path: root/cli/source.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cli/source.cxx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1374 deletions
diff --git a/cli/source.cxx b/cli/source.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cd2382..0000000
--- a/cli/source.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1374 +0,0 @@
-// file : cli/source.cxx
-// author : Boris Kolpackov <>
-// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cli/source.hxx>
-#include <cli/txt.hxx> // txt_size(), txt_wrap_lines()
-using namespace std;
- struct option_init: traversal::option, context
- {
- option_init (context& c) : context (c), comma_ (false) {}
- virtual void
- traverse (type& o)
- {
- if (comma_)
- os << "," << endl
- << " ";
- else
- {
- os << endl
- << ": ";
- comma_ = true;
- }
- os << emember (o);
- if (o.initialized_p ())
- {
- using semantics::expression;
- expression const& i (o.initializer ());
- switch (i.type ())
- {
- case expression::string_lit:
- case expression::char_lit:
- case expression::bool_lit:
- case expression::int_lit:
- case expression::float_lit:
- case expression::identifier:
- {
- os << " (" << i.value () << ")";
- break;
- }
- case expression::call_expr:
- {
- os << " " << i.value ();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- os << " ()";
- if (gen_specifier && o.type ().name () != "bool")
- os << "," << endl
- << " " << especifier_member (o) << " (false)";
- }
- private:
- bool comma_;
- };
- struct option_merge: traversal::option, context
- {
- option_merge (context& c) : context (c) {}
- virtual void
- traverse (type& o)
- {
- string type (o.type ().name ());
- bool b (type == "bool");
- string member (emember (o));
- string spec_member (b ? member : especifier_member (o));
- os << "if (a." << spec_member << ")"
- << "{"
- << cli << "::parser< " << type << ">::merge (" << endl
- << "this->" << member << ", a." << member << ");";
- if (!b)
- os << "this->" << spec_member << " = true;";
- os << "}";
- }
- };
- //
- //
- struct option_map: traversal::option, context
- {
- option_map (context& c) : context (c) {}
- virtual void
- traverse (type& o)
- {
- using semantics::names;
- string member (emember (o));
- string type (o.type ().name ());
- string scope (escape (o.scope ().name ()));
- string map ("_cli_" + scope + "_map_");
- names& n (o.named ());
- for (names::name_iterator i (n.name_begin ()); i != n.name_end (); ++i)
- {
- os << "_cli_" << scope << "_map_[\"" << *i << "\"] = " << endl
- << "&" << cli << "::thunk< " << scope << ", " << type << ", " <<
- "&" << scope << "::" << member;
- if (gen_specifier && type != "bool")
- os << "," << endl
- << " &" << scope << "::" << especifier_member (o);
- os << " >;";
- }
- }
- };
- //
- //
- struct option_desc: traversal::option, context
- {
- option_desc (context& c) : context (c) {}
- virtual void
- traverse (type& o)
- {
- using semantics::names;
- names& n (o.named ());
- os << "// " << () << endl
- << "//" << endl
- << "{"
- << cli << "::option_names a;";
- for (names::name_iterator b (n.name_begin ()), i (b);
- i != n.name_end (); ++i)
- {
- if (i == b) // Skip the primary name.
