path: root/odb/odb/pregenerated/odb/options.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'odb/odb/pregenerated/odb/options.cxx')
1 files changed, 4034 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/odb/odb/pregenerated/odb/options.cxx b/odb/odb/pregenerated/odb/options.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da22570
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odb/odb/pregenerated/odb/options.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,4034 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// This file was generated by CLI, a command line interface
+// compiler for C++.
+// Begin prologue.
+#include <odb/option-parsers.hxx>
+// End prologue.
+#include <odb/options.hxx>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <utility>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <fstream>
+namespace cli
+ // unknown_option
+ //
+ unknown_option::
+ ~unknown_option () throw ()
+ {
+ }
+ void unknown_option::
+ print (::std::ostream& os) const
+ {
+ os << "unknown option '" << option ().c_str () << "'";
+ }
+ const char* unknown_option::
+ what () const throw ()
+ {
+ return "unknown option";
+ }
+ // unknown_argument
+ //
+ unknown_argument::
+ ~unknown_argument () throw ()
+ {
+ }
+ void unknown_argument::
+ print (::std::ostream& os) const
+ {
+ os << "unknown argument '" << argument ().c_str () << "'";
+ }
+ const char* unknown_argument::
+ what () const throw ()
+ {
+ return "unknown argument";
+ }
+ // missing_value
+ //
+ missing_value::
+ ~missing_value () throw ()
+ {
+ }
+ void missing_value::
+ print (::std::ostream& os) const
+ {
+ os << "missing value for option '" << option ().c_str () << "'";
+ }
+ const char* missing_value::
+ what () const throw ()
+ {
+ return "missing option value";
+ }
+ // invalid_value
+ //
+ invalid_value::
+ ~invalid_value () throw ()
+ {
+ }
+ void invalid_value::
+ print (::std::ostream& os) const
+ {
+ os << "invalid value '" << value ().c_str () << "' for option '"
+ << option ().c_str () << "'";
+ if (!message ().empty ())
+ os << ": " << message ().c_str ();
+ }
+ const char* invalid_value::
+ what () const throw ()
+ {
+ return "invalid option value";
+ }
+ // eos_reached
+ //
+ void eos_reached::
+ print (::std::ostream& os) const
+ {
+ os << what ();
+ }
+ const char* eos_reached::
+ what () const throw ()
+ {
+ return "end of argument stream reached";
+ }
+ // file_io_failure
+ //
+ file_io_failure::
+ ~file_io_failure () throw ()
+ {
+ }
+ void file_io_failure::
+ print (::std::ostream& os) const
+ {
+ os << "unable to open file '" << file ().c_str () << "' or read failure";
+ }
+ const char* file_io_failure::
+ what () const throw ()
+ {
+ return "unable to open file or read failure";
+ }
+ // unmatched_quote
+ //
+ unmatched_quote::
+ ~unmatched_quote () throw ()
+ {
+ }
+ void unmatched_quote::
+ print (::std::ostream& os) const
+ {
+ os << "unmatched quote in argument '" << argument ().c_str () << "'";
+ }
+ const char* unmatched_quote::
+ what () const throw ()
+ {
+ return "unmatched quote";
+ }
+ // scanner
+ //
+ scanner::
+ ~scanner ()
+ {
+ }
+ // argv_scanner
+ //
+ bool argv_scanner::
+ more ()
+ {
+ return i_ < argc_;
+ }
+ const char* argv_scanner::
+ peek ()
+ {
+ if (i_ < argc_)
+ return argv_[i_];
+ else
+ throw eos_reached ();
+ }
+ const char* argv_scanner::
+ next ()
+ {
+ if (i_ < argc_)
+ {
+ const char* r (argv_[i_]);
+ if (erase_)
+ {
+ for (int i (i_ + 1); i < argc_; ++i)
+ argv_[i - 1] = argv_[i];
+ --argc_;
+ argv_[argc_] = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ ++i_;
+ ++start_position_;
+ return r;
+ }
+ else
+ throw eos_reached ();
+ }
+ void argv_scanner::
+ skip ()
+ {
+ if (i_ < argc_)
+ {
+ ++i_;
+ ++start_position_;
+ }
+ else
+ throw eos_reached ();
+ }
+ std::size_t argv_scanner::
+ position ()
+ {
+ return start_position_;
+ }
+ // argv_file_scanner
+ //
+ int argv_file_scanner::zero_argc_ = 0;
+ std::string argv_file_scanner::empty_string_;
+ bool argv_file_scanner::
+ more ()
+ {
+ if (!args_.empty ())
+ return true;
+ while (base::more ())
+ {
+ // See if the next argument is the file option.
+ //
+ const char* a (base::peek ());
+ const option_info* oi = 0;
+ const char* ov = 0;
+ if (!skip_)
+ {
+ if ((oi = find (a)) != 0)
+ {
+ base::next ();
+ if (!base::more ())
+ throw missing_value (a);
+ ov = base::next ();
+ }
+ else if (std::strncmp (a, "-", 1) == 0)
+ {
+ if ((ov = std::strchr (a, '=')) != 0)
+ {
+ std::string o (a, 0, ov - a);
+ if ((oi = find (o.c_str ())) != 0)
+ {
+ base::next ();
+ ++ov;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (oi != 0)
+ {
+ if (oi->search_func != 0)
+ {
+ std::string f (oi->search_func (ov, oi->arg));
+ if (!f.empty ())
+ load (f);
+ }
+ else
+ load (ov);
+ if (!args_.empty ())
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!skip_)
+ skip_ = (std::strcmp (a, "--") == 0);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ const char* argv_file_scanner::
+ peek ()
+ {
+ if (!more ())
+ throw eos_reached ();
+ return args_.empty () ? base::peek () : args_.front ().value.c_str ();
+ }
+ const std::string& argv_file_scanner::
+ peek_file ()
+ {
+ if (!more ())
+ throw eos_reached ();
+ return args_.empty () ? empty_string_ : *args_.front ().file;
+ }
+ std::size_t argv_file_scanner::
+ peek_line ()
+ {
+ if (!more ())
+ throw eos_reached ();
+ return args_.empty () ? 0 : args_.front ().line;
+ }
+ const char* argv_file_scanner::
+ next ()
+ {
+ if (!more ())
+ throw eos_reached ();
+ if (args_.empty ())
+ return base::next ();
+ else
+ {
+ hold_[i_ == 0 ? ++i_ : --i_].swap (args_.front ().value);
+ args_.pop_front ();
+ ++start_position_;
+ return hold_[i_].c_str ();
+ }
+ }
+ void argv_file_scanner::
+ skip ()
+ {
+ if (!more ())
+ throw eos_reached ();
+ if (args_.empty ())
+ return base::skip ();
+ else
+ {
+ args_.pop_front ();
+ ++start_position_;
+ }
+ }
+ const argv_file_scanner::option_info* argv_file_scanner::
+ find (const char* a) const
+ {
+ for (std::size_t i (0); i < options_count_; ++i)
+ if (std::strcmp (a, options_[i].option) == 0)
+ return &options_[i];
+ return 0;
+ }
+ std::size_t argv_file_scanner::
+ position ()
+ {
+ return start_position_;
+ }
+ void argv_file_scanner::
+ load (const std::string& file)
+ {
+ using namespace std;
+ ifstream is (file.c_str ());
+ if (!is.is_open ())
+ throw file_io_failure (file);
+ files_.push_back (file);
+ arg a;
+ a.file = &*files_.rbegin ();
+ for (a.line = 1; !is.eof (); ++a.line)
+ {
+ string line;
+ getline (is, line);
+ if ( () && !is.eof ())
+ throw file_io_failure (file);
+ string::size_type n (line.size ());
+ // Trim the line from leading and trailing whitespaces.
+ //
+ if (n != 0)
+ {
+ const char* f (line.c_str ());
+ const char* l (f + n);
+ const char* of (f);
+ while (f < l && (*f == ' ' || *f == '\t' || *f == '\r'))
+ ++f;
+ --l;
+ const char* ol (l);
+ while (l > f && (*l == ' ' || *l == '\t' || *l == '\r'))
+ --l;
+ if (f != of || l != ol)
+ line = f <= l ? string (f, l - f + 1) : string ();
+ }
+ // Ignore empty lines, those that start with #.
+ //
+ if (line.empty () || line[0] == '#')
+ continue;
+ string::size_type p (string::npos);
+ if ( (0, 1, "-") == 0)
+ {
+ p = line.find (' ');
+ string::size_type q (line.find ('='));
+ if (q != string::npos && q < p)
+ p = q;
+ }
+ string s1;
+ if (p != string::npos)
+ {
+ s1.assign (line, 0, p);
+ // Skip leading whitespaces in the argument.
+ //
+ if (line[p] == '=')
+ ++p;
+ else
+ {
+ n = line.size ();
+ for (++p; p < n; ++p)
+ {
+ char c (line[p]);
+ if (c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\r')
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!skip_)
+ skip_ = (line == "--");
+ string s2 (line, p != string::npos ? p : 0);
+ // If the string (which is an option value or argument) is
+ // wrapped in quotes, remove them.
+ //
+ n = s2.size ();
+ char cf (s2[0]), cl (s2[n - 1]);
+ if (cf == '"' || cf == '\'' || cl == '"' || cl == '\'')
+ {
+ if (n == 1 || cf != cl)
+ throw unmatched_quote (s2);
+ s2 = string (s2, 1, n - 2);
+ }
+ if (!s1.empty ())
+ {
+ // See if this is another file option.
+ //
+ const option_info* oi;
+ if (!skip_ && (oi = find (s1.c_str ())))
+ {
+ if (s2.empty ())
+ throw missing_value (oi->option);
+ if (oi->search_func != 0)
+ {
+ string f (oi->search_func (s2.c_str (), oi->arg));
+ if (!f.empty ())
+ load (f);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If the path of the file being parsed is not simple and the
+ // path of the file that needs to be loaded is relative, then
+ // complete the latter using the former as a base.
