// file : xsde/type-map/parser.cxx // author : Boris Kolpackov // copyright : Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Code Synthesis Tools CC // license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file #include #include #include using std::endl; namespace TypeMap { typedef Lexer::Token Token; typedef cutl::re::wformat Format; Parser::Parser (Lexer& lex, String const& path) : lex_ (lex), path_ (path), e (std::wcerr) { } Boolean Parser:: parse (Namespaces& ns) { try { Namespace* global = 0; for (Token t (lex_.next ()); t.type () != Token::eos; t = lex_.next ()) { String l (t.lexeme ()); if (l == L"namespace") { global = 0; if (!namespace_ (ns)) return false; } else if (l == L"include") { if (global == 0) { ns.push_back (Namespace (Pattern ())); global = &(*ns.rbegin ()); } if (!include (*global)) return false; } else if (l == L"type" || t.type () == Token::token) { // Type mapping can have 'type' specifier omitted. // if (l == L"type") t = lex_.next (); if (global == 0) { ns.push_back (Namespace (Pattern ())); global = &(*ns.rbegin ()); } if (!type (t, *global)) return false; } else { e << path_ << ":" << t.line () << ": unexpected '" << l << "'" << endl; return false; } } } catch (Lexer::Failed const&) { return false; } return true; } Boolean Parser:: namespace_ (Namespaces& ns) { // First get XML namespace. // Token t (lex_.next ()); Pattern xsd_name; try { xsd_name = t.lexeme (); } catch (Format const& ex) { e << path_ << ":" << t.line () << ": invalid namespace pattern: " << ex.description ().c_str () << endl; return false; } if (t.type () != Token::token) { e << path_ << ":" << t.line () << ": expected XML namespace " << "instead of '" << xsd_name << "'" << endl; return false; } // See if we've got optional C++ mapping. // t = lex_.next (); Boolean has_cxx_name (false); String cxx_name; if (t.type () != Token::token) { if (t.lexeme () != L"{") { e << path_ << ":" << t.line () << ": expected C++ namespace or '{' " << "instead of '" << t.lexeme () << "'" << endl; return false; } } else { has_cxx_name = true; cxx_name = t.lexeme (); } // Swallow '{' if needed. // if (has_cxx_name) { t = lex_.next (); if (t.type () != Token::punct || t.lexeme () != L"{") { e << path_ << ":" << t.line () << ": expected '{' instead of '" << t.lexeme () << "'" << endl; return false; } } Namespace n (xsd_name, has_cxx_name, cxx_name); // Parse namespace body. // for (t = lex_.next ();; t = lex_.next ()) { String l (t.lexeme ()); if (l == L"include") { if (!include (n)) return false; } else if (l == L"type" || t.type () == Token::token) { // Type mapping can have 'type' specifier omitted. // if (l == L"type") t = lex_.next (); if (!type (t, n)) return false; } else if (t.type () == Token::punct && l == L"}") { break; } else { e << path_ << ":" << t.line () << ": unexpected '" << l << "'" << endl; return false; } } if (cxx_name || n.types_begin () != n.types_end () || n.includes_begin () != n.includes_end ()) { ns.push_back (n); } return true; } Boolean Parser:: include (Namespace& n) { Token t (lex_.next ()); String path (t.lexeme ()); if (t.type () != Token::token) { e << path_ << ":" << t.line () << ": expected include path " << "instead of '" << path << "'" << endl; return false; } if (path && path[0] == L'<') n.includes_push_back (path); else n.includes_push_back (L'"' + path + L'"'); t = lex_.next (); if (t.type () != Token::punct || t.lexeme () != L";") { e << path_ << ":" << t.line () << ": expected ';' after '" << path << "'" << endl; return false; } return true; } Boolean Parser:: type (Token t, Namespace& n) { Pattern xsd_name; try { xsd_name = t.lexeme (); } catch (Format const& ex) { e << path_ << ":" << t.line () << ": invalid namespace pattern: " << ex.description ().c_str () << endl; return false; } if (t.type () != Token::token) { e << path_ << ":" << t.line () << ": expected XML Schema type name " << "instead of '" << xsd_name << "'" << endl; return false; } t = lex_.next (); String cxx_ret_name (t.lexeme ()); if (t.type () != Token::token) { e << path_ << ":" << t.line () << ": expected C++ type name " << "instead of '" << cxx_ret_name << "'" << endl; return false; } t = lex_.next (); String cxx_arg_name; // See if we've got optional argument type. // if (t.type () == Token::token) { cxx_arg_name = t.lexeme (); t = lex_.next (); } if (t.type () != Token::punct || t.lexeme () != L";") { e << path_ << ":" << t.line () << ": expected ';' after '" << cxx_arg_name << "'" << endl; return false; } n.types_push_back (xsd_name, cxx_ret_name, cxx_arg_name); return true; } }