path: root/cli
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cli')
3 files changed, 389 insertions, 381 deletions
diff --git a/cli/generator.cxx b/cli/generator.cxx
index 8b4b244..1ebde25 100644
--- a/cli/generator.cxx
+++ b/cli/generator.cxx
@@ -160,7 +160,9 @@ generate (options const& ops, semantics::cli_unit& unit, path const& p)
// Check if we need to generate the runtime code. If we include
// another options file, then we assume the runtime is generated
- // there.
+ // there. However, to reduce the number of standard headers we
+ // have to include in the generated header file, we will still
+ // need to generate some template code in the source file.
bool runtime (true);
for (semantics::cli_unit::includes_iterator i (unit.includes_begin ());
@@ -288,13 +290,10 @@ generate (options const& ops, semantics::cli_unit& unit, path const& p)
(br ? '>' : '"') << endl
<< endl;
- if (runtime)
- {
- if (!inl)
- generate_runtime_inline (ctx);
+ if (runtime && !inl)
+ generate_runtime_inline (ctx);
- generate_runtime_source (ctx);
- }
+ generate_runtime_source (ctx, runtime);
if (!inl)
generate_inline (ctx);
diff --git a/cli/runtime-source.cxx b/cli/runtime-source.cxx
index 37dc1ac..5964fdd 100644
--- a/cli/runtime-source.cxx
+++ b/cli/runtime-source.cxx
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
using namespace std;
-generate_runtime_source (context& ctx)
+generate_runtime_source (context& ctx, bool complete)
ostream& os (ctx.os);
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ generate_runtime_source (context& ctx)
<< "#include <ostream>" << endl
<< "#include <sstream>" << endl;
- if (ctx.options.generate_file_scanner ())
+ if (complete && ctx.options.generate_file_scanner ())
os << "#include <cstring>" << endl
<< "#include <fstream>" << endl;
@@ -27,443 +27,452 @@ generate_runtime_source (context& ctx)
ctx.cli_open ();
- // unknown_option
- //
- os << "// unknown_option" << endl
- << "//" << endl
- << "unknown_option::" << endl
- << "~unknown_option () throw ()"
- << "{"
- << "}"
- << "void unknown_option::" << endl
- << "print (std::ostream& os) const"
- << "{"
- << "os << \"unknown option '\" << option () << \"'\";"
- << "}"
- << "const char* unknown_option::" << endl
- << "what () const throw ()"
- << "{"
- << "return \"unknown option\";"
- << "}";
- // unknown_argument
- //
- os << "// unknown_argument" << endl
- << "//" << endl
- << "unknown_argument::" << endl
- << "~unknown_argument () throw ()"
- << "{"
- << "}"
- << "void unknown_argument::" << endl
- << "print (std::ostream& os) const"
- << "{"
- << "os << \"unknown argument '\" << argument () << \"'\";"
- << "}"
- << "const char* unknown_argument::" << endl
- << "what () const throw ()"
- << "{"
- << "return \"unknown argument\";"
- << "}";
- // missing_value
- //
- os << "// missing_value" << endl
- << "//" << endl
- << "missing_value::" << endl
- << "~missing_value () throw ()"
- << "{"
- << "}"
- << "void missing_value::" << endl
- << "print (std::ostream& os) const"
- << "{"
- << "os << \"missing value for option '\" << option () << \"'\";"
- << "}"
- << "const char* missing_value::" << endl
- << "what () const throw ()"
- << "{"
- << "return \"missing option value\";"
- << "}";
- // invalid_value
- //
- os << "// invalid_value" << endl
- << "//" << endl
- << "invalid_value::" << endl
- << "~invalid_value () throw ()"
- << "{"
- << "}"
- << "void invalid_value::" << endl
- << "print (std::ostream& os) const"
- << "{"
- << "os << \"invalid value '\" << value () << \"' for option '\"" << endl
- << " << option () << \"'\";"
- << "}"
- << "const char* invalid_value::" << endl
- << "what () const throw ()"
- << "{"
- << "return \"invalid option value\";"
- << "}";
