path: root/odb/qt/containers/list.hxx
diff options
authorKaren Arutyunov <>2024-02-01 20:50:43 +0300
committerKaren Arutyunov <>2024-02-01 20:50:43 +0300
commit5f1cd97b9727fe10df79e1eb316ff493d9dfc2a9 (patch)
tree3f0d866222115bd1b42cb538efaac2219ef2afa8 /odb/qt/containers/list.hxx
parentc020bda61fe4a8108772309561d1f8e2f089aec0 (diff)
Turn libodb-qt repository into package for muti-package repositorylibodb-qt
Diffstat (limited to 'odb/qt/containers/list.hxx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 433 deletions
diff --git a/odb/qt/containers/list.hxx b/odb/qt/containers/list.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 143deed..0000000
--- a/odb/qt/containers/list.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-// file : odb/qt/containers/list.hxx
-// license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file
-#include <odb/pre.hxx>
-#include <odb/details/config.hxx> // ODB_CXX11
-#include <QtCore/QtGlobal> // QT_VERSION
-#include <QtCore/QList>
-#ifdef ODB_CXX11
-# include <utility> // std::move
-# if defined(ODB_CXX11_INITIALIZER_LIST) && \
-# include <initializer_list>
-# endif
-#include <odb/vector-impl.hxx>
-// A QList-like container that keeps track of changes.
-// Note that the style and order of definitions is (mostly) as
-// appears in the qlist.h Qt header (except for some cleanups,
-// such as superfluous inline use).
-template <typename L>
-class QOdbListIteratorImpl;
-template <typename T>
-class QOdbList: public odb::vector_base
- typedef QList<T> base_list_type;
- typedef typename base_list_type::iterator base_iterator_type;
- QOdbList() {}
- QOdbList(const QOdbList &x): vector_base (x), l_ (x.l_) {}
- // ~QOdbList();
- QOdbList &operator=(const QOdbList &l);
-#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040800
- void swap(QOdbList &other);
-#ifdef ODB_CXX11
- QOdbList(QOdbList &&x) noexcept
- : vector_base (std::move (x)), l_ (std::move (x.l_)) {}
- // Note: noexcept is not specified since it can throw while reallocating
- // impl_.
- //
- QOdbList &operator=(QOdbList &&other);
-#if defined(ODB_CXX11_INITIALIZER_LIST) && \
- QOdbList(std::initializer_list<T> il): l_ (il) {}
- // Implicit conversion.
- //
- bool operator==(const QList<T> &x) const {return l_ == x;}
- bool operator!=(const QList<T> &x) const {return l_ != x;}
- int size() const {return l_.size ();}
- void detach() {l_.detach ();}
- void detachShared() {l_.detachShared ();}
- bool isDetached() const {return l_.isDetached ();}
- void setSharable(bool sharable) {l_.setSharable (sharable);}
- // Implicit conversion.
- bool isSharedWith(const QList<T> &x) const {return l_.isSharedWith (x);}
- bool isEmpty() const {return l_.isEmpty ();}
- void clear();
- const T &at(int i) const {return (i);}
- const T &operator[](int i) const {return l_[i];}
- //T &operator[](int i);
- T &modify (int i);
- void reserve(int size);
- void append(const T &t);
- void append(const QList<T> &t); // Implicit conversion.
- void prepend(const T &t);
- void insert(int i, const T &t);
- void replace(int i, const T &t);
- void removeAt(int i);
- int removeAll(const T &t);
- bool removeOne(const T &t);
- T takeAt(int i);
- T takeFirst();
- T takeLast();
- void move(int from, int to);
- void swap(int i, int j);
- int indexOf(const T &t, int from = 0) const {return l_.indexOf (t, from);}
- int lastIndexOf(const T &t, int from = -1) const
- {return l_.lastIndexOf (t, from);}
- bool contains(const T &t) const {return l_.contains (t);}
- int count(const T &t) const {return l_.count (t);}
- typedef QOdbListIteratorImpl<QOdbList> iterator;
- typedef typename base_list_type::const_iterator const_iterator;
- // stl style
- iterator begin() {return iterator (this, l_.begin ());}
- const_iterator begin() const {return l_.begin ();}
- const_iterator cbegin() const {return l_.cbegin ();}
- const_iterator constBegin() const {return l_.constBegin ();}
- iterator end() {return iterator (this, l_.end ());}
- const_iterator end() const {return l_.end ();}
- const_iterator cend() const {return l_.cend ();}
- const_iterator constEnd() const {return l_.constEnd ();}
- // Return QList iterators. The begin() functions mark all
- // the elements as modified.
