path: root/xsd-frontend/makefile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'xsd-frontend/makefile')
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xsd-frontend/makefile b/xsd-frontend/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f730b64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-frontend/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# file : xsd-frontend/makefile
+# author : Boris Kolpackov <boris@codesynthesis.com>
+# copyright : Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Code Synthesis Tools CC
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+include $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))../build/bootstrap.make
+cxx_tun := semantic-graph/annotation.cxx \
+ semantic-graph/any.cxx \
+ semantic-graph/any-attribute.cxx \
+ semantic-graph/attribute.cxx \
+ semantic-graph/attribute-group.cxx \
+ semantic-graph/complex.cxx \
+ semantic-graph/compositors.cxx \
+ semantic-graph/element.cxx \
+ semantic-graph/element-group.cxx \
+ semantic-graph/elements.cxx \
+ semantic-graph/enumeration.cxx \
+ semantic-graph/fundamental.cxx \
+ semantic-graph/list.cxx \
+ semantic-graph/namespace.cxx \
+ semantic-graph/particle.cxx \
+ semantic-graph/schema.cxx \
+ semantic-graph/union.cxx
+cxx_tun += traversal/attribute.cxx \
+ traversal/attribute-group.cxx \
+ traversal/complex.cxx \
+ traversal/compositors.cxx \
+ traversal/element.cxx \
+ traversal/element-group.cxx \
+ traversal/elements.cxx \
+ traversal/enumeration.cxx \
+ traversal/fundamental.cxx \
+ traversal/list.cxx \
+ traversal/namespace.cxx \
+ traversal/particle.cxx \
+ traversal/schema.cxx \
+ traversal/union.cxx
+cxx_tun += transformations/anonymous.cxx \
+ transformations/restriction.cxx \
+ transformations/schema-per-type.cxx \
+ transformations/simplifier.cxx
+cxx_tun += parser.cxx schema-dom-parser.cxx
+cxx_obj := $(addprefix $(out_base)/,$(cxx_tun:.cxx=.o))
+cxx_od := $(cxx_obj:.o=.o.d)
+m4_cxx := $(out_base)/semantic-graph/fundamental.hxx \
+ $(out_base)/semantic-graph/fundamental.cxx
+xsd_frontend.l := $(out_base)/xsd-frontend.l
+xsd_frontend.l.cpp-options := $(out_base)/xsd-frontend.l.cpp-options
+clean := $(out_base)/.clean
+# Import.
+$(call import,\
+ $(scf_root)/import/libboost/filesystem/stub.make,\
+ l: fs.l,cpp-options: fs.l.cpp-options)
+$(call import,\
+ $(scf_root)/import/libxerces-c/stub.make,\
+ l: xerces_c.l,cpp-options: xerces_c.l.cpp-options)
+$(call import,\
+ $(scf_root)/import/libcult/stub.make,\
+ l: cult.l,cpp-options: cult.l.cpp-options)
+$(call import,\
+ $(scf_root)/import/libfrontend-elements/stub.make,\
+ l: fe.l,cpp-options: fe.l.cpp-options)
+# what to build
+$(xsd_frontend.l): $(cxx_obj) $(fe.l) $(cult.l) $(xerces_c.l) $(fs.l)
+$(xsd_frontend.l.cpp-options): prefix := xsd-frontend/ $(out_root)/
+$(xsd_frontend.l.cpp-options): value := -I$(src_root) -I$(out_root)
+$(xsd_frontend.l.cpp-options): \
+ $(fs.l.cpp-options) \
+ $(fe.l.cpp-options) \
+ $(cult.l.cpp-options)
+#@@ This can be further optimized since only parser depends on xerces.
+$(cxx_obj) $(cxx_od): $(xsd_frontend.l.cpp-options) $(xerces_c.l.cpp-options)
+$(m4_cxx): $(src_base)/semantic-graph/fundamental.m4
+$(m4_cxx): m4_options := -I $(src_base)/semantic-graph
+$(call include-dep,$(cxx_od))
+# Alias for default target.
+.PHONY: $(out_base)/
+$(out_base)/: $(xsd_frontend.l)
+# what to clean
+.PHONY: $(clean)
+$(clean): $(xsd_frontend.l).o.clean \
+ $(xsd_frontend.l.cpp-options).clean \
+ $(addsuffix .cxx.clean,$(cxx_obj)) \
+ $(addsuffix .cxx.clean,$(cxx_od)) \
+ $(addsuffix .m4.clean,$(m4_cxx))
+# how to
+$(call include,$(bld_root)/cxx/o-l.make)
+$(call include,$(bld_root)/cxx/cxx-o.make)
+$(call include,$(bld_root)/cxx/cxx-d.make)
+$(call include,$(bld_root)/m4/m4.make)