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42 files changed, 4718 insertions, 2720 deletions
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 6c1b7e9..3ad3c8e 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
+Version 2.2.0
+ * Static multi-database support. It allows an application to simultaneously
+ work with multiple database systems using their static interfaces (i.e.,
+ odb::<database>::database instead of odb::database).
+ * Support for prepared queries. Prepared queries are a thin wrapper around
+ the underlying database system's prepared statements functionality. They
+ provide a way to perform potentially expensive query preparations tasks
+ only once and then executing the query multiple time. For more information,
+ refer to Section 4.5, "Prepared Queries" in the ODB manual as well as the
+ 'prepared' example in the odb-examples package.
+ * Support for early connection release. Now the database connection is
+ released when commit()/rollback() is called rather than when the
+ transaction instance goes out of scope.
Version 2.1.0
* The ODB compiler is now capable of automatically discovering accessor and
diff --git a/doc/manual.xhtml b/doc/manual.xhtml
index 5286d9d..05fdc9b 100644
--- a/doc/manual.xhtml
+++ b/doc/manual.xhtml
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
<meta name="copyright" content="&copy; 2009-2012 Code Synthesis Tools CC"/>
<meta name="keywords" content="odb,c++,object,persistence,ORM,relational,database,RDBMS,ODBMS,OODBMS"/>
<meta name="description" content="C++ Object Persistence with ODB"/>
- <meta name="revision" content="2.1"/>
- <meta name="version" content="2.1.0"/>
+ <meta name="revision" content="2.2"/>
+ <meta name="version" content="2.2.0"/>
@@ -265,8 +265,8 @@ for consistency.
no Front-Cover Texts and no Back-Cover Texts.</p>
- <p id="revision">Revision 2.1, September 2012</p>
- <p>This revision of the manual describes ODB 2.1.0 and is available
+ <p id="revision">Revision 2.2, October 2012</p>
+ <p>This revision of the manual describes ODB 2.2.0 and is available
in the following formats:
<a href="">XHTML</a>,
<a href="">PDF</a>, and
@@ -344,6 +344,7 @@ for consistency.
<tr><th>4.2</th><td><a href="#4.2">Parameter Binding</a></td></tr>
<tr><th>4.3</th><td><a href="#4.3">Executing a Query</a></td></tr>
<tr><th>4.4</th><td><a href="#4.4">Query Result</a></td></tr>
+ <tr><th>4.5</th><td><a href="#4.5">Prepared Queries</a></td></tr>
@@ -683,7 +684,7 @@ for consistency.
<tr><th>17.5.1</th><td><a href="#17.5.1">Query Result Caching</a></td></tr>
<tr><th>17.5.2</th><td><a href="#17.5.2">Foreign Key Constraints</a></td></tr>
<tr><th>17.5.3</th><td><a href="#17.5.3">Unique Constraint Violations</a></td></tr>
- <tr><th>17.5.4</th><td><a href="#17.5.4">Multithreaded Windows Applications</a></td></tr>
+ <tr><th>17.5.4</th><td><a href="#17.5.4">Multi-threaded Windows Applications</a></td></tr>
<tr><th>17.5.5</th><td><a href="#17.5.5">Affected Row Count and DDL Statements</a></td></tr>
<tr><th>17.5.6</th><td><a href="#17.5.6">Long Data and Automatically Assigned Object Ids</a></td></tr>
<tr><th>17.5.7</th><td><a href="#17.5.7">Long Data and By-Value Accessors/Modifiers</a></td></tr>
@@ -3897,6 +3898,26 @@ namespace odb
what () const throw ();
+ // Prepared query support exceptions.
+ //
+ struct prepared_already_cached: exception
+ {
+ const char*
+ name () const;
+ virtual const char*
+ what () const throw ();
+ };
+ struct prepared_type_mismatch: exception
+ {
+ const char*
+ name () const;
+ virtual const char*
+ what () const throw ();
+ };
// Schema catalog exceptions.
struct unknown_schema: exception
@@ -3988,6 +4009,14 @@ namespace odb
class. For more information on polymorphism support, refer to
<a href="#8.2">Section 8.2, "Polymorphism Inheritance"</a>.</p>
+ <p>The <code>prepared_already_cached</code> exception is thrown by the
+ <code>cache_query()</code> function if a prepared query with the
+ specified name is already cached. The <code>prepared_type_mismatch</code>
+ exception is thrown by the <code>lookup_query()</code> function if
+ the specified prepared query object type or parameters type
+ does not match the one in the cache. Refer to <a href="#4.5">Section
+ 4.5, "Prepared Queries"</a> for details.</p>
<p>The <code>unknown_schema</code> exception is thrown by the
<code>odb::schema_catalog</code> class if a schema with the specified
name is not found. Refer to <a href="#3.4">Section 3.4, "Database"</a>
@@ -4077,7 +4106,7 @@ namespace odb
<pre class="cxx">
- query q ("first = 'John'" + (query::age &lt; query::_ref (age)));
+ query q ("first = 'John' AND" + (query::age &lt; query::_ref (age)));
<h2><a name="4.1">4.1 ODB Query Language</a></h2>
@@ -4312,7 +4341,9 @@ namespace odb
<p>Normally, we would create a named query instance if we are
planning to run the same query multiple times and would use the
- in-line version for those that are executed only once. A named
+ in-line version for those that are executed only once (see also
+ <a href="#4.5">Section 4.5, "Prepared Queries"</a> for a more
+ optimal way to re-execute the same query multiple times). A named
query instance that does not have any by-reference parameters is
immutable and can be shared between multiple threads without
synchronization. On the other hand, a query instance with
@@ -4594,6 +4625,442 @@ namespace odb
+ <h2><a name="4.5">4.5 Prepared Queries</a></h2>
+ <p>Most modern relational database systems have the notion of a prepared
+ statement. Prepared statements allow us to perform the potentially
+ expensive tasks of parsing SQL, preparing the query execution
+ plan, etc., once and then executing the same query multiple
+ times, potentially using different values for parameters in
+ each execution.</p>
+ <p>In ODB all the non-query database operations such as
+ <code>persist()</code>, <code>load()</code>, <code>update()</code>,
+ etc., are implemented in terms of prepared statements that are
+ cached and reused. While the <code>query()</code> database
+ operation also uses the prepared statement, this statement
+ is not cached or reused by default since ODB has no knowledge
+ of whether a query will be executed multiple times or only
+ once. Instead, ODB provides a mechanism, called prepared queries,
+ that allows us to prepare a query once and execute it multiple
+ times. In other words, ODB prepared queries are a thin wrapper
+ around the underlying database's prepared statement functionality.</p>
+ <p>In most cases ODB shields the application developer from database
+ connection management and multi-threading issues. However, when it
+ comes to prepared queries, a basic understanding of how ODB manages
+ these aspects is required. Conceptually, the <code>odb::database</code>
+ class represents a specific database, that is, a data store. However,
+ underneath, it maintains one or more connections to this database.
+ A connection can be used only by a single thread at a time. When
+ we start a transaction (by calling <code>database::begin()</code>),
+ the transaction instance obtains a connection and holds on to it
+ until the transaction is committed or rolled back. During this time
+ no other thread can use this connection. When the transaction
+ releases the connection, it may be closed or reused by another
+ transaction in this or another thread. What exactly happens to
+ a connection after it has been released depends on the connection
+ factory that is used by the <code>odb::database</code> instance.
+ For more information on connection factories, refer to
+ <a href="#II">Part II, "Database Systems"</a>.</p>
+ <p>A query prepared on one connection cannot be executed on another.
+ In other words, a prepared query is associated with the connection.
+ One important implication of this restriction is that we cannot
+ prepare a query in one transaction and then try to execute it
+ in another without making sure that both transactions use the
+ same connection.</p>
+ <p>To enable the prepared query functionality we need to specify
+ the <code>--generate-prepared</code> ODB compiler option. If
+ we are planning to always prepare our queries, then we can
+ disable the once-off query execution support by also specifying
+ the <code>--omit-unprepared</code> option.</p>
+ <p>To prepare a query we use the <code>prepare_query()</code> function
+ template. This function can be called on both the <code>odb::database</code>
+ and <code>odb::connection</code> instances. The <code>odb::database</code>
+ version simply obtains the connection used by the currently active
+ transaction and calls the corresponding <code>odb::connection</code>
+ version. If no transaction is currently active, then this function
+ throws the <code>odb::not_in_transaction</code> exception
+ (<a href="#3.5">Section 3.5, "Transactions"</a>). The
+ <code>prepare_query()</code> function has the following signature:</p>
+ <pre class="cxx">
+ template &lt;typename T>
+ prepared_query&lt;T>
+ prepare_query (const char* name, const odb::query&lt;T>&amp;);
+ </pre>
+ <p>The first argument to the <code>prepare_query()</code> function is
+ the prepared query name. This name is used as a key for prepared
+ query caching (discussed later) and must be unique. For some databases,
+ notably PostgreSQL, it is also used as a name of the underlying prepared
+ statement. The name <code>"<i>object</i>_query"</code> (e.g.,
+ <code>"person_query"</code>) is reserved for the once-off queries
+ executed by the <code>database::query()</code> function. Note that
+ the <code>prepare_query()</code> function makes only a shallow copy
+ of this argument, which means that the name must be valid for the
+ lifetime of the returned <code>prepared_query</code> instance.</p>
+ <p>The second argument to the <code>prepare_query()</code> function
+ is the query criteria. It has the same semantics as in the
+ <code>query()</code> function discussed in <a href="#4.3">Section
+ 4.3, "Executing a Query"</a>. Similar to <code>query()</code>, we
+ also have to explicitly specify the object type that we will be
+ querying. For example:</p>
+ <pre class="cxx">
+typedef odb::query&lt;person> query;
+typedef odb::prepared_query&lt;person> prep_query;
+prep_query pq (
+ db.prepare_query&lt;person> ("person-age-query", query::age > 50));
+ </pre>
+ <p>The result of executing the <code>prepare_query()</code> function is
+ the <code>prepared_query</code> instance that represent the prepared
+ query. It is best to view <code>prepared_query</code> as a handle to
+ the underlying prepared statement. While we can make a copy of it or
+ assign one <code>prepared_query</code> to another, the two instances
+ will refer to the same prepared statement. Once the last instance of
+ <code>prepared_query</code> referencing a specific prepared statement
+ is destroyed, this statement is released. The <code>prepared_query</code>
+ class template has the following interface:</p>
+ <pre class="cxx">
+namespace odb
+ template &lt;typename T>
+ struct prepared_query
+ {
+ prepared_query ();
+ prepared_query (const prepared_query&amp;)
+ prepared_query&amp; operator= (const prepared_query&amp;)
+ result&lt;T>
+ execute (bool cache = true);
+ const char*
+ name () const;
+ statement&amp;
+ statement () const;
+ operator unspecified_bool_type () const;
+ };
+ </pre>
+ <p>The default constructor creates an empty <code>prepared_query</code>
+ instance, that is, an instance that does not reference a prepared
+ statement and therefore cannot be executed. The only way to create
+ a non-empty prepared query is by calling the <code>prepare_query()</code>
+ function discussed above. To test whether the prepared query is empty,
+ we can use the implicit conversion operator to a boolean type. For
+ example:</p>
+ <pre class="cxx">
+ prepared_query&lt;person> pq;
+ if (pq)
+ {
+ // Not empty.
+ ...
+ }
+ </pre>
+ <p>The <code>execute()</code> function executes the query and returns
+ the result instance. The <code>cache</code> argument indicates
+ whether the result should be cached and has the same semantics
+ as in the <code>query()</code> function. In fact, conceptually,
+ <code>prepare_query()</code> and <code>execute()</code> are just
+ the <code>query()</code> function split into two:
+ <code>prepare_query()</code> takes the first
+ <code>query()</code> argument (the query condition) while
+ <code>execute()</code> takes the second (the cache flag). Note
+ also that re-executing a prepared query invalidates the
+ previous execution result, whether cached or uncached. </p>
+ <p>The <code>name()</code> function returns the prepared query name.
+ This is the same name as was passed as the first argument in the
+ <code>prepare_query()</code> call. The <code>statement()</code>
+ function returns a reference to the underlying prepared statement.
+ Note also that calling any of these functions on an empty
+ <code>prepared_query</code> instance results in undefined behavior.</p>
+ <p>The simplest use-case for a prepared query is the need to
+ execute the same query multiple times within a single transaction.
+ Consider the following example that queries for people that are older
+ than a number of different ages. This and subsequent code fragments
+ are taken from the <code>prepared</code> example in the
+ <code>odb-examples</code> package.</p>
+ <pre class="cxx">
+typedef odb::query&lt;person> query;
+typedef odb::prepared_query&lt;person> prep_query;
+typedef odb::result&lt;person> result;
+transaction t (db.begin ());
+unsigned short age;
+query q (query::age > query::_ref (age));
+prep_query pq (db.prepare_query&lt;person> ("person-age-query", q));
+for (age = 90; age > 40; age -= 10)
+ result r (pq.execute ());
+ ...
+t.commit ();
+ </pre>
+ <p>Another scenario is the need to reuse the same query in multiple
+ transactions that are executed at once. As was mentioned above,
+ in this case we need to make sure that the prepared query and
+ all the transactions use the same connection. Consider an
+ alternative version of the above example that executes each
+ query in a separate transaction:</p>
+ <pre class="cxx">
+connection_ptr conn (db.connection ());
+unsigned short age;
+query q (query::age > query::_ref (age));
+prep_query pq (conn->prepare_query&lt;person> ("person-age-query", q));
+for (age = 90; age > 40; age -= 10)
+ transaction t (conn->begin ());
+ result r (pq.execute ());
+ ...
+ t.commit ();
+ </pre>
+ <p>Note that with this approach we hold on to the database connection
+ until all the transactions involving the prepared query are
+ executed. In particular, this means that while we are busy, the
+ connection cannot be reused by another thread. Therefore, this
+ approach is only recommended if all the transactions are executed
+ close to each other. Also note that an uncached (see below)
+ prepared query is invalidated once we release the connection
+ on which it was prepared.</p>
+ <p>If we need to reuse a prepared query in transactions that are
+ executed at various times, potentially in different threads, then
+ the recommended approach is to cache the prepared query on the
+ connection. To support this functionality the <code>odb::database</code>
+ and <code>odb::connection</code> classes provide the following
+ function templates. Similar to <code>prepare_query()</code>,
+ the <code>odb::database</code> versions of the below
+ functions call the corresponding <code>odb::connection</code>
+ versions using the currently active transaction to resolve
+ the connection.</p>
+ <pre class="cxx">
+ template &lt;typename T>
+ void
+ cache_query (const prepared_query&lt;T>&amp;);
+ template &lt;typename T, typename P>
+ void
+ cache_query (const prepared_query&lt;T>&amp;,
+ std::[auto|unique]_ptr&lt;P> params);
+ template &lt;typename T>
+ prepared_query&lt;T>
+ lookup_query (const char* name) const;
+ template &lt;typename T, typename P>
+ prepared_query&lt;T>
+ lookup_query (const char* name, P*&amp; params) const;
+ </pre>
+ <p>The <code>cache_query()</code> function caches the passed prepared
+ query on the connection. The second overloaded version of
+ <code>cache_query()</code> also takes a pointer to the
+ by-reference query parameters. In C++98 it should be
+ <code>std::auto_ptr</code> while in C++11 <code>std::auto_ptr</code>
+ or <code>std::unique_ptr</code> can be used. The
+ <code>cache_query()</code> function assumes ownership of the
+ passed <code>params</code> argument. If a prepared query
+ with the same name is already cached on this connection,
+ then the <code>odb::prepared_already_cached</code> exception
+ is thrown.</p>
+ <p>The <code>lookup_query()</code> function looks up a previously
+ cached prepared query given its name. The second overloaded
+ version of <code>lookup_query()</code> also returns a pointer
+ to the by-reference query parameters. If a prepared query
+ with this name has not been cached, then an empty
+ <code>prepared_query</code> instance is returned. If a
+ prepared query with this name has been cached but either
+ the object type or the parameters type does not match
+ that which was cached, then the <code>odb::prepared_type_mismatch</code>
+ exception is thrown.</p>
+ <p>As a first example of the prepared query cache functionality,
+ consider the case that does not use any by-reference parameters:</p>
+ <pre class="cxx">
+for (unsigned short i (0); i &lt; 5; ++i)
+ transaction t (db.begin ());
+ prep_query pq (db.lookup_query&lt;person> ("person-age-query"));
+ if (!pq)
+ {
+ pq = db.prepare_query&lt;person> (
+ "person-val-age-query", query::age > 50);
+ db.cache_query (pq);
+ }
+ result r (pq.execute ());
+ ...
+ t.commit ();
+ // Do some other work.
+ //
+ ...
+ </pre>
+ <p>The following example shows how to do the same but for a query that
+ includes by-reference parameters. In this case the parameters are
+ cached together with the prepared query.</p>
+ <pre class="cxx">
+for (unsigned short age (90); age > 40; age -= 10)
+ transaction t (db.begin ());
+ unsigned short* age_param;
+ prep_query pq (
+ db.lookup_query&lt;person> ("person-age-query", age_param));
+ if (!pq)
+ {
+ auto_ptr&lt;unsigned short> p (new unsigned short);
+ age_param = p.get ();
+ query q (query::age > query::_ref (*age_param));
+ pq = db.prepare_query&lt;person> ("person-age-query", q);
+ db.cache_query (pq, p); // Assumes ownership of p.
+ }
+ *age_param = age; // Initialize the parameter.
+ result r (pq.execute ());
+ ...
+ t.commit ();
+ // Do some other work.
+ //
+ ...
+ </pre>
+ <p>As is evident from the above examples, when we use a prepared
+ query cache, each transaction that executes a query must also
+ include code that prepares and caches this query if it hasn't already
+ been done. If a prepared query is used in a single place in the
+ application, then this is normally not an issue since all the
+ relevant code is kept in one place. However, if the same query
+ is used in several different places in the application, then
+ we may end up duplicating the same preparation and caching
+ code, which makes it hard to maintain.</p>
+ <p>To resolve this issue ODB allows us to register a prepared
+ query factory that will be called to prepare and cache a
+ query during the call to <code>lookup_query()</code>. To
+ register a factory we use the <code>database::query_factory()</code>
+ function. In C++98 it has the following signature:</p>
+ <pre class="cxx">
+ void
+ query_factory (const char* name,
+ void (*factory) (const char* name, connection&amp;));
+ </pre>
+ <p>While in C++11 it uses the <code>std::function</code> class
+ template:</p>
+ <pre class="cxx">
+ void
+ query_factory (const char* name,
+ std::function&lt;void (const char* name, connection&amp;)>);
+ </pre>
+ <p>The first argument to the <code>query_factory()</code> function is
+ the prepared query name that this factory will be called to prepare
+ and cache. An empty name is treated as a fallback wildcard factory
+ that is capable of preparing any query. The second argument is the
+ factory function or, in C++11, function object or lambda.</p>
+ <p>The example fragment shows how we can use the prepared query
+ factory:</p>
+ <pre class="cxx">
+struct params
+ unsigned short age;
+ string first;
+static void
+query_factory (const char* name, connection&amp; c)
+ auto_ptr&lt;params> p (new params);
+ query q (query::age > query::_ref (p->age) &amp;&amp;
+ query::first == query::_ref (p->first));
+ prep_query pq (c.prepare_query&lt;person> (name, q));
+ c.cache_query (pq, p);
+db.query_factory ("person-age-name-query", &amp;query_factory);
+for (unsigned short age (90); age > 40; age -= 10)
+ transaction t (db.begin ());
+ params* p;
+ prep_query pq (db.lookup_query&lt;person> ("person-age-name-query", p));
+ assert (pq);
+ p->age = age;
+ p->first = "John";
+ result r (pq.execute ());
+ ...
+ t.commit ();
+ </pre>
+ <p>In C++11 we could have instead used a lambda function as well as
+ <code>unique_ptr</code> rather than <code>auto_ptr</code>:</p>
+ <pre>
+db.query_factory (
+ "person-age-name-query",
+ [] (const char* name, connection&amp; c)
+ {
+ unique_ptr&lt;params> p (new params);
+ query q (query::age > query::_ref (p->age) &amp;&amp;
+ query::first == query::_ref (p->first));
+ prep_query pq (c.prepare_query&lt;person> (name, q));
+ c.cache_query (pq, std::move (p));
+ });
+ </pre>
<!-- CHAPTER -->
<hr class="page-break"/>
@@ -17153,9 +17620,9 @@ namespace odb
errors to the <code>object_already_persistent</code> exception
(<a href="#3.14">Section 3.14, "ODB Exceptions"</a>).</p>
- <h3><a name="17.5.4">17.5.4 Multithreaded Windows Applications</a></h3>
+ <h3><a name="17.5.4">17.5.4 Multi-threaded Windows Applications</a></h3>
- <p>Multithreaded Windows applications must use the
+ <p>Multi-threaded Windows applications must use the
<code>_beginthread()</code>/<code>_beginthreadex()</code> and
<code>_endthread()</code>/<code>_endthreadex()</code> CRT functions
instead of the <code>CreateThread()</code> and <code>EndThread()</code>
diff --git a/doc/odb-prologue.1 b/doc/odb-prologue.1
index 4bc7efe..2e667d0 100644
--- a/doc/odb-prologue.1
+++ b/doc/odb-prologue.1
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
.\" Process this file with
.\" groff -man -Tascii odb.1
-.TH ODB 1 "September 2012" "ODB 2.1.0"
+.TH ODB 1 "October 2012" "ODB 2.2.0"
odb \- object-relational mapping (ORM) compiler for C++
diff --git a/doc/odb-prologue.xhtml b/doc/odb-prologue.xhtml
index 623fc6b..d610b2b 100644
--- a/doc/odb-prologue.xhtml
+++ b/doc/odb-prologue.xhtml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
- <title>ODB 2.1.0 Compiler Command Line Manual</title>
+ <title>ODB 2.2.0 Compiler Command Line Manual</title>
<meta name="copyright" content="&copy; 2009-2012 Code Synthesis Tools CC"/>
<meta name="keywords" content="odb,object,relational,mapping,compiler,c++"/>
diff --git a/odb/context.cxx b/odb/context.cxx
index 099b10b..fbab993 100644
--- a/odb/context.cxx
+++ b/odb/context.cxx
@@ -386,8 +386,13 @@ create_context (ostream& os,
auto_ptr<context> r;
- switch (ops.database ())
+ switch (ops.database ()[0])
+ case database::common:
+ {
+ r.reset (new context (os, unit, ops, f));
+ break;
+ }
case database::mssql:
r.reset (new relational::mssql::context (os, unit, ops, f, m));
@@ -436,15 +441,17 @@ context (ostream& os_,
unit (u),
options (ops),
features (f),
- db (options.database ()),
+ db (options.database ()[0]),
keyword_set (data_->keyword_set_),
include_regex (data_->include_regex_),
accessor_regex (data_->accessor_regex_),
modifier_regex (data_->modifier_regex_),
- embedded_schema (ops.generate_schema () &&
- ops.schema_format ().count (schema_format::embedded)),
- separate_schema (ops.generate_schema () &&
- ops.schema_format ().count (schema_format::separate)),
+ embedded_schema (
+ ops.generate_schema () &&
+ ops.schema_format ()[db].count (schema_format::embedded)),
+ separate_schema (
+ ops.generate_schema () &&
+ ops.schema_format ()[db].count (schema_format::separate)),
top_object (data_->top_object_),
cur_object (data_->cur_object_)
@@ -1141,9 +1148,9 @@ schema (semantics::scope& s) const
// If we are still not fully qualified, add the schema that was
// specified on the command line.
- if (!r.fully_qualified () && options.schema_specified ())
+ if (!r.fully_qualified () && options.schema ().count (db) != 0)
- qname n (options.schema ());
+ qname n (options.schema ()[db]);
n.append (r);
n.swap (r);
@@ -1184,8 +1191,8 @@ table_name_prefix (semantics::scope& s) const
// Add the prefix that was specified on the command line.
- if (options.table_prefix_specified ())
- r = options.table_prefix () + r;
+ if (options.table_prefix ().count (db) != 0)
+ r = options.table_prefix ()[db] + r;
s.set ("table-prefix", r);
return r;
diff --git a/odb/generator.cxx b/odb/generator.cxx
index 5500860..ec98a15 100644
--- a/odb/generator.cxx
+++ b/odb/generator.cxx
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ using namespace std;
using namespace cutl;
using semantics::path;
+typedef vector<string> strings;
typedef vector<path> paths;
@@ -52,20 +53,21 @@ namespace
- append (ostream& os, vector<string> const& text, string const& file)
+ append (ostream& os, strings const& text)
- for (vector<string>::const_iterator i (text.begin ());
+ for (strings::const_iterator i (text.begin ());
i != text.end (); ++i)
os << *i << endl;
+ }
- if (!file.empty ())
- {
- ifstream ifs;
- open (ifs, file);
- os << ifs.rdbuf ();
- }
+ void
+ append (ostream& os, string const& file)
+ {
+ ifstream ifs;
+ open (ifs, file);
+ os << ifs.rdbuf ();
@@ -78,6 +80,8 @@ generate (options const& ops,
+ database db (ops.database ()[0]);
// First create the database model.
cutl::shared_ptr<semantics::relational::model> model;
@@ -86,8 +90,12 @@ generate (options const& ops,
auto_ptr<context> ctx (create_context (cerr, unit, ops, fts, 0));
- switch (ops.database ())
+ switch (db)
+ case database::common:
+ {
+ break; // No schema for common.
+ }
case database::mssql:
case database::mysql:
case database::oracle:
@@ -109,11 +117,11 @@ generate (options const& ops,
fs::auto_removes auto_rm;
- string hxx_name (base + ops.odb_file_suffix () + ops.hxx_suffix ());
- string ixx_name (base + ops.odb_file_suffix () + ops.ixx_suffix ());
- string cxx_name (base + ops.odb_file_suffix () + ops.cxx_suffix ());
- string sch_name (base + ops.schema_file_suffix () + ops.cxx_suffix ());
- string sql_name (base + ops.sql_suffix ());
+ string hxx_name (base + ops.odb_file_suffix ()[db] + ops.hxx_suffix ());
+ string ixx_name (base + ops.odb_file_suffix ()[db] + ops.ixx_suffix ());
+ string cxx_name (base + ops.odb_file_suffix ()[db] + ops.cxx_suffix ());
+ string sch_name (base + ops.schema_file_suffix ()[db] + ops.cxx_suffix ());
+ string sql_name (base + ops.sql_file_suffix ()[db] + ops.sql_suffix ());
path hxx_path (hxx_name);
path ixx_path (ixx_name);
@@ -173,7 +181,7 @@ generate (options const& ops,
ofstream cxx;
- if (gen_cxx)
+ if (gen_cxx && db != database::common)
{ (cxx_path.string ().c_str (), ios_base::out);
@@ -190,7 +198,8 @@ generate (options const& ops,
bool gen_sql_schema (ops.generate_schema () &&
- ops.schema_format ().count (schema_format::sql));
+ ops.schema_format ()[db].count (schema_format::sql) &&
+ db != database::common);
ofstream sql;
if (gen_sql_schema)
@@ -209,9 +218,11 @@ generate (options const& ops,
- bool gen_sep_schema (gen_cxx &&
- ops.generate_schema () &&
- ops.schema_format ().count (schema_format::separate));
+ bool gen_sep_schema (
+ gen_cxx &&
+ ops.generate_schema () &&
+ ops.schema_format ()[db].count (schema_format::separate) &&
+ db != database::common);
ofstream sch;
@@ -235,7 +246,9 @@ generate (options const& ops,
hxx << cxx_file_header;
ixx << cxx_file_header;
- cxx << cxx_file_header;
+ if (db != database::common)
+ cxx << cxx_file_header;
if (gen_sep_schema)
@@ -284,14 +297,22 @@ generate (options const& ops,
// Copy prologue.
- if (!ops.hxx_prologue ().empty () || !ops.hxx_prologue_file ().empty ())
- hxx << "// Begin prologue." << endl
- << "//" << endl;
- append (hxx, ops.hxx_prologue (), ops.hxx_prologue_file ());
- hxx << "//" << endl
- << "// End prologue." << endl
- << endl;
+ bool p (ops.hxx_prologue ().count (db) != 0);
+ bool pf (ops.hxx_prologue_file ().count (db) != 0);
+ if (p || pf)
+ {
+ hxx << "// Begin prologue." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (p)
+ append (hxx, ops.hxx_prologue ()[db]);
+ if (pf)
+ append (hxx, ops.hxx_prologue_file ()[db]);
+ hxx << "//" << endl
+ << "// End prologue." << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
// Include main file(s).
@@ -299,10 +320,8 @@ generate (options const& ops,
for (paths::const_iterator i (inputs.begin ()); i != inputs.end (); ++i)
hxx << "#include " <<
ctx->process_include_path (i->leaf ().string ()) << endl;
hxx << endl;
// We don't want to indent prologues/epilogues.
@@ -314,16 +333,31 @@ generate (options const& ops,
if (!ops.at_once ())
include::generate (true);
- header::generate ();
- switch (ops.database ())
+ switch (db)
+ case database::common:
+ {
+ header::generate ();
+ break;
+ }
case database::mssql:
case database::mysql:
case database::oracle:
case database::pgsql:
case database::sqlite:
+ if (ops.multi_database () == multi_database::disabled)
+ header::generate ();
+ else
+ {
+ string n (base +
+ ops.odb_file_suffix ()[database::common] +
+ ops.hxx_suffix ());
+ hxx << "#include " << ctx->process_include_path (n) << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
relational::header::generate ();
@@ -335,14 +369,22 @@ generate (options const& ops,
// Copy epilogue.
- if (!ops.hxx_epilogue ().empty () || !ops.hxx_epilogue_file ().empty ())
- hxx << "// Begin epilogue." << endl
- << "//" << endl;
- append (hxx, ops.hxx_epilogue (), ops.hxx_epilogue_file ());
- hxx << "//" << endl
- << "// End epilogue." << endl
- << endl;
+ bool e (ops.hxx_epilogue ().count (db) != 0);
+ bool ef (ops.hxx_epilogue_file ().count (db) != 0);
+ if (e || ef)
+ {
+ hxx << "// Begin epilogue." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (e)
+ append (hxx, ops.hxx_epilogue ()[db]);
+ if (ef)
+ append (hxx, ops.hxx_epilogue_file ()[db]);
+ hxx << "//" << endl
+ << "// End epilogue." << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
hxx << "#include <odb/post.hxx>" << endl
@@ -367,14 +409,22 @@ generate (options const& ops,
// Copy prologue.
- if (!ops.ixx_prologue ().empty () || !ops.ixx_prologue_file ().empty ())
- ixx << "// Begin prologue." << endl
- << "//" << endl;
- append (ixx, ops.ixx_prologue (), ops.ixx_prologue_file ());
- ixx << "//" << endl
- << "// End prologue." << endl
- << endl;
+ bool p (ops.ixx_prologue ().count (db) != 0);
+ bool pf (ops.ixx_prologue_file ().count (db) != 0);
+ if (p || pf)
+ {
+ ixx << "// Begin prologue." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (p)
+ append (ixx, ops.ixx_prologue ()[db]);
+ if (pf)
+ append (ixx, ops.ixx_prologue_file ()[db]);
+ ixx << "//" << endl
+ << "// End prologue." << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
@@ -382,16 +432,22 @@ generate (options const& ops,
ind_filter ind (ctx->os);
- inline_::generate ();
- switch (ops.database ())
+ switch (db)
+ case database::common:
+ {
+ inline_::generate ();
+ break;
+ }
case database::mssql:
case database::mysql:
case database::oracle:
case database::pgsql:
case database::sqlite:
+ if (ops.multi_database () == multi_database::disabled)
+ inline_::generate ();
relational::inline_::generate ();
@@ -400,13 +456,22 @@ generate (options const& ops,
// Copy epilogue.
