path: root/libcommon/options.cxx
diff options
authorBoris Kolpackov <boris@codesynthesis.com>2010-09-08 21:23:37 +0200
committerBoris Kolpackov <boris@codesynthesis.com>2010-09-08 21:23:37 +0200
commitff5bb2accee87c24ee64e8fdcf5169e674c4b7b4 (patch)
tree321a74c1f48331cb44e3b90943501646c5024836 /libcommon/options.cxx
parentb3b1fac433a20e5ab6abb3729ecc5473a658718b (diff)
Add suppor for VC++ build
Diffstat (limited to 'libcommon/options.cxx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 796 deletions
diff --git a/libcommon/options.cxx b/libcommon/options.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d15251..0000000
--- a/libcommon/options.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,796 +0,0 @@
-// This code was generated by CLI, a command line interface
-// compiler for C++.
-#include "options.hxx"
-#include <map>
-#include <set>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <ostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <fstream>
-namespace cli
- // unknown_option
- //
- unknown_option::
- ~unknown_option () throw ()
- {
- }
- void unknown_option::
- print (std::ostream& os) const
- {
- os << "unknown option '" << option () << "'";
- }
- const char* unknown_option::
- what () const throw ()
- {
- return "unknown option";
- }
- // unknown_argument
- //
- unknown_argument::
- ~unknown_argument () throw ()
- {
- }
- void unknown_argument::
- print (std::ostream& os) const
- {
- os << "unknown argument '" << argument () << "'";
- }
- const char* unknown_argument::
- what () const throw ()
- {
- return "unknown argument";
- }
- // missing_value
- //
- missing_value::
- ~missing_value () throw ()
- {
- }
- void missing_value::
- print (std::ostream& os) const
- {
- os << "missing value for option '" << option () << "'";
- }
- const char* missing_value::
- what () const throw ()
- {
- return "missing option value";
- }
- // invalid_value
- //
- invalid_value::
- ~invalid_value () throw ()
- {
- }
- void invalid_value::
- print (std::ostream& os) const
- {
- os << "invalid value '" << value () << "' for option '"
- << option () << "'";
- }
- const char* invalid_value::
- what () const throw ()
- {
- return "invalid option value";
- }
- // eos_reached
- //
- void eos_reached::
- print (std::ostream& os) const
- {
- os << what ();
- }
- const char* eos_reached::
- what () const throw ()
- {
- return "end of argument stream reached";
- }
- // file_io_failure
- //
- file_io_failure::
- ~file_io_failure () throw ()
- {
- }
- void file_io_failure::
- print (std::ostream& os) const
- {
- os << "unable to open file '" << file () << "' or read failure";
- }
- const char* file_io_failure::
- what () const throw ()
- {
- return "unable to open file or read failure";
- }
- // unmatched_quote
- //
- unmatched_quote::
- ~unmatched_quote () throw ()
- {
- }
- void unmatched_quote::
- print (std::ostream& os) const
- {
- os << "unmatched quote in argument '" << argument () << "'";
- }
- const char* unmatched_quote::
- what () const throw ()
- {
- return "unmatched quote";
- }
- // scanner
- //
- scanner::
- ~scanner ()
- {
- }
- // argv_scanner
- //
- bool argv_scanner::
- more ()
- {
- return i_ < argc_;
- }
- const char* argv_scanner::
- peek ()
- {
- if (i_ < argc_)
- return argv_[i_];
- else
- throw eos_reached ();
- }
- const char* argv_scanner::
- next ()
- {
- if (i_ < argc_)
- {
- const char* r (argv_[i_]);
- if (erase_)
- {
- for (int i (i_ + 1); i < argc_; ++i)
- argv_[i - 1] = argv_[i];
- --argc_;
- argv_[argc_] = 0;
- }
- else
- ++i_;
- return r;
- }
- else
- throw eos_reached ();
- }
- void argv_scanner::
- skip ()
- {
- if (i_ < argc_)
- ++i_;
- else
- throw eos_reached ();
- }
- // argv_file_scanner
- //
- bool argv_file_scanner::
- more ()
- {
- if (!args_.empty ())
- return true;
- while (base::more ())
- {
- // See if the next argument is the file option.