- // eos_reached
- //
- os << "// eos_reached" << endl
- << "//" << endl
- << "void eos_reached::" << endl
- << "print (std::ostream& os) const"
- << "{"
- << "os << what ();"
- << "}"
- << "const char* eos_reached::" << endl
- << "what () const throw ()"
- << "{"
- << "return \"end of argument stream reached\";"
- << "}";
- if (ctx.options.generate_file_scanner ())
+ if (complete)
- // file_io_failure
+ // unknown_option
- os << "// file_io_failure" << endl
+ os << "// unknown_option" << endl
<< "//" << endl
- << "file_io_failure::" << endl
- << "~file_io_failure () throw ()"
+ << "unknown_option::" << endl
+ << "~unknown_option () throw ()"
<< "{"
<< "}"
- << "void file_io_failure::" << endl
+ << "void unknown_option::" << endl
<< "print (std::ostream& os) const"
<< "{"
- << "os << \"unable to open file '\" << file () << \"' or read failure\";"
+ << "os << \"unknown option '\" << option () << \"'\";"
<< "}"
- << "const char* file_io_failure::" << endl
+ << "const char* unknown_option::" << endl
<< "what () const throw ()"
<< "{"
- << "return \"unable to open file or read failure\";"
+ << "return \"unknown option\";"
<< "}";
- // unmatched_argument
+ // unknown_argument
- os << "// unmatched_quote" << endl
+ os << "// unknown_argument" << endl
<< "//" << endl
- << "unmatched_quote::" << endl
- << "~unmatched_quote () throw ()"
+ << "unknown_argument::" << endl
+ << "~unknown_argument () throw ()"
<< "{"
<< "}"
- << "void unmatched_quote::" << endl
+ << "void unknown_argument::" << endl
<< "print (std::ostream& os) const"
<< "{"
- << "os << \"unmatched quote in argument '\" << argument () << \"'\";"
+ << "os << \"unknown argument '\" << argument () << \"'\";"
<< "}"
- << "const char* unmatched_quote::" << endl
+ << "const char* unknown_argument::" << endl
<< "what () const throw ()"
<< "{"
- << "return \"unmatched quote\";"
+ << "return \"unknown argument\";"
<< "}";
- }
- // scanner
- //
- os << "// scanner" << endl
- << "//" << endl
- << "scanner::" << endl
- << "~scanner ()"
- << "{"
- << "}";
- // argv_scanner
- //
- os << "// argv_scanner" << endl
- << "//" << endl
- << "bool argv_scanner::" << endl
- << "more ()"
- << "{"
- << "return i_ < argc_;"
- << "}"
- << "const char* argv_scanner::" << endl
- << "peek ()"
- << "{"
- << "if (i_ < argc_)" << endl
- << "return argv_[i_];"
- << "else" << endl
- << "throw eos_reached ();"
- << "}"
- << "const char* argv_scanner::" << endl
- << "next ()"
- << "{"
- << "if (i_ < argc_)"
- << "{"
- << "const char* r (argv_[i_]);"
- << endl
- << "if (erase_)"
- << "{"
- << "for (int i (i_ + 1); i < argc_; ++i)" << endl
- << "argv_[i - 1] = argv_[i];"
- << endl
- << "--argc_;"
- << "argv_[argc_] = 0;"
- << "}"
- << "else" << endl
- << "++i_;"
- << endl
- << "return r;"
- << "}"
- << "else" << endl
- << "throw eos_reached ();"
- << "}"
- << "void argv_scanner::" << endl
- << "skip ()"
- << "{"
- << "if (i_ < argc_)" << endl
- << "++i_;"
- << "else" << endl
- << "throw eos_reached ();"
- << "}";
- // argv_file_scanner
- //
- if (ctx.options.generate_file_scanner ())
- {
- bool sep (!ctx.opt_sep.empty ());
- os << "// argv_file_scanner" << endl
- << "//" << endl
- << "bool argv_file_scanner::" << endl
- << "more ()"
- << "{"
- << "if (!args_.empty ())" << endl
- << "return true;"
- << endl
- << "while (base::more ())"
- << "{"
- << "// See if the next argument is the file option." << endl
+ // missing_value
+ //
+ os << "// missing_value" << endl
<< "//" << endl
- << "const char* a (base::peek ());"
- << "const option_info* oi;"
- << endl
- << "if (" << (sep ? "!skip_ && " : "") << "(oi = find (a)))"
- << "{"
- << "base::next ();"
- << endl
- << "if (!base::more ())" << endl
- << "throw missing_value (oi->option);"
- << endl
