path: root/xsd-tests/cxx/tree
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'xsd-tests/cxx/tree')
160 files changed, 8004 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/any-type/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/any-type/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c65c403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/any-type/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/any-type/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+exe{driver}: xml{test}: test.input = true
+exe{driver}: file{output}: test.stdout = true
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-serialization \
+ --generate-any-type \
+ --generate-ostream \
+ --generate-comparison \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/any-type/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/any-type/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8fccf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/any-type/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/any-type/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test anyType and anySimpleType content extraction.
+#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr/unique_ptr
+#include <utility> // std::move
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp>
+#include "test.hxx" // Get XSD_CXX11 defined.
+#include <xsd/cxx/xml/string.hxx>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+using namespace xercesc;
+namespace xml = xsd::cxx::xml;
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ if (argc != 2)
+ {
+ cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " test.xml" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize ();
+ try
+ {
+ // Test parsing
+ //
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<type> r (root (argv[1]));
+ // Test API.
+ //
+ {
+ assert (type::a_default_value ().text_content () == "default value");
+ }
+ {
+ xml_schema::simple_type x ("fox");
+ assert (x.text_content () == "fox");
+ x.text_content ("foo");
+ assert (x.text_content () == "foo");
+ x.text_content ().clear ();
+ assert (x.text_content () == "");
+ x.text_content () = "baz";
+ r->s ().push_back (x);
+ }
+ {
+ xml_schema::type x;
+ DOMDocument& doc (x.dom_content_document ());
+ // Copy.
+ //
+ DOMElement* e (doc.createElement (xml::string ("dummy").c_str ()));
+ e->setAttribute (xml::string ("x").c_str (),
+ xml::string ("foo").c_str ());
+ e->setTextContent (xml::string ("data").c_str ());
+ x.dom_content ().set (*e);
+ e->release ();
+ r->t ().push_back (x);
+ }
+ {
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<xml_schema::type> x (new xml_schema::type);
+ DOMDocument& doc (x->dom_content_document ());
+ // Assume ownership.
+ //
+ DOMElement* e (doc.createElement (xml::string ("dummy").c_str ()));
+ e->setAttribute (xml::string ("x").c_str (),
+ xml::string ("foo").c_str ());
+ e->setTextContent (xml::string ("data").c_str ());
+ x->dom_content ().set (e);
+#ifdef XSD_CXX11
+ r->t ().push_back (std::move (x));
+ r->t ().push_back (x);
+ }
+ // Test printing.
+ //
+ cout << *r << endl
+ << endl;
+ // Test serialization.
+ //
+ xml_schema::namespace_infomap map;
+ map["t"].name = "test";
+ map["t"].schema = "test.xsd";
+ map["o"].name = "other";
+ stringstream iostr;
+ root (iostr, *r, map);
+ cout << iostr.str () << endl
+ << endl;
+ {
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<type> r1 (root (iostr, argv[1]));
+ // Xerces-C++ mis-indentation of mixed content messes this up.
+ // assert (*r == *r);
+ stringstream iostr;
+ root (iostr, *r1, map);
+ cout << iostr.str () << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // Test comparison.
+ //
+ assert (*r == *r);
+ // Test copy c-tor.
+ //
+ type copy (*r);
+ assert (copy == *r);
+ }
+ catch (xml_schema::exception const& e)
+ {
+ cerr << e << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate ();
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/any-type/output b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/any-type/output
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..580e7db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/any-type/output
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+s: simple
+s: baz
+l: one two three
+a: any simple content
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<t:root xmlns:t="test" a="any simple content" xmlns:o="other" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="test test.xsd">
+ <t/>
+ <t x="x"/>
+ <t>any</t>
+ <t x="x">any</t>
+ <t o:y="y" x="x">
+ <n1>
+ <n2>nested 1</n2>
+ <n2>nested 2</n2>
+ </n1>
+ <o:n2 o:x="x">more</o:n2>
+ </t><t x="x">
+ <n1>mi
+ <n2>nested 1</n2>x
+ <n2>nested 2</n2>ed
+ </n1>content
+ </t>
+ <t x="foo">data</t>
+ <t x="foo">data</t>
+ <s/>
+ <s>simple</s>
+ <s>baz</s>
+ <l>one two three</l>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<t:root xmlns:t="test" a="any simple content" xmlns:o="other" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="test test.xsd">
+ <t/>
+ <t x="x"/>
+ <t>any</t>
+ <t x="x">any</t>
+ <t o:y="y" x="x">
+ <n1>
+ <n2>nested 1</n2>
+ <n2>nested 2</n2>
+ </n1>
+ <o:n2 o:x="x">more</o:n2>
+ </t><t x="x">
+ <n1>mi
+ <n2>nested 1</n2>x
+ <n2>nested 2</n2>ed
+ </n1>content
+ </t>
+ <t x="foo">data</t>
+ <t x="foo">data</t>
+ <s/>
+ <s>simple</s>
+ <s>baz</s>
+ <l>one two three</l>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/any-type/test.xml b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/any-type/test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c9035a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/any-type/test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<t:root xmlns:t="test"
+ xmlns:o="other"
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation="test test.xsd"
+ a="any simple content">
+ <t/>
+ <t x="x"/>
+ <t>any</t>
+ <t x="x">any</t>
+ <t x="x" o:y="y">
+ <n1>
+ <n2>nested 1</n2>
+ <n2>nested 2</n2>
+ </n1>
+ <o:n2 o:x="x">more</o:n2>
+ </t>
+ <t x="x"><n1>mi<n2>nested 1</n2>x<n2>nested 2</n2>ed</n1>content</t>
+ <s/>
+ <s>simple</s>
+ <l>one two three</l>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/any-type/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/any-type/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37dcc8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/any-type/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns="" xmlns:t="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <simpleType name="any-list">
+ <!--Not allowed? list itemType="anySimpleType"/-->
+ <list itemType="string"/>
+ </simpleType>
+ <complexType name="type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="t" type="anyType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <element name="s" type="anySimpleType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <element name="l" type="t:any-list" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ <attribute name="a" type="anySimpleType" default="default value"/>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="root" type="t:type"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/cdr/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/cdr/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a1c5b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/cdr/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/binary/cdr/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+import libs += libace%lib{ACE}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+exe{driver}: xml{test}: test.input = true
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-insertion 'ACE_OutputCDR' \
+ --generate-extraction 'ACE_InputCDR' \
+ --generate-comparison \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/cdr/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/cdr/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe74bb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/cdr/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+// file : tests/cxx/tree/binary/cdr/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test non-polymorphic binary serialization to ACE CDR.
+#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr/unique_ptr
+#include <cassert>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ if (argc != 2)
+ {
+ cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " test.xml" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<type> r (root (argv[1]));
+ // Save to a CDR stream.
+ //
+ ACE_OutputCDR ace_ocdr;
+ xml_schema::ostream<ACE_OutputCDR> ocdr (ace_ocdr);
+ ocdr << *r;
+ // Load from a CDR stream.
+ //
+ ACE_InputCDR ace_icdr (ace_ocdr);
+ xml_schema::istream<ACE_InputCDR> icdr (ace_icdr);
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<type> c (new type (icdr));
+ // Compare the two.
+ //
+ assert (r->list () == c->list ());
+ assert (r->union_ () == c->union_ ());
+ assert (r->enumeration () == c->enumeration ());
+ type::complex_sequence rs (r->complex ()), cs (c->complex ());
+ for (type::complex_iterator ri (rs.begin ()), ci (cs.begin ());
+ ri != rs.end () && ci != rs.end (); ++ri, ++ci)
+ {
+ assert (ri->a () == ci->a ());
+ if (ri->b ())
+ assert (ri->b () == ci->b ());
+ assert (ri->c () == ci->c ());
+ assert (ri->x () == ci->x ());
+ if (ri->y ())
+ assert (ri->y () == ci->y ());
+ }
+ // integers
+ //
+ assert (r->byte () == c->byte ());
+ assert (r->unsigned_byte () == c->unsigned_byte ());
+ assert (r->short_ () == c->short_ ());
+ assert (r->unsigned_short () == c->unsigned_short ());
+ assert (r->int_ () == c->int_ ());
+ assert (r->unsigned_int () == c->unsigned_int ());
+ assert (r->long_ () == c->long_ ());
+ assert (r->unsigned_long () == c->unsigned_long ());
+ assert (r->integer () == c->integer ());
+ assert (r->non_positive_integer () == c->non_positive_integer ());
+ assert (r->non_negative_integer () == c->non_negative_integer ());
+ assert (r->positive_integer () == c->positive_integer ());
+ assert (r->negative_integer () == c->negative_integer ());
+ // boolean
+ //
+ assert (r->boolean () == c->boolean ());
+ // floats
+ //
+ assert (r->float_ () == c->float_ ());
+ assert (r->double_ () == c->double_ ());
+ assert (r->decimal () == c->decimal ());
+ // strings
+ //
+ assert (r->string () == c->string ());
+ assert (r->normalized_string () == c->normalized_string ());
+ assert (r->token () == c->token ());
+ assert (r->name () == c->name ());
+ assert (r->name_token () == c->name_token ());
+ assert (r->name_tokens () == c->name_tokens ());
+ assert (r->ncname () == c->ncname ());
+ assert (r->language () == c->language ());
+ // qualified name
+ //
+ assert (r->qname () == c->qname ());
+ //
+ assert (r->id () == c->id ());
+ assert (r->id_ref () == c->id_ref ());
+ assert (r->id_refs () == c->id_refs ());
+ // URI
+ //
+ assert (r->any_uri () == c->any_uri ());
+ // binary
+ //
+ assert (r->base64_binary () == c->base64_binary ());
+ assert (r->hex_binary () == c->hex_binary ());
+ // date/time
+ //
+ assert (r->day () == c->day ());
+ assert (r->month () == c->month ());
+ assert (r->year () == c->year ());
+ assert (r->month_day () == c->month_day ());
+ assert (r->year_month () == c->year_month ());
+ assert (r->date () == c->date ());
+ assert (r->time () == c->time ());
+ assert (r->date_time () == c->date_time ());
+ assert (r->duration () == c->duration ());
+ // anySimpleType
+ //
+ assert (!r->any_simple_type_attr ().text_content ().empty ());
+ assert (r->any_simple_type_attr () == c->any_simple_type_attr ());
+ assert (!r->any_simple_type ().text_content ().empty ());
+ assert (r->any_simple_type () == c->any_simple_type ());
+ }
+ catch (xml_schema::exception const& e)
+ {
+ cerr << e << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/cdr/test.xml b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/cdr/test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cedd98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/cdr/test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+<t:root xmlns:t="test"
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation="test test.xsd"
+ any_simple_type_attr="any simple content">
+ <list>1 2 3</list>
+ <union>abc</union>
+ <enumeration>left</enumeration>
+ <complex x="1">
+ <a>aaa</a>
+ </complex>
+ <complex x="1" y="2">
+ <a>aaa</a>
+ <b>bbb</b>
+ <c>c</c>
+ <c>cc</c>
+ <c>ccc</c>
+ </complex>
+ <!-- integers -->
+ <byte>65</byte>
+ <unsigned_byte>66</unsigned_byte>
+ <short>-222</short>
+ <unsigned_short>57005</unsigned_short>
+ <int>-57005</int>
+ <unsigned_int>3735928559</unsigned_int>
+ <long>-3735928559</long>
+ <unsigned_long>16045690984833335023</unsigned_long>
+ <integer>-3735928559</integer>
+ <non_positive_integer>-3735928559</non_positive_integer>
+ <non_negative_integer>3735928559</non_negative_integer>
+ <positive_integer>3735928559</positive_integer>
+ <negative_integer>-3735928559</negative_integer>
+ <!-- boolean -->
+ <boolean>true</boolean>
+ <!-- floats -->
+ <float>1234.1234</float>
+ <double>12345678.12345678</double>
+ <decimal>1234567812345678.1234567812345678</decimal>
+ <!-- strings -->
+ <string>string</string>
+ <normalized_string>normalized string</normalized_string>
+ <token>one two three</token>
+ <name>name</name>
+ <name_token>name-token</name_token>
+ <name_tokens>name tokens</name_tokens>
+ <ncname>ncname</ncname>
+ <language>en-us</language>
+ <!-- qualified name -->
+ <qname>xsi:schemaLocation</qname>
+ <!-- ID/IDREF -->
+ <id>elements1</id>
+ <id>elements2</id>
+ <id_ref>elements1</id_ref>
+ <id_refs>elements1 elements2</id_refs>
+ <!-- URI -->
+ <any_uri></any_uri>
+ <!-- binary -->
+ <base64_binary>YmFzZTY0IGJpbmFyeQ==</base64_binary>
+ <hex_binary>6865782052696E617279</hex_binary>
+ <!-- date/time -->
+ <date>2001-10-26+02:00</date>
+ <date_time>2001-10-26T21:32:52+02:00</date_time>
+ <duration>P1Y2M3DT5H20M30S</duration>
+ <day>---01+02:00</day>
+ <month>--11+02:00</month>
+ <month_day>--11-02+02:00</month_day>
+ <year>2001+02:00</year>
+ <year_month>2001-11+02:00</year_month>
+ <time>21:32:52+02:00</time>
+ <any_simple_type>any simple content in element</any_simple_type>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/cdr/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/cdr/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0629e94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/cdr/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns=""
+ xmlns:t="test"
+ targetNamespace="test">
+ <simpleType name="list">
+ <list itemType="int"/>
+ </simpleType>
+ <simpleType name="union">
+ <union memberTypes="int string"/>
+ </simpleType>
+ <simpleType name="enumeration">
+ <restriction base="string">
+ <enumeration value="top"/>
+ <enumeration value="left"/>
+ <enumeration value="bottom"/>
+ <enumeration value="right"/>
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleType>
+ <complexType name="base">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="string"/>
+ </sequence>
+ <attribute name="x" type="int" use="required"/>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="complex">
+ <complexContent>
+ <extension base="t:base">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="b" type="string" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <element name="c" type="string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ <attribute name="y" type="int"/>
+ </extension>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="list" type="t:list"/>
+ <element name="union" type="t:union"/>
+ <element name="enumeration" type="t:enumeration"/>
+ <element name="complex" type="t:complex" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <!-- integers -->
+ <element name="byte" type="byte"/>
+ <element name="unsigned_byte" type="unsignedByte"/>
+ <element name="short" type="short"/>
+ <element name="unsigned_short" type="unsignedShort"/>
+ <element name="int" type="int"/>
+ <element name="unsigned_int" type="unsignedInt"/>
+ <element name="long" type="long"/>
+ <element name="unsigned_long" type="unsignedLong"/>
+ <element name="integer" type="integer"/>
+ <element name="non_positive_integer" type="nonPositiveInteger"/>
+ <element name="non_negative_integer" type="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ <element name="positive_integer" type="positiveInteger"/>
+ <element name="negative_integer" type="negativeInteger"/>
+ <!-- boolean -->
+ <element name="boolean" type="boolean"/>
+ <!-- floats -->
+ <element name="float" type="float"/>
+ <element name="double" type="double"/>
+ <element name="decimal" type="decimal"/>
+ <!-- strings -->
+ <element name="string" type="string"/>
+ <element name="normalized_string" type="normalizedString"/>
+ <element name="token" type="token"/>
+ <element name="name" type="Name"/>
+ <element name="name_token" type="NMTOKEN"/>
+ <element name="name_tokens" type="NMTOKENS"/>
+ <element name="ncname" type="NCName"/>
+ <element name="language" type="language"/>
+ <!-- qualified name -->
+ <element name="qname" type="QName"/>
+ <!-- ID/IDREF -->
+ <element name="id" maxOccurs="2" type="ID"/>
+ <element name="id_ref" type="IDREF"/>
+ <element name="id_refs" type="IDREFS"/>
+ <!-- URI -->
+ <element name="any_uri" type="anyURI"/>
+ <!-- binary -->
+ <element name="base64_binary" type="base64Binary"/>
+ <element name="hex_binary" type="hexBinary"/>
+ <!-- date/time -->
+ <element name="date" type="date"/>
+ <element name="date_time" type="dateTime"/>
+ <element name="duration" type="duration"/>
+ <element name="day" type="gDay"/>
+ <element name="month" type="gMonth"/>
+ <element name="month_day" type="gMonthDay"/>
+ <element name="year" type="gYear"/>
+ <element name="year_month" type="gYearMonth"/>
+ <element name="time" type="time"/>
+ <element name="any_simple_type" type="anySimpleType"/>
+ </sequence>
+ <attribute name="any_simple_type_attr" type="anySimpleType" use="required"/>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="root" type="t:type"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/polymorphic/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/polymorphic/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d34ef27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/polymorphic/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/binary/polymorphic/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+import libs += libace%lib{ACE}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+exe{driver}: xml{test}: test.input = true
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-polymorphic \
+ --root-element-last \
+ --generate-insertion 'ACE_OutputCDR' \
+ --generate-extraction 'ACE_InputCDR' \
+ --generate-comparison \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/polymorphic/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/polymorphic/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15ebf17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/polymorphic/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+// file : tests/cxx/tree/binary/polymorphic/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test polymorphic binary serialization.
+#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr/unique_ptr
+#include <cassert>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <typeinfo>
+#include <ace/Log_Msg.h> // ACE_HEX_DUMP
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ if (argc != 2)
+ {
+ cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " test.xml" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<type> r (root (argv[1]));
+ // Save to a CDR stream.
+ //
+ ACE_OutputCDR ace_ocdr;
+ xml_schema::ostream<ACE_OutputCDR> ocdr (ace_ocdr);
+ ocdr << *r;
+ /*
+ // Print the binary representation.
+ //
+ cerr << "binary representation size: " << ace_ocdr.total_length () << endl;
+ for (const ACE_Message_Block* mb = ace_ocdr.begin ();
+ mb != 0;
+ mb = mb->cont ())
+ {
+ ACE_HEX_DUMP ((LM_DEBUG, mb->rd_ptr (), mb->length ()));
+ }
+ */
+ // Load from a CDR stream.
+ //
+ ACE_InputCDR ace_icdr (ace_ocdr);
+ xml_schema::istream<ACE_InputCDR> icdr (ace_icdr);
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<type> c (new type (icdr));
+ // Compare the two.