- continue;
- os << "a.push_back (\"" << *i << "\");";
- }
- if (o.initialized_p ())
- {
- using semantics::expression;
- expression const& i (o.initializer ());
- switch (i.type ())
- {
- case expression::string_lit:
- {
- os << "std::string dv (" << i.value () << ");";
- break;
- }
- case expression::char_lit:
- {
- os << "std::string dv (1, " << i.value () << ");";
- break;
- }
- case expression::bool_lit:
- case expression::int_lit:
- case expression::float_lit:
- {
- os << "std::string dv (\"" << i.value () << "\");";
- break;
- }
- case expression::identifier:
- case expression::call_expr:
- {
- os << "std::string dv;";
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- os << "std::string dv;";
- os << cli << "::option o (\"" << () << "\", a, " <<
- (o.type ().name () == "bool" ? "true" : "false") << ", dv);"
- << "os.push_back (o);"
- << "}";
- }
- };
- static string
- escape_str (string const& s)
- {
- string r;
- for (size_t i (0), n (s.size ()); i < n; ++i)
- {
- switch (s[i])
- {
- case '\\':
- {
- r += "\\\\";
- break;
- }
- case '"':
- {
- r += "\\\"";
- break;
- }
- case '\033':
- {
- r += "\\033";
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- r += s[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return r;
- }
- inline void
- wrap_lines (ostream& os,
- string& d,
- size_t indent = 0,
- size_t first = 0)
- {
- txt_wrap_lines (os,
- d,
- indent,
- first,
- " << \"", // line_start
- "\" << ::std::endl", // line_end
- " << ::std::endl", // line_blank
- &escape_str);
- }
- enum paragraph {para_unknown, para_text, para_option};
- struct doc: traversal::doc, context
- {
- doc (context& c, usage_type u, paragraph& p)
- : context (c), usage_ (u), para_ (p) {}
- virtual void
- traverse (type& ds)
- {
- if ( ().compare (0, 3, "doc") != 0) // Ignore doc variables.
- return;
- // Figure out which documentation string we should use.
- //
- // n = 1 - common doc string
- // n = 2 - arg string, common doc string
- // n > 2 - arg string, short string, long string
- //
- size_t n (ds.size ());
- string d;
- if (gen_usage == ut_both && usage_ == ut_long)
- {
- d = n > 2 // Have both short and long?
- ? ds[2] // Then use long.
- : (n == 1 ? ds[0] : ds[1]); // Else, use common.
- }
- else // Short or long.
- {
- d = n > 2 // Have both short and long?
- ? ds[1] // Then use short,
- : (n == 1 ? ds[0] : ds[1]); // Else, use common (no first sentence).
- }
- std::set<string> arg_set;
- if (n > 1 && options.ansi_color ())
- translate_arg (ds[0], arg_set);
- d = format (ds.scope (), translate (d, arg_set), true);
- if (d.empty ())
- return;
- string up (cli + "::usage_para");
- if (para_ == para_unknown)
- os << "if (p != " << up << "::none)" << endl
- << "os << ::std::endl;"
- << endl
- << "os << \"";
- else
- os << "os << std::endl" << endl
- << " << \"";
- wrap_lines (os, d);
- os << ";"
- << endl;
- para_ = para_text;
- }
- private:
- usage_type usage_;
- paragraph& para_;
- };
- struct option_length: traversal::option, context
- {
- option_length (context& c, size_t& l)
- : context (c), length_ (l), option_ (0) {}
- option_length (context& c, size_t& l, type*& o)
- : context (c), length_ (l), option_ (&o) {}
- virtual void
- traverse (type& o)
- {
- using semantics::names;
- semantics::doc_strings const& doc (o.doc ());
- if (options.suppress_undocumented () && doc.empty ())
- return;
- size_t l (0);
- names& n (o.named ());
- for (names::name_iterator i (n.name_begin ()); i != n.name_end (); ++i)
- {
- if (l != 0)
- l++; // '|' seperator.
- l += i->size ();
- }
- string type (o.type ().name ());
- if (type != "bool" || doc.size () >= 3)
- {
- l++; // ' ' seperator
- string s (doc.size () > 0 ? doc[0] : string ("<arg>"));
- if (options.ansi_color ())
- {
- std::set<string> arg_set;
- s = translate_arg (s, arg_set);
- }
- l += txt_size (format (o.scope (), s, false));
- }
- if (l > length_)
- {
- length_ = l;
- if (option_ != 0)
- *option_ = &o;
- }
- }
- private:
- size_t& length_;
- type** option_;
- };
- //
- //
- struct option_usage: traversal::option, context
- {
- option_usage (context& c, size_t l, usage_type u, paragraph& p)
- : context (c), length_ (l), usage_ (u), para_ (p) {}
- virtual void
- traverse (type& o)
- {
- using semantics::names;
- semantics::doc_strings const& doc (o.doc ());
- if (options.suppress_undocumented () && doc.empty ())
- return;
- bool color (options.ansi_color ());
- size_t l (0);
- names& n (o.named ());
- string up (cli + "::usage_para");
- // For long usage we want options separated by blank lines.
