// file : xsde/cxx/hybrid/elements.hxx // author : Boris Kolpackov // copyright : Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Code Synthesis Tools CC // license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file #ifndef CXX_HYBRID_ELEMENTS_HXX #define CXX_HYBRID_ELEMENTS_HXX #include #include #include #include #include namespace CXX { namespace Hybrid { typedef BackendElements::Regex::Expression Regex; // // class Context: public CXX::Context { public: typedef Hybrid::Regex Regex; public: Context (std::wostream&, SemanticGraph::Schema&, SemanticGraph::Path const&, CLI::Options const&, Regex const* fwd_expr, Regex const* hxx_expr, Regex const* ixx_expr); protected: Context (Context& c) : CXX::Context (c), options (c.options), exceptions (c.exceptions), stl (c.stl), poly_code (c.poly_code), poly_runtime (c.poly_runtime), reset (c.reset), clone (c.clone), detach (c.detach), typeinfo (c.typeinfo), mixin (c.mixin), tiein (c.tiein), enum_ (c.enum_), fwd_expr (c.fwd_expr), hxx_expr (c.hxx_expr), ixx_expr (c.ixx_expr), ns_stack (c.ns_stack), pod_seq (c.pod_seq), fix_seq (c.fix_seq), var_seq (c.var_seq), str_seq (c.str_seq), data_seq (c.data_seq), istreams (c.istreams), ostreams (c.ostreams), icdrstream (c.icdrstream), ocdrstream (c.ocdrstream), ixdrstream (c.ixdrstream), oxdrstream (c.oxdrstream) { } Context (Context& c, std::wostream& o) : CXX::Context (c, o), options (c.options), exceptions (c.exceptions), stl (c.stl), poly_code (c.poly_code), poly_runtime (c.poly_runtime), reset (c.reset), clone (c.clone), detach (c.detach), typeinfo (c.typeinfo), mixin (c.mixin), tiein (c.tiein), enum_ (c.enum_), fwd_expr (c.fwd_expr), hxx_expr (c.hxx_expr), ixx_expr (c.ixx_expr), ns_stack (c.ns_stack), pod_seq (c.pod_seq), fix_seq (c.fix_seq), var_seq (c.var_seq), str_seq (c.str_seq), data_seq (c.data_seq), istreams (c.istreams), ostreams (c.ostreams), icdrstream (c.icdrstream), ocdrstream (c.ocdrstream), ixdrstream (c.ixdrstream), oxdrstream (c.oxdrstream) { } public: using CXX::Context::ename; static String const& ename (SemanticGraph::Compositor& c) { return c.context ().get ("name"); } static String const& ename_custom (SemanticGraph::Type& t) { SemanticGraph::Context& c (t.context ()); if (!c.count ("name-base")) return c.get ("name"); else return c.get ("name-base"); } static String const& etype (SemanticGraph::Compositor& c) { return c.context ().get ("type"); } static String const& emember (SemanticGraph::Particle& p) { return p.context ().get ("member"); } static String const& emember (SemanticGraph::Attribute& a) { return a.context ().get ("member"); } // Detach. // static String const& edetach (SemanticGraph::Particle& p) { return p.context ().get ("detach"); } static String const& edetach (SemanticGraph::Attribute& a) { return a.context ().get ("detach"); } // Optional. // static String const& epresent (SemanticGraph::Particle& p) { return p.context ().get ("present"); } static String const& epresent (SemanticGraph::Attribute& a) { return a.context ().get ("present"); } static String const& edefault (SemanticGraph::Attribute& a) { return a.context ().get ("default"); } static String const& edefault_value (SemanticGraph::Attribute& a) { return a.context ().get ("default-value"); } static String const& epresent_member (SemanticGraph::Particle& p) { return p.context ().get ("present-member"); } static String const& epresent_member (SemanticGraph::Attribute& a) { return a.context ().get ("present-member"); } // Sequence. // static String const& esequence (SemanticGraph::Element& e) { return e.context ().get ("sequence"); } static String const& esequence (SemanticGraph::Compositor& c) { return c.context ().get ("sequence"); } static String const& eiterator (SemanticGraph::Element& e) { return e.context ().get ("iterator"); } static String const& eiterator (SemanticGraph::Compositor& c) { return c.context ().get ("iterator"); } static String const& econst_iterator (SemanticGraph::Element& e) { return e.context ().get ("const-iterator"); } static String const& econst_iterator (SemanticGraph::Compositor& c) { return c.context ().get ("const-iterator"); } // Choice. // static String const& etag (SemanticGraph::Particle& p) { return p.context ().get ("tag"); } static String const& earm (SemanticGraph::Choice& c) { return c.context ().get ("arm"); } static String const& earm_tag (SemanticGraph::Choice& c) { return c.context ().get ("arm-tag"); } static UnsignedLong const& arm_tag_count (SemanticGraph::Choice& c) { return c.context ().get ("arm-tag-count"); } static String const& earm_member (SemanticGraph::Choice& c) { return c.context ().get ("arm-member"); } // Custom data. // static String const& ecd_name (SemanticGraph::Type& t) { return t.context ().get ("cd-name"); } static String const& ecd_name (SemanticGraph::Compositor& c) { return c.context ().get ("cd-name"); } static String const& ecd_member (SemanticGraph::Type& t) { return t.context ().get ("cd-member"); } static String const& ecd_member (SemanticGraph::Compositor& c) { return c.context ().get ("cd-member"); } static String const& ecd_sequence (SemanticGraph::Type& t) { return t.context ().get ("cd-sequence"); } static String const& ecd_sequence (SemanticGraph::Compositor& c) { return c.context ().get ("cd-sequence"); } static String const& ecd_iterator (SemanticGraph::Type& t) { return t.context ().get ("cd-iterator"); } static String const& ecd_iterator (SemanticGraph::Compositor& c) { return c.context ().get ("cd-iterator"); } static String const& ecd_const_iterator (SemanticGraph::Type& t) { return t.context ().get ("cd-const-iterator"); } static String const& ecd_const_iterator (SemanticGraph::Compositor& c) { return c.context ().get ("cd-const-iterator"); } // Parser // public: static String const& pret_type (SemanticGraph::Type&); static String const& parg_type (SemanticGraph::Type&); static String const& post_name (SemanticGraph::Type&); static String const& pre_impl_name (SemanticGraph::Type&); // Names // static String const& epname (SemanticGraph::Particle&); static String const& epname (SemanticGraph::Attribute&); static String const& epimpl (SemanticGraph::Type&); static String const& epimpl_custom (SemanticGraph::Type&); static String const& epskel (SemanticGraph::Type&); // Optional. // static String const& eppresent (SemanticGraph::Compositor&); // Sequence. // static String const& epnext (SemanticGraph::Compositor&); // Choice. // static String const& eptag (SemanticGraph::Particle&); static String const& eparm (SemanticGraph::Choice&); static String const& eparm_tag (SemanticGraph::Choice&); // State // static String const& epstate (SemanticGraph::Type&); static String const& epstate_type (SemanticGraph::Type&); static String const& epstate_base (SemanticGraph::Type&); static String const& epstate_first (SemanticGraph::Type&); static String const& epstate_top (SemanticGraph::Type&); static String const& epstate_member (SemanticGraph::Type&); static String const& epstate_member (SemanticGraph::Compositor&); // Serializer // public: static String const& sret_type (SemanticGraph::Type&); static String const& sarg_type (SemanticGraph::Type&); // Names // static String const& esname (SemanticGraph::Particle&); static String const& esname (SemanticGraph::Attribute&); static String const& esimpl (SemanticGraph::Type&); static String const& esimpl_custom (SemanticGraph::Type&); static String const& esskel (SemanticGraph::Type&); // Optional. // static String const& espresent (SemanticGraph::Particle&); static String const& espresent (SemanticGraph::Attribute&); // Sequence. // static String const& esnext (SemanticGraph::Particle&); // Choice. // static String const& estag (SemanticGraph::Particle&); static String const& esarm (SemanticGraph::Choice&); static String const& esarm_tag (SemanticGraph::Choice&); // State // static String const& esstate (SemanticGraph::Type&); static String const& esstate_type (SemanticGraph::Type&); static String const& esstate_first (SemanticGraph::Type&); static String const& esstate_top (SemanticGraph::Type&); static String const& esstate_member (SemanticGraph::Type&); static String const& esstate_member (SemanticGraph::Particle&); static String const& esstate_member_end (SemanticGraph::Particle&); public: String scope (SemanticGraph::Compositor& c) const { return scope (c, false); } String scope (SemanticGraph::Element& e) const { return scope (e, false); } String scope (SemanticGraph::Attribute& a) const { return scope (a, false); } String fq_scope (SemanticGraph::Compositor& c) const { return scope (c, true); } String fq_scope (SemanticGraph::Element& e) const { return scope (e, true); } String fq_scope (SemanticGraph::Attribute& a) const { return scope (a, true); } private: String scope (SemanticGraph::Compositor&, Boolean fq) const; String scope (SemanticGraph::Element&, Boolean fq) const; String scope (SemanticGraph::Attribute&, Boolean fq) const; public: Boolean restriction_p (SemanticGraph::Complex& c) const { if (c.inherits_p () && c.inherits ().is_a ()) { // Restriction of anyType is a special case. // return !c.inherits ().base ().is_a (); } return false; } public: static Boolean fixed_length (SemanticGraph::Type& t) { return t.context ().get ("fixed"); } static Boolean fixed_length (SemanticGraph::Compositor& c) { return c.context ().get ("fixed"); } static Boolean recursive (SemanticGraph::Type& t) { return t.context ().count ("recursive"); } static Boolean polymorphic (SemanticGraph::Type& t) { return t.context ().count ("polymorphic"); } static Boolean recursive_base (SemanticGraph::Complex& c); public: String istream (NarrowString const& is) const; String ostream (NarrowString