- if (!ops.ixx_epilogue ().empty () || !ops.ixx_epilogue_file ().empty ())
- ixx << "// Begin epilogue." << endl
- << "//" << endl;
- append (ixx, ops.ixx_epilogue (), ops.ixx_epilogue_file ());
- ixx << "//" << endl
- << "// End epilogue." << endl;
+ bool e (ops.ixx_epilogue ().count (db) != 0);
+ bool ef (ops.ixx_epilogue_file ().count (db) != 0);
+ if (e || ef)
+ {
+ ixx << "// Begin epilogue." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (e)
+ append (ixx, ops.ixx_epilogue ()[db]);
+ if (ef)
+ append (ixx, ops.ixx_epilogue_file ()[db]);
+ ixx << "//" << endl
+ << "// End epilogue." << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
if (ops.show_sloc ())
@@ -417,7 +482,7 @@ generate (options const& ops,
// CXX
- if (gen_cxx)
+ if (gen_cxx && db != database::common)
auto_ptr<context> ctx (
create_context (cxx, unit, ops, fts, model.get ()));
@@ -429,14 +494,22 @@ generate (options const& ops,
// Copy prologue.
- if (!ops.cxx_prologue ().empty () || !ops.cxx_prologue_file ().empty ())
- cxx << "// Begin prologue." << endl
- << "//" << endl;
- append (cxx, ops.cxx_prologue (), ops.cxx_prologue_file ());
- cxx << "//" << endl
- << "// End prologue." << endl
- << endl;
+ bool p (ops.cxx_prologue ().count (db) != 0);
+ bool pf (ops.cxx_prologue_file ().count (db) != 0);
+ if (p || pf)
+ {
+ cxx << "// Begin prologue." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (p)
+ append (cxx, ops.cxx_prologue ()[db]);
+ if (pf)
+ append (cxx, ops.cxx_prologue_file ()[db]);
+ cxx << "//" << endl
+ << "// End prologue." << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
cxx << "#include " << ctx->process_include_path (hxx_name) << endl
@@ -453,8 +526,12 @@ generate (options const& ops,
if (!ops.at_once ())
include::generate (false);
- switch (ops.database ())
+ switch (db)
+ case database::common:
+ {
+ assert (false);
+ }
case database::mssql:
case database::mysql:
case database::oracle:
@@ -469,14 +546,22 @@ generate (options const& ops,
// Copy epilogue.
- if (!ops.cxx_epilogue ().empty () || !ops.cxx_epilogue_file ().empty ())
- cxx << "// Begin epilogue." << endl
- << "//" << endl;
- append (cxx, ops.cxx_epilogue (), ops.cxx_epilogue_file ());
- cxx << "//" << endl
- << "// End epilogue." << endl
- << endl;
+ bool e (ops.cxx_epilogue ().count (db) != 0);
+ bool ef (ops.cxx_epilogue_file ().count (db) != 0);
+ if (e || ef)
+ {
+ cxx << "// Begin epilogue." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (e)
+ append (cxx, ops.cxx_epilogue ()[db]);
+ if (ef)
+ append (cxx, ops.cxx_epilogue_file ()[db]);
+ cxx << "//" << endl
+ << "// End epilogue." << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
cxx << "#include <odb/post.hxx>" << endl;
@@ -501,15 +586,22 @@ generate (options const& ops,
// Copy prologue.
- if (!ops.schema_prologue ().empty () ||
- !ops.schema_prologue_file ().empty ())
- sch << "// Begin prologue." << endl
- << "//" << endl;
- append (sch, ops.schema_prologue (), ops.schema_prologue_file ());
- sch << "//" << endl
- << "// End prologue." << endl
- << endl;
+ bool p (ops.schema_prologue ().count (db) != 0);
+ bool pf (ops.schema_prologue_file ().count (db) != 0);
+ if (p || pf)
+ {
+ sch << "// Begin prologue." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (p)
+ append (sch, ops.schema_prologue ()[db]);
+ if (pf)
+ append (sch, ops.schema_prologue_file ()[db]);
+ sch << "//" << endl
+ << "// End prologue." << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
sch << "#include " << ctx->process_include_path (hxx_name) << endl
@@ -520,8 +612,12 @@ generate (options const& ops,
ind_filter ind (ctx->os);
- switch (ops.database ())
+ switch (db)
+ case database::common:
+ {
+ assert (false);
+ }
case database::mssql:
case database::mysql:
case database::oracle:
@@ -536,15 +632,22 @@ generate (options const& ops,
// Copy epilogue.
- if (!ops.schema_epilogue ().empty () ||
- !ops.schema_epilogue_file ().empty ())
- sch << "// Begin epilogue." << endl
- << "//" << endl;
- append (sch, ops.schema_epilogue (), ops.schema_epilogue_file ());
- sch << "//" << endl
- << "// End epilogue." << endl
- << endl;
+ bool e (ops.schema_epilogue ().count (db) != 0);
+ bool ef (ops.schema_epilogue_file ().count (db) != 0);
+ if (e || ef)
+ {
+ sch << "// Begin epilogue." << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (e)
+ append (sch, ops.schema_epilogue ()[db]);
+ if (ef)
+ append (sch, ops.schema_epilogue_file ()[db]);
+ sch << "//" << endl
+ << "// End epilogue." << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
sch << "#include <odb/post.hxx>" << endl;
@@ -562,8 +665,12 @@ generate (options const& ops,
auto_ptr<context> ctx (
create_context (sql, unit, ops, fts, model.get ()));
- switch (ops.database ())
+ switch (db)
+ case database::common:
+ {
+ assert (false);
+ }
case database::mssql:
case database::mysql:
case database::oracle:
@@ -574,15 +681,22 @@ generate (options const& ops,
// Copy prologue.
- if (!ops.sql_prologue ().empty () ||
- !ops.sql_prologue_file ().empty ())
- sql << "/* Begin prologue." << endl
- << " */" << endl;
- append (sql, ops.sql_prologue (), ops.sql_prologue_file ());
- sql << "/*" << endl
- << " * End prologue. */" << endl
- << endl;
+ bool p (ops.sql_prologue ().count (db) != 0);
+ bool pf (ops.sql_prologue_file ().count (db) != 0);
+ if (p || pf)
+ {
+ sql << "/* Begin prologue." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ if (p)
+ append (sql, ops.sql_prologue ()[db]);
+ if (pf)
+ append (sql, ops.sql_prologue_file ()[db]);
+ sql << "/*" << endl
+ << " * End prologue. */" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
if (!ops.omit_drop ())
@@ -590,15 +704,22 @@ generate (options const& ops,
// Copy interlude.
- if (!ops.sql_interlude ().empty () ||
- !ops.sql_interlude_file ().empty ())
- sql << "/* Begin interlude." << endl
- << " */" << endl;
- append (sql, ops.sql_interlude (), ops.sql_interlude_file ());
- sql << "/*" << endl
- << " * End interlude. */" << endl
- << endl;
+ bool i (ops.sql_interlude ().count (db) != 0);
+ bool ifl (ops.sql_interlude_file ().count (db) != 0);
+ if (i || ifl)
+ {
+ sql << "/* Begin interlude." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ if (i)
+ append (sql, ops.sql_interlude ()[db]);
+ if (ifl)
+ append (sql, ops.sql_interlude_file ()[db]);
+ sql << "/*" << endl
+ << " * End interlude. */" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
if (!ops.omit_create ())
@@ -606,15 +727,22 @@ generate (options const& ops,
// Copy epilogue.
- if (!ops.sql_epilogue ().empty () ||
- !ops.sql_epilogue_file ().empty ())
- sql << "/* Begin epilogue." << endl
- << " */" << endl;
- append (sql, ops.sql_epilogue (), ops.sql_epilogue_file ());
- sql << "/*" << endl
- << " * End epilogue. */" << endl
- << endl;
+ bool e (ops.sql_epilogue ().count (db) != 0);
+ bool ef (ops.sql_epilogue_file ().count (db) != 0);
+ if (e || ef)
+ {
+ sql << "/* Begin epilogue." << endl
+ << " */" << endl;
+ if (e)
+ append (sql, ops.sql_epilogue ()[db]);
+ if (ef)
+ append (sql, ops.sql_epilogue_file ()[db]);
+ sql << "/*" << endl
+ << " * End epilogue. */" << endl
+ << endl;
+ }
relational::schema::generate_epilogue ();
diff --git a/odb/header.cxx b/odb/header.cxx
index 8bf5453..67e4cc0 100644
--- a/odb/header.cxx
+++ b/odb/header.cxx
@@ -10,6 +10,297 @@ using namespace std;
namespace header
+ struct class_: traversal::class_, virtual context
+ {
+ virtual void
+ traverse (type& c)
+ {
+ if (!options.at_once () && class_file (c) != unit.file ())
+ return;
+ if (object (c))
+ traverse_object (c);
+ else if (view (c))
+ traverse_view (c);
+ }
+ void
+ traverse_object (type&);
+ void
+ traverse_view (type&);
+ void
+ traverse_composite (type&);
+ };
+void header::class_::
+traverse_object (type& c)
+ using semantics::data_member;
+ data_member* id (id_member (c));
+ bool auto_id (id && auto_ (*id));
+ bool base_id (id && &id->scope () != &c); // Comes from base.
+ data_member* optimistic (context::optimistic (c));
+ type* poly_root (polymorphic (c));
+ bool poly (poly_root != 0);
+ bool poly_derived (poly && poly_root != &c);
+ type* poly_base (poly_derived ? &polymorphic_base (c) : 0);
+ data_member* discriminator (poly ? context::discriminator (*poly_root) : 0);
+ bool abst (abstract (c));
+ bool reuse_abst (abst && !poly);
+ string const& type (class_fq_name (c));
+ os << "// " << class_name (c) << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ // class_traits
+ //
+ os << "template <>" << endl
+ << "struct class_traits< " << type << " >"
+ << "{"
+ << "static const class_kind kind = class_object;"
+ << "};";
+ // object_traits
+ //
+ os << "template <>" << endl
+ << "class access::object_traits< " << type << " >"
+ << "{"
+ << "public:" << endl;
+ // object_type & pointer_type
+ //
+ os << "typedef " << type << " object_type;"
+ << "typedef " << c.get<string> ("object-pointer") << " pointer_type;"
+ << "typedef odb::pointer_traits<pointer_type> pointer_traits;"
+ << endl;
+ // polymorphic, root_type, base_type, etc.
+ //
+ os << "static const bool polymorphic = " << (poly ? "true" : "false") << ";"
+ << endl;
+ if (poly)
+ {
+ os << "typedef " << class_fq_name (*poly_root) << " root_type;";
+ if (poly_derived)
+ {
+ os << "typedef " << class_fq_name (*poly_base) << " base_type;"
+ << "typedef object_traits<root_type>::discriminator_type " <<
+ "discriminator_type;"
+ << "typedef polymorphic_concrete_info<root_type> info_type;";
+ if (abst)
+ os << "typedef polymorphic_abstract_info<root_type> " <<
+ "abstract_info_type;";
+ // Calculate our hierarchy depth (number of classes).
+ //
+ size_t depth (polymorphic_depth (c));
+ os << endl
+ << "static const std::size_t depth = " << depth << "UL;";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ semantics::names* hint;
+ semantics::type& t (utype (*discriminator, hint));
+ os << "typedef " << t.fq_name (hint) << " discriminator_type;"
+ << "typedef polymorphic_map<object_type> map_type;"
+ << "typedef polymorphic_concrete_info<object_type> info_type;";
+ if (abst)
+ os << "typedef polymorphic_abstract_info<object_type> " <<
+ "abstract_info_type;";
+ os << endl
+ << "static const std::size_t depth = 1UL;";
+ }
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ // id_type, version_type, etc.
+ //
+ if (id != 0)
+ {
+ if (base_id)
+ {
+ semantics::class_& b (
+ dynamic_cast<semantics::class_&> (id->scope ()));
+ string const& type (class_fq_name (b));
+ os << "typedef object_traits< " << type << " >::id_type id_type;";
+ if (optimistic != 0)
+ os << "typedef object_traits< " << type << " >::version_type " <<
+ "version_type;";
+ os << endl;
+ if (poly_derived)
+ os << "static const bool auto_id = false;";
+ else
+ os << "static const bool auto_id = object_traits< " << type <<
+ " >::auto_id;";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ {
+ semantics::names* hint;
+ semantics::type& t (utype (*id, hint));
+ os << "typedef " << t.fq_name (hint) << " id_type;";
+ }
+ if (optimistic != 0)
+ {
+ semantics::names* hint;
+ semantics::type& t (utype (*optimistic, hint));
+ os << "typedef " << t.fq_name (hint) << " version_type;";
+ }
+ os << endl
+ << "static const bool auto_id = " << (auto_id ? "true;" : "false;");
+ }
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ else if (!reuse_abst)
+ {
+ // Object without id.
+ //
+ os << "typedef void id_type;"
+ << endl
+ << "static const bool auto_id = false;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // abstract
+ //
+ os << "static const bool abstract = " << (abst ? "true" : "false") << ";"
+ << endl;
+ // id ()
+ //
+ if (id != 0 || !reuse_abst)
+ {
+ // We want to generate a dummy void id() accessor even if this
+ // object has no id to help us in the runtime. This way we can
+ // write generic code that will work for both void and non-void
+ // ids.
+ //
+ os << "static id_type" << endl
+ << "id (const object_type&);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ if (!reuse_abst)
+ {
+ // Cache traits typedefs.
+ //
+ if (id == 0)
+ {
+ os << "typedef" << endl
+ << "no_id_pointer_cache_traits<pointer_type>" << endl
+ << "pointer_cache_traits;"
+ << endl
+ << "typedef" << endl
+ << "no_id_reference_cache_traits<object_type>" << endl
+ << "reference_cache_traits;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char const* p (session (c) ? "odb::" : "no_op_");
+ if (poly_derived)
+ {
+ os << "typedef" << endl
+ << p << "pointer_cache_traits<" <<
+ "object_traits<root_type>::pointer_type>" << endl
+ << "pointer_cache_traits;"
+ << endl
+ << "typedef" << endl
+ << p << "reference_cache_traits<root_type>" << endl
+ << "reference_cache_traits;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "typedef" << endl
+ << p << "pointer_cache_traits<pointer_type>" << endl
+ << "pointer_cache_traits;"
+ << endl
+ << "typedef" << endl
+ << p << "reference_cache_traits<object_type>" << endl
+ << "reference_cache_traits;"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // callback ()
+ //
+ os << "static void" << endl
+ << "callback (database&, object_type&, callback_event);"
+ << endl;
+ os << "static void" << endl
+ << "callback (database&, const object_type&, callback_event);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ os << "};";
+void header::class_::
+traverse_view (type& c)
+ string const& type (class_fq_name (c));
+ os << "// " << class_name (c) << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ // class_traits
+ //
+ os << "template <>" << endl
+ << "struct class_traits< " << type << " >"
+ << "{"
+ << "static const class_kind kind = class_view;"
+ << "};";
+ // view_traits
+ //
+ os << "template <>" << endl
+ << "class access::view_traits< " << type << " >"
+ << "{"
+ << "public:" << endl;
+ // view_type & pointer_type
+ //
+ os << "typedef " << type << " view_type;"
+ << "typedef " << c.get<string> ("object-pointer") << " pointer_type;"
+ << endl;
+ // callback ()
+ //
+ os << "static void" << endl
+ << "callback (database&, view_type&, callback_event);"
+ << endl;
+ os << "};";
+namespace header
generate ()
@@ -60,6 +351,9 @@ namespace header
if (ctx.options.generate_query ())
+ if (ctx.options.generate_prepared ())
+ os << "#include <odb/prepared-query.hxx>" << endl;
os << "#include <odb/result.hxx>" << endl;
if (ctx.features.simple_object)
@@ -75,6 +369,34 @@ namespace header
os << "#include <odb/view-result.hxx>" << endl;
- os << endl;
+ os << endl
+ << "#include <odb/details/unused.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl;
+ // Generate common code.
+ //
+ traversal::unit unit;
+ traversal::defines unit_defines;
+ typedefs unit_typedefs (false);
+ traversal::namespace_ ns;
+ class_ c;
+ unit >> unit_defines >> ns;
+ unit_defines >> c;
+ unit >> unit_typedefs >> c;
+ traversal::defines ns_defines;
+ typedefs ns_typedefs (false);
+ ns >> ns_defines >> ns;
+ ns_defines >> c;
+ ns >> ns_typedefs >> c;
+ os << "namespace odb"
+ << "{";
+ unit.dispatch (ctx.unit);
+ os << "}";
diff --git a/odb/include.cxx b/odb/include.cxx
index 3d17b9a..a921451 100644
--- a/odb/include.cxx
+++ b/odb/include.cxx
@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ namespace
string f (file);
size_t n (f.size ());
+ database db (options_.database ()[0]);
// Check if we have a synthesized prologue/epilogue fragment.
@@ -201,18 +202,18 @@ namespace
size_t size (options_.odb_prologue ().size ());
if (n < size)
- ss << options_.odb_prologue ()[n];
+ ss << options_.odb_prologue ()[db][n];
- f = options_.odb_prologue_file ()[n - size];
+ f = options_.odb_prologue_file ()[db][n - size];
size_t size (options_.odb_epilogue ().size ());
if (n < size)
- ss << options_.odb_epilogue ()[n];
+ ss << options_.odb_epilogue ()[db][n];
- f = options_.odb_epilogue_file ()[n - size];
+ f = options_.odb_epilogue_file ()[db][n - size];
if (f.empty ())
@@ -688,7 +689,7 @@ namespace include
path f (inc->path_.base ());
- f += ctx.options.odb_file_suffix ();
+ f += ctx.options.odb_file_suffix ()[ctx.options.database ()[0]];
f += ctx.options.hxx_suffix ();
char o (inc->type_ == include_directive::quote ? '"' : '<');
diff --git a/odb/inline.cxx b/odb/inline.cxx
index e39f85d..39bde4d 100644
--- a/odb/inline.cxx
+++ b/odb/inline.cxx
@@ -5,13 +5,233 @@
#include <odb/common.hxx>
#include <odb/context.hxx>
#include <odb/generate.hxx>
+#include <odb/diagnostics.hxx>
using namespace std;
namespace inline_
+ //
+ //
+ struct callback_calls: traversal::class_, virtual context
+ {
+ callback_calls ()
+ {
+ *this >> inherits_ >> *this;
+ }
+ void
+ traverse (type& c, bool constant)
+ {
+ const_ = constant;
+ traverse (c);
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (type& c)
+ {
+ bool obj (object (c));
+ // Ignore transient bases.
+ //
+ if (!(obj || view (c)))
+ return;
+ if (c.count ("callback"))
+ {
+ string name (c.get<string> ("callback"));
+ // In case of the const instance, we only generate the call if
+ // there is a const callback. Note also that we cannot use
+ // object_type/view_type alias because it can be a base type.
+ //
+ string const& type (class_fq_name (c));
+ if (const_)
+ {
+ if (c.count ("callback-const"))
+ os << "static_cast<const " << type << "&> (x)." << name <<
+ " (e, db);";
+ }
+ else
+ os << "static_cast< " << type << "&> (x)." << name << " (e, db);";
+ }
+ else if (obj)
+ inherits (c);
+ }
+ protected:
+ bool const_;
+ traversal::inherits inherits_;
+ };
+ struct class_: traversal::class_, virtual context
+ {
+ virtual void
+ traverse (type& c)
+ {
+ if (!options.at_once () && class_file (c) != unit.file ())
+ return;
+ if (object (c))
+ traverse_object (c);
+ else if (view (c))
+ traverse_view (c);
+ }
+ void
+ traverse_object (type&);
+ void
+ traverse_view (type&);
+ private:
+ callback_calls callback_calls_;
+ };
+void inline_::class_::
+traverse_object (type& c)
+ using semantics::data_member;
+ data_member* id (id_member (c));
+ bool base_id (id && &id->scope () != &c); // Comes from base.
+ // Base class that contains the object id.
+ //
+ type* base (id != 0 && base_id ? dynamic_cast<type*> (&id->scope ()) : 0);
+ bool poly (polymorphic (c));
+ bool abst (abstract (c));
+ bool reuse_abst (abst && !poly);
+ string const& type (class_fq_name (c));
+ string traits ("access::object_traits< " + type + " >");
+ os << "// " << class_name (c) << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << endl;
+ // id (object_type)
+ //
+ if (id != 0 || !reuse_abst)
+ {
+ os << "inline" << endl
+ << traits << "::id_type" << endl
+ << traits << "::" << endl
+ << "id (const object_type&" << (id != 0 ? " o" : "") << ")"
+ << "{";
+ if (id != 0)
+ {
+ if (base_id)
+ os << "return object_traits< " << class_fq_name (*base) <<
+ " >::id (o);";
+ else
+ {
+ // Get the id using the accessor expression. If this is not
+ // a synthesized expression, then output its location for
+ // easier error tracking.
+ //
+ member_access& ma (id->get<member_access> ("get"));
+ if (!ma.synthesized)
+ os << "// From " << location_string (ma.loc, true) << endl;
+ os << "return " << ma.translate ("o") << ";";
+ }
+ }
+ os << "}";
+ }
+ // The rest does not apply to reuse-abstract objects.
+ //
+ if (reuse_abst)
+ return;
+ // callback ()
+ //
+ os << "inline" << endl
+ << "void " << traits << "::" << endl
+ << "callback (database& db, object_type& x, callback_event e)"
+ << endl
+ << "{"
+ << endl;
+ callback_calls_.traverse (c, false);
+ os << "}";
+ os << "inline" << endl
+ << "void " << traits << "::" << endl
+ << "callback (database& db, const object_type& x, callback_event e)"
+ << "{"
+ << endl;
+ callback_calls_.traverse (c, true);
+ os << "}";
+void inline_::class_::
+traverse_view (type& c)
+ string const& type (class_fq_name (c));
+ string traits ("access::view_traits< " + type + " >");
+ os << "// " << class_name (c) << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << endl;
+ // callback ()
+ //
+ os << "inline" << endl
+ << "void " << traits << "::" << endl
+ << "callback (database& db, view_type& x, callback_event e)"
+ << endl
+ << "{"
+ << endl;
+ callback_calls_.traverse (c, false);
+ os << "}";
+namespace inline_
generate ()
+ context ctx;
+ ostream& os (ctx.os);
+ traversal::unit unit;
+ traversal::defines unit_defines;
+ typedefs unit_typedefs (false);
+ traversal::namespace_ ns;
+ class_ c;
+ unit >> unit_defines >> ns;
+ unit_defines >> c;
+ unit >> unit_typedefs >> c;
+ traversal::defines ns_defines;
+ typedefs ns_typedefs (false);
+ ns >> ns_defines >> ns;
+ ns_defines >> c;
+ ns >> ns_typedefs >> c;
+ os << "namespace odb"
+ << "{";
+ unit.dispatch (ctx.unit);
+ os << "}";
diff --git a/odb/makefile b/odb/makefile
index c57ed9f..bb0deba 100644
--- a/odb/makefile
+++ b/odb/makefile
@@ -200,7 +200,8 @@ $(gen): cli_options += \
--generate-file-scanner \
--include-with-brackets \
--include-prefix odb \
---guard-prefix ODB
+--guard-prefix ODB \
+--cxx-prologue '\#include <odb/option-parsers.hxx>'
$(call include-dep,$(cxx_pod) $(cxx_dod) $(cxx_cod),\
$(cxx_pobj) $(cxx_dobj) $(cxx_cobj),$(gen))
diff --git a/odb/odb.cxx b/odb/odb.cxx
index e18feeb..260f9b8 100644
--- a/odb/odb.cxx
+++ b/odb/odb.cxx
@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ profile_paths (strings const& args, char const* name);
static char const* const db_macro[] =
@@ -491,7 +492,9 @@ main (int argc, char* argv[])
oi[1].option = "-p";
oi[2].option = "--profile";
- database db;
+ vector<database> dbs;
+ bool show_sloc;
+ size_t sloc_limit;
oi[1].search_func = &profile_search_ignore;
oi[2].search_func = &profile_search_ignore;
@@ -527,14 +530,24 @@ main (int argc, char* argv[])
// Check that required options were specifed.
- if (!ops.database_specified ())
+ dbs = ops.database ();
+ if (dbs.empty ())
e << argv[0] << ": error: no database specified with the --database "
<< "option" << endl;
return 1;
- db = ops.database ();
+ if (dbs.size () > 1 && !ops.multi_database_specified ())
+ {
+ e << argv[0] << ": error: --multi-database option required when " <<
+ "multiple databases are specified"<< endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ show_sloc = ops.show_sloc ();
+ sloc_limit = ops.sloc_limit_specified () ? ops.sloc_limit () : 0;
// Translate some ODB options to GCC options.
@@ -566,26 +579,15 @@ main (int argc, char* argv[])
e << " " << *i << endl;
- // Second parse.
+ // Pass profile search paths (svc-path option).
- profile_data pd (prof_paths, db, argv[0]);
- oi[1].search_func = &profile_search;
- oi[2].search_func = &profile_search;
- oi[1].arg = &pd;
- oi[2].arg = &pd;
- cli::argv_file_scanner scan (ac, &av[0], oi, 3);
- options ops (scan);
- size_t end (scan.end () - 1); // We have one less in plugin_args.
- if (end == plugin_args.size ())
+ for (paths::const_iterator i (prof_paths.begin ());
+ i != prof_paths.end (); ++i)
- e << argv[0] << ": error: input file expected" << endl;
- return 1;
+ args.push_back (encode_plugin_option ("svc-path", i->string ()));
- // Add ODB macros.
+ // Add common ODB macros.
args.push_back ("-DODB_COMPILER");
@@ -595,396 +597,442 @@ main (int argc, char* argv[])
args.push_back ("-DODB_COMPILER_VERSION=" + ostr.str ());
- args.push_back (db_macro[ops.database ()]);
- // Encode plugin options.
+ // Compile for each database.
- cli::options const& desc (options::description ());
- for (size_t i (0); i < end; ++i)
+ size_t sloc_total (0);
+ for (vector<database>::iterator i (dbs.begin ()); i != dbs.end (); ++i)
- string k, v;
- string a (plugin_args[i]);
+ database db (*i);
+ strings db_args (args);
- // Ignore certain options.
+ // Add database-specific ODB macro.
- if (a == "--")
- {
- // Ignore the option seperator since GCC doesn't understand it.
- //
- continue;
- }
- else if (a == "--std")
- {
- // Translated to GCC -std=.
- //
- ++i;
- continue;
- }
+ db_args.push_back (db_macro[db]);
- cli::options::const_iterator it (desc.find (a));
+ // Second parse.
+ //
+ profile_data pd (prof_paths, db, argv[0]);
+ oi[1].search_func = &profile_search;
+ oi[2].search_func = &profile_search;
+ oi[1].arg = &pd;
+ oi[2].arg = &pd;
- if (it == desc.end ())
+ cli::argv_file_scanner scan (ac, &av[0], oi, 3);
+ options ops (scan);
+ size_t end (scan.end () - 1); // We have one less in plugin_args.
+ if (end == plugin_args.size ())
- e << argv[0] << ": ice: unexpected option '" << a << "'" << endl;
+ e << argv[0] << ": error: input file expected" << endl;
return 1;
- if (a.size () > 2 && a[0] == '-' && a[1] == '-')
- k = string (a, 2); // long format
- else
- k = string (a, 1); // short format
- // If there are more arguments then we may have a value.
+ // Encode plugin options.
- if (!it->flag ())
+ cli::options const& desc (options::description ());
+ for (size_t i (0); i < end; ++i)
- if (i + 1 == end)
+ string k, v;
+ string a (plugin_args[i]);
+ // Ignore certain options.
+ //
+ if (a == "--")
- e << argv[0] << ": ice: expected argument for '" << a << "'" << endl;
- return 1;
+ // Ignore the option seperator since GCC doesn't understand it.
+ //
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (a == "--std")
+ {
+ // Translated to GCC -std=.
+ //
+ ++i;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (a == "-d" || a == "--databse")
+ {
+ // Ignore all other databases.
+ //
+ if (plugin_args[i + 1] != db.string ())
+ {
+ ++i;
+ continue;
+ }
- v = plugin_args[++i];
- }
- args.push_back (encode_plugin_option (k, v));
- }
- // Pass profile search paths (svc-path option).
- //
- for (paths::const_iterator i (prof_paths.begin ());
- i != prof_paths.end (); ++i)
- {
- args.push_back (encode_plugin_option ("svc-path", i->string ()));
- }
- // Reserve space for and remember the position of the svc-file
- // option.
- //
- size_t svc_file_pos (args.size ());
- args.push_back ("");
- // If compiling multiple input files at once, pass them also with
- // the --svc-file option.
- //
- bool at_once (ops.at_once () && plugin_args.size () - end > 1);
- if (at_once)
- {
- if (ops.output_name ().empty ())
- {
- e << "error: --output-name required when compiling multiple " <<
- "input files at once (--at-once)" << endl;
- return 1;
- }
- for (size_t i (end); i < plugin_args.size (); ++i)
- args.push_back (encode_plugin_option ("svc-file", plugin_args[i]));
- }
+ cli::options::const_iterator it (desc.find (a));
- // Create an execvp-compatible argument array.
- //
- typedef vector<char const*> cstrings;
- cstrings exec_args;
+ if (it == desc.end ())
+ {
+ e << argv[0] << ": ice: unexpected option '" << a << "'" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
- for (strings::const_iterator i (args.begin ()), end (args.end ());
- i != end; ++i)
- {
- exec_args.push_back (i->c_str ());
- }
+ if (a.size () > 2 && a[0] == '-' && a[1] == '-')
+ k = string (a, 2); // long format
+ else
+ k = string (a, 1); // short format
- exec_args.push_back ("-"); // Compile stdin.
- exec_args.push_back (0);
+ // If there are more arguments then we may have a value.
+ //
+ if (!it->flag ())
+ {
+ if (i + 1 == end)
+ {
+ e << argv[0] << ": ice: expected argument for '" << a << "'"
+ << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
- // Iterate over the input files and compile each of them.
- //
- size_t sloc_total (0);
+ v = plugin_args[++i];
+ }
- for (; end < plugin_args.size (); ++end)
- {
- string name (at_once ? ops.output_name () : plugin_args[end]);
+ db_args.push_back (encode_plugin_option (k, v));
+ }
- // Set the --svc-file option.
+ // Reserve space for and remember the position of the svc-file
+ // option.
- args[svc_file_pos] = encode_plugin_option ("svc-file", name);
- exec_args[svc_file_pos] = args[svc_file_pos].c_str ();
+ size_t svc_file_pos (db_args.size ());
+ db_args.push_back ("");
+ // If compiling multiple input files at once, pass them also with
+ // the --svc-file option.
- //
- ifstream ifs;
- if (!at_once)
+ bool at_once (ops.at_once () && plugin_args.size () - end > 1);
+ if (at_once)
- (name.c_str (), ios_base::in | ios_base::binary);
- if (!ifs.is_open ())
+ if (ops.output_name ().empty ())
- e << name << ": error: unable to open in read mode" << endl;
+ e << "error: --output-name required when compiling multiple " <<
+ "input files at once (--at-once)" << endl;
return 1;
- }
- if (v)
- {
- e << "Compiling " << name << endl;
- for (cstrings::const_iterator i (exec_args.begin ());
- i != exec_args.end (); ++i)
- {
- if (*i != 0)
- e << *i << (*(i + 1) != 0 ? ' ' : '\n');
- }
+ for (size_t i (end); i < plugin_args.size (); ++i)
+ db_args.push_back (
+ encode_plugin_option ("svc-file", plugin_args[i]));
- process_info pi (start_process (&exec_args[0], argv[0], false, true));
+ // Create an execvp-compatible argument array.
+ //
+ typedef vector<char const*> cstrings;
+ cstrings exec_args;
+ for (strings::const_iterator i (db_args.begin ()), end (db_args.end ());
+ i != end; ++i)
- __gnu_cxx::stdio_filebuf<char> fb (
- pi.out_fd, ios_base::out | ios_base::binary);
- ostream os (&fb);
+ exec_args.push_back (i->c_str ());
+ }
- if (!ops.trace ())
- {
- // Add the standard prologue.
- //
- os << "#line 1 \"<standard-odb-prologue>\"" << endl;
+ exec_args.push_back ("-"); // Compile stdin.
+ exec_args.push_back (0);
- // Make sure ODB compiler and libodb versions are compatible.
- //
- os << "#include <odb/version.hxx>" << endl
- << endl
- << "#if ODB_VERSION != " << ODB_VERSION << endl
- << "# error incompatible ODB compiler and runtime " <<
- "versions" << endl
- << "#endif" << endl
- << endl;
- // Add ODB compiler metaprogramming tests.
- //
- os << "namespace odb" << endl
- << "{" << endl
- << "namespace compiler" << endl
- << "{" << endl;
+ // Iterate over the input files and compile each of them.