- //
- if (para_ == para_unknown)
- {
- if (usage_ == ut_long)
- os << "if (p != " << up << "::none)" << endl;
- else
- os << "if (p == " << up << "::text)" << endl;
- os << "os << ::std::endl;"
- << endl
- << "os << \"";
- }
- else if (para_ == para_text || usage_ == ut_long)
- os << "os << std::endl" << endl
- << " << \"";
- else
- os << "os << \"";
- for (names::name_iterator i (n.name_begin ()); i != n.name_end (); ++i)
- {
- if (l != 0)
- {
- os << '|';
- l++;
- }
- if (color)
- os << "\\033[1m"; // Bold.
- os << escape_str (*i);
- if (color)
- os << "\\033[0m";
- l += i->size ();
- }
- string type (o.type ().name ());
- std::set<string> arg_set;
- if (type != "bool" || doc.size () >= 3)
- {
- os << ' ';
- l++;
- string s (doc.size () > 0 ? doc[0] : string ("<arg>"));
- if (color)
- s = translate_arg (s, arg_set);
- s = format (o.scope (), s, false);
- os << escape_str (s);
- l += txt_size (s);
- }
- // Figure out which documentation string we should use.
- //
- string d;
- {
- size_t i (type == "bool" && doc.size () < 3 ? 0 : 1);
- if (doc.size () > i) // Have at least one.
- {
- if (gen_usage == ut_both && usage_ == ut_long)
- {
- d = doc.size () > i + 1 // Have both short and long?
- ? doc[i + 1] // Then use long.
- : doc[i];
- }
- else // Short or long.
- {
- d = doc.size () > i + 1 // Have both short and long?
- ? doc[i] // Then use short,
- : (gen_usage == ut_long // Otherwise, if asked for long,
- ? doc[i] // Then use long,
- : first_sentence (doc[i])); // Else first sentence of long.
- }
- }
- }
- // Format the documentation string.
- //
- if (color)
- d = translate (d, arg_set);
- d = format (o.scope (), d, false);
- if (!d.empty ())
- wrap_lines (os, d, length_ + 1, l); // +1 for extra space after arg.
- else
- os << "\" << std::endl";
- os << ";"
- << endl;
- para_ = para_option;
- }
- private:
- size_t length_;
- usage_type usage_;
- paragraph& para_;
- };
- //
- //
- struct base_parse: traversal::class_, context
- {
- base_parse (context& c): context (c) {}
- virtual void
- traverse (type& c)
- {
- os << "// " << escape ( ()) << " base" << endl
- << "//" << endl
- << "if (" << fq_name (c) << "::_parse (o, s))" << endl
- << "return true;"
- << endl;
- }
- };
- //
- //
- struct base_merge: traversal::class_, context
- {
- base_merge (context& c): context (c) {}
- virtual void
- traverse (type& c)
- {
- os << "// " << escape ( ()) << " base" << endl
- << "//" << endl
- << fq_name (c) << "::merge (a);"
- << endl;
- }
- };
- //
- //
- struct base_desc: traversal::class_, context
- {
- base_desc (context& c): context (c) {}
- virtual void
- traverse (type& c)
- {
- os << "// " << escape ( ()) << " base" << endl
- << "//" << endl
- << fq_name (c) << "::fill (os);"
- << endl;
- }
- };
- struct base_usage: traversal::class_, context
- {
- base_usage (context& c, usage_type u): context (c), usage_ (u) {}
- virtual void
- traverse (type& c)
- {
- class_doc_type cd (class_doc (c));
- if (cd == cd_exclude || cd == cd_exclude_base)
- return;
- const char* t (
- (cd == cd_default
- ? gen_usage != ut_both || usage_ == ut_short
- : cd == cd_short) ? "" : "long_");
- os << "// " << escape ( ()) << " base" << endl
- << "//" << endl
- << "p = " << fq_name (c) << "::print_" << t << "usage (os, p);"
- << endl;