const& os) const; public: Void close_ns (); Void open_ns (); public: // Determine whether we are generating the enum mapping for this // enumeration. Also optionally return the base enum. // static Boolean enum_mapping (SemanticGraph::Enumeration& e, SemanticGraph::Enumeration** base = 0); public: typedef Cult::Containers::Deque NamespaceStack; public: CLI::Options const& options; Boolean exceptions; Boolean stl; Boolean poly_code; Boolean poly_runtime; Boolean reset; Boolean clone; Boolean detach; Boolean typeinfo; Boolean mixin; Boolean tiein; Boolean enum_; Regex const* fwd_expr; Regex const* hxx_expr; Regex const* ixx_expr; NamespaceStack& ns_stack; String const& pod_seq; String const& fix_seq; String const& var_seq; String const& str_seq; String const& data_seq; typedef Containers::Vector Streams; Streams const& istreams; Streams const& ostreams; String const& icdrstream; String const& ocdrstream; String const& ixdrstream; String const& oxdrstream; private: NamespaceStack ns_stack_; String pod_seq_; String fix_seq_; String var_seq_; String str_seq_; String data_seq_; String icdrstream_; String ocdrstream_; String ixdrstream_; String oxdrstream_; }; // // struct Namespace: CXX::Namespace, CXX::Namespace::ScopeTracker { Namespace (Context&, Boolean track_scope = false); protected: virtual Void enter (String const& name); virtual Void leave (); protected: Context& ctx_; }; // // struct FundamentalType: Traversal::Fundamental::Byte, Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedByte, Traversal::Fundamental::Short, Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedShort, Traversal::Fundamental::Int, Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedInt, Traversal::Fundamental::Long, Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedLong, Traversal::Fundamental::Integer, Traversal::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger, Traversal::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger, Traversal::Fundamental::PositiveInteger, Traversal::Fundamental::NegativeInteger, Traversal::Fundamental::Boolean, Traversal::Fundamental::Float, Traversal::Fundamental::Double, Traversal::Fundamental::Decimal { FundamentalType (Boolean& result) : r_ (result) { } // Integral types. // virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Byte&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedByte&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Short&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedShort&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Int&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedInt&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Long&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedLong&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Integer&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::PositiveInteger&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NegativeInteger&) { r_ = true; } // Boolean. // virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Boolean&) { r_ = true; } // Floats. // virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Float&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal&) { r_ = true; } private: Boolean& r_; }; // // struct StringType: Traversal::AnySimpleType, Traversal::Fundamental::String, Traversal::Fundamental::NormalizedString, Traversal::Fundamental::Token, Traversal::Fundamental::Name, Traversal::Fundamental::NameToken, Traversal::Fundamental::NCName, Traversal::Fundamental::Language, Traversal::Fundamental::Id, Traversal::Fundamental::IdRef, Traversal::Fundamental::AnyURI, Traversal::Fundamental::Entity { StringType (Boolean& result) : r_ (result) { } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::AnySimpleType&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::String&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NormalizedString&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Token&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameToken&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Name&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NCName&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Language&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Id&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRef&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::AnyURI&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entity&) { r_ = true; } private: Boolean& r_; }; // Check whether this is a string-based type (excluding ID, IDFER, // anyURI, and ENTITY). // struct StringBasedType: Traversal::Complex, Traversal::Fundamental::String, Traversal::Fundamental::NormalizedString, Traversal::Fundamental::Token, Traversal::Fundamental::Name, Traversal::Fundamental::NameToken, Traversal::Fundamental::NCName, Traversal::Fundamental::Language { StringBasedType (Boolean& r) : r_ (r) { *this >> inherits_ >> *this; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c) { inherits (c, inherits_); } // Strings. // virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::String&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NormalizedString&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Token&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameToken&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Name&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NCName&) { r_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Language&) { r_ = true; } private: Boolean& r_; Traversal::Inherits inherits_; }; // Check whether this is a enumeration-based type. Return ultimate // enumeration base of 0. // struct EnumBasedType: Traversal::Complex { EnumBasedType (SemanticGraph::Enumeration*& e) : enum_ (e) { *this >> inherits_; inherits_ >> *this; inherits_ >> enum_; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c) { inherits (c, inherits_); } private: struct Enumeration: Traversal::Enumeration { Enumeration (SemanticGraph::Enumeration*& e) : e_ (e) { *this >> inherits_ >> *this; } virtual Void traverse (Type& e) { e_ = &e; inherits (e, inherits_); } private: SemanticGraph::Enumeration*& e_; Traversal::Inherits inherits_; }; private: Enumeration enum_; Traversal::Inherits inherits_; }; // // struct TypeName : Traversal::Type, Traversal::AnyType, Traversal::AnySimpleType, Traversal::Fundamental::Byte, Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedByte, Traversal::Fundamental::Short, Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedShort, Traversal::Fundamental::Int, Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedInt, Traversal::Fundamental::Long, Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedLong, Traversal::Fundamental::Integer, Traversal::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger, Traversal::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger, Traversal::Fundamental::PositiveInteger, Traversal::Fundamental::NegativeInteger, Traversal::Fundamental::Boolean, Traversal::Fundamental::Float, Traversal::Fundamental::Double, Traversal::Fundamental::Decimal, Traversal::Fundamental::String, Traversal::Fundamental::NormalizedString, Traversal::Fundamental::Token, Traversal::Fundamental::Name, Traversal::Fundamental::NameToken, Traversal::Fundamental::NameTokens, Traversal::Fundamental::NCName, Traversal::Fundamental::Language, Traversal::Fundamental::QName, Traversal::Fundamental::Id, Traversal::Fundamental::IdRef, Traversal::Fundamental::IdRefs, Traversal::Fundamental::AnyURI, Traversal::Fundamental::Base64Binary, Traversal::Fundamental::HexBinary, Traversal::Fundamental::Date, Traversal::Fundamental::DateTime, Traversal::Fundamental::Duration, Traversal::Fundamental::Day, Traversal::Fundamental::Month, Traversal::Fundamental::MonthDay, Traversal::Fundamental::Year, Traversal::Fundamental::YearMonth, Traversal::Fundamental::Time, Traversal::Fundamental::Entity, Traversal::Fundamental::Entities, Context { enum Use { base, ro_ret, ret, arg, var, var_value, seq }; TypeName (Context& c, Use use) : Context (c), use_ (use) { if (use == base) xs_ns_ = xs_ns_name (); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Type& t) { type (t); } // anyType & anySimpleType. // virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyType& t) { type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::AnySimpleType&) { if (stl || use_ != base) string_type (); else os << xs_ns_ << "::any_simple_type_base"; } // Boolean. // virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Boolean&) { if (use_ != base) fund_type ("bool"); else os << xs_ns_ << "::boolean_base"; } // Integral types. // virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Byte&) { if (use_ != base) fund_type ("signed char"); else os << xs_ns_ << "::byte_base"; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedByte&) { if (use_ != base) fund_type ("unsigned char"); else os << xs_ns_ << "::unsigned_byte_base"; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Short&) { if (use_ != base) fund_type ("short"); else os << xs_ns_ << "::short_base"; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedShort&) { if (use_ != base) fund_type ("unsigned short"); else os << xs_ns_ << "::unsigned_short_base"; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Int&) { if (use_ != base) fund_type ("int"); else os << xs_ns_ << "::int_base"; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedInt&) { if (use_ != base) fund_type ("unsigned int"); else os << xs_ns_ << "::unsigned_int_base"; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Long&) { if (use_ != base) { if (options.value ()) fund_type ("long"); else fund_type ("long long"); } else os << xs_ns_ << "::long_base"; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedLong&) { if (use_ != base) { if (options.value ()) fund_type ("unsigned long"); else fund_type ("unsigned long long"); } else os << xs_ns_ << "::unsigned_long_base"; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Integer&) { if (use_ != base) fund_type ("long"); else os << xs_ns_ << "::integer_base"; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger&) { if (use_ != base) fund_type ("long"); else os << xs_ns_ << "::non_positive_integer_base"; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger&) { if (use_ != base) fund_type ("unsigned long"); else os << xs_ns_ << "::non_negative_integer_base"; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::PositiveInteger&) { if (use_ != base) fund_type ("unsigned long"); else os << xs_ns_ << "::positive_integer_base"; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NegativeInteger&) { if (use_ != base) fund_type ("long"); else os << xs_ns_ << "::negative_integer_base"; } // Floats. // virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Float&) { if (use_ != base) fund_type ("float"); else os << xs_ns_ << "::float_base"; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double&) { if (use_ != base) fund_type ("double"); else os << xs_ns_ << "::double_base"; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal&) { if (use_ != base) fund_type ("double"); else os << xs_ns_ << "::decimal_base"; } // Strings. // virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::String&) { if (stl || use_ != base) string_type (); else os << xs_ns_ << "::string_base"; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NormalizedString&) { if (stl || use_ != base) string_type (); else os << xs_ns_ << "::normalized_string_base"; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Token&) { if (stl || use_ != base) string_type (); else os << xs_ns_ << "::token_base"; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameToken&) { if (stl || use_ != base) string_type (); else os << xs_ns_ << "::nmtoken_base"; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameTokens& t) { type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Name&) { if (stl || use_ != base) string_type (); else os << xs_ns_ << "::name_base"; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NCName&) { if (stl || use_ != base) string_type (); else os << xs_ns_ << "::ncname_base"; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Language&) { if (stl || use_ != base) string_type (); else os << xs_ns_ << "::language_base"; } // Qualified name. // virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::QName& t) { type (t); } // ID/IDREF. // virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Id&) { if (stl || use_ != base) string_type (); else os << xs_ns_ << "::id_base"; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRef&) { if (stl || use_ != base) string_type (); else os << xs_ns_ << "::idref_base"; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRefs& t) { type (t); } // URI. // virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::AnyURI&) { if (stl || use_ != base) string_type (); else os << xs_ns_ << "::uri_base"; } // Binary. // virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Base64Binary& t) { type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::HexBinary& t) { type (t); } // Date/time. // virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Date& t) { type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::DateTime& t) { type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Duration& t) { type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Day& t) { type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Month& t) { type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::MonthDay& t) { type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Year& t) { type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::YearMonth& t) { type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Time& t) { type (t); } // Entity. // virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entity&) { if (stl || use_ != base) string_type (); else os << xs_ns_ << "::entity_base"; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entities& t) { type (t); } private: Void type (SemanticGraph::Type& t) { String fq (fq_name (t)); switch (use_) { case base: { os << fq; break; } case ro_ret: { os << "const " << fq << "&"; break; } case ret: { os << fq << "&"; break; } case arg: { if (fixed_length (t)) os << "const " << fq << "&"; else os << fq << "*"; break; } case var: { if (fixed_length (t)) os << fq; else os << fq << "*"; break; } case var_value: { os << fq; break; } case seq: { os << (fixed_length (t) ? fix_seq : var_seq) << "< " << fq << " >"; break; } } } Void fund_type (Char const* name) { switch (use_) { case ret: { os << name << "&"; break; } case