path: root/libxsd/xsd/cxx/parser/validating/parser.hxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libxsd/xsd/cxx/parser/validating/parser.hxx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 469 deletions
diff --git a/libxsd/xsd/cxx/parser/validating/parser.hxx b/libxsd/xsd/cxx/parser/validating/parser.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ababce..0000000
--- a/libxsd/xsd/cxx/parser/validating/parser.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,469 +0,0 @@
-// file : xsd/cxx/parser/validating/parser.hxx
-// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
-#include <stack>
-#include <cstddef> // std::size_t
-#include <cstring> // std::memcpy
-#include <xsd/cxx/ro-string.hxx>
-#include <xsd/cxx/parser/elements.hxx>
-namespace xsd
- namespace cxx
- {
- namespace parser
- {
- namespace validating
- {
- //
- //
- template <typename C>
- struct empty_content: parser_base<C>
- {
- // These functions are called when wildcard content
- // is encountered. Use them to handle mixed content
- // models, any/anyAttribute, and anyType/anySimpleType.
- // By default these functions do nothing.
- //
- // The type argument is a type name and namespace from the
- // xsi:type attribute in the form "<name> <namespace>" with
- // the space and namespace part absent if the type does not
- // have a namespace or 0 if xsi:type is not present.
- //
- virtual void
- _start_any_element (const ro_string<C>& ns,
- const ro_string<C>& name,
- const ro_string<C>* type);
- virtual void
- _end_any_element (const ro_string<C>& ns,
- const ro_string<C>& name);
- virtual void
- _any_attribute (const ro_string<C>& ns,
- const ro_string<C>& name,
- const ro_string<C>& value);
- virtual void
- _any_characters (const ro_string<C>&);
- //
- //
- virtual bool
- _start_element_impl (const ro_string<C>&,
- const ro_string<C>&,
- const ro_string<C>*);
- virtual bool
- _end_element_impl (const ro_string<C>&,
- const ro_string<C>&);
- virtual bool
- _attribute_impl (const ro_string<C>&,
- const ro_string<C>&,
- const ro_string<C>&);
- virtual bool
- _characters_impl (const ro_string<C>&);
- //
- //
- virtual void
- _start_element (const ro_string<C>&,
- const ro_string<C>&,
- const ro_string<C>*);
- virtual void
- _end_element (const ro_string<C>&,
- const ro_string<C>&);
- virtual void
- _attribute (const ro_string<C>&,
- const ro_string<C>&,
- const ro_string<C>&);
- virtual void
- _characters (const ro_string<C>&);
- //
- //
- virtual void
- _expected_element (const C* expected_ns,
- const C* expected_name);
- virtual void
- _expected_element (const C* expected_ns,
- const C* expected_name,
- const ro_string<C>& encountered_ns,
- const ro_string<C>& encountered_name);
- virtual void
- _unexpected_element (const ro_string<C>& ns,
- const ro_string<C>& name);
- virtual void
- _expected_attribute (const C* expected_ns,
- const C* expected_name);
- virtual void
- _unexpected_attribute (const ro_string<C>& ns,
- const ro_string<C>& name,
- const ro_string<C>& value);
- virtual void
- _unexpected_characters (const ro_string<C>&);
- };
- //
- //
- template <typename C>
- struct simple_content: empty_content<C>
- {
- //
- //
- virtual void
- _attribute (const ro_string<C>& ns,
- const ro_string<C>& name,
- const ro_string<C>& value);
- virtual void
- _characters (const ro_string<C>&);
- //
- //
- virtual bool
- _attribute_impl (const ro_string<C>&,
- const ro_string<C>&,
- const ro_string<C>&);
- //
- //
- virtual void
- _pre_impl ();
- virtual void
- _post_impl ();
- // Implementation callbacks.
- //
- virtual void
- _pre_a_validate ();
- virtual void
- _post_a_validate ();
- // Attribute validation: during phase one we are searching for
- // matching attributes (Structures, section 3.4.4, clause 2.1).
- // During phase two we are searching for attribute wildcards
- // (section 3.4.4, clause 2.2). Both phases run across
- // inheritance hierarchy from derived to base for extension
- // only. Both functions return true if the match was found and
- // validation has been performed.