- }
- private:
- usage_type usage_;
- };
- //
- //
- struct class_: traversal::class_, context
- {
- class_ (context& c)
- : context (c),
- base_parse_ (c),
- base_merge_ (c),
- base_desc_ (c),
- option_merge_ (c),
- option_map_ (c),
- option_desc_ (c)
- {
- inherits_base_parse_ >> base_parse_;
- inherits_base_merge_ >> base_merge_;
- inherits_base_desc_ >> base_desc_;
- names_option_merge_ >> option_merge_;
- names_option_map_ >> option_map_;
- names_option_desc_ >> option_desc_;
- }
- virtual void
- traverse (type& c)
- {
- string name (escape ( ()));
- bool abst (c.abstract ());
- bool ho (has<semantics::option> (c));
- bool hb (c.inherits_begin () != c.inherits_end ());
- os << "// " << name << endl
- << "//" << endl
- << endl;
- // c-tors
- //
- string um (cli + "::unknown_mode");
- os << name << "::" << endl
- << name << " ()";
- {
- option_init init (*this);
- traversal::names names_init (init);
- names (c, names_init);
- }
- os << "{"
- << "}";
- if (!abst)
- {
- bool p (gen_parse);
- string n, res, ret;
- if (p)
- {
- n = "bool " + name + "::\n" + (name != "parse" ? "parse" : "parse_");
- res = "bool r = ";
- ret = "return r;";
- }
- else
- n = name + "::\n" + name;
- os << n << " (int& argc," << endl
- << "char** argv," << endl
- << "bool erase," << endl
- << um << " opt," << endl
- << um << " arg)";
- if (!p)
- {
- option_init init (*this);
- traversal::names names_init (init);
- names (c, names_init);
- }
- os << "{"
- << cli << "::argv_scanner s (argc, argv, erase);"
- << res << "_parse (s, opt, arg);"
- << ret
- << "}";
- os << n << " (int start," << endl
- << "int& argc," << endl
- << "char** argv," << endl
- << "bool erase," << endl
- << um << " opt," << endl
- << um << " arg)";
- if (!p)
- {
- option_init init (*this);
- traversal::names names_init (init);
- names (c, names_init);
- }
- os << "{"
- << cli << "::argv_scanner s (start, argc, argv, erase);"
- << res << "_parse (s, opt, arg);"
- << ret
- << "}";
- os << n << " (int& argc," << endl
- << "char** argv," << endl
- << "int& end," << endl
- << "bool erase," << endl
- << um << " opt," << endl
- << um << " arg)";
- if (!p)
- {
- option_init init (*this);
- traversal::names names_init (init);
- names (c, names_init);
- }
- os << "{"
- << cli << "::argv_scanner s (argc, argv, erase);"
- << res << "_parse (s, opt, arg);"
- << "end = s.end ();"
- << ret
- << "}";
- os << n << " (int start," << endl
- << "int& argc," << endl
- << "char** argv," << endl
- << "int& end," << endl
- << "bool erase," << endl
- << um << " opt," << endl
- << um << " arg)";
- if (!p)
- {
- option_init init (*this);
- traversal::names names_init (init);
- names (c, names_init);
- }
- os << "{"
- << cli << "::argv_scanner s (start, argc, argv, erase);"
- << res << "_parse (s, opt, arg);"
- << "end = s.end ();"
- << ret
- << "}";
- os << n << " (" << cli << "::scanner& s," << endl
- << um << " opt," << endl
- << um << " arg)";
- if (!p)
- {
- option_init init (*this);
- traversal::names names_init (init);
- names (c, names_init);
- }
- os << "{"
- << res << "_parse (s, opt, arg);"
- << ret
- << "}";
- }
- // merge()
- //
- if (gen_merge)
- {
- os << "void " << name << "::" << endl
- << "merge (const " << name << "& a)"
- << "{"
- << endl;
- // First merge all our bases.