+ //
+ assert (r->list () == c->list ());
+ assert (r->union_ () == c->union_ ());
+ assert (r->enumeration () == c->enumeration ());
+ {
+ complex& rc (dynamic_cast<complex&> (r->base ()));
+ complex& cc (dynamic_cast<complex&> (c->base ()));
+ assert (rc.a () == cc.a ());
+ if (rc.b ())
+ assert (rc.b () == cc.b ());
+ assert (rc.c () == cc.c ());
+ assert (rc.x () == cc.x ());
+ if (rc.y ())
+ assert (rc.y () == cc.y ());
+ }
+ {
+ complex& rc (dynamic_cast<complex&> (r->sbase ()));
+ complex& cc (dynamic_cast<complex&> (c->sbase ()));
+ assert (rc.a () == cc.a ());
+ if (rc.b ())
+ assert (rc.b () == cc.b ());
+ assert (rc.c () == cc.c ());
+ assert (rc.x () == cc.x ());
+ if (rc.y ())
+ assert (rc.y () == cc.y ());
+ }
+ // integers
+ //
+ assert (r->byte () == c->byte ());
+ assert (r->unsigned_byte () == c->unsigned_byte ());
+ assert (r->short_ () == c->short_ ());
+ assert (r->unsigned_short () == c->unsigned_short ());
+ assert (r->int_ () == c->int_ ());
+ assert (r->unsigned_int () == c->unsigned_int ());
+ assert (r->long_ () == c->long_ ());
+ assert (r->unsigned_long () == c->unsigned_long ());
+ assert (r->integer () == c->integer ());
+ assert (r->non_positive_integer () == c->non_positive_integer ());
+ assert (r->non_negative_integer () == c->non_negative_integer ());
+ assert (r->positive_integer () == c->positive_integer ());
+ assert (r->negative_integer () == c->negative_integer ());
+ // boolean
+ //
+ assert (r->boolean () == c->boolean ());
+ // floats
+ //
+ assert (r->float_ () == c->float_ ());
+ assert (r->double_ () == c->double_ ());
+ assert (r->decimal () == c->decimal ());
+ // strings
+ //
+ assert (r->string () == c->string ());
+ assert (r->normalized_string () == c->normalized_string ());
+ assert (r->token () == c->token ());
+ assert (r->name () == c->name ());
+ assert (r->name_token () == c->name_token ());
+ assert (r->name_tokens () == c->name_tokens ());
+ assert (r->ncname () == c->ncname ());
+ assert (r->language () == c->language ());
+ // qualified name
+ //
+ assert (r->qname () == c->qname ());
+ //
+ assert (r->id () == c->id ());
+ assert (r->id_ref () == c->id_ref ());
+ assert (r->id_refs () == c->id_refs ());
+ // URI
+ //
+ assert (r->any_uri () == c->any_uri ());
+ // binary
+ //
+ assert (r->base64_binary () == c->base64_binary ());
+ assert (r->hex_binary () == c->hex_binary ());
+ // date/time
+ //
+ assert (r->date () == c->date ());
+ assert (r->date_time () == c->date_time ());
+ assert (r->duration () == c->duration ());
+ assert (r->day () == c->day ());
+ assert (r->month () == c->month ());
+ assert (r->month_day () == c->month_day ());
+ assert (r->year () == c->year ());
+ assert (r->year_month () == c->year_month ());
+ assert (r->time () == c->time ());
+ }
+ catch (xml_schema::exception const& e)
+ {
+ cerr << e << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/polymorphic/test.xml b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/polymorphic/test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad3a403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/polymorphic/test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+<t:root xmlns:t="test"
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation="test test.xsd">
+ <list>1 2 3</list>
+ <union>abc</union>
+ <enumeration>left</enumeration>
+ <base x="1" xsi:type="t:complex">
+ <a>aaa</a>
+ </base>
+ <t:scomplex x="1" y="2">
+ <a>aaa</a>
+ <b>bbb</b>
+ <c>c</c>
+ <c>cc</c>
+ <c>ccc</c>
+ </t:scomplex>
+ <!-- integers -->
+ <byte>65</byte>
+ <unsigned_byte>66</unsigned_byte>
+ <short>-222</short>
+ <unsigned_short>57005</unsigned_short>
+ <int>-57005</int>
+ <unsigned_int>3735928559</unsigned_int>
+ <long>-3735928559</long>
+ <unsigned_long>16045690984833335023</unsigned_long>
+ <integer>-3735928559</integer>
+ <non_positive_integer>-3735928559</non_positive_integer>
+ <non_negative_integer>3735928559</non_negative_integer>
+ <positive_integer>3735928559</positive_integer>
+ <negative_integer>-3735928559</negative_integer>
+ <!-- boolean -->
+ <boolean>true</boolean>
+ <!-- floats -->
+ <float>1234.1234</float>
+ <double>12345678.12345678</double>
+ <decimal>1234567812345678.1234567812345678</decimal>
+ <!-- strings -->
+ <string>string</string>
+ <normalized_string>normalized string</normalized_string>
+ <token>one two three</token>
+ <name>name</name>
+ <name_token>name-token</name_token>
+ <name_tokens>name tokens</name_tokens>
+ <ncname>ncname</ncname>
+ <language>en-us</language>
+ <!-- qualified name -->
+ <qname>xsi:schemaLocation</qname>
+ <!-- ID/IDREF -->
+ <id>elements1</id>
+ <id>elements2</id>
+ <id_ref>elements1</id_ref>
+ <id_refs>elements1 elements2</id_refs>
+ <!-- URI -->
+ <any_uri></any_uri>
+ <!-- binary -->
+ <base64_binary>YmFzZTY0IGJpbmFyeQ==</base64_binary>
+ <hex_binary>6865782052696E617279</hex_binary>
+ <!-- date/time -->
+ <date>2001-10-26+02:00</date>
+ <date_time>2001-10-26T21:32:52+02:00</date_time>
+ <duration>P1Y2M3DT5H20M30S</duration>
+ <day>---01+02:00</day>
+ <month>--11+02:00</month>
+ <month_day>--11-02+02:00</month_day>
+ <year>2001+02:00</year>
+ <year_month>2001-11+02:00</year_month>
+ <time>21:32:52+02:00</time>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/polymorphic/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/polymorphic/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c214e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/polymorphic/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns=""
+ xmlns:t="test"
+ targetNamespace="test">
+ <simpleType name="list">
+ <list itemType="int"/>
+ </simpleType>
+ <simpleType name="union">
+ <union memberTypes="int string"/>
+ </simpleType>
+ <simpleType name="enumeration">
+ <restriction base="string">
+ <enumeration value="top"/>
+ <enumeration value="left"/>
+ <enumeration value="bottom"/>
+ <enumeration value="right"/>
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleType>
+ <complexType name="base">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="string"/>
+ </sequence>
+ <attribute name="x" type="int" use="required"/>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="sbase" type="t:base"/>
+ <complexType name="complex">
+ <complexContent>
+ <extension base="t:base">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="b" type="string" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <element name="c" type="string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ <attribute name="y" type="int"/>
+ </extension>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="scomplex" type="t:complex" substitutionGroup="t:sbase"/>
+ <complexType name="type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="list" type="t:list"/>
+ <element name="union" type="t:union"/>
+ <element name="enumeration" type="t:enumeration"/>
+ <element name="base" type="t:base"/>
+ <element ref="t:sbase"/>
+ <!-- integers -->
+ <element name="byte" type="byte"/>
+ <element name="unsigned_byte" type="unsignedByte"/>
+ <element name="short" type="short"/>
+ <element name="unsigned_short" type="unsignedShort"/>
+ <element name="int" type="int"/>
+ <element name="unsigned_int" type="unsignedInt"/>
+ <element name="long" type="long"/>
+ <element name="unsigned_long" type="unsignedLong"/>
+ <element name="integer" type="integer"/>
+ <element name="non_positive_integer" type="nonPositiveInteger"/>
+ <element name="non_negative_integer" type="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ <element name="positive_integer" type="positiveInteger"/>
+ <element name="negative_integer" type="negativeInteger"/>
+ <!-- boolean -->
+ <element name="boolean" type="boolean"/>
+ <!-- floats -->
+ <element name="float" type="float"/>
+ <element name="double" type="double"/>
+ <element name="decimal" type="decimal"/>
+ <!-- strings -->
+ <element name="string" type="string"/>
+ <element name="normalized_string" type="normalizedString"/>
+ <element name="token" type="token"/>
+ <element name="name" type="Name"/>
+ <element name="name_token" type="NMTOKEN"/>
+ <element name="name_tokens" type="NMTOKENS"/>
+ <element name="ncname" type="NCName"/>
+ <element name="language" type="language"/>
+ <!-- qualified name -->
+ <element name="qname" type="QName"/>
+ <!-- ID/IDREF -->
+ <element name="id" maxOccurs="2" type="ID"/>
+ <element name="id_ref" type="IDREF"/>
+ <element name="id_refs" type="IDREFS"/>
+ <!-- URI -->
+ <element name="any_uri" type="anyURI"/>
+ <!-- binary -->
+ <element name="base64_binary" type="base64Binary"/>
+ <element name="hex_binary" type="hexBinary"/>
+ <!-- date/time -->
+ <element name="date" type="date"/>
+ <element name="date_time" type="dateTime"/>
+ <element name="duration" type="duration"/>
+ <element name="day" type="gDay"/>
+ <element name="month" type="gMonth"/>
+ <element name="month_day" type="gMonthDay"/>
+ <element name="year" type="gYear"/>
+ <element name="year_month" type="gYearMonth"/>
+ <element name="time" type="time"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="root" type="t:type"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/xdr-ordered/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/xdr-ordered/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09414c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/xdr-ordered/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/binary/xdr-ordered/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+if ($ == 'linux')
+ import libs += libtirpc%lib{tirpc}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+exe{driver}: xml{test}: test.input = true
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-insertion 'XDR' \
+ --generate-extraction 'XDR' \
+ --generate-comparison \
+ --ordered-type-all \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/xdr-ordered/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/xdr-ordered/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d61a645
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/xdr-ordered/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+// file : tests/cxx/tree/binary/xdr-ordered/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test non-polymorphic ordered binary serialization to XDR.
+// Note: just a copy of xdr test with --ordered-type-all option.
+#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr/unique_ptr
+#include <cstring> // std::memcpy
+#include <cassert>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+extern "C" int
+overflow (void* p, char* buf, int in)
+ xml_schema::buffer* dst (reinterpret_cast<xml_schema::buffer*> (p));
+ size_t n (static_cast<size_t> (in)), size (dst->size ());
+ dst->size (size + n);
+ memcpy (dst->data () + size, buf, n);
+ return static_cast<int> (n);
+struct underflow_info
+ xml_schema::buffer* buf;
+ std::size_t pos;
+extern "C" int
+underflow (void* p, char* buf, int in)
+ underflow_info* ui (reinterpret_cast<underflow_info*> (p));
+ size_t n (static_cast<size_t> (in)), size (ui->buf->size () - ui->pos);
+ n = size > n ? n : size;
+ memcpy (buf, ui->buf->data () + ui->pos, n);
+ ui->pos += n;
+ return static_cast<int> (n);
+// The xdrrec_create function (used below) has slightly different
+// prototypes on different platforms. To make this test portable
+// we will need to cast the actual function to the following common
+// prototype.
+extern "C"
+typedef void (*xdrrec_create_p) (
+ XDR*,
+ unsigned int write_size,
+ unsigned int read_size,
+ void* user_data,
+ int (*read) (void* user_data, char* buf, int n),
+ int (*write) (void* user_data, char* buf, int n));
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ if (argc != 2)
+ {
+ cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " test.xml" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<type> r (root (argv[1]));
+ xdrrec_create_p xdrrec_create_ =
+ reinterpret_cast<xdrrec_create_p> (::xdrrec_create);
+ // Save to an XDR stream.
+ //
+ XDR xdr;
+ xml_schema::buffer buf;
+ xdrrec_create_ (&xdr, 0, 0, reinterpret_cast<char*> (&buf), 0, &overflow);
+ xdr.x_op = XDR_ENCODE;
+ xsd::cxx::tree::ostream<XDR> oxdr (xdr);
+ oxdr << *r;
+ xdrrec_endofrecord (&xdr, true); // flush the data
+ xdr_destroy (&xdr);
+ // Load from an XDR stream.
+ //
+ underflow_info ui;
+ ui.buf = &buf;
+ ui.pos = 0;
+ xdrrec_create_ (&xdr, 0, 0, reinterpret_cast<char*> (&ui), &underflow, 0);
+ xdr.x_op = XDR_DECODE;
+ xdrrec_skiprecord (&xdr);
+ xsd::cxx::tree::istream<XDR> ixdr (xdr);
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<type> c (new type (ixdr));
+ xdr_destroy (&xdr);
+ // Compare the two.
+ //
+ assert (r->list () == c->list ());
+ assert (r->union_ () == c->union_ ());
+ assert (r->enumeration () == c->enumeration ());
+ type::complex_sequence rs (r->complex ()), cs (c->complex ());
+ for (type::complex_iterator ri (rs.begin ()), ci (cs.begin ());
+ ri != rs.end () && ci != rs.end (); ++ri, ++ci)
+ {
+ assert (ri->a () == ci->a ());
+ if (ri->b ())
+ assert (ri->b () == ci->b ());
+ assert (ri->c () == ci->c ());
+ assert (ri->x () == ci->x ());
+ if (ri->y ())
+ assert (ri->y () == ci->y ());
+ }
+ // integers
+ //
+ assert (r->byte () == c->byte ());
+ assert (r->unsigned_byte () == c->unsigned_byte ());
+ assert (r->short_ () == c->short_ ());
+ assert (r->unsigned_short () == c->unsigned_short ());
+ assert (r->int_ () == c->int_ ());
+ assert (r->unsigned_int () == c->unsigned_int ());
+ assert (r->long_ () == c->long_ ());
+ assert (r->unsigned_long () == c->unsigned_long ());
+ assert (r->integer () == c->integer ());
+ assert (r->non_positive_integer () == c->non_positive_integer ());
+ assert (r->non_negative_integer () == c->non_negative_integer ());
+ assert (r->positive_integer () == c->positive_integer ());
+ assert (r->negative_integer () == c->negative_integer ());
+ // boolean
+ //
+ assert (r->boolean () == c->boolean ());
+ // floats
+ //
+ assert (r->float_ () == c->float_ ());
+ assert (r->double_ () == c->double_ ());
+ assert (r->decimal () == c->decimal ());
+ // strings
+ //
+ assert (r->string () == c->string ());
+ assert (r->normalized_string () == c->normalized_string ());
+ assert (r->token () == c->token ());
+ assert (r->name () == c->name ());
+ assert (r->name_token () == c->name_token ());
+ assert (r->name_tokens () == c->name_tokens ());
+ assert (r->ncname () == c->ncname ());
+ assert (r->language () == c->language ());
+ // qualified name
+ //
+ assert (r->qname () == c->qname ());
+ //
+ assert (r->id () == c->id ());
+ assert (r->id_ref () == c->id_ref ());
+ assert (r->id_refs () == c->id_refs ());
+ // URI
+ //
+ assert (r->any_uri () == c->any_uri ());
+ // binary
+ //
+ assert (r->base64_binary () == c->base64_binary ());
+ assert (r->hex_binary () == c->hex_binary ());
+ // date/time
+ //
+ assert (r->date () == c->date ());
+ assert (r->date_time () == c->date_time ());
+ assert (r->duration () == c->duration ());
+ assert (r->day () == c->day ());
+ assert (r->month () == c->month ());
+ assert (r->month_day () == c->month_day ());
+ assert (r->year () == c->year ());
+ assert (r->year_month () == c->year_month ());
+ assert (r->time () == c->time ());
+ // anySimpleType
+ //
+ assert (!r->any_simple_type_attr ().text_content ().empty ());
+ assert (r->any_simple_type_attr () == c->any_simple_type_attr ());
+ assert (!r->any_simple_type ().text_content ().empty ());
+ assert (r->any_simple_type () == c->any_simple_type ());
+ }
+ catch (xml_schema::exception const& e)
+ {
+ cerr << e << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/xdr-ordered/test.xml b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/xdr-ordered/test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cedd98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/xdr-ordered/test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+<t:root xmlns:t="test"
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation="test test.xsd"
+ any_simple_type_attr="any simple content">
+ <list>1 2 3</list>
+ <union>abc</union>
+ <enumeration>left</enumeration>
+ <complex x="1">
+ <a>aaa</a>
+ </complex>
+ <complex x="1" y="2">
+ <a>aaa</a>
+ <b>bbb</b>
+ <c>c</c>
+ <c>cc</c>
+ <c>ccc</c>
+ </complex>
+ <!-- integers -->
+ <byte>65</byte>
+ <unsigned_byte>66</unsigned_byte>
+ <short>-222</short>
+ <unsigned_short>57005</unsigned_short>
+ <int>-57005</int>
+ <unsigned_int>3735928559</unsigned_int>
+ <long>-3735928559</long>
+ <unsigned_long>16045690984833335023</unsigned_long>
+ <integer>-3735928559</integer>
+ <non_positive_integer>-3735928559</non_positive_integer>
+ <non_negative_integer>3735928559</non_negative_integer>
+ <positive_integer>3735928559</positive_integer>
+ <negative_integer>-3735928559</negative_integer>
+ <!-- boolean -->
+ <boolean>true</boolean>
+ <!-- floats -->
+ <float>1234.1234</float>
+ <double>12345678.12345678</double>
+ <decimal>1234567812345678.1234567812345678</decimal>
+ <!-- strings -->
+ <string>string</string>
+ <normalized_string>normalized string</normalized_string>
+ <token>one two three</token>
+ <name>name</name>
+ <name_token>name-token</name_token>
+ <name_tokens>name tokens</name_tokens>
+ <ncname>ncname</ncname>
+ <language>en-us</language>
+ <!-- qualified name -->
+ <qname>xsi:schemaLocation</qname>
+ <!-- ID/IDREF -->
+ <id>elements1</id>
+ <id>elements2</id>
+ <id_ref>elements1</id_ref>
+ <id_refs>elements1 elements2</id_refs>
+ <!-- URI -->
+ <any_uri></any_uri>
+ <!-- binary -->
+ <base64_binary>YmFzZTY0IGJpbmFyeQ==</base64_binary>
+ <hex_binary>6865782052696E617279</hex_binary>
+ <!-- date/time -->
+ <date>2001-10-26+02:00</date>
+ <date_time>2001-10-26T21:32:52+02:00</date_time>
+ <duration>P1Y2M3DT5H20M30S</duration>
+ <day>---01+02:00</day>
+ <month>--11+02:00</month>
+ <month_day>--11-02+02:00</month_day>
+ <year>2001+02:00</year>
+ <year_month>2001-11+02:00</year_month>
+ <time>21:32:52+02:00</time>
+ <any_simple_type>any simple content in element</any_simple_type>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/xdr-ordered/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/xdr-ordered/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0629e94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/xdr-ordered/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns=""
+ xmlns:t="test"
+ targetNamespace="test">
+ <simpleType name="list">
+ <list itemType="int"/>
+ </simpleType>
+ <simpleType name="union">
+ <union memberTypes="int string"/>
+ </simpleType>
+ <simpleType name="enumeration">
+ <restriction base="string">
+ <enumeration value="top"/>
+ <enumeration value="left"/>
+ <enumeration value="bottom"/>
+ <enumeration value="right"/>
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleType>
+ <complexType name="base">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="string"/>
+ </sequence>
+ <attribute name="x" type="int" use="required"/>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="complex">
+ <complexContent>
+ <extension base="t:base">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="b" type="string" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <element name="c" type="string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ <attribute name="y" type="int"/>
+ </extension>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="list" type="t:list"/>
+ <element name="union" type="t:union"/>
+ <element name="enumeration" type="t:enumeration"/>
+ <element name="complex" type="t:complex" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <!-- integers -->
+ <element name="byte" type="byte"/>
+ <element name="unsigned_byte" type="unsignedByte"/>
+ <element name="short" type="short"/>
+ <element name="unsigned_short" type="unsignedShort"/>
+ <element name="int" type="int"/>
+ <element name="unsigned_int" type="unsignedInt"/>
+ <element name="long" type="long"/>
+ <element name="unsigned_long" type="unsignedLong"/>
+ <element name="integer" type="integer"/>
+ <element name="non_positive_integer" type="nonPositiveInteger"/>
+ <element name="non_negative_integer" type="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ <element name="positive_integer" type="positiveInteger"/>
+ <element name="negative_integer" type="negativeInteger"/>
+ <!-- boolean -->
+ <element name="boolean" type="boolean"/>
+ <!-- floats -->
+ <element name="float" type="float"/>
+ <element name="double" type="double"/>
+ <element name="decimal" type="decimal"/>
+ <!-- strings -->
+ <element name="string" type="string"/>
+ <element name="normalized_string" type="normalizedString"/>
+ <element name="token" type="token"/>
+ <element name="name" type="Name"/>
+ <element name="name_token" type="NMTOKEN"/>
+ <element name="name_tokens" type="NMTOKENS"/>
+ <element name="ncname" type="NCName"/>
+ <element name="language" type="language"/>
+ <!-- qualified name -->
+ <element name="qname" type="QName"/>
+ <!-- ID/IDREF -->
+ <element name="id" maxOccurs="2" type="ID"/>
+ <element name="id_ref" type="IDREF"/>
+ <element name="id_refs" type="IDREFS"/>
+ <!-- URI -->
+ <element name="any_uri" type="anyURI"/>
+ <!-- binary -->
+ <element name="base64_binary" type="base64Binary"/>
+ <element name="hex_binary" type="hexBinary"/>
+ <!-- date/time -->
+ <element name="date" type="date"/>
+ <element name="date_time" type="dateTime"/>
+ <element name="duration" type="duration"/>
+ <element name="day" type="gDay"/>
+ <element name="month" type="gMonth"/>
+ <element name="month_day" type="gMonthDay"/>
+ <element name="year" type="gYear"/>
+ <element name="year_month" type="gYearMonth"/>
+ <element name="time" type="time"/>
+ <element name="any_simple_type" type="anySimpleType"/>
+ </sequence>
+ <attribute name="any_simple_type_attr" type="anySimpleType" use="required"/>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="root" type="t:type"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/xdr/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/xdr/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8fc2f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/xdr/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/binary/xdr/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+if ($ == 'linux')
+ import libs += libtirpc%lib{tirpc}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+exe{driver}: xml{test}: test.input = true
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-insertion 'XDR' \
+ --generate-extraction 'XDR' \
+ --generate-comparison \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/xdr/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/xdr/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04606ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/xdr/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+// file : tests/cxx/tree/binary/xdr/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test non-polymorphic binary serialization to XDR.
+#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr/unique_ptr
+#include <cstring> // std::memcpy
+#include <cassert>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+extern "C" int
+overflow (void* p, char* buf, int in)
+ xml_schema::buffer* dst (reinterpret_cast<xml_schema::buffer*> (p));
+ size_t n (static_cast<size_t> (in)), size (dst->size ());
+ dst->size (size + n);
+ memcpy (dst->data () + size, buf, n);
+ return static_cast<int> (n);
+struct underflow_info
+ xml_schema::buffer* buf;
+ std::size_t pos;
+extern "C" int
+underflow (void* p, char* buf, int in)
+ underflow_info* ui (reinterpret_cast<underflow_info*> (p));
+ size_t n (static_cast<size_t> (in)), size (ui->buf->size () - ui->pos);
+ n = size > n ? n : size;
+ memcpy (buf, ui->buf->data () + ui->pos, n);
+ ui->pos += n;
+ return static_cast<int> (n);
+// The xdrrec_create function (used below) has slightly different
+// prototypes on different platforms. To make this test portable
+// we will need to cast the actual function to the following common
+// prototype.
+extern "C"
+typedef void (*xdrrec_create_p) (
+ XDR*,
+ unsigned int write_size,
+ unsigned int read_size,
+ void* user_data,
+ int (*read) (void* user_data, char* buf, int n),
+ int (*write) (void* user_data, char* buf, int n));
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ if (argc != 2)
+ {
+ cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " test.xml" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<type> r (root (argv[1]));
+ xdrrec_create_p xdrrec_create_ =
+ reinterpret_cast<xdrrec_create_p> (::xdrrec_create);
+ // Save to an XDR stream.
+ //
+ XDR xdr;
+ xml_schema::buffer buf;
+ xdrrec_create_ (&xdr, 0, 0, reinterpret_cast<char*> (&buf), 0, &overflow);
+ xdr.x_op = XDR_ENCODE;
+ xsd::cxx::tree::ostream<XDR> oxdr (xdr);
+ oxdr << *r;
+ xdrrec_endofrecord (&xdr, true); // flush the data
+ xdr_destroy (&xdr);
+ // Load from an XDR stream.
+ //
+ underflow_info ui;
+ ui.buf = &buf;
+ ui.pos = 0;
+ xdrrec_create_ (&xdr, 0, 0, reinterpret_cast<char*> (&ui), &underflow, 0);
+ xdr.x_op = XDR_DECODE;
+ xdrrec_skiprecord (&xdr);
+ xsd::cxx::tree::istream<XDR> ixdr (xdr);
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<type> c (new type (ixdr));
+ xdr_destroy (&xdr);
+ // Compare the two.