- //
- virtual bool
- _attribute_impl_phase_one (const ro_string<C>& ns,
- const ro_string<C>& name,
- const ro_string<C>& value);
- virtual bool
- _attribute_impl_phase_two (const ro_string<C>& ns,
- const ro_string<C>& name,
- const ro_string<C>& value);
- };
- //
- //
- template <typename C>
- struct complex_content: empty_content<C>
- {
- //
- //
- virtual void
- _start_element (const ro_string<C>& ns,
- const ro_string<C>& name,
- const ro_string<C>* type);
- virtual void
- _end_element (const ro_string<C>& ns,
- const ro_string<C>& name);
- virtual void
- _attribute (const ro_string<C>& ns,
- const ro_string<C>& name,
- const ro_string<C>& value);
- virtual void
- _characters (const ro_string<C>&);
- //
- //
- virtual bool
- _attribute_impl (const ro_string<C>&,
- const ro_string<C>&,
- const ro_string<C>&);
- //
- //
- virtual void
- _pre_impl ();
- virtual void
- _post_impl ();
- // Implementation callbacks.
- //
- virtual void
- _pre_e_validate ();
- virtual void
- _post_e_validate ();
- virtual void
- _pre_a_validate ();
- virtual void
- _post_a_validate ();
- // Attribute validation: during phase one we are searching for
- // matching attributes (Structures, section 3.4.4, clause 2.1).
- // During phase two we are searching for attribute wildcards
- // (section 3.4.4, clause 2.2). Both phases run across
- // inheritance hierarchy from derived to base for extension
- // only. Both functions return true if the match was found and
- // validation has been performed.
- //
- virtual bool
- _attribute_impl_phase_one (const ro_string<C>& ns,
- const ro_string<C>& name,
- const ro_string<C>& value);
- virtual bool
- _attribute_impl_phase_two (const ro_string<C>& ns,
- const ro_string<C>& name,
- const ro_string<C>& value);
- protected:
- struct state
- {
- state ()
- : any_ (false), depth_ (0), parser_ (0)
- {
- }
- bool any_;
- std::size_t depth_;
- parser_base<C>* parser_;
- };
- // Optimized state stack for non-recursive case (one element).
- //
- struct state_stack
- {
- state_stack ()
- : size_ (0)
- {
- }
- void
- push (const state& s)
- {
- if (size_ > 0)
- rest_.push (top_);
- top_ = s;
- ++size_;
- }
- void
- pop ()
- {
- if (size_ > 1)
- {
- top_ = ();
- rest_.pop ();
- }
- --size_;
- }
- const state&
- top () const
- {
- return top_;
- }
- state&
- top ()
- {
- return top_;
- }
- state&
- under_top ()
- {
- return ();
- }
- private:
- state top_;
- std::stack<state> rest_;
- std::size_t size_;
- };
- state_stack context_;
- };
- // Base for xsd:list.
- //
- template <typename C>
- struct list_base: simple_content<C>
- {
- virtual void
- _xsd_parse_item (const ro_string<C>&) = 0;
- virtual void
- _pre_impl ();
- virtual void
- _characters (const ro_string<C>&);
- virtual void
- _post_impl ();
- protected:
- std::basic_string<C> buf_;
- };
- }
- // POD stack with pre-allocated first element. You may
- // need to pad your elements to get the proper alignment.
- //
- struct pod_stack
- {
- ~pod_stack ()
- {
- delete[] data_;
- }
- pod_stack (std::size_t element_size, void* first_element)
- : el_size_ (element_size), first_ (first_element),
- data_ (0), size_ (0), capacity_ (0)
- {
- }
- public:
- void
- pop ()
- {
- --size_;
- }
- void
- push ()
- {
- if (size_ > capacity_)
- grow ();
- ++size_;
- }
- void*
- top ()
- {
- return size_ == 1 ? first_ : data_ + (size_ - 1) * el_size_;
- }
- void*
- under_top ()
- {
- return size_ == 2 ? first_ : data_ + (size_ - 2) * el_size_;
- }
- std::size_t
- element_size () const
- {
- return el_size_;
- }
- private:
- void
- grow ()
- {
- std::size_t c (capacity_ ? capacity_ * 2 : 8);
- char* d (new char[c * el_size_]);
- if (size_ > 1)
- std::memcpy (d, data_, (size_ - 1) * el_size_);
- delete[] data_;
- data_ = d;
- capacity_ = c;
- }
- private:
- std::size_t el_size_;
- void* first_;
- char* data_;
- std::size_t size_;
- std::size_t capacity_;
- };
- namespace validating
- {
- // Validation state stack for the 'all' particle.
- //
- struct all_stack
- {
- all_stack (std::size_t n, unsigned char* first)
- : stack_ (n, first)
- {
- }
- void
- push ()
- {
- stack_.push ();
- unsigned char* p (static_cast<unsigned char*> ( ()));
- for (std::size_t i (0); i < stack_.element_size (); ++i)
- p[i] = 0;
- }
- void
- pop ()
- {
- stack_.pop ();
- }
- unsigned char*
- top ()
- {
- return static_cast<unsigned char*> ( ());
- }
- private:
- pod_stack stack_;
- };
- }
- }
- }
-#include <xsd/cxx/parser/validating/parser.txx>