path: root/odb-tests/qt/common
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'odb-tests/qt/common')
16 files changed, 2247 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/odb-tests/qt/common/basic/buildfile b/odb-tests/qt/common/basic/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb06233
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odb-tests/qt/common/basic/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# file : qt/common/basic/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file
+if ($build.meta_operation != 'dist')
+ assert ($qt) \
+ "Qt version should be configured for this test via config.odb_tests.qt variable"
+import meta_libs = libodb%lib{odb}
+import meta_libs += libodb-qt%lib{odb-qt}
+import meta_libs += "libQt$(qt_ver)Core"%lib{"Qt$(qt_ver)Core"}
+libs =
+for db: $databases
+ import libs += libodb-$db%lib{odb-$db}
+import libs += lib{common}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test-odb -test-odb-*} {hxx ixx cxx}{test-odb} testscript
+# Introduce the metadata library target to make sure the libodb library is
+# resolved for the odb_compile ad hoc rule (see build/ for details).
+libue{test-meta}: $meta_libs
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test-odb}>: hxx{test} libue{test-meta}
+for db: $databases
+ exe{driver}: {hxx ixx cxx}{test-odb-$db}: include = $multi
+ <{hxx ixx cxx}{test-odb-$db}>: hxx{test} libue{test-meta}
+exe{driver}: libue{test-meta} $libs
+# Specify the ODB custom options to be used by the odb_compile ad hoc rule
+# (see build/ for details).
+odb_options = --std ($qt_ver == 5 ? c++11 : c++17) \
+ --table-prefix qt_basic_ \
+ --profile qt/basic \
+ --generate-schema \
+ --generate-query
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base" "-I$src_base"
+# Testscript's run-time prerequisites.
+exe{driver}: ../../../alias{database-client}: include = adhoc
diff --git a/odb-tests/qt/common/basic/driver.cxx b/odb-tests/qt/common/basic/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90c7d20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odb-tests/qt/common/basic/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// file : qt/common/basic/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test Qt basic type persistence (common part).
+#include <memory> // std::unique_ptr
+#include <iostream>
+#include <odb/database.hxx>
+#include <odb/transaction.hxx>
+#include <libcommon/common.hxx>
+#include "test.hxx"
+#include "test-odb.hxx"
+#undef NDEBUG
+#include <cassert>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace odb::core;
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ try
+ {
+ unique_ptr<database> db (create_database (argc, argv));
+ object o (1);
+ o.uuid_ = QUuid::createUuid ();
+ o.null_ = QUuid ();
+ o.zero_ = QUuid ();
+ {
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ db->persist (o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ {
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ unique_ptr<object> p (db->load<object> (o.id_));
+ t.commit ();
+ assert (*p == o);
+ }
+ {
+ typedef odb::query<object> query;
+ typedef odb::result<object> result;
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ result r (db->query<object> (query::uuid == o.uuid_));
+ result::iterator i (r.begin ());
+ assert (i != r.end () && i->id_ == o.id_);
+ assert (++i == r.end ());
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const odb::exception& e)
+ {
+ cerr << e.what () << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/odb-tests/qt/common/basic/test.hxx b/odb-tests/qt/common/basic/test.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e67302e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odb-tests/qt/common/basic/test.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// file : qt/common/basic/test.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#ifndef TEST_HXX
+#define TEST_HXX
+#include <QtCore/QUuid>
+#include <odb/core.hxx>
+#pragma db object
+struct object
+ object () {}
+ object (unsigned long id): id_ (id) {}
+ #pragma db id
+ unsigned long id_;
+ QUuid uuid_;
+ QUuid null_;
+ #pragma db not_null
+ QUuid zero_;
+ bool operator== (const object& x) const
+ {
+ return id_ == x.id_ &&
+ uuid_ == x.uuid_ &&
+ null_ == x.null_ &&
+ zero_ == x.zero_;
+ }
+#endif // TEST_HXX
diff --git a/odb-tests/qt/common/basic/testscript b/odb-tests/qt/common/basic/testscript
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02be561
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odb-tests/qt/common/basic/testscript
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# file : qt/common/basic/testscript
+# license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file
+.include ../../../database-options.testscript
+: mysql
+if $mysql
+ .include ../../../mysql.testscript
+ $create_schema;
+ $*
+: sqlite
+if $sqlite
+ .include ../../../sqlite.testscript
+ $*
+: pgsql
+if $pgsql
+ .include ../../../pgsql.testscript
+ $create_schema;
+ $*
+: oracle
+if $oracle
+ .include ../../../oracle.testscript
+ $create_schema;
+ $*
+: mssql
+if $mssql
+ .include ../../../mssql.testscript
+ $create_schema;
+ $*
diff --git a/odb-tests/qt/common/containers/basics/buildfile b/odb-tests/qt/common/containers/basics/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c1b8f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odb-tests/qt/common/containers/basics/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# file : qt/common/containers/basics/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file
+if ($build.meta_operation != 'dist')
+ assert ($qt) \
+ "Qt version should be configured for this test via config.odb_tests.qt variable"
+import meta_libs = libodb%lib{odb}
+import meta_libs += libodb-qt%lib{odb-qt}
+import meta_libs += "libQt$(qt_ver)Core"%lib{"Qt$(qt_ver)Core"}
+libs =
+for db: $databases
+ import libs += libodb-$db%lib{odb-$db}
+import libs += lib{common}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test-odb -test-odb-*} {hxx ixx cxx}{test-odb} testscript
+# Introduce the metadata library target to make sure the libodb library is
+# resolved for the odb_compile ad hoc rule (see build/ for details).
+libue{test-meta}: $meta_libs
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test-odb}>: hxx{test} libue{test-meta}
+for db: $databases
+ exe{driver}: {hxx ixx cxx}{test-odb-$db}: include = $multi
+ <{hxx ixx cxx}{test-odb-$db}>: hxx{test} libue{test-meta}
+exe{driver}: libue{test-meta} $libs
+# Specify the ODB custom options to be used by the odb_compile ad hoc rule
+# (see build/ for details).
+odb_options = --std ($qt_ver == 5 ? c++11 : c++17) \
+ --table-prefix qt_cont_bs_ \
+ --profile qt/containers \
+ --profile qt/basic \
+ --generate-schema
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base" "-I$src_base"
+# Testscript's run-time prerequisites.
+exe{driver}: ../../../../alias{database-client}: include = adhoc
diff --git a/odb-tests/qt/common/containers/basics/driver.cxx b/odb-tests/qt/common/containers/basics/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d59796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odb-tests/qt/common/containers/basics/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+// file : qt/common/containers/basics/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test basic Qt containers persistence.
