path: root/examples/cxx/tree/xpath
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authorKaren Arutyunov <>2020-12-18 18:48:46 +0300
committerKaren Arutyunov <>2021-01-13 22:32:43 +0300
commit2615896faa646e5830abf2c269150e1165c66515 (patch)
tree7d95978ec0a83094c9462ed4e1f59d42f4ff8ddb /examples/cxx/tree/xpath
parent7420f85ea19b0562ffdd8123442f32bc8bac1267 (diff)
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Diffstat (limited to 'examples/cxx/tree/xpath')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 480 deletions
diff --git a/examples/cxx/tree/xpath/README b/examples/cxx/tree/xpath/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 1187743..0000000
--- a/examples/cxx/tree/xpath/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-This example shows how to use the C++/Tree mapping together with XPath.
-In particular, it shows how to execute an XPath query on the underlying
-DOM document and then handle the result using the more convenient object
-model representation. For more information on maintaining association
-with the underlying DOM document, refer to Section 5.1, "DOM Association"
-in the C++/Tree Mapping User Manual.
-You will need the XQilla library[1] which provides XQuery and XPath 2
-support on top of Xerces-C++ in order to build and run this example.
-The example consists of the following files:
- XML Schema definition for a simple person record vocabulary.
- Sample XML instance document.
- C++ types that represent the person record vocabulary and a set of
- parsing functions that convert XML instance documents to a tree-like
- in-memory object model. These are generated by XSD from people.xsd.
- Definition and implementation of the parse() function that parses an
- XML document to a DOM document.
- Driver for the example. It first calls the above parse() function to
- parse the input file to a DOM document using XQilla-provided DOM
- Implementation with support for XPath 2. It then parses the DOM
- document to the object model. Finally, it prepares and executes
- an XPath query on the underlying DOM document and then handles
- the result by getting back from the returned DOM nodes to object
- model nodes.
-To run the example on the sample XML document simply execute:
-$ ./driver people.xml
diff --git a/examples/cxx/tree/xpath/dom-parse.cxx b/examples/cxx/tree/xpath/dom-parse.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 0282780..0000000
--- a/examples/cxx/tree/xpath/dom-parse.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-// file : examples/cxx/tree/xpath/dom-parse.cxx
-// copyright : not copyrighted - public domain
-#include "dom-parse.hxx"
-#include <istream>
-#include <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp>
-#include <xercesc/framework/Wrapper4InputSource.hpp>
-#include <xsd/cxx/xml/sax/std-input-source.hxx>
-#include <xsd/cxx/xml/dom/bits/error-handler-proxy.hxx>
-#include <xsd/cxx/tree/exceptions.hxx>
-#include <xsd/cxx/tree/error-handler.hxx>
-using namespace xercesc;
-namespace xml = xsd::cxx::xml;
-namespace tree = xsd::cxx::tree;
-parse (std::istream& is,
- const std::string& id,
- bool validate,
- DOMImplementation* impl)
- xml::dom::auto_ptr<DOMLSParser> parser (
- impl->createLSParser (DOMImplementationLS::MODE_SYNCHRONOUS, 0));
- DOMConfiguration* conf (parser->getDomConfig ());
- // Discard comment nodes in the document.
- //
- conf->setParameter (XMLUni::fgDOMComments, false);
- // Enable datatype normalization.
- //
- conf->setParameter (XMLUni::fgDOMDatatypeNormalization, true);
- // Do not create EntityReference nodes in the DOM tree. No
- // EntityReference nodes will be created, only the nodes
- // corresponding to their fully expanded substitution text
- // will be created.
- //
- conf->setParameter (XMLUni::fgDOMEntities, false);
- // Perform namespace processing.
- //
- conf->setParameter (XMLUni::fgDOMNamespaces, true);
- // Do not include ignorable whitespace in the DOM tree.
- //
- conf->setParameter (XMLUni::fgDOMElementContentWhitespace, false);
- // Enable/Disable validation.
- //
- conf->setParameter (XMLUni::fgDOMValidate, validate);
- conf->setParameter (XMLUni::fgXercesSchema, validate);
- conf->setParameter (XMLUni::fgXercesSchemaFullChecking, false);
- // Xerces-C++ 3.1.0 is the first version with working multi import
- // support.
- //
-#if _XERCES_VERSION >= 30100
- conf->setParameter (XMLUni::fgXercesHandleMultipleImports, true);
- // We will release the DOM document ourselves.