+ //
+ assert (r->list () == c->list ());
+ assert (r->union_ () == c->union_ ());
+ assert (r->enumeration () == c->enumeration ());
+ type::complex_sequence rs (r->complex ()), cs (c->complex ());
+ for (type::complex_iterator ri (rs.begin ()), ci (cs.begin ());
+ ri != rs.end () && ci != rs.end (); ++ri, ++ci)
+ {
+ assert (ri->a () == ci->a ());
+ if (ri->b ())
+ assert (ri->b () == ci->b ());
+ assert (ri->c () == ci->c ());
+ assert (ri->x () == ci->x ());
+ if (ri->y ())
+ assert (ri->y () == ci->y ());
+ }
+ // integers
+ //
+ assert (r->byte () == c->byte ());
+ assert (r->unsigned_byte () == c->unsigned_byte ());
+ assert (r->short_ () == c->short_ ());
+ assert (r->unsigned_short () == c->unsigned_short ());
+ assert (r->int_ () == c->int_ ());
+ assert (r->unsigned_int () == c->unsigned_int ());
+ assert (r->long_ () == c->long_ ());
+ assert (r->unsigned_long () == c->unsigned_long ());
+ assert (r->integer () == c->integer ());
+ assert (r->non_positive_integer () == c->non_positive_integer ());
+ assert (r->non_negative_integer () == c->non_negative_integer ());
+ assert (r->positive_integer () == c->positive_integer ());
+ assert (r->negative_integer () == c->negative_integer ());
+ // boolean
+ //
+ assert (r->boolean () == c->boolean ());
+ // floats
+ //
+ assert (r->float_ () == c->float_ ());
+ assert (r->double_ () == c->double_ ());
+ assert (r->decimal () == c->decimal ());
+ // strings
+ //
+ assert (r->string () == c->string ());
+ assert (r->normalized_string () == c->normalized_string ());
+ assert (r->token () == c->token ());
+ assert (r->name () == c->name ());
+ assert (r->name_token () == c->name_token ());
+ assert (r->name_tokens () == c->name_tokens ());
+ assert (r->ncname () == c->ncname ());
+ assert (r->language () == c->language ());
+ // qualified name
+ //
+ assert (r->qname () == c->qname ());
+ //
+ assert (r->id () == c->id ());
+ assert (r->id_ref () == c->id_ref ());
+ assert (r->id_refs () == c->id_refs ());
+ // URI
+ //
+ assert (r->any_uri () == c->any_uri ());
+ // binary
+ //
+ assert (r->base64_binary () == c->base64_binary ());
+ assert (r->hex_binary () == c->hex_binary ());
+ // date/time
+ //
+ assert (r->date () == c->date ());
+ assert (r->date_time () == c->date_time ());
+ assert (r->duration () == c->duration ());
+ assert (r->day () == c->day ());
+ assert (r->month () == c->month ());
+ assert (r->month_day () == c->month_day ());
+ assert (r->year () == c->year ());
+ assert (r->year_month () == c->year_month ());
+ assert (r->time () == c->time ());
+ // anySimpleType
+ //
+ assert (!r->any_simple_type_attr ().text_content ().empty ());
+ assert (r->any_simple_type_attr () == c->any_simple_type_attr ());
+ assert (!r->any_simple_type ().text_content ().empty ());
+ assert (r->any_simple_type () == c->any_simple_type ());
+ }
+ catch (xml_schema::exception const& e)
+ {
+ cerr << e << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/xdr/test.xml b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/xdr/test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cedd98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/xdr/test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+<t:root xmlns:t="test"
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation="test test.xsd"
+ any_simple_type_attr="any simple content">
+ <list>1 2 3</list>
+ <union>abc</union>
+ <enumeration>left</enumeration>
+ <complex x="1">
+ <a>aaa</a>
+ </complex>
+ <complex x="1" y="2">
+ <a>aaa</a>
+ <b>bbb</b>
+ <c>c</c>
+ <c>cc</c>
+ <c>ccc</c>
+ </complex>
+ <!-- integers -->
+ <byte>65</byte>
+ <unsigned_byte>66</unsigned_byte>
+ <short>-222</short>
+ <unsigned_short>57005</unsigned_short>
+ <int>-57005</int>
+ <unsigned_int>3735928559</unsigned_int>
+ <long>-3735928559</long>
+ <unsigned_long>16045690984833335023</unsigned_long>
+ <integer>-3735928559</integer>
+ <non_positive_integer>-3735928559</non_positive_integer>
+ <non_negative_integer>3735928559</non_negative_integer>
+ <positive_integer>3735928559</positive_integer>
+ <negative_integer>-3735928559</negative_integer>
+ <!-- boolean -->
+ <boolean>true</boolean>
+ <!-- floats -->
+ <float>1234.1234</float>
+ <double>12345678.12345678</double>
+ <decimal>1234567812345678.1234567812345678</decimal>
+ <!-- strings -->
+ <string>string</string>
+ <normalized_string>normalized string</normalized_string>
+ <token>one two three</token>
+ <name>name</name>
+ <name_token>name-token</name_token>
+ <name_tokens>name tokens</name_tokens>
+ <ncname>ncname</ncname>
+ <language>en-us</language>
+ <!-- qualified name -->
+ <qname>xsi:schemaLocation</qname>
+ <!-- ID/IDREF -->
+ <id>elements1</id>
+ <id>elements2</id>
+ <id_ref>elements1</id_ref>
+ <id_refs>elements1 elements2</id_refs>
+ <!-- URI -->
+ <any_uri></any_uri>
+ <!-- binary -->
+ <base64_binary>YmFzZTY0IGJpbmFyeQ==</base64_binary>
+ <hex_binary>6865782052696E617279</hex_binary>
+ <!-- date/time -->
+ <date>2001-10-26+02:00</date>
+ <date_time>2001-10-26T21:32:52+02:00</date_time>
+ <duration>P1Y2M3DT5H20M30S</duration>
+ <day>---01+02:00</day>
+ <month>--11+02:00</month>
+ <month_day>--11-02+02:00</month_day>
+ <year>2001+02:00</year>
+ <year_month>2001-11+02:00</year_month>
+ <time>21:32:52+02:00</time>
+ <any_simple_type>any simple content in element</any_simple_type>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/xdr/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/xdr/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0629e94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/binary/xdr/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns=""
+ xmlns:t="test"
+ targetNamespace="test">
+ <simpleType name="list">
+ <list itemType="int"/>
+ </simpleType>
+ <simpleType name="union">
+ <union memberTypes="int string"/>
+ </simpleType>
+ <simpleType name="enumeration">
+ <restriction base="string">
+ <enumeration value="top"/>
+ <enumeration value="left"/>
+ <enumeration value="bottom"/>
+ <enumeration value="right"/>
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleType>
+ <complexType name="base">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="string"/>
+ </sequence>
+ <attribute name="x" type="int" use="required"/>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="complex">
+ <complexContent>
+ <extension base="t:base">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="b" type="string" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <element name="c" type="string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ <attribute name="y" type="int"/>
+ </extension>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="list" type="t:list"/>
+ <element name="union" type="t:union"/>
+ <element name="enumeration" type="t:enumeration"/>
+ <element name="complex" type="t:complex" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <!-- integers -->
+ <element name="byte" type="byte"/>
+ <element name="unsigned_byte" type="unsignedByte"/>
+ <element name="short" type="short"/>
+ <element name="unsigned_short" type="unsignedShort"/>
+ <element name="int" type="int"/>
+ <element name="unsigned_int" type="unsignedInt"/>
+ <element name="long" type="long"/>
+ <element name="unsigned_long" type="unsignedLong"/>
+ <element name="integer" type="integer"/>
+ <element name="non_positive_integer" type="nonPositiveInteger"/>
+ <element name="non_negative_integer" type="nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ <element name="positive_integer" type="positiveInteger"/>
+ <element name="negative_integer" type="negativeInteger"/>
+ <!-- boolean -->
+ <element name="boolean" type="boolean"/>
+ <!-- floats -->
+ <element name="float" type="float"/>
+ <element name="double" type="double"/>
+ <element name="decimal" type="decimal"/>
+ <!-- strings -->
+ <element name="string" type="string"/>
+ <element name="normalized_string" type="normalizedString"/>
+ <element name="token" type="token"/>
+ <element name="name" type="Name"/>
+ <element name="name_token" type="NMTOKEN"/>
+ <element name="name_tokens" type="NMTOKENS"/>
+ <element name="ncname" type="NCName"/>
+ <element name="language" type="language"/>
+ <!-- qualified name -->
+ <element name="qname" type="QName"/>
+ <!-- ID/IDREF -->
+ <element name="id" maxOccurs="2" type="ID"/>
+ <element name="id_ref" type="IDREF"/>
+ <element name="id_refs" type="IDREFS"/>
+ <!-- URI -->
+ <element name="any_uri" type="anyURI"/>
+ <!-- binary -->
+ <element name="base64_binary" type="base64Binary"/>
+ <element name="hex_binary" type="hexBinary"/>
+ <!-- date/time -->
+ <element name="date" type="date"/>
+ <element name="date_time" type="dateTime"/>
+ <element name="duration" type="duration"/>
+ <element name="day" type="gDay"/>
+ <element name="month" type="gMonth"/>
+ <element name="month_day" type="gMonthDay"/>
+ <element name="year" type="gYear"/>
+ <element name="year_month" type="gYearMonth"/>
+ <element name="time" type="time"/>
+ <element name="any_simple_type" type="anySimpleType"/>
+ </sequence>
+ <attribute name="any_simple_type_attr" type="anySimpleType" use="required"/>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="root" type="t:type"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfaf0bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+# Exclude tests which depend on not yet packaged libraries.
+./: {*/ -binary/}
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/built-in/.gitignore b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/built-in/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f86b7a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/built-in/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/built-in/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/built-in/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ee8585
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/built-in/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/build-in/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -types} {hxx ixx cxx}{types} $libs testscript
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{types}>: xsd{types} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-ostream \
+ --generate-serialization \
+ --char-type char \
+ --generate-default-ctor \
+ --generate-from-base-ctor \
+ --root-element-all \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/built-in/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/built-in/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4141290
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/built-in/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/built-in/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test built-in type mapping.
+#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr/unique_ptr
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "types.hxx"
+using std::cerr;
+using std::endl;
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ if (argc != 4)
+ {
+ cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " elements.xml attributes.xml inherited.xml" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<xmlns::test::Elements> elements (
+ xmlns::test::elements (argv[1]));
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<xmlns::test::Attributes> attributes (
+ xmlns::test::attributes (argv[2]));
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<xmlns::test::Inherited> inherited (
+ xmlns::test::inherited (argv[3]));
+ cerr << "elements:" << *elements << endl
+ << endl
+ << "attributes:" << *attributes << endl
+ << endl
+ << "inherited:" << *inherited << endl;
+ // Test parsing/serialization.
+ //
+ xml_schema::namespace_infomap map;
+ map["test"].name = "";
+ map["test"].schema = "types.xsd";
+ {
+ std::ostringstream ostr;
+ xmlns::test::elements (ostr, *elements, map);
+ std::istringstream istr (ostr.str ());
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<xmlns::test::Elements> elements1 (
+ xmlns::test::elements (istr));
+ std::ostringstream ostr1;
+ xmlns::test::elements (ostr1, *elements1, map);
+ if (ostr.str () != ostr1.str ())
+ return 1;
+ }
+ {
+ std::ostringstream ostr;
+ xmlns::test::attributes (ostr, *attributes, map);
+ std::istringstream istr (ostr.str ());
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<xmlns::test::Attributes> attributes1 (
+ xmlns::test::attributes (istr));
+ std::ostringstream ostr1;
+ xmlns::test::attributes (ostr1, *attributes1, map);
+ if (ostr.str () != ostr1.str ())
+ return 1;
+ }
+ {
+ std::ostringstream ostr;
+ xmlns::test::inherited (ostr, *inherited, map);
+ std::istringstream istr (ostr.str ());
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<xmlns::test::Inherited> inherited1 (
+ xmlns::test::inherited (istr));
+ std::ostringstream ostr1;
+ xmlns::test::inherited (ostr1, *inherited1, map);
+ if (ostr.str () != ostr1.str ())
+ return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/built-in/testscript b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/built-in/testscript
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dae039
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/built-in/testscript
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/any-type/testscript
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+: types
+ cat <<EOI >=elements.xml;
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <test:elements
+ xmlns:test=""
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation=" types.xsd">
+ <!-- integers -->
+ <byte>65</byte>
+ <unsigned_byte>66</unsigned_byte>
+ <short>-222</short>
+ <unsigned_short>57005</unsigned_short>
+ <int>-57005</int>
+ <unsigned_int>3735928559</unsigned_int>
+ <long>-3735928559</long>
+ <unsigned_long>16045690984833335023</unsigned_long>
+ <integer>-3735928559</integer>
+ <non_positive_integer>-3735928559</non_positive_integer>
+ <non_negative_integer>3735928559</non_negative_integer>
+ <positive_integer>3735928559</positive_integer>
+ <negative_integer>-3735928559</negative_integer>
+ <!-- boolean -->
+ <boolean>true</boolean>
+ <!-- floats -->
+ <float>1234.1234</float>
+ <double>12345678.12345678</double>
+ <decimal>12345678.12345678</decimal>
+ <!-- strings -->
+ <string>string</string>
+ <normalized_string>normalized
+ string</normalized_string>
+ <token>
+ one
+ two three </token>
+ <name>name</name>
+ <name_token>name-token</name_token>
+ <name_tokens>name tokens</name_tokens>
+ <ncname>ncname</ncname>
+ <language>en-us</language>
+ <!-- qualified name -->
+ <qname>xsi:schemaLocation</qname>
+ <!-- ID/IDREF -->
+ <id>elements1</id>
+ <id>elements2</id>
+ <id_ref>elements1</id_ref>
+ <id_refs>elements1 elements2</id_refs>
+ <!-- URI -->
+ <any_uri></any_uri>
+ <!-- binary -->
+ <base64_binary>YmFzZTY0IGJpbmFyeQ==</base64_binary>
+ <hex_binary>6865782052696E617279</hex_binary>
+ <!-- date/time -->
+ <date>2001-10-26+02:00</date>
+ <date_time>2001-10-26T21:32:52+02:00</date_time>
+ <duration>P1Y2M3DT5H20M30S</duration>
+ <day>---01+02:00</day>
+ <month>--11+02:00</month>
+ <month_day>--11-02+02:00</month_day>
+ <year>2001+02:00</year>
+ <year_month>2001-11+02:00</year_month>
+ <time>21:32:52+02:00</time>
+ <!-- entity -->
+ <!--
+ <entity>foo</entity>
+ <entities>foo bar</entities>
+ -->
+ </test:elements>
+ cat <<EOI >=attributes.xml;
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <test:attributes
+ xmlns:test=""
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation=" types.xsd"
+ byte="65"
+ unsigned_byte="66"
+ short="-222"
+ unsigned_short="57005"
+ int="-57005"
+ unsigned_int="3735928559"
+ long="-3735928559"
+ unsigned_long="16045690984833335023"
+ integer="-3735928559"
+ non_positive_integer="-3735928559"
+ non_negative_integer="3735928559"
+ positive_integer="3735928559"
+ negative_integer="-3735928559"
+ boolean="false"
+ float="1234.1234"
+ double="12345678.12345678"
+ decimal="12345678.12345678"
+ string="string"
+ normalized_string="normalized string"
+ token=" one two three "
+ name="name"
+ name_token="name-token"
+ name_tokens="name tokens"
+ ncname="ncname"
+ language="en-us"
+ qname="xsi:schemaLocation"
+ id="attributes"
+ id_ref="attributes"
+ id_refs="attributes"
+ any_uri=""
+ base64_binary="YmFzZTY0IGJpbmFyeQ=="
+ hex_binary="6865782052696E617279"
+ date="2001-10-26+02:00"
+ date_time="2001-10-26T21:32:52+02:00"
+ duration="P1Y2M3DT5H20M30S"
+ day="---01+02:00"
+ month="--11+02:00"
+ month_day="--11-02+02:00"
+ year="2001+02:00"
+ year_month="2001-11+02:00"
+ time="21:32:52+02:00"
+ />
+ cat <<EOI >=inherited.xml;
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <test:inherited
+ xmlns:test=""
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation=" types.xsd">
+ <!-- integers -->
+ <byte>65</byte>
+ <unsigned_byte>66</unsigned_byte>
+ <short>-222</short>
+ <unsigned_short>57005</unsigned_short>
+ <int>-57005</int>
+ <unsigned_int>3735928559</unsigned_int>
+ <long>-3735928559</long>
+ <unsigned_long>16045690984833335023</unsigned_long>
+ <integer>-3735928559</integer>
+ <non_positive_integer>-3735928559</non_positive_integer>
+ <non_negative_integer>3735928559</non_negative_integer>
+ <positive_integer>3735928559</positive_integer>
+ <negative_integer>-3735928559</negative_integer>
+ <!-- boolean -->
+ <boolean>true</boolean>
+ <!-- floats -->
+ <float>1234.1234</float>
+ <double>12345678.12345678</double>
+ <decimal>12345678.12345678</decimal>
+ <!-- strings -->
+ <string>string</string>
+ <normalized_string>normalized
+ string</normalized_string>
+ <token>
+ one
+ two three </token>
+ <name>name</name>
+ <name_token>name-token</name_token>
+ <name_tokens>name tokens</name_tokens>
+ <ncname>ncname</ncname>
+ <language>en-us</language>
+ <!-- qualified name -->
+ <qname>xsi:schemaLocation</qname>
+ <!-- ID/IDREF -->
+ <id>elements1</id>
+ <id>elements2</id>
+ <id_ref>elements1</id_ref>
+ <id_refs>elements1 elements2</id_refs>
+ <!-- URI -->
+ <any_uri></any_uri>
+ <!-- binary -->
+ <base64_binary>YmFzZTY0IGJpbmFyeQ==</base64_binary>
+ <hex_binary>6865782052696E617279</hex_binary>
+ <!-- date/time -->
+ <date>2001-10-26+02:00</date>
+ <date_time>2001-10-26T21:32:52+02:00</date_time>
+ <duration>P1Y2M3DT5H20M30S</duration>
+ <day>---01+02:00</day>
+ <month>--11+02:00</month>
+ <month_day>--11-02+02:00</month_day>
+ <year>2001+02:00</year>
+ <year_month>2001-11+02:00</year_month>
+ <time>21:32:52+02:00</time>
+ <!-- entity -->
+ <!--
+ <entity>foo</entity>
+ <entities>foo bar</entities>
+ -->
+ </test:inherited>
+ ln -s $src_base/types.xsd ./;
+ $* elements.xml attributes.xml inherited.xml 2>>EOE
+ elements:
+ byte: A
+ unsigned_byte: B
+ short: -222
+ unsigned_short: 57005
+ int: -57005
+ unsigned_int: 3735928559
+ long: -3735928559
+ unsigned_long: 16045690984833335023
+ integer: -3735928559
+ non_positive_integer: -3735928559
+ non_negative_integer: 3735928559
+ positive_integer: 3735928559
+ negative_integer: -3735928559
+ boolean: 1
+ float: 1234.12
+ double: 1.23457e+07
+ decimal: 1.23457e+07
+ string: string
+ normalized_string: normalized string
+ token: one two three
+ name: name
+ name_token: name-token
+ name_tokens: name tokens
+ ncname: ncname
+ language: en-us
+ qname:
+ id: elements1
+ id: elements2
+ id_ref: elements1
+ id_refs: elements1 elements2
+ any_uri:
+ base64_binary: YmFzZTY0IGJpbmFyeQ==
+ hex_binary: 6865782052696E617279
+ date: 2001-10-26+02:00
+ date_time: 2001-10-26T21:32:52.000000+02:00
+ duration: P1Y2M3DT5H20M30.000000S
+ day: 01+02:00
+ month: 11+02:00
+ month_day: 11-02+02:00
+ year: 2001+02:00
+ year_month: 2001-11+02:00
+ time: 21:32:52.000000+02:00
+ attributes:
+ byte: A
+ unsigned_byte: B
+ short: -222
+ unsigned_short: 57005
+ int: -57005
+ unsigned_int: 3735928559
+ long: -3735928559
+ unsigned_long: 16045690984833335023
+ integer: -3735928559
+ non_positive_integer: -3735928559
+ non_negative_integer: 3735928559
+ positive_integer: 3735928559
+ negative_integer: -3735928559
+ boolean: 0
+ float: 1234.12
+ double: 1.23457e+07
+ decimal: 1.23457e+07
+ string: string
+ normalized_string: normalized string
+ token: one two three
+ name: name
+ name_token: name-token
+ name_tokens: name tokens
+ ncname: ncname
+ language: en-us
+ qname:
+ id: attributes
+ id_ref: attributes
+ id_refs: attributes
+ any_uri:
+ base64_binary: YmFzZTY0IGJpbmFyeQ==
+ hex_binary: 6865782052696E617279
+ date: 2001-10-26+02:00
+ date_time: 2001-10-26T21:32:52.000000+02:00
+ duration: P1Y2M3DT5H20M30.000000S
+ day: 01+02:00
+ month: 11+02:00
+ month_day: 11-02+02:00
+ year: 2001+02:00
+ year_month: 2001-11+02:00
+ time: 21:32:52.000000+02:00
+ inherited:
+ byte: A
+ unsigned_byte: B
+ short: -222
+ unsigned_short: 57005
+ int: -57005
+ unsigned_int: 3735928559
+ long: -3735928559
+ unsigned_long: 16045690984833335023
+ integer: -3735928559
+ non_positive_integer: -3735928559
+ non_negative_integer: 3735928559
+ positive_integer: 3735928559
+ negative_integer: -3735928559
+ boolean: 1
+ float: 1234.12
+ double: 1.23457e+07
+ decimal: 1.23457e+07
+ string: string
+ normalized_string: normalized string
+ token: one two three
+ name: name
+ name_token: name-token
+ name_tokens: name tokens
+ ncname: ncname
+ language: en-us
+ qname:
+ id: elements1
+ id: elements2
+ id_ref: elements1
+ id_refs: elements1 elements2
+ any_uri:
+ base64_binary: YmFzZTY0IGJpbmFyeQ==
+ hex_binary: 6865782052696E617279
+ date: 2001-10-26+02:00
+ date_time: 2001-10-26T21:32:52.000000+02:00
+ duration: P1Y2M3DT5H20M30.000000S
+ day: 01+02:00
+ month: 11+02:00
+ month_day: 11-02+02:00
+ year: 2001+02:00
+ year_month: 2001-11+02:00
+ time: 21:32:52.000000+02:00
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/built-in/types.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/built-in/types.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22582cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/built-in/types.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation=" XMLSchema.xsd"
+ xmlns=""
+ targetNamespace="">
+ <!-- elements -->
+ <xsd:complexType name="Elements">
+ <xsd:sequence>
+ <!-- integers -->
+ <xsd:element name="byte" type="xsd:byte"/>
+ <xsd:element name="unsigned_byte" type="xsd:unsignedByte"/>
+ <xsd:element name="short" type="xsd:short"/>
+ <xsd:element name="unsigned_short" type="xsd:unsignedShort"/>
+ <xsd:element name="int" type="xsd:int"/>
+ <xsd:element name="unsigned_int" type="xsd:unsignedInt"/>
+ <xsd:element name="long" type="xsd:long"/>
+ <xsd:element name="unsigned_long" type="xsd:unsignedLong"/>
+ <xsd:element name="integer" type="xsd:integer"/>
+ <xsd:element name="non_positive_integer" type="xsd:nonPositiveInteger"/>
+ <xsd:element name="non_negative_integer" type="xsd:nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ <xsd:element name="positive_integer" type="xsd:positiveInteger"/>
+ <xsd:element name="negative_integer" type="xsd:negativeInteger"/>
+ <!-- boolean -->
+ <xsd:element name="boolean" type="xsd:boolean"/>
+ <!-- floats -->
+ <xsd:element name="float" type="xsd:float"/>
+ <xsd:element name="double" type="xsd:double"/>
+ <xsd:element name="decimal" type="xsd:decimal"/>
+ <!-- strings -->
+ <xsd:element name="string" type="xsd:string"/>
+ <xsd:element name="normalized_string" type="xsd:normalizedString"/>
+ <xsd:element name="token" type="xsd:token"/>
+ <xsd:element name="name" type="xsd:Name"/>
+ <xsd:element name="name_token" type="xsd:NMTOKEN"/>
+ <xsd:element name="name_tokens" type="xsd:NMTOKENS"/>
+ <xsd:element name="ncname" type="xsd:NCName"/>
+ <xsd:element name="language" type="xsd:language"/>
+ <!-- qualified name -->
+ <xsd:element name="qname" type="xsd:QName"/>
+ <!-- ID/IDREF -->
+ <xsd:element name="id" maxOccurs="2" type="xsd:ID"/>
+ <xsd:element name="id_ref" type="xsd:IDREF"/>
+ <xsd:element name="id_refs" type="xsd:IDREFS"/>
+ <!-- URI -->
+ <xsd:element name="any_uri" type="xsd:anyURI"/>
+ <!-- binary -->
+ <xsd:element name="base64_binary" type="xsd:base64Binary"/>
+ <xsd:element name="hex_binary" type="xsd:hexBinary"/>
+ <!-- date/time -->
+ <xsd:element name="date" type="xsd:date"/>
+ <xsd:element name="date_time" type="xsd:dateTime"/>
+ <xsd:element name="duration" type="xsd:duration"/>
+ <xsd:element name="day" type="xsd:gDay"/>
+ <xsd:element name="month" type="xsd:gMonth"/>
+ <xsd:element name="month_day" type="xsd:gMonthDay"/>
+ <xsd:element name="year" type="xsd:gYear"/>
+ <xsd:element name="year_month" type="xsd:gYearMonth"/>
+ <xsd:element name="time" type="xsd:time"/>
+ <!-- entity -->
+ <!--
+ <xsd:element name="entity" type="xsd:ENTITY"/>
+ <xsd:element name="entities" type="xsd:ENTITIES"/>
+ -->
+ <!-- notation -->
+ <!-- xsd:element name="notation" type="xsd:NOTATION"/ -->
+ </xsd:sequence>
+ </xsd:complexType>
+ <xsd:element name="elements" type="Elements"/>
+ <!-- attributes -->
+ <xsd:complexType name="Attributes">
+ <!-- integers -->
+ <xsd:attribute name="byte" type="xsd:byte"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="unsigned_byte" type="xsd:unsignedByte"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="short" type="xsd:short"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="unsigned_short" type="xsd:unsignedShort"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="int" type="xsd:int"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="unsigned_int" type="xsd:unsignedInt"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="long" type="xsd:long"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="unsigned_long" type="xsd:unsignedLong"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="integer" type="xsd:integer"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="non_positive_integer" type="xsd:nonPositiveInteger"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="non_negative_integer" type="xsd:nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="positive_integer" type="xsd:positiveInteger"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="negative_integer" type="xsd:negativeInteger"/>
+ <!-- boolean -->
+ <xsd:attribute name="boolean" type="xsd:boolean"/>
+ <!-- floats -->
+ <xsd:attribute name="float" type="xsd:float"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="double" type="xsd:double"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="decimal" type="xsd:decimal"/>
+ <!-- strings -->
+ <xsd:attribute name="string" type="xsd:string"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="normalized_string" type="xsd:normalizedString"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="token" type="xsd:token"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:Name"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="name_token" type="xsd:NMTOKEN"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="name_tokens" type="xsd:NMTOKENS"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="ncname" type="xsd:NCName"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="language" type="xsd:language"/>
+ <!-- qualified name -->
+ <xsd:attribute name="qname" type="xsd:QName"/>
+ <!-- ID/IDREF -->
+ <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:ID"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="id_ref" type="xsd:IDREF"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="id_refs" type="xsd:IDREFS"/>
+ <!-- URI -->
+ <xsd:attribute name="any_uri" type="xsd:anyURI"/>
+ <!-- binary -->
+ <xsd:attribute name="base64_binary" type="xsd:base64Binary"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="hex_binary" type="xsd:hexBinary"/>
+ <!-- date/time -->
+ <xsd:attribute name="date" type="xsd:date"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="date_time" type="xsd:dateTime"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="duration" type="xsd:duration"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="day" type="xsd:gDay"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="month" type="xsd:gMonth"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="month_day" type="xsd:gMonthDay"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="year" type="xsd:gYear"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="year_month" type="xsd:gYearMonth"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="time" type="xsd:time"/>
+ <!-- entity -->
+ <!--
+ <xsd:attribute name="entity" type="xsd:ENTITY"/>
+ <xsd:attribute name="entities" type="xsd:ENTITIES"/>
+ -->
+ <!-- notation -->
+ <!-- xsd:element name="notation" type="xsd:NOTATION"/ -->
+ </xsd:complexType>
+ <xsd:element name="attributes" type="Attributes"/>
+ <!-- inheritance -->
+ <!-- integers -->
+ <xsd:simpleType name="Byte">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:byte"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="UnsignedByte">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:unsignedByte"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="Short">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:short"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="UnsignedShort">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:unsignedShort"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="Int">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:int"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="UnsignedInt">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:unsignedInt"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="Long">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:long"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="UnsignedLong">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:unsignedLong"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="Integer">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="NonPositiveInteger">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:nonPositiveInteger"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="NonNegativeInteger">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:nonNegativeInteger"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="PositiveInteger">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:positiveInteger"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="NegativeInteger">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:negativeInteger"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <!-- boolean -->