+ //
+ for (; end < plugin_args.size (); ++end)
+ {
+ string name (at_once ? ops.output_name () : plugin_args[end]);
- // operator< test, used in validator.
- //
- os << "template <typename T>" << endl
- << "bool" << endl
- << "has_lt_operator (const T& x, const T& y)" << endl
- << "{" << endl
- << "bool r (x < y);" << endl
- << "return r;" << endl
- << "}" << endl;
- os << "}" << endl
- << "}" << endl;
- }
+ // Set the --svc-file option.
+ //
+ db_args[svc_file_pos] = encode_plugin_option ("svc-file", name);
+ exec_args[svc_file_pos] = db_args[svc_file_pos].c_str ();
- // Add custom prologue if any.
- // NOTE: if you change the format, you also need to update code
- // in include.cxx
- strings const& pro (ops.odb_prologue ());
- for (size_t i (0); i < pro.size (); ++i)
- {
- os << "#line 1 \"<odb-prologue-" << i + 1 << ">\"" << endl
- << pro[i]
- << endl;
- }
+ ifstream ifs;
- strings const& prof (ops.odb_prologue_file ());
- for (size_t i (0); i < prof.size (); ++i)
+ if (!at_once)
- os << "#line 1 \"<odb-prologue-" << pro.size () + i + 1 << ">\""
- << endl;
- ifstream ifs (prof[i].c_str (), ios_base::in | ios_base::binary);
+ (name.c_str (), ios_base::in | ios_base::binary);
if (!ifs.is_open ())
- e << prof[i] << ": error: unable to open in read mode" << endl;
- fb.close ();
- wait_process (pi, argv[0]);
+ e << name << ": error: unable to open in read mode" << endl;
return 1;
+ }
- if (!(os << ifs.rdbuf ()))
+ if (v)
+ {
+ e << "Compiling " << name << endl;
+ for (cstrings::const_iterator i (exec_args.begin ());
+ i != exec_args.end (); ++i)
- e << prof[i] << ": error: io failure" << endl;
- fb.close ();
- wait_process (pi, argv[0]);
- return 1;
+ if (*i != 0)
+ e << *i << (*(i + 1) != 0 ? ' ' : '\n');
- os << endl;
- if (at_once)
- {
- // Include all the input files (no need to escape).
- //
- os << "#line 1 \"<command-line>\"" << endl;
- bool b (ops.include_with_brackets ());
- char op (b ? '<' : '"'), cl (b ? '>' : '"');
+ process_info pi (start_process (&exec_args[0], argv[0], false, true));
- for (; end < plugin_args.size (); ++end)
- os << "#include " << op << plugin_args[end] << cl << endl;
- }
- else
- // Write the synthesized translation unit to stdout.
- //
- os << "#line 1 \"" << escape_path (name) << "\"" << endl;
+ __gnu_cxx::stdio_filebuf<char> fb (
+ pi.out_fd, ios_base::out | ios_base::binary);
+ ostream os (&fb);
- if (!(os << ifs.rdbuf ()))
+ if (!ops.trace ())
- e << name << ": error: io failure" << endl;
- fb.close ();
- wait_process (pi, argv[0]);
- return 1;
+ // Add the standard prologue.
+ //
+ os << "#line 1 \"<standard-odb-prologue>\"" << endl;
+ // Make sure ODB compiler and libodb versions are compatible.
+ //
+ os << "#include <odb/version.hxx>" << endl
+ << endl
+ << "#if ODB_VERSION != " << ODB_VERSION << endl
+ << "# error incompatible ODB compiler and runtime " <<
+ "versions" << endl
+ << "#endif" << endl
+ << endl;
+ // Add ODB compiler metaprogramming tests.
+ //
+ os << "namespace odb" << endl
+ << "{" << endl
+ << "namespace compiler" << endl
+ << "{" << endl;
+ // operator< test, used in validator.
+ //
+ os << "template <typename T>" << endl
+ << "bool" << endl
+ << "has_lt_operator (const T& x, const T& y)" << endl
+ << "{" << endl
+ << "bool r (x < y);" << endl
+ << "return r;" << endl
+ << "}" << endl;
+ os << "}" << endl
+ << "}" << endl;
- // Add a new line in case the input file doesn't end with one.
+ // Add custom prologue if any.
- os << endl;
- }
+ // NOTE: if you change the format, you also need to update code
+ // in include.cxx
+ //
+ size_t pro_count (1);
+ if (ops.odb_prologue ().count (db) != 0)
+ {
+ strings const& pro (ops.odb_prologue ()[db]);
+ for (size_t i (0); i < pro.size (); ++i, ++pro_count)
+ {
+ os << "#line 1 \"<odb-prologue-" << pro_count << ">\"" << endl
+ << pro[i] << endl;
+ }
+ }
- // Add custom epilogue if any.
- //
- // NOTE: if you change the format, you also need to update code
- // in include.cxx
- //
- strings const& epi (ops.odb_epilogue ());
- for (size_t i (0); i < epi.size (); ++i)
- {
- os << "#line 1 \"<odb-epilogue-" << i + 1 << ">\"" << endl
- << epi[i]
- << endl;
- }
+ if (ops.odb_prologue_file ().count (db) != 0)
+ {
+ strings const& prof (ops.odb_prologue_file ()[db]);
+ for (size_t i (0); i < prof.size (); ++i, ++pro_count)
+ {
+ os << "#line 1 \"<odb-prologue-" << pro_count << ">\""
+ << endl;
- strings const& epif (ops.odb_epilogue_file ());
- for (size_t i (0); i < epif.size (); ++i)
- {
- os << "#line 1 \"<odb-epilogue-" << epi.size () + i + 1 << ">\""
- << endl;
+ ifstream ifs (prof[i].c_str (), ios_base::in | ios_base::binary);
- ifstream ifs (epif[i].c_str (), ios_base::in | ios_base::binary);
+ if (!ifs.is_open ())
+ {
+ e << prof[i] << ": error: unable to open in read mode" << endl;
+ fb.close ();
+ wait_process (pi, argv[0]);
+ return 1;
+ }
- if (!ifs.is_open ())
- {
- e << epif[i] << ": error: unable to open in read mode" << endl;
- fb.close ();
- wait_process (pi, argv[0]);
- return 1;
+ if (!(os << ifs.rdbuf ()))
+ {
+ e << prof[i] << ": error: io failure" << endl;
+ fb.close ();
+ wait_process (pi, argv[0]);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ os << endl;
+ }
- if (!(os << ifs.rdbuf ()))
+ if (at_once)
- e << epif[i] << ": error: io failure" << endl;
- fb.close ();
- wait_process (pi, argv[0]);
- return 1;
- }
+ // Include all the input files (no need to escape).
+ //
+ os << "#line 1 \"<command-line>\"" << endl;
- os << endl;
- }
+ bool b (ops.include_with_brackets ());
+ char op (b ? '<' : '"'), cl (b ? '>' : '"');
- if (!ops.trace ())
- {
- // Add the standard epilogue at the end so that we see all
- // the declarations.
- //
- os << "#line 1 \"<standard-odb-epilogue>\"" << endl;
+ for (; end < plugin_args.size (); ++end)
+ os << "#include " << op << plugin_args[end] << cl << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Write the synthesized translation unit to stdout.
+ //
+ os << "#line 1 \"" << escape_path (name) << "\"" << endl;
- // Includes for standard smart pointers. The Boost TR1 header
- // may or may not delegate to the GCC implementation. In either
- // case, the necessary declarations will be provided so we don't
- // need to do anything.
- //
- os << "#include <memory>" << endl
- << "#ifndef BOOST_TR1_MEMORY_HPP_INCLUDED" << endl
- << "# include <tr1/memory>" << endl
- << "#endif" << endl;
+ if (!(os << ifs.rdbuf ()))
+ {
+ e << name << ": error: io failure" << endl;
+ fb.close ();
+ wait_process (pi, argv[0]);
+ return 1;
+ }
- // Standard wrapper traits.
- //
- os << "#include <odb/wrapper-traits.hxx>" << endl
- << "#include <odb/tr1/wrapper-traits.hxx>" << endl;
+ // Add a new line in case the input file doesn't end with one.
+ //
+ os << endl;
+ }
- // Standard pointer traits.
+ // Add custom epilogue if any.
- os << "#include <odb/pointer-traits.hxx>" << endl
- << "#include <odb/tr1/pointer-traits.hxx>" << endl;
- // Standard container traits.
+ // NOTE: if you change the format, you also need to update code
+ // in include.cxx
- os << "#include <odb/container-traits.hxx>" << endl;
- }
- }
- // Filter the output stream looking for communication from the
- // plugin.
- //
- {
- __gnu_cxx::stdio_filebuf<char> fb (pi.in_ofd, ios_base::in);
- istream is (&fb);
- for (bool first (true); !is.eof (); )
- {
- string line;
- getline (is, line);
- if ( () && !is.eof ())
+ size_t epi_count (1);
+ if (ops.odb_epilogue ().count (db) != 0)
- e << argv[0] << ": error: io failure while parsing output" << endl;
- wait_process (pi, argv[0]);
- return 1;
+ strings const& epi (ops.odb_epilogue ()[db]);
+ for (size_t i (0); i < epi.size (); ++i, ++epi_count)
+ {
+ os << "#line 1 \"<odb-epilogue-" << epi_count << ">\"" << endl
+ << epi[i] << endl;
+ }
- if ( (0, 9, "odb:sloc:") == 0)
+ if (ops.odb_epilogue_file ().count (db) != 0)
- if (ops.show_sloc () || ops.sloc_limit_specified ())
+ strings const& epif (ops.odb_epilogue_file ()[db]);
+ for (size_t i (0); i < epif.size (); ++i, ++epi_count)
- size_t n;
- istringstream is (string (line, 9, string::npos));
+ os << "#line 1 \"<odb-epilogue-" << epi_count << ">\""
+ << endl;
- if (!(is >> n && is.eof ()))
+ ifstream ifs (epif[i].c_str (), ios_base::in | ios_base::binary);
+ if (!ifs.is_open ())
- e << argv[0] << ": error: invalid odb:sloc value" << endl;
+ e << epif[i] << ": error: unable to open in read mode" << endl;
+ fb.close ();
wait_process (pi, argv[0]);
return 1;
- sloc_total += n;
+ if (!(os << ifs.rdbuf ()))
+ {
+ e << epif[i] << ": error: io failure" << endl;
+ fb.close ();
+ wait_process (pi, argv[0]);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ os << endl;
+ }
- continue;
+ if (!ops.trace ())
+ {
+ // Add the standard epilogue at the end so that we see all
+ // the declarations.
+ //
+ os << "#line 1 \"<standard-odb-epilogue>\"" << endl;
+ // Includes for standard smart pointers. The Boost TR1 header
+ // may or may not delegate to the GCC implementation. In either
+ // case, the necessary declarations will be provided so we don't
+ // need to do anything.
+ //
+ os << "#include <memory>" << endl
+ << "#ifndef BOOST_TR1_MEMORY_HPP_INCLUDED" << endl
+ << "# include <tr1/memory>" << endl
+ << "#endif" << endl;
+ // Standard wrapper traits.
+ //
+ os << "#include <odb/wrapper-traits.hxx>" << endl
+ << "#include <odb/tr1/wrapper-traits.hxx>" << endl;
+ // Standard pointer traits.
+ //
+ os << "#include <odb/pointer-traits.hxx>" << endl
+ << "#include <odb/tr1/pointer-traits.hxx>" << endl;
+ // Standard container traits.
+ //
+ os << "#include <odb/container-traits.hxx>" << endl;
+ }
- if (first)
- first = false;
- else
- cout << endl;
+ // Filter the output stream looking for communication from the
+ // plugin.
+ //
+ {
+ __gnu_cxx::stdio_filebuf<char> fb (pi.in_ofd, ios_base::in);
+ istream is (&fb);
+ for (bool first (true); !is.eof (); )
+ {
+ string line;
+ getline (is, line);
- cout << line;
+ if ( () && !is.eof ())
+ {
+ e << argv[0] << ": error: io failure while parsing output"
+ << endl;
+ wait_process (pi, argv[0]);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ( (0, 9, "odb:sloc:") == 0)
+ {
+ if (show_sloc || sloc_limit != 0)
+ {
+ size_t n;
+ istringstream is (string (line, 9, string::npos));
+ if (!(is >> n && is.eof ()))
+ {
+ e << argv[0] << ": error: invalid odb:sloc value" << endl;
+ wait_process (pi, argv[0]);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ sloc_total += n;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (first)
+ first = false;
+ else
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << line;
+ }
- }
- if (!wait_process (pi, argv[0]))
- return 1;
- }
+ if (!wait_process (pi, argv[0]))
+ return 1;
+ } // End input file loop.
+ } // End database loop.
// Handle SLOC.
- if (ops.show_sloc ())
+ if (show_sloc)
e << "total: " << sloc_total << endl;
- if (ops.sloc_limit_specified () && ops.sloc_limit () < sloc_total)
+ if (sloc_limit != 0 && sloc_limit < sloc_total)
- e << argv[0] << ": error: SLOC limit of " << ops.sloc_limit ()
- << " lines has been exceeded" << endl;
+ e << argv[0] << ": error: SLOC limit of " << sloc_limit << " lines " <<
+ "has been exceeded" << endl;
- if (!ops.show_sloc ())
+ if (!show_sloc)
e << argv[0] << ": info: use the --show-sloc option to see the "
<< "current total" << endl;
diff --git a/odb/option-functions.cxx b/odb/option-functions.cxx
index 6b7442e..b0b2523 100644
--- a/odb/option-functions.cxx
+++ b/odb/option-functions.cxx
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
// license : GNU GPL v3; see accompanying LICENSE file
#include <set>
+#include <utility> // std::make_pair()
#include <odb/option-functions.hxx>
@@ -11,6 +12,8 @@ using namespace std;
process_options (options& o)
+ database db (o.database ()[0]);
// If --generate-schema-only was specified, then set --generate-schema
// as well.
@@ -19,12 +22,16 @@ process_options (options& o)
// Set the default schema format depending on the database.
- if (o.generate_schema () && o.schema_format ().empty ())
+ if (o.generate_schema () && o.schema_format ()[db].empty ())
- set<schema_format> f;
+ set<schema_format>& f (o.schema_format ()[db]);
- switch (o.database ())
+ switch (db)
+ case database::common:
+ {
+ break; // No schema for common.
+ }
case database::mssql:
case database::mysql:
case database::oracle:
@@ -39,7 +46,62 @@ process_options (options& o)
+ }
- o.schema_format (f);
+ // Set default --schema-name value.
+ //
+ if (o.schema_name ().count (db) == 0)
+ o.schema_name ()[db] = "";
+ // Set default --*--file-suffix values.
+ //
+ {
+ database cm (database::common);
+ o.odb_file_suffix ().insert (make_pair (cm, string ("-odb")));
+ o.sql_file_suffix ().insert (make_pair (cm, string ("")));
+ o.schema_file_suffix ().insert (make_pair (cm, string ("-schema")));
+ }
+ if (o.multi_database () == multi_database::disabled)
+ {
+ o.odb_file_suffix ().insert (make_pair (db, string ("-odb")));
+ o.sql_file_suffix ().insert (make_pair (db, string ("")));
+ o.schema_file_suffix ().insert (make_pair (db, string ("-schema")));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ o.odb_file_suffix ().insert (
+ make_pair (db, string ("-odb-") + db.string ()));
+ o.sql_file_suffix ().insert (
+ make_pair (db, string ("-") + db.string ()));
+ o.schema_file_suffix ().insert (
+ make_pair (db, string ("-schema-") + db.string ()));
+ }
+ // Set default --default-database value.
+ //
+ if (!o.default_database_specified ())
+ {
+ switch (o.multi_database ())
+ {
+ case multi_database::disabled:
+ {
+ o.default_database (db);
+ o.default_database_specified (true);
+ break;
+ }
+ case multi_database::dynamic:
+ {
+ o.default_database (database::common);
+ o.default_database_specified (true);
+ break;
+ }
+ case multi_database::static_:
+ {
+ // No default database unless explicitly specified.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/odb/option-parsers.hxx b/odb/option-parsers.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a974a7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odb/option-parsers.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+// file : odb/option-parsers.hxx
+// copyright : Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Code Synthesis Tools CC
+// license : GNU GPL v3; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <vector>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <odb/option-types.hxx>
+#include <odb/options.hxx>
+namespace cli
+ // Return true if there is a database prefix.
+ //
+ template <typename V>
+ bool
+ parse_option_value (std::string const& o, std::string const& ov,
+ database& k, V& v)
+ {
+ bool r (false);
+ std::string::size_type p = ov.find (':');
+ std::string vstr;
+ if (p != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ std::string kstr (ov, 0, p);
+ // See if this prefix resolves to the database name. If not,
+ // assume there is no prefix.
+ //
+ std::istringstream ks (kstr);
+ if (ks >> k && ks.eof ())
+ {
+ r = true;
+ vstr.assign (ov, p + 1, std::string::npos);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!r)
+ vstr = ov; // Use the whole value.
+ if (!vstr.empty ())
+ {
+ std::istringstream vs (vstr);
+ if (!(vs >> v && vs.eof ()))
+ throw invalid_value (o, ov);
+ }
+ else
+ v = V ();
+ return r;
+ }
+ // Specialization for std::string.
+ //
+ bool
+ parse_option_value (std::string const&, std::string const& ov,
+ database& k, std::string& v)
+ {
+ bool r (false);
+ std::string::size_type p = ov.find (':');
+ if (p != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ std::string kstr (ov, 0, p);
+ // See if this prefix resolves to the database name. If not,
+ // assume there is no prefix.
+ //
+ std::istringstream ks (kstr);
+ if (ks >> k && ks.eof ())
+ {
+ r = true;
+ v.assign (ov, p + 1, std::string::npos);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!r)
+ v = ov; // Use the whole value.
+ return r;
+ }
+ template <typename V>
+ struct parser<database_map<V> >
+ {
+ typedef database_map<V> map;
+ static void
+ parse (map& m, bool& xs, scanner& s)
+ {
+ xs = true;
+ std::string o ( ());
+ if (s.more ())
+ {
+ database k;
+ V v;
+ if (parse_option_value (o, (), k, v))
+ m[k] = v; // Override any old value.
+ else
+ {
+ // No database prefix is specified which means it applies to
+ // all the databases. We also don't want to override database-
+ // specific values, so use insert().
+ //
+ m.insert (typename map::value_type (database::common, v));
+ m.insert (typename map::value_type (database::mssql, v));
+ m.insert (typename map::value_type (database::mysql, v));
+ m.insert (typename map::value_type (database::oracle, v));
+ m.insert (typename map::value_type (database::pgsql, v));
+ m.insert (typename map::value_type (database::sqlite, v));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ throw missing_value (o);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename V>
+ struct parser<database_map<std::vector<V> > >
+ {
+ typedef database_map<std::vector<V> > map;
+ static void
+ parse (map& m, bool& xs, scanner& s)
+ {
+ xs = true;
+ std::string o ( ());
+ if (s.more ())
+ {
+ database k;
+ V v;
+ if (parse_option_value (o, (), k, v))
+ m[k].push_back (v);
+ else
+ {
+ // No database prefix is specified which means it applies to
+ // all the databases.
+ //
+ m[database::common].push_back (v);
+ m[database::mssql].push_back (v);
+ m[database::mysql].push_back (v);
+ m[database::oracle].push_back (v);
+ m[database::pgsql].push_back (v);
+ m[database::sqlite].push_back (v);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ throw missing_value (o);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename V>
+ struct parser<database_map<std::set<V> > >
+ {
+ typedef database_map<std::set<V> > map;
+ static void
+ parse (map& m, bool& xs, scanner& s)
+ {
+ xs = true;
+ std::string o ( ());
+ if (s.more ())
+ {
+ database k;
+ V v;
+ if (parse_option_value (o, (), k, v))
+ m[k].insert (v);
+ else
+ {
+ // No database prefix is specified which means it applies to
+ // all the databases.
+ //
+ m[database::common].insert (v);
+ m[database::mssql].insert (v);
+ m[database::mysql].insert (v);
+ m[database::oracle].insert (v);
+ m[database::pgsql].insert (v);
+ m[database::sqlite].insert (v);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ throw missing_value (o);
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/odb/option-types.cxx b/odb/option-types.cxx
index ceb71db..c52935e 100644
--- a/odb/option-types.cxx
+++ b/odb/option-types.cxx
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ operator>> (istream& is, cxx_version& v)
static const char* database_[] =
+ "common",
@@ -92,6 +93,50 @@ operator<< (ostream& os, database db)
+// multi_database
+static const char* multi_database_[] =
+ "dynamic",
+ "static",
+ "disabled"
+const char* multi_database::
+string () const
+ return multi_database_[v_];
+operator>> (istream& is, multi_database& db)
+ string s;
+ is >> s;
+ if (! ())
+ {
+ const char** e (
+ multi_database_ + sizeof (multi_database_) / sizeof (char*) - 1);
+ const char** i (lower_bound (multi_database_, e, s));
+ if (i != e && *i == s)
+ db = multi_database::value (i - multi_database_);
+ else
+ is.setstate (istream::failbit);
+ }
+ return is;
+operator<< (ostream& os, multi_database db)
+ return os << db.string ();
// schema_format
diff --git a/odb/option-types.hxx b/odb/option-types.hxx
index 66e2f28..732cd5a 100644
--- a/odb/option-types.hxx
+++ b/odb/option-types.hxx
@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
+#include <map>
#include <iosfwd>
+#include <cassert>
#include <odb/semantics/relational/name.hxx>
@@ -40,6 +42,7 @@ struct database
// Keep in alphabetic order.
+ common,
@@ -65,6 +68,53 @@ operator<< (std::ostream&, database);
+template <typename V>
+struct database_map: std::map<database, V>
+ typedef std::map<database, V> base_type;
+ using base_type::operator[];
+ V const&
+ operator[] (database const& k) const
+ {
+ typename base_type::const_iterator i (this->find (k));
+ assert (i != this->end ());
+ return i->second;
+ }
+struct multi_database
+ enum value
+ {
+ // Keep in alphabetic order.
+ //
+ dynamic,
+ static_,
+ disabled // Special value.
+ };
+ multi_database (value v = disabled) : v_ (v) {}
+ operator value () const {return v_;}
+ const char*
+ string () const;
+ value v_;
+operator>> (std::istream&, multi_database&);
+operator<< (std::ostream&, multi_database);
struct schema_format
enum value
diff --git a/odb/options.cli b/odb/options.cli
index f61aa0e..3c7efa8 100644
--- a/odb/options.cli
+++ b/odb/options.cli
@@ -45,11 +45,26 @@ class options
// Plugin options.
- ::database --database | -d
+ std::vector< ::database> --database | -d
"Generate code for the <db> database. Valid values are \cb{mssql},
- \cb{mysql}, \cb{oracle}, \cb{pgsql}, and \cb{sqlite}."
+ \cb{mysql}, \cb{oracle}, \cb{pgsql}, \cb{sqlite}, and \cb{common}."
+ };
+ ::multi_database --multi-database | -m = ::multi_database::disabled
+ {
+ "<type>",
+ "Enable multi-database support and specify its type. Valid values
+ for this option are \cb{static} and \cb{dynamic}."
+ };
+ ::database --default-database
+ {
+ "<db>",
+ "When static multi-database support is used, specify the database that
+ should be made the default. When dynamic multi-database support is used,
+ \cb{common} is always made the default database."
bool --generate-query | -q
@@ -58,6 +73,16 @@ class options
and can only load objects via their ids."
+ bool --generate-prepared
+ {
+ "Generate prepared query execution support code."
+ };
+ bool --omit-unprepared
+ {
+ "Omit un-prepared (once-off) query execution support code."
+ };
bool --generate-session | -e
"Generate session support code. With this option session support will
@@ -88,7 +113,7 @@ class options
for details)."
- std::set< ::schema_format> --schema-format
+ database_map<std::set< ::schema_format> > --schema-format
"Generate the database schema in the specified format. Pass \cb{sql} as
@@ -112,7 +137,7 @@ class options
"Omit \cb{CREATE} statements from the generated database schema."
- std::string --schema-name = ""
+ database_map<std::string> --schema-name
"Use <name> as the database schema name. Schema names are primarily
@@ -185,7 +210,7 @@ class options
\cb{#include} directive resolution."
- qname --schema
+ database_map<qname> --schema
"Specify a database schema (database namespace) that should be
@@ -195,7 +220,7 @@ class options
\cb{--schema-name} option."
- std::string --table-prefix
+ database_map<std::string> --table-prefix
"Add <prefix> to table and index names. The prefix is added to both
@@ -229,14 +254,21 @@ class options
generated files."
- std::string --odb-file-suffix = "-odb"
+ database_map<std::string> --odb-file-suffix
"Use <suffix> instead of the default \cb{-odb} to construct the names
of the generated C++ files."
- std::string --schema-file-suffix = "-schema"
+ database_map<std::string> --sql-file-suffix
+ {
+ "<suffix>",
+ "Use <suffix> to construct the name of the generated schema SQL file.
+ By default no suffix is used."
+ };
+ database_map<std::string> --schema-file-suffix
"Use <suffix> instead of the default \cb{-schema} to construct the name
@@ -274,31 +306,31 @@ class options
// Prologues.
- std::vector<std::string> --hxx-prologue
+ database_map<std::vector<std::string> > --hxx-prologue
"Insert <text> at the beginning of the generated C++ header file."
- std::vector<std::string> --ixx-prologue
+ database_map<std::vector<std::string> > --ixx-prologue
"Insert <text> at the beginning of the generated C++ inline file."
- std::vector<std::string> --cxx-prologue
+ database_map<std::vector<std::string> > --cxx-prologue
"Insert <text> at the beginning of the generated C++ source file."
- std::vector<std::string> --schema-prologue
+ database_map<std::vector<std::string> > --schema-prologue
"Insert <text> at the beginning of the generated schema C++ source file."
- std::vector<std::string> --sql-prologue
+ database_map<std::vector<std::string> > --sql-prologue
"Insert <text> at the beginning of the generated database schema file."
@@ -306,7 +338,7 @@ class options
// Interludes.
- std::vector<std::string> --sql-interlude
+ database_map<std::vector<std::string> > --sql-interlude
"Insert <text> after all the \cb{DROP} and before any \cb{CREATE}
@@ -315,31 +347,31 @@ class options
// Epilogues.
- std::vector<std::string> --hxx-epilogue
+ database_map<std::vector<std::string> > --hxx-epilogue
"Insert <text> at the end of the generated C++ header file."
- std::vector<std::string> --ixx-epilogue
+ database_map<std::vector<std::string> > --ixx-epilogue
"Insert <text> at the end of the generated C++ inline file."
- std::vector<std::string> --cxx-epilogue
+ database_map<std::vector<std::string> > --cxx-epilogue
"Insert <text> at the end of the generated C++ source file."
- std::vector<std::string> --schema-epilogue
+ database_map<std::vector<std::string> > --schema-epilogue
"Insert <text> at the end of the generated schema C++ source file."
- std::vector<std::string> --sql-epilogue
+ database_map<std::vector<std::string> > --sql-epilogue
"Insert <text> at the end of the generated database schema file."
@@ -347,35 +379,35 @@ class options
// Prologue files.
- std::string --hxx-prologue-file
+ database_map<std::string> --hxx-prologue-file
"Insert the content of <file> at the beginning of the generated C++
header file."
- std::string --ixx-prologue-file
+ database_map<std::string> --ixx-prologue-file
"Insert the content of <file> at the beginning of the generated C++
inline file."
- std::string --cxx-prologue-file
+ database_map<std::string> --cxx-prologue-file
"Insert the content of <file> at the beginning of the generated C++
source file."
- std::string --schema-prologue-file
+ database_map<std::string> --schema-prologue-file
"Insert the content of <file> at the beginning of the generated schema
C++ source file."
- std::string --sql-prologue-file
+ database_map<std::string> --sql-prologue-file
"Insert the content of <file> at the beginning of the generated
@@ -384,7 +416,7 @@ class options
// Interlude files.
- std::string --sql-interlude-file
+ database_map<std::string> --sql-interlude-file
"Insert the content of <file> after all the \cb{DROP} and before any
@@ -393,35 +425,35 @@ class options
// Epilogue files.
- std::string --hxx-epilogue-file
+ database_map<std::string> --hxx-epilogue-file
"Insert the content of <file> at the end of the generated C++ header
- std::string --ixx-epilogue-file
+ database_map<std::string> --ixx-epilogue-file
"Insert the content of <file> at the end of the generated C++ inline
- std::string --cxx-epilogue-file
+ database_map<std::string> --cxx-epilogue-file
"Insert the content of <file> at the end of the generated C++ source
- std::string --schema-epilogue-file
+ database_map<std::string> --schema-epilogue-file
"Insert the content of <file> at the end of the generated schema C++
source file."
- std::string --sql-epilogue-file
+ database_map<std::string> --sql-epilogue-file
"Insert the content of <file> at the end of the generated database
@@ -430,7 +462,7 @@ class options
// ODB compilation prologue/epilogue.
- std::vector<std::string> --odb-prologue
+ database_map<std::vector<std::string> > --odb-prologue
"Compile <text> before the input header file. This option allows you
@@ -438,7 +470,7 @@ class options
to the ODB compilation process."
- std::vector<std::string> --odb-prologue-file
+ database_map<std::vector<std::string> > --odb-prologue-file
"Compile <file> contents before the input header file. Prologue files
@@ -446,7 +478,7 @@ class options
- std::vector<std::string> --odb-epilogue
+ database_map<std::vector<std::string> > --odb-epilogue
"Compile <text> after the input header file. This option allows you
@@ -454,7 +486,7 @@ class options
to the ODB compilation process."
- std::vector<std::string> --odb-epilogue-file
+ database_map<std::vector<std::string> > --odb-epilogue-file
"Compile <file> contents after the input header file. Epilogue files
diff --git a/odb/plugin.cxx b/odb/plugin.cxx
index 1d73b7f..e7eee3d 100644
--- a/odb/plugin.cxx
+++ b/odb/plugin.cxx
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ plugin_init (plugin_name_args* plugin_info, plugin_gcc_version*)
cli::argv_file_scanner scan (argc, &argv[0], oi, 3);
options ops (scan);
assert (ops.database_specified ());
- db = ops.database ();
+ db = ops.database ()[0];
profile_data pd (profile_paths_, db, "odb plugin");
@@ -286,6 +286,7 @@ plugin_init (plugin_name_args* plugin_info, plugin_gcc_version*)
process_options (*ops);
options_ = ops;
+ pragma_db_ = db;
if (options_->trace ())
diff --git a/odb/pragma.cxx b/odb/pragma.cxx
index 911afce..ef10a51 100644
--- a/odb/pragma.cxx
+++ b/odb/pragma.cxx
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ loc_pragmas loc_pragmas_;
decl_pragmas decl_pragmas_;
ns_loc_pragmas ns_loc_pragmas_;
pragma_name_set simple_value_pragmas_;
+database pragma_db_;
template <typename X>
@@ -602,7 +603,8 @@ add_pragma (pragma const& prag, declaration const& decl, bool ns)
static void
handle_pragma (cxx_lexer& l,
- string const& p,
+ string db,
+ string p,
string const& qualifier,
any& qualifier_value,
declaration const& decl,
@@ -613,6 +615,36 @@ handle_pragma (cxx_lexer& l,
string tl;
tree tn;
+ // See if there is a database prefix. The db argument may already
+ // contain it.
+ //
+ if (db.empty () &&
+ (p == "mysql" ||
+ p == "sqlite" ||
+ p == "pgsql" ||
+ p == "oracle" ||
+ p == "mssql"))
+ {
+ tt = (tl);
+ if (tt != CPP_COLON)
+ {
+ error (l) << "':' expected after database prefix " << p << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Specifier prefix.
+ //
+ db = p;
+ tt = (p);
+ if (tt != CPP_NAME && tt != CPP_KEYWORD)
+ {
+ error (l) << "expected specifier after databas prefix " << db << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
string name (p); // Pragma name.
any val; // Pragma value.
pragma::add_func adder (0); // Custom context adder.
