path: root/xsd/xsd/cxx
diff options
authorKaren Arutyunov <>2020-12-18 18:48:46 +0300
committerKaren Arutyunov <>2021-02-25 13:45:48 +0300
commit5e527213a2430bb3018e5eebd909aef294edf9b5 (patch)
tree94de33c82080b53d9a9e300170f6d221d89078f4 /xsd/xsd/cxx
parent7420f85ea19b0562ffdd8123442f32bc8bac1267 (diff)
Switch to build2
Diffstat (limited to 'xsd/xsd/cxx')
85 files changed, 42606 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/elements.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/elements.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e914f9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/elements.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1322 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/elements.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/elements.hxx>
+#include <cctype> // std::toupper
+#include <memory>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <iostream>
+using std::wcerr;
+using std::endl;
+namespace CXX
+ //
+ //
+ wchar_t
+ upcase (wchar_t c)
+ {
+ return std::toupper (c);
+ }
+ namespace
+ {
+ wchar_t const* keywords[] = {
+ L"NULL",
+ L"and",
+ L"asm",
+ L"auto",
+ L"bitand",
+ L"bitor",
+ L"bool",
+ L"break",
+ L"case",
+ L"catch",
+ L"char",
+ L"class",
+ L"compl",
+ L"const",
+ L"const_cast",
+ L"continue",
+ L"default",
+ L"delete",
+ L"do",
+ L"double",
+ L"dynamic_cast",
+ L"else",
+ L"end_eq",
+ L"enum",
+ L"explicit",
+ L"export",
+ L"extern",
+ L"false",
+ L"float",
+ L"for",
+ L"friend",
+ L"goto",
+ L"if",
+ L"inline",
+ L"int",
+ L"long",
+ L"mutable",
+ L"namespace",
+ L"new",
+ L"not",
+ L"not_eq",
+ L"operator",
+ L"or",
+ L"or_eq",
+ L"private",
+ L"protected",
+ L"public",
+ L"register",
+ L"reinterpret_cast",
+ L"return",
+ L"short",
+ L"signed",
+ L"sizeof",
+ L"static",
+ L"static_cast",
+ L"struct",
+ L"switch",
+ L"template",
+ L"this",
+ L"throw",
+ L"true",
+ L"try",
+ L"typedef",
+ L"typeid",
+ L"typename",
+ L"union",
+ L"unsigned",
+ L"using",
+ L"virtual",
+ L"void",
+ L"volatile",
+ L"wchar_t",
+ L"while",
+ L"xor",
+ L"xor_eq"
+ };
+ }
+ // Context
+ //
+ Context::
+ Context (std::wostream& o,
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& root,
+ SemanticGraph::Path const& path,
+ options_type const& ops,
+ StringLiteralMap const* string_literal_map_)
+ : os (o),
+ schema_root (root),
+ schema_path (schema_path_),
+ options (ops),
+ std (ops.std ()),
+ char_type (char_type_),
+ char_encoding (char_encoding_),
+ L (L_),
+ string_type (string_type_),
+ auto_ptr (auto_ptr_),
+ string_literal_map (string_literal_map_),
+ type_exp (type_exp_),
+ inst_exp (inst_exp_),
+ inl (inl_),
+ ns_mapping_cache (ns_mapping_cache_),
+ schema_path_ (path),
+ xs_ns_ (0),
+ char_type_ (ops.char_type ()),
+ char_encoding_ (ops.char_encoding ()),
+ L_ (char_type == L"wchar_t" ? L"L" : L""),
+ inl_ (ops.generate_inline () ? L"inline\n" : L""),
+ cxx_id_expr_ (L"^(::)?([a-zA-Z_]\\w*)(::[a-zA-Z_]\\w*)*$"),
+ cxx_id_expr (cxx_id_expr_),
+ urn_mapping_ (L"#^urn.*:([a-zA-Z_].*)$#$1#"),
+ urn_mapping (urn_mapping_),
+ nsr_mapping (nsr_mapping_),
+ nsm_mapping (nsm_mapping_),
+ include_mapping (include_mapping_),
+ reserved_name_map (reserved_name_map_),
+ keyword_set (keyword_set_)
+ {
+ // Export symbol.
+ //
+ {
+ String es (ops.export_symbol ());
+ type_exp_ = es ? es + L" " : es;
+ inst_exp_ = es ? es + L"\n" : es;
+ }
+ // Resolve and cache XML Schema namespace.
+ //
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Nameable* n;
+ if (schema_root.names_begin ()->name () ==
+ L"")
+ {
+ // schema_root is the XML Schema itself.
+ //
+ n = &schema_root.names_begin ()->named ();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Otherwise, the first used schema is implied XML Schema.
+ //
+ SemanticGraph::Uses& u = *schema_root.uses_begin ();
+ assert (u.is_a<SemanticGraph::Implies> ());
+ n = &u.schema ().names_begin ()->named ();
+ }
+ xs_ns_ = dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Namespace*> (n);
+ }
+ // String type.
+ //
+ if (char_type == L"char")
+ string_type_ = L"::std::string";
+ else if (char_type == L"wchar_t")
+ string_type_ = L"::std::wstring";
+ else
+ string_type_ = L"::std::basic_string< " + char_type + L" >";
+ // Automatic pointer type.
+ //
+ auto_ptr_ = std >= cxx_version::cxx11
+ ? "::std::unique_ptr"
+ : "::std::auto_ptr";
+ // Default encoding.
+ //
+ if (!char_encoding)
+ {
+ if (char_type == L"char")
+ char_encoding = L"utf8";
+ else
+ char_encoding = L"auto";
+ }
+ // Default mapping.
+ //
+ nsr_mapping_.push_back (
+ Regex (L"#^.* (.*?/)??" L"(([a-zA-Z_]\\w*)(/[a-zA-Z_]\\w*)*)/?$#$2#"));
+ nsr_mapping_.push_back (
+ Regex (L"#^.* http://www\\.w3\\.org/2001/XMLSchema$#xml_schema#"));
+ // Custom regex mapping.
+ //
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (ops.namespace_regex ().begin ()),
+ e (ops.namespace_regex ().end ()); i != e; ++i)
+ {
+ nsr_mapping_.push_back (Regex (String (*i)));
+ }
+ // Custom direct mapping.
+ //
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (ops.namespace_map ().begin ()),
+ e (ops.namespace_map ().end ()); i != e; ++i)
+ {
+ String s (*i);
+ // Split the string in two parts at the last '='.
+ //
+ size_t pos (s.rfind ('='));
+ if (pos == String::npos)
+ throw InvalidNamespaceMapping (s, "delimiter ('=') not found");
+ // Empty xml_ns designates the no-namespace case.
+ //
+ String xml_ns (s, 0, pos);
+ String cxx_ns (s, pos + 1);
+ if (!cxx_ns.empty () && !cxx_id_expr.match (cxx_ns))
+ throw InvalidNamespaceMapping (s, "invalid C++ identifier");
+ nsm_mapping_[xml_ns] = cxx_ns;
+ }
+ // Include path regex
+ //
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (ops.include_regex ().begin ()),
+ e (ops.include_regex ().end ()); i != e; ++i)
+ {
+ include_mapping_.push_back (Regex (String (*i)));
+ }
+ // Reserved names.
+ //
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (ops.reserved_name ().begin ()),
+ e (ops.reserved_name ().end ()); i != e; ++i)
+ {
+ String s (*i);
+ // Split the string in two parts at '='.
+ //
+ size_t pos (s.find ('='));
+ if (pos == String::npos)
+ reserved_name_map_[s] = L"";
+ else
+ reserved_name_map_[String (s, 0, pos)] = String (s, pos + 1);
+ }
+ // Populate the keyword set.
+ //
+ for (size_t i (0); i < sizeof (keywords) / sizeof (char*); ++i)
+ keyword_set_.insert (keywords[i]);
+ }
+ String Context::
+ ns_name (SemanticGraph::Namespace& ns)
+ {
+ using SemanticGraph::Schema;
+ using SemanticGraph::Includes;
+ using SemanticGraph::Imports;
+ using SemanticGraph::Implies;
+ using SemanticGraph::Sources;
+ String tmp;
+ MapMapping::const_iterator i (nsm_mapping.find ( ()));
+ if (i != nsm_mapping.end ())
+ {
+ tmp = i->second;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Path path;
+ Schema& schema (dynamic_cast<Schema&> (ns.scope ()));
+ if (schema.used_p ())
+ {
+ // Here we need to detect a special multi-schema compilation
+ // case where the root schemas are imported into a special
+ // schema that doesn't have a namespace.
+ //
+ SemanticGraph::Uses& u (*schema.used_begin ());
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& s (u.user ());
+ if (s.names_begin () != s.names_end ())
+ path = u.path ();
+ }
+ else
+ path = schema_path;
+ String pair;
+ if (!path.empty ())
+ {
+ path.normalize ();
+ // Try to use the portable representation of the path. If that
+ // fails, fall back to the native representation.
+ //
+ try
+ {
+ pair = path.posix_string ();
+ }
+ catch (SemanticGraph::InvalidPath const&)
+ {
+ pair = path.string ();
+ }
+ }
+ pair += L' ' + ();
+ // Check cache first
+ //
+ MappingCache::const_iterator i (ns_mapping_cache.find (pair));
+ if (i != ns_mapping_cache.end ())
+ {
+ tmp = i->second;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bool trace (options.namespace_regex_trace ());
+ if (trace)
+ wcerr << "namespace: '" << pair << "'" << endl;
+ bool found (false);
+ Regex colon (L"#/#::#");
+ for (RegexMapping::const_reverse_iterator e (nsr_mapping.rbegin ());
+ e != nsr_mapping.rend (); ++e)
+ {
+ if (trace)
+ wcerr << "try: '" << e->regex () << "' : ";
+ if (e->match (pair))
+ {
+ tmp = e->replace (pair);
+ tmp = colon.replace (tmp); // replace `/' with `::'
+ // Check the result.
+ //
+ found = cxx_id_expr.match (tmp);
+ if (trace)
+ wcerr << "'" << tmp << "' : ";
+ }
+ if (trace)
+ wcerr << (found ? '+' : '-') << endl;
+ if (found)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!found)
+ {
+ String const& n ( ());
+ // Check if the name is valid by itself.
+ //
+ if (n.empty ())
+ {
+ // Empty name denotes a no-namespace case.
+ //
+ tmp = n;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tmp = colon.replace (n); // replace `/' with `::'
+ if (!cxx_id_expr.match (tmp))
+ {
+ // See if this is a urn-style namespace.
+ //
+ if (urn_mapping.match (n))
+ {
+ Regex filter (L"#[.:-]#_#");
+ tmp = urn_mapping.replace (n);
+ tmp = filter.replace (tmp);
+ if (!cxx_id_expr.match (tmp))
+ throw NoNamespaceMapping (
+ ns.file (), ns.line (), ns.column (), ());
+ }
+ else
+ throw NoNamespaceMapping (
+ ns.file (), ns.line (), ns.column (), ());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Add the mapping to the cache.
+ //
+ ns_mapping_cache[pair] = tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ // Parse resulting namespace string and id() each name.
+ //
+ String r;
+ String::size_type b (0), e;
+ do
+ {
+ e = tmp.find (L"::", b);
+ String name (tmp, b, e == tmp.npos ? e : e - b);
+ if (!name.empty ())
+ r += L"::" + escape (name);
+ b = e;
+ if (b == tmp.npos)
+ break;
+ b += 2;
+ } while (true);
+ return r;
+ }
+ SemanticGraph::Namespace& Context::
+ xs_ns ()
+ {
+ return *xs_ns_;
+ }
+ String Context::
+ xs_ns_name ()
+ {
+ return ns_name (*xs_ns_);
+ }
+ SemanticGraph::Namespace& Context::
+ namespace_ (SemanticGraph::Nameable& n)
+ {
+ // The basic idea goes like this: go up Names edges until you
+ // reach Namespace. There are, however, anonymous types which
+ // need special handling. In the case of an anonymous type we
+ // will go up the first Belongs edge (because the first edge
+ // is where the type was defined.
+ //
+ if (n.named_p ())
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Scope& s (n.scope ());
+ SemanticGraph::Namespace* ns (
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Namespace*> (&n));
+ return ns ? *ns : namespace_ (s);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Type& t (dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Type&> (n));
+ SemanticGraph::Belongs& b (*t.classifies_begin ());
+ return namespace_ (b.instance ());
+ }
+ }
+ String Context::
+ xml_ns_name (SemanticGraph::Nameable& n)
+ {
+ return namespace_ (n).name ();
+ }
+ String Context::
+ fq_name (SemanticGraph::Nameable& n, char const* name_key)
+ {
+ using namespace SemanticGraph;
+ String r;
+ if (dynamic_cast<Schema*> (&n))
+ {
+ return L""; // Map to global namespace.
+ }
+ else if (SemanticGraph::Namespace* ns =
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Namespace*> (&n))
+ {
+ r = ns_name (*ns);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ r = fq_name (n.scope ());
+ r += L"::";
+ r += n.context ().get<String> (name_key);
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ SemanticGraph::Type& Context::
+ ultimate_base (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ using namespace SemanticGraph;
+ Type* b (&c.inherits ().base ());
+ while (true)
+ {
+ Complex* cb (dynamic_cast<Complex*> (b));
+ if (cb != 0 && cb->inherits_p ())
+ {
+ b = &cb->inherits ().base ();
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return *b;
+ }
+ String Context::
+ escape (String const& name)
+ {
+ String r;
+ size_t n (name.size ());
+ // In most common cases we will have that many chars.
+ //
+ r.reserve (n);
+ for (size_t i (0); i < n; ++i)
+ {
+ bool first (i == 0);
+ unsigned int u (unicode_char (name, i)); // May advance i.
+ if (first)
+ {
+ if (!((u >= 'a' && u <= 'z') ||
+ (u >= 'A' && u <= 'Z') ||
+ u == '_'))
+ r = (u >= '0' && u <= '9') ? L"cxx_" : L"cxx";
+ }
+ if (!((u >= 'a' && u <= 'z') ||
+ (u >= 'A' && u <= 'Z') ||
+ (u >= '0' && u <= '9') ||
+ u == '_'))
+ r.push_back ('_');
+ else
+ r.push_back (static_cast<wchar_t> (u));
+ }
+ if (r.empty ())
+ r = L"cxx";
+ // Custom reserved words.
+ //
+ ReservedNameMap::const_iterator i (reserved_name_map.find (r));
+ if (i != reserved_name_map.end ())
+ {
+ if (i->second)
+ return i->second;
+ else
+ r += L'_';
+ }
+ // Keywords
+ //
+ if (keyword_set.find (r) != keyword_set.end ())
+ {
+ r += L'_';
+ // Re-run custom words.
+ //
+ i = reserved_name_map.find (r);
+ if (i != reserved_name_map.end ())
+ {
+ if (i->second)
+ return i->second;
+ else
+ r += L'_';
+ }
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ // String escaping.
+ //
+ String
+ charlit (unsigned int u)
+ {
+ String r ("\\x");
+ bool lead (true);
+ for (int i (7); i >= 0; --i)
+ {
+ unsigned int x ((u >> (i * 4)) & 0x0F);
+ if (lead)
+ {
+ if (x == 0)
+ continue;
+ lead = false;
+ }
+ r += x < 10 ? ('0' + x) : ('A' + x - 10);
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ String
+ strlit_ascii (String const& str)
+ {
+ String r;
+ size_t n (str.size ());
+ // In most common cases we will have that many chars.
+ //
+ r.reserve (n + 2);
+ r += '"';
+ bool escape (false);
+ for (size_t i (0); i < n; ++i)
+ {
+ unsigned int u (Context::unicode_char (str, i)); // May advance i.
+ // [128 - ] - unrepresentable
+ // 127 - \x7F
+ // [32 - 126] - as is
+ // [0 - 31] - \X or \xXX
+ //
+ if (u < 32 || u == 127)
+ {
+ switch (u)
+ {
+ case L'\n':
+ {
+ r += L"\\n";
+ break;
+ }
+ case L'\t':
+ {
+ r += L"\\t";
+ break;
+ }
+ case L'\v':
+ {
+ r += L"\\v";
+ break;
+ }
+ case L'\b':
+ {
+ r += L"\\b";
+ break;
+ }
+ case L'\r':
+ {
+ r += L"\\r";
+ break;
+ }
+ case L'\f':
+ {
+ r += L"\\f";
+ break;
+ }
+ case L'\a':
+ {
+ r += L"\\a";
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ r += charlit (u);
+ escape = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (u < 127)
+ {
+ if (escape)
+ {
+ // Close and open the string so there are no clashes.
+ //
+ r += '"';
+ r += '"';
+ escape = false;
+ }
+ switch (u)
+ {
+ case L'"':
+ {
+ r += L"\\\"";
+ break;
+ }
+ case L'\\':
+ {
+ r += L"\\\\";
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ r += static_cast<wchar_t> (u);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Unrepresentable character.
+ //
+ throw UnrepresentableCharacter (str, i + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ r += '"';
+ return r;
+ }
+ const unsigned int utf8_first_char_mask[5] =
+ {
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xF0
+ };
+ String
+ strlit_utf8 (String const& str)
+ {
+ String r;
+ size_t n (str.size ());
+ // In most common cases we will have that many chars.
+ //
+ r.reserve (n + 2);
+ r += '"';
+ bool escape (false);
+ for (size_t i (0); i < n; ++i)
+ {
+ unsigned int u (Context::unicode_char (str, i)); // May advance i.
+ // [128 - ] - UTF-8
+ // 127 - \x7F
+ // [32 - 126] - as is
+ // [0 - 31] - \X or \xXX
+ //
+ if (u < 32 || u == 127)
+ {
+ switch (u)
+ {
+ case L'\n':
+ {
+ r += L"\\n";
+ break;
+ }
+ case L'\t':
+ {
+ r += L"\\t";
+ break;
+ }
+ case L'\v':
+ {
+ r += L"\\v";
+ break;
+ }
+ case L'\b':
+ {
+ r += L"\\b";
+ break;
+ }
+ case L'\r':
+ {
+ r += L"\\r";
+ break;
+ }
+ case L'\f':
+ {
+ r += L"\\f";
+ break;
+ }
+ case L'\a':
+ {
+ r += L"\\a";
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ r += charlit (u);
+ escape = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (u < 127)
+ {
+ if (escape)
+ {
+ // Close and open the string so there are no clashes.
+ //
+ r += '"';
+ r += '"';
+ escape = false;
+ }
+ switch (u)
+ {
+ case L'"':
+ {
+ r += L"\\\"";
+ break;
+ }
+ case L'\\':
+ {
+ r += L"\\\\";
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ r += static_cast<wchar_t> (u);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unsigned int count (0);
+ unsigned int tmp[4];
+ if (u < 0x800)
+ count = 2;
+ else if (u < 0x10000)
+ count = 3;
+ else if (u < 0x110000)
+ count = 4;
+ switch (count)
+ {
+ case 4:
+ {
+ tmp[3] = (u | 0x80UL) & 0xBFUL;
+ u >>= 6;
+ }
+ // Fall through.
+ case 3:
+ {
+ tmp[2] = (u | 0x80UL) & 0xBFUL;
+ u >>= 6;
+ }
+ // Fall through.
+ case 2:
+ {
+ tmp[1] = (u | 0x80UL) & 0xBFUL;
+ u >>= 6;
+ }
+ // Fall through.
+ case 1:
+ {
+ tmp[0] = u | utf8_first_char_mask[count];
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ assert (false);
+ }
+ for (unsigned int j (0); j < count; ++j)
+ r += charlit (tmp[j]);
+ escape = true;
+ }
+ }
+ r += '"';
+ return r;
+ }
+ String
+ strlit_iso8859_1 (String const& str)
+ {
+ String r;
+ size_t n (str.size ());
+ // In most common cases we will have that many chars.
+ //
+ r.reserve (n + 2);
+ r += '"';
+ bool escape (false);
+ for (size_t i (0); i < n; ++i)
+ {
+ unsigned int u (Context::unicode_char (str, i)); // May advance i.
+ // [256 - ] - unrepresentable
+ // [127 - 255] - \xXX
+ // [32 - 126] - as is
+ // [0 - 31] - \X or \xXX
+ //
+ if (u < 32)
+ {
+ switch (u)
+ {
+ case L'\n':
+ {
+ r += L"\\n";
+ break;
+ }
+ case L'\t':
+ {
+ r += L"\\t";
+ break;
+ }
+ case L'\v':
+ {
+ r += L"\\v";
+ break;
+ }
+ case L'\b':
+ {
+ r += L"\\b";
+ break;
+ }
+ case L'\r':
+ {
+ r += L"\\r";
+ break;
+ }
+ case L'\f':
+ {
+ r += L"\\f";
+ break;
+ }
+ case L'\a':
+ {
+ r += L"\\a";
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ r += charlit (u);
+ escape = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (u < 127)
+ {
+ if (escape)
+ {
+ // Close and open the string so there are no clashes.
+ //
+ r += '"';
+ r += '"';
+ escape = false;
+ }
+ switch (u)
+ {
+ case L'"':
+ {
+ r += L"\\\"";
+ break;
+ }
+ case L'\\':
+ {
+ r += L"\\\\";
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ r += static_cast<wchar_t> (u);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (u < 256)
+ {
+ r += charlit (u);
+ escape = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Unrepresentable character.
+ //
+ throw UnrepresentableCharacter (str, i + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ r += '"';
+ return r;
+ }
+ String
+ strlit_utf32 (String const& str)
+ {
+ String r;
+ size_t n (str.size ());
+ // In most common cases we will have that many chars.
+ //
+ r.reserve (n + 3);
+ r += L"L\"";
+ bool escape (false);
+ for (size_t i (0); i < n; ++i)
+ {
+ unsigned int u (Context::unicode_char (str, i)); // May advance i.
+ // [128 - ] - \xUUUUUUUU
+ // 127 - \x7F
+ // [32 - 126] - as is
+ // [0 - 31] - \X or \xXX
+ //
+ if (u < 32 || u == 127)
+ {
+ switch (u)
+ {
+ case L'\n':
+ {
+ r += L"\\n";
+ break;
+ }
+ case L'\t':
+ {
+ r += L"\\t";
+ break;
+ }
+ case L'\v':
+ {
+ r += L"\\v";
+ break;
+ }
+ case L'\b':
+ {
+ r += L"\\b";
+ break;
+ }
+ case L'\r':
+ {
+ r += L"\\r";
+ break;
+ }
+ case L'\f':
+ {
+ r += L"\\f";
+ break;
+ }
+ case L'\a':
+ {
+ r += L"\\a";
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ r += charlit (u);
+ escape = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (u < 127)
+ {
+ if (escape)
+ {
+ // Close and open the string so there are no clashes. C++11
+ // requires a space between " and L.
+ //
+ r += L"\" L\"";
+ escape = false;
+ }
+ switch (u)
+ {
+ case L'"':
+ {
+ r += L"\\\"";
+ break;
+ }
+ case L'\\':
+ {
+ r += L"\\\\";
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ r += static_cast<wchar_t> (u);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ r += charlit (u);
+ escape = true;
+ }
+ }
+ r += '"';
+ return r;
+ }
+ String Context::
+ strlit (String const& str)
+ {
+ // First see if we have a custom mapping.
+ //
+ assert (string_literal_map != 0);
+ StringLiteralMap::const_iterator i (string_literal_map->find (str));
+ if (i != string_literal_map->end ())
+ return i->second;
+ if (char_type == L"char")
+ {
+ if (char_encoding == L"utf8")
+ return strlit_utf8 (str);
+ else if (char_encoding == L"iso8859-1")
+ return strlit_iso8859_1 (str);
+ else
+ {
+ // For LCP, custom, and other unknown encodings, use ASCII.
+ //
+ return strlit_ascii (str);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ return strlit_utf32 (str);
+ }
+ String Context::
+ comment (String const& str)
+ {
+ String r;
+ wchar_t const* s (str.c_str ());
+ size_t size (str.size ());
+ // In most common cases we will have that many chars.
+ //
+ r.reserve (size);
+ for (wchar_t const* p (s); p < s + size; ++p)
+ {
+ unsigned int u (unicode_char (p)); // May advance p.
+ // We are going to treat \v, \f and \n as unrepresentable
+ // here even though they can be present in C++ source code.
+ //
+ if (u > 127 || (u < 32 && u != '\t'))
+ r += L'?';
+ else
+ r += static_cast<wchar_t> (u);
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ String Context::
+ process_include_path (String const& name) const
+ {
+ String path (String (options.include_prefix ()) + name);
+ bool trace (options.include_regex_trace ());
+ if (trace)
+ wcerr << "include: '" << path << "'" << endl;
+ String r;
+ bool found (false);
+ for (RegexMapping::const_reverse_iterator e (include_mapping.rbegin ());
+ e != include_mapping.rend (); ++e)
+ {
+ if (trace)
+ wcerr << "try: '" << e->regex () << "' : ";
+ if (e->match (path))
+ {
+ r = e->replace (path);
+ found = true;
+ if (trace)
+ wcerr << "'" << r << "' : ";
+ }
+ if (trace)
+ wcerr << (found ? '+' : '-') << endl;
+ if (found)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!found)
+ r = path;
+ if (!r.empty () && r[0] != L'"' && r[0] != L'<')
+ {
+ wchar_t op (options.include_with_brackets () ? L'<' : L'"');
+ wchar_t cl (options.include_with_brackets () ? L'>' : L'"');
+ r = op + r + cl;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ // Namespace
+ //
+ void Namespace::
+ pre (Type& n)
+ {
+ String ns (ctx_.ns_name (n));
+ String::size_type b (0), e;
+ if (st_)
+ st_->enter (n, L"", ns ? false : true);
+ do
+ {
+ e = ns.find (L"::", b);
+ String name (ns, b, e == ns.npos ? e : e - b);
+ if (!name.empty ())
+ {
+ if (st_)
+ st_->enter (n, name, e == ns.npos);
+ ctx_.os << "namespace " << name << "{";
+ }
+ b = e;
+ if (b == ns.npos)
+ break;
+ b += 2;
+ } while (true);
+ }
+ void Namespace::
+ post (Type& n)
+ {
+ String ns (ctx_.ns_name (n));
+ String::size_type b (0), e;
+ do
+ {
+ e = ns.find (L"::", b);
+ String name (ns, b, e == ns.npos ? e : e - b);
+ if (!name.empty ())
+ {
+ ctx_.os << "}";
+ if (st_)
+ st_->leave ();
+ }
+ b = e;
+ if (b == ns.npos)
+ break;
+ b += 2;
+ }
+ while (true);
+ if (st_)
+ st_->leave ();
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/elements.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/elements.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62ba97c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/elements.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/elements.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <set>
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <libcutl/re.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+#include <xsd/types.hxx>
+#include <xsd/elements.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/options.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/literal-map.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ using std::endl;
+ // On some platforms std::toupper can be something other than a
+ // function with C++ linkage.
+ //
+ wchar_t
+ upcase (wchar_t c);
+ // Exceptions.
+ //
+ struct UnrepresentableCharacter
+ {
+ UnrepresentableCharacter (String const& str, size_t pos)
+ : str_ (str), pos_ (pos)
+ {
+ }
+ String const&
+ string () const
+ {
+ return str_;
+ }
+ size_t
+ position () const
+ {
+ return pos_;
+ }
+ private:
+ String str_;
+ size_t pos_;
+ };
+ struct NoNamespaceMapping
+ {
+ NoNamespaceMapping (SemanticGraph::Path const& file,
+ size_t line,
+ size_t column,
+ String const& ns)
+ : file_ (file),
+ line_ (line),
+ column_ (column),
+ ns_ (ns)
+ {
+ }
+ SemanticGraph::Path const&
+ file () const
+ {
+ return file_;
+ }
+ size_t
+ line () const
+ {
+ return line_;
+ }
+ size_t
+ column () const
+ {
+ return column_;
+ }
+ String const&
+ ns () const
+ {
+ return ns_;
+ }
+ private:
+ SemanticGraph::Path file_;
+ size_t line_;
+ size_t column_;
+ String ns_;
+ };
+ struct InvalidNamespaceMapping
+ {
+ InvalidNamespaceMapping (String const& mapping,
+ String const& reason)
+ : mapping_ (mapping), reason_ (reason)
+ {
+ }
+ String const&
+ mapping () const
+ {
+ return mapping_;
+ }
+ String const&
+ reason () const
+ {
+ return reason_;
+ }
+ private:
+ String mapping_;
+ String reason_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ class Context
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef cutl::re::wregex RegexPat;
+ typedef cutl::re::wregexsub Regex;
+ typedef std::vector<Regex> RegexMapping;
+ typedef std::map<String, String> MapMapping;
+ typedef std::map<String, String> MappingCache;
+ typedef std::map<String, String> ReservedNameMap;
+ typedef std::set<String> KeywordSet;
+ typedef CXX::options options_type;
+ public:
+ Context (std::wostream& o,
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& root,
+ SemanticGraph::Path const& path,
+ options_type const& ops,
+ StringLiteralMap const* custom_literals_map);
+ protected:
+ Context (Context& c)
+ : os (c.os),
+ schema_root (c.schema_root),
+ schema_path (c.schema_path),
+ options (c.options),
+ std (c.std),
+ char_type (c.char_type),
+ char_encoding (c.char_encoding),
+ L (c.L),
+ string_type (c.string_type),
+ auto_ptr (c.auto_ptr),
+ string_literal_map (c.string_literal_map),
+ type_exp (c.type_exp),
+ inst_exp (c.inst_exp),
+ inl (c.inl),
+ ns_mapping_cache (c.ns_mapping_cache),
+ xs_ns_ (c.xs_ns_),
+ cxx_id_expr (c.cxx_id_expr),
+ urn_mapping (c.urn_mapping),
+ nsr_mapping (c.nsr_mapping),
+ nsm_mapping (c.nsm_mapping),
+ include_mapping (c.include_mapping),
+ reserved_name_map (c.reserved_name_map),
+ keyword_set (c.keyword_set)
+ {
+ }
+ Context (Context& c, std::wostream& o)
+ : os (o),
+ schema_root (c.schema_root),
+ schema_path (c.schema_path),
+ options (c.options),
+ std (c.std),
+ char_type (c.char_type),
+ char_encoding (c.char_encoding),
+ L (c.L),
+ string_type (c.string_type),
+ auto_ptr (c.auto_ptr),
+ string_literal_map (c.string_literal_map),
+ type_exp (c.type_exp),
+ inst_exp (c.inst_exp),
+ inl (c.inl),
+ ns_mapping_cache (c.ns_mapping_cache),
+ xs_ns_ (c.xs_ns_),
+ cxx_id_expr (c.cxx_id_expr),
+ urn_mapping (c.urn_mapping),
+ nsr_mapping (c.nsr_mapping),
+ nsm_mapping (c.nsm_mapping),
+ include_mapping (c.include_mapping),
+ reserved_name_map (c.reserved_name_map),
+ keyword_set (c.keyword_set)
+ {
+ }
+ public:
+ static String
+ unclash (String const& name, String const& new_name)
+ {
+ return name == new_name ? (new_name + L'_') : new_name;
+ }
+ public:
+ // Return UTF-32 character starting at this position. Position is
+ // advanced by 1 if this Unicode character takes more than one
+ // underlying character.
+ //
+ static unsigned int
+ unicode_char (String const& str, size_t& pos);
+ static unsigned int
+ unicode_char (wchar_t const*& p);
+ // Escape C++ keywords and illegal characters.
+ //
+ String
+ escape (String const&);
+ // Create a string literal so that it can be used in C++ source
+ // code. It includes "".
+ //
+ String
+ strlit (String const&);
+ // Escape the string so that it can be used in C++ comment.
+ //
+ String
+ comment (String const&);
+ // Translate XML namespace name to a C++ identifier.
+ //
+ String
+ ns_name (SemanticGraph::Namespace&);
+ // XML Schema namespace.
+ //
+ SemanticGraph::Namespace&
+ xs_ns ();
+ // C++ namespace for XML Schema.
+ //
+ String
+ xs_ns_name ();
+ //
+ //
+ SemanticGraph::Namespace&
+ namespace_ (SemanticGraph::Nameable& n);
+ // Original XML namespace name.
+ //
+ String
+ xml_ns_name (SemanticGraph::Nameable& ns);
+ // Fully-qualified C++ name.
+ //
+ String
+ fq_name (SemanticGraph::Nameable& n, char const* name_key = "name");
+ public:
+ static SemanticGraph::Type&
+ ultimate_base (SemanticGraph::Complex&);
+ public:
+ String
+ process_include_path (String const&) const;
+ public:
+ static bool
+ skip (SemanticGraph::Member& m)
+ {
+ // "Subsequent" local element.
+ //
+ return !m.scope ().is_a<SemanticGraph::Namespace> () &&
+ m.context ().count ("min") == 0;
+ }
+ static size_t
+ min (SemanticGraph::Member const& m)
+ {
+ return m.context ().get<size_t> ("min");
+ }
+ static size_t
+ min (SemanticGraph::Any const& a)
+ {
+ return a.context ().get<size_t> ("min");
+ }
+ static size_t
+ max (SemanticGraph::Member const& m)
+ {
+ return m.context ().get<size_t> ("max");
+ }
+ static size_t
+ max (SemanticGraph::Any const& a)
+ {
+ return a.context ().get<size_t> ("max");
+ }
+ public:
+ // Get escaped name.
+ //
+ static String const&
+ ename (SemanticGraph::Nameable const& n)
+ {
+ return n.context ().get<String> ("name");
+ }
+ public:
+ std::wostream& os;
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& schema_root;
+ SemanticGraph::Path const& schema_path;
+ options_type const& options;
+ cxx_version std;
+ String& char_type;
+ String& char_encoding;
+ String& L; // string literal prefix
+ String& string_type;
+ String& auto_ptr;
+ StringLiteralMap const* string_literal_map;
+ String& type_exp;
+ String& inst_exp;
+ String& inl;
+ public:
+ MappingCache& ns_mapping_cache;
+ private:
+ SemanticGraph::Path const schema_path_;
+ SemanticGraph::Namespace* xs_ns_;
+ String char_type_;
+ String char_encoding_;
+ String L_;
+ String string_type_;
+ String auto_ptr_;
+ String type_exp_;
+ String inst_exp_;
+ String inl_;
+ private:
+ RegexPat const cxx_id_expr_;
+ RegexPat const& cxx_id_expr;
+ Regex urn_mapping_;
+ RegexMapping nsr_mapping_;
+ MapMapping nsm_mapping_;
+ Regex const& urn_mapping;
+ RegexMapping const& nsr_mapping;
+ MapMapping const& nsm_mapping;
+ MappingCache ns_mapping_cache_;
+ RegexMapping include_mapping_;
+ RegexMapping const& include_mapping;
+ ReservedNameMap const& reserved_name_map;
+ ReservedNameMap reserved_name_map_;
+ KeywordSet const& keyword_set;
+ KeywordSet keyword_set_;
+ };
+ inline unsigned int Context::
+ unicode_char (String const& str, size_t& pos)
+ {
+ if (sizeof (wchar_t) == 4)
+ {
+ return str[pos];
+ }
+ else if (sizeof (wchar_t) == 2)
+ {
+ wchar_t x (str[pos]);
+ if (x < 0xD800 || x > 0xDBFF)
+ return x;
+ else
+ return ((x - 0xD800) << 10) + (str[++pos] - 0xDC00) + 0x10000;
+ }
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ inline unsigned int Context::
+ unicode_char (wchar_t const*& p)
+ {
+ if (sizeof (wchar_t) == 4)
+ {
+ return *p;
+ }
+ else if (sizeof (wchar_t) == 2)
+ {
+ wchar_t x (*p);
+ if (x < 0xD800 || x > 0xDBFF)
+ return x;
+ else
+ return ((x - 0xD800) << 10) + (*(++p) - 0xDC00) + 0x10000;
+ }
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Sources traverser that goes into each schema only once.
+ //
+ struct Sources: Traversal::Sources
+ {
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Sources& s)
+ {
+ if (schemas_.insert (&s.schema ()).second)
+ Traversal::Sources::traverse (s);
+ }
+ private:
+ std::set<SemanticGraph::Schema*> schemas_;
+ };
+ // Usual namespace mapping.
+ //
+ struct Namespace: Traversal::Namespace
+ {
+ struct ScopeTracker
+ {
+ // First scope name if always empty (global scope). The last flag
+ // signals the last scope.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ enter (Type&, String const& name, bool last) = 0;
+ virtual void
+ leave () = 0;
+ };
+ Namespace (Context& c)
+ : ctx_ (c), st_ (0)
+ {
+ }
+ Namespace (Context& c, ScopeTracker& st)
+ : ctx_ (c), st_ (&st)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ pre (Type&);
+ virtual void
+ post (Type&);
+ private:
+ Context& ctx_;
+ ScopeTracker* st_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ template <typename X>
+ struct Has : X
+ {
+ Has (bool& result)
+ : result_ (result)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (typename X::Type&)
+ {
+ result_ = true;
+ }
+ private:
+ bool& result_;
+ };
+ // Checks if scope 'Y' names any of 'X'
+ //
+ template <typename X, typename Y>
+ bool
+ has (Y& y)
+ {
+ using SemanticGraph::Scope;
+ bool result (false);
+ Has<X> t (result);
+ for (Scope::NamesIterator i (y.names_begin ()), e (y.names_end ());
+ !result && i != e; ++i)
+ t.dispatch (i->named ());
+ return result;
+ }
+ // Checks if the compositor has any particle of 'X'
+ //
+ template <typename X>
+ bool
+ has_particle (SemanticGraph::Compositor& y)
+ {
+ using SemanticGraph::Compositor;
+ bool result (false);
+ Has<X> t (result);
+ for (Compositor::ContainsIterator i (y.contains_begin ()),
+ e (y.contains_end ()); !result && i != e; ++i)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Particle& p (i->particle ());
+ t.dispatch (p);
+ if (!result && p.is_a<Compositor> ())
+ result = has_particle<X> (dynamic_cast<Compositor&> (p));
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ // Specialization for Complex
+ //
+ template <typename X>
+ bool
+ has_particle (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ return c.contains_compositor_p () &&
+ has_particle<X> (c.contains_compositor ().compositor ());
+ }
+ // Fundamental type mapping helper.
+ //
+ struct Fundamental: Traversal::Fundamental::Type,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::String,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NormalizedString,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Token,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Name,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NameToken,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NCName,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Id,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::IdRef
+ {
+ virtual void
+ fundamental_type (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Type& t) = 0;
+ virtual void
+ fundamental_template (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Type& t) = 0;
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Type& t)
+ {
+ fundamental_type (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::String& t)
+ {
+ fundamental_template (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NormalizedString& t)
+ {
+ fundamental_template (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Token& t)
+ {
+ fundamental_template (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Name& t)
+ {
+ fundamental_template (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameToken& t)
+ {
+ fundamental_template (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NCName& t)
+ {
+ fundamental_template (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Id& t)
+ {
+ fundamental_template (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRef& t)
+ {
+ fundamental_template (t);
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/literal-map.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/literal-map.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b81f249
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/literal-map.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/literal-map.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <memory> // std::unique_ptr
+#include <cstddef> // std::size_t
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <xercesc/util/XMLUni.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/framework/LocalFileInputSource.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/sax/Locator.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/sax/SAXParseException.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/sax2/DefaultHandler.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/sax2/SAX2XMLReader.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/sax2/XMLReaderFactory.hpp>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/xml.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/literal-map.hxx>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace xercesc;
+namespace XML = XSDFrontend::XML;
+namespace CXX
+ class Handler: public DefaultHandler
+ {
+ public:
+ struct Failed {};
+ Handler (String const& file, StringLiteralMap& map)
+ : state_ (s_init), file_ (file), map_ (map)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ setDocumentLocator (const Locator* const l)
+ {
+ locator_ = l;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ startElement (const XMLCh* const,
+ const XMLCh* const lname,
+ const XMLCh* const,
+ const xercesc::Attributes&)
+ {
+ String n (XML::transcode (lname));
+ if (n == L"string-literal-map" && state_ == s_init)
+ state_ = s_map;
+ else if (n == L"entry" && state_ == s_map)
+ {
+ str_seen_ = false;
+ lit_seen_ = false;
+ state_ = s_entry;
+ }
+ else if (n == L"string" && state_ == s_entry)
+ {
+ str_seen_ = true;
+ str_.clear ();
+ state_ = s_string;
+ }
+ else if (n == L"literal" && state_ == s_entry)
+ {
+ lit_seen_ = true;
+ lit_.clear ();
+ state_ = s_literal;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wcerr << file_ << ":" << line () << ":" << col () << ": error: "
+ << "unexpected element '" << n << "'" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ endElement (const XMLCh* const,
+ const XMLCh* const lname,
+ const XMLCh* const)
+ {
+ String n (XML::transcode (lname));
+ if (n == L"string-literal-map")
+ state_ = s_init;
+ else if (n == L"entry")
+ {
+ if (!str_seen_)
+ {
+ wcerr << file_ << ":" << line () << ":" << col () << ": error: "
+ << "expected 'string' element" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ if (!lit_seen_)
+ {
+ wcerr << file_ << ":" << line () << ":" << col () << ": error: "
+ << "expected 'literal' element" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ map_[str_] = lit_;
+ state_ = s_map;
+ }
+ else if (n == L"string")
+ state_ = s_entry;
+ else if (n == L"literal")
+ state_ = s_entry;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ characters (const XMLCh* const s, const XMLSize_t length)
+ {
+ String str (XML::transcode (s, length));
+ if (state_ == s_string)
+ str_ += str;
+ else if (state_ == s_literal)
+ lit_ += str;
+ else
+ {
+ for (size_t i (0); i < str.size (); ++i)
+ {
+ wchar_t c (str[i]);
+ if (c != 0x20 && c != 0x0A && c != 0x0D && c != 0x09)
+ {
+ wcerr << file_ << ":" << line () << ":" << col () << ": error: "
+ << "unexpected character data" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Error hanlding.
+ //
+ enum Severity {s_warning, s_error, s_fatal};
+ virtual void
+ warning (const SAXParseException& e)
+ {
+ handle (e, s_warning);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ error (const SAXParseException& e)
+ {
+ handle (e, s_error);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ fatalError (const SAXParseException& e)
+ {
+ handle (e, s_fatal);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ resetErrors ()
+ {
+ }
+ void
+ handle (const SAXParseException& e, Severity s)
+ {
+ String msg (XML::transcode (e.getMessage ()));
+ wcerr << file_ << ":"
+ << e.getLineNumber () << ":" << e.getColumnNumber () << ": "
+ << (s == s_warning ? "warning: " : "error: ") << msg << endl;
+ if (s != s_warning)
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ size_t
+ line () const
+ {
+ return locator_ != 0
+ ? static_cast<size_t> (locator_->getLineNumber ())
+ : 0;
+ }
+ size_t
+ col () const
+ {
+ return locator_ != 0
+ ? static_cast<size_t> (locator_->getColumnNumber ())
+ : 0;
+ }
+ private:
+ const Locator* locator_;
+ enum
+ {
+ s_init,
+ s_map,
+ s_entry,
+ s_string,
+ s_literal
+ } state_;
+ String file_;
+ StringLiteralMap& map_;
+ bool str_seen_;
+ bool lit_seen_;
+ String str_;
+ String lit_;
+ };
+ bool
+ read_literal_map (NarrowString const& file, StringLiteralMap& map)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ // Try to open the file with fstream. This way we get to
+ // report the error in a consistent manner.
+ //
+ {
+ ifstream ifs (file.c_str ());
+ if (!ifs.is_open ())
+ {
+ wcerr << file.c_str () << ": unable to open in read mode" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ String wfile (file);
+ LocalFileInputSource is (XML::XMLChString (wfile).c_str ());
+ Handler h (wfile, map);
+ unique_ptr<SAX2XMLReader> parser (
+ XMLReaderFactory::createXMLReader ());
+ parser->setFeature (XMLUni::fgSAX2CoreNameSpaces, true);
+ parser->setFeature (XMLUni::fgSAX2CoreNameSpacePrefixes, true);
+ parser->setFeature (XMLUni::fgSAX2CoreValidation, false);
+ parser->setFeature (XMLUni::fgXercesSchema, false);
+ parser->setFeature (XMLUni::fgXercesSchemaFullChecking, false);
+ parser->setErrorHandler (&h);
+ parser->setContentHandler (&h);
+ parser->parse (is);
+ }
+ catch (Handler::Failed const&)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/literal-map.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/literal-map.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc8fabb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/literal-map.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/literal-map.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <map>
+#include <xsd/types.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ typedef std::map<String, String> StringLiteralMap;
+ bool
+ read_literal_map (NarrowString const& file, StringLiteralMap& map);
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/option-types.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/option-types.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad8a3c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/option-types.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/option-types.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <istream>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <xsd/cxx/option-types.hxx>
+using namespace std;
+namespace CXX
+ //
+ // cxx_version
+ //
+ static const char* cxx_version_[] =
+ {
+ "c++98",
+ "c++11"
+ };
+ string cxx_version::
+ string () const
+ {
+ return cxx_version_[v_];
+ }
+ istream&
+ operator>> (istream& is, cxx_version& v)
+ {
+ string s;
+ is >> s;
+ if (! ())
+ {
+ if (s == "c++98")
+ v = cxx_version::cxx98;
+ else if (s == "c++11")
+ v = cxx_version::cxx11;
+ else
+ is.setstate (istream::failbit);
+ }
+ return is;
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/option-types.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/option-types.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbb15b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/option-types.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/option-types.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <iosfwd>
+#include <string>
+namespace CXX
+ struct cxx_version
+ {
+ enum value
+ {
+ cxx98,
+ cxx11
+ };
+ cxx_version (value v = value (0)) : v_ (v) {}
+ operator value () const {return v_;}
+ std::string
+ string () const;
+ private:
+ value v_;
+ };
+ std::istream&
+ operator>> (std::istream&, cxx_version&);
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/options.cli b/xsd/xsd/cxx/options.cli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c50f19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/options.cli
@@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/options.cli
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+include <cstddef>; // std::size_t
+include <xsd/types.hxx>; // NarrowString, NarrowStrings
+include <xsd/cxx/option-types.hxx>;
+include <xsd/options.cli>;
+namespace CXX
+ class options: ::options = 0
+ {
+ // Language.
+ //
+ cxx_version --std = cxx_version::cxx98
+ {
+ "<version>",
+ "Specify the C++ standard that the generated code should conform to.
+ Valid values are \cb{c++98} (default) and \cb{c++11}.
+ The C++ standard affects various aspects of the generated code that
+ are discussed in more detail in various mapping-specific
+ documentation. Overall, when C++11 is selected, the generated
+ code relies on the move semantics and uses \cb{std::unique_ptr}
+ instead of deprecated \cb{std::auto_ptr}.
+ When the C++11 mode is selected, you normally don't need to
+ perform any extra steps other than enable C++11 in your C++
+ compiler, if required. The XSD compiler will automatically
+ add the necessary macro defines to the generated header files
+ that will switch the header-only XSD runtime library (\cb{libxsd})
+ to the C++11 mode. However, if you include any of the XSD runtime
+ headers directly in your application (normally you just include
+ the generated headers), then you will need to define the
+ \cb{XSD_CXX11} macro for your entire project."
+ };
+ // Character type and encoding.
+ //
+ NarrowString --char-type = "char"
+ {
+ "<type>",
+ "Generate code using the provided character <type> instead of the
+ default \cb{char}. Valid values are \cb{char} and \cb{wchar_t}."
+ };
+ NarrowString --char-encoding
+ {
+ "<enc>",
+ "Specify the character encoding that should be used in the generated
+ code. Valid values for the \cb{char} character type are \cb{utf8}
+ (default), \cb{iso8859-1}, \cb{lcp} (Xerces-C++ local code page),
+ and \cb{custom}. If you pass \cb{custom} as the value then you will
+ need to include the transcoder implementation header for your
+ encoding at the beginning of the generated header files (see the
+ \cb{--hxx-prologue} option).
+ For the \cb{wchar_t} character type the only valid value is \cb{auto}
+ and the encoding is automatically selected between UTF-16 and
+ UTF-32/UCS-4, depending on the \cb{wchar_t} type size."
+ };
+ // Output options.
+ //
+ NarrowString --output-dir
+ {
+ "<dir>",
+ "Write generated files to <dir> instead of the current directory."
+ };
+ bool --generate-inline
+ {
+ "Generate simple functions inline. This option triggers creation of
+ the inline file."
+ };
+ // Extern XML Schema.
+ //
+ bool --generate-xml-schema
+ {
+ "Generate a C++ header file as if the schema being compiled defines the
+ XML Schema namespace. For the C++/Tree mapping, the resulting file will
+ contain definitions for all XML Schema built-in types. For the
+ C++/Parser mapping, the resulting file will contain definitions for
+ all the parser skeletons and implementations corresponding to the
+ XML Schema built-in types.
+ The schema file provided to the compiler need not exist and is only
+ used to derive the name of the resulting header file. Use the
+ \cb{--extern-xml-schema} option to include this file in the
+ generated files for other schemas."
+ };
+ NarrowString --extern-xml-schema
+ {
+ "<file>",
+ "Include a header file derived from <file> instead of generating the
+ XML Schema namespace mapping inline. The provided file need not
+ exist and is only used to derive the name of the included header
+ file. Use the \cb{--generate-xml-schema} option to generate this
+ header file."
+ };
+ // Namespace mapping.
+ //
+ NarrowStrings --namespace-map
+ {
+ "<xns>=<cns>",
+ "Map XML Schema namespace <xns> to C++ namespace <cns>. Repeat
+ this option to specify mapping for more than one XML Schema namespace.
+ For example, the following option:
+ \cb{--namespace-map}
+ Will map the \cb{} XML Schema namespace to
+ the \cb{foo::bar} C++ namespace."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --namespace-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate XML
+ Schema namespace names to C++ namespace names. <regex> is a Perl-like
+ regular expression in the form
+ \c{\b{/}\i{pattern}\b{/}\i{replacement}\b{/}}. Any character can be
+ used as a delimiter instead of '\cb{/}'. Escaping of the delimiter
+ character in \ci{pattern} or \ci{replacement} is not supported.
+ All the regular expressions are pushed into a stack with the last
+ specified expression considered first. The first match that
+ succeeds is used. Regular expressions are applied to a string in
+ the form
+ \c{\i{filename} \i{namespace}}
+ For example, if you have file \cb{hello.xsd} with namespace
+ \cb{} and you run \cb{xsd} on this file,
+ then the string in question will be:
+ \cb{hello.xsd.}
+ For the built-in XML Schema namespace the string is:
+ \cb{XMLSchema.xsd}
+ The following three steps are performed for each regular expression
+ until the match is found:
+ 1. The expression is applied and if the result is empty the next
+ expression is considered.
+ 2. All '\cb{/}' are replaced with '\cb{::}'.
+ 3. The result is verified to be a valid C++ scope name (e.g.,
+ \cb{foo::bar}). If this test succeeds, the result is used as a
+ C++ namespace name.
+ As an example, the following expression maps XML Schema namespaces
+ in the form \cb{} to C++ namespaces in the
+ form \cb{foo::bar}:
+ \cb{%.*$1%}
+ See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below."
+ };
+ bool --namespace-regex-trace
+ {
+ "Trace the process of applying regular expressions specified with the
+ \cb{--namespace-regex} option. Use this option to find out why your
+ regular expressions don't do what you expected them to do."
+ };
+ // Reserved names.
+ //
+ NarrowStrings --reserved-name
+ {
+ "<n>[=<r>]",
+ "Add name <n> to the list of names that should not be used as
+ identifiers. The name can optionally be followed by \cb{=} and the
+ replacement name <r> that should be used instead. All the C++ keywords
+ are already in this list."
+ };
+ // Include options.
+ //
+ bool --include-with-brackets
+ {
+ "Use angle brackets (<>) instead of quotes (\"\") in generated
+ \cb{#include} directives."
+ };
+ NarrowString --include-prefix
+ {
+ "<prefix>",
+ "Add <prefix> to generated \cb{#include} directive paths.
+ For example, if you had the following import element in your schema
+ \cb{<import namespace=\"...\" schemaLocation=\"base.xsd\"/>}
+ and compiled this fragment with \cb{--include-prefix schemas/}, then
+ the include directive in the generated code would be:
+ \cb{#include \"schemas/base.hxx\"}"
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --include-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to transform
+ \cb{#include} directive paths. <regex> is a Perl-like regular
+ expression in the form \c{\b{/}\i{pattern}\b{/}\i{replacement}\b{/}}.
+ Any character can be used as a delimiter instead of '\cb{/}'. Escaping
+ of the delimiter character in \ci{pattern} or \ci{replacement} is not
+ supported.
+ All the regular expressions are pushed into a stack with the last
+ specified expression considered first. The first match that succeeds
+ is used.
+ As an example, the following expression transforms paths in the form
+ \cb{schemas/foo/bar} to paths in the form \cb{generated/foo/bar}:
+ \cb{%schemas/(.+)%generated/$1%}
+ See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below."
+ };
+ bool --include-regex-trace
+ {
+ "Trace the process of applying regular expressions specified with the
+ \cb{--include-regex} option. Use this option to find out why your
+ regular expressions don't do what you expected them to do."
+ };
+ NarrowString --guard-prefix
+ {
+ "<prefix>",
+ "Add <prefix> to generated header inclusion guards. The prefix is
+ transformed to upper case and characters that are illegal in a
+ preprocessor macro name are replaced with underscores. If this
+ option is not specified then the directory part of the input schema
+ file is used as a prefix."
+ };
+ // File suffixes.
+ //
+ NarrowString --hxx-suffix = ".hxx"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use the provided <suffix> instead of the default \cb{.hxx} to
+ construct the name of the header file. Note that this suffix is also
+ used to construct names of header files corresponding to
+ included/imported schemas."
+ };
+ NarrowString --ixx-suffix = ".ixx"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use the provided <suffix> instead of the default \cb{.ixx} to
+ construct the name of the inline file."
+ };
+ NarrowString --cxx-suffix = ".cxx"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use the provided <suffix> instead of the default \cb{.cxx} to
+ construct the name of the source file."
+ };
+ NarrowString --fwd-suffix = "-fwd.hxx"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use the provided <suffix> instead of the default \cb{-fwd.hxx} to
+ construct the name of the forward declaration file."
+ };
+ NarrowString --hxx-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Use the provided expression to construct the name of the header file.
+ <regex> is a Perl-like regular expression in the form
+ \c{\b{/}\i{pattern}\b{/}\i{replacement}\b{/}}.
+ Note that this expression is also used to construct names of header
+ files corresponding to included/imported schemas. See also the REGEX
+ AND SHELL QUOTING section below."
+ };
+ NarrowString --ixx-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Use the provided expression to construct the name of the inline file.
+ <regex> is a Perl-like regular expression in the form
+ \c{\b{/}\i{pattern}\b{/}\i{replacement}\b{/}}. See also the REGEX AND
+ SHELL QUOTING section below."
+ };
+ NarrowString --cxx-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Use the provided expression to construct the name of the source file.
+ <regex> is a Perl-like regular expression in the form
+ \c{\b{/}\i{pattern}\b{/}\i{replacement}\b{/}}. See also the REGEX AND
+ SHELL QUOTING section below."
+ };
+ NarrowString --fwd-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Use the provided expression to construct the name of the forward
+ declaration file. <regex> is a Perl-like regular expression in the
+ form \c{\b{/}\i{pattern}\b{/}\i{replacement}\b{/}}. See also the REGEX
+ AND SHELL QUOTING section below."
+ };
+ // Prologues/epilogues.
+ //
+ NarrowStrings --hxx-prologue
+ {
+ "<text>",
+ "Insert <text> at the beginning of the header file."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --ixx-prologue
+ {
+ "<text>",
+ "Insert <text> at the beginning of the inline file."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --cxx-prologue
+ {
+ "<text>",
+ "Insert <text> at the beginning of the source file."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --fwd-prologue
+ {
+ "<text>",
+ "Insert <text> at the beginning of the forward declaration file."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --prologue
+ {
+ "<text>",
+ "Insert <text> at the beginning of each generated file for which
+ there is no file-specific prologue."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --hxx-epilogue
+ {
+ "<text>",
+ "Insert <text> at the end of the header file."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --ixx-epilogue
+ {
+ "<text>",
+ "Insert <text> at the end of the inline file."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --cxx-epilogue
+ {
+ "<text>",
+ "Insert <text> at the end of the source file."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --fwd-epilogue
+ {
+ "<text>",
+ "Insert <text> at the end of the forward declaration file."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --epilogue
+ {
+ "<text>",
+ "Insert <text> at the end of each generated file for which there
+ is no file-specific epilogue."
+ };
+ NarrowString --hxx-prologue-file
+ {
+ "<file>",
+ "Insert the content of the <file> at the beginning of the header file."
+ };
+ NarrowString --ixx-prologue-file
+ {
+ "<file>",
+ "Insert the content of the <file> at the beginning of the inline file."
+ };
+ NarrowString --cxx-prologue-file
+ {
+ "<file>",
+ "Insert the content of the <file> at the beginning of the source file."
+ };
+ NarrowString --fwd-prologue-file
+ {
+ "<file>",
+ "Insert the content of the <file> at the beginning of the forward
+ declaration file."
+ };
+ NarrowString --prologue-file
+ {
+ "<file>",
+ "Insert the content of the <file> at the beginning of each generated
+ file for which there is no file-specific prologue file."
+ };
+ NarrowString --hxx-epilogue-file
+ {
+ "<file>",
+ "Insert the content of the <file> at the end of the header file."
+ };
+ NarrowString --ixx-epilogue-file
+ {
+ "<file>",
+ "Insert the content of the <file> at the end of the inline file."
+ };
+ NarrowString --cxx-epilogue-file
+ {
+ "<file>",
+ "Insert the content of the <file> at the end of the source file."
+ };
+ NarrowString --fwd-epilogue-file
+ {
+ "<file>",
+ "Insert the content of the <file> at the end of the forward declaration
+ file."
+ };
+ NarrowString --epilogue-file
+ {
+ "<file>",
+ "Insert the content of the <file> at the end of each generated file
+ for which there is no file-specific epilogue file."
+ };
+ // Export options.
+ //
+ NarrowString --export-symbol
+ {
+ "<symbol>",
+ "Insert <symbol> in places where DLL export/import control statements
+ (\cb{__declspec(dllexport/dllimport)}) are necessary."
+ };
+ bool --export-xml-schema
+ {
+ "Export/import types in the XML Schema namespace using the export
+ symbol provided with the \cb{--export-symbol} option. The
+ \cb{XSD_NO_EXPORT} macro can be used to omit this code during C++
+ compilation, which may be useful if you would like to use the same
+ generated code across multiple platforms."
+ };
+ bool --export-maps
+ {
+ "Export polymorphism support maps from a Win32 DLL into which this
+ generated code is placed. This is necessary when your type hierarchy
+ is split across several DLLs since otherwise each DLL will have its
+ own set of maps. In this situation the generated code for the DLL
+ which contains base types and/or substitution group heads should be
+ compiled with this option and the generated code for all other DLLs
+ should be compiled with \cb{--import-maps}. This option is only valid
+ together with \cb{--generate-polymorphic}. The \cb{XSD_NO_EXPORT}
+ macro can be used to omit this code during C++ compilation, which may
+ be useful if you would like to use the same generated code across
+ multiple platforms."
+ };
+ bool --import-maps
+ {
+ "Import polymorphism support maps to a Win32 DLL or executable into
+ which this generated code is linked. See the \cb{--export-maps}
+ option documentation for details. This options is only valid together
+ with \cb{--generate-polymorphic}. The \cb{XSD_NO_EXPORT} macro can be
+ used to omit this code during C++ compilation, which may be useful if
+ you would like to use the same generated code across multiple
+ platforms."
+ };
+ // Make dependency generation.
+ //
+ bool --generate-dep
+ {
+ "Generate \cb{make} dependency information. This option triggers the
+ creation of the \cb{.d} file containing the dependencies of the
+ generated files on the main schema file as well as all the schema
+ files that it includes/imports, transitively. This dependency file
+ is then normally included into the main \cb{makefile} to implement
+ automatic dependency tracking.
+ Note also that automatic dependency generation is not supported in
+ the file-per-type mode (\cb{--file-per-type}). In this case, all
+ the generated files are produced with a single compiler invocation
+ and depend on all the schemas. As a result, it is easier to establish
+ such a dependency manually, perhaps with the help of the
+ \cb{--file-list*} options."
+ };
+ bool --generate-dep-only
+ {
+ "Generate \cb{make} dependency information only."
+ };
+ bool --dep-phony
+ {
+ "Generate phony targets for included/imported schema files, causing
+ each to depend on nothing. Such dummy rules work around \cb{make}
+ errors caused by the removal of schema files without also updating
+ the dependency file to match."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --dep-target
+ {
+ "<target>",
+ "Change the target of the dependency rule. By default it contains
+ all the generated C++ files as well as the dependency file itself,
+ without any directory prefixes. If you require multiple targets,
+ then you can specify them as a single, space-separated argument or
+ you can repeat this option multiple times."
+ };
+ NarrowString --dep-suffix = ".d"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use the provided <suffix> instead of the default \cb{.d} to
+ construct the name of the dependency file."
+ };
+ NarrowString --dep-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Use the provided expression to construct the name of the dependency
+ file. <regex> is a Perl-like regular expression in the form
+ \c{\b{/}\i{pattern}\b{/}\i{replacement}\b{/}}. See also the REGEX
+ AND SHELL QUOTING section below."
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/attribute-validation-source.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/attribute-validation-source.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c873fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/attribute-validation-source.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/attribute-validation-source.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/attribute-validation-source.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ struct Test: Traversal::Attribute,
+ Traversal::AnyAttribute,
+ Context
+ {
+ Test (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Attribute& a)
+ {
+ String const& name ( ());
+ if (a.qualified_p () && a.namespace_ ().name ())
+ {
+ String const& ns (a.namespace_ ().name ());
+ os << "n == " << strlit (name) << " &&" << endl
+ << "ns == " << strlit (ns);
+ }
+ else
+ os << "n == " << strlit (name) << " && ns.empty ()";
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyAttribute& a)
+ {
+ String const& ns (a.definition_namespace ().name ());
+ for (SemanticGraph::AnyAttribute::NamespaceIterator
+ i (a.namespace_begin ()), e (a.namespace_end ()); i != e;)
+ {
+ if (*i == L"##any")
+ {
+ os << "!n.empty ()";
+ }
+ else if (*i == L"##other")
+ {
+ if (ns)
+ {
+ // Note that here I assume that ##other does not include
+ // unqualified names in a schema with target namespace.
+ // This is not what the spec says but that seems to be
+ // the consensus.
+ //
+ os << "(!ns.empty () && ns != " << strlit (ns) << ")";
+ }
+ else
+ os << "!ns.empty ()";
+ }
+ else if (*i == L"##local")
+ {
+ os << "(ns.empty () && !n.empty ())";
+ }
+ else if (*i == L"##targetNamespace")
+ {
+ os << "ns == " << strlit (ns);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "ns == " << strlit (*i);
+ }
+ if (++i != e)
+ os << " ||" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct PhaseOne: Traversal::Attribute, Context
+ {
+ PhaseOne (Context& c)
+ : Context (c), test_ (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& a)
+ {
+ String const& name (ename (a));
+ String const& inst (emember (a));
+ SemanticGraph::Type& type (a.type ());
+ String const& post (post_name (type));
+ String const& ret (ret_type (type));
+ os << "if (";
+ test_.traverse (a);
+ os << ")"
+ << "{"
+ << "if (this->" << inst << ")"
+ << "{"
+ << "this->" << inst << "->pre ();"
+ << "this->" << inst << "->_pre_impl ();"
+ << "this->" << inst << "->_characters (s);"
+ << "this->" << inst << "->_post_impl ();";
+ if (ret == L"void")
+ os << "this->" << inst << "->" << post << " ();"
+ << "this->" << name << " ();";
+ else
+ {
+ // Don't create an lvalue in C++11 (think std::unique_ptr).
+ // In C++98 we do it for compatibility with older/broken
+ // compilers (e.g., IBM xlC that needs an lvalue to pass
+ // std::auto_ptr).
+ //
+ if (std == cxx_version::cxx98)
+ os << arg_type (type) << " tmp (this->" << inst << "->" <<
+ post << " ());"
+ << "this->" << name << " (tmp);";
+ else
+ os << "this->" << name << " (this->" << inst << "->" <<
+ post << " ());";
+ }
+ os << "}";
+ if (!a.optional_p ())
+ os << "static_cast< v_state_attr_* > (" <<
+ "this-> ())->" << name << " = true;";
+ os << "return true;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ private:
+ Test test_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct PhaseTwo: Traversal::AnyAttribute, Context
+ {
+ PhaseTwo (Context& c)
+ : Context (c), test_ (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& a)
+ {
+ os << "if (";
+ test_.traverse (a);
+ os << ")" << endl
+ << "{"
+ << "this->_any_attribute (ns, n, s);"
+ << "return true;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ private:
+ Test test_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct AttributeStateInit: Traversal::Attribute, Context
+ {
+ AttributeStateInit (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& a)
+ {
+ if (!a.optional_p ())
+ os << "as." << ename (a) << " = false;";
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct AttributeStateCheck: Traversal::Attribute, Context
+ {
+ AttributeStateCheck (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& a)
+ {
+ if (!a.optional_p ())
+ {
+ String ns (a.qualified_p () ? a.namespace_ ().name () : String ());
+ os << "if (!as." << ename (a) << ")" << endl
+ << "this->_expected_attribute (" << endl
+ << strlit (ns) << ", " << strlit ( ()) << ");";
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct Complex: Traversal::Complex, Context
+ {
+ Complex (Context& c)
+ : Context (c),
+ phase_one_ (c),
+ phase_two_ (c),
+ attribute_state_init_ (c),
+ attribute_state_check_ (c)
+ {
+ names_phase_one_ >> phase_one_;
+ names_phase_two_ >> phase_two_;
+ names_attribute_state_init_ >> attribute_state_init_;
+ names_attribute_state_check_ >> attribute_state_check_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& c)
+ {
+ bool has_att (has<Traversal::Attribute> (c));
+ bool has_any (has<Traversal::AnyAttribute> (c));
+ if (!has_att && !has_any)
+ return;
+ bool has_req_att (false);
+ if (has_att)
+ {
+ RequiredAttributeTest test (has_req_att);
+ Traversal::Names names_test (test);
+ names (c, names_test);
+ }
+ String const& name (ename (c));
+ os <<"// Attribute validation and dispatch functions for " <<
+ name << "." << endl
+ <<"//" << endl;
+ if (has_att)
+ {
+ // _attribute_impl_phase_one
+ //
+ os << "bool " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_attribute_impl_phase_one (const " << string_type <<
+ "& ns," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& n," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& s)" << endl
+ << "{";
+ names (c, names_phase_one_);
+ // Nothing matched - call our base (extension) or return false
+ // if there is no base (or restriction (even from anyType)).
+ //
+ os << "return ";
+ if (c.inherits_p () &&
+ !c.inherits ().is_a<SemanticGraph::Restricts> ())
+ {
+ os << "this->" << fq_name (c.inherits ().base ()) <<
+ "::_attribute_impl_phase_one (ns, n, s);";
+ }
+ else
+ os << "false;";
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ if (has_any)
+ {
+ // _attribute_impl_phase_two
+ //
+ os << "bool " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_attribute_impl_phase_two (const " << string_type <<
+ "& ns," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& n," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& s)"
+ << "{";
+ names (c, names_phase_two_);
+ // Nothing matched - call our base (extension) or return false
+ // if there is no base (or restriction (even from anyType)).
+ //
+ os << "return ";
+ if (c.inherits_p () &&
+ !c.inherits ().is_a<SemanticGraph::Restricts> ())
+ {
+ os << "this->" << fq_name (c.inherits ().base ()) <<
+ "::_attribute_impl_phase_two (ns, n, s);";
+ }
+ else
+ os << "false;";
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ if (has_req_att)
+ {
+ // _pre_a_validate
+ //
+ os << "void " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_pre_a_validate ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "this->v_state_attr_stack_.push ();"
+ << "v_state_attr_& as = *static_cast< v_state_attr_* > (" <<
+ "this-> ());"
+ << endl;
+ names (c, names_attribute_state_init_);
+ // Call our base (extension) last.
+ //
+ if (c.inherits_p () &&
+ !c.inherits ().is_a<SemanticGraph::Restricts> ())
+ {
+ os << "this->" << fq_name (c.inherits ().base ()) <<
+ "::_pre_a_validate ();";
+ }
+ os << "}";
+ // _post_a_validate
+ //
+ os << "void " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_post_a_validate ()"
+ << "{";
+ // Call our base (extension) first.
+ //
+ if (c.inherits_p () &&
+ !c.inherits ().is_a<SemanticGraph::Restricts> ())
+ {
+ os << "this->" << fq_name (c.inherits ().base ()) <<
+ "::_post_a_validate ();"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ os << "v_state_attr_& as = *static_cast< v_state_attr_* > (" <<
+ "this-> ());"
+ << endl;
+ names (c, names_attribute_state_check_);
+ os << endl
+ << "this->v_state_attr_stack_.pop ();"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ PhaseOne phase_one_;
+ Traversal::Names names_phase_one_;
+ PhaseTwo phase_two_;
+ Traversal::Names names_phase_two_;
+ AttributeStateInit attribute_state_init_;
+ Traversal::Names names_attribute_state_init_;
+ AttributeStateCheck attribute_state_check_;
+ Traversal::Names names_attribute_state_check_;
+ };
+ }
+ void
+ generate_attribute_validation_source (Context& ctx)
+ {
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names;
+ Namespace ns (ctx);
+ Traversal::Names names;
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ schema >> schema_names >> ns >> names;
+ Complex complex (ctx);
+ names >> complex;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/attribute-validation-source.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/attribute-validation-source.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f19bed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/attribute-validation-source.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/attribute-validation-source.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/elements.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ void
+ generate_attribute_validation_source (Context&);
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/characters-validation-source.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/characters-validation-source.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..749a4cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/characters-validation-source.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/characters-validation-source.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/characters-validation-source.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ //
+ //
+ struct Complex: Traversal::Complex, Context
+ {
+ Complex (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& c)
+ {
+ if (!c.mixed_p ())
+ return;
+ String const& name (ename (c));
+ os <<"// Character validation functions for " << name << "." << endl
+ <<"//" << endl;
+ // _characters_impl
+ //
+ os << "bool " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_characters_impl (const " << string_type << "& s)"
+ << "{"
+ << "this->_any_characters (s);"
+ << "return true;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ void
+ generate_characters_validation_source (Context& ctx)
+ {
+ //@@ Most of the time there is no mixed content type so
+ // we generate an empty namespace which looks ugly. Will
+ // need to implement smart namespace to handle this at
+ // some point.
+ //
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names;
+ Namespace ns (ctx);
+ Traversal::Names names;
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ schema >> schema_names >> ns >> names;
+ Complex complex (ctx);
+ names >> complex;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/characters-validation-source.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/characters-validation-source.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..909901b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/characters-validation-source.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/characters-validation-source.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/elements.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ void
+ generate_characters_validation_source (Context&);
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/driver-source.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/driver-source.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1e6b7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/driver-source.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,775 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/driver-source.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <set>
+#include <map>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/driver-source.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/print-impl-common.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+using namespace std;
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ typedef map<SemanticGraph::Type*, String> TypeInstanceMap;
+ typedef set<String> InstanceSet;
+ // For base types we only want member's types, but not the
+ // base itself.
+ //
+ struct BaseType: Traversal::Complex,
+ Traversal::List,
+ Context
+ {
+ BaseType (Context& c, Traversal::NodeBase& def)
+ : Context (c), def_ (def)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ inherits (c);
+ if (!restriction_p (c))
+ names (c);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::List& l)
+ {
+ def_.dispatch (l.argumented ().type ());
+ }
+ private:
+ Traversal::NodeBase& def_;
+ };
+ struct ParserDef: Traversal::Type,
+ Traversal::List,
+ Traversal::Complex,
+ Traversal::AnyType,
+ Traversal::AnySimpleType,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Byte,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedByte,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Short,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedShort,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Int,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedInt,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Long,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedLong,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Integer,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::PositiveInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NegativeInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Boolean,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Float,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Double,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Decimal,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::String,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NormalizedString,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Token,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Name,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NameToken,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NameTokens,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NCName,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Language,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::QName,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Id,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::IdRef,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::IdRefs,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::AnyURI,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Base64Binary,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::HexBinary,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Date,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::DateTime,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Duration,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Day,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Month,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::MonthDay,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Year,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::YearMonth,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Time,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Entity,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Entities,
+ Context
+ {
+ ParserDef (Context& c, TypeInstanceMap& map, InstanceSet& set)
+ : Context (c), map_ (map), set_ (set), base_ (c, *this)
+ {
+ *this >> inherits_ >> base_ >> inherits_;
+ *this >> names_;
+ base_ >> names_;
+ names_ >> member_ >> belongs_ >> *this;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ if (map_.find (&t) == map_.end ())
+ {
+ String inst (find_instance_name (t));
+ map_[&t] = inst;
+ os << fq_name (t, "impl") << " " << inst << ";";
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::List& l)
+ {
+ if (map_.find (&l) == map_.end ())
+ {
+ String inst (find_instance_name (l));
+ map_[&l] = inst;
+ os << fq_name (l, "impl") << " " << inst << ";";
+ dispatch (l.argumented ().type ());
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ if (map_.find (&c) == map_.end ())
+ {
+ String inst (find_instance_name (c));
+ map_[&c] = inst;
+ os << fq_name (c, "impl") << " " << inst << ";";
+ inherits (c);
+ if (!restriction_p (c))
+ names (c);
+ }
+ }
+ // anyType & anySimpleType.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyType& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "any_type");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnySimpleType& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "any_simple_type");
+ }
+ // Boolean.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Boolean& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "boolean");
+ }
+ // Integral types.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Byte& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "byte");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedByte& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "unsigned_byte");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Short& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "short");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedShort& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "unsigned_short");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Int& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "int");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedInt& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "unsigned_int");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Long& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "long");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedLong& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "unsigned_long");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Integer& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "integer");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "non_positive_integer");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "non_negative_integer");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::PositiveInteger& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "positive_integer");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NegativeInteger& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "negative_integer");
+ }
+ // Floats.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Float& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "float");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "double");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "decimal");
+ }
+ // Strings.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::String& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "string");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NormalizedString& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "normalized_string");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Token& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "token");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameToken& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "nmtoken");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameTokens& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "nmtokens");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Name& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "name");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NCName& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "ncname");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Language& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "language");
+ }
+ // Qualified name.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::QName& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "qname");
+ }
+ // ID/IDREF.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Id& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "id");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRef& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "idref");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRefs& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "idrefs");
+ }
+ // URI.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::AnyURI& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "uri");
+ }
+ // Binary.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Base64Binary& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "base64_binary");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::HexBinary& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "hex_binary");
+ }
+ // Date/time.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Date& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "date");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::DateTime& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "date_time");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Duration& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "duration");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Day& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "day");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Month& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "month");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::MonthDay& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "month_day");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Year& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "year");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::YearMonth& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "year_month");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Time& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "time");
+ }
+ // Entity.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entity& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "entity");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entities& t)
+ {
+ fund_type (t, "entities");
+ }
+ private:
+ virtual void
+ fund_type (SemanticGraph::Type& t, String const& name)
+ {
+ if (map_.find (&t) == map_.end ())
+ {
+ String inst (find_instance_name (name));
+ map_[&t] = inst;
+ os << fq_name (t, "impl") << " " << inst << ";";
+ }
+ }
+ String
+ find_instance_name (String const& raw_name)
+ {
+ String base_name (escape (raw_name + L"_p"));
+ String name (base_name);
+ for (size_t i (1); set_.find (name) != set_.end (); ++i)
+ {
+ std::wostringstream os;
+ os << i;
+ name = base_name + os.str ();
+ }
+ set_.insert (name);
+ return name;
+ }
+ String
+ find_instance_name (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ return find_instance_name ( ());
+ }
+ TypeInstanceMap& map_;
+ InstanceSet& set_;
+ BaseType base_;
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_;
+ Traversal::Names names_;
+ Traversal::Member member_;
+ Traversal::Belongs belongs_;
+ };
+ struct ArgList: Traversal::Complex,
+ Traversal::List,
+ Traversal::Member,
+ Context
+ {
+ ArgList (Context& c, TypeInstanceMap& map)
+ : Context (c), map_ (map), first_ (true)
+ {
+ inherits_ >> *this;
+ names_ >> *this;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ inherits (c, inherits_);
+ if (!restriction_p (c))
+ names (c, names_);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::List& l)
+ {
+ if (!first_)
+ os << "," << endl;
+ else
+ first_ = false;
+ os << map_[&l.argumented ().type ()];
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Member& m)
+ {
+ if (skip (m))
+ return;
+ if (!first_)
+ os << "," << endl;
+ else
+ first_ = false;
+ os << map_[&m.type ()];
+ }
+ private:
+ TypeInstanceMap& map_;
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_;
+ Traversal::Names names_;
+ bool first_;
+ };
+ struct ParserConnect: Traversal::List,
+ Traversal::Complex,
+ Context
+ {
+ ParserConnect (Context& c, TypeInstanceMap& map)
+ : Context (c), map_ (map), base_ (c, *this)
+ {
+ *this >> inherits_ >> base_ >> inherits_;
+ *this >> names_;
+ base_ >> names_;
+ names_ >> member_ >> belongs_ >> *this;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::List& l)
+ {
+ if (type_set_.find (&l) == type_set_.end ())
+ {
+ os << map_[&l] << ".parsers (" <<
+ map_[&l.argumented ().type ()] << ");"
+ << endl;
+ type_set_.insert (&l);
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ if (type_set_.find (&c) == type_set_.end ())
+ {
+ if (has_members (c))
+ {
+ os << map_[&c] << ".parsers (";
+ ArgList args (*this, map_);
+ args.dispatch (c);
+ os << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ type_set_.insert (&c);
+ inherits (c);
+ if (!restriction_p (c))
+ names (c);
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ bool
+ has_members (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ using SemanticGraph::Complex;
+ if (has<Traversal::Member> (c))
+ return true;
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Type& b (c.inherits ().base ());
+ if (Complex* cb = dynamic_cast<Complex*> (&b))
+ return has_members (*cb);
+ return b.is_a<SemanticGraph::List> ();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private:
+ TypeInstanceMap& map_;
+ set<SemanticGraph::Type*> type_set_;
+ BaseType base_;
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_;
+ Traversal::Names names_;
+ Traversal::Member member_;
+ Traversal::Belongs belongs_;
+ };
+ }
+ void
+ generate_driver_source (Context& ctx)
+ {
+ // Figure out the root element. Validator should have made sure
+ // it is unique.
+ //
+ SemanticGraph::Element* root (0);
+ {
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names;
+ Traversal::Namespace ns;
+ Traversal::Names ns_names;
+ RootElement root_element (ctx.options, root);
+ schema >> schema_names >> ns >> ns_names >> root_element;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ std::wostream& os (ctx.os);
+ String const& L (ctx.L);
+ String const& cerr (ctx.cerr_inst);
+ InstanceSet set;
+ TypeInstanceMap map;
+ SemanticGraph::Type& root_type (root->type ());
+ set.insert ("doc_p");
+ os << "#include <iostream>" << endl
+ << endl
+ << "int" << endl
+ << "main (int argc, char* argv[])"
+ << "{"
+ << "if (argc != 2)"
+ << "{"
+ << cerr << " << " << L << "\"usage: \" << argv[0] << " <<
+ L << "\" file.xml\" << std::endl;"
+ << "return 1;"
+ << "}"
+ << "try"
+ << "{"
+ << "// Instantiate individual parsers." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ {
+ ParserDef def (ctx, map, set);
+ def.dispatch (root_type);
+ }
+ os << endl
+ << "// Connect the parsers together." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ {
+ ParserConnect connect (ctx, map);
+ connect.dispatch (root_type);
+ }
+ String const& root_p (map[&root_type]);
+ os << "// Parse the XML document." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (root->namespace_().name ())
+ os << ctx.xs_ns_name () << "::document doc_p (" << endl
+ << root_p << "," << endl
+ << ctx.strlit (root->namespace_().name ()) << "," << endl
+ << ctx.strlit (root->name ()) << ");"
+ << endl;
+ else
+ os << ctx.xs_ns_name () << "::document doc_p (" << root_p << ", " <<
+ ctx.strlit (root->name ()) << ");"
+ << endl;
+ os << root_p << ".pre ();"
+ << "doc_p.parse (argv[1]);";
+ String const& ret (Context::ret_type (root_type));
+ String const& post (Context::post_name (root_type));
+ if (ret == L"void")
+ os << root_p << "." << post << " ();";
+ else
+ {
+ os << Context::arg_type (root_type) << " v (" <<
+ root_p << "." << post << " ());"
+ << endl;
+ if (ctx.options.generate_print_impl ())
+ {
+ PrintCall t (ctx, root->name (), "v");
+ t.dispatch (root_type);
+ }
+ else
+ os << "// TODO" << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "}" // try
+ << "catch (const " << ctx.xs_ns_name () << "::exception& e)"
+ << "{"
+ << cerr << " << e << std::endl;"
+ << "return 1;"
+ << "}"
+ << "catch (const std::ios_base::failure&)"
+ << "{"
+ << cerr << " << argv[1] << " <<
+ L << "\": error: io failure\" << std::endl;"
+ << "return 1;"
+ << "}"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/driver-source.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/driver-source.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..154091f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/driver-source.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/driver-source.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/elements.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ void
+ generate_driver_source (Context&);
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/element-validation-source.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/element-validation-source.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5379c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/element-validation-source.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1600 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/element-validation-source.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <vector>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/element-validation-source.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+using namespace std;
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ typedef vector<SemanticGraph::Particle*> Particles;
+ //
+ //
+ struct ParticleTest: Traversal::Compositor,
+ Traversal::Element,
+ Traversal::Any,
+ Context
+ {
+ ParticleTest (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
+ {
+ String const& name ( ());
+ if (polymorphic && e.global_p ())
+ os << "(";
+ if (e.qualified_p () && e.namespace_ ().name ())
+ {
+ String const& ns (e.namespace_ ().name ());
+ os << "n == " << strlit (name) << " &&" << endl
+ << "ns == " << strlit (ns);
+ }
+ else
+ os << "n == " << strlit (name) << " && ns.empty ()";
+ // Only a globally-defined element can be a subst-group root.
+ //
+ if (polymorphic && e.global_p ())
+ {
+ os << ") ||" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::parser::substitution_map_instance< " <<
+ char_type << " > ().check (" << endl
+ << "ns, n, " << strlit (e.namespace_ ().name ()) <<
+ ", " << strlit (name) << ", t)";
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a)
+ {
+ String const& ns (a.definition_namespace ().name ());
+ // Note that we need to make sure the "flush" element (both name
+ // and namespace are empty) does not match any compositor.
+ //
+ for (SemanticGraph::Any::NamespaceIterator i (a.namespace_begin ()),
+ e (a.namespace_end ()); i != e;)
+ {
+ if (*i == L"##any")
+ {
+ os << "!n.empty ()";
+ }
+ else if (*i == L"##other")
+ {
+ if (ns)
+ {
+ // Note that here I assume that ##other does not include
+ // unqualified names in a schema with target namespace.
+ // This is not what the spec says but that seems to be
+ // the consensus.
+ //
+ os << "(!ns.empty () && ns != " << strlit (ns) << ")";
+ }
+ else
+ os << "!ns.empty ()";
+ }
+ else if (*i == L"##local")
+ {
+ os << "(ns.empty () && !n.empty ())";
+ }
+ else if (*i == L"##targetNamespace")
+ {
+ os << "ns == " << strlit (ns);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "ns == " << strlit (*i);
+ }
+ if (++i != e)
+ os << " ||" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Compositor& c)
+ {
+ // This compositor should already have been tested for
+ // triviality (empty).
+ //
+ Particles const& p (c.context ().get<Particles> ("prefixes"));
+ bool paren (p.size () != 1);
+ for (Particles::const_iterator i (p.begin ()), e (p.end ());
+ i != e;)
+ {
+ if (paren)
+ os << "(";
+ dispatch (**i);
+ if (paren)
+ os << ")";
+ if (++i != e)
+ os << " ||" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // Generates particle namespace-name pair. Used to generate
+ // the _expected_element call.
+ //
+ struct ParticleName: Traversal::Compositor,
+ Traversal::Element,
+ Traversal::Any,
+ Context
+ {
+ ParticleName (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
+ {
+ String ns (e.qualified_p () ? e.namespace_ ().name () : String ());
+ os << strlit (ns) << ", " << strlit ( ());
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a)
+ {
+ String const& ns (*a.namespace_begin ());
+ os << strlit (ns) << ", " << L << "\"*\"";
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Compositor& c)
+ {
+ Particles const& p (c.context ().get<Particles> ("prefixes"));
+ dispatch (**p.begin ());
+ }
+ };
+ // Common base for the ParticleIn{All, Choice, Sequence} treversers.
+ //
+ struct ParticleInCompositor: Context
+ {
+ protected:
+ ParticleInCompositor (Context& c, SemanticGraph::Complex& type)
+ : Context (c), type_ (type), particle_test_ (c)
+ {
+ }
+ // Generate sub-parser setup code as well as the pre/post calls.
+ //
+ void
+ pre_post_calls (SemanticGraph::Particle& p)
+ {
+ using SemanticGraph::Element;
+ using SemanticGraph::Complex;
+ if (Element* e = dynamic_cast<Element*> (&p))
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Type& type (e->type ());
+ String const& fq_type (fq_name (type));
+ bool poly (polymorphic && !anonymous (type));
+ String name, inst, def_parser, map;
+ if (e->context ().count("name"))
+ {
+ name = ename (*e);
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ def_parser = emember (*e);
+ map = emember_map (*e);
+ inst = "p";
+ }
+ else
+ inst = L"this->" + emember (*e);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This is the subsequent mentioning of this element in the
+ // content. We need to find the first one in order to get
+ // to the escaped names.
+ //
+ Complex::NamesIteratorPair ip (type_.find (e->name ()));
+ assert (ip.first != ip.second);
+ Element& fe (dynamic_cast<Element&>(ip.first->named ()));
+ name = ename (fe);
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ def_parser = emember (fe);
+ map = emember_map (fe);
+ inst = "p";
+ }
+ else
+ inst = L"this->" + emember (fe);
+ }
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ // For pre-computing length.
+ //
+ String type_id ( ());
+ if (String type_ns = xml_ns_name (type))
+ {
+ type_id += L' ';
+ type_id += type_ns;
+ }
+ os << fq_type << "* p = 0;"
+ << endl
+ << "if (t == 0 && this->" << def_parser << " != 0)" << endl
+ << inst << " = this->" << def_parser << ";"
+ << "else"
+ << "{"
+ << string_type << " ts (" << fq_name (type) <<
+ "::_static_type (), " << type_id.size () << "UL);"
+ << endl
+ << "if (t == 0)" << endl
+ << "t = &ts;"
+ << endl
+ << "if (this->" << def_parser << " != 0 && *t == ts)" << endl
+ << inst << " = this->" << def_parser << ";"
+ << "else"
+ << "{";
+ // Check that the types are related by inheritance.
+ //
+ os << "if (t != &ts &&" << endl
+ << "!::xsd::cxx::parser::validating::" <<
+ "inheritance_map_instance< " << char_type <<
+ " > ().check (" << endl
+ << "t->data (), ts))" << endl
+ << "throw ::xsd::cxx::parser::dynamic_type< " << char_type <<
+ " > (*t);"
+ << endl
+ << "if (this->" << map << " != 0)" << endl
+ << inst << " = dynamic_cast< " << fq_type << "* > (" << endl
+ << "this->" << map << "->find (*t));"
+ << "}"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ os << "this->" << complex_base << " ()." <<
+ "parser_ = " << inst << ";"
+ << endl
+ << "if (" << inst << ")" << endl
+ << inst << "->pre ();"
+ << "}"
+ << "else" // start
+ << "{";
+ if (poly)
+ os << fq_type << "* p =" << endl
+ << "dynamic_cast< " << fq_type << "* > (" << endl
+ << "this->" << complex_base << " ().parser_);"
+ << endl;
+ os << "if (" << inst << ")"
+ << "{";
+ String const& ret (ret_type (type));
+ String const& post (post_name (type));
+ if (ret == L"void")
+ os << inst << "->" << post << " ();"
+ << "this->" << name << " ();";
+ else
+ {
+ // Don't create an lvalue in C++11 (think std::unique_ptr).
+ // In C++98 we do it for compatibility with older/broken
+ // compilers (e.g., IBM xlC that needs an lvalue to pass
+ // std::auto_ptr).
+ //
+ if (std == cxx_version::cxx98)
+ os << arg_type (type) << " tmp (" << inst << "->" <<
+ post << " ());"
+ << "this->" << name << " (tmp);";
+ else
+ os << "this->" << name << " (" << inst << "->" <<
+ post << " ());";
+ }
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "this->_start_any_element (ns, n, t);"
+ << "this->" << complex_base << " ().any_ = true;"
+ << "}"
+ << "else" // start
+ << "{"
+ << "this->" << complex_base << " ().any_ = false;"
+ << "this->_end_any_element (ns, n);";
+ }
+ }
+ protected:
+ SemanticGraph::Complex& type_;
+ ParticleTest particle_test_;
+ };
+ // The 'all' compositor can only contain elements with min={0,1}, max=1.
+ //
+ struct ParticleInAll: Traversal::Element,
+ ParticleInCompositor
+ {
+ ParticleInAll (Context& c, SemanticGraph::Complex& type)
+ : ParticleInCompositor (c, type)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
+ {
+ size_t state (e.context ().get<size_t> ("state"));
+ if (state != 0)
+ os << "else ";
+ os << "if (";
+ particle_test_.traverse (e);
+ os << ")"
+ << "{"
+ << "if (count[" << state << "UL] == 0)"
+ << "{"
+ << "if (start)"
+ << "{";
+ pre_post_calls (e);
+ os << "count[" << state << "UL] = 1;"
+ << "}"
+ << "}"
+ << "else" // count != 0
+ << "{"
+ << "assert (start);" // Assuming well-formed XML.
+ // Since there is never more content after 'all', we could have
+ // as well thrown here. But instead we will let the code in
+ // start_element handle this along with other unexpected
+ // elements.
+ //
+ << "state = ~0UL;"
+ << "}"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct ParticleInChoice: Traversal::Particle,
+ Traversal::Compositor,
+ ParticleInCompositor
+ {
+ ParticleInChoice (Context& c, SemanticGraph::Complex& type)
+ : ParticleInCompositor (c, type), particle_name_ (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Particle& p)
+ {
+ using SemanticGraph::Element;
+ size_t state (p.context ().get<size_t> ("state"));
+ size_t min (p.min ()), max (p.max ());
+ os << "case " << state << "UL:" << endl
+ << "{";
+ if (max != 1) // We don't need the test if max == 1.
+ {
+ os << "if (";
+ particle_test_.dispatch (p);
+ os << ")"
+ << "{";
+ }
+ os << "if (start)"
+ << "{";
+ pre_post_calls (p);
+ switch (max)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ {
+ os << "count++;";
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1:
+ {
+ // We do not need to increment count because min <= max and
+ // we do not generate min check for min <= 1 (see below).
+ //
+ os << "state = ~0UL;";
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ os << "if (++count == " << max << "UL)" << endl
+ << "state = ~0UL;";
+ }
+ };
+ os << "}"; // start
+ // We've already moved to the final state if max == 1.
+ //
+ if (max != 1)
+ {
+ os << "}"
+ << "else"
+ << "{"
+ << "assert (start);"; // Assuming well-formed XML
+ // Check if min cardinality requirements have been met. Since
+ // count is always >= 1, don't generate dead code if min <= 1.
+ //
+ if (min > 1)
+ {
+ os << "if (count < " << min << "UL)" << endl
+ << "this->_expected_element (" << endl;
+ particle_name_.dispatch (p);
+ os << "," << endl
+ << "ns, n);";
+ }
+ os << "state = ~0UL;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ os << "break;"
+ << "}"; // case
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Compositor& c)
+ {
+ using SemanticGraph::Compositor;
+ size_t max (c.max ());
+ size_t min (c.context ().get<size_t> ("effective-min"));
+ size_t n (c.context ().get<size_t> ("comp-number"));
+ size_t state (c.context ().get<size_t> ("state"));
+ String func (c.is_a<SemanticGraph::Choice> () ?
+ "choice_" : "sequence_");
+ os << "case " << state << "UL:" << endl
+ << "{"
+ << "unsigned long s (~0UL);"
+ << endl;
+ bool first (true);
+ for (Compositor::ContainsIterator ci (c.contains_begin ());
+ ci != c.contains_end (); ++ci)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Particle& p (ci->particle ());
+ if (p.is_a<Compositor> () && !c.context ().count ("comp-number"))
+ continue; // Empty compositor.
+ if (!p.context ().count ("prefix"))
+ break;
+ size_t state (p.context ().get<size_t> ("state"));
+ if (first)
+ first = false;
+ else
+ os << "else ";
+ os << "if (";
+ particle_test_.dispatch (p);
+ os << ")" << endl
+ << "s = " << state << "UL;";
+ }
+ // This compositor.
+ //
+ os << endl
+ << "if (s != ~0UL)"
+ << "{"
+ << "assert (start);"; // End is handled by the sub-machine.
+ switch (max)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ {
+ os << "count++;";
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1:
+ {
+ // We do not need to increment count because min <= max and
+ // we do not generate min check for min <= 1 (see below).
+ //
+ os << "state = ~0UL;";
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ os << "if (++count == " << max << "UL)" << endl
+ << "state = ~0UL;";
+ }
+ };
+ // Delegate to the sub-machine.
+ //
+ os << endl
+ << "v_state_& vs = *static_cast< v_state_* > (" <<
+ "this-> ());"
+ << "v_state_descr_& vd =[vs.size++];" // push
+ << endl
+ << "vd.func = &" << ename (type_) << "::" << func << n << ";"
+ << "vd.state = s;"
+ << "vd.count = 0;"
+ << endl
+ << "this->" << func << n << " (vd.state, vd.count, ns, n, t, true);"
+ << "}";
+ // Not this compositor. We've elready moved to the final state
+ // if max == 1.
+ //
+ if (max != 1)
+ {
+ os << "else"
+ << "{"
+ << "assert (start);"; // Assuming well-formed XML
+ // Check if min cardinality requirements have been met. Since
+ // count is always >= 1, don't generate dead code if min <= 1.
+ //
+ if (min > 1)
+ {
+ os << "if (count < " << min << "UL)" << endl
+ << "this->_expected_element (" << endl;
+ particle_name_.dispatch (c);
+ os << "," << endl
+ << "ns, n);";
+ }
+ os << "state = ~0UL;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ os << "break;"
+ << "}"; // case
+ }
+ private:
+ ParticleName particle_name_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct ParticleInSequence: Traversal::Particle,
+ Traversal::Compositor,
+ ParticleInCompositor
+ {
+ ParticleInSequence (Context& c,
+ size_t state,
+ size_t next_state,
+ SemanticGraph::Complex& type)
+ : ParticleInCompositor (c, type),
+ state_ (state), particle_name_ (c)
+ {
+ // next_state == 0 indicates the terminal state (~0UL).
+ //
+ if (next_state != 0)
+ {
+ std::wostringstream ostr;
+ ostr << next_state;
+ next_state_ = ostr.str ();
+ }
+ else
+ next_state_ = L"~0";
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Particle& p)
+ {
+ size_t min (p.min ()), max (p.max ());
+ os << "case " << state_ << "UL:" << endl
+ << "{"
+ << "if (";
+ particle_test_.dispatch (p);
+ os << ")"
+ << "{";
+ // This element.
+ //
+ os << "if (start)"
+ << "{";
+ pre_post_calls (p);
+ switch (max)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ {
+ os << "count++;";
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1:
+ {
+ os << "count = 0;"
+ << "state = " << next_state_ << "UL;";
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ os << "if (++count == " << max << "UL)"
+ << "{"
+ << "count = 0;"
+ << "state = " << next_state_ << "UL;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ };
+ os << "}" // start
+ << "break;"
+ << "}";
+ // Not this element.
+ //
+ os << "else"
+ << "{"
+ << "assert (start);"; // Assuming well-formed XML.
+ // Check if min cardinality requirements have been met. Since
+ // count is always >= 0, don't generate dead code if min == 0.
+ //
+ if (min != 0)
+ {
+ os << "if (count < " << min << "UL)" << endl
+ << "this->_expected_element (" << endl;
+ particle_name_.dispatch (p);
+ os << "," << endl
+ << "ns, n);";
+ }
+ os << "count = 0;"
+ << "state = " << next_state_ << "UL;"
+ << "// Fall through." << endl
+ << "}" // else
+ << "}"; // case
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Compositor& c)
+ {
+ using SemanticGraph::Compositor;
+ size_t max (c.max ());
+ size_t min (c.context ().get<size_t> ("effective-min"));
+ size_t n (c.context ().get<size_t> ("comp-number"));
+ String func (c.is_a<SemanticGraph::Choice> () ?
+ "choice_" : "sequence_");
+ os << "case " << state_ << "UL:" << endl
+ << "{"
+ << "unsigned long s (~0UL);"
+ << endl;
+ bool first (true);
+ for (Compositor::ContainsIterator ci (c.contains_begin ());
+ ci != c.contains_end (); ++ci)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Particle& p (ci->particle ());
+ if (p.is_a<Compositor> () && !c.context ().count ("comp-number"))
+ continue; // Empty compositor.
+ if (!p.context ().count ("prefix"))
+ break;
+ size_t state (p.context ().get<size_t> ("state"));
+ if (first)
+ first = false;
+ else
+ os << "else ";
+ os << "if (";
+ particle_test_.dispatch (p);
+ os << ")" << endl
+ << "s = " << state << "UL;";
+ }
+ // This element.
+ //
+ os << endl
+ << "if (s != ~0UL)"
+ << "{"
+ << "assert (start);"; // End is handled by the sub-machine.
+ switch (max)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ {
+ os << "count++;"
+ << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1:
+ {
+ os << "count = 0;"
+ << "state = " << next_state_ << "UL;"
+ << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ os << "if (++count == " << max << "UL)"
+ << "{"
+ << "count = 0;"
+ << "state = " << next_state_ << "UL;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ };
+ // Delegate to the sub-machine.
+ //
+ os << "v_state_& vs = *static_cast< v_state_* > (" <<
+ "this-> ());"
+ << "v_state_descr_& vd =[vs.size++];" // push
+ << endl
+ << "vd.func = &" << ename (type_) << "::" << func << n << ";"
+ << "vd.state = s;"
+ << "vd.count = 0;"
+ << endl
+ << "this->" << func << n << " (vd.state, vd.count, ns, n, t, true);"
+ << "break;"
+ << "}";
+ // Not this compositor.
+ //
+ os << "else"
+ << "{"
+ << "assert (start);"; // Assuming well-formed XML
+ // Check if min cardinality requirements have been met. Since
+ // count is always >= 0, don't generate dead code if min == 0.
+ //
+ if (min != 0)
+ {
+ os << "if (count < " << min << "UL)" << endl
+ << "this->_expected_element (" << endl;
+ particle_name_.dispatch (c);
+ os << "," << endl
+ << "ns, n);";
+ }
+ os << "count = 0;"
+ << "state = " << next_state_ << "UL;"
+ << "// Fall through." << endl
+ << "}" // else
+ << "}"; // case
+ }
+ private:
+ size_t state_;
+ String next_state_;
+ ParticleName particle_name_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct ParticleFunction: Traversal::All,
+ Traversal::Choice,
+ Traversal::Sequence,
+ Context
+ {
+ ParticleFunction (Context& c, SemanticGraph::Complex& type)
+ : Context (c), type_ (type)
+ {
+ *this >> contains_particle_ >> *this;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::All& a)
+ {
+ if (!a.context().count ("comp-number")) // Empty compositor.
+ return;
+ using SemanticGraph::Element;
+ using SemanticGraph::Compositor;
+ os << "void " << ename (type_) << "::" << endl
+ << "all_0 (unsigned long& state," << endl
+ << "unsigned char* count," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& ns," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& n," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "* t," << endl
+ << "bool start)"
+ << "{"
+ << "XSD_UNUSED (t);"
+ << endl;
+ for (Compositor::ContainsIterator ci (a.contains_begin ()),
+ ce (a.contains_end ()); ci != ce; ++ci)
+ {
+ ParticleInAll t (*this, type_);
+ t.dispatch (ci->particle ());
+ }
+ // Handle the flush.