- //
- base_iterator_type mbegin ();
- base_iterator_type modifyBegin () {return mbegin ();}
- base_iterator_type mend () {return l_.end ();}
- base_iterator_type modifyEnd () {return mend ();}
- iterator insert(iterator before, const T &t);
- iterator erase(iterator pos);
- iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last);
- // more Qt
- typedef iterator Iterator;
- typedef const_iterator ConstIterator;
- int count() const {return l_.count ();}
- int length() const {return l_.length ();}
- //T& first();
- T& modifyFirst();
- const T& first() const {return l_.first ();}
- //T& last();
- T& modifyLast();
- const T& last() const {return l_.last ();}
- void removeFirst();
- void removeLast();
- bool startsWith(const T &t) const {return l_.startsWith (t);}
- bool endsWith(const T &t) const {return l_.endsWith (t);}
- QList<T> mid(int pos, int length = -1) const {return l_.mid (pos, length);}
- T value(int i) const {return l_.value (i);}
- T value(int i, const T &defValue) const {return l_.value (i, defValue);}
- // stl compatibility
- void push_back(const T &t) {append(t);}
- void push_front(const T &t) {prepend(t);}
- //T& front();
- T& modify_front() {return modifyFirst ();}
- const T& front() const {return l_.front ();}
- //T& back();
- T& modify_back() {return modifyLast ();}
- const T& back() const {return l_.back ();}
- void pop_front() {removeFirst();}
- void pop_back() {removeLast();}
- bool empty() const {return l_.empty ();}
- typedef int size_type;
- typedef T value_type;
- typedef value_type *pointer;
- typedef const value_type *const_pointer;
- typedef value_type &reference;
- typedef const value_type &const_reference;
- typedef typename base_list_type::difference_type difference_type;
- // comfort
- // Implicit conversion.
- QOdbList &operator+=(const QList<T> &l) {append (l); return *this;}
- QOdbList operator+(const QList<T> &l) const
- {QOdbList r (*this); r.append (l); return r;}
- QOdbList &operator+=(const T &t) {append (t); return *this;}
- QOdbList &operator<< (const T &t) {append (t); return *this;}
- QOdbList &operator<<(const QList<T> &l) {append (l); return *this;}
- QVector<T> toVector() const {return l_.toVector ();}
- QSet<T> toSet() const {return l_.toSet ();}
- static QOdbList fromVector(const QVector<T> &v)
- {return base_list_type::fromVector (v);}
- static QOdbList fromSet(const QSet<T> &s)
- {return base_list_type::fromSet (s);}
- static QOdbList fromStdList(const std::list<T> &l)
- {return base_list_type::fromStdList (l);}
- std::list<T> toStdList() const {return l_.toStdList ();}
- // Interfacing with the base list.
- //
- QOdbList (const base_list_type& x): l_ (x) {}
- QOdbList& operator= (const base_list_type&);
- operator const base_list_type& () const {return l_;}
- base_list_type& base () {return l_;}
- const base_list_type& base () const {return l_;}
-#ifdef ODB_CXX11
- QOdbList (base_list_type&& x): l_ (std::move (x)) {}
- QOdbList& operator= (base_list_type&&);
- // Change tracking (the rest comes from vector_base).
- //
- void _start () const {impl_.start (l_.size ());}
- base_list_type l_;
-template <typename L>
-class QOdbListIteratorImpl
- typedef L list_type;
- typedef typename list_type::base_iterator_type base_iterator_type;
- typedef typename list_type::const_iterator const_iterator_type;
- typedef typename base_iterator_type::iterator_category iterator_category;
- typedef typename base_iterator_type::difference_type difference_type;
- typedef typename base_iterator_type::value_type value_type;
- typedef typename base_iterator_type::pointer pointer;
- typedef typename base_iterator_type::reference reference;
- typedef typename list_type::size_type size_type;
- typedef typename list_type::const_reference const_reference;
- typedef typename list_type::const_pointer const_pointer;
- QOdbListIteratorImpl (): l_ (0), i_ () {}
- QOdbListIteratorImpl (list_type* l, const base_iterator_type& i)
- : l_ (l), i_ (i) {}
- operator const_iterator_type () const {return i_;}
- base_iterator_type base () const {return i_;}
- list_type* list () const {return l_;}
- // Note: const_{reference,pointer}.
