path: root/xsd/cxx/elements.cxx
diff options
authorKaren Arutyunov <>2020-12-18 18:48:46 +0300
committerKaren Arutyunov <>2021-01-13 22:32:43 +0300
commit2615896faa646e5830abf2c269150e1165c66515 (patch)
tree7d95978ec0a83094c9462ed4e1f59d42f4ff8ddb /xsd/cxx/elements.cxx
parent7420f85ea19b0562ffdd8123442f32bc8bac1267 (diff)
Switch to build2
Diffstat (limited to 'xsd/cxx/elements.cxx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1319 deletions
diff --git a/xsd/cxx/elements.cxx b/xsd/cxx/elements.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ead15f..0000000
--- a/xsd/cxx/elements.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1319 +0,0 @@
-// file : xsd/cxx/elements.cxx
-// license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
-#include <cxx/elements.hxx>
-#include <cctype> // std::toupper
-#include <memory>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <iostream>
-using std::wcerr;
-using std::endl;
-namespace CXX
- //
- //
- wchar_t
- upcase (wchar_t c)
- {
- return std::toupper (c);
- }
- namespace
- {
- wchar_t const* keywords[] = {
- L"NULL",
- L"and",
- L"asm",
- L"auto",
- L"bitand",
- L"bitor",
- L"bool",
- L"break",
- L"case",
- L"catch",
- L"char",
- L"class",
- L"compl",
- L"const",
- L"const_cast",
- L"continue",
- L"default",
- L"delete",
- L"do",
- L"double",
- L"dynamic_cast",
- L"else",
- L"end_eq",
- L"enum",
- L"explicit",
- L"export",
- L"extern",
- L"false",
- L"float",
- L"for",
- L"friend",
- L"goto",
- L"if",
- L"inline",
- L"int",
- L"long",
- L"mutable",
- L"namespace",
- L"new",
- L"not",
- L"not_eq",
- L"operator",
- L"or",
- L"or_eq",
- L"private",
- L"protected",
- L"public",
- L"register",
- L"reinterpret_cast",
- L"return",
- L"short",
- L"signed",
- L"sizeof",
- L"static",
- L"static_cast",
- L"struct",
- L"switch",
- L"template",
- L"this",
- L"throw",
- L"true",
- L"try",
- L"typedef",
- L"typeid",
- L"typename",
- L"union",
- L"unsigned",
- L"using",
- L"virtual",
- L"void",
- L"volatile",
- L"wchar_t",
- L"while",
- L"xor",
- L"xor_eq"
- };
- }
- // Context
- //
- Context::
- Context (std::wostream& o,
- SemanticGraph::Schema& root,
- SemanticGraph::Path const& path,
- options_type const& ops,
- StringLiteralMap const* string_literal_map_)
- : os (o),
- schema_root (root),
- schema_path (schema_path_),
- options (ops),
- std (ops.std ()),
- char_type (char_type_),
- char_encoding (char_encoding_),
- L (L_),
- string_type (string_type_),
- auto_ptr (auto_ptr_),
- string_literal_map (string_literal_map_),
- type_exp (type_exp_),
- inst_exp (inst_exp_),
- inl (inl_),
- ns_mapping_cache (ns_mapping_cache_),
- schema_path_ (path),
- xs_ns_ (0),
- char_type_ (ops.char_type ()),
- char_encoding_ (ops.char_encoding ()),
- L_ (char_type == L"wchar_t" ? L"L" : L""),
- inl_ (ops.generate_inline () ? L"inline\n" : L""),
- cxx_id_expr_ (L"^(::)?([a-zA-Z_]\\w*)(::[a-zA-Z_]\\w*)*$"),
- cxx_id_expr (cxx_id_expr_),
- urn_mapping_ (L"#^urn.*:([a-zA-Z_].*)$#$1#"),
- urn_mapping (urn_mapping_),
- nsr_mapping (nsr_mapping_),
- nsm_mapping (nsm_mapping_),
- include_mapping (include_mapping_),
- reserved_name_map (reserved_name_map_),
- keyword_set (keyword_set_)
- {
- // Export symbol.
- //
- {
- String es (ops.export_symbol ());
- type_exp_ = es ? es + L" " : es;
- inst_exp_ = es ? es + L"\n" : es;
- }
- // Resolve and cache XML Schema namespace.