- //
- inherits (c, inherits_base_merge_);
- // Then our options.
- //
- names (c, names_option_merge_);
- os << "}";
- }
- // Usage.
- //
- if (gen_usage != ut_none)
- {
- bool b (hb && !options.exclude_base ());
- // Calculate option length.
- //
- size_t len (0);
- {
- semantics::option* o (0);
- size_t max (options.option_length ());
- // We need to go into our bases unless --exclude-base was
- // specified.
- //
- {
- traversal::class_ ct;
- option_length olt (*this, len, o);
- traversal::inherits i;
- traversal::names n;
- if (b)
- ct >> i >> ct;
- ct >> n >> olt;
- ct.traverse (c);
- // Now do the same for each base and issue a warning if any
- // base has shorter option length than derived.
- //
- if (b && max == 0)
- {
- size_t d_len (len);
- semantics::option* d_o (o);
- for (type::inherits_iterator i (c.inherits_begin ());
- i != c.inherits_end (); ++i)
- {
- type& b (i->base ());
- len = 0;
- ct.traverse (b);
- if (len == d_len)
- continue;
- cerr << c.file () << ":" << c.line () << ":" << c.column ()
- << " warning: derived class option length is greater "
- << "than that of a base class '" << () << "'"
- << endl;
- cerr << b.file () << ":" << b.line () << ":" << b.column ()
- << " note: class '" << () << "' is defined here"
- << endl;
- cerr << c.file () << ":" << c.line () << ":" << c.column ()
- << " note: use --option-length to specify uniform length"
- << endl;
- }
- len = d_len;
- o = d_o;
- }
- }
- if (len != 0 && max != 0)
- {
- if (len > max)
- {
- cerr << o->file () << ":" << o->line () << ":" << o->column ()
- << " error: option length " << len << " is greater than "
- << max << " specified with --option-length" << endl;
- throw generation_failed ();
- }
- len = max;
- }
- verify_id_ref ();
- }
- string up (cli + "::usage_para");
- string const& ost (options.ostream_type ());
- os << up << " " << name << "::" << endl
- << "print_usage (" << ost << "& os, " << up << " p)"
- << "{"
- << endl;
- {
- usage_type u (gen_usage == ut_both ? ut_short : gen_usage);
- base_usage bu (*this, u);
- traversal::inherits i (bu);
- if (b && !options.include_base_last ())
- inherits (c, i);
- paragraph p (para_unknown);
- doc dc (*this, u, p);
- option_usage ou (*this, len, u, p);
- traversal::names n;
- n >> dc;
- n >> ou;
- names (c, n);
- if (p != para_unknown)
- os << "p = " << up << (p == para_text ? "::text;" : "::option;")
- << endl;
- if (b && options.include_base_last ())
- inherits (c, i);
- }
- os << "return p;"
- << "}";
- verify_id_ref ();
- // Long version.
- //
- if (gen_usage == ut_both)
- {
- os << up << " " << name << "::" << endl
- << "print_long_usage (" << ost << "& os, " << up << " p)"
- << "{"
- << endl;
- base_usage bu (*this, ut_long);
- traversal::inherits i (bu);
- if (b && !options.include_base_last ())
- inherits (c, i);
- paragraph p (para_unknown);
- doc dc (*this, ut_long, p);
- option_usage ou (*this, len, ut_long, p);
- traversal::names n;
- n >> dc;
- n >> ou;
- names (c, n);
- if (p != para_unknown)
- os << "p = " << up << (p == para_text ? "::text;" : "::option;")
- << endl;
- if (b && options.include_base_last ())
- inherits (c, i);
- os << "return p;"
- << "}";
- verify_id_ref ();
- }
- }
- // Description.