+ //
+ os << "else if (n.empty () && ns.empty ())"
+ << "{";
+ for (Compositor::ContainsIterator ci (a.contains_begin ()),
+ ce (a.contains_end ()); ci != ce; ++ci)
+ {
+ if (ci->min () == 0)
+ continue;
+ Element& e (dynamic_cast<Element&> (ci->particle ()));
+ String ns (e.qualified_p () ? e.namespace_ ().name () : String ());
+ size_t state (e.context ().get<size_t> ("state"));
+ os << "if (count[" << state << "UL] == 0)" << endl
+ << "this->_expected_element (" << endl
+ << strlit (ns) << ", " <<
+ strlit ( ()) << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ os << "state = ~0UL;"
+ << "}"
+ << "else" << endl
+ << "state = ~0UL;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Choice& c)
+ {
+ if (!c.context().count ("comp-number")) // Empty compositor.
+ return;
+ using SemanticGraph::Compositor;
+ size_t n (c.context ().get<size_t> ("comp-number"));
+ os << "void " << ename (type_) << "::" << endl
+ << "choice_" << n << " (unsigned long& state," << endl
+ << "unsigned long& count," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& ns," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& n," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "* t," << endl
+ << "bool start)"
+ << "{"
+ << "XSD_UNUSED (count);"
+ << "XSD_UNUSED (ns);"
+ << "XSD_UNUSED (n);"
+ << "XSD_UNUSED (t);"
+ << endl
+ << "switch (state)"
+ << "{";
+ for (Compositor::ContainsIterator ci (c.contains_begin ()),
+ ce (c.contains_end ()); ci != ce; ++ci)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Particle& p (ci->particle ());
+ if (p.is_a<Compositor> () && !p.context().count ("comp-number"))
+ continue; // Empty compositor.
+ ParticleInChoice t (*this, type_);
+ t.dispatch (p);
+ }
+ os << "}" // switch
+ << "}";
+ // Generate nested compositor functions.
+ //
+ Traversal::Choice::traverse (c);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Sequence& s)
+ {
+ if (!s.context().count ("comp-number")) // Empty compositor.
+ return;
+ using SemanticGraph::Compositor;
+ size_t n (s.context ().get<size_t> ("comp-number"));
+ os << "void " << ename (type_) << "::" << endl
+ << "sequence_" << n << " (unsigned long& state," << endl
+ << "unsigned long& count," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& ns," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& n," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "* t," << endl
+ << "bool start)"
+ << "{"
+ << "XSD_UNUSED (t);"
+ << endl
+ << "switch (state)"
+ << "{";
+ size_t state (0);
+ for (Compositor::ContainsIterator ci (s.contains_begin ()),
+ ce (s.contains_end ()); ci != ce;)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Particle& p (ci->particle ());
+ if (p.is_a<Compositor> () && !p.context().count ("comp-number"))
+ {
+ // Empty compositor.
+ //
+ ++ci;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Find the next state.
+ //
+ do
+ ++ci;
+ while (ci != ce &&
+ ci->particle ().is_a<Compositor> () &&
+ !ci->particle ().context().count ("comp-number"));
+ size_t next (ci == ce ? 0 : state + 1);
+ ParticleInSequence t (*this, state++, next, type_);
+ t.dispatch (p);
+ }
+ os << "case ~0UL:" << endl
+ << "break;"
+ << "}" // switch
+ << "}";
+ // Generate nested compositor functions.
+ //
+ Traversal::Sequence::traverse (s);
+ }
+ private:
+ SemanticGraph::Complex& type_;
+ Traversal::ContainsParticle contains_particle_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct CompositorPre: Traversal::All,
+ Traversal::Compositor,
+ Context
+ {
+ CompositorPre (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::All& a)
+ {
+ // Clear the counts and push the initial state.
+ //
+ os << "v_all_count_.push ();"
+ << endl;
+ SemanticGraph::Compositor& c (a);
+ traverse (c);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Compositor&) // Choice and sequence.
+ {
+ os << "v_state_& vs = *static_cast< v_state_* > (" <<
+ "this-> ());"
+ << "v_state_descr_& vd =[vs.size++];" // push
+ << endl
+ << "vd.func = 0;"
+ << "vd.state = 0;"
+ << "vd.count = 0;";
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct CompositorStartElement: Traversal::All,
+ Traversal::Compositor,
+ Context
+ {
+ CompositorStartElement (Context& c, SemanticGraph::Complex& type)
+ : Context (c), type_ (type),
+ particle_test_ (c), particle_name_ (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::All&)
+ {
+ // The 'all' state machine reaches the final state only
+ // on an unknown element, in which case we won't get here
+ // again (it would be a validation error). Note that 'all'
+ // compositor cannot contain nested compositors so we don't
+ // need to re-set vd.
+ //
+ os << "all_0 (vd->state, (), ns, n, t, true);"
+ << endl
+ << "if (vd->state != ~0UL)" << endl
+ << "vd->count++;"
+ << "else" << endl
+ << "return false;" // Let our parent handle this.
+ << endl;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Compositor& c) // Choice and sequence.
+ {
+ using SemanticGraph::Compositor;
+ size_t max (c.max ());
+ size_t min (c.context ().get<size_t> ("effective-min"));
+ size_t n (c.context ().get<size_t> ("comp-number"));
+ String func (c.is_a<SemanticGraph::Choice> () ?
+ "choice_" : "sequence_");
+ // Invoke the current state machine. If it reaches its
+ // terminal state, pop it and invoke the next one until
+ // we reach the top, which requires special handling.
+ //
+ os << "while (vd->func != 0)"
+ << "{"
+ << "(this->*vd->func) (vd->state, vd->count, ns, n, t, true);"
+ << endl
+ << "vd = + (vs.size - 1);" // re-acquire
+ << endl
+ << "if (vd->state == ~0UL)" << endl
+ << "vd = + (--vs.size - 1);" // pop
+ << "else" << endl
+ << "break;"
+ << "}";
+ // Check if we got to the top. This code is pretty much the
+ // same as the one found in ParticleInSequence.
+ //
+ os << "if (vd->func == 0)"
+ << "{"
+ << "if (vd->state != ~0UL)"
+ << "{"
+ << "unsigned long s = ~0UL;"
+ << endl;
+ bool first (true);
+ // Note that we don't need to worry about the compositor
+ // being empty - this case is handled by our caller.
+ //
+ for (Compositor::ContainsIterator ci (c.contains_begin ());
+ ci != c.contains_end (); ++ci)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Particle& p (ci->particle ());
+ if (p.is_a<Compositor> () && !c.context ().count ("comp-number"))
+ continue; // Empty compositor.
+ if (!p.context ().count ("prefix"))
+ break;
+ size_t state (p.context ().get<size_t> ("state"));
+ if (first)
+ first = false;
+ else
+ os << "else ";
+ os << "if (";
+ particle_test_.dispatch (p);
+ os << ")" << endl
+ << "s = " << state << "UL;";
+ }
+ os << endl
+ << "if (s != ~0UL)"
+ << "{";
+ // This element is a prefix of the root compositor.
+ //
+ switch (max)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ {
+ os << "vd->count++;";
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1:
+ {
+ os << "vd->count++;"
+ << "vd->state = ~0UL;";
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ os << "if (++vd->count == " << max << "UL)" << endl
+ << "vd->state = ~0UL;";
+ }
+ };
+ // Delegate to the sub-machine.
+ //
+ os << endl
+ << "vd = + vs.size++;" // push
+ << "vd->func = &" << ename (type_) << "::" << func << n << ";"
+ << "vd->state = s;"
+ << "vd->count = 0;"
+ << endl
+ << "this->" << func << n << " (vd->state, vd->count, ns, n, t, true);"
+ << "}";
+ // This element is not our prefix.
+ //
+ os << "else"
+ << "{";
+ // Check if min cardinality requirements have been met. Since
+ // count is always >= 0, don't generate dead code if min == 0.
+ //
+ if (min != 0)
+ {
+ os << "if (vd->count < " << min << "UL)" << endl
+ << "this->_expected_element (" << endl;
+ particle_name_.dispatch (c);
+ os << "," << endl
+ << "ns, n);";
+ }
+ // Return false to indicate that we are not handling this element.
+ //
+ os << "return false;"
+ << "}"
+ << "}" // if (state != ~0)
+ << "else" << endl
+ << "return false;"
+ << "}"; // if (function == 0)
+ }
+ private:
+ SemanticGraph::Complex& type_;
+ ParticleTest particle_test_;
+ ParticleName particle_name_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct CompositorEndElement: Traversal::All,
+ Traversal::Compositor,
+ Context
+ {
+ CompositorEndElement (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::All&)
+ {
+ os << "all_0 (vd.state, (), " <<
+ "ns, n, 0, false);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Compositor&) // Choice and sequence.
+ {
+ os << "assert (vd.func != 0);"
+ << "(this->*vd.func) (vd.state, vd.count, ns, n, 0, false);"
+ << endl
+ << "if (vd.state == ~0UL)" << endl
+ << "vs.size--;" // pop
+ << endl;
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct CompositorPost: Traversal::All,
+ Traversal::Compositor,
+ Context
+ {
+ CompositorPost (Context& c)
+ : Context (c), particle_name_ (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::All& a)
+ {
+ using SemanticGraph::Element;
+ os << "v_state_& vs = *static_cast< v_state_* > (" <<
+ "this-> ());"
+ << "v_state_descr_& vd =[vs.size - 1];"
+ << endl;
+ // Flush the state machine with the empty element name. This
+ // allows us to detect missing content.
+ //
+ os << "if (vd.count != 0)"
+ << "{"
+ << string_type << " empty;"
+ << "all_0 (vd.state, (), empty, empty, 0, true);"
+ << "}";
+ if (a.context ().get<size_t> ("effective-min") != 0)
+ {
+ os << "else" << endl
+ << "this->_expected_element (" << endl;
+ particle_name_.dispatch (a);
+ os << ");";
+ }
+ os << endl
+ << "vs.size--;" // pop
+ << "v_all_count_.pop ();";
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Compositor& c) // Choice and sequence.
+ {
+ size_t min (c.context ().get<size_t> ("effective-min"));
+ os << "v_state_& vs = *static_cast< v_state_* > (" <<
+ "this-> ());"
+ << "v_state_descr_* vd = + (vs.size - 1);"
+ << endl;
+ // Flush unfinished state machines with the empty element name.
+ // This allows us to detect missing content. Note that I am
+ // not re-setting vd since no new compositors are pushed on
+ // flush.
+ //
+ os << string_type << " empty;"
+ << "while (vd->func != 0)"
+ << "{"
+ << "(this->*vd->func) (vd->state, vd->count, empty, empty, 0, true);"
+ << "assert (vd->state == ~0UL);"
+ << "vd = + (--vs.size - 1);" // pop
+ << "}";
+ // Check if min cardinality requirements have been met. Since
+ // count is always >= 0, don't generate dead code if min == 0.
+ //
+ if (min != 0)
+ {
+ os << "if (vd->count < " << min << "UL)" << endl
+ << "this->_expected_element (" << endl;
+ particle_name_.dispatch (c);
+ os << ");";
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ ParticleName particle_name_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct Complex: Traversal::Complex, Context
+ {
+ Complex (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& c)
+ {
+ // Nothing to generate if we don't have any elements and wildcards.
+ //
+ if (!has<Traversal::Element> (c) &&
+ !has_particle<Traversal::Any> (c))
+ return;
+ using SemanticGraph::Compositor;
+ String const& name (ename (c));
+ Compositor& comp (c.contains_compositor ().compositor ());
+ // Don't use restriction_p here since we don't want special
+ // treatment of anyType.
+ //
+ bool restriction (
+ c.inherits_p () &&
+ c.inherits ().is_a<SemanticGraph::Restricts> ());
+ os <<"// Element validation and dispatch functions for " <<
+ name << "." << endl
+ <<"//" << endl;
+ // _start_element_impl
+ //
+ os << "bool " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_start_element_impl (const " << string_type << "& ns," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& n," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "* t)"
+ << "{"
+ << "XSD_UNUSED (t);"
+ << endl;
+ os << "v_state_& vs = *static_cast< v_state_* > (" <<
+ "this-> ());"
+ << "v_state_descr_* vd = + (vs.size - 1);"
+ << endl;
+ //@@ OPT: I don't really need to call parser_base since it always
+ // returns false.
+ //
+ // In case of an inheritance-by-extension, call our base first.
+ // We don't need to generate this code for the 'all' compositor
+ // because it can only inherit from the empty content model.
+ // States of the root machine for sequence and choice:
+ //
+ // 0 - calling base
+ // 1 - base returned false
+ // ~0 - terminal state
+ //
+ if (!restriction && !comp.is_a<SemanticGraph::All> ())
+ {
+ os << "if (vd->func == 0 && vd->state == 0)"
+ << "{"
+ << "if (this->";
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ os << fq_name (c.inherits ().base ());
+ else
+ os << complex_base;
+ os << "::_start_element_impl (ns, n, t))" << endl
+ << "return true;"
+ << "else" << endl
+ << "vd->state = 1;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ {
+ CompositorStartElement t (*this, c);
+ t.dispatch (comp);
+ }
+ os << "return true;"
+ << "}";
+ // _end_element_impl
+ //
+ os << "bool " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_end_element_impl (const " << string_type << "& ns," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& n)"
+ << "{";
+ os << "v_state_& vs = *static_cast< v_state_* > (" <<
+ "this-> ());"
+ << "v_state_descr_& vd =[vs.size - 1];"
+ << endl;
+ //@@ OPT: I don't really need to call parser_base since it always
+ // returns false.
+ //
+ // In case of an inheritance-by-extension, call our base first.
+ // We don't need to generate this code for the 'all' compositor
+ // because it can only inherit from the empty content model.
+ //
+ if (!restriction && !comp.is_a<SemanticGraph::All> ())
+ {
+ os << "if (vd.func == 0 && vd.state == 0)"
+ << "{"
+ << "if (!";
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ os << fq_name (c.inherits ().base ());
+ else
+ os << complex_base;
+ os << "::_end_element_impl (ns, n))" << endl
+ << "assert (false);" // Start and end should match.
+ << "return true;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ {
+ CompositorEndElement t (*this);
+ t.dispatch (comp);
+ }
+ os << "return true;"
+ << "}";
+ // _pre_e_validate
+ //
+ os << "void " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_pre_e_validate ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "this->v_state_stack_.push ();"
+ << "static_cast< v_state_* > (this-> ())->" <<
+ "size = 0;"
+ << endl;
+ {
+ CompositorPre t (*this);
+ t.dispatch (comp);
+ }
+ // In case of an inheritance-by-extension, call our base
+ // _pre_e_validate. We don't need to generate this code for the
+ // 'all' compositor because it can only inherit from the empty
+ // content model.
+ //
+ if (!restriction && !comp.is_a<SemanticGraph::All> ())
+ {
+ // We don't need to call parser_base's implementation
+ // since it does nothing.
+ //
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ {
+ os << endl
+ << fq_name (c.inherits ().base ()) << "::_pre_e_validate ();";
+ }
+ }
+ os << "}";
+ // _post_e_validate
+ //
+ os << "void " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_post_e_validate ()"
+ << "{";
+ // In case of an inheritance-by-extension, call our base
+ // _post_e_validate. We don't need to generate this code for
+ // the 'all' compositor because it can only inherit from
+ // the empty content model.
+ //
+ if (!restriction && !comp.is_a<SemanticGraph::All> ())
+ {
+ // We don't need to call parser_base's implementation
+ // since it does nothing.
+ //
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ {
+ os << fq_name (c.inherits ().base ()) << "::_post_e_validate ();"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ CompositorPost t (*this);
+ t.dispatch (c.contains_compositor ().compositor ());
+ }
+ os << endl
+ << "this->v_state_stack_.pop ();"
+ << "}";
+ //
+ //
+ ParticleFunction t (*this, c);
+ t.dispatch (c.contains_compositor ().compositor ());
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ void
+ generate_element_validation_source (Context& ctx)
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#include <cassert>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names;
+ Namespace ns (ctx);
+ Traversal::Names names;
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ schema >> schema_names >> ns >> names;
+ Complex complex (ctx);
+ names >> complex;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/element-validation-source.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/element-validation-source.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b358aee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/element-validation-source.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/element-validation-source.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/elements.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ void
+ generate_element_validation_source (Context&);
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/elements.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/elements.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63fb3d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/elements.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/elements.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/elements.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ Context::
+ Context (std::wostream& o,
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& root,
+ SemanticGraph::Path const& path,
+ options_type const& ops,
+ StringLiteralMap const* map,
+ Regex const* he,
+ Regex const* ie,
+ Regex const* hie)
+ : CXX::Context (o, root, path, ops, map),
+ options (ops),
+ xml_parser (xml_parser_),
+ simple_base (simple_base_),
+ complex_base (complex_base_),
+ list_base (list_base_),
+ cout_inst (cout_inst_),
+ cerr_inst (cerr_inst_),
+ parser_map (parser_map_),
+ std_string_type (std_string_type_),
+ validation (validation_),
+ polymorphic (polymorphic_),
+ hxx_expr (he),
+ ixx_expr (ie),
+ hxx_impl_expr (hie),
+ xml_parser_ (ops.xml_parser ()),
+ validation_ ((ops.xml_parser () == "expat" ||
+ ops.generate_validation ()) &&
+ !ops.suppress_validation ()),
+ polymorphic_ (ops.generate_polymorphic ())
+ {
+ if (char_type == L"char")
+ std_string_type = L"::std::string";
+ else if (char_type == L"wchar_t")
+ std_string_type = L"::std::wstring";
+ else
+ std_string_type = L"::std::basic_string< " + char_type + L" >";
+ String xs_ns (xs_ns_name ());
+ string_type = xs_ns + L"::ro_string";
+ simple_base = xs_ns + L"::simple_content";
+ complex_base = xs_ns + L"::complex_content";
+ list_base = xs_ns + L"::list_base";
+ cout_inst = (char_type == L"char" ? L"std::cout" : L"std::wcout");
+ cerr_inst = (char_type == L"char" ? L"std::cerr" : L"std::wcerr");
+ if (polymorphic)
+ parser_map_ = xs_ns + L"::parser_map";
+ }
+ Context::
+ Context (Context& c)
+ : CXX::Context (c),
+ options (c.options),
+ xml_parser (c.xml_parser),
+ simple_base (c.simple_base),
+ complex_base (c.complex_base),
+ list_base (c.list_base),
+ cout_inst (c.cout_inst),
+ cerr_inst (c.cerr_inst),
+ parser_map (c.parser_map),
+ std_string_type (c.std_string_type),
+ validation (c.validation),
+ polymorphic (c.polymorphic),
+ hxx_expr (c.hxx_expr),
+ ixx_expr (c.ixx_expr),
+ hxx_impl_expr (c.hxx_impl_expr)
+ {
+ }
+ Context::
+ Context (Context& c, std::wostream& o)
+ : CXX::Context (c, o),
+ options (c.options),
+ xml_parser (c.xml_parser),
+ simple_base (c.simple_base),
+ complex_base (c.complex_base),
+ list_base (c.list_base),
+ cout_inst (c.cout_inst),
+ cerr_inst (c.cerr_inst),
+ parser_map (c.parser_map),
+ std_string_type (c.std_string_type),
+ validation (c.validation),
+ polymorphic (c.polymorphic),
+ hxx_expr (c.hxx_expr),
+ ixx_expr (c.ixx_expr),
+ hxx_impl_expr (c.hxx_impl_expr)
+ {
+ }
+ Content::Value Context::
+ content (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ using namespace SemanticGraph;
+ if (c.mixed_p ())
+ return Content::mixed;
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ {
+ Type& base (c.inherits ().base ());
+ if (Complex* cb = dynamic_cast<Complex*> (&base))
+ return content (*cb);
+ if (base.is_a<AnyType> ())
+ return Content::complex;
+ // Everyhting else (built-in type and AnySimpleType) is simple
+ // content.
+ //
+ return Content::simple;
+ }
+ else
+ return Content::complex;
+ }
+ bool Context::
+ anonymous (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ return t.context ().count ("anonymous");
+ }
+ String const& Context::
+ ret_type (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ return t.context ().get<String> ("ret-type");
+ }
+ String const& Context::
+ arg_type (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ return t.context ().get<String> ("arg-type");
+ }
+ String const& Context::
+ post_name (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ return t.context ().get<String> ("post");
+ }
+ String const& Context::
+ eparser (SemanticGraph::Member& m)
+ {
+ return m.context ().get<String> ("parser");
+ }
+ String const& Context::
+ emember (SemanticGraph::Member& m)
+ {
+ return m.context ().get<String> ("member");
+ }
+ String const& Context::
+ emember_map (SemanticGraph::Member& m)
+ {
+ return m.context ().get<String> ("member-map");
+ }
+ String const& Context::
+ eimpl (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ return t.context ().get<String> ("impl");
+ }
+ // Includes
+ //
+ void TypeForward::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ os << "class " << t.context ().get<String> (name_key_) << ";";
+ }
+ void Includes::
+ traverse_ (SemanticGraph::Uses& u)
+ {
+ // Support for weak (forward) inclusion used in the file-per-type
+ // compilation model.
+ //
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& s (u.schema ());
+ bool weak (u.context ().count ("weak"));
+ if (weak && (type_ == header || type_ == impl_header))
+ {
+ // Generate forward declarations. We don't really need them
+ // in the impl files.
+ //
+ if (type_ == header)
+ schema_.dispatch (s);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (type_ == source && !weak)
+ return;
+ SemanticGraph::Path path (
+ s.context ().count ("renamed")
+ ? s.context ().get<SemanticGraph::Path> ("renamed")
+ : u.path ());
+ path.normalize ();
+ // Try to use the portable representation of the path. If that
+ // fails, fall back to the native representation.
+ //
+ NarrowString path_str;
+ try
+ {
+ path_str = path.posix_string ();
+ }
+ catch (SemanticGraph::InvalidPath const&)
+ {
+ path_str = path.string ();
+ }
+ String inc_path;
+ switch (type_)
+ {
+ case header:
+ case source:
+ {
+ inc_path = ctx_.hxx_expr->replace (path_str);
+ break;
+ }
+ case impl_header:
+ {
+ inc_path = ctx_.hxx_impl_expr->replace (path_str);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ctx_.os << "#include " << ctx_.process_include_path (inc_path) << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/elements.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/elements.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0015923
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/elements.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/elements.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <sstream>
+#include <libcutl/re.hxx>
+#include <xsd/types.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/elements.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/options.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ struct Content
+ {
+ enum Value
+ {
+ simple,
+ complex,
+ mixed
+ };
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ class Context: public CXX::Context
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef cutl::re::regexsub Regex;
+ typedef Parser::options options_type;
+ public:
+ Context (std::wostream&,
+ SemanticGraph::Schema&,
+ SemanticGraph::Path const& path,
+ options_type const&,
+ StringLiteralMap const*,
+ Regex const* hxx_expr,
+ Regex const* ixx_expr,
+ Regex const* hxx_impl_expr);
+ protected:
+ Context (Context& c);
+ Context (Context& c, std::wostream& o);
+ public:
+ bool
+ restriction_p (SemanticGraph::Complex& c) const
+ {
+ if (c.inherits_p () &&
+ c.inherits ().is_a<SemanticGraph::Restricts> ())
+ {
+ // Restriction of anyType is a special case.
+ //
+ return !c.inherits ().base ().is_a<SemanticGraph::AnyType> ();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public:
+ static Content::Value
+ content (SemanticGraph::Complex&);
+ public:
+ static bool
+ anonymous (SemanticGraph::Type&);
+ public:
+ static String const&
+ ret_type (SemanticGraph::Type&);
+ static String const&
+ arg_type (SemanticGraph::Type&);
+ static String const&
+ post_name (SemanticGraph::Type&);
+ public:
+ static String const&
+ eparser (SemanticGraph::Member&);
+ static String const&
+ emember (SemanticGraph::Member&);
+ static String const&
+ emember_map (SemanticGraph::Member&);
+ public:
+ static String const&
+ eimpl (SemanticGraph::Type&);
+ public:
+ options_type const& options;
+ String& xml_parser;
+ String& simple_base;
+ String& complex_base;
+ String& list_base;
+ String& cout_inst;
+ String& cerr_inst;
+ String& parser_map;
+ String& std_string_type;
+ bool& validation;
+ bool& polymorphic;
+ Regex const* hxx_expr;
+ Regex const* ixx_expr;
+ Regex const* hxx_impl_expr;
+ private:
+ String xml_parser_;
+ String simple_base_;
+ String complex_base_;
+ String list_base_;
+ String cout_inst_;
+ String cerr_inst_;
+ String parser_map_;
+ String std_string_type_;
+ bool validation_;
+ bool polymorphic_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct RequiredAttributeTest: Traversal::Attribute
+ {
+ RequiredAttributeTest (bool& result)
+ : result_ (result)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& a)
+ {
+ if (!result_ && !a.optional_p ())
+ result_ = true;
+ }
+ private:
+ bool& result_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct ParserParamDecl: Traversal::Complex,
+ Traversal::List,
+ Traversal::Member,
+ Context
+ {
+ ParserParamDecl (Context& c, bool name_arg)
+ : Context (c), first_ (true), name_arg_ (name_arg)
+ {
+ inherits_ >> *this;
+ names_ >> *this;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ inherits (c, inherits_);
+ if (!restriction_p (c))
+ names (c, names_);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::List& l)
+ {
+ if (!first_)
+ os << "," << endl;
+ else
+ first_ = false;
+ os << fq_name (l.argumented ().type ()) << "&";
+ if (name_arg_)
+ os << " " << ename (l) << "_item";
+ else
+ os << " /* " << comment ( ()) << " item */";
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Member& m)
+ {
+ if (skip (m)) return;
+ if (!first_)
+ os << "," << endl;
+ else
+ first_ = false;
+ os << fq_name (m.type ()) << "&";
+ if (name_arg_)
+ os << " " << ename (m);
+ else
+ os << " /* " << comment ( ()) << " */";
+ }
+ private:
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_;
+ Traversal::Names names_;
+ bool first_;
+ bool name_arg_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct TypeForward: Traversal::Type, Context
+ {
+ TypeForward (Context& c, char const* name_key)
+ : Context (c), name_key_ (name_key)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Type& t);
+ private:
+ char const* name_key_;
+ };
+ struct Includes: Traversal::Imports,
+ Traversal::Includes
+ {
+ enum Type
+ {
+ header,
+ source,
+ impl_header
+ };
+ Includes (Context& c, Type t)
+ : ctx_ (c),
+ type_ (t),
+ namespace_ (c),
+ type_forward_ (c, t == header ? "name" : "impl")
+ {
+ schema_ >> schema_names_ >> namespace_ >> names_ >> type_forward_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Imports& i)
+ {
+ traverse_ (i);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Includes& i)
+ {
+ traverse_ (i);
+ }
+ private:
+ void
+ traverse_ (SemanticGraph::Uses&);
+ private:
+ Context& ctx_;
+ Type type_;
+ Traversal::Schema schema_;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names_;
+ Namespace namespace_;
+ Traversal::Names names_;
+ TypeForward type_forward_;
+ };
+ // Find root element for the test driver.
+ //
+ struct RootElement: Traversal::Element
+ {
+ typedef Parser::options options_type;
+ RootElement (options_type const& options,
+ SemanticGraph::Element*& element)
+ : options_ (options), element_ (element)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ if (options_.root_element_first ())
+ {
+ if (element_ == 0)
+ element_ = &e;
+ }
+ else if (String name = options_.root_element ())
+ {
+ if ( () == name)
+ element_ = &e;
+ }
+ else
+ element_ = &e; // Cover root-element-last and no option.
+ }
+ private:
+ options_type const& options_;
+ SemanticGraph::Element*& element_;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/generator.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/generator.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91af898
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/generator.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1099 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/generator.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <libcutl/re.hxx>
+#include <libcutl/compiler/code-stream.hxx>
+#include <libcutl/compiler/cxx-indenter.hxx>
+#include <libcutl/compiler/sloc-counter.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <xsd/version.hxx>
+#include <xsd/type-map/lexer.hxx>
+#include <xsd/type-map/parser.hxx>
+#include <xsd/type-map/type-map.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/elements.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/generator.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/validator.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/name-processor.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/state-processor.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/type-processor.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/parser-header.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/parser-inline.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/parser-source.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/parser-forward.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/impl-header.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/impl-source.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/driver-source.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/element-validation-source.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/attribute-validation-source.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/characters-validation-source.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/options.hxx>
+using std::endl;
+using std::wcerr;
+using std::wcout;
+using namespace XSDFrontend::SemanticGraph;
+typedef std::wifstream WideInputFileStream;
+typedef std::wofstream WideOutputFileStream;
+typedef std::ifstream NarrowInputFileStream;
+namespace CXX
+ namespace
+ {
+ char const copyright_gpl[] =
+ "// Copyright (c) " XSD_COPYRIGHT ".\n"
+ "//\n"
+ "// This program was generated by CodeSynthesis XSD, an XML Schema to\n"
+ "// C++ data binding compiler.\n"
+ "//\n"
+ "// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n"
+ "// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as\n"
+ "// published by the Free Software Foundation.\n"
+ "//\n"
+ "// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n"
+ "// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n"
+ "// GNU General Public License for more details.\n"
+ "//\n"
+ "// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n"
+ "// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n"
+ "// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA\n"
+ "//\n"
+ "// In addition, as a special exception, Code Synthesis Tools CC gives\n"
+ "// permission to link this program with the Xerces-C++ library (or with\n"
+ "// modified versions of Xerces-C++ that use the same license as Xerces-C++),\n"
+ "// and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey\n"
+ "// the GNU General Public License version 2 in all respects for all of\n"
+ "// the code used other than Xerces-C++. If you modify this copy of the\n"
+ "// program, you may extend this exception to your version of the program,\n"
+ "// but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete\n"
+ "// this exception statement from your version.\n"
+ "//\n"
+ "// Furthermore, Code Synthesis Tools CC makes a special exception for\n"
+ "// the Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) which is described\n"
+ "// in the accompanying FLOSSE file.\n"
+ "//\n\n";
+ char const copyright_proprietary[] =
+ "// Copyright (c) " XSD_COPYRIGHT ".\n"
+ "//\n"
+ "// This program was generated by CodeSynthesis XSD, an XML Schema\n"
+ "// to C++ data binding compiler, in the Proprietary License mode.\n"
+ "// You should have received a proprietary license from Code Synthesis\n"
+ "// Tools CC prior to generating this code. See the license text for\n"
+ "// conditions.\n"
+ "//\n\n";
+ char const copyright_impl[] =
+ "// Not copyrighted - public domain.\n"
+ "//\n"
+ "// This sample parser implementation was generated by CodeSynthesis XSD,\n"
+ "// an XML Schema to C++ data binding compiler. You may use it in your\n"
+ "// programs without any restrictions.\n"
+ "//\n\n";
+ }
+ void Parser::Generator::
+ usage ()
+ {
+ CXX::Parser::options::print_usage (wcout);
+ CXX::options::print_usage (wcout);
+ }
+ namespace
+ {
+ template <typename S>
+ void
+ open (S& ifs, NarrowString const& path)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Path fs_path (path);
+ (fs_path.string ().c_str (),
+ std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary);
+ if (!ifs.is_open ())
+ {
+ wcerr << path.c_str () << ": error: unable to open in read mode"
+ << endl;
+ throw Parser::Generator::Failed ();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (InvalidPath const&)
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: '" << path.c_str () << "' is not a valid "
+ << "filesystem path" << endl;
+ throw Parser::Generator::Failed ();
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ append (WideOutputFileStream& os,
+ NarrowString const& path,
+ WideInputFileStream& default_is)
+ {
+ using std::ios_base;
+ if (path)
+ {
+ WideInputFileStream is;
+ open (is, path);
+ os << is.rdbuf ();
+ }
+ else if (default_is.is_open ())
+ {
+ os << default_is.rdbuf ();
+ default_is.seekg (0, ios_base::beg);
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ append (WideOutputFileStream& os,
+ NarrowStrings const& primary,
+ NarrowStrings const& def)
+ {
+ NarrowStrings const& v (primary.empty () ? def : primary);
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (v.begin ()), e (v.end ());
+ i != e; ++i)
+ {
+ os << i->c_str () << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ size_t Parser::Generator::
+ generate (Parser::options const& ops,
+ Schema& schema,
+ Path const& file_path,
+ bool fpt,
+ StringLiteralMap const& string_literal_map,
+ bool gen_driver,
+ const WarningSet& disabled_warnings,
+ FileList& file_list,
+ AutoUnlinks& unlinks)
+ {
+ using std::ios_base;
+ typedef cutl::re::regexsub Regex;
+ try
+ {
+ bool generate_xml_schema (ops.generate_xml_schema ());
+ // We could be compiling several schemas at once in which case
+ // handling of the --generate-xml-schema option gets tricky: we
+ // will need to rely on the presence of the --extern-xml-schema
+ // to tell us which (fake) schema file corresponds to XML Schema.
+ //
+ if (generate_xml_schema)
+ {
+ if (NarrowString name = ops.extern_xml_schema ())
+ {
+ if (file_path.string () != name)
+ generate_xml_schema = false;
+ }
+ }
+ bool impl (!generate_xml_schema &&
+ (ops.generate_noop_impl () ||
+ ops.generate_print_impl ()));
+ bool driver (gen_driver && !generate_xml_schema &&
+ ops.generate_test_driver ());
+ // Evaluate the graph for possibility of generating something useful.
+ //
+ {
+ Validator validator;
+ if (!validator.validate (
+ ops, schema, file_path, driver, disabled_warnings))
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ // Process names.
+ //
+ {
+ NameProcessor proc;
+ proc.process (ops, schema, file_path, string_literal_map);
+ }
+ bool validation ((ops.xml_parser () == "expat" ||
+ ops.generate_validation ()) &&
+ !ops.suppress_validation ());
+ // Compute state machine info.
+ //
+ if (validation)
+ {
+ StateProcessor proc;
+ proc.process (schema, file_path);
+ }
+ // Read-in type maps.
+ //
+ TypeMap::Namespaces type_map;
+ {
+ using namespace TypeMap;
+ NarrowStrings const& files (ops.type_map ());
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator f (files.begin ());
+ f != files.end (); ++f )
+ {
+ NarrowInputFileStream ifs;
+ open (ifs, *f);
+ Lexer l (ifs, *f);
+ TypeMap::Parser p (l, *f);
+ if (!p.parse (type_map))
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ // Add the built-in mappings at the end.
+ //
+ // String-based types.
+ //
+ String char_type (ops.char_type ());
+ String string_type;
+ if (char_type == L"char")
+ string_type = L"::std::string";
+ else if (char_type == L"wchar_t")
+ string_type = L"::std::wstring";
+ else
+ string_type = L"::std::basic_string< " + char_type + L" >";
+ String xns;
+ String auto_ptr;
+ {
+ Context ctx (std::wcerr, schema, file_path, ops, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ xns = ctx.xs_ns_name ();
+ auto_ptr = ctx.auto_ptr;
+ }
+ String buffer (auto_ptr + L"< " + xns + L"::buffer >");
+ TypeMap::Namespace xsd ("http://www\\.w3\\.org/2001/XMLSchema");
+ xsd.types_push_back ("string", string_type);
+ xsd.types_push_back ("normalizedString", string_type);
+ xsd.types_push_back ("token", string_type);
+ xsd.types_push_back ("Name", string_type);
+ xsd.types_push_back ("NMTOKEN", string_type);
+ xsd.types_push_back ("NMTOKENS", xns + L"::string_sequence");
+ xsd.types_push_back ("NCName", string_type);
+ xsd.types_push_back ("ID", string_type);
+ xsd.types_push_back ("IDREF", string_type);
+ xsd.types_push_back ("IDREFS", xns + L"::string_sequence");
+ xsd.types_push_back ("language", string_type);
+ xsd.types_push_back ("anyURI", string_type);
+ xsd.types_push_back ("QName", xns + L"::qname");
+ xsd.types_push_back ("base64Binary", buffer, buffer);
+ xsd.types_push_back ("hexBinary", buffer, buffer);
+ xsd.types_push_back ("gDay", xns + L"::gday");
+ xsd.types_push_back ("gMonth", xns + L"::gmonth");
+ xsd.types_push_back ("gYear", xns + L"::gyear");
+ xsd.types_push_back ("gMonthDay", xns + L"::gmonth_day");
+ xsd.types_push_back ("gYearMonth", xns + L"::gyear_month");
+ xsd.types_push_back ("date", xns + L"::date");
+ xsd.types_push_back ("time", xns + L"::time");
+ xsd.types_push_back ("dateTime", xns + L"::date_time");
+ xsd.types_push_back ("duration", xns + L"::duration");
+ // Fundamental C++ types.
+ //
+ xsd.types_push_back ("boolean", "bool", "bool");
+ xsd.types_push_back ("byte", "signed char", "signed char");
+ xsd.types_push_back ("unsignedByte",
+ "unsigned char",
+ "unsigned char");
+ xsd.types_push_back ("short", "short", "short");
+ xsd.types_push_back ("unsignedShort",
+ "unsigned short",
+ "unsigned short");
+ xsd.types_push_back ("int", "int", "int");
+ xsd.types_push_back ("unsignedInt", "unsigned int", "unsigned int");
+ xsd.types_push_back ("long", "long long", "long long");
+ xsd.types_push_back ("unsignedLong",
+ "unsigned long long",
+ "unsigned long long");
+ xsd.types_push_back ("integer", "long long", "long long");
+ xsd.types_push_back ("negativeInteger", "long long", "long long");
+ xsd.types_push_back ("nonPositiveInteger", "long long", "long long");
+ xsd.types_push_back ("positiveInteger",
+ "unsigned long long",
+ "unsigned long long");
+ xsd.types_push_back ("nonNegativeInteger",
+ "unsigned long long",
+ "unsigned long long");
+ xsd.types_push_back ("float", "float", "float");
+ xsd.types_push_back ("double", "double", "double");
+ xsd.types_push_back ("decimal", "double", "double");
+ type_map.push_back (xsd);
+ // Everything else maps to void.
+ //
+ TypeMap::Namespace rest (".*");
+ rest.types_push_back (".*", "void", "void");
+ type_map.push_back (rest);
+ }
+ // Process types.
+ //
+ {
+ TypeProcessor proc;
+ proc.process (ops, schema, gen_driver, type_map);
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ bool inline_ (ops.generate_inline () && !generate_xml_schema);
+ bool source (!generate_xml_schema);
+ // Generate code.
+ //
+ NarrowString name (file_path.leaf ().string ());
+ NarrowString skel_suffix (ops.skel_file_suffix ());
+ NarrowString impl_suffix (ops.impl_file_suffix ());
+ NarrowString hxx_suffix (ops.hxx_suffix ());
+ NarrowString ixx_suffix (ops.ixx_suffix ());
+ NarrowString cxx_suffix (ops.cxx_suffix ());
+ Regex hxx_expr (
+ ops.hxx_regex ().empty ()
+ ? "#^(.+?)(\\.[^./\\\\]+)?$#$1" + skel_suffix + hxx_suffix + "#"
+ : ops.hxx_regex ());
+ Regex ixx_expr (
+ ops.ixx_regex ().empty ()
+ ? "#^(.+?)(\\.[^./\\\\]+)?$#$1" + skel_suffix + ixx_suffix + "#"
+ : ops.ixx_regex ());
+ Regex cxx_expr (
+ ops.cxx_regex ().empty ()
+ ? "#^(.+?)(\\.[^./\\\\]+)?$#$1" + skel_suffix + cxx_suffix + "#"
+ : ops.cxx_regex ());
+ Regex hxx_impl_expr;
+ Regex cxx_impl_expr;
+ Regex cxx_driver_expr;
+ if (impl || driver)
+ {
+ hxx_impl_expr =
+ "#^(.+?)(\\.[^./\\\\]+)?$#$1" + impl_suffix + hxx_suffix + "#";
+ cxx_impl_expr =
+ "#^(.+?)(\\.[^./\\\\]+)?$#$1" + impl_suffix + cxx_suffix + "#";
+ cxx_driver_expr =
+ "#^(.+?)(\\.[^./\\\\]+)?$#$1-driver" + cxx_suffix + "#";
+ }
+ if (!hxx_expr.match (name))
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: header expression '" <<
+ hxx_expr.regex ().str ().c_str () << "' does not match '" <<
+ name.c_str () << "'" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ if (inline_ && !ixx_expr.match (name))
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: inline expression '" <<
+ ixx_expr.regex ().str ().c_str () << "' does not match '" <<
+ name.c_str () << "'" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ if (source && !cxx_expr.match (name))
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: source expression '" <<
+ cxx_expr.regex ().str ().c_str () << "' does not match '" <<
+ name.c_str () << "'" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ if (impl || driver)
+ {
+ if (!hxx_impl_expr.match (name))
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: implementation header expression '" <<
+ hxx_impl_expr.regex ().str ().c_str () << "' does not match '" <<
+ name.c_str () << "'" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ if (!cxx_impl_expr.match (name))
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: implementation source expression '" <<
+ cxx_impl_expr.regex ().str ().c_str () << "' does not match '" <<
+ name.c_str () << "'" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ if (!cxx_driver_expr.match (name))
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: driver source expression '" <<
+ cxx_driver_expr.regex ().str ().c_str () << "' does not match '" <<
+ name.c_str () << "'" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ }
+ NarrowString hxx_name (hxx_expr.replace (name));
+ NarrowString ixx_name (inline_ ? ixx_expr.replace (name) : NarrowString ());
+ NarrowString cxx_name (source ? cxx_expr.replace (name) : NarrowString ());
+ NarrowString hxx_impl_name;
+ NarrowString cxx_impl_name;
+ NarrowString cxx_driver_name;
+ if (impl || driver)
+ {
+ hxx_impl_name = hxx_impl_expr.replace (name);
+ cxx_impl_name = cxx_impl_expr.replace (name);
+ cxx_driver_name = cxx_driver_expr.replace (name);
+ }
+ Path hxx_path (hxx_name);
+ Path ixx_path (ixx_name);
+ Path cxx_path (cxx_name);
+ Path hxx_impl_path;
+ Path cxx_impl_path;
+ Path cxx_driver_path;
+ if (impl || driver)
+ {
+ hxx_impl_path = Path (hxx_impl_name);
+ cxx_impl_path = Path (cxx_impl_name);
+ cxx_driver_path = Path (cxx_driver_name);
+ }
+ Path out_dir;
+ if (NarrowString dir = ops.output_dir ())
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ out_dir = Path (dir);
+ }
+ catch (InvalidPath const&)
+ {
+ wcerr << dir.c_str () << ": error: invalid path" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ }
+ if (fpt && !generate_xml_schema)
+ {
+ // In the file-per-type mode the schema files are always local
+ // unless the user added the directory so that we propagate this
+ // to the output files.
+ //
+ Path fpt_dir ( ());
+ if (!fpt_dir.empty ())
+ out_dir /= fpt_dir;
+ }
+ if (!out_dir.empty ())
+ {
+ hxx_path = out_dir / hxx_path;
+ ixx_path = out_dir / ixx_path;
+ cxx_path = out_dir / cxx_path;
+ if (impl || driver)
+ {
+ hxx_impl_path = out_dir / hxx_impl_path;
+ cxx_impl_path = out_dir / cxx_impl_path;
+ cxx_driver_path = out_dir /cxx_driver_path;
+ }
+ }
+ // Open the impl files first so that if open fails, the skel files
+ // are not deleted.
+ //
+ WideOutputFileStream hxx_impl;
+ WideOutputFileStream cxx_impl;
+ WideOutputFileStream cxx_driver;
+ if (impl)
+ {
+ if (!ops.force_overwrite ())
+ {
+ WideInputFileStream tmp (
+ hxx_impl_path.string ().c_str (), ios_base::in);
+ if (tmp.is_open ())
+ {
+ wcerr << hxx_impl_path << ": error: cowardly refusing to " <<
+ "overwrite an existing file" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ tmp.close ();
+ }
+ (hxx_impl_path.string ().c_str (), ios_base::out);
+ if (!hxx_impl.is_open ())
+ {
+ wcerr << hxx_impl_path << ": error: unable to open in write mode"
+ << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ unlinks.add (hxx_impl_path);
+ file_list.push_back (hxx_impl_path.string ());
+ if (!ops.force_overwrite ())
+ {
+ WideInputFileStream tmp (
+ cxx_impl_path.string ().c_str (), ios_base::in);
+ if (tmp.is_open ())
+ {
+ wcerr << cxx_impl_path << ": error: cowardly refusing to " <<
+ "overwrite an existing file" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ tmp.close ();
+ }
+ (cxx_impl_path.string ().c_str (), ios_base::out);
+ if (!cxx_impl.is_open ())
+ {
+ wcerr << cxx_impl_path << ": error: unable to open in write mode"
+ << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ unlinks.add (cxx_impl_path);
+ file_list.push_back (cxx_impl_path.string ());
+ }
+ if (driver)
+ {
+ if (!ops.force_overwrite ())
+ {
+ WideInputFileStream tmp (
+ cxx_driver_path.string ().c_str (), ios_base::in);
+ if (tmp.is_open ())
+ {
+ wcerr << cxx_driver_path << ": error: cowardly refusing to " <<
+ "overwrite an existing file" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ tmp.close ();
+ }
+ (cxx_driver_path.string ().c_str (), ios_base::out);
+ if (!cxx_driver.is_open ())
+ {
+ wcerr << cxx_driver_path << ": error: unable to open in write " <<
+ "mode" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ unlinks.add (cxx_driver_path);
+ file_list.push_back (cxx_driver_path.string ());
+ }
+ // Open the skel files.
+ //
+ WideOutputFileStream hxx (hxx_path.string ().c_str (), ios_base::out);
+ WideOutputFileStream ixx;
+ WideOutputFileStream cxx;
+ if (!hxx.is_open ())
+ {
+ wcerr << hxx_path << ": error: unable to open in write mode" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ unlinks.add (hxx_path);
+ file_list.push_back (hxx_path.string ());
+ if (inline_)
+ {
+ (ixx_path.string ().c_str (), ios_base::out);
+ if (!ixx.is_open ())
+ {
+ wcerr << ixx_path << ": error: unable to open in write mode" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ unlinks.add (ixx_path);
+ file_list.push_back (ixx_path.string ());
+ }
+ if (source)
+ {
+ (cxx_path.string ().c_str (), ios_base::out);
+ if (!cxx.is_open ())
+ {
+ wcerr << cxx_path << ": error: unable to open in write mode" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ unlinks.add (cxx_path);
+ file_list.push_back (cxx_path.string ());
+ }
+ // Print copyright and license.
+ //
+ char const* copyright (
+ ops.proprietary_license () ? copyright_proprietary : copyright_gpl);
+ hxx << copyright;
+ if (inline_)
+ ixx << copyright;
+ if (source)
+ cxx << copyright;
+ if (impl)
+ {
+ hxx_impl << copyright_impl;
+ cxx_impl << copyright_impl;
+ }
+ if (driver)
+ cxx_driver << copyright_impl;
+ // Prologue.
+ //
+ WideInputFileStream prologue;
+ {
+ NarrowString name (ops.prologue_file ());
+ if (name)
+ open (prologue, name);
+ }
+ // Epilogue.
+ //
+ WideInputFileStream epilogue;
+ {
+ NarrowString name (ops.epilogue_file ());
+ if (name)
+ open (epilogue, name);
+ }
+ // SLOC counter.
+ //
+ size_t sloc_total (0);
+ bool show_sloc (ops.show_sloc ());
+ typedef
+ compiler::ostream_filter<compiler::cxx_indenter, wchar_t>
+ ind_filter;
+ typedef
+ compiler::ostream_filter<compiler::sloc_counter, wchar_t>
+ sloc_filter;
+ //
+ //
+ Regex guard_expr ("/([a-z])([A-Z])/$1_$2/"); // Split words.
+ NarrowString guard_prefix (ops.guard_prefix ());
+ if (!guard_prefix)
+ guard_prefix = ().string ();
+ if (guard_prefix)
+ guard_prefix += '_';
+ // HXX
+ //
+ {
+ Context ctx (hxx,
+ schema,
+ file_path,
+ ops,
+ &string_literal_map,
+ &hxx_expr,
+ &ixx_expr,
+ &hxx_impl_expr);
+ sloc_filter sloc (hxx);
+ String guard (guard_expr.replace (guard_prefix + hxx_name));
+ guard = ctx.escape (guard); // Make it a C++ id.
+ std::transform (guard.begin (), guard.end(), guard.begin (), upcase);
+ hxx << "#ifndef " << guard << endl
+ << "#define " << guard << endl
+ << endl;
+ if (ctx.std >= cxx_version::cxx11)
+ {
+ hxx << "#ifndef XSD_CXX11" << endl
+ << "#define XSD_CXX11" << endl
+ << "#endif" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // Copy prologue.
+ //
+ hxx << "// Begin prologue." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ append (hxx, ops.hxx_prologue (), ops.prologue ());
+ append (hxx, ops.hxx_prologue_file (), prologue);
+ hxx << "//" << endl
+ << "// End prologue." << endl
+ << endl;
+ // Version check.
+ //
+ hxx << "#include <xsd/cxx/config.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl
+ << "#if (LIBXSD_VERSION != " << XSD_VERSION << "L)" << endl
+ << "#error XSD runtime version mismatch" << endl
+ << "#endif" << endl
+ << endl;
+ hxx << "#include <xsd/cxx/pre.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ // Generate.
+ //
+ {
+ ind_filter ind (hxx); // We don't want to indent prologues/epilogues.
+ if (!generate_xml_schema)
+ generate_parser_forward (ctx);
+ generate_parser_header (ctx, generate_xml_schema);
+ }
+ if (inline_)
+ hxx << "#include " << ctx.process_include_path (ixx_name) << endl;
+ hxx << "#include <xsd/cxx/post.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ // Copy epilogue.
+ //
+ hxx << "// Begin epilogue." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ append (hxx, ops.hxx_epilogue_file (), epilogue);
+ append (hxx, ops.hxx_epilogue (), ops.epilogue ());
+ hxx << "//" << endl
+ << "// End epilogue." << endl
+ << endl;
+ hxx << "#endif // " << guard << endl;
+ if (show_sloc)
+ wcerr << hxx_path << ": " << ().count () << endl;
+ sloc_total += ().count ();
+ }
+ // IXX
+ //
+ if (inline_)
+ {
+ Context ctx (ixx,
+ schema,
+ file_path,
+ ops,
+ &string_literal_map,
+ &hxx_expr,
+ &ixx_expr,
+ &hxx_impl_expr);
+ sloc_filter sloc (ixx);
+ // Copy prologue.
+ //
+ ixx << "// Begin prologue." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ append (ixx, ops.ixx_prologue (), ops.prologue ());
+ append (ixx, ops.ixx_prologue_file (), prologue);
+ ixx << "//" << endl
+ << "// End prologue." << endl
+ << endl;
+ // Generate.
+ //
+ {
+ ind_filter ind (ixx); // We don't want to indent prologues/epilogues.
+ generate_parser_inline (ctx);
+ }
+ // Copy epilogue.
+ //
+ ixx << "// Begin epilogue." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ append (ixx, ops.ixx_epilogue_file (), epilogue);
+ append (ixx, ops.ixx_epilogue (), ops.epilogue ());
+ ixx << "//" << endl
+ << "// End epilogue." << endl
+ << endl;
+ if (show_sloc)
+ wcerr << ixx_path << ": " << ().count () << endl;
+ sloc_total += ().count ();
+ }
+ // CXX
+ //
+ if (source)
+ {
+ Context ctx (cxx,
+ schema,
+ file_path,
+ ops,
+ &string_literal_map,
+ &hxx_expr,
+ &ixx_expr,
+ &hxx_impl_expr);
+ sloc_filter sloc (cxx);
+ // Copy prologue.
+ //
+ cxx << "// Begin prologue." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ append (cxx, ops.cxx_prologue (), ops.prologue ());
+ append (cxx, ops.cxx_prologue_file (), prologue);
+ cxx << "//" << endl
+ << "// End prologue." << endl
+ << endl;
+ cxx << "#include <xsd/cxx/pre.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ cxx << "#include " << ctx.process_include_path (hxx_name) << endl
+ << endl;
+ // Generate.
+ //
+ {
+ ind_filter ind (cxx); // We don't want to indent prologues/epilogues.
+ if (!inline_)
+ generate_parser_inline (ctx);
+ generate_parser_source (ctx);
+ if (validation)
+ {
+ generate_element_validation_source (ctx);
+ generate_attribute_validation_source (ctx);
+ generate_characters_validation_source (ctx);
+ }
+ }
+ cxx << "#include <xsd/cxx/post.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ // Copy epilogue.
+ //
+ cxx << "// Begin epilogue." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ append (cxx, ops.cxx_epilogue_file (), epilogue);
+ append (cxx, ops.cxx_epilogue (), ops.epilogue ());
+ cxx << "//" << endl
+ << "// End epilogue." << endl
+ << endl;
+ if (show_sloc)
+ wcerr << cxx_path << ": " << ().count () << endl;
+ sloc_total += ().count ();
+ }
+ // HXX impl
+ //
+ if (impl)
+ {
+ Context ctx (hxx_impl,
+ schema,
+ file_path,
+ ops,
+ &string_literal_map,
+ &hxx_expr,
+ &ixx_expr,
+ &hxx_impl_expr);
+ String guard (guard_expr.replace (guard_prefix + hxx_impl_name));
+ guard = ctx.escape (guard); // Make it a C++ id.
+ std::transform (guard.begin (), guard.end(), guard.begin (), upcase);
+ hxx_impl << "#ifndef " << guard << endl
+ << "#define " << guard << endl
+ << endl;
+ hxx_impl << "#include " << ctx.process_include_path (hxx_name)
+ << endl << endl;
+ {
+ ind_filter ind (hxx_impl);
+ generate_impl_header (ctx);
+ }
+ hxx_impl << "#endif // " << guard << endl;
+ }
+ // CXX impl
+ //
+ if (impl)
+ {
+ Context ctx (cxx_impl,
+ schema,
+ file_path,
+ ops,
+ &string_literal_map,
+ &hxx_expr,
+ &ixx_expr,
+ &hxx_impl_expr);
+ cxx_impl << "#include " << ctx.process_include_path (hxx_impl_name)
+ << endl << endl;
+ {
+ ind_filter ind (cxx_impl);
+ generate_impl_source (ctx);
+ }
+ }
+ // CXX driver
+ //
+ if (driver)
+ {
+ Context ctx (cxx_driver,
+ schema,
+ file_path,
+ ops,
+ &string_literal_map,
+ &hxx_expr,
+ &ixx_expr,
+ &hxx_impl_expr);
+ cxx_driver << "#include " << ctx.process_include_path (hxx_impl_name)
+ << endl << endl;
+ {
+ ind_filter ind (cxx_driver);
+ generate_driver_source (ctx);
+ }
+ }
+ return sloc_total;
+ }
+ catch (UnrepresentableCharacter const& e)
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: character at position " << e.position () << " "
+ << "in string '" << e.string () << "' is unrepresentable in "
+ << "the target encoding" << endl;
+ wcerr << "info: use the --custom-literals option to provide custom "
+ << "string literals mapping" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ catch (NoNamespaceMapping const& e)
+ {
+ wcerr << e.file () << ":" << e.line () << ":" << e.column ()
+ << ": error: unable to map XML Schema namespace '" << e.ns ()
+ << "' to C++ namespace" << endl;
+ wcerr << e.file () << ":" << e.line () << ":" << e.column ()
+ << ": info: use the --namespace-map or --namespace-regex option "
+ << "to provide custom mapping" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ catch (InvalidNamespaceMapping const& e)
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: invalid XML to C++ namespace mapping specified: "
+ << "'" << e.mapping () << "': " << e.reason () << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ catch (cutl::re::format const& e)
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: invalid regex: '" <<
+ e.regex ().c_str () << "': " <<
+ e.description ().c_str () << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ catch (cutl::re::wformat const& e)
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: invalid regex: '" <<
+ e.regex () << "': " << e.description ().c_str () << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/generator.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/generator.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..150cd74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/generator.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/generator.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph/elements.hxx> // Path
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph/schema.hxx>
+#include <xsd/xsd.hxx>
+#include <xsd/types.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/literal-map.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/options.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ class Generator
+ {
+ public:
+ static void
+ usage ();
+ struct Failed {};
+ static size_t
+ generate (options const&,
+ XSDFrontend::SemanticGraph::Schema&,
+ XSDFrontend::SemanticGraph::Path const& file,
+ bool file_per_type,
+ StringLiteralMap const&,
+ bool gen_driver,
+ const WarningSet& disabled_warnings,
+ FileList& file_list,
+ AutoUnlinks& unlinks);
+ private:
+ Generator ();
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/impl-header.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/impl-header.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be14dfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/impl-header.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/impl-header.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/impl-header.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ struct Enumeration: Traversal::Enumeration, Context
+ {
+ Enumeration (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ String const& name (eimpl (e));
+ String const& ret (ret_type (e));
+ SemanticGraph::Type& base (e.inherits ().base ());
+ os << "class " << type_exp << name << ": " <<
+ "public virtual " << ename (e) << "," << endl
+ << " public " << fq_name (base, "impl")
+ << "{"
+ << "public:" << endl
+ << "virtual void" << endl
+ << "pre ();"
+ << endl
+ << "virtual " << ret << endl
+ << post_name (e) << " ();"
+ << "};";
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct List: Traversal::List, Context
+ {
+ List (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& l)
+ {
+ String const& name (eimpl (l));
+ SemanticGraph::Type& t (l.argumented ().type ());
+ String item (unclash (ename (l), "item"));
+ os << "class " << type_exp << name << ": public virtual " <<
+ ename (l)
+ << "{"
+ << "public:" << endl
+ << "virtual void" << endl
+ << "pre ();"
+ << endl;
+ // item
+ //
+ String const& arg (arg_type (t));
+ os << "virtual void" << endl
+ << item;
+ if (arg == L"void")
+ os << " ();";
+ else
+ os << " (" << arg << ");";
+ os << endl;
+ // post
+ //
+ String const& ret (ret_type (l));
+ os << "virtual " << ret << endl
+ << post_name (l) << " ();"
+ << "};";
+ }
+ };
+ struct Union: Traversal::Union, Context
+ {
+ Union (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& u)
+ {
+ String const& name (eimpl (u));
+ String const& ret (ret_type (u));
+ os << "class " << type_exp << name << ": public virtual " <<
+ ename (u)
+ << "{"
+ << "public:" << endl
+ << "virtual void" << endl
+ << "pre ();"
+ << endl
+ << "virtual void" << endl
+ << "_characters (const " << string_type << "&);"
+ << endl
+ << "virtual " << ret << endl
+ << post_name (u) << " ();"
+ << "};";
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct ParserCallback: Traversal::Member, Context
+ {
+ ParserCallback (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& m)
+ {
+ if (skip (m))
+ return;
+ String const& arg (arg_type (m.type ()));
+ os << "virtual void" << endl
+ << ename (m);
+ if (arg == L"void")
+ os << " ();";
+ else
+ os << " (" << arg << ");";
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct Complex: Traversal::Complex, Context
+ {
+ Complex (Context& c)
+ : Context (c),
+ parser_callback_ (c)
+ {
+ names_parser_callback_ >> parser_callback_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& c)
+ {
+ String const& name (eimpl (c));
+ String const& ret (ret_type (c));
+ os << "class " << type_exp << name << ": public virtual " <<
+ ename (c);
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " public " << fq_name (c.inherits ().base (), "impl");
+ os << "{"
+ << "public:" << endl
+ << "virtual void" << endl
+ << "pre ();"
+ << endl;
+ // In case of an inheritance-by-restriction, we don't need to
+ // generate parser callbacks, etc. since they are the same as in
+ // the base.
+ //
+ if (!restriction_p (c))
+ {
+ names (c, names_parser_callback_);
+ }
+ os << "virtual " << ret << endl
+ << post_name (c) << " ();"
+ << "};";
+ }
+ private:
+ //
+ //
+ ParserCallback parser_callback_;
+ Traversal::Names names_parser_callback_;
+ };
+ }
+ void
+ generate_impl_header (Context& ctx)
+ {
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ Includes includes (ctx, Includes::impl_header);
+ Traversal::Names schema_names;
+ Namespace ns (ctx);
+ Traversal::Names names;
+ schema >> includes;
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ schema >> schema_names >> ns >> names;
+ List list (ctx);
+ Union union_ (ctx);
+ Complex complex (ctx);
+ Enumeration enumeration (ctx);
+ names >> list;
+ names >> union_;
+ names >> complex;
+ names >> enumeration;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/impl-header.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/impl-header.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1939e05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/impl-header.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/impl-header.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/elements.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ void
+ generate_impl_header (Context&);
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/impl-source.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/impl-source.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80a9644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/impl-source.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/impl-source.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/impl-source.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/print-impl-common.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ struct Enumeration: Traversal::Enumeration, Context
+ {
+ Enumeration (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ String const& name (eimpl (e));
+ String const& ret (ret_type (e));
+ SemanticGraph::Type& base (e.inherits ().base ());
+ String const& base_ret (ret_type (base));
+ os << "// " << name << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << endl;
+ // pre
+ //
+ os << "void " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "pre ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ // post
+ //
+ os << ret << " " << name << "::" << endl
+ << post_name (e) << " ()"
+ << "{";
+ if (ret == base_ret)
+ {
+ os << (ret != L"void" ? "return " : "") <<
+ post_name (base) << " ();";
+ }
+ else if (ret == L"void")
+ {
+ os << arg_type (base) << " v (" << post_name (base) << " ());"
+ << endl;
+ if (options.generate_print_impl ())
+ {
+ PrintCall t (*this, (), "v");
+ t.dispatch (base);
+ }
+ else
+ os << "// TODO" << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (base_ret == L"void")
+ os << post_name (base) << " ();";
+ else
+ os << arg_type (base) << " v (" << post_name (base) << " ());"
+ << endl
+ << "// TODO" << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "// return ... ;" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct List: Traversal::List, Context
+ {
+ List (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& l)
+ {
+ String const& name (eimpl (l));
+ SemanticGraph::Type& type (l.argumented ().type ());
+ String item (unclash (ename (l), "item"));
+ os << "// " << name << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << endl;
+ // pre
+ //
+ os << "void " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "pre ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ // item
+ //
+ String const& arg (arg_type (type));
+ os << "void " << name << "::" << endl
+ << item;
+ if (arg == L"void")
+ os << " ()";
+ else
+ os << " (" << arg << " " << item << ")";
+ os << "{";
+ if (arg != L"void")
+ {
+ if (options.generate_print_impl ())
+ {
+ PrintCall t (*this, (), item);
+ t.dispatch (type);
+ }
+ else
+ os << "// TODO" << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "}";
+ // post
+ //
+ String const& ret (ret_type (l));
+ os << ret << " " << name << "::" << endl
+ << post_name (l) << " ()"
+ << "{";
+ if (ret != L"void")
+ os << "// TODO" << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "// return ... ;" << endl;
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct Union: Traversal::Union, Context
+ {
+ Union (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& u)
+ {
+ String const& name (eimpl (u));
+ os << "// " << name << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << endl;
+ // pre
+ //
+ os << "void " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "pre ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ // _characters
+ //
+ os << "void " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_characters (const " << string_type << "& s)"
+ << "{";
+ if (options.generate_print_impl ())
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit ( () + L": ") <<
+ " << s << std::endl;";
+ else
+ os << "// TODO" << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ os << "}";
+ // post
+ //
+ String const& ret (ret_type (u));
+ os << ret << " " << name << "::" << endl
+ << post_name (u) << " ()"
+ << "{";
+ if (ret != L"void")
+ os << "// TODO" << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "// return ... ;" << endl;
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct ParserCallback: Traversal::Member, Context
+ {
+ ParserCallback (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& m)
+ {
+ if (skip (m))
+ return;
+ String const& name (ename (m));
+ String const& arg (arg_type (m.type ()));
+ os << "void " <<
+ eimpl (dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex&> (m.scope ())) <<
+ "::" << endl
+ << name;
+ if (arg == L"void")
+ os << " ()";
+ else
+ os << " (" << arg << " " << name << ")";
+ os << "{";
+ if (arg != L"void")
+ {
+ if (options.generate_print_impl ())
+ {
+ PrintCall t (*this, (), name);
+ t.dispatch (m.type ());
+ }
+ else
+ os << "// TODO" << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct Complex: Traversal::Complex, Context
+ {
+ Complex (Context& c)
+ : Context (c), parser_callback_ (c)
+ {
+ names_parser_callback_ >> parser_callback_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& c)
+ {
+ String const& name (eimpl (c));
+ bool restriction (restriction_p (c));
+ os << "// " << name << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << endl;
+ // pre
+ //
+ os << "void " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "pre ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ // Parser callbacks.
+ //
+ if (!restriction)
+ names (c, names_parser_callback_);
+ // post
+ //
+ String const& ret (ret_type (c));
+ os << ret << " " << name << "::" << endl
+ << post_name (c) << " ()"
+ << "{";
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Type& base (c.inherits ().base ());
+ String const& base_ret (ret_type (base));
+ if (ret == base_ret)
+ {
+ os << (ret != L"void" ? "return " : "") <<
+ post_name (base) << " ();";
+ }
+ else if (ret == L"void")
+ {
+ os << arg_type (base) << " v (" << post_name (base) << " ());"
+ << endl;
+ if (options.generate_print_impl ())
+ {
+ PrintCall t (*this, (), "v");
+ t.dispatch (base);
+ }
+ else
+ os << "// TODO" << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (base_ret == L"void")
+ os << post_name (base) << " ();";
+ else
+ os << arg_type (base) << " v (" << post_name (base) << " ());"
+ << endl
+ << "// TODO" << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "// return ... ;" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (ret != L"void")
+ os << "// TODO" << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "// return ... ;" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ private:
+ //
+ //
+ ParserCallback parser_callback_;
+ Traversal::Names names_parser_callback_;
+ };
+ }
+ void
+ generate_impl_source (Context& ctx)
+ {
+ if (ctx.options.generate_print_impl ())
+ ctx.os << "#include <iostream>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names;
+ Namespace ns (ctx);
+ Traversal::Names names;
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ schema >> schema_names >> ns >> names;
+ List list (ctx);
+ Union union_ (ctx);
+ Complex complex (ctx);
+ Enumeration enumeration (ctx);
+ names >> list;
+ names >> union_;
+ names >> complex;
+ names >> enumeration;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/impl-source.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/impl-source.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fc8060
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/impl-source.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/impl-source.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/elements.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ void
+ generate_impl_source (Context&);
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/name-processor.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/name-processor.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73710ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/name-processor.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1175 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/name-processor.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <set>
+#include <map>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/name-processor.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+using namespace std;
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ //
+ //
+ typedef set<String> NameSet;
+ class Context: public CXX::Context
+ {
+ public:
+ Context (Parser::options const& ops,
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& root,
+ SemanticGraph::Path const& path,
+ StringLiteralMap const* map)
+ : CXX::Context (std::wcerr, root, path, ops, map),
+ skel_suffix_ (ops.skel_type_suffix ()),
+ impl_suffix_ (ops.impl_type_suffix ()),
+ impl (ops.generate_noop_impl () ||
+ ops.generate_print_impl () ||
+ ops.generate_test_driver ()),
+ skel_suffix (skel_suffix_),
+ impl_suffix (impl_suffix_),
+ global_type_names (global_type_names_),
+ polymorphic (ops.generate_polymorphic ())
+ {
+ }
+ protected:
+ Context (Context& c)
+ : CXX::Context (c),
+ impl (c.impl),
+ skel_suffix (c.skel_suffix),
+ impl_suffix (c.impl_suffix),
+ global_type_names (c.global_type_names),
+ polymorphic (c.polymorphic)
+ {
+ }
+ public:
+ String
+ find_name (String const& n, NameSet& set)
+ {
+ String base_name (escape (n));
+ String name (base_name);
+ for (size_t i (1); set.find (name) != set.end (); ++i)
+ {
+ std::wostringstream os;
+ os << i;
+ name = base_name + os.str ();
+ }
+ set.insert (name);
+ return name;
+ }
+ private:
+ String const skel_suffix_;
+ String const impl_suffix_;
+ map<String, NameSet> global_type_names_;
+ public:
+ bool const impl;
+ String const& skel_suffix;
+ String const& impl_suffix;
+ map<String, NameSet>& global_type_names;
+ bool polymorphic;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct PrimaryMember: Traversal::Member, Context
+ {
+ PrimaryMember (Context& c, NameSet& set)
+ : Context (c), set_ (set)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& m)
+ {
+ if (Parser::Context::skip (m))
+ return;
+ m.context ().set ("name", find_name ( (), set_));
+ }
+ private:
+ NameSet& set_;
+ };
+ struct DerivedMember: Traversal::Member, Context
+ {
+ DerivedMember (Context& c, NameSet& set)
+ : Context (c), set_ (set)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& m)
+ {
+ if (Parser::Context::skip (m))
+ return;
+ m.context ().set ("parser",
+ find_name ( () + L"_parser", set_));
+ String const& base (m.context ().get<String> ("name"));
+ m.context ().set ("member", find_name (base + L"_parser_", set_));
+ if (polymorphic &&
+ m.is_a<SemanticGraph::Element> () &&
+ !m.type ().context ().count ("anonymous"))
+ {
+ m.context ().set (
+ "member-map", find_name (base + L"_parser_map_", set_));
+ m.context ().set (
+ "member-map-impl",
+ find_name (base + L"_parser_map_impl_", set_));
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ NameSet& set_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct MemberInRestrictionBase: Traversal::Member
+ {
+ protected:
+ MemberInRestrictionBase (NameSet& set, SemanticGraph::Complex& base)
+ : set_ (set), base_ (base)
+ {
+ }
+ struct NotFound {};
+ Type&
+ find_member (SemanticGraph::Complex& c, Type& m)
+ {
+ using SemanticGraph::Complex;
+ Complex::NamesIteratorPair r (c.find ( ()));
+ for (; r.first != r.second; ++r.first)
+ {
+ if (r.first->named ().is_a<Type> ())
+ {
+ Type& bm (dynamic_cast<Type&> (r.first->named ()));
+ if (typeid (bm) != typeid (m))
+ continue;
+ if (m.qualified_p ())
+ {
+ if (bm.qualified_p () &&
+ () == () &&
+ m.namespace_ ().name () == bm.namespace_ ().name ())
+ return bm;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!bm.qualified_p () && () == ())
+ return bm;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If we didn't find anything, try our base.
+ //
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Type& base (c.inherits ().base ());
+ if (base.is_a<Complex> ())
+ return find_member (dynamic_cast<Complex&> (base), m);
+ }
+ //std::wcerr << "unable to find member " << () << " in "
+ // << () << std::endl;
+ throw NotFound ();
+ }
+ protected:
+ NameSet& set_;
+ SemanticGraph::Complex& base_;
+ };
+ struct PrimaryMemberInRestriction: MemberInRestrictionBase, Context
+ {
+ PrimaryMemberInRestriction (Context& c,
+ NameSet& set,
+ SemanticGraph::Complex& base)
+ : MemberInRestrictionBase (set, base), Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& m)
+ {
+ if (Parser::Context::skip (m))
+ return;
+ String name;
+ try
+ {
+ // Try to find corresponding member in one of our bases.
+ // This may fail if we use an element that substitutes
+ // one in our base.
+ //
+ Type& bm (find_member (base_, m));
+ name = bm.context ().get<String> ("name");
+ }
+ catch (NotFound const&)
+ {
+ // Fall back to the standard name assignment.
+ //
+ name = find_name ( (), set_);
+ }
+ m.context ().set ("name", name);
+ }
+ };
+ struct DerivedMemberInRestriction: MemberInRestrictionBase, Context
+ {
+ DerivedMemberInRestriction (Context& c,
+ NameSet& set,
+ SemanticGraph::Complex& base)
+ : MemberInRestrictionBase (set, base), Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& m)
+ {
+ if (Parser::Context::skip (m))
+ return;
+ bool poly (polymorphic &&
+ m.is_a<SemanticGraph::Element> () &&
+ !m.type ().context ().count ("anonymous"));
+ String parser, member, member_map, member_map_impl;
+ try
+ {
+ // Try to find corresponding member in one of our bases.
+ // This may fail if we use an element that substitutes
+ // one in our base.
+ //
+ Type& bm (find_member (base_, m));
+ parser = bm.context ().get<String> ("parser");
+ member = bm.context ().get<String> ("member");
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ member_map = bm.context ().get<String> ("member-map");
+ member_map_impl = bm.context ().get<String> ("member-map-impl");
+ }
+ }
+ catch (NotFound const&)
+ {
+ // Fall back to the standard name assignment.
+ //
+ String const& base (m.context ().get<String> ("name"));
+ parser = find_name ( () + L"_parser", set_);
+ member = find_name (base + L"_parser_", set_);
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ member_map = find_name (base + L"_parser_map_", set_);
+ member_map_impl = find_name (base + L"_parser_map_impl_", set_);
+ }
+ }
+ m.context ().set ("parser", parser);
+ m.context ().set ("member", member);
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ m.context ().set ("member-map", member_map);
+ m.context ().set ("member-map-impl", member_map_impl);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct Complex: Traversal::Complex, Context
+ {
+ Complex (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& c)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Context& cc (c.context ());
+ // Use processed name.
+ //
+ String const& name (cc.get<String> ("name"));
+ // We leave this set around to allow other mappings to use
+ // this information.
+ //
+ cc.set ("cxx-parser-name-processor-member-set", NameSet ());
+ NameSet& member_set (
+ cc.get<NameSet> ("cxx-parser-name-processor-member-set"));
+ member_set.insert (name);
+ // Add our base's members to the initial list unless we are
+ // inheriting by restriction in which case we need to have
+ // the same names as our base.
+ //
+ bool restriction (false);
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ {
+ // @@ What if this types name is the same as one of base's
+ // members?
+ //
+ SemanticGraph::Type& base (c.inherits ().base ());
+ if (base.is_a<SemanticGraph::Complex> ())
+ {
+ if (!base.context ().count (
+ "cxx-parser-name-processor-member-set"))
+ {
+ dispatch (base);
+ }
+ NameSet const& base_set (
+ base.context ().get<NameSet> (
+ "cxx-parser-name-processor-member-set"));
+ member_set.insert (base_set.begin (), base_set.end ());
+ // Inheritance by restriction from anyType is a special case.
+ //
+ restriction = c.inherits ().is_a<SemanticGraph::Restricts> () &&
+ !c.inherits ().base ().is_a<SemanticGraph::AnyType> ();
+ }
+ }
+ if (restriction)
+ {
+ // First assign the "primary" names.
+ //
+ {
+ PrimaryMemberInRestriction member (
+ *this,
+ member_set,
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex&> (
+ c.inherits ().base ()));
+ Traversal::Names names (member);
+ Complex::names (c, names);
+ }
+ // Assign "derived" names.
+ //
+ {
+ DerivedMemberInRestriction member (
+ *this,
+ member_set,
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex&> (
+ c.inherits ().base ()));
+ Traversal::Names names (member);
+ Complex::names (c, names);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // First assign the "primary" names.
+ //
+ {
+ PrimaryMember member (*this, member_set);
+ Traversal::Names names (member);
+ Complex::names (c, names);
+ }
+ // Assign "derived" names.
+ //
+ {
+ DerivedMember member (*this, member_set);
+ Traversal::Names names (member);
+ Complex::names (c, names);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct GlobalType: Traversal::Type, Context
+ {
+ GlobalType (Context& c, NameSet& set)
+ : Context (c), set_ (set)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Context& c (t.context ());
+ String const& n ( ());
+ String name (find_name (n + skel_suffix, set_));
+ c.set ("name", name);
+ // Assign the post_* name.
+ //
+ c.set ("post", find_post_name (t));
+ // Note that we do not add this name to the set so that it
+ // does not influence other names.
+ //
+ if (impl)
+ c.set ("impl", escape (n + impl_suffix));
+ }
+ private:
+ String
+ find_post_name (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ String const& n ( ());
+ // It is possible that our base has the same type name (just
+ // in a different namespaces). Avoid name clash in this case.
+ //
+ using SemanticGraph::Complex;
+ Complex* c = dynamic_cast<Complex*> (&t);
+ if (c == 0 || !c->inherits_p ())
+ {
+ return escape (L"post_" + n);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NameSet set;
+ // Collect all base's post_*. In some mutual inclusion cases it
+ // is possible that our base won't have the post name assigned
+ // yet. In this situation will will have to figure it out
+ // ourselves (we can do it since we use the "raw" type name).
+ //
+ SemanticGraph::Type* b (&c->inherits ().base ());
+ while (true)
+ {
+ if (b->context ().count ("post"))
+ set.insert (b->context ().get<String> ("post"));
+ else
+ set.insert (find_post_name (*b));
+ Complex* cb (dynamic_cast<Complex*> (b));
+ if (cb != 0 && cb->inherits_p ())
+ {
+ b = &cb->inherits ().base ();
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ String base_name (escape (L"post_" + n));
+ String post (base_name);
+ for (size_t i (1); set.find (post) != set.end (); ++i)
+ {
+ std::wostringstream os;
+ os << i;
+ post = base_name + os.str ();
+ }
+ return post;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ NameSet& set_;
+ };
+ struct Namespace: Traversal::Namespace, Context
+ {
+ Namespace (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& ns)
+ {
+ NameSet& type_set (global_type_names[ ()]);
+ GlobalType type (*this, type_set);
+ Traversal::Names names (type);
+ Traversal::Namespace::names (ns, names);
+ }
+ };
+ struct FundType: Traversal::AnyType,
+ Traversal::AnySimpleType,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Byte,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedByte,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Short,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedShort,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Int,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedInt,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Long,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedLong,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Integer,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::PositiveInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NegativeInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Boolean,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Float,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Double,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Decimal,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::String,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NormalizedString,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Token,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Name,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NameToken,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NameTokens,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NCName,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Language,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::QName,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Id,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::IdRef,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::IdRefs,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::AnyURI,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Base64Binary,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::HexBinary,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Date,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::DateTime,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Duration,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Day,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Month,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::MonthDay,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Year,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::YearMonth,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Time,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Entity,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Entities,
+ Context
+ {
+ FundType (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ // anyType & anySimpleType.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyType& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("any_type"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("any_type"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_any_type"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnySimpleType& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("any_simple_type"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("any_simple_type"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_any_simple_type"));
+ }
+ // Boolean.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Boolean& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("boolean"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("boolean"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_boolean"));
+ }
+ // Integral types.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Byte& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("byte"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("byte"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_byte"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedByte& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("unsigned_byte"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("unsigned_byte"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_unsigned_byte"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Short& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("short"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("short"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_short"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedShort& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("unsigned_short"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("unsigned_short"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_unsigned_short"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Int& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("int"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("int"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_int"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedInt& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("unsigned_int"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("unsigned_int"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_unsigned_int"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Long& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("long"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("long"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_long"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedLong& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("unsigned_long"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("unsigned_long"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_unsigned_long"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Integer& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("integer"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("integer"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_integer"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("non_positive_integer"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("non_positive_integer"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_non_positive_integer"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("non_negative_integer"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("non_negative_integer"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_non_negative_integer"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::PositiveInteger& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("positive_integer"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("positive_integer"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_positive_integer"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NegativeInteger& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("negative_integer"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("negative_integer"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_negative_integer"));
+ }
+ // Floats.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Float& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("float"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("float"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_float"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("double"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("double"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_double"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("decimal"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("decimal"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_decimal"));
+ }
+ // Strings.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::String& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("string"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("string"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_string"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NormalizedString& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("normalized_string"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("normalized_string"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_normalized_string"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Token& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("token"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("token"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_token"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameToken& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("nmtoken"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("nmtoken"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_nmtoken"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameTokens& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("nmtokens"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("nmtokens"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_nmtokens"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Name& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("name"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("name"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_name"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NCName& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("ncname"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("ncname"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_ncname"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Language& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("language"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("language"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_language"));
+ }
+ // Qualified name.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::QName& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("qname"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("qname"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_qname"));
+ }
+ // ID/IDREF.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Id& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("id"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("id"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_id"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRef& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("idref"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("idref"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_idref"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRefs& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("idrefs"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("idrefs"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_idrefs"));
+ }
+ // URI.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::AnyURI& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("uri"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("uri"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_uri"));
+ }
+ // Binary.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Base64Binary& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("base64_binary"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("base64_binary"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_base64_binary"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::HexBinary& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("hex_binary"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("hex_binary"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_hex_binary"));
+ }
+ // Date/time.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Date& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("date"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("date"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_date"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::DateTime& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("date_time"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("date_time"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_date_time"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Duration& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("duration"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("duration"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_duration"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Day& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("gday"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("gday"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_gday"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Month& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("gmonth"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("gmonth"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_gmonth"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::MonthDay& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("gmonth_day"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("gmonth_day"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_gmonth_day"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Year& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("gyear"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("gyear"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_gyear"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::YearMonth& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("gyear_month"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("gyear_month"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_gyear_month"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Time& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("time"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("time"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_time"));
+ }
+ // Entity.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entity& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("entity"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("entity"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_entity"));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entities& t)
+ {
+ t.context ().set ("name", make_skel_name ("entities"));
+ t.context ().set ("impl", make_impl_name ("entities"));
+ t.context ().set ("post", String ("post_entities"));
+ }
+ private:
+ String
+ make_skel_name (String const& base)
+ {
+ return escape (base + skel_suffix);
+ }
+ String
+ make_impl_name (String const& base)
+ {
+ return escape (base + impl_suffix);
+ }
+ };
+ // Go into sourced/included/imported schemas while making sure
+ // we don't process the same stuff more than once.
+ //
+ struct Uses: Traversal::Sources,
+ Traversal::Includes,
+ Traversal::Imports
+ {
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Sources& sr)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& s (sr.schema ());
+ if (!s.context ().count ("cxx-parser-name-processor-seen"))
+ {
+ s.context ().set ("cxx-parser-name-processor-seen", true);
+ Traversal::Sources::traverse (sr);
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Includes& i)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& s (i.schema ());
+ if (!s.context ().count ("cxx-parser-name-processor-seen"))
+ {
+ s.context ().set ("cxx-parser-name-processor-seen", true);
+ Traversal::Includes::traverse (i);
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Imports& i)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& s (i.schema ());
+ if (!s.context ().count ("cxx-parser-name-processor-seen"))
+ {
+ s.context ().set ("cxx-parser-name-processor-seen", true);
+ Traversal::Imports::traverse (i);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // Go into implied schemas while making sure we don't process
+ // the same stuff more than once.
+ //
+ struct Implies: Traversal::Implies
+ {
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Implies& i)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& s (i.schema ());
+ if (!s.context ().count ("cxx-parser-name-processor-seen"))
+ {
+ s.context ().set ("cxx-parser-name-processor-seen", true);
+ Traversal::Implies::traverse (i);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ void
+ process_impl (options const& ops,
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& tu,
+ SemanticGraph::Path const& file,
+ StringLiteralMap const& map)
+ {
+ Context ctx (ops, tu, file, &map);
+ if (tu.names_begin ()->named ().name () ==
+ L"")
+ {
+ // XML Schema namespace.
+ //
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names;
+ Traversal::Namespace ns;
+ Traversal::Names ns_names;
+ FundType fund_type (ctx);
+ schema >> schema_names >> ns >> ns_names >> fund_type;
+ schema.dispatch (tu);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Pass one - assign names to fundamental types.
+ //
+ {
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Implies implies;
+ Traversal::Schema xs_schema;
+ schema >> implies >> xs_schema;
+ Traversal::Names xs_schema_names;
+ Traversal::Namespace ns;
+ Traversal::Names ns_names;
+ FundType fund_type (ctx);
+ xs_schema >> xs_schema_names >> ns >> ns_names >> fund_type;
+ schema.dispatch (tu);
+ }
+ // Pass two - assign names to global types. This pass cannot
+ // be combined with pass three because of possible recursive
+ // schema inclusions. Also note that we check first if this
+ // schema has already been processed which may happen in the
+ // file-per-type compilation mode.
+ //
+ if (!tu.context ().count ("cxx-parser-name-processor-seen"))
+ {
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Uses uses;
+ schema >> uses >> schema;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names;
+ Namespace ns (ctx);
+ schema >> schema_names >> ns;
+ // Some twisted schemas do recusive self-inclusion.
+ //
+ tu.context ().set ("cxx-parser-name-processor-seen", true);
+ schema.dispatch (tu);
+ }
+ // Pass three - assign names inside complex types. Here we don't
+ // need to go into included/imported schemas.
+ //
+ {
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names;
+ Traversal::Namespace ns;
+ Traversal::Names ns_names;
+ schema >> schema_names >> ns >> ns_names;
+ Complex complex (ctx);
+ ns_names >> complex;
+ schema.dispatch (tu);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void NameProcessor::
+ process (options const& ops,
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& tu,
+ SemanticGraph::Path const& file,
+ StringLiteralMap const& map)
+ {
+ process_impl (ops, tu, file, map);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/name-processor.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/name-processor.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8ac28c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/name-processor.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/name-processor.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <xsd/types.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/elements.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/options.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ class NameProcessor
+ {
+ public:
+ void
+ process (options const&,
+ XSDFrontend::SemanticGraph::Schema&,
+ XSDFrontend::SemanticGraph::Path const& file,
+ StringLiteralMap const& map);
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/options.cli b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/options.cli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e430333
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/options.cli
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/options.cli
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+include <cstddef>; // std::size_t
+include <xsd/types.hxx>; // NarrowString, NarrowStrings
+include <xsd/cxx/options.cli>;
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ class options: CXX::options
+ {
+ NarrowStrings --type-map
+ {
+ "<mapfile>",
+ "Read XML Schema to C++ type mapping information from <mapfile>.
+ Repeat this option to specify several type maps. Type maps are
+ considered in order of appearance and the first match is used. By
+ default all user-defined types are mapped to \cb{void}. See the
+ TYPE MAP section below for more information."
+ };
+ NarrowString --xml-parser = "xerces"
+ {
+ "<parser>",
+ "Use <parser> as the underlying XML parser. Valid values are
+ \cb{xerces} for Xerces-C++ (default) and \cb{expat} for Expat."
+ };
+ // Features.
+ //
+ bool --generate-validation
+ {
+ "Generate validation code. The validation code (\"perfect parser\")
+ ensures that instance documents conform to the schema. Validation
+ code is generated by default when the selected underlying XML parser
+ is non-validating (\cb{expat})."
+ };
+ bool --suppress-validation
+ {
+ "Suppress the generation of validation code. Validation is suppressed
+ by default when the selected underlying XML parser is validating
+ (\cb{xerces})."
+ };
+ bool --generate-polymorphic
+ {
+ "Generate polymorphism-aware code. Specify this option if you use
+ substitution groups or \cb{xsi:type}."
+ };
+ bool --generate-noop-impl
+ {
+ "Generate a sample parser implementation that does nothing (no
+ operation). The sample implementation can then be filled with
+ the application-specific code. For an input file in the form
+ \cb{name.xsd} this option triggers the generation of two
+ additional C++ files in the form: \cb{name-pimpl.hxx} (parser
+ implementation header file) and \cb{name-pimpl.cxx} (parser
+ implementation source file)."
+ };
+ bool --generate-print-impl
+ {
+ "Generate a sample parser implementation that prints the XML data
+ to \c{STDOUT}. For an input file in the form \cb{name.xsd} this
+ option triggers the generation of two additional C++ files in the
+ form: \cb{name-pimpl.hxx} (parser implementation header file) and
+ \cb{name-pimpl.cxx} (parser implementation source file)."
+ };
+ bool --generate-test-driver
+ {
+ "Generate a test driver for the sample parser implementation. For an
+ input file in the form \cb{name.xsd} this option triggers the
+ generation of an additional C++ file in the form
+ \cb{name-driver.cxx}."
+ };
+ bool --force-overwrite
+ {
+ "Force overwriting of the existing implementation and test driver
+ files. Use this option only if you do not mind loosing the changes
+ you have made in the sample implementation or test driver files."
+ };
+ // Root element.
+ //
+ bool --root-element-first
+ {
+ "Indicate that the first global element is the document root. This
+ information is used to generate the test driver for the sample
+ implementation."
+ };
+ bool --root-element-last
+ {
+ "Indicate that the last global element is the document root. This
+ information is used to generate the test driver for the sample
+ implementation."
+ };
+ NarrowString --root-element
+ {
+ "<element>",
+ "Indicate that <element> is the document root. This information is
+ used to generate the test driver for the sample implementation."
+ };
+ // Suffixes.
+ //
+ NarrowString --skel-type-suffix = "_pskel"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use the provided <suffix> instead of the default \cb{_pskel} to
+ construct the names of the generated parser skeletons."
+ };
+ NarrowString --skel-file-suffix = "-pskel"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use the provided <suffix> instead of the default \cb{-pskel} to
+ construct the names of the generated parser skeleton files."
+ };
+ NarrowString --impl-type-suffix = "_pimpl"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use the provided <suffix> instead of the default \cb{_pimpl} to
+ construct the names of the parser implementations for the built-in
+ XML Schema types as well as sample parser implementations."
+ };
+ NarrowString --impl-file-suffix = "-pimpl"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use the provided <suffix> instead of the default \cb{-pimpl} to
+ construct the names of the generated sample parser implementation
+ files."
+ };
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/parser-forward.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/parser-forward.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65603fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/parser-forward.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/parser-forward.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/parser-forward.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ struct Enumeration: Traversal::Enumeration, Context
+ {
+ Enumeration (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ os << "class " << ename (e) << ";";
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct List: Traversal::List, Context
+ {
+ List (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& l)
+ {
+ os << "class " << ename (l) << ";";
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct Union: Traversal::Union, Context
+ {
+ Union (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& u)
+ {
+ os << "class " << ename (u) << ";";
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct Complex: Traversal::Complex, Context
+ {
+ Complex (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& c)
+ {
+ os << "class " << ename (c) << ";";
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ void
+ generate_parser_forward (Context& ctx)
+ {
+ ctx.os << "// Forward declarations" << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names;
+ Namespace ns (ctx);
+ Traversal::Names names;
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ schema >> schema_names >> ns >> names;
+ List list (ctx);
+ Union union_ (ctx);
+ Complex complex (ctx);
+ Enumeration enumeration (ctx);
+ names >> list;
+ names >> union_;
+ names >> complex;
+ names >> enumeration;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ ctx.os << endl;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/parser-forward.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/parser-forward.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5345a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/parser-forward.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/parser-forward.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/elements.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ void
+ generate_parser_forward (Context&);
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/parser-header.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/parser-header.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..327bb07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/parser-header.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1440 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/parser-header.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <set>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/parser-header.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+using namespace std;
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ struct Enumeration: Traversal::Enumeration, Context
+ {
+ Enumeration (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ String const& name (ename (e));
+ SemanticGraph::Type& base (e.inherits ().base ());
+ os << "class " << type_exp << name << ": public virtual " <<
+ fq_name (base)
+ << "{"
+ << "public:" << endl
+ << "// Parser callbacks. Override them in your " <<
+ "implementation." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ os << "// virtual void" << endl
+ << "// pre ();" << endl
+ << endl;
+ String const& ret (ret_type (e));
+ bool same (ret == ret_type (base));
+ os << "virtual " << ret << endl
+ << post_name (e) << " ()" <<
+ (same || ret == L"void" ? ";" : " = 0;");
+ if (polymorphic)
+ {
+ os << endl
+ << "public:" << endl
+ << "static const " << char_type << "*" << endl
+ << "_static_type ();"
+ << endl
+ << "virtual const " << char_type << "*" << endl
+ << "_dynamic_type () const;";
+ }
+ os << "};";
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct List: Traversal::List, Context
+ {
+ List (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& l)
+ {
+ String const& name (ename (l));
+ SemanticGraph::Type& t (l.argumented ().type ());
+ String item (unclash (name, "item"));
+ os << "class " << type_exp << name << ": public " << list_base
+ << "{"
+ << "public:" << endl
+ << "// Parser callbacks. Override them in your " <<
+ "implementation." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ // pre
+ //
+ os << "// virtual void" << endl
+ << "// pre ();" << endl
+ << endl;
+ // item
+ //
+ String const& arg (arg_type (t));
+ os << "virtual void" << endl
+ << item;
+ if (arg == L"void")
+ os << " ();";
+ else
+ os << " (" << arg << ");";
+ os << endl;
+ // post
+ //
+ String const& ret (ret_type (l));
+ os << "virtual " << ret << endl
+ << post_name (l) << " ()" << (ret == L"void" ? ";" : " = 0;")
+ << endl;
+ //
+ //
+ os << "// Parser construction API." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ // item_parser
+ //
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << unclash (name, "item_parser") << " (" << fq_name (t) << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ // parsers
+ //
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << "parsers (" << fq_name (t) << "& /* item */);"
+ << endl;
+ // c-tor
+ //
+ os << "// Constructor." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << name << " ();"
+ << endl;
+ if (polymorphic)
+ {
+ os << "public:" << endl
+ << "static const " << char_type << "*" << endl
+ << "_static_type ();"
+ << endl
+ << "virtual const " << char_type << "*" << endl
+ << "_dynamic_type () const;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ os << "// Implementation." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "protected:" << endl;
+ os << "virtual void" << endl
+ << "_xsd_parse_item (const " << string_type << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ os << "protected:" << endl
+ << fq_name (t) << "* _xsd_" << item << "_;"
+ << "};";
+ }
+ };
+ struct Union: Traversal::Union, Context
+ {
+ Union (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& u)
+ {
+ String const& name (ename (u));
+ os << "class " << type_exp << name << ": public " << simple_base
+ << "{"
+ << "public:" << endl
+ << "// Parser callbacks. Override them in your " <<
+ "implementation." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ os << "// virtual void" << endl
+ << "// pre ();" << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "// virtual void" << endl
+ << "// _characters (const " << string_type << "&);" << endl
+ << endl;
+ String const& ret (ret_type (u));
+ os << "virtual " << ret << endl
+ << post_name (u) << " ()" << (ret == L"void" ? ";" : " = 0;");
+ if (polymorphic)
+ {
+ os << endl
+ << "public:" << endl
+ << "static const " << char_type << "*" << endl
+ << "_static_type ();"
+ << endl
+ << "virtual const " << char_type << "*" << endl
+ << "_dynamic_type () const;";
+ }
+ os << "};";
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct ParserCallback: Traversal::Member, Context
+ {
+ ParserCallback (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& m)
+ {
+ if (skip (m)) return;
+ String const& arg (arg_type (m.type ()));
+ os << "virtual void" << endl
+ << ename (m);
+ if (arg == L"void")
+ os << " ();";
+ else
+ os << " (" << arg << ");";
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct ParserModifier: Traversal::Member, Context
+ {
+ ParserModifier (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& m)
+ {
+ if (skip (m))
+ return;
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << eparser (m) << " (" << fq_name (m.type ()) << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ if (polymorphic &&
+ m.is_a<SemanticGraph::Element> () &&
+ !anonymous (m.type ()))
+ {
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << eparser (m) << " (const " << parser_map << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct ParserMember: Traversal::Member, Context
+ {
+ ParserMember (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& m)
+ {
+ if (skip (m))
+ return;
+ String type (fq_name (m.type ()));
+ os << type << "* " << emember (m) << ";";
+ if (polymorphic &&
+ m.is_a<SemanticGraph::Element> () &&
+ !anonymous (m.type ()))
+ {
+ os << "const " << parser_map << "* " << emember_map (m) << ";"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct Particle: Traversal::All,
+ Traversal::Choice,
+ Traversal::Sequence,
+ Context
+ {
+ Particle (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ *this >> contains_particle_ >> *this;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::All& a)
+ {
+ if (!a.context().count ("comp-number"))
+ return;
+ size_t state_count (a.context().get<size_t> ("state-count"));
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << "all_0 (unsigned long& state," << endl
+ << "unsigned char* count," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& ns," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& n," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "* t," << endl
+ << "bool start);"
+ << endl
+ << "unsigned char v_all_first_[" << state_count << "UL];"
+ << "::xsd::cxx::parser::validating::all_stack v_all_count_;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Choice& c)
+ {
+ if (!c.context().count ("comp-number"))
+ return;
+ size_t n (c.context ().get<size_t> ("comp-number"));
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << "choice_" << n << " (unsigned long& state," << endl
+ << "unsigned long& count," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& ns," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& n," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "* t," << endl
+ << "bool start);"
+ << endl;
+ Traversal::Choice::traverse (c);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Sequence& s)
+ {
+ if (!s.context().count ("comp-number"))
+ return;
+ size_t n (s.context ().get<size_t> ("comp-number"));
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << "sequence_" << n << " (unsigned long& state," << endl
+ << "unsigned long& count," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& ns," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& n," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "* t," << endl
+ << "bool start);"
+ << endl;
+ Traversal::Sequence::traverse (s);
+ }
+ private:
+ Traversal::ContainsParticle contains_particle_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct AttributeValidationState: Traversal::Attribute, Context
+ {
+ AttributeValidationState (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& a)
+ {
+ if (!a.optional_p ())
+ {
+ os << "bool " << ename (a) << ";";
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct Complex: Traversal::Complex, Context
+ {
+ Complex (Context& c)
+ : Context (c),
+ parser_callback_ (c),
+ parser_member_ (c),
+ parser_modifier_ (c),
+ attribute_validation_state_ (c)
+ {
+ names_parser_callback_ >> parser_callback_;
+ names_parser_member_ >> parser_member_;
+ names_parser_modifier_ >> parser_modifier_;
+ names_attribute_validation_state_ >> attribute_validation_state_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& c)
+ {
+ String const& name (ename (c));
+ // In case of an inheritance-by-restriction, we don't need to
+ // generate parser callbacks, etc. since they are the same as in
+ // the base. We only need the parsing/validation code.
+ //
+ bool restriction (restriction_p (c));
+ bool he (has<Traversal::Element> (c));
+ bool ha (has<Traversal::Attribute> (c));
+ bool hae (has_particle<Traversal::Any> (c));
+ bool haa (has<Traversal::AnyAttribute> (c));
+ bool hra (false); // Has required attribute.
+ if (ha)
+ {
+ RequiredAttributeTest test (hra);
+ Traversal::Names names_test (test);
+ names (c, names_test);
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ os << "class " << type_exp << name << ": public ";
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ os << "virtual " << fq_name (c.inherits ().base ());
+ else
+ os << complex_base;
+ os << "{"
+ << "public:" << endl
+ << "// Parser callbacks. Override them in your " <<
+ "implementation." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ os << "// virtual void" << endl
+ << "// pre ();" << endl
+ << endl;
+ if (!restriction && (ha || he))
+ {
+ names (c, names_parser_callback_);
+ }
+ String const& ret (ret_type (c));
+ bool same (c.inherits_p () &&
+ ret == ret_type (c.inherits ().base ()));
+ os << "virtual " << ret << endl
+ << post_name (c) << " ()" <<
+ (same || ret == L"void" ? ";" : " = 0;")
+ << endl;
+ //
+ //
+ if (!restriction && (he || ha))
+ {
+ os << "// Parser construction API." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ names (c, names_parser_modifier_);
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << "parsers (";
+ {
+ ParserParamDecl decl (*this, false);
+ decl.traverse (c);
+ }
+ os << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // Default c-tor.
+ //
+ if ((!restriction && (he || ha)) ||
+ (validation && (he || hae || hra)))
+ {
+ os << "// Constructor." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << name << " ();"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (polymorphic)
+ {
+ os << "public:" << endl
+ << "static const " << char_type << "*" << endl
+ << "_static_type ();"
+ << endl
+ << "virtual const " << char_type << "*" << endl
+ << "_dynamic_type () const;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // Implementation.