+#include <memory> // std::unique_ptr
+#include <cassert>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
+#include <odb/database.hxx>
+#include <odb/transaction.hxx>
+#include <libcommon/common.hxx>
+#include "test.hxx"
+#include "test-odb.hxx"
+#undef NDEBUG
+#include <cassert>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace odb::core;
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ QCoreApplication app (argc, argv);
+ try
+ {
+ unique_ptr<database> db (create_database (argc, argv));
+ for (unsigned short i (0); i < 2; ++i)
+ {
+ object empty ("empty"), med ("medium"), full ("full");
+ //
+ // empty
+ //
+ empty.num = 0;
+ empty.str = "";
+ //
+ // med
+ //
+ med.num = 999;
+ med.str = "xxx";
+ // vector
+ //
+ med.nv.push_back (123);
+ med.nv.push_back (234);
+ ("aaa");
+ ("bbbb");
+ (comp (123, "aaa"));
+ (comp (234, "bbbb"));
+ med.uv.push_back (123);
+ med.uv.push_back (234);
+ // list
+ //
+ ("aaa");
+ ("bbbb");
+ (123);
+ (234);
+ (comp (123, "aaa"));
+ (comp (234, "bbbb"));
+ // set
+ //
+ med.ns.insert (123);
+ med.ns.insert (234);
+ ("aaa");
+ ("bbbb");
+ // map
+ //
+ med.nsm[123] = "aaa";
+ med.nsm[234] = "bbbb";
+ med.snm["aaa"] = 123;
+ med.snm["bbbb"] = 234;
+ med.ncm[123] = comp (123, "aaa");
+ med.ncm[234] = comp (234, "bbbb");
+ med.csm[comp (123, "aaa")] = "aaa";
+ med.csm[comp (234, "bbbb")] = "bbbb";
+ // multimap
+ //
+ med.nsmm.insert (123, "aaa");
+ med.nsmm.insert (123, "bbbb");
+ med.nsmm.insert (234, "ccccc");
+ med.snmm.insert ("aaa", 123);
+ med.snmm.insert ("aaa", 234);
+ med.snmm.insert ("bbb", 345);
+ med.ncmm.insert (123, comp (123, "aaa"));
+ med.ncmm.insert (123, comp (234, "bbbb"));
+ med.ncmm.insert (234, comp (345, "ccccc"));
+ // hash
+ //
+ med.nsh[123] = "aaa";
+ med.nsh[234] = "bbbb";
+ med.snh["aaa"] = 123;
+ med.snh["bbb"] = 234;
+ med.sch["iii"] = comp (123, "aaa");
+ med.sch["jjj"] = comp (234, "bbbb");
+ // multihash
+ //
+ med.nsmh.insert (123, "aaa");
+ med.nsmh.insert (123, "bbbb");
+ med.nsmh.insert (234, "ccccc");
+ med.snmh.insert ("aaa", 123);
+ med.snmh.insert ("aaa", 234);
+ med.snmh.insert ("bbb", 345);
+ med.ncmh.insert (123, comp (123, "aaa"));
+ med.ncmh.insert (123, comp (234, "bbbb"));
+ med.ncmh.insert (234, comp (345, "ccccc"));
+ //
+ // full
+ //
+ full.num = 9999;
+ full.str = "xxxx";
+ // vector
+ //
+ full.nv.push_back (1234);
+ full.nv.push_back (2345);
+ full.nv.push_back (3456);
+ ("aaaa");
+ ("bbbbb");
+ ("cccccc");
+ (comp (1234, "aaaa"));
+ (comp (2345, "bbbbb"));
+ (comp (3456, "cccccc"));
+ full.uv.push_back (1234);
+ full.uv.push_back (2345);
+ full.uv.push_back (3456);
+ // list
+ //
+ ("aaaa");
+ ("bbbbb");
+ ("cccccc");
+ (1234);
+ (2345);
+ (3456);
+ (comp (1234, "aaaa"));
+ (comp (2345, "bbbbb"));
+ (comp (3456, "cccccc"));
+ // set
+ //
+ full.ns.insert (1234);
+ full.ns.insert (2345);
+ full.ns.insert (3456);
+ ("aaaa");
+ ("bbbbb");
+ ("cccccc");
+ // map
+ //
+ full.nsm[1234] = "aaaa";
+ full.nsm[2345] = "bbbbb";
+ full.nsm[3456] = "cccccc";
+ full.snm["aaaa"] = 1234;
+ full.snm["bbbb"] = 2345;
+ full.snm["cccc"] = 3456;
+ full.ncm[1234] = comp (1234, "aaaa");
+ full.ncm[2345] = comp (2345, "bbbbb");
+ full.ncm[3456] = comp (3456, "cccccc");
+ full.csm[comp (1234, "aaaa")] = "aaaa";
+ full.csm[comp (2345, "bbbb")] = "bbbbb";
+ full.csm[comp (3456, "cccc")] = "cccccc";
+ // multimap
+ //
+ full.nsmm.insert (1234, "aaaa");
+ full.nsmm.insert (1234, "bbbbb");
+ full.nsmm.insert (2345, "cccccc");
+ full.nsmm.insert (2345, "ddddddd");
+ full.snmm.insert ("aaaa", 1234);
+ full.snmm.insert ("aaaa", 2345);
+ full.snmm.insert ("bbbb", 3456);
+ full.snmm.insert ("bbbb", 4567);
+ full.ncmm.insert (1234, comp (1234, "aaaa"));
+ full.ncmm.insert (1234, comp (2345, "bbbbb"));
+ full.ncmm.insert (2345, comp (3456, "cccccc"));
+ full.ncmm.insert (2345, comp (4567, "ddddddd"));
+ // hash
+ //
+ full.nsh[1234] = "aaaa";
+ full.nsh[2345] = "bbbbb";
+ full.nsh[3456] = "cccccc";
+ full.snh["aaaa"] = 1234;
+ full.snh["bbbb"] = 2345;
+ full.snh["cccc"] = 3456;
+ full.sch["iiii"] = comp (1234, "aaaa");
+ full.sch["jjjj"] = comp (2345, "bbbbb");
+ full.sch["kkkk"] = comp (3456, "cccccc");
+ // multihash
+ //
+ full.nsmh.insert (1234, "aaaa");
+ full.nsmh.insert (1234, "bbbbb");
+ full.nsmh.insert (2345, "cccccc");
+ full.nsmh.insert (2345, "ddddddd");
+ full.snmh.insert ("aaaa", 1234);
+ full.snmh.insert ("aaaa", 2345);
+ full.snmh.insert ("bbbb", 3456);
+ full.snmh.insert ("bbbb", 4567);
+ full.ncmh.insert (1234, comp (1234, "aaaa"));
+ full.ncmh.insert (1234, comp (2345, "bbbbb"));
+ full.ncmh.insert (2345, comp (3456, "cccccc"));
+ full.ncmh.insert (2345, comp (4567, "ddddddd"));
+ // persist
+ //
+ {
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ db->persist (empty);
+ db->persist (med);
+ db->persist (full);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ // load & check
+ //
+ {
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ unique_ptr<object> e (db->load<object> ("empty"));
+ unique_ptr<object> m (db->load<object> ("medium"));
+ unique_ptr<object> f (db->load<object> ("full"));
+ t.commit ();
