
- // the pre migration statements.
- //
- virtual void
- migrate_pre (sema_rel::version v)
- {
- pre_statement ();
- os << "UPDATE " << qt_ << endl
- << " SET " << qv_ << " = " << v << ", " << qm_ << " = 1" << endl
- << " WHERE " << qn_ << " = " << qs_ << endl;
- post_statement ();
- }
- // Set migration state to false. Called after the post migration
- // statements.
- //
- virtual void
- migrate_post ()
- {
- pre_statement ();
- os << "UPDATE " << qt_ << endl
- << " SET " << qm_ << " = 0" << endl
- << " WHERE " << qn_ << " = " << qs_ << endl;
- post_statement ();
- }
- protected:
- sema_rel::qname table_;
- string qt_; // Quoted table.
- string qs_; // Quoted schema name string.
- string qn_; // Quoted name column.
- string qv_; // Quoted version column.
- string qm_; // Quoted migration column.
- };
- //
- // SQL output.
- //
- struct sql_emitter: emitter, virtual context
- {
- typedef sql_emitter base;
- virtual void
- pre ()
- {
- first_ = true;
- }
- virtual void
- line (const std::string& l)
- {
- if (first_ && !l.empty ())
- first_ = false;
- else
- os << endl;
- os << l;
- }
- virtual void
- post ()
- {
- if (!first_) // Ignore empty statements.
- os << ';' << endl
- << endl;
- }
- protected:
- bool first_;
- };
- struct sql_file: virtual context
- {
- typedef sql_file base;
- virtual void
- prologue ()
- {
- }
- virtual void
- epilogue ()
- {
- }
- };
- }