+ <xsd:simpleType name="Boolean">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:boolean"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <!-- floats -->
+ <xsd:simpleType name="Float">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:float"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="Double">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:double"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="Decimal">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:decimal"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <!-- strings -->
+ <xsd:simpleType name="String">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="NormalizedString">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:normalizedString"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="Token">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:token"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="Name">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:Name"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="NameToken">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="NameTokens">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKENS"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="NCName">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NCName"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="Language">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:language"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <!-- qualified name -->
+ <xsd:simpleType name="QName">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:QName"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <!-- ID/IDREF -->
+ <xsd:simpleType name="Id">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:ID"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="IdRef">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:IDREF"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="IdRefs">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:IDREFS"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <!-- URI -->
+ <xsd:simpleType name="URI">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:anyURI"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <!-- binary -->
+ <xsd:simpleType name="Base64Binary">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:base64Binary"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="HexBinary">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:hexBinary"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <!-- date/time -->
+ <xsd:simpleType name="Date">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:date"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="DateTime">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:dateTime"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="Duration">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:duration"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="Day">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:gDay"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="Month">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:gMonth"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="MonthDay">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:gMonthDay"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="Year">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:gYear"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="YearMonth">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:gYearMonth"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="Time">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:time"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <!-- entity -->
+ <!--
+ <xsd:element name="entity" type="xsd:ENTITY"/>
+ <xsd:element name="entities" type="xsd:ENTITIES"/>
+ -->
+ <!-- notation -->
+ <!-- xsd:element name="notation" type="xsd:NOTATION"/ -->
+ <!-- elements -->
+ <xsd:complexType name="Inherited">
+ <xsd:sequence>
+ <!-- integers -->
+ <xsd:element name="byte" type="Byte"/>
+ <xsd:element name="unsigned_byte" type="UnsignedByte"/>
+ <xsd:element name="short" type="Short"/>
+ <xsd:element name="unsigned_short" type="UnsignedShort"/>
+ <xsd:element name="int" type="Int"/>
+ <xsd:element name="unsigned_int" type="UnsignedInt"/>
+ <xsd:element name="long" type="Long"/>
+ <xsd:element name="unsigned_long" type="UnsignedLong"/>
+ <xsd:element name="integer" type="Integer"/>
+ <xsd:element name="non_positive_integer" type="NonPositiveInteger"/>
+ <xsd:element name="non_negative_integer" type="NonNegativeInteger"/>
+ <xsd:element name="positive_integer" type="PositiveInteger"/>
+ <xsd:element name="negative_integer" type="NegativeInteger"/>
+ <!-- boolean -->
+ <xsd:element name="boolean" type="Boolean"/>
+ <!-- floats -->
+ <xsd:element name="float" type="Float"/>
+ <xsd:element name="double" type="Double"/>
+ <xsd:element name="decimal" type="Decimal"/>
+ <!-- strings -->
+ <xsd:element name="string" type="String"/>
+ <xsd:element name="normalized_string" type="NormalizedString"/>
+ <xsd:element name="token" type="Token"/>
+ <xsd:element name="name" type="Name"/>
+ <xsd:element name="name_token" type="NameToken"/>
+ <xsd:element name="name_tokens" type="NameTokens"/>
+ <xsd:element name="ncname" type="NCName"/>
+ <xsd:element name="language" type="Language"/>
+ <!-- qualified name -->
+ <xsd:element name="qname" type="QName"/>
+ <!-- ID/IDREF -->
+ <xsd:element name="id" maxOccurs="2" type="Id"/>
+ <xsd:element name="id_ref" type="IdRef"/>
+ <xsd:element name="id_refs" type="IdRefs"/>
+ <!-- URI -->
+ <xsd:element name="any_uri" type="URI"/>
+ <!-- binary -->
+ <xsd:element name="base64_binary" type="Base64Binary"/>
+ <xsd:element name="hex_binary" type="HexBinary"/>
+ <!-- date/time -->
+ <xsd:element name="date" type="Date"/>
+ <xsd:element name="date_time" type="DateTime"/>
+ <xsd:element name="duration" type="Duration"/>
+ <xsd:element name="day" type="Day"/>
+ <xsd:element name="month" type="Month"/>
+ <xsd:element name="month_day" type="MonthDay"/>
+ <xsd:element name="year" type="Year"/>
+ <xsd:element name="year_month" type="YearMonth"/>
+ <xsd:element name="time" type="Time"/>
+ <!-- entity -->
+ <!--
+ <xsd:element name="entity" type="xsd:ENTITY"/>
+ <xsd:element name="entities" type="xsd:ENTITIES"/>
+ -->
+ <!-- notation -->
+ <!-- xsd:element name="notation" type="xsd:NOTATION"/ -->
+ </xsd:sequence>
+ </xsd:complexType>
+ <xsd:element name="inherited" type="Inherited"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/chameleon/.gitignore b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/chameleon/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ec7484
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/chameleon/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/chameleon/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/chameleon/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cec3b01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/chameleon/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/chameleon/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -includer} {hxx ixx cxx}{includer} $libs
+exe{driver}: xml{test}: test.input = true
+exe{driver}: file{output}: test.stdout = true
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{includer}>: xsd{includer includee} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-ostream \
+ --root-element root \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/chameleon/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/chameleon/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c22ca55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/chameleon/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/chameleon/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test chameleon inclusion.
+#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr/unique_ptr
+#include <iostream>
+#include "includer.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ if (argc != 2)
+ {
+ cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " test.xml" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<root_t> r (root (argv[1]));
+ cout << *r << endl;
+ }
+ catch (xml_schema::exception const& e)
+ {
+ cerr << e << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/chameleon/includee.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/chameleon/includee.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..531a7d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/chameleon/includee.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
+ <xsd:complexType name="root_t">
+ <xsd:sequence>
+ <xsd:element name="a" type="type"/>
+ <xsd:element ref="b"/>
+ </xsd:sequence>
+ </xsd:complexType>
+ <xsd:element name="root" type="root_t"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/chameleon/includer.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/chameleon/includer.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1c850a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/chameleon/includer.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
+ xmlns="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <xsd:include schemaLocation="includee.xsd"/>
+ <xsd:simpleType name="type">
+ <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"/>
+ </xsd:simpleType>
+ <xsd:element name="b" type="xsd:string"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/chameleon/output b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/chameleon/output
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c40f715
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/chameleon/output
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+a: a
+b: b
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/chameleon/test.xml b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/chameleon/test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12ff279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/chameleon/test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<t:root xmlns:t="test"
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation="test includer.xsd">
+ <a>a</a>
+ <t:b>b</t:b>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/comparison/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/comparison/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..507a703
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/comparison/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/comparison/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+exe{driver}: xml{test}: test.input = true
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-comparison \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/comparison/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/comparison/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa7b66d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/comparison/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/comparison/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test generated comparison operators.
+#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr/unique_ptr
+#include <iostream>
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ if (argc != 2)
+ {
+ cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " test.xml" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<type> r (root (argv[1]));
+ type::complex_sequence s (r->complex ());
+ assert (s[0] == s[0]);
+ assert (s[0] != s[1]);
+ }
+ catch (xml_schema::exception const& e)
+ {
+ cerr << e << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/comparison/test.xml b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/comparison/test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5d8158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/comparison/test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<t:root xmlns:t="test"
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation="test test.xsd">
+ <complex x="123" y="abc">
+ <a>123</a>
+ <b>abc</b>
+ <c x="123">abc</c>
+ <c x="456">def</c>
+ </complex>
+ <complex x="123" y="abc">
+ <a>123</a>
+ <b>abc</b>
+ <c x="123">abc</c>
+ <c x="456">xyz</c>
+ </complex>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/comparison/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/comparison/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c234add
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/comparison/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns="" xmlns:t="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <complexType name="member">
+ <simpleContent>
+ <extension base="string">
+ <attribute name="x" type="int" use="required"/>
+ </extension>
+ </simpleContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="complex">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="int"/>
+ <element name="b" type="string" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <element name="c" type="t:member" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ <attribute name="x" type="int"/>
+ <attribute name="y" type="string" use="required"/>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="complex" type="t:complex" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="root" type="t:type"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/compilation/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/compilation/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bec2b4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/compilation/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/compilation/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-serialization \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/compilation/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/compilation/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c5ab39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/compilation/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/compilation/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Make sure the runtime library compiles by explicitly instantiating
+// all the types.
+#include <iostream>
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::simple_type<char, xml_schema::type>;
+// String types.
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::string< char, xml_schema::simple_type >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::normalized_string< char, xml_schema::string >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::token< char, xml_schema::normalized_string >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::name< char, xml_schema::token >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::nmtoken< char, xml_schema::token >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::nmtokens< char, xml_schema::simple_type, xml_schema::nmtoken >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::ncname< char, xml_schema::name >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::language< char, xml_schema::token >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::id< char, xml_schema::ncname >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::idref< char, xml_schema::ncname, xml_schema::type >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::idrefs< char, xml_schema::simple_type, xml_schema::idref >;
+// URI.
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::uri< char, xml_schema::simple_type >;
+// Qualified name.
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::qname< char, xml_schema::simple_type, xml_schema::uri, xml_schema::ncname >;
+// Binary.
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::buffer< char >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::base64_binary< char, xml_schema::simple_type >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::hex_binary< char, xml_schema::simple_type >;
+// Date/time.
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::date< char, xml_schema::simple_type >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::date_time< char, xml_schema::simple_type >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::duration< char, xml_schema::simple_type >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::gday< char, xml_schema::simple_type >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::gmonth< char, xml_schema::simple_type >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::gmonth_day< char, xml_schema::simple_type >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::gyear< char, xml_schema::simple_type >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::gyear_month< char, xml_schema::simple_type >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::time< char, xml_schema::simple_type >;
+// Entity.
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::entity< char, xml_schema::ncname >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::entities< char, xml_schema::simple_type, xml_schema::entity >;
+// Namespace information and list stream. Used in
+// serialization functions.
+template class xsd::cxx::xml::dom::namespace_info < char >;
+template class xsd::cxx::xml::dom::namespace_infomap < char >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::list_stream < char >;
+// Flags and properties.
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char >;
+// Exceptions.
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::exception< char >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::parsing< char >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::expected_element< char >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_element< char >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::expected_attribute< char >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_enumerator< char >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::expected_text_content< char >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::no_type_info< char >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::not_derived< char >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::duplicate_id< char >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::serialization< char >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::no_prefix_mapping< char >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::bounds< char >;
+// Parsing/serialization diagnostics.
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::error< char >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::diagnostics< char >;
+// Error handler interface.
+template class xsd::cxx::xml::error_handler< char >;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::fundamental_base<int, char, xml_schema::type>;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::one<int>;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::one<xml_schema::string>;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::optional<int>;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::optional<xml_schema::string>;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::sequence<int>;
+template class xsd::cxx::tree::sequence<xml_schema::string>;
+main ()
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/compilation/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/compilation/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07bebc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/compilation/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns="" xmlns:t="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <complexType name="type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="string"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="root" type="t:type"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/complex/ctor/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/complex/ctor/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53e32b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/complex/ctor/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/complex/ctor/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-default-ctor \
+ --generate-from-base-ctor \
+ --generate-doxygen \
+ --generate-polymorphic \
+ --polymorphic-type-all \
+ --generate-comparison \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/complex/ctor/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/complex/ctor/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7beaa93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/complex/ctor/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/complex/ctor/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test generation of varous complex type constructors.
+#include <cassert>
+#include <memory>
+#include "test.hxx"
+#ifdef XSD_CXX11
+# include <utility> // std::move
+# define XSD_MOVE(x) std::move(x)
+# define XSD_MOVE(x) x
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+main ()
+ // Test case A.
+ //
+ {
+ a_base b1;
+ a_base b2 ("abc"); // empty ultimate base + required
+ a_base b3 ("abc", "foo"); // ultimate base + required
+ a_derived a1;
+ a_derived a2 ("foo", "bar"); // empty ultimate base + required
+ a_derived a3 (b3, "bar"); // base + required
+ a_derived a4 ("abc", "foo", "bar"); // ultimate base + required
+ }
+ // Test case B.
+ //
+ {
+ b_simple s ("base");
+ b_base b ("base", "foo");
+ b_derived d ("base", "foo", "bar");
+ b_type t ("base");
+ }
+ // Test case C.
+ //
+ {
+ c_simple s (c_enum::a);
+ c_base b (c_enum::a, "foo");
+ c_derived d (c_enum::a, "foo", "bar");
+ c_type t (c_enum::a);
+ }
+ // Test case D.
+ //
+ {
+ d_simple s (1);
+ d_base b (1, "foo");
+ d_derived d (1, "foo", "bar");
+ d_type t (1);
+ }
+ // Test case E.
+ //
+ {
+ // e_base
+ //
+ e_base b1 (1, "foo", e_complex_type ("bar"));
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<e_complex_type> c2 (new e_complex_type ("bar"));
+ e_base b2 (1, "foo", XSD_MOVE (c2));
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<e_simple_type> s3 (new e_simple_type ("foo"));
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<e_complex_type> c3 (new e_complex_type ("bar"));
+ e_base b3 (1, XSD_MOVE (s3), XSD_MOVE (c3));
+ assert (b1 == b2);
+ assert (b1 == b3);
+ // e_derived
+ //
+ e_derived d1 (1, "foo", e_complex_type ("bar"),
+ true, "baz", e_complex_type ("biz"));
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<e_complex_type> c2a (new e_complex_type ("bar"));
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<e_complex_type> c2b (new e_complex_type ("biz"));
+ e_derived d2 (1, "foo", XSD_MOVE (c2a), true, "baz", XSD_MOVE (c2b));
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<e_simple_type> s3a (new e_simple_type ("foo"));
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<xml_schema::string> s3b (new xml_schema::string ("baz"));
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<e_complex_type> c3a (new e_complex_type ("bar"));
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<e_complex_type> c3b (new e_complex_type ("biz"));
+ e_derived d3 (1,
+ XSD_MOVE (s3a),
+ XSD_MOVE (c3a),
+ true,
+ XSD_MOVE (s3b),
+ XSD_MOVE (c3b));
+ assert (d1 == d2);
+ assert (d1 == d3);
+ }
+ // Test case F.
+ //
+ {
+ f_type f1 (xml_schema::type (), 1, "foo", f_complex_type ("bar"));
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<f_complex_type> c2 (new f_complex_type ("bar"));
+ f_type f2 (1, "foo", XSD_MOVE (c2));
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<f_simple_type> s3 (new f_simple_type ("foo"));
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<f_complex_type> c3 (new f_complex_type ("bar"));
+ f_type f3 (1, XSD_MOVE (s3), XSD_MOVE (c3));
+ assert (f1 == f2);
+ assert (f1 == f3);
+ }
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/complex/ctor/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/complex/ctor/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8dd95e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/complex/ctor/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns="" xmlns:t="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <!-- Test case A: several levels of inheritance with ultimate base. -->
+ <complexType name="a_base">
+ <simpleContent>
+ <extension base="string">
+ <attribute name="foo" type="string" use="required"/>
+ </extension>
+ </simpleContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="a_derived">
+ <simpleContent>
+ <extension base="t:a_base">
+ <attribute name="bar" type="string" use="required"/>
+ </extension>
+ </simpleContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <!-- Test case B: string-based c-tors. -->
+ <simpleType name="b_simple">
+ <restriction base="string">
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleType>
+ <complexType name="b_base">
+ <simpleContent>
+ <extension base="t:b_simple">
+ <attribute name="foo" type="string" use="required"/>
+ </extension>
+ </simpleContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="b_derived">
+ <simpleContent>
+ <extension base="t:b_base">
+ <attribute name="bar" type="string" use="required"/>
+ </extension>
+ </simpleContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="b_type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="t:b_simple"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <!-- Test case C: enum-based c-tors. -->
+ <simpleType name="c_enum_base">
+ <restriction base="string">
+ <enumeration value="a"/>
+ <enumeration value="b"/>
+ <enumeration value="c"/>
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleType>
+ <simpleType name="c_enum">
+ <restriction base="t:c_enum_base">
+ <enumeration value="a"/>
+ <enumeration value="c"/>
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleType>
+ <simpleType name="c_simple">
+ <restriction base="t:c_enum">
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleType>
+ <complexType name="c_base">
+ <simpleContent>
+ <extension base="t:c_simple">
+ <attribute name="foo" type="string" use="required"/>
+ </extension>
+ </simpleContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="c_derived">
+ <simpleContent>
+ <extension base="t:c_base">
+ <attribute name="bar" type="string" use="required"/>
+ </extension>
+ </simpleContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="c_type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="t:c_simple"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <!-- Test case D: fundamental type c-tors. -->
+ <simpleType name="d_simple">
+ <restriction base="int">
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleType>
+ <complexType name="d_base">
+ <simpleContent>
+ <extension base="t:d_simple">
+ <attribute name="foo" type="string" use="required"/>
+ </extension>
+ </simpleContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="d_derived">
+ <simpleContent>
+ <extension base="t:d_base">
+ <attribute name="bar" type="string" use="required"/>
+ </extension>
+ </simpleContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="d_type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="t:d_simple"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <!-- Test case E: auto_ptr ctors. -->
+ <simpleType name="e_simple_type">
+ <restriction base="string">
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleType>
+ <complexType name="e_complex_type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="string"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="e_base">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="fund" type="int"/>
+ <element name="simple" type="t:e_simple_type"/>
+ <element name="complex" type="t:e_complex_type"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="e_derived">
+ <complexContent>
+ <extension base="t:e_base">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="fund1" type="boolean"/>
+ <element name="simple1" type="string"/>
+ <element name="complex1" type="t:e_complex_type"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </extension>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <!-- Test case F: auto_ptr args in c-tor (all-non-optional-members) -->
+ <simpleType name="f_simple_type">
+ <restriction base="string">
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleType>
+ <complexType name="f_complex_type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="string"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="f_type">
+ <complexContent>
+ <restriction base="anyType">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="fund" type="int"/>
+ <element name="simple" type="t:f_simple_type"/>
+ <element name="complex" type="t:f_complex_type"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </restriction>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/containment/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/containment/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d0272b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/containment/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/containment/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-default-ctor \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/containment/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/containment/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65c17fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/containment/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/containment/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test tree node containment.