+ assert (empty == *e);
+ assert (med == *m);
+ assert (full == *f);
+ }
+ //
+ // empty
+ //
+ empty.num = 99;
+ empty.str = "xx";
+ // vector
+ //
+ empty.nv.push_back (12);
+ ("aa");
+ (comp (12, "aa"));
+ empty.uv.push_back (12);
+ // list
+ //
+ ("aa");
+ (12);
+ (comp (12, "aa"));
+ // set
+ //
+ empty.ns.insert (12);
+ ("aa");
+ // map
+ //
+ empty.nsm[12] = "aa";
+ empty.snm["aa"] = 12;
+ empty.ncm[12] = comp (12, "aa");
+ empty.csm[comp (12, "aa")] = "aa";
+ // multimap
+ //
+ empty.nsmm.insert (12, "aa");
+ empty.nsmm.insert (12, "bbb");
+ empty.nsmm.insert (23, "cccc");
+ empty.snmm.insert ("aa", 12);
+ empty.snmm.insert ("aa", 23);
+ empty.snmm.insert ("bb", 34);
+ empty.ncmm.insert (12, comp (12, "aa"));
+ empty.ncmm.insert (12, comp (23, "bb"));
+ empty.ncmm.insert (23, comp (34, "cc"));
+ // hash
+ //
+ empty.nsh[12] = "aa";
+ empty.snh["aa"] = 12;
+ empty.sch["ii"] = comp (12, "aa");
+ // multihash
+ //
+ empty.nsmh.insert (12, "aa");
+ empty.nsmh.insert (12, "bbb");
+ empty.nsmh.insert (23, "cccc");
+ empty.snmh.insert ("aa", 12);
+ empty.snmh.insert ("aa", 23);
+ empty.snmh.insert ("bb", 34);
+ empty.ncmh.insert (12, comp (12, "aa"));
+ empty.ncmh.insert (12, comp (23, "bb"));
+ empty.ncmh.insert (23, comp (34, "cc"));
+ //
+ // med
+ //
+ med.num = 0;
+ med.str = "";
+ // vector
+ //
+ med.nv.clear ();
+ ();
+ ();
+ med.uv.clear ();
+ // list
+ //
+ ();
+ ();
+ ();
+ // set
+ //
+ med.ns.clear ();
+ ();
+ // map
+ //
+ med.nsm.clear ();
+ med.snm.clear ();
+ med.ncm.clear ();
+ med.csm.clear ();
+ // multimap
+ //
+ med.nsmm.clear ();
+ med.snmm.clear ();
+ med.ncmm.clear ();
+ // hash
+ //
+ med.nsh.clear ();
+ med.snh.clear ();
+ med.sch.clear ();
+ // multihash
+ //
+ med.nsmh.clear ();
+ med.snmh.clear ();
+ med.ncmh.clear ();
+ //
+ // full
+ //
+ full.num++;
+ full.str += "x";
+ // vector
+ //
+ full.nv.back ()++;
+ full.nv.push_back (4567);
+ () += "c";
+ ("ddddddd");
+ ().num++;
+ ().str += "c";
+ (comp (4567, "ddddddd"));
+ full.uv.back ()++;
+ full.uv.push_back (4567);
+ // list
+ //
+ () += "c";
+ ("ddddddd");
+ ()++;
+ (4567);
+ ().num++;
+ ().str += "c";
+ (comp (4567, "ddddddd"));
+ // set
+ //
+ full.ns.insert (4567);
+ ("ddddddd");
+ // map
+ //
+ full.nsm[3456] += "c";
+ full.nsm[4567] = "ddddddd";
+ full.snm["cccc"]++;
+ full.snm["dddd"] = 4567;
+ full.ncm[3456].num++;
+ full.ncm[3456].str += "c";
+ full.ncm[4567] = comp (4567, "ddddddd");
+ full.csm[comp (3456, "cccc")] += "c";
+ full.csm[comp (4567, "dddd")] = "ddddddd";
+ // multimap
+ //
+ full.nsmm.find (2345).value () += "d";
+ full.nsmm.insert (3456, "eeeeeeee");
+ full.snmm.find ("bbbb").value ()++;
+ full.snmm.insert ("cccc", 5678);
+ full.ncmm.find (1234).value ().num++;
+ full.ncmm.find (2345).value ().str += "d";
+ full.ncmm.insert (3456, comp (5678, "eeeeeeee"));
+ // hash
+ //
+ full.nsh[3456] += "c";
+ full.nsh[4567] = "ddddddd";
+ full.snh["cccc"]++;
+ full.snh["dddd"] = 4567;
+ full.sch["iiii"].num++;
+ full.sch["jjjj"].str += "b";
+ full.sch["kkkk"] = comp (4567, "dddddddd");
+ // multihash
+ //
+ full.nsmh.find (2345).value () += "d";
+ full.nsmh.insert (3456, "eeeeeeee");
+ full.snmh.find ("bbbb").value ()++;
+ full.snmh.insert ("cccc", 5678);
+ full.ncmh.find (1234).value ().num++;
+ full.ncmh.find (2345).value ().str += "d";
+ full.ncmh.insert (3456, comp (5678, "eeeeeeee"));
+ // update
+ //
+ {
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ db->update (empty);
+ db->update (med);
+ db->update (full);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ // load & check
+ //
+ {
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ unique_ptr<object> e (db->load<object> ("empty"));
+ unique_ptr<object> m (db->load<object> ("medium"));
+ unique_ptr<object> f (db->load<object> ("full"));
+ t.commit ();
+ assert (empty == *e);
+ assert (med == *m);
+ assert (full == *f);
+ }
+ // erase
+ //
+ if (i == 0)
+ {
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ db->erase<object> ("empty");
+ db->erase<object> ("medium");
+ db->erase<object> ("full");
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const odb::exception& e)
+ {
+ cerr << e.what () << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/odb-tests/qt/common/containers/basics/test.hxx b/odb-tests/qt/common/containers/basics/test.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a51a5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odb-tests/qt/common/containers/basics/test.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+// file : qt/common/containers/basics/test.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#ifndef TEST_HXX
+#define TEST_HXX
+#include <QtCore/QString>
+#include <QtCore/QVector>
+#include <QtCore/QList>
+#include <QtCore/QSet>
+#include <QtCore/QMap>
+#include <QtCore/QMultiMap>
+#include <QtCore/QHash>
+#include <QtCore/QMultiHash>
+#include <odb/core.hxx>
+#pragma db value
+struct comp
+ comp (): num (0) {}
+ comp (int n, const QString& s) : num (n), str (s) {}
+ #pragma db column("number")
+ int num;
+ QString str;
+inline bool
+operator== (const comp& x, const comp& y)
+ return x.num == y.num && x.str == y.str;