+ //
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ string::size_type p (file.find_last_of ('/'));
+ bool c (p != string::npos && s2[0] != '/');
+ string::size_type p (file.find_last_of ("/\\"));
+ bool c (p != string::npos && s2[1] != ':');
+ if (c)
+ s2.insert (0, file, 0, p + 1);
+ load (s2);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ a.value = s1;
+ args_.push_back (a);
+ }
+ a.value = s2;
+ args_.push_back (a);
+ }
+ }
+ void options::
+ push_back (const option& o)
+ {
+ container_type::size_type n (size ());
+ container_type::push_back (o);
+ map_[ ()] = n;
+ for (option_names::const_iterator i (o.aliases ().begin ());
+ i != o.aliases ().end (); ++i)
+ map_[*i] = n;
+ }
+ template <typename X>
+ struct parser
+ {
+ static void
+ parse (X& x, bool& xs, scanner& s)
+ {
+ using namespace std;
+ const char* o ( ());
+ if (s.more ())
+ {
+ string v ( ());
+ istringstream is (v);
+ if (!(is >> x && is.peek () == istringstream::traits_type::eof ()))
+ throw invalid_value (o, v);
+ }
+ else
+ throw missing_value (o);
+ xs = true;
+ }
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct parser<bool>
+ {
+ static void
+ parse (bool& x, bool& xs, scanner& s)
+ {
+ const char* o ( ());
+ if (s.more ())
+ {
+ const char* v ( ());
+ if (std::strcmp (v, "1") == 0 ||
+ std::strcmp (v, "true") == 0 ||
+ std::strcmp (v, "TRUE") == 0 ||
+ std::strcmp (v, "True") == 0)
+ x = true;
+ else if (std::strcmp (v, "0") == 0 ||
+ std::strcmp (v, "false") == 0 ||
+ std::strcmp (v, "FALSE") == 0 ||
+ std::strcmp (v, "False") == 0)
+ x = false;
+ else
+ throw invalid_value (o, v);
+ }
+ else
+ throw missing_value (o);
+ xs = true;
+ }
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct parser<std::string>
+ {
+ static void
+ parse (std::string& x, bool& xs, scanner& s)
+ {
+ const char* o ( ());
+ if (s.more ())
+ x = ();
+ else
+ throw missing_value (o);
+ xs = true;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename X>
+ struct parser<std::pair<X, std::size_t> >
+ {
+ static void
+ parse (std::pair<X, std::size_t>& x, bool& xs, scanner& s)
+ {
+ x.second = s.position ();
+ parser<X>::parse (x.first, xs, s);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename X>
+ struct parser<std::vector<X> >
+ {
+ static void
+ parse (std::vector<X>& c, bool& xs, scanner& s)
+ {
+ X x;
+ bool dummy;
+ parser<X>::parse (x, dummy, s);
+ c.push_back (x);
+ xs = true;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename X, typename C>
+ struct parser<std::set<X, C> >
+ {
+ static void
+ parse (std::set<X, C>& c, bool& xs, scanner& s)
+ {
+ X x;
+ bool dummy;
+ parser<X>::parse (x, dummy, s);
+ c.insert (x);
+ xs = true;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename K, typename V, typename C>
+ struct parser<std::map<K, V, C> >
+ {
+ static void
+ parse (std::map<K, V, C>& m, bool& xs, scanner& s)
+ {
+ const char* o ( ());
+ if (s.more ())
+ {
+ std::size_t pos (s.position ());
+ std::string ov ( ());
+ std::string::size_type p = ov.find ('=');
+ K k = K ();
+ V v = V ();
+ std::string kstr (ov, 0, p);
+ std::string vstr (ov, (p != std::string::npos ? p + 1 : ov.size ()));
+ int ac (2);
+ char* av[] =
+ {
+ const_cast<char*> (o),
+ 0
+ };
+ bool dummy;
+ if (!kstr.empty ())
+ {
+ av[1] = const_cast<char*> (kstr.c_str ());
+ argv_scanner s (0, ac, av, false, pos);
+ parser<K>::parse (k, dummy, s);
+ }
+ if (!vstr.empty ())
+ {
+ av[1] = const_cast<char*> (vstr.c_str ());
+ argv_scanner s (0, ac, av, false, pos);
+ parser<V>::parse (v, dummy, s);
+ }
+ m[k] = v;
+ }
+ else
+ throw missing_value (o);
+ xs = true;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename K, typename V, typename C>
+ struct parser<std::multimap<K, V, C> >
+ {
+ static void
+ parse (std::multimap<K, V, C>& m, bool& xs, scanner& s)
+ {
+ const char* o ( ());
+ if (s.more ())
+ {
+ std::size_t pos (s.position ());
+ std::string ov ( ());
+ std::string::size_type p = ov.find ('=');
+ K k = K ();
+ V v = V ();
+ std::string kstr (ov, 0, p);
+ std::string vstr (ov, (p != std::string::npos ? p + 1 : ov.size ()));
+ int ac (2);
+ char* av[] =
+ {
+ const_cast<char*> (o),
+ 0
+ };
+ bool dummy;
+ if (!kstr.empty ())
+ {
+ av[1] = const_cast<char*> (kstr.c_str ());
+ argv_scanner s (0, ac, av, false, pos);
+ parser<K>::parse (k, dummy, s);
+ }
+ if (!vstr.empty ())
+ {
+ av[1] = const_cast<char*> (vstr.c_str ());
+ argv_scanner s (0, ac, av, false, pos);
+ parser<V>::parse (v, dummy, s);
+ }
+ m.insert (typename std::multimap<K, V, C>::value_type (k, v));
+ }
+ else
+ throw missing_value (o);
+ xs = true;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename X, typename T, T X::*M>
+ void
+ thunk (X& x, scanner& s)
+ {
+ parser<T>::parse (x.*M, s);
+ }
+ template <typename X, bool X::*M>
+ void
+ thunk (X& x, scanner& s)
+ {
+ ();
+ x.*M = true;
+ }
+ template <typename X, typename T, T X::*M, bool X::*S>
+ void
+ thunk (X& x, scanner& s)
+ {
+ parser<T>::parse (x.*M, x.*S, s);
+ }
+#include <map>
+// options
+options ()
+: build2_metadata_ (),
+ build2_metadata_specified_ (false),
+ help_ (),
+ version_ (),
+ I_ (),
+ I_specified_ (false),
+ D_ (),
+ D_specified_ (false),
+ U_ (),
+ U_specified_ (false),
+ database_ (),
+ database_specified_ (false),
+ multi_database_ (::multi_database::disabled),
+ multi_database_specified_ (false),
+ default_database_ (),
+ default_database_specified_ (false),
+ generate_query_ (),
+ generate_prepared_ (),
+ omit_unprepared_ (),
+ generate_session_ (),
+ generate_schema_ (),
+ generate_schema_only_ (),
+ suppress_migration_ (),
+ suppress_schema_version_ (),
+ schema_version_table_ (),
+ schema_version_table_specified_ (false),
+ schema_format_ (),
+ schema_format_specified_ (false),
+ omit_drop_ (),
+ omit_create_ (),
+ schema_name_ (),
+ schema_name_specified_ (false),
+ fkeys_deferrable_mode_ (),
+ fkeys_deferrable_mode_specified_ (false),
+ default_pointer_ ("*"),
+ default_pointer_specified_ (false),
+ session_type_ ("odb::session"),
+ session_type_specified_ (false),
+ profile_ (),
+ profile_specified_ (false),
+ at_once_ (),
+ schema_ (),
+ schema_specified_ (false),
+ export_symbol_ (),
+ export_symbol_specified_ (false),
+ extern_symbol_ (),
+ extern_symbol_specified_ (false),
+ std_ (cxx_version::cxx98),
+ std_specified_ (false),
+ warn_hard_add_ (),
+ warn_hard_delete_ (),
+ warn_hard_ (),
+ output_dir_ (),
+ output_dir_specified_ (false),
+ input_name_ (),
+ input_name_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_ (),
+ changelog_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_in_ (),
+ changelog_in_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_out_ (),
+ changelog_out_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_dir_ (),
+ changelog_dir_specified_ (false),
+ init_changelog_ (),
+ odb_file_suffix_ (),
+ odb_file_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ sql_file_suffix_ (),
+ sql_file_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ schema_file_suffix_ (),
+ schema_file_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_file_suffix_ (),
+ changelog_file_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_suffix_ (".hxx"),
+ hxx_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_suffix_ (".ixx"),
+ ixx_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_suffix_ (".cxx"),
+ cxx_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ sql_suffix_ (".sql"),
+ sql_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_suffix_ (".xml"),
+ changelog_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_prologue_ (),
+ hxx_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_prologue_ (),
+ ixx_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_prologue_ (),
+ cxx_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ schema_prologue_ (),
+ schema_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ sql_prologue_ (),
+ sql_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ migration_prologue_ (),
+ migration_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ sql_interlude_ (),
+ sql_interlude_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_epilogue_ (),
+ hxx_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_epilogue_ (),
+ ixx_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_epilogue_ (),
+ cxx_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ schema_epilogue_ (),
+ schema_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ sql_epilogue_ (),
+ sql_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ migration_epilogue_ (),
+ migration_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_prologue_file_ (),
+ hxx_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_prologue_file_ (),
+ ixx_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_prologue_file_ (),
+ cxx_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ schema_prologue_file_ (),
+ schema_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ sql_prologue_file_ (),
+ sql_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ migration_prologue_file_ (),
+ migration_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ sql_interlude_file_ (),
+ sql_interlude_file_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_epilogue_file_ (),
+ hxx_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_epilogue_file_ (),
+ ixx_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_epilogue_file_ (),
+ cxx_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ schema_epilogue_file_ (),
+ schema_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ sql_epilogue_file_ (),
+ sql_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ migration_epilogue_file_ (),
+ migration_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ odb_prologue_ (),
+ odb_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ odb_prologue_file_ (),
+ odb_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ odb_epilogue_ (),
+ odb_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ odb_epilogue_file_ (),
+ odb_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ table_prefix_ (),
+ table_prefix_specified_ (false),
+ index_suffix_ (),
+ index_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ fkey_suffix_ (),
+ fkey_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ sequence_suffix_ (),
+ sequence_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ sql_name_case_ (),
+ sql_name_case_specified_ (false),
+ table_regex_ (),
+ table_regex_specified_ (false),
+ column_regex_ (),
+ column_regex_specified_ (false),
+ index_regex_ (),
+ index_regex_specified_ (false),
+ fkey_regex_ (),
+ fkey_regex_specified_ (false),
+ sequence_regex_ (),
+ sequence_regex_specified_ (false),
+ statement_regex_ (),
+ statement_regex_specified_ (false),
+ sql_name_regex_ (),
+ sql_name_regex_specified_ (false),
+ sql_name_regex_trace_ (),
+ accessor_regex_ (),
+ accessor_regex_specified_ (false),
+ accessor_regex_trace_ (),
+ modifier_regex_ (),
+ modifier_regex_specified_ (false),
+ modifier_regex_trace_ (),
+ include_with_brackets_ (),
+ include_prefix_ (),
+ include_prefix_specified_ (false),
+ include_regex_ (),
+ include_regex_specified_ (false),
+ include_regex_trace_ (),
+ guard_prefix_ (),
+ guard_prefix_specified_ (false),
+ show_sloc_ (),
+ sloc_limit_ (),
+ sloc_limit_specified_ (false),
+ options_file_ (),
+ options_file_specified_ (false),
+ x_ (),
+ x_specified_ (false),
+ v_ (),
+ trace_ (),
+ mysql_engine_ ("InnoDB"),
+ mysql_engine_specified_ (false),
+ sqlite_override_null_ (),
+ sqlite_lax_auto_id_ (),
+ pgsql_server_version_ (7, 4),
+ pgsql_server_version_specified_ (false),
+ oracle_client_version_ (10, 1),
+ oracle_client_version_specified_ (false),
+ oracle_warn_truncation_ (),
+ mssql_server_version_ (10, 0),
+ mssql_server_version_specified_ (false),
+ mssql_short_limit_ (1024),
+ mssql_short_limit_specified_ (false)
+options (int& argc,
+ char** argv,
+ bool erase,
+ ::cli::unknown_mode opt,
+ ::cli::unknown_mode arg)
+: build2_metadata_ (),
+ build2_metadata_specified_ (false),
+ help_ (),
+ version_ (),
+ I_ (),
+ I_specified_ (false),
+ D_ (),
+ D_specified_ (false),
+ U_ (),
+ U_specified_ (false),
+ database_ (),
+ database_specified_ (false),
+ multi_database_ (::multi_database::disabled),
+ multi_database_specified_ (false),
+ default_database_ (),
+ default_database_specified_ (false),
+ generate_query_ (),
+ generate_prepared_ (),
+ omit_unprepared_ (),
+ generate_session_ (),
+ generate_schema_ (),
+ generate_schema_only_ (),
+ suppress_migration_ (),
+ suppress_schema_version_ (),
+ schema_version_table_ (),
+ schema_version_table_specified_ (false),
+ schema_format_ (),
+ schema_format_specified_ (false),
+ omit_drop_ (),
+ omit_create_ (),
+ schema_name_ (),
+ schema_name_specified_ (false),
+ fkeys_deferrable_mode_ (),
+ fkeys_deferrable_mode_specified_ (false),
+ default_pointer_ ("*"),
+ default_pointer_specified_ (false),
+ session_type_ ("odb::session"),
+ session_type_specified_ (false),
+ profile_ (),
+ profile_specified_ (false),
+ at_once_ (),
+ schema_ (),
+ schema_specified_ (false),
+ export_symbol_ (),
+ export_symbol_specified_ (false),
+ extern_symbol_ (),
+ extern_symbol_specified_ (false),
+ std_ (cxx_version::cxx98),
+ std_specified_ (false),
+ warn_hard_add_ (),
+ warn_hard_delete_ (),
+ warn_hard_ (),
+ output_dir_ (),
+ output_dir_specified_ (false),
+ input_name_ (),
+ input_name_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_ (),
+ changelog_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_in_ (),
+ changelog_in_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_out_ (),
+ changelog_out_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_dir_ (),
+ changelog_dir_specified_ (false),
+ init_changelog_ (),
+ odb_file_suffix_ (),
+ odb_file_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ sql_file_suffix_ (),
+ sql_file_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ schema_file_suffix_ (),
+ schema_file_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_file_suffix_ (),
+ changelog_file_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_suffix_ (".hxx"),
+ hxx_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_suffix_ (".ixx"),
+ ixx_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_suffix_ (".cxx"),
+ cxx_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ sql_suffix_ (".sql"),
+ sql_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_suffix_ (".xml"),
+ changelog_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_prologue_ (),
+ hxx_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_prologue_ (),
+ ixx_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_prologue_ (),
+ cxx_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ schema_prologue_ (),
+ schema_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ sql_prologue_ (),
+ sql_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ migration_prologue_ (),
+ migration_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ sql_interlude_ (),
+ sql_interlude_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_epilogue_ (),
+ hxx_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_epilogue_ (),
+ ixx_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_epilogue_ (),
+ cxx_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ schema_epilogue_ (),
+ schema_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ sql_epilogue_ (),
+ sql_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ migration_epilogue_ (),
+ migration_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_prologue_file_ (),
+ hxx_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_prologue_file_ (),