+ //
+ if (he || ha || (validation && (hae || haa)))
+ {
+ os << "// Implementation." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "protected:" << endl;
+ }
+ // element
+ //
+ if (he || (validation && hae))
+ {
+ // _start_element_impl
+ //
+ os << "virtual bool" << endl
+ << "_start_element_impl (const " << string_type << "&," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "&," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "*);"
+ << endl;
+ // end_element
+ //
+ os << "virtual bool" << endl
+ << "_end_element_impl (const " << string_type << "&," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // attribute
+ //
+ if (validation)
+ {
+ if (ha)
+ {
+ os << "virtual bool" << endl
+ << "_attribute_impl_phase_one (const " << string_type <<
+ "&," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "&," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "&);" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (haa)
+ {
+ os << "virtual bool" << endl
+ << "_attribute_impl_phase_two (const " << string_type <<
+ "&," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "&," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (ha)
+ {
+ os << "virtual bool" << endl
+ << "_attribute_impl (const " << string_type << "&," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "&," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // characters
+ //
+ if (validation && c.mixed_p ())
+ {
+ os << "virtual bool" << endl
+ << "_characters_impl (const " << string_type << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (!restriction && (he || ha))
+ {
+ os << "protected:" << endl;
+ names (c, names_parser_member_);
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ if (validation && (he || hae))
+ {
+ size_t depth (c.context ().get<size_t> ("depth"));
+ os << "protected:" << endl;
+ os << "struct v_state_descr_"
+ << "{"
+ << "void (" << fq_name (c) << "::*func) (" << endl
+ << "unsigned long&," << endl
+ << "unsigned long&," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "&," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "&," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "*," << endl
+ << "bool);"
+ << "unsigned long state;"
+ << "unsigned long count;"
+ << "};";
+ // Allocate one extra slot for the special state.
+ //
+ os << "struct v_state_"
+ << "{"
+ << "v_state_descr_ data[" << depth + 1 << "UL];"
+ << "unsigned long size;"
+ << "};";
+ os << "v_state_ v_state_first_;"
+ << "::xsd::cxx::parser::pod_stack v_state_stack_;"
+ << endl;
+ os << "virtual void" << endl
+ << "_pre_e_validate ();"
+ << endl;
+ os << "virtual void" << endl
+ << "_post_e_validate ();"
+ << endl;
+ Particle t (*this);
+ t.dispatch (c.contains_compositor ().compositor ());
+ }
+ if (validation && hra)
+ {
+ os << "protected:" << endl;
+ os << "struct v_state_attr_"
+ << "{";
+ names (c, names_attribute_validation_state_);
+ os << "};";
+ os << "v_state_attr_ v_state_attr_first_;"
+ << "::xsd::cxx::parser::pod_stack v_state_attr_stack_;"
+ << endl;
+ os << "virtual void" << endl
+ << "_pre_a_validate ();"
+ << endl;
+ os << "virtual void" << endl
+ << "_post_a_validate ();"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ os << "};";
+ }
+ private:
+ //
+ //
+ ParserCallback parser_callback_;
+ Traversal::Names names_parser_callback_;
+ //
+ //
+ ParserMember parser_member_;
+ Traversal::Names names_parser_member_;
+ //
+ //
+ ParserModifier parser_modifier_;
+ Traversal::Names names_parser_modifier_;
+ //
+ //
+ AttributeValidationState attribute_validation_state_;
+ Traversal::Names names_attribute_validation_state_;
+ };
+ struct FundType : Context,
+ Traversal::AnyType,
+ Traversal::AnySimpleType,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Byte,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedByte,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Short,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedShort,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Int,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedInt,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Long,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedLong,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Integer,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::PositiveInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NegativeInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Boolean,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Float,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Double,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Decimal,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::String,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NormalizedString,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Token,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Name,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NameToken,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NameTokens,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NCName,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Language,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::QName,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Id,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::IdRef,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::IdRefs,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::AnyURI,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Base64Binary,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::HexBinary,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Date,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::DateTime,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Duration,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Day,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Month,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::MonthDay,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Year,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::YearMonth,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Time,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Entity,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Entities
+ {
+ FundType (Context& c)
+ : Context (c), xs_ns_ (xs_ns_name ())
+ {
+ impl_ns_ = "::xsd::cxx::parser::";
+ impl_ns_ += (validation ? L"validating" : L"non_validating");
+ if (char_type == L"char")
+ string_type_ = L"::std::string";
+ else if (char_type == L"wchar_t")
+ string_type_ = L"::std::wstring";
+ else
+ string_type_ = L"::std::basic_string< " + char_type + L" >";
+ }
+ // anyType & anySimpleType.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyType& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, "void", "any_type_pskel", "any_type_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnySimpleType& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, "void",
+ "any_simple_type_pskel", "any_simple_type_pimpl");
+ }
+ // Boolean.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Boolean& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, "bool", "boolean_pskel", "boolean_pimpl");
+ }
+ // Integral types.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Byte& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, "signed char", "byte_pskel", "byte_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedByte& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, "unsigned char",
+ "unsigned_byte_pskel", "unsigned_byte_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Short& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, "short", "short_pskel", "short_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedShort& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, "unsigned short",
+ "unsigned_short_pskel", "unsigned_short_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Int& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, "int", "int_pskel", "int_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedInt& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, "unsigned int",
+ "unsigned_int_pskel", "unsigned_int_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Long& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, "long long", "long_pskel", "long_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedLong& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, "unsigned long long",
+ "unsigned_long_pskel", "unsigned_long_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Integer& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, "long long", "integer_pskel", "integer_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NegativeInteger& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, "long long",
+ "negative_integer_pskel", "negative_integer_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, "long long",
+ "non_positive_integer_pskel",
+ "non_positive_integer_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::PositiveInteger& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, "unsigned long long",
+ "positive_integer_pskel", "positive_integer_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, "unsigned long long",
+ "non_negative_integer_pskel",
+ "non_negative_integer_pimpl");
+ }
+ // Floats.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Float& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, "float", "float_pskel", "float_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, "double", "double_pskel", "double_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, "double", "decimal_pskel", "decimal_pimpl");
+ }
+ // Strings.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::String& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, string_type_, "string_pskel", "string_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NormalizedString& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, string_type_,
+ "normalized_string_pskel", "normalized_string_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Token& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, string_type_, "token_pskel", "token_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameToken& t)
+ {
+ nmtoken_ = gen_typedef (t, string_type_,
+ "nmtoken_pskel", "nmtoken_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameTokens& t)
+ {
+ // NMTOKENS uses NMTOKEN implementation to parse individual items.
+ // As a result, we don't generate NMTOKENS if we didn't generate
+ // NMTOKEN. Here we assume NMTOKEN is handled before NMTOKENS.
+ //
+ if(nmtoken_)
+ gen_typedef (t, xs_ns_ + L"::string_sequence",
+ "nmtokens_pskel", "nmtokens_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Name& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, string_type_, "name_pskel", "name_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NCName& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, string_type_, "ncname_pskel", "ncname_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Language& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, string_type_, "language_pskel", "language_pimpl");
+ }
+ // Qualified name.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::QName& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, xs_ns_ + L"::qname", "qname_pskel", "qname_pimpl");
+ }
+ // ID/IDREF.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Id& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, string_type_, "id_pskel", "id_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRef& t)
+ {
+ idref_ = gen_typedef (t, string_type_, "idref_pskel", "idref_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRefs& t)
+ {
+ // IDREFS uses IDREF implementation to parse individual items.
+ // As a result, we don't generate IDREFS if we didn't generate
+ // IDREF. Here we assume IDREF is handled before IDREFS.
+ //
+ if (idref_)
+ gen_typedef (t, xs_ns_ + L"::string_sequence",
+ "idrefs_pskel", "idrefs_pimpl");
+ }
+ // URI.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::AnyURI& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, string_type_, "uri_pskel", "uri_pimpl");
+ }
+ // Binary.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Base64Binary& t)
+ {
+ String buffer (auto_ptr + L"< " + xs_ns_ + L"::buffer >");
+ gen_typedef (t, buffer,
+ "base64_binary_pskel", "base64_binary_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::HexBinary& t)
+ {
+ String buffer (auto_ptr + L"< " + xs_ns_ + L"::buffer >");
+ gen_typedef (t, buffer, "hex_binary_pskel", "hex_binary_pimpl");
+ }
+ // Date/time.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Date& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, xs_ns_ + L"::date", "date_pskel", "date_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::DateTime& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, xs_ns_ + L"::date_time",
+ "date_time_pskel", "date_time_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Duration& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, xs_ns_ + L"::duration",
+ "duration_pskel", "duration_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Day& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, xs_ns_ + L"::gday", "gday_pskel", "gday_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Month& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, xs_ns_ + L"::gmonth",
+ "gmonth_pskel", "gmonth_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::MonthDay& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, xs_ns_ + L"::gmonth_day",
+ "gmonth_day_pskel", "gmonth_day_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Year& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, xs_ns_ + L"::gyear", "gyear_pskel", "gyear_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::YearMonth& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, xs_ns_ + L"::gyear_month",
+ "gyear_month_pskel", "gyear_month_pimpl");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Time& t)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (t, xs_ns_ + L"::time", "time_pskel", "time_pimpl");
+ }
+ // Entity.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entity&)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entities&)
+ {
+ }
+ private:
+ bool
+ gen_typedef (SemanticGraph::Type& t,
+ String const& type,
+ String const& pskel,
+ String const& pimpl)
+ {
+ if (ret_type (t) == type)
+ {
+ os << "typedef " << impl_ns_ << "::" << pskel << "< " <<
+ char_type << " > " << ename (t) << ";";
+ String const& pimpl_name (t.context ().get<String> ("impl"));
+ os << "typedef " << impl_ns_ << "::" << pimpl << "< " <<
+ char_type << " > " << pimpl_name << ";"
+ << endl;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ String xs_ns_;
+ String impl_ns_;
+ String string_type_;
+ bool idref_;
+ bool nmtoken_;
+ };
+ struct FundNamespace: Namespace, Context
+ {
+ FundNamespace (Context& c)
+ : Namespace (c), Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ void
+ traverse (Type& ns)
+ {
+ pre (ns);
+ String impl ("::xsd::cxx::parser::");
+ impl += (validation ? L"validating" : L"non_validating");
+ String const c (char_type);
+ os << "// Built-in XML Schema types mapping." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::parser::string_sequence< " << c <<
+ " > string_sequence;"
+ << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::parser::qname< " << c << " > qname;"
+ << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::parser::buffer buffer;"
+ << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::parser::time_zone time_zone;"
+ << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::parser::gday gday;"
+ << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::parser::gmonth gmonth;"
+ << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::parser::gyear gyear;"
+ << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::parser::gmonth_day gmonth_day;"
+ << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::parser::gyear_month gyear_month;"
+ << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::parser::date date;"
+ << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::parser::time time;"
+ << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::parser::date_time date_time;"
+ << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::parser::duration duration;"
+ << endl;
+ os << "// Base parser skeletons." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::parser::parser_base< " << c <<
+ " > parser_base;"
+ << "typedef " << impl << "::empty_content< " << c <<
+ " > empty_content;"
+ << "typedef " << impl << "::simple_content< " << c <<
+ " > simple_content;"
+ << "typedef " << impl << "::complex_content< " << c <<
+ " > complex_content;"
+ << "typedef " << impl << "::list_base< " << c << " > list_base;"
+ << endl;
+ if (polymorphic)
+ {
+ os << "// Parser map interface and default implementation." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::parser::parser_map< " << c <<
+ " > parser_map;"
+ << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::parser::parser_map_impl< " << c <<
+ " > parser_map_impl;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ os << "// Parser skeletons and implementations for the XML Schema" << endl
+ << "// built-in types." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ names (ns);
+ os << "// Exceptions. See xsd/cxx/parser/exceptions.hxx " <<
+ "for details." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::parser::exception< " <<
+ char_type << " > exception;"
+ << endl
+ << "// Parsing diagnostics." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::parser::severity severity;"
+ << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::parser::error< " << c << " > error;"
+ << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::parser::diagnostics< " << c <<
+ " > diagnostics;"
+ << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::parser::parsing< " << c << " > parsing;"
+ << endl;
+ os << "// Error handler. See " <<
+ "xsd/cxx/xml/error-handler.hxx for details." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::xml::error_handler< " << c <<
+ " > error_handler;"
+ << endl;
+ os << "// Read-only string." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::ro_string< " << c << " > ro_string;"
+ << endl;
+ if (xml_parser == L"xerces")
+ {
+ os << "// Parsing flags. See " <<
+ "xsd/cxx/parser/xerces/elements.hxx" << endl
+ << "// for details." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::parser::xerces::flags flags;"
+ << endl;
+ os << "// Parsing properties. See " <<
+ "xsd/cxx/parser/xerces/elements.hxx" << endl
+ << "// for details." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::parser::xerces::properties< " << c <<
+ " > properties;"
+ << endl;
+ os << "// Document type. See " <<
+ "xsd/cxx/parser/xerces/elements.hxx" << endl
+ << "// for details." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::parser::xerces::document< " << c <<
+ " > document;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ else if (xml_parser == L"expat")
+ {
+ os << "// Document type. See " <<
+ "xsd/cxx/parser/expat/elements.hxx" << endl
+ << "// for details." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::parser::expat::document< " << c <<
+ " > document;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ post (ns);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ void
+ generate_parser_header (Context& ctx, bool generate_xml_schema)
+ {
+ String c (ctx.char_type);
+ //
+ //
+ if (c == L"char")
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#ifndef XSD_USE_CHAR" << endl
+ << "#define XSD_USE_CHAR" << endl
+ << "#endif" << endl
+ << endl;
+ ctx.os << "#ifndef XSD_CXX_PARSER_USE_CHAR" << endl
+ << "#define XSD_CXX_PARSER_USE_CHAR" << endl
+ << "#endif" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ else if (c == L"wchar_t")
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#ifndef XSD_USE_WCHAR" << endl
+ << "#define XSD_USE_WCHAR" << endl
+ << "#endif" << endl
+ << endl;
+ ctx.os << "#ifndef XSD_CXX_PARSER_USE_WCHAR" << endl
+ << "#define XSD_CXX_PARSER_USE_WCHAR" << endl
+ << "#endif" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ NarrowString extern_xml_schema;
+ if (!generate_xml_schema)
+ extern_xml_schema = ctx.options.extern_xml_schema ();
+ if (extern_xml_schema)
+ {
+ String name (ctx.hxx_expr->replace (extern_xml_schema));
+ ctx.os << "#include " << ctx.process_include_path (name) << endl
+ << endl;
+ // Generate includes that came from the type map.
+ //
+ if (ctx.schema_root.context ().count ("includes"))
+ {
+ typedef set<String> Includes;
+ Includes const& is (
+ ctx.schema_root.context ().get<Includes> ("includes"));
+ for (Includes::const_reverse_iterator i (is.rbegin ());
+ i != is.rend (); ++i)
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#include " << *i << endl;
+ }
+ ctx.os << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (ctx.char_type == L"char" &&
+ ctx.xml_parser == L"xerces" &&
+ ctx.char_encoding != L"custom")
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/xml/char-" << ctx.char_encoding << ".hxx>" << endl;
+ }
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/xml/error-handler.hxx>" << endl
+ << "#include <xsd/cxx/parser/exceptions.hxx>" << endl
+ << "#include <xsd/cxx/parser/elements.hxx>" << endl
+ << "#include <xsd/cxx/parser/xml-schema.hxx>" << endl;
+ if (ctx.polymorphic)
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/parser/map.hxx>" << endl;
+ if (ctx.validation)
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/parser/validating/parser.hxx>" << endl
+ << "#include <xsd/cxx/parser/validating/exceptions.hxx>" << endl
+ << "#include <xsd/cxx/parser/validating/xml-schema-pskel.hxx>" << endl
+ << "#include <xsd/cxx/parser/validating/xml-schema-pimpl.hxx>" << endl;
+ else
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/parser/non-validating/parser.hxx>" << endl
+ << "#include <xsd/cxx/parser/non-validating/xml-schema-pskel.hxx>" << endl
+ << "#include <xsd/cxx/parser/non-validating/xml-schema-pimpl.hxx>" << endl;
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/parser/" << ctx.xml_parser <<
+ "/elements.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ // Generate includes that came from the type map.
+ //
+ if (ctx.schema_root.context ().count ("includes"))
+ {
+ typedef set<String> Includes;
+ Includes const& is (
+ ctx.schema_root.context ().get<Includes> ("includes"));
+ for (Includes::const_reverse_iterator i (is.rbegin ());
+ i != is.rend (); ++i)
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#include " << *i << endl;
+ }
+ ctx.os << endl;
+ }
+ // Generate fundamental types.
+ //
+ if (generate_xml_schema)
+ {
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Traversal::Names names;
+ FundNamespace ns (ctx);
+ schema >> names >> ns;
+ Traversal::Names ns_names;
+ FundType type (ctx);
+ ns >> ns_names >> type;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Traversal::Schema schema, xsd;
+ Traversal::Implies implies;
+ Traversal::Names names;
+ FundNamespace ns (ctx);
+ schema >> implies >> xsd >> names >> ns;
+ Traversal::Names ns_names;
+ FundType type (ctx);
+ ns >> ns_names >> type;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ }
+ // Generate user type mapping.
+ //
+ if (!generate_xml_schema)
+ {
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ Includes includes (ctx, Includes::header);
+ Traversal::Names schema_names;
+ Namespace ns (ctx);
+ Traversal::Names names;
+ schema >> includes;
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ schema >> schema_names >> ns >> names;
+ List list (ctx);
+ Union union_ (ctx);
+ Complex complex (ctx);
+ Enumeration enumeration (ctx);
+ names >> list;
+ names >> union_;
+ names >> complex;
+ names >> enumeration;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/parser-header.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/parser-header.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..642da40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/parser-header.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/parser-header.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/elements.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ void
+ generate_parser_header (Context&, bool generate_xml_schema);
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/parser-inline.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/parser-inline.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6705d5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/parser-inline.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/parser-inline.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/parser-inline.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ //
+ //
+ struct List: Traversal::List, Context
+ {
+ List (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& l)
+ {
+ String const& name (ename (l));
+ SemanticGraph::Type& t (l.argumented ().type ());
+ String item (unclash (name, "item"));
+ os << "// " << name << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << endl;
+ // item_parser
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << "void " << name << "::" << endl
+ << unclash (name, "item_parser") << " (" <<
+ fq_name (t) << "& " << item << ")"
+ << "{"
+ << "this->_xsd_" << item << "_ = &" << item << ";"
+ << "}";
+ // parsers
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << "void " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "parsers (" << fq_name (t) << "& " << item << ")"
+ << "{"
+ << "this->_xsd_" << item << "_ = &" << item << ";"
+ << "}";
+ // c-tor
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " ()" << endl
+ << ": _xsd_" << item << "_ (0)"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct ParserModifier: Traversal::Member, Context
+ {
+ ParserModifier (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& m)
+ {
+ if (skip (m))
+ return;
+ String const& scope (ename (m.scope ()));
+ String const& parser (eparser (m));
+ bool poly (polymorphic &&
+ m.is_a<SemanticGraph::Element> () &&
+ !anonymous (m.type ()));
+ os << inl
+ << "void " << scope << "::" << endl
+ << parser << " (" << fq_name (m.type ()) << "& p)"
+ << "{"
+ << "this->" << emember (m) << " = &p;"
+ << "}";
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ os << inl
+ << "void " << scope << "::" << endl
+ << parser << " (const " << parser_map << "& m)"
+ << "{"
+ << "this->" << emember_map (m) << " = &m;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct ParserMemberSet: Traversal::Member, Context
+ {
+ ParserMemberSet (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& m)
+ {
+ if (skip (m)) return;
+ String const& name (ename (m));
+ os << "this->" << emember (m) << " = &" << name << ";";
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct ParserMemberInit: Traversal::Member, Context
+ {
+ ParserMemberInit (Context& c)
+ : Context (c), first_ (true)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& m)
+ {
+ if (skip (m)) return;
+ if (first_)
+ first_ = false;
+ else
+ os << "," << endl << " ";
+ os << emember (m) << " (0)";
+ if (polymorphic &&
+ m.is_a<SemanticGraph::Element> () &&
+ !anonymous (m.type ()))
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << emember_map (m) << " (0)";
+ }
+ }
+ bool
+ comma () const
+ {
+ return !first_;
+ }
+ private:
+ bool first_;
+ };
+ struct ParserBaseSet: Traversal::Complex,
+ Traversal::List,
+ Context
+ {
+ ParserBaseSet (Context& c)
+ : Context (c), member_ (c)
+ {
+ inherits_ >> *this;
+ names_ >> member_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ inherits (c, inherits_);
+ if (!restriction_p (c))
+ names (c, names_);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::List& l)
+ {
+ String const& name (ename (l));
+ String item (unclash (name, "item"));
+ os << "this->_xsd_" << item << "_ = &" << name << "_item;";
+ }
+ private:
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_;
+ ParserMemberSet member_;
+ Traversal::Names names_;
+ };
+ struct Particle: Traversal::All, Context
+ {
+ Particle (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::All& a)
+ {
+ if (!a.context().count ("comp-number"))
+ return;
+ size_t state_count (a.context().get<size_t> ("state-count"));
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " v_all_count_ (" << state_count << "UL, v_all_first_)";
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct Complex: Traversal::Complex, Context
+ {
+ Complex (Context& c)
+ : Context (c),
+ parser_modifier_ (c),
+ parser_base_set_ (c),
+ parser_member_set_ (c),
+ particle_ (c)
+ {
+ names_parser_modifier_ >> parser_modifier_;
+ inherits_parser_base_set_ >> parser_base_set_;
+ names_parser_member_set_ >> parser_member_set_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& c)
+ {
+ bool he (has<Traversal::Element> (c));
+ bool ha (has<Traversal::Attribute> (c));
+ bool hae (has_particle<Traversal::Any> (c));
+ bool hra (false); // Has required attribute.
+ if (ha)
+ {
+ RequiredAttributeTest test (hra);
+ Traversal::Names names_test (test);
+ names (c, names_test);
+ }
+ bool restriction (restriction_p (c));
+ if (!((!restriction && (he || ha)) ||
+ (validation && (he || hae || hra))))
+ return;
+ String const& name (ename (c));
+ os << "// " << name << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << endl;
+ if (!restriction && (he || ha))
+ {
+ // <name>_parser ()
+ //
+ names (c, names_parser_modifier_);
+ // parsers ()
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << "void " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "parsers (";
+ {
+ ParserParamDecl decl (*this, true);
+ decl.traverse (c);
+ }
+ os << ")"
+ << "{";
+ inherits (c, inherits_parser_base_set_);
+ names (c, names_parser_member_set_);
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ // Default c-tor.
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " ()" << endl
+ << ": ";
+ bool comma (false);
+ if (!restriction && (he || ha))
+ {
+ ParserMemberInit member_init (*this);
+ Traversal::Names names_member_init (member_init);
+ names (c, names_member_init);
+ comma = member_init.comma ();
+ }
+ if (validation && (he || hae))
+ {
+ if (comma)
+ os << "," << endl << " ";
+ os << "v_state_stack_ (sizeof (v_state_), &v_state_first_)";
+ particle_.dispatch (c.contains_compositor ().compositor ());
+ comma = true;
+ }
+ if (validation && (hra))
+ {
+ if (comma)
+ os << "," << endl << " ";
+ os << "v_state_attr_stack_ (sizeof (v_state_attr_), " <<
+ "&v_state_attr_first_)";
+ }
+ os << "{"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ private:
+ //
+ //
+ ParserModifier parser_modifier_;
+ Traversal::Names names_parser_modifier_;
+ //
+ //
+ ParserBaseSet parser_base_set_;
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_parser_base_set_;
+ //
+ //
+ ParserMemberSet parser_member_set_;
+ Traversal::Names names_parser_member_set_;
+ //
+ //
+ Particle particle_;
+ };
+ }
+ void
+ generate_parser_inline (Context& ctx)
+ {
+ // Emit "weak" header includes that are used in the file-per-type
+ // compilation model.
+ //
+ if (!ctx.options.generate_inline ())
+ {
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Includes includes (ctx, Includes::source);
+ schema >> includes;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names;
+ Namespace ns (ctx);
+ Traversal::Names names;
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ schema >> schema_names >> ns >> names;
+ List list (ctx);
+ Complex complex (ctx);
+ names >> list;
+ names >> complex;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/parser-inline.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/parser-inline.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aee0cdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/parser-inline.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/parser-inline.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/elements.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ void
+ generate_parser_inline (Context&);
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/parser-source.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/parser-source.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2887f96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/parser-source.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,957 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/parser-source.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/parser-source.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ struct Enumeration: Traversal::Enumeration, Context
+ {
+ Enumeration (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ String const& name (ename (e));
+ String const& ret (ret_type (e));
+ SemanticGraph::Type& base (e.inherits ().base ());
+ bool same (ret == ret_type (base));
+ if (same || ret == L"void" || polymorphic)
+ {
+ os << "// " << name << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (same || ret == L"void")
+ {
+ os << ret << " " << name << "::" << endl
+ << post_name (e) << " ()"
+ << "{";
+ if (same)
+ {
+ if (ret == L"void")
+ os << post_name (base) << " ();";
+ else
+ os << "return " << post_name (base) << " ();";
+ }
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ if (polymorphic)
+ {
+ String id ( ());
+ if (String ns = xml_ns_name (e))
+ {
+ id += L' ';
+ id += ns;
+ }
+ os << "const " << char_type << "* " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_static_type ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "return " << strlit (id) << ";"
+ << "}";
+ os << "const " << char_type << "* " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_dynamic_type () const"
+ << "{"
+ << "return _static_type ();"
+ << "}";
+ if (validation)
+ {
+ bool gen (!anonymous (e));
+ // We normally don't need to enter anonymous types into
+ // the inheritance map. The only exception is when an
+ // anonymous types is defined inside an element that
+ // is a member of a substitution group.
+ //
+ if (!gen)
+ {
+ // The first instance that this anonymous type classifies
+ // is the prototype for others if any. If this type does
+ // not classify anything (e.g., it is a base), then we
+ // don't need to do anything.
+ //
+ if (e.classifies_begin () != e.classifies_end ())
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Instance& i (
+ e.classifies_begin ()->instance ());
+ if (SemanticGraph::Element* e =
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Element*> (&i))
+ {
+ if (e->substitutes_p ())
+ gen = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (gen)
+ {
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::parser::validating::inheritance_map_entry< " <<
+ char_type << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_inheritance_map_entry_ (" << endl
+ << name << "::_static_type ()," << endl
+ << fq_name (base) << "::_static_type ());"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct List: Traversal::List, Context
+ {
+ List (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& l)
+ {
+ String const& name (ename (l));
+ SemanticGraph::Type& t (l.argumented ().type ());
+ String item (unclash (name, "item"));
+ os << "// " << name << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << endl;
+ // item
+ //
+ String const& arg (arg_type (t));
+ os << "void " << name << "::" << endl
+ << item;
+ if (arg == L"void")
+ os << " ()";
+ else
+ os << " (" << arg << ")";
+ os << "{"
+ << "}";
+ // post
+ //
+ if (ret_type (l) == L"void")
+ os << "void " << name << "::" << endl
+ << post_name (l) << " ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ // parse_item
+ //
+ String inst (L"_xsd_" + item + L"_");
+ String const& post (post_name (t));
+ os << "void " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_xsd_parse_item (const " << string_type << "& v)"
+ << "{"
+ << "if (this->" << inst << ")"
+ << "{"
+ << "this->" << inst << "->pre ();"
+ << "this->" << inst << "->_pre_impl ();"
+ << "this->" << inst << "->_characters (v);"
+ << "this->" << inst << "->_post_impl ();";
+ if (ret_type (t) == L"void")
+ os << "this->" << inst << "->" << post << " ();"
+ << "this->" << item << " ();";
+ else
+ os << "this->" << item << " (this->" << inst << "->" <<
+ post << " ());";
+ os << "}"
+ << "}";
+ //
+ //
+ if (polymorphic)
+ {
+ String id ( ());
+ if (String ns = xml_ns_name (l))
+ {
+ id += L' ';
+ id += ns;
+ }
+ os << "const " << char_type << "* " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_static_type ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "return " << strlit (id) << ";"
+ << "}";
+ os << "const " << char_type << "* " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_dynamic_type () const"
+ << "{"
+ << "return _static_type ();"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct Union: Traversal::Union, Context
+ {
+ Union (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& u)
+ {
+ String const& name (ename (u));
+ String const& ret (ret_type (u));
+ if (ret == L"void" || polymorphic)
+ {
+ os << "// " << name << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (ret == L"void")
+ {
+ os << "void " << name << "::" << endl
+ << post_name (u) << " ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ if (polymorphic)
+ {
+ String id ( ());
+ if (String ns = xml_ns_name (u))
+ {
+ id += L' ';
+ id += ns;
+ }
+ os << "const " << char_type << "* " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_static_type ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "return " << strlit (id) << ";"
+ << "}";
+ os << "const " << char_type << "* " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_dynamic_type () const"
+ << "{"
+ << "return _static_type ();"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct StartElement: Traversal::Element, Context
+ {
+ StartElement (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ if (skip (e))
+ return;
+ bool poly (polymorphic && !anonymous (e.type ()));
+ os << "if (";
+ if (poly && e.global_p ())
+ os << "(";
+ if (e.qualified_p () && e.namespace_ ().name ())
+ {
+ os << "n == " << strlit ( ()) << " && " <<
+ "ns == " << strlit (e.namespace_ ().name ());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "n == " << strlit ( ()) << " && ns.empty ()";
+ }
+ // Only a globally-defined element can be a subst-group root.
+ //
+ if (poly && e.global_p ())
+ {
+ os << ") ||" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::parser::substitution_map_instance< " <<
+ char_type << " > ().check (" << endl
+ << "ns, n, " << strlit (e.namespace_ ().name ()) <<
+ ", " << strlit ( ()) << ", t)";
+ }
+ os << ")"
+ << "{";
+ String inst;
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Type& t (e.type ());
+ inst = "p";
+ // For pre-computing length.
+ //
+ String type_id ( ());
+ if (String type_ns = xml_ns_name (t))
+ {
+ type_id += L' ';
+ type_id += type_ns;
+ }
+ String fq_type (fq_name (t));
+ String const& member (emember (e));
+ String const& member_map (emember_map (e));
+ os << fq_type << "* p = 0;"
+ << endl
+ << "if (t == 0 && this->" << member << " != 0)" << endl
+ << inst << " = this->" << member << ";"
+ << "else"
+ << "{"
+ << string_type << " ts (" << fq_type <<
+ "::_static_type (), " << type_id.size () << "UL);"
+ << endl
+ << "if (t == 0)" << endl
+ << "t = &ts;"
+ << endl
+ << "if (this->" << member << " != 0 && *t == ts)" << endl
+ << inst << " = this->" << member << ";"
+ << "else if (this->" << member_map << " != 0)" << endl
+ << inst << " = dynamic_cast< " << fq_type <<
+ "* > (" << endl
+ << "this->" << member_map << "->find (*t));"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ else
+ inst = L"this->" + emember (e);
+ os << "this->" << complex_base << " ().parser_ = " <<
+ inst << ";"
+ << endl
+ << "if (" << inst << ")" << endl
+ << inst << "->pre ();" // _start_element calls _pre
+ << endl
+ << "return true;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct EndElement: Traversal::Element, Context
+ {
+ EndElement (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ if (skip (e))
+ return;
+ bool poly (polymorphic && !anonymous (e.type ()));
+ String const& name (ename (e));
+ os << "if (";
+ if (poly && e.global_p ())
+ os << "(";
+ if (e.qualified_p () && e.namespace_ ().name ())
+ {
+ os << "n == " << strlit ( ()) << " && " <<
+ "ns == " << strlit (e.namespace_ ().name ());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "n == " << strlit ( ()) << " && ns.empty ()";
+ }
+ // Only a globally-defined element can be a subst-group root.
+ //
+ if (poly && e.global_p ())
+ {
+ os << ") ||" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::parser::substitution_map_instance< " <<
+ char_type << " > ().check (" << endl
+ << "ns, n, " << strlit (e.namespace_ ().name ()) <<
+ ", " << strlit ( ()) << ")";
+ }
+ os << ")"
+ << "{";
+ // _end_element calls post
+ //
+ SemanticGraph::Type& type (e.type ());
+ String const& post (post_name (type));
+ String inst;
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ String const& fq_type (fq_name (type));
+ inst = "p";
+ os << fq_type << "* p =" << endl
+ << "dynamic_cast< " << fq_type << "* > (" << endl
+ << "this->" << complex_base << " ().parser_);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ inst = L"this->" + emember (e);
+ os << "if (" << inst << ")";
+ if (ret_type (type) == L"void")
+ os << "{"
+ << inst << "->" << post << " ();"
+ << "this->" << name << " ();"
+ << "}";
+ else
+ os << endl
+ << "this->" << name << " (" << inst << "->" << post << " ());"
+ << endl;
+ os << "return true;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct Attribute: Traversal::Attribute, Context
+ {
+ Attribute (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& a)
+ {
+ String const& name (ename (a));
+ String const& inst (emember (a));
+ if (a.qualified_p () && a.namespace_ ().name ())
+ {
+ os << "if (n == " << strlit ( ()) << " && " <<
+ "ns == " << strlit (a.namespace_ ().name ()) << ")"
+ << "{";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "if (n == " << strlit ( ()) << " && ns.empty ())"
+ << "{";
+ }
+ SemanticGraph::Type& type (a.type ());
+ String const& post (post_name (type));
+ String const& ret (ret_type (type));
+ os << "if (this->" << inst << ")"
+ << "{"
+ << "this->" << inst << "->pre ();"
+ << "this->" << inst << "->_pre_impl ();"
+ << "this->" << inst << "->_characters (v);"
+ << "this->" << inst << "->_post_impl ();";
+ if (ret == L"void")
+ os << "this->" << inst << "->" << post << " ();"
+ << "this->" << name << " ();";
+ else
+ os << "this->" << name << " (this->" << inst << "->" <<
+ post << " ());";
+ os << "}"
+ << "return true;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct ParserCallback: Traversal::Member, Context
+ {
+ ParserCallback (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& m)
+ {
+ if (skip (m))
+ return;
+ String const& arg (arg_type (m.type ()));
+ os << "void " << ename (m.scope ()) << "::" << endl
+ << ename (m);
+ if (arg == L"void")
+ os << " ()";
+ else
+ os << " (" << arg << ")";
+ os << "{"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct Complex: Traversal::Complex, Context
+ {
+ Complex (Context& c)
+ : Context (c),
+ parser_callback_ (c),
+ start_element_ (c),
+ end_element_ (c),
+ attribute_ (c)
+ {
+ names_parser_callback_ >> parser_callback_;
+ names_start_element_ >> start_element_;
+ names_end_element_ >> end_element_;
+ names_attribute_ >> attribute_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& c)
+ {
+ bool he (has<Traversal::Element> (c));
+ bool ha (has<Traversal::Attribute> (c));
+ String const& ret (ret_type (c));
+ bool same (c.inherits_p () &&
+ ret == ret_type (c.inherits ().base ()));
+ String const& name (ename (c));
+ if ((he || ha || same || ret == L"void") || polymorphic)
+ {
+ os << "// " << name << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (polymorphic)
+ {
+ String id ( ());
+ if (String ns = xml_ns_name (c))
+ {
+ id += L' ';
+ id += ns;
+ }
+ os << "const " << char_type << "* " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_static_type ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "return " << strlit (id) << ";"
+ << "}";
+ os << "const " << char_type << "* " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_dynamic_type () const"
+ << "{"
+ << "return _static_type ();"
+ << "}";
+ if (c.inherits_p () && validation)
+ {
+ bool gen (!anonymous (c));
+ // We normally don't need to enter anonymous types into
+ // the inheritance map. The only exception is when an
+ // anonymous types is defined inside an element that
+ // is a member of a substitution group.
+ //
+ if (!gen)
+ {
+ // The first instance that this anonymous type classifies
+ // is the prototype for others if any. If this type does
+ // not classify anything (e.g., it is a base), then we
+ // don't need to do anything.
+ //
+ if (c.classifies_begin () != c.classifies_end ())
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Instance& i (
+ c.classifies_begin ()->instance ());
+ if (SemanticGraph::Element* e =
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Element*> (&i))
+ {
+ if (e->substitutes_p ())
+ gen = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (gen)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Type& base (c.inherits ().base ());
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::parser::validating::inheritance_map_entry< " <<
+ char_type << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_inheritance_map_entry_ (" << endl
+ << name << "::_static_type ()," << endl
+ << fq_name (base) << "::_static_type ());"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!(he || ha || same || ret == L"void"))
+ return;
+ // Parser callbacks.
+ //
+ if (!restriction_p (c))
+ names (c, names_parser_callback_);
+ if (same || ret == L"void")
+ {
+ os << ret << " " << name << "::" << endl
+ << post_name (c) << " ()"
+ << "{";
+ if (same)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Type& base (c.inherits ().base ());
+ if (ret == L"void")
+ os << post_name (base) << " ();";
+ else
+ os << "return " << post_name (base) << " ();";
+ }
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ // The rest is parsing/validation code which is generated in
+ // *-validation-source.cxx.
+ //
+ if (validation)
+ return;
+ // Don't use restriction_p here since we don't want special
+ // treatment of anyType.
+ //
+ bool restriction (
+ c.inherits_p () &&
+ c.inherits ().is_a<SemanticGraph::Restricts> ());
+ // _start_element_impl & _end_element_impl
+ //
+ if (he)
+ {
+ os << "bool " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_start_element_impl (const " << string_type << "& ns," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& n," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "* t)"
+ << "{"
+ << "XSD_UNUSED (t);"
+ << endl;
+ if (!restriction)
+ {
+ os << "if (this->";
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ os << fq_name (c.inherits ().base ());
+ else
+ os << complex_base;
+ os << "::_start_element_impl (ns, n, t))" << endl
+ << "return true;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ names (c, names_start_element_);
+ os << "return false;"
+ << "}";
+ // _end_element_impl
+ //
+ os << "bool " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_end_element_impl (const " << string_type << "& ns," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& n)"
+ << "{";
+ if (!restriction)
+ {
+ os << "if (this->";
+ if (c.inherits_p () && !restriction)
+ os << fq_name (c.inherits ().base ());
+ else
+ os << complex_base;
+ os << "::_end_element_impl (ns, n))" << endl
+ << "return true;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ names (c, names_end_element_);
+ os << "return false;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ if (ha)
+ {
+ // _attribute_impl
+ //
+ os << "bool " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_attribute_impl (const " << string_type << "& ns," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& n," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& v)"
+ << "{";
+ if (!restriction)
+ {
+ os << "if (this->";
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ os << fq_name (c.inherits ().base ());
+ else
+ os << complex_base;
+ os << "::_attribute_impl (ns, n, v))" << endl
+ << "return true;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ names (c, names_attribute_);
+ os << "return false;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ //
+ //
+ ParserCallback parser_callback_;
+ Traversal::Names names_parser_callback_;
+ //
+ //
+ StartElement start_element_;
+ Traversal::Names names_start_element_;
+ //
+ //
+ EndElement end_element_;
+ Traversal::Names names_end_element_;
+ //
+ //
+ Attribute attribute_;
+ Traversal::Names names_attribute_;
+ };
+ // Generate substitution group map entries.
+ //
+ struct GlobalElement: Traversal::Element, Context
+ {
+ GlobalElement (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ if (e.substitutes_p ())
+ {
+ String name (escape ( ()));
+ Type& r (e.substitutes ().root ());
+ SemanticGraph::Type& type (e.type ());
+ os << "// Substitution map entry for " << comment ( ()) << "." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::parser::substitution_map_entry< " <<
+ char_type << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_substitution_map_entry_ (" << endl
+ << strlit (e.namespace_ ().name ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (r.namespace_ ().name ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << fq_name (type) << "::_static_type ());"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ void
+ generate_parser_source (Context& ctx)
+ {
+ if (ctx.polymorphic)
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/parser/substitution-map.hxx>" << endl;
+ if (ctx.validation)
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/parser/validating/inheritance-map.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ else
+ ctx.os << endl;
+ bool import_maps (ctx.options.import_maps ());
+ bool export_maps (ctx.options.export_maps ());
+ if (import_maps || export_maps)
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#ifndef XSD_NO_EXPORT" << endl
+ << endl
+ << "namespace xsd"
+ << "{"
+ << "namespace cxx"
+ << "{"
+ << "namespace parser"
+ << "{"
+ << "#ifdef _MSC_VER" << endl;
+ if (export_maps)
+ ctx.os << "template struct __declspec (dllexport) " <<
+ "substitution_map_init< " << ctx.char_type << " >;";
+ if (import_maps)
+ ctx.os << "template struct __declspec (dllimport) " <<
+ "substitution_map_init< " << ctx.char_type << " >;";
+ if (ctx.validation && export_maps)
+ ctx.os << "template struct __declspec (dllexport) " <<
+ "inheritance_map_init< " << ctx.char_type << " >;";
+ if (ctx.validation && import_maps)
+ ctx.os << "template struct __declspec (dllimport) " <<
+ "inheritance_map_init< " << ctx.char_type << " >;";
+ ctx.os << "#elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4" << endl
+ << "template struct __attribute__ ((visibility(\"default\"))) " <<
+ "substitution_map_init< " << ctx.char_type << " >;";
+ if (ctx.validation)
+ ctx.os << "template struct __attribute__ ((visibility(\"default\"))) " <<
+ "inheritance_map_init< " << ctx.char_type << " >;";
+ ctx.os << "#elif defined(XSD_MAP_VISIBILITY)" << endl
+ << "template struct XSD_MAP_VISIBILITY " <<
+ "substitution_map_init< " << ctx.char_type << " >;";
+ if (ctx.validation)
+ ctx.os << "template struct XSD_MAP_VISIBILITY " <<
+ "inheritance_map_init< " << ctx.char_type << " >;";
+ ctx.os << "#endif" << endl
+ << "}" // parser
+ << "}" // cxx
+ << "}" // xsd
+ << "#endif // XSD_NO_EXPORT" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ ctx.os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::parser::substitution_map_init< " <<
+ ctx.char_type << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_substitution_map_init_;"
+ << endl;
+ if (ctx.validation)
+ {
+ ctx.os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::parser::validating::inheritance_map_init< " <<
+ ctx.char_type << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_inheritance_map_init_;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // Emit "weak" header includes that are used in the file-per-type
+ // compilation model.
+ //
+ if (ctx.options.generate_inline ())
+ {
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Includes includes (ctx, Includes::source);
+ schema >> includes;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names;
+ Namespace ns (ctx);
+ Traversal::Names names;
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ schema >> schema_names >> ns >> names;
+ List list (ctx);
+ Union union_ (ctx);
+ Complex complex (ctx);
+ Enumeration enumeration (ctx);
+ GlobalElement global_element (ctx);
+ names >> list;
+ names >> union_;
+ names >> complex;
+ names >> enumeration;
+ if (ctx.polymorphic)
+ names >> global_element;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/parser-source.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/parser-source.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3598a00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/parser-source.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/parser-source.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/elements.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ void
+ generate_parser_source (Context&);
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/print-impl-common.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/print-impl-common.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14bfbc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/print-impl-common.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/print-impl-common.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/elements.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ struct PrintCall: Traversal::Type,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Boolean,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Byte,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedByte,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Short,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedShort,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Int,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedInt,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Long,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedLong,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Integer,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::PositiveInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NegativeInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Float,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Double,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Decimal,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::String,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NormalizedString,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Token,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Name,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NameToken,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NameTokens,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NCName,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Language,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::QName,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Id,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::IdRef,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::IdRefs,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::AnyURI,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Base64Binary,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::HexBinary,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Date,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::DateTime,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Duration,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Day,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Month,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::MonthDay,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Year,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::YearMonth,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Time,
+ Context
+ {
+ PrintCall (Context& c, String const& tag, String const& arg)
+ : Context (c), tag_ (tag), arg_ (arg)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Type&)
+ {
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ // Boolean.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Boolean& t)
+ {
+ if (default_type (t, "bool"))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": ") << " << " <<
+ arg_ << " << std::endl;";
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ // Integral types.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Byte& t)
+ {
+ if (default_type (t, "signed char"))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": ") <<
+ " << static_cast<short> (" << arg_ << ") << std::endl;";
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedByte& t)
+ {
+ if (default_type (t, "unsigned char"))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": ") <<
+ " << static_cast<unsigned short> (" << arg_ << ") << std::endl;";
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Short& t)
+ {
+ if (default_type (t, "short"))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": ") << " << " <<
+ arg_ << " << std::endl;";
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedShort& t)
+ {
+ if (default_type (t, "unsigned short"))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": ") << " << " <<
+ arg_ << " << std::endl;";
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Int& t)
+ {
+ if (default_type (t, "int"))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": ") << " << " <<
+ arg_ << " << std::endl;";
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedInt& t)
+ {
+ if (default_type (t, "unsigned int"))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": ") << " << " <<
+ arg_ << " << std::endl;";
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Long& t)
+ {
+ if (default_type (t, "long long"))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": ") << " << " <<
+ arg_ << " << std::endl;";
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedLong& t)
+ {
+ if (default_type (t, "unsigned long long"))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": ") << " << " <<
+ arg_ << " << std::endl;";
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Integer& t)
+ {
+ if (default_type (t, "long long"))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": ") << " << " <<
+ arg_ << " << std::endl;";
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NegativeInteger& t)
+ {
+ if (default_type (t, "long long"))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": ") << " << " <<
+ arg_ << " << std::endl;";
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger& t)
+ {
+ if (default_type (t, "long long"))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": ") << " << " <<
+ arg_ << " << std::endl;";
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::PositiveInteger& t)
+ {
+ if (default_type (t, "unsigned long long"))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": ") << " << " <<
+ arg_ << " << std::endl;";
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger& t)
+ {
+ if (default_type (t, "unsigned long long"))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": ") << " << " <<
+ arg_ << " << std::endl;";
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ // Floats.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Float& t)
+ {
+ if (default_type (t, "float"))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": ") << " << " <<
+ arg_ << " << std::endl;";
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double& t)
+ {
+ if (default_type (t, "double"))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": ") << " << " <<
+ arg_ << " << std::endl;";
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal& t)
+ {
+ if (default_type (t, "double"))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": ") << " << " <<
+ arg_ << " << std::endl;";
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ // Strings.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::String& t)
+ {
+ gen_string (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NormalizedString& t)
+ {
+ gen_string (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Token& t)
+ {
+ gen_string (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameToken& t)
+ {
+ gen_string (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Name& t)
+ {
+ gen_string (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NCName& t)
+ {
+ gen_string (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Language& t)
+ {
+ gen_string (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Id& t)
+ {
+ gen_string (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRef& t)
+ {
+ gen_string (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::AnyURI& t)
+ {
+ gen_string (t);
+ }
+ // String sequences.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameTokens& t)
+ {
+ gen_sequence (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRefs& t)
+ {
+ gen_sequence (t);
+ }
+ // QName
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::QName& t)
+ {
+ if (default_type (t, xs_ns_name () + L"::qname"))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": ") << ";"
+ << endl
+ << "if (" << arg_ << ".prefix ().empty ())" << endl
+ << cout_inst << " << " << arg_ << ".name ();"
+ << "else" << endl
+ << cout_inst << " << " << arg_ << ".prefix () << " << L <<
+ "':' << " << arg_ << ".name ();"
+ << endl
+ << cout_inst << " << std::endl;";
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ // Binary.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Base64Binary& t)
+ {
+ gen_buffer (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::HexBinary& t)
+ {
+ gen_buffer (t);
+ }
+ // Date/time.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Date& t)
+ {
+ if (default_type (t, xs_ns_name () + L"::date"))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": ") << endl
+ << " << " << arg_ << ".year () << '-'" << endl
+ << " << " << arg_ << ".month () << '-'" << endl
+ << " << " << arg_ << ".day ();";
+ gen_time_zone ();
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::DateTime& t)
+ {
+ if (default_type (t, xs_ns_name () + L"::date_time"))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": ") << endl
+ << " << " << arg_ << ".year () << '-'" << endl
+ << " << " << arg_ << ".month () << '-'" << endl
+ << " << " << arg_ << ".day () << 'T'" << endl
+ << " << " << arg_ << ".hours () << ':'" << endl
+ << " << " << arg_ << ".minutes () << ':'" << endl
+ << " << " << arg_ << ".seconds ();";
+ gen_time_zone ();
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Duration& t)
+ {
+ if (default_type (t, xs_ns_name () + L"::duration"))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": ") << ";"
+ << endl
+ << "if (" << arg_ << ".negative ())" << endl
+ << cout_inst << " << '-';"
+ << endl
+ << cout_inst << " << 'P'" << endl
+ << " << " << arg_ << ".years () << 'Y'" << endl
+ << " << " << arg_ << ".months () << 'M'" << endl
+ << " << " << arg_ << ".days () << " << L << "\"DT\"" << endl
+ << " << " << arg_ << ".hours () << 'H'" << endl
+ << " << " << arg_ << ".minutes () << 'M'" << endl
+ << " << " << arg_ << ".seconds () << 'S'"
+ << " << std::endl;";
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Day& t)
+ {
+ if (default_type (t, xs_ns_name () + L"::gday"))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": ---") <<
+ " << " << arg_ << ".day ();";
+ gen_time_zone ();
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Month& t)
+ {
+ if (default_type (t, xs_ns_name () + L"::gmonth"))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": --") <<
+ " << " << arg_ << ".month ();";
+ gen_time_zone ();
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::MonthDay& t)
+ {
+ if (default_type (t, xs_ns_name () + L"::gmonth_day"))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": --") << endl
+ << " << " << arg_ << ".month () << '-'" << endl
+ << " << " << arg_ << ".day ();";
+ gen_time_zone ();
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Year& t)
+ {
+ if (default_type (t, xs_ns_name () + L"::gyear"))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": ") << " << " <<
+ arg_ << ".year ();";
+ gen_time_zone ();
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::YearMonth& t)
+ {
+ if (default_type (t, xs_ns_name () + L"::gyear_month"))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": ") << endl
+ << " << " << arg_ << ".year () << '-'" << endl
+ << " << " << arg_ << ".month ();";
+ gen_time_zone ();
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Time& t)
+ {
+ if (default_type (t, xs_ns_name () + L"::time"))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": ") << endl
+ << " << " << arg_ << ".hours () << ':'" << endl
+ << " << " << arg_ << ".minutes () << ':'" << endl
+ << " << " << arg_ << ".seconds ();";
+ gen_time_zone ();
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ private:
+ bool
+ default_type (SemanticGraph::Type& t, String const& def_type)
+ {
+ return ret_type (t) == def_type;
+ }
+ void
+ gen_user_type ()
+ {
+ os << "// TODO" << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ }
+ void
+ gen_string (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ if ((char_type == L"char" && default_type (t, "::std::string")) ||
+ (char_type == L"wchar_t" && default_type (t, "::std::wstring")))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": ") << " << " <<
+ arg_ << " << std::endl;";
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ void
+ gen_sequence (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ String type (xs_ns_name () + L"::string_sequence");
+ if (default_type (t, type))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": ") << ";"
+ << endl;
+ os << "for (" << type << "::const_iterator i (" << arg_ <<
+ ".begin ()), e (" << arg_ << ".end ());" << endl
+ << "i != e;)"
+ << "{"
+ << cout_inst << " << *i++;"
+ << "if (i != e)" << endl
+ << cout_inst << " << ' ';"
+ << "}"
+ << cout_inst << " << std::endl;";
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ void
+ gen_buffer (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ String type (auto_ptr + L"< " + xs_ns_name () + L"::buffer >");
+ if (default_type (t, type))
+ {
+ os << cout_inst << " << " << strlit (tag_ + L": ") << " << "
+ << arg_ << "->size () << " << L << "\" bytes\" << std::endl;";
+ }
+ else
+ gen_user_type ();
+ }
+ void
+ gen_time_zone ()
+ {
+ os << endl
+ << "if (" << arg_ << ".zone_present ())"
+ << "{"
+ << "if (" << arg_ << ".zone_hours () < 0)" << endl
+ << cout_inst << " << " << arg_ << ".zone_hours () << ':' << -" <<
+ arg_ << ".zone_minutes ();"
+ << "else" << endl
+ << cout_inst << " << '+' << " << arg_ << ".zone_hours () << " <<
+ "':' << " << arg_ << ".zone_minutes ();";
+ os << "}"
+ << cout_inst << " << std::endl;";
+ }
+ private:
+ String tag_;
+ String arg_;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/state-processor.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/state-processor.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b380895
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/state-processor.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/state-processor.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <vector>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/state-processor.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/elements.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+using namespace std;
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ typedef vector<SemanticGraph::Particle*> Particles;
+ /*
+ void
+ print (Particles const& p)
+ {
+ using std::wcerr;
+ using std::endl;
+ wcerr << "prefixes: " << endl;
+ for (Particles::const_iterator i (p.begin ()); i != p.end (); ++i)
+ {
+ if (SemanticGraph::Element* e =
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Element*> (*i))
+ {
+ wcerr << e->name () << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wcerr << "<any>" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ wcerr << endl;
+ }
+ */
+ //
+ //
+ struct Particle: Traversal::All,
+ Traversal::Choice,
+ Traversal::Sequence
+ {
+ Particle (size_t& all,
+ size_t& choice,
+ size_t& sequence,
+ size_t& depth)
+ : all_ (all),
+ choice_ (choice),
+ sequence_ (sequence),
+ depth_ (depth)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::All& a)
+ {
+ using SemanticGraph::Compositor;
+ // Go over particles, collecting "prefix" particles in prefixes_,
+ // assigning state numbers and calculating effective minOccurs.
+ // If all prefixes of this compositor have minOccurs = 0, then
+ // the compositor itself effectively has minOccurs = 0 regardless
+ // of the actual value specified in the schema.
+ //
+ // Note that we don't need to care about depth since the 'all'
+ // compositor cannot contain any nested compositors.
+ //
+ size_t state (0);
+ size_t min (0);
+ for (Compositor::ContainsIterator ci (a.contains_begin ());
+ ci != a.contains_end (); ++ci)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Particle& p (ci->particle ());
+ // The 'all' compositor can only include elements.
+ //
+ prefixes_.push_back (&p);
+ if (min == 0 && ci->min () != 0)
+ min = 1;
+ p.context ().set ("prefix", true);
+ p.context ().set ("state", state++);
+ }
+ if (!prefixes_.empty ())
+ {
+ a.context ().set ("comp-number", choice_++);
+ a.context ().set ("prefixes", prefixes_);
+ a.context ().set ("state-count", size_t (prefixes_.size ()));
+ // effective-min = min * actual-min
+ //
+ if (min == 1)
+ min = a.min ();
+ a.context ().set ("effective-min", min);
+ // print (prefixes_);
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Choice& c)
+ {
+ using SemanticGraph::Compositor;
+ // Go over particles, collecting "prefix" particles in prefixes_,
+ // assigning state numbers and calculating effective minOccurs.
+ // If any prefix of this compositor have minOccurs = 0, then the
+ // compositor itself effectively has minOccurs = 0 regardless of
+ // the actual value specified in the schema.
+ //
+ size_t state (0);
+ size_t min (1);
+ for (Compositor::ContainsIterator ci (c.contains_begin ());
+ ci != c.contains_end (); ++ci)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Particle& p (ci->particle ());
+ if (p.is_a<SemanticGraph::Element> () ||
+ p.is_a<SemanticGraph::Any> ())
+ {
+ prefixes_.push_back (&p);
+ if (min == 1 && ci->min () == 0)
+ min = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size_t depth (0);
+ Particle t (all_, choice_, sequence_, depth);
+ t.dispatch (p);
+ if (t.prefixes_.empty ())
+ continue; // Skip empty compositors.
+ if (++depth > depth_) // One for this compositor.
+ depth_ = depth;
+ prefixes_.insert (prefixes_.end (),
+ t.prefixes_.begin ().base (),
+ t.prefixes_.end ().base ());
+ if (min == 1 &&
+ p.context ().get<size_t> ("effective-min") == 0)
+ min = 0;
+ }
+ p.context ().set ("prefix", true);
+ p.context ().set ("state", state++);
+ }
+ if (!prefixes_.empty ())
+ {
+ c.context ().set ("comp-number", choice_++);
+ c.context ().set ("prefixes", prefixes_);
+ // effective-min = min * actual-min
+ //
+ if (min == 1)
+ min = c.min ();
+ c.context ().set ("effective-min", min);
+ // print (prefixes_);
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Sequence& s)
+ {
+ using SemanticGraph::Compositor;
+ // Go over particles, collecting "prefix" particles in prefixes_,
+ // assigning state numbers and calculating effective minOccurs.
+ // If all prefixes of this compositor have minOccurs = 0, then
+ // the compositor itself effectively has minOccurs = 0 regardless
+ // of the actual value specified in the schema.
+ //
+ bool prefix (true);
+ size_t state (0);
+ size_t min (0);
+ for (Compositor::ContainsIterator ci (s.contains_begin ());
+ ci != s.contains_end (); ++ci)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Particle& p (ci->particle ());
+ if (p.is_a<SemanticGraph::Element> () ||
+ p.is_a<SemanticGraph::Any> ())
+ {
+ if (prefix)
+ {
+ prefixes_.push_back (&p);
+ if (ci->min () != 0)
+ min = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size_t depth (0);
+ Particle t (all_, choice_, sequence_, depth);
+ t.dispatch (p);
+ if (t.prefixes_.empty ())
+ continue; // Skip empty compositors.
+ if (++depth > depth_) // One for this compositor.
+ depth_ = depth;
+ if (prefix)
+ {
+ prefixes_.insert (prefixes_.end (),
+ t.prefixes_.begin ().base (),
+ t.prefixes_.end ().base ());
+ if (p.context ().get<size_t> ("effective-min") != 0)
+ min = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ p.context ().set ("state", state++);
+ if (prefix)
+ p.context ().set ("prefix", true);
+ if (prefix && min != 0)
+ prefix = false;
+ }
+ if (!prefixes_.empty ())
+ {
+ s.context ().set ("comp-number", sequence_++);
+ s.context ().set ("prefixes", prefixes_);
+ // effective-min = min * actual-min
+ //
+ if (min == 1)
+ min = s.min ();
+ s.context ().set ("effective-min", min);
+ // print (prefixes_);
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ Particles prefixes_;
+ size_t& all_;
+ size_t& choice_;
+ size_t& sequence_;
+ size_t& depth_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct Complex: Traversal::Complex
+ {
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& c)
+ {
+ if (c.contains_compositor_p ())
+ {
+ size_t all (0), choice (0), sequence (0), depth (0);
+ Particle t (all, choice, sequence, depth);
+ t.dispatch (c.contains_compositor ().compositor ());
+ // Set the maximum stack depth for this type. Used to
+ // allocate fixed-size state stack.
+ //
+ c.context ().set ("depth", depth + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ void StateProcessor::
+ process (SemanticGraph::Schema& tu, SemanticGraph::Path const&)
+ {
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names;
+ Traversal::Namespace ns;
+ Traversal::Names ns_names;
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ schema >> schema_names >> ns >> ns_names;
+ Complex complex_type;
+ ns_names >> complex_type;
+ schema.dispatch (tu);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/state-processor.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/state-processor.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eacc14a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/state-processor.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/state-processor.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <xsd/types.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ class StateProcessor
+ {
+ public:
+ void
+ process (XSDFrontend::SemanticGraph::Schema&,
+ XSDFrontend::SemanticGraph::Path const& file);
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/type-processor.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/type-processor.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6496b2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/type-processor.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/type-processor.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <set>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/elements.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/type-processor.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+using namespace std;
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ //
+ //
+ struct Type: Traversal::Type
+ {
+ Type (SemanticGraph::Schema& schema,
+ TypeMap::Namespaces& type_map,
+ bool add_includes)
+ : schema_ (schema),
+ type_map_ (type_map),
+ add_includes_ (add_includes)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Type& type)
+ {
+ using TypeMap::Namespace;
+ using TypeMap::Namespaces;
+ SemanticGraph::Context& tc (type.context ());
+ // There are two situations where we may try to process the
+ // same type more than once. The first is when the type is
+ // used in several element declarations in the same schema.
+ // The second situation only occurs when we are in the file-
+ // per-type mode. In this case the type was processed as part
+ // of another root schema. In the second case, while the ret
+ // and arg types are assumed to be the same, we need to re-
+ // match the type in order to add include directives to the
+ // new root schema.
+ //
+ bool set (true);
+ if (tc.count ("ret-type"))
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Schema* s (
+ tc.get<SemanticGraph::Schema*> ("root-schema"));
+ if (&schema_ == s)
+ return;
+ set = false;
+ }
+ SemanticGraph::Namespace& ns (
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Namespace&> (type.scope ()));
+ String ns_name ( ());
+ String t_name ( ());
+ //std::wcerr << "traversing: " << ns_name << "#" << t_name << endl;
+ for (Namespaces::const_iterator n (type_map_.begin ());
+ n != type_map_.end (); ++n)
+ {
+ // Check if the namespace matches.
+ //
+ bool ns_match;
+ if (!n->xsd_name ().empty ())
+ {
+ ns_match = n->xsd_name ().match (ns_name);
+ }
+ else
+ ns_match = ns_name.empty ();
+ //std::wcerr << "considering ns expr: " << n->xsd_name ()
+ // << " for " << ns_name
+ // << ": " << (ns_match ? "+" : "-") << endl;
+ if (ns_match)
+ {
+ // Namespace matched. See if there is a type that matches.
+ //
+ for (Namespace::TypesIterator t (n->types_begin ());
+ t != n->types_end (); ++t)
+ {
+ if (t->xsd_name ().match (t_name))
+ {
+ if (set)
+ {
+ // Got a match. See if the namespace has the C++
+ // namespace mapping.
+ //
+ String cxx_ns;
+ if (n->has_cxx_name ())
+ {
+ if (!n->xsd_name ().empty ())
+ {
+ cxx_ns = n->xsd_name ().replace (
+ ns_name, n->cxx_name (), true);
+ }
+ else
+ cxx_ns = n->cxx_name ();
+ cxx_ns += L"::";
+ }
+ // Figure out ret and arg type names.
+ //
+ String ret_type (cxx_ns);
+ ret_type += t->xsd_name ().replace (
+ t_name, t->cxx_ret_name (), true);
+ String arg_type;
+ if (t->cxx_arg_name ())
+ {
+ arg_type = cxx_ns;
+ arg_type += t->xsd_name ().replace (
+ t_name, t->cxx_arg_name (), true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (ret_type == L"void")
+ arg_type = ret_type;
+ else
+ {
+ wchar_t last (ret_type[ret_type.size () - 1]);
+ // If it is already a pointer or reference then use
+ // it as is.
+ //
+ if (last == L'*' || last == L'&')
+ arg_type = ret_type;
+ else
+ arg_type = L"const " + ret_type + L"&";
+ }
+ }
+ tc.set ("ret-type", ret_type);
+ tc.set ("arg-type", arg_type);
+ //std::wcerr << t_name << " -> " << ret_type << endl;
+ }
+ tc.set ("root-schema", &schema_);
+ // See of we need to add any includes to the translations
+ // unit.
+ //
+ if (add_includes_)
+ {
+ if (n->includes_begin () != n->includes_end ())
+ {
+ typedef std::set<String> Includes;
+ if (!schema_.context ().count ("includes"))
+ schema_.context ().set ("includes", Includes ());
+ Includes& is (
+ schema_.context ().get<Includes> ("includes"));
+ for (Namespace::IncludesIterator i (n->includes_begin ());
+ i != n->includes_end (); ++i)
+ {
+ is.insert (*i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& schema_;
+ TypeMap::Namespaces& type_map_;
+ bool add_includes_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct GlobalType: Traversal::Type,
+ Traversal::List,
+ Traversal::Complex,
+ Traversal::Enumeration
+ {
+ GlobalType (SemanticGraph::Schema& schema,
+ TypeMap::Namespaces& type_map,
+ bool add_includes)
+ : type_ (schema, type_map, add_includes)
+ {
+ inherits_ >> type_;
+ names_ >> instance_ >> belongs_ >> type_;
+ argumented_ >> type_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ type_.traverse (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::List& l)
+ {
+ type_.traverse (l);
+ Traversal::List::argumented (l, argumented_);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ type_.traverse (c);
+ Complex::inherits (c, inherits_);
+ Complex::names (c, names_);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Enumeration& e)
+ {
+ type_.traverse (e);
+ Complex::inherits (e, inherits_);
+ }
+ private:
+ Parser::Type type_;
+ Traversal::Names names_;
+ Traversal::Instance instance_;
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_;
+ Traversal::Belongs belongs_;
+ Traversal::Argumented argumented_;
+ };
+ void
+ process_impl (options const& ops,
+ XSDFrontend::SemanticGraph::Schema& tu,
+ bool gen_driver,
+ TypeMap::Namespaces& type_map)
+ {
+ if (tu.names_begin ()->named ().name () ==
+ L"")
+ {
+ // XML Schema namespace.
+ //
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names;
+ Traversal::Namespace ns;
+ Traversal::Names ns_names;
+ GlobalType global_type (tu, type_map, true);
+ schema >> schema_names >> ns >> ns_names >> global_type;
+ schema.dispatch (tu);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If --extern-xml-schema is specified, then we don't want
+ // includes from the XML Schema type map.
+ //
+ bool extern_xml_schema (ops.extern_xml_schema ());
+ //
+ //
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Traversal::Schema xs_schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ Traversal::Implies implies;
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ schema >> implies >> xs_schema;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names;
+ Traversal::Namespace ns;
+ Traversal::Names ns_names;
+ GlobalType global_type (tu, type_map, true);
+ schema >> schema_names >> ns >> ns_names >> global_type;
+ Traversal::Names xs_schema_names;
+ Traversal::Namespace xs_ns;
+ Traversal::Names xs_ns_names;
+ GlobalType xs_global_type (tu, type_map, !extern_xml_schema);
+ xs_schema >> xs_schema_names >> xs_ns >> xs_ns_names >>
+ xs_global_type;
+ schema.dispatch (tu);
+ // If we are generating the test driver, make sure the root
+ // element type is processed.
+ //
+ if (gen_driver && ops.generate_test_driver ())
+ {
+ // Figure out the root element. Validator should have made sure
+ // it is unique.
+ //
+ SemanticGraph::Element* root (0);
+ {
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names;
+ Traversal::Namespace ns;
+ Traversal::Names ns_names;
+ RootElement root_element (ops, root);
+ schema >> schema_names >> ns >> ns_names >> root_element;
+ schema.dispatch (tu);
+ }
+ global_type.dispatch (root->type ());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void TypeProcessor::
+ process (options const& ops,
+ XSDFrontend::SemanticGraph::Schema& s,
+ bool gen_driver,
+ TypeMap::Namespaces& tm)
+ {
+ process_impl (ops, s, gen_driver, tm);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/type-processor.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/type-processor.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6800024
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/type-processor.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/type-processor.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <xsd/types.hxx>
+#include <xsd/type-map/type-map.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/options.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ class TypeProcessor
+ {
+ public:
+ void
+ process (options const&,
+ XSDFrontend::SemanticGraph::Schema&,
+ bool gen_driver,
+ TypeMap::Namespaces&);
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/validator.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/validator.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83429cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/validator.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,718 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/validator.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <set>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/validator.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/elements.hxx>
+using namespace std;
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ class ValidationContext: public Context
+ {
+ public:
+ ValidationContext (SemanticGraph::Schema& root,
+ SemanticGraph::Path const& path,
+ Parser::options const& ops,
+ const WarningSet& disabled_warnings,
+ bool& valid_)
+ : Context (std::wcerr, root, path, ops, 0, 0, 0, 0),
+ disabled_warnings_ (disabled_warnings),
+ disabled_warnings_all_ (false),
+ valid (valid_),
+ subst_group_warning_issued (subst_group_warning_issued_),
+ subst_group_warning_issued_ (false)
+ {
+ }
+ public:
+ bool
+ is_disabled (char const* w)
+ {
+ return disabled_warnings_all_ ||
+ disabled_warnings_.find (w) != disabled_warnings_.end ();
+ }
+ public:
+ String
+ xpath (SemanticGraph::Nameable& n)
+ {
+ if (n.is_a<SemanticGraph::Namespace> ())
+ return L"<namespace-level>"; // There is a bug if you see this.
+ assert (n.named_p ());
+ SemanticGraph::Scope& scope (n.scope ());
+ if (scope.is_a<SemanticGraph::Namespace> ())
+ return ();
+ return xpath (scope) + L"/" + ();
+ }
+ protected:
+ ValidationContext (ValidationContext& c)
+ : Context (c),
+ disabled_warnings_ (c.disabled_warnings_),
+ disabled_warnings_all_ (c.disabled_warnings_all_),
+ valid (c.valid),
+ subst_group_warning_issued (c.subst_group_warning_issued)
+ {
+ }
+ protected:
+ const WarningSet& disabled_warnings_;
+ bool disabled_warnings_all_;
+ bool& valid;
+ bool& subst_group_warning_issued;
+ bool subst_group_warning_issued_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct Any: Traversal::Any, ValidationContext
+ {
+ Any (ValidationContext& c)
+ : ValidationContext (c)
+ {
+ }
+ struct Element: Traversal::Element, ValidationContext
+ {
+ Element (ValidationContext& c, SemanticGraph::Any& any)
+ : ValidationContext (c),
+ any_ (any),
+ ns_ (any.definition_namespace ().name ())
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
+ {
+ if (skip (e)) return;
+ using SemanticGraph::Any;
+ bool q (e.qualified_p ());
+ String ns (q ? e.namespace_ ().name () : "");
+ for (Any::NamespaceIterator i (any_.namespace_begin ());
+ i != any_.namespace_end (); ++i)
+ {
+ bool failed (false);
+ if (*i == L"##any")
+ {
+ failed = true;
+ }
+ else if (*i == L"##other")
+ {
+ if (ns_)
+ {
+ // Note that here I assume that ##other does not
+ // include names without target namespace. This
+ // is not what the spec says but that seems to be
+ // the consensus.
+ //
+ failed = q && ns != ns_;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // No target namespace.
+ //
+ failed = q && ns != L"";
+ }
+ }
+ else if (*i == L"##local")
+ {
+ failed = !q || ns == L"";
+ }
+ else if (*i == L"##targetNamespace")
+ {
+ failed = (q && ns_ == ns) || (!q && ns_ == L"");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ failed = q && *i == ns;
+ }
+ if (failed)
+ {
+ Any& a (any_);
+ os << a.file () << ":" << a.line () << ":" << a.column ()
+ << ": warning P001: namespace '" << *i << "' allows for "
+ << "element '" << () << "'" << endl;
+ os << a.file () << ":" << a.line () << ":" << a.column ()
+ << ": warning P001: generated code may not associate element '"
+ << () << "' correctly if it appears in place of "
+ << "this wildcard" << endl;
+ os << e.file () << ":" << e.line () << ":" << e.column ()
+ << ": info: element '" << () << "' is defined "
+ << "here" << endl;
+ os << a.file () << ":" << a.line () << ":" << a.column ()
+ << ": info: turn on validation to ensure correct "
+ << "association" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ SemanticGraph::Any& any_;
+ String ns_;
+ };
+ struct Complex: Traversal::Complex
+ {
+ Complex ()
+ : up_ (true), down_ (true)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ post (Type& c)
+ {
+ // Go down the inheritance hierarchy.
+ //
+ if (down_)
+ {
+ bool up = up_;
+ up_ = false;
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ dispatch (c.inherits ().base ());
+ up_ = up;
+ }
+ // Go up the inheritance hierarchy.
+ //
+ if (up_)
+ {
+ bool down = down_;
+ down_ = false;
+ for (Type::BegetsIterator i (c.begets_begin ());
+ i != c.begets_end (); ++i)
+ {
+ dispatch (i->derived ());
+ }
+ down_ = down;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ bool up_, down_;
+ };
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a)
+ {
+ using SemanticGraph::Compositor;
+ // Find our complex type.
+ //
+ Compositor* c (&a.contained_particle ().compositor ());
+ while(!c->contained_compositor_p ())
+ c = &c->contained_particle ().compositor ();
+ SemanticGraph::Complex& type (
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex&> (
+ c->contained_compositor ().container ()));
+ Complex complex;
+ Traversal::Names names;
+ Element element (*this, a);
+ complex >> names >> element;
+ complex.dispatch (type);
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct Traverser: Traversal::Schema,
+ Traversal::Complex,
+ Traversal::Type,
+ Traversal::Element,
+ ValidationContext
+ {
+ Traverser (ValidationContext& c)
+ : ValidationContext (c),
+ any_ (c)
+ {
+ *this >> sources_ >> *this;
+ *this >> schema_names_ >> ns_ >> names_ >> *this;
+ // Any
+ //
+ if (!validation && !is_disabled ("P001"))
+ {
+ *this >> contains_compositor_ >> compositor_ >> contains_particle_;
+ contains_particle_ >> compositor_;
+ contains_particle_ >> any_;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ using SemanticGraph::Schema;
+ traverse (static_cast<SemanticGraph::Type&> (c));
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Type& t (c.inherits ().base ());
+ if (t.named_p () &&
+ types_.find (
+ t.scope ().name () + L"#" + ()) == types_.end ())
+ {
+ // Don't worry about types that are in included/imported
+ // schemas.
+ //
+ Schema& s (dynamic_cast<Schema&> (t.scope ().scope ()));
+ if (&s == &schema_root || sources_p (schema_root, s))
+ {
+ valid = false;
+ wcerr << c.file () << ":" << c.line () << ":" << c.column ()
+ << ": error: type '" << xpath (c) << "' inherits from "
+ << "yet undefined type '" << xpath (t) << "'" << endl;
+ wcerr << t.file () << ":" << t.line () << ":" << t.column ()
+ << ": info: '" << xpath (t) << "' is defined here"
+ << endl;
+ wcerr << c.file () << ":" << c.line () << ":" << c.column ()
+ << ": info: inheritance from a yet-undefined type is "
+ << "not supported" << endl;
+ wcerr << c.file () << ":" << c.line () << ":" << c.column ()
+ << ": info: re-arrange your schema and try again"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Complex::traverse (c);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ if (t.named_p ())
+ {
+ types_.insert (t.scope ().name () + L"#" + ());
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
+ {
+ if (is_disabled ("P002"))
+ return;
+ if (e.substitutes_p () &&
+ !options.generate_polymorphic () &&
+ !subst_group_warning_issued)
+ {
+ subst_group_warning_issued = true;
+ os << e.file () << ":" << e.line () << ":" << e.column ()
+ << ": warning P002: substitution groups are used but "
+ << "--generate-polymorphic was not specified" << endl;
+ os << e.file () << ":" << e.line () << ":" << e.column ()
+ << ": info: generated code may not be able to parse "
+ << "some conforming instances" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // Return true if root sources s.
+ //
+ bool
+ sources_p (SemanticGraph::Schema& root, SemanticGraph::Schema& s)
+ {
+ using SemanticGraph::Schema;
+ using SemanticGraph::Sources;
+ for (Schema::UsesIterator i (root.uses_begin ());
+ i != root.uses_end (); ++i)
+ {
+ if (i->is_a<Sources> ())
+ {
+ if (&i->schema () == &s || sources_p (i->schema (), s))
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private:
+ set<String> types_;
+ Sources sources_;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names_;
+ Traversal::Namespace ns_;
+ Traversal::Names names_;
+ // Any.
+ //
+ Any any_;
+ Traversal::Compositor compositor_;
+ Traversal::ContainsParticle contains_particle_;
+ Traversal::ContainsCompositor contains_compositor_;
+ };
+ struct AnonymousType: Traversal::Schema,
+ Traversal::Complex,
+ Traversal::Element,
+ Traversal::Attribute,
+ ValidationContext
+ {
+ AnonymousType (ValidationContext& c)
+ : ValidationContext (c),
+ anonymous_error_issued_ (false)
+ {
+ *this >> sources_ >> *this;
+ *this >> schema_names_ >> ns_ >> names_ >> *this;
+ *this >> names_;
+ }
+ bool
+ traverse_common (SemanticGraph::Member& m)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Type& t (m.type ());
+ if (!t.named_p ()
+ && !t.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRef> ()
+ && !t.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRefs> ())
+ {
+ if (!anonymous_error_issued_)
+ {
+ valid = false;
+ anonymous_error_issued_ = true;
+ wcerr << t.file ()
+ << ": error: anonymous types detected"
+ << endl;
+ wcerr << t.file ()
+ << ": info: "
+ << "anonymous types are not supported in this mapping"
+ << endl;
+ wcerr << t.file ()
+ << ": info: consider explicitly naming these types or "
+ << "remove the --preserve-anonymous option to "
+ << "automatically name them"
+ << endl;
+ if (!options.show_anonymous ())
+ wcerr << t.file ()
+ << ": info: use --show-anonymous option to see these "
+ << "types" << endl;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
+ {
+ if (skip (e)) return;
+ if (traverse_common (e))
+ {
+ if (options.show_anonymous ())
+ {
+ wcerr << e.file () << ":" << e.line () << ":" << e.column ()
+ << ": error: element '" << xpath (e) << "' "
+ << "is of anonymous type" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ Traversal::Element::traverse (e);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Attribute& a)
+ {
+ if (traverse_common (a))
+ {
+ if (options.show_anonymous ())
+ {
+ wcerr << a.file () << ":" << a.line () << ":" << a.column ()
+ << ": error: attribute '" << xpath (a) << "' "
+ << "is of anonymous type" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ Traversal::Attribute::traverse (a);
+ }
+ private:
+ bool anonymous_error_issued_;
+ set<String> types_;
+ Sources sources_;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names_;
+ Traversal::Namespace ns_;
+ Traversal::Names names_;
+ };
+ struct GlobalElement: Traversal::Element, ValidationContext
+ {
+ GlobalElement (ValidationContext& c, SemanticGraph::Element*& element)
+ : ValidationContext (c), element_ (element)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ if (!valid)
+ return;
+ if (options.root_element_first ())
+ {
+ if (element_ == 0)
+ element_ = &e;
+ }
+ else if (options.root_element_last ())
+ {
+ element_ = &e;
+ }
+ else if (String name = options.root_element ())
+ {
+ if ( () == name)
+ element_ = &e;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (element_ == 0)
+ element_ = &e;
+ else
+ {
+ wcerr << schema_root.file () << ": error: unable to generate "
+ << "the test driver without a unique document root"
+ << endl;
+ wcerr << schema_root.file () << ": info: use --root-element-* "
+ << "options to specify the document root" << endl;
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ SemanticGraph::Element*& element_;
+ };
+ }
+ bool Validator::
+ validate (options const& ops,
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& root,
+ SemanticGraph::Path const& path,
+ bool gen_driver,
+ const WarningSet& disabled_warnings)
+ {
+ bool valid (true);
+ ValidationContext ctx (root, path, ops, disabled_warnings, valid);
+ //
+ //
+ if (ops.char_type () != "char" &&
+ ops.char_type () != "wchar_t" &&
+ !ctx.is_disabled ("P003"))
+ {
+ wcerr << "warning P003: unknown base character type '" <<
+ ops.char_type ().c_str () << "'" << endl;
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ if (ops.xml_parser () != "xerces" &&
+ ops.xml_parser () != "expat" &&
+ !ctx.is_disabled ("P004"))
+ {
+ wcerr << "warning P004: unknown underlying XML parser '" <<
+ ops.xml_parser ().c_str () << "'" << endl;
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ if (ops.xml_parser () == "expat" &&
+ ops.char_type () == "wchar_t")
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: using expat with wchar_t is not supported"
+ << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ if (ops.xml_parser () == "expat" &&
+ !ops.char_encoding ().empty () &&
+ ops.char_encoding () != "utf8")
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: using expat with character encoding other than "
+ << "utf8 is not supported"
+ << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ if (ops.generate_validation () && ops.suppress_validation ())
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: mutually exclusive options specified: "
+ << "--generate-validation and --suppress-validation"
+ << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ if (ops.generate_noop_impl () && ops.generate_print_impl ())
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: mutually exclusive options specified: "
+ << "--generate-noop-impl and --generate-print-impl"
+ << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ {
+ bool ref (ops.root_element_first ());
+ bool rel (ops.root_element_last ());
+ bool re (ops.root_element ());
+ if ((ref && rel) || (ref && re) || (rel && re))
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: mutually exclusive options specified: "
+ << "--root-element-last, --root-element-first, and "
+ << "--root-element"
+ << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ bool import_maps (ops.import_maps ());
+ bool export_maps (ops.export_maps ());
+ if (import_maps && export_maps)
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: --import-maps and --export-maps are "
+ << "mutually exclusive" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (import_maps && !ctx.polymorphic)
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: --import-maps can only be specified together with "
+ << "--generate-polymorphic" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (export_maps && !ctx.polymorphic)
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: --export-maps can only be specified together with "
+ << "--generate-polymorphic" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Test for anonymout types.
+ //
+ {
+ AnonymousType traverser (ctx);
+ traverser.dispatch (root);
+ }
+ // Test the rest.
+ //
+ if (valid)
+ {
+ Traverser traverser (ctx);
+ traverser.dispatch (root);
+ }
+ // Test that the document root is unique.
+ //
+ if (valid && gen_driver)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Element* element (0);
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names;
+ Traversal::Namespace ns;
+ Traversal::Names ns_names;
+ GlobalElement global_element (ctx, element);
+ schema >> schema_names >> ns >> ns_names >> global_element;
+ schema.dispatch (root);
+ if (valid && element == 0)
+ {
+ wcerr << root.file () << ": error: unable to generate the "
+ << "test driver without a global element (document root)"
+ << endl;
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return valid;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/validator.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/validator.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..daffdc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/parser/validator.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/parser/validator.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/xsd.hxx>
+#include <xsd/types.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/elements.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/parser/options.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Parser
+ {
+ class Validator
+ {
+ public:
+ bool
+ validate (options const&,
+ SemanticGraph::Schema&,
+ SemanticGraph::Path const& tu,
+ bool gen_driver,
+ const WarningSet& disabled_warnings);
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/counter.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/counter.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94bcc87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/counter.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/counter.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/counter.hxx>
+#include <iostream>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ struct Member: Traversal::Member
+ {
+ Member (size_t& complexity)
+ : complexity_ (complexity)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type&)
+ {
+ complexity_++;
+ }
+ size_t& complexity_;
+ };
+ struct Any: Traversal::Any, Traversal::AnyAttribute
+ {
+ Any (size_t& complexity)
+ : complexity_ (complexity)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any&)
+ {
+ complexity_++;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyAttribute&)
+ {
+ complexity_++;
+ }
+ size_t& complexity_;
+ };
+ struct TypeBase: Traversal::List,
+ Traversal::Union,
+ Traversal::Enumeration,
+ Traversal::Complex,
+ Context
+ {
+ TypeBase (Context& c, size_t& complexity)
+ : Context (c), complexity_ (complexity)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::List&)
+ {
+ complexity_++;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Union&)
+ {
+ complexity_++;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Enumeration& e)
+ {
+ bool string_based (false);
+ {
+ IsStringBasedType t (string_based);
+ t.dispatch (e);
+ }
+ complexity_ += (string_based ? 1 : 2);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ complexity_++; // One for the type itself.
+ // Plus some for each member.
+ //
+ Any any (complexity_);
+ Member member (complexity_);
+ Traversal::Names names;
+ names >> member;
+ if (options.generate_wildcard ())
+ names >> any;
+ Complex::names (c, names);
+ }
+ private:
+ size_t& complexity_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct GlobalType: Traversal::Type, Context
+ {
+ GlobalType (Context& c, Counts& counts)
+ : Context (c), counts_ (counts)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ counts_.global_types++;
+ size_t complexity (0);
+ TypeBase type (*this, complexity);
+ type.dispatch (t);
+ counts_.complexity_total += complexity;
+ counts_.complexity.push_back (complexity);
+ }
+ private:
+ Counts& counts_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct GlobalElement: Traversal::Element,
+ GlobalElementBase,
+ Context
+ {
+ GlobalElement (Context& c, Counts& counts)
+ : GlobalElementBase (c),
+ Context (c),
+ counts_ (counts),
+ last_ (0)
+ {
+ }
+ ~GlobalElement ()
+ {
+ if (last_ != 0)
+ {
+ last_->context ().set ("last", true);
+ count_last ();
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ // Check if the previous element we saw needs to be generated.
+ //
+ if (last_ != 0)
+ count_last ();
+ last_ = &e;
+ if (counts_.global_elements == 0)
+ e.context ().set ("first", true);
+ counts_.global_elements++;
+ }
+ private:
+ void
+ count_last ()
+ {
+ if (generate_p (*last_))
+ {
+ counts_.generated_global_elements++;
+ size_t complexity (0);
+ if (doc_root_p (*last_))
+ {
+ if (options.generate_element_type ())
+ {
+ complexity += 1; // For c-tors and d-tor.
+ if (!options.suppress_parsing ())
+ complexity += 1;
+ if (options.generate_serialization ())
+ complexity += 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!options.suppress_parsing ())
+ complexity += 6; // 13 parsing functions.
+ if (options.generate_serialization ())
+ complexity += 4; // 8 serialization functions.
+ }
+ }
+ if (complexity == 0)
+ {
+ // This element must be a substitution group members. For
+ // such elements we are only generating an entry in a map.
+ // We will assign it a complexity of 1 so that we don't
+ // end up with the total complexity that is less than the
+ // number of elements and types.
+ //
+ complexity = 1;
+ }
+ counts_.complexity_total += complexity;
+ counts_.complexity.push_back (complexity);
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ Counts& counts_;
+ SemanticGraph::Element* last_;
+ };
+ }
+ Counts Counter::
+ count (options const& ops,
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& tu,
+ SemanticGraph::Path const& path)
+ {
+ Counts counts;
+ Context ctx (std::wcerr, tu, path, ops, counts, false, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names;
+ Traversal::Namespace ns;
+ Traversal::Names ns_names;
+ GlobalType global_type (ctx, counts);
+ GlobalElement global_element (ctx, counts);
+ schema >> schema_names >> ns >> ns_names;
+ ns_names >> global_element;
+ ns_names >> global_type;
+ schema.dispatch (tu);
+ return counts;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/counter.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/counter.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc1dc79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/counter.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/counter.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/options.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ class Counter
+ {
+ public:
+ Counts
+ count (options const&,
+ SemanticGraph::Schema&,
+ SemanticGraph::Path const&);
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/default-value.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/default-value.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aefeda3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/default-value.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1273 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/default-value.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/default-value.hxx>
+using std::hex;
+using std::dec;
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ void
+ normalize (String& s)
+ {
+ size_t n (s.size ());
+ for (size_t i (0); i < n; ++i)
+ {
+ wchar_t& c (s[i]);
+ if (c == 0x0D || // carriage return
+ c == 0x09 || // tab
+ c == 0x0A)
+ c = 0x20;
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ collapse (String& s)
+ {
+ size_t n (s.size ()), j (0);
+ bool subs (false), trim (true);
+ for (size_t i (0); i < n; ++i)
+ {
+ wchar_t c (s[i]);
+ if (c == 0x20 || c == 0x09 || c == 0x0A)
+ subs = true;
+ else
+ {
+ if (subs)
+ {
+ subs = false;
+ if (!trim)
+ s[j++] = 0x20;
+ }
+ if (trim)
+ trim = false;
+ s[j++] = c;
+ }
+ }
+ s.resize (j);
+ }
+ void
+ strip_zeros (String& s)
+ {
+ size_t n (s.size ()), i (0);
+ if (n > 0 && (s[i] == '-' || s[i] == '+'))
+ i++;
+ size_t j (i);
+ bool strip (true);
+ for (; i < n; ++i)
+ {
+ wchar_t c (s[i]);
+ if (c == '0')
+ {
+ if (!strip)
+ s[j++] = c;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s[j++] = c;
+ if (strip)
+ strip = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (strip && j < n)
+ s[j++] = '0'; // There was nothing except zeros so add one back.
+ s.resize (j);
+ }
+ void
+ make_float (String& s)
+ {
+ if (s.find ('.') == String::npos &&
+ s.find ('e') == String::npos &&
+ s.find ('E') == String::npos)
+ s += L".0";
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // IsLiteralValue
+ //
+ IsLiteralValue::
+ IsLiteralValue (bool& r)
+ : IsFundamentalType (r)
+ {
+ *this >> inherits_ >> *this;
+ }
+ void IsLiteralValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ inherits (c);
+ }
+ //
+ // LiteralValue
+ //
+ LiteralValue::
+ LiteralValue (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ *this >> inherits_ >> *this;
+ }
+ String LiteralValue::
+ dispatch (SemanticGraph::Node& type, String const& value)
+ {
+ literal_.clear ();
+ value_ = value;
+ Traversal::NodeBase::dispatch (type);
+ return literal_;
+ }
+ void LiteralValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ inherits (c);
+ }
+ // Boolean.
+ //
+ void LiteralValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Boolean&)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ literal_ = (value_ == L"true" || value_ == L"1") ? L"true" : L"false";
+ }
+ // Integral types.
+ //
+ void LiteralValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Byte&)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ strip_zeros (value_);
+ literal_ = value_;
+ }
+ void LiteralValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedByte&)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ strip_zeros (value_);
+ literal_ = value_ + L"U";
+ }
+ void LiteralValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Short&)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ strip_zeros (value_);
+ literal_ = value_;
+ }
+ void LiteralValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedShort&)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ strip_zeros (value_);
+ literal_ = value_ + L"U";
+ }
+ void LiteralValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Int&)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ strip_zeros (value_);
+ literal_ = value_;
+ }
+ void LiteralValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedInt&)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ strip_zeros (value_);
+ literal_ = value_ + L"U";
+ }
+ void LiteralValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Long&)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ strip_zeros (value_);
+ literal_ = value_;
+ literal_ += L"LL";
+ }
+ void LiteralValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedLong&)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ strip_zeros (value_);
+ literal_ = value_;
+ literal_ += L"ULL";
+ }
+ void LiteralValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Integer&)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ strip_zeros (value_);
+ literal_ = value_ + L"LL";
+ }
+ void LiteralValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger&)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ strip_zeros (value_);
+ literal_ = value_ + L"LL";
+ }
+ void LiteralValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger&)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ strip_zeros (value_);
+ literal_ = value_ + L"ULL";
+ }
+ void LiteralValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::PositiveInteger&)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ strip_zeros (value_);
+ literal_ = value_ + L"ULL";
+ }
+ void LiteralValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NegativeInteger&)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ strip_zeros (value_);
+ literal_ = value_ + L"LL";
+ }
+ // Floats.
+ //
+ void LiteralValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Float& t)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ if (value_ == L"NaN")
+ {
+ literal_ = L"::std::numeric_limits< " + fq_name (t) +
+ L" >::quiet_NaN ()";
+ }
+ else if (value_ == L"INF")
+ {
+ literal_ = L"::std::numeric_limits< " + fq_name (t) +
+ L" >::infinity ()";
+ }
+ else if (value_ == L"-INF")
+ {
+ literal_ = L"- ::std::numeric_limits< " + fq_name (t) +
+ L" >::infinity ()";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strip_zeros (value_);
+ make_float (value_);
+ literal_ = value_ + L"F";
+ }
+ }
+ void LiteralValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double& t)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ if (value_ == L"NaN")
+ {
+ literal_ = L"::std::numeric_limits< " + fq_name (t) +
+ L" >::quiet_NaN ()";
+ }
+ else if (value_ == L"INF")
+ {
+ literal_ = L"::std::numeric_limits< " + fq_name (t) +
+ L" >::infinity ()";
+ }
+ else if (value_ == L"-INF")
+ {
+ literal_ = L"- ::std::numeric_limits< " + fq_name (t) +
+ L" >::infinity ()";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strip_zeros (value_);
+ make_float (value_);
+ literal_ = value_;
+ }
+ }
+ void LiteralValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal&)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ strip_zeros (value_);
+ make_float (value_);
+ literal_ = value_;
+ }
+ //
+ // InitKind
+ //
+ InitKind::
+ InitKind (Kind& r)
+ : r_ (r)
+ {
+ *this >> inherits_ >> *this;
+ }
+ void InitKind::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::List&)
+ {
+ r_ = function;
+ }
+ void InitKind::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ inherits (c);
+ }
+ void InitKind::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Base64Binary&)
+ {
+ r_ = data;
+ }
+ void InitKind::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::HexBinary&)
+ {
+ r_ = data;
+ }
+ void InitKind::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameTokens&)
+ {
+ r_ = function;
+ }
+ void InitKind::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRefs&)
+ {
+ r_ = function;
+ }
+ void InitKind::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entities&)
+ {
+ r_ = function;
+ }
+ //
+ // InitValue
+ //
+ InitValue::
+ InitValue (Context& c)
+ : Context (c), type_name_ (c), literal_value_ (c)
+ {
+ }
+ void InitValue::
+ dispatch (SemanticGraph::Node& type, String const& value)
+ {
+ value_ = value;
+ Traversal::NodeBase::dispatch (type);
+ }
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::List& l)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ if (!value_)
+ return;
+ SemanticGraph::Type& t (l.argumented ().type ());
+ String ov (value_);
+ size_t b (0);
+ for (size_t e (ov.find (' ')); ; e = ov.find (' ', b))
+ {
+ String v (ov, b, e != String::npos ? e - b : e);
+ os << "{";
+ type_name_.dispatch (t);
+ os << " tmp (";
+ String lit (literal_value_.dispatch (t, v));
+ if (lit)
+ os << lit;
+ else
+ {
+ value_ = v;
+ Traversal::NodeBase::dispatch (t);
+ }
+ os << ");"
+ << "r.push_back (tmp);"
+ << "}";
+ if (e == String::npos)
+ break;
+ b = e + 1;
+ }
+ value_ = ov;
+ }
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Union&)
+ {
+ os << strlit (value_);
+ }
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ Traversal::NodeBase::dispatch (ultimate_base (c));
+ }
+ // anyType & anySimpleType.
+ //
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyType& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t) << " (" << strlit (value_) << ")";
+ }
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnySimpleType& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t) << " (" << strlit (value_) << ")";
+ }
+ // Strings.
+ //
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::String&)
+ {
+ os << strlit (value_);
+ }
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NormalizedString&)
+ {
+ normalize (value_);
+ os << strlit (value_);
+ }
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Token&)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ os << strlit (value_);
+ }
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameToken&)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ os << strlit (value_);
+ }
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameTokens&)
+ {
+ string_sequence_type (
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Type&> (
+ xs_ns ().find ("NMTOKEN").first->named ()));
+ }
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Name&)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ os << strlit (value_);
+ }
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NCName&)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ os << strlit (value_);
+ }
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Language&)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ os << strlit (value_);
+ }
+ // Qualified name.
+ //
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::QName& t)
+ {
+ size_t p (value_.rfind ('#'));
+ if (p != String::npos)
+ {
+ String ns (value_, 0, p);
+ String qname (value_, p + 1, String::npos);
+ collapse (ns);
+ collapse (qname);
+ p = qname.find (':');
+ String name;
+ if (p != String::npos)
+ name.assign (qname, p + 1, String::npos);
+ else
+ name = qname;
+ os << fq_name (t) << " (" << strlit (ns) << ", " <<
+ strlit (name) << ")";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Unqualified name.
+ //
+ collapse (value_);
+ os << fq_name (t) << " (" << strlit (value_) << ")";
+ }
+ }
+ // ID/IDREF.
+ //
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Id&)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ os << strlit (value_);
+ }
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRef&)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ os << strlit (value_);
+ }
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRefs&)
+ {
+ string_sequence_type (
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Type&> (
+ xs_ns ().find ("IDREF").first->named ()));
+ }
+ // URI.
+ //
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::AnyURI&)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ os << strlit (value_);
+ }
+ // Binary.
+ //
+ static unsigned char
+ base64_decode (unsigned char c)
+ {
+ unsigned char r = 0xFF;
+ if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
+ r = static_cast<unsigned char> (c - 'A');
+ else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
+ r = static_cast<unsigned char> (c - 'a' + 26);
+ else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
+ r = static_cast<unsigned char> (c - '0' + 52);
+ else if (c == '+')
+ r = 62;
+ else if (c == '/')
+ r = 63;
+ return r;
+ }
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Base64Binary& t)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ if (dispatch_count_++ == 0)
+ {
+ if (value_)
+ {
+ os << "unsigned char " << data_ << "[] = {";
+ // Decode.
+ //
+ size_t size (value_.size ());
+ // Remove all whitespaces.
+ //
+ {
+ size_t j (0);
+ bool subs (false);
+ for (size_t i (0); i < size; ++i)
+ {
+ wchar_t c (value_[i]);
+ if (c == 0x20 || c == 0x0A || c == 0x0D || c == 0x09)
+ subs = true;
+ else
+ {
+ if (subs)
+ subs = false;
+ value_[j++] = c;
+ }
+ }
+ size = j;
+ value_.resize (size, '\0');
+ }
+ // Our length should be a multiple of four.
+ //
+ size_t quad_count (size / 4);
+ // Source and destination indexes.
+ //
+ size_t si (0), di (0);
+ // Process all quads except the last one.
+ //
+ unsigned short v;
+ unsigned char b1, b2, b3, b4;
+ wchar_t prev_fill (os.fill ('0'));
+ for (size_t q (0); q < quad_count - 1; ++q)
+ {
+ b1 = base64_decode (value_[si++]);
+ b2 = base64_decode (value_[si++]);
+ b3 = base64_decode (value_[si++]);
+ b4 = base64_decode (value_[si++]);
+ if (q != 0)
+ os << ", ";
+ if (di % 9 == 0)
+ os << endl;
+ os << hex;
+ v = static_cast<unsigned char> ((b1 << 2) | (b2 >> 4));
+ os.width (2);
+ os << "0x" << v;
+ v = static_cast<unsigned char> ((b2 << 4) | (b3 >> 2));
+ os.width (2);
+ os << ", 0x" << v;
+ v = static_cast<unsigned char> ((b3 << 6) | b4);
+ os.width (2);
+ os << ", 0x" << v;
+ os << dec;
+ di += 3;
+ }
+ // Process the last quad. The first two octets are always there.
+ //
+ b1 = base64_decode (value_[si++]);
+ b2 = base64_decode (value_[si++]);
+ wchar_t e3 (value_[si++]), e4 (value_[si++]);
+ if (quad_count != 1)
+ os << ", ";
+ if (di % 9 == 0)
+ os << endl;
+ if (e4 == '=')
+ {
+ if (e3 == '=')
+ {
+ // Two pads. Last 4 bits in b2 should be zero.
+ //
+ v = static_cast<unsigned char> ((b1 << 2) | (b2 >> 4));
+ os << "0x" << hex << v << dec;
+ di++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // One pad. Last 2 bits in b3 should be zero.
+ //
+ b3 = base64_decode (e3);
+ os << hex;
+ v = static_cast<unsigned char> ((b1 << 2) | (b2 >> 4));
+ os.width (2);
+ os << "0x" << v;
+ v = static_cast<unsigned char> ((b2 << 4) | (b3 >> 2));
+ os.width (2);
+ os << ", 0x" << v;
+ os << dec;
+ di += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // No pads.
+ //
+ b3 = base64_decode (e3);
+ b4 = base64_decode (e4);
+ os << hex;
+ v = static_cast<unsigned char> ((b1 << 2) | (b2 >> 4));
+ os.width (2);
+ os << "0x" << v;
+ v = static_cast<unsigned char> ((b2 << 4) | (b3 >> 2));
+ os.width (2);
+ os << ", 0x" << v;
+ v = static_cast<unsigned char> ((b3 << 6) | b4);
+ os.width (2);
+ os << ", 0x" << v;
+ os << dec;
+ di += 3;
+ }
+ os.fill (prev_fill);
+ os << "};";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t) << " (";
+ if (value_)
+ os << data_ << "," << endl
+ << "sizeof (" << data_ << ")," << endl
+ << "sizeof (" << data_ << ")," << endl
+ << "false";
+ else
+ os << "0";
+ os << ")";
+ }
+ }
+ static unsigned char
+ hex_decode (unsigned char c)
+ {
+ unsigned char r = 0xFF;
+ if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
+ r = static_cast<unsigned char> (c - '0');
+ else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
+ r = static_cast<unsigned char> (10 + (c - 'A'));
+ else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
+ r = static_cast<unsigned char> (10 + (c - 'a'));
+ return r;
+ }
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::HexBinary& t)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ if (dispatch_count_++ == 0)
+ {
+ if (value_)
+ {
+ os << "unsigned char " << data_ << "[] = {";
+ // Decode.