- << "if (oi->search_func != 0)"
+ << "missing_value::" << endl
+ << "~missing_value () throw ()"
<< "{"
- << "std::string f (oi->search_func (base::next (), oi->arg));"
- << endl
- << "if (!f.empty ())" << endl
- << "load (f);"
- << "}"
- << "else" << endl
- << "load (base::next ());"
- << endl
- << "if (!args_.empty ())" << endl
- << "return true;"
- << "}"
- << "else"
- << "{";
- if (sep)
- os << "if (!skip_)" << endl
- << "skip_ = (std::strcmp (a, \"" << ctx.opt_sep << "\") == 0);"
- << endl;
- os << "return true;"
- << "}"
- << "}" // while
- << "return false;"
<< "}"
- << "const char* argv_file_scanner::" << endl
- << "peek ()"
+ << "void missing_value::" << endl
+ << "print (std::ostream& os) const"
<< "{"
- << "if (!more ())" << endl
- << "throw eos_reached ();"
- << endl
- << "return args_.empty () ? base::peek () : args_.front ().c_str ();"
+ << "os << \"missing value for option '\" << option () << \"'\";"
<< "}"
- << "const char* argv_file_scanner::" << endl
- << "next ()"
- << "{"
- << "if (!more ())" << endl
- << "throw eos_reached ();"
- << endl
- << "if (args_.empty ())" << endl
- << "return base::next ();"
- << "else"
+ << "const char* missing_value::" << endl
+ << "what () const throw ()"
<< "{"
- << "hold_.swap (args_.front ());"
- << "args_.pop_front ();"
- << "return hold_.c_str ();"
- << "}"
- << "}"
+ << "return \"missing option value\";"
+ << "}";
- << "void argv_file_scanner::" << endl
- << "skip ()"
+ // invalid_value
+ //
+ os << "// invalid_value" << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "invalid_value::" << endl
+ << "~invalid_value () throw ()"
<< "{"
- << "if (!more ())" << endl
- << "throw eos_reached ();"
- << endl
- << "if (args_.empty ())" << endl
- << "return base::skip ();"
- << "else" << endl
- << "args_.pop_front ();"
<< "}"
- << "const argv_file_scanner::option_info* argv_file_scanner::" << endl
- << "find (const char* a) const"
+ << "void invalid_value::" << endl
+ << "print (std::ostream& os) const"
<< "{"
- << "for (std::size_t i (0); i < options_count_; ++i)" << endl
- << "if (std::strcmp (a, options_[i].option) == 0)" << endl
- << "return &options_[i];"
- << endl
- << "return 0;"
+ << "os << \"invalid value '\" << value () << \"' for option '\"" << endl
+ << " << option () << \"'\";"
<< "}"
- << "void argv_file_scanner::" << endl
- << "load (const std::string& file)"
- << "{"
- << "using namespace std;"
- << endl
- << "ifstream is (file.c_str ());"
- << endl
- << "if (!is.is_open ())" << endl
- << "throw file_io_failure (file);"
- << endl
- << "while (!is.eof ())"
+ << "const char* invalid_value::" << endl
+ << "what () const throw ()"
<< "{"
- << "string line;"
- << "getline (is, line);"
- << endl
- << "if ( () && !is.eof ())" << endl
- << "throw file_io_failure (file);"
- << endl
- << "string::size_type n (line.size ());"
- << endl
- << "// Trim the line from leading and trailing whitespaces." << endl
+ << "return \"invalid option value\";"
+ << "}";
+ // eos_reached
+ //
+ os << "// eos_reached" << endl
<< "//" << endl
- << "if (n != 0)"
+ << "void eos_reached::" << endl
+ << "print (std::ostream& os) const"
<< "{"
- << "const char* f (line.c_str ());"
- << "const char* l (f + n);"
- << endl
- << "const char* of (f);"
- << "while (f < l && (*f == ' ' || *f == '\\t' || *f == '\\r'))" << endl
- << "++f;"
- << endl
- << "--l;"
- << endl
- << "const char* ol (l);"
- << "while (l > f && (*l == ' ' || *l == '\\t' || *l == '\\r'))" << endl
- << "--l;"
- << endl
- << "if (f != of || l != ol)" << endl
- << "line = f <= l ? string (f, l - f + 1) : string ();"
+ << "os << what ();"
<< "}"
- << "// Ignore empty lines, those that start with #." << endl
+ << "const char* eos_reached::" << endl