+inline bool
+operator< (const comp& x, const comp& y)
+ return x.num != y.num ? x.num < y.num : x.str < y.str;
+typedef QVector<int> num_vector;
+typedef QVector<QString> str_vector;
+typedef QVector<comp> comp_vector;
+typedef QList<int> num_list;
+typedef QList<QString> str_list;
+typedef QList<comp> comp_list;
+typedef QSet<int> num_set;
+typedef QSet<QString> str_set;
+typedef QMap<int, QString> num_str_map;
+typedef QMap<QString, int> str_num_map;
+typedef QMap<int, comp> num_comp_map;
+typedef QMap<comp, QString> comp_str_map;
+typedef QMultiMap<int, QString> num_str_multimap;
+typedef QMultiMap<QString, int> str_num_multimap;
+typedef QMultiMap<int, comp> num_comp_multimap;
+typedef QHash<int, QString> num_str_hash;
+typedef QHash<QString, int> str_num_hash;
+typedef QHash<QString, comp> str_comp_hash;
+typedef QMultiHash<int, QString> num_str_multihash;
+typedef QMultiHash<QString, int> str_num_multihash;
+typedef QMultiHash<int, comp> num_comp_multihash;
+#pragma db value
+struct cont_comp1
+ // This composite value does not have any columns.
+ //
+ num_vector sv; // Have the name "conflict" with the one in the object.
+#pragma db value
+struct cont_comp2
+ cont_comp2 (): num (777), str ("ggg") {}
+ int num;
+ str_list sl;
+ QString str;
+#pragma db object
+struct object
+ object (): nv (, sl ( {}
+ object (const QString& id) : id_ (id), nv (, sl ( {}
+ #pragma db id
+ QString id_;
+ int num;
+ cont_comp1 comp1_;
+ cont_comp2 comp2_;
+ // vector
+ //
+ #pragma db transient
+ num_vector& nv;
+ #pragma db table("object_strings") id_column ("obj_id")
+ str_vector sv;
+ #pragma db value_column("")
+ comp_vector cv;
+ #pragma db unordered
+ num_vector uv;
+ // list
+ //
+ #pragma db transient
+ str_list& sl;
+ num_list nl;
+ comp_list cl;
+ // set
+ //
+ num_set ns;
+ str_set ss;
+ // map
+ //
+ num_str_map nsm;
+ str_num_map snm;
+ num_comp_map ncm;
+ comp_str_map csm;
+ // multimap
+ //
+ num_str_multimap nsmm;
+ str_num_multimap snmm;
+ num_comp_multimap ncmm;
+ // hash
+ //
+ num_str_hash nsh;
+ str_num_hash snh;
+ str_comp_hash sch;
+ // multihash
+ //
+ num_str_multihash nsmh;
+ str_num_multihash snmh;
+ num_comp_multihash ncmh;
+ QString str;
+inline bool
+operator== (const object& x, const object& y)
+ if (x.uv.size () != y.uv.size ())
+ return false;
+ int xs (0), ys (0);
+ for (num_vector::size_type i (0); i < x.uv.size (); ++i)
+ {
+ xs += x.uv[i];
+ ys += y.uv[i];
+ }
+ return
+ x.id_ == y.id_ &&
+ x.num == y.num &&
+ x.comp2_.num == y.comp2_.num &&
+ x.comp2_.str == y.comp2_.str &&
+ x.nv == y.nv &&
+ == &&
+ == &&
+ xs == ys &&
+ == &&
+ == &&
+ == &&
+ x.ns == y.ns &&
+ == &&
+ x.nsm == y.nsm &&
+ x.snm == y.snm &&
+ x.ncm == y.ncm &&
+ x.csm == y.csm &&
+ x.nsmm.uniqueKeys () == y.nsmm.uniqueKeys () &&
+ x.snmm.uniqueKeys () == y.snmm.uniqueKeys () &&
+ x.ncmm.uniqueKeys () == y.ncmm.uniqueKeys () &&
+ x.nsh == y.nsh &&
+ x.snh == y.snh &&
+ x.sch == y.sch &&
+ x.nsmh.uniqueKeys () == y.nsmh.uniqueKeys () &&
+ x.snmh.uniqueKeys () == y.snmh.uniqueKeys () &&
+ x.ncmh.uniqueKeys () == y.ncmh.uniqueKeys () &&
+ x.str == y.str;
+#endif // TEST_HXX
diff --git a/odb-tests/qt/common/containers/basics/testscript b/odb-tests/qt/common/containers/basics/testscript
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de65f68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odb-tests/qt/common/containers/basics/testscript
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# file : qt/common/containers/basics/testscript
+# license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file
+.include ../../../../database-options.testscript
+: mysql
+if $mysql
+ .include ../../../../mysql.testscript
+ $create_schema;
+ $*
+: sqlite
+if $sqlite
+ .include ../../../../sqlite.testscript
+ $*
+: pgsql
+if $pgsql
+ .include ../../../../pgsql.testscript
+ $create_schema;
+ $*
+: oracle
+if $oracle
+ .include ../../../../oracle.testscript
+ $create_schema;
+ $*
+: mssql
+if $mssql
+ .include ../../../../mssql.testscript
+ $create_schema;
+ $*
diff --git a/odb-tests/qt/common/containers/change-tracking/buildfile b/odb-tests/qt/common/containers/change-tracking/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92cc878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odb-tests/qt/common/containers/change-tracking/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# file : qt/common/containers/change-tracking/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file
+if ($build.meta_operation != 'dist')
+ assert ($qt) \
+ "Qt version should be configured for this test via config.odb_tests.qt variable"
+import meta_libs = libodb%lib{odb}
+import meta_libs += libodb-qt%lib{odb-qt}
+import meta_libs += "libQt$(qt_ver)Core"%lib{"Qt$(qt_ver)Core"}
+libs =
+for db: $databases
+ import libs += libodb-$db%lib{odb-$db}
+import libs += lib{common}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test-odb -test-odb-*} {hxx ixx cxx}{test-odb} testscript
+# Introduce the metadata library target to make sure the libodb library is
+# resolved for the odb_compile ad hoc rule (see build/ for details).