- //
- const char* a (base::peek ());
- if (!skip_ && a == option_)
- {
- base::next ();
- if (!base::more ())
- throw missing_value (option_);
- load (base::next ());
- if (!args_.empty ())
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- if (!skip_)
- skip_ = (std::strcmp (a, "--") == 0);
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- const char* argv_file_scanner::
- peek ()
- {
- if (!more ())
- throw eos_reached ();
- return args_.empty () ? base::peek () : args_.front ().c_str ();
- }
- const char* argv_file_scanner::
- next ()
- {
- if (!more ())
- throw eos_reached ();
- if (args_.empty ())
- return base::next ();
- else
- {
- hold_.swap (args_.front ());
- args_.pop_front ();
- return hold_.c_str ();
- }
- }
- void argv_file_scanner::
- skip ()
- {
- if (!more ())
- throw eos_reached ();
- if (args_.empty ())
- return base::skip ();
- else
- args_.pop_front ();
- }
- void argv_file_scanner::
- load (const char* file)
- {
- using namespace std;
- ifstream is (file);
- if (!is.is_open ())
- throw file_io_failure (file);
- while (!is.eof ())
- {
- string line;
- getline (is, line);
- if (is.fail () && !is.eof ())
- throw file_io_failure (file);
- string::size_type n (line.size ());
- // Trim the line from leading and trailing whitespaces.
- //
- if (n != 0)
- {
- const char* f (line.c_str ());
- const char* l (f + n);
- const char* of (f);
- while (f < l && (*f == ' ' || *f == '\t' || *f == '\r'))
- ++f;
- --l;
- const char* ol (l);
- while (l > f && (*l == ' ' || *l == '\t' || *l == '\r'))
- --l;
- if (f != of || l != ol)
- line = f <= l ? string (f, l - f + 1) : string ();
- }
- // Ignore empty lines, those that start with #.
- //
- if (line.empty () || line[0] == '#')
- continue;
- string::size_type p (line.find (' '));
- if (p == string::npos)
- {
- if (!skip_)
- skip_ = (line == "--");
- args_.push_back (line);
- }
- else
- {
- string s1 (line, 0, p);
- // Skip leading whitespaces in the argument.
- //
- n = line.size ();
- for (++p; p < n; ++p)
- {
- char c (line[p]);
- if (c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\r')
- break;
- }
- string s2 (line, p);
- // If the string is wrapped in quotes, remove them.
- //
- n = s2.size ();
- char cf (s2[0]), cl (s2[n - 1]);
- if (cf == '"' || cf == '\'' || cl == '"' || cl == '\'')
- {
- if (n == 1 || cf != cl)
- throw unmatched_quote (s2);
- s2 = string (s2, 1, n - 2);
- }
- if (!skip_ && s1 == option_)
- load (s2.c_str ());
- else
- {
- args_.push_back (s1);
- args_.push_back (s2);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- template <typename X>
- struct parser
- {
- static void
- parse (X& x, bool& xs, scanner& s)
- {
- const char* o (s.next ());
- if (s.more ())
- {
- const char* v (s.next ());
- std::istringstream is (v);
- if (!(is >> x && is.eof ()))
- throw invalid_value (o, v);
- }
- else
- throw missing_value (o);
- xs = true;
- }
- };
- template <>
- struct parser<bool>
- {
- static void
- parse (bool& x, scanner& s)
- {
- s.next ();
- x = true;
- }
- };
- template <>
- struct parser<std::string>
- {
- static void
- parse (std::string& x, bool& xs, scanner& s)
- {
- const char* o (s.next ());
- if (s.more ())
- x = s.next ();
- else
- throw missing_value (o);
- xs = true;
- }
- };
- template <typename X>
- struct parser<std::vector<X> >
- {
- static void
- parse (std::vector<X>& c, bool& xs, scanner& s)
- {
- X x;
- bool dummy;
- parser<X>::parse (x, dummy, s);
- c.push_back (x);
- xs = true;
- }
- };
- template <typename X>
- struct parser<std::set<X> >
- {
- static void
- parse (std::set<X>& c, bool& xs, scanner& s)