+ ixx_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_prologue_file_ (),
+ cxx_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ schema_prologue_file_ (),
+ schema_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ sql_prologue_file_ (),
+ sql_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ migration_prologue_file_ (),
+ migration_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ sql_interlude_file_ (),
+ sql_interlude_file_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_epilogue_file_ (),
+ hxx_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_epilogue_file_ (),
+ ixx_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_epilogue_file_ (),
+ cxx_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ schema_epilogue_file_ (),
+ schema_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ sql_epilogue_file_ (),
+ sql_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ migration_epilogue_file_ (),
+ migration_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ odb_prologue_ (),
+ odb_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ odb_prologue_file_ (),
+ odb_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ odb_epilogue_ (),
+ odb_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ odb_epilogue_file_ (),
+ odb_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ table_prefix_ (),
+ table_prefix_specified_ (false),
+ index_suffix_ (),
+ index_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ fkey_suffix_ (),
+ fkey_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ sequence_suffix_ (),
+ sequence_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ sql_name_case_ (),
+ sql_name_case_specified_ (false),
+ table_regex_ (),
+ table_regex_specified_ (false),
+ column_regex_ (),
+ column_regex_specified_ (false),
+ index_regex_ (),
+ index_regex_specified_ (false),
+ fkey_regex_ (),
+ fkey_regex_specified_ (false),
+ sequence_regex_ (),
+ sequence_regex_specified_ (false),
+ statement_regex_ (),
+ statement_regex_specified_ (false),
+ sql_name_regex_ (),
+ sql_name_regex_specified_ (false),
+ sql_name_regex_trace_ (),
+ accessor_regex_ (),
+ accessor_regex_specified_ (false),
+ accessor_regex_trace_ (),
+ modifier_regex_ (),
+ modifier_regex_specified_ (false),
+ modifier_regex_trace_ (),
+ include_with_brackets_ (),
+ include_prefix_ (),
+ include_prefix_specified_ (false),
+ include_regex_ (),
+ include_regex_specified_ (false),
+ include_regex_trace_ (),
+ guard_prefix_ (),
+ guard_prefix_specified_ (false),
+ show_sloc_ (),
+ sloc_limit_ (),
+ sloc_limit_specified_ (false),
+ options_file_ (),
+ options_file_specified_ (false),
+ x_ (),
+ x_specified_ (false),
+ v_ (),
+ trace_ (),
+ mysql_engine_ ("InnoDB"),
+ mysql_engine_specified_ (false),
+ sqlite_override_null_ (),
+ sqlite_lax_auto_id_ (),
+ pgsql_server_version_ (7, 4),
+ pgsql_server_version_specified_ (false),
+ oracle_client_version_ (10, 1),
+ oracle_client_version_specified_ (false),
+ oracle_warn_truncation_ (),
+ mssql_server_version_ (10, 0),
+ mssql_server_version_specified_ (false),
+ mssql_short_limit_ (1024),
+ mssql_short_limit_specified_ (false)
+ ::cli::argv_scanner s (argc, argv, erase);
+ _parse (s, opt, arg);
+options (int start,
+ int& argc,
+ char** argv,
+ bool erase,
+ ::cli::unknown_mode opt,
+ ::cli::unknown_mode arg)
+: build2_metadata_ (),
+ build2_metadata_specified_ (false),
+ help_ (),
+ version_ (),
+ I_ (),
+ I_specified_ (false),
+ D_ (),
+ D_specified_ (false),
+ U_ (),
+ U_specified_ (false),
+ database_ (),
+ database_specified_ (false),
+ multi_database_ (::multi_database::disabled),
+ multi_database_specified_ (false),
+ default_database_ (),
+ default_database_specified_ (false),
+ generate_query_ (),
+ generate_prepared_ (),
+ omit_unprepared_ (),
+ generate_session_ (),
+ generate_schema_ (),
+ generate_schema_only_ (),
+ suppress_migration_ (),
+ suppress_schema_version_ (),
+ schema_version_table_ (),
+ schema_version_table_specified_ (false),
+ schema_format_ (),
+ schema_format_specified_ (false),
+ omit_drop_ (),
+ omit_create_ (),
+ schema_name_ (),
+ schema_name_specified_ (false),
+ fkeys_deferrable_mode_ (),
+ fkeys_deferrable_mode_specified_ (false),
+ default_pointer_ ("*"),
+ default_pointer_specified_ (false),
+ session_type_ ("odb::session"),
+ session_type_specified_ (false),
+ profile_ (),
+ profile_specified_ (false),
+ at_once_ (),
+ schema_ (),
+ schema_specified_ (false),
+ export_symbol_ (),
+ export_symbol_specified_ (false),
+ extern_symbol_ (),
+ extern_symbol_specified_ (false),
+ std_ (cxx_version::cxx98),
+ std_specified_ (false),
+ warn_hard_add_ (),
+ warn_hard_delete_ (),
+ warn_hard_ (),
+ output_dir_ (),
+ output_dir_specified_ (false),
+ input_name_ (),
+ input_name_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_ (),
+ changelog_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_in_ (),
+ changelog_in_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_out_ (),
+ changelog_out_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_dir_ (),
+ changelog_dir_specified_ (false),
+ init_changelog_ (),
+ odb_file_suffix_ (),
+ odb_file_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ sql_file_suffix_ (),
+ sql_file_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ schema_file_suffix_ (),
+ schema_file_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_file_suffix_ (),
+ changelog_file_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_suffix_ (".hxx"),
+ hxx_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_suffix_ (".ixx"),
+ ixx_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_suffix_ (".cxx"),
+ cxx_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ sql_suffix_ (".sql"),
+ sql_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_suffix_ (".xml"),
+ changelog_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_prologue_ (),
+ hxx_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_prologue_ (),
+ ixx_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_prologue_ (),
+ cxx_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ schema_prologue_ (),
+ schema_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ sql_prologue_ (),
+ sql_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ migration_prologue_ (),
+ migration_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ sql_interlude_ (),
+ sql_interlude_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_epilogue_ (),
+ hxx_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_epilogue_ (),
+ ixx_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_epilogue_ (),
+ cxx_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ schema_epilogue_ (),
+ schema_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ sql_epilogue_ (),
+ sql_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ migration_epilogue_ (),
+ migration_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_prologue_file_ (),
+ hxx_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_prologue_file_ (),
+ ixx_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_prologue_file_ (),
+ cxx_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ schema_prologue_file_ (),
+ schema_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ sql_prologue_file_ (),
+ sql_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ migration_prologue_file_ (),
+ migration_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ sql_interlude_file_ (),
+ sql_interlude_file_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_epilogue_file_ (),
+ hxx_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_epilogue_file_ (),
+ ixx_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_epilogue_file_ (),
+ cxx_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ schema_epilogue_file_ (),
+ schema_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ sql_epilogue_file_ (),
+ sql_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ migration_epilogue_file_ (),
+ migration_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ odb_prologue_ (),
+ odb_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ odb_prologue_file_ (),
+ odb_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ odb_epilogue_ (),
+ odb_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ odb_epilogue_file_ (),
+ odb_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ table_prefix_ (),
+ table_prefix_specified_ (false),
+ index_suffix_ (),
+ index_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ fkey_suffix_ (),
+ fkey_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ sequence_suffix_ (),
+ sequence_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ sql_name_case_ (),
+ sql_name_case_specified_ (false),
+ table_regex_ (),
+ table_regex_specified_ (false),
+ column_regex_ (),
+ column_regex_specified_ (false),
+ index_regex_ (),
+ index_regex_specified_ (false),
+ fkey_regex_ (),
+ fkey_regex_specified_ (false),
+ sequence_regex_ (),
+ sequence_regex_specified_ (false),
+ statement_regex_ (),
+ statement_regex_specified_ (false),
+ sql_name_regex_ (),
+ sql_name_regex_specified_ (false),
+ sql_name_regex_trace_ (),
+ accessor_regex_ (),
+ accessor_regex_specified_ (false),
+ accessor_regex_trace_ (),
+ modifier_regex_ (),
+ modifier_regex_specified_ (false),
+ modifier_regex_trace_ (),
+ include_with_brackets_ (),
+ include_prefix_ (),
+ include_prefix_specified_ (false),
+ include_regex_ (),
+ include_regex_specified_ (false),
+ include_regex_trace_ (),
+ guard_prefix_ (),
+ guard_prefix_specified_ (false),
+ show_sloc_ (),
+ sloc_limit_ (),
+ sloc_limit_specified_ (false),
+ options_file_ (),
+ options_file_specified_ (false),
+ x_ (),
+ x_specified_ (false),
+ v_ (),
+ trace_ (),
+ mysql_engine_ ("InnoDB"),
+ mysql_engine_specified_ (false),
+ sqlite_override_null_ (),
+ sqlite_lax_auto_id_ (),
+ pgsql_server_version_ (7, 4),
+ pgsql_server_version_specified_ (false),
+ oracle_client_version_ (10, 1),
+ oracle_client_version_specified_ (false),
+ oracle_warn_truncation_ (),
+ mssql_server_version_ (10, 0),
+ mssql_server_version_specified_ (false),
+ mssql_short_limit_ (1024),
+ mssql_short_limit_specified_ (false)
+ ::cli::argv_scanner s (start, argc, argv, erase);
+ _parse (s, opt, arg);
+options (int& argc,
+ char** argv,
+ int& end,
+ bool erase,
+ ::cli::unknown_mode opt,
+ ::cli::unknown_mode arg)
+: build2_metadata_ (),
+ build2_metadata_specified_ (false),
+ help_ (),
+ version_ (),
+ I_ (),
+ I_specified_ (false),
+ D_ (),
+ D_specified_ (false),
+ U_ (),
+ U_specified_ (false),
+ database_ (),
+ database_specified_ (false),
+ multi_database_ (::multi_database::disabled),
+ multi_database_specified_ (false),
+ default_database_ (),
+ default_database_specified_ (false),
+ generate_query_ (),
+ generate_prepared_ (),
+ omit_unprepared_ (),
+ generate_session_ (),
+ generate_schema_ (),
+ generate_schema_only_ (),
+ suppress_migration_ (),
+ suppress_schema_version_ (),
+ schema_version_table_ (),
+ schema_version_table_specified_ (false),
+ schema_format_ (),
+ schema_format_specified_ (false),
+ omit_drop_ (),
+ omit_create_ (),
+ schema_name_ (),
+ schema_name_specified_ (false),
+ fkeys_deferrable_mode_ (),
+ fkeys_deferrable_mode_specified_ (false),
+ default_pointer_ ("*"),
+ default_pointer_specified_ (false),
+ session_type_ ("odb::session"),
+ session_type_specified_ (false),
+ profile_ (),
+ profile_specified_ (false),
+ at_once_ (),
+ schema_ (),
+ schema_specified_ (false),
+ export_symbol_ (),
+ export_symbol_specified_ (false),
+ extern_symbol_ (),
+ extern_symbol_specified_ (false),
+ std_ (cxx_version::cxx98),
+ std_specified_ (false),
+ warn_hard_add_ (),
+ warn_hard_delete_ (),
+ warn_hard_ (),
+ output_dir_ (),
+ output_dir_specified_ (false),
+ input_name_ (),
+ input_name_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_ (),
+ changelog_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_in_ (),
+ changelog_in_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_out_ (),
+ changelog_out_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_dir_ (),
+ changelog_dir_specified_ (false),
+ init_changelog_ (),
+ odb_file_suffix_ (),
+ odb_file_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ sql_file_suffix_ (),
+ sql_file_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ schema_file_suffix_ (),
+ schema_file_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_file_suffix_ (),
+ changelog_file_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_suffix_ (".hxx"),
+ hxx_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_suffix_ (".ixx"),
+ ixx_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_suffix_ (".cxx"),
+ cxx_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ sql_suffix_ (".sql"),
+ sql_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_suffix_ (".xml"),
+ changelog_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_prologue_ (),
+ hxx_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_prologue_ (),
+ ixx_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_prologue_ (),
+ cxx_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ schema_prologue_ (),
+ schema_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ sql_prologue_ (),
+ sql_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ migration_prologue_ (),
+ migration_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ sql_interlude_ (),
+ sql_interlude_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_epilogue_ (),
+ hxx_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_epilogue_ (),
+ ixx_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_epilogue_ (),
+ cxx_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ schema_epilogue_ (),
+ schema_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ sql_epilogue_ (),
+ sql_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ migration_epilogue_ (),
+ migration_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_prologue_file_ (),
+ hxx_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_prologue_file_ (),
+ ixx_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_prologue_file_ (),
+ cxx_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ schema_prologue_file_ (),
+ schema_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ sql_prologue_file_ (),
+ sql_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ migration_prologue_file_ (),
+ migration_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ sql_interlude_file_ (),
+ sql_interlude_file_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_epilogue_file_ (),
+ hxx_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_epilogue_file_ (),
+ ixx_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_epilogue_file_ (),
+ cxx_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ schema_epilogue_file_ (),
+ schema_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ sql_epilogue_file_ (),
+ sql_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ migration_epilogue_file_ (),
+ migration_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ odb_prologue_ (),
+ odb_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ odb_prologue_file_ (),
+ odb_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ odb_epilogue_ (),
+ odb_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ odb_epilogue_file_ (),
+ odb_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ table_prefix_ (),
+ table_prefix_specified_ (false),
+ index_suffix_ (),
+ index_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ fkey_suffix_ (),
+ fkey_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ sequence_suffix_ (),