+libue{test-meta}: $meta_libs
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test-odb}>: hxx{test} libue{test-meta}
+for db: $databases
+ exe{driver}: {hxx ixx cxx}{test-odb-$db}: include = $multi
+ <{hxx ixx cxx}{test-odb-$db}>: hxx{test} libue{test-meta}
+exe{driver}: libue{test-meta} $libs
+# Specify the ODB custom options to be used by the odb_compile ad hoc rule
+# (see build/ for details).
+odb_options = --std ($qt_ver == 5 ? c++11 : c++17) \
+ --table-prefix qt_cont_ct_ \
+ --profile qt/containers \
+ --profile qt/basic \
+ --generate-schema
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base" "-I$src_base"
+# Testscript's run-time prerequisites.
+exe{driver}: ../../../../alias{database-client}: include = adhoc
diff --git a/odb-tests/qt/common/containers/change-tracking/driver.cxx b/odb-tests/qt/common/containers/change-tracking/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2e4179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odb-tests/qt/common/containers/change-tracking/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+// file : qt/common/containers/change-tracking/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test change-tracking Qt containers.
+#include <memory> // std::unique_ptr
+#include <utility> // std::move
+#include <cassert>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <QtCore/QtGlobal> // QT_VERSION, Q_FOREACH
+#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
+#include <odb/tracer.hxx>
+#include <odb/database.hxx>
+#include <odb/transaction.hxx>
+#include <odb/qt/list-iterator.hxx>
+#include <odb/qt/mutable-list-iterator.hxx>
+#include <libcommon/common.hxx>
+#include "test.hxx"
+#include "test-odb.hxx"
+#undef NDEBUG
+#include <cassert>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace odb::core;
+struct counting_tracer: odb::tracer
+ void
+ reset (transaction& tr) {u = i = d = s = t = 0; tr.tracer (*this);}
+ virtual void
+ execute (odb::connection&, const char* stmt)
+ {
+ string p (stmt, 6);
+ if (p == "UPDATE")
+ u++;
+ else if (p == "INSERT")
+ i++;
+ else if (p == "DELETE")
+ d++;
+ else if (p == "SELECT")
+ s++;
+ t++;
+ }
+ size_t u, i, d, s, t;
+static counting_tracer tr;
+// Compilation test: instantiate all the functions. Only do this if we
+// have a fairly recent version of Qt, otherwise some underlying
+// functions will be missing.
+#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
+template class QOdbList<short>;
+template class QOdbListIteratorImpl<QOdbList<short> >;
+template class QOdbListIterator<short>;
+template class QMutableOdbListIterator<short>;
+f (const QList<int>&) {}
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ QCoreApplication app (argc, argv);
+ try
+ {
+ // Test extended interface.
+ //
+ {
+ typedef QOdbList<int> list;
+ list ol;
+ QList<int> ql;
+ f (ol); // Implicit conversion to QList.
+ list ol1 (ql); // Initialization from QList.
+ ol = ql; // Assignement from QList.
+ // Container comparison.
+ //
+ if (ol != ol1 ||
+ ol != ql ||
+ ql != ol1)
+ ol.clear ();
+ // Container operators.
+ //
+ ol += ol1;
+ ol += ql;
+ ol = ol1 + ql;
+ ol = ql + ol1;
+ // Iterator comparison/conversion.
+ //
+ list::const_iterator i (ol.begin ());
+ if (i != ol.end ())
+ i = ol.end ();
+ Q_FOREACH (const int& i, ol)
+ cerr << i;
+ }
+ unique_ptr<database> db (create_database (argc, argv));
+ // Test traits logic.
+ //
+ {
+ object o ("1");
+ o.i = 123;
+ o.s.push_back ("a");
+ assert (!o.s._tracking ());
+ // persist
+ //
+ {
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ db->persist (o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ assert (o.s._tracking ());
+ // load
+ //
+ {
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ unique_ptr<object> p (db->load<object> ("1"));
+ assert (p->s._tracking ());
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ // update
+ //
+ {
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ db->update (o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ assert (o.s._tracking ());
+ // erase
+ //
+ {
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ db->erase (o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ assert (!o.s._tracking ());
+ }
+ // Test change tracking.
