path: root/xsd-examples/cxx/tree/custom/mixed/people-custom.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'xsd-examples/cxx/tree/custom/mixed/people-custom.cxx')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xsd-examples/cxx/tree/custom/mixed/people-custom.cxx b/xsd-examples/cxx/tree/custom/mixed/people-custom.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd03fcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd-examples/cxx/tree/custom/mixed/people-custom.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+// file : cxx/tree/custom/mixed/people-custom.cxx
+// copyright : not copyrighted - public domain
+#include <ostream>
+// Include people.hxx instead of people-custom.hxx here.
+#include "people.hxx"
+namespace people
+ using namespace xercesc;
+ const XMLCh ls[] = {chLatin_L, chLatin_S, chNull};
+ bio::
+ bio ()
+ : xhtml_ (0)
+ {
+ DOMImplementation* impl (
+ DOMImplementationRegistry::getDOMImplementation (ls));
+ doc_.reset (impl->createDocument ());
+ }
+ bio::
+ bio (const DOMElement& e,
+ xml_schema::flags f,
+ xml_schema::container* c)
+ : bio_base (e, f, c), xhtml_ (0)
+ {
+ DOMImplementation* impl (
+ DOMImplementationRegistry::getDOMImplementation (ls));
+ doc_.reset (impl->createDocument ());
+ // Copy the xhtml element. Assume the first child element in
+ // e is always xhtml.
+ //
+ for (DOMNode* n (e.getFirstChild ()); n != 0; n = n->getNextSibling ())
+ {
+ if (n->getNodeType () == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE)
+ {
+ xhtml_ = static_cast<DOMElement*> (doc_->importNode (n, true));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bio::
+ bio (const bio& d,
+ xml_schema::flags f,
+ xml_schema::container* c)
+ : bio_base (d, f, c), xhtml_ (0)
+ {
+ DOMImplementation* impl (
+ DOMImplementationRegistry::getDOMImplementation (ls));
+ doc_.reset (impl->createDocument ());
+ xhtml_ = static_cast<DOMElement*> (
+ doc_->importNode (const_cast<DOMElement*> (d.xhtml_), true));
+ }
+ bio* bio::
+ _clone (xml_schema::flags f, xml_schema::container* c) const
+ {
+ return new bio (*this, f, c);
+ }
+ void
+ operator<< (DOMElement& e, const bio& x)
+ {
+ // Allow our base to serialize first.
+ //
+ const bio_base& b (x);
+ e << b;
+ // Copy the XHTML fragment if we have one.
+ //
+ const DOMElement* xhtml (x.xhtml ());
+ if (xhtml != 0)
+ {
+ DOMDocument* doc (e.getOwnerDocument ());
+ e.appendChild (doc->importNode (const_cast<DOMElement*> (xhtml), true));
+ }
+ }