- {
- X x;
- bool dummy;
- parser<X>::parse (x, dummy, s);
- c.insert (x);
- xs = true;
- }
- };
- template <typename K, typename V>
- struct parser<std::map<K, V> >
- {
- static void
- parse (std::map<K, V>& m, bool& xs, scanner& s)
- {
- const char* o (s.next ());
- if (s.more ())
- {
- std::string ov (s.next ());
- std::string::size_type p = ov.find ('=');
- if (p == std::string::npos)
- {
- K k = K ();
- if (!ov.empty ())
- {
- std::istringstream ks (ov);
- if (!(ks >> k && ks.eof ()))
- throw invalid_value (o, ov);
- }
- m[k] = V ();
- }
- else
- {
- K k = K ();
- V v = V ();
- std::string kstr (ov, 0, p);
- std::string vstr (ov, p + 1);
- if (!kstr.empty ())
- {
- std::istringstream ks (kstr);
- if (!(ks >> k && ks.eof ()))
- throw invalid_value (o, ov);
- }
- if (!vstr.empty ())
- {
- std::istringstream vs (vstr);
- if (!(vs >> v && vs.eof ()))
- throw invalid_value (o, ov);
- }
- m[k] = v;
- }
- }
- else
- throw missing_value (o);
- xs = true;
- }
- };
- template <typename X, typename T, T X::*M>
- void
- thunk (X& x, scanner& s)
- {
- parser<T>::parse (x.*M, s);
- }
- template <typename X, typename T, T X::*M, bool X::*S>
- void
- thunk (X& x, scanner& s)
- {
- parser<T>::parse (x.*M, x.*S, s);
- }
-#include <map>
-#include <cstring>
-namespace cli
- // mysql_options
- //
- mysql_options::
- mysql_options (int& argc,
- char** argv,
- bool erase,
- ::cli::unknown_mode opt,
- ::cli::unknown_mode arg)
- : help_ (),
- user_ (),
- user_specified_ (false),
- passwd_ (),
- passwd_specified_ (false),
- db_name_ (),
- db_name_specified_ (false),
- host_ (),
- host_specified_ (false),
- port_ (0),
- port_specified_ (false),
- socket_ (),
- socket_specified_ (false),
- options_file_ (),
- options_file_specified_ (false)
- {
- ::cli::argv_scanner s (argc, argv, erase);
- _parse (s, opt, arg);
- }
- mysql_options::
- mysql_options (int start,
- int& argc,
- char** argv,
- bool erase,
- ::cli::unknown_mode opt,
- ::cli::unknown_mode arg)
- : help_ (),
- user_ (),
- user_specified_ (false),
- passwd_ (),
- passwd_specified_ (false),
- db_name_ (),
- db_name_specified_ (false),
- host_ (),
- host_specified_ (false),
- port_ (0),
- port_specified_ (false),
- socket_ (),
- socket_specified_ (false),
- options_file_ (),
- options_file_specified_ (false)
- {
- ::cli::argv_scanner s (start, argc, argv, erase);
- _parse (s, opt, arg);
- }
- mysql_options::
- mysql_options (int& argc,
- char** argv,
- int& end,
- bool erase,
- ::cli::unknown_mode opt,
- ::cli::unknown_mode arg)
- : help_ (),
- user_ (),
- user_specified_ (false),
- passwd_ (),
- passwd_specified_ (false),
- db_name_ (),
- db_name_specified_ (false),
- host_ (),
- host_specified_ (false),
- port_ (0),
- port_specified_ (false),
- socket_ (),
- socket_specified_ (false),
- options_file_ (),
- options_file_specified_ (false)
- {
- ::cli::argv_scanner s (argc, argv, erase);
- _parse (s, opt, arg);
- end = s.end ();
- }
- mysql_options::
- mysql_options (int start,
- int& argc,
- char** argv,
- int& end,
- bool erase,
- ::cli::unknown_mode opt,
- ::cli::unknown_mode arg)
- : help_ (),
- user_ (),
- user_specified_ (false),
- passwd_ (),
- passwd_specified_ (false),
- db_name_ (),
- db_name_specified_ (false),
- host_ (),
- host_specified_ (false),
- port_ (0),
- port_specified_ (false),
- socket_ (),
- socket_specified_ (false),
- options_file_ (),
- options_file_specified_ (false)
- {
- ::cli::argv_scanner s (start, argc, argv, erase);
- _parse (s, opt, arg);
- end = s.end ();
- }
- mysql_options::
- mysql_options (::cli::scanner& s,