+ << "what () const throw ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "return \"end of argument stream reached\";"
+ << "}";
+ if (ctx.options.generate_file_scanner ())
+ {
+ // file_io_failure
+ //
+ os << "// file_io_failure" << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "file_io_failure::" << endl
+ << "~file_io_failure () throw ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "}"
+ << "void file_io_failure::" << endl
+ << "print (std::ostream& os) const"
+ << "{"
+ << "os << \"unable to open file '\" << file () << \"' or read " <<
+ "failure\";"
+ << "}"
+ << "const char* file_io_failure::" << endl
+ << "what () const throw ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "return \"unable to open file or read failure\";"
+ << "}";
+ // unmatched_argument
+ //
+ os << "// unmatched_quote" << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "unmatched_quote::" << endl
+ << "~unmatched_quote () throw ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "}"
+ << "void unmatched_quote::" << endl
+ << "print (std::ostream& os) const"
+ << "{"
+ << "os << \"unmatched quote in argument '\" << argument () << \"'\";"
+ << "}"
+ << "const char* unmatched_quote::" << endl
+ << "what () const throw ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "return \"unmatched quote\";"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ // scanner
+ //
+ os << "// scanner" << endl
<< "//" << endl
- << "if (line.empty () || line[0] == '#')" << endl
- << "continue;"
- << endl
- << "string::size_type p (line.find (' '));"
- << endl
- << "if (p == string::npos)"
- << "{";
- if (sep)
- os << "if (!skip_)" << endl
- << "skip_ = (line == \"" << ctx.opt_sep << "\");"
- << endl;
- os << "args_.push_back (line);"
- << "}"
- << "else"
+ << "scanner::" << endl
+ << "~scanner ()"
<< "{"
- << "string s1 (line, 0, p);"
- << endl
- << "// Skip leading whitespaces in the argument." << endl
+ << "}";
+ // argv_scanner
+ //
+ os << "// argv_scanner" << endl
<< "//" << endl
- << "n = line.size ();"
- << "for (++p; p < n; ++p)"
+ << "bool argv_scanner::" << endl
+ << "more ()"
<< "{"
- << "char c (line[p]);"
- << endl
- << "if (c != ' ' && c != '\\t' && c != '\\r')" << endl
- << "break;"
+ << "return i_ < argc_;"
<< "}"
- << "string s2 (line, p);"
- << endl
- << "// If the string is wrapped in quotes, remove them." << endl
- << "//" << endl
- << "n = s2.size ();"
- << "char cf (s2[0]), cl (s2[n - 1]);"
- << endl
- << "if (cf == '\"' || cf == '\\'' || cl == '\"' || cl == '\\'')"
+ << "const char* argv_scanner::" << endl
+ << "peek ()"
<< "{"
- << "if (n == 1 || cf != cl)" << endl
- << "throw unmatched_quote (s2);"
- << endl
- << "s2 = string (s2, 1, n - 2);"
+ << "if (i_ < argc_)" << endl
+ << "return argv_[i_];"
+ << "else" << endl
+ << "throw eos_reached ();"
<< "}"
- << "const option_info* oi;"
- << "if (" << (sep ? "!skip_ && " : "") << "(oi = find (s1.c_str ())))" << endl
+ << "const char* argv_scanner::" << endl
+ << "next ()"
<< "{"
- << "if (s2.empty ())" << endl
- << "throw missing_value (oi->option);"
+ << "if (i_ < argc_)"
+ << "{"
+ << "const char* r (argv_[i_]);"
<< endl
- << "if (oi->search_func != 0)"
+ << "if (erase_)"
<< "{"
- << "std::string f (oi->search_func (s2.c_str (), oi->arg));"
+ << "for (int i (i_ + 1); i < argc_; ++i)" << endl
+ << "argv_[i - 1] = argv_[i];"
<< endl
- << "if (!f.empty ())" << endl
- << "load (f);"
+ << "--argc_;"
+ << "argv_[argc_] = 0;"
<< "}"
<< "else" << endl
- << "load (s2);"
- << "}"
- << "else"
- << "{"
- << "args_.push_back (s1);"
- << "args_.push_back (s2);"
+ << "++i_;"
+ << endl
+ << "return r;"
<< "}"
+ << "else" << endl
+ << "throw eos_reached ();"
<< "}"
- << "}" // while
- << "}";
- }
- // Option description.