- //
- conf->setParameter (XMLUni::fgXercesUserAdoptsDOMDocument, true);
- // Set error handler.
- //
- tree::error_handler<char> eh;
- xml::dom::bits::error_handler_proxy<char> ehp (eh);
- conf->setParameter (XMLUni::fgDOMErrorHandler, &ehp);
- // Prepare input stream.
- //
- xml::sax::std_input_source isrc (is, id);
- Wrapper4InputSource wrap (&isrc, false);
- xml::dom::auto_ptr<DOMDocument> doc (parser->parse (&wrap));
- eh.throw_if_failed<tree::parsing<char> > ();
- return doc;
diff --git a/examples/cxx/tree/xpath/dom-parse.hxx b/examples/cxx/tree/xpath/dom-parse.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fa0eb9..0000000
--- a/examples/cxx/tree/xpath/dom-parse.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-// file : examples/cxx/tree/xpath/dom-parse.hxx
-// copyright : not copyrighted - public domain
-#ifndef DOM_PARSE
-#define DOM_PARSE
-#include <string>
-#include <iosfwd>
-#include <xercesc/dom/DOMDocument.hpp>
-#include <xercesc/dom/DOMImplementation.hpp>
-#include <xsd/cxx/xml/dom/auto-ptr.hxx>
-// Parse an XML document from the standard input stream with an
-// optional resource id. Resource id is used in diagnostics as
-// well as to locate schemas referenced from inside the document.
-parse (std::istream& is,
- const std::string& id,
- bool validate,
- xercesc::DOMImplementation*);
-#endif // DOM_PARSE
diff --git a/examples/cxx/tree/xpath/driver.cxx b/examples/cxx/tree/xpath/driver.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index f9bd040..0000000
--- a/examples/cxx/tree/xpath/driver.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-// file : examples/cxx/tree/xpath/driver.cxx
-// copyright : not copyrighted - public domain
-#include <memory> // std::auto_ptr
-#include <string>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp>
-#include <xqilla/xqilla-dom3.hpp>
-#include <xsd/cxx/xml/string.hxx> // xml::string, xml::transcode
-#include "dom-parse.hxx"
-#include "people.hxx"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace xercesc;
-namespace xml = xsd::cxx::xml;
-main (int argc, char* argv[])
- if (argc != 2)
- {
- cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " people.xml" << endl;
- return 1;
- }
- int r (0);
- // Initialise Xerces-C++ and XQilla.
- //
- XQillaPlatformUtils::initialize();
- // Get the XQilla DOMImplementation object with support for XPath.
- //
- DOMImplementation* impl (
- DOMImplementationRegistry::getDOMImplementation(
- xml::string ("XPath2 3.0").c_str ()));
- try
- {
- using namespace people;
- ifstream ifs;
- ifs.exceptions (ifstream::badbit | ifstream::failbit);
- (argv[1]);
- // Parse the XML file to DOM using the XQilla DOMImplementation.
- //
- xml_schema::dom::auto_ptr<xercesc::DOMDocument> dom (
- parse (ifs, argv[1], true, impl));
- // Parse the DOM document to the object model. We also request that
- // the DOM document to be associated with the object model.
- //
- std::auto_ptr<directory> d (
- directory_ (dom,
- xml_schema::flags::keep_dom | xml_schema::flags::own_dom));
- // Obtain the root element and document corresponding to the
- // directory object.
- //
- DOMElement* root (static_cast<DOMElement*> (d->_node ()));
- DOMDocument* doc (root->getOwnerDocument ());
- // Obtain namespace resolver.
- //
- xml_schema::dom::auto_ptr<DOMXPathNSResolver> resolver (
- doc->createNSResolver (root));
- // Set the namespace prefix for the people namespace that we can
- // use reliably in XPath expressions regardless of what is used
- // in XML documents.
- //
- resolver->addNamespaceBinding (
- xml::string ("p").c_str (),
- xml::string ("").c_str ());
- // Create XPath expression.
- //
- xml_schema::dom::auto_ptr<DOMXPathExpression> expr (
- doc->createExpression (
- xml::string ("p:directory/person[age > 30]").c_str (),
- resolver.get ()));
- // Execute the query.
- //
- xml_schema::dom::auto_ptr<DOMXPathResult> r (
- expr->evaluate (doc, DOMXPathResult::ITERATOR_RESULT_TYPE, 0));
- // Iterate over the result.