- ::cli::unknown_mode opt,
- ::cli::unknown_mode arg)
- : help_ (),
- user_ (),
- user_specified_ (false),
- passwd_ (),
- passwd_specified_ (false),
- db_name_ (),
- db_name_specified_ (false),
- host_ (),
- host_specified_ (false),
- port_ (0),
- port_specified_ (false),
- socket_ (),
- socket_specified_ (false),
- options_file_ (),
- options_file_specified_ (false)
- {
- _parse (s, opt, arg);
- }
- void mysql_options::
- print_usage (::std::ostream& os)
- {
- os << "--help Print usage information and exit." << ::std::endl;
- os << "--user <name> MySQL database user." << ::std::endl;
- os << "--passwd <str> MySQL database password" << ::std::endl;
- os << "--db-name <name> MySQL database name." << ::std::endl;
- os << "--host <addr> MySQL database host name or address (localhost by" << ::std::endl
- << " default)." << ::std::endl;
- os << "--port <integer> MySQL database port number." << ::std::endl;
- os << "--socket <name> MySQL database socket name." << ::std::endl;
- os << "--options-file <file> Read additional options from <file>." << ::std::endl;
- }
- typedef
- std::map<std::string, void (*) (mysql_options&, ::cli::scanner&)>
- _cli_mysql_options_map;
- static _cli_mysql_options_map _cli_mysql_options_map_;
- struct _cli_mysql_options_map_init
- {
- _cli_mysql_options_map_init ()
- {
- _cli_mysql_options_map_["--help"] =
- &::cli::thunk< mysql_options, bool, &mysql_options::help_ >;
- _cli_mysql_options_map_["--user"] =
- &::cli::thunk< mysql_options, std::string, &mysql_options::user_,
- &mysql_options::user_specified_ >;
- _cli_mysql_options_map_["--passwd"] =
- &::cli::thunk< mysql_options, std::string, &mysql_options::passwd_,
- &mysql_options::passwd_specified_ >;
- _cli_mysql_options_map_["--db-name"] =
- &::cli::thunk< mysql_options, std::string, &mysql_options::db_name_,
- &mysql_options::db_name_specified_ >;
- _cli_mysql_options_map_["--host"] =
- &::cli::thunk< mysql_options, std::string, &mysql_options::host_,
- &mysql_options::host_specified_ >;
- _cli_mysql_options_map_["--port"] =
- &::cli::thunk< mysql_options, unsigned int, &mysql_options::port_,
- &mysql_options::port_specified_ >;
- _cli_mysql_options_map_["--socket"] =
- &::cli::thunk< mysql_options, std::string, &mysql_options::socket_,
- &mysql_options::socket_specified_ >;
- _cli_mysql_options_map_["--options-file"] =
- &::cli::thunk< mysql_options, std::string, &mysql_options::options_file_,
- &mysql_options::options_file_specified_ >;
- }
- } _cli_mysql_options_map_init_;
- void mysql_options::
- _parse (::cli::scanner& s,
- ::cli::unknown_mode opt_mode,
- ::cli::unknown_mode arg_mode)
- {
- bool opt = true;
- while (s.more ())
- {
- const char* o = s.peek ();
- if (std::strcmp (o, "--") == 0)
- {
- s.skip ();
- opt = false;
- continue;
- }
- _cli_mysql_options_map::const_iterator i (
- opt ? _cli_mysql_options_map_.find (o) : _cli_mysql_options_map_.end ());
- if (i != _cli_mysql_options_map_.end ())
- {
- (*(i->second)) (*this, s);
- }
- else if (opt && std::strncmp (o, "-", 1) == 0 && o[1] != '\0')
- {
- switch (opt_mode)
- {
- case ::cli::unknown_mode::skip:
- {
- s.skip ();
- continue;
- }
- case ::cli::unknown_mode::stop:
- {
- break;
- }
- case ::cli::unknown_mode::fail:
- {
- throw ::cli::unknown_option (o);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- switch (arg_mode)
- {
- case ::cli::unknown_mode::skip:
- {
- s.skip ();
- continue;
- }
- case ::cli::unknown_mode::stop:
- {
- break;
- }
- case ::cli::unknown_mode::fail:
- {
- throw ::cli::unknown_argument (o);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }