// file : xsde/cxx/serializer/impl-source.cxx // copyright : Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Code Synthesis Tools CC // license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file #include #include #include namespace CXX { namespace Serializer { namespace { struct Enumeration: Traversal::Enumeration, Context { Enumeration (Context& c) : Context (c) { } virtual void traverse (Type& e) { String const& name (eimpl (e)); String const& arg (arg_type (e)); SemanticGraph::Type& base (e.inherits ().base ()); os << "// " << name << endl << "//" << endl << endl; // c-tor // if (tiein) os << name << "::" << endl << name << " ()" << endl << ": " << ename (e) << " (&base_impl_)" << "{" << "}"; // pre // os << "void " << name << "::" << endl; if (arg == L"void") os << "pre ()"; else os << "pre (" << arg << " v)"; os << "{"; if (arg == arg_type (base)) { if (tiein) { os << "base_impl_.pre (" << (arg != L"void" ? "v" : "") << ");"; } else if (mixin) { os << eimpl (base) << "::pre (" << (arg != L"void" ? "v" : "") << ");"; } } else { if (tiein) { os << "// TODO: call base_impl_.pre ()." << endl << "//" << endl; } else if (mixin) { os << "// TODO: call " << eimpl (base) << "::pre ()." << endl << "//" << endl; } } os << "}"; // post // os << "void " << name << "::" << endl << "post ()" << "{" << "}"; } }; // // struct List: Traversal::List, Context { List (Context& c) : Context (c) { } virtual void traverse (Type& l) { String const& name (eimpl (l)); SemanticGraph::Type& t (l.argumented ().type ()); String const& arg (arg_type (l)); String const& ret (ret_type (t)); String const& skel (ename (l)); String item (unclash (skel, "item")); String item_next (unclash (skel, "item_next")); os << "// " << name << endl << "//" << endl << endl; // pre // os << "void " << name << "::" << endl; if (arg == L"void") os << "pre ()" << "{" << "}"; else os << "pre (" << arg << " v)" << "{" << "// TODO" << endl << "//" << endl << "}"; // item // os << "bool " << name << "::" << endl << item_next << " ()" << "{" << "// TODO: return true if there is another item to" << endl << "// serialize." << endl << "//" << endl << "}"; os << ret << " " << name << "::" << endl << item << " ()" << "{" << "// TODO: return the next item." << endl << "//" << endl << "}"; // post // os << "void " << name << "::" << endl << "post ()" << "{" << "}"; } }; // // struct Union: Traversal::Union, Context { Union (Context& c) : Context (c) { } virtual void traverse (Type& u) { String const& name (eimpl (u)); String const& arg (arg_type (u)); os << "// " << name << endl << "//" << endl << endl; // pre // os << "void " << name << "::" << endl; if (arg == L"void") os << "pre ()" << "{" << "}"; else os << "pre (" << arg << " v)" << "{" << "// TODO" << endl << "//" << endl << "}"; // _serialize_content // os << "void " << name << "::" << endl << "_serialize_content ()" << "{" << "// TODO: call the _characters() function to serialize" << endl << "// text content." << endl << "//" << endl << "}"; // post // os << "void " << name << "::" << endl << "post ()" << "{" << "}"; } }; // // struct CompositorCallback: Traversal::All, Traversal::Choice, Traversal::Sequence, Context { CompositorCallback (Context& c) : Context (c) { } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::All& a) { // For the all compositor, maxOccurs=1 and minOccurs={0,1}. // if (a.min () == 0) { String const& s (eimpl (scope (a))); os << "bool " << s << "::" << endl << epresent (a) << " ()" << "{" << "// TODO: return true if the content corresponding" << endl << "// to the all compositor is present." << endl << "//" << endl << "}"; } Traversal::All::traverse (a); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Choice& c) { if (c.contains_begin () != c.contains_end ()) { size_t min (c.min ()), max (c.max ()); SemanticGraph::Complex& t (scope (c)); String const& s (eimpl (t)); if (min == 0 && max == 1) { os << "bool " << s << "::" << endl << epresent (c) << " ()" << "{" << "// TODO: return true if the content corresponding" << endl << "// to the choice compositor is present." << endl << "//" << endl << "}"; } else if (max != 1) { os << "bool " << s << "::" << endl << enext (c) << " ()" << "{" << "// TODO: return true if there is another choice" << endl << "// item to serialize." << endl << "//" << endl << "}"; } os << ename (t) << "::" << earm_tag (c) << " " << s << "::" << endl << earm (c) << " ()" << "{" << "// TODO: return the choice arm that is being" << endl << "// serialized." << endl << "//" << endl << "}"; Traversal::Choice::traverse (c); } } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Sequence& s) { size_t min (s.min ()), max (s.max ()); String const& sc (eimpl (scope (s))); if (min == 0 && max == 1) { os << "bool " << sc << "::" << endl << epresent (s) << " ()" << "{" << "// TODO: return true if the content corresponding" << endl << "// to the sequence compositor is present." << endl << "//" << endl << "}"; } else if (max != 1) { os << "bool " << sc << "::" << endl << enext (s) << " ()" << "{" << "// TODO: return true if there is another sequence" << endl << "// item to serialize." << endl << "//" << endl << "}"; } Traversal::Sequence::traverse (s); } private: SemanticGraph::Complex& scope (SemanticGraph::Compositor& c) { SemanticGraph::Compositor* root (&c); while (root->contained_particle_p ()) root = &root->contained_particle ().compositor (); return dynamic_cast ( root->contained_compositor ().container ()); } }; struct ParticleCallback: Traversal::Element, Traversal::Any, Context { ParticleCallback (Context& c) : Context (c) { } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Element& e) { size_t min (e.min ()), max (e.max ()); String const& s ( eimpl (dynamic_cast (e.scope ()))); if (min == 0 && max == 1) { os << "bool " << s << "::" << endl << epresent (e) << " ()" << "{" << "// TODO: return true if the element is present." << endl << "//" << endl << "}"; } else if (max != 1) { os << "bool " << s << "::" << endl << enext (e) << " ()" << "{" << "// TODO: return true if there is another element" << endl << "// to serialize." << endl << "//" << endl << "}"; } String const& ret (ret_type (e.type ())); os << ret << " " << s << "::" << endl << ename (e) << " ()" << "{" << "// TODO: return the element data." << endl << "//" << endl << "}"; } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a) { size_t min (a.min ()), max (a.max ()); String const& s ( eimpl (dynamic_cast (a.scope ()))); if (min == 0 && max == 1) { os << "bool " << s << "::" << endl << epresent (a) << " ()" << "{" << "// TODO: return true if the wildcard content is" << endl << "// present." << endl << "//" << endl << "}"; } else if (max != 1) { os << "bool " << s << "::" << endl << enext (a) << " ()" << "{" << "// TODO: return true if there is another wildcard" << endl << "// element to serialize." << endl << "//" << endl << "}"; } if (stl) { os << "void " << s << "::" << endl << ename (a) << " (::std::string& ns, ::std::string& name)"; } else { os << "void " << s << "::" << endl << ename (a) << " (const char*& ns, const char*& name, " << "bool& free)"; } os << "{" << "// TODO: return the name and namespace of the element" << endl << "// corresponding to the wildcard." << endl << "//" << endl << "}"; os << "void " << s << "::" << endl << eserialize (a) << " ()" << "{" << "// TODO: use the _start_element(), _end_element()," << endl << "// _attribute(), and _characters() functions to" << endl << "// serialize the wildcard content." << endl << "//" << endl << "}"; } }; struct AttributeCallback: Traversal::Attribute, Traversal::AnyAttribute, Context { AttributeCallback (Context& c) : Context (c) { } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Attribute& a) { String const& s ( eimpl (dynamic_cast (a.scope ()))); if (a.optional_p ()) { os << "bool " << s << "::" << endl << epresent (a) << " ()" << "{" << "// TODO: return true if the attribute is present." << endl << "//" << endl << "}"; } String const& ret (ret_type (a.type ())); os << ret << " " << s << "::" << endl << ename (a) << " ()" << "{" << "// TODO: return the attribute data." << endl << "//" << endl << "}"; } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyAttribute& a) { String const& s ( eimpl (dynamic_cast (a.scope ()))); os << "bool " << s << "::" << endl << enext (a) << " ()" << "{" << "// TODO: return true if there is another wildcard" << endl << "// attribute to serialize." << endl << "//" << endl << "}"; if (stl) { os << "void " << s << "::" << endl << ename (a) << " (::std::string& ns, ::std::string& name)"; } else { os << "void " << s << "::" << endl << ename (a) << " (const char*& ns, const char*& name, " << "bool& free)"; } os << "{" << "// TODO: return the name and namespace of the attribute" << endl << "// corresponding to the wildcard." << endl << "//" << endl << "}"; os << "void " << s << "::" << endl << eserialize (a) << " ()" << "{" << "// TODO: use the _characters() function to serialize" << endl << "// the wildcard content." << endl << "//" << endl << "}"; } }; // // struct Complex : Traversal::Complex, Context { Complex (Context& c) : Context (c), compositor_callback_ (c), particle_callback_ (c), attribute_callback_ (c) { contains_compositor_callback_ >> compositor_callback_; compositor_callback_ >> contains_particle_callback_; contains_particle_callback_ >> compositor_callback_; contains_particle_callback_ >> particle_callback_; names_attribute_callback_ >> attribute_callback_; } virtual void traverse (Type& c) { bool hb (c.inherits_p ()); String const& name (eimpl (c)); String const& arg (arg_type (c)); os << "// " << name << endl << "//" << endl << endl; // c-tor // if (tiein && hb) os << name << "::" << endl << name << " ()" << endl << ": " << ename (c) << " (&base_impl_)" << "{" << "}"; // pre // os << "void " << name << "::" << endl; if (arg == L"void") os << "pre ()"; else os << "pre (" << arg << " v)"; os << "{"; if (hb) { SemanticGraph::Type& base (c.inherits ().base ()); if (arg == arg_type (base)) { if (tiein) { os << "base_impl_.pre (" << (arg != L"void" ? "v" : "") << ");"; } else if (mixin) { os << eimpl (base) << "::pre (" << (arg != L"void" ? "v" : "") << ");"; } } else { if (tiein) { os << "// TODO: call " << eimpl (base) << "::pre ()." << endl << "//" << endl; } else if (mixin) { os << "// TODO: call base_impl_.pre ()." << endl << "//" << endl; } } } else if (arg != L"void") { os << "// TODO" << endl << "//" << endl; } os << "}"; // Member callbacks. // if (!restriction_p (c)) { names (c, names_attribute_callback_); contains_compositor (c, contains_compositor_callback_); } // post // os << "void " << name << "::" << endl << "post ()" << "{" << "}"; } private: CompositorCallback compositor_callback_; ParticleCallback particle_callback_; Traversal::ContainsCompositor contains_compositor_callback_; Traversal::ContainsParticle contains_particle_callback_; AttributeCallback attribute_callback_; Traversal::Names names_attribute_callback_; }; } void generate_impl_source (Context& ctx) { Traversal::Schema schema; Sources sources; Traversal::Names schema_names; Namespace ns (ctx); Traversal::Names names; schema >> sources >> schema; schema >> schema_names >> ns >> names; List list (ctx); Union union_ (ctx); Complex complex (ctx); Enumeration enumeration (ctx); names >> list; names >> union_; names >> complex; names >> enumeration; schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root); } } }