+#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr/unique_ptr
+#include <cassert>
+#include "test.hxx"
+#ifdef XSD_CXX11
+# include <utility> // std::move
+# define XSD_MOVE(x) std::move(x)
+# define XSD_MOVE(x) x
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+main ()
+ // Change of a container in a sub-tree without ID.
+ //
+ {
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<inner> i (new inner ());
+ i->ref ("foo");
+ outer o;
+ o.i (XSD_MOVE (i));
+ o.ref ("foo");
+ assert (o.i ()->ref ()->get () == 0);
+ assert (o.ref ()->get () == 0);
+ }
+ // Change of container in a sub-tree with ID inside.
+ //
+ {
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<inner> i (new inner ());
+ inner* p (i.get ());
+ i->id ("foo");
+ i->ref ("foo");
+ assert (i->ref ()->get () == p);
+ outer o;
+ o.i (XSD_MOVE (i));
+ o.ref ("foo");
+ assert (o.i ()->ref ()->get () == p);
+ assert (o.ref ()->get () == p);
+ }
+ // Change of a container in ID.
+ //
+ {
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<xml_schema::id> id (new xml_schema::id ("foo"));
+ inner i;
+ (XSD_MOVE (id));
+ i.ref ("foo");
+ assert (i.ref ()->get () == &i);
+ }
+ // Change of a container in a type derived from ID with ID inside.
+ //
+ {
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<id_ex> id (new id_ex ("foo"));
+ id_ex* p (id.get ());
+ id->id ("bar");
+ inner i;
+ i.id_ex (XSD_MOVE (id));
+ i.ref ("foo");
+ assert (i.ref ()->get () == &i);
+ i.ref ("bar");
+ assert (i.ref ()->get () == p);
+ }
+ // IDREF lists
+ //
+ {
+ id i1 ("a"), i2 ("b");
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<ids> ic (new ids);
+ ic->id ().push_back (i1);
+ ic->id ().push_back (i2);
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<xml_schema::idrefs> r1 (new xml_schema::idrefs);
+ r1->push_back (xml_schema::idref ("a"));
+ r1->push_back (xml_schema::idref ("b"));
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<idref_list> r2 (new idref_list);
+ r2->push_back (xml_schema::idref ("a"));
+ r2->push_back (xml_schema::idref ("b"));
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<idrefs1> rc1 (new idrefs1);
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<idrefs2> rc2 (new idrefs2);
+ rc1->idrefs (XSD_MOVE (r1));
+ rc2->idrefs (XSD_MOVE (r2));
+ model m;
+ m.ids (XSD_MOVE (ic));
+ m.idrefs1 (XSD_MOVE (rc1));
+ m.idrefs2 (XSD_MOVE (rc2));
+ assert (m.idrefs1 ().idrefs ()[0].get () != 0);
+ assert (m.idrefs1 ().idrefs ()[1].get () != 0);
+ assert (m.idrefs2 ().idrefs ()[0].get () != 0);
+ assert (m.idrefs2 ().idrefs ()[1].get () != 0);
+ }
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/containment/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/containment/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72c9379
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/containment/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns="" xmlns:t="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <complexType name="id-ex">
+ <simpleContent>
+ <extension base="ID">
+ <attribute name="id" type="ID"/>
+ </extension>
+ </simpleContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="inner">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="id" type="ID" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <element name="id-ex" type="t:id-ex" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <element name="ref" type="IDREF" minOccurs="0"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="outer">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="i" type="t:inner" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <element name="ref" type="IDREF" minOccurs="0"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <!-- IDREF lists -->
+ <complexType name="id">
+ <attribute name="id" type="ID" use="required"/>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="ids">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="id" type="t:id" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="idrefs1">
+ <attribute name="idrefs" type="IDREFS" use="required"/>
+ </complexType>
+ <simpleType name="idref-list">
+ <list itemType="IDREF"/>
+ </simpleType>
+ <complexType name="idrefs2">
+ <attribute name="idrefs" type="t:idref-list" use="required"/>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="model">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="ids" type="t:ids"/>
+ <element name="idrefs1" type="t:idrefs1"/>
+ <element name="idrefs2" type="t:idrefs2"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/general/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/general/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e482ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/general/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/default/general/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+exe{driver}: xml{test}: test.input = true
+exe{driver}: file{output}: test.stdout = true
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-serialization \
+ --generate-ostream \
+ --generate-default-ctor \
+ --generate-from-base-ctor \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/general/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/general/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7031636
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/general/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/default/general/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test default attribute/element values.
+#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr/unique_ptr
+#include <iostream>
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ if (argc != 2)
+ {
+ cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " test.xml" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<type> r (root (argv[1], xml_schema::flags::dont_validate));
+ xml_schema::namespace_infomap map;
+ map["t"].name = "test";
+ root (cout, *r, map);
+ }
+ catch (xml_schema::exception const& e)
+ {
+ cerr << e << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/general/output b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/general/output
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..396a698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/general/output
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<t:root xmlns:t="test" base64_bin1="" base64_bin2="YmFzZTY0IGJpbmFyeQ==&#xA;" bool1="true" bool2="true" bool3="false" bool4="false" byte="-99" decimal1="1.12345" decimal2="-0.456" double1="1.12345" double2="1123.45" double3="-0.00012345" double4="NaN" double5="-INF" fix1="123" fix2="123" fix3="abc" fix4="abc" fix5="aaa bbb ccc" fix6="aaa bbb ccc" float1="1.123" float2="1123" float3="-0.000123" float4="NaN" float5="-INF" hex_bin1="" hex_bin2="6865782052696E617279" id="this" idref="this" idrefs="this" int="-99999" integer="-99999" language="en-us" long="-99999" ncname="abcd" ninteger="-99999" nmtoken="ab:cd" nmtokens1="a:b efg aaa" nmtokens2="abc" nninteger="99999" npinteger="-99999" nstring=" a b " pinteger="99999" qname1="foo" qname2="t:bar" short="-999" string1="" string2=" a b " token="a b" ubyte="99" uint="99999" ulong="99999" uri="" ushort="999">
+ <union a="abc"/>
+ <list a="123 345 678" b="ab cd ef" c="abc" d="abc def"/>
+ <simple a="123" b="abc" c="123" d="abc" e="abc" f="abc 123"/>
+ <date a="2009-03-31" b="2009-03-31Z" c="2009-03-31Z" d="2009-03-31Z" e="2009-03-31+12:30" f="2009-03-31-12:30" g="2002009-03-31-12:30"/>
+ <time a="12:03:45" b="12:03:45.123Z" c="12:03:05.123Z" d="12:03:45.123Z" e="12:03:45.123+12:30" f="12:03:45-12:30"/>
+ <date-time a="2009-03-31T12:03:45" b="2009-03-31T12:03:45.123Z" c="2002009-03-31T12:03:05.123-12:30"/>
+ <duration a="P100Y" b="P100M" c="P100D" d="PT12H" e="PT12M" f="PT12.123S" g="-P100Y10M20DT12H12M1.123S"/>
+ <day a="---02" b="---22Z" c="---22-12:30"/>
+ <month a="--02" b="--12Z" c="--12+12:30"/>
+ <year a="2009" b="-2002009Z" c="2009-12:30"/>
+ <month-day a="--02-02" b="--12-22Z" c="--12-22+12:30"/>
+ <year-month a="2009-02" b="-2002009-12Z" c="2009-12-12:30"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/general/test.xml b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/general/test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11bd0a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/general/test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<t:root xmlns:t="test" id="this" fix2="123" fix4="abc" fix6="aaa bbb ccc">
+ <union/>
+ <list/>
+ <simple/>
+ <date/>
+ <time/>
+ <date-time/>
+ <duration/>
+ <day/>
+ <month/>
+ <year/>
+ <month-day/>
+ <year-month/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/general/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/general/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d9cd38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/general/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" xmlns:t="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <!-- union -->
+ <xs:simpleType name="union">
+ <xs:union memberTypes="xs:int xs:string"/>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:complexType name="union-test">
+ <xs:attribute default="abc" name="a" type="t:union"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!-- list -->
+ <xs:simpleType name="fix-list">
+ <xs:list itemType="xs:int"/>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:simpleType name="var-list">
+ <xs:list itemType="xs:string"/>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:simpleType name="list-item">
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:simpleType name="usr-list">
+ <xs:list itemType="t:list-item"/>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:simpleType name="union-list">
+ <xs:list itemType="t:union"/>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:complexType name="list-test">
+ <xs:attribute default="123 345 678" name="a" type="t:fix-list"/>
+ <xs:attribute default=" ab cd ef " name="b" type="t:var-list"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="abc" name="c" type="t:usr-list"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="abc def" name="d" type="t:union-list"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!-- simple type -->
+ <xs:simpleType name="int-base">
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:int"/>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:simpleType name="str-base">
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:simpleType name="int">
+ <xs:restriction base="t:int-base"/>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:simpleType name="str">
+ <xs:restriction base="t:str-base"/>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:simpleType name="union-derived">
+ <xs:restriction base="t:union"/>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:simpleType name="list-derived">
+ <xs:restriction base="t:usr-list"/>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:complexType name="simple-test">
+ <xs:attribute default="123" name="a" type="t:int-base"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="abc" name="b" type="t:str-base"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="123" name="c" type="t:int"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="abc" name="d" type="t:str"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="abc" name="e" type="t:union-derived"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="abc 123" name="f" type="t:list-derived"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!-- date/time types -->
+ <xs:simpleType name="date-derived">
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:date"/>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:complexType name="date-test">
+ <xs:attribute default="2009-03-31" name="a" type="xs:date"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="2009-03-31Z" name="b" type="xs:date"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="2009-03-31+00:00" name="c" type="xs:date"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="2009-03-31-00:00" name="d" type="xs:date"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="2009-03-31+12:30" name="e" type="xs:date"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="2009-03-31-12:30" name="f" type="xs:date"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="2002009-03-31-12:30" name="g" type="t:date-derived"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="time-test">
+ <xs:attribute default="12:03:45" name="a" type="xs:time"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="12:03:45.123Z" name="b" type="xs:time"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="12:03:05.123+00:00" name="c" type="xs:time"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="12:03:45.123-00:00" name="d" type="xs:time"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="12:03:45.123+12:30" name="e" type="xs:time"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="12:03:45-12:30" name="f" type="xs:time"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="date-time-test">
+ <xs:attribute default="2009-03-31T12:03:45" name="a" type="xs:dateTime"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="2009-03-31T12:03:45.123Z" name="b" type="xs:dateTime"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="2002009-03-31T12:03:05.123-12:30" name="c" type="xs:dateTime"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="duration-test">
+ <xs:attribute default="P100Y" name="a" type="xs:duration"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="P100M" name="b" type="xs:duration"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="P100D" name="c" type="xs:duration"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="PT12H" name="d" type="xs:duration"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="PT12M" name="e" type="xs:duration"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="PT12.123S" name="f" type="xs:duration"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="-P100Y10M20DT12H12M1.123S" name="g" type="xs:duration"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="day-test">
+ <xs:attribute default="---02" name="a" type="xs:gDay"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="---22Z" name="b" type="xs:gDay"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="---22-12:30" name="c" type="xs:gDay"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="month-test">
+ <xs:attribute default="--02" name="a" type="xs:gMonth"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="--12Z" name="b" type="xs:gMonth"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="--12+12:30" name="c" type="xs:gMonth"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="year-test">
+ <xs:attribute default="2009" name="a" type="xs:gYear"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="-2002009Z" name="b" type="xs:gYear"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="2009-12:30" name="c" type="xs:gYear"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="month-day-test">
+ <xs:attribute default="--02-02" name="a" type="xs:gMonthDay"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="--12-22Z" name="b" type="xs:gMonthDay"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="--12-22+12:30" name="c" type="xs:gMonthDay"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="year-month-test">
+ <xs:attribute default="2009-02" name="a" type="xs:gYearMonth"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="-2002009-12Z" name="b" type="xs:gYearMonth"/>
+ <xs:attribute default="2009-12-12:30" name="c" type="xs:gYearMonth"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="union" type="t:union-test"/>
+ <xs:element name="list" type="t:list-test"/>
+ <xs:element name="simple" type="t:simple-test"/>
+ <xs:element name="date" type="t:date-test"/>
+ <xs:element name="time" type="t:time-test"/>
+ <xs:element name="date-time" type="t:date-time-test"/>
+ <xs:element name="duration" type="t:duration-test"/>
+ <xs:element name="day" type="t:day-test"/>
+ <xs:element name="month" type="t:month-test"/>
+ <xs:element name="year" type="t:year-test"/>
+ <xs:element name="month-day" type="t:month-day-test"/>
+ <xs:element name="year-month" type="t:year-month-test"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:attribute name="any" type="xs:anySimpleType" default=""/>
+ <xs:attribute name="bool1" type="xs:boolean" default="true"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="bool2" type="xs:boolean" default="1"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="bool3" type="xs:boolean" default="false"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="bool4" type="xs:boolean" default="0"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="byte" type="xs:byte" default="-99"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="ubyte" type="xs:unsignedByte" default="99"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="short" type="xs:short" default="-999"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="ushort" type="xs:unsignedShort" default="999"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="int" type="xs:int" default="-99999"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="uint" type="xs:unsignedInt" default="99999"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="long" type="xs:long" default="-99999"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="ulong" type="xs:unsignedLong" default="99999"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="integer" type="xs:integer" default="-99999"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="npinteger" type="xs:nonPositiveInteger" default="-99999"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="nninteger" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" default="99999"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="pinteger" type="xs:positiveInteger" default="99999"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="ninteger" type="xs:negativeInteger" default="-99999"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="float1" type="xs:float" default="1.123"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="float2" type="xs:float" default="1.123e3"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="float3" type="xs:float" default="-.123E-3"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="float4" type="xs:float" default="NaN"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="float5" type="xs:float" default="-INF"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="double1" type="xs:double" default="1.12345"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="double2" type="xs:double" default="1.12345e3"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="double3" type="xs:double" default="-.12345E-3"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="double4" type="xs:double" default="NaN"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="double5" type="xs:double" default="-INF"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="decimal1" type="xs:decimal" default="1.12345"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="decimal2" type="xs:decimal" default="-.456"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="string1" type="xs:string" default=""/>
+ <xs:attribute name="string2" type="xs:string" default=" a b "/>
+ <xs:attribute name="nstring" type="xs:normalizedString" default=" a b "/>
+ <xs:attribute name="token" type="xs:token" default=" a b "/>
+ <xs:attribute name="nmtoken" type="xs:NMTOKEN" default="ab:cd"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="nmtokens1" type="xs:NMTOKENS" default=" a:b efg aaa "/>
+ <xs:attribute name="nmtokens2" type="xs:NMTOKENS" default="abc"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="ncname" type="xs:NCName" default=" abcd "/>
+ <xs:attribute name="language" type="xs:language" default=" en-us "/>
+ <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="idref" type="xs:IDREF" default="this"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="idrefs" type="xs:IDREFS" default=" this "/>
+ <xs:attribute name="uri" type="xs:anyURI" default=" "/>
+ <xs:attribute name="qname1" type="xs:QName" default="foo"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="qname2" type="xs:QName" default="t:bar"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="base64_bin1" type="xs:base64Binary" default=""/>
+ <xs:attribute name="base64_bin2" type="xs:base64Binary" default="YmFzZTY0IGJpbmFyeQ=="/>
+ <xs:attribute name="hex_bin1" type="xs:hexBinary" default=""/>
+ <xs:attribute name="hex_bin2" type="xs:hexBinary" default="6865782052696E617279"/>
+ <!-- fixed -->
+ <xs:attribute name="fix1" type="xs:int" fixed="123"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="fix2" type="xs:int" fixed="123" use="required"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="fix3" type="xs:string" fixed="abc"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="fix4" type="xs:string" fixed="abc" use="required"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="fix5" type="xs:NMTOKENS" fixed="aaa bbb ccc"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="fix6" type="xs:NMTOKENS" fixed="aaa bbb ccc" use="required"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:element name="root" type="t:type"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/omit/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/omit/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..407ab1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/omit/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/default/omit/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+exe{driver}: xml{test}: test.input = true
+exe{driver}: file{output}: test.stdout = true
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-serialization \
+ --generate-ostream \
+ --generate-default-ctor \
+ --generate-from-base-ctor \
+ --omit-default-attributes \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/omit/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/omit/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dcc0d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/omit/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/default/omit/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test default attribute omission from the output.
+#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr/unique_ptr
+#include <iostream>
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ if (argc != 2)
+ {
+ cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " test.xml" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<type> r (root (argv[1], xml_schema::flags::dont_validate));
+ cout << *r << endl
+ << "default x: " << derived::x_default_value () << endl
+ << "default y: " << derived::y_default_value () << endl
+ << "fixed p: " << derived::p_default_value () << endl
+ << "fixed q1: " << derived::q1_default_value () << endl
+ << "fixed q2: " << derived::q2_default_value () << endl;
+ // Serialize.
+ //
+ xml_schema::namespace_infomap map;
+ map["t"].name = "test";
+ root (cout, *r, map);
+ }
+ catch (xml_schema::exception const& e)
+ {
+ cerr << e << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/omit/output b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/omit/output
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..150ad58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/omit/output
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+a: a
+x: foo
+q1: 1
+y: -20
+p: bar
+q2: 2
+default x: foo
+default y: -20
+fixed p: bar
+fixed q1: 1
+fixed q2: 2
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<t:root xmlns:t="test">
+ <derived q1="1" q2="2">
+ <a>a</a>
+ </derived>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/omit/test.xml b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/omit/test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dec39b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/omit/test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<t:root xmlns:t="test"
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation="test test.xsd">
+ <derived q1="1" q2="2">
+ <a>a</a>
+ </derived>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/omit/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/omit/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfc68d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/default/omit/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns="" xmlns:t="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <complexType name="base">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="string"/>
+ </sequence>
+ <attribute name="x" type="string" default="foo"/>
+ <attribute name="q1" type="int" fixed="1" use="required"/>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="derived">
+ <complexContent>
+ <extension base="t:base">
+ <attribute name="y" type="int" default="-20"/>
+ <attribute name="p" type="string" fixed="bar"/>
+ <attribute name="q2" type="int" fixed="2" use="required"/>
+ </extension>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="derived" type="t:derived"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="root" type="t:type"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/detach/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/detach/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07f5f03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/detach/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/detach/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-detach \
+ --generate-default-ctor \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/detach/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/detach/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b632b5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/detach/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/detach/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test the detach functionality.
+#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr/unique_ptr
+#include <cassert>
+#include "test.hxx"
+#ifdef XSD_CXX11
+# include <utility> // std::move
+# define XSD_MOVE(x) std::move(x)
+# define XSD_MOVE(x) x
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+main ()
+ using test::ref;
+ // Construct the model.
+ //
+ object o1 ("o1");
+ ().push_back ("1-1");
+ ().push_back ("1-2");
+ ().push_back ("1-3");
+ object o2 ("o2");
+ ().push_back ("2-1");
+ ().push_back ("2-2");
+ ().push_back ("2-3");
+ object o3 ("o3");
+ ().push_back ("3-1");
+ ().push_back ("3-2");
+ ().push_back ("3-3");
+ object o4 ("o4");
+ ().push_back ("4-1");
+ ().push_back ("4-2");
+ ().push_back ("4-3");
+ subtree s1;
+ s1.o ().push_back (o1);
+ s1.o ().push_back (o2);
+ s1.r ().push_back (ref ("o2"));
+ s1.r ().push_back (ref ("o3"));
+ subtree s2;
+ s2.o ().push_back (o3);
+ s2.o ().push_back (o4);
+ s2.r ().push_back (ref ("o4"));
+ s2.r ().push_back (ref ("o1"));
+ model m;
+ (s1);
+ m.opt (s2);
+ // Detach one.
+ //
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<subtree> p (m.detach_one ());
+ assert (p->_container () == 0);
+ assert (p->r ()[0].get () == &p->o ()[1]);
+ assert (m.opt ()->r ()[1].get () == 0);
+ (XSD_MOVE (p));
+ assert (m.opt ()->r ()[1].get () == & ().o ()[0]);
+ p = m.detach_one ();
+ model m1;
+ (XSD_MOVE (p));
+ m1.opt (s2);
+ assert (m1.opt ()->r ()[1].get () == & ().o ()[0]);
+ p = m1.detach_one ();
+ m.seq ().push_back (XSD_MOVE (p));
+ // Detach opt.