- //
- {
- SemanticGraph::Nameable* n;
- if (schema_root.names_begin ()->name () ==
- L"")
- {
- // schema_root is the XML Schema itself.
- //
- n = &schema_root.names_begin ()->named ();
- }
- else
- {
- // Otherwise, the first used schema is implied XML Schema.
- //
- SemanticGraph::Uses& u = *schema_root.uses_begin ();
- assert (u.is_a<SemanticGraph::Implies> ());
- n = &u.schema ().names_begin ()->named ();
- }
- xs_ns_ = dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Namespace*> (n);
- }
- // String type.
- //
- if (char_type == L"char")
- string_type_ = L"::std::string";
- else if (char_type == L"wchar_t")
- string_type_ = L"::std::wstring";
- else
- string_type_ = L"::std::basic_string< " + char_type + L" >";
- // Automatic pointer type.
- //
- auto_ptr_ = std >= cxx_version::cxx11
- ? "::std::unique_ptr"
- : "::std::auto_ptr";
- // Default encoding.
- //
- if (!char_encoding)
- {
- if (char_type == L"char")
- char_encoding = L"utf8";
- else
- char_encoding = L"auto";
- }
- // Default mapping.
- //
- nsr_mapping_.push_back (
- Regex (L"#^.* (.*?/)??" L"(([a-zA-Z_]\\w*)(/[a-zA-Z_]\\w*)*)/?$#$2#"));
- nsr_mapping_.push_back (
- Regex (L"#^.* http://www\\.w3\\.org/2001/XMLSchema$#xml_schema#"));
- // Custom regex mapping.
- //
- for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (ops.namespace_regex ().begin ()),
- e (ops.namespace_regex ().end ()); i != e; ++i)
- {
- nsr_mapping_.push_back (Regex (String (*i)));
- }
- // Custom direct mapping.
- //
- for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (ops.namespace_map ().begin ()),
- e (ops.namespace_map ().end ()); i != e; ++i)
- {
- String s (*i);
- // Split the string in two parts at the last '='.
- //
- size_t pos (s.rfind ('='));
- if (pos == String::npos)
- throw InvalidNamespaceMapping (s, "delimiter ('=') not found");
- // Empty xml_ns designates the no-namespace case.
- //
- String xml_ns (s, 0, pos);
- String cxx_ns (s, pos + 1);
- if (!cxx_ns.empty () && !cxx_id_expr.match (cxx_ns))
- throw InvalidNamespaceMapping (s, "invalid C++ identifier");
- nsm_mapping_[xml_ns] = cxx_ns;
- }
- // Include path regex
- //
- for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (ops.include_regex ().begin ()),
- e (ops.include_regex ().end ()); i != e; ++i)
- {
- include_mapping_.push_back (Regex (String (*i)));
- }
- // Reserved names.
- //
- for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (ops.reserved_name ().begin ()),
- e (ops.reserved_name ().end ()); i != e; ++i)
- {
- String s (*i);
- // Split the string in two parts at '='.
- //
- size_t pos (s.find ('='));
- if (pos == String::npos)
- reserved_name_map_[s] = L"";
- else
- reserved_name_map_[String (s, 0, pos)] = String (s, pos + 1);
- }
- // Populate the keyword set.
- //
- for (size_t i (0); i < sizeof (keywords) / sizeof (char*); ++i)
- keyword_set_.insert (keywords[i]);
- }
- String Context::
- ns_name (SemanticGraph::Namespace& ns)
- {
- using SemanticGraph::Schema;
- using SemanticGraph::Includes;
- using SemanticGraph::Imports;
- using SemanticGraph::Implies;
- using SemanticGraph::Sources;
- String tmp;
- MapMapping::const_iterator i (nsm_mapping.find ( ()));
- if (i != nsm_mapping.end ())
- {
- tmp = i->second;
- }
- else
- {
- SemanticGraph::Path path;
- Schema& schema (dynamic_cast<Schema&> (ns.scope ()));
- if (schema.used_p ())
- {
- // Here we need to detect a special multi-schema compilation
- // case where the root schemas are imported into a special
- // schema that doesn't have a namespace.
- //
- SemanticGraph::Uses& u (*schema.used_begin ());
- SemanticGraph::Schema& s (u.user ());
- if (s.names_begin () != s.names_end ())
- path = u.path ();
- }
- else
- path = schema_path;
- String pair;
- if (!path.empty ())
- {
- path.normalize ();
- // Try to use the portable representation of the path. If that
- // fails, fall back to the native representation.