+ //
+ size_t n (value_.size () / 2);
+ wchar_t prev_fill (os.fill ('0'));
+ for (size_t i (0); i < n; ++i)
+ {
+ unsigned char h (hex_decode (value_[2 * i]));
+ unsigned char l (hex_decode (value_[2 * i + 1]));
+ if (h == 0xFF || l == 0xFF)
+ break;
+ if (i != 0)
+ os << ", ";
+ if (i % 9 == 0)
+ os << endl;
+ unsigned short v = static_cast<unsigned char> ((h << 4) | l);
+ os.width (2);
+ os << "0x" << hex << v << dec;
+ }
+ os.fill (prev_fill);
+ os << "};";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t) << " (";
+ if (value_)
+ os << data_ << "," << endl
+ << "sizeof (" << data_ << ")," << endl
+ << "sizeof (" << data_ << ")," << endl
+ << "false";
+ else
+ os << "0";
+ os << ")";
+ }
+ }
+ // Date/time.
+ //
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Date& t)
+ {
+ // date := [-]CCYY[N]*-MM-DD[Z|(+|-)HH:MM]
+ //
+ collapse (value_);
+ size_t b (0);
+ size_t e (value_.find ('-', value_[0] == '-' ? 5 : 4));
+ String year (value_, 0, e);
+ b = e + 1;
+ String month (value_, b, 2);
+ b += 3;
+ String day (value_, b, 2);
+ strip_zeros (year);
+ strip_zeros (month);
+ strip_zeros (day);
+ os << fq_name (t) << " (" << year << ", " << month << ", " << day;
+ time_zone (b + 2);
+ os << ")";
+ }
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::DateTime& t)
+ {
+ // date_time := [-]CCYY[N]*-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS[.S+][Z|(+|-)HH:MM]
+ //
+ collapse (value_);
+ size_t b (0);
+ size_t e (value_.find ('-', value_[0] == '-' ? 5 : 4));
+ String year (value_, 0, e);
+ b = e + 1;
+ String month (value_, b, 2);
+ b += 3;
+ String day (value_, b, 2);
+ b += 3;
+ String hours (value_, b, 2);
+ b += 3;
+ String minutes (value_, b, 2);
+ b += 3;
+ e = b + 2;
+ for (; e < value_.size (); ++e)
+ {
+ wchar_t c (value_[e]);
+ if (c == 'Z' || c == '+' || c == '-')
+ break;
+ }
+ String seconds (value_, b, e - b);
+ strip_zeros (year);
+ strip_zeros (month);
+ strip_zeros (day);
+ strip_zeros (hours);
+ strip_zeros (minutes);
+ strip_zeros (seconds);
+ make_float (seconds);
+ os << fq_name (t) << " ("
+ << year << ", " << month << ", " << day << ", "
+ << hours << ", " << minutes << ", " << seconds;
+ time_zone (e);
+ os << ")";
+ }
+ namespace
+ {
+ size_t
+ find_delim (String const& s, size_t pos)
+ {
+ for (; pos < s.size (); ++pos)
+ {
+ wchar_t c (s[pos]);
+ if (c == 'Y' || c == 'D' || c == 'M' || c == 'H' ||
+ c == 'M' || c == 'S' || c == 'T')
+ break;
+ }
+ return pos;
+ }
+ }
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Duration& t)
+ {
+ // duration := [-]P[nY][nM][nD][TnHnMn[.n+]S]
+ //
+ collapse (value_);
+ size_t b (1), e, n (value_.size ());
+ os << fq_name (t) << " (";
+ if (value_[0] == '-')
+ {
+ os << "true, ";
+ b++;
+ }
+ else
+ os << "false, ";
+ e = find_delim (value_, b);
+ if (e < n && value_[e] == 'Y')
+ {
+ String v (value_, b, e - b);
+ strip_zeros (v);
+ os << v << ", ";
+ b = e + 1;
+ e = find_delim (value_, b);
+ }
+ else
+ os << "0, ";
+ if (e < n && value_[e] == 'M')
+ {
+ String v (value_, b, e - b);
+ strip_zeros (v);
+ os << v << ", ";
+ b = e + 1;
+ e = find_delim (value_, b);
+ }
+ else
+ os << "0, ";
+ if (e < n && value_[e] == 'D')
+ {
+ String v (value_, b, e - b);
+ strip_zeros (v);
+ os << v << ", ";
+ b = e + 1;
+ e = find_delim (value_, b);
+ }
+ else
+ os << "0, ";
+ if (e < n && value_[e] == 'T')
+ {
+ b = e + 1;
+ e = find_delim (value_, b);
+ }
+ if (e < n && value_[e] == 'H')
+ {
+ String v (value_, b, e - b);
+ strip_zeros (v);
+ os << v << ", ";
+ b = e + 1;
+ e = find_delim (value_, b);
+ }
+ else
+ os << "0, ";
+ if (e < n && value_[e] == 'M')
+ {
+ String v (value_, b, e - b);
+ strip_zeros (v);
+ os << v << ", ";
+ b = e + 1;
+ e = find_delim (value_, b);
+ }
+ else
+ os << "0, ";
+ if (e < n && value_[e] == 'S')
+ {
+ String v (value_, b, e - b);
+ strip_zeros (v);
+ make_float (v);
+ os << v;
+ b = e + 1;
+ e = find_delim (value_, b);
+ }
+ else
+ os << "0.0";
+ os << ")";
+ }
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Day& t)
+ {
+ // gday := ---DD[Z|(+|-)HH:MM]
+ //
+ collapse (value_);
+ String day (value_, 3, 2);
+ strip_zeros (day);
+ os << fq_name (t) << " (" << day;
+ time_zone (5);
+ os << ")";
+ }
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Month& t)
+ {
+ // gmonth := --MM[Z|(+|-)HH:MM]
+ //
+ collapse (value_);
+ String month (value_, 2, 2);
+ strip_zeros (month);
+ os << fq_name (t) << " (" << month;
+ time_zone (4);
+ os << ")";
+ }
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::MonthDay& t)
+ {
+ // gmonth_day := --MM-DD[Z|(+|-)HH:MM]
+ //
+ collapse (value_);
+ String month (value_, 2, 2);
+ String day (value_, 5, 2);
+ strip_zeros (month);
+ strip_zeros (day);
+ os << fq_name (t) << " (" << month << ", " << day;
+ time_zone (7);
+ os << ")";
+ }
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Year& t)
+ {
+ // gyear := [-]CCYY[N]*[Z|(+|-)HH:MM]
+ //
+ collapse (value_);
+ size_t pos (value_[0] == '-' ? 5 : 4);
+ for (; pos < value_.size (); ++pos)
+ {
+ wchar_t c (value_[pos]);
+ if (c == 'Z' || c == '+' || c == '-')
+ break;
+ }
+ String year (value_, 0, pos);
+ strip_zeros (year);
+ os << fq_name (t) << " (" << year;
+ time_zone (pos);
+ os << ")";
+ }
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::YearMonth& t)
+ {
+ // gyear_month := [-]CCYY[N]*-MM[Z|(+|-)HH:MM]
+ //
+ collapse (value_);
+ size_t pos (value_.find ('-', value_[0] == '-' ? 5 : 4));
+ String year (value_, 0, pos);
+ String month (value_, pos + 1, 2);
+ strip_zeros (year);
+ strip_zeros (month);
+ os << fq_name (t) << " (" << year << ", " << month;
+ time_zone (pos + 3);
+ os << ")";
+ }
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Time& t)
+ {
+ // time := HH:MM:SS[.S+][Z|(+|-)HH:MM]
+ //
+ collapse (value_);
+ String hours (value_, 0, 2);
+ String minutes (value_, 3, 2);
+ size_t e (8);
+ for (; e < value_.size (); ++e)
+ {
+ wchar_t c (value_[e]);
+ if (c == 'Z' || c == '+' || c == '-')
+ break;
+ }
+ String seconds (value_, 6, e - 6);
+ strip_zeros (hours);
+ strip_zeros (minutes);
+ strip_zeros (seconds);
+ make_float (seconds);
+ os << fq_name (t) << " (" << hours << ", " << minutes << ", " << seconds;
+ time_zone (e);
+ os << ")";
+ }
+ void InitValue::
+ time_zone (size_t pos)
+ {
+ // time_zone := Z|(+|-)HH:MM
+ //
+ if (pos < value_.size ())
+ {
+ String h, m;
+ if (value_[pos] == 'Z')
+ {
+ h = "0";
+ m = "0";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (value_[pos] == '-')
+ {
+ h = "-";
+ m = "-";
+ }
+ h.append (value_, pos + 1, 2);
+ m.append (value_, pos + 4, 2);
+ strip_zeros (h);
+ strip_zeros (m);
+ }
+ os << ", " << h << ", " << m;
+ }
+ }
+ // Entity.
+ //
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entity&)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ os << strlit (value_);
+ }
+ void InitValue::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entities&)
+ {
+ string_sequence_type (
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Type&> (
+ xs_ns ().find ("ENTITY").first->named ()));
+ }
+ void InitValue::
+ string_sequence_type (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ collapse (value_);
+ if (!value_)
+ return;
+ size_t b (0);
+ for (size_t e (value_.find (' ')); ; e = value_.find (' ', b))
+ {
+ String v (value_, b, e != String::npos ? e - b : e);
+ os << "{";
+ type_name_.dispatch (t);
+ os << " tmp (" << strlit (v) << ");"
+ << "r.push_back (tmp);"
+ << "}";
+ if (e == String::npos)
+ break;
+ b = e + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/default-value.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/default-value.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5485669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/default-value.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/default-value.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ struct IsLiteralValue: IsFundamentalType, Traversal::Complex
+ {
+ IsLiteralValue (bool& r);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex&);
+ private:
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_;
+ };
+ struct LiteralValue: Traversal::Fundamental::Byte,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedByte,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Short,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedShort,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Int,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedInt,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Long,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedLong,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Integer,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::PositiveInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NegativeInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Boolean,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Float,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Double,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Decimal,
+ Traversal::Complex,
+ Context
+ {
+ LiteralValue (Context&);
+ String
+ dispatch (SemanticGraph::Node& type, String const& value);
+ // Handle inheritance.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex&);
+ // Boolean.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Boolean&);
+ // Integral types.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Byte&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedByte&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Short&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedShort&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Int&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedInt&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Long&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedLong&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Integer&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::PositiveInteger&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NegativeInteger&);
+ // Floats.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Float&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal&);
+ private:
+ String value_;
+ String literal_;
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_;
+ };
+ // Some initialization (e.g., list) need a function body while others
+ // (e.g., *binary) require extra data.
+ //
+ struct InitKind: Traversal::List,
+ Traversal::Complex,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Base64Binary,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::HexBinary,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NameTokens,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::IdRefs,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Entities
+ {
+ enum Kind
+ {
+ simple,
+ data,
+ function
+ };
+ // Should be simple initially.
+ //
+ InitKind (Kind& r);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::List&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Base64Binary&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::HexBinary&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameTokens&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRefs&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entities&);
+ private:
+ Kind& r_;
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_;
+ };
+ struct InitValue: Traversal::List,
+ Traversal::Union,
+ Traversal::Complex,
+ Traversal::AnyType,
+ Traversal::AnySimpleType,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::String,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NormalizedString,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Token,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Name,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NameToken,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NameTokens,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NCName,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Language,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::QName,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Id,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::IdRef,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::IdRefs,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::AnyURI,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Base64Binary,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::HexBinary,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Date,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::DateTime,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Duration,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Day,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Month,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::MonthDay,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Year,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::YearMonth,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Time,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Entity,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Entities,
+ Context
+ {
+ InitValue (Context&);
+ void
+ data (String const& data)
+ {
+ data_ = data;
+ dispatch_count_ = 0;
+ }
+ void
+ dispatch (SemanticGraph::Node& type, String const& value);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::List&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Union&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex&);
+ // anyType & anySimpleType.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyType&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnySimpleType&);
+ // Strings.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::String&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NormalizedString&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Token&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameToken&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameTokens&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Name&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NCName&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Language&);
+ // Qualified name.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::QName&);
+ // ID/IDREF.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Id&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRef&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRefs&);
+ // URI.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::AnyURI&);
+ // Binary.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Base64Binary&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::HexBinary&);
+ // Date/time.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Date&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::DateTime&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Duration&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Day&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Month&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::MonthDay&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Year&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::YearMonth&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Time&);
+ // Entity.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entity&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entities&);
+ private:
+ void
+ string_sequence_type (SemanticGraph::Type& element_type);
+ void
+ time_zone (size_t pos);
+ private:
+ String value_;
+ String data_;
+ size_t dispatch_count_;
+ MemberTypeName type_name_;
+ LiteralValue literal_value_;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc080c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1409 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/elements.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ // Context
+ //
+ Context::
+ Context (std::wostream& o,
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& root,
+ SemanticGraph::Path const& path,
+ options_type const& ops,
+ Counts const& counts_,
+ bool generate_xml_schema__,
+ StringLiteralMap const* map,
+ Regex const* fe,
+ Regex const* he,
+ Regex const* ie)
+ : CXX::Context (o, root, path, ops, map),
+ options (ops),
+ counts (counts_),
+ any_type (any_type_),
+ any_simple_type (any_simple_type_),
+ element_type (element_type_),
+ container (container_),
+ flags_type (flags_type_),
+ qname_type (qname_type_),
+ xs_string_type (xs_string_type_),
+ properties_type (properties_type_),
+ error_handler_type (error_handler_type_),
+ list_stream_type (list_stream_type_),
+ namespace_infomap_type (namespace_infomap_type_),
+ parser_type (parser_type_),
+ std_ostream_type (std_ostream_type_),
+ ostream_type (ostream_type_),
+ istream_type (istream_type_),
+ xerces_ns (xerces_ns_),
+ dom_auto_ptr (dom_auto_ptr_),
+ dom_node_key (dom_node_key_),
+ as_double_type (as_double_type_),
+ as_decimal_type (as_decimal_type_),
+ generate_xml_schema (generate_xml_schema_),
+ doxygen (doxygen_),
+ polymorphic (ops.generate_polymorphic ()),
+ polymorphic_all (ops.polymorphic_type_all ()),
+ poly_plate (ops.polymorphic_plate ()),
+ detach (ops.generate_detach ()),
+ fwd_expr (fe),
+ hxx_expr (he),
+ ixx_expr (ie),
+ ns_scope (ns_scope_),
+ regex_custom_type_map (regex_custom_type_map_),
+ direct_custom_type_map (direct_custom_type_map_),
+ qname_type_ (L"::xsd::cxx::xml::qualified_name< " + char_type + L" >"),
+ parser_type_ (L"::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::parser< " + char_type + L" >"),
+ generate_xml_schema_ (generate_xml_schema__),
+ doxygen_ (ops.generate_doxygen ()),
+ ns_scope_stack (ns_scope_stack_),
+ cxx_uq_id_expr_ (L"^[a-zA-Z_]\\w*$"),
+ cxx_uq_id_expr (cxx_uq_id_expr_)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Namespace& xs (xs_ns ());
+ SemanticGraph::Context& xsc (xs.context ());
+ // Cache some often-used names from the XML Schema namespace
+ // if names have already been processed.
+ //
+ if (xsc.count ("container"))
+ {
+ String xs_name (ns_name (xs));
+ any_type = fq_name (xs.find ("anyType").first->named ());
+ any_simple_type = fq_name (xs.find ("anySimpleType").first->named ());
+ xs_string_type = fq_name (xs.find ("string").first->named ());
+ container = xs_name + L"::" + xsc.get<String> ("container");
+ flags_type = xs_name + L"::" + xsc.get<String> ("flags");
+ if (ops.generate_element_type ())
+ element_type = xs_name + L"::" + xsc.get<String> ("element-type");
+ properties_type = xs_name + L"::" + xsc.get<String> ("properties");
+ if (!ops.suppress_parsing () || ops.generate_serialization ())
+ {
+ error_handler_type = xs_name + L"::" +
+ xsc.get<String> ("error-handler");
+ }
+ dom_auto_ptr_ = xs_name + (std >= cxx_version::cxx11
+ ? L"::dom::unique_ptr"
+ : L"::dom::auto_ptr");
+ dom_node_key_ = xs_name + L"::dom::" +
+ xsc.get<String> ("tree-node-key");
+ if (ops.generate_serialization ())
+ {
+ as_double_type_ = xs_name + L"::" +
+ xsc.get<String> ("as-double");
+ as_decimal_type_ = xs_name + L"::" +
+ xsc.get<String> ("as-decimal");
+ list_stream_type = xs_name + L"::" +
+ xsc.get<String> ("list-stream");
+ namespace_infomap_type = xs_name + L"::" +
+ xsc.get<String> ("namespace-infomap");
+ }
+ // istream and ostream are templates and for now use the same
+ // names regardless of the naming convention.
+ //
+ if (!ops.generate_extraction ().empty ())
+ istream_type = xs_name + L"::istream";
+ if (!ops.generate_insertion ().empty ())
+ ostream_type = xs_name + L"::ostream";
+ }
+ // Xerces-C++ namespace. IntelliSense for some reason does not like
+ // it fully-qualified (maybe because it's a namespace alias).
+ //
+ if (ops.generate_intellisense ())
+ xerces_ns = "xercesc";
+ else
+ xerces_ns = "::xercesc";
+ //
+ //
+ if (char_type == L"char")
+ std_ostream_type_ = L"::std::ostream";
+ else if (char_type == L"wchar_t")
+ std_ostream_type_ = L"::std::wostream";
+ else
+ std_ostream_type_ = L"::std::basic_ostream< " + char_type + L" >";
+ // Custom type mapping.
+ //
+ // Direct custom type mapping.
+ //
+ {
+ NarrowStrings const& v (ops.custom_type ());
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (v.begin ()),
+ e (v.end ()); i != e; ++i)
+ {
+ String s (*i);
+ if (s.empty ())
+ throw InvalidCustomTypeMapping (s, "mapping string is empty");
+ // Split the string in two parts at the last '='.
+ //
+ size_t pos (s.rfind ('='));
+ // If no delimiter found then both type and base are empty.
+ //
+ if (pos == String::npos)
+ {
+ direct_custom_type_map[s].type.clear ();
+ direct_custom_type_map[s].base.clear ();
+ continue;
+ }
+ String name (s, 0, pos);
+ String rest (s, pos + 1);
+ // See if we've got the base part after '/'.
+ //
+ pos = rest.rfind ('/');
+ String type, base;
+ if (pos != String::npos)
+ {
+ type.assign (rest, 0, pos);
+ base.assign (rest, pos + 1, String::npos);
+ }
+ else
+ type = rest;
+ // type can be a potentially-qualified template-id. base is
+ // an unqualified C++ name.
+ //
+ if (!base.empty () && !cxx_uq_id_expr.match (base))
+ throw InvalidCustomTypeMapping (s, "invalid C++ identifier");
+ direct_custom_type_map[name].type = type;
+ direct_custom_type_map[name].base = base;
+ }
+ }
+ // Regex custom type mapping.
+ //
+ {
+ NarrowStrings const& v (ops.custom_type_regex ());
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (v.begin ()),
+ e (v.end ()); i != e; ++i)
+ {
+ String s (*i);
+ if (s.empty ())
+ throw InvalidCustomTypeMapping (s, "mapping string is empty");
+ wchar_t delimiter (s[0]);
+ // First get pattern.
+ //
+ size_t pos (s.find (delimiter, 1));
+ if (pos == String::npos)
+ throw InvalidCustomTypeMapping (
+ s, "missing pattern-substitution separator");
+ String pat (s, 1, pos - 1);
+ String rest (s, pos + 1);
+ String type, base;
+ // See if we've got type and base.
+ //
+ if (!rest.empty ())
+ {
+ pos = rest.find (delimiter);
+ if (pos == String::npos)
+ throw InvalidCustomTypeMapping (
+ s, "missing pattern-substitution separator");
+ type.assign (rest, 0, pos);
+ rest = String (rest, pos + 1);
+ if (!rest.empty ())
+ {
+ pos = rest.find (delimiter);
+ if (pos == String::npos)
+ throw InvalidCustomTypeMapping (
+ s, "missing pattern-substitution separator");
+ base.assign (rest, 0, pos);
+ rest = String (rest, pos + 1);
+ if (!rest.empty ())
+ throw InvalidCustomTypeMapping (s, "invalid format");
+ }
+ }
+ regex_custom_type_map.push_back (
+ RegexCustomTypeMapInfo (WideRegexPat (pat), type, base));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context::
+ Context (Context& c)
+ : CXX::Context (c),
+ options (c.options),
+ counts (c.counts),
+ any_type (c.any_type),
+ any_simple_type (c.any_simple_type),
+ element_type (c.element_type),
+ container (c.container),
+ flags_type (c.flags_type),
+ qname_type (c.qname_type),
+ xs_string_type (c.xs_string_type),
+ properties_type (c.properties_type),
+ error_handler_type (c.error_handler_type),
+ list_stream_type (c.list_stream_type),
+ namespace_infomap_type (c.namespace_infomap_type),
+ parser_type (c.parser_type),
+ std_ostream_type (c.std_ostream_type),
+ ostream_type (c.ostream_type),
+ istream_type (c.istream_type),
+ xerces_ns (c.xerces_ns),
+ dom_auto_ptr (c.dom_auto_ptr),
+ dom_node_key (c.dom_node_key),
+ as_double_type (c.as_double_type),
+ as_decimal_type (c.as_decimal_type),
+ generate_xml_schema (c.generate_xml_schema),
+ doxygen (c.doxygen),
+ polymorphic (c.polymorphic),
+ polymorphic_all (c.polymorphic_all),
+ poly_plate (c.poly_plate),
+ detach (c.detach),
+ fwd_expr (c.fwd_expr),
+ hxx_expr (c.hxx_expr),
+ ixx_expr (c.ixx_expr),
+ ns_scope (c.ns_scope),
+ regex_custom_type_map (c.regex_custom_type_map),
+ direct_custom_type_map (c.direct_custom_type_map),
+ ns_scope_stack (c.ns_scope_stack),
+ cxx_uq_id_expr (c.cxx_uq_id_expr)
+ {
+ }
+ Context::
+ Context (Context& c, std::wostream& o)
+ : CXX::Context (c, o),
+ options (c.options),
+ counts (c.counts),
+ any_type (c.any_type),
+ any_simple_type (c.any_simple_type),
+ element_type (c.element_type),
+ container (c.container),
+ flags_type (c.flags_type),
+ qname_type (c.qname_type),
+ xs_string_type (c.xs_string_type),
+ properties_type (c.properties_type),
+ error_handler_type (c.error_handler_type),
+ list_stream_type (c.list_stream_type),
+ namespace_infomap_type (c.namespace_infomap_type),
+ parser_type (c.parser_type),
+ std_ostream_type (c.std_ostream_type),
+ ostream_type (c.ostream_type),
+ istream_type (c.istream_type),
+ xerces_ns (c.xerces_ns),
+ dom_auto_ptr (c.dom_auto_ptr),
+ dom_node_key (c.dom_node_key),
+ as_double_type (c.as_double_type),
+ as_decimal_type (c.as_decimal_type),
+ generate_xml_schema (c.generate_xml_schema),
+ doxygen (c.doxygen),
+ polymorphic (c.polymorphic),
+ polymorphic_all (c.polymorphic_all),
+ poly_plate (c.poly_plate),
+ detach (c.detach),
+ fwd_expr (c.fwd_expr),
+ hxx_expr (c.hxx_expr),
+ ixx_expr (c.ixx_expr),
+ ns_scope (c.ns_scope),
+ regex_custom_type_map (c.regex_custom_type_map),
+ direct_custom_type_map (c.direct_custom_type_map),
+ ns_scope_stack (c.ns_scope_stack),
+ cxx_uq_id_expr (c.cxx_uq_id_expr)
+ {
+ }
+ void Context::
+ update_ns_scope ()
+ {
+ ns_scope.clear ();
+ bool first (true);
+ for (NamespaceStack::iterator i (ns_scope_stack.begin ());
+ i != ns_scope_stack.end ();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ // We only qualify names until the namespace level.
+ //
+ if (first)
+ first = false;
+ else
+ ns_scope += L"::";
+ ns_scope += *i;
+ }
+ }
+ bool Context::
+ custom_type (SemanticGraph::Type const& t, String& r) const
+ {
+ String const& name ( ());
+ // First search the direct mapping.
+ //
+ {
+ DirectCustomTypeMap::const_iterator i (
+ direct_custom_type_map.find (name));
+ if (i != direct_custom_type_map.end ())
+ {
+ r = i->second.type;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Second search the regex mapping.
+ //
+ for (RegexCustomTypeMap::const_iterator
+ i (regex_custom_type_map.begin ()),
+ e (regex_custom_type_map.end ());
+ i != e; ++i)
+ {
+ if (i->pat.match (name))
+ {
+ // Empty type sub tells us to use the original name.
+ //
+ if (i->type_sub.empty ())
+ {
+ r.clear ();
+ return true;
+ }
+ r = i->pat.replace (name, i->type_sub);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ String Context::
+ custom_type (SemanticGraph::Type const& t) const
+ {
+ String r;
+ if (custom_type (t, r))
+ {
+ // Empty type name tells us to use the original name.
+ //
+ if (r.empty ())
+ r = ename (t);
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ bool Context::
+ renamed_type (SemanticGraph::Type const& t, String& r) const
+ {
+ String const& name ( ());
+ // First search the direct mapping.
+ //
+ {
+ DirectCustomTypeMap::const_iterator i (
+ direct_custom_type_map.find (name));
+ if (i != direct_custom_type_map.end ())
+ {
+ r = i->second.base;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Second search the regex mapping.
+ //
+ for (RegexCustomTypeMap::const_iterator
+ i (regex_custom_type_map.begin ()),
+ e (regex_custom_type_map.end ());
+ i != e; ++i)
+ {
+ if (i->pat.match (name))
+ {
+ if (!i->base_sub.empty ())
+ {
+ r = i->pat.replace (name, i->base_sub);
+ }
+ else
+ r.clear ();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void Context::
+ write_annotation (SemanticGraph::Annotation& a)
+ {
+ String const& doc (a.documentation ());
+ wchar_t const* s (doc.c_str ());
+ size_t size (doc.size ());
+ // Remove leading and trailing whitespaces.
+ //
+ while (*s == wchar_t (0x20) || *s == wchar_t (0x0A) ||
+ *s == wchar_t (0x0D) || *s == wchar_t (0x09))
+ {
+ s++;
+ size--;
+ }
+ if (size != 0)
+ {
+ wchar_t const* e (s + size - 1);
+ while (e > s &&
+ (*e == wchar_t (0x20) || *e == wchar_t (0x0A) ||
+ *e == wchar_t (0x0D) || *e == wchar_t (0x09)))
+ --e;
+ size = s <= e ? e - s + 1 : 0;
+ }
+ if (size != 0)
+ {
+ os << " * ";
+ // Go over the data, forcing newline after 80 chars and adding
+ // ' * ' after each new line.
+ //
+ wchar_t const* last_space (0);
+ wchar_t const* b (s);
+ wchar_t const* e (s);
+ bool after_newline (false);
+ bool rogue (false);
+ for (; e < s + size; ++e)
+ {
+ unsigned int u (unicode_char (e)); // May advance e.
+ // We are going to treat \v and \f as rogue here even though
+ // they can be present in C++ source code.
+ //
+ if (u > 127 || (u < 32 && u != '\t' && u != '\n'))
+ rogue = true;
+ if (u == ' ' || u == '\t')
+ {
+ if (after_newline)
+ {
+ if (e == b)
+ b++; // Skip leading spaces after newline.
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ last_space = e;
+ }
+ else if (after_newline)
+ {
+ os << " * ";
+ after_newline = false;
+ }
+ if (u == '\n')
+ {
+ write_rogue_text (b, e - b + 1, rogue);
+ b = e + 1;
+ last_space = 0;
+ after_newline = true;
+ rogue = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (e - b >= 70 && last_space != 0)
+ {
+ write_rogue_text (b, last_space - b, rogue);
+ os << endl;
+ b = last_space + 1;
+ last_space = 0;
+ after_newline = true;
+ // Cannot reset rogue since we don't output the whole string.
+ }
+ }
+ if (e != b)
+ write_rogue_text (b, e - b, rogue);
+ if (!after_newline)
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ void Context::
+ write_rogue_text (wchar_t const* s, size_t size, bool rogue)
+ {
+ if (!rogue)
+ os.write (s, size);
+ else
+ {
+ for (wchar_t const* p (s); p < s + size; ++p)
+ {
+ unsigned int u (unicode_char (p)); // May advance p.
+ // We are going to treat \v and \f as rogue here even though
+ // they can be present in C++ source code.
+ //
+ if (u > 127 || (u < 32 && u != '\t' && u != '\n'))
+ os.put ('?');
+ else
+ os.put (static_cast<wchar_t> (u));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool Context::
+ polymorphic_p (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ // IDREF templates cannot be polymorphic.
+ //
+ if (!t.named_p () &&
+ (t.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRef> () ||
+ t.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRefs> ()))
+ return false;
+ if (polymorphic_all)
+ {
+ bool fund (false);
+ IsFundamentalType test (fund);
+ test.dispatch (t);
+ return !fund;
+ }
+ else
+ return t.context ().get<bool> ("polymorphic");
+ }
+ bool Context::
+ anonymous_substitutes_p (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ // IDREF templates cannot match.
+ //
+ if (!t.named_p () &&
+ (t.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRef> () ||
+ t.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRefs> ()))
+ return false;
+ // See which elements this type classifies.
+ //
+ for (SemanticGraph::Type::ClassifiesIterator i (t.classifies_begin ()),
+ e (t.classifies_end ()); i != e; ++i)
+ {
+ if (SemanticGraph::Element* e =
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Element*> (&i->instance ()))
+ {
+ if (e->substitutes_p ())
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // GenerateDefautCtor
+ //
+ GenerateDefaultCtor::
+ GenerateDefaultCtor (Context& c, bool& generate, bool no_base)
+ : Context (c), generate_ (generate), no_base_ (no_base)
+ {
+ *this >> inherits_ >> *this;
+ *this >> names_ >> *this;
+ }
+ void GenerateDefaultCtor::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ // Make sure we figure out if we have any required members before
+ // we base our decision on the base type.
+ //
+ Complex::names (c, names_);
+ if (!generate_)
+ Complex::inherits (c, inherits_);
+ }
+ void GenerateDefaultCtor::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Type&)
+ {
+ if (!no_base_)
+ generate_ = true;
+ }
+ void GenerateDefaultCtor::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Enumeration&)
+ {
+ if (!no_base_)
+ generate_ = true;
+ }
+ void GenerateDefaultCtor::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
+ {
+ if (!skip (e) && min (e) == 1 && max (e) == 1)
+ generate_ = true;
+ }
+ void GenerateDefaultCtor::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Attribute& a)
+ {
+ if (min (a) == 1 && !a.fixed_p ())
+ generate_ = true;
+ }
+ void GenerateDefaultCtor::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a)
+ {
+ if (options.generate_wildcard () &&
+ min (a) == 1 && max (a) == 1)
+ generate_ = true;
+ }
+ // GenerateFromBaseCtor
+ //
+ GenerateFromBaseCtor::
+ GenerateFromBaseCtor (Context& c, bool& generate)
+ : generate_ (generate),
+ custom_ (false),
+ traverser_ (c, generate, custom_)
+ {
+ inherits_ >> traverser_;
+ }
+ void GenerateFromBaseCtor::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ inherits (c, inherits_);
+ if (!generate_ && custom_)
+ {
+ // We have a customized type in the hierarchy. In this case we
+ // want to generate the c-tor unless base and ultimate-base are
+ // the same (see CtorArgs).
+ //
+ SemanticGraph::Type& b (c.inherits ().base ());
+ generate_ = b.is_a<SemanticGraph::Complex> () &&
+ !b.is_a<SemanticGraph::Enumeration> ();
+ }
+ }
+ GenerateFromBaseCtor::Traverser::
+ Traverser (Context& c, bool& generate, bool& custom)
+ : Context (c), generate_ (generate), custom_ (custom)
+ {
+ *this >> inherits_ >> *this;
+ *this >> names_ >> *this;
+ }
+ void GenerateFromBaseCtor::Traverser::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ if (!custom_)
+ {
+ String tmp;
+ custom_ = custom_type (t, tmp);
+ }
+ }
+ void GenerateFromBaseCtor::Traverser::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ names (c, names_);
+ if (!generate_)
+ inherits (c, inherits_);
+ if (!generate_)
+ traverse (static_cast<SemanticGraph::Type&> (c));
+ }
+ void GenerateFromBaseCtor::Traverser::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
+ {
+ if (!skip (e) && min (e) == 1 && max (e) == 1)
+ generate_ = true;
+ }
+ void GenerateFromBaseCtor::Traverser::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Attribute& a)
+ {
+ if (min (a) == 1 && !a.fixed_p ())
+ generate_ = true;
+ }
+ void GenerateFromBaseCtor::Traverser::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a)
+ {
+ if (options.generate_wildcard () &&
+ min (a) == 1 && max (a) == 1)
+ generate_ = true;
+ }
+ // HasComplexNonOptArgs
+ //
+ HasComplexPolyNonOptArgs::
+ HasComplexPolyNonOptArgs (Context& c,
+ bool base,
+ bool& complex,
+ bool& poly,
+ bool& clash)
+ : Context (c),
+ complex_ (complex),
+ poly_ (poly),
+ clash_ (clash)
+ {
+ if (base)
+ *this >> inherits_ >> *this;
+ *this >> names_ >> *this;
+ }
+ void HasComplexPolyNonOptArgs::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ // No optimizations: need to check every arg for clashes.
+ //
+ inherits (c, inherits_);
+ names (c, names_);
+ }
+ void HasComplexPolyNonOptArgs::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
+ {
+ if (!skip (e) && min (e) == 1 && max (e) == 1)
+ {
+ bool poly (polymorphic && polymorphic_p (e.type ()));
+ bool simple (true);
+ IsSimpleType t (simple);
+ t.dispatch (e.type ());
+ if (poly)
+ poly_ = true;
+ if (!simple)
+ complex_ = true;
+ if (poly && simple)
+ clash_ = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // FromBaseCtorArg
+ //
+ FromBaseCtorArg::
+ FromBaseCtorArg (Context& c, CtorArgType at, bool arg)
+ : Context (c), arg_type_ (at), arg_ (arg)
+ {
+ }
+ void FromBaseCtorArg::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a)
+ {
+ if (!options.generate_wildcard ())
+ return;
+ if (min (a) == 1 && max (a) == 1)
+ {
+ String const& name (ename (a));
+ os << "," << endl
+ << "const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement&";
+ if (arg_)
+ os << " " << name;
+ }
+ }
+ void FromBaseCtorArg::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
+ {
+ if (skip (e))
+ return;
+ if (min (e) == 1 && max (e) == 1)
+ {
+ String const& name (ename (e));
+ os << "," << endl;
+ bool ptr (false);
+ switch (arg_type_)
+ {
+ case CtorArgType::complex_auto_ptr:
+ {
+ bool simple (true);
+ IsSimpleType t (simple);
+ t.dispatch (e.type ());
+ ptr = !simple;
+ break;
+ }
+ case CtorArgType::poly_auto_ptr:
+ {
+ ptr = polymorphic && polymorphic_p (e.type ());
+ break;
+ }
+ case CtorArgType::type:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ptr)
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << etype (e) << " >";
+ else
+ os << "const " << etype (e) << "&";
+ if (arg_)
+ os << " " << name;
+ }
+ }
+ void FromBaseCtorArg::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Attribute& a)
+ {
+ // Note that we are not going to include attributes with
+ // default or required fixed values here. Instead we are
+ // going to default-initialize them.
+ //
+ if (min (a) == 1 && !a.fixed_p ())
+ {
+ String const& name (ename (a));
+ os << "," << endl
+ << "const " << etype (a) << "&";
+ if (arg_)
+ os << " " << name;
+ }
+ }
+ // CtorArgs
+ //
+ CtorArgs::
+ CtorArgs (Context& c, CtorArgType at)
+ : Context (c),
+ arg_type_ (at),
+ base_arg_ (0),
+ first_ (true),
+ member_name_ (c)
+ {
+ *this >> inherits_ >> *this;
+ *this >> names_ >> *this;
+ }
+ CtorArgs::
+ CtorArgs (Context& c, CtorArgType at, String& base_arg)
+ : Context (c),
+ arg_type_ (at),
+ base_arg_ (&base_arg),
+ first_ (true),
+ member_name_ (c)
+ {
+ *this >> inherits_ >> *this;
+ *this >> names_ >> *this;
+ }
+ void CtorArgs::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ os << comma () << "const ";
+ member_name_.dispatch (t);
+ os << "&";
+ if (base_arg_ != 0)
+ {
+ // IDREF templates don't have a name.
+ //
+ *base_arg_ = t.named_p ()
+ ? (L"_xsd_" + ename (t) + L"_base")
+ : L"_xsd_base";
+ os << " " << *base_arg_;
+ }
+ }
+ void CtorArgs::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Enumeration& e)
+ {
+ os << comma () << "const ";
+ member_name_.traverse (e);
+ os << "&";
+ if (base_arg_ != 0)
+ {
+ *base_arg_ = L"_xsd_" + ename (e) + L"_base";
+ os << " " << *base_arg_;
+ }
+ }
+ void CtorArgs::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a)
+ {
+ if (!options.generate_wildcard ())
+ return;
+ if (min (a) == 1 && max (a) == 1)
+ {
+ os << comma () << "const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement&";
+ if (base_arg_ != 0)
+ os << " " << ename (a);
+ }
+ }
+ void CtorArgs::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
+ {
+ if (skip (e))
+ return;
+ if (min (e) == 1 && max (e) == 1)
+ {
+ bool ptr (false);
+ switch (arg_type_)
+ {
+ case CtorArgType::complex_auto_ptr:
+ {
+ bool simple (true);
+ IsSimpleType t (simple);
+ t.dispatch (e.type ());
+ ptr = !simple;
+ break;
+ }
+ case CtorArgType::poly_auto_ptr:
+ {
+ ptr = polymorphic && polymorphic_p (e.type ());
+ break;
+ }
+ case CtorArgType::type:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ptr)
+ os << comma () << auto_ptr << "< " << etype (e) << " >";
+ else
+ os << comma () << "const " << etype (e) << "&";
+ if (base_arg_ != 0)
+ os << " " << ename (e);
+ }
+ }
+ void CtorArgs::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Attribute& a)
+ {
+ // Note that we are not going to include attributes with
+ // default or required fixed values here. Instead we are
+ // going to default-initialize them.
+ //
+ if (min (a) == 1 && !a.fixed_p ())
+ {
+ os << comma () << "const " << etype (a) << "&";
+ if (base_arg_ != 0)
+ os << " " << ename (a);
+ }
+ }
+ String CtorArgs::
+ comma ()
+ {
+ bool tmp (first_);
+ first_ = false;
+ return tmp ? "" : ",\n";
+ }
+ // CtorArgsWithoutBase
+ //
+ CtorArgsWithoutBase::
+ CtorArgsWithoutBase (Context& c, CtorArgType at, bool arg, bool first)
+ : Context (c), arg_type_ (at), arg_ (arg), first_ (first)
+ {
+ *this >> inherits_ >> *this;
+ *this >> names_ >> *this;
+ }
+ void CtorArgsWithoutBase::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a)
+ {
+ if (!options.generate_wildcard ())
+ return;
+ if (min (a) == 1 && max (a) == 1)
+ {
+ os << comma () << "const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement&";
+ if (arg_)
+ os << " " << ename (a);
+ }
+ }
+ void CtorArgsWithoutBase::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
+ {
+ if (skip (e))
+ return;
+ if (min (e) == 1 && max (e) == 1)
+ {
+ bool ptr (false);
+ switch (arg_type_)
+ {
+ case CtorArgType::complex_auto_ptr:
+ {
+ bool simple (true);
+ IsSimpleType t (simple);
+ t.dispatch (e.type ());
+ ptr = !simple;
+ break;
+ }
+ case CtorArgType::poly_auto_ptr:
+ {
+ ptr = polymorphic && polymorphic_p (e.type ());
+ break;
+ }
+ case CtorArgType::type:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ptr)
+ os << comma () << auto_ptr << "< " << etype (e) << " >";
+ else
+ os << comma () << "const " << etype (e) << "&";
+ if (arg_)
+ os << " " << ename (e);
+ }
+ }
+ void CtorArgsWithoutBase::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Attribute& a)
+ {
+ // Note that we are not going to include attributes with
+ // default or required fixed values here. Instead we are
+ // going to default-initialize them.
+ //
+ if (min (a) == 1 && !a.fixed_p ())
+ {
+ os << comma () << "const " << etype (a) << "&";
+ if (arg_)
+ os << " " << ename (a);
+ }
+ }
+ String CtorArgsWithoutBase::
+ comma ()
+ {
+ bool tmp (first_);
+ first_ = false;
+ return tmp ? "" : ",\n";
+ }
+ // GlobalElementBase
+ //
+ bool GlobalElementBase::
+ generate_p (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
+ {
+ if (e.substitutes_p () && ctx_.polymorphic)
+ return true;
+ if (!doc_root_p (e))
+ return false;
+ // If we are not generating element types nor parsing/serialization
+ // code then we won't generate anything from it.
+ //
+ if (!ctx_.options.generate_element_type () &&
+ ctx_.options.suppress_parsing () &&
+ !ctx_.options.generate_serialization ())
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool GlobalElementBase::
+ doc_root_p (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
+ {
+ if (!ctx_.options.root_element_first () &&
+ !ctx_.options.root_element_last () &&
+ !ctx_.options.root_element_all () &&
+ !ctx_.options.root_element_none () &&
+ ctx_.options.root_element ().empty ())
+ return true; // By default treat them all.
+ if (ctx_.options.root_element_none ())
+ return false;
+ if (ctx_.options.root_element_all ())
+ return true;
+ if (ctx_.options.root_element_first () &&
+ e.context ().count ("first") != 0)
+ return true;
+ if (ctx_.options.root_element_last () &&
+ e.context ().count ("last") != 0)
+ return true;
+ NarrowStrings const& names (ctx_.options.root_element ());
+ // Hopefully nobody will specify more than a handful of names ;-).
+ //
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (names.begin ());
+ i != names.end (); ++i)
+ {
+ String name (*i);
+ if ( () == name)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Namespace
+ //
+ Namespace::
+ Namespace (Context& c,
+ size_t first,
+ size_t last)
+ : CXX::Namespace (c, *this),
+ GlobalElementBase (c),
+ ctx_ (c),
+ first_ (first),
+ last_ (last),
+ count_ (0)
+ {
+ }
+ void Namespace::
+ traverse (Type& ns)
+ {
+ using SemanticGraph::Element;
+ if (first_ > last_)
+ CXX::Namespace::traverse (ns);
+ else
+ {
+ bool opened (false);
+ for (Type::NamesIterator i (ns.names_begin ());
+ i != ns.names_end (); ++i)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Nameable& n (i->named ());
+ if (n.is_a<SemanticGraph::Type> () ||
+ (n.is_a<Element> () && generate_p (dynamic_cast<Element&> (n))))
+ {
+ if (count_ >= first_ && count_ <= last_)
+ {
+ if (!opened)
+ {
+ opened = true;
+ pre (ns);
+ }
+ edge_traverser ().dispatch (*i);
+ }
+ ++count_;
+ }
+ }
+ if (opened)
+ post (ns);
+ }
+ }
+ void Namespace::
+ enter (Type&, String const& name, bool)
+ {
+ ctx_.enter_ns_scope (name);
+ }
+ void Namespace::
+ leave ()
+ {
+ ctx_.leave_ns_scope ();
+ }
+ // Includes
+ //
+ void TypeForward::
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ String const& name (ename (t));
+ if (String custom = custom_type (t))
+ {
+ String new_name;
+ renamed_type (t, new_name);
+ if (new_name)
+ os << "class " << new_name << ";";
+ if (custom == name)
+ os << "class " << name << ";";
+ else
+ os << "typedef " << custom << " " << name << ";";
+ }
+ else
+ os << "class " << name << ";";
+ }
+ void Includes::
+ traverse_ (SemanticGraph::Uses& u)
+ {
+ // Support for weak (forward) inclusion used in the file-per-type
+ // compilation model.
+ //
+ Type t (type_);
+ bool weak (u.context ().count ("weak"));
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& s (u.schema ());
+ if (weak && t == header)
+ {
+ // Generate forward declarations.
+ //
+ if (forward_)
+ t = forward;
+ else
+ {
+ schema_.dispatch (s);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (t == source && !weak)
+ {
+ if (u.user ().context ().count ("type-schema"))
+ {
+ // Strong include into a type schema -- this is a base class.
+ // We have already included its header in our header so it
+ // would seem we don't need to do anything here. There is one
+ // subtle issue, however: Our constructors include arguments
+ // for base members which we simply pass to the base. The base
+ // header has only forward declarations for its members. This
+ // is not a problem if we pass references to base members --
+ // forward declarations are sufficient for this case. The
+ // problematic case is when we pass them as auto/unique_ptr.
+ // Because we pass them by value (which is done to support
+ // unique_ptr move semantics), the compiler needs to be able
+ // to destroy the member, presumably if an exception is thrown.
+ // And for that forward declarations are not enough.
+ //
+ // So what we are going to do here is include all the base
+ // member headers (transitively), just like the base's source
+ // file does.
+ //
+ // Note that we only do this for source since in the inline
+ // case the necessary files are already pulled via the the
+ // .ixx file includes.
+ //
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ schema >> *this;
+ schema.dispatch (s);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ SemanticGraph::Path path (
+ s.context ().count ("renamed")
+ ? s.context ().get<SemanticGraph::Path> ("renamed")
+ : u.path ());
+ path.normalize ();
+ // Try to use the portable representation of the path. If that
+ // fails, fall back to the native representation.
+ //
+ NarrowString path_str;
+ try
+ {
+ path_str = path.posix_string ();
+ }
+ catch (SemanticGraph::InvalidPath const&)
+ {
+ path_str = path.string ();
+ }
+ String inc_path;
+ switch (t)
+ {
+ case forward:
+ {
+ inc_path = ctx_.fwd_expr->replace (path_str);
+ break;
+ }
+ case header:
+ case source:
+ {
+ inc_path = ctx_.hxx_expr->replace (path_str);
+ break;
+ }
+ case inline_:
+ {
+ if (weak)
+ {
+ inc_path = ctx_.hxx_expr->replace (path_str);
+ ctx_.os << "#include " << ctx_.process_include_path (inc_path)
+ << endl;
+ }
+ inc_path = ctx_.ixx_expr->replace (path_str);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ctx_.os << "#include " << ctx_.process_include_path (inc_path) << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed5eb77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,2118 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <deque>
+#include <vector>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <libcutl/re.hxx>
+#include <xsd/types.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/elements.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/options.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ struct Counts
+ {
+ Counts ()
+ : global_types (0),
+ global_elements (0),
+ generated_global_elements (0),
+ complexity_total (0)
+ {
+ }
+ size_t global_types;
+ size_t global_elements;
+ size_t generated_global_elements;
+ // Complexity value for each global type and generated global
+ // element, in order.
+ //
+ std::vector<size_t> complexity;
+ size_t complexity_total;
+ };
+ struct InvalidCustomTypeMapping
+ {
+ InvalidCustomTypeMapping (String const& mapping,
+ String const& reason)
+ : mapping_ (mapping), reason_ (reason)
+ {
+ }
+ String const&
+ mapping () const
+ {
+ return mapping_;
+ }
+ String const&
+ reason () const
+ {
+ return reason_;
+ }
+ private:
+ String mapping_;
+ String reason_;
+ };
+ // A set of potentially qualified XML Schema type names.
+ //
+ struct TypeNameSet
+ {
+ template <typename I>
+ TypeNameSet (I begin, I end)
+ {
+ for (; begin != end; ++begin)
+ insert (*begin);
+ }
+ void
+ insert (String const& name)
+ {
+ size_t p (name.rfind ('#'));
+ if (p == String::npos)
+ unames_.insert (name);
+ else
+ qnames_.insert (name);
+ }
+ bool
+ find (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ if (!unames_.empty ())
+ {
+ if (unames_.find ( ()) != unames_.end ())
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!qnames_.empty ())
+ {
+ if (qnames_.find (t.scope ().name () + L"#" + ()) !=
+ qnames_.end ())
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private:
+ typedef std::set<String> StringSet;
+ StringSet unames_;
+ StringSet qnames_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ class Context: public CXX::Context
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef cutl::re::regexsub Regex;
+ typedef cutl::re::wregex WideRegexPat;
+ typedef Tree::options options_type;
+ struct DirectCustomTypeMapInfo
+ {
+ DirectCustomTypeMapInfo (String const& t = L"",
+ String const& b = L"")
+ : type (t), base (b)
+ {
+ }
+ String type;
+ String base;
+ };
+ struct RegexCustomTypeMapInfo
+ {
+ RegexCustomTypeMapInfo (WideRegexPat const& p,
+ String const& t,
+ String const& b)
+ : pat (p), type_sub (t), base_sub (b)
+ {
+ }
+ WideRegexPat pat;
+ String type_sub;
+ String base_sub;
+ };
+ typedef std::vector<RegexCustomTypeMapInfo> RegexCustomTypeMap;
+ typedef std::map<String, DirectCustomTypeMapInfo> DirectCustomTypeMap;
+ public:
+ Context (std::wostream& o,
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& root,
+ SemanticGraph::Path const& path,
+ options_type const& ops,
+ Counts const& counts_,
+ bool generate_xml_schema,
+ StringLiteralMap const*,
+ Regex const* fwd_expr,
+ Regex const* hxx_expr,
+ Regex const* ixx_expr);
+ protected:
+ Context (Context& c);
+ Context (Context& c, std::wostream& o);
+ // Custom type mapping.
+ //
+ public:
+ // Returns empty string if custom mapping is not required.
+ //
+ String
+ custom_type (SemanticGraph::Type const&) const;
+ // Returns true if custom mapping is required. name is
+ // populated with the custom type name or empty if the
+ // original name should be used.
+ //
+ bool
+ custom_type (SemanticGraph::Type const&, String& name) const;
+ // Returns true if this type has been renamed as part of the
+ // customization process. If the function returns true, the
+ // name string is populated with the new name or empty if
+ // the type should not be generated at all.
+ //
+ bool
+ renamed_type (SemanticGraph::Type const&, String& name) const;
+ public:
+ // Performs a number of processing steps, including forcing a new
+ // line after 80 characters as well as "commentizing" the text by
+ // adding '* ' after each newline.
+ //
+ void
+ write_annotation (SemanticGraph::Annotation&);
+ //
+ //
+ public:
+ static bool
+ ordered_p (SemanticGraph::Type const& t)
+ {
+ return t.context ().count ("ordered") &&
+ t.context ().get<bool> ("ordered");
+ }
+ // Check if we are generating mixed support for this type. We only
+ // do it for ordered types.
+ //
+ static bool
+ mixed_p (SemanticGraph::Complex const& c)
+ {
+ return c.mixed_p () && ordered_p (c);
+ }
+ bool
+ polymorphic_p (SemanticGraph::Type&);
+ bool
+ anonymous_p (SemanticGraph::Type const& t)
+ {
+ return t.context ().count ("anonymous");
+ }
+ // Return true if this anonymous type is defined in an element
+ // that belongs to a substitution group.
+ //
+ bool
+ anonymous_substitutes_p (SemanticGraph::Type&);
+ // Escaped names.
+ //
+ public:
+ // Accessor name.
+ //
+ static String const&
+ eaname (SemanticGraph::Member const& m)
+ {
+ return m.context ().get<String> ("aname");
+ }
+ static String const&
+ eaname (SemanticGraph::Any const& a)
+ {
+ return a.context ().get<String> ("aname");
+ }
+ static String const&
+ eaname (SemanticGraph::AnyAttribute const& a)
+ {
+ return a.context ().get<String> ("aname");
+ }
+ // Modifier name.
+ //
+ static String const&
+ emname (SemanticGraph::Member const& m)
+ {
+ return m.context ().get<String> ("mname");
+ }
+ static String const&
+ emname (SemanticGraph::Any const& a)
+ {
+ return a.context ().get<String> ("mname");
+ }
+ static String const&
+ emname (SemanticGraph::AnyAttribute const& a)
+ {
+ return a.context ().get<String> ("mname");
+ }
+ // Detach name.
+ //
+ static String const&
+ edname (SemanticGraph::Member const& m)
+ {
+ return m.context ().get<String> ("dname");
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ static String const&
+ etype (SemanticGraph::Member const& m)
+ {
+ return m.context ().get<String> ("type");
+ }
+ static String const&
+ etraits (SemanticGraph::Member const& m)
+ {
+ return m.context ().get<String> ("traits");
+ }
+ static String const&
+ econtainer (SemanticGraph::Member const& m)
+ {
+ return m.context ().get<String> ("container");
+ }
+ static String const&
+ econtainer (SemanticGraph::Any const& a)
+ {
+ return a.context ().get<String> ("container");
+ }
+ static String const&
+ econtainer (SemanticGraph::AnyAttribute const& a)
+ {
+ return a.context ().get<String> ("container");
+ }
+ static String const&
+ eiterator (SemanticGraph::Member const& m)
+ {
+ return m.context ().get<String> ("iterator");
+ }
+ static String const&
+ eiterator (SemanticGraph::Any const& a)
+ {
+ return a.context ().get<String> ("iterator");
+ }
+ static String const&
+ eiterator (SemanticGraph::AnyAttribute const& a)
+ {
+ return a.context ().get<String> ("iterator");
+ }
+ static String const&
+ econst_iterator (SemanticGraph::Member const& m)
+ {
+ return m.context ().get<String> ("const-iterator");
+ }
+ static String const&
+ econst_iterator (SemanticGraph::Any const& a)
+ {
+ return a.context ().get<String> ("const-iterator");
+ }
+ static String const&
+ econst_iterator (SemanticGraph::AnyAttribute const& a)
+ {
+ return a.context ().get<String> ("const-iterator");
+ }
+ static String const&
+ emember (SemanticGraph::Member const& m)
+ {
+ return m.context ().get<String> ("member");
+ }
+ static String const&
+ emember (SemanticGraph::Any const& a)
+ {
+ return a.context ().get<String> ("member");
+ }
+ static String const&
+ emember (SemanticGraph::AnyAttribute const& a)
+ {
+ return a.context ().get<String> ("member");
+ }
+ static String const&
+ edefault_value (SemanticGraph::Member const& m)
+ {
+ return m.context ().get<String> ("default-value");
+ }
+ static String const&
+ edefault_value_member (SemanticGraph::Member const& m)
+ {
+ return m.context ().get<String> ("default-value-member");
+ }
+ // Underlying enum value type.
+ //
+ static String const&
+ evalue (SemanticGraph::Enumeration const& e)
+ {
+ return e.context ().get<String> ("value");
+ }
+ // dom_document
+ //
+ static bool
+ edom_document_p (SemanticGraph::Complex const& c)
+ {
+ return c.context ().count ("dom-document");
+ }
+ static String const&
+ edom_document (SemanticGraph::Complex const& c)
+ {
+ return c.context ().get<String> ("dom-document");
+ }
+ static bool
+ edom_document_member_p (SemanticGraph::Complex const& c)
+ {
+ return c.context ().count ("dom-document-member");
+ }
+ static String const&
+ edom_document_member (SemanticGraph::Complex const& c)
+ {
+ return c.context ().get<String> ("dom-document-member");
+ }
+ // Parsing and serialization function names.
+ //
+ static String const&
+ eparser (SemanticGraph::Element const& e)
+ {
+ return e.context ().get<String> ("parser");
+ }
+ static String const&
+ eserializer (SemanticGraph::Element const& e)
+ {
+ return e.context ().get<String> ("serializer");
+ }
+ public:
+ void
+ enter_ns_scope (String const& name)
+ {
+ ns_scope_stack.push_back (name);
+ update_ns_scope ();
+ }
+ void
+ leave_ns_scope ()
+ {
+ ns_scope_stack.pop_back ();
+ update_ns_scope ();
+ }
+ private:
+ void
+ update_ns_scope ();
+ private:
+ // Write text that may contain characters that we will have
+ // to escape (indicated by the rogue flag).
+ //
+ void
+ write_rogue_text (wchar_t const* s, size_t size, bool rogue);
+ public:
+ options_type const& options;
+ Counts const& counts;
+ String& any_type;
+ String& any_simple_type;
+ String& element_type;
+ String& container;
+ String& flags_type;
+ String& qname_type;
+ String& xs_string_type;
+ String& properties_type;
+ String& error_handler_type;
+ String& list_stream_type;
+ String& namespace_infomap_type;
+ String& parser_type;
+ String& std_ostream_type;
+ String& ostream_type;
+ String& istream_type;
+ String& xerces_ns;
+ String& dom_auto_ptr;
+ String& dom_node_key;
+ String& as_double_type;
+ String& as_decimal_type;
+ bool& generate_xml_schema;
+ bool& doxygen;
+ bool polymorphic;
+ bool polymorphic_all;
+ unsigned long poly_plate;
+ bool detach;
+ Regex const* fwd_expr;
+ Regex const* hxx_expr;
+ Regex const* ixx_expr;
+ String& ns_scope;
+ RegexCustomTypeMap& regex_custom_type_map;
+ DirectCustomTypeMap& direct_custom_type_map;
+ private:
+ String any_type_;
+ String any_simple_type_;
+ String element_type_;
+ String container_;
+ String flags_type_;
+ String qname_type_;
+ String xs_string_type_;
+ String properties_type_;
+ String error_handler_type_;
+ String list_stream_type_;
+ String namespace_infomap_type_;
+ String parser_type_;
+ String std_ostream_type_;
+ String ostream_type_;
+ String istream_type_;
+ String xerces_ns_;
+ String dom_auto_ptr_;
+ String dom_node_key_;
+ String as_double_type_;
+ String as_decimal_type_;
+ bool generate_xml_schema_;
+ bool doxygen_;
+ typedef std::deque<String> NamespaceStack;
+ typedef std::deque<String> ScopeStack;
+ String ns_scope_;
+ NamespaceStack& ns_scope_stack;
+ NamespaceStack ns_scope_stack_;
+ RegexCustomTypeMap regex_custom_type_map_;
+ DirectCustomTypeMap direct_custom_type_map_;
+ private:
+ WideRegexPat const cxx_uq_id_expr_;
+ WideRegexPat const& cxx_uq_id_expr;
+ };
+ // Check whether this Schema type maps to a fundamental C++ type.
+ //
+ struct IsFundamentalType: Traversal::Fundamental::Byte,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedByte,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Short,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedShort,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Int,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedInt,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Long,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedLong,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Integer,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::PositiveInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NegativeInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Boolean,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Float,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Double,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Decimal
+ {
+ IsFundamentalType (bool& r)
+ : r_ (r)
+ {
+ }
+ // Integral types.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Byte&)
+ {
+ r_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedByte&)
+ {
+ r_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Short&)
+ {
+ r_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedShort&)
+ {
+ r_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Int&)
+ {
+ r_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedInt&)
+ {
+ r_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Long&)
+ {
+ r_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedLong&)
+ {
+ r_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Integer&)
+ {
+ r_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger&)
+ {
+ r_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger&)
+ {
+ r_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::PositiveInteger&)
+ {
+ r_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NegativeInteger&)
+ {
+ r_ = true;
+ }
+ // Boolean.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Boolean&)
+ {
+ r_ = true;
+ }
+ // Floats.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Float&)
+ {
+ r_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double&)
+ {
+ r_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal&)
+ {
+ r_ = true;
+ }
+ private:
+ bool& r_;
+ };
+ // Check whether this is a string-based type.
+ //
+ struct IsStringBasedType: Traversal::Complex,
+ Traversal::Union,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::String,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NormalizedString,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Token,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Name,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NameToken,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NCName,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Language
+ {
+ IsStringBasedType (bool& r)
+ : r_ (r)
+ {
+ *this >> inherits_ >> *this;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ inherits (c, inherits_);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Union&)
+ {
+ // Current mapping of union is string-based.
+ //
+ r_ = true;
+ }
+ // Strings.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::String&)
+ {
+ r_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NormalizedString&)
+ {
+ r_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Token&)
+ {
+ r_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameToken&)
+ {
+ r_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Name&)
+ {
+ r_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NCName&)
+ {
+ r_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Language&)
+ {
+ r_ = true;
+ }
+ private:
+ bool& r_;
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_;
+ };
+ // Check whether this is a enumeration-based type.
+ //
+ struct IsEnumBasedType: Traversal::Complex
+ {
+ IsEnumBasedType (SemanticGraph::Enumeration*& e)
+ : enum_ (e)
+ {
+ *this >> inherits_;
+ inherits_ >> *this;
+ inherits_ >> enum_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ inherits (c, inherits_);
+ }
+ private:
+ struct Enumeration: Traversal::Enumeration
+ {
+ Enumeration (SemanticGraph::Enumeration*& e)
+ : e_ (e)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ if (e_ == 0)
+ e_ = &e;
+ }
+ private:
+ SemanticGraph::Enumeration*& e_;
+ };
+ private:
+ Enumeration enum_;
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct MemberTypeName : Context,
+ Traversal::Type,
+ Traversal::List,
+ Traversal::Union,
+ Traversal::Complex,
+ Traversal::AnyType,
+ Traversal::AnySimpleType,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Byte,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedByte,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Short,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedShort,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Int,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedInt,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Long,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedLong,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Integer,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::PositiveInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NegativeInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Boolean,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Float,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Double,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Decimal,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::String,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NormalizedString,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Token,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Name,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NameToken,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NameTokens,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NCName,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Language,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::QName,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Id,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::IdRef,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::IdRefs,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::AnyURI,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Base64Binary,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::HexBinary,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Date,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::DateTime,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Duration,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Day,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Month,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::MonthDay,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Year,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::YearMonth,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Time,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Entity,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Entities
+ {
+ MemberTypeName (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ MemberTypeName (Context& c, std::wostream& o)
+ : Context (c, o)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Type&)
+ {
+ abort ();
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::List& l)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (l);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Union& u)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (u);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (c);
+ }
+ // anyType & anySimpleType.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyType& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnySimpleType& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ // Integral types.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Byte& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedByte& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Short& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedShort& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Int& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedInt& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Long& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedLong& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Integer& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::PositiveInteger& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NegativeInteger& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ // Boolean.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Boolean& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ // Floats.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Float& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ // Strings.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::String& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NormalizedString& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Token& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameToken& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameTokens& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Name& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NCName& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Language& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ // Qualified name.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::QName& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ // ID/IDREF.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Id& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRef& t)
+ {
+ if (t.named_p ())
+ {
+ // IDREF<anyType>
+ //
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Nameable& ncname (
+ xs_ns ().find ("NCName").first->named ());
+ os << "::xsd::cxx::tree::idref< " << char_type << ", " <<
+ fq_name (ncname) << ", " <<
+ type_name (t.argumented ().type ()) << " >";
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRefs& t)
+ {
+ if (t.named_p ())
+ {
+ // IDREFS<anyType>
+ //
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Nameable& ncname (
+ xs_ns ().find ("NCName").first->named ());
+ os << "::xsd::cxx::tree::idrefs< " << char_type << ", " <<
+ any_simple_type << ", ::xsd::cxx::tree::idref< " <<
+ char_type << ", " << fq_name (ncname) << ", " <<
+ type_name (t.argumented ().type ()) << " > >";
+ }
+ }
+ // URI.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::AnyURI& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ // Binary.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Base64Binary& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::HexBinary& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ // Date/time.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Date& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::DateTime& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Duration& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Day& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Month& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::MonthDay& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Year& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::YearMonth& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Time& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ // Entity.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entity& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entities& t)
+ {
+ os << fq_name (t);
+ }
+ private:
+ // For idref/idrefs
+ //
+ String
+ type_name (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ // This type is always named.
+ //
+ std::wostringstream o;
+ MemberTypeName type (*this, o);
+ type.dispatch (t);
+ return o.str ();
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct BaseTypeName : MemberTypeName
+ {
+ BaseTypeName (Context& c)
+ : MemberTypeName (c)
+ {
+ }
+ BaseTypeName (Context& c, std::wostream& o)
+ : MemberTypeName (c, o)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ fundamental_base (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ os << "::xsd::cxx::tree::fundamental_base< " <<
+ fq_name (t) << ", " << char_type << ", " <<
+ any_simple_type << " >";
+ }
+ // Integrals.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Byte& t)
+ {
+ fundamental_base (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedByte& t)
+ {
+ fundamental_base (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Short& t)
+ {
+ fundamental_base (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedShort& t)
+ {
+ fundamental_base (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Int& t)
+ {
+ fundamental_base (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedInt& t)
+ {
+ fundamental_base (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Long& t)
+ {
+ fundamental_base (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedLong& t)
+ {
+ fundamental_base (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Integer& t)
+ {
+ fundamental_base (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger& t)
+ {
+ fundamental_base (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger& t)
+ {
+ fundamental_base (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::PositiveInteger& t)
+ {
+ fundamental_base (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NegativeInteger& t)
+ {
+ fundamental_base (t);
+ }
+ // Boolean.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Boolean& t)
+ {
+ fundamental_base (t);
+ }
+ // Floats.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Float& t)
+ {
+ fundamental_base (t);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double& t)
+ {
+ os << "::xsd::cxx::tree::fundamental_base< " <<
+ fq_name (t) << ", " << char_type << ", " <<
+ any_simple_type << ", " <<
+ "::xsd::cxx::tree::schema_type::double_ >";
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal& t)
+ {
+ os << "::xsd::cxx::tree::fundamental_base< " <<
+ fq_name (t) << ", " << char_type << ", " <<
+ any_simple_type << ", " <<
+ "::xsd::cxx::tree::schema_type::decimal >";
+ }
+ };
+ // Initial value should be true.
+ //
+ struct IsSimpleType: Traversal::Complex,
+ Traversal::Member,
+ Traversal::Any,
+ Traversal::AnyAttribute
+ {
+ IsSimpleType (bool& v)
+ : v_ (v)
+ {
+ *this >> names_ >> *this;
+ *this >> inherits_ >> *this;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ if (c.mixed_p ())
+ v_ = false;
+ if (v_)
+ names (c, names_);
+ if (v_)
+ inherits (c, inherits_);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Member&)
+ {
+ v_ = false;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any&)
+ {
+ v_ = false;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyAttribute&)
+ {
+ v_ = false;
+ }
+ private:
+ bool& v_;
+ Traversal::Names names_;
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_;
+ };
+ // Test whether we need to generate default c-tor. Note that we are not
+ // interested in anyAttribute since it is always mapped to a sequence.
+ //
+ struct GenerateDefaultCtor: Traversal::Complex,
+ Traversal::Enumeration,
+ Traversal::Type,
+ Traversal::Element,
+ Traversal::Attribute,
+ Traversal::Any,
+ Context
+ {
+ // generate should initially be false.
+ //
+ GenerateDefaultCtor (Context&, bool& generate, bool no_base);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Type&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Enumeration&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Element&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Attribute&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any&);
+ private:
+ bool& generate_;
+ bool no_base_;
+ private:
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_;
+ Traversal::Names names_;
+ };
+ // Test whether we need to generate from-base c-tor.
+ //
+ struct GenerateFromBaseCtor: Traversal::Complex
+ {
+ // generate should initially be false.
+ //
+ GenerateFromBaseCtor (Context& c, bool& generate);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c);
+ private:
+ bool& generate_;
+ bool custom_;
+ // Note that we are not interested in anyAttribute since it is always
+ // mapped to a sequence.
+ //
+ struct Traverser: Traversal::Type,
+ Traversal::Complex,
+ Traversal::Element,
+ Traversal::Attribute,
+ Traversal::Any,
+ Context
+ {
+ Traverser (Context& c, bool& generate, bool& custom);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Type&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Attribute&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Element&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any&);
+ private:
+ bool& generate_;
+ bool& custom_;
+ private:
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_;
+ Traversal::Names names_;
+ } traverser_;
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_;
+ };
+ // Test whether the type has any non-optional element of complex
+ // (has attributes/elements) and polymorpjic types.
+ //
+ struct HasComplexPolyNonOptArgs: Traversal::Complex,
+ Traversal::Element,
+ Context
+ {
+ // complex and poly should initially be false. clash
+ // should initially be true.
+ //
+ HasComplexPolyNonOptArgs (Context& c,
+ bool including_base,
+ bool& complex,
+ bool& poly,
+ bool& clash);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Element&);
+ private:
+ bool& complex_;
+ bool& poly_;
+ bool& clash_;
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_;
+ Traversal::Names names_;
+ };
+ // Contructor argument types.
+ //
+ struct CtorArgType
+ {
+ enum Value
+ {
+ type,
+ complex_auto_ptr,
+ poly_auto_ptr
+ };
+ CtorArgType (Value v = Value (0)) : v_ (v) {}
+ operator Value () const {return v_;}
+ private:
+ Value v_;
+ };
+ // Immediate non-optional member. Note that AnyAttribute is always
+ // mapped to a sequence.
+ //
+ struct FromBaseCtorArg: Traversal::Any,
+ Traversal::Element,
+ Traversal::Attribute,
+ Context
+ {
+ FromBaseCtorArg (Context& c, CtorArgType, bool arg);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Attribute&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Element&);
+ private:
+ CtorArgType arg_type_;
+ bool arg_;
+ };
+ // List of all non-optional members and a simple base. Note that
+ // AnyAttribute is always mapped to a sequence.
+ //
+ struct CtorArgs: Traversal::Complex,
+ Traversal::Enumeration,
+ Traversal::Type,
+ Traversal::Any,
+ Traversal::Element,
+ Traversal::Attribute,
+ Context
+ {
+ // The second version outputs the argument name and stores
+ // in in the base_arg string.
+ //
+ CtorArgs (Context&, CtorArgType);
+ CtorArgs (Context&, CtorArgType, String& base_arg);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Type&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Enumeration&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Attribute&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Element&);
+ private:
+ String
+ comma ();
+ private:
+ CtorArgType arg_type_;
+ String base_;
+ String* base_arg_;
+ bool first_;
+ private:
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_;
+ Traversal::Names names_;
+ MemberTypeName member_name_;
+ };
+ // Check whether we need to generate c-tor without the base argument.
+ //
+ struct GenerateWithoutBaseCtor: Traversal::List,
+ Traversal::Union,
+ Traversal::Complex,
+ Traversal::Enumeration,
+ Traversal::AnyType,
+ Traversal::AnySimpleType,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::String,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NormalizedString,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Token,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NameTokens,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::IdRefs,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Base64Binary,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::HexBinary
+ {
+ // generate should initially be false.
+ //
+ GenerateWithoutBaseCtor (bool& generate)
+ : generate_ (generate)
+ {
+ *this >> inherits_ >> *this;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::List&)
+ {
+ generate_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Union&)
+ {
+ // No default initialization.
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ Complex::inherits (c);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Enumeration&)
+ {
+ // No default initialization.
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyType&)
+ {
+ generate_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnySimpleType&)
+ {
+ generate_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::String&)
+ {
+ generate_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NormalizedString&)
+ {
+ generate_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Token&)
+ {
+ generate_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameTokens&)
+ {
+ generate_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRefs&)
+ {
+ generate_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Base64Binary&)
+ {
+ generate_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::HexBinary&)
+ {
+ generate_ = true;
+ }
+ private:
+ bool& generate_;
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_;
+ };
+ // List of all non-optional members sans simple base. Note that
+ // AnyAttribute is always mapped to a sequence.
+ //
+ struct CtorArgsWithoutBase: Traversal::Complex,
+ Traversal::Any,
+ Traversal::Element,
+ Traversal::Attribute,
+ Context
+ {
+ CtorArgsWithoutBase (Context& c, CtorArgType, bool arg, bool first);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Element&);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Attribute&);
+ private:
+ String
+ comma ();
+ private:
+ CtorArgType arg_type_;
+ bool arg_;
+ bool first_;
+ private:
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_;
+ Traversal::Names names_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct GlobalElementBase
+ {
+ GlobalElementBase (Context& c)
+ : ctx_ (c)
+ {
+ }
+ bool
+ generate_p (SemanticGraph::Element&);
+ bool
+ doc_root_p (SemanticGraph::Element&);
+ private:
+ Context& ctx_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct Namespace: CXX::Namespace,
+ GlobalElementBase,
+ CXX::Namespace::ScopeTracker
+ {
+ Namespace (Context&,
+ size_t first = 1,
+ size_t last = 0);
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type&);
+ protected:
+ virtual void
+ enter (Type&, String const& name, bool last);
+ virtual void
+ leave ();
+ protected:
+ Context& ctx_;
+ private:
+ size_t first_;
+ size_t last_;
+ size_t count_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct DocumentedNamespace: Namespace
+ {
+ DocumentedNamespace (Context& c)
+ : Namespace (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ enter (Type& ns, String const& name, bool last)
+ {
+ Namespace::enter (ns, name, last);
+ // Only add documentation to the innermost namespace.
+ //
+ if (ctx_.doxygen && name && last)
+ {
+ ctx_.os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief C++ namespace for the %" <<
+ ctx_.comment ( ()) << endl
+ << " * schema namespace." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct TypeForward: Traversal::Type, Context
+ {
+ TypeForward (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Type& t);
+ };
+ struct Includes: Traversal::Imports,
+ Traversal::Includes
+ {
+ enum Type
+ {
+ forward,
+ header,
+ inline_,
+ source
+ };
+ Includes (Context& c, Type type)
+ : ctx_ (c),
+ type_ (type),
+ forward_ (c.options.generate_forward ()),
+ namespace_ (c),
+ type_forward_ (c)
+ {
+ schema_ >> schema_names_ >> namespace_ >> names_ >> type_forward_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Imports& i)
+ {
+ traverse_ (i);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Includes& i)
+ {
+ traverse_ (i);
+ }
+ private:
+ void
+ traverse_ (SemanticGraph::Uses&);
+ private:
+ Context& ctx_;
+ Type type_;
+ bool forward_;
+ Traversal::Schema schema_;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names_;
+ Namespace namespace_;
+ Traversal::Names names_;
+ TypeForward type_forward_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct FundIncludes: Traversal::Fundamental::Byte,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedByte,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Short,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedShort,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Int,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedInt,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Long,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedLong,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Integer,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::PositiveInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NegativeInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Boolean,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Float,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Double,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Decimal,
+ Context
+ {
+ FundIncludes (Context& c, String const& prefix)
+ : Context (c), prefix_ (prefix),
+ long_ (false), unsigned_long_ (false)
+ {
+ }
+ // Integral types.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Byte& t)
+ {
+ gen_include (t, "byte.hxx");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedByte& t)
+ {
+ gen_include (t, "unsigned-byte.hxx");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Short& t)
+ {
+ gen_include (t, "short.hxx");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedShort& t)
+ {
+ gen_include (t, "unsigned-short.hxx");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Int& t)
+ {
+ gen_include (t, "int.hxx");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedInt& t)
+ {
+ gen_include (t, "unsigned-int.hxx");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Long& t)
+ {
+ if (!long_)
+ long_ = gen_include (t, "long.hxx");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedLong& t)
+ {
+ if (!unsigned_long_)
+ unsigned_long_ = gen_include (t, "unsigned-long.hxx");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Integer& t)
+ {
+ if (!long_)
+ long_ = gen_include (t, "long.hxx");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger& t)
+ {
+ if (!long_)
+ long_ = gen_include (t, "long.hxx");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger& t)
+ {
+ if (!unsigned_long_)
+ unsigned_long_ = gen_include (t, "unsigned-long.hxx");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::PositiveInteger& t)
+ {
+ if (!unsigned_long_)
+ unsigned_long_ = gen_include (t, "unsigned-long.hxx");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NegativeInteger& t)
+ {
+ if (!long_)
+ long_ = gen_include (t, "long.hxx");
+ }
+ // Boolean.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Boolean& t)
+ {
+ gen_include (t, "boolean.hxx");
+ }
+ // Floats.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Float& t)
+ {
+ gen_include (t, "float.hxx");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double& t)
+ {
+ gen_include (t, "double.hxx");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal& t)
+ {
+ gen_include (t, "decimal.hxx");
+ }
+ private:
+ bool
+ gen_include (SemanticGraph::Type& t, String const& file)
+ {
+ String custom;
+ // XML Schema built-in type customization is only possible when
+ // we are generating separate header.
+ //
+ if (generate_xml_schema && custom_type (t, custom))
+ {
+ String new_name;
+ renamed_type (t, new_name);
+ if (!new_name)
+ return false;
+ }
+ os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/" << prefix_ << "/" << file << ">"
+ << endl;
+ return true;
+ }
+ private:
+ String prefix_;
+ bool long_;
+ bool unsigned_long_;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/fundamental-header.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/fundamental-header.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a470154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/fundamental-header.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1335 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/fundamental-header.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <set>
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ struct FundamentalNamespace : DocumentedNamespace,
+ Traversal::AnyType,
+ Traversal::AnySimpleType,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Byte,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedByte,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Short,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedShort,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Int,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedInt,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Long,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedLong,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Integer,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::PositiveInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NegativeInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Boolean,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Float,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Double,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Decimal,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::String,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NormalizedString,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Token,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Name,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NameToken,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NameTokens,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NCName,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Language,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Id,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::IdRef,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::IdRefs,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::AnyURI,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::QName,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Base64Binary,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::HexBinary,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Date,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::DateTime,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Duration,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Day,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Month,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::MonthDay,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Year,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::YearMonth,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Time,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Entity,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Entities,
+ Context
+ {
+ FundamentalNamespace (Context& c)
+ : DocumentedNamespace (c),
+ Context (c),
+ export_ (c.options.export_xml_schema () && type_exp)
+ {
+ *this >> names_ >> *this;
+ if (export_)
+ xs_ns_ = ns_name (xs_ns ());
+ }
+ void
+ gen_typedef (String const& name,
+ String const& type,
+ String const& arg1 = L"",
+ String const& arg2 = L"",
+ String const& arg3 = L"",
+ bool export_type = true)
+ {
+ os << "typedef " << type;
+ // Use unqualified arguments since we are in the same
+ // namespace.
+ //
+ if (arg1)
+ {
+ os << arg1;
+ if (arg2)
+ {
+ os << ", " << arg2;
+ if (arg3)
+ os << ", " << arg3;
+ }
+ os << " >";
+ }
+ os << " " << name << ";";
+ if (export_type && export_ && type.find (L'<') != String::npos)
+ {
+ String s (type);
+ // Use qualified arguments.
+ //
+ if (arg1)
+ {
+ s += xs_ns_;
+ s += L"::";
+ s += arg1;
+ if (arg2)
+ {
+ s += L", ";
+ s += xs_ns_;
+ s += L"::";
+ s += arg2;
+ if (arg3)
+ {
+ s += L", ";
+ s += xs_ns_;
+ s += L"::";
+ s += arg3;
+ }
+ }
+ s += " >";
+ }
+ if (exports_set_.count (s) == 0)
+ {
+ exports_.push_back (s);
+ exports_set_.insert (s);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ String
+ built_in_type (SemanticGraph::Type& t,
+ String const& type,
+ String const& arg1 = L"",
+ String const& arg2 = L"",
+ String const& arg3 = L"")
+ {
+ String custom;
+ String name (ename (t));
+ // XML Schema built-in type customization is only possible when
+ // we are generating separate header.
+ //
+ if (generate_xml_schema && custom_type (t, custom))
+ {
+ if (custom.empty ())
+ custom = name;
+ String new_name;
+ renamed_type (t, new_name);
+ if (new_name)
+ {
+ gen_typedef (new_name, type, arg1, arg2, arg3);
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief C++ type corresponding to the " <<
+ comment ( ()) << " XML Schema" << endl
+ << " * built-in type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ if (custom == name)
+ os << "class " << name << ";";
+ else
+ os << "typedef " << custom << " " << name << ";";
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Otherwise generate simple typedef.
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief C++ type corresponding to the " <<
+ comment ( ()) << " XML Schema" << endl
+ << " * built-in type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (name, type, arg1, arg2, arg3);
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ return name;
+ }
+ // anyType and anySimpleType
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyType& t)
+ {
+ os << "// anyType and anySimpleType." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl;
+ type_ = built_in_type (t, "::xsd::cxx::tree::type");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnySimpleType& t)
+ {
+ simple_type_ = built_in_type (
+ t, L"::xsd::cxx::tree::simple_type< " + char_type + L", ", type_);
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Alias for the anyType type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (xs_ns ().context().get<String> ("container"),
+ "::xsd::cxx::tree::type");
+ os << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ // Integrals.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Byte& t)
+ {
+ os << "// 8-bit" << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl;
+ built_in_type (t, "signed char");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedByte& t)
+ {
+ built_in_type (t, "unsigned char");
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Short& t)
+ {
+ os << "// 16-bit" << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl;
+ built_in_type (t, "short");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedShort& t)
+ {
+ built_in_type (t, "unsigned short");
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Int& t)
+ {
+ os << "// 32-bit" << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl;
+ built_in_type (t, "int");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedInt& t)
+ {
+ built_in_type (t, "unsigned int");
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Long& t)
+ {
+ os << "// 64-bit" << endl
+ << "//" <<endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl;
+ built_in_type (t, "long long");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedLong& t)
+ {
+ built_in_type (t, "unsigned long long");
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Integer& t)
+ {
+ os << "// Supposed to be arbitrary-length integral types." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl;
+ built_in_type (t, "long long");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger& t)
+ {
+ built_in_type (t, "long long");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger& t)
+ {
+ built_in_type (t, "unsigned long long");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::PositiveInteger& t)
+ {
+ built_in_type (t, "unsigned long long");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NegativeInteger& t)
+ {
+ built_in_type (t, "long long");
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ // Boolean.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Boolean& t)
+ {
+ os << "// Boolean." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl;
+ built_in_type (t, "bool");
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ // Floats.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Float& t)
+ {
+ os << "// Floating-point types." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl;
+ built_in_type (t, "float");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double& t)
+ {
+ double_ = built_in_type (t, "double");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal& t)
+ {
+ decimal_ = built_in_type (t, "double");
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ // Strings.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::String& t)
+ {
+ os << "// String types." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl;
+ string_ = built_in_type (
+ t, L"::xsd::cxx::tree::string< " + char_type + L", ", simple_type_);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NormalizedString& t)
+ {
+ norm_string_ = built_in_type (
+ t,
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::normalized_string< " + char_type + L", ",
+ string_);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Token& t)
+ {
+ token_ = built_in_type (
+ t, L"::xsd::cxx::tree::token< " + char_type + L", ", norm_string_);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameToken& t)
+ {
+ nmtoken_ = built_in_type (
+ t, L"::xsd::cxx::tree::nmtoken< " + char_type + L", ", token_);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameTokens& t)
+ {
+ built_in_type (
+ t,
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::nmtokens< " + char_type + L", ",
+ simple_type_,
+ nmtoken_);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Name& t)
+ {
+ name_ = built_in_type (
+ t, L"::xsd::cxx::tree::name< " + char_type + L", ", token_);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NCName& t)
+ {
+ ncname_ = built_in_type (
+ t, L"::xsd::cxx::tree::ncname< " + char_type + L", ", name_);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Language& t)
+ {
+ built_in_type (
+ t, L"::xsd::cxx::tree::language< " + char_type + L", ", token_);
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ // ID/IDREF.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Id& t)
+ {
+ os << "// ID/IDREF." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl;
+ built_in_type (
+ t, L"::xsd::cxx::tree::id< " + char_type + L", ", ncname_);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRef& t)
+ {
+ idref_ = built_in_type (
+ t, L"::xsd::cxx::tree::idref< " + char_type + L", ", ncname_, type_);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRefs& t)
+ {
+ built_in_type (
+ t,
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::idrefs< " + char_type + L", ",
+ simple_type_,
+ idref_);
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ // URI.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::AnyURI& t)
+ {
+ os << "// URI." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl;
+ uri_ = built_in_type (
+ t, L"::xsd::cxx::tree::uri< " + char_type + L", ", simple_type_);
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ // Qualified name.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::QName& t)
+ {
+ os << "// Qualified name." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl;
+ built_in_type (
+ t,
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::qname< " + char_type + L", ",
+ simple_type_,
+ uri_,
+ ncname_);
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ // Binary.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Base64Binary& t)
+ {
+ os << "// Binary." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Binary buffer type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (xs_ns ().context().get<String> ("buffer"),
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::buffer< " + char_type + L" >");
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl;
+ built_in_type (
+ t,
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::base64_binary< " + char_type + L", ",
+ simple_type_);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::HexBinary& t)
+ {
+ built_in_type (
+ t,
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::hex_binary< " + char_type + L", ",
+ simple_type_);
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ // Date/time.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Date& t)
+ {
+ os << "// Date/time." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Time zone type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (xs_ns ().context().get<String> ("time-zone"),
+ "::xsd::cxx::tree::time_zone");
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl;
+ built_in_type (
+ t, L"::xsd::cxx::tree::date< " + char_type + L", ", simple_type_);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::DateTime& t)
+ {
+ built_in_type (
+ t,
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::date_time< " + char_type + L", ",
+ simple_type_);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Duration& t)
+ {
+ built_in_type (
+ t,
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::duration< " + char_type + L", ",
+ simple_type_);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Day& t)
+ {
+ built_in_type (
+ t, L"::xsd::cxx::tree::gday< " + char_type + L", ", simple_type_);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Month& t)
+ {
+ built_in_type (
+ t, L"::xsd::cxx::tree::gmonth< " + char_type + L", ", simple_type_);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::MonthDay& t)
+ {
+ built_in_type (
+ t,
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::gmonth_day< " + char_type + L", ",
+ simple_type_);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Year& t)
+ {
+ built_in_type (
+ t, L"::xsd::cxx::tree::gyear< " + char_type + L", ", simple_type_);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::YearMonth& t)
+ {
+ built_in_type (
+ t,
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::gyear_month< " + char_type + L", ",
+ simple_type_);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Time& t)
+ {
+ built_in_type (
+ t, L"::xsd::cxx::tree::time< " + char_type + L", ", simple_type_);
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ // Entity.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entity& t)
+ {
+ os << "// Entity." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl;
+ entity_ = built_in_type (
+ t, L"::xsd::cxx::tree::entity< " + char_type + L", ", ncname_);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entities& t)
+ {
+ built_in_type (
+ t,
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::entities< " + char_type + L", ",
+ simple_type_,
+ entity_);
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ post (SemanticGraph::Namespace& n)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Context& c (xs_ns ().context());
+ bool parsing (!options.suppress_parsing ());
+ bool serialization (options.generate_serialization ());
+ bool element_map (options.generate_element_map ());
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Content order sequence entry." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (c.get<String> ("content-order"),
+ "::xsd::cxx::tree::content_order");
+ }
+ if (options.generate_element_type ())
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Base class for element types." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ else
+ os << "// Base class for element types." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (
+ c.get<String> ("element-type"),
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::element_type< " + char_type + L", ",
+ type_);
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ if (element_map)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Root element map." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ else
+ os << "// Root element map." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (
+ c.get<String> ("element-map"),
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::element_map< " + char_type + L", ",
+ type_);
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ if (serialization)
+ {
+ os << "// Namespace information and list stream. Used in" << endl
+ << "// serialization functions." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Namespace serialization information." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (
+ c.get<String> ("namespace-info"),
+ L"::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::namespace_info< " + char_type + L" >");
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Namespace serialization information map." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (c.get<String> ("namespace-infomap"),
+ L"::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::namespace_infomap< " +
+ char_type + L" >");
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief List serialization stream." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (
+ c.get<String> ("list-stream"),
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::list_stream< " + char_type + L" >");
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Serialization wrapper for the %double type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ // Do not export as_double and as_decimal since they are already
+ // instantiated.
+ //
+ gen_typedef (c.get<String> ("as-double"),
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::as_double< ",
+ double_,
+ "",
+ "",
+ false);
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Serialization wrapper for the %decimal type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (c.get<String> ("as-decimal"),
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::as_decimal< ",
+ decimal_,
+ "",
+ "",
+ false);
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Simple type facet." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (c.get<String> ("facet"), "::xsd::cxx::tree::facet");
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ //@@ Can't change names of ostream/istream since they are
+ // templates.
+ //
+ if (!options.generate_insertion ().empty ())
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Data representation output stream template." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ else
+ os << "// Data representation output stream template." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ os << "using ::xsd::cxx::tree::ostream;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (!options.generate_extraction ().empty ())
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Data representation input stream template." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ else
+ os << "// Data representation input stream template." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ os << "using ::xsd::cxx::tree::istream;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ os << "// Flags and properties." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Parsing and serialization flags." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (c.get<String> ("flags"), "::xsd::cxx::tree::flags");
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Parsing properties." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (c.get<String> ("properties"),
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< " + char_type + L" >");
+ os << endl;
+ //
+ //
+ if (parsing || serialization)
+ {
+ os << "// Parsing/serialization diagnostics." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Error severity." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (c.get<String> ("severity"),
+ "::xsd::cxx::tree::severity");
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Error condition." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (c.get<String> ("error"),
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::error< " + char_type + L" >");
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief List of %error conditions." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (c.get<String> ("diagnostics"),
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::diagnostics< " + char_type + L" >");
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ os << "// Exceptions." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Root of the C++/Tree %exception hierarchy." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (c.get<String> ("exception"),
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::exception< " + char_type + L" >");
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Exception indicating that the size argument exceeds" <<
+ endl
+ << " * the capacity argument." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (c.get<String> ("bounds"),
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::bounds< " + char_type + L" >");
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Exception indicating that a duplicate ID value" <<
+ endl
+ << " * was encountered in the object model." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (c.get<String> ("duplicate-id"),
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::duplicate_id< " + char_type + L" >");
+ if (parsing)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Exception indicating a parsing failure." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (c.get<String> ("parsing"),
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::parsing< " + char_type + L" >");
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Exception indicating that an expected element" <<
+ endl
+ << " * was not encountered." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (
+ c.get<String> ("expected-element"),
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::expected_element< " + char_type + L" >");
+ }
+ if (parsing || serialization)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Exception indicating that an unexpected " <<
+ "element" << endl
+ << " * was encountered." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (
+ c.get<String> ("unexpected-element"),
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_element< " + char_type + L" >");
+ }
+ if (parsing)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Exception indicating that an expected " <<
+ "attribute" << endl
+ << " * was not encountered." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (
+ c.get<String> ("expected-attribute"),
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::expected_attribute< " + char_type + L" >");
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Exception indicating that an unexpected " <<
+ "enumerator" << endl
+ << " * was encountered." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (
+ c.get<String> ("unexpected-enumerator"),
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_enumerator< " + char_type + L" >");
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Exception indicating that the text content " <<
+ "was" << endl
+ << " * expected for an element." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (
+ c.get<String> ("expected-text-content"),
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::expected_text_content< " + char_type + L" >");
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Exception indicating that a prefix-namespace" <<
+ endl
+ << " * mapping was not provided." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (
+ c.get<String> ("no-prefix-mapping"),
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::no_prefix_mapping< " + char_type + L" >");
+ }
+ if (options.generate_polymorphic ())
+ {
+ if (parsing || serialization)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Exception indicating that the type " <<
+ "information" << endl
+ << " * is not available for a type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (
+ c.get<String> ("no-type-info"),
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::no_type_info< " + char_type + L" >");
+ }
+ if (parsing)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Exception indicating that the types are not" <<
+ endl
+ << " * related by inheritance." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (
+ c.get<String> ("not-derived"),
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::not_derived< " + char_type + L" >");
+ }
+ }
+ if (element_map)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Exception indicating that parsing or " <<
+ "serialization" << endl
+ << " * information is not available for an element." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (
+ c.get<String> ("no-element-info"),
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::no_element_info< " + char_type + L" >");
+ }
+ if (serialization)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Exception indicating a serialization " <<
+ "failure." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (
+ c.get<String> ("serialization"),
+ L"::xsd::cxx::tree::serialization< " + char_type + L" >");
+ }
+ os << endl;
+ if (parsing || serialization)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Error handler callback interface." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ else
+ os << "// Error handler callback interface." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ gen_typedef (
+ c.get<String> ("error-handler"),
+ L"::xsd::cxx::xml::error_handler< " + char_type + L" >");
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ if (parsing || serialization)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief DOM interaction." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ else
+ os << "// DOM interaction." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ os << "namespace dom"
+ << "{";
+ // @@ Disregarding current naming convention by using the
+ // fixed name (even in C++11, template alias is not yet
+ // widely supported).
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Automatic pointer for DOMDocument." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ else
+ os << "// Automatic pointer for DOMDocument." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (std >= cxx_version::cxx11)
+ os << "using ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::unique_ptr;";
+ else
+ os << "using ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::auto_ptr;";
+ os << endl;
+ if (parsing)
+ {
+ if (!generate_xml_schema)
+ {
+ String g (L"XSD_CXX_TREE_TREE_NODE_KEY" + ns_name (n));
+ std::transform (g.begin (), g.end(), g.begin (), upcase);
+ g = escape (g); // Make it a C++ id.
+ os << "#ifndef " << g << endl
+ << "#define " << g << endl;
+ }
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief DOM user data key for back pointers to " <<
+ "tree nodes." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ else
+ os << "// DOM user data key for back pointers to tree nodes." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ os << "const XMLCh* const " << c.get<String> ("tree-node-key") <<
+ " = ::xsd::cxx::tree::user_data_keys::node;";
+ if (!generate_xml_schema)
+ os << "#endif" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "}"; // namespace dom
+ }
+ if (element_map)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << "//@cond" << endl
+ << endl;
+ if (!generate_xml_schema)
+ {
+ String g (L"XSD_CXX_TREE_ELEMENT_MAP_INIT" + ns_name (n));
+ std::transform (g.begin (), g.end(), g.begin (), upcase);
+ g = escape (g); // Make it a C++ id.
+ os << "#ifndef " << g << endl
+ << "#define " << g << endl;
+ }
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::element_map_init< " <<
+ char_type << ", " << type_ << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_element_map_init;";
+ if (!generate_xml_schema)
+ os << "#endif" << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "//@endcond" << endl;
+ }
+ Namespace::post (n);
+ // Generate exports.
+ //
+ if (export_)
+ {
+ StringSet ns_set;
+ for (StringList::const_iterator i (exports_.begin ());
+ i != exports_.end (); ++i)
+ {
+ String const& e (*i);
+ // 12 is to skip ::xsd::cxx::
+ //
+ ns_set.insert (String (e, 12, e.rfind (':', e.find ('<')) - 13));
+ }
+ os << "#ifndef XSD_NO_EXPORT" << endl
+ << endl
+ << "namespace xsd"
+ << "{"
+ << "namespace cxx"
+ << "{";
+ for (StringSet::const_iterator i (ns_set.begin ());
+ i != ns_set.end (); ++i)
+ {
+ String const& ns (*i);
+ String prefix (L"::xsd::cxx::" + ns);
+ size_t n (1);
+ for (size_t b (0), e (ns.find (':')); ; n++)
+ {
+ os << "namespace " << String (ns, b, e)
+ << "{";
+ if (e == String::npos)
+ break;
+ b = e + 2;
+ e = ns.find (':', b);
+ }
+ for (StringList::const_iterator i (exports_.begin ());
+ i != exports_.end (); ++i)
+ {
+ String const& e (*i);
+ String ens (e, 12, e.rfind (':', e.find ('<')) - 13);
+ if (ns == ens)
+ {
+ String type (e, e.rfind (':', e.find ('<')) + 1);
+ os << "template class " << type_exp << type << ";";
+ }
+ }
+ while (n--)
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ os << "}" // cxx
+ << "}" // xsd
+ << "#endif // XSD_NO_EXPORT" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ typedef std::set<String> StringSet;
+ typedef std::vector<String> StringList;
+ bool export_;
+ StringList exports_;
+ StringSet exports_set_;
+ String xs_ns_;
+ Traversal::Names names_;
+ String type_;
+ String simple_type_;
+ String string_;
+ String norm_string_;
+ String token_;
+ String nmtoken_;
+ String name_;
+ String ncname_;
+ String idref_;
+ String uri_;
+ String entity_;
+ String double_;
+ String decimal_;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/generator.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/generator.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5601f4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/generator.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1227 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/generator.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <libcutl/re.hxx>
+#include <libcutl/shared-ptr.hxx>
+#include <libcutl/compiler/code-stream.hxx>
+#include <libcutl/compiler/cxx-indenter.hxx>
+#include <libcutl/compiler/sloc-counter.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/generators/dependencies.hxx>
+#include <xsd/version.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/generator.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/counter.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/validator.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/name-processor.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/order-processor.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/polymorphism-processor.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/tree-forward.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/tree-header.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/tree-inline.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/tree-source.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/parser-header.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/parser-source.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/stream-header.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/stream-source.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/serialization-header.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/serialization-source.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/stream-insertion-header.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/stream-insertion-source.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/stream-extraction-source.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/options.hxx>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace cutl;
+using namespace XSDFrontend::SemanticGraph;
+typedef std::wifstream WideInputFileStream;
+typedef std::wofstream WideOutputFileStream;
+namespace CXX
+ namespace
+ {
+ char const copyright_gpl[] =
+ "// Copyright (c) " XSD_COPYRIGHT ".\n"
+ "//\n"
+ "// This program was generated by CodeSynthesis XSD, an XML Schema to\n"
+ "// C++ data binding compiler.\n"
+ "//\n"
+ "// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n"
+ "// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as\n"
+ "// published by the Free Software Foundation.\n"
+ "//\n"
+ "// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n"
+ "// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n"
+ "// GNU General Public License for more details.\n"
+ "//\n"
+ "// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n"
+ "// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n"
+ "// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA\n"
+ "//\n"
+ "// In addition, as a special exception, Code Synthesis Tools CC gives\n"
+ "// permission to link this program with the Xerces-C++ library (or with\n"
+ "// modified versions of Xerces-C++ that use the same license as Xerces-C++),\n"
+ "// and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey\n"
+ "// the GNU General Public License version 2 in all respects for all of\n"
+ "// the code used other than Xerces-C++. If you modify this copy of the\n"
+ "// program, you may extend this exception to your version of the program,\n"
+ "// but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete\n"
+ "// this exception statement from your version.\n"
+ "//\n"
+ "// Furthermore, Code Synthesis Tools CC makes a special exception for\n"
+ "// the Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) which is described\n"
+ "// in the accompanying FLOSSE file.\n"
+ "//\n\n";
+ char const copyright_proprietary[] =
+ "// Copyright (c) " XSD_COPYRIGHT ".\n"
+ "//\n"
+ "// This program was generated by CodeSynthesis XSD, an XML Schema\n"
+ "// to C++ data binding compiler, in the Proprietary License mode.\n"
+ "// You should have received a proprietary license from Code Synthesis\n"
+ "// Tools CC prior to generating this code. See the license text for\n"
+ "// conditions.\n"
+ "//\n\n";
+ }
+ void Tree::Generator::
+ usage ()
+ {
+ CXX::Tree::options::print_usage (wcout);
+ CXX::options::print_usage (wcout);
+ }
+ namespace
+ {
+ void
+ open (WideInputFileStream& ifs, NarrowString const& path)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Path fs_path (path);
+ (fs_path.string ().c_str (),
+ std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary);
+ if (!ifs.is_open ())
+ {
+ wcerr << path.c_str () << ": error: unable to open in read mode"
+ << endl;
+ throw Tree::Generator::Failed ();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (InvalidPath const&)
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: '" << path.c_str () << "' is not a valid "
+ << "filesystem path" << endl;
+ throw Tree::Generator::Failed ();
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ append (WideOutputFileStream& os,
+ NarrowString const& path,
+ WideInputFileStream& default_is)
+ {
+ using std::ios_base;
+ if (path)
+ {
+ WideInputFileStream is;
+ open (is, path);
+ os << is.rdbuf ();
+ }
+ else if (default_is.is_open ())
+ {
+ os << default_is.rdbuf ();
+ default_is.seekg (0, ios_base::beg);
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ append (WideOutputFileStream& os,
+ NarrowStrings const& primary,
+ NarrowStrings const& def)
+ {
+ NarrowStrings const& v (primary.empty () ? def : primary);
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (v.begin ()), e (v.end ());
+ i != e; ++i)
+ {
+ os << i->c_str () << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ size_t Tree::Generator::
+ generate (Tree::options const& ops,
+ Schema& schema,
+ Path const& file_path,
+ bool fpt,
+ StringLiteralMap const& string_literal_map,
+ const WarningSet& disabled_warnings,
+ FileList& file_list,
+ AutoUnlinks& unlinks)
+ {
+ using cutl::shared_ptr;
+ typedef cutl::re::regexsub Regex;
+ typedef vector<Path> Paths;
+ typedef vector<shared_ptr<WideOutputFileStream> > WideOutputFileStreams;
+ try
+ {
+ // Do option validation.