- //
- if (options.generate_description ())
- {
- string desc ("_cli_" + name + "_desc");
- os << "struct " << desc << "_type: " << cli << "::options"
- << "{"
- << desc << "_type ()"
- << "{"
- << fq_name (c) << "::fill (*this);"
- << "}"
- << "};";
- if (options.std () < cxx_version::cxx11)
- os << "static " << desc << "_type " << desc << "_;"
- << endl;
- os << "void " << name << "::" << endl
- << "fill (" << cli << "::options&" << (ho || hb ? " os)" : ")")
- << "{";
- // Add the entries from our bases first so that our entires
- // override any conflicts.
- //
- inherits (c, inherits_base_desc_);
- names (c, names_option_desc_);
- os << "}";
- os << "const " << cli << "::options& " << name << "::" << endl
- << "description ()"
- << "{";
- if (options.std () >= cxx_version::cxx11)
- os << "static " << desc << "_type " << desc << "_;";
- os << "return " << desc << "_;"
- << "}";
- }
- // _parse ()
- //
- string map ("_cli_" + name + "_map");
- os << "typedef" << endl
- << "std::map<std::string, void (*) (" <<
- name << "&, " << cli << "::scanner&)>" << endl
- << map << ";"
- << endl
- << "static " << map << " " << map << "_;"
- << endl;
- os << "struct " << map << "_init"
- << "{"
- << map << "_init ()"
- << "{";
- names (c, names_option_map_);
- os << "}"
- << "};"
- << "static " << map << "_init " << map << "_init_;"
- << endl;
- os << "bool " << name << "::" << endl
- << "_parse (const char* o, " << cli << "::scanner& s)"
- << "{"
- << map << "::const_iterator i (" << map << "_.find (o));"
- << endl
- << "if (i != " << map << "_.end ())"
- << "{"
- << "(*(i->second)) (*this, s);"
- << "return true;"
- << "}";
- // Try our bases, from left-to-right.
- //
- inherits (c, inherits_base_parse_);
- os << "return false;"
- << "}";
- if (!abst)
- {
- bool pfx (!opt_prefix.empty ());
- bool sep (!opt_sep.empty ());
- bool comb_flags (pfx && !options.no_combined_flags ());
- bool comb_values (pfx && !options.no_combined_values ());
- os << "bool " << name << "::" << endl
- << "_parse (" << cli << "::scanner& s," << endl
- << um << (pfx ? " opt_mode" : "") << "," << endl
- << um << " arg_mode)"
- << "{";
- if (comb_flags)
- os << "// Can't skip combined flags (--no-combined-flags)." << endl
- << "//" << endl
- << "assert (opt_mode != " << cli << "::unknown_mode::skip);"
- << endl;
- os << "bool r = false;";
- if (sep)
- os << "bool opt = true;" // Still recognizing options.
- << endl;
- os << "while (s.more ())"
- << "{"
- << "const char* o = s.peek ();";
- if (sep)
- {
- os << endl
- << "if (std::strcmp (o, \"" << opt_sep << "\") == 0)"
- << "{"
- << "opt = false;";
- if (!options.keep_separator ())
- {
- os << "s.skip ();" // We don't want to erase the separator.
- << "r = true;"
- << "continue;";
- }
- os << "}";
- }
- if (sep)
- os << "if (opt)"
- << "{";
- // First try the argument as is.
- //
- os << "if (_parse (o, s))"
- << "{"
- << "r = true;"
- << "continue;"
- << "}";
- if (pfx)
- {
- size_t n (opt_prefix.size ());
- os << "if (std::strncmp (o, \"" << opt_prefix << "\", " <<
- n << ") == 0 && o[" << n << "] != '\\0')"
- << "{";
- if (comb_values)
- {
- os << "// Handle combined option values." << endl
- << "//" << endl
- << "std::string co;" // Need to live until next block.