- //
- try
- {
- pair = path.posix_string ();
- }
- catch (SemanticGraph::InvalidPath const&)
- {
- pair = path.string ();
- }
- }
- pair += L' ' + ();
- // Check cache first
- //
- MappingCache::const_iterator i (ns_mapping_cache.find (pair));
- if (i != ns_mapping_cache.end ())
- {
- tmp = i->second;
- }
- else
- {
- bool trace (options.namespace_regex_trace ());
- if (trace)
- wcerr << "namespace: '" << pair << "'" << endl;
- bool found (false);
- Regex colon (L"#/#::#");
- for (RegexMapping::const_reverse_iterator e (nsr_mapping.rbegin ());
- e != nsr_mapping.rend (); ++e)
- {
- if (trace)
- wcerr << "try: '" << e->regex () << "' : ";
- if (e->match (pair))
- {
- tmp = e->replace (pair);
- tmp = colon.replace (tmp); // replace `/' with `::'
- // Check the result.
- //
- found = cxx_id_expr.match (tmp);
- if (trace)
- wcerr << "'" << tmp << "' : ";
- }
- if (trace)
- wcerr << (found ? '+' : '-') << endl;
- if (found)
- break;
- }
- if (!found)
- {
- String const& n ( ());
- // Check if the name is valid by itself.
- //
- if (n.empty ())
- {
- // Empty name denotes a no-namespace case.
- //
- tmp = n;
- }
- else
- {
- tmp = colon.replace (n); // replace `/' with `::'
- if (!cxx_id_expr.match (tmp))
- {
- // See if this is a urn-style namespace.
- //
- if (urn_mapping.match (n))
- {
- Regex filter (L"#[.:-]#_#");
- tmp = urn_mapping.replace (n);
- tmp = filter.replace (tmp);
- if (!cxx_id_expr.match (tmp))
- throw NoNamespaceMapping (
- ns.file (), ns.line (), ns.column (), ());
- }
- else
- throw NoNamespaceMapping (
- ns.file (), ns.line (), ns.column (), ());
- }
- }
- }
- // Add the mapping to the cache.
- //
- ns_mapping_cache[pair] = tmp;
- }
- }
- // Parse resulting namespace string and id() each name.
- //
- String r;
- String::size_type b (0), e;
- do
- {
- e = tmp.find (L"::", b);
- String name (tmp, b, e == tmp.npos ? e : e - b);
- if (!name.empty ())
- r += L"::" + escape (name);
- b = e;
- if (b == tmp.npos)
- break;
- b += 2;
- } while (true);
- return r;
- }
- SemanticGraph::Namespace& Context::
- xs_ns ()
- {
- return *xs_ns_;
- }
- String Context::
- xs_ns_name ()
- {
- return ns_name (*xs_ns_);
- }
- SemanticGraph::Namespace& Context::
- namespace_ (SemanticGraph::Nameable& n)
- {
- // The basic idea goes like this: go up Names edges until you
- // reach Namespace. There are, however, anonymous types which
- // need special handling. In the case of an anonymous type we
- // will go up the first Belongs edge (because the first edge
- // is where the type was defined.
- //
- if (n.named_p ())
- {
- SemanticGraph::Scope& s (n.scope ());
- SemanticGraph::Namespace* ns (
- dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Namespace*> (&n));
- return ns ? *ns : namespace_ (s);
- }
- else
- {
- SemanticGraph::Type& t (dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Type&> (n));
- SemanticGraph::Belongs& b (*t.classifies_begin ());
- return namespace_ (b.instance ());
- }
- }
- String Context::
- xml_ns_name (SemanticGraph::Nameable& n)
- {
- return namespace_ (n).name ();
- }
- String Context::
- fq_name (SemanticGraph::Nameable& n, char const* name_key)
- {
- using namespace SemanticGraph;
- String r;
- if (dynamic_cast<Schema*> (&n))
- {
- return L""; // Map to global namespace.