+ //
+ object o ("1");
+ o.i = 123;
+ o.s.push_back ("a");
+ {
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ db->persist (o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ // push_back/pop_back
+ //
+ {
+ o.s.push_back ("b"); // insert
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (tr.u == 1 && tr.i == 1 && tr.t == 2);
+ assert (*db->load<object> ("1") == o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ {
+ o.s.pop_back ();
+ o.s.push_back ("c"); // update
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (tr.u == 2 && tr.t == 2);
+ assert (*db->load<object> ("1") == o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ {
+ o.s.pop_back (); // delete
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (tr.u == 1 && tr.d == 1 && tr.t == 2);
+ assert (*db->load<object> ("1") == o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ {
+ o.s.push_back ("b");
+ o.s.pop_back (); // no-op
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (tr.u == 1 && tr.t == 1);
+ assert (*db->load<object> ("1") == o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ // insert
+ //
+ {
+ o.s.clear ();
+ o.s.push_back ("a");
+ o.s.push_back ("b");
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (*db->load<object> ("1") == o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ {
+ o.s.insert (o.s.begin (), "a1"); // insert front
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (tr.u == 3 && tr.i == 1 && tr.t == 4);
+ assert (*db->load<object> ("1") == o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ {
+ o.s.insert (o.s.begin () + 1, "a2"); // insert middle
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (tr.u == 3 && tr.i == 1 && tr.t == 4);
+ assert (*db->load<object> ("1") == o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ {
+ o.s.insert (o.s.end (), "b1"); // insert back
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (tr.u == 1 && tr.i == 1 && tr.t == 2);
+ assert (*db->load<object> ("1") == o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ // erase
+ //
+ {
+ o.s.clear ();
+ o.s.push_back ("a");
+ o.s.push_back ("b");
+ o.s.push_back ("c");
+ o.s.push_back ("d");
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (*db->load<object> ("1") == o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ {
+ o.s.erase (o.s.begin ()); // erase front
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (tr.u == 4 && tr.d == 1 && tr.t == 5);
+ assert (*db->load<object> ("1") == o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ {
+ o.s.erase (o.s.begin () + 1); // erase middle
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (tr.u == 2 && tr.d == 1 && tr.t == 3);
+ assert (*db->load<object> ("1") == o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ {
+ o.s.erase (o.s.end () - 1); // erase back
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (tr.u == 1 && tr.d == 1 && tr.t == 2);
+ assert (*db->load<object> ("1") == o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ // modify
+ //
+ {
+ o.s.clear ();
+ o.s.push_back ("a");
+ o.s.push_back ("b");
+ o.s.push_back ("c");
+ o.s.push_back ("d");
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (*db->load<object> ("1") == o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ {
+ o.s.modify (1) += 'b';
+ o.s.modify_back () += 'd';
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (tr.u == 3 && tr.t == 3);
+ assert (*db->load<object> ("1") == o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ {
+ o.s.modify_front () += 'a';
+ o.s.modify_back () += 'd';
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (tr.u == 3 && tr.t == 3);
+ assert (*db->load<object> ("1") == o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ {
+ o.s.begin ().modify () += 'a';
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (tr.u == 2 && tr.t == 2);
+ assert (*db->load<object> ("1") == o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ {
+ o.s.mbegin ();
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (tr.u == 5 && tr.t == 5);
+ assert (*db->load<object> ("1") == o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ // clear
+ //
+ {
+ o.s.clear ();
+ o.s.push_back ("a");
+ o.s.push_back ("b");
+ o.s.push_back ("c");
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (*db->load<object> ("1") == o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ {
+ o.s.clear ();
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (tr.u == 1 && tr.d == 1 && tr.t == 2);
+ assert (*db->load<object> ("1") == o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ // assign
+ //
+ {
+ o.s.clear ();
+ o.s.push_back ("a");
+ o.s.push_back ("b");
+ o.s.push_back ("c");
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (*db->load<object> ("1") == o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ {
+ QList<QString> v;
+ v.push_back ("1");
+ v.push_back ("2");
+ v.push_back ("3");
+ v.push_back ("4");
+ o.s = v;
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (tr.u == 4 && tr.i == 1 && tr.t == 5);
+ assert (*db->load<object> ("1") == o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ // removeOne/removeAll
+ //
+ {
+ o.s.clear ();
+ o.s.push_back ("a");
+ o.s.push_back ("a");
+ o.s.push_back ("b");
+ o.s.push_back ("c");
+ o.s.push_back ("a");
+ o.s.push_back ("d");
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (*db->load<object> ("1") == o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ {
+ o.s.removeOne ("c");
+ assert (o.s.size () == 5 && o.s[3] == "a");
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (tr.u == 3 && tr.d == 1 && tr.t == 4);
+ assert (*db->load<object> ("1") == o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ {
+ o.s.removeAll ("a");
+ assert (o.s.size () == 2 && o.s[0] == "b" && o.s[1] == "d");
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (tr.u == 3 && tr.d == 1 && tr.t == 4);
+ assert (*db->load<object> ("1") == o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ // Transaction rollback.
+ //
+ {
+ o.s.clear ();
+ o.s.push_back ("a");
+ o.s.push_back ("b");
+ o.s.push_back ("c");
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (*db->load<object> ("1") == o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ {
+ {
+ o.s.push_back ("d");
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ db->update (o);
+ t.rollback ();
+ }
+ {
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (tr.u == 1 && tr.i == 4 && tr.d == 1 && tr.t == 6);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ {
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (tr.u == 1 && tr.t == 1);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ }
+ // Armed copy.
+ //
+ {
+ unique_ptr<object> c;
+ {
+ o.s.pop_back ();
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ db->update (o);
+ c.reset (new object (o));
+ t.rollback ();
+ }
+ {
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (c);
+ assert (tr.u == 1 && tr.i == 3 && tr.d == 1 && tr.t == 5);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ {
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (c);
+ assert (tr.u == 1 && tr.t == 1);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ }
+ // Armed swap.
+ //
+#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040800
+ {
+ object c (o);
+ {
+ o.s.push_back ("d");
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (o.s._tracking () && !c.s._tracking ());
+ c.s.swap (o.s);
+ assert (!o.s._tracking () && c.s._tracking ());
+ t.rollback ();
+ }
+ {
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (c);
+ assert (tr.u == 1 && tr.i == 4 && tr.d == 1 && tr.t == 6);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ {
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (c);
+ assert (tr.u == 1 && tr.t == 1);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ }
+ // Armed move.