+ sequence_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ sql_name_case_ (),
+ sql_name_case_specified_ (false),
+ table_regex_ (),
+ table_regex_specified_ (false),
+ column_regex_ (),
+ column_regex_specified_ (false),
+ index_regex_ (),
+ index_regex_specified_ (false),
+ fkey_regex_ (),
+ fkey_regex_specified_ (false),
+ sequence_regex_ (),
+ sequence_regex_specified_ (false),
+ statement_regex_ (),
+ statement_regex_specified_ (false),
+ sql_name_regex_ (),
+ sql_name_regex_specified_ (false),
+ sql_name_regex_trace_ (),
+ accessor_regex_ (),
+ accessor_regex_specified_ (false),
+ accessor_regex_trace_ (),
+ modifier_regex_ (),
+ modifier_regex_specified_ (false),
+ modifier_regex_trace_ (),
+ include_with_brackets_ (),
+ include_prefix_ (),
+ include_prefix_specified_ (false),
+ include_regex_ (),
+ include_regex_specified_ (false),
+ include_regex_trace_ (),
+ guard_prefix_ (),
+ guard_prefix_specified_ (false),
+ show_sloc_ (),
+ sloc_limit_ (),
+ sloc_limit_specified_ (false),
+ options_file_ (),
+ options_file_specified_ (false),
+ x_ (),
+ x_specified_ (false),
+ v_ (),
+ trace_ (),
+ mysql_engine_ ("InnoDB"),
+ mysql_engine_specified_ (false),
+ sqlite_override_null_ (),
+ sqlite_lax_auto_id_ (),
+ pgsql_server_version_ (7, 4),
+ pgsql_server_version_specified_ (false),
+ oracle_client_version_ (10, 1),
+ oracle_client_version_specified_ (false),
+ oracle_warn_truncation_ (),
+ mssql_server_version_ (10, 0),
+ mssql_server_version_specified_ (false),
+ mssql_short_limit_ (1024),
+ mssql_short_limit_specified_ (false)
+ ::cli::argv_scanner s (argc, argv, erase);
+ _parse (s, opt, arg);
+ end = s.end ();
+options (int start,
+ int& argc,
+ char** argv,
+ int& end,
+ bool erase,
+ ::cli::unknown_mode opt,
+ ::cli::unknown_mode arg)
+: build2_metadata_ (),
+ build2_metadata_specified_ (false),
+ help_ (),
+ version_ (),
+ I_ (),
+ I_specified_ (false),
+ D_ (),
+ D_specified_ (false),
+ U_ (),
+ U_specified_ (false),
+ database_ (),
+ database_specified_ (false),
+ multi_database_ (::multi_database::disabled),
+ multi_database_specified_ (false),
+ default_database_ (),
+ default_database_specified_ (false),
+ generate_query_ (),
+ generate_prepared_ (),
+ omit_unprepared_ (),
+ generate_session_ (),
+ generate_schema_ (),
+ generate_schema_only_ (),
+ suppress_migration_ (),
+ suppress_schema_version_ (),
+ schema_version_table_ (),
+ schema_version_table_specified_ (false),
+ schema_format_ (),
+ schema_format_specified_ (false),
+ omit_drop_ (),
+ omit_create_ (),
+ schema_name_ (),
+ schema_name_specified_ (false),
+ fkeys_deferrable_mode_ (),
+ fkeys_deferrable_mode_specified_ (false),
+ default_pointer_ ("*"),
+ default_pointer_specified_ (false),
+ session_type_ ("odb::session"),
+ session_type_specified_ (false),
+ profile_ (),
+ profile_specified_ (false),
+ at_once_ (),
+ schema_ (),
+ schema_specified_ (false),
+ export_symbol_ (),
+ export_symbol_specified_ (false),
+ extern_symbol_ (),
+ extern_symbol_specified_ (false),
+ std_ (cxx_version::cxx98),
+ std_specified_ (false),
+ warn_hard_add_ (),
+ warn_hard_delete_ (),
+ warn_hard_ (),
+ output_dir_ (),
+ output_dir_specified_ (false),
+ input_name_ (),
+ input_name_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_ (),
+ changelog_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_in_ (),
+ changelog_in_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_out_ (),
+ changelog_out_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_dir_ (),
+ changelog_dir_specified_ (false),
+ init_changelog_ (),
+ odb_file_suffix_ (),
+ odb_file_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ sql_file_suffix_ (),
+ sql_file_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ schema_file_suffix_ (),
+ schema_file_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_file_suffix_ (),
+ changelog_file_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_suffix_ (".hxx"),
+ hxx_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_suffix_ (".ixx"),
+ ixx_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_suffix_ (".cxx"),
+ cxx_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ sql_suffix_ (".sql"),
+ sql_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_suffix_ (".xml"),
+ changelog_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_prologue_ (),
+ hxx_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_prologue_ (),
+ ixx_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_prologue_ (),
+ cxx_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ schema_prologue_ (),
+ schema_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ sql_prologue_ (),
+ sql_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ migration_prologue_ (),
+ migration_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ sql_interlude_ (),
+ sql_interlude_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_epilogue_ (),
+ hxx_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_epilogue_ (),
+ ixx_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_epilogue_ (),
+ cxx_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ schema_epilogue_ (),
+ schema_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ sql_epilogue_ (),
+ sql_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ migration_epilogue_ (),
+ migration_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_prologue_file_ (),
+ hxx_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_prologue_file_ (),
+ ixx_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_prologue_file_ (),
+ cxx_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ schema_prologue_file_ (),
+ schema_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ sql_prologue_file_ (),
+ sql_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ migration_prologue_file_ (),
+ migration_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ sql_interlude_file_ (),
+ sql_interlude_file_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_epilogue_file_ (),
+ hxx_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_epilogue_file_ (),
+ ixx_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_epilogue_file_ (),
+ cxx_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ schema_epilogue_file_ (),
+ schema_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ sql_epilogue_file_ (),
+ sql_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ migration_epilogue_file_ (),
+ migration_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ odb_prologue_ (),
+ odb_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ odb_prologue_file_ (),
+ odb_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ odb_epilogue_ (),
+ odb_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ odb_epilogue_file_ (),
+ odb_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ table_prefix_ (),
+ table_prefix_specified_ (false),
+ index_suffix_ (),
+ index_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ fkey_suffix_ (),
+ fkey_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ sequence_suffix_ (),
+ sequence_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ sql_name_case_ (),
+ sql_name_case_specified_ (false),
+ table_regex_ (),
+ table_regex_specified_ (false),
+ column_regex_ (),
+ column_regex_specified_ (false),
+ index_regex_ (),
+ index_regex_specified_ (false),
+ fkey_regex_ (),
+ fkey_regex_specified_ (false),
+ sequence_regex_ (),
+ sequence_regex_specified_ (false),
+ statement_regex_ (),
+ statement_regex_specified_ (false),
+ sql_name_regex_ (),
+ sql_name_regex_specified_ (false),
+ sql_name_regex_trace_ (),
+ accessor_regex_ (),
+ accessor_regex_specified_ (false),
+ accessor_regex_trace_ (),
+ modifier_regex_ (),
+ modifier_regex_specified_ (false),
+ modifier_regex_trace_ (),
+ include_with_brackets_ (),
+ include_prefix_ (),
+ include_prefix_specified_ (false),
+ include_regex_ (),
+ include_regex_specified_ (false),
+ include_regex_trace_ (),
+ guard_prefix_ (),
+ guard_prefix_specified_ (false),
+ show_sloc_ (),
+ sloc_limit_ (),
+ sloc_limit_specified_ (false),
+ options_file_ (),
+ options_file_specified_ (false),
+ x_ (),
+ x_specified_ (false),
+ v_ (),
+ trace_ (),
+ mysql_engine_ ("InnoDB"),
+ mysql_engine_specified_ (false),
+ sqlite_override_null_ (),
+ sqlite_lax_auto_id_ (),
+ pgsql_server_version_ (7, 4),
+ pgsql_server_version_specified_ (false),
+ oracle_client_version_ (10, 1),
+ oracle_client_version_specified_ (false),
+ oracle_warn_truncation_ (),
+ mssql_server_version_ (10, 0),
+ mssql_server_version_specified_ (false),
+ mssql_short_limit_ (1024),
+ mssql_short_limit_specified_ (false)
+ ::cli::argv_scanner s (start, argc, argv, erase);
+ _parse (s, opt, arg);
+ end = s.end ();
+options (::cli::scanner& s,
+ ::cli::unknown_mode opt,
+ ::cli::unknown_mode arg)
+: build2_metadata_ (),
+ build2_metadata_specified_ (false),
+ help_ (),
+ version_ (),
+ I_ (),
+ I_specified_ (false),
+ D_ (),
+ D_specified_ (false),
+ U_ (),
+ U_specified_ (false),
+ database_ (),
+ database_specified_ (false),
+ multi_database_ (::multi_database::disabled),
+ multi_database_specified_ (false),
+ default_database_ (),
+ default_database_specified_ (false),
+ generate_query_ (),
+ generate_prepared_ (),
+ omit_unprepared_ (),
+ generate_session_ (),
+ generate_schema_ (),
+ generate_schema_only_ (),
+ suppress_migration_ (),
+ suppress_schema_version_ (),
+ schema_version_table_ (),
+ schema_version_table_specified_ (false),
+ schema_format_ (),
+ schema_format_specified_ (false),
+ omit_drop_ (),
+ omit_create_ (),
+ schema_name_ (),
+ schema_name_specified_ (false),
+ fkeys_deferrable_mode_ (),
+ fkeys_deferrable_mode_specified_ (false),
+ default_pointer_ ("*"),
+ default_pointer_specified_ (false),
+ session_type_ ("odb::session"),
+ session_type_specified_ (false),
+ profile_ (),
+ profile_specified_ (false),
+ at_once_ (),
+ schema_ (),
+ schema_specified_ (false),
+ export_symbol_ (),
+ export_symbol_specified_ (false),
+ extern_symbol_ (),
+ extern_symbol_specified_ (false),
+ std_ (cxx_version::cxx98),
+ std_specified_ (false),
+ warn_hard_add_ (),
+ warn_hard_delete_ (),
+ warn_hard_ (),
+ output_dir_ (),
+ output_dir_specified_ (false),
+ input_name_ (),
+ input_name_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_ (),
+ changelog_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_in_ (),
+ changelog_in_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_out_ (),
+ changelog_out_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_dir_ (),
+ changelog_dir_specified_ (false),
+ init_changelog_ (),
+ odb_file_suffix_ (),
+ odb_file_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ sql_file_suffix_ (),
+ sql_file_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ schema_file_suffix_ (),
+ schema_file_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_file_suffix_ (),
+ changelog_file_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_suffix_ (".hxx"),
+ hxx_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_suffix_ (".ixx"),
+ ixx_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_suffix_ (".cxx"),
+ cxx_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ sql_suffix_ (".sql"),
+ sql_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ changelog_suffix_ (".xml"),
+ changelog_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_prologue_ (),
+ hxx_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_prologue_ (),
+ ixx_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_prologue_ (),
+ cxx_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ schema_prologue_ (),
+ schema_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ sql_prologue_ (),
+ sql_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ migration_prologue_ (),
+ migration_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ sql_interlude_ (),
+ sql_interlude_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_epilogue_ (),
+ hxx_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_epilogue_ (),
+ ixx_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_epilogue_ (),
+ cxx_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ schema_epilogue_ (),
+ schema_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ sql_epilogue_ (),
+ sql_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ migration_epilogue_ (),
+ migration_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_prologue_file_ (),
+ hxx_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_prologue_file_ (),
+ ixx_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_prologue_file_ (),
+ cxx_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ schema_prologue_file_ (),
+ schema_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ sql_prologue_file_ (),
+ sql_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ migration_prologue_file_ (),
+ migration_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ sql_interlude_file_ (),
+ sql_interlude_file_specified_ (false),
+ hxx_epilogue_file_ (),
+ hxx_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ ixx_epilogue_file_ (),
+ ixx_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ cxx_epilogue_file_ (),
+ cxx_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ schema_epilogue_file_ (),
+ schema_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ sql_epilogue_file_ (),
+ sql_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ migration_epilogue_file_ (),
+ migration_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ odb_prologue_ (),
+ odb_prologue_specified_ (false),
+ odb_prologue_file_ (),
+ odb_prologue_file_specified_ (false),
+ odb_epilogue_ (),
+ odb_epilogue_specified_ (false),
+ odb_epilogue_file_ (),
+ odb_epilogue_file_specified_ (false),
+ table_prefix_ (),
+ table_prefix_specified_ (false),
+ index_suffix_ (),
+ index_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ fkey_suffix_ (),
+ fkey_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ sequence_suffix_ (),
+ sequence_suffix_specified_ (false),
+ sql_name_case_ (),
+ sql_name_case_specified_ (false),
+ table_regex_ (),
+ table_regex_specified_ (false),
+ column_regex_ (),
+ column_regex_specified_ (false),
+ index_regex_ (),
+ index_regex_specified_ (false),
+ fkey_regex_ (),
+ fkey_regex_specified_ (false),
+ sequence_regex_ (),
+ sequence_regex_specified_ (false),
+ statement_regex_ (),
+ statement_regex_specified_ (false),
+ sql_name_regex_ (),
+ sql_name_regex_specified_ (false),
+ sql_name_regex_trace_ (),
+ accessor_regex_ (),
+ accessor_regex_specified_ (false),
+ accessor_regex_trace_ (),
+ modifier_regex_ (),
+ modifier_regex_specified_ (false),
+ modifier_regex_trace_ (),
+ include_with_brackets_ (),
+ include_prefix_ (),
+ include_prefix_specified_ (false),
+ include_regex_ (),
+ include_regex_specified_ (false),
+ include_regex_trace_ (),
+ guard_prefix_ (),
+ guard_prefix_specified_ (false),
+ show_sloc_ (),
+ sloc_limit_ (),
+ sloc_limit_specified_ (false),
+ options_file_ (),
+ options_file_specified_ (false),
+ x_ (),
+ x_specified_ (false),
+ v_ (),
+ trace_ (),
+ mysql_engine_ ("InnoDB"),
+ mysql_engine_specified_ (false),
+ sqlite_override_null_ (),
+ sqlite_lax_auto_id_ (),
+ pgsql_server_version_ (7, 4),
+ pgsql_server_version_specified_ (false),
+ oracle_client_version_ (10, 1),
+ oracle_client_version_specified_ (false),
+ oracle_warn_truncation_ (),
+ mssql_server_version_ (10, 0),
+ mssql_server_version_specified_ (false),
+ mssql_short_limit_ (1024),
+ mssql_short_limit_specified_ (false)
+ _parse (s, opt, arg);
+::cli::usage_para options::
+print_usage (::std::ostream& os, ::cli::usage_para p)
+ if (p == ::cli::usage_para::text)