+ //
+ if ( () < 1)
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: invalid value for option --parts: " <<
+ () << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ // Get counts.
+ //
+ Counts counts;
+ {
+ Counter counter;
+ counts = counter.count (ops, schema, file_path);
+ /*
+ wcerr << "global type count: " << counts.global_types << endl;
+ wcerr << "global element count: " << counts.global_elements << endl;
+ wcerr << "generated global element count: " <<
+ counts.generated_global_elements << endl;
+ wcerr << "total complexity: " << counts.complexity_total << endl;
+ wcerr << "complexity vector size: " << counts.complexity.size ()
+ << endl;
+ */
+ }
+ // Evaluate the graph for possibility of generating something useful.
+ //
+ {
+ Validator validator;
+ if (!validator.validate (
+ ops, schema, file_path, disabled_warnings, counts))
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ bool gen_cxx (!ops.generate_dep_only ());
+ // Process ordered types.
+ //
+ if (gen_cxx)
+ {
+ OrderProcessor proc;
+ if (!proc.process (ops, schema, file_path))
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ // Process names.
+ //
+ if (gen_cxx)
+ {
+ NameProcessor proc;
+ if (!proc.process (ops, schema, file_path, string_literal_map))
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ // Process polymorphic types.
+ //
+ if (gen_cxx &&
+ ops.generate_polymorphic () &&
+ !ops.polymorphic_type_all ())
+ {
+ PolymorphismProcessor proc;
+ if (!proc.process (ops, schema, file_path, disabled_warnings))
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ // Parts.
+ //
+ size_t parts ( ());
+ size_t units (counts.global_types + counts.generated_global_elements);
+ size_t units_per_part (units / parts);
+ if (parts != 1 && units_per_part < 1)
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: too many parts specified: " << parts << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ size_t complexity_per_part (counts.complexity_total / parts);
+ NarrowString parts_suffix (ops.parts_suffix ());
+ //
+ //
+ bool generate_xml_schema (ops.generate_xml_schema ());
+ // We could be compiling several schemas at once in which case
+ // handling of the --generate-xml-schema option gets tricky: we
+ // will need to rely on the presence of the --extern-xml-schema
+ // to tell us which (fake) schema file corresponds to XML Schema.
+ //
+ if (generate_xml_schema)
+ {
+ if (NarrowString name = ops.extern_xml_schema ())
+ {
+ if (file_path.string () != name)
+ generate_xml_schema = false;
+ }
+ }
+ bool header (true);
+ bool inline_ (ops.generate_inline () && !generate_xml_schema);
+ bool forward (ops.generate_forward () && !generate_xml_schema);
+ bool source (!generate_xml_schema);
+ bool gen_dep ((ops.generate_dep () || ops.generate_dep_only ()) &&
+ !generate_xml_schema);
+ if (ops.generate_dep_only () && generate_xml_schema)
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: no dependency information can be generated for "
+ "XML Schema header" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ if (gen_dep && fpt)
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: dependency generation not support in the " <<
+ "file-per-type mode" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ // Generate code.
+ //
+ NarrowString name (file_path.leaf ().string ());
+ NarrowString hxx_suffix (ops.hxx_suffix ());
+ NarrowString ixx_suffix (ops.ixx_suffix ());
+ NarrowString cxx_suffix (ops.cxx_suffix ());
+ NarrowString fwd_suffix (ops.fwd_suffix ());
+ NarrowString dep_suffix (ops.dep_suffix ());
+ Regex hxx_expr (ops.hxx_regex ().empty ()
+ ? "#^(.+?)(\\.[^./\\\\]+)?$#$1" + hxx_suffix + "#"
+ : ops.hxx_regex ());
+ Regex ixx_expr (ops.ixx_regex ().empty ()
+ ? "#^(.+?)(\\.[^./\\\\]+)?$#$1" + ixx_suffix + "#"
+ : ops.ixx_regex ());
+ Regex cxx_expr (ops.cxx_regex ().empty ()
+ ? "#^(.+?)(\\.[^./\\\\]+)?$#$1" + cxx_suffix + "#"
+ : ops.cxx_regex ());
+ Regex fwd_expr (ops.fwd_regex ().empty ()
+ ? "#^(.+?)(\\.[^./\\\\]+)?$#$1" + fwd_suffix + "#"
+ : ops.fwd_regex ());
+ Regex dep_expr (ops.dep_regex ().empty ()
+ ? "#^(.+?)(\\.[^./\\\\]+)?$#$1" + dep_suffix + "#"
+ : ops.dep_regex ());
+ if (header && !hxx_expr.match (name))
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: header expression '" <<
+ hxx_expr.regex ().str ().c_str () << "' does not match '" <<
+ name.c_str () << "'" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ if (inline_ && !ixx_expr.match (name))
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: inline expression '" <<
+ ixx_expr.regex ().str ().c_str () << "' does not match '" <<
+ name.c_str () << "'" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ if (source && parts == 1 && !cxx_expr.match (name))
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: source expression '" <<
+ cxx_expr.regex ().str ().c_str () << "' does not match '" <<
+ name.c_str () << "'" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ if (forward && !fwd_expr.match (name))
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: forward expression '" <<
+ fwd_expr.regex ().str ().c_str () << "' does not match '" <<
+ name.c_str () << "'" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ if (gen_dep && !dep_expr.match (name))
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: dependency expression '" <<
+ dep_expr.regex ().str ().c_str () << "' does not match '" <<
+ name.c_str () << "'" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ NarrowString hxx_name (header ? hxx_expr.replace (name) : NarrowString ());
+ NarrowString ixx_name (inline_ ? ixx_expr.replace (name) : NarrowString ());
+ NarrowString fwd_name (forward ? fwd_expr.replace (name) : NarrowString ());
+ NarrowString dep_name (gen_dep ? dep_expr.replace (name) : NarrowString ());
+ Path hxx_path (hxx_name);
+ Path ixx_path (ixx_name);
+ Path fwd_path (fwd_name);
+ Path dep_path (dep_name);
+ Paths cxx_paths;
+ if (source)
+ {
+ if (parts > 1)
+ {
+ for (size_t i (0); i < parts; ++i)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << i;
+ Regex expr (
+ "#^(.+?)(\\.[^./\\\\]+)?$#$1" + parts_suffix + os.str () + "$2#");
+ NarrowString part_name (expr.replace (name));
+ if (!cxx_expr.match (part_name))
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: source expression '" <<
+ cxx_expr.regex ().str ().c_str () << "' does not match '" <<
+ part_name.c_str () << "'" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ cxx_paths.push_back (Path (cxx_expr.replace (part_name)));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ cxx_paths.push_back (Path (cxx_expr.replace (name)));
+ }
+ Path out_dir;
+ if (NarrowString dir = ops.output_dir ())
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ out_dir = Path (dir);
+ }
+ catch (InvalidPath const&)
+ {
+ wcerr << dir.c_str () << ": error: invalid path" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ }
+ if (fpt && !generate_xml_schema)
+ {
+ // In the file-per-type mode the schema files are always local
+ // unless the user added the directory so that we propagate this
+ // to the output files.
+ //
+ Path fpt_dir ( ());
+ if (!fpt_dir.empty ())
+ out_dir /= fpt_dir;
+ }
+ if (!out_dir.empty ())
+ {
+ hxx_path = out_dir / hxx_path;
+ ixx_path = out_dir / ixx_path;
+ fwd_path = out_dir / fwd_path;
+ dep_path = out_dir / dep_path;
+ for (Paths::iterator i (cxx_paths.begin ());
+ i != cxx_paths.end (); ++i)
+ *i = out_dir / *i;
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ WideOutputFileStream hxx;
+ WideOutputFileStream ixx;
+ WideOutputFileStream fwd;
+ WideOutputFileStream dep;
+ WideOutputFileStreams cxx;
+ // DEP
+ //
+ if (gen_dep)
+ {
+ (dep_path.string ().c_str (), ios_base::out);
+ if (!dep.is_open ())
+ {
+ wcerr << dep_path << ": error: unable to open in write mode" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ unlinks.add (dep_path);
+ file_list.push_back (dep_path.string ());
+ }
+ // FWD
+ //
+ if (gen_cxx && forward)
+ {
+ (fwd_path.string ().c_str (), ios_base::out);
+ if (!fwd.is_open ())
+ {
+ wcerr << fwd_path << ": error: unable to open in write mode" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ unlinks.add (fwd_path);
+ file_list.push_back (fwd_path.string ());
+ }
+ // HXX
+ //
+ if (gen_cxx && header)
+ {
+ (hxx_path.string ().c_str (), ios_base::out);
+ if (!hxx.is_open ())
+ {
+ wcerr << hxx_path << ": error: unable to open in write mode" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ unlinks.add (hxx_path);
+ file_list.push_back (hxx_path.string ());
+ }
+ // IXX
+ //
+ if (gen_cxx && inline_)
+ {
+ (ixx_path.string ().c_str (), ios_base::out);
+ if (!ixx.is_open ())
+ {
+ wcerr << ixx_path << ": error: unable to open in write mode" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ unlinks.add (ixx_path);
+ file_list.push_back (ixx_path.string ());
+ }
+ // CXX
+ //
+ if (gen_cxx && source)
+ {
+ for (Paths::iterator i (cxx_paths.begin ());
+ i != cxx_paths.end (); ++i)
+ {
+ shared_ptr<WideOutputFileStream> s (
+ new (shared) WideOutputFileStream (
+ i->string ().c_str (), ios_base::out));
+ if (!s->is_open ())
+ {
+ wcerr << *i << ": error: unable to open in write mode" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ unlinks.add (*i);
+ file_list.push_back (i->string ());
+ cxx.push_back (s);
+ }
+ }
+ // Print copyright and license.
+ //
+ char const* copyright (
+ ops.proprietary_license () ? copyright_proprietary : copyright_gpl);
+ if (gen_cxx && header)
+ hxx << copyright;
+ if (gen_cxx && forward)
+ fwd << copyright;
+ if (ops.generate_doxygen ())
+ {
+ // Use native path format.
+ //
+ hxx << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @file" << endl
+ << " * @brief Generated from " << name.c_str () << "." << endl
+ << " */" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (gen_cxx && inline_)
+ ixx << copyright;
+ if (gen_cxx && source)
+ {
+ for (WideOutputFileStreams::iterator i (cxx.begin ());
+ i != cxx.end (); ++i)
+ **i << copyright;
+ }
+ // Prologue.
+ //
+ WideInputFileStream prologue;
+ {
+ NarrowString name (ops.prologue_file ());
+ if (name)
+ open (prologue, name);
+ }
+ // Epilogue.
+ //
+ WideInputFileStream epilogue;
+ {
+ NarrowString name (ops.epilogue_file ());
+ if (name)
+ open (epilogue, name);
+ }
+ // SLOC counter.
+ //
+ size_t sloc_total (0);
+ bool show_sloc (ops.show_sloc ());
+ typedef
+ compiler::ostream_filter<compiler::cxx_indenter, wchar_t>
+ ind_filter;
+ typedef
+ compiler::ostream_filter<compiler::sloc_counter, wchar_t>
+ sloc_filter;
+ //
+ //
+ Regex guard_expr ("/([a-z])([A-Z])/$1_$2/"); // Split words.
+ NarrowString guard_prefix (ops.guard_prefix ());
+ if (!guard_prefix)
+ guard_prefix = ().string ();
+ if (guard_prefix)
+ guard_prefix += '_';
+ // DEP
+ //
+ if (gen_dep)
+ {
+ NarrowString target;
+ NarrowStrings const& ts (ops.dep_target ());
+ if (!ts.empty ())
+ {
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (ts.begin ());
+ i != ts.end (); ++i)
+ target += (target.empty () ? "" : " \\\n") + *i;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ target = hxx_path.string ();
+ if (forward)
+ target += " \\\n" + fwd_path.string ();
+ if (inline_)
+ target += " \\\n" + ixx_path.string ();
+ for (Paths::iterator i (cxx_paths.begin ());
+ i != cxx_paths.end (); ++i)
+ target += " \\\n" + i->string ();
+ target += " \\\n" + dep_path.string ();
+ }
+ dep << target.c_str () << ':';
+ XSDFrontend::Generators::Dependencies gen;
+ Paths prq (gen.generate (schema, file_path));
+ for (Paths::iterator i (prq.begin ()); i != prq.end (); ++i)
+ dep << " \\" << endl
+ << " " << *i;
+ dep << endl;
+ // If requested, generate phony rules for included/imported schemas
+ // but not the main file which is the first in the list.
+ //
+ if (ops.dep_phony () && prq.size () > 1)
+ {
+ for (Paths::iterator i (prq.begin () + 1); i != prq.end (); ++i)
+ dep << endl
+ << *i << ':' << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // FWD
+ //
+ if (gen_cxx && forward)
+ {
+ Context ctx (fwd,
+ schema,
+ file_path,
+ ops,
+ counts,
+ generate_xml_schema,
+ &string_literal_map,
+ &fwd_expr,
+ &hxx_expr,
+ &ixx_expr);
+ sloc_filter sloc (fwd);
+ // Guard
+ //
+ String guard (guard_expr.replace (guard_prefix + fwd_name));
+ guard = ctx.escape (guard); // make a c++ id
+ std::transform (guard.begin (), guard.end(), guard.begin (), upcase);
+ fwd << "#ifndef " << guard << endl
+ << "#define " << guard << endl
+ << endl;
+ if (ctx.std >= cxx_version::cxx11)
+ {
+ fwd << "#ifndef XSD_CXX11" << endl
+ << "#define XSD_CXX11" << endl
+ << "#endif" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (ctx.char_type == L"char")
+ {
+ fwd << "#ifndef XSD_USE_CHAR" << endl
+ << "#define XSD_USE_CHAR" << endl
+ << "#endif" << endl
+ << endl;
+ fwd << "#ifndef XSD_CXX_TREE_USE_CHAR" << endl
+ << "#define XSD_CXX_TREE_USE_CHAR" << endl
+ << "#endif" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ else if (ctx.char_type == L"wchar_t")
+ {
+ fwd << "#ifndef XSD_USE_WCHAR" << endl
+ << "#define XSD_USE_WCHAR" << endl
+ << "#endif" << endl
+ << endl;
+ fwd << "#ifndef XSD_CXX_TREE_USE_WCHAR" << endl
+ << "#define XSD_CXX_TREE_USE_WCHAR" << endl
+ << "#endif" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // Copy prologue.
+ //
+ fwd << "// Begin prologue." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ append (fwd, ops.fwd_prologue (), ops.prologue ());
+ append (fwd, ops.fwd_prologue_file (), prologue);
+ fwd << "//" << endl
+ << "// End prologue." << endl
+ << endl;
+ // Version check.
+ //
+ fwd << "#include <xsd/cxx/version.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl
+ << "#if (LIBXSD_VERSION != " << XSD_VERSION << "L)" << endl
+ << "#error XSD runtime version mismatch" << endl
+ << "#endif" << endl
+ << endl;
+ fwd << "#include <xsd/cxx/pre.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ // Generate.
+ //
+ {
+ ind_filter ind (fwd); // We don't want to indent prologues/epilogues.
+ generate_forward (ctx);
+ }
+ fwd << "#include <xsd/cxx/post.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ // Copy epilogue.
+ //
+ fwd << "// Begin epilogue." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ append (fwd, ops.fwd_epilogue_file (), epilogue);
+ append (fwd, ops.fwd_epilogue (), ops.epilogue ());
+ fwd << "//" << endl
+ << "// End epilogue." << endl
+ << endl;
+ fwd << "#endif // " << guard << endl;
+ if (show_sloc)
+ wcerr << fwd_path << ": " << ().count () << endl;
+ sloc_total += ().count ();
+ }
+ // HXX
+ //
+ if (gen_cxx && header)
+ {
+ Context ctx (hxx,
+ schema,
+ file_path,
+ ops,
+ counts,
+ generate_xml_schema,
+ &string_literal_map,
+ &fwd_expr,
+ &hxx_expr,
+ &ixx_expr);
+ sloc_filter sloc (hxx);
+ // Guard
+ //
+ String guard (guard_expr.replace (guard_prefix + hxx_name));
+ guard = ctx.escape (guard); // make a c++ id
+ std::transform (guard.begin (), guard.end(), guard.begin (), upcase);
+ hxx << "#ifndef " << guard << endl
+ << "#define " << guard << endl
+ << endl;
+ if (!forward)
+ {
+ if (ctx.std >= cxx_version::cxx11)
+ {
+ hxx << "#ifndef XSD_CXX11" << endl
+ << "#define XSD_CXX11" << endl
+ << "#endif" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (ctx.char_type == L"char")
+ {
+ hxx << "#ifndef XSD_USE_CHAR" << endl
+ << "#define XSD_USE_CHAR" << endl
+ << "#endif" << endl
+ << endl;
+ hxx << "#ifndef XSD_CXX_TREE_USE_CHAR" << endl
+ << "#define XSD_CXX_TREE_USE_CHAR" << endl
+ << "#endif" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ else if (ctx.char_type == L"wchar_t")
+ {
+ hxx << "#ifndef XSD_USE_WCHAR" << endl
+ << "#define XSD_USE_WCHAR" << endl
+ << "#endif" << endl
+ << endl;
+ hxx << "#ifndef XSD_CXX_TREE_USE_WCHAR" << endl
+ << "#define XSD_CXX_TREE_USE_WCHAR" << endl
+ << "#endif" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!generate_xml_schema)
+ {
+ // Generate it before the prologue so that we get the above
+ // defines.
+ //
+ hxx << "#include " << ctx.process_include_path (fwd_name)
+ << endl << endl;
+ }
+ // Copy prologue.
+ //
+ hxx << "// Begin prologue." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ append (hxx, ops.hxx_prologue (), ops.prologue ());
+ append (hxx, ops.hxx_prologue_file (), prologue);
+ hxx << "//" << endl
+ << "// End prologue." << endl
+ << endl;
+ // Version check.
+ //
+ hxx << "#include <xsd/cxx/config.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl
+ << "#if (LIBXSD_VERSION != " << XSD_VERSION << "L)" << endl
+ << "#error XSD runtime version mismatch" << endl
+ << "#endif" << endl
+ << endl;
+ hxx << "#include <xsd/cxx/pre.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ // Generate.
+ //
+ {
+ ind_filter ind (hxx); // We don't want to indent prologues/epilogues.
+ if (!generate_xml_schema && !forward)
+ generate_forward (ctx);
+ generate_tree_header (ctx);
+ if (!generate_xml_schema)
+ {
+ if (ops.generate_ostream ())
+ generate_stream_header (ctx);
+ if (!ops.generate_element_type () && !ops.suppress_parsing ())
+ generate_parser_header (ctx);
+ if (ops.generate_serialization ())
+ generate_serialization_header (ctx);
+ if (!ops.generate_insertion ().empty ())
+ generate_stream_insertion_header (ctx);
+ }
+ }
+ if (inline_)
+ {
+ hxx << "#ifndef XSD_DONT_INCLUDE_INLINE" << endl
+ << "#include " << ctx.process_include_path (ixx_name) << endl
+ << "#endif // XSD_DONT_INCLUDE_INLINE" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ hxx << "#include <xsd/cxx/post.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ // Copy epilogue.
+ //
+ hxx << "// Begin epilogue." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ append (hxx, ops.hxx_epilogue_file (), epilogue);
+ append (hxx, ops.hxx_epilogue (), ops.epilogue ());
+ hxx << "//" << endl
+ << "// End epilogue." << endl
+ << endl;
+ hxx << "#endif // " << guard << endl;
+ if (show_sloc)
+ wcerr << hxx_path << ": " << ().count () << endl;
+ sloc_total += ().count ();
+ }
+ // IXX
+ //
+ if (gen_cxx && inline_)
+ {
+ Context ctx (ixx,
+ schema,
+ file_path,
+ ops,
+ counts,
+ generate_xml_schema,
+ &string_literal_map,
+ &fwd_expr,
+ &hxx_expr,
+ &ixx_expr);
+ sloc_filter sloc (ixx);
+ // Guard
+ //
+ String guard (guard_expr.replace (guard_prefix + ixx_name));
+ guard = ctx.escape (guard); // make a c++ id
+ std::transform (guard.begin (), guard.end(), guard.begin (), upcase);
+ ixx << "#ifndef " << guard.c_str () << endl
+ << "#define " << guard.c_str () << endl
+ << endl;
+ // Copy prologue.
+ //
+ ixx << "// Begin prologue." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ append (ixx, ops.ixx_prologue (), ops.prologue ());
+ append (ixx, ops.ixx_prologue_file (), prologue);
+ ixx << "//" << endl
+ << "// End prologue." << endl
+ << endl;
+ // Generate.
+ //
+ {
+ ind_filter ind (ixx); // We don't want to indent prologues/epilogues.
+ generate_tree_inline (ctx, 1, 0);
+ }
+ // Copy epilogue.
+ //
+ ixx << "// Begin epilogue." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ append (ixx, ops.ixx_epilogue_file (), epilogue);
+ append (ixx, ops.ixx_epilogue (), ops.epilogue ());
+ ixx << "//" << endl
+ << "// End epilogue." << endl
+ << endl;
+ ixx << "#endif // " << guard.c_str () << endl;
+ if (show_sloc)
+ wcerr << ixx_path << ": " << ().count () << endl;
+ sloc_total += ().count ();
+ }
+ // CXX
+ //
+ if (gen_cxx && source)
+ {
+ size_t first_unit (0); // First unit in the current part.
+ for (size_t part (0); part < parts; ++part)
+ {
+ // Figure out the range of units for this part.
+ //
+ size_t last_unit (first_unit);
+ if (units != 0)
+ {
+ size_t complexity (counts.complexity[last_unit]);
+ while (complexity < complexity_per_part)
+ {
+ // Make sure there will be at least one unit for each part left.
+ //
+ if ((last_unit + 1) >= units ||
+ (units - (last_unit + 1) - 1) < (parts - part - 1))
+ break;
+ // Check if the increase in complexity should be kept in this
+ // part or moved to the next.
+ //
+ size_t new_complexity (
+ complexity + counts.complexity[last_unit + 1]);
+ if (new_complexity > complexity_per_part)
+ {
+ if ((new_complexity - complexity_per_part) >
+ (counts.complexity[last_unit + 1] / 2))
+ break;
+ }
+ last_unit++;
+ complexity = new_complexity;
+ }
+ if (part + 1 == parts)
+ {
+ // Last part.
+ //
+ last_unit = units - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ size_t first (first_unit);
+ size_t last (last_unit);
+ first_unit = last_unit + 1;
+ //wcerr << "[" << first << ", " << last << "]: " << complexity
+ // << endl;
+ WideOutputFileStream& os (*cxx[part]);
+ Context ctx (os,
+ schema,
+ file_path,
+ ops,
+ counts,
+ generate_xml_schema,
+ &string_literal_map,
+ &fwd_expr,
+ &hxx_expr,
+ &ixx_expr);
+ sloc_filter sloc (os);
+ // Copy prologue.
+ //
+ os << "// Begin prologue." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ append (os, ops.cxx_prologue (), ops.prologue ());
+ append (os, ops.cxx_prologue_file (), prologue);
+ os << "//" << endl
+ << "// End prologue." << endl
+ << endl;
+ os << "#include <xsd/cxx/pre.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ os << "#include " << ctx.process_include_path (hxx_name) << endl
+ << endl;
+ // Generate.
+ //
+ {
+ // We don't want to indent prologues/epilogues.
+ //
+ ind_filter ind (os);
+ if (!inline_)
+ generate_tree_inline (ctx, first, last);
+ generate_tree_source (ctx, first, last);
+ if (ops.generate_ostream ())
+ generate_stream_source (ctx, first, last);
+ if (!ops.generate_element_type () && !ops.suppress_parsing ())
+ generate_parser_source (ctx, first, last);
+ if (ops.generate_serialization ())
+ generate_serialization_source (ctx, first, last);
+ if (!ops.generate_extraction ().empty ())
+ generate_stream_extraction_source (ctx);
+ if (!ops.generate_insertion ().empty ())
+ generate_stream_insertion_source (ctx);
+ }
+ os << "#include <xsd/cxx/post.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ // Copy epilogue.
+ //
+ os << "// Begin epilogue." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ append (os, ops.cxx_epilogue_file (), epilogue);
+ append (os, ops.cxx_epilogue (), ops.epilogue ());
+ os << "//" << endl
+ << "// End epilogue." << endl
+ << endl;
+ if (show_sloc)
+ wcerr << cxx_paths[part] << ": " << ().count ()
+ << endl;
+ sloc_total += ().count ();
+ }
+ }
+ return sloc_total;
+ }
+ catch (UnrepresentableCharacter const& e)
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: character at position " << e.position () << " "
+ << "in string '" << e.string () << "' is unrepresentable in "
+ << "the target encoding" << endl;
+ wcerr << "info: use the --custom-literals option to provide custom "
+ << "string literals mapping" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ catch (NoNamespaceMapping const& e)
+ {
+ wcerr << e.file () << ":" << e.line () << ":" << e.column ()
+ << ": error: unable to map XML Schema namespace '" << e.ns ()
+ << "' to C++ namespace" << endl;
+ wcerr << e.file () << ":" << e.line () << ":" << e.column ()
+ << ": info: use the --namespace-map or --namespace-regex option "
+ << "to provide custom mapping" << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ catch (InvalidNamespaceMapping const& e)
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: invalid XML to C++ namespace mapping specified: "
+ << "'" << e.mapping () << "': " << e.reason () << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ catch (InvalidCustomTypeMapping const& e)
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: invalid custom type mapping specified: "
+ << "'" << e.mapping () << "': " << e.reason () << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ catch (cutl::re::format const& e)
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: invalid regex: '" <<
+ e.regex ().c_str () << "': " <<
+ e.description ().c_str () << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ catch (cutl::re::wformat const& e)
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: invalid regex: '" <<
+ e.regex () << "': " << e.description ().c_str () << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/generator.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/generator.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9b96fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/generator.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/generator.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph/elements.hxx> // Path
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph/schema.hxx>
+#include <xsd/xsd.hxx>
+#include <xsd/types.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/literal-map.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/options.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ class Generator
+ {
+ public:
+ static void
+ usage ();
+ struct Failed {};
+ static size_t
+ generate (options const&,
+ XSDFrontend::SemanticGraph::Schema&,
+ XSDFrontend::SemanticGraph::Path const& file,
+ bool file_per_type,
+ StringLiteralMap const&,
+ const WarningSet& disabled_warnings,
+ FileList& file_list,
+ AutoUnlinks& unlinks);
+ private:
+ Generator ();
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/name-processor.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/name-processor.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e26a5d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/name-processor.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,2399 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/name-processor.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <set>
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <libcutl/re.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/default-value.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/name-processor.hxx>
+using namespace std;
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ //
+ //
+ typedef set<String> NameSet;
+ class Context: public Tree::Context
+ {
+ public:
+ struct Failed {};
+ Context (Tree::options const& ops,
+ Counts const& counts,
+ bool generate_xml_schema,
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& root,
+ SemanticGraph::Path const& path,
+ StringLiteralMap const& map)
+ : Tree::Context (std::wcerr,
+ root,
+ path,
+ ops,
+ counts,
+ generate_xml_schema,
+ &map,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0),
+ global_type_names (global_type_names_),
+ global_element_names (global_element_names_),
+ detach (ops.generate_detach ()),
+ type_regex (type_regex_),
+ accessor_regex (accessor_regex_),
+ one_accessor_regex (one_accessor_regex_),
+ opt_accessor_regex (opt_accessor_regex_),
+ seq_accessor_regex (seq_accessor_regex_),
+ modifier_regex (modifier_regex_),
+ one_modifier_regex (one_modifier_regex_),
+ opt_modifier_regex (opt_modifier_regex_),
+ seq_modifier_regex (seq_modifier_regex_),
+ parser_regex (parser_regex_),
+ serializer_regex (serializer_regex_),
+ const_regex (const_regex_),
+ enumerator_regex (enumerator_regex_),
+ element_type_regex (element_type_regex_)
+ {
+ NarrowString tn (options.type_naming ());
+ NarrowString fn (options.function_naming ());
+ // Type name regex.
+ //
+ {
+ // Predefined rules. The most frequently used come last: global
+ // names, two components (<name>,type), three components
+ // (<name>,const,iterator), and one component (value in enum).
+ //
+ if (tn == "knr")
+ {
+ type_regex.push_back ("/(?:[^ ]* )?([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/$1_$2_$3_$4/");
+ type_regex.push_back ("/(?:[^ ]* )?([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/$1_$2_$3/");
+ type_regex.push_back ("/(?:[^ ]* )?([^,]+),([^,]+)/$1_$2/");
+ type_regex.push_back ("/(?:[^ ]* )?([^,]+)/$1/");
+ /*
+ type_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+)/$1/");
+ type_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/$1_$2_$3_$4/");
+ type_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/$1_$2_$3/");
+ type_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+)/$1_$2/");
+ type_regex.push_back ("/[^ ]* (.+)/$1/");
+ */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Upper camel case or Java.
+ //
+ type_regex.push_back ("/(?:[^ ]* )?([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/\\u$1\\u$2\\u$3\\u$4/");
+ type_regex.push_back ("/(?:[^ ]* )?([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/\\u$1\\u$2\\u$3/");
+ type_regex.push_back ("/(?:[^ ]* )?([^,]+),([^,]+)/\\u$1\\u$2/");
+ type_regex.push_back ("/(?:[^ ]* )?([^,]+)/\\u$1/");
+ /*
+ type_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+)/\\u$1/");
+ type_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/\\u$1\\u$2\\u$3\\u$4/");
+ type_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/\\u$1\\u$2\\u$3/");
+ type_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+)/\\u$1\\u$2/");
+ type_regex.push_back ("/[^ ]* (.+)/\\u$1/");
+ */
+ }
+ compile_regex (options.type_regex (), type_regex, "type");
+ }
+ // Accessor name regex.
+ //
+ {
+ // Predefined rules. The most frequently used come last: one
+ // component, three components (<name>,default,value) and two
+ // component (dom,document).
+ //
+ if (fn == "knr")
+ {
+ accessor_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+)/$1_$2/");
+ accessor_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/$1_$2_$3/");
+ accessor_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+)/$1/");
+ }
+ else if (fn == "lcc")
+ {
+ accessor_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+)/\\l$1\\u$2/");
+ accessor_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/\\l$1\\u$2\\u$3/");
+ accessor_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+)/\\l$1/");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Java: add get.
+ //
+ accessor_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+)/get\\u$1\\u$2/");
+ accessor_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/get\\u$1\\u$2\\u$3/");
+ accessor_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+)/get\\u$1/");
+ }
+ compile_regex (options.accessor_regex (),
+ accessor_regex,
+ "accessor");
+ compile_regex (options.one_accessor_regex (),
+ one_accessor_regex,
+ "one accessor");
+ compile_regex (options.opt_accessor_regex (),
+ opt_accessor_regex,
+ "optional accessor");
+ compile_regex (options.seq_accessor_regex (),
+ seq_accessor_regex,
+ "sequence accessor");
+ }
+ // Modifier name regex.
+ //
+ {
+ if (fn == "knr")
+ {
+ // any,attribute
+ //
+ modifier_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+)/$1_$2/");
+ }
+ else if (fn == "lcc")
+ {
+ modifier_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+)/\\l$1\\u$2/");
+ modifier_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+)/\\l$1/");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Java: add set.
+ //
+ modifier_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+)/set\\u$1\\u$2/");
+ modifier_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+)/set\\u$1/");
+ modifier_regex.push_back ("/detach,([^,]+)/detach\\u$1/");
+ }
+ compile_regex (options.modifier_regex (),
+ modifier_regex,
+ "modifier");
+ compile_regex (options.one_modifier_regex (),
+ one_modifier_regex,
+ "one modifier");
+ compile_regex (options.opt_modifier_regex (),
+ opt_modifier_regex,
+ "optional modifier");
+ compile_regex (options.seq_modifier_regex (),
+ seq_modifier_regex,
+ "sequence modifier");
+ }
+ // Parser name regex.
+ //
+ {
+ if (fn == "lcc")
+ {
+ parser_regex.push_back ("/(.+)/\\l$1/");
+ }
+ else if (fn == "java")
+ {
+ // Java: add parse.
+ //
+ parser_regex.push_back ("/(.+)/parse\\u$1/");
+ }
+ compile_regex (options.parser_regex (), parser_regex, "parser");
+ }
+ // Serializer name regex.
+ //
+ {
+ if (fn == "lcc")
+ {
+ serializer_regex.push_back ("/(.+)/\\l$1/");
+ }
+ else if (fn == "java")
+ {
+ // Java: add serialize.
+ //
+ serializer_regex.push_back ("/(.+)/serialize\\u$1/");
+ }
+ compile_regex (options.serializer_regex (),
+ serializer_regex,
+ "serializer");
+ }
+ // Const regex.
+ //
+ {
+ if (fn == "knr")
+ {
+ const_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/$1_$2_$3/");
+ const_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+)/$1_$2/");
+ }
+ else if (fn == "lcc")
+ {
+ const_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/\\l$1_\\u$2_\\u$3/");
+ const_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+)/\\l$1\\u$2/");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Java: all uppercase.
+ //
+ const_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/\\U$1_$2_$3/");
+ const_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+)/\\U$1_$2/");
+ }
+ compile_regex (options.const_regex (), const_regex, "const");
+ }
+ // Enumerator name regex.
+ //
+ {
+ // By default map an empty enumerator to the 'empty' word.
+ //
+ enumerator_regex.push_back ("/^$/empty/");
+ compile_regex (options.enumerator_regex (),
+ enumerator_regex,
+ "enumerator");
+ }
+ // Element type regex.
+ //
+ compile_regex (options.element_type_regex (),
+ element_type_regex,
+ "element_type");
+ }
+ protected:
+ Context (Context& c)
+ : Tree::Context (c),
+ global_type_names (c.global_type_names),
+ global_element_names (c.global_element_names),
+ detach (c.detach),
+ type_regex (c.type_regex),
+ accessor_regex (c.accessor_regex),
+ one_accessor_regex (c.one_accessor_regex),
+ opt_accessor_regex (c.opt_accessor_regex),
+ seq_accessor_regex (c.seq_accessor_regex),
+ modifier_regex (c.modifier_regex),
+ one_modifier_regex (c.one_modifier_regex),
+ opt_modifier_regex (c.opt_modifier_regex),
+ seq_modifier_regex (c.seq_modifier_regex),
+ parser_regex (c.parser_regex),
+ serializer_regex (c.serializer_regex),
+ const_regex (c.const_regex),
+ enumerator_regex (c.enumerator_regex),
+ element_type_regex (c.element_type_regex)
+ {
+ }
+ public:
+ typedef cutl::re::wregexsub Regex;
+ typedef cutl::re::wformat RegexFormat;
+ struct RegexVector: vector<Regex>
+ {
+ void
+ push_back (String const& r)
+ {
+ vector<Regex>::push_back (Regex (r));
+ }
+ };
+ String
+ process_regex (String const& name,
+ RegexVector const& rv,
+ String const& id)
+ {
+ bool trace (options.name_regex_trace ());
+ if (trace)
+ os << id << " name: '" << name << "'" << endl;
+ for (RegexVector::const_reverse_iterator i (rv.rbegin ());
+ i != rv.rend (); ++i)
+ {
+ if (trace)
+ os << "try: '" << i->regex () << "' : ";
+ if (i->match (name))
+ {
+ String r (i->replace (name));
+ if (trace)
+ os << "'" << r << "' : +" << endl;
+ return r;
+ }
+ if (trace)
+ os << '-' << endl;
+ }
+ return name;
+ }
+ String
+ process_regex (String const& name,
+ RegexVector const& primary,
+ RegexVector const& backup,
+ String const& id)
+ {
+ bool trace (options.name_regex_trace ());
+ if (trace)
+ os << id << " name: '" << name << "'" << endl;
+ for (RegexVector::const_reverse_iterator i (primary.rbegin ());
+ i != primary.rend (); ++i)
+ {
+ if (trace)
+ os << "try: '" << i->regex () << "' : ";
+ if (i->match (name))
+ {
+ String r (i->replace (name));
+ if (trace)
+ os << "'" << r << "' : +" << endl;
+ return r;
+ }
+ if (trace)
+ os << '-' << endl;
+ }
+ for (RegexVector::const_reverse_iterator i (backup.rbegin ());
+ i != backup.rend (); ++i)
+ {
+ if (trace)
+ os << "try: '" << i->regex () << "' : ";
+ if (i->match (name))
+ {
+ String r (i->replace (name));
+ if (trace)
+ os << "'" << r << "' : +" << endl;
+ return r;
+ }
+ if (trace)
+ os << '-' << endl;
+ }
+ return name;
+ }
+ String
+ process_regex (String const& ns,
+ String const& name,
+ RegexVector const& rv,
+ String const& id)
+ {
+ String s (ns + L' ' + name);
+ bool trace (options.name_regex_trace ());
+ if (trace)
+ os << id << " name: '" << s << "'" << endl;
+ for (RegexVector::const_reverse_iterator i (rv.rbegin ());
+ i != rv.rend (); ++i)
+ {
+ if (trace)
+ os << "try: '" << i->regex () << "' : ";
+ if (i->match (s))
+ {
+ String r (i->replace (s));
+ if (trace)
+ os << "'" << r << "' : +" << endl;
+ return r;
+ }
+ if (trace)
+ os << '-' << endl;
+ }
+ return name;
+ }
+ String
+ process_regex (String const& ns,
+ String const& name,
+ RegexVector const& primary,
+ RegexVector const& backup,
+ String const& id)
+ {
+ String s (ns + L' ' + name);
+ bool trace (options.name_regex_trace ());
+ if (trace)
+ os << id << " name: '" << s << "'" << endl;
+ for (RegexVector::const_reverse_iterator i (primary.rbegin ());
+ i != primary.rend (); ++i)
+ {
+ if (trace)
+ os << "try: '" << i->regex () << "' : ";
+ if (i->match (s))
+ {
+ String r (i->replace (s));
+ if (trace)
+ os << "'" << r << "' : +" << endl;
+ return r;
+ }
+ if (trace)
+ os << '-' << endl;
+ }
+ for (RegexVector::const_reverse_iterator i (backup.rbegin ());
+ i != backup.rend (); ++i)
+ {
+ if (trace)
+ os << "try: '" << i->regex () << "' : ";
+ if (i->match (s))
+ {
+ String r (i->replace (s));
+ if (trace)
+ os << "'" << r << "' : +" << endl;
+ return r;
+ }
+ if (trace)
+ os << '-' << endl;
+ }
+ return name;
+ }
+ public:
+ String
+ find_name (String const& base_name,
+ NameSet& set,
+ bool insert = true)
+ {
+ String name (base_name);
+ for (size_t i (1); set.find (name) != set.end (); ++i)
+ {
+ std::wostringstream os;
+ os << i;
+ name = base_name + os.str ();
+ }
+ if (insert)
+ set.insert (name);
+ return name;
+ }
+ private:
+ void
+ compile_regex (NarrowStrings const& sv,
+ RegexVector& rv,
+ String const& id)
+ {
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (sv.begin ()); i != sv.end ();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ rv.push_back (*i);
+ }
+ catch (RegexFormat const& e)
+ {
+ os << "error: invalid " << id << " name regex: '" <<
+ e.regex () << "': " << e.description ().c_str () << endl;
+ throw Failed ();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ map<String, NameSet> global_type_names_;
+ map<String, NameSet> global_element_names_;
+ RegexVector type_regex_;
+ RegexVector accessor_regex_;
+ RegexVector one_accessor_regex_;
+ RegexVector opt_accessor_regex_;
+ RegexVector seq_accessor_regex_;
+ RegexVector modifier_regex_;
+ RegexVector one_modifier_regex_;
+ RegexVector opt_modifier_regex_;
+ RegexVector seq_modifier_regex_;
+ RegexVector parser_regex_;
+ RegexVector serializer_regex_;
+ RegexVector const_regex_;
+ RegexVector enumerator_regex_;
+ RegexVector element_type_regex_;
+ public:
+ map<String, NameSet>& global_type_names;
+ map<String, NameSet>& global_element_names;
+ bool detach;
+ RegexVector& type_regex;
+ RegexVector& accessor_regex;
+ RegexVector& one_accessor_regex;
+ RegexVector& opt_accessor_regex;
+ RegexVector& seq_accessor_regex;
+ RegexVector& modifier_regex;
+ RegexVector& one_modifier_regex;
+ RegexVector& opt_modifier_regex;
+ RegexVector& seq_modifier_regex;
+ RegexVector& parser_regex;
+ RegexVector& serializer_regex;
+ RegexVector& const_regex;
+ RegexVector& enumerator_regex;
+ RegexVector& element_type_regex;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct Enumerator: Traversal::Enumerator, Context
+ {
+ Enumerator (Context& c, NameSet& set)
+ : Context (c), set_ (set)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ // Process the name with enumerator name regex.
+ //
+ String name (
+ process_regex ( (), enumerator_regex, L"enumerator"));
+ // Escape and unclash.
+ //
+ name = find_name (escape (name), set_);
+ e.context ().set ("name", name);
+ }
+ private:
+ NameSet& set_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct Enumeration: Traversal::Enumeration, Context
+ {
+ Enumeration (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ // Use processed name.
+ //
+ String name (e.context ().get<String> ("name"));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we are not generating
+ // anything for this type and name processing is not
+ // required.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (e, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ NameSet enum_set;
+ enum_set.insert (name);
+ Enumerator enumerator (*this, enum_set);
+ Traversal::Names names (enumerator);
+ Traversal::Enumeration::names (e, names);
+ // Assign name to the value type. First process the name
+ // with type name regex.
+ //
+ String value_name (
+ escape (process_regex ("value", type_regex, L"type")));
+ e.context ().set ("value", find_name (value_name, enum_set));
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct PrimaryMember: Traversal::Member, Context
+ {
+ PrimaryMember (Context& c, NameSet& name_set, NameSet& stem_set)
+ : Context (c), name_set_ (name_set), stem_set_ (stem_set)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& m)
+ {
+ if (Tree::Context::skip (m))
+ return;
+ String stem (find_name ( (), stem_set_));
+ m.context ().set ("stem", stem);
+ m.context ().set ("name",
+ find_name (escape (stem), name_set_, false));
+ }
+ private:
+ NameSet& name_set_;
+ NameSet& stem_set_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct DerivedMember: Traversal::Member, Context
+ {
+ DerivedMember (Context& c, NameSet& name_set)
+ : Context (c), name_set_ (name_set)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& m)
+ {
+ if (Tree::Context::skip (m))
+ return;
+ SemanticGraph::Complex& c (
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex&> (m.scope ()));
+ size_t max (Tree::Context::max (m));
+ size_t min (Tree::Context::min (m));
+ String const& s (m.context ().get<String> ("stem"));
+ String const& b (m.context ().get<String> ("name"));
+ bool def_attr (m.default_p () &&
+ m.is_a<SemanticGraph::Attribute> ());
+ // Accessors/modifiers. Note that we postpone inserting
+ // the names into the name_set to avoid over-escaping.
+ //
+ String an, mn;
+ if (max != 1)
+ {
+ an = find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s,
+ seq_accessor_regex,
+ accessor_regex,
+ L"sequence accessor")),
+ name_set_,
+ false);
+ mn = find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s,
+ seq_modifier_regex,
+ modifier_regex,
+ L"sequence modifier")),
+ name_set_,
+ false);
+ }
+ else if (min == 0 && !def_attr)
+ {
+ an = find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s,
+ opt_accessor_regex,
+ accessor_regex,
+ L"optional accessor")),
+ name_set_,
+ false);
+ mn = find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s,
+ opt_modifier_regex,
+ modifier_regex,
+ L"optional modifier")),
+ name_set_,
+ false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ an = find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s,
+ one_accessor_regex,
+ accessor_regex,
+ L"one accessor")),
+ name_set_,
+ false);
+ mn = find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s,
+ one_modifier_regex,
+ modifier_regex,
+ L"one modifier")),
+ name_set_,
+ false);
+ }
+ m.context ().set ("aname", an);
+ m.context ().set ("mname", mn);
+ name_set_.insert (b);
+ if (an != b)
+ name_set_.insert (an);
+ if (mn != b && mn != an)
+ name_set_.insert (mn);
+ // Detach.
+ //
+ if (detach && max == 1 && (min == 1 || def_attr))
+ {
+ String dn (find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (L"detach," + s,
+ one_modifier_regex,
+ modifier_regex,
+ L"one modifier")),
+ name_set_));
+ m.context ().set ("dname", dn);
+ }
+ // Types.
+ //
+ m.context ().set (
+ "type",
+ find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s + L",type", type_regex, L"type")),
+ name_set_));
+ m.context ().set (
+ "traits",
+ find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s + L",traits", type_regex, L"type")),
+ name_set_));
+ if (max != 1)
+ {
+ m.context ().set (
+ "container",
+ find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s + L",sequence", type_regex, L"type")),
+ name_set_));
+ m.context ().set (
+ "iterator",
+ find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s + L",iterator", type_regex, L"type")),
+ name_set_));
+ m.context ().set (
+ "const-iterator",
+ find_name (
+ escape (
+ process_regex (s + L",const,iterator", type_regex, L"type")),
+ name_set_));
+ }
+ else if (min == 0 && !def_attr)
+ {
+ m.context ().set (
+ "container",
+ find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s + L",optional", type_regex, L"type")),
+ name_set_));
+ }
+ // Data member.
+ //
+ m.context ().set ("member", find_name (b + L"_", name_set_));
+ // Default value.
+ //
+ if (m.default_p ())
+ {
+ bool simple (true);
+ if (m.is_a<SemanticGraph::Element> ())
+ {
+ IsSimpleType test (simple);
+ test.dispatch (m.type ());
+ }
+ if (simple)
+ {
+ String an (
+ escape (
+ process_regex (
+ s + L",default,value", accessor_regex, L"accessor")));
+ m.context ().set ("default-value", find_name (an, name_set_));
+ bool lit (false);
+ {
+ IsLiteralValue test (lit);
+ test.dispatch (m.type ());
+ }
+ if (!lit)
+ {
+ m.context ().set (
+ "default-value-member",
+ find_name (b + L"_default_value_", name_set_));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Element id.
+ //
+ if (m.is_a<SemanticGraph::Element> () && ordered_p (c))
+ {
+ String id (
+ escape (
+ process_regex (
+ s + L",id", const_regex, L"const")));
+ m.context ().set ("ordered-id-name", find_name (id, name_set_));
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ NameSet& name_set_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct Any: Traversal::Any, Traversal::AnyAttribute, Context
+ {
+ Any (Context& c,
+ NameSet& name_set,
+ NameSet& stem_set,
+ bool& has_wildcard)
+ : Context (c),
+ name_set_ (name_set),
+ stem_set_ (stem_set),
+ has_wildcard_ (has_wildcard)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Complex& c (
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex&> (a.scope ()));
+ size_t max (Tree::Context::max (a));
+ size_t min (Tree::Context::min (a));
+ String s (find_name (L"any", stem_set_));
+ String b (find_name (escape (s), name_set_, false));
+ a.context ().set ("name", b);
+ // Accessors/modifiers. Note that we postpone inserting the
+ // names into the name_set to avoid over-escaping.
+ //
+ String an, mn;
+ if (max != 1)
+ {
+ an = find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s,
+ seq_accessor_regex,
+ accessor_regex,
+ L"sequence accessor")),
+ name_set_,
+ false);
+ mn = find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s,
+ seq_modifier_regex,
+ modifier_regex,
+ L"sequence modifier")),
+ name_set_,
+ false);
+ }
+ else if (min == 0)
+ {
+ an = find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s,
+ opt_accessor_regex,
+ accessor_regex,
+ L"optional accessor")),
+ name_set_,
+ false);
+ mn = find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s,
+ opt_modifier_regex,
+ modifier_regex,
+ L"optional modifier")),
+ name_set_,
+ false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ an = find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s,
+ one_accessor_regex,
+ accessor_regex,
+ L"one accessor")),
+ name_set_,
+ false);
+ mn = find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s,
+ one_modifier_regex,
+ modifier_regex,
+ L"one modifier")),
+ name_set_,
+ false);
+ }
+ a.context ().set ("aname", an);
+ a.context ().set ("mname", mn);
+ name_set_.insert (b);
+ if (an != b)
+ name_set_.insert (an);
+ if (mn != b && mn != an)
+ name_set_.insert (mn);
+ // Types
+ //
+ if (max != 1)
+ {
+ a.context ().set (
+ "container",
+ find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s + L",sequence", type_regex, L"type")),
+ name_set_));
+ a.context ().set (
+ "iterator",
+ find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s + L",iterator", type_regex, L"type")),
+ name_set_));
+ a.context ().set (
+ "const-iterator",
+ find_name (
+ escape (
+ process_regex (s + L",const,iterator", type_regex, L"type")),
+ name_set_));
+ }
+ else if (min == 0)
+ {
+ a.context ().set (
+ "container",
+ find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s + L",optional", type_regex, L"type")),
+ name_set_));
+ }
+ // Data member.
+ //
+ a.context ().set ("member", find_name (b + L"_", name_set_));
+ // Wildcard id.
+ //
+ if (ordered_p (c))
+ {
+ String id (
+ escape (
+ process_regex (
+ s + L",id", const_regex, L"const")));
+ a.context ().set ("ordered-id-name", find_name (id, name_set_));
+ }
+ if (!has_wildcard_)
+ has_wildcard_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyAttribute& a)
+ {
+ String s (find_name (L"any,attribute", stem_set_));
+ String b (find_name (escape (s), name_set_, false));
+ a.context ().set ("name", b);
+ // Accessors/modifiers. Note that we postpone inserting the
+ // names into the name_set to avoid over-escaping.
+ //
+ String an (
+ find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s, accessor_regex, L"accessor")),
+ name_set_,
+ false));
+ String mn (
+ find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s, modifier_regex, L"modifier")),
+ name_set_,
+ false));
+ a.context ().set ("aname", an);
+ a.context ().set ("mname", mn);
+ name_set_.insert (b);
+ if (an != b)
+ name_set_.insert (an);
+ if (mn != b && mn != an)
+ name_set_.insert (mn);
+ // Types
+ //
+ a.context ().set (
+ "container",
+ find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s + L",set", type_regex, L"type")),
+ name_set_));
+ a.context ().set (
+ "iterator",
+ find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s + L",iterator", type_regex, L"type")),
+ name_set_));
+ a.context ().set (
+ "const-iterator",
+ find_name (
+ escape (
+ process_regex (s + L",const,iterator", type_regex, L"type")),
+ name_set_));
+ // Data member.
+ //
+ a.context ().set ("member", find_name (b + L"_", name_set_));
+ if (!has_wildcard_)
+ has_wildcard_ = true;
+ }
+ private:
+ NameSet& name_set_;
+ NameSet& stem_set_;
+ bool& has_wildcard_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct Complex: Traversal::Complex, Context
+ {
+ Complex (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& c)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Context& ctx (c.context ());
+ // We leave this set around to allow other mappings to use
+ // this information.
+ //
+ ctx.set ("cxx-tree-name-processor-stem-set", NameSet ());
+ ctx.set ("cxx-tree-name-processor-member-set", NameSet ());
+ // Use processed name.
+ //
+ String name (ctx.get<String> ("name"));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we are not generating
+ // anything for this type and name processing is not
+ // required.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (c, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ NameSet& stem_set (
+ ctx.get<NameSet> ("cxx-tree-name-processor-stem-set"));
+ NameSet& member_set (
+ ctx.get<NameSet> ("cxx-tree-name-processor-member-set"));
+ stem_set.insert ( ());
+ member_set.insert (name);
+ // Add our base's stems and members to the initial list.
+ //
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ {
+ // @@ What if this types name is the same as one of base's
+ // members?
+ //
+ SemanticGraph::Type& base (c.inherits ().base ());
+ if (base.is_a<SemanticGraph::Complex> () &&
+ !base.is_a<SemanticGraph::Enumeration> ())
+ {
+ if (!base.context ().count (
+ "cxx-tree-name-processor-member-set"))
+ {
+ dispatch (base);
+ }
+ NameSet const& base_stem_set (
+ base.context ().get<NameSet> (
+ "cxx-tree-name-processor-stem-set"));
+ stem_set.insert (base_stem_set.begin (), base_stem_set.end ());
+ NameSet const& base_member_set (
+ base.context ().get<NameSet> (
+ "cxx-tree-name-processor-member-set"));
+ member_set.insert (base_member_set.begin (),
+ base_member_set.end ());
+ }
+ }
+ // First assign the "primary" names.
+ //
+ {
+ PrimaryMember member (*this, member_set, stem_set);
+ Traversal::Names names (member);
+ Complex::names (c, names);
+ }
+ // Derived names for members.
+ //
+ {
+ DerivedMember member (*this, member_set);
+ Traversal::Names names (member);
+ Complex::names (c, names);
+ }
+ // Names for the mixed content.
+ //
+ if (mixed_p (c))
+ {
+ // Check if we already have the mixed content down inheritance
+ // hierarchy.
+ //
+ using SemanticGraph::Complex;
+ for (Complex* p (&c); p->inherits_p ();)
+ {
+ if (Complex* b = dynamic_cast<Complex*> (
+ &p->inherits ().base ()))
+ {
+ if (mixed_p (*b))
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Context& bctx (b->context ());
+ ctx.set ("mixed-type", bctx.get<String> ("mixed-type"));
+ ctx.set ("mixed-const-iterator",
+ bctx.get<String> ("mixed-const-iterator"));
+ ctx.set ("mixed-ordered-id-name",
+ bctx.get<String> ("mixed-ordered-id-name"));
+ ctx.set ("mixed-aname", bctx.get<String> ("mixed-aname"));
+ ctx.set ("mixed-member", bctx.get<String> ("mixed-member"));
+ ctx.set ("mixed-in-base", true);
+ break;
+ }
+ p = b;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ // If not, set up the names.
+ //
+ if (!ctx.count ("mixed-in-base"))
+ {
+ String s (find_name (L"text,content", stem_set));
+ String n (find_name (escape (s), member_set, false));
+ String an (find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s,
+ seq_accessor_regex,
+ accessor_regex,
+ L"sequence accessor")),
+ member_set,
+ false));
+ String mn (find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s,
+ seq_modifier_regex,
+ modifier_regex,
+ L"sequence modifier")),
+ member_set,
+ false));
+ ctx.set ("mixed-aname", an);
+ ctx.set ("mixed-mname", mn);
+ member_set.insert (name);
+ if (an != n)
+ member_set.insert (an);
+ if (mn != n && mn != an)
+ member_set.insert (mn);
+ // Types.
+ //
+ ctx.set (
+ "mixed-type",
+ find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s + L",type", type_regex, L"type")),
+ member_set));
+ ctx.set (
+ "mixed-container",
+ find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s + L",sequence", type_regex, L"type")),
+ member_set));
+ ctx.set (
+ "mixed-iterator",
+ find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s + L",iterator", type_regex, L"type")),
+ member_set));
+ ctx.set (
+ "mixed-const-iterator",
+ find_name (
+ escape (
+ process_regex (s + L",const,iterator", type_regex, L"type")),
+ member_set));
+ // Text content id.
+ //
+ ctx.set (
+ "mixed-ordered-id-name",
+ find_name (
+ escape (
+ process_regex (s + L",id", const_regex, L"const")),
+ member_set));
+ // Data member.
+ //
+ ctx.set ("mixed-member", find_name (n + L"_", member_set));
+ }
+ }
+ // Names for wildcards.
+ //
+ if (options.generate_wildcard ())
+ {
+ bool has_wildcard (false);
+ Any any (*this, member_set, stem_set, has_wildcard);
+ Traversal::Names names (any);
+ Complex::names (c, names);
+ // Assign names for dom_document.
+ //
+ if (has_wildcard)
+ {
+ // Check if we already have dom_document down inheritance
+ // hierarchy.
+ //
+ for (SemanticGraph::Complex* p (&c); p->inherits_p ();)
+ {
+ if (SemanticGraph::Complex* base =
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex*> (
+ &p->inherits ().base ()))
+ {
+ if (base->context ().count ("dom-document"))
+ {
+ c.context ().set (
+ "dom-document",
+ base->context ().get<String> ("dom-document"));
+ break;
+ }
+ p = base;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ // If not, set up the names.
+ //
+ if (!c.context ().count ("dom-document"))
+ {
+ String stem (find_name (L"dom,document", stem_set));
+ String an (
+ escape (
+ process_regex (stem, accessor_regex, L"accessor")));
+ c.context ().set ("dom-document", find_name (an, member_set));
+ c.context ().set (
+ "dom-document-member",
+ find_name (escape (stem + L"_"), member_set));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Names for the order container.
+ //
+ if (ordered_p (c))
+ {
+ // Check if we already have the order container down
+ // inheritance hierarchy.
+ //
+ using SemanticGraph::Complex;
+ for (Complex* p (&c); p->inherits_p ();)
+ {
+ if (Complex* b = dynamic_cast<Complex*> (
+ &p->inherits ().base ()))
+ {
+ if (ordered_p (*b))
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Context& bctx (b->context ());
+ ctx.set ("order-type", bctx.get<String> ("order-type"));
+ ctx.set ("order-const-iterator",
+ bctx.get<String> ("order-const-iterator"));
+ ctx.set ("order-aname", bctx.get<String> ("order-aname"));
+ ctx.set ("order-member", bctx.get<String> ("order-member"));
+ ctx.set ("order-in-base", true);
+ break;
+ }
+ p = b;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ // If not, set up the names.
+ //
+ if (!ctx.count ("order-in-base"))
+ {
+ String s (find_name (L"content,order", stem_set));
+ String n (find_name (escape (s), member_set, false));
+ String an (find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s,
+ seq_accessor_regex,
+ accessor_regex,
+ L"sequence accessor")),
+ member_set,
+ false));
+ String mn (find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s,
+ seq_modifier_regex,
+ modifier_regex,
+ L"sequence modifier")),
+ member_set,
+ false));
+ ctx.set ("order-aname", an);
+ ctx.set ("order-mname", mn);
+ member_set.insert (name);
+ if (an != n)
+ member_set.insert (an);
+ if (mn != n && mn != an)
+ member_set.insert (mn);
+ // Types.
+ //
+ ctx.set (
+ "order-type",
+ find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s + L",type", type_regex, L"type")),
+ member_set));
+ ctx.set (
+ "order-container",
+ find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s + L",sequence", type_regex, L"type")),
+ member_set));
+ ctx.set (
+ "order-iterator",
+ find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (s + L",iterator", type_regex, L"type")),
+ member_set));
+ ctx.set (
+ "order-const-iterator",
+ find_name (
+ escape (
+ process_regex (s + L",const,iterator", type_regex, L"type")),
+ member_set));
+ // Data member.
+ //
+ ctx.set ("order-member", find_name (n + L"_", member_set));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct GlobalType: Traversal::Type, Context
+ {
+ GlobalType (Context& c, NameSet& set)
+ : Context (c), set_ (set)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ // Process the name with type name regex.
+ //
+ String name (process_regex (
+ namespace_ (t).name (),
+ (),
+ type_regex,
+ L"type"));
+ // Escape and unclash.
+ //
+ name = find_name (escape (name), set_);
+ t.context ().set ("name", name);
+ // Also add renamed name if any.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (t, name) && name)
+ set_.insert (name);
+ }
+ private:
+ NameSet& set_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct GlobalElement: Traversal::Element,
+ GlobalElementBase,
+ Context
+ {
+ GlobalElement (Context& c,
+ NameSet const& type_set,
+ NameSet& element_set)
+ : GlobalElementBase (c),
+ Context (c),
+ type_set_ (type_set),
+ element_set_ (element_set)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ // First we need to figure out if we need to process this
+ // global element.
+ //
+ if (!generate_p (e))
+ return;
+ if (options.generate_element_type ())
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Context& ec (e.context ());
+ String name;
+ if (doc_root_p (e))
+ {
+ name = find_name (
+ escape (
+ process_regex (
+ namespace_ (e).name (),
+ (),
+ element_type_regex,
+ type_regex,
+ L"element type")));
+ // Assign inner names.
+ //
+ NameSet set;
+ set.insert (name);
+ ec.set (
+ "type",
+ Context::find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (L"value,type", type_regex, L"type")),
+ set));
+ ec.set (
+ "traits",
+ Context::find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (L"value,traits", type_regex, L"type")),
+ set));
+ String an (Context::find_name (
+ escape (process_regex ("value",
+ one_accessor_regex,
+ accessor_regex,
+ L"one accessor")),
+ set,
+ false));
+ String mn (Context::find_name (
+ escape (process_regex ("value",
+ one_modifier_regex,
+ modifier_regex,
+ L"one modifier")),
+ set,
+ false));
+ ec.set ("aname", an);
+ ec.set ("mname", mn);
+ set.insert (an);
+ if (an != mn)
+ set.insert (mn);
+ // Detach.
+ //
+ if (detach)
+ {
+ String dn (Context::find_name (
+ escape (process_regex (L"detach,value",
+ one_modifier_regex,
+ modifier_regex,
+ L"one modifier")),
+ set));
+ ec.set ("dname", dn);
+ }
+ // Assign name() and namespace_() names.
+ //
+ ec.set (
+ "element-name",
+ Context::find_name (
+ escape (
+ process_regex ("name", accessor_regex, L"modifier")),
+ set));
+ ec.set (
+ "element-ns",
+ Context::find_name (
+ escape (
+ process_regex ("namespace", accessor_regex, L"modifier")),
+ set));
+ // Data members.
+ //
+ ec.set ("member", Context::find_name ("value_", set));
+ ec.set ("element-name-member",
+ Context::find_name ("name_", set));
+ ec.set ("element-ns-member",
+ Context::find_name ("namespace__", set));
+ }
+ else
+ name = find_name (escape ( ()));
+ ec.set ("name", name);
+ element_set_.insert (name);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Make sure the name is unique among global elements and
+ // does not collide with a global type name.
+ //
+ String base (find_name (escape ( ())));
+ e.context ().set ("name", base);
+ String n ( ());
+ // Assign the parsing function name.
+ //
+ String p;
+ if (!options.suppress_parsing () && doc_root_p (e))
+ {
+ p = find_name (
+ escape (
+ process_regex (n, parser_regex, L"parsing function")));
+ e.context ().set ("parser", p);
+ }
+ // Assign the serialization function name.
+ //
+ String s;
+ if (options.generate_serialization () && doc_root_p (e))
+ {
+ s = find_name (
+ escape (
+ process_regex (
+ n, serializer_regex, L"serialization function")));
+ e.context ().set ("serializer", s);
+ }
+ // Add the names to the set only after processing parsing and
+ // serialization function names so that we do not over-escape
+ // them.
+ //
+ element_set_.insert (base);
+ if (p && p != base)
+ element_set_.insert (p);
+ if (s && s != base && s != p)
+ element_set_.insert (s);
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ String
+ find_name (String const& name)
+ {
+ String r (name);
+ // If we are conflicting with a type name let's first try to
+ // simply append an underscore and only resort to ugly names
+ // like name1, etc., if this fails.
+ //
+ if (type_set_.find (r) != type_set_.end ())
+ r += L"_";
+ for (size_t i (1);
+ element_set_.find (r) != element_set_.end () ||
+ type_set_.find (r) != type_set_.end (); ++i)
+ {
+ std::wostringstream os;
+ os << i;
+ r = name + os.str ();
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ private:
+ NameSet const& type_set_;
+ NameSet& element_set_;
+ };
+ struct NamespacePassOne: Traversal::Namespace, Context
+ {
+ NamespacePassOne (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& ns)
+ {
+ NameSet& type_set (global_type_names[ ()]);
+ GlobalType type (*this, type_set);
+ Traversal::Names names (type);
+ Traversal::Namespace::names (ns, names);
+ Traversal::Namespace::names (ns);
+ }
+ };
+ struct NamespacePassThree: Traversal::Namespace, Context
+ {
+ NamespacePassThree (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& ns)
+ {
+ String const& name ( ());
+ NameSet const& type_set (global_type_names[name]);
+ NameSet& element_set (global_element_names[name]);
+ GlobalElement element (*this, type_set, element_set);
+ Traversal::Names names (element);
+ Traversal::Namespace::names (ns, names);
+ }
+ };
+ struct FundamentalNamespace: Traversal::Namespace,
+ Traversal::AnyType,
+ Traversal::AnySimpleType,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Byte,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedByte,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Short,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedShort,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Int,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedInt,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Long,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedLong,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Integer,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::PositiveInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NegativeInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Boolean,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Float,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Double,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Decimal,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::String,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NormalizedString,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Token,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Name,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NameToken,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NameTokens,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NCName,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Language,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Id,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::IdRef,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::IdRefs,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::AnyURI,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::QName,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Base64Binary,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::HexBinary,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Date,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::DateTime,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Duration,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Day,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Month,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::MonthDay,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Year,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::YearMonth,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Time,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Entity,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Entities,
+ Context
+ {
+ FundamentalNamespace (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ *this >> names_ >> *this;
+ }
+ void
+ process_name (SemanticGraph::Type& t, String const& name)
+ {
+ String r (
+ process_regex (
+ namespace_ (t).name (), name, type_regex, L"type"));
+ t.context ().set ("name", escape (r));
+ }
+ void
+ process_name (SemanticGraph::Namespace& n,
+ String const& name,
+ char const* key)
+ {
+ String r (process_regex (name, type_regex, L"type"));
+ n.context ().set (key, escape (r));
+ }
+ // anyType and anySimpleType
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyType& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "type");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnySimpleType& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "simple,type");
+ }
+ // Integrals.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Byte& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "byte");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedByte& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "unsigned,byte");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Short& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "short");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedShort& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "unsigned,short");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Int& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "int");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedInt& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "unsigned,int");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Long& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "long");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedLong& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "unsigned,long");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Integer& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "integer");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "non,positive,integer");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "non,negative,integer");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::PositiveInteger& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "positive,integer");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NegativeInteger& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "negative,integer");
+ }
+ // Boolean.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Boolean& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "boolean");
+ }
+ // Floats.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Float& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "float");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "double");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "decimal");
+ }
+ // Strings.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::String& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "string");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NormalizedString& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "normalized,string");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Token& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "token");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameToken& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "nmtoken");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameTokens& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "nmtokens");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Name& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "name");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NCName& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "ncname");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Language& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "language");
+ }
+ // ID/IDREF.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Id& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "id");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRef& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "idref");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRefs& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "idrefs");
+ }
+ // URI.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::AnyURI& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "uri");
+ }
+ // Qualified name.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::QName& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "qname");
+ }
+ // Binary.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Base64Binary& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "base64,binary");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::HexBinary& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "hex,binary");
+ }
+ // Date/time.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Date& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "date");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::DateTime& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "date,time");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Duration& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "duration");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Day& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "gday");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Month& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "gmonth");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::MonthDay& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "gmonth,day");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Year& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "gyear");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::YearMonth& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "gyear,month");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Time& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "time");
+ }
+ // Entity.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entity& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "entity");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entities& t)
+ {
+ process_name (t, "entities");
+ }
+ virtual void
+ post (SemanticGraph::Namespace& n)
+ {
+ // Assign names to extra stuff in the XML Schema namespace.
+ //
+ process_name (n, "container", "container");
+ process_name (n, "buffer", "buffer");
+ process_name (n, "time,zone", "time-zone");
+ process_name (n, "content,order", "content-order");
+ if (options.generate_element_type ())
+ process_name (n, "element,type", "element-type");
+ if (options.generate_element_map ())
+ process_name (n, "element,map", "element-map");
+ if (options.generate_serialization ())
+ {
+ process_name (n, "namespace,info", "namespace-info");
+ process_name (n, "namespace,infomap", "namespace-infomap");
+ process_name (n, "list,stream", "list-stream");
+ process_name (n, "as,double", "as-double");
+ process_name (n, "as,decimal", "as-decimal");
+ process_name (n, "facet", "facet");
+ }
+ if (!options.generate_insertion ().empty ())
+ {
+ process_name (n, "ostream", "ostream");
+ }
+ if (!options.generate_extraction ().empty ())
+ {
+ process_name (n, "istream", "istream");
+ }
+ process_name (n, "flags", "flags");
+ process_name (n, "properties", "properties");
+ NarrowString fn (options.function_naming ());
+ if (fn == "knr")
+ n.context ().set ("tree-node-key", String ("tree_node_key"));
+ else
+ n.context ().set ("tree-node-key", String ("treeNodeKey"));
+ process_name (n, "exception", "exception");
+ process_name (n, "parsing", "parsing");
+ process_name (n, "expected,element", "expected-element");
+ process_name (n, "unexpected,element", "unexpected-element");
+ process_name (n, "expected,attribute", "expected-attribute");
+ process_name (n, "unexpected,enumerator", "unexpected-enumerator");
+ process_name (n, "expected,text,content", "expected-text-content");
+ process_name (n, "no,type,info", "no-type-info");
+ process_name (n, "no,element,info", "no-element-info");
+ process_name (n, "not,derived", "not-derived");
+ process_name (n, "duplicate,id", "duplicate-id");
+ process_name (n, "serialization", "serialization");
+ process_name (n, "no,namespace,mapping", "no-namespace-mapping");
+ process_name (n, "no,prefix,mapping", "no-prefix-mapping");
+ process_name (n, "xsi,already,in,use", "xsi-already-in-use");
+ process_name (n, "bounds", "bounds");
+ process_name (n, "severity", "severity");
+ process_name (n, "error", "error");
+ process_name (n, "diagnostics", "diagnostics");
+ if (!options.suppress_parsing () ||
+ options.generate_serialization ())
+ {
+ process_name (n, "error,handler", "error-handler");
+ }
+ Namespace::post (n);
+ }
+ private:
+ Traversal::Names names_;
+ };
+ // Go into sourced/included/imported schemas while making sure
+ // we don't process the same stuff more than once.
+ //
+ struct UsesPassOne: Traversal::Uses
+ {
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& u)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& s (u.schema ());
+ if (!s.context ().count ("cxx-tree-name-processor-pass-1"))
+ {
+ s.context ().set ("cxx-tree-name-processor-pass-1", true);
+ Traversal::Uses::traverse (u);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ struct UsesPassThree: Traversal::Uses
+ {
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& u)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& s (u.schema ());
+ if (!s.context ().count ("cxx-tree-name-processor-pass-3"))
+ {
+ s.context ().set ("cxx-tree-name-processor-pass-3", true);
+ Traversal::Uses::traverse (u);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // Go into implied schemas while making sure we don't process
+ // the same stuff more than once.
+ //
+ struct Implies: Traversal::Implies
+ {
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Implies& i)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& s (i.schema ());
+ if (!s.context ().count ("cxx-tree-name-processor-seen"))
+ {
+ s.context ().set ("cxx-tree-name-processor-seen", true);
+ Traversal::Implies::traverse (i);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ bool
+ process_impl (options const& ops,
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& tu,
+ SemanticGraph::Path const& file,
+ StringLiteralMap const& map)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Counts counts;
+ Context ctx (ops, counts, false, tu, file, map);
+ if (tu.names_begin ()->named ().name () ==
+ L"")
+ {
+ // XML Schema namespace.
+ //
+ Traversal::Schema xs_schema;
+ Traversal::Names xs_schema_names;
+ FundamentalNamespace xs_ns (ctx);
+ xs_schema >> xs_schema_names >> xs_ns;
+ xs_schema.dispatch (tu);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Pass one - assign names to global types. This pass cannot
+ // be combined with pass two because of possible recursive
+ // schema inclusions. Also note that we check first if this
+ // schema has already been processed which may happen in the
+ // file-per-type compilation mode.
+ //
+ if (!tu.context ().count ("cxx-tree-name-processor-pass-1"))
+ {
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Traversal::Schema xs_schema;
+ UsesPassOne uses;
+ Implies implies;
+ schema >> uses >> schema;
+ schema >> implies >> xs_schema;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names;
+ Traversal::Names xs_schema_names;
+ NamespacePassOne ns (ctx);
+ FundamentalNamespace xs_ns (ctx);
+ schema >> schema_names >> ns;
+ xs_schema >> xs_schema_names >> xs_ns;
+ // Some twisted schemas do recusive self-inclusion.
+ //
+ tu.context ().set ("cxx-tree-name-processor-pass-1", true);
+ schema.dispatch (tu);
+ }
+ // Pass two - assign names inside complex types. Here
+ // we don't need to go into included/imported schemas.
+ //
+ {
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names;
+ Traversal::Namespace ns;
+ Traversal::Names ns_names;
+ schema >> schema_names >> ns >> ns_names;
+ Complex complex (ctx);
+ Traversal::Enumeration enumeration; // Avoid fallback on complex.
+ ns_names >> complex;
+ ns_names >> enumeration;
+ schema.dispatch (tu);
+ }
+ // Pass three - assign names to global elements as well as
+ // inside enums. Also note that we check first if this schema
+ // has already been processed which may happen in the file-per-
+ // type compilation mode.
+ //
+ if (!tu.context ().count ("cxx-tree-name-processor-pass-3"))
+ {
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ UsesPassThree uses;
+ schema >> uses >> schema;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names;
+ NamespacePassThree ns (ctx);
+ Traversal::Namespace ns_enum;
+ schema >> schema_names;
+ schema_names >> ns;
+ schema_names >> ns_enum;
+ Traversal::Names ns_names;
+ Enumeration enumeration (ctx);
+ ns_enum >> ns_names >> enumeration;
+ // Some twisted schemas do recusive self-inclusion.
+ //
+ tu.context ().set ("cxx-tree-name-processor-pass-3", true);
+ schema.dispatch (tu);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Context::Failed const&)
+ {
+ // Diagnostics has already been issued.
+ //
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ bool NameProcessor::
+ process (options const& ops,
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& tu,
+ SemanticGraph::Path const& file,
+ StringLiteralMap const& map)
+ {
+ return process_impl (ops, tu, file, map);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/name-processor.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/name-processor.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..632b05e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/name-processor.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/name-processor.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/types.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/options.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ class NameProcessor
+ {
+ public:
+ bool
+ process (options const&,
+ XSDFrontend::SemanticGraph::Schema&,
+ XSDFrontend::SemanticGraph::Path const& file,
+ StringLiteralMap const&);
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/options.cli b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/options.cli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f0b23f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/options.cli
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/options.cli
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+include <cstddef>; // std::size_t
+include <xsd/types.hxx>; // NarrowString, NarrowStrings
+include <xsd/cxx/options.cli>;
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ class options: CXX::options
+ {
+ // Polymorphism.
+ //
+ bool --generate-polymorphic
+ {
+ "Generate polymorphism-aware code. Specify this option if you use
+ substitution groups or \cb{xsi:type}. Use the \cb{--polymorphic-type}
+ or \cb{--polymorphic-type-all} option to specify which type
+ hierarchies are polymorphic."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --polymorphic-type
+ {
+ "<type>",
+ "Indicate that <type> is a root of a polymorphic type hierarchy. The
+ compiler can often automatically determine which types are
+ polymorphic based on the substitution group declarations. However,
+ you may need to use this option if you are not using substitution
+ groups or if substitution groups are defined in another schema. You
+ need to specify this option when compiling every schema file that
+ references <type>. The <type> argument is an XML Schema type name
+ that can be optionally qualified with a namespace in the
+ \c{\i{namespace}\b{#}\i{name}} form."
+ };
+ bool --polymorphic-type-all
+ {
+ "Indicate that all types should be treated as polymorphic."
+ };
+ unsigned long --polymorphic-plate = 0
+ {
+ "<num>",
+ "Specify the polymorphic map plate the generated code should register
+ on. This functionality is primarily useful to segregate multiple
+ schemas that define the same polymorphic types."
+ };
+ // Ordered content.
+ //
+ NarrowStrings --ordered-type
+ {
+ "<type>",
+ "Indicate that element order in <type> is significant. An example
+ would be a complex type with unbounded choice as a content model
+ where the element order in XML has application-specific semantics.
+ For ordered types the compiler generates a special container data
+ member and a corresponding set of accessors and modifiers that are
+ used to capture the order of elements and, for mixed content, of
+ text.
+ The <type> argument is an XML Schema type name that can be optionally
+ qualified with a namespace in the \c{\i{namespace}\b{#}\i{name}} form.
+ Note also that you will need to specify this option when compiling
+ every schema file that has other ordered types derived from this
+ type."
+ };
+ bool --ordered-type-derived
+ {
+ "Automatically treat types derived from ordered bases as also
+ ordered. This is primarily useful if you would like to be able
+ to iterate over the complete content using the content order
+ container."
+ };
+ bool --ordered-type-mixed
+ {
+ "Automatically treat complex types with mixed content as ordered."
+ };
+ bool --ordered-type-all
+ {
+ "Indicate that element order in all types is significant."
+ };
+ NarrowString --order-container
+ {
+ "<type>",
+ "Specify a custom class template that should be used as a container
+ for the content order in ordered types instead of the default
+ \cb{std::vector}. See \cb{--ordered-type} for more information on
+ ordered type. This option is primarily useful if you need to
+ perform more complex lookups in the content order container, for
+ example by element id. In this case, a container like Boost
+ multi-index may be more convenient. Note that if using a custom
+ container, you will also most likely need to include the relevant
+ headers using the \cb{--hxx-prologue*} options."
+ };
+ // Features.
+ //
+ bool --generate-serialization
+ {
+ "Generate serialization functions. Serialization functions convert
+ the object model back to XML."
+ };
+ bool --generate-ostream
+ {
+ "Generate ostream insertion operators (\cb{operator<<}) for generated
+ types. This allows one to easily print a fragment or the whole object
+ model for debugging or logging."
+ };
+ bool --generate-doxygen
+ {
+ "Generate documentation comments suitable for extraction by the
+ Doxygen documentation system. Documentation from annotations is
+ added to the comments if present in the schema."
+ };
+ bool --generate-comparison
+ {
+ "Generate comparison operators (\cb{operator==} and \cb{operator!=})
+ for complex types. Comparison is performed member-wise."
+ };
+ bool --generate-default-ctor
+ {
+ "Generate default constructors even for types that have required
+ members. Required members of an instance constructed using such a
+ constructor are not initialized and accessing them results in
+ undefined behavior."
+ };
+ bool --generate-from-base-ctor
+ {
+ "Generate constructors that expect an instance of a base type
+ followed by all required members."
+ };
+ bool --suppress-assignment
+ {
+ "Suppress the generation of copy assignment operators for complex
+ types. If this option is specified, the copy assignment operators
+ for such types are declared private and left unimplemented."
+ };
+ bool --generate-detach
+ {
+ "Generate detach functions for required elements and attributes.
+ Detach functions for optional and sequence cardinalities are
+ provided by the respective containers. These functions, for
+ example, allow you to move sub-trees in the object model either
+ within the same tree or between different trees."
+ };
+ bool --generate-wildcard
+ {
+ "Generate accessors and modifiers as well as parsing and serialization
+ code for XML Schema wildcards (\cb{any} and \cb{anyAttribute}). XML
+ content matched by wildcards is presented as DOM fragments. Note
+ that you need to initialize the Xerces-C++ runtime if you are using
+ this option."
+ };
+ bool --generate-any-type
+ {
+ "Extract and store content of the XML Schema \cb{anyType} type as a
+ DOM fragment. Note that you need to initialize the Xerces-C++ runtime
+ if you are using this option."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --generate-insertion
+ {
+ "<os>",
+ "Generate data representation stream insertion operators for the <os>
+ output stream type. Repeat this option to specify more than one
+ stream type. The ACE CDR stream (\cb{ACE_OutputCDR}) and RPC XDR
+ are recognized by the compiler and the necessary \cb{#include}
+ directives are automatically generated. For custom stream types use
+ the \cb{--hxx-prologue*} options to provide the necessary
+ declarations."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --generate-extraction
+ {
+ "<is>",
+ "Generate data representation stream extraction constructors for the
+ <is> input stream type. Repeat this option to specify more than one
+ stream type. The ACE CDR stream (\cb{ACE_InputCDR}) and RPC XDR are
+ recognized by the compiler and the necessary \cb{#include} directives
+ are automatically generated. For custom stream types use the
+ \cb{--hxx-prologue*} options to provide the necessary declarations."
+ };
+ bool --generate-forward
+ {
+ "Generate a separate header file with forward declarations for the
+ types being generated."
+ };
+ bool --suppress-parsing
+ {
+ "Suppress the generation of the parsing functions and constructors.
+ Use this option to reduce the generated code size when parsing from
+ XML is not needed."
+ };
+ bool --generate-element-type
+ {
+ "Generate types instead of parsing and serialization functions for
+ root elements. This is primarily useful to distinguish object models
+ with the same root type but with different root elements."
+ };
+ bool --generate-element-map
+ {
+ "Generate a root element map that allows uniform parsing and
+ serialization of multiple root elements. This option is only valid
+ together with \cb{--generate-element-type}."
+ };
+ bool --generate-intellisense
+ {
+ "Generate workarounds for IntelliSense bugs in Visual Studio 2005
+ (8.0). When this option is used, the resulting code is slightly
+ more verbose. IntelliSense in Visual Studio 2008 (9.0) and later
+ does not require these workarounds. Support for IntelliSense in
+ Visual Studio 2003 (7.1) is improved with this option but is
+ still incomplete."
+ };
+ bool --omit-default-attributes
+ {
+ "Omit attributes with default and fixed values from serialized XML
+ documents."
+ };
+ // Naming.
+ //
+ NarrowString --type-naming = "knr"
+ {
+ "<style>",
+ "Specify the type naming convention that should be used in the
+ generated code. Valid styles are \cb{knr} (default), \cb{ucc},
+ and \cb{java}. See the NAMING CONVENTION section below for more
+ information."
+ };
+ NarrowString --function-naming = "knr"
+ {
+ "<style>",
+ "Specify the function naming convention that should be used in the
+ generated code. Valid styles are \cb{knr} (default), \cb{lcc}, and
+ \cb{java}. See the NAMING CONVENTION section below for more
+ information."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --type-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate
+ XML Schema type names to C++ type names. See the NAMING CONVENTION
+ section below for more information."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --accessor-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate
+ XML Schema names of elements/attributes to C++ accessor function
+ names. See the NAMING CONVENTION section below for more information."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --one-accessor-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate
+ XML Schema names of elements/attributes with cardinality one to
+ C++ accessor function names. See the NAMING CONVENTION section
+ below for more information."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --opt-accessor-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate
+ XML Schema names of elements/attributes with cardinality optional
+ to C++ accessor function names. See the NAMING CONVENTION section
+ below for more information."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --seq-accessor-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate
+ XML Schema names of elements/attributes with cardinality sequence
+ to C++ accessor function names. See the NAMING CONVENTION section
+ below for more information."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --modifier-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate
+ XML Schema names of elements/attributes to C++ modifier function
+ names. See the NAMING CONVENTION section below for more information."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --one-modifier-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate
+ XML Schema names of elements/attributes with cardinality one to C++
+ modifier function names. See the NAMING CONVENTION section below
+ for more information."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --opt-modifier-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate
+ XML Schema names of elements/attributes with cardinality optional
+ to C++ modifier function names. See the NAMING CONVENTION section
+ below for more information."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --seq-modifier-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate
+ XML Schema names of elements/attributes with cardinality sequence
+ to C++ modifier function names. See the NAMING CONVENTION section
+ below for more information."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --parser-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate
+ XML Schema element names to C++ parsing function names. See the
+ NAMING CONVENTION section below for more information."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --serializer-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate
+ XML Schema element names to C++ serialization function names. See
+ the NAMING CONVENTION section below for more information."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --const-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate
+ XML Schema-derived names to C++ constant names. See the NAMING
+ CONVENTION section below for more information."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --enumerator-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate
+ XML Schema enumeration values to C++ enumerator names. See the
+ NAMING CONVENTION section below for more information."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --element-type-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Add <regex> to the list of regular expressions used to translate
+ XML Schema element names to C++ element type names. See the NAMING
+ CONVENTION section below for more information."
+ };
+ bool --name-regex-trace
+ {
+ "Trace the process of applying regular expressions specified with
+ the name transformation options. Use this option to find out why
+ your regular expressions don't do what you expected them to do."
+ };
+ // Root element.
+ //
+ bool --root-element-first
+ {
+ "Treat only the first global element as a document root. By default
+ all global elements are considered document roots."
+ };
+ bool --root-element-last
+ {
+ "Treat only the last global element as a document root. By default
+ all global elements are considered document roots."
+ };
+ bool --root-element-all
+ {
+ "Treat all global elements as document roots. This is the default
+ behavior. By explicitly specifying this option you can suppress
+ the warning that is issued if more than one global element is
+ defined."
+ };
+ bool --root-element-none
+ {
+ "Do not treat any global elements as document roots. By default all
+ global elements are considered document roots."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --root-element
+ {
+ "<element>",
+ "Treat only <element> as a document root. Repeat this option to
+ specify more than one root element."
+ };
+ // Custom type.
+ //
+ NarrowStrings --custom-type
+ {
+ "<map>",
+ "Use a custom C++ type instead of the generated class. The <map>
+ argument is in the form \c{\i{name}[\b{=}\i{type}[\b{/}\i{base}]]},
+ where \i{name} is a type name as defined in XML Schema and \i{type}
+ is a C++ type name that should be used instead. If \i{type} is not
+ present or empty then the custom type is assumed to have the same
+ name and be defined in the same namespace as the generated class
+ would have. If \i{base} is specified then the generated class is
+ still generated but with that name."
+ };
+ NarrowStrings --custom-type-regex
+ {
+ "<regex>",
+ "Use custom C++ types instead of the generated classes. The <regex>
+ argument is in the form
+ \c{\b{/}\i{name-pat}\b{/}[\i{type-sub}\b{/}[\i{base-sub}\b{/}]]},
+ where \i{name-pat} is a regex pattern that will be matched against
+ type names as defined in XML Schema and \i{type-sub} is a C++ type
+ name substitution that should be used instead. If \i{type-sub} is
+ not present or its substitution results in an empty string then
+ the custom type is assumed to have the same name and be defined
+ in the same namespace as the generated class would have. If
+ \i{base-sub} is present and its substitution results in a
+ non-empty string then the generated class is still generated
+ but with the result of this substitution as its name. The pattern
+ and substitutions are in the Perl regular expression format.
+ See also the REGEX AND SHELL QUOTING section below."
+ };
+ // Parts.
+ //
+ std::size_t --parts = 1
+ {
+ "<num>",
+ "Split generated source code into <num> parts. This is useful when
+ translating large, monolithic schemas and a C++ compiler is not
+ able to compile the resulting source code at once (usually due
+ to insufficient memory)."
+ };
+ NarrowString --parts-suffix = "-"
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use <suffix> instead of the default '\cb{-}' to separate the file
+ name from the part number."
+ };
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/order-processor.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/order-processor.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccc3dc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/order-processor.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+// file : xsde/cxx/tree/order-processor.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <iostream>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/order-processor.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+using namespace std;
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ struct Member: Traversal::Element, Traversal::Any
+ {
+ Member (size_t count): count_ (count) {}
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
+ {
+ if (Context::skip (e))
+ return;
+ e.context ().set ("ordered-id", count_++);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a)
+ {
+ a.context ().set ("ordered-id", count_++);
+ }
+ size_t count_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct Type: Traversal::Complex
+ {
+ Type (TypeNameSet& ordered_types, bool derived, bool mixed, bool all)
+ : ordered_types_ (ordered_types),
+ derived_ (derived),
+ mixed_ (mixed),
+ all_ (all)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Context& ctx (c.context ());
+ if (!ctx.count ("ordered"))
+ {
+ // First process our base.
+ //
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Type& b (c.inherits ().base ());
+ if (!b.context ().count ("ordered"))
+ dispatch (b);
+ }
+ // See if our base (not necessarily immediate) is ordered.
+ //
+ using SemanticGraph::Complex;
+ Complex* b (0);
+ for (Complex* p (&c); p->inherits_p ();)
+ {
+ if ((b = dynamic_cast<Complex*> (&p->inherits ().base ())))
+ {
+ if (Context::ordered_p (*b))
+ break;
+ p = b;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ bool o (all_ ||
+ (derived_ && b != 0 && Context::ordered_p (*b)) ||
+ (mixed_ && c.mixed_p ()) ||
+ ordered_types_.find (c));
+ ctx.set ("ordered", o);
+ // Assign ids to elements and wildcards, calculate total count.
+ //
+ if (o)
+ {
+ size_t count (
+ b != 0 && Context::ordered_p (*b)
+ ? b->context ().get<size_t> ("ordered-count")
+ : 1);
+ ctx.set ("ordered-start", count);
+ Member m (count);
+ Traversal::Names n (m);
+ names (c, n);
+ // Assign content id for mixed text.
+ //
+ if (Context::mixed_p (c) && count == 1)
+ ctx.set ("mixed-ordered-id", m.count_++);
+ ctx.set ("ordered-count", m.count_);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ TypeNameSet& ordered_types_;
+ bool derived_;
+ bool mixed_;
+ bool all_;
+ };
+ // Go into sourced/included/imported schemas while making sure
+ // we don't process the same stuff more than once.
+ //
+ struct Uses: Traversal::Sources,
+ Traversal::Includes,
+ Traversal::Imports
+ {
+ Uses (char const* seen_key)
+ : seen_key_ (seen_key)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Sources& sr)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& s (sr.schema ());
+ if (!s.context ().count (seen_key_))
+ {
+ s.context ().set (seen_key_, true);
+ Traversal::Sources::traverse (sr);
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Includes& i)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& s (i.schema ());
+ if (!s.context ().count (seen_key_))
+ {
+ s.context ().set (seen_key_, true);
+ Traversal::Includes::traverse (i);
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Imports& i)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& s (i.schema ());
+ if (!s.context ().count (seen_key_))
+ {
+ s.context ().set (seen_key_, true);
+ Traversal::Imports::traverse (i);
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ char const* seen_key_;
+ };
+ char const* seen_key = "cxx-tree-order-processor-seen";
+ bool
+ process_impl (options const& ops,
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& tu,
+ SemanticGraph::Path const&)
+ {
+ // Prepare a set of ordered types.
+ //
+ TypeNameSet ordered_types (ops.ordered_type ().begin (),
+ ops.ordered_type ().end ());
+ // Root schema in the file-per-type mode is just a bunch
+ // of includes without a namespace.
+ //
+ SemanticGraph::Schema::NamesIterator i (tu.names_begin ());
+ // Nothing to do if this is the XML Schema namespace.
+ //
+ if (i == tu.names_end () ||
+ i->named ().name () != L"")
+ {
+ // Note that we check first if this schema has already been
+ // processed which may happen in the file-per-type compilation
+ // mode.
+ //
+ if (!tu.context ().count (seen_key))
+ {
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Uses uses (seen_key);
+ schema >> uses >> schema;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names;
+ Traversal::Namespace ns;
+ Traversal::Names ns_names;
+ Type type (ordered_types,
+ ops.ordered_type_derived (),
+ ops.ordered_type_mixed (),
+ ops.ordered_type_all ());
+ schema >> schema_names >> ns >> ns_names >> type;
+ // Some twisted schemas do recusive self-inclusion.
+ //
+ tu.context ().set (seen_key, true);
+ schema.dispatch (tu);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ bool OrderProcessor::
+ process (options const& ops,
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& tu,
+ SemanticGraph::Path const& file)
+ {
+ return process_impl (ops, tu, file);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/order-processor.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/order-processor.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..868547d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/order-processor.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// file : xsde/cxx/tree/order-processor.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <xsd/xsd.hxx>
+#include <xsd/types.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/options.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ class OrderProcessor
+ {
+ public:
+ bool
+ process (options const&,
+ XSDFrontend::SemanticGraph::Schema&,
+ XSDFrontend::SemanticGraph::Path const& file);
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/parser-header.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/parser-header.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ef9e89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/parser-header.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/parser-header.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/parser-header.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ struct ElementFunction: Traversal::Element,
+ GlobalElementBase,
+ Context
+ {
+ ElementFunction (Context& c)
+ : GlobalElementBase (c), Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ if (!doc_root_p (e))
+ return;
+ String const& name (eparser (e));
+ String const& error_handler (error_handler_type);
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @name Parsing functions for the %" <<
+ comment ( ()) << " document root." << endl;
+ if (e.annotated_p ())
+ {
+ os << " *" << endl;
+ write_annotation (e.annotation ());
+ }
+ os << " */" << endl
+ << "//@{" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (!doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "// Parse a URI or a local file." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Parse a URI or a local file." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param uri A URI or a local file name." << endl
+ << " * @param f Parsing flags." << endl
+ << " * @param p Parsing properties. " << endl
+ << " * @return A pointer to the root of the object model." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function uses exceptions to report parsing errors." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << inst_exp
+ << auto_ptr << "< " << type_name (e) << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << string_type << "& uri," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << "const " << properties_type << "& p = " << properties_type << " ());"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Parse a URI or a local file with an error handler." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param uri A URI or a local file name." << endl
+ << " * @param eh An error handler." << endl
+ << " * @param f Parsing flags." << endl
+ << " * @param p Parsing properties. " << endl
+ << " * @return A pointer to the root of the object model." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function reports parsing errors by calling the " <<
+ "error handler." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << inst_exp
+ << auto_ptr << "< " << type_name (e) << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << string_type << "& uri," << endl
+ << error_handler << "& eh," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << "const " << properties_type << "& p = " << properties_type << " ());"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Parse a URI or a local file with a Xerces-C++ " <<
+ "DOM error" << endl
+ << " * handler." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param uri A URI or a local file name." << endl
+ << " * @param eh A Xerces-C++ DOM error handler." << endl
+ << " * @param f Parsing flags." << endl
+ << " * @param p Parsing properties. " << endl
+ << " * @return A pointer to the root of the object model." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function reports parsing errors by calling the " <<
+ "error handler." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << inst_exp
+ << auto_ptr << "< " << type_name (e) << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << string_type << "& uri," << endl
+ << xerces_ns << "::DOMErrorHandler& eh," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << "const " << properties_type << "& p = " << properties_type << " ());"
+ << endl;
+ if (!doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "// Parse std::istream." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Parse a standard input stream." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param is A standrad input stream." << endl
+ << " * @param f Parsing flags." << endl
+ << " * @param p Parsing properties. " << endl
+ << " * @return A pointer to the root of the object model." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function uses exceptions to report parsing errors." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << inst_exp
+ << auto_ptr << "< " << type_name (e) << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (::std::istream& is," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << "const " << properties_type << "& p = " << properties_type << " ());"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Parse a standard input stream with an error handler." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param is A standrad input stream." << endl
+ << " * @param eh An error handler." << endl
+ << " * @param f Parsing flags." << endl
+ << " * @param p Parsing properties. " << endl
+ << " * @return A pointer to the root of the object model." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function reports parsing errors by calling the " <<
+ "error handler." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << inst_exp
+ << auto_ptr << "< " << type_name (e) << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (::std::istream& is," << endl
+ << error_handler << "& eh," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << "const " << properties_type << "& p = " << properties_type << " ());"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Parse a standard input stream with a " <<
+ "Xerces-C++ DOM error" << endl
+ << " * handler." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param is A standrad input stream." << endl
+ << " * @param eh A Xerces-C++ DOM error handler." << endl
+ << " * @param f Parsing flags." << endl
+ << " * @param p Parsing properties. " << endl
+ << " * @return A pointer to the root of the object model." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function reports parsing errors by calling the " <<
+ "error handler." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << inst_exp
+ << auto_ptr << "< " << type_name (e) << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (::std::istream& is," << endl
+ << xerces_ns << "::DOMErrorHandler& eh," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << "const " << properties_type << "& p = " << properties_type << " ());"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Parse a standard input stream with a resource id." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param is A standrad input stream." << endl
+ << " * @param id A resource id." << endl
+ << " * @param f Parsing flags." << endl
+ << " * @param p Parsing properties. " << endl
+ << " * @return A pointer to the root of the object model." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * The resource id is used to identify the document " <<
+ "being parsed in" << endl
+ << " * diagnostics as well as to resolve relative paths." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function uses exceptions to report parsing errors." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << inst_exp
+ << auto_ptr << "< " << type_name (e) << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (::std::istream& is," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& id," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << "const " << properties_type << "& p = " << properties_type << " ());"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Parse a standard input stream with a resource " <<
+ "id and an" << endl
+ << " * error handler." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param is A standrad input stream." << endl
+ << " * @param id A resource id." << endl
+ << " * @param eh An error handler." << endl
+ << " * @param f Parsing flags." << endl
+ << " * @param p Parsing properties. " << endl
+ << " * @return A pointer to the root of the object model." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * The resource id is used to identify the document " <<
+ "being parsed in" << endl
+ << " * diagnostics as well as to resolve relative paths." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function reports parsing errors by calling the " <<
+ "error handler." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << inst_exp
+ << auto_ptr << "< " << type_name (e) << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (::std::istream& is," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& id," << endl
+ << error_handler << "& eh," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << "const " << properties_type << "& p = " << properties_type << " ());"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Parse a standard input stream with a resource " <<
+ "id and a" << endl
+ << " * Xerces-C++ DOM error handler." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param is A standrad input stream." << endl
+ << " * @param id A resource id." << endl
+ << " * @param eh A Xerces-C++ DOM error handler." << endl
+ << " * @param f Parsing flags." << endl
+ << " * @param p Parsing properties. " << endl
+ << " * @return A pointer to the root of the object model." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * The resource id is used to identify the document " <<
+ "being parsed in" << endl
+ << " * diagnostics as well as to resolve relative paths." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function reports parsing errors by calling the " <<
+ "error handler." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << inst_exp
+ << auto_ptr << "< " << type_name (e) << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (::std::istream& is," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& id," << endl
+ << xerces_ns << "::DOMErrorHandler& eh," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << "const " << properties_type << "& p = " << properties_type << " ());"
+ << endl;
+ if (!doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "// Parse xercesc::InputSource." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Parse a Xerces-C++ input source." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param is A Xerces-C++ input source." << endl
+ << " * @param f Parsing flags." << endl
+ << " * @param p Parsing properties. " << endl
+ << " * @return A pointer to the root of the object model." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function uses exceptions to report parsing errors." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << inst_exp
+ << auto_ptr << "< " << type_name (e) << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (" << xerces_ns << "::InputSource& is," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << "const " << properties_type << "& p = " << properties_type << " ());"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Parse a Xerces-C++ input source with an " <<
+ "error handler." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param is A Xerces-C++ input source." << endl
+ << " * @param eh An error handler." << endl
+ << " * @param f Parsing flags." << endl
+ << " * @param p Parsing properties. " << endl
+ << " * @return A pointer to the root of the object model." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function reports parsing errors by calling the " <<
+ "error handler." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << inst_exp
+ << auto_ptr << "< " << type_name (e) << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (" << xerces_ns << "::InputSource& is," << endl
+ << error_handler << "& eh," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << "const " << properties_type << "& p = " << properties_type << " ());"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Parse a Xerces-C++ input source with a " <<
+ "Xerces-C++ DOM" << endl
+ << " * error handler." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param is A Xerces-C++ input source." << endl
+ << " * @param eh A Xerces-C++ DOM error handler." << endl
+ << " * @param f Parsing flags." << endl
+ << " * @param p Parsing properties. " << endl
+ << " * @return A pointer to the root of the object model." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function reports parsing errors by calling the " <<
+ "error handler." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << inst_exp
+ << auto_ptr << "< " << type_name (e) << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (" << xerces_ns << "::InputSource& is," << endl
+ << xerces_ns << "::DOMErrorHandler& eh," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << "const " << properties_type << "& p = " << properties_type << " ());"
+ << endl;
+ if (!doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "// Parse xercesc::DOMDocument." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Parse a Xerces-C++ DOM document." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param d A Xerces-C++ DOM document." << endl
+ << " * @param f Parsing flags." << endl
+ << " * @param p Parsing properties. " << endl
+ << " * @return A pointer to the root of the object model." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << inst_exp
+ << auto_ptr << "< " << type_name (e) << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMDocument& d," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << "const " << properties_type << "& p = " << properties_type << " ());"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Parse a Xerces-C++ DOM document." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param d A pointer to the Xerces-C++ DOM document." << endl
+ << " * @param f Parsing flags." << endl
+ << " * @param p Parsing properties. " << endl
+ << " * @return A pointer to the root of the object model." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function is normally used together with the " <<
+ "keep_dom and" << endl
+ << " * own_dom parsing flags to assign ownership of the DOM " <<
+ "document" << endl
+ << " * to the object model." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << inst_exp
+ << auto_ptr << "< " << type_name (e) << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (" << dom_auto_ptr << "< " << xerces_ns <<
+ "::DOMDocument > d," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << "const " << properties_type << "& p = " << properties_type << " ());"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "//@}" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ String
+ type_name (Type& e)
+ {
+ std::wostringstream o;
+ MemberTypeName type (*this, o);
+ type.dispatch (e.type ());
+ return o.str ();
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ void
+ generate_parser_header (Context& ctx)
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#include <iosfwd>" << endl
+ << endl
+ << "#include <xercesc/sax/InputSource.hpp>" << endl
+ << "#include <xercesc/dom/DOMDocument.hpp>" << endl
+ << "#include <xercesc/dom/DOMErrorHandler.hpp>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ Traversal::Names names_ns, names;
+ Namespace ns (ctx);
+ ElementFunction element (ctx);
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ schema >> names_ns >> ns >> names >> element;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/parser-header.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/parser-header.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7860c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/parser-header.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/parser-header.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ void
+ generate_parser_header (Context&);
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/parser-source.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/parser-source.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cee5ea6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/parser-source.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/parser-source.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/parser-source.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ struct ElementFunction: Traversal::Element,
+ GlobalElementBase,
+ Context
+ {
+ ElementFunction (Context& c)
+ : GlobalElementBase (c), Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ if (!doc_root_p (e))
+ return;
+ SemanticGraph::Type& t (e.type ());
+ // Check if we need to handle xsi:type and substitution groups.
