path: root/odb/odb/semantics/relational/elements.hxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'odb/odb/semantics/relational/elements.hxx')
1 files changed, 468 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/odb/odb/semantics/relational/elements.hxx b/odb/odb/semantics/relational/elements.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06ec552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odb/odb/semantics/relational/elements.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+// file : odb/semantics/relational/elements.hxx
+// license : GNU GPL v3; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <map>
+#include <list>
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <libcutl/container/graph.hxx>
+#include <libcutl/container/pointer-iterator.hxx>
+#include <libcutl/compiler/context.hxx>
+#ifdef ODB_BUILD2
+#include <libstudxml/parser.hxx>
+#include <libstudxml/serializer.hxx>
+#include <libcutl/xml/parser.hxx>
+#include <libcutl/xml/serializer.hxx>
+namespace cutl {namespace xml {typedef parser content;}}
+#include <odb/semantics/relational/name.hxx>
+namespace semantics
+ namespace relational
+ {
+ using namespace cutl;
+ using std::string;
+ using container::pointer_iterator;
+ using compiler::context;
+ typedef unsigned long long version;
+ //
+ //
+ extern string const xmlns;
+ //
+ //
+ class node;
+ class edge;
+ typedef container::graph<node, edge> graph;
+ //
+ //
+ class edge: public context
+ {
+ public:
+ template <typename X>
+ bool
+ is_a () const
+ {
+ return dynamic_cast<X const*> (this) != 0;
+ }
+ public:
+ virtual
+ ~edge () {}
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ class node: public context
+ {
+ // Return name of the node.
+ //
+ public:
+ virtual string
+ kind () const = 0;
+ public:
+ template <typename X>
+ bool
+ is_a () const
+ {
+ return dynamic_cast<X const*> (this) != 0;
+ }
+ public:
+ virtual
+ ~node () {}
+ // XML serialization.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ serialize (xml::serializer&) const = 0;
+ // Sink functions that allow extensions in the form of one-way
+ // edges.
+ //
+ void
+ add_edge_right (edge&) {}
+ void
+ remove_edge_right (edge&) {}
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ class alters: public edge
+ {
+ public:
+ node&
+ base () const {return *base_;}
+ node&
+ modifier () const {return *modifier_;}
+ public:
+ alters () : base_ (0), modifier_ (0) {}
+ void
+ set_left_node (node& m)
+ {
+ assert (modifier_ == 0);
+ modifier_ = &m;
+ }
+ void
+ set_right_node (node& b)
+ {
+ assert (base_ == 0);
+ base_ = &b;
+ }
+ void
+ clear_left_node (node& m)
+ {
+ assert (modifier_ == &m);
+ modifier_ = 0;
+ }
+ void
+ clear_right_node (node& b)
+ {
+ assert (base_ == &b);
+ base_ = 0;
+ }
+ protected:
+ node* base_;
+ node* modifier_;
+ };
+ //
+ //
+ template <typename N>
+ class scope;
+ template <typename N>
+ class nameable;
+ //
+ //
+ template <typename N>
+ class names: public edge
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef N name_type;
+ typedef relational::scope<N> scope_type;
+ typedef relational::nameable<N> nameable_type;
+ name_type const&
+ name () const
+ {
+ return name_;
+ }
+ scope_type&
+ scope () const
+ {
+ return *scope_;
+ }
+ nameable_type&
+ nameable () const
+ {
+ return *nameable_;
+ }
+ public:
+ names (name_type const& name): name_ (name) {}
+ void
+ set_left_node (scope_type& n)
+ {
+ scope_ = &n;
+ }
+ void
+ set_right_node (nameable_type& n)
+ {
+ nameable_ = &n;
+ }
+ void
+ clear_left_node (scope_type& n)
+ {
+ assert (scope_ == &n);
+ scope_ = 0;
+ }
+ void
+ clear_right_node (nameable_type& n)
+ {
+ assert (nameable_ == &n);
+ nameable_ = 0;
+ }
+ protected:
+ name_type name_;
+ scope_type* scope_;
+ nameable_type* nameable_;
+ };
+ typedef names<uname> unames;
+ typedef names<qname> qnames;
+ //
+ //
+ template <typename N>
+ class nameable: public virtual node
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef N name_type;
+ typedef relational::names<N> names_type;
+ typedef relational::scope<N> scope_type;
+ name_type const&
+ name () const {return named_->name ();}
+ scope_type&
+ scope () const {return named ().scope ();}
+ names_type&
+ named () const {return *named_;}
+ string const&
+ id () const {return id_;}
+ public:
+ // Id identifies the C++ node (e.g., a class or a data member) that
+ // this model node corresponds to. The ids are not necessarily unique
+ // (e.g., there can be a foreign key and an index with the same id that
+ // correspond to a container member). However, in any given scope, the
+ // {id,typeid} must be unique. This becomes important when we try to
+ // find correspondance between nodes during model diff'ing.
