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index 5286d9d..05fdc9b 100644
--- a/doc/manual.xhtml
+++ b/doc/manual.xhtml
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
<meta name="copyright" content="&copy; 2009-2012 Code Synthesis Tools CC"/>
<meta name="keywords" content="odb,c++,object,persistence,ORM,relational,database,RDBMS,ODBMS,OODBMS"/>
<meta name="description" content="C++ Object Persistence with ODB"/>
- <meta name="revision" content="2.1"/>
- <meta name="version" content="2.1.0"/>
+ <meta name="revision" content="2.2"/>
+ <meta name="version" content="2.2.0"/>
@@ -265,8 +265,8 @@ for consistency.
no Front-Cover Texts and no Back-Cover Texts.</p>
- <p id="revision">Revision 2.1, September 2012</p>
- <p>This revision of the manual describes ODB 2.1.0 and is available
+ <p id="revision">Revision 2.2, October 2012</p>
+ <p>This revision of the manual describes ODB 2.2.0 and is available
in the following formats:
<a href="">XHTML</a>,
<a href="">PDF</a>, and
@@ -344,6 +344,7 @@ for consistency.
<tr><th>4.2</th><td><a href="#4.2">Parameter Binding</a></td></tr>
<tr><th>4.3</th><td><a href="#4.3">Executing a Query</a></td></tr>
<tr><th>4.4</th><td><a href="#4.4">Query Result</a></td></tr>
+ <tr><th>4.5</th><td><a href="#4.5">Prepared Queries</a></td></tr>
@@ -683,7 +684,7 @@ for consistency.
<tr><th>17.5.1</th><td><a href="#17.5.1">Query Result Caching</a></td></tr>
<tr><th>17.5.2</th><td><a href="#17.5.2">Foreign Key Constraints</a></td></tr>
<tr><th>17.5.3</th><td><a href="#17.5.3">Unique Constraint Violations</a></td></tr>
- <tr><th>17.5.4</th><td><a href="#17.5.4">Multithreaded Windows Applications</a></td></tr>
+ <tr><th>17.5.4</th><td><a href="#17.5.4">Multi-threaded Windows Applications</a></td></tr>
<tr><th>17.5.5</th><td><a href="#17.5.5">Affected Row Count and DDL Statements</a></td></tr>
<tr><th>17.5.6</th><td><a href="#17.5.6">Long Data and Automatically Assigned Object Ids</a></td></tr>
<tr><th>17.5.7</th><td><a href="#17.5.7">Long Data and By-Value Accessors/Modifiers</a></td></tr>
@@ -3897,6 +3898,26 @@ namespace odb
what () const throw ();
+ // Prepared query support exceptions.
+ //
+ struct prepared_already_cached: exception
+ {
+ const char*
+ name () const;
+ virtual const char*
+ what () const throw ();
+ };
+ struct prepared_type_mismatch: exception
+ {
+ const char*
+ name () const;
+ virtual const char*
+ what () const throw ();
+ };
// Schema catalog exceptions.