+ // If this element's type is anonymous then we don't need to do
+ // anything.
+ //
+ bool poly (polymorphic && polymorphic_p (t) && !anonymous_p (t));
+ // Check if this element is abstract.
+ //
+ bool abst;
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Complex* tc;
+ abst = (tc = dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex*> (&t)) != 0 &&
+ tc->abstract_p ();
+ }
+ // Nothing to do if we are abstract and not polymorphic.
+ //
+ if (abst && !polymorphic)
+ return;
+ String const& name (eparser (e));
+ String type (type_name (e));
+ String const& error_handler (error_handler_type);
+ // Note that I am using fq-name in function calls because g++ gets
+ // confused if the name is 'type'. (see tests/schema/anonymous)
+ //
+ char const* d (std >= cxx_version::cxx11 ? "std::move (d)" : "d");
+ // URI.
+ //
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << string_type << "& u," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << "const " << properties_type << "& p)"
+ << "{"
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i (" << endl
+ << "(f & " << flags_type << "::dont_initialize) == 0," << endl
+ << "(f & " << flags_type << "::keep_dom) == 0);"
+ << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::tree::error_handler< " << char_type << " > h;"
+ << endl
+ << dom_auto_ptr << "< " << xerces_ns <<
+ "::DOMDocument > d (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::parse< " << char_type << " > (" << endl
+ << "u, h, p, f";
+ if (options.disable_multi_import ())
+ os << " | ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::no_muliple_imports";
+ os << "));"
+ << endl
+ << "h.throw_if_failed< ::xsd::cxx::tree::parsing< " <<
+ char_type << " > > ();"
+ << endl
+ << "return " << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > (" << endl
+ << fq_name (e, "parser") << " (" << endl
+ << d << ", f | " << flags_type << "::own_dom, p));"
+ << "}";
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << string_type << "& u," << endl
+ << error_handler << "& h," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << "const " << properties_type << "& p)"
+ << "{"
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i (" << endl
+ << "(f & " << flags_type << "::dont_initialize) == 0," << endl
+ << "(f & " << flags_type << "::keep_dom) == 0);"
+ << endl
+ << dom_auto_ptr << "< " << xerces_ns <<
+ "::DOMDocument > d (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::parse< " << char_type << " > (" << endl
+ << "u, h, p, f";
+ if (options.disable_multi_import ())
+ os << " | ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::no_muliple_imports";
+ os << "));"
+ << endl
+ << "if (!d.get ())" << endl
+ << "throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::parsing< " << char_type << " > ();"
+ << endl
+ << "return " << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > (" << endl
+ << fq_name (e, "parser") << " (" << endl
+ << d << ", f | " << flags_type << "::own_dom, p));"
+ << "}";
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << string_type << "& u," << endl
+ << xerces_ns << "::DOMErrorHandler& h," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << "const " << properties_type << "& p)"
+ << "{"
+ << dom_auto_ptr << "< " << xerces_ns <<
+ "::DOMDocument > d (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::parse< " << char_type << " > (" << endl
+ << "u, h, p, f";
+ if (options.disable_multi_import ())
+ os << " | ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::no_muliple_imports";
+ os << "));"
+ << endl
+ << "if (!d.get ())" << endl
+ << "throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::parsing< " << char_type << " > ();"
+ << endl
+ << "return " << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > (" << endl
+ << fq_name (e, "parser") << " (" << endl
+ << d << ", f | " << flags_type << "::own_dom, p));"
+ << "}";
+ // istream
+ //
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (::std::istream& is," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << "const " << properties_type << "& p)"
+ << "{"
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i (" << endl
+ << "(f & " << flags_type << "::dont_initialize) == 0," << endl
+ << "(f & " << flags_type << "::keep_dom) == 0);"
+ << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::sax::std_input_source isrc (is);"
+ << "return " << fq_name (e, "parser") << " (isrc, f, p);"
+ << "}";
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (::std::istream& is," << endl
+ << error_handler << "& h," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << "const " << properties_type << "& p)"
+ << "{"
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i (" << endl
+ << "(f & " << flags_type << "::dont_initialize) == 0," << endl
+ << "(f & " << flags_type << "::keep_dom) == 0);"
+ << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::sax::std_input_source isrc (is);"
+ << "return " << fq_name (e, "parser") << " (isrc, h, f, p);"
+ << "}";
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (::std::istream& is," << endl
+ << xerces_ns << "::DOMErrorHandler& h," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << "const " << properties_type << "& p)"
+ << "{"
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::sax::std_input_source isrc (is);"
+ << "return " << fq_name (e, "parser") << " (isrc, h, f, p);"
+ << "}";
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (::std::istream& is," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& sid," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << "const " << properties_type << "& p)"
+ << "{"
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i (" << endl
+ << "(f & " << flags_type << "::dont_initialize) == 0," << endl
+ << "(f & " << flags_type << "::keep_dom) == 0);"
+ << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::sax::std_input_source isrc (is, sid);"
+ << "return " << fq_name (e, "parser") << " (isrc, f, p);"
+ << "}";
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (::std::istream& is," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& sid," << endl
+ << error_handler << "& h," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << "const " << properties_type << "& p)"
+ << "{"
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i (" << endl
+ << "(f & " << flags_type << "::dont_initialize) == 0," << endl
+ << "(f & " << flags_type << "::keep_dom) == 0);"
+ << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::sax::std_input_source isrc (is, sid);"
+ << "return " << fq_name (e, "parser") << " (isrc, h, f, p);"
+ << "}";
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (::std::istream& is," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& sid," << endl
+ << xerces_ns << "::DOMErrorHandler& h," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << "const " << properties_type << "& p)"
+ << "{"
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::sax::std_input_source isrc (is, sid);"
+ << "return " << fq_name (e, "parser") << " (isrc, h, f, p);"
+ << "}";
+ // InputSource.
+ //
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (" << xerces_ns << "::InputSource& i," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << "const " << properties_type << "& p)"
+ << "{"
+ << "::xsd::cxx::tree::error_handler< " << char_type << " > h;"
+ << endl
+ << dom_auto_ptr << "< " << xerces_ns <<
+ "::DOMDocument > d (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::parse< " << char_type << " > (" << endl
+ << "i, h, p, f";
+ if (options.disable_multi_import ())
+ os << " | ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::no_muliple_imports";
+ os << "));"
+ << endl
+ << "h.throw_if_failed< ::xsd::cxx::tree::parsing< " <<
+ char_type << " > > ();"
+ << endl
+ << "return " << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > (" << endl
+ << fq_name (e, "parser") << " (" << endl
+ << d << ", f | " << flags_type << "::own_dom, p));"
+ << "}";
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (" << xerces_ns << "::InputSource& i," << endl
+ << error_handler << "& h," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << "const " << properties_type << "& p)"
+ << "{"
+ << dom_auto_ptr << "< " << xerces_ns <<
+ "::DOMDocument > d (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::parse< " << char_type << " > (" << endl
+ << "i, h, p, f";
+ if (options.disable_multi_import ())
+ os << " | ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::no_muliple_imports";
+ os << "));"
+ << endl
+ << "if (!d.get ())" << endl
+ << "throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::parsing< " << char_type << " > ();"
+ << endl
+ << "return " << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > (" << endl
+ << fq_name (e, "parser") << " (" << endl
+ << d << ", f | " << flags_type << "::own_dom, p));"
+ << "}";
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (" << xerces_ns << "::InputSource& i," << endl
+ << xerces_ns << "::DOMErrorHandler& h," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << "const " << properties_type << "& p)"
+ << "{"
+ << dom_auto_ptr << "< " << xerces_ns <<
+ "::DOMDocument > d (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::parse< " << char_type << " > (" << endl
+ << "i, h, p, f";
+ if (options.disable_multi_import ())
+ os << " | ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::no_muliple_imports";
+ os << "));"
+ << endl
+ << "if (!d.get ())" << endl
+ << "throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::parsing< " << char_type << " > ();"
+ << endl
+ << "return " << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > (" << endl
+ << fq_name (e, "parser") << " (" << endl
+ << d << ", f | " << flags_type << "::own_dom, p));"
+ << "}";
+ // DOM.
+ //
+ bool fund (false);
+ {
+ IsFundamentalType test (fund);
+ test.dispatch (t);
+ }
+ // const DOMDocument&
+ //
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMDocument& doc," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << "const " << properties_type << "& p)"
+ << "{"
+ << "if (f & " << flags_type << "::keep_dom)"
+ << "{"
+ << dom_auto_ptr << "< " << xerces_ns <<
+ "::DOMDocument > d (" << endl
+ << "static_cast< " << xerces_ns <<
+ "::DOMDocument* > (doc.cloneNode (true)));"
+ << endl
+ << "return " << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > (" << endl
+ << fq_name (e, "parser") << " (" << endl
+ << d << ", f | " << flags_type << "::own_dom, p));"
+ << "}"
+ << "const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& e (*doc.getDocumentElement ());"
+ << "const " << qname_type << " n (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::name< " << char_type << " > (e));"
+ << endl;
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ os << auto_ptr << "< ::xsd::cxx::tree::type > tmp (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << char_type << " > ().create (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (e.namespace_().name ()) << "," << endl;
+ if (abst)
+ os << "0,";
+ else
+ os << "&::xsd::cxx::tree::factory_impl< " << type << " >,";
+ os << endl
+ << "true, true, e, n, f, 0));"
+ << endl
+ << "if (tmp.get () != 0)"
+ << "{"
+ << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > r (" << endl
+ << "dynamic_cast< " << type << "* > (tmp.get ()));"
+ << endl
+ << "if (r.get ())" << endl
+ << "tmp.release ();"
+ << "else" << endl
+ << "throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::not_derived< " << char_type <<
+ " > ();"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "if ( () == " << strlit ( ()) << " &&" << endl
+ << "n.namespace_ () == " << strlit (e.namespace_().name ()) << ")"
+ << "{";
+ if (fund)
+ {
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > r (" << endl
+ << "new " << type << " (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< " << type << ", " <<
+ char_type;
+ if (t.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double> ())
+ os << ", ::xsd::cxx::tree::schema_type::double_";
+ else if (t.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal> ())
+ os << ", ::xsd::cxx::tree::schema_type::decimal";
+ os << " >::create (" << endl
+ << "e, f, 0)));";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > r (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< " << type << ", " <<
+ char_type << " >::create (" << endl
+ << "e, f, 0));";
+ }
+ }
+ os << "return r;"
+ << "}"
+ << "throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_element < " <<
+ char_type << " > (" << endl
+ << " ()," << endl
+ << "n.namespace_ ()," << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (e.namespace_().name ()) << ");"
+ << "}";
+ // dom::auto_ptr/unique_ptr<DOMDocument>
+ //
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (" << dom_auto_ptr << "< " << xerces_ns <<
+ "::DOMDocument > d," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << "const " << properties_type << "&)"
+ << "{"
+ << dom_auto_ptr << "< " << xerces_ns <<
+ "::DOMDocument > c (" << endl
+ << "((f & " << flags_type << "::keep_dom) &&" << endl
+ << "!(f & " << flags_type << "::own_dom))" << endl
+ << "? static_cast< " << xerces_ns << "::DOMDocument* > (" <<
+ "d->cloneNode (true))" << endl
+ << ": 0);"
+ << endl
+ << xerces_ns << "::DOMDocument& doc (c.get () ? *c : *d);"
+ << "const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& e (" <<
+ "*doc.getDocumentElement ());"
+ << endl
+ << "const " << qname_type << " n (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::name< " << char_type << " > (e));"
+ << endl
+ << "if (f & " << flags_type << "::keep_dom)" << endl
+ << "doc.setUserData (" << dom_node_key << "," << endl
+ << "(c.get () ? &c : &d)," << endl
+ << "0);"
+ << endl;
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ os << auto_ptr << "< ::xsd::cxx::tree::type > tmp (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << char_type << " > ().create (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (e.namespace_().name ()) << "," << endl;
+ if (abst)
+ os << "0,";
+ else
+ os << "&::xsd::cxx::tree::factory_impl< " << type << " >,";
+ os << endl
+ << "true, true, e, n, f, 0));"
+ << endl
+ << "if (tmp.get () != 0)"
+ << "{";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "if ( () == " << strlit ( ()) << " &&" << endl
+ << "n.namespace_ () == " << strlit (e.namespace_().name ()) << ")"
+ << "{";
+ if (fund)
+ {
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > r (" << endl
+ << "new " << type << " (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< " << type << ", " <<
+ char_type;
+ if (t.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double> ())
+ os << ", ::xsd::cxx::tree::schema_type::double_";
+ else if (t.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal> ())
+ os << ", ::xsd::cxx::tree::schema_type::decimal";
+ os << " >::create (" << endl
+ << "e, f, 0)));";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > r (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< " << type << ", " <<
+ char_type << " >::create (" << endl
+ << "e, f, 0));";
+ }
+ }
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ os << endl
+ << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > r (" << endl
+ << "dynamic_cast< " << type << "* > (tmp.get ()));"
+ << endl
+ << "if (r.get ())" << endl
+ << "tmp.release ();"
+ << "else" << endl
+ << "throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::not_derived< " << char_type <<
+ " > ();"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ os << "return r;"
+ << "}"
+ << "throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_element < " <<
+ char_type << " > (" << endl
+ << " ()," << endl
+ << "n.namespace_ ()," << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (e.namespace_().name ()) << ");"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ private:
+ String
+ type_name (Type& e)
+ {
+ std::wostringstream o;
+ MemberTypeName type (*this, o);
+ type.dispatch (e.type ());
+ return o.str ();
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ void
+ generate_parser_source (Context& ctx, size_t first, size_t last)
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#include <istream>" << endl
+ << "#include <xsd/cxx/xml/sax/std-input-source.hxx>" << endl
+ << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/error-handler.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ Traversal::Names names_ns, names;
+ Namespace ns (ctx, first, last);
+ ElementFunction element (ctx);
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ schema >> names_ns >> ns >> names >> element;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/parser-source.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/parser-source.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bb70d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/parser-source.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/parser-source.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ void
+ generate_parser_source (Context&, size_t first, size_t last);
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/polymorphism-processor.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/polymorphism-processor.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d07c69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/polymorphism-processor.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,740 @@
+// file : xsde/cxx/tree/polymorphism-processor.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <iostream>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/polymorphism-processor.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+using namespace std;
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ //
+ //
+ struct Type: Traversal::Type,
+ Traversal::Complex
+ {
+ Type (TypeNameSet& poly_types)
+ : poly_types_ (poly_types)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Context& ctx (t.context ());
+ if (!ctx.count ("polymorphic"))
+ ctx.set ("polymorphic", poly_types_.find (t));
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Context& ctx (c.context ());
+ if (!ctx.count ("polymorphic"))
+ {
+ // First check our base.
+ //
+ bool pb (false);
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Type& b (c.inherits ().base ());
+ if (!b.context ().count ("polymorphic"))
+ dispatch (b);
+ pb = b.context ().get<bool> ("polymorphic");
+ }
+ ctx.set ("polymorphic", pb || poly_types_.find (c));
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ TypeNameSet& poly_types_;
+ };
+ struct FundType: Traversal::AnyType,
+ Traversal::AnySimpleType,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Byte,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedByte,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Short,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedShort,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Int,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedInt,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Long,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedLong,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Integer,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::PositiveInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NegativeInteger,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Boolean,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Float,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Double,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Decimal,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::String,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NormalizedString,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Token,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Name,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NameToken,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NameTokens,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::NCName,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Language,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::QName,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Id,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::IdRef,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::IdRefs,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::AnyURI,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Base64Binary,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::HexBinary,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Date,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::DateTime,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Duration,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Day,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Month,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::MonthDay,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Year,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::YearMonth,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Time,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Entity,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Entities
+ {
+ FundType (TypeNameSet& poly_types, bool& valid)
+ : poly_types_ (poly_types), valid_ (valid)
+ {
+ }
+ void
+ check (SemanticGraph::Type& t, bool fund)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Context& ctx (t.context ());
+ if (poly_types_.find (t))
+ {
+ if (!fund)
+ ctx.set ("polymorphic", true);
+ else
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: built-in type '" << () << "' cannot "
+ << "be polymorphic because it is mapped to a fundamental "
+ << "C++ type"
+ << endl;
+ valid_ = false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ ctx.set ("polymorphic", false);
+ }
+ // anyType & anySimpleType.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyType& t)
+ {
+ check (t, false);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnySimpleType& t)
+ {
+ check (t, false);
+ }
+ // Boolean.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Boolean& t)
+ {
+ check (t, true);
+ }
+ // Integral types.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Byte& t)
+ {
+ check (t, true);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedByte& t)
+ {
+ check (t, true);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Short& t)
+ {
+ check (t, true);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedShort& t)
+ {
+ check (t, true);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Int& t)
+ {
+ check (t, true);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedInt& t)
+ {
+ check (t, true);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Long& t)
+ {
+ check (t, true);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedLong& t)
+ {
+ check (t, true);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Integer& t)
+ {
+ check (t, true);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger& t)
+ {
+ check (t, true);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger& t)
+ {
+ check (t, true);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::PositiveInteger& t)
+ {
+ check (t, true);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NegativeInteger& t)
+ {
+ check (t, true);
+ }
+ // Floats.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Float& t)
+ {
+ check (t, true);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double& t)
+ {
+ check (t, true);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal& t)
+ {
+ check (t, true);
+ }
+ // Strings.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::String& t)
+ {
+ check (t, false);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NormalizedString& t)
+ {
+ check (t, false);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Token& t)
+ {
+ check (t, false);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameToken& t)
+ {
+ check (t, false);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameTokens& t)
+ {
+ check (t, false);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Name& t)
+ {
+ check (t, false);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NCName& t)
+ {
+ check (t, false);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Language& t)
+ {
+ check (t, false);
+ }
+ // Qualified name.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::QName& t)
+ {
+ check (t, false);
+ }
+ // ID/IDREF.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Id& t)
+ {
+ check (t, false);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRef& t)
+ {
+ check (t, false);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRefs& t)
+ {
+ check (t, false);
+ }
+ // URI.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::AnyURI& t)
+ {
+ check (t, false);
+ }
+ // Binary.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Base64Binary& t)
+ {
+ check (t, false);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::HexBinary& t)
+ {
+ check (t, false);
+ }
+ // Date/time.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Date& t)
+ {
+ check (t, false);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::DateTime& t)
+ {
+ check (t, false);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Duration& t)
+ {
+ check (t, false);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Day& t)
+ {
+ check (t, false);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Month& t)
+ {
+ check (t, false);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::MonthDay& t)
+ {
+ check (t, false);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Year& t)
+ {
+ check (t, false);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::YearMonth& t)
+ {
+ check (t, false);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Time& t)
+ {
+ check (t, false);
+ }
+ // Entity.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entity& t)
+ {
+ check (t, false);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entities& t)
+ {
+ check (t, false);
+ }
+ private:
+ TypeNameSet& poly_types_;
+ bool& valid_;
+ };
+ struct GlobalElement: Traversal::Element
+ {
+ GlobalElement (TypeNameSet& poly_types,
+ bool& valid,
+ const WarningSet& disabled_warnings)
+ : poly_types_ (poly_types), valid_ (valid), warning_ (true)
+ {
+ if (disabled_warnings.find ("all") != disabled_warnings.end () ||
+ disabled_warnings.find ("T005") != disabled_warnings.end ())
+ warning_ = false;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ using SemanticGraph::Schema;
+ if (!e.substitutes_p ())
+ return;
+ // If we are a substitution for some element, then mark
+ // that element's type as polymorphic.
+ //
+ Type& r (e.substitutes ().root ());
+ SemanticGraph::Type& rt (r.type ());
+ SemanticGraph::Context& ctx (rt.context ());
+ // We may need to override the previous value.
+ //
+ if (ctx.count ("polymorphic") && ctx.get<bool> ("polymorphic"))
+ return;
+ // Built-in types that are mapped to fundamental types cannot
+ // be declared polymorphic.
+ //
+ bool fund (false);
+ IsFundamentalType test (fund);
+ test.dispatch (rt);
+ if (fund)
+ {
+ wcerr << r.file () << ":" << r.line () << ":" << r.column ()
+ << ": error: built-in type '" << () << "' "
+ << "is mapped to a fundamental C++ type and is expected "
+ << "to be polymorphic" << endl;
+ wcerr << e.file () << ":" << e.line () << ":" << e.column ()
+ << ": info: because type '" << () << "' is "
+ << "used in a substitution group declared here" << endl;
+ valid_ = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ ctx.set ("polymorphic", true);
+ if (!warning_)
+ return;
+ Schema& es (dynamic_cast<Schema&> (e.scope ().scope ()));
+ Schema& rts (dynamic_cast<Schema&> (rt.scope ().scope ()));
+ // If the root type and this element are in different schemas
+ // and the root type is not explicitly marked as polymorphic,
+ // then issue a warning.
+ //
+ if (&es != &rts && !sources_p (es, rts) && !poly_types_.find (rt))
+ {
+ wcerr << rt.file () << ":" << rt.line () << ":" << rt.column ()
+ << ": warning T005: assuming type '" << () << "' "
+ << "is polymorphic" << endl;
+ wcerr << e.file () << ":" << e.line () << ":" << e.column ()
+ << ": info: because type '" << () << "' is "
+ << "used in a substitution group declared here" << endl;
+ wcerr << rt.file () << ":" << rt.line () << ":" << rt.column ()
+ << ": info: use --polymorphic-type to indicate this type "
+ << "is polymorphic when compiling schemas that "
+ << "reference it" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ // Return true if root sources s.
+ //
+ bool
+ sources_p (SemanticGraph::Schema& root, SemanticGraph::Schema& s)
+ {
+ using SemanticGraph::Schema;
+ using SemanticGraph::Sources;
+ for (Schema::UsesIterator i (root.uses_begin ());
+ i != root.uses_end (); ++i)
+ {
+ if (i->is_a<Sources> ())
+ {
+ if (&i->schema () == &s || sources_p (i->schema (), s))
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private:
+ TypeNameSet& poly_types_;
+ bool& valid_;
+ bool warning_;
+ };
+ // Go into sourced/included/imported schemas while making sure
+ // we don't process the same stuff more than once.
+ //
+ struct Uses: Traversal::Sources,
+ Traversal::Includes,
+ Traversal::Imports
+ {
+ Uses (char const* seen_key)
+ : seen_key_ (seen_key)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Sources& sr)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& s (sr.schema ());
+ if (!s.context ().count (seen_key_))
+ {
+ s.context ().set (seen_key_, true);
+ Traversal::Sources::traverse (sr);
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Includes& i)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& s (i.schema ());
+ if (!s.context ().count (seen_key_))
+ {
+ s.context ().set (seen_key_, true);
+ Traversal::Includes::traverse (i);
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Imports& i)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& s (i.schema ());
+ if (!s.context ().count (seen_key_))
+ {
+ s.context ().set (seen_key_, true);
+ Traversal::Imports::traverse (i);
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ char const* seen_key_;
+ };
+ char const* pass_one_key = "cxx-tree-polymorphism-processor-seen-one";
+ char const* pass_two_key = "cxx-tree-polymorphism-processor-seen-two";
+ bool
+ process_impl (options const& ops,
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& tu,
+ SemanticGraph::Path const&,
+ const WarningSet& disabled_warnings)
+ {
+ bool valid (true);
+ // Prepare a set of polymorphic types.
+ //
+ TypeNameSet poly_types (ops.polymorphic_type ().begin (),
+ ops.polymorphic_type ().end ());
+ // Root schema in the file-per-type mode is just a bunch
+ // of includes without a namespace.
+ //
+ SemanticGraph::Schema::NamesIterator i (tu.names_begin ());
+ if (i != tu.names_end () &&
+ i->named ().name () == L"")
+ {
+ // XML Schema namespace.
+ //
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names;
+ Traversal::Namespace ns;
+ Traversal::Names ns_names;
+ FundType fund_type (poly_types, valid);
+ schema >> schema_names >> ns >> ns_names >> fund_type;
+ schema.dispatch (tu);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // First handle fundamental types.
+ //
+ {
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Traversal::Implies implies;
+ Traversal::Schema xs_schema;
+ schema >> implies >> xs_schema;
+ Traversal::Names xs_schema_names;
+ Traversal::Namespace ns;
+ Traversal::Names ns_names;
+ FundType fund_type (poly_types, valid);
+ xs_schema >> xs_schema_names >> ns >> ns_names >> fund_type;
+ schema.dispatch (tu);
+ }
+ // Note that we check first if this schema has already been
+ // processed which may happen in the file-per-type compilation
+ // mode.
+ //
+ if (!tu.context ().count (pass_two_key))
+ {
+ // Pass one - check substitution groups.
+ //
+ if (valid)
+ {
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Uses uses (pass_one_key);
+ schema >> uses >> schema;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names;
+ Traversal::Namespace ns;
+ Traversal::Names ns_names;
+ GlobalElement element (poly_types, valid, disabled_warnings);
+ schema >> schema_names >> ns >> ns_names >> element;
+ // Some twisted schemas do recusive self-inclusion.
+ //
+ tu.context ().set (pass_one_key, true);
+ schema.dispatch (tu);
+ }
+ // Pass two - process types.
+ //
+ if (valid)
+ {
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Uses uses (pass_two_key);
+ schema >> uses >> schema;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names;
+ Traversal::Namespace ns;
+ Traversal::Names ns_names;
+ Type type (poly_types);
+ schema >> schema_names >> ns >> ns_names >> type;
+ // Some twisted schemas do recusive self-inclusion.
+ //
+ tu.context ().set (pass_two_key, true);
+ schema.dispatch (tu);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return valid;
+ }
+ }
+ bool PolymorphismProcessor::
+ process (options const& ops,
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& tu,
+ SemanticGraph::Path const& file,
+ const WarningSet& disabled_warnings)
+ {
+ return process_impl (ops, tu, file, disabled_warnings);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/polymorphism-processor.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/polymorphism-processor.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88019a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/polymorphism-processor.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// file : xsde/cxx/tree/polymorphism-processor.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <xsd/xsd.hxx>
+#include <xsd/types.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/options.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ class PolymorphismProcessor
+ {
+ public:
+ bool
+ process (options const&,
+ XSDFrontend::SemanticGraph::Schema&,
+ XSDFrontend::SemanticGraph::Path const& file,
+ const WarningSet& disabled_warnings);
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/serialization-header.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/serialization-header.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5434441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/serialization-header.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/serialization-header.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/serialization-header.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ struct List: Traversal::List, Context
+ {
+ List (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& l)
+ {
+ String name (ename (l));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (l, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ // operator<< (xercesc::DOMElement)
+ //
+ os << inst_exp
+ << "void" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement&, " <<
+ "const " << name << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ // operator<< (xercesc::DOMAttr)
+ //
+ os << inst_exp
+ << "void" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr&, " <<
+ "const " << name << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ // operator<< (list_stream)
+ //
+ os << inst_exp
+ << "void" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << list_stream_type << "&," << endl
+ << "const " << name << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ };
+ struct Union: Traversal::Union, Context
+ {
+ Union (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& u)
+ {
+ String name (ename (u));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (u, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ // operator<< (xercesc::DOMElement)
+ //
+ os << inst_exp
+ << "void" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement&, " <<
+ "const " << name << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ // operator<< (xercesc::DOMAttr)
+ //
+ os << inst_exp
+ << "void" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr&, " <<
+ "const " << name << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ // operator<< (list_stream)
+ //
+ os << inst_exp
+ << "void" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << list_stream_type << "&," << endl
+ << "const " << name << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ };
+ struct Enumeration: Traversal::Enumeration, Context
+ {
+ Enumeration (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ String name (ename (e));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (e, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ // operator<< (xercesc::DOMElement)
+ //
+ os << inst_exp
+ << "void" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement&, " <<
+ "const " << name << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ // operator<< (xercesc::DOMAttr)
+ //
+ os << inst_exp
+ << "void" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr&, " <<
+ "const " << name << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ // operator<< (list_stream)
+ //
+ os << inst_exp
+ << "void" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << list_stream_type << "&," << endl
+ << "const " << name << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ };
+ struct Complex: Traversal::Complex, Context
+ {
+ Complex (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& c)
+ {
+ String name (ename (c));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (c, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ // operator<< (xercesc::DOMElement)
+ //
+ os << inst_exp
+ << "void" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement&, " <<
+ "const " << name << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ bool simple (true);
+ {
+ IsSimpleType t (simple);
+ t.dispatch (c);
+ }
+ if (simple)
+ {
+ // operator<< (xercesc::DOMAttr)
+ //
+ os << inst_exp
+ << "void" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr&, " <<
+ "const " << name << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ // operator<< (list_stream)
+ //
+ os << inst_exp
+ << "void" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << list_stream_type << "&," << endl
+ << "const " << name << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ struct ElementType: Traversal::Element,
+ GlobalElementBase,
+ Context
+ {
+ ElementType (Context& c)
+ : GlobalElementBase (c), Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ if (doc_root_p (e))
+ {
+ // operator<< (xercesc::DOMElement)
+ //
+ os << inst_exp
+ << "void" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement&, " <<
+ "const " << ename (e) << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ struct ElementFunction: Traversal::Element,
+ GlobalElementBase,
+ Context
+ {
+ ElementFunction (Context& c)
+ : GlobalElementBase (c), Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ if (!doc_root_p (e))
+ return;
+ String const& name (eserializer (e));
+ String const& error_handler (error_handler_type);
+ String const& namespace_infomap (namespace_infomap_type);
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @name Serialization functions for the %" <<
+ comment ( ()) << " document root." << endl;
+ if (e.annotated_p ())
+ {
+ os << " *" << endl;
+ write_annotation (e.annotation ());
+ }
+ os << " */" << endl
+ << "//@{" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (!doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "// Serialize to std::ostream." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Serialize to a standard output stream." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param os A standrad output stream." << endl
+ << " * @param x An object model to serialize." << endl
+ << " * @param m A namespace information map." << endl
+ << " * @param e A character encoding to produce XML in." << endl
+ << " * @param f Serialization flags." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function uses exceptions to report " <<
+ "serialization errors." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << inst_exp
+ << "void" << endl
+ << name << " (::std::ostream& os," << endl
+ << "const " << type_name (e) << "& x, " << endl
+ << "const " << namespace_infomap << "& m = " <<
+ namespace_infomap << " ()," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& e = " << L << "\"UTF-8\"," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Serialize to a standard output stream with an " <<
+ "error handler." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param os A standrad output stream." << endl
+ << " * @param x An object model to serialize." << endl
+ << " * @param eh An error handler." << endl
+ << " * @param m A namespace information map." << endl
+ << " * @param e A character encoding to produce XML in." << endl
+ << " * @param f Serialization flags." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function reports serialization errors by " <<
+ "calling the error" << endl
+ << " * handler." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << inst_exp
+ << "void" << endl
+ << name << " (::std::ostream& os," << endl
+ << "const " << type_name (e) << "& x, " << endl
+ << error_handler << "& eh," << endl
+ << "const " << namespace_infomap << "& m = " <<
+ namespace_infomap << " ()," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& e = " << L << "\"UTF-8\"," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Serialize to a standard output stream with a " <<
+ "Xerces-C++ DOM" << endl
+ << " * error handler." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param os A standrad output stream." << endl
+ << " * @param x An object model to serialize." << endl
+ << " * @param eh A Xerces-C++ DOM error handler." << endl
+ << " * @param m A namespace information map." << endl
+ << " * @param e A character encoding to produce XML in." << endl
+ << " * @param f Serialization flags." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function reports serialization errors by " <<
+ "calling the error" << endl
+ << " * handler." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << inst_exp
+ << "void" << endl
+ << name << " (::std::ostream& os," << endl
+ << "const " << type_name (e) << "& x, " << endl
+ << xerces_ns << "::DOMErrorHandler& eh," << endl
+ << "const " << namespace_infomap << "& m = " <<
+ namespace_infomap << " ()," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& e = " << L << "\"UTF-8\"," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ if (!doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "// Serialize to xercesc::XMLFormatTarget." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Serialize to a Xerces-C++ XML format target." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param ft A Xerces-C++ XML format target." << endl
+ << " * @param x An object model to serialize." << endl
+ << " * @param m A namespace information map." << endl
+ << " * @param e A character encoding to produce XML in." << endl
+ << " * @param f Serialization flags." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function uses exceptions to report " <<
+ "serialization errors." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << inst_exp
+ << "void" << endl
+ << name << " (" << xerces_ns << "::XMLFormatTarget& ft," << endl
+ << "const " << type_name (e) << "& x, " << endl
+ << "const " << namespace_infomap << "& m = " <<
+ namespace_infomap << " ()," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& e = " << L << "\"UTF-8\"," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Serialize to a Xerces-C++ XML format target " <<
+ "with an error" << endl
+ << " * handler." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param ft A Xerces-C++ XML format target." << endl
+ << " * @param x An object model to serialize." << endl
+ << " * @param eh An error handler." << endl
+ << " * @param m A namespace information map." << endl
+ << " * @param e A character encoding to produce XML in." << endl
+ << " * @param f Serialization flags." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function reports serialization errors by " <<
+ "calling the error" << endl
+ << " * handler." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << inst_exp
+ << "void" << endl
+ << name << " (" << xerces_ns << "::XMLFormatTarget& ft," << endl
+ << "const " << type_name (e) << "& x, " << endl
+ << error_handler << "& eh," << endl
+ << "const " << namespace_infomap << "& m = " <<
+ namespace_infomap << " ()," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& e = " << L << "\"UTF-8\"," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Serialize to a Xerces-C++ XML format target " <<
+ "with a" << endl
+ << " * Xerces-C++ DOM error handler." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param ft A Xerces-C++ XML format target." << endl
+ << " * @param x An object model to serialize." << endl
+ << " * @param eh A Xerces-C++ DOM error handler." << endl
+ << " * @param m A namespace information map." << endl
+ << " * @param e A character encoding to produce XML in." << endl
+ << " * @param f Serialization flags." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function reports serialization errors by " <<
+ "calling the error" << endl
+ << " * handler." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << inst_exp
+ << "void" << endl
+ << name << " (" << xerces_ns << "::XMLFormatTarget& ft," << endl
+ << "const " << type_name (e) << "& x, " << endl
+ << xerces_ns << "::DOMErrorHandler& eh," << endl
+ << "const " << namespace_infomap << "& m = " <<
+ namespace_infomap << " ()," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& e = " << L << "\"UTF-8\"," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ if (!doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "// Serialize to an existing xercesc::DOMDocument." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Serialize to an existing Xerces-C++ DOM document." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param d A Xerces-C++ DOM document." << endl
+ << " * @param x An object model to serialize." << endl
+ << " * @param f Serialization flags." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * Note that it is your responsibility to create the " <<
+ "DOM document" << endl
+ << " * with the correct root element as well as set the " <<
+ "necessary" << endl
+ << " * namespace mapping attributes." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << inst_exp
+ << "void" << endl
+ << name << " (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMDocument& d," << endl
+ << "const " << type_name (e) << "& x," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ if (!doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "// Serialize to a new xercesc::DOMDocument." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Serialize to a new Xerces-C++ DOM document." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param x An object model to serialize." << endl
+ << " * @param m A namespace information map." << endl
+ << " * @param f Serialization flags." << endl
+ << " * @return A pointer to the new Xerces-C++ DOM document." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << inst_exp
+ << dom_auto_ptr << "< " << xerces_ns <<
+ "::DOMDocument >" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << type_name (e) << "& x, " << endl
+ << "const " << namespace_infomap << "& m = " <<
+ namespace_infomap << " ()," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "//@}" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ String
+ type_name (Type& e)
+ {
+ std::wostringstream o;
+ MemberTypeName type (*this, o);
+ type.dispatch (e.type ());
+ return o.str ();
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ void
+ generate_serialization_header (Context& ctx)
+ {
+ bool elemen_type (ctx.options.generate_element_type ());
+ if (!elemen_type)
+ ctx.os << "#include <iosfwd>" << endl
+ << endl
+ << "#include <xercesc/dom/DOMDocument.hpp>" << endl
+ << "#include <xercesc/dom/DOMErrorHandler.hpp>" << endl
+ << "#include <xercesc/framework/XMLFormatter.hpp>" << endl
+ << endl
+ << "#include <xsd/cxx/xml/dom/auto-ptr.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ Traversal::Names names_ns, names;
+ Namespace ns (ctx);
+ List list (ctx);
+ Union union_ (ctx);
+ Complex complex (ctx);
+ Enumeration enumeration (ctx);
+ ElementType element_type (ctx);
+ ElementFunction element_function (ctx);
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ schema >> names_ns >> ns >> names;
+ names >> list;
+ names >> union_;
+ names >> complex;
+ names >> enumeration;
+ if (elemen_type)
+ names >> element_type;
+ else
+ names >> element_function;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/serialization-header.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/serialization-header.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08c58ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/serialization-header.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/serialization-header.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ void
+ generate_serialization_header (Context&);
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/serialization-source.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/serialization-source.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e9fffb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/serialization-source.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1468 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/serialization-source.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/serialization-source.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ enum schema_type
+ {
+ st_other,
+ st_double,
+ st_decimal
+ };
+ enum schema_type
+ schema_type (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ if (t.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double> ())
+ return st_double;
+ else if (t.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal> ())
+ return st_decimal;
+ else
+ return st_other;
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ struct List: Traversal::List, Context
+ {
+ List (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& l)
+ {
+ String name (ename (l));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (l, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ SemanticGraph::Type& item_type (l.argumented ().type ());
+ String base (L"::xsd::cxx::tree::list< " +
+ item_type_name (item_type) + L", " + char_type);
+ if (item_type.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double> ())
+ base += L", ::xsd::cxx::tree::schema_type::double_";
+ else if (item_type.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal> ())
+ base += L", ::xsd::cxx::tree::schema_type::decimal";
+ base += L" >";
+ // operator<< (xercesc::DOMElement)
+ //
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& e, " <<
+ "const " << name << "& i)"
+ << "{"
+ << "e << static_cast< const " << base << "& > (i);"
+ << "}";
+ // operator<< (xercesc::DOMAttr)
+ //
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr& a, " <<
+ "const " << name << "& i)"
+ << "{"
+ << "a << static_cast< const " << base << "& > (i);"
+ << "}";
+ // operator<< (list_stream)
+ //
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << list_stream_type << "& l," << endl
+ << "const " << name << "& i)"
+ << "{"
+ << "l << static_cast< const " << base << "& > (i);"
+ << "}";
+ // Register with type factory map. If this type is anonymous
+ // but substitutes, then it will be registered as part of the
+ // substitution registration.
+ //
+ if (polymorphic && polymorphic_p (l) && !anonymous_p (l))
+ {
+ // Note that we are using the original type name.
+ //
+ String const& name (ename (l));
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_serializer_initializer< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << char_type << ", " << name << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_type_serializer_init (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (xml_ns_name (l)) << ");"
+ << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ String
+ item_type_name (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ std::wostringstream o;
+ MemberTypeName type (*this, o);
+ type.dispatch (t);
+ return o.str ();
+ }
+ };
+ struct Union: Traversal::Union, Context
+ {
+ Union (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& u)
+ {
+ String name (ename (u));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (u, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ String const& base (xs_string_type);
+ // operator<< (xercesc::DOMElement)
+ //
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& e, " <<
+ "const " << name << "& i)"
+ << "{"
+ << "e << static_cast< const " << base << "& > (i);"
+ << "}";
+ // operator<< (xercesc::DOMAttr)
+ //
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr& a, " <<
+ "const " << name << "& i)"
+ << "{"
+ << "a << static_cast< const " << base << "& > (i);"
+ << "}";
+ // operator<< (list_stream)
+ //
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << list_stream_type << "& l," << endl
+ << "const " << name << "& i)"
+ << "{"
+ << "l << static_cast< const " << base << "& > (i);"
+ << "}";
+ // Register with type factory map. If this type is anonymous
+ // but substitutes, then it will be registered as part of the
+ // substitution registration.
+ //
+ if (polymorphic && polymorphic_p (u) && !anonymous_p (u))
+ {
+ // Note that we are using the original type name.
+ //
+ String const& name (ename (u));
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_serializer_initializer< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << char_type << ", " << name << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_type_serializer_init (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (xml_ns_name (u)) << ");"
+ << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ struct Enumeration: Traversal::Enumeration, Context
+ {
+ Enumeration (Context& c)
+ : Context (c), base_ (c)
+ {
+ inherits_base_ >> base_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ String name (ename (e));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (e, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ // operator<< (xercesc::DOMElement)
+ //
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& e, " <<
+ "const " << name << "& i)"
+ << "{"
+ << "e << static_cast< const ";
+ inherits (e, inherits_base_);
+ os << "& > (i);"
+ << "}";
+ // operator<< (xercesc::DOMAttr)
+ //
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr& a, " <<
+ "const " << name << "& i)"
+ << "{"
+ << "a << static_cast< const ";
+ inherits (e, inherits_base_);
+ os << "& > (i);"
+ << "}";
+ // operator<< (list_stream)
+ //
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << list_stream_type << "& l," << endl
+ << "const " << name << "& i)"
+ << "{"
+ << "l << static_cast< const ";
+ inherits (e, inherits_base_);
+ os << "& > (i);"
+ << "}";
+ // Register with type factory map. If this type is anonymous
+ // but substitutes, then it will be registered as part of the
+ // substitution registration.
+ //
+ if (polymorphic && polymorphic_p (e) && !anonymous_p (e))
+ {
+ // Note that we are using the original type name.
+ //
+ String const& name (ename (e));
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_serializer_initializer< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << char_type << ", " << name << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_type_serializer_init (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (xml_ns_name (e)) << ");"
+ << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_base_;
+ BaseTypeName base_;
+ };
+ struct Element: Traversal::Element, Context
+ {
+ Element (Context& c, String const& scope_)
+ : Context (c), scope (scope_)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ if (skip (e))
+ return;
+ SemanticGraph::Complex& c (
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex&> (e.scope ()));
+ bool ordered (ordered_p (c));
+ String const& aname (eaname (e));
+ String ns (e.qualified_p () ? e.namespace_ ().name () : "");
+ String type (scope + L"::" + etype (e));
+ // Check if we need to handle xsi:type and substitution groups.
+ // If this element's type is anonymous then we don't need to do
+ // anything. Note that if the type is anonymous then it can't be
+ // derived from which makes it impossible to substitute or
+ // dynamically-type with xsi:type.
+ //
+ SemanticGraph::Type& t (e.type ());
+ bool poly (polymorphic && polymorphic_p (t) && !anonymous_p (t));
+ os << "// " << comment ( ()) << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (ordered)
+ os << "case " << scope << "::" <<
+ e.context ().get<String> ("ordered-id-name") << ":"
+ << "{";
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ os << (ordered ? "" : "{")
+ << "::xsd::cxx::tree::type_serializer_map< " << char_type
+ << " >& tsm (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::tree::type_serializer_map_instance< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << char_type << " > ());"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (max (e) != 1)
+ {
+ // sequence
+ //
+ if (ordered)
+ os << "const " << type << "& x (i." << aname <<
+ " ()[b->index]);"
+ << endl;
+ else
+ os << "for (" << scope << "::" << econst_iterator (e) << endl
+ << "b (i." << aname << " ().begin ()), " <<
+ "n (i." << aname << " ().end ());" << endl
+ << "b != n; ++b)"
+ << "{";
+ char const* x (ordered ? "x" : "*b");
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ os << "if (typeid (" << type << ") == typeid (" << x << "))"
+ << "{"
+ << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& s (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_element (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << (ns ? strlit (ns) + L",\n" : L"")
+ << "e));"
+ << endl
+ << "s << " << x << ";"
+ << "}"
+ << "else" << endl
+ << "tsm.serialize (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (ns) << "," << endl
+ << (e.global_p () ? "true" : "false") << ", " <<
+ (e.qualified_p () ? "true" : "false") << ", e, " << x << ");";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& s (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_element (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << (ns ? strlit (ns) + L",\n" : L"")
+ << "e));"
+ << endl;
+ switch (schema_type (t))
+ {
+ case st_other:
+ {
+ os << "s << " << x << ";";
+ break;
+ }
+ case st_double:
+ {
+ os << "s << " << as_double_type << " (" << x << ");";
+ break;
+ }
+ case st_decimal:
+ {
+ os << "s << " << as_decimal_type << " (" << x << ");";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (min (e) == 0)
+ {
+ // optional
+ //
+ if (!ordered)
+ os << "if (i." << aname << " ())"
+ << "{";
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ os << "const " << type << "& x (*i." << aname << " ());"
+ << "if (typeid (" << type << ") == typeid (x))"
+ << "{"
+ << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& s (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_element (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << (ns ? strlit (ns) + L",\n" : L"")
+ << "e));"
+ << endl
+ << "s << x;"
+ << "}"
+ << "else" << endl
+ << "tsm.serialize (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (ns) << "," << endl
+ << (e.global_p () ? "true" : "false") << ", " <<
+ (e.qualified_p () ? "true" : "false") << ", e, x);";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& s (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_element (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << (ns ? strlit (ns) + L",\n" : L"")
+ << "e));"
+ << endl;
+ switch (schema_type (t))
+ {
+ case st_other:
+ {
+ os << "s << *i." << aname << " ();";
+ break;
+ }
+ case st_double:
+ {
+ os << "s << " << as_double_type << "(*i." << aname << " ());";
+ break;
+ }
+ case st_decimal:
+ {
+ os << "s << " << as_decimal_type << "(*i." << aname << " ());";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ os << "const " << type << "& x (i." << aname << " ());"
+ << "if (typeid (" << type << ") == typeid (x))"
+ << "{"
+ << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& s (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_element (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << (ns ? strlit (ns) + L",\n" : L"")
+ << "e));"
+ << endl
+ << "s << x;"
+ << "}"
+ << "else" << endl
+ << "tsm.serialize (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (ns) << "," << endl
+ << (e.global_p () ? "true" : "false") << ", " <<
+ (e.qualified_p () ? "true" : "false") << ", e, x);";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!ordered)
+ os << "{";
+ os << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& s (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_element (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << (ns ? strlit (ns) + L",\n" : L"")
+ << "e));"
+ << endl;
+ switch (schema_type (t))
+ {
+ case st_other:
+ {
+ os << "s << i." << aname << " ();";
+ break;
+ }
+ case st_double:
+ {
+ os << "s << " << as_double_type << "(i." << aname << " ());";
+ break;
+ }
+ case st_decimal:
+ {
+ os << "s << " << as_decimal_type << "(i." << aname << " ());";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ordered)
+ {
+ // See comment for bool text (false); below.
+ //
+ if (mixed_p (c) && c.context ().get<size_t> ("ordered-start") != 1)
+ os << "text = true;";
+ os << "continue;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "}";
+ if (poly && (max (e) != 1 || min (e) == 0))
+ os << "}"; // There is no extra block for poly one.
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ String scope;
+ };
+ struct Any: Traversal::Any, Context
+ {
+ Any (Context& c, String const& scope_)
+ : Context (c), scope (scope_)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& a)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Complex& c (
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex&> (a.scope ()));
+ bool ordered (ordered_p (c));
+ String const& aname (eaname (a));
+ os << "// " << ename (a) << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (ordered)
+ os << "case " << scope << "::" <<
+ a.context ().get<String> ("ordered-id-name") << ":";
+ if (max (a) != 1)
+ {
+ // sequence
+ //
+ if (!ordered)
+ os << "for (" << scope << "::" << econst_iterator (a) << endl
+ << "b (i." << aname << " ().begin ()), " <<
+ "n (i." << aname << " ().end ());" << endl
+ << "b != n; ++b)";
+ os << "{"
+ << "e.appendChild (" << endl
+ << "e.getOwnerDocument ()->importNode (" << endl
+ << "const_cast< " << xerces_ns <<
+ "::DOMElement* > (&(" <<
+ (ordered ? (L"i." + aname + L" ()[b->index]") : L"*b") <<
+ ")), true));";
+ }
+ else if (min (a) == 0)
+ {
+ // optional
+ //
+ if (!ordered)
+ os << "if (i." << aname << " ())";
+ os << "{"
+ << "e.appendChild (" << endl
+ << "e.getOwnerDocument ()->importNode (" << endl
+ << "const_cast< " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement* > (&(*i." <<
+ aname << " ())), true));";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ if (ordered)
+ os << "{";
+ os << "e.appendChild (" << endl
+ << "e.getOwnerDocument ()->importNode (" << endl
+ << "const_cast< " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement* > (&(i." <<
+ aname << " ())), true));"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (ordered)
+ {
+ // See comment for bool text (false); below.
+ //
+ if (mixed_p (c) && c.context ().get<size_t> ("ordered-start") != 1)
+ os << "text = true;";
+ os << "continue;";
+ }
+ if (ordered || max (a) != 1 || min (a) == 0)
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ private:
+ String scope;
+ };
+ struct Attribute: Traversal::Attribute, Context
+ {
+ Attribute (Context& c, String const& scope_)
+ : Context (c), scope (scope_)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& a)
+ {
+ String const& aname (eaname (a));
+ String ns (a.qualified_p () ? a.namespace_ ().name () : "");
+ os << "// " << comment ( ()) << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (a.optional_p () && !a.default_p ())
+ {
+ os << "if (i." << aname << " ())"
+ << "{"
+ << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr& a (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_attribute (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << (ns ? strlit (ns) + L",\n" : L"")
+ << "e));"
+ << endl;
+ switch (schema_type (a.type ()))
+ {
+ case st_other:
+ {
+ os << "a << *i." << aname << " ();";
+ break;
+ }
+ case st_double:
+ {
+ os << "a << " << as_double_type << "(*i." << aname << " ());";
+ break;
+ }
+ case st_decimal:
+ {
+ os << "a << " << as_decimal_type << "(*i." << aname << " ());";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Make sure we serialize required fixed attributes.
+ //
+ if (a.optional_p () && options.omit_default_attributes ())
+ {
+ os << "if (i." << aname << " () != " << scope <<
+ "::" << edefault_value (a) << " ())";
+ }
+ os << "{"
+ << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr& a (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_attribute (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << (ns ? strlit (ns) + L",\n" : L"")
+ << "e));"
+ << endl;
+ switch (schema_type (a.type ()))
+ {
+ case st_other:
+ {
+ os << "a << i." << aname << " ();";
+ break;
+ }
+ case st_double:
+ {
+ os << "a << " << as_double_type << "(i." << aname << " ());";
+ break;
+ }
+ case st_decimal:
+ {
+ os << "a << " << as_decimal_type << "(i." << aname << " ());";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ String scope;
+ };
+ struct AnyAttribute: Traversal::AnyAttribute, Context
+ {
+ AnyAttribute (Context& c, String const& scope_)
+ : Context (c), scope (scope_)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& a)
+ {
+ String const& aname (eaname (a));
+ os << "// " << ename (a) << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ os << "for (" << scope << "::" << econst_iterator (a) << endl
+ << "b (i." << aname << " ().begin ()), " <<
+ "n (i." << aname << " ().end ());" << endl
+ << "b != n; ++b)"
+ << "{"
+ << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr* a (" << endl
+ << "static_cast< " << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr* > (" << endl
+ << "e.getOwnerDocument ()->importNode (" << endl
+ << "const_cast< " << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr* > (&(*b)), true)));"
+ << endl
+ << "if (a->getLocalName () == 0)" << endl
+ << "e.setAttributeNode (a);"
+ << "else" << endl
+ << "e.setAttributeNodeNS (a);"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ private:
+ String scope;
+ };
+ struct Complex: Traversal::Complex, Context
+ {
+ Complex (Context& c)
+ : Context (c), base_ (c)
+ {
+ inherits_ >> base_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& c)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Context& ctx (c.context ());
+ String name (ename (c));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (c, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ // operator<< (xercesc::DOMElement)
+ //
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& e, " <<
+ "const " << name << "& i)"
+ << "{";
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ {
+ os << "e << static_cast< const ";
+ inherits (c, inherits_);
+ os << "& > (i);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ os << "e << static_cast< const " << any_type << "& > (i);"
+ << endl;
+ // Serialize anyAttribute content first so that is gets
+ // overriden by schema-defined attributes.
+ //
+ if (options.generate_wildcard ())
+ {
+ AnyAttribute any_attribute (*this, name);
+ Traversal::Names names (any_attribute);
+ Complex::names (c, names);
+ }
+ {
+ bool o (ordered_p (c));
+ size_t start, count;
+ if (o)
+ {
+ start = ctx.get<size_t> ("ordered-start");
+ count = ctx.get<size_t> ("ordered-count");
+ if (start != count)
+ {
+ String const& ci (ctx.get<String> ("order-const-iterator"));
+ String const& an (ctx.get<String> ("order-aname"));
+ // If we have mixed content and a base, then we have to
+ // skip the text content until we serialize one of "our"
+ // elements.
+ //
+ if (mixed_p (c) && start != 1)
+ os << "bool text (false);"
+ << endl;
+ os << "for (" << name << "::" << ci << endl
+ << "b (i." << an << " ().begin ()), n (i." << an <<
+ " ().end ());" << endl
+ << "b != n; ++b)"
+ << "{"
+ << "switch (b->id)"
+ << "{";
+ }
+ }
+ Traversal::Names names;
+ Any any (*this, name);
+ Element element (*this, name);
+ names >> element;
+ if (options.generate_wildcard ())
+ names >> any;
+ Complex::names (c, names);
+ if (o)
+ {
+ if (start != count)
+ {
+ if (mixed_p (c))
+ {
+ //@@ propagate mixed-ordered-id to derived
+ os << "// text_content" << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "case " << name << "::" <<
+ ctx.get<String> ("mixed-ordered-id-name") << ":"
+ << "{";
+ // See the comment above.
+ //
+ if (start != 1)
+ os << "if (text)" << endl;
+ os << "e.appendChild (" << endl
+ << "e.getOwnerDocument ()->createTextNode (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::string (" << endl
+ << "i." << ctx.get<String> ("mixed-aname") <<
+ " ()[b->index].c_str ()).c_str ()));";
+ // os << "e << i." << ctx.get<String> ("mixed-aname") <<
+ // " ()[b->index];";
+ os << "continue;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ // Ignore content before our id range and stop serializing
+ // if we see anything past. This handles inheritance.
+ //
+ os << "default:"
+ << "{";
+ if (start != 1)
+ os << "if (b->id < " << start << "UL)" << endl
+ << "continue;";
+ os << "break;" // Stop (see break below).
+ << "}";
+ os << "}" // switch
+ << "break;" // Unknown element past our elements.
+ << "}"; // for
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ Attribute attribute (*this, name);
+ Traversal::Names names (attribute);
+ Complex::names (c, names);
+ }
+ os << "}";
+ bool simple (true);
+ {
+ IsSimpleType t (simple);
+ t.dispatch (c);
+ }
+ if (simple)
+ {
+ bool hb (c.inherits_p ());
+ // operator<< (xercesc::DOMAttr)
+ //
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr&" <<
+ (hb ? " a" : "") << ", " <<
+ "const " << name << "&" << (hb ? " i" : "") << ")"
+ << "{";
+ if (hb)
+ {
+ os << "a << static_cast< const ";
+ inherits (c, inherits_);
+ os << "& > (i);";
+ }
+ os << "}";
+ // operator<< (list_stream)
+ //
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << list_stream_type << "&" <<
+ (hb ? " l" : "") << "," << endl
+ << "const " << name << "&" << (hb ? " i" : "") << ")"
+ << "{";
+ if (hb)
+ {
+ os << "l << static_cast< const ";
+ inherits (c, inherits_);
+ os << "& > (i);";
+ }
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ // Register with type factory map. If this type is anonymous
+ // but substitutes, then it will be registered as part of the
+ // substitution registration.
+ //
+ if (polymorphic &&
+ polymorphic_p (c) &&
+ !c.abstract_p () &&
+ !anonymous_p (c))
+ {
+ // Note that we are using the original type name.
+ //
+ String const& name (ename (c));
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_serializer_initializer< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << char_type << ", " << name << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_type_serializer_init (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (xml_ns_name (c)) << ");"
+ << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_;
+ BaseTypeName base_;
+ };
+ // Generate substitution group map entry.
+ //
+ struct GlobalElement: Traversal::Element,
+ GlobalElementBase,
+ Context
+ {
+ GlobalElement (Context& c)
+ : GlobalElementBase (c), Context (c), type_name_ (c)
+ {
+ belongs_ >> type_name_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ if (polymorphic && e.substitutes_p ())
+ {
+ Type& r (e.substitutes ().root ());
+ String const& name (ename (e));
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::element_serializer_initializer< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << char_type << ", ";
+ belongs (e, belongs_);
+ os << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_element_serializer_init (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (r.namespace_ ().name ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (e.namespace_ ().name ()) << ");"
+ << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ Traversal::Belongs belongs_;
+ MemberTypeName type_name_;
+ };
+ struct ElementType: Traversal::Element,
+ GlobalElementBase,
+ Context
+ {
+ ElementType (Context& c)
+ : GlobalElementBase (c),
+ Context (c),
+ element_map_ (c.options.generate_element_map ())
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ if (doc_root_p (e))
+ {
+ String const& name (ename (e));
+ // operator<< (xercesc::DOMElement)
+ //
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& e, " <<
+ "const " << name << "& i)"
+ << "{"
+ << "e << i." << eaname (e) << " ();"
+ << "}";
+ // Element map registration.
+ //
+ if (element_map_)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Context& ec (e.context ());
+ String const& aname (ec.get<String> ("element-name"));
+ String const& ans (ec.get<String> ("element-ns"));
+ os << "static " << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::serializer_init< " <<
+ name << ", " << char_type << ", " << any_type << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_serializer_init (" <<
+ name << "::" << aname << " (), " <<
+ name << "::" << ans << " ());"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ bool element_map_;
+ };
+ struct ElementFunction: Traversal::Element,
+ GlobalElementBase,
+ Context
+ {
+ ElementFunction (Context& c)
+ : GlobalElementBase (c), Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ if (!doc_root_p (e))
+ return;
+ String const& name (eserializer (e));
+ String ns (e.namespace_ ().name ());
+ String const& error_handler (error_handler_type);
+ String const& namespace_infomap (namespace_infomap_type);
+ SemanticGraph::Type& type (e.type ());
+ // Note that I am using fq-name in function calls because g++ gets
+ // confused if the name is 'type'. (see tests/schema/anonymous)
+ //
+ // Check if we need to handle xsi:type and substitution groups.
+ // If this element's type is anonymous then we don't need to do
+ // anything.
+ //
+ bool poly (polymorphic &&
+ polymorphic_p (type) &&
+ !anonymous_p (type));
+ // To std::ostream.
+ //
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << name << " (::std::ostream& o," << endl
+ << "const " << type_name (e) << "& s," << endl
+ << "const " << namespace_infomap << "& m," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& e," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f)"
+ << "{"
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i (" << endl
+ << "(f & " << flags_type << "::dont_initialize) == 0);"
+ << endl
+ << dom_auto_ptr << "< " << xerces_ns <<
+ "::DOMDocument > d (" << endl
+ << fq_name (e, "serializer") << " (s, m, f));"
+ << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::tree::error_handler< " << char_type << " > h;"
+ << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::ostream_format_target t (o);"
+ << "if (!::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::serialize (t, *d, e, h, f))"
+ << "{"
+ << "h.throw_if_failed< ::xsd::cxx::tree::serialization< " <<
+ char_type << " > > ();"
+ << "}"
+ << "}";
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << name << " (::std::ostream& o," << endl
+ << "const " << type_name (e) << "& s," << endl
+ << error_handler << "& h," << endl
+ << "const " << namespace_infomap << "& m," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& e," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f)"
+ << "{"
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i (" << endl
+ << "(f & " << flags_type << "::dont_initialize) == 0);"
+ << endl
+ << dom_auto_ptr << "< " << xerces_ns <<
+ "::DOMDocument > d (" << endl
+ << fq_name (e, "serializer") << " (s, m, f));"
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::ostream_format_target t (o);"
+ << "if (!::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::serialize (t, *d, e, h, f))"
+ << "{"
+ << "throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::serialization< " <<
+ char_type << " > ();"
+ << "}"
+ << "}";
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << name << " (::std::ostream& o," << endl
+ << "const " << type_name (e) << "& s," << endl
+ << xerces_ns << "::DOMErrorHandler& h," << endl
+ << "const " << namespace_infomap << "& m," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& e," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f)"
+ << "{"
+ << dom_auto_ptr << "< " << xerces_ns <<
+ "::DOMDocument > d (" << endl
+ << fq_name (e, "serializer") << " (s, m, f));"
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::ostream_format_target t (o);"
+ << "if (!::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::serialize (t, *d, e, h, f))"
+ << "{"
+ << "throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::serialization< " <<
+ char_type << " > ();"
+ << "}"
+ << "}";
+ // To XMLFormatTarget.
+ //
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << name << " (" << xerces_ns << "::XMLFormatTarget& t," << endl
+ << "const " << type_name (e) << "& s," << endl
+ << "const " << namespace_infomap << "& m," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& e," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f)"
+ << "{"
+ << dom_auto_ptr << "< " << xerces_ns <<
+ "::DOMDocument > d (" << endl
+ << fq_name (e, "serializer") << " (s, m, f));"
+ << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::tree::error_handler< " << char_type << " > h;"
+ << endl
+ << "if (!::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::serialize (t, *d, e, h, f))"
+ << "{"
+ << "h.throw_if_failed< ::xsd::cxx::tree::serialization< " <<
+ char_type << " > > ();"
+ << "}"
+ << "}";
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << name << " (" << xerces_ns << "::XMLFormatTarget& t," << endl
+ << "const " << type_name (e) << "& s," << endl
+ << error_handler << "& h," << endl
+ << "const " << namespace_infomap << "& m," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& e," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f)"
+ << "{"
+ << dom_auto_ptr << "< " << xerces_ns <<
+ "::DOMDocument > d (" << endl
+ << fq_name (e, "serializer") << " (s, m, f));"
+ << "if (!::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::serialize (t, *d, e, h, f))"
+ << "{"
+ << "throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::serialization< " <<
+ char_type << " > ();"
+ << "}"
+ << "}";
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << name << " (" << xerces_ns << "::XMLFormatTarget& t," << endl
+ << "const " << type_name (e) << "& s," << endl
+ << xerces_ns << "::DOMErrorHandler& h," << endl
+ << "const " << namespace_infomap << "& m," << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << "& e," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f)"
+ << "{"
+ << dom_auto_ptr << "< " << xerces_ns <<
+ "::DOMDocument > d (" << endl
+ << fq_name (e, "serializer") << " (s, m, f));"
+ << "if (!::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::serialize (t, *d, e, h, f))"
+ << "{"
+ << "throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::serialization< " <<
+ char_type << " > ();"
+ << "}"
+ << "}";
+ // To an existing DOM instance.
+ //
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << name << " (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMDocument& d," << endl
+ << "const " << type_name (e) << "& s," << endl
+ << flags_type << ")"
+ << "{"
+ << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& e (*d.getDocumentElement ());"
+ << "const " << qname_type << " n (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::name< " << char_type << " > (e));"
+ << endl;
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ os << "if (typeid (" << type_name (e) << ") == typeid (s))"
+ << "{";
+ }
+ os << "if ( () == " << strlit ( ()) << " &&" << endl
+ << "n.namespace_ () == " << strlit (ns) << ")"
+ << "{";
+ switch (schema_type (type))
+ {
+ case st_other:
+ {
+ os << "e << s;";
+ break;
+ }
+ case st_double:
+ {
+ os << "e << " << as_double_type << "(s);";
+ break;
+ }
+ case st_decimal:
+ {
+ os << "e << " << as_decimal_type << "(s);";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ os << "}"
+ << "else"
+ << "{"
+ << "throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_element < " <<
+ char_type << " > (" << endl
+ << " ()," << endl
+ << "n.namespace_ ()," << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (ns) << ");"
+ << "}";
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ os << "}"
+ << "else"
+ << "{"
+ << "::xsd::cxx::tree::type_serializer_map_instance< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << char_type << " > ().serialize (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (e.namespace_().name ()) << "," << endl
+ << "e, n, s);"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ os << "}";
+ // To a new DOM instance.
+ //
+ os << dom_auto_ptr << "< " << xerces_ns << "::DOMDocument >" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << type_name (e) << "& s," << endl
+ << "const " << namespace_infomap << "& m," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f)"
+ << "{";
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ os << dom_auto_ptr << "< " << xerces_ns << "::DOMDocument > d;"
+ << endl
+ << "if (typeid (" << type_name (e) << ") == typeid (s))"
+ << "{"
+ << "d = ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::serialize< " <<
+ char_type << " > (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (ns) << "," << endl
+ << "m, f);"
+ << "}"
+ << "else"
+ << "{"
+ << "d = ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_serializer_map_instance< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << char_type << " > ().serialize (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (e.namespace_().name ()) << "," << endl
+ << "m, s, f);"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << dom_auto_ptr << "< " << xerces_ns <<
+ "::DOMDocument > d (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::serialize< " <<
+ char_type << " > (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (ns) << "," << endl
+ << "m, f));"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ os << fq_name (e, "serializer") << " (*d, s, f);"
+ << "return d;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ private:
+ String
+ type_name (Type& e)
+ {
+ std::wostringstream o;
+ MemberTypeName type (*this, o);
+ type.dispatch (e.type ());
+ return o.str ();
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ void
+ generate_serialization_source (Context& ctx, size_t first, size_t last)
+ {
+ bool elemen_type (ctx.options.generate_element_type ());
+ if (!elemen_type)
+ ctx.os << "#include <ostream>" << endl
+ << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/error-handler.hxx>" << endl;
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/xml/dom/serialization-source.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ if (ctx.polymorphic)
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/type-serializer-map.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ bool import_maps (ctx.options.import_maps ());
+ bool export_maps (ctx.options.export_maps ());
+ if (import_maps || export_maps)
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#ifndef XSD_NO_EXPORT" << endl
+ << endl
+ << "namespace xsd"
+ << "{"
+ << "namespace cxx"
+ << "{"
+ << "namespace tree"
+ << "{"
+ << "#ifdef _MSC_VER" << endl;
+ if (export_maps)
+ ctx.os << "template struct __declspec (dllexport) " <<
+ "type_serializer_plate< " << ctx.poly_plate << ", " <<
+ ctx.char_type << " >;";
+ if (import_maps)
+ ctx.os << "template struct __declspec (dllimport) " <<
+ "type_serializer_plate< " << ctx.poly_plate << ", " <<
+ ctx.char_type << " >;";
+ ctx.os << "#elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4" << endl
+ << "template struct __attribute__ ((visibility(\"default\"))) " <<
+ "type_serializer_plate< " << ctx.poly_plate << ", " <<
+ ctx.char_type << " >;";
+ ctx.os << "#elif defined(XSD_MAP_VISIBILITY)" << endl
+ << "template struct XSD_MAP_VISIBILITY " <<
+ "type_serializer_plate< " << ctx.poly_plate << ", " <<
+ ctx.char_type << " >;";
+ ctx.os << "#endif" << endl
+ << "}" // tree
+ << "}" // cxx
+ << "}" // xsd
+ << "#endif // XSD_NO_EXPORT" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ ctx.os << "namespace _xsd"
+ << "{"
+ << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_serializer_plate< " <<
+ ctx.poly_plate << ", " << ctx.char_type << " >" << endl
+ << "type_serializer_plate_init;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ Traversal::Names names_ns, names;
+ Namespace ns (ctx, first, last);
+ List list (ctx);
+ Union union_ (ctx);
+ Complex complex (ctx);
+ Enumeration enumeration (ctx);
+ GlobalElement element (ctx);
+ ElementType element_type (ctx);
+ ElementFunction element_function (ctx);
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ schema >> names_ns >> ns >> names;
+ names >> list;
+ names >> union_;
+ names >> complex;
+ names >> enumeration;
+ names >> element;
+ if (elemen_type)
+ names >> element_type;
+ else
+ names >> element_function;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/serialization-source.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/serialization-source.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75e57f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/serialization-source.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/serialization-source.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ void
+ generate_serialization_source (Context&, size_t first, size_t last);
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-extraction-source.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-extraction-source.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a5ed66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-extraction-source.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,864 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/stream-extraction-source.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/stream-extraction-source.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ struct List: Traversal::List, Context
+ {
+ List (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& l)
+ {
+ String name (ename (l));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (l, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ SemanticGraph::Type& item_type (l.argumented ().type ());
+ String base (L"::xsd::cxx::tree::list< " +
+ item_type_name (item_type) + L", " + char_type);
+ if (item_type.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double> ())
+ base += L", ::xsd::cxx::tree::schema_type::double_";
+ else if (item_type.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal> ())
+ base += L", ::xsd::cxx::tree::schema_type::decimal";
+ base += L" >";
+ size_t n (0);
+ NarrowStrings const& st (options.generate_extraction ());
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (st.begin ());
+ i != st.end (); ++i)
+ {
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (" << istream_type << "< " <<
+ i->c_str () << " >& s," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << container << "* c)" << endl
+ << ": " << any_simple_type << " (s, f, c)," << endl
+ << " " << base << " (s, f, this)"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ // Register with type map.
+ //
+ if (polymorphic &&
+ polymorphic_p (l) &&
+ (!anonymous_p (l) || anonymous_substitutes_p (l)))
+ {
+ // Note that we are using the original type name.
+ //
+ String const& name (ename (l));
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::stream_extraction_initializer< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << i->c_str () << ", " << char_type <<
+ ", " << name << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_stream_extraction_init_" <<
+ n++ << " (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (xml_ns_name (l)) << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ String
+ item_type_name (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ std::wostringstream o;
+ MemberTypeName type (*this, o);
+ type.dispatch (t);
+ return o.str ();
+ }
+ };
+ struct Union: Traversal::Union, Context
+ {
+ Union (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& u)
+ {
+ String name (ename (u));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (u, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ String const& base (xs_string_type);
+ size_t n (0);
+ NarrowStrings const& st (options.generate_extraction ());
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (st.begin ()); i != st.end ();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (" << istream_type << "< " <<
+ i->c_str () << " >& s," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << container << "* c)" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (s, f, c)"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ // Register with type map.
+ //
+ if (polymorphic &&
+ polymorphic_p (u) &&
+ (!anonymous_p (u) || anonymous_substitutes_p (u)))
+ {
+ // Note that we are using the original type name.
+ //
+ String const& name (ename (u));
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::stream_extraction_initializer< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << i->c_str () << ", " << char_type <<
+ ", " << name << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_stream_extraction_init_" <<
+ n++ << " (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (xml_ns_name (u)) << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ struct Enumeration: Traversal::Enumeration, Context
+ {
+ Enumeration (Context& c)
+ : Context (c), base_ (c)
+ {
+ inherits_base_ >> base_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ String name (ename (e));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (e, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ bool string_based (false);
+ {
+ IsStringBasedType t (string_based);
+ t.dispatch (e);
+ }
+ bool enum_based (false);
+ if (string_based)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Enumeration* base_enum (0);
+ IsEnumBasedType t (base_enum);
+ t.dispatch (e);
+ enum_based = (base_enum != 0);
+ }
+ String value;
+ if (string_based)
+ value = evalue (e);
+ size_t n (0);
+ NarrowStrings const& st (options.generate_extraction ());
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (st.begin ()); i != st.end ();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (" << istream_type << "< " <<
+ i->c_str () << " >& s," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << container << "* c)" << endl
+ << ": ";
+ inherits (e, inherits_base_);
+ if (string_based && !enum_based)
+ {
+ // Use copy c-tor to pass the flags and container.
+ //
+ os << " (" << endl;
+ inherits (e, inherits_base_);
+ os << " (_xsd_" << name << "_literals_[s.read_uint ()]), f, c)";
+ }
+ else
+ os << " (s, f, c)";
+ os << "{";
+ if (string_based)
+ os << "_xsd_" << name << "_convert ();";
+ os << "}";
+ // Register with type map.
+ //
+ if (polymorphic &&
+ polymorphic_p (e) &&
+ (!anonymous_p (e) || anonymous_substitutes_p (e)))
+ {
+ // Note that we are using the original type name.
+ //
+ String const& name (ename (e));
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::stream_extraction_initializer< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << i->c_str () << ", " << char_type <<
+ ", " << name << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_stream_extraction_init_" <<
+ n++ << " (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (xml_ns_name (e)) << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_base_;
+ BaseTypeName base_;
+ };
+ struct CtorMember: Traversal::Member, Context
+ {
+ CtorMember (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Member& m)
+ {
+ if (skip (m))
+ return;
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << emember (m) << " (this)";
+ }
+ };
+ struct CtorAny: Traversal::Any,
+ Traversal::AnyAttribute,
+ Context
+ {
+ CtorAny (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a)
+ {
+ String const& member (emember (a));
+ String const& dom_doc (
+ edom_document (
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex&> (a.scope ())));
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << member << " (this->" << dom_doc << " ())";
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyAttribute& a)
+ {
+ String const& member (emember (a));
+ String const& dom_doc (
+ edom_document (
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex&> (a.scope ())));
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << member << " (this->" << dom_doc << " ())";
+ }
+ };
+ struct Element: Traversal::Element, Context
+ {
+ Element (Context& c, String const& stream_)
+ : Context (c), stream (stream_)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ if (skip (e))
+ return;
+ String const& member (emember (e));
+ SemanticGraph::Type& t (e.type ());
+ String type (etype (e));
+ String tr (etraits (e)); // traits type name
+ bool fund (false);
+ {
+ IsFundamentalType traverser (fund);
+ traverser.dispatch (t);
+ }
+ // Figure out if we need to generate polymorphic code. If this
+ // elemen's type is anonymous then we don't need to do anything.
+ // Note that if the type is anonymous then it can't be derived
+ // from which makes it impossible to substitute or dynamically-
+ // type with xsi:type.
+ //
+ bool poly (polymorphic && polymorphic_p (t) && !anonymous_p (t));
+ // Check if this element is abstract.
+ //
+ bool abst (false);
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Complex* tc;
+ abst = (tc = dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex*> (&t)) != 0 &&
+ tc->abstract_p ();
+ }
+ char const* r (
+ (poly || !fund) && std >= cxx_version::cxx11
+ ? "::std::move (r)"
+ : "r");
+ if (max (e) != 1)
+ {
+ // sequence
+ //
+ String container (econtainer (e));
+ os << "{"
+ << "::std::size_t n;"
+ << "::xsd::cxx::tree::istream_common::as_size< " <<
+ "::std::size_t > as (n);"
+ << "s >> as;"
+ << "if (n > 0)"
+ << "{"
+ << container << "& c (this->" << member << ");"
+ << "c.reserve (n);"
+ << "while (n--)"
+ << "{";
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > r;";
+ if (!abst)
+ os << "bool d;"
+ << "s >> d;"
+ << endl
+ << "if (!d)" << endl
+ << "r.reset (new " << type << " (s, f, this));"
+ << "else"
+ << "{";
+ os << auto_ptr << "< ::xsd::cxx::tree::type > tmp (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::tree::stream_extraction_map_instance< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << stream << ", " << char_type <<
+ " > ().extract (" << endl
+ << "s, f, this));"
+ << "r.reset (dynamic_cast< " << type << "* > (tmp.get ()));"
+ << "if (r.get ())" << endl
+ << "tmp.release ();"
+ << "else" << endl
+ << "throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::not_derived< " << char_type <<
+ " > ();";
+ if (!abst)
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ else if (fund)
+ {
+ os << type << " r;"
+ << "s >> r;";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > r (" << endl
+ << tr << "::create (s, f, this));";
+ }
+ os << "c.push_back (" << r << ");"
+ << "}" // while
+ << "}" // if
+ << "}";
+ }
+ else if (min (e) == 0)
+ {
+ // optional
+ //
+ os << "{"
+ << "bool p;"
+ << "s >> p;"
+ << "if (p)"
+ << "{";
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > r;";
+ if (!abst)
+ os << "bool d;"
+ << "s >> d;"
+ << endl
+ << "if (!d)" << endl
+ << "r.reset (new " << type << " (s, f, this));"
+ << "else"
+ << "{";
+ os << auto_ptr << "< ::xsd::cxx::tree::type > tmp (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::tree::stream_extraction_map_instance< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << stream << ", " << char_type <<
+ " > ().extract (" << endl
+ << "s, f, this));"
+ << "r.reset (dynamic_cast< " << type << "* > (tmp.get ()));"
+ << "if (r.get ())" << endl
+ << "tmp.release ();"
+ << "else" << endl
+ << "throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::not_derived< " << char_type <<
+ " > ();";
+ if (!abst)
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ else if (fund)
+ {
+ os << type << " r;"
+ << "s >> r;";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > r (" << endl
+ << tr << "::create (s, f, this));";
+ }
+ os << "this->" << member << ".set (" << r << ");"
+ << "}" // if (p)
+ << "}";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ os << "{";
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > r;";
+ if (!abst)
+ os << "bool d;"
+ << "s >> d;"
+ << endl
+ << "if (!d)" << endl
+ << "r.reset (new " << type << " (s, f, this));"
+ << "else"
+ << "{";
+ os << auto_ptr << "< ::xsd::cxx::tree::type > tmp (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::tree::stream_extraction_map_instance< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << stream << ", " << char_type <<
+ " > ().extract (" << endl
+ << "s, f, this));"
+ << "r.reset (dynamic_cast< " << type << "* > (tmp.get ()));"
+ << "if (r.get ())" << endl
+ << "tmp.release ();"
+ << "else" << endl
+ << "throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::not_derived< " << char_type <<
+ " > ();";
+ if (!abst)
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ else if (fund)
+ {
+ os << type << " r;"
+ << "s >> r;";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > r (" << endl
+ << tr << "::create (s, f, this));";
+ }
+ os << "this->" << member << ".set (" << r << ");"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ String stream;
+ };
+ struct Attribute: Traversal::Attribute, Context
+ {
+ Attribute (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& a)
+ {
+ String const& member (emember (a));
+ String type (etype (a));
+ String tr (etraits (a)); // traits type name
+ bool fund (false);
+ {
+ IsFundamentalType traverser (fund);
+ traverser.dispatch (a.type ());
+ }
+ if (a.optional_p () && !a.default_p ())
+ {
+ os << "{"
+ << "bool p;"
+ << "s >> p;"
+ << "if (p)"
+ << "{";
+ if (fund)
+ {
+ os << type << " r;"
+ << "s >> r;"
+ << "this->" << member << ".set (r);";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "this->" << member << ".set (" << tr <<
+ "::create (s, f, this));";
+ }
+ os << "}" // if (p)
+ << "}";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "{";
+ if (fund)
+ {
+ os << type << " r;"
+ << "s >> r;"
+ << "this->" << member << ".set (r);";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "this->" << member << ".set (" << tr <<
+ "::create (s, f, this));";
+ }
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ struct Complex: Traversal::Complex, Context
+ {
+ Complex (Context& c)
+ : Context (c), base_ (c), ctor_any_ (c), ctor_member_ (c)
+ {
+ inherits_ >> base_;
+ names_ctor_member_ >> ctor_member_;
+ if (options.generate_wildcard ())
+ names_ctor_member_ >> ctor_any_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& c)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Context& ctx (c.context ());
+ String name (ename (c));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (c, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ bool ordered (ordered_p (c) && !ctx.count ("order-in-base"));
+ bool has_members (has<Traversal::Member> (c));
+ bool facets (false);
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ {
+ // See if we have any facets that we need to handle.
+ //
+ using SemanticGraph::Restricts;
+ using SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal;
+ if (Restricts* r = dynamic_cast<Restricts*> (&c.inherits ()))
+ {
+ if (!r->facet_empty () &&
+ (r->facet_find ("fractionDigits") != r->facet_end () ||
+ r->facet_find ("totalDigits") != r->facet_end ()) &&
+ ultimate_base (c).is_a<Decimal> ())
+ facets = true;
+ }
+ }
+ size_t n (0);
+ NarrowStrings const& st (options.generate_extraction ());
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (st.begin ()); i != st.end ();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (" << istream_type << "< " <<
+ i->c_str () << " >& s," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << container << "* c)" << endl
+ << ": ";
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ inherits (c, inherits_);
+ else
+ os << any_type;
+ os << " (s, f, c)";
+ if (edom_document_member_p (c))
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << edom_document_member (c) << " (" <<
+ "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_document< " << char_type <<
+ " > ())";
+ }
+ names (c, names_ctor_member_);
+ os << "{";
+ if (facets)
+ os << "this->_facet_table (_xsd_" << name << "_facet_table);"
+ << endl;
+ if (has_members)
+ os << "this->" << unclash (name, "parse") << " (s, f);";
+ os << "}";
+ // Parse
+ //
+ if (ordered || has_members)
+ {
+ os << "void " << name << "::" << endl
+ << unclash (name, "parse") << " (" <<
+ istream_type << "< " << i->c_str () << " >& s," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f)"
+ << "{"
+ << "XSD_UNUSED (f);"; // Can be unused.
+ // Read the order sequence.
+ //
+ if (ordered)
+ {
+ String const& t (ctx.get<String> ("order-type"));
+ String const& m (ctx.get<String> ("order-member"));
+ os << "{"
+ << "::std::size_t n;"
+ << "::xsd::cxx::tree::istream_common::as_size< " <<
+ "::std::size_t > na (n);"
+ << "s >> na;"
+ << "if (n > 0)"
+ << "{"
+ << "this->" << m << ".reserve (n);"
+ << "while (n--)"
+ << "{"
+ << "::std::size_t id, in;"
+ << "::xsd::cxx::tree::istream_common::as_size< " <<
+ "::std::size_t > ida (id), ina (in);"
+ << "s >> ida;"
+ << "s >> ina;"
+ << "this->" << m << ".push_back (" << t << " (id, in));"
+ << "}" // while
+ << "}" // if
+ << "}";
+ }
+ {
+ Element element (*this, *i);
+ Attribute attribute (*this);
+ Traversal::Names names_;
+ names_ >> element;
+ names_ >> attribute;
+ names (c, names_);
+ }
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ // Register with type map.
+ //
+ if (polymorphic &&
+ polymorphic_p (c) &&
+ !c.abstract_p () &&
+ (!anonymous_p (c) || anonymous_substitutes_p (c)))
+ {
+ // Note that we are using the original type name.
+ //
+ String const& name (ename (c));
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::stream_extraction_initializer< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << i->c_str () << ", " << char_type <<
+ ", " << name << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_stream_extraction_init_" <<
+ n++ << " (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (xml_ns_name (c)) << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_;
+ BaseTypeName base_;
+ CtorAny ctor_any_;
+ CtorMember ctor_member_;
+ Traversal::Names names_ctor_member_;
+ };
+ }
+ void
+ generate_stream_extraction_source (Context& ctx)
+ {
+ if (ctx.polymorphic)
+ {
+ NarrowStrings const& st (ctx.options.generate_extraction ());
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/stream-extraction-map.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ bool import_maps (ctx.options.import_maps ());
+ bool export_maps (ctx.options.export_maps ());
+ if (import_maps || export_maps)
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#ifndef XSD_NO_EXPORT" << endl
+ << endl
+ << "namespace xsd"
+ << "{"
+ << "namespace cxx"
+ << "{"
+ << "namespace tree"
+ << "{";
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (st.begin ()); i != st.end ();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ String stream (*i);
+ ctx.os << "#ifdef _MSC_VER" << endl;
+ if (export_maps)
+ ctx.os << "template struct __declspec (dllexport) " <<
+ "stream_extraction_plate< " << ctx.poly_plate << ", " <<
+ stream << ", " << ctx.char_type << " >;";
+ if (import_maps)
+ ctx.os << "template struct __declspec (dllimport) " <<
+ "stream_extraction_plate< " << ctx.poly_plate << ", " <<
+ stream << ", " << ctx.char_type << " >;";
+ ctx.os << "#elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4" << endl
+ << "template struct __attribute__ ((visibility(\"default\"))) " <<
+ "stream_extraction_plate< " << ctx.poly_plate << ", " <<
+ stream << ", " << ctx.char_type << " >;"
+ << "#elif defined(XSD_MAP_VISIBILITY)" << endl
+ << "template struct XSD_MAP_VISIBILITY " <<
+ "stream_extraction_plate< " << ctx.poly_plate << ", " <<
+ stream << ", " << ctx.char_type << " >;"
+ << "#endif" << endl;
+ }
+ ctx.os << "}" // tree
+ << "}" // cxx
+ << "}" // xsd
+ << "#endif // XSD_NO_EXPORT" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ ctx.os << "namespace _xsd"
+ << "{";
+ size_t n (0);
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (st.begin ()); i != st.end ();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ String stream (*i);
+ ctx.os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::stream_extraction_plate< " <<
+ ctx.poly_plate << ", " << stream << ", " << ctx.char_type <<
+ " >" << endl
+ << "stream_extraction_plate_init_" << n++ << ";";
+ }
+ ctx.os << "}";
+ }
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ Traversal::Names names_ns, names;
+ Namespace ns (ctx);
+ List list (ctx);
+ Union union_ (ctx);
+ Complex complex (ctx);
+ Enumeration enumeration (ctx);
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ schema >> names_ns >> ns >> names;
+ names >> list;
+ names >> union_;
+ names >> complex;
+ names >> enumeration;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-extraction-source.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-extraction-source.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b58491
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-extraction-source.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/stream-extraction-source.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ void
+ generate_stream_extraction_source (Context&);
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-header.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-header.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8243c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-header.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/stream-header.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/stream-header.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ struct List: Traversal::List, Context
+ {
+ List (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& l)
+ {
+ String name (ename (l));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (l, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ os << inst_exp
+ << std_ostream_type << "&" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << std_ostream_type << "&, const " <<
+ name << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ };
+ struct Union: Traversal::Union, Context
+ {
+ Union (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& u)
+ {
+ String name (ename (u));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (u, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ os << inst_exp
+ << std_ostream_type << "&" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << std_ostream_type << "&, const " <<
+ name << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ };
+ struct Enumeration: Traversal::Enumeration, Context
+ {
+ Enumeration (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ String name (ename (e));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (e, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ bool string_based (false);
+ {
+ IsStringBasedType t (string_based);
+ t.dispatch (e);
+ }
+ bool enum_based (false);
+ if (string_based)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Enumeration* be (0);
+ IsEnumBasedType t (be);
+ t.dispatch (e);
+ enum_based = (be != 0);
+ }
+ // If we are based on an enum then the value type is just an
+ // alias and we don't need to generate this operator again.
+ //
+ if (string_based && !enum_based)
+ {
+ os << inst_exp
+ << std_ostream_type << "&" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << std_ostream_type << "&, " <<
+ name << "::" << evalue (e) << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ os << inst_exp
+ << std_ostream_type << "&" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << std_ostream_type << "&, const " <<
+ name << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ };
+ struct Complex: Traversal::Complex, Context
+ {
+ Complex (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& c)
+ {
+ String name (ename (c));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (c, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ os << inst_exp
+ << std_ostream_type << "&" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << std_ostream_type << "&, const " <<
+ name << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ void
+ generate_stream_header (Context& ctx)
+ {
+ String c (ctx.char_type);
+ ctx.os << "#include <iosfwd>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ Traversal::Names names_ns, names;
+ Namespace ns (ctx);
+ List list (ctx);
+ Union union_ (ctx);
+ Complex complex (ctx);
+ Enumeration enumeration (ctx);
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ schema >> names_ns >> ns >> names;
+ names >> list;
+ names >> union_;
+ names >> complex;
+ names >> enumeration;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-header.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-header.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58481c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-header.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/stream-header.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ void
+ generate_stream_header (Context&);
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-insertion-header.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-insertion-header.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9eb4bc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-insertion-header.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/stream-insertion-header.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/stream-insertion-header.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ struct List: Traversal::List, Context
+ {
+ List (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& l)
+ {
+ String name (ename (l));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (l, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ NarrowStrings const& st (options.generate_insertion ());
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (st.begin ()); i != st.end ();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ String stream_type (ostream_type + L"< " + String (*i) + L" >");
+ os << inst_exp
+ << stream_type << "&" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << stream_type << "&," << endl
+ << "const " << name << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ struct Union: Traversal::Union, Context
+ {
+ Union (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& u)
+ {
+ String name (ename (u));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (u, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ NarrowStrings const& st (options.generate_insertion ());
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (st.begin ()); i != st.end ();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ String stream_type (ostream_type + L"< " + String (*i) + L" >");
+ os << inst_exp
+ << stream_type << "&" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << stream_type << "&," << endl
+ << "const " << name << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ struct Enumeration: Traversal::Enumeration, Context
+ {
+ Enumeration (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ String name (ename (e));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (e, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ NarrowStrings const& st (options.generate_insertion ());
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (st.begin ()); i != st.end ();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ String stream_type (ostream_type + L"< " + String (*i) + L" >");
+ os << inst_exp
+ << stream_type << "&" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << stream_type << "&," << endl
+ << "const " << name << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ struct Complex: Traversal::Complex, Context
+ {
+ Complex (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& c)
+ {
+ String name (ename (c));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (c, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ NarrowStrings const& st (options.generate_insertion ());
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (st.begin ()); i != st.end ();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ String stream_type (ostream_type + L"< " + String (*i) + L" >");
+ os << inst_exp
+ << stream_type << "&" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << stream_type << "&," << endl
+ << "const " << name << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ void
+ generate_stream_insertion_header (Context& ctx)
+ {
+ String c (ctx.char_type);
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ Traversal::Names names_ns, names;
+ Namespace ns (ctx);
+ List list (ctx);
+ Union union_ (ctx);
+ Complex complex (ctx);
+ Enumeration enumeration (ctx);
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ schema >> names_ns >> ns >> names;
+ names >> list;
+ names >> union_;
+ names >> complex;
+ names >> enumeration;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-insertion-header.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-insertion-header.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..597bea0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-insertion-header.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/stream-insertion-header.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ void
+ generate_stream_insertion_header (Context&);
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-insertion-source.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-insertion-source.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08391ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-insertion-source.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/stream-insertion-source.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/stream-insertion-source.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ struct List: Traversal::List, Context
+ {
+ List (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& l)
+ {
+ String name (ename (l));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (l, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ SemanticGraph::Type& item_type (l.argumented ().type ());
+ String base (L"::xsd::cxx::tree::list< " +
+ item_type_name (item_type) + L", " + char_type);
+ if (item_type.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double> ())
+ base += L", ::xsd::cxx::tree::schema_type::double_";
+ else if (item_type.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal> ())
+ base += L", ::xsd::cxx::tree::schema_type::decimal";
+ base += L" >";
+ size_t n (0);
+ NarrowStrings const& st (options.generate_insertion ());
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (st.begin ()); i != st.end ();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ String stream_type ("::xsd::cxx::tree::ostream< " + *i + " >");
+ os << stream_type << "&" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << stream_type << "& s," << endl
+ << "const " << name << "& x)"
+ << "{"
+ << "return s << static_cast< const " << base << "& > (x);"
+ << "}";
+ // Register with type map.
+ //
+ if (polymorphic &&
+ polymorphic_p (l) &&
+ (!anonymous_p (l) || anonymous_substitutes_p (l)))
+ {
+ // Note that we are using the original type name.
+ //
+ String const& name (ename (l));
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::stream_insertion_initializer< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << i->c_str () << ", " << char_type <<
+ ", " << name << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_stream_insertion_init_" <<
+ n++ << " (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (xml_ns_name (l)) << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ String
+ item_type_name (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ std::wostringstream o;
+ MemberTypeName type (*this, o);
+ type.dispatch (t);
+ return o.str ();
+ }
+ };
+ struct Union: Traversal::Union, Context
+ {
+ Union (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& u)
+ {
+ String name (ename (u));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (u, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ String const& base (xs_string_type);
+ size_t n (0);
+ NarrowStrings const& st (options.generate_insertion ());
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (st.begin ()); i != st.end ();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ String stream_type ("::xsd::cxx::tree::ostream< " + *i + " >");
+ os << stream_type << "&" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << stream_type << "& s," << endl
+ << "const " << name << "& x)"
+ << "{"
+ << "return s << static_cast< const " << base << "& > (x);"
+ << "}";
+ // Register with type map.
+ //
+ if (polymorphic &&
+ polymorphic_p (u) &&
+ (!anonymous_p (u) || anonymous_substitutes_p (u)))
+ {
+ // Note that we are using the original type name.
+ //
+ String const& name (ename (u));
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::stream_insertion_initializer< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << i->c_str () << ", " << char_type <<
+ ", " << name << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_stream_insertion_init_" <<
+ n++ << " (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (xml_ns_name (u)) << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ struct Enumeration: Traversal::Enumeration, Context
+ {
+ Enumeration (Context& c)
+ : Context (c), base_ (c)
+ {
+ inherits_base_ >> base_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ String name (ename (e));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (e, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ bool string_based (false);
+ {
+ IsStringBasedType t (string_based);
+ t.dispatch (e);
+ }
+ bool enum_based (false);
+ if (string_based)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Enumeration* base_enum (0);
+ IsEnumBasedType t (base_enum);
+ t.dispatch (e);
+ enum_based = (base_enum != 0);
+ }
+ String value;
+ if (string_based)
+ value = evalue (e);
+ size_t n (0);
+ NarrowStrings const& st (options.generate_insertion ());
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (st.begin ()); i != st.end ();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ String stream_type ("::xsd::cxx::tree::ostream< " + *i + " >");
+ os << stream_type << "&" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << stream_type << "& s," << endl
+ << "const " << name << "& x)"
+ << "{";
+ if (!string_based || enum_based)
+ {
+ os << "return s << static_cast< const ";
+ inherits (e, inherits_base_);
+ os << "& > (x);";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << name << "::" << value << " v (x);"
+ << "return s << static_cast< unsigned int > (v);";
+ }
+ os << "}";
+ // Register with type map.
+ //
+ if (polymorphic &&
+ polymorphic_p (e) &&
+ (!anonymous_p (e) || anonymous_substitutes_p (e)))
+ {
+ // Note that we are using the original type name.
+ //
+ String const& name (ename (e));
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::stream_insertion_initializer< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << i->c_str () << ", " << char_type <<
+ ", " << name << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_stream_insertion_init_" <<
+ n++ << " (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (xml_ns_name (e)) << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_base_;
+ BaseTypeName base_;
+ };
+ struct Element: Traversal::Element, Context
+ {
+ Element (Context& c, String const& scope_, String const& stream_)
+ : Context (c), scope (scope_), stream (stream_)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ if (skip (e)) return;
+ String const& aname (eaname (e));
+ SemanticGraph::Type& t (e.type ());
+ String type (scope + L"::" + etype (e));
+ // Figure out if we need to generate polymorphic code. If this
+ // elemen's type is anonymous then we don't need to do anything.
+ // Note that if the type is anonymous then it can't be derived
+ // from which makes it impossible to substitute or dynamically-
+ // type with xsi:type.
+ //
+ bool poly (polymorphic && polymorphic_p (t) && !anonymous_p (t));
+ // Check if this element is abstract.
+ //
+ bool abst (false);
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Complex* tc;
+ abst = (tc = dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex*> (&t)) != 0 &&
+ tc->abstract_p ();
+ }
+ if (max (e) != 1)
+ {
+ // sequence
+ //
+ os << "{"
+ << "const " << scope << "::" << econtainer (e) << "& c (" <<
+ "x." << aname << " ());"
+ << "s << ::xsd::cxx::tree::ostream_common::as_size< " <<
+ "::std::size_t > (c.size ());";
+ os << "for (" << scope << "::" << econst_iterator (e) << endl
+ << "i (c.begin ()), e (c.end ());" << endl
+ << "i != e; ++i)"
+ << "{";
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ if (!abst)
+ os << "bool d (typeid (" << type << ") != typeid (*i));"
+ << "s << d;"
+ << "if (!d)" << endl
+ << "s << *i;"
+ << "else" << endl;
+ os << "::xsd::cxx::tree::stream_insertion_map_instance< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << stream << ", " << char_type <<
+ " > ().insert (s, *i);";
+ }
+ else
+ os << "s << *i;";
+ os << "}" // for
+ << "}";
+ }
+ else if (min (e) == 0)
+ {
+ // optional
+ //
+ os << "{"
+ << "bool p (x." << aname << " ());"
+ << "s << p;"
+ << "if (p)";
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ os << "{"
+ << "const " << type << "& i (*x." << aname << " ());";
+ if (!abst)
+ os << "bool d (typeid (" << type << ") != typeid (i));"
+ << "s << d;"
+ << "if (!d)" << endl
+ << "s << i;"
+ << "else" << endl;
+ os << "::xsd::cxx::tree::stream_insertion_map_instance< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << stream << ", " << char_type <<
+ " > ().insert (s, i);"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ else
+ os << endl
+ << "s << *x." << aname << " ();";
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ os << "{"
+ << "const " << type << "& i (x." << aname << " ());";
+ if (!abst)
+ os << "bool d (typeid (" << type << ") != typeid (i));"
+ << "s << d;"
+ << "if (!d)" << endl
+ << "s << i;"
+ << "else" << endl;
+ os << "::xsd::cxx::tree::stream_insertion_map_instance< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << stream << ", " << char_type <<
+ " > ().insert (s, i);"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ else
+ os << "s << x." << aname << " ();";
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ String scope;
+ String stream;
+ };
+ struct Attribute: Traversal::Attribute, Context
+ {
+ Attribute (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& a)
+ {
+ String const& aname (eaname (a));
+ if (a.optional_p () && !a.default_p ())
+ {
+ os << "{"
+ << "bool p (x." << aname << " ());"
+ << "s << p;"
+ << "if (p)" << endl
+ << "s << *x." << aname << " ();"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "s << x." << aname << " ();";
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ struct Complex: Traversal::Complex, Context
+ {
+ Complex (Context& c)
+ : Context (c), base_ (c)
+ {
+ inherits_ >> base_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& c)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Context& ctx (c.context ());
+ String name (ename (c));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (c, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ bool ordered (ordered_p (c) && !ctx.count ("order-in-base"));
+ bool has_body (ordered ||
+ has<Traversal::Member> (c) ||
+ c.inherits_p ());
+ size_t n (0);
+ NarrowStrings const& st (options.generate_insertion ());
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (st.begin ()); i != st.end ();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ String stream_type ("::xsd::cxx::tree::ostream< " + *i + " >");
+ os << stream_type << "&" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << stream_type << "& s," << endl
+ << "const " << name << "&" << (has_body ? " x" : "") << ")"
+ << "{";
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ {
+ os << "s << static_cast< const ";
+ inherits (c, inherits_);
+ os << "& > (x);";
+ }
+ // Write the order sequence.