+ os << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--help Print usage information and exit." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--version Print version and exit." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "-I <dir> Add <dir> to the beginning of the list of" << ::std::endl
+ << " directories to be searched for included header" << ::std::endl
+ << " files." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "-D <name>[=<def>] Define macro <name> with definition <def>." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "-U <name> Cancel any previous definitions of macro <name>," << ::std::endl
+ << " either built-in or provided with the -D option." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--database|-d <db> Generate code for the <db> database." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--multi-database|-m <type> Enable multi-database support and specify its" << ::std::endl
+ << " type." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--default-database <db> When static multi-database support is used," << ::std::endl
+ << " specify the database that should be made the" << ::std::endl
+ << " default." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--generate-query|-q Generate query support code." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--generate-prepared Generate prepared query execution support code." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--omit-unprepared Omit un-prepared (once-off) query execution" << ::std::endl
+ << " support code." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--generate-session|-e Generate session support code." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--generate-schema|-s Generate the database schema." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--generate-schema-only Generate only the database schema." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--suppress-migration Suppress the generation of database schema" << ::std::endl
+ << " migration statements." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--suppress-schema-version Suppress the generation of schema version table." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--schema-version-table <name> Specify the alternative schema version table name" << ::std::endl
+ << " instead of the default schema_version." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--schema-format <format> Generate the database schema in the specified" << ::std::endl
+ << " format." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--omit-drop Omit DROP statements from the generated database" << ::std::endl
+ << " schema." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--omit-create Omit CREATE statements from the generated" << ::std::endl
+ << " database schema." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--schema-name <name> Use <name> as the database schema name." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--fkeys-deferrable-mode <m> Use constraint checking mode <m> in foreign keys" << ::std::endl
+ << " generated for object relationships." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--default-pointer <ptr> Use <ptr> as the default pointer for persistent" << ::std::endl
+ << " objects and views." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--session-type <type> Use <type> as the alternative session type" << ::std::endl
+ << " instead of the default odb::session." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--profile|-p <name> Specify a profile that should be used during" << ::std::endl
+ << " compilation." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--at-once Generate code for all the input files as well as" << ::std::endl
+ << " for all the files that they include at once." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--schema <schema> Specify a database schema (database namespace)" << ::std::endl
+ << " that should be assigned to the persistent classes" << ::std::endl
+ << " in the file being compiled." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--export-symbol <symbol> Insert <symbol> in places where DLL export/import" << ::std::endl
+ << " control statements" << ::std::endl
+ << " (__declspec(dllexport/dllimport)) are necessary." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--extern-symbol <symbol> If <symbol> is defined, insert it in places where" << ::std::endl
+ << " a template instantiation must be declared extern." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--std <version> Specify the C++ standard that should be used" << ::std::endl
+ << " during compilation." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--warn-hard-add Warn about hard-added data members." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--warn-hard-delete Warn about hard-deleted data members and" << ::std::endl
+ << " persistent classes." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--warn-hard Warn about both hard-added and hard-deleted data" << ::std::endl
+ << " members and persistent classes." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--output-dir|-o <dir> Write the generated files to <dir> instead of the" << ::std::endl
+ << " current directory." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--input-name <name> Use <name> instead of the input file to derive" << ::std::endl
+ << " the names of the generated files." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--changelog <file> Read/write changelog from/to <file> instead of" << ::std::endl
+ << " the default changelog file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--changelog-in <file> Read changelog from <file> instead of the default" << ::std::endl
+ << " changelog file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--changelog-out <file> Write changelog to <file> instead of the default" << ::std::endl
+ << " changelog file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--changelog-dir <dir> Use <dir> instead of the input file directory as" << ::std::endl
+ << " the changelog file directory." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--init-changelog Force re-initialization of the changelog even if" << ::std::endl
+ << " one exists (all the existing change history will" << ::std::endl
+ << " be lost)." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--odb-file-suffix <suffix> Use <suffix> to construct the names of the" << ::std::endl
+ << " generated C++ files." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--sql-file-suffix <suffix> Use <suffix> to construct the name of the" << ::std::endl
+ << " generated schema SQL file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--schema-file-suffix <suffix> Use <suffix> to construct the name of the" << ::std::endl
+ << " generated schema C++ source file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--changelog-file-suffix <sfx> Use <sfx> to construct the name of the changelog" << ::std::endl
+ << " file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--hxx-suffix <suffix> Use <suffix> instead of the default .hxx to" << ::std::endl
+ << " construct the name of the generated C++ header" << ::std::endl
+ << " file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--ixx-suffix <suffix> Use <suffix> instead of the default .ixx to" << ::std::endl
+ << " construct the name of the generated C++ inline" << ::std::endl
+ << " file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--cxx-suffix <suffix> Use <suffix> instead of the default .cxx to" << ::std::endl
+ << " construct the name of the generated C++ source" << ::std::endl
+ << " file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--sql-suffix <suffix> Use <suffix> instead of the default .sql to" << ::std::endl
+ << " construct the name of the generated database" << ::std::endl
+ << " schema file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--changelog-suffix <suffix> Use <suffix> instead of the default .xml to" << ::std::endl
+ << " construct the name of the changelog file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--hxx-prologue <text> Insert <text> at the beginning of the generated" << ::std::endl
+ << " C++ header file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--ixx-prologue <text> Insert <text> at the beginning of the generated" << ::std::endl
+ << " C++ inline file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--cxx-prologue <text> Insert <text> at the beginning of the generated" << ::std::endl
+ << " C++ source file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--schema-prologue <text> Insert <text> at the beginning of the generated" << ::std::endl
+ << " schema C++ source file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--sql-prologue <text> Insert <text> at the beginning of the generated" << ::std::endl
+ << " database schema file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--migration-prologue <text> Insert <text> at the beginning of the generated" << ::std::endl
+ << " database migration file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--sql-interlude <text> Insert <text> after all the DROP and before any" << ::std::endl
+ << " CREATE statements in the generated database" << ::std::endl
+ << " schema file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--hxx-epilogue <text> Insert <text> at the end of the generated C++" << ::std::endl
+ << " header file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--ixx-epilogue <text> Insert <text> at the end of the generated C++" << ::std::endl
+ << " inline file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--cxx-epilogue <text> Insert <text> at the end of the generated C++" << ::std::endl
+ << " source file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--schema-epilogue <text> Insert <text> at the end of the generated schema" << ::std::endl
+ << " C++ source file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--sql-epilogue <text> Insert <text> at the end of the generated" << ::std::endl
+ << " database schema file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--migration-epilogue <text> Insert <text> at the end of the generated" << ::std::endl
+ << " database migration file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--hxx-prologue-file <file> Insert the content of <file> at the beginning of" << ::std::endl
+ << " the generated C++ header file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--ixx-prologue-file <file> Insert the content of <file> at the beginning of" << ::std::endl
+ << " the generated C++ inline file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--cxx-prologue-file <file> Insert the content of <file> at the beginning of" << ::std::endl
+ << " the generated C++ source file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--schema-prologue-file <file> Insert the content of <file> at the beginning of" << ::std::endl
+ << " the generated schema C++ source file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--sql-prologue-file <file> Insert the content of <file> at the beginning of" << ::std::endl
+ << " the generated database schema file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--migration-prologue-file <f> Insert the content of file <f> at the beginning" << ::std::endl
+ << " of the generated database migration file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--sql-interlude-file <file> Insert the content of <file> after all the DROP" << ::std::endl
+ << " and before any CREATE statements in the generated" << ::std::endl
+ << " database schema file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--hxx-epilogue-file <file> Insert the content of <file> at the end of the" << ::std::endl
+ << " generated C++ header file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--ixx-epilogue-file <file> Insert the content of <file> at the end of the" << ::std::endl
+ << " generated C++ inline file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--cxx-epilogue-file <file> Insert the content of <file> at the end of the" << ::std::endl
+ << " generated C++ source file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--schema-epilogue-file <file> Insert the content of <file> at the end of the" << ::std::endl
+ << " generated schema C++ source file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--sql-epilogue-file <file> Insert the content of <file> at the end of the" << ::std::endl
+ << " generated database schema file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--migration-epilogue-file <f> Insert the content of file <f> at the end of the" << ::std::endl
+ << " generated database migration file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--odb-prologue <text> Compile <text> before the input header file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--odb-prologue-file <file> Compile <file> contents before the input header" << ::std::endl
+ << " file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--odb-epilogue <text> Compile <text> after the input header file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--odb-epilogue-file <file> Compile <file> contents after the input header" << ::std::endl
+ << " file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--table-prefix <prefix> Add <prefix> to table names and, for databases" << ::std::endl
+ << " that have global index and/or foreign key names," << ::std::endl
+ << " to those names as well." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--index-suffix <suffix> Use <suffix> instead of the default _i to" << ::std::endl
+ << " construct index names." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--fkey-suffix <suffix> Use <suffix> instead of the default _fk to" << ::std::endl
+ << " construct foreign key names." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--sequence-suffix <suffix> Use <suffix> instead of the default _seq to" << ::std::endl
+ << " construct sequence names." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--sql-name-case <case> Convert all automatically-derived SQL names to" << ::std::endl
+ << " upper or lower case." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--table-regex <regex> Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions" << ::std::endl
+ << " that is used to transform automatically-derived" << ::std::endl
+ << " table names." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--column-regex <regex> Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions" << ::std::endl
+ << " that is used to transform automatically-derived" << ::std::endl
+ << " column names." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--index-regex <regex> Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions" << ::std::endl
+ << " that is used to transform automatically-derived" << ::std::endl
+ << " index names." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--fkey-regex <regex> Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions" << ::std::endl
+ << " that is used to transform automatically-derived" << ::std::endl
+ << " foreign key names." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--sequence-regex <regex> Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions" << ::std::endl
+ << " that is used to transform automatically-derived" << ::std::endl
+ << " sequence names." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--statement-regex <regex> Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions" << ::std::endl
+ << " that is used to transform automatically-derived" << ::std::endl