@@ -926,8 +958,10 @@ handle_pragma (cxx_lexer& l,
if (p == "access")
- add_pragma (
- pragma (p, "get", val, loc, &check_spec_decl_type, 0), decl, ns);
+ if (db.empty () || db == pragma_db_.string ())
+ add_pragma (
+ pragma (p, "get", val, loc, &check_spec_decl_type, 0), decl, ns);
name = "set";
@@ -1014,10 +1048,15 @@ handle_pragma (cxx_lexer& l,
// Add the "table" pragma.
if (vo.alias.empty () && vo.cond.empty ())
- add_pragma (
- pragma (p, name, vo.tbl_name, loc, &check_spec_decl_type, 0),
- decl,
- ns);
+ {
+ if (db.empty () || db == pragma_db_.string ())
+ {
+ add_pragma (
+ pragma (p, name, vo.tbl_name, loc, &check_spec_decl_type, 0),
+ decl,
+ ns);
+ }
+ }
vo.scope = current_scope ();
vo.loc = loc;
@@ -2025,7 +2064,7 @@ handle_pragma (cxx_lexer& l,
// Add the pragma unless was indicated otherwise.
- if (!name.empty ())
+ if (!name.empty () && (db.empty () || db == pragma_db_.string ()))
// If the value is not specified and we don't use a custom adder,
// then make it bool (flag).
@@ -2051,6 +2090,7 @@ handle_pragma (cxx_lexer& l,
if (tt == CPP_NAME || tt == CPP_KEYWORD)
handle_pragma (l,
+ "",
@@ -2163,7 +2203,7 @@ add_qual_entry (compiler::context& ctx,
static void
-handle_pragma_qualifier (cxx_lexer& l, string const& p)
+handle_pragma_qualifier (cxx_lexer& l, string p)
cpp_ttype tt;
string tl;
@@ -2173,9 +2213,62 @@ handle_pragma_qualifier (cxx_lexer& l, string const& p)
tree orig_decl (0); // Original declarations as used in the pragma.
string decl_name;
+ // Check for a database prefix.
+ //
+ string db;
+ if (p == "mysql" ||
+ p == "sqlite" ||
+ p == "pgsql" ||
+ p == "oracle" ||
+ p == "mssql")
+ {
+ tt = (tl);
+ if (tt == CPP_COLON)
+ {
+ // Specifier prefix.
+ //
+ db = p;
+ tt = (p);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Qualifier prefix. Ignore the rest if the databases don't match.
+ //
+ if (p != pragma_db_.string ())
+ return;
+ p = tl;
+ }
+ if (tt != CPP_NAME && tt != CPP_KEYWORD)
+ {
+ error (l) << "expected specifier after db " << db << " pragma" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Make sure a qualifier prefix is not used before a specifier.
+ //
+ if (!db.empty () &&
+ (p == "map" ||
+ p == "namespace" ||
+ p == "object" ||
+ p == "view" ||
+ p == "value" ||
+ p == "member"))
+ {
+ error (l) << "specifier prefix '" << db << ":' used before qualifier " <<
+ p << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ //
string name (p); // Pragma name.
any val; // Pragma value.
- location_t loc (l. location ()); // Pragma location.
+ location_t loc (l.location ()); // Pragma location.
pragma::add_func adder (0); // Custom context adder.
bool ns (false); // Namespace location pragma.
@@ -2275,6 +2368,16 @@ handle_pragma_qualifier (cxx_lexer& l, string const& p)
// token type (tt) and token literal (tl) variables should contain
// the correct values.
+ // Also check that no specifier prefix was used for this qualifer.
+ //
+ if (!db.empty ())
+ {
+ error (loc) << "specifier prefix '" << db << ":' used before " <<
+ "qualifier index" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
orig_decl = current_scope ();
decl = declaration (orig_decl);
@@ -2285,7 +2388,8 @@ handle_pragma_qualifier (cxx_lexer& l, string const& p)
cxx_tokens_lexer l;
l.start (saved_tokens, loc);
- handle_pragma (l, "index", "member", val, declaration (), "", false);
+ handle_pragma (
+ l, db, "index", "member", val, declaration (), "", false);
@@ -2783,7 +2887,7 @@ handle_pragma_qualifier (cxx_lexer& l, string const& p)
p == "version" ||
p == "virtual")
- handle_pragma (l, p, "member", val, declaration (), "", false);
+ handle_pragma (l, db, p, "member", val, declaration (), "", false);
@@ -2792,11 +2896,12 @@ handle_pragma_qualifier (cxx_lexer& l, string const& p)
+ // Record this pragma. Delay this until after we process the
+ // specifiers for value (see comment below for the reason).
+ //
if (adder == 0)
val = orig_decl;
- // Record this pragma.
- //
pragma prag (p,
name, // For now no need to translate '_' to '-'.
@@ -2804,29 +2909,37 @@ handle_pragma_qualifier (cxx_lexer& l, string const& p)
adder != 0 ? adder : &add_qual_entry);
- any* pval;
- if (decl)
- pval = &decl_pragmas_[decl].insert (prag).value;
- else
+ tree scope;
+ if (!decl)
- tree scope (current_scope ());
+ scope = current_scope ();
- if (!ns)
- {
- if (!CLASS_TYPE_P (scope))
- scope = global_namespace;
+ if (!ns && !CLASS_TYPE_P (scope))
+ scope = global_namespace;
+ }
- pragma_list& pl (loc_pragmas_[scope]);
- pl.push_back (prag);
- pval = &pl.back ().value;
- }
+ any* pval;
+ if (p != "value")
+ {
+ if (decl)
+ pval = &decl_pragmas_[decl].insert (prag).value;
- ns_loc_pragmas_.push_back (ns_loc_pragma (scope, prag));
- pval = &ns_loc_pragmas_.back ().pragma.value;
+ if (!ns)
+ {
+ pragma_list& pl (loc_pragmas_[scope]);
+ pl.push_back (prag);
+ pval = &pl.back ().value;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ns_loc_pragmas_.push_back (ns_loc_pragma (scope, prag));
+ pval = &ns_loc_pragmas_.back ().pragma.value;
+ }
+ else
+ pval = &val;
// See if there are any saved tokens to replay.
@@ -2840,7 +2953,7 @@ handle_pragma_qualifier (cxx_lexer& l, string const& p)
if (tt == CPP_NAME || tt == CPP_KEYWORD)
- handle_pragma (l, tl, p, *pval, decl, decl_name, ns);
+ handle_pragma (l, "", tl, p, *pval, decl, decl_name, ns);
if (errorcount != 0) // Avoid parsing the rest if there was an error.
@@ -2852,16 +2965,86 @@ handle_pragma_qualifier (cxx_lexer& l, string const& p)
+ size_t count (0);
if (tt == CPP_NAME || tt == CPP_KEYWORD)
- handle_pragma (l, tl, p, *pval, decl, decl_name, ns);
+ if (decl)
+ count = decl_pragmas_[decl].size ();
+ else
+ count = loc_pragmas_[scope].size ();
+ handle_pragma (l, "", tl, p, *pval, decl, decl_name, ns);
else if (tt != CPP_EOF)
+ {
error (l) << "unexpected text after " << p << " in db pragma" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Record the value pragma. Here things are complicated by the fact
+ // that we use the value pragma by itself to signify a composite value
+ // type declaration. Consider this example:
+ //
+ // #pragma db value pgsql:type("POINT")
+ // class point {...};
+ //
+ // Should this class be considered composite value type in other
+ // databases (because that's what would happen by default)? Probably
+ // not. So to overcome this we are going detect and ignore cases where
+ // (a) some specifiers followed the value qualifier but (b) none of
+ // them are for the database that we are compiling.
+ //
+ if (p == "value")
+ {
+ if (decl)
+ {
+ pragma_set& ps (decl_pragmas_[decl]);
+ if (tt == CPP_EOF || ps.size () > count)
+ ps.insert (prag);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pragma_list& pl (loc_pragmas_[scope]);
+ if (tt == CPP_EOF || pl.size () > count)
+ pl.push_back (prag);
+ }
+ }
extern "C" void
+handle_pragma_db_mysql (cpp_reader* r)
+ handle_pragma_qualifier (r, "mysql");
+extern "C" void
+handle_pragma_db_sqlite (cpp_reader* r)
+ handle_pragma_qualifier (r, "sqlite");
+extern "C" void
+handle_pragma_db_pgsql (cpp_reader* r)
+ handle_pragma_qualifier (r, "pgsql");
+extern "C" void
+handle_pragma_db_oracle (cpp_reader* r)
+ handle_pragma_qualifier (r, "oracle");
+extern "C" void
+handle_pragma_db_mssql (cpp_reader* r)
+ handle_pragma_qualifier (r, "mssql");
+extern "C" void
handle_pragma_db_map (cpp_reader* r)
handle_pragma_qualifier (r, "map");
@@ -3083,10 +3266,7 @@ handle_pragma_db (cpp_reader*)
if (tt != CPP_NAME && tt != CPP_KEYWORD)
- if (tt == CPP_EOF)
- error (l) << "expected specifier after db pragma" << endl;
- else
- error (l) << "unexpected token after db pragma" << endl;
+ error (l) << "expected specifier after db pragma" << endl;
@@ -3135,6 +3315,11 @@ register_odb_pragmas (void*, void*)
c_register_pragma_with_expansion (0, "db", handle_pragma_db);
+ c_register_pragma_with_expansion ("db", "mysql", handle_pragma_db_mysql);
+ c_register_pragma_with_expansion ("db", "sqlite", handle_pragma_db_sqlite);
+ c_register_pragma_with_expansion ("db", "pgsql", handle_pragma_db_pgsql);
+ c_register_pragma_with_expansion ("db", "oracle", handle_pragma_db_oracle);
+ c_register_pragma_with_expansion ("db", "mssql", handle_pragma_db_mssql);
c_register_pragma_with_expansion ("db", "map", handle_pragma_db_map);
c_register_pragma_with_expansion ("db", "namespace", handle_pragma_db_namespace);
c_register_pragma_with_expansion ("db", "object", handle_pragma_db_object);
diff --git a/odb/pragma.hxx b/odb/pragma.hxx
index efb80d8..cafaedd 100644
--- a/odb/pragma.hxx
+++ b/odb/pragma.hxx
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
#include <vector>
#include <string>
+#include <odb/option-types.hxx> // database
#include <cutl/container/any.hxx>
#include <cutl/container/multi-index.hxx>
#include <cutl/compiler/context.hxx>
@@ -256,6 +258,11 @@ extern decl_pragmas decl_pragmas_;
typedef std::set<std::string> pragma_name_set;
extern pragma_name_set simple_value_pragmas_;
+// Database we are generating code for. Used to ignore database-specific
+// pragmas.
+extern database pragma_db_;
extern "C" void
register_odb_pragmas (void*, void*);
diff --git a/odb/processor.cxx b/odb/processor.cxx
index 0299ad5..616eddc 100644
--- a/odb/processor.cxx
+++ b/odb/processor.cxx
@@ -2,15 +2,1147 @@
// copyright : Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Code Synthesis Tools CC
// license : GNU GPL v3; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <odb/gcc.hxx>
#include <iostream>
+#include <odb/common.hxx>
+#include <odb/lookup.hxx>
#include <odb/context.hxx>
+#include <odb/cxx-lexer.hxx>
#include <odb/processor.hxx>
+#include <odb/diagnostics.hxx>
#include <odb/relational/processor.hxx>
using namespace std;
+ struct data_member: traversal::data_member, context
+ {
+ virtual void
+ traverse (semantics::data_member& m)
+ {
+ if (transient (m))
+ return;
+ process_access (m, "get");
+ process_access (m, "set");
+ }
+ //
+ // Process member access expressions.
+ //
+ enum found_type
+ {
+ found_none,
+ found_some, // Found something but keep looking for a better one.
+ found_best
+ };
+ // Check if a function is a suitable accessor for this member.
+ //
+ found_type
+ check_accessor (semantics::data_member& m,
+ tree f,
+ string const& n,
+ member_access& ma,
+ bool strict)
+ {
+ // Must be const.
+ //
+ return found_none;
+ // Accessor is a function with no arguments (other than 'this').
+ //
+ return found_none;
+ // Note that to get the return type we have to use
+ // suggested in the documentation.
+ //
+ int tc (TREE_CODE (r));
+ // In the strict mode make sure the function returns for non-array
+ // types a value or a (const) reference to the member type and for
+ // array types a (const) pointer to element type. In the lax mode
+ // we just check that the return value is not void.
+ //
+ if (strict)
+ {
+ semantics::type& t (utype (m));
+ semantics::array* ar (dynamic_cast<semantics::array*> (&t));
+ if (ar != 0 && tc != POINTER_TYPE)
+ return found_none;
+ tree bt (ar != 0 || tc == REFERENCE_TYPE ? TREE_TYPE (r) : r);
+ tree bt_mv (TYPE_MAIN_VARIANT (bt));
+ if ((ar != 0 ? ar->base_type () : t).tree_node () != bt_mv)
+ return found_none;
+ }
+ else if (r == void_type_node)
+ return found_none;
+ cxx_tokens& e (ma.expr);
+ e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_KEYWORD, "this"));
+ e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_DOT));
+ e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_NAME, n));
+ e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_OPEN_PAREN, n));
+ e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_CLOSE_PAREN, n));
+ // See if it returns by value.
+ //
+ ma.by_value = (tc != REFERENCE_TYPE && tc != POINTER_TYPE);
+ return found_best;
+ }
+ // Check if a function is a suitable modifier for this member.
+ //
+ found_type
+ check_modifier (semantics::data_member& m,
+ tree f,
+ string const& n,
+ member_access& ma,
+ bool strict)
+ {
+ tree a (DECL_ARGUMENTS (f));
+ a = DECL_CHAIN (a); // Skip this.
+ // For a modifier, it can either be a function that returns a non-
+ // const reference (or non-const pointer, in case the member is an
+ // array) or a by-value modifier that sets a new value. If both are
+ // available, we prefer the former for efficiency.
+ //
+ cxx_tokens& e (ma.expr);
+ semantics::type& t (utype (m));
+ semantics::array* ar (dynamic_cast<semantics::array*> (&t));
+ if (a == NULL_TREE)
+ {
+ // Note that to get the return type we have to use
+ // suggested in the documentation.
+ //
+ int tc (TREE_CODE (r));
+ // By-reference modifier. Should return a reference or a pointer.
+ //
+ if (tc != (ar != 0 ? POINTER_TYPE : REFERENCE_TYPE))
+ return found_none;
+ // The base type should not be const and, in strict mode, should
+ // match the member type.
+ //
+ tree bt (TREE_TYPE (r));
+ if (CP_TYPE_CONST_P (bt))
+ return found_none;
+ tree bt_mv (TYPE_MAIN_VARIANT (bt));
+ if (strict && (ar != 0 ? ar->base_type () : t).tree_node () != bt_mv)
+ return found_none;
+ e.clear (); // Could contain by value modifier.
+ e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_KEYWORD, "this"));
+ e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_DOT));
+ e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_NAME, n));
+ e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_OPEN_PAREN, n));
+ e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_CLOSE_PAREN, n));
+ return found_best;
+ }
+ // Otherwise look for a by value modifier, which is a function
+ // with a single argument.
+ //
+ else if (DECL_CHAIN (a) == NULL_TREE)
+ {
+ // In the lax mode any function with a single argument works
+ // for us. And we don't care what it returns.
+ //
+ if (strict)
+ {
+ // In the strict mode make sure the argument matches the
+ // member. This is exactly the same logic as in accessor
+ // with regards to arrays, references, etc.
+ //
+ tree at (TREE_TYPE (a));
+ int tc (TREE_CODE (at));
+ if (ar != 0 && tc != POINTER_TYPE)
+ return found_none;
+ tree bt (ar != 0 || tc == REFERENCE_TYPE ? TREE_TYPE (at) : at);
+ tree bt_mv (TYPE_MAIN_VARIANT (bt));
+ if ((ar != 0 ? ar->base_type () : t).tree_node () != bt_mv)
+ return found_none;
+ }
+ if (e.empty ())
+ {
+ e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_KEYWORD, "this"));
+ e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_DOT));
+ e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_NAME, n));
+ e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_OPEN_PAREN, n));
+ e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_QUERY));
+ e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_CLOSE_PAREN, n));
+ // Continue searching in case there is version that returns a
+ // non-const reference which we prefer for efficiency.
+ //
+ return found_some;
+ }
+ else
+ return found_none; // We didn't find anything better.
+ }
+ return found_none;
+ }
+ void
+ process_access (semantics::data_member& m, std::string const& k)
+ {
+ bool virt (m.count ("virtual"));
+ // Ignore certain special virtual members.
+ //
+ if (virt && (m.count ("polymorphic-ref") || m.count ("discriminator")))
+ return;
+ char const* kind (k == "get" ? "accessor" : "modifier");
+ semantics::class_& c (dynamic_cast<semantics::class_&> (m.scope ()));
+ // If we don't have an access expression, try to come up with
+ // one.
+ //
+ if (!m.count (k))
+ {
+ found_type found (found_none);
+ semantics::access const& a (m.named ().access ());
+ member_access& ma (m.set (k, member_access (m.location (), true)));
+ // If this member is not virtual and is either public or if we
+ // are a friend of this class, then go for the member directly.
+ //
+ if (!virt && (a == semantics::access::public_ ||
+ c.get<bool> ("friend")))
+ {
+ ma.expr.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_KEYWORD, "this"));
+ ma.expr.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_DOT));
+ ma.expr.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_NAME, ()));
+ found = found_best;
+ }
+ // Otherwise, try to find a suitable accessor/modifier.
+ //
+ // First try the original name. If that doesn't produce anything,
+ // then try the public name.
+ //
+ bool t (k == "get"
+ ? options.accessor_regex_trace ()
+ : options.modifier_regex_trace ());
+ regex_mapping const& re (
+ k == "get" ? accessor_regex : modifier_regex);
+ for (unsigned short j (0); found != found_best && j != 2; ++j)
+ {
+ string b (j == 0 ? () : public_name (m, false));
+ // Skip the second pass if original and public names are the same.
+ //
+ if (j == 1 && b == ())
+ continue;
+ if (t)
+ cerr << kind << (j == 0 ? " original" : " public")
+ << " name '" << b << "'" << endl;
+ for (regex_mapping::const_iterator i (re.begin ());
+ found != found_best && i != re.end ();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ if (t)
+ cerr << "try: '" << i->regex () << "' : ";
+ if (!i->match (b))
+ {
+ if (t)
+ cerr << '-' << endl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ string n (i->replace (b));
+ if (t)
+ cerr << "'" << n << "' : ";
+ tree decl (
+ lookup_qualified_name (
+ c.tree_node (), get_identifier (n.c_str ()), false, false));
+ if (decl == error_mark_node || TREE_CODE (decl) != BASELINK)
+ {
+ if (t)
+ cerr << '-' << endl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // OVL_* macros work for both FUNCTION_DECL and OVERLOAD.
+ //
+ for (tree o (BASELINK_FUNCTIONS (decl));
+ o != 0;
+ o = OVL_NEXT (o))
+ {
+ tree f (OVL_CURRENT (o));
+ // We are only interested in public non-static member
+ // functions. Note that TREE_PUBLIC() returns something
+ // other than what we need.
+ //
+ continue;
+ found_type r (k == "get"
+ ? check_accessor (m, f, n, ma, true)
+ : check_modifier (m, f, n, ma, true));
+ if (r != found_none)
+ {
+ // Update the location of the access expression to point
+ // to this function.
+ //
+ ma.loc = location (DECL_SOURCE_LOCATION (f));
+ found = r;
+ }
+ }
+ if (t)
+ cerr << (found != found_none ? '+' : '-') << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // If that didn't work then the generated code won't be able
+ // to access this member.
+ //
+ if (found == found_none)
+ {
+ location const& l (m.location ());
+ if (virt)
+ {
+ error (l) << "no suitable " << kind << " function could be "
+ << "automatically found for virtual data member '"
+ << () << "'" << endl;
+ info (l) << "use '#pragma db " << k << "' to explicitly "
+ << "specify the " << kind << " function or "
+ << "expression" << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ error (l) << "data member '" << () << "' is "
+ << a.string () << " and no suitable " << kind
+ << " function could be automatically found" << endl;
+ info (l) << "consider making class 'odb::access' a friend of "
+ << "class '" << class_name (c) << "'" << endl;
+ info (l) << "or use '#pragma db " << k << "' to explicitly "
+ << "specify the " << kind << " function or "
+ << "expression" << endl;
+ }
+ throw operation_failed ();
+ }
+ }
+ member_access& ma (m.get<member_access> (k));
+ cxx_tokens& e (ma.expr);
+ // If it is just a name, resolve it and convert to an appropriate
+ // expression.
+ //
+ if (e.size () == 1 && e.back ().type == CPP_NAME)
+ {
+ string n (e.back ().literal);
+ e.clear ();
+ tree decl (
+ lookup_qualified_name (
+ c.tree_node (), get_identifier (n.c_str ()), false, false));
+ if (decl == error_mark_node)
+ {
+ error (ma.loc) << "unable to resolve data member or function "
+ << "name '" << n << "'" << endl;
+ throw operation_failed ();
+ }
+ switch (TREE_CODE (decl))
+ {
+ case FIELD_DECL:
+ {
+ e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_KEYWORD, "this"));
+ e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_DOT));
+ e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_NAME, n));
+ break;
+ }
+ case BASELINK:
+ {
+ // OVL_* macros work for both FUNCTION_DECL and OVERLOAD.
+ //
+ for (tree o (BASELINK_FUNCTIONS (decl));
+ o != 0;
+ o = OVL_NEXT (o))
+ {
+ tree f (OVL_CURRENT (o));
+ // We are only interested in non-static member functions.
+ //
+ continue;
+ if ((k == "get"
+ ? check_accessor (m, f, n, ma, false)
+ : check_modifier (m, f, n, ma, false)) == found_best)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (e.empty ())
+ {
+ error (ma.loc) << "unable to find suitable " << kind
+ << " function '" << n << "'" << endl;
+ throw operation_failed ();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ error (ma.loc) << "name '" << n << "' does not refer to a data "
+ << "member or function" << endl;
+ throw operation_failed ();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If there is no 'this' keyword, then add it as a prefix.
+ //
+ {
+ bool t (false);
+ for (cxx_tokens::iterator i (e.begin ()); i != e.end (); ++i)
+ {
+ if (i->type == CPP_KEYWORD && i->literal == "this")
+ {
+ t = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!t)
+ {
+ e.insert (e.begin (), cxx_token (0, CPP_DOT));
+ e.insert (e.begin (), cxx_token (0, CPP_KEYWORD, "this"));
+ }
+ }
+ // Check that there is no placeholder in the accessor expression.
+ //
+ if (k == "get" && ma.placeholder ())
+ {
+ error (ma.loc) << "(?) placeholder in the accessor expression"
+ << endl;
+ throw operation_failed ();
+ }
+ // Check that the member type is default-constructible if we
+ // have a by value modifier.
+ //
+ if (k == "set" && ma.placeholder ())
+ {
+ semantics::class_* c (dynamic_cast<semantics::class_*> (&utype (m)));
+ // Assume all other types are default-constructible.
+ //
+ if (c != 0)
+ {
+ // If this type is a class template instantiation, then make
+ // sure it is instantiated. While types used in real members
+ // will be instantiated, this is not necessarily the case for
+ // virtual members. Without the instantiation we won't be able
+ // to detect whether the type has the default ctor.
+ //
+ // It would have been cleaner to do it in post_process_pragmas()
+ // but there we don't yet know whether we need the default ctor.
+ // And it is a good idea not to require instantiability unless
+ // we really need it.
+ //
+ tree type (c->tree_node ());
+ if (!COMPLETE_TYPE_P (type) &&
+ {
+ // Reset input location so that we get nice diagnostics in
+ // case of an error. Use the location of the virtual pragma.
+ //
+ location_t loc (m.get<location_t> ("virtual-location"));
+ input_location = loc;
+ if (instantiate_class_template (type) == error_mark_node ||
+ errorcount != 0 ||
+ !COMPLETE_TYPE_P (type))
+ {
+ error (loc) << "unable to instantiate virtual data member " <<
+ "type" << endl;
+ throw operation_failed ();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!c->default_ctor ())
+ {
+ error (ma.loc) << "modifier expression requires member type " <<
+ "to be default-constructible" << endl;
+ throw operation_failed ();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ struct class_: traversal::class_, context
+ {
+ class_ ()
+ : std_string_ (0), std_string_hint_ (0), access_ (0)
+ {
+ *this >> member_names_ >> member_;
+ // Resolve the std::string type node.
+ //
+ using semantics::scope;
+ for (scope::names_iterator_pair ip (unit.find ("std"));
+ ip.first != ip.second; ++ip.first)
+ {
+ if (scope* ns = dynamic_cast<scope*> (&ip.first->named ()))
+ {
+ scope::names_iterator_pair jp (ns->find ("string"));
+ if (jp.first != jp.second)
+ {
+ std_string_ = dynamic_cast<semantics::type*> (
+ &jp.first->named ());
+ std_string_hint_ = &*jp.first;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ assert (std_string_ != 0); // No std::string?
+ // Resolve odb::access, if any.
+ //
+ tree odb = lookup_qualified_name (
+ global_namespace, get_identifier ("odb"), false, false);
+ if (odb != error_mark_node)
+ {
+ access_ = lookup_qualified_name (
+ odb, get_identifier ("access"), true, false);
+ access_ = (access_ != error_mark_node ? TREE_TYPE (access_) : 0);
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (type& c)
+ {
+ class_kind_type k (class_kind (c));
+ if (k == class_other)
+ return;
+ // Check if odb::access is a friend of this class.
+ //
+ c.set ("friend", access_ != 0 && is_friend (c.tree_node (), access_));
+ // Assign pointer.
+ //
+ if (k == class_object || k == class_view)
+ assign_pointer (c);
+ if (k == class_object)
+ traverse_object (c);
+ names (c);
+ }
+ //
+ // Object.
+ //
+ virtual void
+ traverse_object (type& c)
+ {
+ semantics::class_* poly_root (polymorphic (c));
+ // Determine whether it is a session object.
+ //
+ if (!c.count ("session"))
+ {
+ // If this is a derived class in a polymorphic hierarchy,
+ // then it should have the same session value as the root.
+ //
+ if (poly_root != 0 && poly_root != &c)
+ c.set ("session", session (*poly_root));
+ else
+ {
+ // See if any of the namespaces containing this class specify
+ // the session value.
+ //
+ bool found (false);
+ for (semantics::scope* s (&c.scope ());; s = &s->scope_ ())
+ {
+ using semantics::namespace_;
+ namespace_* ns (dynamic_cast<namespace_*> (s));
+ if (ns == 0)
+ continue; // Some other scope.
+ if (ns->extension ())
+ ns = &ns->original ();
+ if (ns->count ("session"))
+ {
+ c.set ("session", ns->get<bool> ("session"));
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ns->global_scope ())
+ break;
+ }
+ // If still not found, then use the default value.
+ //
+ if (!found)
+ c.set ("session", options.generate_session ());
+ }
+ }
+ if (session (c))
+ features.session_object = true;
+ if (poly_root != 0)
+ {
+ using namespace semantics;
+ semantics::data_member& idm (*id_member (*poly_root));
+ if (poly_root != &c)
+ {
+ // If we are a derived class in the polymorphic persistent
+ // class hierarchy, then add a synthesized virtual pointer
+ // member that points back to the root.
+ //
+ path const& f (idm.file ());
+ size_t l (idm.line ()), col (idm.column ());
+ semantics::data_member& m (
+ unit.new_node<semantics::data_member> (f, l, col, tree (0)));
+ m.set ("virtual", true);
+ // Make it the first member in the class.
+ //
+ node_position<type, scope::names_iterator> np (c, c.names_end ());
+ unit.new_edge<semantics::names> (
+ np, m, (), access::public_);
+ // Use the raw pointer as this member's type.
+ //
+ if (!poly_root->pointed_p ())
+ {
+ // Create the pointer type in the graph. The pointer node
+ // in GCC seems to always be present, even if not explicitly
+ // used in the translation unit.
+ //
+ tree t (poly_root->tree_node ());
+ tree ptr (TYPE_POINTER_TO (t));
+ assert (ptr != 0);
+ ptr = TYPE_MAIN_VARIANT (ptr);
+ pointer& p (unit.new_node<pointer> (f, l, col, ptr));
+ unit.insert (ptr, p);
+ unit.new_edge<points> (p, *poly_root);
+ assert (poly_root->pointed_p ());
+ }
+ unit.new_edge<belongs> (m, poly_root->pointed ().pointer ());
+ // Mark it as a special kind of id.
+ //
+ m.set ("id", true);
+ m.set ("polymorphic-ref", true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If we are a root of the polymorphic persistent class hierarchy,
+ // then add a synthesized virtual member for the discriminator.
+ // Use the location of the polymorphic pragma as the location of
+ // this member.
+ //
+ location_t loc (c.get<location_t> ("polymorphic-location"));
+ semantics::data_member& m (
+ unit.new_node<semantics::data_member> (
+ path (LOCATION_FILE (loc)),
+ tree (0)));
+ m.set ("virtual", true);
+ // Insert it after the id member (or first if this id comes
+ // from reuse-base).
+ //
+ node_position<type, scope::names_iterator> np (
+ c, c.find (idm.named ()));
+ unit.new_edge<semantics::names> (
+ np, m, "typeid_", access::public_);
+ belongs& edge (unit.new_edge<belongs> (m, *std_string_));
+ edge.hint (*std_string_hint_);
+ m.set ("readonly", true);
+ m.set ("discriminator", true);
+ c.set ("discriminator", &m);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ assign_pointer (type& c)
+ {
+ location_t loc (0); // Pragma location, or 0 if not used.
+ try
+ {
+ string ptr;
+ string const& type (class_fq_name (c));
+ tree decl (0); // Resolved template node.
+ string decl_name; // User-provided template name.
+ tree resolve_scope (0); // Scope in which we resolve names.
+ class_pointer const* cp (0);
+ bool cp_template (false);
+ if (c.count ("pointer"))
+ {
+ cp = &c.get<class_pointer> ("pointer");
+ }
+ // If we are a derived type in polymorphic hierarchy, then use
+ // our root's pointer type by default.
+ //
+ else if (semantics::class_* r = polymorphic (c))
+ {
+ if (&c != r && r->count ("pointer-template"))
+ cp = r->get<class_pointer const*> ("pointer-template");
+ }
+ if (cp != 0)
+ {
+ string const& p (cp->name);
+ if (p == "*")
+ {
+ ptr = type + "*";
+ cp_template = true;
+ }
+ else if (p[p.size () - 1] == '*')
+ ptr = p;
+ else if (p.find ('<') != string::npos)
+ {
+ // Template-id.
+ //
+ ptr = p;
+ decl_name.assign (p, 0, p.find ('<'));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This is not a template-id. Resolve it and see if it is a
+ // template or a type.
+ //
+ decl = resolve_name (p, cp->scope, true);
+ int tc (TREE_CODE (decl));
+ if (tc == TYPE_DECL)
+ {
+ ptr = p;
+ // This can be a typedef'ed alias for a TR1 template-id.
+ //
+ if (tree ti = TYPE_TEMPLATE_INFO (TREE_TYPE (decl)))
+ {
+ // Get to the most general template declaration.
+ //
+ while (DECL_TEMPLATE_INFO (decl))
+ decl = DECL_TI_TEMPLATE (decl);
+ }
+ else
+ decl = 0; // Not a template.
+ }
+ else if (tc == TEMPLATE_DECL && DECL_CLASS_TEMPLATE_P (decl))
+ {
+ ptr = p + "< " + type + " >";
+ decl_name = p;
+ cp_template = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ error (cp->loc)
+ << "name '" << p << "' specified with db pragma pointer "
+ << "does not name a type or a template" << endl;
+ throw operation_failed ();
+ }
+ }
+ // Resolve scope is the scope of the pragma.
+ //
+ resolve_scope = cp->scope;
+ loc = cp->loc;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // See if any of the namespaces containing this class specify
+ // a pointer.
+ //
+ for (semantics::scope* s (&c.scope ());; s = &s->scope_ ())
+ {
+ using semantics::namespace_;
+ namespace_* ns (dynamic_cast<namespace_*> (s));
+ if (ns == 0)
+ continue; // Some other scope.
+ if (ns->extension ())
+ ns = &ns->original ();
+ if (!ns->count ("pointer"))
+ {
+ if (ns->global_scope ())
+ break;
+ else
+ continue;
+ }
+ cp = &ns->get<class_pointer> ("pointer");
+ string const& p (cp->name);
+ // Namespace-specified pointer can only be '*' or are template.