+ //
+ p = m.opt ().detach ();
+ assert (!m.opt ());
+ assert (p->_container () == 0);
+ assert (p->r ()[0].get () == &p->o ()[1]);
+ assert (m.seq ()[0].r ()[1].get () == 0);
+ m.seq ().push_back (XSD_MOVE (p));
+ // Detach seq.
+ //
+ p = m.seq ().detach_back ();
+ assert (p->_container () == 0);
+ assert (p->r ()[0].get () == &p->o ()[1]);
+ assert (m.seq ()[0].r ()[1].get () == 0);
+ m.seq ().push_back (XSD_MOVE (p));
+ assert (m.seq ()[0].r ()[1].get () == &m.seq ()[1].o ()[0]);
+ m.seq ().detach (m.seq ().begin (), p);
+ assert (p->_container () == 0);
+ assert (p->r ()[0].get () == &p->o ()[1]);
+ assert (m.seq ()[0].r ()[1].get () == 0);
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/detach/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/detach/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9f5166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/detach/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns="" xmlns:t="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <complexType name="object">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="data" type="string" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ <attribute name="id" type="ID" use="required"/>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="ref">
+ <simpleContent>
+ <extension base="IDREF"/>
+ </simpleContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="subtree">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="o" type="t:object" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <element name="r" type="t:ref" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="model">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="one" type="t:subtree"/>
+ <element name="opt" type="t:subtree" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <element name="seq" type="t:subtree" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/dom-association/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/dom-association/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85593e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/dom-association/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/dom-association/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+exe{driver}: xml{test}: test.input = true
+exe{driver}: file{output}: test.stdout = true
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-ostream \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
+# Define XSD_CXX11 since we include libxsd headers directly.
+cxx.poptions += -DXSD_CXX11
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/dom-association/dom-parse.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/dom-association/dom-parse.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..281eb2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/dom-association/dom-parse.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/dom-association/dom-parse.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include "dom-parse.hxx"
+#include <istream>
+#include <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/util/XMLUniDefs.hpp> // chLatin_*
+#include <xercesc/framework/Wrapper4InputSource.hpp>
+#include <xsd/cxx/xml/sax/std-input-source.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/xml/dom/bits/error-handler-proxy.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/exceptions.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/error-handler.hxx>
+using namespace xercesc;
+namespace xml = xsd::cxx::xml;
+namespace tree = xsd::cxx::tree;
+parse (std::istream& is,
+ const std::string& id,
+ bool validate)
+ const XMLCh ls_id [] = {chLatin_L, chLatin_S, chNull};
+ // Get an implementation of the Load-Store (LS) interface.
+ //
+ DOMImplementation* impl (
+ DOMImplementationRegistry::getDOMImplementation (ls_id));
+ XSD_DOM_AUTO_PTR<DOMLSParser> parser (
+ impl->createLSParser (DOMImplementationLS::MODE_SYNCHRONOUS, 0));
+ DOMConfiguration* conf (parser->getDomConfig ());
+ // Discard comment nodes in the document.
+ //
+ conf->setParameter (XMLUni::fgDOMComments, false);
+ // Enable datatype normalization.
+ //
+ conf->setParameter (XMLUni::fgDOMDatatypeNormalization, true);
+ // Do not create EntityReference nodes in the DOM tree. No
+ // EntityReference nodes will be created, only the nodes
+ // corresponding to their fully expanded substitution text
+ // will be created.
+ //
+ conf->setParameter (XMLUni::fgDOMEntities, false);
+ // Perform namespace processing.
+ //
+ conf->setParameter (XMLUni::fgDOMNamespaces, true);
+ // Do not include ignorable whitespace in the DOM tree.
+ //
+ conf->setParameter (XMLUni::fgDOMElementContentWhitespace, false);
+ // Enable/Disable validation.
+ //
+ conf->setParameter (XMLUni::fgDOMValidate, validate);
+ conf->setParameter (XMLUni::fgXercesSchema, validate);
+ conf->setParameter (XMLUni::fgXercesSchemaFullChecking, false);
+ // Xerces-C++ 3.1.0 is the first version with working multi import
+ // support.
+ //
+#if _XERCES_VERSION >= 30100
+ conf->setParameter (XMLUni::fgXercesHandleMultipleImports, true);
+ // We will release the DOM document ourselves.
+ //
+ conf->setParameter (XMLUni::fgXercesUserAdoptsDOMDocument, true);
+ // Set error handler.
+ //
+ tree::error_handler<char> eh;
+ xml::dom::bits::error_handler_proxy<char> ehp (eh);
+ conf->setParameter (XMLUni::fgDOMErrorHandler, &ehp);
+ // Prepare input stream.
+ //
+ xml::sax::std_input_source isrc (is, id);
+ Wrapper4InputSource wrap (&isrc, false);
+ XSD_DOM_AUTO_PTR<DOMDocument> doc (parser->parse (&wrap));
+ eh.throw_if_failed<tree::parsing<char> > ();
+ return doc;
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/dom-association/dom-parse.hxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/dom-association/dom-parse.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f14a53b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/dom-association/dom-parse.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/dom-association/dom-parse.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#ifndef DOM_PARSE
+#define DOM_PARSE
+#include <string>
+#include <iosfwd>
+#include <xercesc/dom/DOMDocument.hpp>
+#include <xsd/cxx/xml/dom/auto-ptr.hxx>
+// Parse an XML document from the standard input stream with an
+// optional resource id. Resource id is used in diagnostics as
+// well as to locate schemas referenced from inside the document.
+parse (std::istream& is,
+ const std::string& id,
+ bool validate);
+#endif // DOM_PARSE
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/dom-association/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/dom-association/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d85e105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/dom-association/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/dom-association/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test DOM association/ownership.
+#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr/unique_ptr
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp>
+#include "dom-parse.hxx"
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+using namespace xercesc;
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ if (argc != 2)
+ {
+ cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " test.xml" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ int r (0);
+ XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize ();
+ try
+ {
+ ifstream ifs;
+ ifs.exceptions (ifstream::badbit | ifstream::failbit);
+ (argv[1]);
+ DOMDocument* ptr;
+#ifdef XSD_CXX11
+ xml_schema::dom::unique_ptr<DOMDocument> doc (parse (ifs, argv[1], true));
+ ptr = doc.get ();
+ unique_ptr<type> r (
+ root (std::move (doc),
+ xml_schema::flags::keep_dom | xml_schema::flags::own_dom));
+ xml_schema::dom::auto_ptr<DOMDocument> doc (parse (ifs, argv[1], true));
+ ptr = doc.get ();
+ auto_ptr<type> r (
+ root (doc,
+ xml_schema::flags::keep_dom | xml_schema::flags::own_dom));
+ assert (doc.get () == 0);
+ assert (r->_node ()->getOwnerDocument () == ptr);
+ }
+ catch (xml_schema::exception const& e)
+ {
+ cerr << e << endl;
+ r = 1;
+ }
+ catch (const std::ios_base::failure&)
+ {
+ cerr << argv[1] << ": unable to open or read failure" << endl;
+ r = 1;
+ }
+ XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate ();
+ return r;
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/dom-association/output b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/dom-association/output
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/dom-association/output
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/dom-association/test.xml b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/dom-association/test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..624a80c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/dom-association/test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<t:root xmlns:t="test"
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation="test test.xsd">
+ <a>a</a>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/dom-association/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/dom-association/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07bebc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/dom-association/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns="" xmlns:t="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <complexType name="type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="string"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="root" type="t:type"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/iso-8859-1/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/iso-8859-1/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdea527
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/iso-8859-1/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/encoding/char/iso-8859-1/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+exe{driver}: xml{test}: test.input = true
+exe{driver}: file{output}: test.stdout = true
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-serialization \
+ --char-encoding iso8859-1 \
+ --generate-doxygen \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/iso-8859-1/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/iso-8859-1/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e356815
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/iso-8859-1/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/encoding/char/iso-8859-1/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test ISO-8859-1 encoding.
+#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr/unique_ptr
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ if (argc != 2)
+ {
+ cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " test.xml" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ root (argv[1]);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ catch (xsd::cxx::xml::iso8859_1_unrepresentable const&)
+ {
+ }
+ xsd::cxx::xml::char_transcoder::unrep_char ('?');
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<type> r (root (argv[1]));
+ {
+ type::a_sequence const& s (r->a ());
+ if (s[0] != "abc" ||
+ s[1] != "\xE6" ||
+ s[2] != "\xA2\xA3\xA4\xA5" ||
+ s[3] != "??")
+ {
+ cerr << "invalid encoding" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ type::b_sequence const& s (r->b ());
+ if (s[0] != strenum::abc ||
+ s[1] != strenum::a_c ||
+ s[2] != strenum::cxx__bc)
+ {
+ cerr << "invalid encoding" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ xml_schema::namespace_infomap map;
+ map["t"].name = "test";
+ root (std::cout, *r, map, "ISO-8859-1");
+ }
+ catch (xml_schema::exception const& e)
+ {
+ cerr << "xml_schema::exception: " << e.what () << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/iso-8859-1/output b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/iso-8859-1/output
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb73faa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/iso-8859-1/output
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no" ?>
+<t:root xmlns:t="test">
+ <a>abc</a>
+ <a>æ</a>
+ <a>¢£¤¥</a>
+ <a>??</a>
+ <b>abc</b>
+ <b>aâc</b>
+ <b>âòbc</b>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/iso-8859-1/test.xml b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/iso-8859-1/test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc05f8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/iso-8859-1/test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<t:root xmlns:t="test"
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation="test test.xsd">
+ <a>abc</a>
+ <a>&#xE6;</a>
+ <a>&#xA2;&#xA3;&#xA4;&#xA5;</a>
+ <a>&#x100;&#xAAAA;</a>
+ <b>abc</b>
+ <b>a&#xE2;c</b>
+ <b>&#xE2;&#xF2;bc</b>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/iso-8859-1/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/iso-8859-1/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31b8901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/iso-8859-1/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns="" xmlns:t="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <simpleType name="strenum">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ Test enum. Valid values are:
+ abc
+ a&#xE2;c
+ &#xF2;bc
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ <restriction base="string">
+ <enumeration value="abc"/>
+ <enumeration value="a&#xE2;c"/>
+ <enumeration value="&#xE2;&#xF2;bc"/>
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleType>
+ <complexType name="type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="string" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <element name="b" type="t:strenum" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="root" type="t:type"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/lcp/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/lcp/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d935b09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/lcp/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/encoding/char/lcp/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+exe{driver}: xml{test}: test.input = true
+exe{driver}: file{output}: test.stdout = true
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-serialization \
+ --char-encoding lcp \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/lcp/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/lcp/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97c0875
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/lcp/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/encoding/char/lcp/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test local code page encoding (--char-encoding lcp).
+// The test just makes sure it still compiles and works.
+#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr/unique_ptr
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ if (argc != 2)
+ {
+ cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " test.xml" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<type> r (root (argv[1]));
+ xml_schema::namespace_infomap map;
+ map["t"].name = "test";
+ root (std::cout, *r, map);
+ }
+ catch (xml_schema::exception const& e)
+ {
+ cerr << "xml_schema::exception: " << e.what () << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/lcp/output b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/lcp/output
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..368826d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/lcp/output
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<t:root xmlns:t="test">
+ <a>abcd</a>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/lcp/test.xml b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/lcp/test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..772512e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/lcp/test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<t:root xmlns:t="test"
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation="test test.xsd">
+ <a>abcd</a>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/lcp/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/lcp/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e264e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/lcp/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns="" xmlns:t="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <complexType name="type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="string" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="root" type="t:type"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/utf-8/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/utf-8/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d48165
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/utf-8/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/encoding/char/utf-8/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+exe{driver}: xml{test}: test.input = true
+exe{driver}: file{output}: test.stdout = true
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-serialization \
+ --generate-doxygen \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/utf-8/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/utf-8/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7892667
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/utf-8/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/encoding/char/utf-8/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test UTF-8 encoding.
+#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr/unique_ptr
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ if (argc != 2)
+ {
+ cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " test.xml" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<type> r (root (argv[1]));
+ {
+ type::a_sequence const& s (r->a ());
+ if (s[0] != "abc" ||
+ s[1] != "\xD5\x95" ||
+ s[2] != "\xEA\xAA\xAA")
+ {
+ cerr << "invalid encoding" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ type::b_sequence const& s (r->b ());
+ if (s[0] != strenum::abc ||
+ s[1] != strenum::a_c ||
+ s[2] != strenum::cxx_bc)
+ {
+ cerr << "invalid encoding" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ xml_schema::namespace_infomap map;
+ map["t"].name = "test";
+ root (std::cout, *r, map, "ASCII");
+ }
+ catch (xml_schema::exception const& e)
+ {
+ cerr << "xml_schema::exception: " << e.what () << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/utf-8/output b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/utf-8/output
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdfef4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/utf-8/output
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII" standalone="no" ?>
+<t:root xmlns:t="test">
+ <a>abc</a>
+ <a>&#x555;</a>
+ <a>&#xAAAA;</a>
+ <b>abc</b>
+ <b>a&#x555;c</b>
+ <b>&#xAAAA;bc</b>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/utf-8/test.xml b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/utf-8/test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d3e27a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/utf-8/test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<t:root xmlns:t="test"
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation="test test.xsd">
+ <a>abc</a>
+ <a>&#x555;</a>
+ <a>&#xAAAA;</a>
+ <b>abc</b>
+ <b>a&#x555;c</b>
+ <b>&#xAAAA;bc</b>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/utf-8/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/utf-8/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5ee868
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/char/utf-8/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns="" xmlns:t="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <simpleType name="strenum">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ Test enum. Valid values are:
+ abc
+ a&#x555;c
+ &#xAAAA;bc
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ <restriction base="string">
+ <enumeration value="abc"/>
+ <enumeration value="a&#x555;c"/>
+ <enumeration value="&#xAAAA;bc"/>
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleType>
+ <complexType name="type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="string" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <element name="b" type="t:strenum" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="root" type="t:type"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/wchar/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/wchar/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f640976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/wchar/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/encoding/wchar/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+exe{driver}: xml{test}: test.input = true
+exe{driver}: file{output}: test.stdout = true
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-serialization \
+ --char-type wchar_t \
+ --generate-doxygen \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/wchar/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/wchar/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbcbcba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/wchar/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/encoding/wchar/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test the wide character mapping.
+#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr/unique_ptr
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ if (argc != 2)
+ {
+ cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " test.xml" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ // Use dont_validate because we do not have instance's system id (path).
+ //
+ std::ifstream ifs (argv[1]);
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<type> r (root (ifs, xml_schema::flags::dont_validate));
+ {
+ type::b_sequence const& s (r->b ());
+ if (s[0] != strenum::abc ||
+ s[1] != strenum::a__c ||
+ s[2] != strenum::cxx__bc ||
+ s[3] != strenum::ab__)
+ {
+ cerr << "invalid encoding" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ xml_schema::namespace_infomap map;
+ map[L"t"].name = L"test";
+ root (std::cout, *r, map, L"ASCII");
+ }
+ catch (xml_schema::exception const& e)
+ {
+ cerr << "xml_schema::exception: " << e.what () << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/wchar/output b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/wchar/output
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0eaef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/wchar/output
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII" standalone="no" ?>
+<t:root xmlns:t="test">
+ <a>abc</a>
+ <a>&#x1FFF;&#xD7FF;</a>
+ <a>&#x1000;&#x10FF;</a>
+ <b>abc</b>
+ <b>a&#x1FFF;&#xD7FF;c</b>
+ <b>&#x1000;&#x10FF;bc</b>
+ <b>ab&#x1000;&#x10FF;</b>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/wchar/test.xml b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/wchar/test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9abb1b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/wchar/test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<t:root xmlns:t="test"
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation="test test.xsd">
+ <a>abc</a>
+ <a>&#x1FFF;&#xD7FF;</a>
+ <a>&#x1000;&#x10FF;</a>
+ <b>abc</b>
+ <b>a&#x1FFF;&#xD7FF;c</b>
+ <b>&#x1000;&#x10FF;bc</b>
+ <b>ab&#x1000;&#x10FF;</b>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/wchar/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/wchar/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0151d2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/encoding/wchar/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns="" xmlns:t="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <simpleType name="strenum">
+ <annotation>
+ <documentation>
+ Test enum. Valid values are:
+ abc
+ a&#x1FFF;&#xD7FF;c
+ &#x1000;&#x10FF;bc
+ ab&#x1000;&#x10FF;
+ </documentation>
+ </annotation>
+ <restriction base="string">
+ <enumeration value="abc"/>
+ <enumeration value="a&#x1FFF;&#xD7FF;c"/>
+ <enumeration value="&#x1000;&#x10FF;bc"/>
+ <enumeration value="ab&#x1000;&#x10FF;"/>
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleType>
+ <complexType name="type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="string" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <element name="b" type="t:strenum" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="root" type="t:type"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/enumeration/ctor/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/enumeration/ctor/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96be1ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/enumeration/ctor/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/enumeration/ctor/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-default-ctor \
+ --generate-from-base-ctor \
+ --generate-doxygen \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/enumeration/ctor/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/enumeration/ctor/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5ea1f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/enumeration/ctor/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/enumeration/ctor/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test enumeration constructors.
+#include <string>
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+main ()
+ // Test ctor(const char*).
+ //
+ {
+ string_enum se ("a");
+ type t ("a", 1);
+ }
+ // Test ctor(const std::string&)
+ //
+ {
+ string const s ("c");
+ string_enum se (s);
+ type t (s, 3);
+ }
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/enumeration/ctor/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/enumeration/ctor/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5d625a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/enumeration/ctor/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns="" xmlns:t="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <simpleType name="string-enum-base">
+ <restriction base="string">
+ <enumeration value="a"/>
+ <enumeration value="b"/>
+ <enumeration value="c"/>
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleType>
+ <simpleType name="string-enum">
+ <restriction base="t:string-enum-base">
+ <enumeration value="a"/>
+ <enumeration value="c"/>
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleType>
+ <simpleType name="int-enum-base">
+ <restriction base="int">
+ <enumeration value="1"/>
+ <enumeration value="2"/>
+ <enumeration value="3"/>
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleType>
+ <simpleType name="int-enum">
+ <restriction base="t:int-enum-base">
+ <enumeration value="1"/>
+ <enumeration value="3"/>
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleType>
+ <complexType name="type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="t:string-enum"/>
+ <element name="b" type="t:int-enum"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/enumeration/inheritance/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/enumeration/inheritance/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..184c95c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/enumeration/inheritance/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/enumeration/inheritance/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+exe{driver}: xml{test}: test.input = true
+exe{driver}: file{output}: test.stdout = true
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-ostream \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/enumeration/inheritance/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/enumeration/inheritance/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b517b1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/enumeration/inheritance/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/enumeration/inheritance/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Insert test description here.
+#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr/unique_ptr
+#include <cassert>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ if (argc != 2)
+ {
+ cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " test.xml" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<top_bottom> r (root (argv[1]));
+ switch (*r)
+ {
+ case top_bottom::top:
+ {
+ cout << "top" << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ case top_bottom::bottom:
+ {
+ cout << "bottom" << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: // Suppress warning.
+ {
+ assert (false);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (xml_schema::exception const& e)
+ {
+ cerr << e << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/enumeration/inheritance/output b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/enumeration/inheritance/output
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fef12e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/enumeration/inheritance/output
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/enumeration/inheritance/test.xml b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/enumeration/inheritance/test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1de9043
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/enumeration/inheritance/test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<t:root xmlns:t="test"
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation="test test.xsd">bottom</t:root>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/enumeration/inheritance/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/enumeration/inheritance/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf2eeb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/enumeration/inheritance/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns="" xmlns:t="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <simpleType name="side">
+ <restriction base="string">
+ <enumeration value="top"/>
+ <enumeration value="left"/>
+ <enumeration value="bottom"/>
+ <enumeration value="right"/>
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleType>
+ <simpleType name="top-bottom">
+ <restriction base="t:side">
+ <enumeration value="top"/>
+ <enumeration value="bottom"/>
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleType>
+ <element name="root" type="t:top-bottom"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/float/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/float/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4872a2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/float/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/float/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+exe{driver}: xml{test}: test.input = true
+exe{driver}: file{output}: test.stdout = true
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-serialization \
+ --root-element-all \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/float/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/float/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f7455f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/float/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/float/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test floating point (xsd:{float, double, decimal}) type parsing
+// and serialization.