+ //
+ {
+ unique_ptr<object> c;
+ {
+ o.s.pop_back ();
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ db->update (o);
+ assert (o.s._tracking ());
+ c.reset (new object (std::move (o)));
+ assert (!o.s._tracking () && c->s._tracking ());
+ t.rollback ();
+ }
+ {
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (c);
+ assert (tr.u == 1 && tr.i == 2 && tr.d == 1 && tr.t == 4);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ {
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ tr.reset (t);
+ db->update (c);
+ assert (tr.u == 1 && tr.t == 1);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const odb::exception& e)
+ {
+ cerr << e.what () << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/odb-tests/qt/common/containers/change-tracking/test.hxx b/odb-tests/qt/common/containers/change-tracking/test.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1548dcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odb-tests/qt/common/containers/change-tracking/test.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// file : qt/common/containers/change-tracking/test.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#ifndef TEST_HXX
+#define TEST_HXX
+#include <memory>
+#include <utility> // std::move
+#include <QtCore/QString>
+#include <odb/core.hxx>
+#include <odb/qt/list.hxx>
+#pragma db object pointer(std::unique_ptr)
+struct object
+ object () {}
+ object (const QString& id): id_ (id) {}
+ object (const object& x): id_ (x.id_), i (x.i), s (x.s) {}
+ object (object&& x): id_ (std::move (x.id_)), i (x.i), s (std::move (x.s)) {}
+ #pragma db id
+ QString id_;
+ unsigned int i;
+ QOdbList<QString> s;
+ inline bool
+ operator== (const object& o) const
+ {
+ return id_ == o.id_ && i == o.i && s == o.s;
+ }
+#endif // TEST_HXX
diff --git a/odb-tests/qt/common/containers/change-tracking/testscript b/odb-tests/qt/common/containers/change-tracking/testscript
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da193a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odb-tests/qt/common/containers/change-tracking/testscript
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# file : qt/common/containers/change-tracking/testscript
+# license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file
+.include ../../../../database-options.testscript
+: mysql
+if $mysql
+ .include ../../../../mysql.testscript
+ $create_schema;
+ $*
+: sqlite
+if $sqlite
+ .include ../../../../sqlite.testscript
+ $*
+: pgsql
+if $pgsql
+ .include ../../../../pgsql.testscript
+ $create_schema;
+ $*
+: oracle
+if $oracle
+ .include ../../../../oracle.testscript
+ $create_schema;
+ $*
+: mssql
+if $mssql
+ .include ../../../../mssql.testscript
+ $create_schema;
+ $*
diff --git a/odb-tests/qt/common/smart-ptr/buildfile b/odb-tests/qt/common/smart-ptr/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11234a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odb-tests/qt/common/smart-ptr/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# file : qt/common/smart-ptr/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file
+if ($build.meta_operation != 'dist')
+ assert ($qt) \
+ "Qt version should be configured for this test via config.odb_tests.qt variable"
+import meta_libs = libodb%lib{odb}
+import meta_libs += libodb-qt%lib{odb-qt}
+import meta_libs += "libQt$(qt_ver)Core"%lib{"Qt$(qt_ver)Core"}
+libs =
+for db: $databases
+ import libs += libodb-$db%lib{odb-$db}
+import libs += lib{common}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test-odb -test-odb-*} {hxx ixx cxx}{test-odb} testscript
+# Introduce the metadata library target to make sure the libodb library is
+# resolved for the odb_compile ad hoc rule (see build/ for details).
+libue{test-meta}: $meta_libs
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test-odb}>: hxx{test} libue{test-meta}
+for db: $databases
+ exe{driver}: {hxx ixx cxx}{test-odb-$db}: include = $multi
+ <{hxx ixx cxx}{test-odb-$db}>: hxx{test} libue{test-meta}
+exe{driver}: libue{test-meta} $libs
+# Specify the ODB custom options to be used by the odb_compile ad hoc rule
+# (see build/ for details).
+odb_options = --std ($qt_ver == 5 ? c++11 : c++17) \
+ --table-prefix qt_smart_ptr_ \
+ --profile qt/smart-ptr \
+ --generate-schema \
+ --generate-session
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base" "-I$src_base"
+# Testscript's run-time prerequisites.
+exe{driver}: ../../../alias{database-client}: include = adhoc
diff --git a/odb-tests/qt/common/smart-ptr/driver.cxx b/odb-tests/qt/common/smart-ptr/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c7419c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odb-tests/qt/common/smart-ptr/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+// file : qt/common/smart-ptr/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test Qt smart pointers.
+#include <memory> // std::unique_ptr
+#include <iostream>
+#include <QtCore/QSharedPointer>
+#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
+#include <odb/database.hxx>
+#include <odb/session.hxx>
+#include <odb/transaction.hxx>
+#include <libcommon/common.hxx>
+#include "test.hxx"
+#include "test-odb.hxx"
+#undef NDEBUG
+#include <cassert>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace odb::core;
+// Force instantiation of all QLazySharedPointer and QLazyWeakPointer
+// class template members.
+template class QLazySharedPointer<cont>;
+template class QLazyWeakPointer<cont>;
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ QCoreApplication app (argc, argv);
+ try
+ {
+ unique_ptr<database> db (create_database (argc, argv));
+ QSharedPointer<cont> c1 (new cont (1));
+ QSharedPointer<cont> c2 (new cont (2));
+ // Test boolean conversion operator.
+ //
+ {
+ assert (!QLazySharedPointer<cont> ());
+ assert (!QLazyWeakPointer<cont> ());
+ assert (QLazySharedPointer<cont> (c1));
+ assert (QLazySharedPointer<cont> (*db, 1));
+ assert (QLazyWeakPointer<cont> (c1));
+ assert (QLazyWeakPointer<cont> (*db, 1));
+ }
+ // Test loaded () implementation.
+ //
+ {
+ assert (QLazySharedPointer<cont> ().loaded ());
+ assert (!QLazySharedPointer<cont> (c1).loaded ());
+ assert (!QLazySharedPointer<cont> (*db, 1).loaded ());
+ assert (QLazySharedPointer<cont> (*db, c1).loaded ());
+ assert (QLazyWeakPointer<cont> ().loaded ());
+ assert (!QLazyWeakPointer<cont> (c1).loaded ());
+ assert (!QLazyWeakPointer<cont> (*db, 1).loaded ());
+ assert (QLazyWeakPointer<cont> (*db, c1).loaded ());
+ }
+ // Test comparison operators.
+ //
+ {
+ // Transient QLazySharedPointer.
+ //
+ assert (QLazySharedPointer<cont> () == QLazySharedPointer<cont> ());
+ assert (QLazySharedPointer<cont> () != QLazySharedPointer<cont> (c1));
+ assert (QLazySharedPointer<cont> (c1) != QLazySharedPointer<cont> (c2));
+ assert (QLazySharedPointer<cont> (c2) == QLazySharedPointer<cont> (c2));
+ // Persistent QLazySharedPointer.
+ //
+ QLazySharedPointer<cont> ls1 (*db, 1), ls2 (*db, c2);
+ assert (ls1 != QLazySharedPointer<cont> ());
+ assert (ls1 != QLazySharedPointer<cont> (c1));
+ assert (ls1 == QLazySharedPointer<cont> (*db, c1));
+ assert (ls1 != ls2);
+ assert (ls2 == QLazySharedPointer<cont> (c2));
+ // Transient QLazyWeakPointer.
+ //
+ assert (QLazyWeakPointer<cont> () == QLazyWeakPointer<cont> ());
+ assert (QLazyWeakPointer<cont> () != QLazyWeakPointer<cont> (c1));
+ assert (QLazyWeakPointer<cont> (c1) != QLazyWeakPointer<cont> (c2));
+ assert (QLazyWeakPointer<cont> (c2) == QLazyWeakPointer<cont> (c2));
+ assert (QLazyWeakPointer<cont> () == QLazySharedPointer<cont> ());
+ assert (QLazyWeakPointer<cont> () != QLazySharedPointer<cont> (c1));
+ assert (QLazyWeakPointer<cont> (c1) != QLazySharedPointer<cont> (c2));
+ assert (QLazyWeakPointer<cont> (c2) == QLazySharedPointer<cont> (c2));
+ // Persistent QLazyWeakPointer.
