path: root/libodb-sqlite/odb/sqlite/connection.hxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'libodb-sqlite/odb/sqlite/connection.hxx')
1 files changed, 356 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libodb-sqlite/odb/sqlite/connection.hxx b/libodb-sqlite/odb/sqlite/connection.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbe4494
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libodb-sqlite/odb/sqlite/connection.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+// file : odb/sqlite/connection.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <odb/pre.hxx>
+#include <sqlite3.h>
+#include <odb/statement.hxx>
+#include <odb/connection.hxx>
+#include <odb/details/mutex.hxx>
+#include <odb/details/condition.hxx>
+#include <odb/details/shared-ptr.hxx>
+#include <odb/details/unique-ptr.hxx>
+#include <odb/sqlite/version.hxx>
+#include <odb/sqlite/forward.hxx>
+#include <odb/sqlite/query.hxx>
+#include <odb/sqlite/tracer.hxx>
+#include <odb/sqlite/transaction-impl.hxx>
+#include <odb/sqlite/auto-handle.hxx>
+#include <odb/sqlite/details/export.hxx>
+namespace odb
+ namespace sqlite
+ {
+ class statement_cache;
+ class generic_statement;
+ class connection_factory;
+ class attached_connection_factory;
+ class connection;
+ typedef details::shared_ptr<connection> connection_ptr;
+ // SQLite "active object", i.e., an object that needs to be
+ // "cleared" before the transaction can be committed and the
+ // connection released. These form a doubly-linked list.
+ //
+ class LIBODB_SQLITE_EXPORT active_object
+ {
+ public:
+ // This function may remove the object from the list since it may no
+ // longer be "active".
+ //
+ virtual void
+ clear () = 0;
+ protected:
+ active_object (connection& c): prev_ (0), next_ (this), conn_ (c) {}
+ void
+ list_add ();
+ void
+ list_remove ();
+ protected:
+ friend class connection;
+ // prev_ == 0 means we are the first element.
+ // next_ == 0 means we are the last element.
+ // next_ == this means we are not on the list (prev_ should be 0).
+ //
+ active_object* prev_;
+ active_object* next_;
+ connection& conn_;
+ };
+ class LIBODB_SQLITE_EXPORT connection: public odb::connection
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef sqlite::statement_cache statement_cache_type;
+ typedef sqlite::database database_type;
+ // Translate the database schema in the statement text (used to
+ // implement attached databases). If the result is empty, then no
+ // translation is required and the original text should be used as is.
+ //
+ typedef void (statement_translator) (std::string& result,
+ const char* text,
+ std::size_t text_size,
+ connection&);
+ virtual
+ ~connection ();
+ connection (connection_factory&,
+ int extra_flags = 0,
+ statement_translator* = 0);
+ connection (connection_factory&,
+ sqlite3* handle,
+ statement_translator* = 0);
+ // Create an attached connection (see the attached database constructor
+ // for details).
+ //
+ connection (attached_connection_factory&, statement_translator*);
+ database_type&
+ database ();
+ // Return the main connection of an attached connection. If this
+ // connection is main, return itself.
+ //
+ connection&
+ main_connection ();
+ static connection_ptr
+ main_connection (const connection_ptr&);
+ public:
+ virtual transaction_impl*
+ begin ();
+ transaction_impl*
+ begin_immediate ();
+ transaction_impl*
+ begin_exclusive ();
+ public:
+ using odb::connection::execute;
+ virtual unsigned long long
+ execute (const char* statement, std::size_t length);
+ // Query preparation.
+ //
+ public:
+ template <typename T>
+ prepared_query<T>
+ prepare_query (const char* name, const char*);
+ template <typename T>
+ prepared_query<T>
+ prepare_query (const char* name, const std::string&);
+ template <typename T>
+ prepared_query<T>
+ prepare_query (const char* name, const sqlite::query_base&);
+ template <typename T>
+ prepared_query<T>
+ prepare_query (const char* name, const odb::query_base&);
+ // SQL statement tracing.
+ //
+ public:
+ typedef sqlite::tracer tracer_type;
+ void
+ tracer (tracer_type& t)
+ {
+ odb::connection::tracer (t);
+ }
+ void
+ tracer (tracer_type* t)
+ {
+ odb::connection::tracer (t);
+ }
+ using odb::connection::tracer;
+ public:
+ sqlite3*
+ handle ();
+ statement_cache_type&
+ statement_cache ()
+ {
+ return *statement_cache_;
+ }
+ // Wait for the locks to be released via unlock notification. Can
+ // be called after getting SQLITE_LOCKED_SHAREDCACHE.