+#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr/unique_ptr
+#include <iostream>
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ if (argc != 2)
+ {
+ cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " test.xml" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<type> r (root (argv[1]));
+ r->simple ().push_back (12.129456);
+ r->simple ().push_back (123.129456);
+ r->simple ().push_back (1234.129456);
+ r->s (12.129456);
+ r->complex ().push_back (12.129456);
+ r->complex ().push_back (123.129456);
+ r->complex ().push_back (1234.129456);
+ r->complex ().push_back (-12.12);
+ r->complex ().push_back (-123.12);
+ r->s (12.129456);
+ xml_schema::namespace_infomap map;
+ map["t"].name = "test";
+ root (cout, *r, map);
+ }
+ catch (xml_schema::exception const& e)
+ {
+ cerr << e << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/float/output b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/float/output
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..399e28c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/float/output
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<t:root xmlns:t="test" de="0" do="0" f="0" s="12.13">
+ <float>0</float>
+ <float>1</float>
+ <float>1e+06</float>
+ <float>1e-07</float>
+ <float-list>0 1 1e+06 1e-07</float-list>
+ <double>0</double>
+ <double>1</double>
+ <double>100000000000000</double>
+ <double>1e-15</double>
+ <double-list>0 1 100000000000000 1e-15</double-list>
+ <decimal>0</decimal>
+ <decimal>1</decimal>
+ <decimal>10000</decimal>
+ <decimal>100000000000000</decimal>
+ <decimal>0.000000000000001</decimal>
+ <decimal-list>0 1 100000000000000 0.000000000000001</decimal-list>
+ <simple>0</simple>
+ <simple>1</simple>
+ <simple>12.34</simple>
+ <simple>0.12</simple>
+ <simple>12.13</simple>
+ <simple>123.1</simple>
+ <simple>1234</simple>
+ <complex>0</complex>
+ <complex>1</complex>
+ <complex>12.34</complex>
+ <complex>0.12</complex>
+ <complex>12.13</complex>
+ <complex>123.1</complex>
+ <complex>1234</complex>
+ <complex>-12.12</complex>
+ <complex>-123.1</complex>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/float/test.xml b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/float/test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5124a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/float/test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<t:root xmlns:t="test"
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation="test test.xsd"
+ f="0.0" do="0.0" de="0.0">
+ <float>0.0</float>
+ <float>1.0</float>
+ <float>1000000.0</float>
+ <float>0.0000001</float>
+ <float-list>0.0 1.0 1000000.0 0.0000001</float-list>
+ <double>0.0</double>
+ <double>1.0</double>
+ <double>100000000000000.0</double>
+ <double>0.000000000000001</double>
+ <double-list>0.0 1.0 100000000000000.0 0.000000000000001</double-list>
+ <decimal>0.0</decimal>
+ <decimal>1.0</decimal>
+ <decimal>10000</decimal>
+ <decimal>100000000000000.0</decimal>
+ <decimal>0.000000000000001</decimal>
+ <decimal-list>0.0 1.0 100000000000000.0 0.000000000000001</decimal-list>
+ <simple>0.0</simple>
+ <simple>1.0</simple>
+ <simple>12.34</simple>
+ <simple>0.12</simple>
+ <complex>0.0</complex>
+ <complex>1.0</complex>
+ <complex>12.34</complex>
+ <complex>0.12</complex>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/float/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/float/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c02678d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/float/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns="" xmlns:t="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <simpleType name="float-list">
+ <list itemType="float"/>
+ </simpleType>
+ <simpleType name="double-list">
+ <list itemType="double"/>
+ </simpleType>
+ <simpleType name="decimal-list">
+ <list itemType="decimal"/>
+ </simpleType>
+ <!-- decimal facets -->
+ <simpleType name="simple">
+ <restriction base="t:base-simple">
+ <fractionDigits value="2"/>
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleType>
+ <simpleType name="base-simple">
+ <restriction base="decimal">
+ <totalDigits value="4"/>
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleType>
+ <complexType name="complex">
+ <simpleContent>
+ <restriction base="t:base-complex">
+ <fractionDigits value="2"/>
+ <totalDigits value="4"/>
+ <attribute name="x" type="int"/>
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="base-complex">
+ <simpleContent>
+ <extension base="decimal">
+ <attribute name="x" type="int"/>
+ </extension>
+ </simpleContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="float" type="float" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <element name="float-list" type="t:float-list"/>
+ <element name="double" type="double" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <element name="double-list" type="t:double-list"/>
+ <element name="decimal" type="decimal" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <element name="decimal-list" type="t:decimal-list"/>
+ <element name="simple" type="t:simple" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <element name="complex" type="t:complex" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ <attribute name="f" type="float" default="12.34"/>
+ <attribute name="do" type="double" default="1234.1234"/>
+ <attribute name="de" type="decimal" default="1234.1234"/>
+ <attribute name="s" type="t:simple"/>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="root" type="t:type"/>
+ <element name="double" type="double"/>
+ <element name="decimal" type="decimal"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/list/ctor/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/list/ctor/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2155f95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/list/ctor/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/list/ctor/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-default-ctor \
+ --generate-from-base-ctor \
+ --generate-doxygen \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/list/ctor/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/list/ctor/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5673e67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/list/ctor/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/list/ctor/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test list constructors.
+#include <string>
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+main ()
+ // Test ctor()
+ //
+ {
+ string_list sl;
+ xml_schema::nmtokens nt;
+ xml_schema::idrefs id;
+ }
+ // Test ctor(size_type, const X&)
+ //
+ {
+ string_list sl (10, "abc");
+ size_type st (10, 123);
+ xml_schema::nmtokens nt (10, "abc");
+ xml_schema::idrefs id (10, "abc");
+ }
+ // Test ctor(const I& begin, const I& end)
+ //
+ {
+ string_list sl1 (10, "abc");
+ string_list sl2 (sl1.begin (), sl1.end ());
+ I i1 (10, 123);
+ I i2 (i1.begin (), i1.end ());
+ xml_schema::nmtokens nt1 (10, "abc");
+ xml_schema::nmtokens nt2 (nt1.begin (), nt1.end ());
+ xml_schema::idrefs id1 (10, "abc");
+ xml_schema::idrefs id2 (id1.begin (), id1.end ());
+ }
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/list/ctor/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/list/ctor/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f090bb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/list/ctor/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns="" xmlns:t="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <simpleType name="string-list">
+ <list itemType="string"/>
+ </simpleType>
+ <!-- Test name conflict resolution. -->
+ <simpleType name="size_type">
+ <list itemType="int"/>
+ </simpleType>
+ <simpleType name="I">
+ <list itemType="int"/>
+ </simpleType>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/name-clash/inheritance/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/name-clash/inheritance/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..530c42f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/name-clash/inheritance/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/name-clash/inheritance/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+exe{driver}: xml{test}: test.input = true
+exe{driver}: file{output}: test.stdout = true
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-ostream \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/name-clash/inheritance/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/name-clash/inheritance/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..634c56a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/name-clash/inheritance/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/name-clash/inheritance/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test for name clashes across inheritance hierarchy.
+#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr/unique_ptr
+#include <iostream>
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ if (argc != 2)
+ {
+ cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " test.xml" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<derived> r (root (argv[1]));
+ cout << *r << endl;
+ }
+ catch (xml_schema::exception const& e)
+ {
+ cerr << e << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/name-clash/inheritance/output b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/name-clash/inheritance/output
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54565bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/name-clash/inheritance/output
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+e: e
+e: e1
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/name-clash/inheritance/test.xml b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/name-clash/inheritance/test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c17101
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/name-clash/inheritance/test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<t:root xmlns:t="test"
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation="test test.xsd">
+ <e>e</e>
+ <e>e1</e>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/name-clash/inheritance/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/name-clash/inheritance/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b83d7df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/name-clash/inheritance/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns="" xmlns:t="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <!-- same member name in base and derived -->
+ <complexType name="base">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="e" type="string"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="derived">
+ <complexContent>
+ <extension base="t:base">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="e" type="string"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </extension>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="root" type="t:derived"/>
+ <!-- same c-tor argument names (compilation only) -->
+ <complexType name="ctor-args">
+ <simpleContent>
+ <extension base="string">
+ <attribute name="string" type="string" use="required"/>
+ </extension>
+ </simpleContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <!-- same c-tor argument names (compilation only) -->
+ <complexType name="ctor-args-base">
+ <simpleContent>
+ <extension base="string">
+ <attribute name="ctor-args-derived" type="string" use="required"/>
+ </extension>
+ </simpleContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="ctor-args-derived">
+ <simpleContent>
+ <extension base="t:ctor-args-base">
+ <attribute name="foo" type="string" use="required"/>
+ </extension>
+ </simpleContent>
+ </complexType>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/naming/camel/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/naming/camel/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a8410c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/naming/camel/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/naming/camel/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-serialization \
+ --type-naming ucc \
+ --function-naming lcc \
+ --generate-ostream \
+ --generate-comparison \
+ --generate-wildcard \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/naming/camel/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/naming/camel/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..600b3ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/naming/camel/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/naming/camel/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test camel case (upper for types, lower for functions) naming style.
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp>
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+main ()
+ xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize ();
+ try
+ {
+ // Enum 'value' type.
+ //
+ {
+ Gender::Value v;
+ v = Gender::female;
+ }
+ // Anonymous type.
+ //
+ {
+ Foo f ("a", "b");
+ if (f.a () != "a" || f.b () != "b")
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // Type name and accessors/modifiers.
+ //
+ {
+ Type t ("bar");
+ // foo
+ //
+ {
+ Type::FooType* p = 0;
+ Type::FooOptional o;
+ if ( ().present ())
+ return 1;
+ (o);
+ }
+ // bar
+ //
+ {
+ Type::BarType* p = 0;
+ if ( () != "bar")
+ return 1;
+ ("barbar");
+ }
+ // baz
+ //
+ {
+ Type::BazType* p = 0;
+ Type::BazSequence s;
+ Type::BazIterator i (s.begin ());
+ Type::BazConstIterator ci (s.begin ());
+ XSD_UNUSED (ci);
+ if (t.baz () != s)
+ return 1;
+ t.baz (s);
+ }
+ // any
+ //
+ {
+ Type::AnySequence s (t.domDocument ());
+ Type::AnyIterator i (s.begin ());
+ Type::AnyConstIterator ci (s.begin ());
+ XSD_UNUSED (ci);
+ if (t.any () != s)
+ return 1;
+ t.any (s);
+ }
+ // foo
+ //
+ {
+ Type::FoxType x = Type::foxDefaultValue ();
+ if ( () != x)
+ return 1;
+ ("fox");
+ }
+ // any_attribute
+ //
+ {
+ Type::AnyAttributeSet s (t.domDocument ());
+ Type::AnyAttributeIterator i (s.begin ());
+ Type::AnyAttributeConstIterator ci (s.begin ());
+ XSD_UNUSED (ci);
+ if (t.anyAttribute () != s)
+ return 1;
+ t.anyAttribute (s);
+ }
+ }
+ // Parsing/serialization functions.
+ //
+ {
+ istringstream is ("<t:Root xmlns:t='test'>foo</t:Root>");
+ root (is, xml_schema::Flags::dont_validate);
+ }
+ {
+ ostringstream os;
+ xml_schema::NamespaceInfomap m;
+ m["t"].name = "test";
+ root (os, "foo", m);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (xml_schema::Exception const& e)
+ {
+ cerr << e << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate ();
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/naming/camel/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/naming/camel/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d0a745
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/naming/camel/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns="" xmlns:t="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <simpleType name="gender">
+ <restriction base="string">
+ <enumeration value="male"/>
+ <enumeration value="female"/>
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleType>
+ <complexType name="type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="foo" minOccurs="0">
+ <complexType>
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="string"/>
+ <element name="b" type="string"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ </element>
+ <element name="Bar" type="string"/>
+ <element name="Baz" type="string" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <any namespace="other" processContents="skip" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ <attribute name="Fox" type="string" default="hello"/>
+ <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="skip"/>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="Root" type="string"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/naming/java/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/naming/java/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d4b447
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/naming/java/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/naming/java/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-serialization \
+ --type-naming java \
+ --function-naming java \
+ --generate-ostream \
+ --generate-comparison \
+ --generate-wildcard \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/naming/java/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/naming/java/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b47ff74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/naming/java/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/naming/java/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test Java naming style.
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp>
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+main ()
+ xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize ();
+ try
+ {
+ // Enum 'value' type.
+ //
+ {
+ Gender::Value v;
+ v = Gender::female;
+ }
+ // Anonymous type.
+ //
+ {
+ Foo f ("a", "b");
+ if (f.getA () != "a" || f.getB () != "b")
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // Type name and accessors/modifiers.
+ //
+ {
+ Type t ("bar");
+ // foo
+ //
+ {
+ Type::FooType* p = 0;
+ Type::FooOptional o;
+ if (t.getFoo ().present ())
+ return 1;
+ t.setFoo (o);
+ }
+ // bar
+ //
+ {
+ Type::BarType* p = 0;
+ if (t.getBar () != "bar")
+ return 1;
+ t.setBar ("barbar");
+ }
+ // baz
+ //
+ {
+ Type::BazType* p = 0;
+ Type::BazSequence s;
+ Type::BazIterator i (s.begin ());
+ Type::BazConstIterator ci (s.begin ());
+ XSD_UNUSED (ci);
+ if (t.getBaz () != s)
+ return 1;
+ t.setBaz (s);
+ }
+ // any
+ //
+ {
+ Type::AnySequence s (t.getDomDocument ());
+ Type::AnyIterator i (s.begin ());
+ Type::AnyConstIterator ci (s.begin ());
+ XSD_UNUSED (ci);
+ if (t.getAny () != s)
+ return 1;
+ t.setAny (s);
+ }
+ // foo
+ //
+ {
+ Type::FoxType x = Type::getFoxDefaultValue ();
+ if (t.getFox () != x)
+ return 1;
+ t.setFox ("fox");
+ }
+ // any_attribute
+ //
+ {
+ Type::AnyAttributeSet s (t.getDomDocument ());
+ Type::AnyAttributeIterator i (s.begin ());
+ Type::AnyAttributeConstIterator ci (s.begin ());
+ XSD_UNUSED (ci);
+ if (t.getAnyAttribute () != s)
+ return 1;
+ t.setAnyAttribute (s);
+ }
+ }
+ // Parsing/serialization functions.
+ //
+ {
+ istringstream is ("<t:root xmlns:t='test'>foo</t:root>");
+ parseRoot (is, xml_schema::Flags::dont_validate);
+ }
+ {
+ ostringstream os;
+ xml_schema::NamespaceInfomap m;
+ m["t"].name = "test";
+ serializeRoot (os, "foo", m);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (xml_schema::Exception const& e)
+ {
+ cerr << e << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate ();
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/naming/java/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/naming/java/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f525534
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/naming/java/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns="" xmlns:t="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <simpleType name="gender">
+ <restriction base="string">
+ <enumeration value="male"/>
+ <enumeration value="female"/>
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleType>
+ <complexType name="type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="foo" minOccurs="0">
+ <complexType>
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="string"/>
+ <element name="b" type="string"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ </element>
+ <element name="bar" type="string"/>
+ <element name="Baz" type="string" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <any namespace="other" processContents="skip" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ <attribute name="Fox" type="string" default="hello"/>
+ <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="skip"/>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="root" type="string"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/naming/knr/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/naming/knr/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4c2287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/naming/knr/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/naming/knr/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-serialization \
+ --type-naming knr \
+ --function-naming knr \
+ --generate-ostream \
+ --generate-comparison \
+ --generate-wildcard \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/naming/knr/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/naming/knr/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c75dd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/naming/knr/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/naming/knr/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test K&R naming style.
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp>
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+main ()
+ xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize ();
+ try
+ {
+ // Enum 'value' type.
+ //
+ {
+ gender::value v;
+ v = gender::female;
+ }
+ // Anonymous type.
+ //
+ {
+ foo f ("a", "b");
+ if (f.a () != "a" || f.b () != "b")
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // Type name and accessors/modifiers.
+ //
+ {
+ type t ("bar");
+ // foo
+ //
+ {
+ type::foo_type* p = 0;
+ type::foo_optional o;
+ if ( ().present ())
+ return 1;
+ (o);
+ }
+ // bar
+ //
+ {
+ type::bar_type* p = 0;
+ if ( () != "bar")
+ return 1;
+ ("barbar");
+ }
+ // baz
+ //
+ {
+ type::baz_type* p = 0;
+ type::baz_sequence s;
+ type::baz_iterator i (s.begin ());
+ type::baz_const_iterator ci (s.begin ());
+ XSD_UNUSED (ci);
+ if (t.baz () != s)
+ return 1;
+ t.baz (s);
+ }
+ // any
+ //
+ {
+ type::any_sequence s (t.dom_document ());
+ type::any_iterator i (s.begin ());
+ type::any_const_iterator ci (s.begin ());
+ XSD_UNUSED (ci);
+ if (t.any () != s)
+ return 1;
+ t.any (s);
+ }
+ // foo
+ //
+ {
+ type::fox_type x = type::fox_default_value ();
+ if ( () != x)
+ return 1;
+ ("fox");
+ }
+ // any_attribute
+ //
+ {
+ type::any_attribute_set s (t.dom_document ());
+ type::any_attribute_iterator i (s.begin ());
+ type::any_attribute_const_iterator ci (s.begin ());
+ XSD_UNUSED (ci);
+ if (t.any_attribute () != s)
+ return 1;
+ t.any_attribute (s);
+ }
+ }
+ // Parsing/serialization functions.
+ //
+ {
+ istringstream is ("<t:root xmlns:t='test'>foo</t:root>");
+ root (is, xml_schema::flags::dont_validate);
+ }
+ {
+ ostringstream os;
+ xml_schema::namespace_infomap m;
+ m["t"].name = "test";
+ root (os, "foo", m);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (xml_schema::exception const& e)
+ {
+ cerr << e << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate ();
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/naming/knr/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/naming/knr/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4361544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/naming/knr/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns="" xmlns:t="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <simpleType name="gender">
+ <restriction base="string">
+ <enumeration value="male"/>
+ <enumeration value="female"/>
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleType>
+ <complexType name="type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="foo" minOccurs="0">
+ <complexType>
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="string"/>
+ <element name="b" type="string"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ </element>
+ <element name="bar" type="string"/>
+ <element name="baz" type="string" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <any namespace="other" processContents="skip" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ <attribute name="fox" type="string" default="hello"/>
+ <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="skip"/>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="root" type="string"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/order/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/order/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91c3cb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/order/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/order/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+exe{driver}: xml{test}: test.input = true
+exe{driver}: file{output}: test.stdout = true
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-serialization \
+ --generate-wildcard \
+ --generate-comparison \
+ --ordered-type t1_base \
+ --ordered-type t1_derived \
+ --ordered-type t2_base \
+ --ordered-type t2_derived \
+ --ordered-type t3_type \
+ --ordered-type t4_base \
+ --ordered-type t4_derived \
+ --ordered-type t5_base \
+ --ordered-type t5_derived \
+ --ordered-type t6_base \
+ --ordered-type t6_derived \
+ --ordered-type t7_type \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/order/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/order/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1902ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/order/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/order/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test ordered type support.
+#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr/unique_ptr
+#include <cassert>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp>
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+using namespace xercesc;
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ if (argc != 2)
+ {
+ cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " test.xml" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize ();
+ try
+ {
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<root> r (root_ (argv[1], xml_schema::flags::dont_initialize));
+ root c (*r);
+ assert (c == *r);
+ for (root::t1_const_iterator j (r->t1 ().begin ());
+ j != r->t1 ().end (); ++j)
+ {
+ const t1_derived& d (*j);
+ for (t1_derived::content_order_const_iterator i (
+ d.content_order ().begin ()); i != d.content_order ().end (); ++i)
+ {
+ cout << i->id << ' ' << i->index << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ xml_schema::namespace_infomap map;
+ map["t"].name = "test";
+ map["t1"].name = "test1";
+ root_ (cout, *r, map, "UTF-8", xml_schema::flags::dont_initialize);
+ }
+ catch (xml_schema::exception const& e)
+ {
+ cerr << e << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate ();
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/order/output b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/order/output
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73442fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/order/output
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+2 0
+1 0
+1 1
+2 1
+3 0
+4 0
+3 1
+4 1
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<t:root xmlns:t="test" xmlns:t1="test1">
+ <t1>
+ <b>b1</b>
+ <a>a1</a>
+ <a>a2</a>
+ <b>b2</b>
+ <c>c1</c>
+ <d>d1</d>
+ <t1:e>e1</t1:e>
+ <d>d2</d>
+ <t1:f>f1</t1:f>
+ </t1>
+ <t2>
+ <b>b1</b>
+ <a>a1</a>
+ <b>b2</b>
+ <a>a2</a>
+ </t2>
+ <t3>
+ <a>a1</a>
+ <b>b1</b>
+ <c>c1</c>
+ <c>c2</c>
+ </t3>
+ <t3>
+ <a>a1</a>
+ <c>c1</c>
+ </t3>
+ <t4>
+ t1
+ <b>b1</b>
+ t2
+ <a>a1</a>
+ t3
+ <b>b2</b>
+ t4
+ <a>a2</a>
+ t5
+ <t1:d>d1</t1:d>
+ t6
+ <c>c1</c>
+ t7
+ </t4>
+ <t5a>
+ t5a
+ </t5a>
+ <t5b>
+ t1
+ <b>b1</b>
+ t2
+ <a>a1</a>
+ t3
+ <a>a2</a>
+ t4
+ <b>b2</b>
+ t5
+ </t5b>
+ <t6>
+ t6
+ </t6>
+ <t7>
+ t1
+ <t1:a>a1</t1:a>
+ t2
+ <t1:b>b1</t1:b>
+ t3
+ </t7>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/order/test.xml b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/order/test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd82936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/order/test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+<t:root xmlns:t="test"
+ xmlns:t1="test1"
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation="test test.xsd">
+ <t1>
+ <b>b1</b>
+ <a>a1</a>
+ <a>a2</a>
+ <b>b2</b>
+ <c>c1</c>
+ <d>d1</d>
+ <t1:e>e1</t1:e>
+ <d>d2</d>
+ <t1:f>f1</t1:f>
+ </t1>
+ <t2>
+ <b>b1</b>
+ <a>a1</a>
+ <b>b2</b>
+ <a>a2</a>
+ </t2>
+ <t3>
+ <a>a1</a>
+ <b>b1</b>
+ <c>c1</c>
+ <c>c2</c>
+ </t3>
+ <t3>
+ <a>a1</a>
+ <c>c1</c>
+ </t3>
+ <t4>
+ t1
+ <b>b1</b>
+ t2
+ <a>a1</a>
+ t3
+ <b>b2</b>
+ t4
+ <a>a2</a>
+ t5
+ <t1:d>d1</t1:d>
+ t6
+ <c>c1</c>
+ t7
+ </t4>
+ <t5a>
+ t5a
+ </t5a>
+ <t5b>
+ t1
+ <b>b1</b>
+ t2
+ <a>a1</a>
+ t3
+ <a>a2</a>
+ t4
+ <b>b2</b>
+ t5
+ </t5b>
+ <t6>
+ t6
+ </t6>
+ <t7>
+ t1
+ <t1:a>a1</t1:a>
+ t2
+ <t1:b>b1</t1:b>
+ t3
+ </t7>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/order/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/order/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c30c027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/order/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns="" xmlns:t="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <!-- Test 1: general, with non-ordered intermediate. -->
+ <complexType name="t1_base">
+ <choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
+ <element name="a" type="string"/>
+ <element name="b" type="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="t1_interm">
+ <complexContent>
+ <extension base="t:t1_base">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="c" type="string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </extension>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="t1_derived">
+ <complexContent>
+ <extension base="t:t1_interm">
+ <choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
+ <element name="d" type="string"/>
+ <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </choice>
+ </extension>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <!-- Test 2: empty base. -->
+ <complexType name="t2_base"/>
+ <complexType name="t2_derived">
+ <complexContent>
+ <extension base="t:t2_base">
+ <choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
+ <element name="a" type="string"/>
+ <element name="b" type="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </extension>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <!-- Test 3: element cardinalities. -->
+ <complexType name="t3_type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="string"/>
+ <element name="b" type="string" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <element name="c" type="string" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <!-- Test 4: mixed content, general. -->
+ <complexType name="t4_base" mixed="true">
+ <choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
+ <element name="a" type="string"/>
+ <element name="b" type="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="t4_derived">
+ <complexContent mixed="true">
+ <extension base="t:t4_base">
+ <choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
+ <element name="c" type="string"/>
+ <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </choice>
+ </extension>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <!-- Test 5: mixed content, empty base. -->
+ <complexType name="t5_base" mixed="true"/>
+ <complexType name="t5_derived">
+ <complexContent mixed="true">
+ <extension base="t:t5_base">
+ <choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
+ <element name="a" type="string"/>
+ <element name="b" type="string"/>
+ </choice>
+ </extension>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <!-- Test 6: mixed content, empty base and derived. -->
+ <complexType name="t6_base" mixed="true"/>
+ <complexType name="t6_derived">
+ <complexContent mixed="true">
+ <extension base="t:t6_base"/>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <!-- Test 7: mixed content wildcard only. -->
+ <complexType name="t7_type" mixed="true">
+ <sequence>
+ <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <!-- Root -->
+ <complexType name="root">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="t1" type="t:t1_derived" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <element name="t2" type="t:t2_derived" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <element name="t3" type="t:t3_type" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <element name="t4" type="t:t4_derived" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <element name="t5a" type="t:t5_base" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <element name="t5b" type="t:t5_derived" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <element name="t6" type="t:t6_derived" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <element name="t7" type="t:t7_type" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="root" type="t:root"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/comparison/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/comparison/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bb0b77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/comparison/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/polymorphism/comparison/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+exe{driver}: xml{test}: test.input = true
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-serialization \
+ --generate-polymorphic \
+ --polymorphic-type base \
+ --generate-comparison \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/comparison/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/comparison/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cadb225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/comparison/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/polymorphism/comparison/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test comparison of polymorphic object models.