struct unknown_schema: exception
@@ -3988,6 +4009,14 @@ namespace odb
class. For more information on polymorphism support, refer to
<a href="#8.2">Section 8.2, "Polymorphism Inheritance"</a>.</p>
+ <p>The <code>prepared_already_cached</code> exception is thrown by the
+ <code>cache_query()</code> function if a prepared query with the
+ specified name is already cached. The <code>prepared_type_mismatch</code>
+ exception is thrown by the <code>lookup_query()</code> function if
+ the specified prepared query object type or parameters type
+ does not match the one in the cache. Refer to <a href="#4.5">Section
+ 4.5, "Prepared Queries"</a> for details.</p>
<p>The <code>unknown_schema</code> exception is thrown by the
<code>odb::schema_catalog</code> class if a schema with the specified
name is not found. Refer to <a href="#3.4">Section 3.4, "Database"</a>
@@ -4077,7 +4106,7 @@ namespace odb
<pre class="cxx">
- query q ("first = 'John'" + (query::age &lt; query::_ref (age)));
+ query q ("first = 'John' AND" + (query::age &lt; query::_ref (age)));
<h2><a name="4.1">4.1 ODB Query Language</a></h2>
@@ -4312,7 +4341,9 @@ namespace odb
<p>Normally, we would create a named query instance if we are
planning to run the same query multiple times and would use the
- in-line version for those that are executed only once. A named
+ in-line version for those that are executed only once (see also
+ <a href="#4.5">Section 4.5, "Prepared Queries"</a> for a more
+ optimal way to re-execute the same query multiple times). A named
query instance that does not have any by-reference parameters is
immutable and can be shared between multiple threads without
synchronization. On the other hand, a query instance with
@@ -4594,6 +4625,442 @@ namespace odb
+ <h2><a name="4.5">4.5 Prepared Queries</a></h2>
+ <p>Most modern relational database systems have the notion of a prepared
+ statement. Prepared statements allow us to perform the potentially
+ expensive tasks of parsing SQL, preparing the query execution
+ plan, etc., once and then executing the same query multiple
+ times, potentially using different values for parameters in
+ each execution.</p>
+ <p>In ODB all the non-query database operations such as
+ <code>persist()</code>, <code>load()</code>, <code>update()</code>,
+ etc., are implemented in terms of prepared statements that are
+ cached and reused. While the <code>query()</code> database
+ operation also uses the prepared statement, this statement
+ is not cached or reused by default since ODB has no knowledge
+ of whether a query will be executed multiple times or only
+ once. Instead, ODB provides a mechanism, called prepared queries,
+ that allows us to prepare a query once and execute it multiple
+ times. In other words, ODB prepared queries are a thin wrapper
+ around the underlying database's prepared statement functionality.</p>
+ <p>In most cases ODB shields the application developer from database
+ connection management and multi-threading issues. However, when it
+ comes to prepared queries, a basic understanding of how ODB manages
+ these aspects is required. Conceptually, the <code>odb::database</code>
+ class represents a specific database, that is, a data store. However,
+ underneath, it maintains one or more connections to this database.
+ A connection can be used only by a single thread at a time. When
+ we start a transaction (by calling <code>database::begin()</code>),
+ the transaction instance obtains a connection and holds on to it
+ until the transaction is committed or rolled back. During this time
+ no other thread can use this connection. When the transaction
+ releases the connection, it may be closed or reused by another
+ transaction in this or another thread. What exactly happens to
+ a connection after it has been released depends on the connection
+ factory that is used by the <code>odb::database</code> instance.
+ For more information on connection factories, refer to
+ <a href="#II">Part II, "Database Systems"</a>.</p>
+ <p>A query prepared on one connection cannot be executed on another.
+ In other words, a prepared query is associated with the connection.
+ One important implication of this restriction is that we cannot
+ prepare a query in one transaction and then try to execute it
+ in another without making sure that both transactions use the
+ same connection.</p>
+ <p>To enable the prepared query functionality we need to specify
+ the <code>--generate-prepared</code> ODB compiler option. If
+ we are planning to always prepare our queries, then we can
+ disable the once-off query execution support by also specifying
+ the <code>--omit-unprepared</code> option.</p>
+ <p>To prepare a query we use the <code>prepare_query()</code> function
+ template. This function can be called on both the <code>odb::database</code>
+ and <code>odb::connection</code> instances. The <code>odb::database</code>
+ version simply obtains the connection used by the currently active
+ transaction and calls the corresponding <code>odb::connection</code>
+ version. If no transaction is currently active, then this function
+ throws the <code>odb::not_in_transaction</code> exception
+ (<a href="#3.5">Section 3.5, "Transactions"</a>). The
+ <code>prepare_query()</code> function has the following signature:</p>
+ <pre class="cxx">
+ template &lt;typename T>
+ prepared_query&lt;T>