- }
- else if (SemanticGraph::Namespace* ns =
- dynamic_cast<SemanticGraph::Namespace*> (&n))
- {
- r = ns_name (*ns);
- }
- else
- {
- r = fq_name (n.scope ());
- r += L"::";
- r += n.context ().get<String> (name_key);
- }
- return r;
- }
- SemanticGraph::Type& Context::
- ultimate_base (SemanticGraph::Complex& c)
- {
- using namespace SemanticGraph;
- Type* b (&c.inherits ().base ());
- while (true)
- {
- Complex* cb (dynamic_cast<Complex*> (b));
- if (cb != 0 && cb->inherits_p ())
- {
- b = &cb->inherits ().base ();
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- return *b;
- }
- String Context::
- escape (String const& name)
- {
- String r;
- size_t n (name.size ());
- // In most common cases we will have that many chars.
- //
- r.reserve (n);
- for (size_t i (0); i < n; ++i)
- {
- bool first (i == 0);
- unsigned int u (unicode_char (name, i)); // May advance i.
- if (first)
- {
- if (!((u >= 'a' && u <= 'z') ||
- (u >= 'A' && u <= 'Z') ||
- u == '_'))
- r = (u >= '0' && u <= '9') ? L"cxx_" : L"cxx";
- }
- if (!((u >= 'a' && u <= 'z') ||
- (u >= 'A' && u <= 'Z') ||
- (u >= '0' && u <= '9') ||
- u == '_'))
- r.push_back ('_');
- else
- r.push_back (static_cast<wchar_t> (u));
- }
- if (r.empty ())
- r = L"cxx";
- // Custom reserved words.
- //
- ReservedNameMap::const_iterator i (reserved_name_map.find (r));
- if (i != reserved_name_map.end ())
- {
- if (i->second)
- return i->second;
- else
- r += L'_';
- }
- // Keywords
- //
- if (keyword_set.find (r) != keyword_set.end ())
- {
- r += L'_';
- // Re-run custom words.
- //
- i = reserved_name_map.find (r);
- if (i != reserved_name_map.end ())
- {
- if (i->second)
- return i->second;
- else
- r += L'_';
- }
- }
- return r;
- }
- // String escaping.
- //
- String
- charlit (unsigned int u)
- {
- String r ("\\x");
- bool lead (true);
- for (int i (7); i >= 0; --i)
- {
- unsigned int x ((u >> (i * 4)) & 0x0F);
- if (lead)
- {
- if (x == 0)
- continue;
- lead = false;
- }
- r += x < 10 ? ('0' + x) : ('A' + x - 10);
- }
- return r;
- }
- String
- strlit_ascii (String const& str)
- {
- String r;
- size_t n (str.size ());
- // In most common cases we will have that many chars.
- //
- r.reserve (n + 2);
- r += '"';
- bool escape (false);
- for (size_t i (0); i < n; ++i)
- {
- unsigned int u (Context::unicode_char (str, i)); // May advance i.
- // [128 - ] - unrepresentable
- // 127 - \x7F
- // [32 - 126] - as is
- // [0 - 31] - \X or \xXX
- //
- if (u < 32 || u == 127)
- {
- switch (u)
- {
- case L'\n':
- {
- r += L"\\n";
- break;
- }
- case L'\t':
- {
- r += L"\\t";
- break;
- }
- case L'\v':
- {
- r += L"\\v";
- break;
- }
- case L'\b':
- {
- r += L"\\b";
- break;
- }
- case L'\r':
- {
- r += L"\\r";
- break;
- }
- case L'\f':
- {
- r += L"\\f";
- break;
- }
- case L'\a':
- {
- r += L"\\a";
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- r += charlit (u);
- escape = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (u < 127)
- {
- if (escape)
- {
- // Close and open the string so there are no clashes.
- //
- r += '"';
- r += '"';
- escape = false;
- }
- switch (u)
- {
- case L'"':
- {
- r += L"\\\"";
- break;
- }
- case L'\\':
- {
- r += L"\\\\";
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- r += static_cast<wchar_t> (u);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Unrepresentable character.
- //
- throw UnrepresentableCharacter (str, i + 1);
- }
- }
- r += '"';
- return r;
- }
- const unsigned int utf8_first_char_mask[5] =
- {
- 0x00, 0x00, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xF0
- };
- String
- strlit_utf8 (String const& str)
- {
- String r;
- size_t n (str.size ());
- // In most common cases we will have that many chars.
- //
- r.reserve (n + 2);
- r += '"';
- bool escape (false);
- for (size_t i (0); i < n; ++i)
- {
- unsigned int u (Context::unicode_char (str, i)); // May advance i.