- //
- if (ctx.options.generate_description ())
- {
- // options
- //
- os << "void options::" << endl
- << "push_back (const option& o)"
+ << "void argv_scanner::" << endl
+ << "skip ()"
<< "{"
- << "container_type::size_type n (size ());"
- << "container_type::push_back (o);"
- << "map_[ ()] = n;"
- << endl
- << "for (option_names::const_iterator i (o.aliases ().begin ());" << endl
- << "i != o.aliases ().end (); ++i)" << endl
- << "map_[*i] = n;"
+ << "if (i_ < argc_)" << endl
+ << "++i_;"
+ << "else" << endl
+ << "throw eos_reached ();"
<< "}";
+ // argv_file_scanner
+ //
+ if (ctx.options.generate_file_scanner ())
+ {
+ bool sep (!ctx.opt_sep.empty ());
+ os << "// argv_file_scanner" << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "bool argv_file_scanner::" << endl
+ << "more ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "if (!args_.empty ())" << endl
+ << "return true;"
+ << endl
+ << "while (base::more ())"
+ << "{"
+ << "// See if the next argument is the file option." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "const char* a (base::peek ());"
+ << "const option_info* oi;"
+ << endl
+ << "if (" << (sep ? "!skip_ && " : "") << "(oi = find (a)))"
+ << "{"
+ << "base::next ();"
+ << endl
+ << "if (!base::more ())" << endl
+ << "throw missing_value (oi->option);"
+ << endl
+ << "if (oi->search_func != 0)"
+ << "{"
+ << "std::string f (oi->search_func (base::next (), oi->arg));"
+ << endl
+ << "if (!f.empty ())" << endl
+ << "load (f);"
+ << "}"
+ << "else" << endl
+ << "load (base::next ());"
+ << endl
+ << "if (!args_.empty ())" << endl
+ << "return true;"
+ << "}"
+ << "else"
+ << "{";
+ if (sep)
+ os << "if (!skip_)" << endl
+ << "skip_ = (std::strcmp (a, \"" << ctx.opt_sep << "\") == 0);"
+ << endl;
+ os << "return true;"
+ << "}"
+ << "}" // while
+ << "return false;"
+ << "}"
+ << "const char* argv_file_scanner::" << endl
+ << "peek ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "if (!more ())" << endl
+ << "throw eos_reached ();"
+ << endl
+ << "return args_.empty () ? base::peek () : args_.front ().c_str ();"
+ << "}"
+ << "const char* argv_file_scanner::" << endl
+ << "next ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "if (!more ())" << endl
+ << "throw eos_reached ();"
+ << endl
+ << "if (args_.empty ())" << endl
+ << "return base::next ();"
+ << "else"
+ << "{"
+ << "hold_.swap (args_.front ());"
+ << "args_.pop_front ();"
+ << "return hold_.c_str ();"
+ << "}"
+ << "}"
+ << "void argv_file_scanner::" << endl
+ << "skip ()"
+ << "{"
+ << "if (!more ())" << endl
+ << "throw eos_reached ();"
+ << endl
+ << "if (args_.empty ())" << endl
+ << "return base::skip ();"
+ << "else" << endl
+ << "args_.pop_front ();"
+ << "}"
+ << "const argv_file_scanner::option_info* argv_file_scanner::" << endl
+ << "find (const char* a) const"
+ << "{"
+ << "for (std::size_t i (0); i < options_count_; ++i)" << endl
+ << "if (std::strcmp (a, options_[i].option) == 0)" << endl
+ << "return &options_[i];"
+ << endl
+ << "return 0;"
+ << "}"
+ << "void argv_file_scanner::" << endl
+ << "load (const std::string& file)"
+ << "{"
+ << "using namespace std;"
+ << endl
+ << "ifstream is (file.c_str ());"
+ << endl
+ << "if (!is.is_open ())" << endl
+ << "throw file_io_failure (file);"
+ << endl
+ << "while (!is.eof ())"
+ << "{"
+ << "string line;"
+ << "getline (is, line);"
+ << endl
+ << "if ( () && !is.eof ())" << endl
