path: root/libodb-pgsql/odb/pgsql/query.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libodb-pgsql/odb/pgsql/query.cxx')
1 files changed, 444 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libodb-pgsql/odb/pgsql/query.cxx b/libodb-pgsql/odb/pgsql/query.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9de310b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libodb-pgsql/odb/pgsql/query.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+// file : odb/pgsql/query.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <cstddef> // std::size_t
+#include <cstring> // std::memset
+#include <cassert>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <odb/pgsql/query.hxx>
+#include <odb/pgsql/statement.hxx>
+using namespace std;
+namespace odb
+ namespace pgsql
+ {
+ // query_param
+ //
+ query_param::
+ ~query_param ()
+ {
+ }
+ // query_base
+ //
+ query_base::
+ query_base (const query_base& q)
+ : clause_ (q.clause_),
+ parameters_ (q.parameters_),
+ bind_ (q.bind_),
+ binding_ (0, 0),
+ values_ (q.values_),
+ lengths_ (q.lengths_),
+ formats_ (q.formats_),
+ types_ (q.types_),
+ native_binding_ (0, 0, 0, 0)
+ {
+ // Here and below we want to maintain up to date binding info so
+ // that the call to parameters_binding() below is an immutable
+ // operation, provided the query does not have any by-reference
+ // parameters. This way a by-value-only query can be shared
+ // between multiple threads without the need for synchronization.
+ //
+ if (size_t n = bind_.size ())
+ {
+ binding_.bind = &bind_[0];
+ binding_.count = n;
+ binding_.version++;
+ native_binding_.values = &values_[0];
+ native_binding_.lengths = &lengths_[0];
+ native_binding_.formats = &formats_[0];
+ native_binding_.count = n;
+ assert (values_.size () == n);
+ assert (lengths_.size () == n);
+ assert (formats_.size () == n);
+ assert (types_.size () == n);
+ statement::bind_param (native_binding_, binding_);
+ }
+ }
+ query_base& query_base::
+ operator= (const query_base& q)
+ {
+ if (this != &q)
+ {
+ clause_ = q.clause_;
+ parameters_ = q.parameters_;
+ bind_ = q.bind_;
+ size_t n (bind_.size ());
+ binding_.count = n;
+ binding_.version++;
+ values_ = q.values_;
+ lengths_ = q.lengths_;
+ formats_ = q.formats_;
+ types_ = q.types_;
+ native_binding_.count = n;
+ assert (values_.size () == n);
+ assert (lengths_.size () == n);
+ assert (formats_.size () == n);
+ assert (types_.size () == n);
+ if (n != 0)
+ {
+ binding_.bind = &bind_[0];
+ native_binding_.values = &values_[0];
+ native_binding_.lengths = &lengths_[0];
+ native_binding_.formats = &formats_[0];
+ statement::bind_param (native_binding_, binding_);
+ }
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ query_base& query_base::
+ operator+= (const query_base& q)
+ {
+ clause_.insert (clause_.end (), q.clause_.begin (), q.clause_.end ());
+ size_t n (bind_.size ());
+ parameters_.insert (
+ parameters_.end (), q.parameters_.begin (), q.parameters_.end ());
+ bind_.insert (
+ bind_.end (), q.bind_.begin (), q.bind_.end ());
+ values_.insert (
+ values_.end (), q.values_.begin (), q.values_.end ());
+ lengths_.insert (
+ lengths_.end (), q.lengths_.begin (), q.lengths_.end ());
+ formats_.insert (
+ formats_.end (), q.formats_.begin (), q.formats_.end ());
+ types_.insert (
+ types_.end (), q.types_.begin (), q.types_.end ());
+ if (n != bind_.size ())
+ {
+ n = bind_.size ();
+ binding_.bind = &bind_[0];
+ binding_.count = n;
+ binding_.version++;
+ assert (values_.size () == n);
+ assert (lengths_.size () == n);
+ assert (formats_.size () == n);
+ assert (types_.size () == n);
+ native_binding_.values = &values_[0];
+ native_binding_.lengths = &lengths_[0];
+ native_binding_.formats = &formats_[0];
+ native_binding_.count = n;
+ statement::bind_param (native_binding_, binding_);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ void query_base::
+ append (const string& q)
+ {
+ if (!clause_.empty () &&
+ clause_.back ().kind == clause_part::kind_native)
+ {
+ string& s (clause_.back ().part);
+ char first (!q.empty () ? q[0] : ' ');
+ char last (!s.empty () ? s[s.size () - 1] : ' ');
+ // We don't want extra spaces after '(' as well as before ','
+ // and ')'.
+ //
+ if (last != ' ' && last != '\n' && last != '(' &&
+ first != ' ' && first != '\n' && first != ',' && first != ')')
+ s += ' ';
+ s += q;
+ }
+ else
+ clause_.push_back (clause_part (clause_part::kind_native, q));
+ }
+ void query_base::
+ append (const char* table, const char* column)
+ {
+ string s (table);
+ s += '.';
+ s += column;
+ clause_.push_back (clause_part (clause_part::kind_column, s));
+ }
+ void query_base::
+ append (details::shared_ptr<query_param> p, const char* conv)
+ {
+ clause_.push_back (clause_part (clause_part::kind_param));
+ if (conv != 0)
+ clause_.back ().part = conv;
+ parameters_.push_back (p);
+ bind_.push_back (bind ());
+ binding_.bind = &bind_[0];
+ binding_.count = bind_.size ();
+ binding_.version++;
+ bind* b (&bind_.back ());
+ memset (b, 0, sizeof (bind));
+ p->bind (b);
+ values_.push_back (0);
+ lengths_.push_back (0);
+ formats_.push_back (0);
+ native_binding_.values = &values_[0];
+ native_binding_.lengths = &lengths_[0];
+ native_binding_.formats = &formats_[0];
+ // native_binding_.count should always equal binding_.count.