seq: { os << pod_seq << "< " << name << " >"; break; } default: { os << name; break; } } } Void string_type () { switch (use_) { case base: { // Non-STL case is handled by the caller. // os << "::std::string"; break; } case ro_ret: { if (stl) os << "const ::std::string&"; else os << "const char*"; break; } case ret: { if (stl) os << "::std::string&"; else os << "char*"; break; } case arg: { if (stl) os << "const ::std::string&"; else os << "char*"; break; } case var: case var_value: { if (stl) os << "::std::string"; else os << "char*"; break; } case seq: { os << str_seq; break; } } } private: Use use_; String xs_ns_; }; struct TypeOpsBase: Traversal::Type, Traversal::AnyType, Traversal::AnySimpleType, Traversal::Fundamental::Byte, Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedByte, Traversal::Fundamental::Short, Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedShort, Traversal::Fundamental::Int, Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedInt, Traversal::Fundamental::Long, Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedLong, Traversal::Fundamental::Integer, Traversal::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger, Traversal::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger, Traversal::Fundamental::PositiveInteger, Traversal::Fundamental::NegativeInteger, Traversal::Fundamental::Boolean, Traversal::Fundamental::Float, Traversal::Fundamental::Double, Traversal::Fundamental::Decimal, Traversal::Fundamental::String, Traversal::Fundamental::NormalizedString, Traversal::Fundamental::Token, Traversal::Fundamental::Name, Traversal::Fundamental::NameToken, Traversal::Fundamental::NameTokens, Traversal::Fundamental::NCName, Traversal::Fundamental::Language, Traversal::Fundamental::QName, Traversal::Fundamental::Id, Traversal::Fundamental::IdRef, Traversal::Fundamental::IdRefs, Traversal::Fundamental::AnyURI, Traversal::Fundamental::Base64Binary, Traversal::Fundamental::HexBinary, Traversal::Fundamental::Date, Traversal::Fundamental::DateTime, Traversal::Fundamental::Duration, Traversal::Fundamental::Day, Traversal::Fundamental::Month, Traversal::Fundamental::MonthDay, Traversal::Fundamental::Year, Traversal::Fundamental::YearMonth, Traversal::Fundamental::Time, Traversal::Fundamental::Entity, Traversal::Fundamental::Entities { virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Type& t) { type (t); } // anyType & anySimpleType. // virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyType& t) { type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::AnySimpleType& t) { string_type (t); } // Boolean. // virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Boolean& t) { fund_type (t); } // Integral types. // virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Byte& t) { fund_type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedByte& t) { fund_type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Short& t) { fund_type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedShort& t) { fund_type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Int& t) { fund_type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedInt& t) { fund_type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Long& t) { fund_type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedLong& t) { fund_type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Integer& t) { fund_type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger& t) { fund_type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger& t) { fund_type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::PositiveInteger& t) { fund_type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NegativeInteger& t) { fund_type (t); } // Floats. // virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Float& t) { fund_type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double& t) { fund_type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal& t) { fund_type (t); } // Strings. // virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::String& t) { string_type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NormalizedString& t) { string_type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Token& t) { string_type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameToken& t) { string_type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameTokens& t) { type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Name& t) { string_type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NCName& t) { string_type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Language& t) { string_type (t); } // Qualified name. // virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::QName& t) { type (t); } // ID/IDREF. // virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Id& t) { string_type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRef& t) { string_type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRefs& t) { type (t); } // URI. // virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::AnyURI& t) { string_type (t); } // Binary. // virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Base64Binary& t) { type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::HexBinary& t) { type (t); } // Date/time. // virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Date& t) { type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::DateTime& t) { type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Duration& t) { type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Day& t) { type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Month& t) { type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::MonthDay& t) { type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Year& t) { type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::YearMonth& t) { type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Time& t) { type (t); } // Entity. // virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entity& t) { string_type (t); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entities& t) { type (t); } protected: virtual Void type (SemanticGraph::Type&) = 0; virtual Void fund_type (SemanticGraph::Type&) = 0; virtual Void string_type (SemanticGraph::Type&) = 0; }; struct TypeDeref: TypeOpsBase, Context { TypeDeref (Context& c) : Context (c) { } protected: virtual Void type (SemanticGraph::Type& t) { if (!fixed_length (t)) os << "*"; } virtual Void fund_type (SemanticGraph::Type&) { } virtual Void string_type (SemanticGraph::Type&) { } }; struct TypeDelete: TypeOpsBase, Context { TypeDelete (Context& c) : Context (c) { } Void dispatch (SemanticGraph::Node& type, String const& var) { var_ = var; Traversal::NodeBase::dispatch (type); } protected: virtual Void type (SemanticGraph::Type& t) { if (!custom_alloc) os << "delete " << var_ << ";"; else { os << "if (" << var_ << ")" << "{" << "typedef " << fq_name (t) << " _dtor;" << var_ << "->~_dtor ();" << "::xsde::cxx::free (" << var_ << ");" << "}"; } } virtual Void fund_type (SemanticGraph::Type& t) { type (t); } virtual Void string_type (SemanticGraph::Type& t) { if (stl) type (t); else { if (!custom_alloc) os << "delete[] " << var_ << ";"; else os << "::xsde::cxx::free (" << var_ << ");"; } } private: String var_; }; // // struct TypeClone: TypeOpsBase, Context { TypeClone (Context& c) : Context (c) { } // Copy member from 'this' to 'c'. // Void dispatch (SemanticGraph::Node& type, SemanticGraph::Member& member) { member_ = &member; Traversal::NodeBase::dispatch (type); } protected: virtual Void type (SemanticGraph::Type& t) { String const& name (ename (*member_)); os << "{" << fq_name (t) << "* m = this->" << name << " ()._clone ();"; if (!exceptions) os << endl << "if (m == 0)" << endl << "return false;" << endl; os << "c." << name << " (m);" << "}"; } virtual Void fund_type (SemanticGraph::Type& t) { type (t); } virtual Void string_type (SemanticGraph::Type&) { // We can only get here if STL is disabled. // String const& name (ename (*member_)); os << "{" << "char* m = ::xsde::cxx::strdupx (this->" << name << " ());"; if (!exceptions) os << endl << "if (m == 0)" << endl << "return false;" << endl; os << "c." << name << " (m);" << "}"; } private: SemanticGraph::Member* member_; }; // // struct TypeForward: Traversal::Type, Context { TypeForward (Context& c) : Context (c) { } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Type& t); }; struct Includes : Traversal::Imports, Traversal::Includes { enum Type { forward, header, impl_header, inline_, source }; Includes (Context& c, Type type, Regex const* r = 0) : ctx_ (c), type_ (type), forward_ (c.options.value ()), regex_ (r), namespace_ (c), type_forward_ (c) { schema_ >> schema_names_ >> namespace_ >> names_ >> type_forward_; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Imports& i) { traverse_ (i); } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Includes& i) { traverse_ (i); } private: Void traverse_ (SemanticGraph::Uses&); private: Context& ctx_; Type type_; Boolean forward_; Regex const* regex_; Traversal::Schema schema_; Traversal::Names schema_names_; Namespace namespace_; Traversal::Names names_; TypeForward type_forward_; }; // Test whether there are any aggregates to be generated. // struct AggregateTest: Traversal::Type, Traversal::Element { AggregateTest (Boolean& generate, Char const* key) : gen_ (generate), key_ (key) { } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Type& t) { if (!gen_ && t.context ().count (key_)) gen_ = true; } virtual Void traverse (SemanticGraph::Element& e) { if (!gen_ && e.context ().count (key_)) gen_ = true; } private: Boolean& gen_; Char const* key_; }; } } #endif // CXX_HYBRID_ELEMENTS_HXX