+ //
+ nameable (string const& id): id_ (id), named_ (0) {}
+ virtual nameable&
+ clone (scope_type&, graph&) const = 0;
+ // Virtual because we call it via nameable interface (e.g., in copy).
+ //
+ virtual void
+ add_edge_right (names_type& e)
+ {
+ assert (named_ == 0);
+ named_ = &e;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ remove_edge_right (names_type& e)
+ {
+ assert (named_ == &e);
+ named_ = 0;
+ }
+ using node::add_edge_right;
+ using node::remove_edge_right;
+ protected:
+ nameable (nameable const&, graph& g);
+ nameable (xml::parser&, graph& g);
+ void
+ serialize_attributes (xml::serializer&) const;
+ public:
+ typedef void (*parser_func) (xml::parser&, scope_type&, graph&);
+ typedef std::map<std::string, parser_func> parser_map;
+ static parser_map parser_map_;
+ template <typename T>
+ static void
+ parser_impl (xml::parser&, scope_type&, graph&);
+ private:
+ string id_;
+ names_type* named_;
+ };
+ typedef nameable<uname> unameable;
+ typedef nameable<qname> qnameable;
+ //
+ //
+ struct duplicate_name
+ {
+ template <typename N>
+ duplicate_name (relational::scope<N>&,
+ relational::nameable<N>& orig,
+ relational::nameable<N>& dup);
+ node& scope;
+ node& orig;
+ node& dup;
+ string name;
+ };
+ template <typename N>
+ class scope: public virtual node
+ {
+ protected:
+ typedef N name_type;
+ typedef relational::names<N> names_type;
+ typedef relational::nameable<N> nameable_type;
+ typedef std::list<names_type*> names_list;
+ typedef std::map<name_type, typename names_list::iterator> names_map;
+ typedef
+ std::map<names_type const*, typename names_list::iterator>
+ names_iterator_map;
+ public:
+ typedef pointer_iterator<typename names_list::iterator> names_iterator;
+ typedef
+ pointer_iterator<typename names_list::const_iterator>
+ names_const_iterator;
+ public:
+ // Iteration.
+ //
+ names_iterator
+ names_begin ()
+ {
+ return names_.begin ();
+ }
+ names_iterator
+ names_end ()
+ {
+ return names_.end ();
+ }
+ names_const_iterator
+ names_begin () const
+ {
+ return names_.begin ();
+ }
+ names_const_iterator
+ names_end () const
+ {
+ return names_.end ();
+ }
+ bool
+ names_empty () const
+ {
+ return names_.empty ();
+ }
+ // Find (this scope only).
+ //
+ template <typename T>
+ T*
+ find (name_type const&);
+ names_iterator
+ find (name_type const&);
+ names_const_iterator
+ find (name_type const&) const;
+ names_iterator
+ find (names_type const&);
+ names_const_iterator
+ find (names_type const&) const;
+ // Lookup in this and all altered scopes until we find what we are
+ // looking for or hit a stop node of type S (e.g., drop_*).
+ //
+ template <typename T, typename S>
+ T*
+ lookup (name_type const&);
+ public:
+ scope*
+ base () const
+ {
+ return alters_ != 0 ? &dynamic_cast<scope&> (alters_->base ()) : 0;
+ }
+ public:
+ scope ()
+ : first_key_ (names_.end ()),
+ first_drop_column_ (names_.end ()),
+ alters_ (0) {}
+ // Virtual because we call it via scope interface (e.g., in copy).
+ //
+ virtual void
+ add_edge_left (alters& a)
+ {
+ assert (alters_ == 0);
+ alters_ = &a;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ remove_edge_left (alters& a)
+ {
+ assert (alters_ == &a);
+ alters_ = 0;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ add_edge_left (names_type&);
+ virtual void
+ remove_edge_left (names_type&);
+ protected:
+ scope (scope const&, scope* base, graph&);
+ scope (xml::parser&, scope* base, graph&);
+ void
+ serialize_content (xml::serializer&) const;
+ protected:
+ names_list names_;
+ names_map names_map_;
+ names_iterator_map iterator_map_;
+ typename names_list::iterator first_key_;
+ typename names_list::iterator first_drop_column_;
+ alters* alters_;
+ };
+ template <>
+ void scope<uname>::
+ add_edge_left (names_type&);
+ template <>
+ void scope<uname>::
+ remove_edge_left (names_type&);
+ typedef scope<uname> uscope;
+ typedef scope<qname> qscope;
+ }
+#include <odb/semantics/relational/elements.txx>