+ prepare_query (const char* name, const odb::query&lt;T>&amp;);
+ </pre>
+ <p>The first argument to the <code>prepare_query()</code> function is
+ the prepared query name. This name is used as a key for prepared
+ query caching (discussed later) and must be unique. For some databases,
+ notably PostgreSQL, it is also used as a name of the underlying prepared
+ statement. The name <code>"<i>object</i>_query"</code> (e.g.,
+ <code>"person_query"</code>) is reserved for the once-off queries
+ executed by the <code>database::query()</code> function. Note that
+ the <code>prepare_query()</code> function makes only a shallow copy
+ of this argument, which means that the name must be valid for the
+ lifetime of the returned <code>prepared_query</code> instance.</p>
+ <p>The second argument to the <code>prepare_query()</code> function
+ is the query criteria. It has the same semantics as in the
+ <code>query()</code> function discussed in <a href="#4.3">Section
+ 4.3, "Executing a Query"</a>. Similar to <code>query()</code>, we
+ also have to explicitly specify the object type that we will be
+ querying. For example:</p>
+ <pre class="cxx">
+typedef odb::query&lt;person> query;
+typedef odb::prepared_query&lt;person> prep_query;
+prep_query pq (
+ db.prepare_query&lt;person> ("person-age-query", query::age > 50));
+ </pre>
+ <p>The result of executing the <code>prepare_query()</code> function is
+ the <code>prepared_query</code> instance that represent the prepared
+ query. It is best to view <code>prepared_query</code> as a handle to
+ the underlying prepared statement. While we can make a copy of it or
+ assign one <code>prepared_query</code> to another, the two instances
+ will refer to the same prepared statement. Once the last instance of
+ <code>prepared_query</code> referencing a specific prepared statement
+ is destroyed, this statement is released. The <code>prepared_query</code>
+ class template has the following interface:</p>
+ <pre class="cxx">
+namespace odb
+ template &lt;typename T>
+ struct prepared_query
+ {
+ prepared_query ();
+ prepared_query (const prepared_query&amp;)
+ prepared_query&amp; operator= (const prepared_query&amp;)
+ result&lt;T>
+ execute (bool cache = true);
+ const char*
+ name () const;
+ statement&amp;
+ statement () const;
+ operator unspecified_bool_type () const;
+ };
+ </pre>
+ <p>The default constructor creates an empty <code>prepared_query</code>
+ instance, that is, an instance that does not reference a prepared
+ statement and therefore cannot be executed. The only way to create
+ a non-empty prepared query is by calling the <code>prepare_query()</code>
+ function discussed above. To test whether the prepared query is empty,
+ we can use the implicit conversion operator to a boolean type. For
+ example:</p>
+ <pre class="cxx">
+ prepared_query&lt;person> pq;
+ if (pq)
+ {
+ // Not empty.
+ ...
+ }
+ </pre>
+ <p>The <code>execute()</code> function executes the query and returns
+ the result instance. The <code>cache</code> argument indicates
+ whether the result should be cached and has the same semantics
+ as in the <code>query()</code> function. In fact, conceptually,
+ <code>prepare_query()</code> and <code>execute()</code> are just
+ the <code>query()</code> function split into two:
+ <code>prepare_query()</code> takes the first
+ <code>query()</code> argument (the query condition) while
+ <code>execute()</code> takes the second (the cache flag). Note
+ also that re-executing a prepared query invalidates the
+ previous execution result, whether cached or uncached. </p>
+ <p>The <code>name()</code> function returns the prepared query name.
+ This is the same name as was passed as the first argument in the
+ <code>prepare_query()</code> call. The <code>statement()</code>
+ function returns a reference to the underlying prepared statement.
+ Note also that calling any of these functions on an empty
+ <code>prepared_query</code> instance results in undefined behavior.</p>
+ <p>The simplest use-case for a prepared query is the need to
+ execute the same query multiple times within a single transaction.
+ Consider the following example that queries for people that are older
+ than a number of different ages. This and subsequent code fragments
+ are taken from the <code>prepared</code> example in the
+ <code>odb-examples</code> package.</p>
+ <pre class="cxx">
+typedef odb::query&lt;person> query;
+typedef odb::prepared_query&lt;person> prep_query;
+typedef odb::result&lt;person> result;
+transaction t (db.begin ());
+unsigned short age;
+query q (query::age > query::_ref (age));
+prep_query pq (db.prepare_query&lt;person> ("person-age-query", q));
+for (age = 90; age > 40; age -= 10)
+ result r (pq.execute ());
+ ...
+t.commit ();
+ </pre>
+ <p>Another scenario is the need to reuse the same query in multiple
+ transactions that are executed at once. As was mentioned above,
+ in this case we need to make sure that the prepared query and
+ all the transactions use the same connection. Consider an
+ alternative version of the above example that executes each
+ query in a separate transaction:</p>
+ <pre class="cxx">
+connection_ptr conn (db.connection ());
+unsigned short age;
+query q (query::age > query::_ref (age));
+prep_query pq (conn->prepare_query&lt;person> ("person-age-query", q));
+for (age = 90; age > 40; age -= 10)
+ transaction t (conn->begin ());
+ result r (pq.execute ());
+ ...