+ << " prepared statement names." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--sql-name-regex <regex> Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions" << ::std::endl
+ << " that is used to transform all" << ::std::endl
+ << " automatically-derived SQL names." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--sql-name-regex-trace Trace the process of applying regular expressions" << ::std::endl
+ << " specified with the SQL name --*-regex options." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--accessor-regex <regex> Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions" << ::std::endl
+ << " used to transform data member names to function" << ::std::endl
+ << " names when searching for a suitable accessor" << ::std::endl
+ << " function." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--accessor-regex-trace Trace the process of applying regular expressions" << ::std::endl
+ << " specified with the --accessor-regex option." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--modifier-regex <regex> Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions" << ::std::endl
+ << " used to transform data member names to function" << ::std::endl
+ << " names when searching for a suitable modifier" << ::std::endl
+ << " function." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--modifier-regex-trace Trace the process of applying regular expressions" << ::std::endl
+ << " specified with the --modifier-regex option." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--include-with-brackets Use angle brackets (<>) instead of quotes (\"\") in" << ::std::endl
+ << " the generated #include directives." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--include-prefix <prefix> Add <prefix> to the generated #include directive" << ::std::endl
+ << " paths." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--include-regex <regex> Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions" << ::std::endl
+ << " used to transform generated #include directive" << ::std::endl
+ << " paths." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--include-regex-trace Trace the process of applying regular expressions" << ::std::endl
+ << " specified with the --include-regex option." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--guard-prefix <prefix> Add <prefix> to the generated header inclusion" << ::std::endl
+ << " guards." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--show-sloc Print the number of generated physical source" << ::std::endl
+ << " lines of code (SLOC)." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--sloc-limit <num> Check that the number of generated physical" << ::std::endl
+ << " source lines of code (SLOC) does not exceed" << ::std::endl
+ << " <num>." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--options-file <file> Read additional options from <file>." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "-x <option> Pass <option> to the underlying C++ compiler" << ::std::endl
+ << " (g++)." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "-v Print the commands executed to run the stages of" << ::std::endl
+ << " compilation." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--trace Trace the compilation process." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--mysql-engine <engine> Use <engine> instead of the default InnoDB in the" << ::std::endl
+ << " generated database schema file." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--sqlite-override-null Make all columns in the generated database schema" << ::std::endl
+ << " allow NULL values." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--sqlite-lax-auto-id Do not force monotonically increasing" << ::std::endl
+ << " automatically-assigned object ids." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--pgsql-server-version <ver> Specify the minimum PostgreSQL server version" << ::std::endl
+ << " with which the generated C++ code and schema will" << ::std::endl
+ << " be used." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--oracle-client-version <ver> Specify the minimum Oracle client library (OCI)" << ::std::endl
+ << " version with which the generated C++ code will be" << ::std::endl
+ << " linked." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--oracle-warn-truncation Warn about SQL names that are longer than 30" << ::std::endl
+ << " characters and are therefore truncated." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--mssql-server-version <ver> Specify the minimum SQL Server server version" << ::std::endl
+ << " with which the generated C++ code and schema will" << ::std::endl
+ << " be used." << ::std::endl;
+ os << "--mssql-short-limit <size> Specify the short data size limit." << ::std::endl;
+ p = ::cli::usage_para::option;
+ return p;
+struct _cli_options_desc_type: ::cli::options
+ _cli_options_desc_type ()
+ {
+ ::options::fill (*this);
+ }
+static _cli_options_desc_type _cli_options_desc_;
+void options::
+fill (::cli::options& os)
+ // --build2-metadata
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--build2-metadata", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --help
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--help", a, true, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --version
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--version", a, true, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // -I
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("-I", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // -D
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("-D", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // -U
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("-U", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --database
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ a.push_back ("-d");
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--database", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --multi-database
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ a.push_back ("-m");
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--multi-database", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --default-database
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--default-database", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --generate-query
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ a.push_back ("-q");
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--generate-query", a, true, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --generate-prepared
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--generate-prepared", a, true, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --omit-unprepared
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--omit-unprepared", a, true, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --generate-session
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ a.push_back ("-e");
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--generate-session", a, true, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --generate-schema
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ a.push_back ("-s");
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--generate-schema", a, true, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --generate-schema-only
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--generate-schema-only", a, true, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --suppress-migration
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--suppress-migration", a, true, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --suppress-schema-version
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--suppress-schema-version", a, true, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --schema-version-table
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--schema-version-table", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --schema-format
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--schema-format", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --omit-drop
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--omit-drop", a, true, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --omit-create
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--omit-create", a, true, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --schema-name
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--schema-name", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --fkeys-deferrable-mode
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--fkeys-deferrable-mode", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --default-pointer
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv ("*");
+ ::cli::option o ("--default-pointer", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --session-type
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv ("odb::session");
+ ::cli::option o ("--session-type", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --profile
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ a.push_back ("-p");
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--profile", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --at-once
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--at-once", a, true, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --schema
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--schema", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --export-symbol
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--export-symbol", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --extern-symbol
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--extern-symbol", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --std
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--std", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --warn-hard-add
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--warn-hard-add", a, true, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --warn-hard-delete
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--warn-hard-delete", a, true, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --warn-hard
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--warn-hard", a, true, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --output-dir
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ a.push_back ("-o");
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--output-dir", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --input-name
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--input-name", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --changelog
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--changelog", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --changelog-in
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--changelog-in", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --changelog-out
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--changelog-out", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --changelog-dir
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--changelog-dir", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --init-changelog
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--init-changelog", a, true, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --odb-file-suffix
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--odb-file-suffix", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --sql-file-suffix
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--sql-file-suffix", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --schema-file-suffix
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--schema-file-suffix", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --changelog-file-suffix
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--changelog-file-suffix", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --hxx-suffix
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv (".hxx");
+ ::cli::option o ("--hxx-suffix", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --ixx-suffix
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv (".ixx");
+ ::cli::option o ("--ixx-suffix", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --cxx-suffix
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv (".cxx");
+ ::cli::option o ("--cxx-suffix", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --sql-suffix
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv (".sql");
+ ::cli::option o ("--sql-suffix", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --changelog-suffix
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv (".xml");
+ ::cli::option o ("--changelog-suffix", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --hxx-prologue
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--hxx-prologue", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --ixx-prologue
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--ixx-prologue", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --cxx-prologue
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--cxx-prologue", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --schema-prologue
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--schema-prologue", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --sql-prologue
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--sql-prologue", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --migration-prologue
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--migration-prologue", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --sql-interlude
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--sql-interlude", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --hxx-epilogue
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--hxx-epilogue", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --ixx-epilogue
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--ixx-epilogue", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --cxx-epilogue
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--cxx-epilogue", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --schema-epilogue
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--schema-epilogue", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --sql-epilogue
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--sql-epilogue", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --migration-epilogue
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--migration-epilogue", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --hxx-prologue-file
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--hxx-prologue-file", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --ixx-prologue-file
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--ixx-prologue-file", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --cxx-prologue-file
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--cxx-prologue-file", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --schema-prologue-file
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--schema-prologue-file", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --sql-prologue-file
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--sql-prologue-file", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --migration-prologue-file
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--migration-prologue-file", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --sql-interlude-file