+ //
+ QLazyWeakPointer<cont> lw1 (*db, 1), lw2 (*db, c2);
+ assert (lw1 != QLazyWeakPointer<cont> ());
+ assert (lw1 != QLazyWeakPointer<cont> (c1));
+ assert (lw1 == QLazyWeakPointer<cont> (*db, c1));
+ assert (lw1 != lw2);
+ assert (lw2 == QLazyWeakPointer<cont> (c2));
+ assert (ls1 == lw1);
+ assert (ls1 != QLazyWeakPointer<cont> (c1));
+ assert (ls1 == QLazyWeakPointer<cont> (*db, c1));
+ assert (ls1 != lw2);
+ assert (ls2 == QLazyWeakPointer<cont> (c2));
+ }
+ // Test swap.
+ //
+ {
+ QLazySharedPointer<cont> lx (*db, 1), ly;
+ swap (lx, ly);
+ assert (lx.isNull ());
+ assert (ly == QLazySharedPointer<cont> (*db, c1));
+ }
+ // Persist.
+ //
+ QSharedPointer<obj> o1 (new obj (1));
+ QSharedPointer<obj> o2 (new obj (2));
+ QSharedPointer<obj> o3 (new obj (3));
+ QSharedPointer<obj> o4 (new obj (4));
+ o1->c = c1;
+ o2->c = c1;
+ o3->c = c2;
+ o4->c = c2;
+ {
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ db->persist (c1);
+ db->persist (o1);
+ db->persist (o2);
+ db->persist (o3);
+ db->persist (o4);
+ db->persist (c2);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ // Load.
+ //
+ {
+ session s;
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ QSharedPointer<cont> c (db->load<cont> (1));
+ QSharedPointer<obj> o (db->load<obj> (1));
+ // Ensure that lazy pointers are present but not loaded.
+ //
+ assert (c->o.size () == 2);
+ assert (!c->o[0].loaded ());
+ assert (!c->o[1].loaded ());
+ assert (!o->c.loaded ());
+ // Ensure that the correct object IDs were loaded.
+ //
+ assert (c->o[0].objectId<obj> () == 1);
+ assert (c->o[1].objectId<obj> () == 2);
+ assert (o->c.objectId<obj> () == 1);
+ // Load the lazy pointer targets ensuring that the loaded
+ // targets correspond to the cached session objects.
+ //
+ QSharedPointer<cont> cl (o->c.load ());
+ QSharedPointer<obj> ol (c->o[0].load ());
+ assert (c->o[0].loaded ());
+ assert (o->c.loaded ());
+ assert (cl == c);
+ assert (ol == o);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ // Test lazy weak locking and reloading.
+ //
+ {
+ // No session.
+ //
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ QSharedPointer<cont> c (db->load<cont> (1));
+ // Lock.
+ //
+ assert (!c->o[1].loaded ());
+ QLazySharedPointer<obj> l (c->o[1].toStrongRef ());
+ assert (!l.loaded ());
+ assert (l.objectId<obj> () == c->o[1].objectId<obj> ());
+ // Reload.
+ //
+ assert (!c->o[1].loaded ());
+ QSharedPointer<obj> ol (c->o[1].load ());
+ assert (c->o[1].loaded ());
+ ol.clear ();
+ assert (!c->o[1].loaded ());
+ ol = c->o[1].load ();
+ assert (c->o[1].loaded ());
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ //
+ // Test QSharedPointer as a value wrapper.
+ //
+ {
+ obj2 o1 (1);
+ obj2 o2 (2);
+ o2.num = QSharedPointer<unsigned long> (new unsigned long (123));
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ db->persist (o1);
+ db->persist (o2);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ {
+ transaction t (db->begin ());
+ QSharedPointer<obj2> o1 (db->load<obj2> (1));
+ QSharedPointer<obj2> o2 (db->load<obj2> (2));
+ t.commit ();
+ assert (!o1->num);
+ assert (o2->num && *o2->num == 123);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const odb::exception& e)
+ {
+ cerr << e.what () << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/odb-tests/qt/common/smart-ptr/test.hxx b/odb-tests/qt/common/smart-ptr/test.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c8bf36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odb-tests/qt/common/smart-ptr/test.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// file : qt/common/smart-ptr/test.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#ifndef TEST_HXX
+#define TEST_HXX
+#include <vector>
+#include <QtCore/QSharedPointer>
+#include <odb/core.hxx>
+#include <odb/qt/lazy-ptr.hxx>
+struct obj;
+#pragma db object
+struct cont
+ cont ()
+ {
+ }
+ cont (unsigned long id)
+ : id (id)
+ {
+ }
+ #pragma db id
+ unsigned long id;
+ typedef std::vector<QLazyWeakPointer<obj> > obj_list;
+ #pragma db inverse(c) value_not_null
+ obj_list o;
+#pragma db object
+struct obj
+ obj ()
+ {
+ }
+ obj (unsigned long id)
+ : id (id)
+ {
+ }
+ #pragma db id
+ unsigned long id;
+ #pragma db not_null
+ QLazySharedPointer<cont> c;
+// Test QSharedPointer as a value wrapper.
+#pragma db object
+struct obj2
+ obj2 ()
+ {
+ }
+ obj2 (unsigned long id)
+ : id (id)
+ {
+ }
+ #pragma db id
+ unsigned long id;
+ #pragma db null
+ QSharedPointer<unsigned long> num;
+#endif // TEST_HXX
diff --git a/odb-tests/qt/common/smart-ptr/testscript b/odb-tests/qt/common/smart-ptr/testscript
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d78ccb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odb-tests/qt/common/smart-ptr/testscript
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# file : qt/common/smart-ptr/testscript
+# license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file
+.include ../../../database-options.testscript
+: mysql
+if $mysql
+ .include ../../../mysql.testscript
+ $create_schema;
+ $*
+: sqlite
+if $sqlite
+ .include ../../../sqlite.testscript
+ $*
+: pgsql
+if $pgsql
+ .include ../../../pgsql.testscript
+ $create_schema;
+ $*
+: oracle
+if $oracle
+ .include ../../../oracle.testscript
+ $create_schema;
+ $*
+: mssql
+if $mssql
+ .include ../../../mssql.testscript
+ $create_schema;
+ $*