- << "if (const char* v = std::strchr (o, '='))"
- << "{"
- << "co.assign (o, 0, v - o);"
- << "++v;"
- << endl
- << "int ac (2);"
- << "char* av[] ="
- << "{"
- << "const_cast<char*> (co.c_str ())," << endl
- << "const_cast<char*> (v)"
- << "};"
- << cli << "::argv_scanner ns (0, ac, av);"
- << endl
- << "if (_parse (co.c_str (), ns))"
- << "{"
- << "// Parsed the option but not its value?" << endl
- << "//" << endl
- << "if (ns.end () != 2)" << endl
- << "throw " << cli << "::invalid_value (co, v);"
- << endl
- << " ();"
- << "r = true;"
- << "continue;"
- << "}"
- << "else"
- << "{"
- << "// Set the unknown option and fall through." << endl
- << "//" << endl
- << "o = co.c_str ();"
- << "}"
- << "}";
- }
- if (comb_flags)
- {
- os << "// Handle combined flags." << endl
- << "//" << endl
- << "char cf[" << n + 2 << "];" // Need to live until next block.
- << "{"
- << "const char* p = o + " << n << ";"
- << "for (; *p != '\\0'; ++p)"
- << "{"
- << "if (!((*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'z') ||" << endl
- << "(*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z') ||" << endl
- << "(*p >= '0' && *p <= '9')))" << endl
- << "break;"
- << "}"
- << "if (*p == '\\0')"
- << "{"
- << "for (p = o + " << n << "; *p != '\\0'; ++p)"
- << "{"
- << "std::strcpy (cf, \"" << opt_prefix << "\");"
- << "cf[" << n << "] = *p;"
- << "cf[" << n + 1 << "] = '\\0';"
- << endl
- << "int ac (1);"
- << "char* av[] = {cf};"
- << cli << "::argv_scanner ns (0, ac, av);"
- << endl
- << "if (!_parse (cf, ns))" << endl
- << "break;"
- << "}"
- << "if (*p == '\\0')"
- << "{"
- << "// All handled." << endl
- << "//" << endl
- << " ();"
- << "r = true;"
- << "continue;"
- << "}"
- << "else"
- << "{"
- << "// Set the unknown option and fall through." << endl
- << "//" << endl
- << "o = cf;"
- << "}"
- << "}"
- << "}";
- }
- // Unknown option.
- //
- os << "switch (opt_mode)"
- << "{"
- << "case " << cli << "::unknown_mode::skip:" << endl
- << "{"
- << "s.skip ();"
- << "r = true;"
- << "continue;"
- << "}"
- << "case " << cli << "::unknown_mode::stop:" << endl
- << "{"
- << "break;"
- << "}"
- << "case " << cli << "::unknown_mode::fail:" << endl
- << "{"
- << "throw " << cli << "::unknown_option (o);"
- << "}"
- << "}" // switch
- << "break;" // The stop case.
- << "}";
- }
- if (sep)
- os << "}";
- // Unknown argument.
- //
- os << "switch (arg_mode)"
- << "{"
- << "case " << cli << "::unknown_mode::skip:" << endl
- << "{"
- << "s.skip ();"
- << "r = true;"
- << "continue;"
- << "}"
- << "case " << cli << "::unknown_mode::stop:" << endl
- << "{"
- << "break;"
- << "}"
- << "case " << cli << "::unknown_mode::fail:" << endl
- << "{"
- << "throw " << cli << "::unknown_argument (o);"
- << "}"
- << "}" // switch
- << "break;" // The stop case.