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--sql-interlude-file", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --hxx-epilogue-file
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--hxx-epilogue-file", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --ixx-epilogue-file
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--ixx-epilogue-file", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --cxx-epilogue-file
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--cxx-epilogue-file", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --schema-epilogue-file
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--schema-epilogue-file", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --sql-epilogue-file
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--sql-epilogue-file", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --migration-epilogue-file
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--migration-epilogue-file", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --odb-prologue
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--odb-prologue", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --odb-prologue-file
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--odb-prologue-file", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --odb-epilogue
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--odb-epilogue", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --odb-epilogue-file
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--odb-epilogue-file", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --table-prefix
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--table-prefix", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --index-suffix
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--index-suffix", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --fkey-suffix
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--fkey-suffix", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --sequence-suffix
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--sequence-suffix", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --sql-name-case
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--sql-name-case", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --table-regex
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--table-regex", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --column-regex
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--column-regex", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --index-regex
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--index-regex", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --fkey-regex
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--fkey-regex", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --sequence-regex
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--sequence-regex", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --statement-regex
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--statement-regex", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --sql-name-regex
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--sql-name-regex", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --sql-name-regex-trace
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--sql-name-regex-trace", a, true, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --accessor-regex
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--accessor-regex", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --accessor-regex-trace
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--accessor-regex-trace", a, true, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --modifier-regex
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--modifier-regex", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --modifier-regex-trace
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--modifier-regex-trace", a, true, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --include-with-brackets
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--include-with-brackets", a, true, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --include-prefix
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--include-prefix", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --include-regex
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--include-regex", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --include-regex-trace
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--include-regex-trace", a, true, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --guard-prefix
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--guard-prefix", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --show-sloc
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--show-sloc", a, true, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --sloc-limit
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--sloc-limit", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --options-file
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--options-file", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // -x
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("-x", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // -v
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("-v", a, true, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --trace
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--trace", a, true, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --mysql-engine
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv ("InnoDB");
+ ::cli::option o ("--mysql-engine", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --sqlite-override-null
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--sqlite-override-null", a, true, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --sqlite-lax-auto-id
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--sqlite-lax-auto-id", a, true, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --pgsql-server-version
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--pgsql-server-version", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --oracle-client-version
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--oracle-client-version", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --oracle-warn-truncation
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--oracle-warn-truncation", a, true, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --mssql-server-version
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv;
+ ::cli::option o ("--mssql-server-version", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+ // --mssql-short-limit
+ //
+ {
+ ::cli::option_names a;
+ std::string dv ("1024");
+ ::cli::option o ("--mssql-short-limit", a, false, dv);
+ os.push_back (o);
+ }
+const ::cli::options& options::
+description ()
+ return _cli_options_desc_;
+std::map<std::string, void (*) (options&, ::cli::scanner&)>
+static _cli_options_map _cli_options_map_;
+struct _cli_options_map_init
+ _cli_options_map_init ()
+ {
+ _cli_options_map_["--build2-metadata"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, std::uint64_t, &options::build2_metadata_,
+ &options::build2_metadata_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--help"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::help_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--version"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::version_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["-I"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, std::vector<std::string>, &options::I_,
+ &options::I_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["-D"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, std::vector<std::string>, &options::D_,
+ &options::D_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["-U"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, std::vector<std::string>, &options::U_,
+ &options::U_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--database"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, std::vector< ::database>, &options::database_,
+ &options::database_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["-d"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, std::vector< ::database>, &options::database_,
+ &options::database_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--multi-database"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, ::multi_database, &options::multi_database_,
+ &options::multi_database_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["-m"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, ::multi_database, &options::multi_database_,
+ &options::multi_database_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--default-database"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, ::database, &options::default_database_,
+ &options::default_database_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--generate-query"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::generate_query_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["-q"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::generate_query_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--generate-prepared"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::generate_prepared_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--omit-unprepared"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::omit_unprepared_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--generate-session"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::generate_session_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["-e"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::generate_session_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--generate-schema"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::generate_schema_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["-s"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::generate_schema_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--generate-schema-only"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::generate_schema_only_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--suppress-migration"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::suppress_migration_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--suppress-schema-version"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::suppress_schema_version_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--schema-version-table"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<qname>, &options::schema_version_table_,
+ &options::schema_version_table_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--schema-format"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::set< ::schema_format> >, &options::schema_format_,
+ &options::schema_format_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--omit-drop"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::omit_drop_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--omit-create"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::omit_create_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--schema-name"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::string>, &options::schema_name_,
+ &options::schema_name_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--fkeys-deferrable-mode"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<deferrable>, &options::fkeys_deferrable_mode_,
+ &options::fkeys_deferrable_mode_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--default-pointer"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, std::string, &options::default_pointer_,
+ &options::default_pointer_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--session-type"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, std::string, &options::session_type_,
+ &options::session_type_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--profile"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, std::string, &options::profile_,
+ &options::profile_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["-p"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, std::string, &options::profile_,
+ &options::profile_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--at-once"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::at_once_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--schema"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<qname>, &options::schema_,
+ &options::schema_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--export-symbol"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::string>, &options::export_symbol_,
+ &options::export_symbol_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--extern-symbol"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::string>, &options::extern_symbol_,
+ &options::extern_symbol_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--std"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, cxx_version, &options::std_,
+ &options::std_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--warn-hard-add"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::warn_hard_add_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--warn-hard-delete"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::warn_hard_delete_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--warn-hard"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::warn_hard_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--output-dir"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, std::string, &options::output_dir_,
+ &options::output_dir_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["-o"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, std::string, &options::output_dir_,
+ &options::output_dir_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--input-name"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, std::string, &options::input_name_,
+ &options::input_name_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--changelog"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::string>, &options::changelog_,
+ &options::changelog_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--changelog-in"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::string>, &options::changelog_in_,
+ &options::changelog_in_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--changelog-out"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::string>, &options::changelog_out_,
+ &options::changelog_out_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--changelog-dir"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::string>, &options::changelog_dir_,
+ &options::changelog_dir_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--init-changelog"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::init_changelog_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--odb-file-suffix"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::string>, &options::odb_file_suffix_,
+ &options::odb_file_suffix_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--sql-file-suffix"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::string>, &options::sql_file_suffix_,
+ &options::sql_file_suffix_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--schema-file-suffix"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::string>, &options::schema_file_suffix_,