- //
- cerr << "Records matching the query:" << endl;
- while (r->iterateNext ())
- {
- DOMNode* n (r->getNodeValue ());
- // Obtain the object model node corresponding to this DOM node.
- //
- person* p (
- static_cast<person*> (
- n->getUserData (xml_schema::dom::tree_node_key)));
- // Print the data using the object model.
- //
- cerr << endl
- << "First : " << p->first_name () << endl
- << "Last : " << p->last_name () << endl
- << "Gender : " << p->gender () << endl
- << "Age : " << p->age () << endl;
- }
- }
- catch(const DOMException& e)
- {
- cerr << xml::transcode<char> (e.getMessage ()) << std::endl;
- r = 1;
- }
- catch (const xml_schema::exception& e)
- {
- cerr << e << endl;
- r = 1;
- }
- catch (const std::ios_base::failure&)
- {
- cerr << argv[1] << ": unable to open or read failure" << endl;
- r = 1;
- }
- XQillaPlatformUtils::terminate();
- return r;
diff --git a/examples/cxx/tree/xpath/makefile b/examples/cxx/tree/xpath/makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f5a3b0..0000000
--- a/examples/cxx/tree/xpath/makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-# file : examples/cxx/tree/xpath/makefile
-# license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file
-include $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))../../../../build/bootstrap.make
-xsd := people.xsd
-cxx := driver.cxx dom-parse.cxx
-obj := $(addprefix $(out_base)/,$(cxx:.cxx=.o) $(xsd:.xsd=.o))
-dep := $(obj:.o=.o.d)
-driver := $(out_base)/driver
-install := $(out_base)/.install
-dist := $(out_base)/.dist
-dist-win := $(out_base)/.dist-win
-clean := $(out_base)/.clean
-# Import.
-$(call import,\
- $(scf_root)/import/libxerces-c/stub.make,\
- l: xerces_c.l,cpp-options: xerces_c.l.cpp-options)
-ifeq ($(filter $(MAKECMDGOALS),dist dist-win install),)
-$(call import,\
- $(scf_root)/import/libxqilla/stub.make,\
- l: xqilla.l,cpp-options: xqilla.l.cpp-options)
-# Build.
-$(driver): $(obj) $(xqilla.l) $(xerces_c.l)
-$(obj) $(dep): cpp_options := -I$(out_base) -I$(src_base) -I$(src_root)/libxsd
-$(obj) $(dep): $(xqilla.l.cpp-options) $(xerces_c.l.cpp-options)
-genf := $(xsd:.xsd=.hxx) $(xsd:.xsd=.ixx) $(xsd:.xsd=.cxx)
-gen := $(addprefix $(out_base)/,$(genf))
-$(gen): xsd := $(out_root)/xsd/xsd
-$(gen): $(out_root)/xsd/xsd
-$(call include-dep,$(dep),$(obj),$(gen))
-# Convenience alias for default target.
-$(out_base)/: $(driver)
-# Install & Dist.
-dist-common := $(out_base)/.dist-common
-$(install) $(dist) $(dist-win) $(dist-common): path := $(subst $(src_root)/,,$(src_base))
- $(call install-data,$(src_base)/README,$(install_doc_dir)/xsd/$(path)/README)
- $(call install-data,$(src_base)/driver.cxx,$(install_doc_dir)/xsd/$(path)/driver.cxx)
- $(call install-data,$(src_base)/people.xsd,$(install_doc_dir)/xsd/$(path)/people.xsd)
- $(call install-data,$(src_base)/people.xml,$(install_doc_dir)/xsd/$(path)/people.xml)
- $(call install-data,$(src_base)/dom-parse.hxx,$(install_doc_dir)/xsd/$(path)/dom-parse.hxx)
- $(call install-data,$(src_base)/dom-parse.cxx,$(install_doc_dir)/xsd/$(path)/dom-parse.cxx)
- $(call install-data,$(src_base)/driver.cxx,$(dist_prefix)/$(path)/driver.cxx)
- $(call install-data,$(src_base)/people.xsd,$(dist_prefix)/$(path)/people.xsd)
- $(call install-data,$(src_base)/people.xml,$(dist_prefix)/$(path)/people.xml)
- $(call install-data,$(src_base)/dom-parse.hxx,$(dist_prefix)/$(path)/dom-parse.hxx)
- $(call install-data,$(src_base)/dom-parse.cxx,$(dist_prefix)/$(path)/dom-parse.cxx)
-$(dist): $(dist-common)
- $(call install-data,$(src_base)/README,$(dist_prefix)/$(path)/README)
-$(dist-win): |$(out_root)/.dist-pre
-$(dist-win): $(dist-common)
- $(call install-data,$(src_base)/README,$(dist_prefix)/$(path)/README.txt)
- $(call message,,todos $(dist_prefix)/$(path)/README.txt)
- $(call meta-vc8sln,$(src_root)/dist/template-vc8.sln,xpath-vc8.sln)
- $(call meta-vc9sln,$(src_root)/dist/template-vc9.sln,xpath-vc9.sln)
- $(call meta-vc10sln,$(src_root)/dist/template-vc10.sln,xpath-vc10.sln)
- $(call meta-vc11sln,$(src_root)/dist/template-vc11.sln,xpath-vc11.sln)
- $(call meta-vc12sln,$(src_root)/dist/template-vc12.sln,xpath-vc12.sln)
-# Clean.