+#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr/unique_ptr
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ if (argc != 2)
+ {
+ cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " test.xml" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<type> r (root (argv[1]));
+ // Equals.
+ //
+ {
+ derived1 d ("a", 1);
+ d.b ("b");
+ type r1 (d);
+ assert (*r == r1);
+ }
+ // Values are not equal.
+ //
+ {
+ derived1 d ("a", 1);
+ d.b ("c");
+ type r1 (d);
+ assert (*r != r1);
+ }
+ // Values are not equal.
+ //
+ {
+ derived1 d ("a", 2);
+ d.b ("b");
+ type r1 (d);
+ assert (*r != r1);
+ }
+ // Different types.
+ //
+ {
+ derived2 d ("a", 1);
+ d.c ().push_back ("c");
+ type r1 (d);
+ assert (*r != r1);
+ }
+ xml_schema::namespace_infomap map;
+ map["t"].name = "test";
+ stringstream s;
+ root (s, *r, map);
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<type> c (root (s, xml_schema::flags::dont_validate));
+ assert (*r == *c);
+ }
+ catch (xml_schema::exception const& e)
+ {
+ cerr << e << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/comparison/test.xml b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/comparison/test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b8c125
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/comparison/test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<t:root xmlns:t="test"
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation="test test.xsd">
+ <base xsi:type="t:derived1"><a>a</a><fund>1</fund><b>b</b></base>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/comparison/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/comparison/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..364d1b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/comparison/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns="" xmlns:t="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <complexType name="base" abstract="true">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="string"/>
+ <element name="fund" type="int"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="derived1">
+ <complexContent>
+ <extension base="t:base">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="b" type="string" minOccurs="0"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </extension>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="derived2">
+ <complexContent>
+ <extension base="t:base">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="c" type="string" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </extension>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="base" type="t:base"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="root" type="t:type"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/ostream/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/ostream/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2237c73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/ostream/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/polymorphism/ostream/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+exe{driver}: xml{test}: test.input = true
+exe{driver}: file{output}: test.stdout = true
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-polymorphic \
+ --polymorphic-type-all \
+ --root-element root \
+ --generate-ostream \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/ostream/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/ostream/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b030be9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/ostream/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/polymorphism/ostream/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test printing of polymorphic object models.
+#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr/unique_ptr
+#include <iostream>
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ if (argc != 2)
+ {
+ cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " test.xml" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<type> r (root (argv[1]));
+ cout << *r << endl;
+ }
+ catch (xml_schema::exception const& e)
+ {
+ cerr << e << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/ostream/output b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/ostream/output
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7fbd68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/ostream/output
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+a: a
+fund: 1
+a: a
+fund: 1
+b: b
+a: a
+fund: 1
+c: c1
+c: c2
+a: a
+fund: 1
+d: d1
+d: d2
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/ostream/test.xml b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/ostream/test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5409d2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/ostream/test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<root xmlns="test"
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation="test test.xsd">
+ <base><a>a</a><fund>1</fund></base>
+ <base xsi:type="derived1"><a>a</a><fund>1</fund><b>b</b></base>
+ <base xsi:type="derived2"><a>a</a><fund>1</fund><c>c1</c><c>c2</c></base>
+ <derived3><a>a</a><fund>1</fund><d>d1</d><d>d2</d></derived3>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/ostream/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/ostream/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..688cd5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/ostream/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns="" xmlns:t="test"
+ targetNamespace="test" elementFormDefault="qualified">
+ <complexType name="abst_base" abstract="1">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="string"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="base">
+ <complexContent>
+ <extension base="t:abst_base">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="fund" type="int"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </extension>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="base" type="t:base"/>
+ <complexType name="derived1">
+ <complexContent>
+ <extension base="t:base">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="b" type="string" minOccurs="0"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </extension>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="derived2">
+ <complexContent>
+ <extension base="t:base">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="c" type="string" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </extension>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="derived3" substitutionGroup="t:base">
+ <complexType>
+ <complexContent>
+ <extension base="t:base">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="d" type="string" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </extension>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
+ </element>
+ <complexType name="type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element ref="t:base" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="root" type="t:type"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/same-type/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/same-type/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46720d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/same-type/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/polymorphism/same-type/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+exe{driver}: xml{test}: test.input = true
+exe{driver}: file{output}: test.stdout = true
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-polymorphic \
+ --root-element root \
+ --generate-ostream \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/same-type/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/same-type/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94f82f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/same-type/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/polymorphism/same-type/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test substitution group and xsi:type that don't change the type.
+#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr/unique_ptr
+#include <iostream>
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ if (argc != 2)
+ {
+ cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " test.xml" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<type> r (root (argv[1]));
+ cout << *r << endl;
+ }
+ catch (xml_schema::exception const& e)
+ {
+ cerr << e << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/same-type/output b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/same-type/output
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04b5cbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/same-type/output
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+a: a1
+a: a2
+a: a3
+a: a4
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/same-type/test.xml b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/same-type/test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8b6d1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/same-type/test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<t:root xmlns:t="test"
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation="test test.xsd">
+ <t:base><a>a1</a></t:base>
+ <t:derived><a>a2</a></t:derived>
+ <t:base xsi:type="t:base"><a>a3</a></t:base>
+ <t:derived xsi:type="t:base"><a>a4</a></t:derived>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/same-type/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/same-type/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4157d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/polymorphism/same-type/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns="" xmlns:t="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <complexType name="base">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="string"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="base" type="t:base"/>
+ <element name="derived" type="t:base" substitutionGroup="t:base"/>
+ <complexType name="type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element ref="t:base" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="root" type="t:type"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/prefix/.gitignore b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/prefix/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2457930
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/prefix/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/prefix/bar.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/prefix/bar.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e20902
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/prefix/bar.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns=""
+ xmlns:f="foo"
+ xmlns:b="bar"
+ targetNamespace="bar"
+ attributeFormDefault="qualified">
+ <import namespace="foo" schemaLocation="foo.xsd"/>
+ <attribute name="abar" type="int"/>
+ <complexType name="derived1">
+ <complexContent>
+ <extension base="f:base">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="y" type="int"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </extension>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="derived2">
+ <complexContent>
+ <extension base="f:base">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="z" type="int"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </extension>
+ </complexContent>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="derived" type="b:derived1" substitutionGroup="f:base"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/prefix/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/prefix/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ac81de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/prefix/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/prefix/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+fs = foo bar test
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -{$fs}} {hxx ixx cxx}{$fs} $libs
+exe{driver}: xml{test}: test.input = true
+exe{driver}: file{output}: test.stdout = true
+for f: $fs
+ <{hxx ixx cxx}{$f}>: xsd{$f} $xsd
+ {{
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-serialization \
+ --generate-polymorphic \
+ --polymorphic-type 'foo#base' \
+ --root-element root \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+ }}
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/prefix/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/prefix/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd2e46d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/prefix/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/prefix/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test automatic prefix assignment.
+#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr/unique_ptr
+#include <iostream>
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ if (argc != 2)
+ {
+ cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " test.xml" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<type> r (root (argv[1]));
+ root (std::cout, *r);
+ }
+ catch (xml_schema::exception const& e)
+ {
+ cerr << e << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/prefix/foo.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/prefix/foo.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97a35cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/prefix/foo.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns=""
+ xmlns:f="foo"
+ targetNamespace="foo">
+ <element name="efoo" type="int"/>
+ <complexType name="base">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="x" type="int"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="base" type="f:base"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/prefix/output b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/prefix/output
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9801a23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/prefix/output
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<p1:root xmlns:p1="test">
+ <a xmlns:p3="bar" p3:abar="456" xmlns:p2="foo">
+ <p2:efoo>123</p2:efoo>
+ </a>
+ <b xmlns:p2="bar">
+ <p2:derived>
+ <x>1</x>
+ <y>2</y>
+ </p2:derived>
+ </b>
+ <c xmlns:p2="foo" xmlns:xsi="">
+ <p2:base xmlns:p3="bar" xsi:type="p3:derived2">
+ <x>1</x>
+ <z>2</z>
+ </p2:base>
+ </c>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/prefix/test.xml b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/prefix/test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6d0dd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/prefix/test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<t:root xmlns:t="test"
+ xmlns:f="foo"
+ xmlns:b="bar"
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation="test test.xsd">
+ <a b:abar="456">
+ <f:efoo>123</f:efoo>
+ </a>
+ <b>
+ <b:derived><x>1</x><y>2</y></b:derived>
+ </b>
+ <c>
+ <f:base xsi:type="b:derived2"><x>1</x><z>2</z></f:base>
+ </c>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/prefix/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/prefix/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..421fdc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/prefix/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns=""
+ xmlns:f="foo"
+ xmlns:b="bar"
+ xmlns:t="test"
+ targetNamespace="test">
+ <import namespace="foo" schemaLocation="foo.xsd"/>
+ <import namespace="bar" schemaLocation="bar.xsd"/>
+ <complexType name="a">
+ <sequence>
+ <element ref="f:efoo"/>
+ </sequence>
+ <attribute ref="b:abar"/>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="b">
+ <sequence>
+ <element ref="f:base"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="c">
+ <sequence>
+ <element ref="f:base"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <complexType name="type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="t:a"/>
+ <element name="b" type="t:b"/>
+ <element name="c" type="t:c"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="root" type="t:type"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/test-template/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/test-template/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b50e6c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/test-template/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/test-template/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+exe{driver}: xml{test}: test.input = true
+exe{driver}: file{output}: test.stdout = true
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-ostream \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/test-template/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/test-template/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5257279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/test-template/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/test-template/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Insert test description here.
+#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr/unique_ptr
+#include <iostream>
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ if (argc != 2)
+ {
+ cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " test.xml" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<type> r (root (argv[1]));
+ cout << *r << endl;
+ }
+ catch (xml_schema::exception const& e)
+ {
+ cerr << e << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/test-template/output b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/test-template/output
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a50681
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/test-template/output
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+a: a
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/test-template/test.xml b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/test-template/test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..624a80c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/test-template/test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<t:root xmlns:t="test"
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation="test test.xsd">
+ <a>a</a>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/test-template/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/test-template/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07bebc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/test-template/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns="" xmlns:t="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <complexType name="type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="string"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="root" type="t:type"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/types-only/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/types-only/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa02277
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/types-only/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/types-only/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --suppress-parsing \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/types-only/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/types-only/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..730b807
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/types-only/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/types-only/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test that code generated without parsing and serialization functions
+// still compiles.
+#include <iostream>
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+main ()
+ color_enum red (color_enum::red);
+ red_blue_enum blue (red_blue_enum::blue);
+ long_string_union num ("123");
+ string_list list;
+ list.push_back ("Hello");
+ list.push_back ("World");
+ complex_type t ("Hello, World!", "foo", color_enum::red);
+ anon a ("Hello, World!");
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/types-only/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/types-only/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f02240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/types-only/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns="" xmlns:t="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <simpleType name="color-enum">
+ <restriction base="token">
+ <enumeration value="red"/>
+ <enumeration value="green"/>
+ <enumeration value="blue"/>
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleType>
+ <simpleType name="red-blue-enum">
+ <restriction base="t:color-enum">
+ <enumeration value="red"/>
+ <enumeration value="blue"/>
+ </restriction>
+ </simpleType>
+ <simpleType name="long-string-union">
+ <union memberTypes="long string"/>
+ </simpleType>
+ <simpleType name="string-list">
+ <list itemType="string"/>
+ </simpleType>
+ <complexType name="complex-type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="string"/>
+ </sequence>
+ <attribute name="text" type="string" use="required"/>
+ <attribute name="color" type="t:color-enum" use="required"/>
+ <attribute name="ftext" type="string" fixed="foo"/>
+ <attribute name="dcolor" type="t:color-enum" default="red"/>
+ </complexType>
+ <!-- Test that we do not perform type/element name conflict resolution
+ as well as print any warnings. -->
+ <element name="type" type="string"/>
+ <!-- Test that we generate anonymous type for global element. -->
+ <element name="anon">
+ <complexType>
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="string"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
+ </element>
+ <element name="root" type="t:complex-type"/>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/union/ctor/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/union/ctor/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6715cb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/union/ctor/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/union/ctor/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-default-ctor \
+ --generate-from-base-ctor \
+ --generate-doxygen \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/union/ctor/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/union/ctor/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..246eea8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/union/ctor/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/union/ctor/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test union constructors.
+#include <string>
+#include "test.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+main ()
+ // Test ctor(const std::string&)
+ //
+ {
+ string const s ("123");
+ int_string_union u (s);
+ type t (s);
+ }
+ // Test ctor(const char*).
+ //
+ {
+ int_string_union u ("123");
+ type t ("123");
+ }
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/union/ctor/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/union/ctor/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9601093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/union/ctor/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns="" xmlns:t="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <simpleType name="int-string-union">
+ <union memberTypes="int string"/>
+ </simpleType>
+ <complexType name="type">
+ <sequence>
+ <element name="a" type="t:int-string-union"/>
+ </sequence>
+ </complexType>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/wildcard/buildfile b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/wildcard/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67edcdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/wildcard/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# file : cxx/tree/wildcard/buildfile
+# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+import libs = libxsd%lib{xsd}
+import libs += libxerces-c%lib{xerces-c}
+exe{driver}: {hxx cxx}{* -test} {hxx ixx cxx}{test} $libs
+exe{driver}: xml{test}: test.input = true
+exe{driver}: file{output}: test.stdout = true
+<{hxx ixx cxx}{test}>: xsd{test} $xsd
+ diag xsd ($<[0]) # @@ TMP
+ $xsd cxx-tree --std c++11 \
+ --generate-inline \
+ --generate-serialization \
+ --generate-wildcard \
+ --generate-default-ctor \
+ --generate-from-base-ctor \
+ --generate-comparison \
+ --output-dir $out_base \
+ $path($<[0])
+cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_base"
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/wildcard/driver.cxx b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/wildcard/driver.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3040c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/wildcard/driver.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/wildcard/driver.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// Test wildcard (any & anyAttribute) mapping.
+#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr/unique_ptr
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp>
+#include "test.hxx" // Get XSD_CXX11 defined.
+#include <xsd/cxx/xml/string.hxx>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace test;
+using namespace xercesc;
+namespace xml = xsd::cxx::xml;
+print (type& t)
+ if (t.att ())
+ cout << *t.att () << endl;
+ type::any_attribute_set& as (t.any_attribute ());
+ for (type::any_attribute_iterator i (as.begin ()); i != as.end (); ++i)
+ {
+ cout << xml::transcode<char> (i->getTextContent ()) << endl;
+ }
+ cout << xml::transcode<char> (t.any ().getTextContent ()) << endl
+ << () << endl;
+ if (t.any1 ())
+ cout << xml::transcode<char> (t.any1 ()->getTextContent ()) << endl;
+ cout << () << endl;
+ type::any2_sequence& es (t.any2 ());
+ for (type::any2_iterator i (es.begin ()); i != es.end (); ++i)
+ {
+ cout << xml::transcode<char> (i->getTextContent ()) << endl;
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+main (int argc, char* argv[])
+ if (argc != 2)
+ {
+ cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " test.xml" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize ();
+ try
+ {
+ // Test accessors/modifiers for various cardinalities.
+ //
+ type t;
+ DOMDocument& doc (t.dom_document ());
+ // one
+ //
+ {
+ DOMElement* e (doc.createElement (xml::string ("a").c_str ()));
+ t.any (*e);
+ e->release ();
+ assert (xml::transcode<char> (t.any ().getTagName ()) == "a");
+ t.any (doc.createElement (xml::string ("b").c_str ()));
+ assert (xml::transcode<char> (t.any ().getTagName ()) == "b");
+ }
+ // optional
+ //
+ {
+ assert (!t.any1 ().present ());
+ DOMElement* e (doc.createElement (xml::string ("a").c_str ()));
+ t.any1 (*e);
+ e->release ();
+ assert (t.any1 ().present ());
+ assert (xml::transcode<char> (t.any1 ().get ().getTagName ()) == "a");
+ t.any1 (doc.createElement (xml::string ("b").c_str ()));
+ assert (xml::transcode<char> (t.any1 ()->getTagName ()) == "b");
+ type::any1_optional c (
+ doc.createElement (xml::string ("c").c_str ()), doc);
+ t.any1 (c);
+ assert (xml::transcode<char> (t.any1 ()->getTagName ()) == "c");
+ }
+ // sequence
+ //
+ {
+ type::any2_sequence& s (t.any2 ());
+ DOMElement* e (doc.createElement (xml::string ("a").c_str ()));
+ s.push_back (*e);
+ e->release ();
+ s.push_back (doc.createElement (xml::string ("b").c_str ()));
+ assert (s.size () == 2);
+ for (type::any2_iterator i (s.begin ()); i != s.end (); ++i)
+ {
+ if (i == s.begin ())
+ assert (xml::transcode<char> (i->getTagName ()) == "a");
+ else
+ assert (xml::transcode<char> ((*i).getTagName ()) == "b");
+ }
+ // copy c-tor
+ type::any2_sequence cs (s, doc);
+ assert (cs.size () == 2);
+ assert (xml::transcode<char> (cs[0].getTagName ()) == "a");
+ assert (xml::transcode<char> (cs[1].getTagName ()) == "b");
+ // assignment
+ t.any2 (cs);
+ assert (s.size () == 2);
+ assert (xml::transcode<char> (s[0].getTagName ()) == "a");
+ assert (xml::transcode<char> (s[1].getTagName ()) == "b");
+ }
+ // anyAttribute
+ //
+ {
+ type::any_attribute_set& s (t.any_attribute ());
+ DOMAttr* a (doc.createAttribute (xml::string ("a").c_str ()));
+ s.insert (*a);
+ a->release ();
+ s.insert (doc.createAttribute (xml::string ("b").c_str ()));
+ assert (s.size () == 2);
+ assert (s.find ("a") != s.end ());
+ assert (s.find ("b") != s.end ());
+ for (type::any_attribute_iterator i (s.begin ()); i != s.end (); ++i)
+ {
+ assert (xml::transcode<char> (i->getName ()) == "a" ||
+ xml::transcode<char> ((*i).getName ()) == "b");
+ }
+ // copy c-tor
+ type::any_attribute_set cs (s, doc);
+ assert (cs.size () == 2);
+ assert (cs.count ("a"));
+ assert (cs.count ("b"));
+ // assignment
+ t.any_attribute (cs);
+ assert (s.size () == 2);
+ assert (s.count ("a"));
+ assert (s.count ("b"));
+ }
+ // Test parsing
+ //
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<type> r (root (argv[1]));
+ print (*r);
+ // Test serialization.
+ //
+ xml_schema::namespace_infomap map;
+ map["t"].name = "test";
+ map["t"].schema = "test.xsd";
+ map["o"].name = "other";
+ stringstream iostr;
+ root (iostr, *r, map);
+ // cout << iostr.str () << endl
+ // << endl;
+ XSD_AUTO_PTR<type> copy (root (iostr, argv[1]));
+ assert (*copy == *r);
+ print (*copy);
+ }
+ catch (xml_schema::exception const& e)
+ {
+ cerr << e << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate ();
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/wildcard/output b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/wildcard/output
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b23b488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/wildcard/output
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/wildcard/test.xml b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/wildcard/test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0c3267
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/wildcard/test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<t:root xmlns:t="test"
+ xmlns:o="other"
+ xmlns:xsi=""
+ xsi:schemaLocation="test test.xsd"
+ att="att"
+ any="any"
+ t:any="t:any"
+ o:any="o:any">
+ <o:one>o:one</o:one>
+ <foo>foo</foo>
+ <t:bar>t:bar</t:bar>
+ <bar>bar</bar>
+ <o:seq1>o:one1</o:seq1>
+ <o:seq2>o:one2</o:seq2>
+ <o:seq3>o:one3</o:seq3>
diff --git a/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/wildcard/test.xsd b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/wildcard/test.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c7b308
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-tests/cxx/tree/wildcard/test.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema xmlns="" xmlns:t="test" targetNamespace="test">
+ <complexType name="type">
+ <sequence>
+ <any namespace="##other" processContents="skip"/>
+ <element name="foo" type="string"/>
+ <any namespace="##targetNamespace" minOccurs="0" processContents="skip"/>
+ <element name="bar" type="string"/>
+ <any namespace="##other" maxOccurs="unbounded" processContents="skip"/>
+ </sequence>
+ <attribute name="att" type="string"/>
+ <anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="skip"/>
+ </complexType>
+ <element name="root" type="t:type"/>