+ //
+ void
+ wait ();
+ public:
+ // Reset active statements. Also invalidates query results by first
+ // calling invalidate_results().
+ //
+ void
+ clear ();
+ public:
+ // Note: only available on main connection.
+ //
+ generic_statement&
+ begin_statement ();
+ generic_statement&
+ begin_immediate_statement ();
+ generic_statement&
+ begin_exclusive_statement ();
+ generic_statement&
+ commit_statement ();
+ generic_statement&
+ rollback_statement ();
+ protected:
+ friend class attached_connection_factory;
+ connection_factory&
+ factory ();
+ private:
+ connection (const connection&);
+ connection& operator= (const connection&);
+ private:
+ void
+ init ();
+ private:
+ // Note that we use NULL handle as an indication of an attached
+ // connection.
+ //
+ auto_handle<sqlite3> handle_;
+ statement_translator* statement_translator_;
+ // Keep statement_cache_ after handle_ so that it is destroyed before
+ // the connection is closed.
+ //
+ details::unique_ptr<statement_cache_type> statement_cache_;
+ // Note: using odb::statement in order to break the connection-statement
+ // dependency cycle.
+ //
+ details::shared_ptr<odb::statement> begin_;
+ details::shared_ptr<odb::statement> begin_immediate_;
+ details::shared_ptr<odb::statement> begin_exclusive_;
+ details::shared_ptr<odb::statement> commit_;
+ details::shared_ptr<odb::statement> rollback_;
+ // Unlock notification machinery.
+ //
+ private:
+ bool unlocked_;
+ details::mutex unlock_mutex_;
+ details::condition unlock_cond_;
+ friend void
+ connection_unlock_callback (void**, int);
+ private:
+ friend class statement; // statement_translator_
+ friend class transaction_impl; // invalidate_results()
+ // Linked list of active objects currently associated
+ // with this connection.
+ //
+ private:
+ friend class active_object;
+ active_object* active_objects_;
+ };
+ class LIBODB_SQLITE_EXPORT connection_factory:
+ public odb::connection_factory
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef sqlite::database database_type;
+ virtual void
+ database (database_type&);
+ database_type&
+ database () {return *db_;}
+ virtual connection_ptr
+ connect () = 0;
+ virtual
+ ~connection_factory ();
+ connection_factory (): db_ (0) {}
+ // Attach/detach additional databases. Connection is one of the main
+ // connections created by this factory. Note: not called for "main" and
+ // "temp" schemas.
+ //
+ // The default implementations simply execute the ATTACH DATABASE and
+ // DETACH DATABASE SQLite statements.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ attach_database (const connection_ptr&,
+ const std::string& name,
+ const std::string& schema);
+ virtual void
+ detach_database (const connection_ptr&, const std::string& schema);
+ // Needed to break the circular connection_factory-database dependency
+ // (odb::connection_factory has the odb::database member).
+ //
+ protected:
+ database_type* db_;
+ };
+ // The call to database() should cause ATTACH DATABASE (or otherwise make
+ // sure the database is attached). Destruction of the factory should cause
+ // DETACH DATABASE (or otherwise notice that this factory no longer needs
+ // the database attached).
+ //
+ // Note that attached_connection_factory is an active object that
+ // registers itself with the main connection in order to get notified on
+ // transaction finalization.
+ //
+ class LIBODB_SQLITE_EXPORT attached_connection_factory:
+ public connection_factory,
+ public active_object
+ {
+ public:
+ explicit
+ attached_connection_factory (const connection_ptr& main)
+ : active_object (*main), main_connection_ (main) {}
+ virtual void
+ detach () = 0;
+ protected:
+ friend class database;
+ friend class connection;
+ friend class transaction_impl;
+ connection_factory&
+ main_factory ();
+ // Note that this essentially establishes a "framework" for all the
+ // attached connection factory implementations: they hold a counted
+ // reference to the main connection and they maintain a single shared
+ // attached connection.
+ //
+ connection_ptr main_connection_;
+ connection_ptr attached_connection_;
+ };
+ }
+#include <odb/sqlite/connection.ixx>
+#include <odb/post.hxx>