- // [128 - ] - UTF-8
- // 127 - \x7F
- // [32 - 126] - as is
- // [0 - 31] - \X or \xXX
- //
- if (u < 32 || u == 127)
- {
- switch (u)
- {
- case L'\n':
- {
- r += L"\\n";
- break;
- }
- case L'\t':
- {
- r += L"\\t";
- break;
- }
- case L'\v':
- {
- r += L"\\v";
- break;
- }
- case L'\b':
- {
- r += L"\\b";
- break;
- }
- case L'\r':
- {
- r += L"\\r";
- break;
- }
- case L'\f':
- {
- r += L"\\f";
- break;
- }
- case L'\a':
- {
- r += L"\\a";
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- r += charlit (u);
- escape = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (u < 127)
- {
- if (escape)
- {
- // Close and open the string so there are no clashes.
- //
- r += '"';
- r += '"';
- escape = false;
- }
- switch (u)
- {
- case L'"':
- {
- r += L"\\\"";
- break;
- }
- case L'\\':
- {
- r += L"\\\\";
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- r += static_cast<wchar_t> (u);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- unsigned int count (0);
- unsigned int tmp[4];
- if (u < 0x800)
- count = 2;
- else if (u < 0x10000)
- count = 3;
- else if (u < 0x110000)
- count = 4;
- switch (count)
- {
- case 4:
- {
- tmp[3] = (u | 0x80UL) & 0xBFUL;
- u >>= 6;
- }
- case 3:
- {
- tmp[2] = (u | 0x80UL) & 0xBFUL;
- u >>= 6;
- }
- case 2:
- {
- tmp[1] = (u | 0x80UL) & 0xBFUL;
- u >>= 6;
- }
- case 1:
- {
- tmp[0] = u | utf8_first_char_mask[count];
- break;
- }
- default:
- assert (false);
- }
- for (unsigned int j (0); j < count; ++j)
- r += charlit (tmp[j]);
- escape = true;
- }
- }
- r += '"';
- return r;
- }
- String
- strlit_iso8859_1 (String const& str)
- {
- String r;
- size_t n (str.size ());
- // In most common cases we will have that many chars.
- //
- r.reserve (n + 2);
- r += '"';
- bool escape (false);
- for (size_t i (0); i < n; ++i)
- {
- unsigned int u (Context::unicode_char (str, i)); // May advance i.
- // [256 - ] - unrepresentable
- // [127 - 255] - \xXX
- // [32 - 126] - as is
- // [0 - 31] - \X or \xXX
- //
- if (u < 32)
- {
- switch (u)
- {
- case L'\n':
- {
- r += L"\\n";
- break;
- }
- case L'\t':
- {
- r += L"\\t";
- break;
- }
- case L'\v':
- {
- r += L"\\v";
- break;
- }
- case L'\b':
- {
- r += L"\\b";
- break;
- }
- case L'\r':
- {
- r += L"\\r";
- break;
- }
- case L'\f':
- {
- r += L"\\f";
- break;
- }
- case L'\a':
- {
- r += L"\\a";
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- r += charlit (u);
- escape = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (u < 127)
- {
- if (escape)
- {
- // Close and open the string so there are no clashes.
- //
- r += '"';
- r += '"';
- escape = false;
- }
- switch (u)
- {
- case L'"':
- {
- r += L"\\\"";
- break;
- }
- case L'\\':
- {
- r += L"\\\\";
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- r += static_cast<wchar_t> (u);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (u < 256)
- {
- r += charlit (u);
- escape = true;
- }
- else
- {
- // Unrepresentable character.
- //
- throw UnrepresentableCharacter (str, i + 1);
- }
- }
- r += '"';
- return r;
- }
- String
- strlit_utf32 (String const& str)
- {
- String r;
- size_t n (str.size ());
- // In most common cases we will have that many chars.
- //
- r.reserve (n + 3);
- r += L"L\"";
- bool escape (false);
- for (size_t i (0); i < n; ++i)
- {
- unsigned int u (Context::unicode_char (str, i)); // May advance i.