- //
- const_reference operator* () const {return *i_;}
- const_pointer operator-> () const {return i_.operator -> ();}
- const_reference operator[] (difference_type n) const {return i_[n];}
- // Modifiers.
- //
- reference modify () const;
- reference modify (difference_type n) const;
- QOdbListIteratorImpl& operator++ () {++i_; return *this;}
- QOdbListIteratorImpl operator++ (int)
- {return QOdbListIteratorImpl (l_, i_++);}
- QOdbListIteratorImpl& operator-- () {--i_; return *this;}
- QOdbListIteratorImpl operator-- (int)
- {return QOdbListIteratorImpl (l_, i_--);}
- QOdbListIteratorImpl operator+ (int n) const
- {return QOdbListIteratorImpl (l_, i_ + n);}
- QOdbListIteratorImpl& operator+= (int n) {i_ += n; return *this;}
- QOdbListIteratorImpl operator- (int n) const
- {return QOdbListIteratorImpl (l_, i_ - n);}
- QOdbListIteratorImpl& operator-= (int n) {i_ -= n; return *this;}
- list_type* l_;
- base_iterator_type i_;
-// operator==
-template <typename L>
-inline bool
-operator== (const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& x, const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& y)
-{return x.base () == y.base ();}
-template <typename L>
-inline bool
-operator== (const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& x,
- const typename QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>::const_iterator_type& y)
-{return x.base () == y;}
-template <typename L>
-inline bool
-operator== (const typename QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>::const_iterator_type& x,
- const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& y)
-{return x == y.base ();}
-// operator<
-template <typename L>
-inline bool
-operator< (const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& x, const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& y)
-{return x.base () < y.base ();}
-template <typename L>
-inline bool
-operator< (const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& x,
- const typename QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>::const_iterator_type& y)
-{return x.base () < y;}
-template <typename L>
-inline bool
-operator< (const typename QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>::const_iterator_type& x,
- const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& y)
-{return x < y.base ();}
-// operator!=
-template <typename L>
-inline bool
-operator!= (const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& x, const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& y)
-{return x.base () != y.base ();}
-template <typename L>
-inline bool
-operator!= (const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& x,
- const typename QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>::const_iterator_type& y)
-{return x.base () != y;}
-template <typename L>
-inline bool
-operator!= (const typename QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>::const_iterator_type& x,
- const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& y)
-{return x != y.base ();}
-// operator>
-template <typename L>
-inline bool
-operator> (const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& x, const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& y)
-{return x.base () > y.base ();}
-template <typename L>
-inline bool
-operator> (const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& x,
- const typename QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>::const_iterator_type& y)
-{return x.base () > y;}
-template <typename L>
-inline bool
-operator> (const typename QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>::const_iterator_type& x,
- const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& y)
-{return x > y.base ();}
-// operator>=
-template <typename L>
-inline bool
-operator>= (const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& x, const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& y)
-{return x.base () >= y.base ();}
-template <typename L>
-inline bool
-operator>= (const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& x,
- const typename QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>::const_iterator_type& y)
-{return x.base () >= y;}
-template <typename L>
-inline bool
-operator>= (const typename QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>::const_iterator_type& x,
- const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& y)
-{return x >= y.base ();}
-// operator<=
-template <typename L>
-inline bool
-operator<= (const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& x, const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& y)
-{return x.base () <= y.base ();}
-template <typename L>
-inline bool
-operator<= (const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& x,
- const typename QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>::const_iterator_type& y)
-{return x.base () <= y;}
-template <typename L>
-inline bool
-operator<= (const typename QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>::const_iterator_type& x,
- const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& y)
-{return x <= y.base ();}
-// operator-
-template <typename L>
-inline typename QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>::difference_type
-operator-(const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& x, const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& y)
-{return x.base () - y.base ();}
-template <typename L>
-inline typename QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>::difference_type
-operator-(const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& x,
- const typename QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>::const_iterator_type& y)
-{return x.base () - y;}
-template <typename L>
-inline typename QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>::difference_type
-operator-(const typename QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>::const_iterator_type& x,
- const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& y)
-{return x - y.base ();}
-// operator+
-template <typename L>
-inline QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>
-operator+(typename QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>::difference_type n,
- const QOdbListIteratorImpl<L>& x)
-{return QOdbListIteratorImpl<L> (x.list (), n + x.base ());}
-#include <odb/qt/containers/list.ixx>
-#include <odb/qt/containers/list-traits.hxx>
-#include <odb/post.hxx>