+ //
+ if (ordered)
+ {
+ String const& ci (ctx.get<String> ("order-const-iterator"));
+ String const& an (ctx.get<String> ("order-aname"));
+ os << "s << ::xsd::cxx::tree::ostream_common::as_size< " <<
+ "::std::size_t > (" << endl
+ << "x." << an << " ().size ());"
+ << endl
+ << "for (" << name << "::" << ci << endl
+ << "b (x." << an << " ().begin ()), n (x." << an <<
+ " ().end ());" << endl
+ << "b != n; ++b)"
+ << "{"
+ << "s << ::xsd::cxx::tree::ostream_common::as_size< " <<
+ "::std::size_t > (b->id);"
+ << "s << ::xsd::cxx::tree::ostream_common::as_size< " <<
+ "::std::size_t > (b->index);"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ {
+ Traversal::Names names_member;
+ Element element (*this, name, *i);
+ Attribute attribute (*this);
+ names_member >> element;
+ names_member >> attribute;
+ names (c, names_member);
+ }
+ os << "return s;"
+ << "}";
+ // Register with type map.
+ //
+ if (polymorphic &&
+ polymorphic_p (c) &&
+ !c.abstract_p () &&
+ (!anonymous_p (c) || anonymous_substitutes_p (c)))
+ {
+ // Note that we are using the original type name.
+ //
+ String const& name (ename (c));
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::stream_insertion_initializer< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << i->c_str () << ", " << char_type <<
+ ", " << name << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_stream_insertion_init_" <<
+ n++ << " (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (xml_ns_name (c)) << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_;
+ BaseTypeName base_;
+ };
+ }
+ void
+ generate_stream_insertion_source (Context& ctx)
+ {
+ if (ctx.polymorphic)
+ {
+ NarrowStrings const& st (ctx.options.generate_insertion ());
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/stream-insertion-map.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ bool import_maps (ctx.options.import_maps ());
+ bool export_maps (ctx.options.export_maps ());
+ if (import_maps || export_maps)
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#ifndef XSD_NO_EXPORT" << endl
+ << endl
+ << "namespace xsd"
+ << "{"
+ << "namespace cxx"
+ << "{"
+ << "namespace tree"
+ << "{";
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (st.begin ()); i != st.end ();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ String stream (*i);
+ ctx.os << "#ifdef _MSC_VER" << endl;
+ if (export_maps)
+ ctx.os << "template struct __declspec (dllexport) " <<
+ "stream_insertion_plate< " << ctx.poly_plate << ", " <<
+ stream << ", " << ctx.char_type << " >;";
+ if (import_maps)
+ ctx.os << "template struct __declspec (dllimport) " <<
+ "stream_insertion_plate< " << ctx.poly_plate << ", " <<
+ stream << ", " << ctx.char_type << " >;";
+ ctx.os << "#elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4" << endl
+ << "template struct __attribute__ ((visibility(\"default\"))) " <<
+ "stream_insertion_plate< " << ctx.poly_plate << ", " <<
+ stream << ", " << ctx.char_type << " >;"
+ << "#elif defined(XSD_MAP_VISIBILITY)" << endl
+ << "template struct XSD_MAP_VISIBILITY " <<
+ "stream_insertion_plate< " << ctx.poly_plate << ", " <<
+ stream << ", " << ctx.char_type << " >;"
+ << "#endif" << endl;
+ }
+ ctx.os << "}" // tree
+ << "}" // cxx
+ << "}" // xsd
+ << "#endif // XSD_NO_EXPORT" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ ctx.os << "namespace _xsd"
+ << "{";
+ size_t n (0);
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (st.begin ()); i != st.end ();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ String stream (*i);
+ ctx.os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::stream_insertion_plate< " <<
+ ctx.poly_plate << ", " << stream << ", " << ctx.char_type <<
+ " >" << endl
+ << "stream_insertion_plate_init_" << n++ << ";";
+ }
+ ctx.os << "}";
+ }
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ Traversal::Names names_ns, names;
+ Namespace ns (ctx);
+ List list (ctx);
+ Union union_ (ctx);
+ Complex complex (ctx);
+ Enumeration enumeration (ctx);
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ schema >> names_ns >> ns >> names;
+ names >> list;
+ names >> union_;
+ names >> complex;
+ names >> enumeration;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-insertion-source.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-insertion-source.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ace8bf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-insertion-source.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/stream-insertion-source.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ void
+ generate_stream_insertion_source (Context&);
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-source.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-source.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eeb3ca3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-source.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/stream-source.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/stream-source.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ struct List: Traversal::List, Context
+ {
+ List (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& l)
+ {
+ String name (ename (l));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (l, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ SemanticGraph::Type& item_type (l.argumented ().type ());
+ String base (L"::xsd::cxx::tree::list< " +
+ item_type_name (item_type) + L", " + char_type);
+ if (item_type.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double> ())
+ base += L", ::xsd::cxx::tree::schema_type::double_";
+ else if (item_type.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal> ())
+ base += L", ::xsd::cxx::tree::schema_type::decimal";
+ base += L" >";
+ os << std_ostream_type << "&" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << std_ostream_type << "& o, " <<
+ "const " << name << "& i)"
+ << "{"
+ << "return o << static_cast< const " << base << "& > (i);"
+ << "}";
+ // Register with ostream map.
+ //
+ if (polymorphic &&
+ polymorphic_p (l) &&
+ (!anonymous_p (l) || anonymous_substitutes_p (l)))
+ {
+ // Note that we are using the original type name.
+ //
+ String const& name (ename (l));
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::std_ostream_initializer< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << char_type << ", " << name << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_std_ostream_init;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ String
+ item_type_name (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ std::wostringstream o;
+ MemberTypeName type (*this, o);
+ type.dispatch (t);
+ return o.str ();
+ }
+ };
+ struct Union: Traversal::Union, Context
+ {
+ Union (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& u)
+ {
+ String name (ename (u));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (u, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ os << std_ostream_type << "&" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << std_ostream_type << "& o, " <<
+ "const " << name << "& i)"
+ << "{"
+ << "return o << static_cast< const " << xs_string_type << "& > (i);"
+ << "}";
+ // Register with ostream map.
+ //
+ if (polymorphic &&
+ polymorphic_p (u) &&
+ (!anonymous_p (u) || anonymous_substitutes_p (u)))
+ {
+ // Note that we are using the original type name.
+ //
+ String const& name (ename (u));
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::std_ostream_initializer< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << char_type << ", " << name << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_std_ostream_init;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ struct Enumeration: Traversal::Enumeration, Context
+ {
+ Enumeration (Context& c)
+ : Context (c), base_ (c)
+ {
+ inherits_base_ >> base_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ String name (ename (e));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (e, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ bool string_based (false);
+ {
+ IsStringBasedType t (string_based);
+ t.dispatch (e);
+ }
+ bool enum_based (false);
+ if (string_based)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Enumeration* be (0);
+ IsEnumBasedType t (be);
+ t.dispatch (e);
+ enum_based = (be != 0);
+ }
+ // If we are based on an enum then the value type is just an
+ // alias and we don't need to generate this operator again.
+ //
+ if (string_based && !enum_based)
+ {
+ os << std_ostream_type << "&" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << std_ostream_type << "& o, " <<
+ name << "::" << evalue (e) << " i)"
+ << "{"
+ << "return o << " << name << "::_xsd_" << name <<
+ "_literals_[i];"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ os << std_ostream_type << "&" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << std_ostream_type << "& o, " <<
+ "const " << name << "& i)"
+ << "{"
+ << "return o << static_cast< const ";
+ inherits (e, inherits_base_);
+ os << "& > (i);"
+ << "}";
+ // Register with ostream map.
+ //
+ if (polymorphic &&
+ polymorphic_p (e) &&
+ (!anonymous_p (e) || anonymous_substitutes_p (e)))
+ {
+ // Note that we are using the original type name.
+ //
+ String const& name (ename (e));
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::std_ostream_initializer< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << char_type << ", " << name << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_std_ostream_init;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_base_;
+ BaseTypeName base_;
+ };
+ struct Element: Traversal::Element, Context
+ {
+ Element (Context& c, String const& scope_)
+ : Context (c), scope (scope_)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ if (skip (e))
+ return;
+ String const& aname (eaname (e));
+ // Check if we need to handle xsi:type and substitution groups.
+ // If this element's type is anonymous then we don't need to do
+ // anything. Note that if the type is anonymous then it can't be
+ // derived from which makes it impossible to substitute or
+ // dynamically-type with xsi:type.
+ //
+ SemanticGraph::Type& t (e.type ());
+ bool poly (polymorphic && polymorphic_p (t) && !anonymous_p (t));
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ os << "{"
+ << "::xsd::cxx::tree::std_ostream_map< " << char_type
+ << " >& om (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::tree::std_ostream_map_instance< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << char_type << " > ());"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (max (e) != 1)
+ {
+ // sequence
+ //
+ os << "for (" << scope << "::" << econst_iterator (e) << endl
+ << "b (i." << aname << " ().begin ()), " <<
+ "e (i." << aname << " ().end ());" << endl
+ << "b != e; ++b)"
+ << "{"
+ << "o << ::std::endl << " << strlit ( () + L": ");
+ if (!poly)
+ os << " << *b;";
+ else
+ os << ";"
+ << "om.insert (o, *b);";
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ else if (min (e) == 0)
+ {
+ // optional
+ //
+ os << "if (i." << aname << " ())"
+ << "{"
+ << "o << ::std::endl << " << strlit ( () + L": ");
+ if (!poly)
+ os << " << *i." << aname << " ();";
+ else
+ os << ";"
+ << "om.insert (o, *i." << aname << " ());";
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ os << "o << ::std::endl << " << strlit ( () + L": ");
+ if (!poly)
+ os << " << i." << aname << " ();";
+ else
+ os << ";"
+ << "om.insert (o, i." << aname << " ());";
+ }
+ if (poly)
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ private:
+ String scope;
+ };
+ struct Attribute: Traversal::Attribute, Context
+ {
+ Attribute (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& a)
+ {
+ String const& aname (eaname (a));
+ if (a.optional_p () && !a.default_p ())
+ {
+ os << "if (i." << aname << " ())"
+ << "{"
+ << "o << ::std::endl << " << strlit ( () + L": ") <<
+ " << *i." << aname << " ();"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "o << ::std::endl << " << strlit ( () + L": ") <<
+ " << i." << aname << " ();";
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ struct Complex: Traversal::Complex, Context
+ {
+ Complex (Context& c)
+ : Context (c), base_ (c)
+ {
+ inherits_ >> base_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& c)
+ {
+ String name (ename (c));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (c, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ //
+ //
+ bool has_body (has<Traversal::Member> (c) || c.inherits_p ());
+ os << std_ostream_type << "&" << endl
+ << "operator<< (" << std_ostream_type << "& o, " <<
+ "const " << name << "&" << (has_body ? " i" : "") << ")"
+ << "{";
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ {
+ os << "o << static_cast< const ";
+ inherits (c, inherits_);
+ os << "& > (i);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ {
+ Traversal::Names names_member;
+ Element element (*this, name);
+ Attribute attribute (*this);
+ names_member >> element;
+ names_member >> attribute;
+ names (c, names_member);
+ }
+ os << "return o;"
+ << "}";
+ // Register with ostream map.
+ //
+ if (polymorphic &&
+ polymorphic_p (c) &&
+ !c.abstract_p () &&
+ (!anonymous_p (c) || anonymous_substitutes_p (c)))
+ {
+ // Note that we are using the original type name.
+ //
+ String const& name (ename (c));
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::std_ostream_initializer< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << char_type << ", " << name << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_std_ostream_init;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_;
+ BaseTypeName base_;
+ };
+ }
+ void
+ generate_stream_source (Context& ctx, size_t first, size_t last)
+ {
+ String c (ctx.char_type);
+ ctx.os << "#include <ostream>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ if (ctx.polymorphic)
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/std-ostream-map.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ bool import_maps (ctx.options.import_maps ());
+ bool export_maps (ctx.options.export_maps ());
+ if (import_maps || export_maps)
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#ifndef XSD_NO_EXPORT" << endl
+ << endl
+ << "namespace xsd"
+ << "{"
+ << "namespace cxx"
+ << "{"
+ << "namespace tree"
+ << "{"
+ << "#ifdef _MSC_VER" << endl;
+ if (export_maps)
+ ctx.os << "template struct __declspec (dllexport) " <<
+ "std_ostream_plate< " << ctx.poly_plate << ", " <<
+ ctx.char_type << " >;";
+ if (import_maps)
+ ctx.os << "template struct __declspec (dllimport) " <<
+ "std_ostream_plate< " << ctx.poly_plate << ", " <<
+ ctx.char_type << " >;";
+ ctx.os << "#elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4" << endl
+ << "template struct __attribute__ ((visibility(\"default\"))) " <<
+ "std_ostream_plate< " << ctx.poly_plate << ", " << ctx.char_type <<
+ " >;";
+ ctx.os << "#elif defined(XSD_MAP_VISIBILITY)" << endl
+ << "template struct XSD_MAP_VISIBILITY " <<
+ "std_ostream_plate< " << ctx.poly_plate << ", " << ctx.char_type <<
+ " >;";
+ ctx.os << "#endif" << endl
+ << "}" // tree
+ << "}" // cxx
+ << "}" // xsd
+ << "#endif // XSD_NO_EXPORT" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ ctx.os << "namespace _xsd"
+ << "{"
+ << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::std_ostream_plate< " <<
+ ctx.poly_plate << ", " << ctx.char_type << " >" << endl
+ << "std_ostream_plate_init;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ Traversal::Names names_ns, names;
+ Namespace ns (ctx, first, last);
+ List list (ctx);
+ Union union_ (ctx);
+ Complex complex (ctx);
+ Enumeration enumeration (ctx);
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ schema >> names_ns >> ns >> names;
+ names >> list;
+ names >> union_;
+ names >> complex;
+ names >> enumeration;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-source.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-source.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2b4d5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/stream-source.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/stream-source.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ void
+ generate_stream_source (Context&, size_t first, size_t last);
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/tree-forward.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/tree-forward.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b715abe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/tree-forward.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/tree-forward.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/tree-forward.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/fundamental-header.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ struct List: Traversal::List, Context
+ {
+ List (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& l)
+ {
+ String const& name (ename (l));
+ if (String custom = custom_type (l))
+ {
+ String new_name;
+ renamed_type (l, new_name);
+ if (new_name)
+ os << "class " << new_name << ";";
+ if (custom == name)
+ os << "class " << name << ";";
+ else
+ os << "typedef " << custom << " " << name << ";";
+ }
+ else
+ os << "class " << name << ";";
+ }
+ };
+ struct Union: Traversal::Union, Context
+ {
+ Union (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& u)
+ {
+ String const& name (ename (u));
+ if (String custom = custom_type (u))
+ {
+ String new_name;
+ renamed_type (u, new_name);
+ if (new_name)
+ os << "class " << new_name << ";";
+ if (custom == name)
+ os << "class " << name << ";";
+ else
+ os << "typedef " << custom << " " << name << ";";
+ }
+ else
+ os << "class " << name << ";";
+ }
+ };
+ struct Enumeration: Traversal::Enumeration, Context
+ {
+ Enumeration (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ String const& name (ename (e));
+ if (String custom = custom_type (e))
+ {
+ String new_name;
+ renamed_type (e, new_name);
+ if (new_name)
+ os << "class " << new_name << ";";
+ if (custom == name)
+ os << "class " << name << ";";
+ else
+ os << "typedef " << custom << " " << name << ";";
+ }
+ else
+ os << "class " << name << ";";
+ }
+ };
+ struct Complex: Traversal::Complex, Context
+ {
+ Complex (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& c)
+ {
+ String const& name (ename (c));
+ if (String custom = custom_type (c))
+ {
+ String new_name;
+ renamed_type (c, new_name);
+ if (new_name)
+ os << "class " << new_name << ";";
+ if (custom == name)
+ os << "class " << name << ";";
+ else
+ os << "typedef " << custom << " " << name << ";";
+ }
+ else
+ os << "class " << name << ";";
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ void
+ generate_forward (Context& ctx)
+ {
+ NarrowString xml_schema (ctx.options.extern_xml_schema ());
+ // Inlcude or Emit fundamental types.
+ //
+ if (xml_schema)
+ {
+ String name (ctx.hxx_expr->replace (xml_schema));
+ ctx.os << "#include " << ctx.process_include_path (name) << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (ctx.char_type == L"char" && ctx.char_encoding != L"custom")
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/xml/char-" << ctx.char_encoding <<
+ ".hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/exceptions.hxx>" << endl
+ << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>" << endl
+ << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/types.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ if (!ctx.options.suppress_parsing () ||
+ ctx.options.generate_serialization ())
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/xml/error-handler.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (!ctx.options.suppress_parsing () ||
+ ctx.options.generate_serialization ())
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/xml/dom/auto-ptr.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ bool element_map (ctx.options.generate_element_map ());
+ if (element_map)
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/element-map.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ // I need to include all the "optional" headers here (instead of
+ // later in the individual generators for each feature because
+ // those headers provide implementation for the fundamental types.
+ //
+ if (!ctx.options.suppress_parsing ())
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/parsing.hxx>" << endl;
+ Traversal::Schema schema, xsd;
+ Traversal::Implies implies;
+ Traversal::Names names;
+ Traversal::Namespace ns;
+ Traversal::Names ns_names;
+ FundIncludes type (ctx, "parsing");
+ schema >> implies >> xsd >> names >> ns >> ns_names >> type;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ if (element_map)
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/parsing/element-map.txx>" <<
+ endl;
+ ctx.os << endl;
+ }
+ if (ctx.options.generate_serialization ())
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/xml/dom/serialization-header.hxx>" << endl
+ << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/serialization.hxx>" << endl;
+ Traversal::Schema schema, xsd;
+ Traversal::Implies implies;
+ Traversal::Names names;
+ Traversal::Namespace ns;
+ Traversal::Names ns_names;
+ FundIncludes type (ctx, "serialization");
+ schema >> implies >> xsd >> names >> ns >> ns_names >> type;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ if (element_map)
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/serialization/element-map.txx>" <<
+ endl;
+ ctx.os << endl;
+ }
+ if (ctx.options.generate_ostream ())
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/std-ostream-operators.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ NarrowStrings const& ist (ctx.options.generate_insertion ());
+ if (!ist.empty ())
+ {
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (ist.begin ()); i != ist.end ();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ if (*i == "ACE_OutputCDR")
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/ace-cdr-stream-insertion.hxx>"
+ << endl;
+ else if (*i == "XDR")
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/xdr-stream-insertion.hxx>"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/stream-insertion.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ NarrowStrings const& est (ctx.options.generate_extraction ());
+ if (!est.empty ())
+ {
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (est.begin ()); i != est.end ();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ if (*i == "ACE_InputCDR")
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/ace-cdr-stream-extraction.hxx>"
+ << endl;
+ else if (*i == "XDR")
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/xdr-stream-extraction.hxx>"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/stream-extraction.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ Traversal::Schema schema, xsd;
+ Traversal::Implies implies;
+ Traversal::Names names;
+ FundamentalNamespace ns (ctx);
+ schema >> implies >> xsd >> names >> ns;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ // First emit header includes.
+ //
+ if (ctx.options.generate_forward ())
+ {
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Includes includes (ctx, Includes::forward);
+ schema >> includes;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ ctx.os << "// Forward declarations." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ Traversal::Names names_ns, names;
+ Namespace ns (ctx);
+ List list (ctx);
+ Union union_ (ctx);
+ Complex complex (ctx);
+ Enumeration enumeration (ctx);
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ schema >> names_ns >> ns >> names;
+ names >> list;
+ names >> union_;
+ names >> complex;
+ names >> enumeration;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ ctx.os << endl;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/tree-forward.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/tree-forward.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0610999
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/tree-forward.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/tree-forward.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ void
+ generate_forward (Context&);
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/tree-header.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/tree-header.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1987953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/tree-header.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,4299 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/tree-header.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/tree-header.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/default-value.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/fundamental-header.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ // List mapping.
+ //
+ struct List: Traversal::List, Context
+ {
+ List (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& l)
+ {
+ String name (ename (l));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (l, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief List class corresponding to the %" <<
+ comment ( ()) << endl
+ << " * schema type." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This class has an interface of a standard C++ " <<
+ "sequence (e.g.," << endl
+ << " * std::vector)." << endl;
+ if (l.annotated_p ())
+ {
+ os << " *" << endl;
+ write_annotation (l.annotation ());
+ }
+ os << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ SemanticGraph::Type& item_type (l.argumented ().type ());
+ String item_name (item_type_name (item_type));
+ String base_type (L"::xsd::cxx::tree::list< " + item_name + L", " +
+ char_type);
+ if (item_type.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double> ())
+ base_type += L", ::xsd::cxx::tree::schema_type::double_";
+ else if (item_type.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal> ())
+ base_type += L", ::xsd::cxx::tree::schema_type::decimal";
+ base_type += L" >";
+ os << "class " << type_exp << name <<
+ ": public " << any_simple_type << "," << endl
+ << " public " << base_type
+ << "{"
+ << "public:" << endl;
+ // c-tor ()
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Default constructor." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * Creates an empty list." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " ();"
+ << endl;
+ // c-tor (size_type, const X& x)
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create a list with copies of the specified " <<
+ "element." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param n A number of elements to copy." << endl
+ << " * @param x An element to copy." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This constructor creates a list with @a n copies " <<
+ "of @a x." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ String size_type (name != L"size_type"
+ ? String (L"size_type")
+ : base_type + L"::size_type");
+ os << name << " (" << size_type << " n, const " << item_name <<
+ "& x);"
+ << endl;
+ // c-tor (const I& begin, const I& end)
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create a list from an iterator range." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param begin An iterator pointing to the first " <<
+ "element." << endl
+ << " * @param end An iterator pointing to the one past " <<
+ "the last element." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This constructor creates a list consisting of " <<
+ "copies of the" << endl
+ << " * elements in the range [begin,end)." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ String iter_type (unclash (name, "I"));
+ os << "template < typename " << iter_type << " >" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << iter_type << "& begin, const " <<
+ iter_type << "& end)" << endl
+ << ": " << base_type << " (begin, end, this)"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ // c-tor (istream&)
+ //
+ NarrowStrings const& st (options.generate_extraction ());
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (st.begin ()); i != st.end ();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from a data " <<
+ "representation" << endl
+ << " * stream." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param s A stream to extract the data from." << endl
+ << " * @param f Flags to create the new instance with." << endl
+ << " * @param c A pointer to the object that will " <<
+ "contain the new" << endl
+ << " * instance." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (" << istream_type << "< " << i->c_str () <<
+ " >& s," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << container << "* c = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (!options.suppress_parsing ())
+ {
+ // c-tor (xercesc::DOMElement)
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from a DOM element." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param e A DOM element to extract the data from." << endl
+ << " * @param f Flags to create the new instance with." << endl
+ << " * @param c A pointer to the object that will " <<
+ "contain the new" << endl
+ << " * instance." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& e," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << container << "* c = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ // c-tor (xercesc::DOMAttr)
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from a DOM attribute." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param a A DOM attribute to extract the data from." << endl
+ << " * @param f Flags to create the new instance with." << endl
+ << " * @param c A pointer to the object that will " <<
+ "contain the new" << endl
+ << " * instance." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr& a," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << container << "* c = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ // c-tor (std::basic_string const&, xercesc::DOMElement)
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from a string fragment." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param s A string fragment to extract the data from." << endl
+ << " * @param e A pointer to DOM element containing the " <<
+ "string fragment." << endl
+ << " * @param f Flags to create the new instance with." << endl
+ << " * @param c A pointer to the object that will " <<
+ "contain the new" << endl
+ << " * instance." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const " << string_type << "& s," << endl
+ << "const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement* e," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << container << "* c = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // copy c-tor ()
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Copy constructor." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param x An instance to make a copy of." << endl
+ << " * @param f Flags to create the copy with." << endl
+ << " * @param c A pointer to the object that will contain " <<
+ "the copy." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * For polymorphic object models use the @c _clone " <<
+ "function instead." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const " << name << "& x," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << container << "* c = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ // clone
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Copy the instance polymorphically." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param f Flags to create the copy with." << endl
+ << " * @param c A pointer to the object that will contain " <<
+ "the copy." << endl
+ << " * @return A pointer to the dynamically allocated copy." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function ensures that the dynamic type of the " <<
+ "instance is" << endl
+ << " * used for copying and should be used for polymorphic " <<
+ "object" << endl
+ << " * models instead of the copy constructor." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "virtual " << name << "*" << endl
+ << "_clone (" << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << container << "* c = 0) const;"
+ << endl;
+ // d-tor
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Destructor." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "virtual " << endl
+ << "~" << name << " ();";
+ os << "};";
+ // Comparison operators.
+ //
+ if (options.generate_comparison ())
+ {
+ os << inst_exp
+ << "bool" << endl
+ << "operator== (const " << name << "&, const " << name << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ os << inst_exp
+ << "bool" << endl
+ << "operator!= (const " << name << "&, const " << name << "&);"
+ << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ String
+ item_type_name (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ std::wostringstream o;
+ MemberTypeName type (*this, o);
+ type.dispatch (t);
+ return o.str ();
+ }
+ };
+ // Union mapping.
+ //
+ struct Union: Traversal::Union, Context
+ {
+ Union (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& u)
+ {
+ String name (ename (u));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (u, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Union class corresponding to the %" <<
+ comment ( ()) << endl
+ << " * schema type." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * The mapping represents unions as strings." << endl;
+ if (u.annotated_p ())
+ {
+ os << " *" << endl;
+ write_annotation (u.annotation ());
+ }
+ os << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "class " << type_exp << name <<
+ ": public " << xs_string_type
+ << "{"
+ << "public:" << endl
+ << endl;
+ if (options.generate_default_ctor ())
+ {
+ // c-tor ()
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Default constructor." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * Note that this constructor may leave the " <<
+ "instance in an" << endl
+ << " * invalid state." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " ();"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // c-tor (const char*)
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from a C string." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param v A string value." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const " << char_type << "* v);"
+ << endl;
+ // c-tor (string const&)
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from a string." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param v A string value." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const " << string_type << "& v);"
+ << endl;
+ // c-tor (istream&)
+ //
+ NarrowStrings const& st (options.generate_extraction ());
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (st.begin ()); i != st.end ();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from a data " <<
+ "representation" << endl
+ << " * stream." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param s A stream to extract the data from." << endl
+ << " * @param f Flags to create the new instance with." << endl
+ << " * @param c A pointer to the object that will " <<
+ "contain the new" << endl
+ << " * instance." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (" << istream_type << "< " << i->c_str () <<
+ " >& s," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << container << "* c = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (!options.suppress_parsing ())
+ {
+ // c-tor (xercesc::DOMElement)
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from a DOM element." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param e A DOM element to extract the data from." << endl
+ << " * @param f Flags to create the new instance with." << endl
+ << " * @param c A pointer to the object that will " <<
+ "contain the new" << endl
+ << " * instance." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& e," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << container << "* c = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ // c-tor (xercesc::DOMAttr)
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from a DOM attribute." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param a A DOM attribute to extract the data from." << endl
+ << " * @param f Flags to create the new instance with." << endl
+ << " * @param c A pointer to the object that will " <<
+ "contain the new" << endl
+ << " * instance." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr& a," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << container << "* c = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ // c-tor (std::basic_string const&, xercesc::DOMElement)
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from a string fragment." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param s A string fragment to extract the data from." << endl
+ << " * @param e A pointer to DOM element containing the " <<
+ "string fragment." << endl
+ << " * @param f Flags to create the new instance with." << endl
+ << " * @param c A pointer to the object that will " <<
+ "contain the new" << endl
+ << " * instance." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const " << string_type << "& s," << endl
+ << "const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement* e," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << container << "* c = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // copy c-tor ()
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Copy constructor." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param x An instance to make a copy of." << endl
+ << " * @param f Flags to create the copy with." << endl
+ << " * @param c A pointer to the object that will contain " <<
+ "the copy." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * For polymorphic object models use the @c _clone " <<
+ "function instead." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const " << name << "& x," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << container << "* c = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ // clone
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Copy the instance polymorphically." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param f Flags to create the copy with." << endl
+ << " * @param c A pointer to the object that will contain " <<
+ "the copy." << endl
+ << " * @return A pointer to the dynamically allocated copy." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function ensures that the dynamic type of the " <<
+ "instance is" << endl
+ << " * used for copying and should be used for polymorphic " <<
+ "object" << endl
+ << " * models instead of the copy constructor." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "virtual " << name << "*" << endl
+ << "_clone (" << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << container << "* c = 0) const;"
+ << endl;
+ os << "};";
+ }
+ };
+ // Enum mapping.
+ //
+ struct Enumerator: Traversal::Enumerator, Context
+ {
+ Enumerator (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ if (doxygen && e.annotated_p ())
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl;
+ write_annotation (e.annotation ());
+ os << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << ename (e);
+ }
+ };
+ struct Enumeration: Traversal::Enumeration, Context
+ {
+ Enumeration (Context& c)
+ : Context (c),
+ base_ (c),
+ member_ (c),
+ enumerator_ (c)
+ {
+ inherits_base_ >> base_;
+ inherits_member_ >> member_;
+ names_ >> enumerator_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ String name (ename (e));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (e, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ bool string_based (false);
+ {
+ IsStringBasedType t (string_based);
+ t.dispatch (e);
+ }
+ bool enum_based (false);
+ SemanticGraph::Enumeration* base_enum (0);
+ if (string_based)
+ {
+ IsEnumBasedType t (base_enum);
+ t.dispatch (e);
+ if (base_enum != 0)
+ enum_based = true;
+ }
+ String value;
+ if (string_based)
+ value = evalue (e);
+ // Get to the ultimate base and see if is a fundamental type.
+ //
+ bool fund_based (false);
+ SemanticGraph::Type& ult_base (ultimate_base (e));
+ {
+ IsFundamentalType t (fund_based);
+ t.dispatch (ult_base);
+ }
+ // Count enumerators.
+ //
+ size_t enum_count (0);
+ for (Type::NamesIterator i (e.names_begin ()), end (e.names_end ());
+ i != end; ++i)
+ ++enum_count;
+ //
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Enumeration class corresponding to the %" <<
+ comment ( ()) << endl
+ << " * schema type." << endl;
+ if (e.annotated_p ())
+ {
+ os << " *" << endl;
+ write_annotation (e.annotation ());
+ }
+ os << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "class " << type_exp << name << ": public ";
+ // Enumeration always has a base.
+ //
+ inherits (e, inherits_base_);
+ os << "{"
+ << "public:" << endl;
+ if (string_based)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Underlying enum type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ if (enum_based)
+ {
+ os << "typedef ";
+ inherits (e, inherits_base_);
+ os << "::" << evalue (*base_enum) << " " << value << ";"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "enum " << value
+ << "{";
+ names<Enumeration> (e, names_, 0, 0, 0, &Enumeration::comma);
+ os << "};";
+ }
+ }
+ // default c-tor
+ //
+ bool list_based (
+ ult_base.is_a<SemanticGraph::List> () ||
+ ult_base.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameTokens> () ||
+ ult_base.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRefs> () ||
+ ult_base.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entities> ());
+ if (options.generate_default_ctor () || list_based)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Default constructor." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * Note that this constructor may leave the " <<
+ "instance in an" << endl
+ << " * invalid state." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " ();"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // c-tor (value)
+ //
+ if (string_based)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from the " <<
+ "underlying enum value." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param v A enum value." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (" << value << " v);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // c-tor (const char*)
+ //
+ if (string_based)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from a C string." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param v A string value." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const " << char_type << "* v);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // c-tor (const std::string&)
+ //
+ if (string_based)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from a string." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param v A string value." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const " << string_type << "& v);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // c-tor (fundamental)
+ //
+ if (fund_based)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from a fundamental " <<
+ "type value." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param v A fundamental type value." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (";
+ member_.dispatch (ult_base);
+ os << " v);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // c-tor (base)
+ //
+ // If the ultimate is also our immediate base and it is a
+ // fundamental type then this c-tor clashes with c-tor
+ // (fundamental) above.
+ //
+ if (!fund_based || &ult_base != &e.inherits ().base ())
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from the " <<
+ "base value." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param v A base value." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const ";
+ inherits (e, inherits_member_);
+ os << "& v);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // c-tor (istream&)
+ //
+ NarrowStrings const& st (options.generate_extraction ());
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (st.begin ()); i != st.end ();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from a data " <<
+ "representation" << endl
+ << " * stream." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param s A stream to extract the data from." << endl
+ << " * @param f Flags to create the new instance with." << endl
+ << " * @param c A pointer to the object that will " <<
+ "contain the new" << endl
+ << " * instance." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (" << istream_type << "< " << i->c_str () <<
+ " >& s," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << container << "* c = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (!options.suppress_parsing ())
+ {
+ // c-tor (xercesc::DOMElement)
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from a DOM element." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param e A DOM element to extract the data from." << endl
+ << " * @param f Flags to create the new instance with." << endl
+ << " * @param c A pointer to the object that will " <<
+ "contain the new" << endl
+ << " * instance." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& e," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << container << "* c = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ // c-tor (xercesc::DOMAttr)
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from a DOM attribute." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param a A DOM attribute to extract the data from." << endl
+ << " * @param f Flags to create the new instance with." << endl
+ << " * @param c A pointer to the object that will " <<
+ "contain the new" << endl
+ << " * instance." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr& a," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << container << "* c = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ // c-tor (std::basic_string const&, xercesc::DOMElement)
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from a string fragment." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param s A string fragment to extract the data from." << endl
+ << " * @param e A pointer to DOM element containing the " <<
+ "string fragment." << endl
+ << " * @param f Flags to create the new instance with." << endl
+ << " * @param c A pointer to the object that will " <<
+ "contain the new" << endl
+ << " * instance." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const " << string_type << "& s," << endl
+ << "const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement* e," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << container << "* c = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // copy c-tor
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Copy constructor." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param x An instance to make a copy of." << endl
+ << " * @param f Flags to create the copy with." << endl
+ << " * @param c A pointer to the object that will contain " <<
+ "the copy." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * For polymorphic object models use the @c _clone " <<
+ "function instead." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const " << name << "& x," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << container << "* c = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ // clone
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Copy the instance polymorphically." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param f Flags to create the copy with." << endl
+ << " * @param c A pointer to the object that will contain " <<
+ "the copy." << endl
+ << " * @return A pointer to the dynamically allocated copy." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function ensures that the dynamic type of the " <<
+ "instance is" << endl
+ << " * used for copying and should be used for polymorphic " <<
+ "object" << endl
+ << " * models instead of the copy constructor." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "virtual " << name << "*" << endl
+ << "_clone (" << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << container << "* c = 0) const;"
+ << endl;
+ // operator= (value)
+ //
+ if (string_based)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Assign the underlying enum value." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param v A enum value." << endl
+ << " * @return A refernce to the instance." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << "&" << endl
+ << "operator= (" << value << " v);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // operator value ()
+ //
+ // Name lookup differences in various compilers make generation
+ // of this operator outside of the class a really hard task. So
+ // we are going to make it "always inline".
+ //
+ if (string_based)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Implicit conversion operator to the " <<
+ "underlying" << endl
+ << " * enum value." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A enum value." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "virtual" << endl
+ << "operator " << value << " () const"
+ << "{"
+ << "return _xsd_" << name << "_convert ();"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ if (string_based)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << "//@cond" << endl
+ << endl;
+ os << "protected:" << endl
+ << value << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_convert () const;"
+ << endl;
+ os << "public:" << endl;
+ if (enum_based)
+ {
+ // We are going to reuse our base's literals.
+ //
+ os << "static const " << char_type << "* const* " <<
+ "_xsd_" << name << "_literals_;";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "static const " << char_type << "* const " <<
+ "_xsd_" << name << "_literals_[" << enum_count << "];";
+ }
+ os << "static const " << value <<
+ " _xsd_" << name << "_indexes_[" << enum_count << "];";
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "//@endcond" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ os << "};";
+ }
+ virtual void
+ comma (Type&)
+ {
+ os << "," << endl;
+ }
+ private:
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_base_;
+ BaseTypeName base_;
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_member_;
+ MemberTypeName member_;
+ Traversal::Names names_;
+ Enumerator enumerator_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct MemberFunction: Traversal::Member, Context
+ {
+ MemberFunction (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& m)
+ {
+ if (skip (m))
+ return;
+ String const& aname (eaname (m));
+ String const& mname (emname (m));
+ String kind (m.is_a<SemanticGraph::Element> ()
+ ? "element" : "attribute");
+ bool fund (false);
+ {
+ IsFundamentalType t (fund);
+ t.dispatch (m.type ());
+ }
+ bool def_attr (m.default_p () &&
+ m.is_a<SemanticGraph::Attribute> ());
+ if (max (m) != 1)
+ {
+ // sequence
+ //
+ String container (econtainer (m));
+ // container const&
+ // name () const;
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return a read-only (constant) reference " <<
+ "to the element" << endl
+ << " * sequence." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A constant reference to the sequence " <<
+ "container." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "const " << container << "&" << endl
+ << aname << " () const;"
+ << endl;
+ // container&
+ // name ();
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return a read-write reference to the " <<
+ "element sequence." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A reference to the sequence container." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << container << "&" << endl
+ << aname << " ();"
+ << endl;
+ // void
+ // name (container const&);
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Copy elements from a given sequence." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param s A sequence to copy elements from." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * For each element in @a s this function " <<
+ "makes a copy and adds it " << endl
+ << " * to the sequence. Note that this operation " <<
+ "completely changes the " << endl
+ << " * sequence and all old elements will be lost." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << mname << " (const " << container << "& s);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ else if (min (m) == 0 && !def_attr)
+ {
+ // optional
+ //
+ String const& type (etype (m));
+ String container (econtainer (m));
+ // container const&
+ // name () const;
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return a read-only (constant) reference " <<
+ "to the " << kind << endl
+ << " * container." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A constant reference to the optional " <<
+ "container." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "const " << container << "&" << endl
+ << aname << " () const;"
+ << endl;
+ // container&
+ // name ();
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return a read-write reference to the " <<
+ kind << " container." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A reference to the optional container." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << container << "&" << endl
+ << aname << " ();"
+ << endl;
+ // void
+ // name (type const&);
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Set the " << kind << " value." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param x A new value to set." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function makes a copy of its argument " <<
+ "and sets it as" << endl
+ << " * the new value of the " << kind << "." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << mname << " (const " << type << "& x);"
+ << endl;
+ // void
+ // name (container const&);
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Set the " << kind << " value." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param x An optional container with the new value " <<
+ "to set." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * If the value is present in @a x then this function " <<
+ "makes a copy " << endl
+ << " * of this value and sets it as the new value of the " <<
+ kind << "." << endl
+ << " * Otherwise the " << kind << " container is set " <<
+ "the 'not present' state." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << mname << " (const " << container << "& x);"
+ << endl;
+ // void
+ // name (auto_ptr<type>);
+ //
+ if (!fund)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Set the " << kind << " value without " <<
+ "copying." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param p A new value to use." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function will try to use the passed value " <<
+ "directly instead" << endl
+ << " * of making a copy." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << mname << " (" << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > p);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ String const& type (etype (m));
+ // type const&
+ // name () const;
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return a read-only (constant) reference " <<
+ "to the " << kind << "." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A constant reference to the " << kind <<
+ "." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "const " << type << "&" << endl
+ << aname << " () const;"
+ << endl;
+ // Do not generate modifiers for fixed attributes.
+ //
+ if (!(def_attr && m.fixed_p ()))
+ {
+ // type&
+ // name ();
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return a read-write reference to the " <<
+ kind << "." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A reference to the " << kind << "." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << type << "&" << endl
+ << aname << " ();"
+ << endl;
+ // void
+ // name (type const&);
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Set the " << kind << " value." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param x A new value to set." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function makes a copy of its argument " <<
+ "and sets it as" << endl
+ << " * the new value of the " << kind << "." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << mname << " (const " << type << "& x);"
+ << endl;
+ // void
+ // name (auto_ptr<type>);
+ //
+ if (!fund)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Set the " << kind << " value without " <<
+ "copying." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param p A new value to use." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function will try to use the passed value " <<
+ "directly" << endl
+ << " * instead of making a copy." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << mname << " (" << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > p);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // auto_ptr<type>
+ // detach_name ();
+ //
+ if (detach && !fund)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Detach the " << kind << " value from " <<
+ "the object model." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A pointer to the " << kind << " value." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * Note that this function leaves the required " <<
+ kind << " in " << endl
+ << " * the original object model uninitialized." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " >" << endl
+ << edname (m) << " ();"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // default_value
+ //
+ if (m.default_p ())
+ {
+ bool simple (true);
+ if (m.is_a<SemanticGraph::Element> ())
+ {
+ IsSimpleType test (simple);
+ test.dispatch (m.type ());
+ }
+ if (simple)
+ {
+ bool lit (false);
+ {
+ IsLiteralValue test (lit);
+ test.dispatch (m.type ());
+ }
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return the default value for the " <<
+ kind << "." << endl
+ << " *" << endl;
+ if (lit)
+ os << " * @return The " << kind << "'s default value." << endl;
+ else
+ os << " * @return A read-only (constant) reference to the "
+ << kind << "'s" << endl
+ << " * default value." << endl;
+ os << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ if (lit)
+ os << "static " << etype (m) << endl;
+ else
+ os << "static const " << etype (m) << "&" << endl;
+ os << edefault_value (m) << " ();"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ struct AnyFunction: Traversal::Any, Context
+ {
+ AnyFunction (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a)
+ {
+ String const& aname (eaname (a));
+ String const& mname (emname (a));
+ SemanticGraph::Complex& c (
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex&> (a.scope ()));
+ if (max (a) != 1)
+ {
+ // sequence
+ //
+ String container (econtainer (a));
+ // container const&
+ // name () const;
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return a read-only (constant) reference " <<
+ "to the wildcard" << endl
+ << " * element sequence." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A constant reference to the sequence " <<
+ "container." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "const " << container << "&" << endl
+ << aname << " () const;"
+ << endl;
+ // container&
+ // name ();
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return a read-write reference to the " <<
+ "wildcard element" << endl
+ << " * sequence." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A reference to the sequence container." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << container << "&" << endl
+ << aname << " ();"
+ << endl;
+ // void
+ // name (container const&);
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Copy elements from a given sequence." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param s A sequence to copy elements from." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * For each element in @a s this function " <<
+ "makes a copy and adds" << endl
+ << " * it to the wildcard element sequence. Note that " <<
+ "this operation" << endl
+ << " * completely changes the sequence and all old " <<
+ "elements will be" << endl
+ << " * lost." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << mname << " (const " << container << "& s);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ else if (min (a) == 0)
+ {
+ // optional
+ //
+ String container (econtainer (a));
+ // container const&
+ // name () const;
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return a read-only (constant) reference " <<
+ "to the wildcard" << endl
+ << " * element container." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A constant reference to the optional " <<
+ "container." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "const " << container << "&" << endl
+ << aname << " () const;"
+ << endl;
+ // container&
+ // name ();
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return a read-write reference to the " <<
+ "wildcard element" << endl
+ << " * container." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A reference to the optional container." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << container << "&" << endl
+ << aname << " ();"
+ << endl;
+ // void
+ // name (type const&);
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Set the wildcard content." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param e A new element to set." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function makes a copy of its argument " <<
+ "and sets it as" << endl
+ << " * the new wildcard content." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << mname << " (const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& e);"
+ << endl;
+ // void
+ // name (type*);
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Set the wildcard content without copying." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param p A new element to use." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function will use the passed element " <<
+ "directly instead" << endl
+ << " * of making a copy. For this to work the element " <<
+ "should belong" << endl
+ << " * to the DOM document associated with this instance." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @see " << edom_document (c) << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << mname << " (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement* p);"
+ << endl;
+ // void
+ // name (container const&);
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Set the wildcard content." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param x An optional container with the new " <<
+ "element to set." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * If the element is present in @a x then this function " <<
+ "makes a " << endl
+ << " * copy of this element and sets it as the new wildcard " <<
+ "content." << endl
+ << " * Otherwise the element container is set the 'not " <<
+ "present' state." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << mname << " (const " << container << "& x);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ // type const&
+ // name () const;
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return a read-only (constant) reference " <<
+ "to the wildcard" << endl
+ << " * element." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A constant reference to the DOM element." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement&" << endl
+ << aname << " () const;"
+ << endl;
+ // type&
+ // name ();
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return a read-write reference to the " <<
+ "wildcard element." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A reference to the DOM element." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement&" << endl
+ << aname << " ();"
+ << endl;
+ // void
+ // name (type const&);
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Set the wildcard content." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param e A new element to set." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function makes a copy of its argument " <<
+ "and sets it as" << endl
+ << " * the new wildcard content." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << mname << " (const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& e);"
+ << endl;
+ // void
+ // name (const*);
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Set the wildcard content without copying." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param p A new element to use." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function will use the passed element " <<
+ "directly instead" << endl
+ << " * of making a copy. For this to work the element " <<
+ "should belong" << endl
+ << " * to the DOM document associated with this instance." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @see " << edom_document (c) << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << mname << " (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement* p);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyAttribute& a)
+ {
+ String const& aname (eaname (a));
+ String const& mname (emname (a));
+ String container (econtainer (a));
+ // container const&
+ // name () const;
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return a read-only (constant) reference " <<
+ "to the" << endl
+ << " * attribute set." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A constant reference to the set " <<
+ "container." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "const " << container << "&" << endl
+ << aname << " () const;"
+ << endl;
+ // container&
+ // name ();
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return a read-write reference to the " <<
+ "attribute set." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A reference to the set container." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << container << "&" << endl
+ << aname << " ();"
+ << endl;
+ // void
+ // name (container const&);
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Copy attributes from a given set." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param s A set to copy elements from." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * For each attribute in @a s this function " <<
+ "makes a copy and adds" << endl
+ << " * it to the set. Note that this operation " <<
+ "completely changes the " << endl
+ << " * set and all old attributes will be lost." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << mname << " (const " << container << "& s);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct Member: Traversal::Member, Context
+ {
+ Member (Context& c)
+ : Context (c),
+ type_name_ (c),
+ member_function_ (c)
+ {
+ belongs_ >> type_name_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& m)
+ {
+ if (skip (m))
+ return;
+ SemanticGraph::Complex& c (
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex&> (m.scope ()));
+ String const& type (etype (m));
+ bool el (m.is_a<SemanticGraph::Element> ());
+ bool def_attr (m.default_p () && !el);
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @name " << comment ( ()) << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @brief Accessor and modifier functions for the %" <<
+ comment ( ()) << endl
+ << " * ";
+ if (max (m) != 1)
+ {
+ os << "sequence element." << endl;
+ }
+ else if (min (m) == 0)
+ {
+ if (def_attr)
+ os << "optional attribute with a default value." << endl;
+ else
+ os << "optional " << (el ? "element." : "attribute.") << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "required " << (el ? "element." : "attribute.") << endl;
+ }
+ if (m.annotated_p ())
+ {
+ os << " *" << endl;
+ write_annotation (m.annotation ());
+ }
+ os << " */" << endl
+ << "//@{" << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "// " << comment ( ()) << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ }
+ // Typedefs.
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief " << (el ? "Element" : "Attribute") <<
+ " type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "typedef ";
+ belongs (m, belongs_);
+ os << " " << type << ";";
+ if (max (m) != 1)
+ {
+ String const& container (econtainer (m));
+ bool isense (options.generate_intellisense ());
+ // sequence
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Element sequence container type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< " << type << " > " <<
+ container << ";";
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Element iterator type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ // IntelliSense does not like aliases and fully-qualified
+ // names here.
+ //
+ if (!isense)
+ os << "typedef " << container << "::iterator " <<
+ eiterator (m) << ";";
+ else
+ os << "typedef xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< " << type <<
+ " >::iterator " << eiterator (m) << ";";
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Element constant iterator type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ if (!isense)
+ os << "typedef " << container << "::const_iterator " <<
+ econst_iterator (m) << ";";
+ else
+ os << "typedef xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< " << type <<
+ " >::const_iterator " << econst_iterator (m) << ";";
+ }
+ else if (min (m) == 0 && !def_attr)
+ {
+ // optional
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief " << (el ? "Element" : "Attribute") <<
+ " optional container type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< " << type << " > " <<
+ econtainer (m) << ";";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ }
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief " << (el ? "Element" : "Attribute") <<
+ " traits type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< " << type << ", " <<
+ char_type;
+ SemanticGraph::Type& t (m.type ());
+ if (t.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double> ())
+ os << ", ::xsd::cxx::tree::schema_type::double_";
+ else if (t.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal> ())
+ os << ", ::xsd::cxx::tree::schema_type::decimal";
+ os << " > " << etraits (m) << ";"
+ << endl;
+ // Element id.
+ //
+ if (el && ordered_p (c))
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Element id used for capturing content " <<
+ "order." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ SemanticGraph::Context& ctx (m.context ());
+ os << "static const ::std::size_t " <<
+ ctx.get<String> ("ordered-id-name") << " = " <<
+ ctx.get<size_t> ("ordered-id") << "UL;" << endl;
+ }
+ member_function_.traverse (m);
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "//@}" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ MemberTypeName type_name_;
+ Traversal::Belongs belongs_;
+ MemberFunction member_function_;
+ };
+ struct Any: Traversal::Any,
+ Traversal::AnyAttribute,
+ Context
+ {
+ Any (Context& c)
+ : Context (c), any_function_ (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Complex& c (
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex&> (a.scope ()));
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @name " << ename (a) << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @brief Accessor and modifier functions for the " <<
+ "any wildcard." << endl;
+ if (a.annotated_p ())
+ {
+ os << " *" << endl;
+ write_annotation (a.annotation ());
+ }
+ os << " */" << endl
+ << "//@{" << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "// " << ename (a) << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ }
+ // Typedefs.
+ //
+ if (max (a) != 1)
+ {
+ String const& container (econtainer (a));
+ // sequence
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief DOM element sequence container type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::element_sequence " <<
+ container << ";";
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief DOM element iterator type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "typedef " << container << "::iterator " <<
+ eiterator (a) << ";";
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief DOM element constant iterator type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "typedef " << container << "::const_iterator " <<
+ econst_iterator (a) << ";"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ else if (min (a) == 0)
+ {
+ // optional
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief DOM element optional container type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::element_optional " <<
+ econtainer (a) << ";"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ // Wildcard id.
+ //
+ if (ordered_p (c))
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Wildcard id used for capturing content " <<
+ "order." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ SemanticGraph::Context& ctx (a.context ());
+ os << "static const ::std::size_t " <<
+ ctx.get<String> ("ordered-id-name") << " = " <<
+ ctx.get<size_t> ("ordered-id") << "UL;" << endl;
+ }
+ any_function_.traverse (a);
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "//@}" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyAttribute& a)
+ {
+ String const& container (econtainer (a));
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @name " << ename (a) << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @brief Accessor and modifier functions for the " <<
+ "anyAttribute" << endl
+ << " * wildcard." << endl;
+ if (a.annotated_p ())
+ {
+ os << " *" << endl;
+ write_annotation (a.annotation ());
+ }
+ os << " */" << endl
+ << "//@{" << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "// " << ename (a) << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ }
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief DOM attribute set container type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::attribute_set< " << char_type <<
+ " > " << container << ";";
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief DOM attribute iterator type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "typedef " << container << "::iterator " <<
+ eiterator (a) << ";";
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief DOM attribute constant iterator type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "typedef " << container << "::const_iterator " <<
+ econst_iterator (a) << ";"
+ << endl;
+ any_function_.traverse (a);
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "//@}" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ AnyFunction any_function_;
+ };
+ struct DataMember: Traversal::Member, Context
+ {
+ DataMember (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& m)
+ {
+ if (skip (m)) return;
+ String const& member (emember (m));
+ bool def_attr (m.default_p () &&
+ m.is_a<SemanticGraph::Attribute> ());
+ if (max (m) != 1)
+ {
+ // sequence
+ //
+ os << econtainer (m) << " " << member << ";";
+ }
+ else if (min (m) == 0 && !def_attr)
+ {
+ // optional
+ //
+ os << econtainer (m) << " " << member << ";";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ os << "::xsd::cxx::tree::one< " << etype (m) << " > " <<
+ member << ";";
+ }
+ // default_value
+ //
+ if (m.default_p ())
+ {
+ bool simple (true);
+ if (m.is_a<SemanticGraph::Element> ())
+ {
+ IsSimpleType test (simple);
+ test.dispatch (m.type ());
+ }
+ if (simple)
+ {
+ bool lit (false);
+ {
+ IsLiteralValue test (lit);
+ test.dispatch (m.type ());
+ }
+ if (!lit)
+ {
+ os << "static const " << etype (m) << " " <<
+ edefault_value_member (m) << ";";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ struct DataAny: Traversal::Any,
+ Traversal::AnyAttribute,
+ Context
+ {
+ DataAny (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a)
+ {
+ String const& member (emember (a));
+ if (max (a) != 1)
+ {
+ // sequence
+ //
+ os << econtainer (a) << " " << member << ";";
+ }
+ else if (min (a) == 0)
+ {
+ // optional
+ //
+ os << econtainer (a) << " " << member << ";";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ os << "::xsd::cxx::tree::element_one " << member << ";";
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyAttribute& a)
+ {
+ os << econtainer (a) << " " << emember (a) << ";";
+ }
+ };
+ struct Complex: Traversal::Complex, Context
+ {
+ Complex (Context& c)
+ : Context (c),
+ base_name_ (c),
+ member_name_ (c),
+ any_ (c),
+ member_ (c),
+ data_any_ (c),
+ data_member_ (c)
+ {
+ inherits_base_ >> base_name_;
+ inherits_member_ >> member_name_;
+ names_ >> member_;
+ if (options.generate_wildcard ())
+ names_ >> any_;
+ names_data_ >> data_member_;
+ if (options.generate_wildcard ())
+ names_data_ >> data_any_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& c)
+ {
+ String name (ename (c));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ bool renamed (renamed_type (c, name));
+ if (renamed && !name)
+ return;
+ SemanticGraph::Context& ctx (c.context ());
+ bool has_members (has<Traversal::Member> (c));
+ bool hae (has<Traversal::Any> (c));
+ bool haa (has<Traversal::AnyAttribute> (c));
+ bool gen_wildcard (options.generate_wildcard ());
+ bool mixed (mixed_p (c) && !ctx.count ("mixed-in-base"));
+ bool ordered (ordered_p (c) && !ctx.count ("order-in-base"));
+ bool simple (true);
+ {
+ IsSimpleType t (simple);
+ t.dispatch (c);
+ }
+ bool string_based (false);
+ {
+ IsStringBasedType t (string_based);
+ t.dispatch (c);
+ }
+ SemanticGraph::Enumeration* enum_base (0);
+ {
+ IsEnumBasedType t (enum_base);
+ t.dispatch (c);
+ }
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Class corresponding to the %" <<
+ comment ( ()) << " schema type." << endl;
+ if (c.annotated_p ())
+ {
+ os << " *" << endl;
+ write_annotation (c.annotation ());
+ }
+ os << " *" << endl
+ << " * @nosubgrouping" << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "class " << type_exp << name << ": public ";
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ inherits (c, inherits_base_);
+ else
+ os << any_type;
+ os << "{"
+ << "public:" << endl;
+ // Members.
+ //
+ names (c, names_);
+ // Mixed content.
+ //
+ if (mixed)
+ {
+ String const& type (ctx.get<String> ("mixed-type"));
+ String const& cont (ctx.get<String> ("mixed-container"));
+ String const& iter (ctx.get<String> ("mixed-iterator"));
+ String const& citer (ctx.get<String> ("mixed-const-iterator"));
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @name " << comment ("text_content") << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @brief Accessor and modifier functions for text " <<
+ "content." << endl
+ << " */" << endl
+ << "//@{" << endl;
+ else
+ os << "// text_content" << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ // Typedefs.
+ //
+ bool isense (options.generate_intellisense ());
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Text content type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ os << "typedef " << xs_string_type << " " << type << ";";
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Text content sequence container type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ os << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< " << type <<
+ " > " << cont << ";";
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Text content iterator type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ // IntelliSense does not like aliases and fully-qualified
+ // names here.
+ //
+ if (!isense)
+ os << "typedef " << cont << "::iterator " << iter<< ";";
+ else
+ os << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< " << type <<
+ " >::iterator " << iter << ";";
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Text content constant iterator type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ if (!isense)
+ os << "typedef " << cont << "::const_iterator " << citer<< ";";
+ else
+ os << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< " << type <<
+ " >::const_iterator " << citer << ";";
+ os << endl;
+ // Content id.
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Text content id used for capturing content " <<
+ "order." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ os << "static const ::std::size_t " <<
+ ctx.get<String> ("mixed-ordered-id-name") << " = " <<
+ ctx.get<size_t> ("mixed-ordered-id") << "UL;" << endl;
+ // Accessors and modifiers.
+ //
+ String const& aname (ctx.get<String> ("mixed-aname"));
+ String const& mname (ctx.get<String> ("mixed-mname"));
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return a read-only (constant) reference " <<
+ "to the text" << endl
+ << " * content sequence." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A constant reference to the sequence " <<
+ "container." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ os << "const " << cont << "&" << endl
+ << aname << " () const;"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return a read-write reference to the " <<
+ "text content" << endl
+ << " * sequence." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A reference to the sequence container." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ os << cont << "&" << endl
+ << aname << " ();"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Copy elements from a given sequence." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param s A sequence to copy entries from." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * For each element in @a s this function " <<
+ "add it to the sequence." << endl
+ << " * Note that this operation " <<
+ "completely changes the sequence and" << endl
+ << " * all old elements will be lost." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << mname << " (const " << cont << "& s);"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << "//@}" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // dom_document accessors.
+ //
+ if (edom_document_member_p (c))
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return a read-only (constant) reference " <<
+ "to the DOM" << endl
+ << " * document associated with this instance." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A constant reference to the DOM document." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * The DOM document returned by this function is " <<
+ "used to store" << endl
+ << " * the raw XML content corresponding to wildcards." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ os << "// DOMDocument for wildcard content." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ os << "const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMDocument&" << endl
+ << edom_document (c) << " () const;"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return a read-write reference to the DOM " <<
+ "document" << endl
+ << " * associated with this instance." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A reference to the DOM document." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * The DOM document returned by this function is " <<
+ "used to store" << endl
+ << " * the raw XML content corresponding to wildcards." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << xerces_ns << "::DOMDocument&" << endl
+ << edom_document (c) << " ();"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // Order container.
+ //
+ if (ordered)
+ {
+ String const& type (ctx.get<String> ("order-type"));
+ String const& cont (ctx.get<String> ("order-container"));
+ String const& iter (ctx.get<String> ("order-iterator"));
+ String const& citer (ctx.get<String> ("order-const-iterator"));
+ String const ct (options.order_container_specified ()
+ ? options.order_container ()
+ : "::std::vector");
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @name " << comment ("content_order") << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @brief Accessor and modifier functions for content " <<
+ "order." << endl
+ << " */" << endl
+ << "//@{" << endl;
+ else
+ os << "// content_order" << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ // Typedefs.
+ //
+ bool isense (options.generate_intellisense ());
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Content order entry type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ os << "typedef " << ns_name (xs_ns ()) << "::" <<
+ xs_ns ().context ().get<String> ("content-order") << " " <<
+ type << ";";
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Content order sequence container type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ os << "typedef " << ct << "< " << type << " > " << cont << ";";
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Content order iterator type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ // IntelliSense does not like aliases and fully-qualified
+ // names here.
+ //
+ if (!isense)
+ os << "typedef " << cont << "::iterator " << iter<< ";";
+ else
+ os << "typedef " << ct << "< " << type << " >::iterator " <<
+ iter << ";";
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Content order constant iterator type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ if (!isense)
+ os << "typedef " << cont << "::const_iterator " << citer<< ";";
+ else
+ os << "typedef " << ct << "< " << type <<
+ " >::const_iterator " << citer << ";";
+ os << endl;
+ // Accessors and modifiers.
+ //
+ String const& aname (ctx.get<String> ("order-aname"));
+ String const& mname (ctx.get<String> ("order-mname"));
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return a read-only (constant) reference " <<
+ "to the content" << endl
+ << " * order sequence." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A constant reference to the sequence " <<
+ "container." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ os << "const " << cont << "&" << endl
+ << aname << " () const;"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return a read-write reference to the " <<
+ "content order" << endl
+ << " * sequence." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A reference to the sequence container." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ os << cont << "&" << endl
+ << aname << " ();"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Copy elements from a given sequence." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param s A sequence to copy entries from." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * For each element in @a s this function " <<
+ "add it to the sequence." << endl
+ << " * Note that this operation " <<
+ "completely changes the sequence and" << endl
+ << " * all old elements will be lost." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << mname << " (const " << cont << "& s);"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << "//@}" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @name Constructors" << endl
+ << " */" << endl
+ << "//@{" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "// Constructors." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ }
+ bool generate_no_base_ctor (false);
+ {
+ GenerateWithoutBaseCtor t (generate_no_base_ctor);
+ t.traverse (c);
+ }
+ bool has_complex_non_op_args (false);
+ bool has_poly_non_op_args (false);
+ bool complex_poly_args_clash (true);
+ {
+ HasComplexPolyNonOptArgs t (*this, true,
+ has_complex_non_op_args,
+ has_poly_non_op_args,
+ complex_poly_args_clash);
+ t.traverse (c);
+ }
+ // default c-tor
+ //
+ if (options.generate_default_ctor ())
+ {
+ // c-tor (ultimate-base, all-non-optional-members) will become
+ // default c-tor if our inheritance hierarchy has no required
+ // members and no simple base. We can also collide with
+ // c-tor (all-non-optional-members) if we have no required
+ // members.
+ //
+ bool generate (false);
+ {
+ GenerateDefaultCtor t (*this, generate, generate_no_base_ctor);
+ t.traverse (c);
+ }
+ if (generate)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Default constructor." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * Note that this constructor leaves required " <<
+ "elements and" << endl
+ << " * attributes uninitialized." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " ();"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // c-tor (base, all-non-optional-members)
+ //
+ if (options.generate_from_base_ctor ())
+ {
+ // c-tor (base, all-non-optional-members) will be equivalent to
+ // c-tor (ultimate-base, all-non-optional-members) unless our
+ // immediate base's hierarchy has some non-optional members.
+ // We also need to generate this c-tor when one of the types
+ // in our inheritance hierarchy was customized since the
+ // customized version may not necessarily be convertible to
+ // the base without loss of information.
+ //
+ bool generate (false);
+ {
+ GenerateFromBaseCtor t (*this, generate);
+ t.traverse (c);
+ }
+ if (generate)
+ {
+ bool has_complex_non_op_args (false);
+ bool has_poly_non_op_args (false);
+ bool complex_poly_args_clash (true);
+ {
+ HasComplexPolyNonOptArgs t (*this, false,
+ has_complex_non_op_args,
+ has_poly_non_op_args,
+ complex_poly_args_clash);
+ t.traverse (c);
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from the immediate "
+ "base and" << endl
+ << " * initializers for required elements and "
+ << "attributes." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const ";
+ inherits (c, inherits_member_);
+ os << "&";
+ {
+ FromBaseCtorArg args (*this, CtorArgType::type, false);
+ Traversal::Names args_names (args);
+ names (c, args_names);
+ }
+ os << ");"
+ << endl;
+ // If we have any complex arguments in the previous c-tor
+ // then also generate the auto_ptr version.
+ //
+ if (has_complex_non_op_args)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from the immediate "
+ "base and" << endl
+ << " * initializers for required elements and "
+ << "attributes" << endl
+ << " * (" << auto_ptr << " version)." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This constructor will try to use the passed " <<
+ "values directly" << endl
+ << " * instead of making copies." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const ";
+ inherits (c, inherits_member_);
+ os << "&";
+ {
+ FromBaseCtorArg args (
+ *this, CtorArgType::complex_auto_ptr, false);
+ Traversal::Names args_names (args);
+ names (c, args_names);
+ }
+ os << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // If we are generating polymorphic code then we also need to
+ // provide auto_ptr version for every polymorphic type.
+ //
+ if (polymorphic &&
+ has_poly_non_op_args && !complex_poly_args_clash)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from the immediate "
+ "base and" << endl
+ << " * initializers for required elements and "
+ << "attributes" << endl
+ << " * (" << auto_ptr << " version)." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This constructor will try to use the passed " <<
+ "values directly" << endl
+ << " * instead of making copies." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const ";
+ inherits (c, inherits_member_);
+ os << "&";
+ {
+ FromBaseCtorArg args (
+ *this, CtorArgType::poly_auto_ptr, false);
+ Traversal::Names args_names (args);
+ names (c, args_names);
+ }
+ os << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // c-tor (all-non-optional-members)
+ //
+ if (generate_no_base_ctor)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from initializers " <<
+ "for required " << endl
+ << " * elements and attributes." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (";
+ {
+ CtorArgsWithoutBase ctor_args (
+ *this, CtorArgType::type, false, true);
+ ctor_args.dispatch (c);
+ }
+ os << ");"
+ << endl;
+ // If we have any complex arguments in the previous c-tor
+ // then also generate the auto_ptr version. One case where
+ // this c-tor will be generated is restriction of anyType.
+ //
+ if (has_complex_non_op_args)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from initializers " <<
+ "for required " << endl
+ << " * elements and attributes (" << auto_ptr <<
+ " version)." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This constructor will try to use the passed " <<
+ "values directly" << endl
+ << " * instead of making copies." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (";
+ {
+ CtorArgsWithoutBase ctor_args (
+ *this, CtorArgType::complex_auto_ptr, false, true);
+ ctor_args.dispatch (c);
+ }
+ os << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // If we are generating polymorphic code then we also need to
+ // provide auto_ptr version for every polymorphic type.
+ //
+ if (polymorphic &&
+ has_poly_non_op_args && !complex_poly_args_clash)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from initializers " <<
+ "for required " << endl
+ << " * elements and attributes (" << auto_ptr <<
+ " version)." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This constructor will try to use the passed " <<
+ "values directly" << endl
+ << " * instead of making copies." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (";
+ {
+ CtorArgsWithoutBase ctor_args (
+ *this, CtorArgType::poly_auto_ptr, false, true);
+ ctor_args.dispatch (c);
+ }
+ os << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ if (string_based)
+ {
+ // We might not have the value type if this enum is customized.
+ //
+ if (enum_base != 0 && enum_base->context ().count ("value"))
+ {
+ // c-tor (enum-value, all-non-optional-members)
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from the " <<
+ "underlying enum value" << endl
+ << " * and initializers for required elements and " <<
+ "attributes." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (" << fq_name (*enum_base) << "::" <<
+ evalue (*enum_base);
+ {
+ CtorArgsWithoutBase ctor_args (
+ *this, CtorArgType::type, false, false);
+ ctor_args.dispatch (c);
+ }
+ os << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // c-tor (const char*, all-non-optional-members)
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from a C string and " <<
+ "initializers" << endl
+ << " * for required elements and attributes." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const " << char_type << "*";
+ {
+ CtorArgsWithoutBase ctor_args (
+ *this, CtorArgType::type, false, false);
+ ctor_args.dispatch (c);
+ }
+ os << ");"
+ << endl;
+ // c-tor (const std::string&, all-non-optional-members)
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from a string and" <<
+ "initializers" << endl
+ << " * for required elements and attributes." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const " << string_type << "&";
+ {
+ CtorArgsWithoutBase ctor_args (
+ *this, CtorArgType::type, false, false);
+ ctor_args.dispatch (c);
+ }
+ os << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // c-tor (ultimate-base, all-non-optional-members)
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from the ultimate "
+ "base and" << endl
+ << " * initializers for required elements and " <<
+ "attributes." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (";
+ {
+ CtorArgs ctor_args (*this, CtorArgType::type);
+ ctor_args.dispatch (c);
+ }
+ os << ");"
+ << endl;
+ // If we have any complex arguments in the previous c-tor
+ // then also generate the auto_ptr version.
+ //
+ if (has_complex_non_op_args)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from the ultimate "
+ "base and" << endl
+ << " * initializers for required elements and " <<
+ "attributes" << endl
+ << " * (" << auto_ptr << " version)." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This constructor will try to use the passed " <<
+ "values directly" << endl
+ << " * instead of making copies." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (";
+ {
+ CtorArgs ctor_args (*this, CtorArgType::complex_auto_ptr);
+ ctor_args.dispatch (c);
+ }
+ os << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // If we are generating polymorphic code then we also need to
+ // provide auto_ptr version for every polymorphic type.
+ //
+ if (polymorphic && has_poly_non_op_args && !complex_poly_args_clash)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from the ultimate "
+ "base and" << endl
+ << " * initializers for required elements and " <<
+ "attributes" << endl
+ << " * (" << auto_ptr << " version)." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This constructor will try to use the passed " <<
+ "values directly" << endl
+ << " * instead of making copies." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (";
+ {
+ CtorArgs ctor_args (*this, CtorArgType::poly_auto_ptr);
+ ctor_args.dispatch (c);
+ }
+ os << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // c-tor (istream&)
+ //
+ NarrowStrings const& st (options.generate_extraction ());
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (st.begin ()); i != st.end ();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from a data " <<
+ "representation" << endl
+ << " * stream." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param s A stream to extract the data from." << endl
+ << " * @param f Flags to create the new instance with." << endl
+ << " * @param c A pointer to the object that will " <<
+ "contain the new" << endl
+ << " * instance." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (" << istream_type << "< " << i->c_str () <<
+ " >& s," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << container << "* c = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (!options.suppress_parsing ())
+ {
+ // c-tor (xercesc::DOMElement)
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from a DOM element." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param e A DOM element to extract the data from." << endl
+ << " * @param f Flags to create the new instance with." << endl
+ << " * @param c A pointer to the object that will " <<
+ "contain the new" << endl
+ << " * instance." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& e," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << container << "* c = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ if (simple)
+ {
+ // c-tor (xercesc::DOMAttr)
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from a DOM attribute." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param a A DOM attribute to extract the data from." << endl
+ << " * @param f Flags to create the new instance with." << endl
+ << " * @param c A pointer to the object that will " <<
+ "contain the new" << endl
+ << " * instance." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr& a," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << container << "* c = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ // c-tor (std::basic_string const&, xercesc::DOMElement)
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from a string fragment." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param s A string fragment to extract the data from." << endl
+ << " * @param e A pointer to DOM element containing the " <<
+ "string fragment." << endl
+ << " * @param f Flags to create the new instance with." << endl
+ << " * @param c A pointer to the object that will " <<
+ "contain the new" << endl
+ << " * instance." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const " << string_type << "& s," << endl
+ << "const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement* e," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << container << "* c = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // copy c-tor
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Copy constructor." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param x An instance to make a copy of." << endl
+ << " * @param f Flags to create the copy with." << endl
+ << " * @param c A pointer to the object that will contain " <<
+ "the copy." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * For polymorphic object models use the @c _clone " <<
+ "function instead." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const " << name << "& x," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << container << "* c = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ // clone
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Copy the instance polymorphically." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param f Flags to create the copy with." << endl
+ << " * @param c A pointer to the object that will contain " <<
+ "the copy." << endl
+ << " * @return A pointer to the dynamically allocated copy." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function ensures that the dynamic type of the " <<
+ "instance is" << endl
+ << " * used for copying and should be used for polymorphic " <<
+ "object" << endl
+ << " * models instead of the copy constructor." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "virtual " << name << "*" << endl
+ << "_clone (" << flags_type << " f = 0," << endl
+ << container << "* c = 0) const";
+ // Make the _clone() function pure virtual if the type is
+ // abstract or we are generating a polymorphic base for a
+ // custom implementation (in which case the base must be
+ // inherited from and _clone() overridden).
+ //
+ if (c.abstract_p () ||
+ (renamed && polymorphic && polymorphic_p (c)))
+ os << " = 0";
+ os << ";"
+ << endl;
+ // operator=
+ //
+ bool priv (false);
+ if (!simple)
+ {
+ if (options.suppress_assignment ())
+ {
+ priv = true;
+ os << "private:" << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Disabled copy assignment operator." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param x An instance to make a copy of." << endl
+ << " * @return A reference to itself." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << "&" << endl
+ << "operator= (const " << name << "& x);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ else if (has_members || (gen_wildcard && (hae || haa)))
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Copy assignment operator." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param x An instance to make a copy of." << endl
+ << " * @return A reference to itself." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * For polymorphic object models use the @c _clone " <<
+ "function instead." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << "&" << endl
+ << "operator= (const " << name << "& x);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "//@}" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (priv)
+ os << "public:" << endl;
+ // d-tor
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Destructor." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "virtual " << endl
+ << "~" << name << " ();"
+ << endl;
+ // Data members and implementation functions.
+ //
+ if (has_members || hae || (haa && gen_wildcard) || ordered || mixed)
+ {
+ os << "// Implementation." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "//@cond" << endl
+ << endl;
+ if (!options.suppress_parsing () &&
+ (has_members || hae || (haa && gen_wildcard) || mixed))
+ {
+ // parse ()
+ //
+ os << "protected:" << endl
+ << "void" << endl
+ << unclash (name, "parse") << " (" <<
+ parser_type << "&," << endl
+ << flags_type << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ os << "protected:"
+ << endl;
+ // parse (istream)
+ //
+ if (has_members)
+ {
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (st.begin ()); i != st.end ();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << unclash (name, "parse") << " (" <<
+ istream_type << "< " << i->c_str () << " >&," << endl
+ << flags_type << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // DOM document.
+ //
+ if (edom_document_member_p (c))
+ {
+ os << dom_auto_ptr << "< " << xerces_ns <<
+ "::DOMDocument > " << edom_document_member (c) << ";"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // Mixed text content.
+ //
+ if (mixed)
+ {
+ os << ctx.get<String> ("mixed-container") << " " <<
+ ctx.get<String> ("mixed-member") << ";"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // Order container.
+ //
+ if (ordered)
+ {
+ os << ctx.get<String> ("order-container") << " " <<
+ ctx.get<String> ("order-member") << ";"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ names (c, names_data_);
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "//@endcond" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "};";
+ // Comparison operators.
+ //
+ if (options.generate_comparison () &&
+ (has_members || !c.inherits_p () ||
+ ((hae || haa) && gen_wildcard)))
+ {
+ os << inst_exp
+ << "bool" << endl
+ << "operator== (const " << name << "&, const " << name << "&);"
+ << endl;
+ os << inst_exp
+ << "bool" << endl
+ << "operator!= (const " << name << "&, const " << name << "&);"
+ << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_base_;
+ BaseTypeName base_name_;
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_member_;
+ MemberTypeName member_name_;
+ Traversal::Names names_;
+ Any any_;
+ Member member_;
+ Traversal::Names names_data_;
+ DataAny data_any_;
+ DataMember data_member_;
+ };
+ struct GlobalElement: Traversal::Element,
+ GlobalElementBase,
+ Context
+ {
+ GlobalElement (Context& c)
+ : GlobalElementBase (c), Context (c), type_name_ (c)
+ {
+ belongs_ >> type_name_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ if (!doc_root_p (e))
+ return;
+ SemanticGraph::Type& t (e.type ());
+ bool fund (false);
+ {
+ IsFundamentalType test (fund);
+ test.dispatch (t);
+ }
+ bool simple (true);
+ if (!fund)
+ {
+ IsSimpleType test (simple);
+ test.dispatch (t);
+ }
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Class corresponding to the %" <<
+ comment ( ()) << " root element." << endl;
+ if (e.annotated_p ())
+ {
+ os << " *" << endl;
+ write_annotation (e.annotation ());
+ }
+ os << " *" << endl
+ << " * @nosubgrouping" << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ String const& name (ename (e));
+ os << "class " << type_exp << name << ": public " << element_type
+ << "{"
+ << "public:" << endl
+ << endl;
+ String const& type (etype (e));
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @name Element value" << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @brief Accessor and modifier functions for the " <<
+ "element value." << endl
+ << " */" << endl
+ << "//@{" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "// Element value." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ }
+ // Typedefs.
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Element value type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "typedef ";
+ belongs (e, belongs_);
+ os << " " << type << ";";
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << endl
+ << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Element value traits type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< " << type << ", " <<
+ char_type;
+ if (t.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double> ())
+ os << ", ::xsd::cxx::tree::schema_type::double_";
+ else if (t.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal> ())
+ os << ", ::xsd::cxx::tree::schema_type::decimal";
+ os << " > " << etraits (e) << ";"
+ << endl;
+ // Accessors/modifiers.
+ //
+ String const& aname (eaname (e));
+ String const& mname (emname (e));
+ // type const&
+ // name () const;
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return a read-only (constant) reference " <<
+ "to the element" << endl
+ << " * value." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A constant reference to the element value." <<
+ endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "const " << type << "&" << endl
+ << aname << " () const;"
+ << endl;
+ // type&
+ // name ();
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return a read-write reference to the " <<
+ "element value." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A reference to the element value." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << type << "&" << endl
+ << aname << " ();"
+ << endl;
+ // void
+ // name (type const&);
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Set the element value." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param x A new value to set." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function makes a copy of its argument " <<
+ "and sets it as" << endl
+ << " * the new value of the element." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << mname << " (const " << type << "& x);"
+ << endl;
+ // void
+ // name (auto_ptr<type>);
+ //
+ if (!fund)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Set the element value without " <<
+ "copying." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param p A new value to use." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function will try to use the passed value " <<
+ "directly" << endl
+ << " * instead of making a copy." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "void" << endl
+ << mname << " (" << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > p);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // auto_ptr<type>
+ // detach_name ();
+ //
+ if (detach && !fund)
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Detach the element value from " <<
+ "the object." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A pointer to the element value." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * Note that this function leaves the element " <<
+ "object uninitialized." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " >" << endl
+ << edname (e) << " ();"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return a read-only (constant) pointer " <<
+ "to the element" << endl
+ << " * value." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A constant pointer to the element value " <<
+ "or 0 if this" << endl
+ << " * element is of a fundamental type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "virtual const " << any_type << "*" << endl
+ << "_value () const;"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return a pointer to the element value." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A pointer to the element value or 0 if this " <<
+ "element is" << endl
+ << " * of a fundamental type." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "virtual " << any_type << "*" << endl
+ << "_value ();"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "//@}" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // Constructor.
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @name Constructors" << endl
+ << " */" << endl
+ << "//@{" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "// Constructors." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ }
+ // default c-tor
+ //
+ if (options.generate_default_ctor ())
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Default constructor." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * Note that this constructor leaves the element " <<
+ "value" << endl
+ << " * uninitialized." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " ();"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // c-tor (value)
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from an initializer " <<
+ "for the element" << endl
+ << " * value." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param x Element value." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const " << type << "& x);"
+ << endl;
+ // If the element value is a complex type (has elements,
+ // attributes, or wildcards) then also generate the auto_ptr
+ // version. If we are generating polymorphic code then we
+ // also need to provide auto_ptr version for simple types.
+ //
+ if (!simple || (polymorphic && polymorphic_p (t)))
+ {
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from an initializer " <<
+ "for" << endl
+ << " * the element value (" << auto_ptr <<
+ " version)." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param p Element value to use." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This constructor will try to use the passed " <<
+ "value directly" << endl
+ << " * instead of making a copy." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (" << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > p);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (!options.suppress_parsing ())
+ {
+ // c-tor (xercesc::DOMElement)
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Create an instance from a DOM element." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param e A DOM element to extract the data from." << endl
+ << " * @param f Flags to create the new instance with." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& e, " <<
+ flags_type << " f = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // copy c-tor
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Copy constructor." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param x An instance to make a copy of." << endl
+ << " * @param f Flags to create the copy with." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * For polymorphic object models use the @c _clone " <<
+ "function instead." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << name << " (const " << name << "& x, " <<
+ flags_type << " f = 0);"
+ << endl;
+ // _clone
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Copy the instance polymorphically." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @param f Flags to create the copy with." << endl
+ << " * @return A pointer to the dynamically allocated copy." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * This function ensures that the dynamic type of the " <<
+ "instance is" << endl
+ << " * used for copying and should be used for polymorphic " <<
+ "object" << endl
+ << " * models instead of the copy constructor." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "virtual " << name << "*" << endl
+ << "_clone (" << flags_type << " f = 0) const;"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "//@}" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // Element name and namespace accessors.
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @name Element name and namespace" << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @brief Accessor functions for the element name " <<
+ "and namespace." << endl
+ << " */" << endl
+ << "//@{" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "// Element name and namespace." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ }
+ SemanticGraph::Context& ec (e.context ());
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return the element name (static function)." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A read-only string reference containing " <<
+ "the element" << endl
+ << " * name." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "static const " << string_type << "&" << endl
+ << ec.get<String> ("element-name") << " ();"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return the element namespace (static " <<
+ "function)." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A read-only string reference containing " <<
+ "the element" << endl
+ << " * namespace." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "static const " << string_type << "&" << endl
+ << ec.get<String> ("element-ns") << " ();"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return the element name." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A read-only string reference containing " <<
+ "the element" << endl
+ << " * name." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "virtual const " << string_type << "&" << endl
+ << "_name () const;"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Return the element namespace." << endl
+ << " *" << endl
+ << " * @return A read-only string reference containing " <<
+ "the element" << endl
+ << " * namespace." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "virtual const " << string_type << "&" << endl
+ << "_namespace () const;"
+ << endl;
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "//@}" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // d-tor
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ {
+ os << "/**" << endl
+ << " * @brief Destructor." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ }
+ os << "virtual " << endl
+ << "~" << name << " ();"
+ << endl;
+ // Data member.
+ //
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << "//@cond" << endl
+ << endl;
+ os << "protected:" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::tree::one< " << type << " > " <<
+ emember (e) << ";"
+ << "static const " << string_type << " " <<
+ ec.get<String> ("element-name-member") << ";"
+ << "static const " << string_type << " " <<
+ ec.get<String> ("element-ns-member") << ";";
+ if (doxygen)
+ os << endl
+ << "//@endcond" << endl;
+ os << "};";
+ }
+ private:
+ Traversal::Belongs belongs_;
+ MemberTypeName type_name_;
+ };
+ }
+ void
+ generate_tree_header (Context& ctx)
+ {
+ if (ctx.generate_xml_schema)
+ {
+ if (ctx.char_type == L"char" && ctx.char_encoding != L"custom")
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/xml/char-" << ctx.char_encoding <<
+ ".hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/exceptions.hxx>" << endl
+ << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>" << endl
+ << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/types.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ if (!ctx.options.suppress_parsing () ||
+ ctx.options.generate_serialization ())
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/xml/error-handler.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (!ctx.options.suppress_parsing () ||
+ ctx.options.generate_serialization ())
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/xml/dom/auto-ptr.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ bool element_map (ctx.options.generate_element_map ());
+ if (element_map)
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/element-map.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ // I need to include all the "optional" headers here (instead of
+ // later in the individual generators for each feature because
+ // those headers provide implementation for the fundamental types.
+ //
+ if (!ctx.options.suppress_parsing ())
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/parsing.hxx>" << endl;
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Traversal::Names names;
+ Traversal::Namespace ns;
+ Traversal::Names ns_names;
+ FundIncludes type (ctx, "parsing");
+ schema >> names >> ns >> ns_names >> type;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ if (element_map)
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/parsing/element-map.txx>" <<
+ endl;
+ ctx.os << endl;
+ }
+ if (ctx.options.generate_serialization ())
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/xml/dom/serialization-header.hxx>" << endl
+ << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/serialization.hxx>" << endl;
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Traversal::Names names;
+ Traversal::Namespace ns;
+ Traversal::Names ns_names;
+ FundIncludes type (ctx, "serialization");
+ schema >> names >> ns >> ns_names >> type;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ if (element_map)
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/serialization/element-map.txx>" <<
+ endl;
+ ctx.os << endl;
+ }
+ if (ctx.options.generate_ostream ())
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/std-ostream-operators.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ NarrowStrings const& ist (ctx.options.generate_insertion ());
+ if (!ist.empty ())
+ {
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (ist.begin ()); i != ist.end ();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ if (*i == "ACE_OutputCDR")
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/ace-cdr-stream-insertion.hxx>"
+ << endl;
+ else if (*i == "XDR")
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/xdr-stream-insertion.hxx>"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/stream-insertion.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ NarrowStrings const& est (ctx.options.generate_extraction ());
+ if (!est.empty ())
+ {
+ for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (est.begin ()); i != est.end ();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ if (*i == "ACE_InputCDR")
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/ace-cdr-stream-extraction.hxx>"
+ << endl;
+ else if (*i == "XDR")
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/xdr-stream-extraction.hxx>"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/stream-extraction.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // Emit fundamental types.
+ //
+ {
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Traversal::Names names;
+ FundamentalNamespace ns (ctx);
+ schema >> names >> ns;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bool inline_ (ctx.options.generate_inline ());
+ ctx.os << "#include <memory> // " << ctx.auto_ptr << endl
+ << "#include <limits> // std::numeric_limits" << endl
+ << "#include <algorithm> // std::binary_search" << endl;
+ if (ctx.std >= cxx_version::cxx11)
+ ctx.os << "#include <utility> // std::move" << endl;
+ if (!ctx.options.ordered_type ().empty () ||
+ ctx.options.ordered_type_all ())
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#include <cstddef> // std::size_t" << endl;
+ if (!ctx.options.order_container_specified ())
+ ctx.os << "#include <vector>" << endl;
+ }
+ ctx.os << endl;
+ if (ctx.char_type == L"char" && ctx.char_encoding != L"custom")
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/xml/char-" << ctx.char_encoding <<
+ ".hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/exceptions.hxx>" << endl
+ << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>" << endl
+ << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/containers.hxx>" << endl
+ << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/list.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ if (!ctx.options.suppress_parsing ())
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/xml/dom/parsing-header.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (ctx.options.generate_wildcard ())
+ {
+ if (ctx.options.suppress_parsing () ||
+ !ctx.options.generate_serialization ())
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/xml/dom/auto-ptr.hxx>" << endl;
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/containers-wildcard.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (!ctx.options.generate_extraction ().empty ())
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/istream-fwd.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ // Emit header includes.
+ //
+ {
+ if (inline_)
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#ifndef XSD_DONT_INCLUDE_INLINE" << endl
+ << "#define XSD_DONT_INCLUDE_INLINE" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Includes includes (ctx, Includes::header);
+ schema >> includes;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ if (inline_)
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#undef XSD_DONT_INCLUDE_INLINE" << endl
+ << "#else" << endl
+ << endl;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ ctx.os << "#endif // XSD_DONT_INCLUDE_INLINE" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ Traversal::Names names_ns, names;
+ DocumentedNamespace ns (ctx);
+ List list (ctx);
+ Union union_ (ctx);
+ Complex complex (ctx);
+ Enumeration enumeration (ctx);
+ GlobalElement element (ctx);
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ schema >> names_ns >> ns >> names;
+ names >> list;
+ names >> union_;
+ names >> complex;
+ names >> enumeration;
+ if (ctx.options.generate_element_type ())
+ names >> element;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ // Emit inline includes.
+ //
+ if (inline_)
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#ifndef XSD_DONT_INCLUDE_INLINE" << endl
+ << endl;
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Includes ixx_includes (ctx, Includes::inline_);
+ schema >> ixx_includes;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ ctx.os << "#endif // XSD_DONT_INCLUDE_INLINE" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/tree-header.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/tree-header.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0e9ea6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/tree-header.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/tree-header.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ void
+ generate_tree_header (Context&);
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/tree-inline.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/tree-inline.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..318ef66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/tree-inline.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1161 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/tree-inline.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/tree-inline.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/default-value.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ struct List: Traversal::List, Context
+ {
+ List (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& l)
+ {
+ String name (ename (l));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (l, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ SemanticGraph::Type& item_type (l.argumented ().type ());
+ String item_name (item_type_name (item_type));
+ String base_type (L"::xsd::cxx::tree::list< " + item_name +
+ L", " + char_type);
+ if (item_type.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double> ())
+ base_type += L", ::xsd::cxx::tree::schema_type::double_";
+ else if (item_type.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal> ())
+ base_type += L", ::xsd::cxx::tree::schema_type::decimal";
+ base_type += L" >";
+ os << "// " << name << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << endl;
+ // c-tor ()
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " ()" << endl
+ << ": " << base_type << " (this)"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ // c-tor (size_type, const X& x)
+ //
+ String size_type (name != L"size_type"
+ ? String (L"size_type")
+ : base_type + L"::size_type");
+ os << inl
+ << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (" << size_type << " n, const " << item_name <<
+ "& x)" << endl
+ << ": " << base_type << " (n, x, this)"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ // copy c-tor ()
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << name << "& o," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << container << "* c)" << endl
+ << ": " << any_simple_type << " (o, f, c)," << endl
+ << " " << base_type << " (o, f, this)"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ // Comparison operators.
+ //
+ if (options.generate_comparison ())
+ {
+ os << inl
+ << "bool" << endl
+ << "operator== (const " << name << "& x, " <<
+ "const " << name << "& y)"
+ << "{"
+ << "const " << base_type << "& bx (x);"
+ << "return bx == y;"
+ << "}";
+ os << inl
+ << "bool" << endl
+ << "operator!= (const " << name << "& x, " <<
+ "const " << name << "& y)"
+ << "{"
+ << "return !(x == y);"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ String
+ item_type_name (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ std::wostringstream o;
+ MemberTypeName type (*this, o);
+ type.dispatch (t);
+ return o.str ();
+ }
+ };
+ struct Union: Traversal::Union, Context
+ {
+ Union (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& u)
+ {
+ String name (ename (u));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (u, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ String const& base (xs_string_type);
+ os << "// " << name << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << endl;
+ if (options.generate_default_ctor ())
+ {
+ // c-tor ()
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " ()" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ // c-tor (const char*)
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << char_type << "* s)" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (s)"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ // c-tor (string const&)
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << string_type << "& s)" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (s)"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ // copy c-tor ()
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << name << "& o," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << container << "* c)" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (o, f, c)"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ };
+ // Enumeration
+ //
+ // Generate a sequence of explicit c-tor calls until we reach
+ // one of the fundamental string types that can be constructed
+ // from char literals.
+ //
+ struct CtorCallSequence: Traversal::Complex,
+ Traversal::Fundamental::Type,
+ Context
+ {
+ CtorCallSequence (Context& c, String const& arg)
+ : Context (c), arg_ (arg), base_type_name_ (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ // This type should be ultimately string based.
+ //
+ assert (c.inherits_p ());
+ os << ename (c) << " (" << endl;
+ dispatch (c.inherits ().base ());
+ os << ")";
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Type& t)
+ {
+ base_type_name_.dispatch (t);
+ os << " (" << arg_ << ")";
+ }
+ private:
+ String arg_;
+ BaseTypeName base_type_name_;
+ };
+ struct Enumeration: Traversal::Enumeration, Context
+ {
+ Enumeration (Context& c)
+ : Context (c), member_ (c)
+ {
+ inherits_member_ >> member_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ String name (ename (e));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (e, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ bool string_based (false);
+ {
+ IsStringBasedType t (string_based);
+ t.dispatch (e);
+ }
+ bool enum_based (false);
+ if (string_based)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Enumeration* be (0);
+ IsEnumBasedType t (be);
+ t.dispatch (e);
+ enum_based = (be != 0);
+ }
+ String value;
+ if (string_based)
+ value = evalue (e);
+ // Get to the ultimate base and see if is a fundamental type.
+ //
+ bool fund_based (false);
+ SemanticGraph::Type& ult_base (ultimate_base (e));
+ {
+ IsFundamentalType t (fund_based);
+ t.dispatch (ult_base);
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ String base; // base type name
+ {
+ std::wostringstream o;
+ BaseTypeName base_type (*this, o);
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_type (base_type);
+ inherits (e, inherits_type);
+ base = o.str ();
+ }
+ os << "// " << name << endl
+ << "// " << endl
+ << endl;
+ // default c-tor
+ //
+ bool list_based (
+ ult_base.is_a<SemanticGraph::List> () ||
+ ult_base.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameTokens> () ||
+ ult_base.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRefs> () ||
+ ult_base.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entities> ());
+ if (options.generate_default_ctor () || list_based)
+ {
+ os << inl
+ << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " ()" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ // c-tor (value)
+ //
+ if (string_based)
+ {
+ os << inl
+ << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (" << value << " v)" << endl
+ << ": ";
+ // If we are enum-based then we can just use the corresponding
+ // base c-tor directly. Otherwise we will use the from-string
+ // c-tor.
+ //
+ if (enum_based)
+ os << base << " (v)";
+ else
+ {
+ CtorCallSequence t (*this, L"_xsd_" + name + L"_literals_[v]");
+ t.dispatch (e.inherits ().base ());
+ }
+ os << "{"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ // c-tor (const char*)
+ //
+ if (string_based)
+ {
+ os << inl
+ << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << char_type << "* v)" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (v)"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ // c-tor (const std::string&)
+ //
+ if (string_based)
+ {
+ os << inl
+ << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << string_type << "& v)" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (v)"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ // c-tor (fundamental)
+ //
+ if (fund_based)
+ {
+ os << inl
+ << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (";
+ member_.dispatch (ult_base);
+ os << " v)"
+ << ": " << base << " (v)"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ // c-tor (base)
+ //
+ // If the ultimate is also our immediate base and it is a
+ // fundamental type then this c-tor clashes with c-tor
+ // (fundamental) above.
+ //
+ if (!fund_based || &ult_base != &e.inherits ().base ())
+ {
+ os << inl
+ << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const ";
+ inherits (e, inherits_member_);
+ os << "& v)" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (v)"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ // copy c-tor
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << name << "& v," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << container << "* c)" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (v, f, c)"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ // operato= (value)
+ //
+ if (string_based)
+ {
+ os << inl
+ << name << "& " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "operator= (" << value << " v)"
+ << "{"
+ << "static_cast< " << base << "& > (*this) = ";
+ // If we are enum-based then we can just use the corresponding
+ // base assignment directly. Otherwise we will use the from-
+ // base assignment and a from-string base c-tor.
+ //
+ if (enum_based)
+ os << "v";
+ else
+ {
+ os << endl;
+ CtorCallSequence t (*this, L"_xsd_" + name + L"_literals_[v]");
+ t.dispatch (e.inherits ().base ());
+ }
+ os << ";"
+ << endl
+ << "return *this;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ private:
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_member_;
+ MemberTypeName member_;
+ };
+ struct Member: Traversal::Member, Context
+ {
+ Member (Context& c, String const& scope)
+ : Context (c), scope_ (scope), lit_value_ (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& m)
+ {
+ if (skip (m))
+ return;
+ String const& aname (eaname (m));
+ String const& mname (emname (m));
+ String const& member (emember (m));
+ bool fund (false);
+ {
+ IsFundamentalType t (fund);
+ t.dispatch (m.type ());
+ }
+ bool def_attr (m.default_p () &&
+ m.is_a<SemanticGraph::Attribute> ());
+ if (max (m) != 1)
+ {
+ // sequence
+ //
+ String container (econtainer (m));
+ String q_container (scope_ + L"::" + container);
+ // container const&
+ // name () const;
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << "const " << q_container << "& " << scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << aname << " () const"
+ << "{"
+ << "return this->" << member << ";"
+ << "}";
+ // container&
+ // name ();
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << q_container << "& " << scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << aname << " ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "return this->" << member << ";"
+ << "}";
+ // void
+ // name (container const&);
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << "void " << scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << mname << " (const " << container << "& s)"
+ << "{"
+ << "this->" << member << " = s;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ else if (min (m) == 0 && !def_attr)
+ {
+ // optional
+ //
+ String type (etype (m));
+ String container (econtainer (m));
+ String q_container (scope_ + L"::" + container);
+ // container const&
+ // name () const;
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << "const " << q_container << "& " << scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << aname << " () const"
+ << "{"
+ << "return this->" << member << ";"
+ << "}";
+ // container&
+ // name ();
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << q_container << "& " << scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << aname << " ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "return this->" << member << ";"
+ << "}";
+ // void
+ // name (type const&);
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << "void " << scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << mname << " (const " << type << "& x)"
+ << "{"
+ << "this->" << member << ".set (x);"
+ << "}";
+ // void
+ // name (container const&);
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << "void " << scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << mname << " (const " << container << "& x)"
+ << "{"
+ << "this->" << member << " = x;"
+ << "}";
+ // void
+ // name (auto_ptr<type>);
+ //
+ if (!fund)
+ os << inl
+ << "void " << scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << mname << " (" << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > x)"
+ << "{"
+ << "this->" << member << ".set (" <<
+ (std >= cxx_version::cxx11 ? "std::move (x)" : "x") << ");"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ String type (etype (m));
+ String q_type (scope_ + L"::" + type);
+ // type const&
+ // name () const;
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << "const " << q_type << "& " << scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << aname << " () const"
+ << "{"
+ << "return this->" << member << ".get ();"
+ << "}";
+ // Do not generate modifiers for fixed attributes.
+ //
+ if (!(def_attr && m.fixed_p ()))
+ {
+ // type&
+ // name ();
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << q_type << "& " << scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << aname << " ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "return this->" << member << ".get ();"
+ << "}";
+ // void
+ // name (type const&);
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << "void " << scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << mname << " (const " << type << "& x)"
+ << "{"
+ << "this->" << member << ".set (x);"
+ << "}";
+ // void
+ // name (auto_ptr<type>);
+ //
+ if (!fund)
+ os << inl
+ << "void " << scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << mname << " (" << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > x)"
+ << "{"
+ << "this->" << member << ".set (" <<
+ (std >= cxx_version::cxx11 ? "std::move (x)" : "x") << ");"
+ << "}";
+ // auto_ptr<type>
+ // detach_name ();
+ //
+ if (detach && !fund)
+ os << inl
+ << auto_ptr << "< " << q_type << " > " <<
+ scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << edname (m) << " ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "return this->" << member << ".detach ();"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ }
+ // default_value
+ //
+ if (m.default_p ())
+ {
+ bool simple (true);
+ if (m.is_a<SemanticGraph::Element> ())
+ {
+ IsSimpleType test (simple);
+ test.dispatch (m.type ());
+ }
+ if (simple)
+ {
+ String lit (lit_value_.dispatch (m.type (), m.value ()));
+ os << inl;
+ if (lit)
+ os << scope_ << "::" << etype (m) << " ";
+ else
+ os << "const " << scope_ << "::" << etype (m) << "& ";
+ os << scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << edefault_value (m) << " ()"
+ << "{";
+ if (lit)
+ os << "return " << etype (m) << " (" << lit << ");";
+ else
+ os << "return " << edefault_value_member (m) << ";";
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ String scope_;
+ LiteralValue lit_value_;
+ };
+ struct Any: Traversal::Any,
+ Traversal::AnyAttribute,
+ Context
+ {
+ Any (Context& c, String const& scope)
+ : Context (c), scope_ (scope)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a)
+ {
+ String const& aname (eaname (a));
+ String const& mname (emname (a));
+ String const& member (emember (a));
+ if (max (a) != 1)
+ {
+ // sequence
+ //
+ String container (econtainer (a));
+ String q_container (scope_ + L"::" + container);
+ // container const&
+ // name () const;
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << "const " << q_container << "& " << scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << aname << " () const"
+ << "{"
+ << "return this->" << member << ";"
+ << "}";
+ // container&
+ // name ();
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << q_container << "& " << scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << aname << " ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "return this->" << member << ";"
+ << "}";
+ // void
+ // name (container const&);
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << "void " << scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << mname << " (const " << container << "& s)"
+ << "{"
+ << "this->" << member << " = s;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ else if (min (a) == 0)
+ {
+ // optional
+ //
+ String container (econtainer (a));
+ String q_container (scope_ + L"::" + container);
+ // container const&
+ // name () const;
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << "const " << q_container << "& " << scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << aname << " () const"
+ << "{"
+ << "return this->" << member << ";"
+ << "}";
+ // container&
+ // name ();
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << q_container << "& " << scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << aname << " ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "return this->" << member << ";"
+ << "}";
+ // void
+ // name (type const&);
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << "void " << scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << mname << " (const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& e)"
+ << "{"
+ << "this->" << member << ".set (e);"
+ << "}";
+ // void
+ // name (type*);
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << "void " << scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << mname << " (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement* e)"
+ << "{"
+ << "this->" << member << ".set (e);"
+ << "}";
+ // void
+ // name (container const&);
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << "void " << scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << mname << " (const " << container << "& x)"
+ << "{"
+ << "this->" << member << " = x;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ // type const&
+ // name () const;
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << "const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& " <<
+ scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << aname << " () const"
+ << "{"
+ << "return this->" << member << ".get ();"
+ << "}";
+ // type&
+ // name ();
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& " << scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << aname << " ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "return this->" << member << ".get ();"
+ << "}";
+ // void
+ // name (type const&);
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << "void " << scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << mname << " (const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& e)"
+ << "{"
+ << "this->" << member << ".set (e);"
+ << "}";
+ // void
+ // name (type*);
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << "void " << scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << mname << " (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement* e)"
+ << "{"
+ << "this->" << member << ".set (e);"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyAttribute& a)
+ {
+ String const& aname (eaname (a));
+ String const& mname (emname (a));
+ String const& member (emember (a));
+ String container (econtainer (a));
+ String q_container (scope_ + L"::" + container);
+ // container const&
+ // name () const;
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << "const " << q_container << "& " << scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << aname << " () const"
+ << "{"
+ << "return this->" << member << ";"
+ << "}";
+ // container&
+ // name ();
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << q_container << "& " << scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << aname << " ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "return this->" << member << ";"
+ << "}";
+ // void
+ // name (container const&);
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << "void " << scope_ << "::" << endl
+ << mname << " (const " << container << "& s)"
+ << "{"
+ << "this->" << member << " = s;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ private:
+ String scope_;
+ };
+ struct Complex: Traversal::Complex, Context
+ {
+ Complex (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& c)
+ {
+ String name (ename (c));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (c, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ os << "// " << name << endl
+ << "// " << endl
+ << endl;
+ // Generate accessors and modifiers.