- // [128 - ] - \xUUUUUUUU
- // 127 - \x7F
- // [32 - 126] - as is
- // [0 - 31] - \X or \xXX
- //
- if (u < 32 || u == 127)
- {
- switch (u)
- {
- case L'\n':
- {
- r += L"\\n";
- break;
- }
- case L'\t':
- {
- r += L"\\t";
- break;
- }
- case L'\v':
- {
- r += L"\\v";
- break;
- }
- case L'\b':
- {
- r += L"\\b";
- break;
- }
- case L'\r':
- {
- r += L"\\r";
- break;
- }
- case L'\f':
- {
- r += L"\\f";
- break;
- }
- case L'\a':
- {
- r += L"\\a";
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- r += charlit (u);
- escape = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (u < 127)
- {
- if (escape)
- {
- // Close and open the string so there are no clashes. C++11
- // requires a space between " and L.
- //
- r += L"\" L\"";
- escape = false;
- }
- switch (u)
- {
- case L'"':
- {
- r += L"\\\"";
- break;
- }
- case L'\\':
- {
- r += L"\\\\";
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- r += static_cast<wchar_t> (u);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- r += charlit (u);
- escape = true;
- }
- }
- r += '"';
- return r;
- }
- String Context::
- strlit (String const& str)
- {
- // First see if we have a custom mapping.
- //
- assert (string_literal_map != 0);
- StringLiteralMap::const_iterator i (string_literal_map->find (str));
- if (i != string_literal_map->end ())
- return i->second;
- if (char_type == L"char")
- {
- if (char_encoding == L"utf8")
- return strlit_utf8 (str);
- else if (char_encoding == L"iso8859-1")
- return strlit_iso8859_1 (str);
- else
- {
- // For LCP, custom, and other unknown encodings, use ASCII.
- //
- return strlit_ascii (str);
- }
- }
- else
- return strlit_utf32 (str);
- }
- String Context::
- comment (String const& str)
- {
- String r;
- wchar_t const* s (str.c_str ());
- size_t size (str.size ());
- // In most common cases we will have that many chars.
- //
- r.reserve (size);
- for (wchar_t const* p (s); p < s + size; ++p)
- {
- unsigned int u (unicode_char (p)); // May advance p.
- // We are going to treat \v, \f and \n as unrepresentable
- // here even though they can be present in C++ source code.
- //
- if (u > 127 || (u < 32 && u != '\t'))
- r += L'?';
- else
- r += static_cast<wchar_t> (u);
- }
- return r;
- }
- String Context::
- process_include_path (String const& name) const
- {
- String path (String (options.include_prefix ()) + name);
- bool trace (options.include_regex_trace ());
- if (trace)
- wcerr << "include: '" << path << "'" << endl;
- String r;
- bool found (false);
- for (RegexMapping::const_reverse_iterator e (include_mapping.rbegin ());
- e != include_mapping.rend (); ++e)
- {
- if (trace)
- wcerr << "try: '" << e->regex () << "' : ";
- if (e->match (path))
- {
- r = e->replace (path);
- found = true;
- if (trace)
- wcerr << "'" << r << "' : ";
- }
- if (trace)
- wcerr << (found ? '+' : '-') << endl;
- if (found)
- break;
- }
- if (!found)
- r = path;
- if (!r.empty () && r[0] != L'"' && r[0] != L'<')
- {
- wchar_t op (options.include_with_brackets () ? L'<' : L'"');
- wchar_t cl (options.include_with_brackets () ? L'>' : L'"');
- r = op + r + cl;
- }
- return r;
- }
- // Namespace
- //
- void Namespace::
- pre (Type& n)
- {
- String ns (ctx_.ns_name (n));
- String::size_type b (0), e;
- if (st_)
- st_->enter (n, L"", ns ? false : true);
- do
- {
- e = ns.find (L"::", b);
- String name (ns, b, e == ns.npos ? e : e - b);
- if (!name.empty ())
- {
- if (st_)
- st_->enter (n, name, e == ns.npos);
- ctx_.os << "namespace " << name << "{";
- }
- b = e;
- if (b == ns.npos)
- break;
- b += 2;
- } while (true);
- }
- void Namespace::
- post (Type& n)
- {
- String ns (ctx_.ns_name (n));
- String::size_type b (0), e;
- do
- {
- e = ns.find (L"::", b);
- String name (ns, b, e == ns.npos ? e : e - b);
- if (!name.empty ())
- {
- ctx_.os << "}";
- if (st_)
- st_->leave ();
- }
- b = e;
- if (b == ns.npos)
- break;
- b += 2;
- }
- while (true);
- if (st_)
- st_->leave ();
- }