+ << "throw file_io_failure (file);"
+ << endl
+ << "string::size_type n (line.size ());"
+ << endl
+ << "// Trim the line from leading and trailing whitespaces." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "if (n != 0)"
+ << "{"
+ << "const char* f (line.c_str ());"
+ << "const char* l (f + n);"
+ << endl
+ << "const char* of (f);"
+ << "while (f < l && (*f == ' ' || *f == '\\t' || *f == '\\r'))" << endl
+ << "++f;"
+ << endl
+ << "--l;"
+ << endl
+ << "const char* ol (l);"
+ << "while (l > f && (*l == ' ' || *l == '\\t' || *l == '\\r'))" << endl
+ << "--l;"
+ << endl
+ << "if (f != of || l != ol)" << endl
+ << "line = f <= l ? string (f, l - f + 1) : string ();"
+ << "}"
+ << "// Ignore empty lines, those that start with #." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "if (line.empty () || line[0] == '#')" << endl
+ << "continue;"
+ << endl
+ << "string::size_type p (line.find (' '));"
+ << endl
+ << "if (p == string::npos)"
+ << "{";
+ if (sep)
+ os << "if (!skip_)" << endl
+ << "skip_ = (line == \"" << ctx.opt_sep << "\");"
+ << endl;
+ os << "args_.push_back (line);"
+ << "}"
+ << "else"
+ << "{"
+ << "string s1 (line, 0, p);"
+ << endl
+ << "// Skip leading whitespaces in the argument." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "n = line.size ();"
+ << "for (++p; p < n; ++p)"
+ << "{"
+ << "char c (line[p]);"
+ << endl
+ << "if (c != ' ' && c != '\\t' && c != '\\r')" << endl
+ << "break;"
+ << "}"
+ << "string s2 (line, p);"
+ << endl
+ << "// If the string is wrapped in quotes, remove them." << endl
+ << "//" << endl
+ << "n = s2.size ();"
+ << "char cf (s2[0]), cl (s2[n - 1]);"
+ << endl
+ << "if (cf == '\"' || cf == '\\'' || cl == '\"' || cl == '\\'')"
+ << "{"
+ << "if (n == 1 || cf != cl)" << endl
+ << "throw unmatched_quote (s2);"
+ << endl
+ << "s2 = string (s2, 1, n - 2);"
+ << "}"
+ << "const option_info* oi;"
+ << "if (" << (sep ? "!skip_ && " : "") <<
+ "(oi = find (s1.c_str ())))" << endl
+ << "{"
+ << "if (s2.empty ())" << endl
+ << "throw missing_value (oi->option);"
+ << endl
+ << "if (oi->search_func != 0)"
+ << "{"
+ << "std::string f (oi->search_func (s2.c_str (), oi->arg));"
+ << endl
+ << "if (!f.empty ())" << endl
+ << "load (f);"
+ << "}"
+ << "else" << endl
+ << "load (s2);"
+ << "}"
+ << "else"
+ << "{"
+ << "args_.push_back (s1);"
+ << "args_.push_back (s2);"
+ << "}"
+ << "}"
+ << "}" // while
+ << "}";
+ }
+ // Option description.
+ //
+ if (ctx.options.generate_description ())
+ {
+ // options
+ //
+ os << "void options::" << endl
+ << "push_back (const option& o)"
+ << "{"
+ << "container_type::size_type n (size ());"
+ << "container_type::push_back (o);"
+ << "map_[ ()] = n;"
+ << endl
+ << "for (option_names::const_iterator i (o.aliases ().begin ());" << endl
+ << "i != o.aliases ().end (); ++i)" << endl
+ << "map_[*i] = n;"
+ << "}";
+ }
+ // To reduce the number of standard headers we have to include in the
+ // generated header file, we always generate the following templates
+ // in the source file.
+ //
bool sp (ctx.specifier);
// parser class template & its specializations
diff --git a/cli/runtime-source.hxx b/cli/runtime-source.hxx
index 79e0cef..8300c9a 100644
--- a/cli/runtime-source.hxx
+++ b/cli/runtime-source.hxx
@@ -9,6 +9,6 @@
#include "context.hxx"
-generate_runtime_source (context&);
+generate_runtime_source (context&, bool complete);