+ //
+ if (p == "*")
+ ptr = type + "*";
+ else if (p[p.size () - 1] == '*')
+ {
+ error (cp->loc)
+ << "name '" << p << "' specified with db pragma pointer "
+ << "at namespace level cannot be a raw pointer" << endl;
+ }
+ else if (p.find ('<') != string::npos)
+ {
+ error (cp->loc)
+ << "name '" << p << "' specified with db pragma pointer "
+ << "at namespace level cannot be a template-id" << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Resolve this name and make sure it is a template.
+ //
+ decl = resolve_name (p, cp->scope, true);
+ int tc (TREE_CODE (decl));
+ {
+ ptr = p + "< " + type + " >";
+ decl_name = p;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ error (cp->loc)
+ << "name '" << p << "' specified with db pragma pointer "
+ << "does not name a template" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ptr.empty ())
+ throw operation_failed ();
+ cp_template = true;
+ // Resolve scope is the scope of the pragma.
+ //
+ resolve_scope = cp->scope;
+ loc = cp->loc;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Use the default pointer.
+ //
+ if (ptr.empty ())
+ {
+ string const& p (options.default_pointer ());
+ if (p == "*")
+ ptr = type + "*";
+ else
+ {
+ ptr = p + "< " + type + " >";
+ decl_name = p;
+ }
+ // Resolve scope is the scope of the class.
+ //
+ resolve_scope = c.scope ().tree_node ();
+ }
+ }
+ // If this class is a root of a polymorphic hierarchy, then cache
+ // the pointer template so that we can use it for derived classes.
+ //
+ if (cp != 0 && cp_template && polymorphic (c) == &c)
+ c.set ("pointer-template", cp);
+ // Check if we are using TR1.
+ //
+ if (decl != 0 || !decl_name.empty ())
+ {
+ bool& tr1 (features.tr1_pointer);
+ bool& boost (features.boost_pointer);
+ // First check the user-supplied name.
+ //
+ tr1 = tr1
+ || (0, 8, "std::tr1") == 0
+ || (0, 10, "::std::tr1") == 0;
+ // If there was no match, also resolve the name since it can be
+ // a using-declaration for a TR1 template.
+ //
+ if (!tr1)
+ {
+ if (decl == 0)
+ decl = resolve_name (decl_name, resolve_scope, false);
+ if (TREE_CODE (decl) != TEMPLATE_DECL || !
+ {
+ // This is only checked for the --default-pointer option.
+ //
+ error (c.file (), c.line (), c.column ())
+ << "name '" << decl_name << "' specified with the "
+ << "--default-pointer option does not name a class "
+ << "template" << endl;
+ throw operation_failed ();
+ }
+ string n (decl_as_string (decl, TFF_PLAIN_IDENTIFIER));
+ // In case of a boost TR1 implementation, we cannot distinguish
+ // between the boost:: and std::tr1:: usage since the latter is
+ // just a using-declaration for the former.
+ //
+ tr1 = tr1
+ || (0, 8, "std::tr1") == 0
+ || (0, 10, "::std::tr1") == 0;
+ boost = boost
+ || (0, 17, "boost::shared_ptr") == 0
+ || (0, 19, "::boost::shared_ptr") == 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // Fully-qualify all the unqualified components of the name.
+ //
+ try
+ {
+ lex_.start (ptr);
+ ptr.clear ();
+ string t;
+ bool punc (false);
+ bool scoped (false);
+ for (cpp_ttype tt ( (t));
+ tt != CPP_EOF;
+ tt = (t))
+ {
+ if (punc && tt > CPP_LAST_PUNCTUATOR)
+ ptr += ' ';
+ punc = false;
+ switch (static_cast<unsigned> (tt))
+ {
+ case CPP_LESS:
+ {
+ ptr += "< ";
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ ptr += " >";
+ break;
+ }
+ case CPP_COMMA:
+ {
+ ptr += ", ";
+ break;
+ }
+ case CPP_NAME:
+ {
+ // If the name was not preceeded with '::', look it
+ // up in the pragmas's scope and add the qualifer.
+ //
+ if (!scoped)
+ {
+ tree decl (resolve_name (t, resolve_scope, false));
+ tree scope (CP_DECL_CONTEXT (decl));
+ if (scope != global_namespace)
+ {
+ ptr += "::";
+ ptr += decl_as_string (scope, TFF_PLAIN_IDENTIFIER);
+ }
+ ptr += "::";
+ }
+ ptr += t;
+ punc = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ case CPP_NUMBER:
+ {
+ ptr += t;
+ punc = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ ptr += t;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ scoped = (tt == CPP_SCOPE);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (cxx_lexer::invalid_input const&)
+ {
+ throw operation_failed ();
+ }
+ c.set ("object-pointer", ptr);
+ }
+ catch (invalid_name const& ex)
+ {
+ if (loc != 0)
+ error (loc)
+ << "name '" << () << "' specified with db pragma "
+ << "pointer is invalid" << endl;
+ else
+ error (c.file (), c.line (), c.column ())
+ << "name '" << () << "' specified with the "
+ << "--default-pointer option is invalid" << endl;
+ throw operation_failed ();
+ }
+ catch (unable_to_resolve const& ex)
+ {
+ if (loc != 0)
+ error (loc)
+ << "unable to resolve name '" << () << "' specified "
+ << "with db pragma pointer" << endl;
+ else
+ error (c.file (), c.line (), c.column ())
+ << "unable to resolve name '" << () << "' specified "
+ << "with the --default-pointer option" << endl;
+ throw operation_failed ();
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ struct invalid_name
+ {
+ invalid_name (string const& n): name_ (n) {}
+ string const&
+ name () const {return name_;}
+ private:
+ string name_;
+ };
+ typedef lookup::unable_to_resolve unable_to_resolve;
+ tree
+ resolve_name (string const& qn, tree scope, bool is_type)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ string tl;
+ tree tn;
+ cpp_ttype tt, ptt;
+ nlex_.start (qn);
+ tt = (tl, &tn);
+ string name;
+ return lookup::resolve_scoped_name (
+ nlex_, tt, tl, tn, ptt, scope, name, is_type);
+ }
+ catch (cxx_lexer::invalid_input const&)
+ {
+ throw invalid_name (qn);
+ }
+ catch (lookup::invalid_name const&)
+ {
+ throw invalid_name (qn);
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ data_member member_;
+ traversal::names member_names_;
+ cxx_string_lexer lex_;
+ cxx_string_lexer nlex_; // Nested lexer.
+ semantics::type* std_string_;
+ semantics::names* std_string_hint_;
+ tree access_; // odb::access node.
+ };
void processor::
process (options const& ops,
features& f,
@@ -19,10 +1151,49 @@ process (options const& ops,
- // Process types.
- //
auto_ptr<context> ctx (create_context (cerr, unit, ops, f, 0));
- relational::process ();
+ // Common processing.
+ //
+ {
+ traversal::unit unit;
+ traversal::defines unit_defines;
+ typedefs unit_typedefs (true);
+ traversal::namespace_ ns;
+ class_ c;
+ unit >> unit_defines >> ns;
+ unit_defines >> c;
+ unit >> unit_typedefs >> c;
+ traversal::defines ns_defines;
+ typedefs ns_typedefs (true);
+ ns >> ns_defines >> ns;
+ ns_defines >> c;
+ ns >> ns_typedefs >> c;
+ unit.dispatch (ctx->unit);
+ }
+ // Database-specific processing.
+ //
+ switch (ops.database ()[0])
+ {
+ case database::common:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ case database::mssql:
+ case database::mysql:
+ case database::oracle:
+ case database::pgsql:
+ case database::sqlite:
+ {
+ relational::process ();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
catch (operation_failed const&)
diff --git a/odb/profile.cxx b/odb/profile.cxx
index fedd7a9..03bf8a4 100644
--- a/odb/profile.cxx
+++ b/odb/profile.cxx
@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@
using namespace std;
static bool
exist (profile_data::path const& p)
@@ -64,6 +62,12 @@ profile_search (char const* prof, void* arg)
if (i == end)
+ // Ignore the case where we didn't find the profile and this is the
+ // common database.
+ //
+ if (pd->db == database::common)
+ return string ();
cerr << pd->name << ": error: unable to locate options file for profile '"
<< prof << "'" << endl;
throw profile_failure ();
diff --git a/odb/relational/common.cxx b/odb/relational/common.cxx
index 3916184..e9b3485 100644
--- a/odb/relational/common.cxx
+++ b/odb/relational/common.cxx
@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ namespace relational
string const& fq_name (class_fq_name (c));
string guard (
- make_guard (
- "ODB_ALIAS_TRAITS_" + alias + "_FOR_" + flat_name (fq_name)));
+ make_guard ("ODB_" + string (db.string ()) + "_ALIAS_TRAITS_" +
+ alias + "_FOR_" + flat_name (fq_name)));
if (specs_.find (guard) != specs_.end ())
@@ -107,19 +107,20 @@ namespace relational
<< "#define " << guard << endl;
os << "template <bool d>" << endl
- << "struct alias_traits< " << fq_name << ", " << tag << ", d >"
+ << "struct alias_traits< " << fq_name << ", id_" << db << ", " <<
+ tag << ", d >"
<< "{"
<< "static const char table_name[];";
if (poly_derived)
os << "typedef alias_traits< " << class_fq_name (*poly_base) << ", " <<
- tag << " > base_traits;";
+ "id_" << db << ", " << tag << " > base_traits;";
os << "};";
os << "template <bool d>" << endl
- << "const char alias_traits< " << fq_name << ", " << tag <<
- ", d >::" << endl
+ << "const char alias_traits< " << fq_name << ", id_" << db << ", " <<
+ tag << ", d >::" << endl
<< "table_name[] = ";
if (poly_root != 0)
@@ -146,7 +147,8 @@ namespace relational
query_columns_base (semantics::class_& c) //@@ context::{cur,top}_object
: decl_ (false)
- scope_ = "query_columns_base< " + class_fq_name (c) + " >";
+ scope_ = "query_columns_base< " + class_fq_name (c) + ", id_" +
+ db.string () + " >";
void query_columns_base::
@@ -244,7 +246,8 @@ namespace relational
string const& fq_name (class_fq_name (c));
os << "typedef" << endl
- << "odb::alias_traits< " << fq_name << ", " << tag << " >" << endl
+ << "odb::alias_traits< " << fq_name << ", id_" << db << ", " <<
+ tag << " >" << endl
<< name << "_alias_;"
<< endl;
@@ -254,6 +257,7 @@ namespace relational
<< "odb::query_pointer<" << endl
<< " odb::pointer_query_columns<" << endl
<< " " << fq_name << "," << endl
+ << " id_" << db << "," << endl
<< " " << name << "_alias_ > >" << endl
<< name << "_type_ ;"
<< endl
@@ -284,7 +288,7 @@ namespace relational
: ptr_ (ptr), decl_ (false), in_ptr_ (false)
scope_ = ptr ? "pointer_query_columns" : "query_columns";
- scope_ += "< " + class_fq_name (c) + ", A >";
+ scope_ += "< " + class_fq_name (c) + ", id_" + db.string () + ", A >";
void query_columns::
@@ -474,6 +478,7 @@ namespace relational
<< "odb::query_pointer<" << endl
<< " odb::pointer_query_columns<" << endl
<< " " << class_fq_name (c) << "," << endl
+ << " id_" << db << "," << endl
<< " " << name << "_alias_ > >" << endl
<< name << "_pointer_type_;"
<< endl;
@@ -519,6 +524,7 @@ namespace relational
<< "odb::query_pointer<" << endl
<< " odb::pointer_query_columns<" << endl
<< " " << class_fq_name (c) << "," << endl
+ << " id_" << db << "," << endl
<< " " << name << "_alias_ > >" << endl
<< name << "_pointer_type_;"
<< endl;
diff --git a/odb/relational/common.hxx b/odb/relational/common.hxx
index 26e8197..b951d15 100644
--- a/odb/relational/common.hxx
+++ b/odb/relational/common.hxx
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ namespace relational
static B*
create (B const& prototype)
- database db (context::current ().options.database ());
+ database db (context::current ().options.database ()[0]);
if (map_ != 0)
diff --git a/odb/relational/header.cxx b/odb/relational/header.cxx
index 538962b..1295106 100644
--- a/odb/relational/header.cxx
+++ b/odb/relational/header.cxx
@@ -13,15 +13,14 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
using semantics::data_member;
data_member* id (id_member (c));
- bool auto_id (id ? id->count ("auto") : false);
- bool base_id (id ? &id->scope () != &c : false); // Comes from base.
+ bool auto_id (id && auto_ (*id));
+ bool base_id (id && &id->scope () != &c); // Comes from base.
data_member* optimistic (context::optimistic (c));
type* poly_root (polymorphic (c));
bool poly (poly_root != 0);
bool poly_derived (poly && poly_root != &c);
- type* poly_base (poly_derived ? &polymorphic_base (c) : 0);
data_member* discriminator (poly ? context::discriminator (*poly_root) : 0);
bool abst (abstract (c));
@@ -33,14 +32,6 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
os << "// " << class_name (c) << endl
<< "//" << endl;
- // class_traits
- //
- os << "template <>" << endl
- << "struct class_traits< " << type << " >"
- << "{"
- << "static const class_kind kind = class_object;"
- << "};";
// pointer_query_columns & query_columns
if (options.generate_query ())
@@ -58,59 +49,38 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
pointer_query_columns_type_->traverse (c);
- // object_traits
+ // object_traits_impl
os << "template <>" << endl
- << "class access::object_traits< " << type << " >"
+ << "class access::object_traits_impl< " << type << ", id_" << db <<
+ " >:" << endl
+ << " public access::object_traits< " << type << " >"
<< "{"
<< "public:" << endl;
object_public_extra_pre (c);
- // object_type & pointer_type
- //
- os << "typedef " << type << " object_type;"
- << "typedef " << c.get<string> ("object-pointer") << " pointer_type;"
- << "typedef odb::pointer_traits<pointer_type> pointer_traits;"
- << endl;
- // polymorphic, root_type, base_type, etc.
+ // Polymorphic root_traits, base_traits, and discriminator_image_type.
- os << "static const bool polymorphic = " << (poly ? "true" : "false") << ";";
if (poly)
- os << "typedef " << class_fq_name (*poly_root) << " root_type;"
- << "typedef object_traits<root_type> root_traits;";
+ if (!abst)
+ os << "typedef polymorphic_entry<object_type, id_" << db <<
+ "> entry_type;";
+ os << "typedef object_traits_impl<root_type, id_" << db << "> " <<
+ "root_traits;";
if (poly_derived)
- os << "typedef " << class_fq_name (*poly_base) << " base_type;"
- << "typedef object_traits<base_type> base_traits;"
- << "typedef root_traits::discriminator_type discriminator_type;"
- << "typedef odb::polymorphic_concrete_info<root_type> info_type;";
- if (abst)
- os << "typedef odb::polymorphic_abstract_info<root_type> " <<
- "abstract_info_type;";
- else
- os << "typedef odb::polymorphic_entry<object_type> entry_type;";
- // Calculate our hierarchy depth (number of classes).
- //
- size_t depth (polymorphic_depth (c));
- os << "static const std::size_t depth = " << depth << "UL;";
+ os << "typedef object_traits_impl<base_type, id_" << db << "> " <<
+ "base_traits;"
+ << endl;
- semantics::names* hint;
- semantics::type& t (utype (*discriminator, hint));
- os << "typedef " << t.fq_name (hint) << " discriminator_type;"
- << endl;
- os << "struct discriminator_image_type"
+ os << endl
+ << "struct discriminator_image_type"
<< "{";
discriminator_image_member_->traverse (*discriminator);
@@ -120,23 +90,10 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
os << "std::size_t version;"
<< "};";
- os << "typedef odb::polymorphic_map<object_type> map_type;"
- << "typedef odb::polymorphic_concrete_info<object_type> info_type;";
- if (abst)
- os << "typedef odb::polymorphic_abstract_info<object_type> " <<
- "abstract_info_type;";
- else
- os << "typedef odb::polymorphic_entry<object_type> entry_type;";
- os << "static const std::size_t depth = 1UL;";
- os << endl;
- // id_type & id_image_type
+ // id_image_type
if (id != 0)
@@ -144,44 +101,14 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
semantics::class_& b (
dynamic_cast<semantics::class_&> (id->scope ()));
- string const& type (class_fq_name (b));
+ string const& type ();
- os << "typedef object_traits< " << type << " >::id_type id_type;";
- if (optimistic != 0)
- os << "typedef object_traits< " << type << " >::version_type " <<
- "version_type;";
- if (poly_derived)
- os << "typedef object_traits< " << type << " >:: id_image_type " <<
- "id_image_type;"
- << "static const bool auto_id = false;"
- << endl;
- else
- os << "typedef object_traits< " << type << " >::id_image_type " <<
- "id_image_type;"
- << "static const bool auto_id = object_traits< " << type <<
- " >::auto_id;"
- << endl;
+ os << "typedef object_traits_impl< " << class_fq_name (b) << ", " <<
+ "id_" << db << " >::id_image_type id_image_type;"
+ << endl;
- {
- semantics::names* hint;
- semantics::type& t (utype (*id, hint));
- os << "typedef " << t.fq_name (hint) << " id_type;";
- }
- if (optimistic != 0)
- {
- semantics::names* hint;
- semantics::type& t (utype (*optimistic, hint));
- os << "typedef " << t.fq_name (hint) << " version_type;";
- }
- os << "static const bool auto_id = " << (auto_id ? "true;" : "false;")
- << endl;
os << "struct id_image_type"
<< "{";
@@ -194,19 +121,6 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
<< "};";
- else if (!reuse_abst)
- {
- // Object without id.
- //
- os << "typedef void id_type;"
- << "static const bool auto_id = false;"
- << endl;
- }
- // abstract
- //
- os << "static const bool abstract = " << (abst ? "true" : "false") << ";"
- << endl;
// Polymorphic map.
@@ -236,19 +150,9 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
// Functions (abstract and concrete).
- // id ()
- //
if (id != 0 || !reuse_abst)
- {
- // We want to generate a dummy void id() accessor even if this
- // object has no id to help us in the runtime. This way we can
- // write generic code that will work for both void and non-void
- // ids.
- //
- os << "static id_type" << endl
- << "id (const object_type&);"
+ os << "using object_traits<object_type>::id;"
<< endl;
- }
if (!poly_derived && id != 0)
@@ -370,45 +274,6 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
- // Cache traits typedefs.
- //
- if (id == 0)
- {
- os << "typedef" << endl
- << "odb::no_id_pointer_cache_traits<pointer_type>" << endl
- << "pointer_cache_traits;"
- << "typedef" << endl
- << "odb::no_id_reference_cache_traits<object_type>" << endl
- << "reference_cache_traits;"
- << endl;
- }
- else
- {
- char const* p (session (c) ? "" : "no_op_");
- if (poly_derived)
- {
- os << "typedef" << endl
- << "odb::" << p << "pointer_cache_traits<" <<
- "root_traits::pointer_type>" << endl
- << "pointer_cache_traits;"
- << "typedef" << endl
- << "odb::" << p << "reference_cache_traits<root_type>" << endl
- << "reference_cache_traits;"
- << endl;
- }
- else
- {
- os << "typedef" << endl
- << "odb::" << p << "pointer_cache_traits<pointer_type>" << endl
- << "pointer_cache_traits;"
- << "typedef" << endl
- << "odb::" << p << "reference_cache_traits<object_type>" << endl
- << "reference_cache_traits;"
- << endl;
- }
- }
// Statements typedefs.
if (poly)
@@ -418,6 +283,7 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
<< db << "::polymorphic_derived_object_statements" <<
"<object_type>" << endl
<< "statements_type;"
+ << endl
<< "typedef" << endl
<< db << "::polymorphic_root_object_statements<root_type>" << endl
<< "root_statements_type;"
@@ -426,6 +292,7 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
os << "typedef" << endl
<< db << "::polymorphic_root_object_statements<object_type>" << endl
<< "statements_type;"
+ << endl
<< "typedef statements_type root_statements_type;"
<< "typedef " << db << "::object_statements<object_type> " <<
@@ -451,7 +318,7 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
// query_base_type
- os << "typedef " << db << "::query query_base_type;"
+ os << "typedef " << db << "::query_base query_base_type;"
<< endl;
@@ -526,16 +393,6 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
// Functions (concrete).
- // callback ()
- //
- os << "static void" << endl
- << "callback (database&, object_type&, callback_event);"
- << endl;
- os << "static void" << endl
- << "callback (database&, const object_type&, callback_event);"
- << endl;
// persist ()
os << "static void" << endl
@@ -622,13 +479,27 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
if (options.generate_query ())
- os << "static result<object_type>" << endl
- << "query (database&, const query_base_type&);"
- << endl;
+ if (!options.omit_unprepared ())
+ {
+ os << "static result<object_type>" << endl
+ << "query (database&, const query_base_type&);"
+ << endl;
+ }
os << "static unsigned long long" << endl
<< "erase_query (database&, const query_base_type&);"
<< endl;
+ if (options.generate_prepared ())
+ {
+ os << "static odb::details::shared_ptr<prepared_query_impl>" << endl
+ << "prepare_query (connection&, const char*, const query_base_type&);"
+ << endl;
+ os << "static odb::details::shared_ptr<result_impl>" << endl
+ << "execute_query (prepared_query_impl&);"
+ << endl;
+ }
// create_schema ()
@@ -736,6 +607,224 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
os << "};";
+ // object_traits_impl< , id_default>
+ //
+ // Note that it is not generated for reuse-abstract classes.
+ //
+ if (options.default_database_specified () &&
+ options.default_database () == db)
+ {
+ os << "template <>" << endl
+ << "class access::object_traits_impl< " << type << ", " <<
+ "id_default >:" << endl
+ << " public access::object_traits_impl< " << type << ", " <<
+ "id_" << db << " >"
+ << "{"
+ << "};";
+ }
+void relational::header::class1::
+traverse_view (type& c)
+ string const& type (class_fq_name (c));
+ os << "// " << class_name (c) << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ // view_traits_impl
+ //
+ os << "template <>" << endl
+ << "class access::view_traits_impl< " << type << ", id_" <<
+ db << " >:" << endl
+ << " public access::view_traits< " << type << " >"
+ << "{"
+ << "public:" << endl;
+ view_public_extra_pre (c);
+ // image_type
+ //
+ image_type_->traverse (c);
+ os << "typedef " << db << "::view_statements<view_type> statements_type;"
+ << endl;
+ //
+ // Query.
+ //
+ // query_base_type and query_columns (definition generated by class2).
+ //
+ os << "typedef " << db << "::query_base query_base_type;"
+ << "struct query_columns";
+ if (c.get<size_t> ("object-count") == 0)
+ os << "{"
+ << "};";
+ else
+ os << ";"
+ << endl;
+ //
+ // Functions.
+ //
+ // grow ()
+ //
+ if (generate_grow)
+ {
+ os << "static bool" << endl
+ << "grow (image_type&, " << truncated_vector << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // bind (image_type)
+ //
+ os << "static void" << endl
+ << "bind (" << bind_vector << ", image_type&);"
+ << endl;
+ // init (view, image)
+ //
+ os << "static void" << endl
+ << "init (view_type&, const image_type&, database*);"
+ << endl;
+ // column_count
+ //
+ os << "static const std::size_t column_count = " <<
+ column_count (c).total << "UL;"
+ << endl;
+ // Statements.
+ //
+ view_query& vq (c.get<view_query> ("query"));
+ if (vq.kind != view_query::runtime)
+ {
+ os << "static query_base_type" << endl
+ << "query_statement (const query_base_type&);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ //
+ // Functions.
+ //
+ // query ()
+ //
+ if (!options.omit_unprepared ())
+ os << "static result<view_type>" << endl
+ << "query (database&, const query_base_type&);"
+ << endl;
+ if (options.generate_prepared ())
+ {
+ os << "static odb::details::shared_ptr<prepared_query_impl>" << endl
+ << "prepare_query (connection&, const char*, const query_base_type&);"
+ << endl;
+ os << "static odb::details::shared_ptr<result_impl>" << endl
+ << "execute_query (prepared_query_impl&);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ view_public_extra_post (c);
+ os << "};";
+ // view_traits_impl< , id_default>
+ //
+ if (options.default_database_specified () &&
+ options.default_database () == db)
+ {
+ os << "template <>" << endl
+ << "class access::view_traits_impl< " << type << ", " <<
+ "id_default >:" << endl
+ << " public access::view_traits_impl< " << type << ", " <<
+ "id_" << db << " >"
+ << "{"
+ << "};";
+ }
+void relational::header::class1::
+traverse_composite (type& c)
+ string const& type (class_fq_name (c));
+ os << "// " << class_name (c) << endl
+ << "//" << endl;
+ os << "template <>" << endl
+ << "class access::composite_value_traits< " << type << ", " <<
+ "id_" << db << " >"
+ << "{"
+ << "public:" << endl;
+ // value_type
+ //
+ os << "typedef " << type << " value_type;"
+ << endl;
+ // image_type
+ //
+ image_type_->traverse (c);
+ // Containers.
+ //
+ {
+ instance<container_traits> t (c);
+ t->traverse (c);
+ }
+ // grow ()
+ //
+ if (generate_grow)
+ {
+ os << "static bool" << endl
+ << "grow (image_type&, " << truncated_vector << ");"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ // bind (image_type)
+ //
+ os << "static void" << endl
+ << "bind (" << bind_vector << ", image_type&, " <<
+ db << "::statement_kind);"
+ << endl;
+ // init (image, value)
+ //
+ os << "static " << (generate_grow ? "bool" : "void") << endl
+ << "init (image_type&, const value_type&, " << db << "::statement_kind);"
+ << endl;
+ // init (value, image)
+ //
+ os << "static void" << endl
+ << "init (value_type&, const image_type&, database*);"
+ << endl;
+ if (!has_a (c, test_container))
+ {
+ // get_null (image)
+ //
+ os << "static bool" << endl
+ << "get_null (const image_type&);"
+ << endl;
+ // set_null (image)
+ //
+ os << "static void" << endl
+ << "set_null (image_type&, " << db << "::statement_kind);"
+ << endl;
+ }
+ os << "};";
void relational::header::
diff --git a/odb/relational/header.hxx b/odb/relational/header.hxx
index 25f9480..c0e1e89 100644
--- a/odb/relational/header.hxx
+++ b/odb/relational/header.hxx
@@ -64,9 +64,11 @@ namespace relational
string const& type (class_fq_name (c));
if (obj)
- os << "object_traits< " << type << " >::image_type";
+ os << "object_traits_impl< " << type << ", id_" << db <<
+ " >::image_type";
- os << "composite_value_traits< " << type << " >::image_type";
+ os << "composite_value_traits< " << type << ", id_" << db <<
+ " >::image_type";
@@ -117,7 +119,7 @@ namespace relational
os << "{";
if (poly_derived)
- os << "object_traits<base_type>::image_type* base;"
+ os << "base_traits::image_type* base;"
<< endl;
names (c);
@@ -173,7 +175,7 @@ namespace relational
os << (ptr_ ? "pointer_query_columns" : "query_columns") << "< " <<
- class_fq_name (c) << ", ";
+ class_fq_name (c) << ", id_" << db << ", ";
// If our base is polymorphic, then it has its own table/alias.
@@ -213,7 +215,7 @@ namespace relational
<< "//" << endl
<< "typedef " <<
(ptr_ ? "pointer_query_columns" : "query_columns") << "< " <<
- class_fq_name (c) << ", ";
+ class_fq_name (c) << ", id_" << db << ", ";
if (polymorphic (c))
os << "typename A::base_traits";
@@ -246,7 +248,8 @@ namespace relational
if (ptr_)
os << "template <typename A>" << endl
- << "struct pointer_query_columns< " << type << ", A >";
+ << "struct pointer_query_columns< " << type << ", id_" << db <<
+ ", A >";
// If we don't have pointers (in the whole hierarchy), then
// pointer_query_columns and query_columns are the same.
@@ -254,7 +257,7 @@ namespace relational
if (!has_a (c, test_pointer | include_base))
os << ":" << endl
- << " query_columns< " << type << ", A >"
+ << " query_columns< " << type << ", id_" << db << ", A >"
<< "{"
<< "};";
@@ -298,7 +301,8 @@ namespace relational
// table alias (A) template argument.
os << "template <>" << endl
- << "struct query_columns_base< " << type << " >"
+ << "struct query_columns_base< " << type << ", id_" <<
+ db << " >"
<< "{";
instance<query_columns_base> t;
@@ -308,11 +312,11 @@ namespace relational
os << "template <typename A>" << endl
- << "struct query_columns< " << type << ", A >";
+ << "struct query_columns< " << type << ", id_" << db << ", A >";
if (has_ptr)
os << ":" << endl
- << " query_columns_base< " << type << " >";
+ << " query_columns_base< " << type << ", id_" << db << " >";
instance<query_columns_bases> b (ptr_, !has_ptr);
@@ -540,10 +544,11 @@ namespace relational
string const& type (class_fq_name (b));
if (object (b))
- os << ": access::object_traits< " << type << " >::" << name;
+ os << ": access::object_traits_impl< " << type << ", id_" <<
+ db << " >::" << name;
- os << ": access::composite_value_traits< " << type << " >::" <<
- public_name (m) << "_traits"; // No prefix_.
+ os << ": access::composite_value_traits< " << type << ", id_" <<
+ db << " >::" << public_name (m) << "_traits"; // No prefix_.
os << "{";
@@ -992,7 +997,7 @@ namespace relational
virtual void
- traverse_object (type& c);
+ traverse_object (type&);
virtual void
view_public_extra_pre (type&)
@@ -1005,196 +1010,10 @@ namespace relational
virtual void
- traverse_view (type& c)
- {
- string const& type (class_fq_name (c));
- os << "// " << class_name (c) << endl
- << "//" << endl;
- os << "template <>" << endl
- << "struct class_traits< " << type << " >"
- << "{"
- << "static const class_kind kind = class_view;"
- << "};";
- os << "template <>" << endl
- << "class access::view_traits< " << type << " >"
- << "{"
- << "public:" << endl;
- view_public_extra_pre (c);
- // view_type & pointer_type
- //
- os << "typedef " << type << " view_type;"
- << "typedef " << c.get<string> ("object-pointer") << " pointer_type;"
- << endl;
- // image_type
- //
- image_type_->traverse (c);
- //
- // Query.
- //
- // query_base_type and query_columns (definition generated by class2).
- //
- os << "typedef " << db << "::query query_base_type;"
- << "struct query_columns";
- if (c.get<size_t> ("object-count") == 0)
- os << "{"
- << "};";
- else
- os << ";"
- << endl;
- //
- // Functions.
- //
- // grow ()
- //
- if (generate_grow)
- {
- os << "static bool" << endl
- << "grow (image_type&, " << truncated_vector << ");"
- << endl;
- }
- // bind (image_type)
- //
- os << "static void" << endl
- << "bind (" << bind_vector << ", image_type&);"
- << endl;
- // init (view, image)
- //
- os << "static void" << endl
- << "init (view_type&, const image_type&, database*);"
- << endl;
- // column_count
- //
- os << "static const std::size_t column_count = " <<
- column_count (c).total << "UL;"
- << endl;
- // Statements.
- //
- view_query& vq (c.get<view_query> ("query"));
- if (vq.kind != view_query::runtime)
- {
- os << "static query_base_type" << endl
- << "query_statement (const query_base_type&);"
- << endl;
- }
- //
- // Functions.
- //
- // callback ()
- //
- os << "static void" << endl
- << "callback (database&, view_type&, callback_event);"
- << endl;
- // query ()
- //
- os << "static result<view_type>" << endl
- << "query (database&, const query_base_type&);"
- << endl;
- view_public_extra_post (c);
- os << "};";
- }
+ traverse_view (type&);
virtual void
- traverse_composite (type& c)
- {
- string const& type (class_fq_name (c));
- os << "// " << class_name (c) << endl
- << "//" << endl;
- os << "template <>" << endl
- << "struct class_traits< " << type << " >"
- << "{"
- << "static const class_kind kind = class_composite;"
- << "};";
- os << "template <>" << endl
- << "class access::composite_value_traits< " << type << " >"
- << "{"
- << "public:" << endl;
- // value_type
- //
- os << "typedef " << type << " value_type;"
- << endl;
- // image_type
- //
- image_type_->traverse (c);
- // Containers.
- //
- {
- instance<container_traits> t (c);
- t->traverse (c);
- }
- // grow ()
- //
- if (generate_grow)
- {
- os << "static bool" << endl
- << "grow (image_type&, " << truncated_vector << ");"
- << endl;
- }
- // bind (image_type)
- //
- os << "static void" << endl
- << "bind (" << bind_vector << ", image_type&, " <<
- db << "::statement_kind);"
- << endl;
- // init (image, value)
- //
- os << "static " << (generate_grow ? "bool" : "void") << endl
- << "init (image_type&, const value_type&, " <<
- db << "::statement_kind);"
- << endl;
- // init (value, image)
- //
- os << "static void" << endl
- << "init (value_type&, const image_type&, database*);"
- << endl;
- if (!has_a (c, test_container))
- {
- // get_null (image)
- //
- os << "static bool" << endl
- << "get_null (const image_type&);"
- << endl;
- // set_null (image)
- //
- os << "static void" << endl
- << "set_null (image_type&, " << db << "::statement_kind);"
- << endl;
- }
- os << "};";
- }
+ traverse_composite (type&);
instance<image_type> image_type_;
@@ -1306,7 +1125,8 @@ namespace relational
- os << "struct access::view_traits< " << type << " >::query_columns";
+ os << "struct access::view_traits_impl< " << type << ", id_" <<
+ db << " >::query_columns";
if (obj_count > 1)
@@ -1329,19 +1149,20 @@ namespace relational
<< "//" << endl
<< "typedef" << endl
<< "odb::pointer_query_columns<" << endl
- << " " << otype << "," << endl;
+ << " " << otype << "," << endl
+ << " id_" << db << "," << endl;
if (alias && (polymorphic (o) ||
table.qualified () ||
i->alias != table.uname ()))
string tag (escape (i->alias + "_alias_tag"));
- os << " odb::alias_traits< " << otype << ", " <<
- tag << " > >" << endl;
+ os << " odb::alias_traits< " << otype << ", id_" << db <<
+ ", " << tag << " > >" << endl;
- os << " odb::access::object_traits< " << otype <<
- " > >" << endl;
+ os << " odb::access::object_traits_impl< " << otype <<
+ ", id_" << db << " > >" << endl;
os << oname << ";"
<< endl;
@@ -1370,18 +1191,20 @@ namespace relational
os << ":" << endl
<< " odb::pointer_query_columns<" << endl
- << " " << otype << "," << endl;
+ << " " << otype << "," << endl
+ << " id_" << db << "," << endl;
if (alias && (polymorphic (o) ||
table.qualified () ||
vo->alias != table.uname ()))
string tag (escape (vo->alias + "_alias_tag"));
- os << " odb::alias_traits< " << otype << ", " <<
- tag << " > >";
+ os << " odb::alias_traits< " << otype << ", id_" <<
+ db << ", " << tag << " > >";
- os << " odb::access::object_traits< " << otype << " > >";
+ os << " odb::access::object_traits_impl< " << otype <<
+ ", id_" << db << " > >";
os << "{"
<< "};";
@@ -1410,9 +1233,12 @@ namespace relational
virtual void
generate ()
- os << "#include <odb/details/buffer.hxx>" << endl
- << "#include <odb/details/unused.hxx>" << endl
- << endl;
+ os << "#include <odb/details/buffer.hxx>" << endl;
+ if (options.generate_query ())
+ os << "#include <odb/details/shared-ptr.hxx>" << endl;
+ os << endl;
os << "#include <odb/" << db << "/version.hxx>" << endl
<< "#include <odb/" << db << "/forward.hxx>" << endl
diff --git a/odb/relational/inline.hxx b/odb/relational/inline.hxx
index 76c29f1..466e348 100644
--- a/odb/relational/inline.hxx
+++ b/odb/relational/inline.hxx
@@ -14,68 +14,6 @@ namespace relational
namespace inline_
- //
- struct callback_calls: traversal::class_, virtual context
- {
- typedef callback_calls base;
- callback_calls ()
- {
- *this >> inherits_ >> *this;
- }
- callback_calls (callback_calls const&)
- : root_context (), //@@ -Wextra
- context ()
- {
- *this >> inherits_ >> *this;
- }
- virtual void
- traverse (type& c, bool constant)
- {
- const_ = constant;
- traverse (c);
- }
- virtual void
- traverse (type& c)
- {
- bool obj (object (c));
- // Ignore transient bases.
- //
- if (!(obj || view (c)))
- return;
- if (c.count ("callback"))
- {
- string name (c.get<string> ("callback"));
- // In case of the const instance, we only generate the call if
- // there is a const callback.
- //
- string const& type (class_fq_name (c));
- if (const_)
- {
- if (c.count ("callback-const"))
- os << "static_cast< const " << type << "& > (x)." <<
- name << " (e, db);";
- }
- else
- os << "static_cast< " << type << "& > (x)." << name << " (e, db);";
- }
- else if (obj)
- inherits (c);
- }
- protected:
- bool const_;
- traversal::inherits inherits_;
- };
- //
// get/set null (composite value only)
@@ -121,7 +59,8 @@ namespace relational
virtual void
traverse_composite (member_info& mi)
- string traits ("composite_value_traits< " + mi.fq_type () + " >");
+ string traits ("composite_value_traits< " + mi.fq_type () + ", id_" +
+ db.string () + " >");
if (get_)
os << "r = r && " << traits << "::get_null (" <<
@@ -145,7 +84,8 @@ namespace relational
if (!composite (c))
- string traits ("composite_value_traits< " + class_fq_name (c) + " >");
+ string traits ("composite_value_traits< " + class_fq_name (c) +
+ ", id_" + db.string () + " >");
// If the derived value type is readonly, then set will never be
// called with sk == statement_update.
@@ -209,7 +149,7 @@ namespace relational
if (object (c))
traverse_object (c);
- if (view (c))
+ else if (view (c))
traverse_view (c);
else if (composite (c))
traverse_composite (c);
@@ -226,11 +166,11 @@ namespace relational
traverse_object (type& c)
semantics::data_member* id (id_member (c));
- bool base_id (id ? &id->scope () != &c : false); // Comes from base.
+ bool base_id (id && &id->scope () != &c); // Comes from base.
semantics::data_member* optimistic (context::optimistic (c));
- // Base class the contains the object id and version for optimistic
+ // Base class that contains the object id and version for optimistic
// concurrency.
type* base (
@@ -244,7 +184,8 @@ namespace relational
bool reuse_abst (abst && !poly);
string const& type (class_fq_name (c));
- string traits ("access::object_traits< " + type + " >");
+ string traits ("access::object_traits_impl< " + type + ", id_" +
+ db.string () + " >");
os << "// " << class_name (c) << endl
<< "//" << endl
@@ -252,39 +193,6 @@ namespace relational
object_extra (c);
- // id (object_type)
- //
- if (id != 0 || !reuse_abst)
- {
- os << "inline" << endl
- << traits << "::id_type" << endl
- << traits << "::" << endl
- << "id (const object_type&" << (id != 0 ? " o" : "") << ")"
- << "{";
- if (id != 0)
- {
- if (base_id)
- os << "return object_traits< " << class_fq_name (*base) <<
- " >::id (o);";
- else
- {
- // Get the id using the accessor expression. If this is not
- // a synthesized expression, then output its location for
- // easier error tracking.
- //
- member_access& ma (id->get<member_access> ("get"));
- if (!ma.synthesized)
- os << "// From " << location_string (ma.loc, true) << endl;
- os << "return " << ma.translate ("o") << ";";
- }
- }
- os << "}";
- }
if (id != 0 && base_id)
if (!poly_derived)
@@ -298,8 +206,8 @@ namespace relational
<< traits << "::" << endl
<< "id (const image_type& i)"
<< "{"
- << "return object_traits< " << class_fq_name (*base) <<
- " >::id (i);"
+ << "return object_traits_impl< " << class_fq_name (*base) <<
+ ", id_" << db << " >::id (i);"
<< "}";
@@ -312,8 +220,8 @@ namespace relational
<< traits << "::" << endl
<< "version (const image_type& i)"
<< "{"
- << "return object_traits< " << class_fq_name (*base) <<
- " >::version (i);"
+ << "return object_traits_impl< " << class_fq_name (*base) <<
+ ", id_" << db << " >::version (i);"
<< "}";
@@ -325,8 +233,8 @@ namespace relational
<< "bind (" << bind_vector << " b, id_image_type& i" <<
(optimistic != 0 ? ", bool bv" : "") << ")"
<< "{"
- << "object_traits< " << class_fq_name (*base) <<
- " >::bind (b, i" << (optimistic != 0 ? ", bv" : "") << ");"
+ << "object_traits_impl< " << class_fq_name (*base) << ", id_" <<
+ db << " >::bind (b, i" << (optimistic != 0 ? ", bv" : "") << ");"
<< "}";
os << "inline" << endl
@@ -334,8 +242,8 @@ namespace relational
<< "init (id_image_type& i, const id_type& id" <<
(optimistic != 0 ? ", const version_type* v" : "") << ")"
<< "{"
- << "object_traits< " << class_fq_name (*base) <<
- " >::init (i, id" << (optimistic != 0 ? ", v" : "") << ");"
+ << "object_traits_impl< " << class_fq_name (*base) << ", id_" <<
+ db << " >::init (i, id" << (optimistic != 0 ? ", v" : "") << ");"
<< "}";
@@ -390,7 +298,6 @@ namespace relational
os << "}";
- //
// The rest does not apply to reuse-abstract objects.
if (reuse_abst)
@@ -410,31 +317,6 @@ namespace relational
<< "}";
- // callback ()
- //
- os << "inline" << endl
- << "void " << traits << "::" << endl
- << "callback (database& db, object_type& x, callback_event e)"
- << endl
- << "{"
- << endl;
- callback_calls_->traverse (c, false);
- os << "}";
- os << "inline" << endl
- << "void " << traits << "::" << endl
- << "callback (database& db, const object_type& x, callback_event e)"
- << "{"
- << endl;
- callback_calls_->traverse (c, true);
- os << "}";
// load_()
if (id != 0 && !(poly_derived || has_a (c, test_container)))
@@ -464,7 +346,7 @@ namespace relational
<< "{";
if (poly_derived)
- os << "return object_traits<base_type>::root_image (*i.base);";
+ os << "return base_traits::root_image (*i.base);";
os << "return i;";
@@ -479,9 +361,7 @@ namespace relational
<< "{";
if (poly_derived)
- os << "typedef object_traits<base_type> base_traits;"
- << endl
- << "details::unique_ptr<base_traits::image_type> p (" << endl
+ os << "details::unique_ptr<base_traits::image_type> p (" << endl
<< "base_traits::clone_image (*i.base));"
<< "image_type* c (new image_type (i));"
<< "c->base = p.release ();"
@@ -499,9 +379,7 @@ namespace relational
<< "{";
if (poly_derived)
- os << "typedef object_traits<base_type> base_traits;"
- << endl
- << "base_traits::image_type* b (d.base);"
+ os << "base_traits::image_type* b (d.base);"
<< "base_traits::copy_image (*b, *s.base);"
<< "d = s;" // Overwrites the base pointer.
<< "d.base = b;";
@@ -518,7 +396,7 @@ namespace relational
<< "{";
if (poly_derived)
- os << "object_traits<base_type>::free_image (i->base);";
+ os << "base_traits::free_image (i->base);";
os << "delete i;"
<< "}";
@@ -534,34 +412,22 @@ namespace relational
traverse_view (type& c)
string const& type (class_fq_name (c));
- string traits ("access::view_traits< " + type + " >");
+ string traits ("access::view_traits_impl< " + type + ", id_" +
+ db.string () + " >");
os << "// " << class_name (c) << endl
<< "//" << endl
<< endl;
view_extra (c);
- // callback ()
- //
- os << "inline" << endl
- << "void " << traits << "::" << endl
- << "callback (database& db, view_type& x, callback_event e)"
- << endl
- << "{"
- << endl;
- callback_calls_->traverse (c, false);
- os << "}";
virtual void
traverse_composite (type& c)
string const& type (class_fq_name (c));
- string traits ("access::composite_value_traits< " + type + " >");
+ string traits ("access::composite_value_traits< " + type + ", id_" +
+ db.string () + " >");
os << "// " << class_name (c) << endl
<< "//" << endl
@@ -602,8 +468,6 @@ namespace relational
- instance<callback_calls> callback_calls_;
instance<null_base> get_null_base_;
traversal::inherits get_null_base_inherits_;
instance<null_member> get_null_member_;
diff --git a/odb/relational/mssql/common.cxx b/odb/relational/mssql/common.cxx
index b2f982a..d802e54 100644
--- a/odb/relational/mssql/common.cxx
+++ b/odb/relational/mssql/common.cxx
@@ -202,7 +202,8 @@ namespace relational
void member_image_type::
traverse_composite (member_info& mi)
- type_ = "composite_value_traits< " + mi.fq_type () + " >::image_type";
+ type_ = "composite_value_traits< " + mi.fq_type () +
+ ", id_mssql >::image_type";
void member_image_type::
diff --git a/odb/relational/mysql/common.cxx b/odb/relational/mysql/common.cxx
index b8fa4c3..9d62b6b 100644
--- a/odb/relational/mysql/common.cxx
+++ b/odb/relational/mysql/common.cxx
@@ -168,7 +168,8 @@ namespace relational
void member_image_type::
traverse_composite (member_info& mi)
- type_ = "composite_value_traits< " + mi.fq_type () + " >::image_type";
+ type_ = "composite_value_traits< " + mi.fq_type () +
+ ", id_mysql >::image_type";
void member_image_type::
diff --git a/odb/relational/mysql/source.cxx b/odb/relational/mysql/source.cxx
index 494abf5..48ae1f2 100644
--- a/odb/relational/mysql/source.cxx
+++ b/odb/relational/mysql/source.cxx
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ namespace relational
traverse_composite (member_info& mi)
os << "if (composite_value_traits< " << mi.fq_type () <<
- " >::grow (" << endl
+ ", id_mysql >::grow (" << endl
<< "i." << mi.var << "value, t + " << index_ << "UL))"
<< "{"
<< "grew = true;"
diff --git a/odb/relational/oracle/common.cxx b/odb/relational/oracle/common.cxx
index e9d8390..04bb0f8 100644
--- a/odb/relational/oracle/common.cxx
+++ b/odb/relational/oracle/common.cxx
@@ -188,7 +188,8 @@ namespace relational
void member_image_type::
traverse_composite (member_info& mi)
- type_ = "composite_value_traits< " + mi.fq_type () + " >::image_type";
+ type_ = "composite_value_traits< " + mi.fq_type () +
+ ", id_oracle >::image_type";
void member_image_type::
diff --git a/odb/relational/pgsql/common.cxx b/odb/relational/pgsql/common.cxx
index 3d7e01e..811269e 100644
--- a/odb/relational/pgsql/common.cxx
+++ b/odb/relational/pgsql/common.cxx
@@ -144,7 +144,8 @@ namespace relational
void member_image_type::
traverse_composite (member_info& mi)
- type_ = "composite_value_traits< " + mi.fq_type () + " >::image_type";
+ type_ = "composite_value_traits< " + mi.fq_type () +
+ ", id_pgsql >::image_type";
void member_image_type::
diff --git a/odb/relational/pgsql/source.cxx b/odb/relational/pgsql/source.cxx
index 23600d0..332e25b 100644
--- a/odb/relational/pgsql/source.cxx
+++ b/odb/relational/pgsql/source.cxx
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ namespace relational
traverse_composite (member_info& mi)
os << "if (composite_value_traits< " << mi.fq_type () <<
- " >::grow (" << endl
+ ", id_pgsql >::grow (" << endl
<< "i." << mi.var << "value, t + " << index_ << "UL))"
<< "{"
<< "grew = true;"
@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ namespace relational
string const& n (class_fq_name (c));
string const& fn (flat_name (n));
- string traits ("access::object_traits< " + n + " >");
+ string traits ("access::object_traits_impl< " + n + ", id_pgsql >");
os << "const char " << traits << "::" << endl
<< "persist_statement_name[] = " << strlit (fn + "_persist") << ";"
@@ -792,7 +792,7 @@ namespace relational
string const& n (class_fq_name (c));
string const& fn (flat_name (n));
- string traits ("access::view_traits< " + n + " >");
+ string traits ("access::view_traits_impl< " + n + ", id_pgsql >");
os << "const char " << traits << "::" << endl
<< "query_statement_name[] = " << strlit (fn + "_query") << ";"
@@ -800,14 +800,19 @@ namespace relational
virtual void
- object_query_statement_ctor_args (type&)
+ object_query_statement_ctor_args (type&, string const& q, bool prep)
- os << "sts.connection ()," << endl
- << "query_statement_name," << endl
- << "query_statement + q.clause ()," << endl
- << "q.parameter_types ()," << endl
- << "q.parameter_count ()," << endl
- << "q.parameters_binding ()," << endl
+ os << "sts.connection ()," << endl;
+ if (prep)
+ os << "n," << endl;
+ else
+ os << "query_statement_name," << endl;
+ os << "query_statement + " << q << ".clause ()," << endl
+ << q << ".parameter_types ()," << endl
+ << q << ".parameter_count ()," << endl
+ << q << ".parameters_binding ()," << endl
<< "imb";
@@ -823,21 +828,27 @@ namespace relational
virtual void
- view_query_statement_ctor_args (type&)
+ view_query_statement_ctor_args (type&, string const& q, bool prep)
- os << "sts.connection ()," << endl
- << "query_statement_name," << endl
- << "qs.clause ()," << endl
- << "qs.parameter_types ()," << endl
- << "qs.parameter_count ()," << endl
- << "qs.parameters_binding ()," << endl
+ os << "sts.connection ()," << endl;
+ if (prep)
+ os << "n," << endl;
+ else
+ os << "query_statement_name," << endl;
+ os << q << ".clause ()," << endl
+ << q << ".parameter_types ()," << endl
+ << q << ".parameter_count ()," << endl
+ << q << ".parameters_binding ()," << endl
<< "imb";
virtual void
- post_query_ (type&)
+ post_query_ (type&, bool once_off)
- os << "st->deallocate ();";
+ if (once_off)
+ os << "st->deallocate ();";
entry<class_> class_entry_;
diff --git a/odb/relational/processor.cxx b/odb/relational/processor.cxx
index f000858..5100739 100644
--- a/odb/relational/processor.cxx
+++ b/odb/relational/processor.cxx
@@ -305,497 +305,14 @@ namespace relational
throw operation_failed ();
- process_access (m, "get");
- process_access (m, "set");
- process_index (m);
- }
- //
- // Process member access expressions.
- //
- enum found_type
- {
- found_none,
- found_some, // Found something but keep looking for a better one.
- found_best
- };
- // Check if a function is a suitable accessor for this member.
- //
- found_type
- check_accessor (semantics::data_member& m,
- tree f,
- string const& n,
- member_access& ma,
- bool strict)
- {
- // Must be const.
- //
- return found_none;
- // Accessor is a function with no arguments (other than 'this').
- //
- return found_none;
- // Note that to get the return type we have to use
- // suggested in the documentation.
- //
- int tc (TREE_CODE (r));
- // In the strict mode make sure the function returns for non-array
- // types a value or a (const) reference to the member type and for
- // array types a (const) pointer to element type. In the lax mode
- // we just check that the return value is not void.
- //
- if (strict)
- {
- semantics::type& t (utype (m));
- semantics::array* ar (dynamic_cast<semantics::array*> (&t));
- if (ar != 0 && tc != POINTER_TYPE)
- return found_none;
- tree bt (ar != 0 || tc == REFERENCE_TYPE ? TREE_TYPE (r) : r);
- tree bt_mv (TYPE_MAIN_VARIANT (bt));
- if ((ar != 0 ? ar->base_type () : t).tree_node () != bt_mv)
- return found_none;
- }
- else if (r == void_type_node)
- return found_none;
- cxx_tokens& e (ma.expr);
- e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_KEYWORD, "this"));
- e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_DOT));
- e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_NAME, n));
- e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_OPEN_PAREN, n));
- e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_CLOSE_PAREN, n));
- // See if it returns by value.
- //
- ma.by_value = (tc != REFERENCE_TYPE && tc != POINTER_TYPE);
- return found_best;
- }
- // Check if a function is a suitable modifier for this member.
- //
- found_type
- check_modifier (semantics::data_member& m,
- tree f,
- string const& n,
- member_access& ma,
- bool strict)
- {
- tree a (DECL_ARGUMENTS (f));
- a = DECL_CHAIN (a); // Skip this.
- // For a modifier, it can either be a function that returns a non-
- // const reference (or non-const pointer, in case the member is an
- // array) or a by-value modifier that sets a new value. If both are
- // available, we prefer the former for efficiency.
- //
- cxx_tokens& e (ma.expr);
- semantics::type& t (utype (m));
- semantics::array* ar (dynamic_cast<semantics::array*> (&t));
- if (a == NULL_TREE)
+ if (m.count ("polymorphic-ref"))
- // Note that to get the return type we have to use
- // suggested in the documentation.
- //
- int tc (TREE_CODE (r));
- // By-reference modifier. Should return a reference or a pointer.
- //
- if (tc != (ar != 0 ? POINTER_TYPE : REFERENCE_TYPE))
- return found_none;
- // The base type should not be const and, in strict mode, should
- // match the member type.
- //
- tree bt (TREE_TYPE (r));
- if (CP_TYPE_CONST_P (bt))
- return found_none;
- tree bt_mv (TYPE_MAIN_VARIANT (bt));
- if (strict && (ar != 0 ? ar->base_type () : t).tree_node () != bt_mv)
- return found_none;
- e.clear (); // Could contain by value modifier.
- e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_KEYWORD, "this"));
- e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_DOT));
- e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_NAME, n));
- e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_OPEN_PAREN, n));
- e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_CLOSE_PAREN, n));
- return found_best;
+ m.set ("not-null", true);
+ m.set ("deferred", false);
+ m.set ("on-delete", sema_rel::foreign_key::cascade);
- // Otherwise look for a by value modifier, which is a function
- // with a single argument.
- //
- else if (DECL_CHAIN (a) == NULL_TREE)
- {
- // In the lax mode any function with a single argument works
- // for us. And we don't care what it returns.
- //
- if (strict)
- {
- // In the strict mode make sure the argument matches the
- // member. This is exactly the same logic as in accessor
- // with regards to arrays, references, etc.
- //
- tree at (TREE_TYPE (a));
- int tc (TREE_CODE (at));
- if (ar != 0 && tc != POINTER_TYPE)
- return found_none;
- tree bt (ar != 0 || tc == REFERENCE_TYPE ? TREE_TYPE (at) : at);
- tree bt_mv (TYPE_MAIN_VARIANT (bt));
- if ((ar != 0 ? ar->base_type () : t).tree_node () != bt_mv)
- return found_none;
- }
- if (e.empty ())
- {
- e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_KEYWORD, "this"));
- e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_DOT));
- e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_NAME, n));
- e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_OPEN_PAREN, n));
- e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_QUERY));
- e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_CLOSE_PAREN, n));
- // Continue searching in case there is version that returns a
- // non-const reference which we prefer for efficiency.
- //
- return found_some;
- }
- else
- return found_none; // We didn't find anything better.
- }
- return found_none;
- }
- void
- process_access (semantics::data_member& m, std::string const& k)
- {
- bool virt (m.count ("virtual"));
- // Ignore certain special virtual members.
- //
- if (virt && (m.count ("polymorphic-ref") || m.count ("discriminator")))
- return;
- char const* kind (k == "get" ? "accessor" : "modifier");
- semantics::class_& c (dynamic_cast<semantics::class_&> (m.scope ()));
- // If we don't have an access expression, try to come up with
- // one.
- //
- if (!m.count (k))
- {
- found_type found (found_none);
- semantics::access const& a (m.named ().access ());
- member_access& ma (m.set (k, member_access (m.location (), true)));
- // If this member is not virtual and is either public or if we
- // are a friend of this class, then go for the member directly.
- //
- if (!virt && (a == semantics::access::public_ ||
- c.get<bool> ("friend")))
- {
- ma.expr.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_KEYWORD, "this"));
- ma.expr.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_DOT));
- ma.expr.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_NAME, ()));
- found = found_best;
- }
- // Otherwise, try to find a suitable accessor/modifier.
- //
- // First try the original name. If that doesn't produce anything,
- // then try the public name.
- //
- bool t (k == "get"
- ? options.accessor_regex_trace ()
- : options.modifier_regex_trace ());
- regex_mapping const& re (
- k == "get" ? accessor_regex : modifier_regex);
- for (unsigned short j (0); found != found_best && j != 2; ++j)
- {
- string b (j == 0 ? () : public_name (m, false));
- // Skip the second pass if original and public names are the same.
- //
- if (j == 1 && b == ())
- continue;
- if (t)
- cerr << kind << (j == 0 ? " original" : " public")
- << " name '" << b << "'" << endl;
- for (regex_mapping::const_iterator i (re.begin ());
- found != found_best && i != re.end ();
- ++i)
- {
- if (t)
- cerr << "try: '" << i->regex () << "' : ";
- if (!i->match (b))
- {
- if (t)
- cerr << '-' << endl;
- continue;
- }
- string n (i->replace (b));
- if (t)
- cerr << "'" << n << "' : ";
- tree decl (
- lookup_qualified_name (
- c.tree_node (), get_identifier (n.c_str ()), false, false));
- if (decl == error_mark_node || TREE_CODE (decl) != BASELINK)
- {
- if (t)
- cerr << '-' << endl;
- continue;
- }
- // OVL_* macros work for both FUNCTION_DECL and OVERLOAD.
- //
- for (tree o (BASELINK_FUNCTIONS (decl));
- o != 0;
- o = OVL_NEXT (o))
- {
- tree f (OVL_CURRENT (o));
- // We are only interested in public non-static member
- // functions. Note that TREE_PUBLIC() returns something
- // other than what we need.
- //
- continue;
- found_type r (k == "get"
- ? check_accessor (m, f, n, ma, true)
- : check_modifier (m, f, n, ma, true));
- if (r != found_none)
- {
- // Update the location of the access expression to point
- // to this function.
- //
- ma.loc = location (DECL_SOURCE_LOCATION (f));
- found = r;
- }
- }
- if (t)
- cerr << (found != found_none ? '+' : '-') << endl;
- }
- }
- // If that didn't work then the generated code won't be able
- // to access this member.
- //
- if (found == found_none)
- {
- location const& l (m.location ());
- if (virt)
- {
- error (l) << "no suitable " << kind << " function could be "
- << "automatically found for virtual data member '"
- << () << "'" << endl;
- info (l) << "use '#pragma db " << k << "' to explicitly "
- << "specify the " << kind << " function or "
- << "expression" << endl;
- }
- else
- {
- error (l) << "data member '" << () << "' is "
- << a.string () << " and no suitable " << kind
- << " function could be automatically found" << endl;
- info (l) << "consider making class 'odb::access' a friend of "
- << "class '" << class_name (c) << "'" << endl;
- info (l) << "or use '#pragma db " << k << "' to explicitly "
- << "specify the " << kind << " function or "
- << "expression" << endl;
- }
- throw operation_failed ();
- }
- }
- member_access& ma (m.get<member_access> (k));
- cxx_tokens& e (ma.expr);
- // If it is just a name, resolve it and convert to an appropriate
- // expression.
- //
- if (e.size () == 1 && e.back ().type == CPP_NAME)
- {
- string n (e.back ().literal);
- e.clear ();
- tree decl (
- lookup_qualified_name (
- c.tree_node (), get_identifier (n.c_str ()), false, false));
- if (decl == error_mark_node)
- {
- error (ma.loc) << "unable to resolve data member or function "
- << "name '" << n << "'" << endl;
- throw operation_failed ();
- }
- switch (TREE_CODE (decl))
- {
- case FIELD_DECL:
- {
- e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_KEYWORD, "this"));
- e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_DOT));
- e.push_back (cxx_token (0, CPP_NAME, n));
- break;
- }
- case BASELINK:
- {
- // OVL_* macros work for both FUNCTION_DECL and OVERLOAD.
- //
- for (tree o (BASELINK_FUNCTIONS (decl));
- o != 0;
- o = OVL_NEXT (o))
- {
- tree f (OVL_CURRENT (o));
- // We are only interested in non-static member functions.
- //
- continue;
- if ((k == "get"
- ? check_accessor (m, f, n, ma, false)
- : check_modifier (m, f, n, ma, false)) == found_best)
- break;
- }
- if (e.empty ())
- {
- error (ma.loc) << "unable to find suitable " << kind
- << " function '" << n << "'" << endl;
- throw operation_failed ();
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- error (ma.loc) << "name '" << n << "' does not refer to a data "
- << "member or function" << endl;
- throw operation_failed ();
- }
- }
- }
- // If there is no 'this' keyword, then add it as a prefix.
- //
- {
- bool t (false);
- for (cxx_tokens::iterator i (e.begin ()); i != e.end (); ++i)
- {
- if (i->type == CPP_KEYWORD && i->literal == "this")
- {
- t = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!t)
- {
- e.insert (e.begin (), cxx_token (0, CPP_DOT));
- e.insert (e.begin (), cxx_token (0, CPP_KEYWORD, "this"));
- }
- }
- // Check that there is no placeholder in the accessor expression.
- //
- if (k == "get" && ma.placeholder ())
- {
- error (ma.loc) << "(?) placeholder in the accessor expression"
- << endl;
- throw operation_failed ();
- }
- // Check that the member type is default-constructible if we
- // have a by value modifier.
- //
- if (k == "set" && ma.placeholder ())
- {
- semantics::class_* c (dynamic_cast<semantics::class_*> (&utype (m)));
- // Assume all other types are default-constructible.
- //
- if (c != 0)
- {
- // If this type is a class template instantiation, then make
- // sure it is instantiated. While types used in real members
- // will be instantiated, this is not necessarily the case for
- // virtual members. Without the instantiation we won't be able
- // to detect whether the type has the default ctor.
- //
- // It would have been cleaner to do it in post_process_pragmas()
- // but there we don't yet know whether we need the default ctor.
- // And it is a good idea not to require instantiability unless
- // we really need it.
- //
- tree type (c->tree_node ());
- if (!COMPLETE_TYPE_P (type) &&
- {
- // Reset input location so that we get nice diagnostics in
- // case of an error. Use the location of the virtual pragma.
- //
- location_t loc (m.get<location_t> ("virtual-location"));
- input_location = loc;
- if (instantiate_class_template (type) == error_mark_node ||
- errorcount != 0 ||
- !COMPLETE_TYPE_P (type))
- {
- error (loc) << "unable to instantiate virtual data member " <<
- "type" << endl;
- throw operation_failed ();
- }
- }
- if (!c->default_ctor ())
- {
- error (ma.loc) << "modifier expression requires member type " <<
- "to be default-constructible" << endl;
- throw operation_failed ();
- }
- }
- }
+ process_index (m);
// Convert index/unique specifiers to the index entry in the object.
@@ -2351,44 +1868,7 @@ namespace relational
struct class_: traversal::class_, context
class_ ()
- : std_string_ (0), std_string_hint_ (0), access_ (0)
- // Resolve the std::string type node.
- //
- using semantics::scope;
- for (scope::names_iterator_pair ip (unit.find ("std"));
- ip.first != ip.second; ++ip.first)
- {
- if (scope* ns = dynamic_cast<scope*> (&ip.first->named ()))
- {
- scope::names_iterator_pair jp (ns->find ("string"));
- if (jp.first != jp.second)
- {
- std_string_ = dynamic_cast<semantics::type*> (
- &jp.first->named ());
- std_string_hint_ = &*jp.first;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- assert (std_string_ != 0); // No std::string?
- // Resolve odb::access, if any.
- //
- tree odb = lookup_qualified_name (
- global_namespace, get_identifier ("odb"), false, false);
- if (odb != error_mark_node)
- {
- access_ = lookup_qualified_name (
- odb, get_identifier ("access"), true, false);
- access_ = (access_ != error_mark_node ? TREE_TYPE (access_) : 0);
- }
*this >> member_names_ >> member_;
@@ -2400,28 +1880,12 @@ namespace relational
if (k == class_other)
- // Check if odb::access is a friend of this class.
- //
- c.set ("friend", access_ != 0 && is_friend (c.tree_node (), access_));
- // Assign pointer.
- //
- if (k == class_object || k == class_view)
- assign_pointer (c);
- // Do some additional pre-processing.
- //
- if (k == class_object)
- traverse_object_pre (c);
names (c);
- // Do some additional post-processing.
- //
if (k == class_object)
- traverse_object_post (c);
+ traverse_object (c);
else if (k == class_view)
- traverse_view_post (c);
+ traverse_view (c);
@@ -2429,149 +1893,7 @@ namespace relational
virtual void
- traverse_object_pre (type& c)
- {
- semantics::class_* poly_root (polymorphic (c));
- // Determine whether it is a session object.
- //
- if (!c.count ("session"))
- {
- // If this is a derived class in a polymorphic hierarchy,
- // then it should have the same session value as the root.
- //
- if (poly_root != 0 && poly_root != &c)
- c.set ("session", session (*poly_root));
- else
- {
- // See if any of the namespaces containing this class specify
- // the session value.
- //
- bool found (false);
- for (semantics::scope* s (&c.scope ());; s = &s->scope_ ())
- {
- using semantics::namespace_;
- namespace_* ns (dynamic_cast<namespace_*> (s));
- if (ns == 0)
- continue; // Some other scope.
- if (ns->extension ())
- ns = &ns->original ();
- if (ns->count ("session"))
- {
- c.set ("session", ns->get<bool> ("session"));
- found = true;
- break;
- }
- if (ns->global_scope ())
- break;
- }
- // If still not found, then use the default value.
- //
- if (!found)
- c.set ("session", options.generate_session ());
- }
- }
- if (session (c))
- features.session_object = true;
- if (poly_root != 0)
- {
- using namespace semantics;
- semantics::data_member& idm (*id_member (*poly_root));
- if (poly_root != &c)
- {
- // If we are a derived class in the polymorphic persistent
- // class hierarchy, then add a synthesized virtual pointer
- // member that points back to the root.
- //
- path const& f (idm.file ());
- size_t l (idm.line ()), col (idm.column ());
- semantics::data_member& m (
- unit.new_node<semantics::data_member> (f, l, col, tree (0)));
- m.set ("virtual", true);
- // Make it the first member in the class.
- //
- node_position<type, scope::names_iterator> np (c, c.names_end ());
- unit.new_edge<semantics::names> (
- np, m, (), access::public_);
- // Use the raw pointer as this member's type.
- //
- if (!poly_root->pointed_p ())
- {
- // Create the pointer type in the graph. The pointer node
- // in GCC seems to always be present, even if not explicitly
- // used in the translation unit.
- //
- tree t (poly_root->tree_node ());
- tree ptr (TYPE_POINTER_TO (t));
- assert (ptr != 0);
- ptr = TYPE_MAIN_VARIANT (ptr);
- pointer& p (unit.new_node<pointer> (f, l, col, ptr));
- unit.insert (ptr, p);
- unit.new_edge<points> (p, *poly_root);
- assert (poly_root->pointed_p ());
- }
- unit.new_edge<belongs> (m, poly_root->pointed ().pointer ());
- m.set ("not-null", true);
- m.set ("deferred", false);
- m.set ("on-delete", sema_rel::foreign_key::cascade);
- // Mark it as a special kind of id.
- //
- m.set ("id", true);
- m.set ("polymorphic-ref", true);
- }
- else
- {
- // If we are a root of the polymorphic persistent class hierarchy,
- // then add a synthesized virtual member for the discriminator.
- // Use the location of the polymorphic pragma as the location of
- // this member.
- //
- location_t loc (c.get<location_t> ("polymorphic-location"));
- semantics::data_member& m (
- unit.new_node<semantics::data_member> (
- path (LOCATION_FILE (loc)),
- tree (0)));
- m.set ("virtual", true);
- // Insert it after the id member (or first if this id comes
- // from reuse-base).
- //
- node_position<type, scope::names_iterator> np (
- c, c.find (idm.named ()));
- unit.new_edge<semantics::names> (
- np, m, "typeid_", access::public_);
- belongs& edge (unit.new_edge<belongs> (m, *std_string_));
- edge.hint (*std_string_hint_);
- m.set ("readonly", true);
- m.set ("discriminator", true);
- c.set ("discriminator", &m);
- }
- }
- }
- virtual void
- traverse_object_post (type& c)
+ traverse_object (type& c)
// Process indexes. Here we need to do two things: resolve member
// names to member paths and assign names to unnamed indexes. We
@@ -2767,7 +2089,7 @@ namespace relational
typedef vector<relationship> relationships;
virtual void
- traverse_view_post (type& c)
+ traverse_view (type& c)
bool has_q (c.count ("query"));
bool has_o (c.count ("objects"));
@@ -3154,417 +2476,11 @@ namespace relational
view_object& pointee_;
- void
- assign_pointer (type& c)
- {
- location_t loc (0); // Pragma location, or 0 if not used.
- try
- {
- string ptr;
- string const& type (class_fq_name (c));
- tree decl (0); // Resolved template node.
- string decl_name; // User-provided template name.
- tree resolve_scope (0); // Scope in which we resolve names.
- class_pointer const* cp (0);
- bool cp_template (false);
- if (c.count ("pointer"))
- {
- cp = &c.get<class_pointer> ("pointer");
- }
- // If we are a derived type in polymorphic hierarchy, then use
- // our root's pointer type by default.
- //
- else if (semantics::class_* r = polymorphic (c))
- {
- if (&c != r && r->count ("pointer-template"))
- cp = r->get<class_pointer const*> ("pointer-template");
- }
- if (cp != 0)
- {
- string const& p (cp->name);
- if (p == "*")
- {
- ptr = type + "*";
- cp_template = true;
- }
- else if (p[p.size () - 1] == '*')
- ptr = p;
- else if (p.find ('<') != string::npos)
- {
- // Template-id.
- //
- ptr = p;
- decl_name.assign (p, 0, p.find ('<'));
- }
- else
- {
- // This is not a template-id. Resolve it and see if it is a
- // template or a type.
- //
- decl = resolve_name (p, cp->scope, true);
- int tc (TREE_CODE (decl));
- if (tc == TYPE_DECL)
- {
- ptr = p;
- // This can be a typedef'ed alias for a TR1 template-id.
- //
- if (tree ti = TYPE_TEMPLATE_INFO (TREE_TYPE (decl)))
- {
- // Get to the most general template declaration.
- //
- while (DECL_TEMPLATE_INFO (decl))
- decl = DECL_TI_TEMPLATE (decl);
- }
- else
- decl = 0; // Not a template.
- }
- else if (tc == TEMPLATE_DECL && DECL_CLASS_TEMPLATE_P (decl))
- {
- ptr = p + "< " + type + " >";
- decl_name = p;
- cp_template = true;
- }
- else
- {
- error (cp->loc)
- << "name '" << p << "' specified with db pragma pointer "
- << "does not name a type or a template" << endl;
- throw operation_failed ();
- }
- }
- // Resolve scope is the scope of the pragma.
- //
- resolve_scope = cp->scope;
- loc = cp->loc;
- }
- else
- {
- // See if any of the namespaces containing this class specify
- // a pointer.
- //
- for (semantics::scope* s (&c.scope ());; s = &s->scope_ ())
- {
- using semantics::namespace_;
- namespace_* ns (dynamic_cast<namespace_*> (s));
- if (ns == 0)
- continue; // Some other scope.
- if (ns->extension ())
- ns = &ns->original ();
- if (!ns->count ("pointer"))
- {
- if (ns->global_scope ())
- break;
- else
- continue;
- }
- cp = &ns->get<class_pointer> ("pointer");
- string const& p (cp->name);
- // Namespace-specified pointer can only be '*' or are template.
- //
- if (p == "*")
- ptr = type + "*";
- else if (p[p.size () - 1] == '*')
- {
- error (cp->loc)
- << "name '" << p << "' specified with db pragma pointer "
- << "at namespace level cannot be a raw pointer" << endl;
- }
- else if (p.find ('<') != string::npos)
- {
- error (cp->loc)
- << "name '" << p << "' specified with db pragma pointer "
- << "at namespace level cannot be a template-id" << endl;
- }
- else
- {
- // Resolve this name and make sure it is a template.
- //
- decl = resolve_name (p, cp->scope, true);
- int tc (TREE_CODE (decl));
- {
- ptr = p + "< " + type + " >";
- decl_name = p;
- }
- else
- {
- error (cp->loc)
- << "name '" << p << "' specified with db pragma pointer "
- << "does not name a template" << endl;
- }
- }
- if (ptr.empty ())
- throw operation_failed ();
- cp_template = true;
- // Resolve scope is the scope of the pragma.
- //
- resolve_scope = cp->scope;
- loc = cp->loc;
- break;
- }
- // Use the default pointer.
- //
- if (ptr.empty ())
- {
- string const& p (options.default_pointer ());
- if (p == "*")
- ptr = type + "*";
- else
- {
- ptr = p + "< " + type + " >";
- decl_name = p;
- }
- // Resolve scope is the scope of the class.
- //
- resolve_scope = c.scope ().tree_node ();
- }
- }
- // If this class is a root of a polymorphic hierarchy, then cache
- // the pointer template so that we can use it for derived classes.
- //
- if (cp != 0 && cp_template && polymorphic (c) == &c)
- c.set ("pointer-template", cp);
- // Check if we are using TR1.
- //
- if (decl != 0 || !decl_name.empty ())
- {
- bool& tr1 (features.tr1_pointer);
- bool& boost (features.boost_pointer);
- // First check the user-supplied name.
- //
- tr1 = tr1
- || (0, 8, "std::tr1") == 0
- || (0, 10, "::std::tr1") == 0;
- // If there was no match, also resolve the name since it can be
- // a using-declaration for a TR1 template.
- //
- if (!tr1)
- {
- if (decl == 0)
- decl = resolve_name (decl_name, resolve_scope, false);
- if (TREE_CODE (decl) != TEMPLATE_DECL || !
- {
- // This is only checked for the --default-pointer option.
- //
- error (c.file (), c.line (), c.column ())
- << "name '" << decl_name << "' specified with the "
- << "--default-pointer option does not name a class "
- << "template" << endl;
- throw operation_failed ();
- }
- string n (decl_as_string (decl, TFF_PLAIN_IDENTIFIER));
- // In case of a boost TR1 implementation, we cannot distinguish
- // between the boost:: and std::tr1:: usage since the latter is
- // just a using-declaration for the former.
- //
- tr1 = tr1
- || (0, 8, "std::tr1") == 0
- || (0, 10, "::std::tr1") == 0;
- boost = boost
- || (0, 17, "boost::shared_ptr") == 0
- || (0, 19, "::boost::shared_ptr") == 0;
- }
- }
- // Fully-qualify all the unqualified components of the name.
- //
- try
- {
- lex_.start (ptr);
- ptr.clear ();
- string t;
- bool punc (false);
- bool scoped (false);
- for (cpp_ttype tt ( (t));
- tt != CPP_EOF;
- tt = (t))
- {
- if (punc && tt > CPP_LAST_PUNCTUATOR)
- ptr += ' ';
- punc = false;
- switch (static_cast<unsigned> (tt))
- {
- case CPP_LESS:
- {
- ptr += "< ";
- break;
- }
- {
- ptr += " >";
- break;
- }
- case CPP_COMMA:
- {
- ptr += ", ";
- break;
- }
- case CPP_NAME:
- {
- // If the name was not preceeded with '::', look it
- // up in the pragmas's scope and add the qualifer.
- //
- if (!scoped)
- {
- tree decl (resolve_name (t, resolve_scope, false));
- tree scope (CP_DECL_CONTEXT (decl));
- if (scope != global_namespace)
- {
- ptr += "::";
- ptr += decl_as_string (scope, TFF_PLAIN_IDENTIFIER);
- }
- ptr += "::";
- }
- ptr += t;
- punc = true;
- break;
- }
- case CPP_NUMBER:
- {
- ptr += t;
- punc = true;
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- ptr += t;
- break;
- }
- }
- scoped = (tt == CPP_SCOPE);
- }
- }
- catch (cxx_lexer::invalid_input const&)
- {
- throw operation_failed ();
- }
- c.set ("object-pointer", ptr);
- }
- catch (invalid_name const& ex)
- {
- if (loc != 0)
- error (loc)
- << "name '" << () << "' specified with db pragma "
- << "pointer is invalid" << endl;
- else
- error (c.file (), c.line (), c.column ())
- << "name '" << () << "' specified with the "
- << "--default-pointer option is invalid" << endl;
- throw operation_failed ();
- }
- catch (unable_to_resolve const& ex)
- {
- if (loc != 0)
- error (loc)
- << "unable to resolve name '" << () << "' specified "
- << "with db pragma pointer" << endl;
- else
- error (c.file (), c.line (), c.column ())
- << "unable to resolve name '" << () << "' specified "
- << "with the --default-pointer option" << endl;
- throw operation_failed ();
- }
- }
- private:
- struct invalid_name
- {
- invalid_name (string const& n): name_ (n) {}
- string const&
- name () const {return name_;}
- private:
- string name_;
- };
- typedef lookup::unable_to_resolve unable_to_resolve;
- tree
- resolve_name (string const& qn, tree scope, bool is_type)
- {
- try
- {
- string tl;
- tree tn;
- cpp_ttype tt, ptt;
- nlex_.start (qn);
- tt = (tl, &tn);
- string name;
- return lookup::resolve_scoped_name (
- nlex_, tt, tl, tn, ptt, scope, name, is_type);
- }
- catch (cxx_lexer::invalid_input const&)
- {
- throw invalid_name (qn);
- }
- catch (lookup::invalid_name const&)
- {
- throw invalid_name (qn);
- }
- }
cxx_string_lexer lex_;
- cxx_string_lexer nlex_; // Nested lexer.
data_member member_;
traversal::names member_names_;
- semantics::type* std_string_;
- semantics::names* std_string_hint_;
- tree access_; // odb::access node.
diff --git a/odb/relational/schema.hxx b/odb/relational/schema.hxx
index 56857f3..63ab860 100644
--- a/odb/relational/schema.hxx
+++ b/odb/relational/schema.hxx
@@ -864,7 +864,8 @@ namespace relational
++end; // Transform the range from [begin, end] to [begin, end).
string const& type (class_fq_name (c));
- string traits ("access::object_traits< " + type + " >");
+ string traits ("access::object_traits_impl< " + type + ", id_" +
+ db.string () + " >");
// create_schema ()
@@ -941,7 +942,8 @@ namespace relational
os << "static const schema_catalog_entry" << endl
<< "schema_catalog_entry_" << flat_name (type) << "_ (" << endl
- << strlit (options.schema_name ()) << "," << endl
+ << "id_" << db << "," << endl
+ << strlit (options.schema_name ()[db]) << "," << endl
<< "&" << traits << "::create_schema);"
<< endl;
diff --git a/odb/relational/source.cxx b/odb/relational/source.cxx
index 5a02703..7516801 100644
--- a/odb/relational/source.cxx
+++ b/odb/relational/source.cxx
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
using semantics::data_member;
data_member* id (id_member (c));
- bool auto_id (id ? id->count ("auto") : false);
- bool base_id (id ? &id->scope () != &c : false); // Comes from base.
+ bool auto_id (id && auto_ (*id));
+ bool base_id (id && &id->scope () != &c); // Comes from base.
member_access* id_ma (id ? &id->get<member_access> ("get") : 0);
bool has_ptr (has_a (c, test_pointer));
@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
string const& type (class_fq_name (c));
- string traits ("access::object_traits< " + type + " >");
+ string traits ("access::object_traits_impl< " + type + ", id_" +
+ db.string () + " >");
column_count_type const& cc (column_count (c));
os << "// " << class_name (c) << endl
@@ -187,7 +188,7 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
<< "//" << endl
<< "if (--d != 0)"
<< "{"
- << "if (object_traits<base_type>::grow (*i.base, " <<
+ << "if (base_traits::grow (*i.base, " <<
"t + " << cols << "UL" <<
(poly_base != poly_root ? ", d" : "") << "))" << endl
<< "i.base->version++;"
@@ -268,7 +269,7 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
os << "// " << class_name (*poly_base) << " base" << endl
<< "//" << endl
<< "if (sk == statement_select)" << endl
- << "object_traits<base_type>::";
+ << "base_traits::";
if (poly_base == poly_root)
os << "bind (b + n, *i.base, sk);";
@@ -360,7 +361,7 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
os << "// " << class_name (*poly_base) << " base" << endl
<< "//" << endl
<< "if (--d != 0)" << endl
- << "object_traits<base_type>::init (o, *i.base, db" <<
+ << "base_traits::init (o, *i.base, db" <<
(poly_base != poly_root ? ", d" : "") << ");"
<< endl;
@@ -450,7 +451,8 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
<< "typeid (" << type << ")," << endl;
if (poly_derived)
- os << "&object_traits< " << class_fq_name (*poly_base) << " >::info";
+ os << "&object_traits_impl< " << class_fq_name (*poly_base) <<
+ ", id_" << db << " >::info";
os << "0";
@@ -463,7 +465,7 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
os << "," << endl
<< strlit (string (n, 2, string::npos)) << "," << endl
<< "&odb::create_impl< " << type << " >," << endl
- << "&odb::dispatch_impl< " << type << " >," << endl;
+ << "&odb::dispatch_impl< " << type << ", id_" << db << " >," << endl;
if (poly_derived)
os << "&statements_type::delayed_loader";
@@ -883,7 +885,7 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
// hierarchy.
if (poly_derived)
- os << "object_traits<base_type>::persist (db, obj, false, false);"
+ os << "base_traits::persist (db, obj, false, false);"
<< endl;
os << "image_type& im (sts.image ());"
@@ -1135,7 +1137,7 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
if (!readonly_base)
- os << "object_traits<base_type>::update (db, obj, false, false);"
+ os << "base_traits::update (db, obj, false, false);"
<< endl;
@@ -1550,7 +1552,7 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
// Call our base last (we erase polymorphic objects from base
// to derived in order not to trigger cascading deletes).
- os << "object_traits<base_type>::erase (db, id, false, false);"
+ os << "base_traits::erase (db, id, false, false);"
<< endl;
@@ -1787,7 +1789,7 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
// Call our base last (we erase polymorphic objects from base
// to derived in order not to trigger cascading deletes).
- os << "object_traits<base_type>::erase (db, obj, false, false);"
+ os << "base_traits::erase (db, obj, false, false);"
<< endl;
@@ -2349,7 +2351,7 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
if (poly_derived)
os << "if (--d != 0)" << endl
- << "object_traits<base_type>::load_ (sts.base_statements (), obj" <<
+ << "base_traits::load_ (sts.base_statements (), obj" <<
(poly_base != poly_root ? ", d" : "") << ");"
<< endl;
@@ -2562,60 +2564,6 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
if (options.generate_query ())
- // query ()
- //
- os << "result< " << traits << "::object_type >" << endl
- << traits << "::" << endl
- << "query (database&, const query_base_type& q)"
- << "{"
- << "using namespace " << db << ";"
- << "using odb::details::shared;"
- << "using odb::details::shared_ptr;"
- << endl
- << db << "::connection& conn (" << endl
- << db << "::transaction::current ().connection ());"
- << endl
- << "statements_type& sts (" << endl
- << "conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());"
- << endl;
- // Rebind the image if necessary.
- //
- os << "image_type& im (sts.image ());"
- << "binding& imb (sts.select_image_binding (" <<
- (poly_derived ? "depth" : "") << "));"
- << endl;
- if (poly_derived)
- {
- os << "if (imb.version == 0 ||" << endl
- << "check_version (sts.select_image_versions (), im))"
- << "{"
- << "bind (imb.bind, 0, 0, im, statement_select);"
- << "update_version (sts.select_image_versions ()," << endl
- << "im," << endl
- << "sts.select_image_bindings ());"
- << "}";
- }
- else
- {
- os << "if (im.version != sts.select_image_version () ||" << endl
- << "imb.version == 0)"
- << "{"
- << "bind (imb.bind, im, statement_select);"
- << "sts.select_image_version (im.version);"
- << "imb.version++;"
- << "}";
- }
- os << "shared_ptr<select_statement> st (" << endl
- << "new (shared) select_statement (" << endl;
- object_query_statement_ctor_args (c);
- os << "));" << endl
- << "st->execute ();";
- post_query_ (c);
char const* result_type;
if (poly)
result_type = "polymorphic_object_result_impl<object_type>";
@@ -2624,13 +2572,73 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
result_type = "no_id_object_result_impl<object_type>";
- os << endl
- << "shared_ptr< odb::" << result_type << " > r (" << endl
- << "new (shared) " << db << "::" << result_type << " (" << endl
- << "q, st, sts));"
- << endl
- << "return result<object_type> (r);"
- << "}";
+ // Unprepared.
+ //
+ if (!options.omit_unprepared ())
+ {
+ // query ()
+ //
+ os << "result< " << traits << "::object_type >" << endl
+ << traits << "::" << endl
+ << "query (database&, const query_base_type& q)"
+ << "{"
+ << "using namespace " << db << ";"
+ << "using odb::details::shared;"
+ << "using odb::details::shared_ptr;"
+ << endl
+ << db << "::connection& conn (" << endl
+ << db << "::transaction::current ().connection ());"
+ << endl
+ << "statements_type& sts (" << endl
+ << "conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());"
+ << endl;
+ // Rebind the image if necessary.
+ //
+ os << "image_type& im (sts.image ());"
+ << "binding& imb (sts.select_image_binding (" <<
+ (poly_derived ? "depth" : "") << "));"
+ << endl;
+ if (poly_derived)
+ {
+ os << "if (imb.version == 0 ||" << endl
+ << "check_version (sts.select_image_versions (), im))"
+ << "{"
+ << "bind (imb.bind, 0, 0, im, statement_select);"
+ << "update_version (sts.select_image_versions ()," << endl
+ << "im," << endl
+ << "sts.select_image_bindings ());"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "if (im.version != sts.select_image_version () ||" << endl
+ << "imb.version == 0)"
+ << "{"
+ << "bind (imb.bind, im, statement_select);"
+ << "sts.select_image_version (im.version);"
+ << "imb.version++;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ os << "q.init_parameters ();"
+ << "shared_ptr<select_statement> st (" << endl
+ << "new (shared) select_statement (" << endl;
+ object_query_statement_ctor_args (c, "q", false);
+ os << "));" << endl
+ << "st->execute ();";
+ post_query_ (c, true);
+ os << endl
+ << "shared_ptr< odb::" << result_type << " > r (" << endl
+ << "new (shared) " << db << "::" << result_type << " (" << endl
+ << "q, st, sts));"
+ << endl
+ << "return result<object_type> (r);"
+ << "}";
+ }
// erase_query
@@ -2642,12 +2650,142 @@ traverse_object (type& c)
<< db << "::connection& conn (" << endl
<< db << "::transaction::current ().connection ());"
<< endl
+ << "q.init_parameters ();"
<< "delete_statement st (" << endl;
object_erase_query_statement_ctor_args (c);
os << ");"
<< endl
<< "return st.execute ();"
<< "}";
+ // Prepared. Very similar to unprepared but has some annoying variations
+ // that make it difficult to factor out something common.
+ //
+ if (options.generate_prepared ())
+ {
+ os << "odb::details::shared_ptr<prepared_query_impl>" << endl
+ << traits << "::" << endl
+ << "prepare_query (connection& c, const char* n, " <<
+ "const query_base_type& q)"
+ << "{"
+ << "using namespace " << db << ";"
+ << "using odb::details::shared;"
+ << "using odb::details::shared_ptr;"
+ << endl
+ << db << "::connection& conn (" << endl
+ << "static_cast<" << db << "::connection&> (c));"
+ << endl
+ << "statements_type& sts (" << endl
+ << "conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());"
+ << endl;
+ // Rebind the image if necessary.
+ //
+ os << "image_type& im (sts.image ());"
+ << "binding& imb (sts.select_image_binding (" <<
+ (poly_derived ? "depth" : "") << "));"
+ << endl;
+ if (poly_derived)
+ {
+ os << "if (imb.version == 0 ||" << endl
+ << "check_version (sts.select_image_versions (), im))"
+ << "{"
+ << "bind (imb.bind, 0, 0, im, statement_select);"
+ << "update_version (sts.select_image_versions ()," << endl
+ << "im," << endl
+ << "sts.select_image_bindings ());"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "if (im.version != sts.select_image_version () ||" << endl
+ << "imb.version == 0)"
+ << "{"
+ << "bind (imb.bind, im, statement_select);"
+ << "sts.select_image_version (im.version);"
+ << "imb.version++;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ os << "shared_ptr<" << db << "::prepared_query_impl> r (" << endl
+ << "new (shared) " << db << "::prepared_query_impl (conn));"
+ << "r->name = n;"
+ << "r->execute = &execute_query;"
+ << "r->query = q;"
+ << "r->stmt.reset (" << endl
+ << "new (shared) select_statement (" << endl;
+ object_query_statement_ctor_args (c, "r->query", true);
+ os << "));"
+ << endl
+ << "return r;"
+ << "}";
+ os << "odb::details::shared_ptr<result_impl>" << endl
+ << traits << "::" << endl
+ << "execute_query (prepared_query_impl& q)"
+ << "{"
+ << "using namespace " << db << ";"
+ << "using odb::details::shared;"
+ << "using odb::details::shared_ptr;"
+ << endl
+ << db << "::prepared_query_impl& pq (" << endl
+ << "static_cast<" << db << "::prepared_query_impl&> (q));"
+ << "shared_ptr<select_statement> st (" << endl
+ << "odb::details::inc_ref (" << endl
+ << "static_cast<select_statement*> (pq.stmt.get ())));"
+ << endl
+ << db << "::connection& conn (" << endl
+ << db << "::transaction::current ().connection ());"
+ << endl
+ << "// The connection used by the current transaction and the" << endl
+ << "// one used to prepare this statement must be the same." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "assert (&conn == &st->connection ());"
+ << endl
+ << "statements_type& sts (" << endl
+ << "conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());"
+ << endl;
+ // Rebind the image if necessary.
+ //
+ os << "image_type& im (sts.image ());"
+ << "binding& imb (sts.select_image_binding (" <<
+ (poly_derived ? "depth" : "") << "));"
+ << endl;
+ if (poly_derived)
+ {
+ os << "if (imb.version == 0 ||" << endl
+ << "check_version (sts.select_image_versions (), im))"
+ << "{"
+ << "bind (imb.bind, 0, 0, im, statement_select);"
+ << "update_version (sts.select_image_versions ()," << endl
+ << "im," << endl
+ << "sts.select_image_bindings ());"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "if (im.version != sts.select_image_version () ||" << endl
+ << "imb.version == 0)"
+ << "{"
+ << "bind (imb.bind, im, statement_select);"
+ << "sts.select_image_version (im.version);"
+ << "imb.version++;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ os << "pq.query.init_parameters ();"
+ << "st->execute ();";
+ post_query_ (c, false);
+ os << endl
+ << "return shared_ptr<result_impl> (" << endl
+ << "new (shared) " << db << "::" << result_type << " (" << endl
+ << "pq.query, st, sts));"
+ << "}";
+ }
if (embedded_schema)
@@ -2658,7 +2796,8 @@ void relational::source::class_::
traverse_view (type& c)
string const& type (class_fq_name (c));
- string traits ("access::view_traits< " + type + " >");
+ string traits ("access::view_traits_impl< " + type + ", id_" +
+ db.string () + " >");
os << "// " << class_name (c) << endl
<< "//" << endl
@@ -3391,54 +3530,157 @@ traverse_view (type& c)
<< "}";
- // query ()
+ // Unprepared.
- os << "result< " << traits << "::view_type >" << endl
- << traits << "::" << endl
- << "query (database&, const query_base_type& q)"
- << "{"
- << "using namespace " << db << ";"
- << "using odb::details::shared;"
- << "using odb::details::shared_ptr;"
- << endl
- << db << "::connection& conn (" << endl
- << db << "::transaction::current ().connection ());"
- << endl
- << "view_statements< view_type >& sts (" << endl
- << "conn.statement_cache ().find_view<view_type> ());"
- << endl
- << "image_type& im (sts.image ());"
- << "binding& imb (sts.image_binding ());"
- << endl
- << "if (im.version != sts.image_version () || imb.version == 0)"
- << "{"
- << "bind (imb.bind, im);"
- << "sts.image_version (im.version);"
- << "imb.version++;"
- << "}";
+ if (!options.omit_unprepared ())
+ {
+ os << "result< " << traits << "::view_type >" << endl
+ << traits << "::" << endl
+ << "query (database&, const query_base_type& q)"
+ << "{"
+ << "using namespace " << db << ";"
+ << "using odb::details::shared;"
+ << "using odb::details::shared_ptr;"
+ << endl
+ << db << "::connection& conn (" << endl
+ << db << "::transaction::current ().connection ());"
+ << endl
+ << "statements_type& sts (" << endl
+ << "conn.statement_cache ().find_view<view_type> ());"
+ << endl
+ << "image_type& im (sts.image ());"
+ << "binding& imb (sts.image_binding ());"
+ << endl
+ << "if (im.version != sts.image_version () || imb.version == 0)"
+ << "{"
+ << "bind (imb.bind, im);"
+ << "sts.image_version (im.version);"
+ << "imb.version++;"
+ << "}";
- if (vq.kind == view_query::runtime)
- os << "const query_base_type& qs (q);";
- else
- os << "const query_base_type& qs (query_statement (q));";
+ if (vq.kind == view_query::runtime)
+ os << "const query_base_type& qs (q);";
+ else
+ os << "const query_base_type& qs (query_statement (q));";
- os << "shared_ptr<select_statement> st (" << endl
- << "new (shared) select_statement (" << endl;
+ os << "qs.init_parameters ();"
+ << "shared_ptr<select_statement> st (" << endl
+ << "new (shared) select_statement (" << endl;
+ view_query_statement_ctor_args (c, "qs", false);
+ os << "));" << endl
+ << "st->execute ();";
- view_query_statement_ctor_args (c);
+ post_query_ (c, true);
- os << "));" << endl
- << "st->execute ();";
+ os << endl
+ << "shared_ptr< odb::view_result_impl<view_type> > r (" << endl
+ << "new (shared) " << db << "::view_result_impl<view_type> (" << endl
+ << "qs, st, sts));"
+ << endl
+ << "return result<view_type> (r);"
+ << "}";
+ }
- post_query_ (c);
+ // Prepared. Very similar to unprepared but has some annoying variations
+ // that make it difficult to factor out something common.
+ //
+ if (options.generate_prepared ())
+ {
+ os << "odb::details::shared_ptr<prepared_query_impl>" << endl
+ << traits << "::" << endl
+ << "prepare_query (connection& c, const char* n, " <<
+ "const query_base_type& q)"
+ << "{"
+ << "using namespace " << db << ";"
+ << "using odb::details::shared;"
+ << "using odb::details::shared_ptr;"
+ << endl
+ << db << "::connection& conn (" << endl
+ << "static_cast<" << db << "::connection&> (c));"
+ << endl
+ << "statements_type& sts (" << endl
+ << "conn.statement_cache ().find_view<view_type> ());"
+ << endl;
- os << endl
- << "shared_ptr< odb::view_result_impl<view_type> > r (" << endl
- << "new (shared) " << db << "::view_result_impl<view_type> (" << endl
- << "qs, st, sts));"
- << endl
- << "return result<view_type> (r);"
- << "}";
+ // Rebind the image if necessary.
+ //
+ os << "image_type& im (sts.image ());"
+ << "binding& imb (sts.image_binding ());"
+ << endl
+ << "if (im.version != sts.image_version () || imb.version == 0)"
+ << "{"
+ << "bind (imb.bind, im);"
+ << "sts.image_version (im.version);"
+ << "imb.version++;"
+ << "}";
+ os << "shared_ptr<" << db << "::prepared_query_impl> r (" << endl
+ << "new (shared) " << db << "::prepared_query_impl (conn));"
+ << "r->name = n;"
+ << "r->execute = &execute_query;";
+ if (vq.kind == view_query::runtime)
+ os << "r->query = q;";
+ else
+ os << "r->query = query_statement (q);";
+ os << "r->stmt.reset (" << endl
+ << "new (shared) select_statement (" << endl;
+ view_query_statement_ctor_args (c, "r->query", true);
+ os << "));"
+ << endl
+ << "return r;"
+ << "}";
+ os << "odb::details::shared_ptr<result_impl>" << endl
+ << traits << "::" << endl
+ << "execute_query (prepared_query_impl& q)"
+ << "{"
+ << "using namespace " << db << ";"
+ << "using odb::details::shared;"
+ << "using odb::details::shared_ptr;"
+ << endl
+ << db << "::prepared_query_impl& pq (" << endl
+ << "static_cast<" << db << "::prepared_query_impl&> (q));"
+ << "shared_ptr<select_statement> st (" << endl
+ << "odb::details::inc_ref (" << endl
+ << "static_cast<select_statement*> (pq.stmt.get ())));"
+ << endl
+ << db << "::connection& conn (" << endl
+ << db << "::transaction::current ().connection ());"
+ << endl
+ << "// The connection used by the current transaction and the" << endl
+ << "// one used to prepare this statement must be the same." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "assert (&conn == &st->connection ());"
+ << endl
+ << "statements_type& sts (" << endl
+ << "conn.statement_cache ().find_view<view_type> ());"
+ << endl;
+ // Rebind the image if necessary.