+ t.commit ();
+ </pre>
+ <p>Note that with this approach we hold on to the database connection
+ until all the transactions involving the prepared query are
+ executed. In particular, this means that while we are busy, the
+ connection cannot be reused by another thread. Therefore, this
+ approach is only recommended if all the transactions are executed
+ close to each other. Also note that an uncached (see below)
+ prepared query is invalidated once we release the connection
+ on which it was prepared.</p>
+ <p>If we need to reuse a prepared query in transactions that are
+ executed at various times, potentially in different threads, then
+ the recommended approach is to cache the prepared query on the
+ connection. To support this functionality the <code>odb::database</code>
+ and <code>odb::connection</code> classes provide the following
+ function templates. Similar to <code>prepare_query()</code>,
+ the <code>odb::database</code> versions of the below
+ functions call the corresponding <code>odb::connection</code>
+ versions using the currently active transaction to resolve
+ the connection.</p>
+ <pre class="cxx">
+ template &lt;typename T>
+ void
+ cache_query (const prepared_query&lt;T>&amp;);
+ template &lt;typename T, typename P>
+ void
+ cache_query (const prepared_query&lt;T>&amp;,
+ std::[auto|unique]_ptr&lt;P> params);
+ template &lt;typename T>
+ prepared_query&lt;T>
+ lookup_query (const char* name) const;
+ template &lt;typename T, typename P>
+ prepared_query&lt;T>
+ lookup_query (const char* name, P*&amp; params) const;
+ </pre>
+ <p>The <code>cache_query()</code> function caches the passed prepared
+ query on the connection. The second overloaded version of
+ <code>cache_query()</code> also takes a pointer to the
+ by-reference query parameters. In C++98 it should be
+ <code>std::auto_ptr</code> while in C++11 <code>std::auto_ptr</code>
+ or <code>std::unique_ptr</code> can be used. The
+ <code>cache_query()</code> function assumes ownership of the
+ passed <code>params</code> argument. If a prepared query
+ with the same name is already cached on this connection,
+ then the <code>odb::prepared_already_cached</code> exception
+ is thrown.</p>
+ <p>The <code>lookup_query()</code> function looks up a previously
+ cached prepared query given its name. The second overloaded
+ version of <code>lookup_query()</code> also returns a pointer
+ to the by-reference query parameters. If a prepared query
+ with this name has not been cached, then an empty
+ <code>prepared_query</code> instance is returned. If a
+ prepared query with this name has been cached but either
+ the object type or the parameters type does not match
+ that which was cached, then the <code>odb::prepared_type_mismatch</code>
+ exception is thrown.</p>
+ <p>As a first example of the prepared query cache functionality,
+ consider the case that does not use any by-reference parameters:</p>
+ <pre class="cxx">
+for (unsigned short i (0); i &lt; 5; ++i)
+ transaction t (db.begin ());
+ prep_query pq (db.lookup_query&lt;person> ("person-age-query"));
+ if (!pq)
+ {
+ pq = db.prepare_query&lt;person> (
+ "person-val-age-query", query::age > 50);
+ db.cache_query (pq);
+ }
+ result r (pq.execute ());
+ ...
+ t.commit ();
+ // Do some other work.
+ //
+ ...
+ </pre>
+ <p>The following example shows how to do the same but for a query that
+ includes by-reference parameters. In this case the parameters are
+ cached together with the prepared query.</p>
+ <pre class="cxx">
+for (unsigned short age (90); age > 40; age -= 10)
+ transaction t (db.begin ());
+ unsigned short* age_param;
+ prep_query pq (
+ db.lookup_query&lt;person> ("person-age-query", age_param));
+ if (!pq)
+ {
+ auto_ptr&lt;unsigned short> p (new unsigned short);
+ age_param = p.get ();
+ query q (query::age > query::_ref (*age_param));
+ pq = db.prepare_query&lt;person> ("person-age-query", q);
+ db.cache_query (pq, p); // Assumes ownership of p.
+ }
+ *age_param = age; // Initialize the parameter.
