// file : xsde/cxx/parser/options.cli // author : Boris Kolpackov // copyright : Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Code Synthesis Tools CC // license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file include ; include ; include ; // std::size_t include ; // NarrowString include ; namespace CXX { namespace Parser { class options: CXX::options { std::vector --type-map { "", "Read XML Schema to C++ type mapping information from . Repeat this option to specify several type maps. Type maps are considered in order of appearance and the first match is used. By default all user-defined types are mapped to \cb{void}. See the TYPE MAP section below for more information." }; bool --suppress-validation { "Suppress the generation of validation code." }; // Reuse style. // bool --reuse-style-mixin { "Generate code that supports the mixin base parser implementation reuse style. Note that this reuse style relies on virtual inheritance and may result in a substantial object code size increase for large vocabularies. By default support for the tiein style is generated." }; bool --reuse-style-none { "Do not generate any support for base parser implementation reuse. By default support for the tiein style is generated." }; // Polymorphism. // bool --generate-polymorphic { "Generate polymorphism-aware code. Specify this option if you use substitution groups or \cb{xsi:type}." }; bool --runtime-polymorphic { "Generate non-polymorphic code that uses the runtime library configured with polymorphism support." }; // Implementation/driver. // bool --generate-noop-impl { "Generate a sample parser implementation that does nothing (no operation). The sample implementation can then be filled with the application-specific code. For an input file in the form \cb{name.xsd} this option triggers the generation of the two additional C++ files in the form: \cb{name-pimpl.hxx} (parser implementation header file) and \cb{name-pimpl.cxx} (parser implementation source file)." }; bool --generate-print-impl { "Generate a sample parser implementation that prints the XML data to \c{STDOUT}. For an input file in the form \cb{name.xsd} this option triggers the generation of the two additional C++ files in the form: \cb{name-pimpl.hxx} (parser implementation header file) and \cb{name-pimpl.cxx} (parser implementation source file)." }; bool --generate-test-driver { "Generate a test driver for the sample parser implementation. For an input file in the form \cb{name.xsd} this option triggers the generation of an additional C++ file in the form \cb{name-pdriver.cxx}." }; bool --force-overwrite { "Force overwriting of the existing implementation and test driver files. Use this option only if you do not mind loosing the changes you have made in the sample implementation or test driver files." }; // Root element. // bool --root-element-first { "Indicate that the first global element is the document root. This information is used to generate the test driver for the sample implementation." }; bool --root-element-last { "Indicate that the last global element is the document root. This information is used to generate the test driver for the sample implementation." }; Cult::Types::NarrowString --root-element { "", "Indicate that is the document root. This information is used to generate the test driver for the sample implementation." }; // Suffixes. // Cult::Types::NarrowString --skel-type-suffix = "_pskel" { "", "Use the provided instead of the default \cb{_pskel} to construct the names of generated parser skeletons." }; Cult::Types::NarrowString --skel-file-suffix = "-pskel" { "", "Use the provided instead of the default \cb{-pskel} to construct the names of generated parser skeleton files." }; Cult::Types::NarrowString --impl-type-suffix = "_pimpl" { "", "Use the provided instead of the default \cb{_pimpl} to construct the names of parser implementations for the built-in XML Schema types and sample parser implementations." }; Cult::Types::NarrowString --impl-file-suffix = "-pimpl" { "", "Use the provided instead of the default \cb{-pimpl} to construct the names of generated sample parser implementation files." }; }; } }