+ //
+ os << "image_type& im (sts.image ());"
+ << "binding& imb (sts.image_binding ());"
+ << endl
+ << "if (im.version != sts.image_version () || imb.version == 0)"
+ << "{"
+ << "bind (imb.bind, im);"
+ << "sts.image_version (im.version);"
+ << "imb.version++;"
+ << "}";
+ os << "pq.query.init_parameters ();"
+ << "st->execute ();";
+ post_query_ (c, false);
+ os << endl
+ << "return shared_ptr<result_impl> (" << endl
+ << "new (shared) " << db << "::view_result_impl<view_type> (" << endl
+ << "pq.query, st, sts));"
+ << "}";
+ }
namespace relational
diff --git a/odb/relational/source.hxx b/odb/relational/source.hxx
index b73cd01..8d57b1b 100644
--- a/odb/relational/source.hxx
+++ b/odb/relational/source.hxx
@@ -937,8 +937,9 @@ namespace relational
virtual void
traverse_composite (member_info& mi)
- os << "composite_value_traits< " << mi.fq_type () <<
- " >::bind (b + n, " << arg << "." << mi.var << "value, sk);";
+ os << "composite_value_traits< " << mi.fq_type () << ", id_" <<
+ db << " >::bind (" << endl
+ << "b + n, " << arg << "." << mi.var << "value, sk);";
@@ -973,8 +974,12 @@ namespace relational
os << "if (sk != statement_update)"
<< "{";
- os << (obj ? "object" : "composite_value") << "_traits< " <<
- class_fq_name (c) << " >::bind (b + n, i, sk);";
+ if (obj)
+ os << "object_traits_impl< ";
+ else
+ os << "composite_value_traits< ";
+ os << class_fq_name (c) << ", id_" << db << " >::bind (b + n, i, sk);";
column_count_type const& cc (column_count (c));
@@ -1067,8 +1072,15 @@ namespace relational
os << "// " << class_name (c) << " base" << endl
<< "//" << endl;
- os << "if (" << (obj ? "object" : "composite_value") << "_traits< " <<
- class_fq_name (c) << " >::grow (i, t + " << index_ << "UL))" << endl
+ os << "if (";
+ if (obj)
+ os << "object_traits_impl< ";
+ else
+ os << "composite_value_traits< ";
+ os << class_fq_name (c) << ", id_" << db << " >::grow (" << endl
+ << "i, t + " << index_ << "UL))" << endl
<< "grew = true;"
<< endl;
@@ -1232,10 +1244,11 @@ namespace relational
if (null (mi.m, key_prefix_) &&
mi.wrapper->template get<bool> ("wrapper-null-handler"))
- os << "if (wrapper_traits< " + wt + " >::get_null (" <<
+ os << "if (wrapper_traits< " << wt << " >::get_null (" <<
member << "))" << endl
- << "composite_value_traits< " + mi.fq_type () + " >::" <<
- "set_null (i." << mi.var << "value, sk);"
+ << "composite_value_traits< " << mi.fq_type () << ", id_" <<
+ db << " >::set_null (" << endl
+ << "i." << mi.var << "value, sk);"
<< "else"
<< "{";
@@ -1307,7 +1320,8 @@ namespace relational
if (comp)
- traits = "composite_value_traits< " + type + " >";
+ traits = "composite_value_traits< " + type + ", id_" +
+ db.string () + " >";
db_type_id = member_database_type_id_->database_type_id (mi.m);
@@ -1403,8 +1417,12 @@ namespace relational
if (generate_grow)
os << "if (";
- os << (obj ? "object" : "composite_value") << "_traits< " <<
- class_fq_name (c) << " >::init (i, o, sk)";
+ if (obj)
+ os << "object_traits_impl< ";
+ else
+ os << "composite_value_traits< ";
+ os << class_fq_name (c) << ", id_" << db << " >::init (i, o, sk)";
if (generate_grow)
os << ")" << endl
@@ -1571,9 +1589,10 @@ namespace relational
if (null (mi.m, key_prefix_) &&
mi.wrapper->template get<bool> ("wrapper-null-handler"))
- os << "if (composite_value_traits< " + mi.fq_type () + " >::" <<
- "get_null (i." << mi.var << "value))" << endl
- << "wrapper_traits< " + wt + " >::set_null (" << member + ");"
+ os << "if (composite_value_traits< " << mi.fq_type () <<
+ ", id_" << db << " >::get_null (" << endl
+ << "i." << mi.var << "value))" << endl
+ << "wrapper_traits< " << wt << " >::set_null (" << member + ");"
<< "else" << endl;
@@ -1595,8 +1614,9 @@ namespace relational
os << "if (";
if (comp)
- os << "composite_value_traits< " + type + " >::get_null (i." <<
- mi.var << "value)";
+ os << "composite_value_traits< " << type << ", id_" << db <<
+ " >::get_null (" << endl
+ << "i." << mi.var << "value)";
get_null (mi);
@@ -1618,7 +1638,8 @@ namespace relational
type = mi.fq_type ();
if (comp)
- traits = "composite_value_traits< " + type + " >";
+ traits = "composite_value_traits< " + type + ", id_" +
+ db.string () + " >";
db_type_id = member_database_type_id_->database_type_id (mi.m);
@@ -1645,7 +1666,8 @@ namespace relational
semantics::type& pt (member_utype (mi.m, key_prefix_));
if (lazy_pointer (pt))
- os << member << " = ptr_traits::pointer_type (*db, id);";
+ os << member << " = ptr_traits::pointer_type (" << endl
+ << "*static_cast<" << db << "::database*> (db), id);";
os << "// If a compiler error points to the line below, then" << endl
@@ -1653,7 +1675,8 @@ namespace relational
<< "// cannot be initialized from an object pointer." << endl
<< "//" << endl
<< member << " = ptr_traits::pointer_type (" << endl
- << "db->load< obj_traits::object_type > (id));";
+ << "static_cast<" << db << "::database*> (db)->load<" << endl
+ << " obj_traits::object_type > (id));";
// If we are loading into an eager weak pointer, make sure there
// is someone else holding a strong pointer to it (normally a
@@ -1730,9 +1753,14 @@ namespace relational
os << "// " << class_name (c) << " base" << endl
- << "//" << endl
- << (obj ? "object" : "composite_value") << "_traits< " <<
- class_fq_name (c) << " >::init (o, i, db);"
+ << "//" << endl;
+ if (obj)
+ os << "object_traits_impl< ";
+ else
+ os << "composite_value_traits< ";
+ os << class_fq_name (c) << ", id_" << db << " >::init (o, i, db);"
<< endl;
@@ -1750,12 +1778,11 @@ namespace relational
c_ (c)
- string const& type (class_fq_name (c));
+ scope_ = object (c)
+ ? "access::object_traits_impl< "
+ : "access::composite_value_traits< ";
- if (object (c))
- scope_ = "access::object_traits< " + type + " >";
- else
- scope_ = "access::composite_value_traits< " + type + " >";
+ scope_ += class_fq_name (c) + ", id_" + db.string () + " >";
// Unless the database system can execute several interleaving
@@ -3381,7 +3408,7 @@ namespace relational
virtual void
- post_query_ (type&)
+ post_query_ (type&, bool /*once_off*/)
@@ -3400,11 +3427,13 @@ namespace relational
virtual void
- object_query_statement_ctor_args (type&)
+ object_query_statement_ctor_args (type&,
+ std::string const& q,
+ bool /*prepared*/)
- os << "sts.connection ()," << endl
- << "query_statement + q.clause ()," << endl
- << "q.parameters_binding ()," << endl
+ os << "conn," << endl
+ << "query_statement + " << q << ".clause ()," << endl
+ << q << ".parameters_binding ()," << endl
<< "imb";
@@ -3429,11 +3458,13 @@ namespace relational
virtual void
- view_query_statement_ctor_args (type&)
+ view_query_statement_ctor_args (type&,
+ string const& q,
+ bool /*prepared*/)
- os << "sts.connection ()," << endl
- << "qs.clause ()," << endl
- << "qs.parameters_binding ()," << endl
+ os << "conn," << endl
+ << q << ".clause ()," << endl
+ << q << ".parameters_binding ()," << endl
<< "imb";
@@ -3469,7 +3500,8 @@ namespace relational
traverse_composite (type& c)
string const& type (class_fq_name (c));
- string traits ("access::composite_value_traits< " + type + " >");
+ string traits ("access::composite_value_traits< " + type + ", id_" +
+ db.string () + " >");
os << "// " << class_name (c) << endl
<< "//" << endl
@@ -3637,9 +3669,6 @@ namespace relational
if (embedded_schema)
os << "#include <odb/schema-catalog-impl.hxx>" << endl;
- if (options.generate_query ())
- os << "#include <odb/details/shared-ptr.hxx>" << endl;
os << endl;
os << "#include <odb/" << db << "/traits.hxx>" << endl
@@ -3666,6 +3695,9 @@ namespace relational
if (options.generate_query ())
+ if (options.generate_prepared ())
+ os << "#include <odb/" << db << "/prepared-query.hxx>" << endl;
if (features.simple_object)
os << "#include <odb/" << db << "/simple-object-result.hxx>" << endl;
diff --git a/odb/relational/sqlite/common.cxx b/odb/relational/sqlite/common.cxx
index 7164ef3..601b01d 100644
--- a/odb/relational/sqlite/common.cxx
+++ b/odb/relational/sqlite/common.cxx
@@ -78,7 +78,8 @@ namespace relational
void member_image_type::
traverse_composite (member_info& mi)
- type_ = "composite_value_traits< " + mi.fq_type () + " >::image_type";
+ type_ = "composite_value_traits< " + mi.fq_type () +
+ ", id_sqlite >::image_type";
void member_image_type::
diff --git a/odb/relational/sqlite/source.cxx b/odb/relational/sqlite/source.cxx
index 03467cc..731afba 100644
--- a/odb/relational/sqlite/source.cxx
+++ b/odb/relational/sqlite/source.cxx
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ namespace relational
traverse_composite (member_info& mi)
os << "if (composite_value_traits< " << mi.fq_type () <<
- " >::grow (" << endl
+ ", id_sqlite >::grow (" << endl
<< "i." << mi.var << "value, t + " << index_ << "UL))"
<< "{"
<< "grew = true;"
diff --git a/odb/relational/validator.cxx b/odb/relational/validator.cxx
index 1269406..9d14571 100644
--- a/odb/relational/validator.cxx
+++ b/odb/relational/validator.cxx
@@ -21,11 +21,228 @@ namespace relational
// Pass 2.
+ struct data_member2: traversal::data_member, context
+ {
+ data_member2 (bool& valid)
+ : valid_ (valid)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse (type& m)
+ {
+ if (transient (m))
+ return;
+ if (null (m))
+ {
+ if (semantics::class_* c = composite_wrapper (utype (m)))
+ {
+ if (has_a (*c, test_container))
+ {
+ os << m.file () << ":" << m.line () << ":" << m.column () << ":"
+ << " error: composite member containing containers cannot "
+ << "be null" << endl;
+ os << c->file () << ":" << c->line () << ":" << c->column ()
+ << ": info: composite value type is defined here" << endl;
+ valid_ = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool& valid_;
+ };
+ struct object_no_id_members: object_members_base
+ {
+ object_no_id_members (bool& valid)
+ : object_members_base (false, false, true), valid_ (valid), dm_ (0)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse_pointer (semantics::data_member& m, semantics::class_&)
+ {
+ if (inverse (m))
+ {
+ semantics::data_member& dm (dm_ != 0 ? *dm_ : m);
+ os << dm.file () << ":" << dm.line () << ":" << dm.column () << ":"
+ << " error: inverse object pointer member '" << member_prefix_
+ << () << "' in an object without an object id" << endl;
+ valid_ = false;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse_container (semantics::data_member& m, semantics::type&)
+ {
+ semantics::data_member& dm (dm_ != 0 ? *dm_ : m);
+ os << dm.file () << ":" << dm.line () << ":" << dm.column () << ":"
+ << " error: container member '" << member_prefix_ << ()
+ << "' in an object without an object id" << endl;
+ valid_ = false;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse_composite (semantics::data_member* m, semantics::class_& c)
+ {
+ semantics::data_member* old_dm (dm_);
+ if (dm_ == 0)
+ dm_ = m;
+ object_members_base::traverse_composite (m, c);
+ dm_ = old_dm;
+ }
+ private:
+ bool& valid_;
+ semantics::data_member* dm_; // Direct object data member.
+ };
+ struct composite_id_members: object_members_base
+ {
+ composite_id_members (bool& valid)
+ : object_members_base (false, false, true), valid_ (valid), dm_ (0)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse_pointer (semantics::data_member& m, semantics::class_&)
+ {
+ semantics::data_member& dm (dm_ != 0 ? *dm_ : m);
+ os << dm.file () << ":" << dm.line () << ":" << dm.column () << ":"
+ << " error: object pointer member '" << member_prefix_ << ()
+ << "' in a composite value type that is used as an object id"
+ << endl;
+ valid_ = false;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse_simple (semantics::data_member& m)
+ {
+ if (readonly (member_path_, member_scope_))
+ {
+ semantics::data_member& dm (dm_ != 0 ? *dm_ : m);
+ os << dm.file () << ":" << dm.line () << ":" << dm.column () << ":"
+ << " error: readonly member '" << member_prefix_ << ()
+ << "' in a composite value type that is used as an object id"
+ << endl;
+ valid_ = false;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse_container (semantics::data_member& m, semantics::type&)
+ {
+ semantics::data_member& dm (dm_ != 0 ? *dm_ : m);
+ os << dm.file () << ":" << dm.line () << ":" << dm.column () << ":"
+ << " error: container member '" << member_prefix_ << ()
+ << "' in a composite value type that is used as an object id"
+ << endl;
+ valid_ = false;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse_composite (semantics::data_member* m, semantics::class_& c)
+ {
+ semantics::data_member* old_dm (dm_);
+ if (dm_ == 0)
+ dm_ = m;
+ object_members_base::traverse_composite (m, c);
+ dm_ = old_dm;
+ }
+ private:
+ bool& valid_;
+ semantics::data_member* dm_; // Direct composite member.
+ };
+ struct view_members: object_members_base
+ {
+ view_members (bool& valid)
+ : object_members_base (false, false, true), valid_ (valid), dm_ (0)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse_simple (semantics::data_member& m)
+ {
+ if (object_pointer (utype (m)))
+ {
+ semantics::data_member& dm (dm_ != 0 ? *dm_ : m);
+ os << dm.file () << ":" << dm.line () << ":" << dm.column () << ":"
+ << " error: view data member '" << member_prefix_ << ()
+ << "' is an object pointer" << endl;
+ os << dm.file () << ":" << dm.line () << ":" << dm.column () << ":"
+ << ": info: views cannot contain object pointers" << endl;
+ valid_ = false;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse_container (semantics::data_member& m, semantics::type&)
+ {
+ semantics::data_member& dm (dm_ != 0 ? *dm_ : m);
+ os << dm.file () << ":" << dm.line () << ":" << dm.column () << ":"
+ << " error: view data member '" << member_prefix_ << ()
+ << "' is a container" << endl;
+ os << dm.file () << ":" << dm.line () << ":" << dm.column () << ":"
+ << ": info: views cannot contain containers" << endl;
+ valid_ = false;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ traverse_composite (semantics::data_member* m, semantics::class_& c)
+ {
+ semantics::data_member* old_dm (dm_);
+ if (dm_ == 0)
+ dm_ = m;
+ object_members_base::traverse_composite (m, c);
+ dm_ = old_dm;
+ }
+ private:
+ bool& valid_;
+ semantics::data_member* dm_; // Direct view data member.
+ };
struct class2: traversal::class_, context
class2 (bool& valid)
- : valid_ (valid)
+ : valid_ (valid),
+ data_member_ (valid),
+ object_no_id_members_ (valid),
+ composite_id_members_ (valid),
+ view_members_ (valid)
+ *this >> data_member_names_ >> data_member_;
virtual void
@@ -56,6 +273,66 @@ namespace relational
virtual void
traverse_object (type& c)
+ semantics::data_member* id (id_member (c));
+ if (id != 0)
+ {
+ if (semantics::class_* cm = composite_wrapper (utype (*id)))
+ {
+ // Composite id cannot be auto.
+ //
+ if (auto_ (*id))
+ {
+ os << id->file () << ":" << id->line () << ":" << id->column ()
+ << ": error: composite id cannot be automatically assigned"
+ << endl;
+ valid_ = false;
+ }
+ // Make sure we don't have any containers or pointers in this
+ // composite value type.
+ //
+ if (valid_)
+ {
+ composite_id_members_.traverse (*cm);
+ if (!valid_)
+ os << id->file () << ":" << id->line () << ":" << id->column ()
+ << ": info: composite id is defined here" << endl;
+ }
+ // Check that the composite value type is default-constructible.
+ //
+ if (!cm->default_ctor ())
+ {
+ os << cm->file () << ":" << cm->line () << ":" << cm->column ()
+ << ": error: composite value type that is used as object id "
+ << "is not default-constructible" << endl;
+ os << cm->file () << ":" << cm->line () << ":" << cm->column ()
+ << ": info: provide default constructor for this value type"
+ << endl;
+ os << id->file () << ":" << id->line () << ":" << id->column ()
+ << ": info: composite id is defined here" << endl;
+ valid_ = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!abstract (c))
+ {
+ // Make sure we don't have any containers or inverse pointers.
+ //
+ object_no_id_members_.traverse (c);
+ }
+ }
+ names (c);
// Validate indexes.
@@ -90,17 +367,30 @@ namespace relational
virtual void
- traverse_view (type&)
+ traverse_view (type& c)
+ // Make sure we don't have any containers or object pointers.
+ //
+ view_members_.traverse (c);
+ names (c);
virtual void
- traverse_composite (type&)
+ traverse_composite (type& c)
+ names (c);
bool& valid_;
+ data_member2 data_member_;
+ traversal::names data_member_names_;
+ object_no_id_members object_no_id_members_;
+ composite_id_members composite_id_members_;
+ view_members view_members_;
diff --git a/odb/validator.cxx b/odb/validator.cxx
index aba82a5..5e99114 100644
--- a/odb/validator.cxx
+++ b/odb/validator.cxx
@@ -821,233 +821,13 @@ namespace
// Pass 2.
- struct data_member2: traversal::data_member, context
- {
- data_member2 (bool& valid)
- : valid_ (valid)
- {
- }
- virtual void
- traverse (type& m)
- {
- if (transient (m))
- return;
- if (null (m))
- {
- if (semantics::class_* c = composite_wrapper (utype (m)))
- {
- if (has_a (*c, test_container))
- {
- os << m.file () << ":" << m.line () << ":" << m.column () << ":"
- << " error: composite member containing containers cannot "
- << "be null" << endl;
- os << c->file () << ":" << c->line () << ":" << c->column () << ":"
- << " info: composite value type is defined here" << endl;
- valid_ = false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- bool& valid_;
- };
- struct object_no_id_members: object_members_base
- {
- object_no_id_members (bool& valid)
- : object_members_base (false, false, true), valid_ (valid), dm_ (0)
- {
- }
- virtual void
- traverse_pointer (semantics::data_member& m, semantics::class_&)
- {
- if (inverse (m))
- {
- semantics::data_member& dm (dm_ != 0 ? *dm_ : m);
- os << dm.file () << ":" << dm.line () << ":" << dm.column () << ":"
- << " error: inverse object pointer member '" << member_prefix_
- << () << "' in an object without an object id" << endl;
- valid_ = false;
- }
- }
- virtual void
- traverse_container (semantics::data_member& m, semantics::type&)
- {
- semantics::data_member& dm (dm_ != 0 ? *dm_ : m);
- os << dm.file () << ":" << dm.line () << ":" << dm.column () << ":"
- << " error: container member '" << member_prefix_ << ()
- << "' in an object without an object id" << endl;
- valid_ = false;
- }
- virtual void
- traverse_composite (semantics::data_member* m, semantics::class_& c)
- {
- semantics::data_member* old_dm (dm_);
- if (dm_ == 0)
- dm_ = m;
- object_members_base::traverse_composite (m, c);
- dm_ = old_dm;
- }
- private:
- bool& valid_;
- semantics::data_member* dm_; // Direct object data member.
- };
- struct composite_id_members: object_members_base
- {
- composite_id_members (bool& valid)
- : object_members_base (false, false, true), valid_ (valid), dm_ (0)
- {
- }
- virtual void
- traverse_pointer (semantics::data_member& m, semantics::class_&)
- {
- semantics::data_member& dm (dm_ != 0 ? *dm_ : m);
- os << dm.file () << ":" << dm.line () << ":" << dm.column () << ":"
- << " error: object pointer member '" << member_prefix_ << ()
- << "' in a composite value type that is used as an object id" << endl;
- valid_ = false;
- }
- virtual void
- traverse_simple (semantics::data_member& m)
- {
- if (readonly (member_path_, member_scope_))
- {
- semantics::data_member& dm (dm_ != 0 ? *dm_ : m);
- os << dm.file () << ":" << dm.line () << ":" << dm.column () << ":"
- << " error: readonly member '" << member_prefix_ << ()
- << "' in a composite value type that is used as an object id"
- << endl;
- valid_ = false;
- }
- }
- virtual void
- traverse_container (semantics::data_member& m, semantics::type&)
- {
- semantics::data_member& dm (dm_ != 0 ? *dm_ : m);
- os << dm.file () << ":" << dm.line () << ":" << dm.column () << ":"
- << " error: container member '" << member_prefix_ << ()
- << "' in a composite value type that is used as an object id" << endl;
- valid_ = false;
- }
- virtual void
- traverse_composite (semantics::data_member* m, semantics::class_& c)
- {
- semantics::data_member* old_dm (dm_);
- if (dm_ == 0)
- dm_ = m;
- object_members_base::traverse_composite (m, c);
- dm_ = old_dm;
- }
- private:
- bool& valid_;
- semantics::data_member* dm_; // Direct composite member.
- };
- struct view_members: object_members_base
- {
- view_members (bool& valid)
- : object_members_base (false, false, true), valid_ (valid), dm_ (0)
- {
- }
- virtual void
- traverse_simple (semantics::data_member& m)
- {
- if (object_pointer (utype (m)))
- {
- semantics::data_member& dm (dm_ != 0 ? *dm_ : m);
- os << dm.file () << ":" << dm.line () << ":" << dm.column () << ":"
- << " error: view data member '" << member_prefix_ << ()
- << "' is an object pointer" << endl;
- os << dm.file () << ":" << dm.line () << ":" << dm.column () << ":"
- << ": info: views cannot contain object pointers" << endl;
- valid_ = false;
- }
- }
- virtual void
- traverse_container (semantics::data_member& m, semantics::type&)
- {
- semantics::data_member& dm (dm_ != 0 ? *dm_ : m);
- os << dm.file () << ":" << dm.line () << ":" << dm.column () << ":"
- << " error: view data member '" << member_prefix_ << ()
- << "' is a container" << endl;
- os << dm.file () << ":" << dm.line () << ":" << dm.column () << ":"
- << ": info: views cannot contain containers" << endl;
- valid_ = false;
- }
- virtual void
- traverse_composite (semantics::data_member* m, semantics::class_& c)
- {
- semantics::data_member* old_dm (dm_);
- if (dm_ == 0)
- dm_ = m;
- object_members_base::traverse_composite (m, c);
- dm_ = old_dm;
- }
- private:
- bool& valid_;
- semantics::data_member* dm_; // Direct view data member.
- };
- //
- //
struct class2: traversal::class_, context
class2 (bool& valid)
- : valid_ (valid),
- data_member_ (valid),
- object_no_id_members_ (valid),
- composite_id_members_ (valid),
- view_members_ (valid)
+ : valid_ (valid), has_lt_operator_ (0)
- *this >> data_member_names_ >> data_member_;
- // Find the has_lt_operator function template..
+ // Find the has_lt_operator function template.
- has_lt_operator_ = 0;
tree odb (
lookup_qualified_name (
global_namespace, get_identifier ("odb"), false, false));
@@ -1098,148 +878,79 @@ namespace
virtual void
traverse_object (type& c)
- semantics::data_member* id (id_member (c));
- if (id != 0)
+ if (semantics::data_member* id = id_member (c))
- if (semantics::class_* cm = composite_wrapper (utype (*id)))
- {
- // Composite id cannot be auto.
- //
- if (auto_ (*id))
- {
- os << id->file () << ":" << id->line () << ":" << id->column ()
- << ": error: composite id cannot be automatically assigned"
- << endl;
+ semantics::type& t (utype (*id));
- valid_ = false;
- }
+ // If this is a session object, make sure that the id type can
+ // be compared.
+ //
+ if (session (c) && has_lt_operator_ != 0)
+ {
+ tree args (make_tree_vec (1));
+ TREE_VEC_ELT (args, 0) = t.tree_node ();
- // Make sure we don't have any containers or pointers in this
- // composite value type.
- //
- if (valid_)
- {
- composite_id_members_.traverse (*cm);
+ tree inst (
+ instantiate_template (
+ has_lt_operator_, args, tf_none));
- if (!valid_)
- os << id->file () << ":" << id->line () << ":" << id->column ()
- << ": info: composite id is defined here" << endl;
- }
+ bool v (inst != error_mark_node);
- // Check that the composite value type is default-constructible.
- //
- if (!cm->default_ctor ())
+ if (v &&
- os << cm->file () << ":" << cm->line () << ":" << cm->column ()
- << ": error: composite value type that is used as object id "
- << "is not default-constructible" << endl;
- os << cm->file () << ":" << cm->line () << ":" << cm->column ()
- << ": info: provide default constructor for this value type"
- << endl;
+ // Instantiate this function template to see if the value type
+ // provides operator<. Unfortunately, GCC instantiate_decl()
+ // does not provide any control over the diagnostics it issues
+ // in case of an error. To work around this, we are going to
+ // temporarily redirect diagnostics to /dev/null, which is
+ // where asm_out_file points to (see plugin.cxx).
+ //
+ int ec (errorcount);
+ FILE* s (global_dc->printer->buffer->stream);
+ global_dc->printer->buffer->stream = asm_out_file;
- os << id->file () << ":" << id->line () << ":" << id->column ()
- << ": info: composite id is defined here" << endl;
+ instantiate_decl (inst, false, false);
- valid_ = false;
+ global_dc->printer->buffer->stream = s;
+ v = (ec == errorcount);
- // If this is a session object, make sure that the composite
- // value can be compared.
- //
- if (session (c) && has_lt_operator_ != 0)
+ if (!v)
- tree args (make_tree_vec (1));
- TREE_VEC_ELT (args, 0) = cm->tree_node ();
+ os << t.file () << ":" << t.line () << ":" << t.column ()
+ << ": error: value type that is used as object id in "
+ << "persistent class with session support does not define "
+ << "the less than (<) comparison" << endl;
- tree inst (
- instantiate_template (
- has_lt_operator_, args, tf_none));
+ os << t.file () << ":" << t.line () << ":" << t.column ()
+ << ": info: provide operator< for this value type" << endl;
- bool v (inst != error_mark_node);
- if (v &&
- {
- // Instantiate this function template to see if the value type
- // provides operator<. Unfortunately, GCC instantiate_decl()
- // does not provide any control over the diagnostics it issues
- // in case of an error. To work around this, we are going to
- // temporarily redirect diagnostics to /dev/null, which is
- // where asm_out_file points to (see plugin.cxx).
- //
- int ec (errorcount);
- FILE* s (global_dc->printer->buffer->stream);
- global_dc->printer->buffer->stream = asm_out_file;
- instantiate_decl (inst, false, false);
- global_dc->printer->buffer->stream = s;
- v = (ec == errorcount);
- }
- if (!v)
- {
- os << cm->file () << ":" << cm->line () << ":" << cm->column ()
- << ": error: composite value type that is used as object id "
- << "in persistent class with session support does not "
- << "define the less than (<) comparison"
- << endl;
- os << cm->file () << ":" << cm->line () << ":" << cm->column ()
- << ": info: provide operator< for this value type" << endl;
- os << id->file () << ":" << id->line () << ":" << id->column ()
- << ": info: composite id is defined here" << endl;
+ os << id->file () << ":" << id->line () << ":" << id->column ()
+ << ": info: id member is defined here" << endl;
- os << c.file () << ":" << c.line () << ":" << c.column ()
- << ": info: persistent class is defined here" << endl;
+ os << c.file () << ":" << c.line () << ":" << c.column ()
+ << ": info: persistent class is defined here" << endl;
- valid_ = false;
- }
+ valid_ = false;
- else
- {
- if (!abstract (c))
- {
- // Make sure we don't have any containers or inverse pointers.
- //
- object_no_id_members_.traverse (c);
- }
- }
- names (c);
virtual void
- traverse_view (type& c)
+ traverse_view (type&)
- // Make sure we don't have any containers or object pointers.
- //
- view_members_.traverse (c);
- names (c);
virtual void
- traverse_composite (type& c)
+ traverse_composite (type&)
- names (c);
bool& valid_;
tree has_lt_operator_;
- data_member2 data_member_;
- traversal::names data_member_names_;
- object_no_id_members object_no_id_members_;
- composite_id_members composite_id_members_;
- view_members view_members_;
@@ -1251,18 +962,38 @@ validate (options const& ops,
unsigned short pass)
bool valid (true);
+ database db (ops.database ()[0]);
// Validate options.
if (ops.generate_schema_only () &&
(ops.schema_format ().size () != 1 ||
- *ops.schema_format ().begin () != schema_format::sql))
+ *ops.schema_format ()[db].begin () != schema_format::sql))
cerr << "error: --generate-schema-only is only valid when generating " <<
"schema as a standalone SQL file" << endl;
valid = false;
+ // Multi-database support options.
+ //
+ if (ops.multi_database () == multi_database::dynamic &&
+ ops.default_database_specified () &&
+ ops.default_database () != database::common)
+ {
+ cerr << "error: when dynamic multi-database support is used, the " <<
+ "default database can only be 'common'" << endl;
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (db == database::common &&
+ ops.multi_database () == multi_database::disabled)
+ {
+ cerr << "error: 'common' database is only valid with multi-database " <<
+ "support enabled" << endl;
+ valid = false;
+ }
if (!valid)
throw failed ();
@@ -1319,13 +1050,29 @@ validate (options const& ops,
if (!valid)
throw failed ();
- try
+ switch (db)
- relational::validator v;
- v.validate (ops, f, u, p, pass);
- }
- catch (relational::validator::failed const&)
- {
- throw failed ();
+ case database::common:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ case database::mssql:
+ case database::mysql:
+ case database::oracle:
+ case database::pgsql:
+ case database::sqlite:
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ relational::validator v;
+ v.validate (ops, f, u, p, pass);
+ }
+ catch (relational::validator::failed const&)
+ {
+ throw failed ();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
diff --git a/odb/version.hxx b/odb/version.hxx
index 93ca6b5..0987c85 100644
--- a/odb/version.hxx
+++ b/odb/version.hxx
@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@
// ODB interface version: minor, major, and alpha/beta versions.
-#define ODB_VERSION 20100
-#define ODB_VERSION_STR "2.1"
+#define ODB_VERSION 20101
+#define ODB_VERSION_STR "2.2.a1"
// ODB compiler version: interface version plus the bugfix version.
-#define ODB_COMPILER_VERSION 2010100
+#define ODB_COMPILER_VERSION 2019901
+#define ODB_COMPILER_VERSION_STR "2.2.0.a1"
diff --git a/version b/version
index 3e3c2f1..722318f 100644
--- a/version
+++ b/version
@@ -1 +1 @@