+ result r (pq.execute ());
+ ...
+ t.commit ();
+ // Do some other work.
+ //
+ ...
+ </pre>
+ <p>As is evident from the above examples, when we use a prepared
+ query cache, each transaction that executes a query must also
+ include code that prepares and caches this query if it hasn't already
+ been done. If a prepared query is used in a single place in the
+ application, then this is normally not an issue since all the
+ relevant code is kept in one place. However, if the same query
+ is used in several different places in the application, then
+ we may end up duplicating the same preparation and caching
+ code, which makes it hard to maintain.</p>
+ <p>To resolve this issue ODB allows us to register a prepared
+ query factory that will be called to prepare and cache a
+ query during the call to <code>lookup_query()</code>. To
+ register a factory we use the <code>database::query_factory()</code>
+ function. In C++98 it has the following signature:</p>
+ <pre class="cxx">
+ void
+ query_factory (const char* name,
+ void (*factory) (const char* name, connection&amp;));
+ </pre>
+ <p>While in C++11 it uses the <code>std::function</code> class
+ template:</p>
+ <pre class="cxx">
+ void
+ query_factory (const char* name,
+ std::function&lt;void (const char* name, connection&amp;)>);
+ </pre>
+ <p>The first argument to the <code>query_factory()</code> function is
+ the prepared query name that this factory will be called to prepare
+ and cache. An empty name is treated as a fallback wildcard factory
+ that is capable of preparing any query. The second argument is the
+ factory function or, in C++11, function object or lambda.</p>
+ <p>The example fragment shows how we can use the prepared query
+ factory:</p>
+ <pre class="cxx">
+struct params
+ unsigned short age;
+ string first;
+static void
+query_factory (const char* name, connection&amp; c)
+ auto_ptr&lt;params> p (new params);
+ query q (query::age > query::_ref (p->age) &amp;&amp;
+ query::first == query::_ref (p->first));
+ prep_query pq (c.prepare_query&lt;person> (name, q));
+ c.cache_query (pq, p);
+db.query_factory ("person-age-name-query", &amp;query_factory);
+for (unsigned short age (90); age > 40; age -= 10)
+ transaction t (db.begin ());
+ params* p;
+ prep_query pq (db.lookup_query&lt;person> ("person-age-name-query", p));
+ assert (pq);
+ p->age = age;
+ p->first = "John";
+ result r (pq.execute ());
+ ...
+ t.commit ();
+ </pre>
+ <p>In C++11 we could have instead used a lambda function as well as
+ <code>unique_ptr</code> rather than <code>auto_ptr</code>:</p>
+ <pre>
+db.query_factory (
+ "person-age-name-query",
+ [] (const char* name, connection&amp; c)
+ {
+ unique_ptr&lt;params> p (new params);
+ query q (query::age > query::_ref (p->age) &amp;&amp;
+ query::first == query::_ref (p->first));
+ prep_query pq (c.prepare_query&lt;person> (name, q));
+ c.cache_query (pq, std::move (p));
+ });
+ </pre>
<!-- CHAPTER -->
<hr class="page-break"/>
@@ -17153,9 +17620,9 @@ namespace odb
errors to the <code>object_already_persistent</code> exception
(<a href="#3.14">Section 3.14, "ODB Exceptions"</a>).</p>
- <h3><a name="17.5.4">17.5.4 Multithreaded Windows Applications</a></h3>
+ <h3><a name="17.5.4">17.5.4 Multi-threaded Windows Applications</a></h3>
- <p>Multithreaded Windows applications must use the
+ <p>Multi-threaded Windows applications must use the
<code>_beginthread()</code>/<code>_beginthreadex()</code> and
<code>_endthread()</code>/<code>_endthreadex()</code> CRT functions
instead of the <code>CreateThread()</code> and <code>EndThread()</code>
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.\" Process this file with
.\" groff -man -Tascii odb.1
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+.TH ODB 1 "October 2012" "ODB 2.2.0"
odb \- object-relational mapping (ORM) compiler for C++
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<html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
- <title>ODB 2.1.0 Compiler Command Line Manual</title>
+ <title>ODB 2.2.0 Compiler Command Line Manual</title>
<meta name="copyright" content="&copy; 2009-2012 Code Synthesis Tools CC"/>
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