+ &options::schema_file_suffix_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--changelog-file-suffix"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::string>, &options::changelog_file_suffix_,
+ &options::changelog_file_suffix_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--hxx-suffix"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, std::string, &options::hxx_suffix_,
+ &options::hxx_suffix_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--ixx-suffix"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, std::string, &options::ixx_suffix_,
+ &options::ixx_suffix_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--cxx-suffix"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, std::string, &options::cxx_suffix_,
+ &options::cxx_suffix_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--sql-suffix"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, std::string, &options::sql_suffix_,
+ &options::sql_suffix_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--changelog-suffix"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, std::string, &options::changelog_suffix_,
+ &options::changelog_suffix_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--hxx-prologue"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::hxx_prologue_,
+ &options::hxx_prologue_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--ixx-prologue"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::ixx_prologue_,
+ &options::ixx_prologue_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--cxx-prologue"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::cxx_prologue_,
+ &options::cxx_prologue_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--schema-prologue"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::schema_prologue_,
+ &options::schema_prologue_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--sql-prologue"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::sql_prologue_,
+ &options::sql_prologue_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--migration-prologue"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::migration_prologue_,
+ &options::migration_prologue_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--sql-interlude"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::sql_interlude_,
+ &options::sql_interlude_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--hxx-epilogue"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::hxx_epilogue_,
+ &options::hxx_epilogue_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--ixx-epilogue"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::ixx_epilogue_,
+ &options::ixx_epilogue_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--cxx-epilogue"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::cxx_epilogue_,
+ &options::cxx_epilogue_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--schema-epilogue"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::schema_epilogue_,
+ &options::schema_epilogue_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--sql-epilogue"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::sql_epilogue_,
+ &options::sql_epilogue_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--migration-epilogue"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::migration_epilogue_,
+ &options::migration_epilogue_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--hxx-prologue-file"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::hxx_prologue_file_,
+ &options::hxx_prologue_file_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--ixx-prologue-file"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::ixx_prologue_file_,
+ &options::ixx_prologue_file_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--cxx-prologue-file"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::cxx_prologue_file_,
+ &options::cxx_prologue_file_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--schema-prologue-file"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::schema_prologue_file_,
+ &options::schema_prologue_file_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--sql-prologue-file"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::sql_prologue_file_,
+ &options::sql_prologue_file_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--migration-prologue-file"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::migration_prologue_file_,
+ &options::migration_prologue_file_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--sql-interlude-file"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::sql_interlude_file_,
+ &options::sql_interlude_file_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--hxx-epilogue-file"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::hxx_epilogue_file_,
+ &options::hxx_epilogue_file_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--ixx-epilogue-file"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::ixx_epilogue_file_,
+ &options::ixx_epilogue_file_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--cxx-epilogue-file"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::cxx_epilogue_file_,
+ &options::cxx_epilogue_file_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--schema-epilogue-file"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::schema_epilogue_file_,
+ &options::schema_epilogue_file_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--sql-epilogue-file"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::sql_epilogue_file_,
+ &options::sql_epilogue_file_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--migration-epilogue-file"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::migration_epilogue_file_,
+ &options::migration_epilogue_file_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--odb-prologue"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::odb_prologue_,
+ &options::odb_prologue_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--odb-prologue-file"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::odb_prologue_file_,
+ &options::odb_prologue_file_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--odb-epilogue"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::odb_epilogue_,
+ &options::odb_epilogue_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--odb-epilogue-file"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::odb_epilogue_file_,
+ &options::odb_epilogue_file_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--table-prefix"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::string>, &options::table_prefix_,
+ &options::table_prefix_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--index-suffix"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::string>, &options::index_suffix_,
+ &options::index_suffix_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--fkey-suffix"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::string>, &options::fkey_suffix_,
+ &options::fkey_suffix_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--sequence-suffix"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::string>, &options::sequence_suffix_,
+ &options::sequence_suffix_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--sql-name-case"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<name_case>, &options::sql_name_case_,
+ &options::sql_name_case_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--table-regex"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::table_regex_,
+ &options::table_regex_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--column-regex"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::column_regex_,
+ &options::column_regex_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--index-regex"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::index_regex_,
+ &options::index_regex_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--fkey-regex"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::fkey_regex_,
+ &options::fkey_regex_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--sequence-regex"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::sequence_regex_,
+ &options::sequence_regex_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--statement-regex"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::statement_regex_,
+ &options::statement_regex_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--sql-name-regex"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, database_map<std::vector<std::string> >, &options::sql_name_regex_,
+ &options::sql_name_regex_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--sql-name-regex-trace"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::sql_name_regex_trace_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--accessor-regex"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, std::vector<std::string>, &options::accessor_regex_,
+ &options::accessor_regex_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--accessor-regex-trace"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::accessor_regex_trace_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--modifier-regex"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, std::vector<std::string>, &options::modifier_regex_,
+ &options::modifier_regex_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--modifier-regex-trace"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::modifier_regex_trace_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--include-with-brackets"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::include_with_brackets_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--include-prefix"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, std::string, &options::include_prefix_,
+ &options::include_prefix_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--include-regex"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, std::vector<std::string>, &options::include_regex_,
+ &options::include_regex_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--include-regex-trace"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::include_regex_trace_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--guard-prefix"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, std::string, &options::guard_prefix_,
+ &options::guard_prefix_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--show-sloc"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::show_sloc_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--sloc-limit"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, std::size_t, &options::sloc_limit_,
+ &options::sloc_limit_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--options-file"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, std::string, &options::options_file_,
+ &options::options_file_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["-x"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, std::vector<std::string>, &options::x_,
+ &options::x_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["-v"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::v_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--trace"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::trace_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--mysql-engine"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, std::string, &options::mysql_engine_,
+ &options::mysql_engine_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--sqlite-override-null"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::sqlite_override_null_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--sqlite-lax-auto-id"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::sqlite_lax_auto_id_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--pgsql-server-version"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, ::pgsql_version, &options::pgsql_server_version_,
+ &options::pgsql_server_version_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--oracle-client-version"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, ::oracle_version, &options::oracle_client_version_,
+ &options::oracle_client_version_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--oracle-warn-truncation"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, &options::oracle_warn_truncation_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--mssql-server-version"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, ::mssql_version, &options::mssql_server_version_,
+ &options::mssql_server_version_specified_ >;
+ _cli_options_map_["--mssql-short-limit"] =
+ &::cli::thunk< options, unsigned int, &options::mssql_short_limit_,
+ &options::mssql_short_limit_specified_ >;
+ }
+static _cli_options_map_init _cli_options_map_init_;
+bool options::
+_parse (const char* o, ::cli::scanner& s)
+ _cli_options_map::const_iterator i (_cli_options_map_.find (o));
+ if (i != _cli_options_map_.end ())
+ {
+ (*(i->second)) (*this, s);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool options::
+_parse (::cli::scanner& s,
+ ::cli::unknown_mode opt_mode,
+ ::cli::unknown_mode arg_mode)
+ // Can't skip combined flags (--no-combined-flags).
+ //
+ assert (opt_mode != ::cli::unknown_mode::skip);
+ bool r = false;
+ bool opt = true;
+ while (s.more ())
+ {
+ const char* o = s.peek ();
+ if (std::strcmp (o, "--") == 0)
+ {
+ opt = false;
+ s.skip ();
+ r = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (opt)
+ {
+ if (_parse (o, s))
+ {
+ r = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (std::strncmp (o, "-", 1) == 0 && o[1] != '\0')
+ {
+ // Handle combined option values.
+ //
+ std::string co;
+ if (const char* v = std::strchr (o, '='))
+ {
+ co.assign (o, 0, v - o);
+ ++v;
+ int ac (2);
+ char* av[] =
+ {
+ const_cast<char*> (co.c_str ()),
+ const_cast<char*> (v)
+ };
+ ::cli::argv_scanner ns (0, ac, av);
+ if (_parse (co.c_str (), ns))
+ {
+ // Parsed the option but not its value?
+ //
+ if (ns.end () != 2)
+ throw ::cli::invalid_value (co, v);
+ ();
+ r = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Set the unknown option and fall through.
+ //
+ o = co.c_str ();
+ }
+ }
+ // Handle combined flags.
+ //
+ char cf[3];
+ {
+ const char* p = o + 1;
+ for (; *p != '\0'; ++p)
+ {
+ if (!((*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'z') ||
+ (*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z') ||
+ (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9')))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*p == '\0')
+ {
+ for (p = o + 1; *p != '\0'; ++p)
+ {
+ std::strcpy (cf, "-");
+ cf[1] = *p;
+ cf[2] = '\0';
+ int ac (1);
+ char* av[] =
+ {
+ cf
+ };
+ ::cli::argv_scanner ns (0, ac, av);
+ if (!_parse (cf, ns))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*p == '\0')
+ {
+ // All handled.
+ //
+ ();
+ r = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Set the unknown option and fall through.
+ //
+ o = cf;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ switch (opt_mode)
+ {
+ case ::cli::unknown_mode::skip:
+ {
+ s.skip ();
+ r = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ case ::cli::unknown_mode::stop:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ case ::cli::unknown_mode::fail:
+ {
+ throw ::cli::unknown_option (o);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ switch (arg_mode)
+ {
+ case ::cli::unknown_mode::skip:
+ {
+ s.skip ();
+ r = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ case ::cli::unknown_mode::stop:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ case ::cli::unknown_mode::fail:
+ {
+ throw ::cli::unknown_argument (o);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return r;
+// Begin epilogue.
+// End epilogue.