+ // At this point, we know that we have added one element to
+ // each array, so there is no need to check.
+ //
+ native_binding_.count = binding_.count;
+ types_.push_back (p->oid ());
+ statement::bind_param (native_binding_, binding_);
+ }
+ void query_base::
+ init_parameters () const
+ {
+ bool ref (false), inc_ver (false);
+ for (size_t i (0); i < parameters_.size (); ++i)
+ {
+ query_param& p (*parameters_[i]);
+ if (p.reference ())
+ {
+ ref = true;
+ if (p.init ())
+ {
+ p.bind (&bind_[i]);
+ inc_ver = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref)
+ {
+ statement::bind_param (native_binding_, binding_);
+ if (inc_ver)
+ binding_.version++;
+ }
+ }
+ static bool
+ check_prefix (const string& s)
+ {
+ string::size_type n;
+ // It is easier to compare to upper and lower-case versions
+ // rather than getting involved with the portable case-
+ // insensitive string comparison mess.
+ //
+ if ( (0, (n = 5), "WHERE") == 0 ||
+ (0, (n = 5), "where") == 0 ||
+ (0, (n = 6), "SELECT") == 0 ||
+ (0, (n = 6), "select") == 0 ||
+ (0, (n = 8), "ORDER BY") == 0 ||
+ (0, (n = 8), "order by") == 0 ||
+ (0, (n = 8), "GROUP BY") == 0 ||
+ (0, (n = 8), "group by") == 0 ||
+ (0, (n = 6), "HAVING") == 0 ||
+ (0, (n = 6), "having") == 0 ||
+ (0, (n = 4), "WITH") == 0 ||
+ (0, (n = 4), "with") == 0)
+ {
+ // It either has to be an exact match, or there should be
+ // a whitespace following the keyword.
+ //
+ if (s.size () == n || s[n] == ' ' || s[n] == '\n' || s[n] =='\t')
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void query_base::
+ optimize ()
+ {
+ // Remove a single TRUE literal or one that is followed by one of
+ // the other clauses. This avoids useless WHERE clauses like
+ //
+ //
+ clause_type::iterator i (clause_.begin ()), e (clause_.end ());
+ if (i != e && i->kind == clause_part::kind_bool && i->bool_part)
+ {
+ clause_type::iterator j (i + 1);
+ if (j == e ||
+ (j->kind == clause_part::kind_native && check_prefix (j->part)))
+ clause_.erase (i);
+ }
+ }
+ const char* query_base::
+ clause_prefix () const
+ {
+ if (!clause_.empty ())
+ {
+ const clause_part& p (clause_.front ());
+ if (p.kind == clause_part::kind_native && check_prefix (p.part))
+ return "";
+ return "WHERE ";
+ }
+ return "";
+ }
+ string query_base::
+ clause () const
+ {
+ string r;
+ size_t param (1);
+ for (clause_type::const_iterator i (clause_.begin ()),
+ end (clause_.end ());
+ i != end;
+ ++i)
+ {
+ char last (!r.empty () ? r[r.size () - 1] : ' ');
+ switch (i->kind)
+ {
+ case clause_part::kind_column:
+ {
+ if (last != ' ' && last != '\n' && last != '(')
+ r += ' ';
+ r += i->part;
+ break;
+ }
+ case clause_part::kind_param:
+ {
+ if (last != ' ' && last != '\n' && last != '(')
+ r += ' ';
+ ostringstream os;
+ os << param++;
+ // Add the conversion expression, if any.
+ //
+ string::size_type p (0);
+ if (!i->part.empty ())
+ {
+ p = i->part.find ("(?)");
+ r.append (i->part, 0, p);
+ }
+ r += '$';
+ r += os.str ();
+ if (!i->part.empty ())
+ r.append (i->part, p + 3, string::npos);
+ break;
+ }
+ case clause_part::kind_native:
+ {
+ // We don't want extra spaces after '(' as well as before ','
+ // and ')'.
+ //
+ const string& p (i->part);
+ char first (!p.empty () ? p[0] : ' ');
+ if (last != ' ' && last != '\n' && last != '(' &&
+ first != ' ' && first != '\n' && first != ',' && first != ')')
+ r += ' ';
+ r += p;
+ break;
+ }
+ case clause_part::kind_bool:
+ {
+ if (last != ' ' && last != '\n' && last != '(')
+ r += ' ';
+ r += i->bool_part ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return clause_prefix () + r;
+ }
+ query_base
+ operator&& (const query_base& x, const query_base& y)
+ {
+ // Optimize cases where one or both sides are constant truth.
+ //
+ bool xt (x.const_true ()), yt (y.const_true ());
+ if (xt && yt)
+ return x;
+ if (xt)
+ return y;
+ if (yt)
+ return x;
+ query_base r ("(");
+ r += x;
+ r += ") AND (";
+ r += y;
+ r += ")";
+ return r;
+ }
+ query_base
+ operator|| (const query_base& x, const query_base& y)
+ {
+ query_base r ("(");
+ r += x;
+ r += ") OR (";
+ r += y;
+ r += ")";
+ return r;
+ }
+ query_base
+ operator! (const query_base& x)
+ {
+ query_base r ("NOT (");
+ r += x;
+ r += ")";
+ return r;
+ }
+ }