+ //
+ Any any (*this, name);
+ Member member (*this, name);
+ Traversal::Names names;
+ if (options.generate_wildcard ())
+ names >> any;
+ names >> member;
+ Complex::names (c, names);
+ // Mixed text content.
+ //
+ if (mixed_p (c) && !c.context ().count ("mixed-in-base"))
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Context& ctx (c.context ());
+ String const& cont (ctx.get<String> ("mixed-container"));
+ String const& memb (ctx.get<String> ("mixed-member"));
+ String const& aname (ctx.get<String> ("mixed-aname"));
+ String const& mname (ctx.get<String> ("mixed-mname"));
+ os << inl
+ << "const " << name << "::" << cont << "& " <<
+ name << "::" << endl
+ << aname << " () const"
+ << "{"
+ << "return this->" << memb << ";"
+ << "}";
+ os << inl
+ << name << "::" << cont << "& " << name << "::" << endl
+ << aname << " ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "return this->" << memb << ";"
+ << "}";
+ os << inl
+ << "void " << name << "::" << endl
+ << mname << " (const " << cont << "& s)"
+ << "{"
+ << "this->" << memb << " = s;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ // dom_document accessors.
+ //
+ if (edom_document_member_p (c))
+ {
+ os << inl
+ << "const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMDocument& " <<
+ name << "::" << endl
+ << edom_document (c) << " () const"
+ << "{"
+ << "return *this->" << edom_document_member (c) << ";"
+ << "}";
+ os << inl
+ << xerces_ns << "::DOMDocument& " << name << "::" << endl
+ << edom_document (c) << " ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "return *this->" << edom_document_member (c) << ";"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ // Order container.
+ //
+ if (ordered_p (c) && !c.context ().count ("order-in-base"))
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Context& ctx (c.context ());
+ String const& cont (ctx.get<String> ("order-container"));
+ String const& memb (ctx.get<String> ("order-member"));
+ String const& aname (ctx.get<String> ("order-aname"));
+ String const& mname (ctx.get<String> ("order-mname"));
+ os << inl
+ << "const " << name << "::" << cont << "& " <<
+ name << "::" << endl
+ << aname << " () const"
+ << "{"
+ << "return this->" << memb << ";"
+ << "}";
+ os << inl
+ << name << "::" << cont << "& " << name << "::" << endl
+ << aname << " ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "return this->" << memb << ";"
+ << "}";
+ os << inl
+ << "void " << name << "::" << endl
+ << mname << " (const " << cont << "& s)"
+ << "{"
+ << "this->" << memb << " = s;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ };
+ struct GlobalElement: Traversal::Element,
+ GlobalElementBase,
+ Context
+ {
+ GlobalElement (Context& c)
+ : GlobalElementBase (c), Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ if (!doc_root_p (e))
+ return;
+ bool fund (false);
+ {
+ IsFundamentalType test (fund);
+ test.dispatch (e.type ());
+ }
+ String const& name (ename (e));
+ os << "// " << name << endl
+ << "// " << endl
+ << endl;
+ // Accessors/modifiers.
+ //
+ String const& type (etype (e));
+ String const& aname (eaname (e));
+ String const& mname (emname (e));
+ String const& member (emember (e));
+ // type const&
+ // name () const;
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << "const " << name << "::" << type << "& " << name << "::" << endl
+ << aname << " () const"
+ << "{"
+ << "return this->" << member << ".get ();"
+ << "}";
+ // type&
+ // name ();
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << name << "::" << type << "& " << name << "::" << endl
+ << aname << " ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "return this->" << member << ".get ();"
+ << "}";
+ // void
+ // name (type const&);
+ //
+ os << inl
+ << "void " << name << "::" << endl
+ << mname << " (const " << type << "& x)"
+ << "{"
+ << "this->" << member << ".set (x);"
+ << "}";
+ // void
+ // name (auto_ptr<type>);
+ //
+ if (!fund)
+ {
+ os << inl
+ << "void " << name << "::" << endl
+ << mname << " (" << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > x)"
+ << "{"
+ << "this->" << member << ".set (" <<
+ (std >= cxx_version::cxx11 ? "std::move (x)" : "x") << ");"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ // auto_ptr<type>
+ // detach_name ();
+ //
+ if (detach && !fund)
+ os << inl
+ << auto_ptr << "< " << name << "::" << type << " > " <<
+ name << "::" << endl
+ << edname (e) << " ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "return this->" << member << ".detach ();"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ void
+ generate_tree_inline (Context& ctx, size_t first, size_t last)
+ {
+ // Generate includes.
+ //
+ if (ctx.options.generate_inline ())
+ {
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Includes includes (ctx, Includes::inline_);
+ schema >> includes;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Emit "weak" header includes that are used in the file-per-type
+ // compilation model.
+ //
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Includes includes (ctx, Includes::source);
+ schema >> includes;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ Traversal::Names names_ns, names;
+ Namespace ns (ctx, first, last);
+ List list (ctx);
+ Union union_ (ctx);
+ Complex complex (ctx);
+ Enumeration enumeration (ctx);
+ GlobalElement element (ctx);
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ schema >> names_ns >> ns >> names;
+ names >> list;
+ names >> union_;
+ names >> complex;
+ names >> enumeration;
+ if (ctx.options.generate_element_type ())
+ names >> element;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/tree-inline.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/tree-inline.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dad4c24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/tree-inline.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/tree-inline.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ void
+ generate_tree_inline (Context&, size_t first, size_t last);
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/tree-source.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/tree-source.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00e895b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/tree-source.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,3900 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/tree-source.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <map>
+#include <list>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/tree-source.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/default-value.hxx>
+using namespace std;
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ struct List: Traversal::List, Context
+ {
+ List (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& l)
+ {
+ String name (ename (l));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (l, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ os << "// " << name << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << endl;
+ if (!options.suppress_parsing ())
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Type& item_type (l.argumented ().type ());
+ String base (L"::xsd::cxx::tree::list< " +
+ item_type_name (item_type) + L", " + char_type);
+ if (item_type.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double> ())
+ base += L", ::xsd::cxx::tree::schema_type::double_";
+ else if (item_type.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal> ())
+ base += L", ::xsd::cxx::tree::schema_type::decimal";
+ base += L" >";
+ // c-tor (xercesc::DOMElement)
+ //
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& e," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << container << "* c)" << endl
+ << ": " << any_simple_type << " (e, f, c)," << endl
+ << " " << base << " (e, f, this)"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ // c-tor (xercesc::DOMAttr)
+ //
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr& a," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << container << "* c)" << endl
+ << ": " << any_simple_type << " (a, f, c)," << endl
+ << " " << base << " (a, f, this)"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ // c-tor (string const&, xercesc::DOMElement)
+ //
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << string_type << "& s," << endl
+ << "const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement* e," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << container << "* c)" << endl
+ << ": " << any_simple_type << " (s, e, f, c)," << endl
+ << " " << base << " (s, e, f, this)"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ // _clone
+ //
+ os << name << "* " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_clone (" << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << container << "* c) const"
+ << "{"
+ << "return new class " << name << " (*this, f, c);"
+ << "}";
+ // d-tor
+ //
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << "~" << name << " ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ // Register with type factory map.
+ //
+ if (polymorphic && polymorphic_p (l))
+ {
+ // Note that we are using the original type name.
+ //
+ String const& name (ename (l));
+ // If this type is anonymous but substitutes, then it will
+ // be registered as part of the substitution registration.
+ //
+ if (!anonymous_p (l) && !options.suppress_parsing ())
+ {
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_initializer< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << char_type << ", " << name << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_type_factory_init (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (xml_ns_name (l)) << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if ((!anonymous_p (l) || anonymous_substitutes_p (l)) &&
+ options.generate_comparison ())
+ {
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::comparison_initializer< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << char_type << ", " << name << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_comparison_init;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ String
+ item_type_name (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ std::wostringstream o;
+ MemberTypeName type (*this, o);
+ type.dispatch (t);
+ return o.str ();
+ }
+ };
+ struct Union: Traversal::Union, Context
+ {
+ Union (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& u)
+ {
+ String name (ename (u));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (u, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ String const& base (xs_string_type);
+ os << "// " << name << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << endl;
+ if (!options.suppress_parsing ())
+ {
+ // c-tor (xercesc::DOMElement)
+ //
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& e," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << container << "* c)" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (e, f, c)"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ // c-tor (xercesc::DOMAttr)
+ //
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr& a," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << container << "* c)" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (a, f, c)"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ // c-tor (string const&, xercesc::DOMElement)
+ //
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << string_type << "& s," << endl
+ << "const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement* e," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << container << "* c)" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (s, e, f, c)"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ // _clone
+ //
+ os << name << "* " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_clone (" << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << container << "* c) const"
+ << "{"
+ << "return new class " << name << " (*this, f, c);"
+ << "}";
+ // Register with type factory map.
+ //
+ if (polymorphic && polymorphic_p (u))
+ {
+ // Note that we are using the original type name.
+ //
+ String const& name (ename (u));
+ // If this type is anonymous but substitutes, then it will
+ // be registered as part of the substitution registration.
+ //
+ if (!anonymous_p (u) && !options.suppress_parsing ())
+ {
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_initializer< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << char_type << ", " << name << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_type_factory_init (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (xml_ns_name (u)) << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if ((!anonymous_p (u) || anonymous_substitutes_p (u)) &&
+ options.generate_comparison ())
+ {
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::comparison_initializer< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << char_type << ", " << name << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_comparison_init;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // Enumeration mapping.
+ //
+ struct EnumeratorLiteral: Traversal::Enumerator, Context
+ {
+ EnumeratorLiteral (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ os << strlit ( ());
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct LiteralInfo
+ {
+ LiteralInfo (String const& value, String const& name)
+ : value_ (value), name_ (name)
+ {
+ }
+ String value_;
+ String name_;
+ };
+ bool
+ operator< (LiteralInfo const& x, LiteralInfo const& y)
+ {
+ return x.value_ < y.value_;
+ }
+ typedef list<LiteralInfo> LiteralInfoList;
+ // Populate LiteralInfoList
+ //
+ struct EnumeratorLiteralInfo: Traversal::Enumerator, Context
+ {
+ EnumeratorLiteralInfo (Context& c, LiteralInfoList& list)
+ : Context (c), list_ (list)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ list_.push_back (LiteralInfo ( (), ename (e)));
+ }
+ private:
+ LiteralInfoList& list_;
+ };
+ struct Enumeration: Traversal::Enumeration, Context
+ {
+ Enumeration (Context& c)
+ : Context (c), enumerator_literal_ (c)
+ {
+ names_enumerator_literal_ >> enumerator_literal_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ String name (ename (e));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ if (renamed_type (e, name) && !name)
+ return;
+ bool string_based (false);
+ {
+ IsStringBasedType t (string_based);
+ t.dispatch (e);
+ }
+ SemanticGraph::Enumeration* be (0);
+ bool enum_based (false);
+ if (string_based)
+ {
+ IsEnumBasedType t (be);
+ t.dispatch (e);
+ enum_based = (be != 0);
+ }
+ String value;
+ if (string_based)
+ value = evalue (e);
+ size_t enum_count (0);
+ for (Type::NamesIterator i (e.names_begin ()), end (e.names_end ());
+ i != end; ++i)
+ ++enum_count;
+ String base; // base type name
+ {
+ std::wostringstream o;
+ BaseTypeName base_type (*this, o);
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_type (base_type);
+ inherits (e, inherits_type);
+ base = o.str ();
+ }
+ os << "// " << name << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << endl;
+ if (!options.suppress_parsing ())
+ {
+ // c-tor (xercesc::DOMElement)
+ //
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& e," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << container << "* c)" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (e, f, c)"
+ << "{";
+ if (string_based)
+ os << "_xsd_" << name << "_convert ();";
+ os << "}";
+ // c-tor (xercesc::DOMAttr)
+ //
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr& a," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << container << "* c)" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (a, f, c)"
+ << "{";
+ if (string_based)
+ {
+ os << "_xsd_" << name << "_convert ();";
+ }
+ os << "}";
+ // c-tor (string const&, xercesc::DOMElement)
+ //
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << string_type << "& s," << endl
+ << "const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement* e," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << container << "* c)" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (s, e, f, c)"
+ << "{";
+ if (string_based)
+ {
+ os << "_xsd_" << name << "_convert ();";
+ }
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ // _clone
+ //
+ os << name << "* " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_clone (" << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << container << "* c) const"
+ << "{"
+ << "return new class " << name << " (*this, f, c);"
+ << "}";
+ // convert
+ //
+ // @@ TODO: expected list
+ //
+ if (string_based)
+ {
+ String i_name (L"_xsd_" + name + L"_indexes_");
+ os << name << "::" << value << " " <<
+ name << "::" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_convert () const"
+ << "{"
+ << "::xsd::cxx::tree::enum_comparator< " << char_type <<
+ " > c (_xsd_" << name << "_literals_);"
+ << "const " << value << "* i (::std::lower_bound (" << endl
+ << i_name << "," << endl
+ << i_name << " + " << enum_count << "," << endl
+ << "*this," << endl
+ << "c));"
+ << endl
+ << "if (i == " << i_name << " + " << enum_count << " || " <<
+ "_xsd_" << name << "_literals_[*i] != *this)"
+ << "{"
+ << "throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_enumerator < " <<
+ char_type << " > (*this);"
+ << "}"
+ << "return *i;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ // literals and indexes
+ //
+ if (string_based)
+ {
+ if (enum_based)
+ {
+ os << "const " << char_type << "* const* " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_literals_ = " <<
+ fq_name (*be) << "::_xsd_" << ename (*be) << "_literals_;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "const " << char_type << "* const " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_literals_[" << enum_count << "] ="
+ << "{";
+ names<Enumeration> (
+ e, names_enumerator_literal_, 0, 0, 0, &Enumeration::comma);
+ os << "};";
+ }
+ LiteralInfoList l;
+ {
+ EnumeratorLiteralInfo enumerator (*this, l);
+ Traversal::Names names_enumerator (enumerator);
+ names (e, names_enumerator);
+ }
+ l.sort ();
+ os << "const " << name << "::" << value << " " <<
+ name << "::" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_indexes_[" << enum_count << "] ="
+ << "{";
+ String fq_name (ns_scope + L"::" + name);
+ for (LiteralInfoList::iterator
+ b (l.begin ()), i (b), end (l.end ()); i != end; ++i)
+ {
+ if (i != b)
+ os << "," << endl;
+ os << fq_name << "::" << i->name_;
+ }
+ os << "};";
+ }
+ // Register with type factory map.
+ //
+ if (polymorphic && polymorphic_p (e))
+ {
+ // Note that we are using the original type name.
+ //
+ String const& name (ename (e));
+ // If this type is anonymous but substitutes, then it will
+ // be registered as part of the substitution registration.
+ //
+ if (!anonymous_p (e) && !options.suppress_parsing ())
+ {
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_initializer< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << char_type << ", " << name << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_type_factory_init (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (xml_ns_name (e)) << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if ((!anonymous_p (e) || anonymous_substitutes_p (e)) &&
+ options.generate_comparison ())
+ {
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::comparison_initializer< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << char_type << ", " << name << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_comparison_init;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ comma (Type&)
+ {
+ os << "," << endl;
+ }
+ private:
+ Traversal::Names names_enumerator_literal_;
+ EnumeratorLiteral enumerator_literal_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct Member: Traversal::Member, Context
+ {
+ Member (Context& c, String const& scope)
+ : Context (c), scope_ (scope), init_value_ (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& m)
+ {
+ if (skip (m))
+ return;
+ // default_value
+ //
+ if (m.default_p ())
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Type& t (m.type ());
+ bool simple (true);
+ if (m.is_a<SemanticGraph::Element> ())
+ {
+ IsSimpleType test (simple);
+ test.dispatch (t);
+ }
+ if (simple)
+ {
+ bool lit (false);
+ {
+ IsLiteralValue test (lit);
+ test.dispatch (t);
+ }
+ if (!lit)
+ {
+ InitKind::Kind kind (InitKind::simple);
+ {
+ InitKind test (kind);
+ test.dispatch (t);
+ }
+ String const& member (edefault_value_member (m));
+ String init_name;
+ switch (kind)
+ {
+ case InitKind::data:
+ {
+ init_name = escape (L"_xsd_" + scope_ + member + L"data");
+ (init_name);
+ init_value_.dispatch (t, m.value ());
+ break;
+ }
+ case InitKind::function:
+ {
+ init_name = escape (L"_xsd_" + scope_ + member + L"init");
+ os << "static " << scope_ << "::" << etype (m) << endl
+ << init_name << " ()"
+ << "{"
+ << scope_ << "::" << etype (m) << " r;"
+ << endl;
+ init_value_.dispatch (t, m.value ());
+ os << "return r;"
+ << "};";
+ break;
+ }
+ case InitKind::simple:
+ break;
+ }
+ os << "const " << scope_ << "::" << etype (m) << " " <<
+ scope_ << "::" << member << " (" << endl;
+ switch (kind)
+ {
+ case InitKind::data:
+ {
+ // Second dispatch.
+ //
+ init_value_.dispatch (t, m.value ());
+ break;
+ }
+ case InitKind::function:
+ {
+ os << init_name << " ()";
+ break;
+ }
+ case InitKind::simple:
+ {
+ init_value_.dispatch (t, m.value ());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ os << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ String scope_;
+ InitValue init_value_;
+ };
+ struct Element: Traversal::Element, Context
+ {
+ Element (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ if (skip (e))
+ return;
+ SemanticGraph::Complex& c (
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex&> (e.scope ()));
+ String const& member (emember (e));
+ String tr (etraits (e)); // traits type name
+ String type (etype (e));
+ SemanticGraph::Type& t (e.type ());
+ bool fund (false);
+ {
+ IsFundamentalType traverser (fund);
+ traverser.dispatch (t);
+ }
+ // Check if we need to handle xsi:type and substitution groups.
+ // If this element's type is anonymous then we don't need to do
+ // anything. Note that if the type is anonymous then it can't be
+ // derived from which makes it impossible to substitute or
+ // dynamically-type with xsi:type.
+ //
+ bool poly (polymorphic && polymorphic_p (t) && !anonymous_p (t));
+ os << "// " << comment ( ()) << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ os << "{"
+ << auto_ptr << "< ::xsd::cxx::tree::type > tmp (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_map_instance< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << char_type << " > ().create (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << (e.qualified_p ()
+ ? strlit (e.namespace_ ().name ())
+ : L + String ("\"\"")) << "," << endl;
+ SemanticGraph::Complex* tc;
+ if ((tc = dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex*> (&t)) != 0 &&
+ tc->abstract_p ())
+ os << "0,";
+ else
+ os << "&::xsd::cxx::tree::factory_impl< " << type << " >,";
+ os << endl
+ << (e.global_p () ? "true" : "false") << ", " <<
+ (e.qualified_p () ? "true" : "false") << ", " <<
+ "i, n, f, this));"
+ << endl
+ << "if (tmp.get () != 0)"
+ << "{";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (e.qualified_p () && e.namespace_ ().name ())
+ {
+ os << "if ( () == " << strlit ( ()) << " && " <<
+ "n.namespace_ () == " << strlit (e.namespace_ ().name ()) << ")"
+ << "{";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "if ( () == " << strlit ( ()) << " && " <<
+ "n.namespace_ ().empty ())"
+ << "{";
+ }
+ if (!fund)
+ {
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > r (" << endl
+ << tr << "::create (i, f";
+ if (t.is_a<SemanticGraph::AnyType> () &&
+ options.generate_any_type ())
+ os << " | " << flags_type << "::extract_content";
+ os << ", this));"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // Checks. Disabled at the moment since they make it impossible to
+ // parse valid instances where the same element is used in both
+ // base and derived types. See the cxx/tree/name-clash/inheritance
+ // test for details.
+ //
+ //
+ if (max (e) != 1)
+ {
+ // sequence
+ //
+ }
+ else if (min (e) == 0)
+ {
+ // optional
+ //
+ os << "if (!this->" << member << ")"
+ << "{";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ os << "if (!" << member << ".present ())"
+ << "{";
+ }
+ if (poly || !fund)
+ {
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ // Cast to static type.
+ //
+ os << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > r (" << endl
+ << "dynamic_cast< " << type << "* > (tmp.get ()));"
+ << endl
+ << "if (r.get ())" << endl
+ << "tmp.release ();"
+ << "else" << endl
+ << "throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::not_derived< " << char_type <<
+ " > ();"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ char const* r (std >= cxx_version::cxx11 ? "::std::move (r)" : "r");
+ if (max (e) != 1)
+ {
+ // sequence
+ //
+ os << "this->" << member << ".push_back (" << r << ");";
+ }
+ else if (min (e) == 0)
+ {
+ // optional
+ //
+ os << "this->" << member << ".set (" << r << ");";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ os << "this->" << member << ".set (" << r << ");";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (max (e) != 1)
+ {
+ // sequence
+ //
+ os << "this->" << member << ".push_back (" << tr <<
+ "::create (i, f, this));";
+ }
+ else if (min (e) == 0)
+ {
+ // optional
+ //
+ os << "this->" << member << ".set (" << tr <<
+ "::create (i, f, this));";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ os << "this->" << member << ".set (" << tr <<
+ "::create (i, f, this));";
+ }
+ }
+ // Capture order.
+ //
+ if (ordered_p (c))
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Context& ctx (c.context ());
+ String const& t (ctx.get<String> ("order-type"));
+ String const& m (ctx.get<String> ("order-member"));
+ os << "this->" << m << ".push_back (" << endl
+ << t << " (" <<
+ e.context ().get<String> ("ordered-id-name");
+ // sequence
+ //
+ if (max (e) != 1)
+ os << ", " << "this->" << member << ".size () - 1";
+ os << "));";
+ }
+ os << "continue;";
+ // End of check block.
+ //
+ if (max (e) != 1)
+ {
+ // sequence
+ //
+ }
+ else if (min (e) == 0)
+ {
+ // optional
+ //
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ os << "}"; // if block
+ if (poly)
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ };
+ struct ElementTest: Traversal::Element, Context
+ {
+ ElementTest (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ if (skip (e))
+ return;
+ if (max (e) == 1 && min (e) == 1)
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ os << "if (!" << emember (e) << ".present ())"
+ << "{"
+ << "throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::expected_element< " <<
+ char_type << " > (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << (e.qualified_p ()
+ ? strlit (e.namespace_ ().name ())
+ : L + String ("\"\"")) << ");"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ struct Any: Traversal::Any, Context
+ {
+ Any (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& a)
+ {
+ String const& member (emember (a));
+ SemanticGraph::Complex& c (
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex&> (a.scope ()));
+ String const& ns (a.definition_namespace ().name ());
+ String const& dom_doc (edom_document (c));
+ os << "// " << ename (a) << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "if (";
+ for (SemanticGraph::Any::NamespaceIterator i (a.namespace_begin ()),
+ e (a.namespace_end ()); i != e;)
+ {
+ if (*i == L"##any")
+ {
+ os << "true";
+ }
+ else if (*i == L"##other")
+ {
+ if (ns)
+ {
+ // Note that here I assume that ##other does not include
+ // unqualified names in a schema with target namespace.
+ // This is not what the spec says but that seems to be
+ // the consensus.
+ //
+ os << "(!n.namespace_ ().empty () && " <<
+ "n.namespace_ () != " << strlit (ns) << ")";
+ }
+ else
+ os << "!n.namespace_ ().empty ()";
+ }
+ else if (*i == L"##local")
+ {
+ os << "n.namespace_ ().empty ()";
+ }
+ else if (*i == L"##targetNamespace")
+ {
+ os << "n.namespace_ () == " << strlit (ns);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "n.namespace_ () == " << strlit (*i);
+ }
+ if (++i != e)
+ os << " ||" << endl;
+ }
+ os << ")"
+ << "{";
+ // Checks.
+ //
+ //
+ if (max (a) != 1)
+ {
+ // sequence
+ //
+ }
+ else if (min (a) == 0)
+ {
+ // optional
+ //
+ os << "if (!this->" << member << ")"
+ << "{";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ os << "if (!" << member << ".present ())"
+ << "{";
+ }
+ os << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement* r (" << endl
+ << "static_cast< " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement* > (" << endl
+ << "this->" << dom_doc << " ().importNode (" << endl
+ << "const_cast< " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement* > (&i), true)));";
+ if (max (a) != 1)
+ {
+ // sequence
+ //
+ os << "this->" << member << ".push_back (r);";
+ }
+ else if (min (a) == 0)
+ {
+ // optional
+ //
+ os << "this->" << member << ".set (r);";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ os << "this->" << member << ".set (r);";
+ }
+ // Capture order.
+ //
+ if (ordered_p (c))
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Context& ctx (c.context ());
+ String const& t (ctx.get<String> ("order-type"));
+ String const& m (ctx.get<String> ("order-member"));
+ os << "this->" << m << ".push_back (" << endl
+ << t << " (" <<
+ a.context ().get<String> ("ordered-id-name") << ", ";
+ if (max (a) != 1)
+ // sequence
+ //
+ os << "this->" << member << ".size () - 1";
+ else
+ // optional & one
+ //
+ os << "0";
+ os << "));";
+ }
+ os << "continue;";
+ // End of check block.
+ //
+ if (max (a) != 1)
+ {
+ // sequence
+ //
+ }
+ else if (min (a) == 0)
+ {
+ // optional
+ //
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ os << "}"; // if block
+ }
+ };
+ struct AnyTest: Traversal::Any, Context
+ {
+ AnyTest (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& a)
+ {
+ if (max (a) == 1 && min (a) == 1)
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ os << "if (!" << emember (a) << ".present ())"
+ << "{"
+ << "throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::expected_element< " <<
+ char_type << " > (" << endl
+ << L << "\"*\"," << endl
+ << strlit (*a.namespace_begin ()) << ");"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ struct Attribute: Traversal::Attribute, Context
+ {
+ Attribute (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& a)
+ {
+ String const& member (emember (a));
+ String const& tr (etraits (a)); // traits type name
+ if (a.qualified_p () && a.namespace_ ().name ())
+ {
+ os << "if ( () == " << strlit ( ()) << " && " <<
+ "n.namespace_ () == " << strlit (a.namespace_ ().name ()) << ")"
+ << "{";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "if ( () == " << strlit ( ()) << " && " <<
+ "n.namespace_ ().empty ())"
+ << "{";
+ }
+ os << "this->" << member << ".set (" << tr <<
+ "::create (i, f, this));";
+ os << "continue;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ };
+ struct AnyAttribute: Traversal::AnyAttribute, Context
+ {
+ AnyAttribute (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& a)
+ {
+ String const& member (emember (a));
+ String const& ns (a.definition_namespace ().name ());
+ String const& dom_doc (
+ edom_document (
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex&> (a.scope ())));
+ os << "// " << ename (a) << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "if (";
+ // Note that we need to filter out namespaces for xmlns and
+ // xsi.
+ //
+ for (SemanticGraph::Any::NamespaceIterator i (a.namespace_begin ()),
+ e (a.namespace_end ()); i != e;)
+ {
+ if (*i == L"##any")
+ {
+ os << "(n.namespace_ () != " <<
+ "::xsd::cxx::xml::bits::xmlns_namespace< " << char_type <<
+ " > () &&" << endl
+ << "n.namespace_ () != " <<
+ "::xsd::cxx::xml::bits::xsi_namespace< " << char_type <<
+ " > ())";
+ }
+ else if (*i == L"##other")
+ {
+ if (ns)
+ {
+ // Note that here I assume that ##other does not include
+ // unqualified names in a schema with target namespace.
+ // This is not what the spec says but that seems to be
+ // the consensus.
+ //
+ os << "(!n.namespace_ ().empty () &&" << endl
+ << "n.namespace_ () != " << strlit (ns) << " &&" <<endl
+ << "n.namespace_ () != " <<
+ "::xsd::cxx::xml::bits::xmlns_namespace< " << char_type <<
+ " > () &&" << endl
+ << "n.namespace_ () != " <<
+ "::xsd::cxx::xml::bits::xsi_namespace< " << char_type <<
+ " > ())";
+ }
+ else
+ os << "(!n.namespace_ ().empty () &&" << endl
+ << "n.namespace_ () != " <<
+ "::xsd::cxx::xml::bits::xmlns_namespace< " << char_type <<
+ " > () &&" << endl
+ << "n.namespace_ () != " <<
+ "::xsd::cxx::xml::bits::xsi_namespace< " << char_type <<
+ " > ())";
+ }
+ else if (*i == L"##local")
+ {
+ os << "n.namespace_ ().empty ()";
+ }
+ else if (*i == L"##targetNamespace")
+ {
+ os << "n.namespace_ () == " << strlit (ns);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "n.namespace_ () == " << strlit (*i);
+ }
+ if (++i != e)
+ os << " ||" << endl;
+ }
+ os << ")"
+ << "{"
+ << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr* r (" << endl
+ << "static_cast< " << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr* > (" << endl
+ << "this->" << dom_doc << " ().importNode (" << endl
+ << "const_cast< " << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr* > (&i), true)));"
+ << "this->" << member << " .insert (r);"
+ << "continue;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ };
+ struct AttributeTest: Traversal::Attribute, Context
+ {
+ AttributeTest (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& a)
+ {
+ String const& member (emember (a));
+ if (!a.optional_p () || a.default_p ())
+ {
+ os << "if (!" << member << ".present ())"
+ << "{";
+ if (a.default_p ())
+ {
+ os << "this->" << member << ".set (" <<
+ edefault_value (a) << " ());";
+ }
+ else
+ os << "throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::expected_attribute< " <<
+ char_type << " > (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << (a.qualified_p ()
+ ? strlit (a.namespace_ ().name ())
+ : L + String ("\"\"")) << ");";
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct CtorBase: Traversal::Complex,
+ Traversal::Enumeration,
+ Traversal::Type,
+ Context
+ {
+ // If base_arg is empty then no base argument is generated.
+ //
+ CtorBase (Context& c, CtorArgType at, String const& base_arg)
+ : Context (c), args_ (c, at, base_arg)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Type&)
+ {
+ if (args_.base_arg_)
+ os << args_.base_arg_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Enumeration&)
+ {
+ if (args_.base_arg_)
+ os << args_.base_arg_;
+ }
+ void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ args_.traverse (c);
+ }
+ private:
+ // No need to traverse AnyAttribute since it is always mapped
+ // to a sequence.
+ //
+ struct Args: Traversal::Complex,
+ Traversal::Enumeration,
+ Traversal::Type,
+ Traversal::Any,
+ Traversal::Element,
+ Traversal::Attribute,
+ Context
+ {
+ Args (Context& c, CtorArgType at, String const& base_arg)
+ : Context (c),
+ arg_type_ (at), base_arg_ (base_arg), first_ (true)
+ {
+ *this >> inherits_ >> *this;
+ *this >> names_ >> *this;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Type&)
+ {
+ if (base_arg_)
+ os << comma () << base_arg_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Enumeration&)
+ {
+ if (base_arg_)
+ os << comma () << base_arg_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a)
+ {
+ if (!options.generate_wildcard ())
+ return;
+ if (min (a) == 1 && max (a) == 1)
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ os << comma () << ename (a);
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
+ {
+ if (!skip (e) && min (e) == 1 && max (e) == 1)
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ bool move (false);
+ if (std >= cxx_version::cxx11)
+ {
+ switch (arg_type_)
+ {
+ case CtorArgType::complex_auto_ptr:
+ {
+ bool simple (true);
+ IsSimpleType t (simple);
+ t.dispatch (e.type ());
+ move = !simple;
+ break;
+ }
+ case CtorArgType::poly_auto_ptr:
+ {
+ move = polymorphic && polymorphic_p (e.type ());
+ break;
+ }
+ case CtorArgType::type:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ os << comma () << (move ? "std::move (" : "") << ename (e) <<
+ (move ? ")" : "");
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Attribute& a)
+ {
+ // Note that we are not including attributes with default
+ // or required fixed values here.
+ //
+ if (min (a) == 1 && !a.fixed_p ())
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ os << comma () << ename (a);
+ }
+ }
+ using Complex::traverse;
+ private:
+ String
+ comma ()
+ {
+ bool tmp (first_);
+ first_ = false;
+ return tmp ? "" : ",\n";
+ }
+ public:
+ CtorArgType arg_type_;
+ String base_arg_;
+ private:
+ bool first_;
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_;
+ Traversal::Names names_;
+ };
+ Args args_;
+ };
+ struct CtorMember: Traversal::Element,
+ Traversal::Attribute,
+ Context
+ {
+ CtorMember (Context& c, CtorArgType at)
+ : Context (c), arg_type_ (at)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
+ {
+ if (skip (e))
+ return;
+ String const& member (emember (e));
+ if (max (e) != 1)
+ {
+ // sequence
+ //
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << member << " (this)";
+ }
+ else if (min (e) == 0)
+ {
+ // optional
+ //
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << member << " (this)";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ bool move (false);
+ if (std >= cxx_version::cxx11)
+ {
+ switch (arg_type_)
+ {
+ case CtorArgType::complex_auto_ptr:
+ {
+ bool simple (true);
+ IsSimpleType t (simple);
+ t.dispatch (e.type ());
+ move = !simple;
+ break;
+ }
+ case CtorArgType::poly_auto_ptr:
+ {
+ move = polymorphic && polymorphic_p (e.type ());
+ break;
+ }
+ case CtorArgType::type:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << member << " (" << (move ? "std::move (" : "") <<
+ ename (e) << (move ? ")" : "") << ", this)";
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Attribute& a)
+ {
+ String const& member (emember (a));
+ bool def (a.default_p ());
+ if (min (a) == 0 && !def)
+ {
+ // optional
+ //
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << member << " (this)";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ if (def)
+ {
+ // This is an attribute with default or fixed value. We are
+ // going to initialize it to its default value.
+ //
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << member << " (" <<
+ edefault_value (a) << " (), this)";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << member << " (" << ename (a) << ", this)";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ CtorArgType arg_type_;
+ };
+ struct CtorAny: Traversal::Any,
+ Traversal::AnyAttribute,
+ Context
+ {
+ CtorAny (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a)
+ {
+ String const& member (emember (a));
+ String const& dom_doc (
+ edom_document (
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex&> (a.scope ())));
+ if (max (a) != 1)
+ {
+ // sequence
+ //
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << member << " (this->" << dom_doc << " ())";
+ }
+ else if (min (a) == 0)
+ {
+ // optional
+ //
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << member << " (this->" << dom_doc << " ())";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << member << " (" << ename (a) << ", this->" <<
+ dom_doc << " ())";
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyAttribute& a)
+ {
+ String const& dom_doc (
+ edom_document (
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex&> (a.scope ())));
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << emember (a) << " (this->" << dom_doc << " ())";
+ }
+ };
+ struct CopyMember: Traversal::Member, Context
+ {
+ CopyMember (Context& c, String const& arg_name_)
+ : Context (c), arg_name (arg_name_)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Member& m)
+ {
+ if (skip (m))
+ return;
+ String const& member (emember (m));
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << member << " (" <<
+ arg_name << "." << member << ", f, this)";
+ }
+ private:
+ String arg_name;
+ };
+ struct CopyAny: Traversal::Any,
+ Traversal::AnyAttribute,
+ Context
+ {
+ CopyAny (Context& c, String const& arg_name_)
+ : Context (c), arg_name (arg_name_)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a)
+ {
+ String const& member (emember (a));
+ String const& dom_doc (
+ edom_document (
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex&> (a.scope ())));
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << member << " (" <<
+ arg_name << "." << member << ", this->" << dom_doc << " ())";
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyAttribute& a)
+ {
+ String const& member (emember (a));
+ String const& dom_doc (
+ edom_document (
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex&> (a.scope ())));
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << member << " (" <<
+ arg_name << "." << member << ", this->" << dom_doc << " ())";
+ }
+ private:
+ String arg_name;
+ };
+ struct AssignMember: Traversal::Member, Context
+ {
+ AssignMember (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Member& m)
+ {
+ if (skip (m))
+ return;
+ String const& member (emember (m));
+ os << "this->" << member << " = x." << member << ";";
+ }
+ };
+ struct AssignAny: Traversal::Any,
+ Traversal::AnyAttribute,
+ Context
+ {
+ AssignAny (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a)
+ {
+ String const& member (emember (a));
+ os << "this->" << member << " = x." << member << ";";
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyAttribute& a)
+ {
+ String const& member (emember (a));
+ os << "this->" << member << " = x." << member << ";";
+ }
+ };
+ // Element parsing c-tor initializers.
+ //
+ struct ElementCtorMember: Traversal::Member, Context
+ {
+ ElementCtorMember (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& m)
+ {
+ if (skip (m))
+ return;
+ String const& member (emember (m));
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << member << " (this)";
+ }
+ };
+ struct ElementCtorAny: Traversal::Any,
+ Traversal::AnyAttribute,
+ Context
+ {
+ ElementCtorAny (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a)
+ {
+ String const& member (emember (a));
+ String const& dom_doc (
+ edom_document (
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex&> (a.scope ())));
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << member << " (this->" << dom_doc << " ())";
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyAttribute& a)
+ {
+ String const& member (emember (a));
+ String const& dom_doc (
+ edom_document (
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex&> (a.scope ())));
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << member << " (this->" << dom_doc << " ())";
+ }
+ };
+ // Default c-tor member initializer.
+ //
+ struct DefaultCtorMemberInit: Traversal::Element,
+ Traversal::Attribute,
+ Context
+ {
+ DefaultCtorMemberInit (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
+ {
+ if (skip (e))
+ return;
+ String const& member (emember (e));
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << member << " (this)";
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Attribute& a)
+ {
+ String const& member (emember (a));
+ if (a.default_p ())
+ {
+ // This is an attribute with default or fixed value. We are
+ // going to initialize it to its default value.
+ //
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << member << " (" <<
+ edefault_value (a) << " (), this)";
+ }
+ else
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << member << " (this)";
+ }
+ };
+ struct DefaultCtorAnyInit: Traversal::Any,
+ Traversal::AnyAttribute,
+ Context
+ {
+ DefaultCtorAnyInit (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a)
+ {
+ String const& member (emember (a));
+ String const& dom_doc (
+ edom_document (
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex&> (a.scope ())));
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << member << " (this->" << dom_doc << " ())";
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyAttribute& a)
+ {
+ String const& member (emember (a));
+ String const& dom_doc (
+ edom_document (
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex&> (a.scope ())));
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << member << " (this->" << dom_doc << " ())";
+ }
+ };
+ // Test whether the base has comparison operators.
+ //
+ struct HasComparisonOperator: Traversal::Fundamental::Type,
+ Traversal::List,
+ Traversal::Union,
+ Traversal::Complex,
+ Traversal::Enumeration,
+ Traversal::Member,
+ Traversal::Any,
+ Traversal::AnyAttribute,
+ Context
+ {
+ // generate should initially be false.
+ //
+ HasComparisonOperator (Context& c, bool& generate)
+ : Context (c), generate_ (generate)
+ {
+ *this >> inherits_ >> *this;
+ *this >> names_ >> *this;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Type&)
+ {
+ // All built-in types are comparable.
+ generate_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::List&)
+ {
+ generate_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Union&)
+ {
+ generate_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Enumeration& e)
+ {
+ Traversal::Enumeration::inherits (e);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ Complex::names (c);
+ if (!generate_)
+ Complex::inherits (c);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Member& m)
+ {
+ if (!skip (m))
+ generate_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any&)
+ {
+ if (options.generate_wildcard ())
+ generate_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyAttribute&)
+ {
+ if (options.generate_wildcard ())
+ generate_ = true;
+ }
+ private:
+ bool& generate_;
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_;
+ Traversal::Names names_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct MemberComparison: Traversal::Element,
+ Traversal::Attribute,
+ Context
+ {
+ MemberComparison (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
+ {
+ if (skip (e))
+ return;
+ String const& aname (eaname (e));
+ // Check if we need to handle xsi:type and substitution groups.
+ // If this element's type is anonymous then we don't need to do
+ // anything. Note that if the type is anonymous then it can't be
+ // derived from which makes it impossible to substitute or
+ // dynamically-type with xsi:type.
+ //
+ SemanticGraph::Type& t (e.type ());
+ bool poly (polymorphic && polymorphic_p (t) && !anonymous_p (t));
+ if (!poly)
+ {
+ os << "if (!(x." << aname << " () == y." << aname << " ()))" << endl
+ << "return false;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "{"
+ << "::xsd::cxx::tree::comparison_map< " << char_type
+ << " >& cm (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::tree::comparison_map_instance< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << char_type << " > ());"
+ << endl;
+ if (max (e) != 1)
+ {
+ // sequence
+ //
+ String const& scope (ename (e.scope ()));
+ os << scope << "::" << econtainer (e) <<
+ " a (x." << aname << " ()), b (y." << aname << " ());"
+ << endl;
+ os << "if (a.size () != b.size ())" << endl
+ << "return false;"
+ << endl;
+ os << "for (" << scope << "::" << econst_iterator (e) << endl
+ << "ai (a.begin ()), bi (b.begin ()), " <<
+ "ae (a.end ()), be (b.end ());" << endl
+ << "ai != ae; ++ai, ++bi)"
+ << "{"
+ << "if (! (*ai, *bi))" << endl
+ << "return false;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ else if (min (e) == 0)
+ {
+ // optional
+ //
+ String const& scope (ename (e.scope ()));
+ os << scope << "::" << econtainer (e) <<
+ " a (x." << aname << " ()), b (y." << aname << " ());"
+ << endl;
+ os << "if (!a || !b)"
+ << "{"
+ << "if (a.present () != b.present ())" << endl
+ << "return false;"
+ << "}"
+ << "else"
+ << "{"
+ << "if (! (*a, *b))" << endl
+ << "return false;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // one
+ //
+ os << "if (! (x." << aname << " (), y." <<
+ aname << " ()))" << endl
+ << "return false;";
+ }
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Attribute& a)
+ {
+ String const& aname (eaname (a));
+ os << "if (!(x." << aname << " () == y." << aname << " ()))" << endl
+ << "return false;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ };
+ struct AnyComparison: Traversal::Any,
+ Traversal::AnyAttribute,
+ Context
+ {
+ AnyComparison (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a)
+ {
+ String const& aname (eaname (a));
+ if (max (a) == 1 && min (a) == 1)
+ os << "if (!x." << aname << " ().isEqualNode (&y." <<
+ aname << " ()))";
+ else
+ os << "if (!(x." << aname << " () == y." << aname << " ()))";
+ os << endl
+ << "return false;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyAttribute& a)
+ {
+ String const& aname (eaname (a));
+ os << "if (!(x." << aname << " () == y." << aname << " ()))" << endl
+ << "return false;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ };
+ // Check whether a type has a parse() function (i.e., has any
+ // members, recursively).
+ //
+ struct HasParseFunction: Traversal::Complex,
+ Traversal::Element,
+ Traversal::Any,
+ Traversal::Attribute,
+ Traversal::AnyAttribute,
+ Context
+ {
+ HasParseFunction (Context& c, bool& has_el, bool& has_at)
+ : Context (c), has_el_ (has_el), has_at_ (has_at)
+ {
+ *this >> names_ >> *this;
+ *this >> inherits_ >> *this;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ if (mixed_p (c) && !c.context ().count ("mixed-in-base"))
+ has_el_ = true;
+ names (c);
+ if (!(has_el_ && has_at_))
+ inherits (c);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Element&)
+ {
+ has_el_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any&)
+ {
+ has_el_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Attribute&)
+ {
+ has_at_ = true;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyAttribute&)
+ {
+ if (options.generate_wildcard ())
+ has_at_ = true;
+ }
+ private:
+ bool& has_el_;
+ bool& has_at_;
+ Traversal::Names names_;
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct FacetArray: Traversal::Complex, Context
+ {
+ FacetArray (Context& c)
+ : Context (c)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& c)
+ {
+ Facets f;
+ FacetCollector col (f);
+ col.traverse (c);
+ for (Facets::const_iterator i (f.begin ()); i != f.end (); ++i)
+ {
+ if (i->first == L"fractionDigits")
+ os << "{::xsd::cxx::tree::facet::fraction_digits, " <<
+ i->second << "UL}," << endl;
+ else if (i->first == L"totalDigits")
+ os << "{::xsd::cxx::tree::facet::total_digits, " <<
+ i->second << "UL}," << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ typedef map<String, String> Facets;
+ struct FacetCollector: Traversal::Complex
+ {
+ FacetCollector (Facets& facets)
+ : facets_ (facets)
+ {
+ *this >> inherits_ >> *this;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& c)
+ {
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ {
+ // First collect our base so that we can override its
+ // facets.
+ //
+ inherits (c);
+ using SemanticGraph::Restricts;
+ if (Restricts* r = dynamic_cast<Restricts*> (&c.inherits ()))
+ {
+ if (!r->facet_empty ())
+ {
+ Restricts::FacetIterator i (r->facet_find ("totalDigits"));
+ if (i != r->facet_end ())
+ facets_[i->first] = i->second;
+ i = r->facet_find ("fractionDigits");
+ if (i != r->facet_end ())
+ facets_[i->first] = i->second;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_;
+ Facets& facets_;
+ };
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct Complex: Traversal::Complex, Context
+ {
+ Complex (Context& c)
+ : Context (c),
+ member_name_ (c),
+ any_ (c),
+ element_ (c),
+ any_test_ (c),
+ element_test_ (c),
+ attribute_ (c),
+ attribute_test_ (c),
+ any_attribute_ (c),
+ default_ctor_any_init_ (c),
+ default_ctor_member_init_ (c),
+ ctor_any_ (c),
+ ctor_member_ (c, CtorArgType::type),
+ element_ctor_any_ (c),
+ element_ctor_member_ (c),
+ assign_any_ (c),
+ assign_member_ (c),
+ comparison_any_ (c),
+ comparison_member_ (c),
+ facet_array_ (c)
+ {
+ bool gen_wildcard (options.generate_wildcard ());
+ inherits_member_ >> member_name_;
+ names_element_ >> element_;
+ if (gen_wildcard)
+ names_element_ >> any_;
+ names_element_test_ >> element_test_;
+ if (gen_wildcard)
+ names_element_test_ >> any_test_;
+ names_attribute_ >> attribute_;
+ names_attribute_test_ >> attribute_test_;
+ names_any_attribute_ >> any_attribute_;
+ default_ctor_init_names_ >> default_ctor_member_init_;
+ if (gen_wildcard)
+ default_ctor_init_names_ >> default_ctor_any_init_;
+ ctor_names_ >> ctor_member_;
+ if (gen_wildcard)
+ ctor_names_ >> ctor_any_;
+ element_ctor_names_ >> element_ctor_member_;
+ if (gen_wildcard)
+ element_ctor_names_ >> element_ctor_any_;
+ assign_names_ >> assign_member_;
+ if (gen_wildcard)
+ assign_names_ >> assign_any_;
+ comparison_names_ >> comparison_member_;
+ if (gen_wildcard)
+ comparison_names_ >> comparison_any_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& c)
+ {
+ bool gen_wildcard (options.generate_wildcard ());
+ String name (ename (c));
+ // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate
+ // anything for this type.
+ //
+ bool renamed (renamed_type (c, name));
+ if (renamed && !name)
+ return;
+ SemanticGraph::Context& ctx (c.context ());
+ bool mixed (mixed_p (c) && !ctx.count ("mixed-in-base"));
+ bool ordered (ordered_p (c) && !ctx.count ("order-in-base"));
+ bool string_based (false);
+ {
+ IsStringBasedType t (string_based);
+ t.dispatch (c);
+ }
+ SemanticGraph::Enumeration* enum_base (0);
+ {
+ IsEnumBasedType t (enum_base);
+ t.dispatch (c);
+ }
+ bool facets (false);
+ String base; // base type name
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ {
+ // Get base name.
+ //
+ std::wostringstream o;
+ BaseTypeName base_type (*this, o);
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_type (base_type);
+ // Cannot use inherits_none here because need the
+ // result in a string.
+ //
+ inherits (c, inherits_type);
+ base = o.str ();
+ // See if we have any facets that we need to handle.
+ //
+ using SemanticGraph::Restricts;
+ using SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal;
+ if (Restricts* r = dynamic_cast<Restricts*> (&c.inherits ()))
+ {
+ if (!r->facet_empty () &&
+ (r->facet_find ("fractionDigits") != r->facet_end () ||
+ r->facet_find ("totalDigits") != r->facet_end ()) &&
+ ultimate_base (c).is_a<Decimal> ())
+ facets = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ base = any_type;
+ os << "// " << name << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << endl;
+ //
+ //
+ {
+ Member member (*this, name);
+ Traversal::Names names_member (member);
+ names (c, names_member);
+ }
+ // facets
+ //
+ if (facets)
+ {
+ os << "static const ::xsd::cxx::tree::facet _xsd_" << name <<
+ "_facet_table[] = "
+ << "{";
+ facet_array_.traverse (c);
+ os << "{::xsd::cxx::tree::facet::none, 0UL}"
+ << "};";
+ }
+ // c-tors
+ //
+ bool generate_no_base_ctor (false);
+ {
+ GenerateWithoutBaseCtor t (generate_no_base_ctor);
+ t.traverse (c);
+ }
+ bool has_complex_non_op_args (false);
+ bool has_poly_non_op_args (false);
+ bool complex_poly_args_clash (true);
+ {
+ HasComplexPolyNonOptArgs t (*this, true,
+ has_complex_non_op_args,
+ has_poly_non_op_args,
+ complex_poly_args_clash);
+ t.traverse (c);
+ }
+ // default c-tor
+ //
+ if (options.generate_default_ctor ())
+ {
+ bool generate (false);
+ {
+ GenerateDefaultCtor t (*this, generate, generate_no_base_ctor);
+ t.traverse (c);
+ }
+ if (generate)
+ {
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " ()" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " ()";
+ if (edom_document_member_p (c))
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << edom_document_member (c) << " (" <<
+ "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_document< " << char_type <<
+ " > ())";
+ }
+ if (mixed)
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << ctx.get<String> ("mixed-member") << " (this)";
+ }
+ names (c, default_ctor_init_names_);
+ os << "{";
+ if (facets)
+ os << "this->_facet_table (_xsd_" << name << "_facet_table);";
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ }
+ // c-tor (base, all-non-optional-members)
+ //
+ if (options.generate_from_base_ctor ())
+ {
+ bool generate (false);
+ {
+ GenerateFromBaseCtor t (*this, generate);
+ t.traverse (c);
+ }
+ if (generate)
+ {
+ bool has_complex_non_op_args (false);
+ bool has_poly_non_op_args (false);
+ bool complex_poly_args_clash (true);
+ {
+ HasComplexPolyNonOptArgs t (*this, false,
+ has_complex_non_op_args,
+ has_poly_non_op_args,
+ complex_poly_args_clash);
+ t.traverse (c);
+ }
+ String base_arg (
+ L"_xsd_" + ename (c.inherits ().base ()) + L"_base");
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const ";
+ inherits (c, inherits_member_);
+ os << "& " << base_arg;
+ {
+ FromBaseCtorArg args (*this, CtorArgType::type, true);
+ Traversal::Names args_names (args);
+ names (c, args_names);
+ }
+ os << ")" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (" << base_arg << ")";
+ if (edom_document_member_p (c))
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << edom_document_member (c) << " (" <<
+ "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_document< " << char_type <<
+ " > ())";
+ }
+ if (mixed)
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << ctx.get<String> ("mixed-member") << " (this)";
+ }
+ names (c, ctor_names_);
+ os << "{";
+ if (facets)
+ os << "this->_facet_table (_xsd_" << name << "_facet_table);";
+ os << "}";
+ // If we have any complex arguments in the previous c-tor
+ // then also generate the auto_ptr version.
+ //
+ if (has_complex_non_op_args)
+ {
+ CtorArgType const at (CtorArgType::complex_auto_ptr);
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const ";
+ inherits (c, inherits_member_);
+ os << "& " << base_arg;
+ {
+ FromBaseCtorArg args (*this, at, true);
+ Traversal::Names args_names (args);
+ names (c, args_names);
+ }
+ os << ")" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (" << base_arg << ")";
+ if (edom_document_member_p (c))
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << edom_document_member (c) << " (" <<
+ "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_document< " << char_type <<
+ " > ())";
+ }
+ if (mixed)
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << ctx.get<String> ("mixed-member") << " (this)";
+ }
+ {
+ CtorMember t (*this, at);
+ Traversal::Names n (t);
+ if (gen_wildcard)
+ n >> ctor_any_;
+ names (c, n);
+ }
+ os << "{";
+ if (facets)
+ os << "this->_facet_table (_xsd_" << name << "_facet_table);";
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ // If we are generating polymorphic code then we also need to
+ // provide auto_ptr version for every polymorphic type.
+ //
+ if (polymorphic &&
+ has_poly_non_op_args && !complex_poly_args_clash)
+ {
+ CtorArgType const at (CtorArgType::poly_auto_ptr);
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const ";
+ inherits (c, inherits_member_);
+ os << "& " << base_arg;
+ {
+ FromBaseCtorArg args (*this, at, true);
+ Traversal::Names args_names (args);
+ names (c, args_names);
+ }
+ os << ")" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (" << base_arg << ")";
+ if (edom_document_member_p (c))
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << edom_document_member (c) << " (" <<
+ "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_document< " << char_type <<
+ " > ())";
+ }
+ if (mixed)
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << ctx.get<String> ("mixed-member") << " (this)";
+ }
+ {
+ CtorMember t (*this, at);
+ Traversal::Names n (t);
+ if (gen_wildcard)
+ n >> ctor_any_;
+ names (c, n);
+ }
+ os << "{";
+ if (facets)
+ os << "this->_facet_table (_xsd_" << name << "_facet_table);";
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // c-tor (all-non-optional-members)
+ //
+ if (generate_no_base_ctor)
+ {
+ CtorArgType const at (CtorArgType::type);
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (";
+ {
+ CtorArgsWithoutBase ctor_args (*this, at, true, true);
+ ctor_args.dispatch (c);
+ }
+ os << ")" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (";
+ {
+ CtorBase base (*this, at, "");
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_base (base);
+ inherits (c, inherits_base);
+ }
+ os << ")";
+ if (edom_document_member_p (c))
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << edom_document_member (c) << " (" <<
+ "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_document< " << char_type <<
+ " > ())";
+ }
+ if (mixed)
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << ctx.get<String> ("mixed-member") << " (this)";
+ }
+ names (c, ctor_names_);
+ os << "{";
+ if (facets)
+ os << "this->_facet_table (_xsd_" << name << "_facet_table);";
+ os << "}";
+ // If we have any complex arguments in the previous c-tor
+ // then also generate the auto_ptr version. One case where
+ // this c-tor will be generated is restriction of anyType.
+ //
+ if (has_complex_non_op_args)
+ {
+ CtorArgType const at (CtorArgType::complex_auto_ptr);
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (";
+ {
+ CtorArgsWithoutBase ctor_args (*this, at, true, true);
+ ctor_args.dispatch (c);
+ }
+ os << ")" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (";
+ {
+ CtorBase base (*this, at, "");
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_base (base);
+ inherits (c, inherits_base);
+ }
+ os << ")";
+ if (edom_document_member_p (c))
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << edom_document_member (c) << " (" <<
+ "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_document< " << char_type <<
+ " > ())";
+ }
+ if (mixed)
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << ctx.get<String> ("mixed-member") << " (this)";
+ }
+ {
+ CtorMember t (*this, at);
+ Traversal::Names n (t);
+ if (gen_wildcard)
+ n >> ctor_any_;
+ names (c, n);
+ }
+ os << "{";
+ if (facets)
+ os << "this->_facet_table (_xsd_" << name << "_facet_table);";
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ // If we are generating polymorphic code then we also need to
+ // provide auto_ptr version for every polymorphic type.
+ //
+ if (polymorphic &&
+ has_poly_non_op_args && !complex_poly_args_clash)
+ {
+ CtorArgType const at (CtorArgType::poly_auto_ptr);
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (";
+ {
+ CtorArgsWithoutBase ctor_args (*this, at, true, true);
+ ctor_args.dispatch (c);
+ }
+ os << ")" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (";
+ {
+ CtorBase base (*this, at, "");
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_base (base);
+ inherits (c, inherits_base);
+ }
+ os << ")";
+ if (edom_document_member_p (c))
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << edom_document_member (c) << " (" <<
+ "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_document< " << char_type <<
+ " > ())";
+ }
+ if (mixed)
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << ctx.get<String> ("mixed-member") << " (this)";
+ }
+ {
+ CtorMember t (*this, at);
+ Traversal::Names n (t);
+ if (gen_wildcard)
+ n >> ctor_any_;
+ names (c, n);
+ }
+ os << "{";
+ if (facets)
+ os << "this->_facet_table (_xsd_" << name << "_facet_table);";
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ }
+ if (string_based)
+ {
+ // We might not have the value type if this enum is customized.
+ //
+ if (enum_base != 0 && enum_base->context ().count ("value"))
+ {
+ // c-tor (enum-value, all-non-optional-members)
+ //
+ CtorArgType const at (CtorArgType::type);
+ String base_arg (L"_xsd_" + ename (*enum_base) + L"_base");
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (" << fq_name (*enum_base) << "::" <<
+ evalue (*enum_base) << " " << base_arg;
+ {
+ CtorArgsWithoutBase ctor_args (*this, at, true, false);
+ ctor_args.dispatch (c);
+ }
+ os << ")" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (";
+ {
+ CtorBase base (*this, at, base_arg);
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_base (base);
+ inherits (c, inherits_base);
+ }
+ os << ")";
+ if (edom_document_member_p (c))
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << edom_document_member (c) << " (" <<
+ "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_document< " << char_type <<
+ " > ())";
+ }
+ // Cannot be mixed.
+ names (c, ctor_names_);
+ os << "{";
+ if (facets)
+ os << "this->_facet_table (_xsd_" << name << "_facet_table);";
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ CtorArgType const at (CtorArgType::type);
+ String base_arg (L"_xsd_" + ename (ultimate_base (c)) + L"_base");
+ // c-tor (const char*, all-non-optional-members)
+ //
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << char_type << "* " << base_arg;
+ {
+ CtorArgsWithoutBase ctor_args (*this, at, true, false);
+ ctor_args.dispatch (c);
+ }
+ os << ")" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (";
+ {
+ CtorBase base (*this, at, base_arg);
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_base (base);
+ inherits (c, inherits_base);
+ }
+ os << ")";
+ if (edom_document_member_p (c))
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << edom_document_member (c) << " (" <<
+ "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_document< " << char_type <<
+ " > ())";
+ }
+ // Cannot be mixed.
+ names (c, ctor_names_);
+ os << "{";
+ if (facets)
+ os << "this->_facet_table (_xsd_" << name << "_facet_table);";
+ os << "}";
+ // c-tor (const std::string&, all-non-optional-members)
+ //
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << string_type << "& " << base_arg;
+ {
+ CtorArgsWithoutBase ctor_args (*this, at, true, false);
+ ctor_args.dispatch (c);
+ }
+ os << ")" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (";
+ {
+ CtorBase base (*this, at, base_arg);
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_base (base);
+ inherits (c, inherits_base);
+ }
+ os << ")";
+ if (edom_document_member_p (c))
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << edom_document_member (c) << " (" <<
+ "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_document< " << char_type <<
+ " > ())";
+ }
+ // Cannot be mixed.
+ names (c, ctor_names_);
+ os << "{";
+ if (facets)
+ os << "this->_facet_table (_xsd_" << name << "_facet_table);";
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ // c-tor (ultimate-base, all-non-optional-members)
+ //
+ {
+ CtorArgType const at (CtorArgType::type);
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (";
+ String base_arg;
+ {
+ CtorArgs ctor_args (*this, at, base_arg);
+ ctor_args.dispatch (c);
+ }
+ os << ")" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (";
+ {
+ CtorBase base (*this, at, base_arg);
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_base (base);
+ inherits (c, inherits_base);
+ }
+ os << ")";
+ if (edom_document_member_p (c))
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << edom_document_member (c) << " (" <<
+ "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_document< " << char_type <<
+ " > ())";
+ }
+ if (mixed)
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << ctx.get<String> ("mixed-member") << " (this)";
+ }
+ names (c, ctor_names_);
+ os << "{";
+ if (facets)
+ os << "this->_facet_table (_xsd_" << name << "_facet_table);";
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ // If we have any complex arguments in the previous c-tor
+ // then also generate the auto_ptr version.
+ //
+ if (has_complex_non_op_args)
+ {
+ CtorArgType const at (CtorArgType::complex_auto_ptr);
+ String base_arg;
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (";
+ {
+ CtorArgs ctor_args (*this, at, base_arg);
+ ctor_args.dispatch (c);
+ }
+ os << ")" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (";
+ {
+ CtorBase base (*this, at, base_arg);
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_base (base);
+ inherits (c, inherits_base);
+ }
+ os << ")";
+ if (edom_document_member_p (c))
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << edom_document_member (c) << " (" <<
+ "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_document< " << char_type <<
+ " > ())";
+ }
+ if (mixed)
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << ctx.get<String> ("mixed-member") << " (this)";
+ }
+ {
+ CtorMember t (*this, at);
+ Traversal::Names n (t);
+ if (gen_wildcard)
+ n >> ctor_any_;
+ names (c, n);
+ }
+ os << "{";
+ if (facets)
+ os << "this->_facet_table (_xsd_" << name << "_facet_table);";
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ // If we are generating polymorphic code then we also need to
+ // provide auto_ptr version for every polymorphic type.
+ //
+ if (polymorphic &&
+ has_poly_non_op_args && !complex_poly_args_clash)
+ {
+ CtorArgType const at (CtorArgType::poly_auto_ptr);
+ String base_arg;
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (";
+ {
+ CtorArgs ctor_args (*this, at, base_arg);
+ ctor_args.dispatch (c);
+ }
+ os << ")" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (";
+ {
+ CtorBase base (*this, at, base_arg);
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_base (base);
+ inherits (c, inherits_base);
+ }
+ os << ")";
+ if (edom_document_member_p (c))
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << edom_document_member (c) << " (" <<
+ "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_document< " << char_type <<
+ " > ())";
+ }
+ if (mixed)
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << ctx.get<String> ("mixed-member") << " (this)";
+ }
+ {
+ CtorMember t (*this, at);
+ Traversal::Names n (t);
+ if (gen_wildcard)
+ n >> ctor_any_;
+ names (c, n);
+ }
+ os << "{";
+ if (facets)
+ os << "this->_facet_table (_xsd_" << name << "_facet_table);";
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ // copy c-tor
+ //
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << name << "& x," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << container << "* c)" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (x, f, c)";
+ if (edom_document_member_p (c))
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << edom_document_member (c) << " (" <<
+ "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_document< " << char_type <<
+ " > ())";
+ }
+ if (mixed)
+ {
+ String const& m (ctx.get<String> ("mixed-member"));
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << m << " (x." << m << ", f, this)";
+ }
+ if (ordered)
+ {
+ String const& m (ctx.get<String> ("order-member"));
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << m << " (x." << m << ")";
+ }
+ {
+ CopyAny copy_any (*this, "x");
+ CopyMember copy_member (*this, "x");
+ Traversal::Names names;
+ names >> copy_member;
+ if (gen_wildcard)
+ names >> copy_any;
+ Complex::names (c, names);
+ }
+ os << "{";
+ if (facets)
+ os << "this->_facet_table (_xsd_" << name << "_facet_table);";
+ os << "}";
+ //
+ //
+ bool he (has<Traversal::Element> (c));
+ bool hae (has<Traversal::Any> (c));
+ bool ha (has<Traversal::Attribute> (c));
+ bool haa (has<Traversal::AnyAttribute> (c));
+ //
+ //
+ if (!options.suppress_parsing ())
+ {
+ // c-tor (xercesc::DOMElement)
+ //
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& e," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << container << "* c)" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (e, f";
+ if (he || ha || hae || (haa && gen_wildcard) || mixed)
+ os << " | " << flags_type << "::base";
+ os << ", c)";
+ if (edom_document_member_p (c))
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << edom_document_member (c) << " (" <<
+ "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::create_document< " << char_type <<
+ " > ())";
+ }
+ if (mixed)
+ {
+ os << "," << endl
+ << " " << ctx.get<String> ("mixed-member") << " (this)";
+ }
+ names (c, element_ctor_names_);
+ os << "{";
+ if (facets)
+ os << "this->_facet_table (_xsd_" << name << "_facet_table);"
+ << endl;
+ bool base_has_el (false), base_has_at (false);
+ // We are only interested in this information if we are
+ // generating our own parse().
+ //
+ if (he || ha || hae || (haa && gen_wildcard) || mixed)
+ {
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ {
+ HasParseFunction test (*this, base_has_el, base_has_at);
+ test.dispatch (c.inherits ().base ());
+ }
+ }
+ //@@ Throw if p is not exhausted at the end.
+ //
+ if (he || ha || hae || (haa && gen_wildcard) || mixed)
+ os << "if ((f & " << flags_type << "::base) == 0)"
+ << "{"
+ << parser_type << " p (e, " <<
+ (he || hae || base_has_el || mixed_p (c) ? "true, " : "false, ") <<
+ (mixed_p (c) ? "true, " : "false, ") <<
+ (ha || (haa && gen_wildcard) || base_has_at ? "true" : "false")
+ << ");"
+ << "this->" << unclash (name, "parse") << " (p, f);"
+ << "}";
+ os << "}";
+ bool simple (true);
+ {
+ IsSimpleType t (simple);
+ t.dispatch (c);
+ }
+ if (simple)
+ {
+ // c-tor (xercesc::DOMAttr)
+ //
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr& a," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << container << "* c)" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (a, f, c)"
+ << "{";
+ if (facets)
+ os << "this->_facet_table (_xsd_" << name << "_facet_table);";
+ os << "}";
+ // c-tor (string const&, xercesc::DOMElement)
+ //
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << string_type << "& s," << endl
+ << "const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement* e," << endl
+ << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << container << "* c)" << endl
+ << ": " << base << " (s, e, f, c)"
+ << "{";
+ if (facets)
+ os << "this->_facet_table (_xsd_" << name << "_facet_table);";
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ if (he || ha || hae || (haa && gen_wildcard) || mixed)
+ {
+ os << "void " << name << "::" << endl
+ << unclash (name, "parse") << " (" <<
+ parser_type << "& p," << endl
+ << flags_type <<
+ (he || ha || base_has_el || base_has_at ? " f" : "") << ")"
+ << "{";
+ // Allow the base to parse its part.
+ //
+ if (base_has_el || base_has_at)
+ os << "this->" << base << "::parse (p, f);"
+ << endl;
+ if (he || hae || mixed_p (c))
+ {
+ bool m (mixed_p (c));
+ os << "for (; p.more_content (); p.next_content (" <<
+ (m ? "true" : "false") << "))"
+ << "{";
+ if (m)
+ {
+ String const& ma (ctx.get<String> ("mixed-aname"));
+ String const& mi (ctx.get<String> ("mixed-ordered-id-name"));
+ String const& oa (ctx.get<String> ("order-aname"));
+ String const& ot (ctx.get<String> ("order-type"));
+ os << "if (p.cur_is_text ())"
+ << "{"
+ << "const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMText& t (" <<
+ "p.cur_text ());"
+ << "this->" << ma << " ().push_back (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::transcode< " << char_type << " > (" <<
+ "t.getData (), t.getLength ()));"
+ << "this->" << oa << " ().push_back (" << endl
+ << ot << " (" << mi << "," << endl
+ << "this->" << ma << " ().size () - 1));"
+ << "continue;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ if (he || hae)
+ {
+ os << "const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& i (" <<
+ "p.cur_element ());"
+ << "const " << qname_type << " n (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::name< " << char_type << " > (i));"
+ << endl;
+ names (c, names_element_);
+ }
+ os << "break;"
+ << "}";
+ // Make sure all non-optional elements are set.
+ //
+ names (c, names_element_test_);
+ }
+ if (ha || (haa && gen_wildcard))
+ {
+ if (base_has_at)
+ os << "p.reset_attributes ();"
+ << endl;
+ os << "while (p.more_attributes ())"
+ << "{"
+ << "const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr& i (" <<
+ "p.next_attribute ());"
+ << "const " << qname_type << " n (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::name< " << char_type << " > (i));"
+ << endl;
+ names (c, names_attribute_);
+ // Generate anyAttribute code after all the attributes.
+ //
+ if (gen_wildcard)
+ names (c, names_any_attribute_);
+ // os << "{" // else block
+ // @@
+ // This doesn't play well with inheritance because we
+ // don't expect base's attributes. Also there are other
+ // "special" attributes such as xmlns, etc.
+ //
+ // << "throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_attribute ... "
+ // << "}";
+ os << "}"; // while loop
+ // Make sure all non-optional attributes are set.
+ //
+ names (c, names_attribute_test_);
+ }
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ }
+ // _clone
+ //
+ if (!(c.abstract_p () ||
+ (renamed && polymorphic && polymorphic_p (c))))
+ os << name << "* " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_clone (" << flags_type << " f," << endl
+ << container << "* c) const"
+ << "{"
+ << "return new class " << name << " (*this, f, c);"
+ << "}";
+ // operator=
+ //
+ if (!options.suppress_assignment () &&
+ (he || ha || (gen_wildcard && (hae || haa))))
+ {
+ os << name << "& " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "operator= (const " << name << "& x)"
+ << "{"
+ << "if (this != &x)"
+ << "{"
+ << "static_cast< " << base << "& > (*this) = x;";
+ // Note that here we don't assign the DOMDocument that is
+ // used to hold wildcard fragments. Each document has its
+ // own copy.
+ // Mixed text content.
+ //
+ if (mixed)
+ {
+ String const& m (ctx.get<String> ("mixed-member"));
+ os << "this->" << m << " = x." << m << ";";
+ }
+ // Order container.
+ //
+ if (ordered)
+ {
+ String const& m (ctx.get<String> ("order-member"));
+ os << "this->" << m << " = x." << m << ";";
+ }
+ names (c, assign_names_);
+ os << "}"
+ << "return *this;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ // d-tor
+ //
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << "~" << name << " ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ // Register with type factory map.
+ //
+ if (polymorphic && polymorphic_p (c) && !c.abstract_p ())
+ {
+ // Note that we are using the original type name.
+ //
+ String const& name (ename (c));
+ // If this type is anonymous but substitutes, then it will
+ // be registered as part of the substitution registration.
+ //
+ if (!anonymous_p (c) && !options.suppress_parsing ())
+ {
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_initializer< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << char_type << ", " << name << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_type_factory_init (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (xml_ns_name (c)) << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if ((!anonymous_p (c) || anonymous_substitutes_p (c)) &&
+ options.generate_comparison ())
+ {
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::comparison_initializer< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << char_type << ", " << name << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_comparison_init;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // Comparison operators.
+ //
+ if (options.generate_comparison () &&
+ (he || ha || mixed || ordered || !c.inherits_p () ||
+ ((hae || haa) && gen_wildcard)))
+ {
+ bool base_comp (false);
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ {
+ HasComparisonOperator test (*this, base_comp);
+ test.dispatch (c.inherits ().base ());
+ }
+ bool has_body (he || ha || ordered || mixed || base_comp ||
+ ((hae || haa) && gen_wildcard));
+ os << "bool" << endl
+ << "operator== (const " << name << "&" <<
+ (has_body ? " x" : "") << ", " <<
+ "const " << name << "&" << (has_body ? " y" : "") << ")"
+ << "{";
+ if (base_comp)
+ os << "if (!(static_cast< const " << base << "& > (x) ==" << endl
+ << "static_cast< const " << base << "& > (y)))" << endl
+ << "return false;"
+ << endl;
+ {
+ Complex::names (c, comparison_names_);
+ }
+ if (mixed)
+ {
+ String const& an (ctx.get<String> ("mixed-aname"));
+ os << "if (!(x." << an << " () == y." << an << " ()))" << endl
+ << "return false;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (ordered)
+ {
+ String const& an (ctx.get<String> ("order-aname"));
+ os << "if (!(x." << an << " () == y." << an << " ()))" << endl
+ << "return false;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ os << "return true;"
+ << "}";
+ os << "bool" << endl
+ << "operator!= (const " << name << "& x, " <<
+ "const " << name << "& y)"
+ << "{"
+ << "return !(x == y);"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ Traversal::Inherits inherits_member_;
+ MemberTypeName member_name_;
+ Traversal::Names names_element_;
+ Traversal::Names names_element_test_;
+ Traversal::Names names_attribute_;
+ Traversal::Names names_any_attribute_;
+ Traversal::Names names_attribute_test_;
+ Any any_;
+ Element element_;
+ AnyTest any_test_;
+ ElementTest element_test_;
+ Attribute attribute_;
+ AttributeTest attribute_test_;
+ AnyAttribute any_attribute_;
+ DefaultCtorAnyInit default_ctor_any_init_;
+ DefaultCtorMemberInit default_ctor_member_init_;
+ Traversal::Names default_ctor_init_names_;
+ CtorAny ctor_any_;
+ CtorMember ctor_member_;
+ Traversal::Names ctor_names_;
+ ElementCtorAny element_ctor_any_;
+ ElementCtorMember element_ctor_member_;
+ Traversal::Names element_ctor_names_;
+ AssignAny assign_any_;
+ AssignMember assign_member_;
+ Traversal::Names assign_names_;
+ AnyComparison comparison_any_;
+ MemberComparison comparison_member_;
+ Traversal::Names comparison_names_;
+ FacetArray facet_array_;
+ };
+ // Generate element types and substitution group map entries.
+ //
+ struct GlobalElement: Traversal::Element,
+ GlobalElementBase,
+ Context
+ {
+ GlobalElement (Context& c)
+ : GlobalElementBase (c),
+ Context (c),
+ element_type_ (c.options.generate_element_type ()),
+ element_map_ (c.options.generate_element_map ()),
+ type_name_ (c)
+ {
+ belongs_ >> type_name_;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (Type& e)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Type& t (e.type ());
+ // Check if this element is abstract.
+ //
+ bool abst;
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Complex* tc;
+ abst = (tc = dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex*> (&t)) != 0 &&
+ tc->abstract_p ();
+ }
+ if (!abst && element_type_ && doc_root_p (e))
+ {
+ bool fund (false);
+ {
+ IsFundamentalType test (fund);
+ test.dispatch (t);
+ }
+ bool simple (true);
+ if (!fund)
+ {
+ IsSimpleType test (simple);
+ test.dispatch (t);
+ }
+ String const& name (ename (e));
+ String const& type (etype (e));
+ String const& member (emember (e));
+ os << "// " << name << endl
+ << "// " << endl
+ << endl;
+ // Virtual accessors.
+ //
+ os << "const " << any_type << "* " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_value () const"
+ << "{";
+ if (fund)
+ os << "return 0;";
+ else
+ os << "return &this->" << member << ".get ();";
+ os << "}";
+ os << any_type << "* " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_value ()"
+ << "{";
+ if (fund)
+ os << "return 0;";
+ else
+ os << "return &this->" << member << ".get ();";
+ os << "}";
+ // default c-tor
+ //
+ if (options.generate_default_ctor ())
+ {
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " ()" << endl
+ << ": " << member << " (0)"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ // c-tor (value)
+ //
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << type << "& x)" << endl
+ << ": " << member << " (x, 0)"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ // c-tor (auto_ptr<value>)
+ //
+ if (!simple || (polymorphic && polymorphic_p (t)))
+ {
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (" << auto_ptr << "< " << type << " > p)" << endl
+ << ": " << member << " (" <<
+ (std >= cxx_version::cxx11 ? "::std::move (p)" : "p") << ", 0)"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ // c-tor (xercesc::DOMElement)
+ //
+ SemanticGraph::Context& ec (e.context ());
+ String const& name_member (ec.get<String> ("element-name-member"));
+ String const& ns_member (ec.get<String> ("element-ns-member"));
+ bool parsing (!options.suppress_parsing ());
+ if (parsing)
+ {
+ String const& tr (etraits (e));
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement& e, " <<
+ flags_type << " f)" << endl
+ << ": " << member << " (0)"
+ << "{"
+ << "const " << qname_type << " n (" << endl
+ << "::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::name< " << char_type << " > (e));"
+ << endl
+ << "if ( () == " << name_member << " && " <<
+ "n.namespace_ () == " << ns_member << ")" << endl
+ << "this->" << member << ".set (" << tr <<
+ "::create (e, f, 0));"
+ << "else" << endl
+ << "throw ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_element < " <<
+ char_type << " > (" << endl
+ << " (), n.namespace_ ()," << endl
+ << name_member << ", " << ns_member << ");"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ // copy c-tor
+ //
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << name << " (const " << name << "& x, " <<
+ flags_type << " f)" << endl
+ << ": " << element_type << " ()," << endl
+ << " " << member << " (x." << member << ", f, 0)"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ // _clone
+ //
+ os << name << "* " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_clone (" << flags_type << " f) const"
+ << "{"
+ << "return new class " << name << " (*this, f);"
+ << "}";
+ // Element name and namespace accessors.
+ //
+ String const& aname (ec.get<String> ("element-name"));
+ String const& ans (ec.get<String> ("element-ns"));
+ os << "const " << string_type << "& " << name << "::" << endl
+ << aname << " ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "return " << name_member << ";"
+ << "}";
+ os << "const " << string_type << "& " << name << "::" << endl
+ << ans << " ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "return " << ns_member << ";"
+ << "}";
+ os << "const " << string_type << "& " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_name () const"
+ << "{"
+ << "return " << name_member << ";"
+ << "}";
+ os << "const " << string_type << "& " << name << "::" << endl
+ << "_namespace () const"
+ << "{"
+ << "return " << ns_member << ";"
+ << "}";
+ os << "const " << string_type << " " << name << "::" << endl
+ << name_member << " (" << strlit ( ()) << ");"
+ << endl
+ << "const " << string_type << " " << name << "::" << endl
+ << ns_member << " (" << strlit (e.namespace_ ().name ()) << ");"
+ << endl;
+ // d-tor
+ //
+ os << name << "::" << endl
+ << "~" << name << " ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "}";
+ // Element map registration.
+ //
+ if (element_map_ && parsing)
+ {
+ os << "static " << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::parser_init< " << name << ", " <<
+ char_type << ", " << any_type << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_parser_init (" <<
+ name << "::" << aname << " (), " <<
+ name << "::" << ans << " ());"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!abst && polymorphic && e.substitutes_p () &&
+ !options.suppress_parsing ())
+ {
+ String const& name (ename (e));
+ Type& r (e.substitutes ().root ());
+ os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::element_factory_initializer< " <<
+ poly_plate << ", " << char_type << ", ";
+ belongs (e, belongs_);
+ os << " >" << endl
+ << "_xsd_" << name << "_element_factory_init (" << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (r.namespace_ ().name ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit ( ()) << "," << endl
+ << strlit (e.namespace_ ().name ()) << ");"
+ << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ bool element_type_;
+ bool element_map_;
+ Traversal::Belongs belongs_;
+ MemberTypeName type_name_;
+ };
+ }
+ void
+ generate_tree_source (Context& ctx, size_t first, size_t last)
+ {
+ if (ctx.options.generate_wildcard ())
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/xml/dom/wildcard-source.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (!ctx.options.suppress_parsing ())
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/xml/dom/parsing-source.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ if (ctx.polymorphic)
+ {
+ bool parsing (!ctx.options.suppress_parsing ());
+ bool comparison (ctx.options.generate_comparison ());
+ if (parsing)
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/type-factory-map.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ if (comparison)
+ ctx.os << "#include <xsd/cxx/tree/comparison-map.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ if (parsing || comparison)
+ {
+ bool import_maps (ctx.options.import_maps ());
+ bool export_maps (ctx.options.export_maps ());
+ if (import_maps || export_maps)
+ {
+ ctx.os << "#ifndef XSD_NO_EXPORT" << endl
+ << endl
+ << "namespace xsd"
+ << "{"
+ << "namespace cxx"
+ << "{"
+ << "namespace tree"
+ << "{"
+ << "#ifdef _MSC_VER" << endl;
+ if (parsing && export_maps)
+ ctx.os << "template struct __declspec (dllexport) " <<
+ "type_factory_plate< " << ctx.poly_plate << ", " <<
+ ctx.char_type << " >;";
+ if (parsing && import_maps)
+ ctx.os << "template struct __declspec (dllimport) " <<
+ "type_factory_plate< " << ctx.poly_plate << ", " <<
+ ctx.char_type << " >;";
+ if (comparison && export_maps)
+ ctx.os << "template struct __declspec (dllexport) " <<
+ "comparison_plate< " << ctx.poly_plate << ", " <<
+ ctx.char_type << " >;";
+ if (comparison && import_maps)
+ ctx.os << "template struct __declspec (dllimport) " <<
+ "comparison_plate< " << ctx.poly_plate << ", " <<
+ ctx.char_type << " >;";
+ ctx.os << "#elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4" << endl;
+ if (parsing)
+ ctx.os << "template struct __attribute__ ((visibility(\"default\"))) " <<
+ "type_factory_plate< " << ctx.poly_plate << ", " <<
+ ctx.char_type << " >;";
+ if (comparison)
+ ctx.os << "template struct __attribute__ ((visibility(\"default\"))) " <<
+ "comparison_plate< " << ctx.poly_plate << ", " <<
+ ctx.char_type << " >;";
+ ctx.os << "#elif defined(XSD_MAP_VISIBILITY)" << endl;
+ if (parsing)
+ ctx.os << "template struct XSD_MAP_VISIBILITY " <<
+ "type_factory_plate< " << ctx.poly_plate << ", " <<
+ ctx.char_type << " >;";
+ if (comparison)
+ ctx.os << "template struct XSD_MAP_VISIBILITY " <<
+ "comparison_plate< " << ctx.poly_plate << ", " <<
+ ctx.char_type << " >;";
+ ctx.os << "#endif" << endl
+ << "}" // tree
+ << "}" // cxx
+ << "}" // xsd
+ << "#endif // XSD_NO_EXPORT" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
+ ctx.os << "namespace _xsd"
+ << "{";
+ if (parsing)
+ ctx.os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::type_factory_plate< " <<
+ ctx.poly_plate << ", " << ctx.char_type << " >" << endl
+ << "type_factory_plate_init;"
+ << endl;
+ if (comparison)
+ ctx.os << "static" << endl
+ << "const ::xsd::cxx::tree::comparison_plate< " <<
+ ctx.poly_plate << ", " << ctx.char_type << " >" << endl
+ << "comparison_plate_init;"
+ << endl;
+ ctx.os << "}";
+ }
+ }
+ Traversal::Schema schema;
+ Sources sources;
+ Traversal::Names names_ns, names;
+ Namespace ns (ctx, first, last);
+ List list (ctx);
+ Union union_ (ctx);
+ Complex complex (ctx);
+ Enumeration enumeration (ctx);
+ GlobalElement element (ctx);
+ schema >> sources >> schema;
+ schema >> names_ns >> ns >> names;
+ names >> list;
+ names >> union_;
+ names >> complex;
+ names >> enumeration;
+ names >> element;
+ schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/tree-source.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/tree-source.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66dcff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/tree-source.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/tree-source.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ void
+ generate_tree_source (Context&, size_t first, size_t last);
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/validator.cxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/validator.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc6572c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/validator.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,671 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/validator.cxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <set>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/validator.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/semantic-graph.hxx>
+#include <libxsd-frontend/traversal.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>
+using namespace std;
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ namespace
+ {
+ class ValidationContext: public Context
+ {
+ public:
+ ValidationContext (SemanticGraph::Schema& root,
+ SemanticGraph::Path const& path,
+ Tree::options const& ops,
+ const WarningSet& disabled_warnings,
+ Counts const& counts,
+ bool generate_xml_schema,
+ bool& valid_)
+ : Context (std::wcerr,
+ root,
+ path,
+ ops,
+ counts,
+ generate_xml_schema,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0),
+ disabled_warnings_ (disabled_warnings),
+ disabled_warnings_all_ (false),
+ valid (valid_),
+ subst_group_warning_issued (subst_group_warning_issued_),
+ subst_group_warning_issued_ (false)
+ {
+ if (disabled_warnings_.find ("all") != disabled_warnings_.end ())
+ disabled_warnings_all_ = true;
+ }
+ public:
+ bool
+ is_disabled (char const* w)
+ {
+ return disabled_warnings_all_ ||
+ disabled_warnings_.find (w) != disabled_warnings_.end ();
+ }
+ public:
+ String
+ xpath (SemanticGraph::Nameable& n)
+ {
+ if (n.is_a<SemanticGraph::Namespace> ())
+ return L"<namespace-level>"; // There is a bug if you see this.
+ if (n.named_p ())
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Scope& scope (n.scope ());
+ if (scope.is_a<SemanticGraph::Namespace> ())
+ return ();
+ return xpath (scope) + L"/" + ();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return L"(anonymous type for " +
+ n.context ().get<String> ("instance-name") + L")";
+ }
+ }
+ protected:
+ ValidationContext (ValidationContext& c)
+ : Context (c),
+ disabled_warnings_ (c.disabled_warnings_),
+ disabled_warnings_all_ (c.disabled_warnings_all_),
+ valid (c.valid),
+ subst_group_warning_issued (c.subst_group_warning_issued)
+ {
+ }
+ protected:
+ const WarningSet& disabled_warnings_;
+ bool disabled_warnings_all_;
+ bool& valid;
+ bool& subst_group_warning_issued;
+ bool subst_group_warning_issued_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct Any: Traversal::Any, ValidationContext
+ {
+ Any (ValidationContext& c)
+ : ValidationContext (c)
+ {
+ }
+ struct Element: Traversal::Element, ValidationContext
+ {
+ Element (ValidationContext& c, SemanticGraph::Any& any)
+ : ValidationContext (c),
+ any_ (any),
+ ns_ (any.definition_namespace ().name ())
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
+ {
+ if (skip (e))
+ return;
+ using SemanticGraph::Any;
+ bool q (e.qualified_p ());
+ String ns (q ? e.namespace_ ().name () : "");
+ for (Any::NamespaceIterator i (any_.namespace_begin ());
+ i != any_.namespace_end (); ++i)
+ {
+ bool failed (false);
+ if (*i == L"##any")
+ {
+ failed = true;
+ }
+ else if (*i == L"##other")
+ {
+ if (ns_)
+ {
+ // Note that here I assume that ##other does not
+ // include names without target namespace. This
+ // is not what the spec says but that seems to be
+ // the consensus.
+ //
+ failed = q && ns != ns_;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // No target namespace.
+ //
+ failed = q && ns != L"";
+ }
+ }
+ else if (*i == L"##local")
+ {
+ failed = !q || ns == L"";
+ }
+ else if (*i == L"##targetNamespace")
+ {
+ failed = (q && ns_ == ns) || (!q && ns_ == L"");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ failed = q && *i == ns;
+ }
+ if (failed)
+ {
+ Any& a (any_);
+ os << a.file () << ":" << a.line () << ":" << a.column ()
+ << ": warning T001: namespace '" << *i << "' allows for "
+ << "element '" << () << "'" << endl;
+ os << a.file () << ":" << a.line () << ":" << a.column ()
+ << ": warning T001: generated code may not associate element '"
+ << () << "' correctly if it appears in place of "
+ << "this wildcard" << endl;
+ os << e.file () << ":" << e.line () << ":" << e.column ()
+ << ": info: element '" << () << "' is defined "
+ << "here" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ SemanticGraph::Any& any_;
+ String ns_;
+ };
+ struct Complex: Traversal::Complex
+ {
+ Complex ()
+ : up_ (true), down_ (true)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ post (Type& c)
+ {
+ // Go down the inheritance hierarchy.
+ //
+ if (down_)
+ {
+ bool up = up_;
+ up_ = false;
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ dispatch (c.inherits ().base ());
+ up_ = up;
+ }
+ // Go up the inheritance hierarchy.
+ //
+ if (up_)
+ {
+ bool down = down_;
+ down_ = false;
+ for (Type::BegetsIterator i (c.begets_begin ());
+ i != c.begets_end (); ++i)
+ {
+ dispatch (i->derived ());
+ }
+ down_ = down;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ bool up_, down_;
+ };
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a)
+ {
+ using SemanticGraph::Compositor;
+ // Find our complex type.
+ //
+ Compositor* c (&a.contained_particle ().compositor ());
+ while(!c->contained_compositor_p ())
+ c = &c->contained_particle ().compositor ();
+ SemanticGraph::Complex& type (
+ dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Complex&> (
+ c->contained_compositor ().container ()));
+ Complex complex;
+ Traversal::Names names;
+ Element element (*this, a);
+ complex >> names >> element;
+ complex.dispatch (type);
+ }
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ struct Traverser: Traversal::Schema,
+ Traversal::Complex,
+ Traversal::Type,
+ Traversal::Element,
+ ValidationContext
+ {
+ Traverser (ValidationContext& c)
+ : ValidationContext (c), any_ (c)
+ {
+ *this >> sources_ >> *this;
+ *this >> schema_names_ >> ns_ >> names_;
+ names_ >> *this >> names_;
+ // Any
+ //
+ if (!is_disabled ("T001"))
+ {
+ *this >> contains_compositor_ >> compositor_ >> contains_particle_;
+ contains_particle_ >> compositor_;
+ contains_particle_ >> any_;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
+ {
+ using SemanticGraph::Schema;
+ traverse (static_cast<SemanticGraph::Type&> (c));
+ if (c.inherits_p ())
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Type& t (c.inherits ().base ());
+ if (t.named_p () &&
+ types_.find (
+ t.scope ().name () + L"#" + ()) == types_.end ())
+ {
+ // Don't worry about types that are in included/imported
+ // schemas.
+ //
+ Schema& s (dynamic_cast<Schema&> (t.scope ().scope ()));
+ if (&s == &schema_root || sources_p (schema_root, s))
+ {
+ valid = false;
+ os << c.file () << ":" << c.line () << ":" << c.column ()
+ << ": error: type '" << xpath (c) << "' inherits from "
+ << "yet undefined type '" << xpath (t) << "'" << endl;
+ os << t.file () << ":" << t.line () << ":" << t.column ()
+ << ": info: '" << xpath (t) << "' is defined here"
+ << endl;
+ os << c.file () << ":" << c.line () << ":" << c.column ()
+ << ": info: inheritance from a yet-undefined type is "
+ << "not supported" << endl;
+ os << c.file () << ":" << c.line () << ":" << c.column ()
+ << ": info: re-arrange your schema and try again"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Complex::traverse (c);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Type& t)
+ {
+ // This is also used to traverse Complex.
+ //
+ if (t.named_p ())
+ {
+ types_.insert (t.scope ().name () + L"#" + ());
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
+ {
+ if (is_disabled ("T002"))
+ return;
+ // Note that there is no test for generate_p since we want
+ // to catch cases when things are not being generated but
+ // most likely should have been.
+ //
+ if (e.substitutes_p () && !polymorphic &&
+ !subst_group_warning_issued)
+ {
+ subst_group_warning_issued = true;
+ os << e.file () << ":" << e.line () << ":" << e.column ()
+ << ": warning T002: substitution groups are used but "
+ << "--generate-polymorphic was not specified" << endl;
+ os << e.file () << ":" << e.line () << ":" << e.column ()
+ << ": info: generated code may not be able to handle "
+ << "some conforming instances" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // Return true if root sources s.
+ //
+ bool
+ sources_p (SemanticGraph::Schema& root, SemanticGraph::Schema& s)
+ {
+ using SemanticGraph::Schema;
+ using SemanticGraph::Sources;
+ for (Schema::UsesIterator i (root.uses_begin ());
+ i != root.uses_end (); ++i)
+ {
+ if (i->is_a<Sources> ())
+ {
+ if (&i->schema () == &s || sources_p (i->schema (), s))
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private:
+ set<String> types_;
+ Sources sources_;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names_;
+ Traversal::Namespace ns_;
+ Traversal::Names names_;
+ // Any.
+ //
+ Any any_;
+ Traversal::Compositor compositor_;
+ Traversal::ContainsParticle contains_particle_;
+ Traversal::ContainsCompositor contains_compositor_;
+ };
+ struct AnonymousType: Traversal::Schema,
+ Traversal::Complex,
+ Traversal::Element,
+ Traversal::Attribute,
+ ValidationContext
+ {
+ AnonymousType (ValidationContext& c)
+ : ValidationContext (c),
+ anonymous_error_issued_ (false)
+ {
+ *this >> sources_ >> *this;
+ *this >> schema_names_ >> ns_ >> names_ >> *this;
+ *this >> names_;
+ }
+ bool
+ traverse_common (SemanticGraph::Member& m)
+ {
+ SemanticGraph::Type& t (m.type ());
+ if (!t.named_p ()
+ && !t.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRef> ()
+ && !t.is_a<SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRefs> ())
+ {
+ if (!anonymous_error_issued_)
+ {
+ valid = false;
+ anonymous_error_issued_ = true;
+ wcerr << t.file ()
+ << ": error: anonymous types detected"
+ << endl;
+ wcerr << t.file ()
+ << ": info: "
+ << "anonymous types are not supported in this mapping"
+ << endl;
+ wcerr << t.file ()
+ << ": info: consider explicitly naming these types or "
+ << "remove the --preserve-anonymous option to "
+ << "automatically name them"
+ << endl;
+ if (!options.show_anonymous ())
+ wcerr << t.file ()
+ << ": info: use --show-anonymous option to see these "
+ << "types" << endl;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Element& e)
+ {
+ if (skip (e)) return;
+ if (traverse_common (e))
+ {
+ if (options.show_anonymous ())
+ {
+ wcerr << e.file () << ":" << e.line () << ":" << e.column ()
+ << ": error: element '" << xpath (e) << "' "
+ << "is of anonymous type" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ Traversal::Element::traverse (e);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (SemanticGraph::Attribute& a)
+ {
+ if (traverse_common (a))
+ {
+ if (options.show_anonymous ())
+ {
+ wcerr << a.file () << ":" << a.line () << ":" << a.column ()
+ << ": error: attribute '" << xpath (a) << "' "
+ << "is of anonymous type" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ Traversal::Attribute::traverse (a);
+ }
+ private:
+ bool anonymous_error_issued_;
+ set<String> types_;
+ Sources sources_;
+ Traversal::Names schema_names_;
+ Traversal::Namespace ns_;
+ Traversal::Names names_;
+ };
+ }
+ bool Validator::
+ validate (options const& ops,
+ SemanticGraph::Schema& schema,
+ SemanticGraph::Path const& path,
+ const WarningSet& disabled_warnings,
+ Counts const& counts)
+ {
+ bool valid (true);
+ ValidationContext ctx (
+ schema, path, ops, disabled_warnings, counts, false, valid);
+ //
+ //
+ bool import_maps (ops.import_maps ());
+ bool export_maps (ops.export_maps ());
+ if (import_maps && export_maps)
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: --import-maps and --export-maps are "
+ << "mutually exclusive" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (import_maps && !ctx.polymorphic)
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: --import-maps can only be specified together with "
+ << "--generate-polymorphic" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (export_maps && !ctx.polymorphic)
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: --export-maps can only be specified together " <<
+ "with --generate-polymorphic" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ if (ops.char_type () != "char" &&
+ ops.char_type () != "wchar_t" &&
+ !ctx.is_disabled ("T003"))
+ {
+ wcerr << "warning T003: unknown base character type '" <<
+ ops.char_type ().c_str () << "'" << endl;
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ NarrowString tn (ops.type_naming ());
+ if (tn != "knr" && tn != "ucc" && tn != "java")
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: unknown type naming style specified: '" <<
+ tn.c_str () << "'" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ NarrowString fn (ops.function_naming ());
+ if (fn != "knr" && fn != "lcc" && fn != "java")
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: unknown function naming style specified: '" <<
+ fn.c_str () << "'" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ bool element_type (ops.generate_element_type ());
+ bool par (!ops.suppress_parsing ());
+ bool ser (ops.generate_serialization ());
+ if (ops.generate_element_map ())
+ {
+ if (!element_type)
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: --generate-element-map can only be specified " <<
+ "together with --generate-element-type" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!(par || ser))
+ {
+ wcerr << "error: --generate-element-map is specified but " <<
+ "neither parsing nor serialization code is generated" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Issue a warning if there are more than one global element
+ // and we are generating parsing/serialization functions or
+ // element types for all of them by default.
+ //
+ if (counts.global_elements > 1 &&
+ (element_type || par || ser) &&
+ !ops.root_element_first () &&
+ !ops.root_element_last () &&
+ !ops.root_element_all () &&
+ !ops.root_element_none () &&
+ ops.root_element ().empty () &&
+ !ctx.is_disabled ("T004"))
+ {
+ wcerr << schema.file () << ": warning T004: generating ";
+ if (element_type)
+ wcerr << "element types";
+ else
+ {
+ wcerr << (par ? "parsing " : "") <<
+ (ser ? (par ? "and serialization " : "serialization ") : "") <<
+ "functions";
+ }
+ wcerr << " for " << counts.global_elements << " global elements" <<
+ endl;
+ wcerr << schema.file () << ": info: use --root-element-* options "
+ << "to specify document root(s)" << endl;
+ }
+ // Test for anonymout types.
+ //
+ {
+ AnonymousType traverser (ctx);
+ traverser.dispatch (schema);
+ }
+ // Test the rest.
+ //
+ if (valid)
+ {
+ Traverser traverser (ctx);
+ traverser.dispatch (schema);
+ }
+ return valid;
+ // T005 is used in polymorphism-processor.cxx.
+ //
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/validator.hxx b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/validator.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23f3f04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsd/xsd/cxx/tree/validator.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// file : xsd/cxx/tree/validator.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/options.hxx>
+#include <xsd/xsd.hxx>
+namespace CXX
+ namespace Tree
+ {
+ class Validator
+ {
+ public:
+ bool
+ validate (options const&,
+ SemanticGraph::Schema&,
+ SemanticGraph::Path const& tu,
+ const WarningSet& disabled_warnings,
+ Counts const& counts);
+ };
+ }