-$(clean): $(driver).o.clean \
- $(addsuffix .cxx.clean,$(obj)) \
- $(addsuffix .cxx.clean,$(dep)) \
- $(addprefix $(out_base)/,$(xsd:.xsd=.cxx.xsd.clean))
-# Generated .gitignore.
-ifeq ($(out_base),$(src_base))
-$(gen): | $(out_base)/.gitignore
-$(driver): | $(out_base)/.gitignore
-$(out_base)/.gitignore: files := driver $(genf)
-$(clean): $(out_base)/.gitignore.clean
-$(call include,$(bld_root)/git/gitignore.make)
-# How to.
-$(call include,$(bld_root)/cxx/o-e.make)
-$(call include,$(bld_root)/cxx/cxx-o.make)
-$(call include,$(bld_root)/cxx/cxx-d.make)
-$(call include,$(scf_root)/xsd/tree/xsd-cxx.make)
-$(call include,$(bld_root)/install.make)
-$(call include,$(bld_root)/meta/vc8sln.make)
-$(call include,$(bld_root)/meta/vc9sln.make)
-$(call include,$(bld_root)/meta/vc10sln.make)
-$(call include,$(bld_root)/meta/vc11sln.make)
-$(call include,$(bld_root)/meta/vc12sln.make)
-# Dependencies.
-$(call import,$(src_root)/xsd/makefile)
diff --git a/examples/cxx/tree/xpath/people.xml b/examples/cxx/tree/xpath/people.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ad9ab6..0000000
--- a/examples/cxx/tree/xpath/people.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-file : examples/cxx/tree/xpath/people.xml
-copyright : not copyrighted - public domain
-<ppl:directory xmlns:ppl=""
- xmlns:xsi=""
- xsi:schemaLocation=" people.xsd">
- <person>
- <first-name>John</first-name>
- <last-name>Doe</last-name>
- <gender>male</gender>
- <age>32</age>
- </person>
- <person>
- <first-name>Jane</first-name>
- <last-name>Doe</last-name>
- <gender>female</gender>
- <age>28</age>
- </person>
diff --git a/examples/cxx/tree/xpath/people.xsd b/examples/cxx/tree/xpath/people.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index 5be94de..0000000
--- a/examples/cxx/tree/xpath/people.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-file : examples/cxx/tree/xpath/people.xsd
-copyright : not copyrighted - public domain
-<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
- xmlns:ppl=""
- targetNamespace="">
- <xsd:simpleType name="gender">
- <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
- <xsd:enumeration value="male"/>
- <xsd:enumeration value="female"/>
- </xsd:restriction>
- </xsd:simpleType>
- <xsd:complexType name="person">
- <xsd:sequence>
- <xsd:element name="first-name" type="xsd:string"/>
- <xsd:element name="last-name" type="xsd:string"/>
- <xsd:element name="gender" type="ppl:gender"/>
- <xsd:element name="age" type="xsd:unsignedShort"/>
- </xsd:sequence>
- </xsd:complexType>
- <xsd:complexType name="directory">
- <xsd:sequence>
- <xsd:element name="person" type="ppl:person" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </xsd:sequence>
- </xsd:complexType>
- <xsd:element name="directory" type="ppl:directory"/>