- << "}" // for
- << "return r;"
- << "}";
- }
- }
- private:
- base_parse base_parse_;
- traversal::inherits inherits_base_parse_;
- base_merge base_merge_;
- traversal::inherits inherits_base_merge_;
- base_desc base_desc_;
- traversal::inherits inherits_base_desc_;
- option_merge option_merge_;
- traversal::names names_option_merge_;
- option_map option_map_;
- traversal::names names_option_map_;
- option_desc option_desc_;
- traversal::names names_option_desc_;
- };
- // Page usage.
- //
- struct class_usage: traversal::class_, context
- {
- class_usage (context& c, usage_type u, paragraph& p)
- : context (c), usage_ (u), para_ (p) {}
- virtual void
- traverse (type& c)
- {
- class_doc_type cd (class_doc (c));
- if (cd == cd_exclude)
- return;
- const char* t (
- (cd == cd_default || cd == cd_exclude_base
- ? gen_usage != ut_both || usage_ == ut_short
- : cd == cd_short) ? "" : "long_");
- string p (
- para_ == para_unknown
- ? "p"
- : cli + "::usage_para::" + (para_ == para_text ? "text" : "option"));
- os << "p = " << fq_name (c) << "::print_" << t << "usage (os, " <<
- p << ");"
- << endl;
- para_ = para_unknown;
- }
- private:
- usage_type usage_;
- paragraph& para_;
- };
-generate_source (context& ctx)
- ostream& os (ctx.os);
- os << "#include <map>" << endl
- << "#include <cstring>" << endl
- << endl;
- traversal::cli_unit unit;
- traversal::names unit_names;
- namespace_ ns (ctx);
- class_ cl (ctx);
- unit >> unit_names >> ns;
- unit_names >> cl;
- traversal::names ns_names;
- ns >> ns_names >> ns;
- ns_names >> cl;
- unit.dispatch (ctx.unit);
- // Entire page usage.
- //
- if (ctx.gen_usage != ut_none && ctx.options.page_usage_specified ())
- {
- const string& qn (ctx.options.page_usage ());
- string n (ctx.escape (ctx.substitute (ctx.ns_open (qn, false))));
- usage u (ctx.gen_usage);
- string up (ctx.cli + "::usage_para");
- string const& ost (ctx.options.ostream_type ());
- {
- os << up << endl
- << n << "usage (" << ost << "& os, " << up << " p)"
- << "{"
- << endl;
- paragraph p (para_unknown);
- traversal::cli_unit unit;
- traversal::names unit_names;
- traversal::namespace_ ns;
- doc dc (ctx, u == ut_both ? ut_short : u, p);
- class_usage cl (ctx, u == ut_both ? ut_short : u, p);
- unit >> unit_names;
- unit_names >> dc;
- unit_names >> ns;
- unit_names >> cl;
- traversal::names ns_names;
- ns >> ns_names;
- ns_names >> dc;
- ns_names >> ns;
- ns_names >> cl;
- unit.dispatch (ctx.unit);
- if (p != para_unknown)
- os << "p = " << up << (p == para_text ? "::text;" : "::option;")
- << endl;
- os << "return p;"
- << "}";
- ctx.verify_id_ref ();
- }
- // Long version.
- //
- if (u == ut_both)
- {
- os << up << endl
- << n << "long_usage (" << ost << "& os, " << up << " p)"
- << "{"
- << endl;
- paragraph p (para_unknown);
- traversal::cli_unit unit;
- traversal::names unit_names;
- traversal::namespace_ ns;
- doc dc (ctx, ut_long, p);
- class_usage cl (ctx, ut_long, p);
- unit >> unit_names;
- unit_names >> dc;
- unit_names >> ns;
- unit_names >> cl;
- traversal::names ns_names;
- ns >> ns_names;
- ns_names >> dc;
- ns_names >> ns;
- ns_names >> cl;
- unit.dispatch (ctx.unit);
- if (p != para_unknown)
- os << "p = " << up << (p == para_text ? "::text;" : "::option;")
- << endl;
- os << "return p;"
- << "}";
- ctx.verify_id_ref ();
- }
- ctx.ns_close (qn, false);
- }