path: root/common/container/basics/test.hxx
diff options
authorBoris Kolpackov <boris@codesynthesis.com>2013-02-05 15:50:08 +0200
committerBoris Kolpackov <boris@codesynthesis.com>2013-02-05 15:50:08 +0200
commit43fa55c1b8e389838c83be933bb30a2caaf7468d (patch)
tree310bc0ecc43ea38276a7e8ff2a541f2cba395333 /common/container/basics/test.hxx
parent3eee63801cbe833f6557d6f85c5778b6209140be (diff)
Add support for change-tracking containers
ODB now supports "smart" ordered containers. Such containers get extra functions for updating and deleting individual elements. Based on this functionality implement two change-tracking containers: odb::vector (equivalent to std::vector) and QOdbList (equivalent to QList). New tests: common/container/change-tracking and qt/common/container/change- tracking.
Diffstat (limited to 'common/container/basics/test.hxx')
1 files changed, 268 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/common/container/basics/test.hxx b/common/container/basics/test.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e88edd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/container/basics/test.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+// file : common/container/basics/test.hxx
+// copyright : Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Code Synthesis Tools CC
+// license : GNU GPL v2; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#ifndef TEST_HXX
+#define TEST_HXX
+#include <common/config.hxx> // HAVE_CXX11
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <list>
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#ifdef HAVE_CXX11
+# include <array>
+# include <forward_list>
+# include <unordered_map>
+# include <unordered_set>
+#include <odb/core.hxx>
+#pragma db value
+struct comp
+ comp () {}
+ comp (int n, const std::string& s) : num (n), str (s) {}
+ #pragma db column("number")
+ int num;
+ std::string str;
+inline bool
+operator== (const comp& x, const comp& y)
+ return x.num == y.num && x.str == y.str;
+inline bool
+operator!= (const comp& x, const comp& y)
+ return !(x == y);
+inline bool
+operator< (const comp& x, const comp& y)
+ return x.num != y.num ? x.num < y.num : x.str < y.str;
+typedef std::list<std::string> str_list;
+typedef std::vector<int> num_vector;
+typedef std::vector<std::string> str_vector;
+typedef std::set<int> num_set;
+typedef std::set<std::string> str_set;
+typedef std::set<comp> comp_set;
+typedef std::map<int, std::string> num_str_map;
+typedef std::map<std::string, int> str_num_map;
+typedef std::map<int, comp> num_comp_map;
+typedef std::map<comp, std::string> comp_str_map;
+#ifdef HAVE_CXX11
+struct comp_hash
+ std::size_t
+ operator() (comp const& x) const {return nh (x.num) + sh (x.str);}
+ std::hash<int> nh;
+ std::hash<std::string> sh;
+typedef std::array<int, 3> num_array;
+typedef std::array<std::string, 3> str_array;
+typedef std::array<comp, 3> comp_array;
+typedef std::forward_list<int> num_flist;
+typedef std::forward_list<std::string> str_flist;
+typedef std::forward_list<comp> comp_flist;
+typedef std::unordered_set<int> num_uset;
+typedef std::unordered_set<std::string> str_uset;
+typedef std::unordered_set<comp, comp_hash> comp_uset;
+typedef std::unordered_map<int, std::string> num_str_umap;
+typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, int> str_num_umap;
+typedef std::unordered_map<int, comp> num_comp_umap;
+typedef std::unordered_map<comp, std::string, comp_hash> comp_str_umap;
+#pragma db value
+struct cont_comp1
+ // This composite value does not have any columns.
+ //
+ num_vector sv; // Have the name "conflic" with the one in the object.
+#pragma db value
+struct cont_comp2
+ cont_comp2 (): num (777), str ("ggg") {}
+ int num;
+ str_list sl;
+ std::string str;
+#pragma db object
+struct object
+ object (): nv (comp1_.sv), sl (comp2_.sl) {}
+ object (const std::string& id) : id_ (id), nv (comp1_.sv), sl (comp2_.sl) {}
+ #pragma db id
+ std::string id_;
+ int num;
+ cont_comp1 comp1_;
+ cont_comp2 comp2_;
+ // vector
+ //
+ #pragma db transient
+ num_vector& nv;
+ #pragma db table("object_strings") id_column ("obj_id")
+ str_vector sv;
+ #pragma db value_column("")
+ std::vector<comp> cv;
+ #pragma db unordered
+ num_vector uv;
+ // list
+ //
+ #pragma db transient
+ str_list& sl;
+ // set
+ //
+ num_set ns;
+ str_set ss;
+ comp_set cs;
+ // map
+ //
+ num_str_map nsm;
+ str_num_map snm;
+ num_comp_map ncm;
+ comp_str_map csm;
+#ifdef HAVE_CXX11
+ // array
+ //
+ num_array na;
+ str_array sa;
+ comp_array ca;
+ // forward_list
+ //
+ num_flist nfl;
+ str_flist sfl;
+ comp_flist cfl;
+ // unordered_set
+ //
+ num_uset nus;
+ str_uset sus;
+ comp_uset cus;
+ // unordered_map
+ //
+ num_str_umap nsum;
+ str_num_umap snum;
+ num_comp_umap ncum;
+ comp_str_umap csum;
+ // Dummy containers to get the equivalent DROP TABLE statements.
+ //
+ num_vector na;
+ num_vector sa;
+ num_vector ca;
+ num_vector nfl;
+ num_vector sfl;
+ num_vector cfl;
+ num_set nus;
+ str_set sus;
+ comp_set cus;
+ num_str_map nsum;
+ str_num_map snum;
+ num_comp_map ncum;
+ comp_str_map csum;
+ std::string str;
+inline bool
+operator== (const object& x, const object& y)
+ if (x.uv.size () != y.uv.size ())
+ return false;
+ int xs (0), ys (0);
+ for (num_vector::size_type i (0); i < x.uv.size (); ++i)
+ {
+ xs += x.uv[i];
+ ys += y.uv[i];
+ }
+ return
+ x.id_ == y.id_ &&
+ x.num == y.num &&
+ x.comp2_.num == y.comp2_.num &&
+ x.comp2_.str == y.comp2_.str &&
+ x.nv == y.nv &&
+ x.sv == y.sv &&
+ x.cv == y.cv &&
+ xs == ys &&
+ x.sl == y.sl &&
+ x.ns == y.ns &&
+ x.ss == y.ss &&
+ x.cs == y.cs &&
+ x.nsm == y.nsm &&
+ x.snm == y.snm &&
+ x.ncm == y.ncm &&
+ x.csm == y.csm &&
+#ifdef HAVE_CXX11
+ x.na == y.na &&
+ x.sa == y.sa &&
+ x.ca == y.ca &&
+ x.nfl == y.nfl &&
+ x.sfl == y.sfl &&
+ x.cfl == y.cfl &&
+ x.nus == y.nus &&
+ x.sus == y.sus &&
+ x.cus == y.cus &&
+ x.nsum == y.nsum &&
+ x.snum == y.snum &&
+ x.ncum == y.ncum &&
+ x.csum == y.csum &&
+ x.str == y.str;
+#endif // TEST_HXX