// file : xsde/cxx/elements.cxx // author : Boris Kolpackov // copyright : Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Code Synthesis Tools CC // license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file #include #include #include // std::toupper #include #include using std::wcerr; using std::endl; namespace CXX { // // wchar_t upcase (wchar_t c) { return std::toupper (c); } namespace { WideChar const* keywords[] = { L"NULL", L"and", L"asm", L"auto", L"bitand", L"bitor", L"bool", L"break", L"case", L"catch", L"char", L"class", L"compl", L"const", L"const_cast", L"continue", L"default", L"delete", L"do", L"double", L"dynamic_cast", L"else", L"end_eq", L"enum", L"explicit", L"export", L"extern", L"false", L"float", L"for", L"friend", L"goto", L"if", L"inline", L"int", L"long", L"mutable", L"namespace", L"new", L"not", L"not_eq", L"operator", L"or", L"or_eq", L"private", L"protected", L"public", L"register", L"reinterpret_cast", L"return", L"short", L"signed", L"sizeof", L"static", L"static_cast", L"struct", L"switch", L"template", L"this", L"throw", L"true", L"try", L"typedef", L"typeid", L"typename", L"union", L"unsigned", L"using", L"virtual", L"void", L"volatile", L"wchar_t", L"while", L"xor", L"xor_eq" }; } // Context // Context:: Context (std::wostream& o, SemanticGraph::Schema& root, SemanticGraph::Path const& path, Char const* name_key, NarrowString const& char_type__, NarrowString const& char_encoding__, Boolean include_with_brackets__, NarrowString const& include_prefix__, NarrowString const& esymbol, Containers::Vector const& nsm, Containers::Vector const& nsr, Boolean trace_namespace_regex_, Containers::Vector const& ir, Boolean trace_include_regex_, Boolean inline_, Boolean custom_allocator, Boolean ll, Containers::Vector const& reserved_name) : os (o), schema_root (root), schema_path (schema_path_), ename_key (ename_key_), char_type (char_type_), char_encoding (char_encoding_), L (L_), string_type (string_type_), include_with_brackets (include_with_brackets_), include_prefix (include_prefix_), type_exp (type_exp_), inst_exp (inst_exp_), inl (inl_), custom_alloc (custom_allocator), long_long (ll), ns_mapping_cache (ns_mapping_cache_), schema_path_ (path), xs_ns_ (0), ename_key_ (name_key), char_type_ (char_type__), char_encoding_ (char_encoding__), L_ (char_type == L"wchar_t" ? L"L" : L""), include_with_brackets_ (include_with_brackets__), include_prefix_ (include_prefix__), type_exp_ (esymbol ? esymbol + " " : esymbol), inst_exp_ (esymbol ? esymbol + "\n" : esymbol), inl_ (inline_ ? L"inline\n" : L""), cxx_id_expr_ (L"^(::)?([a-zA-Z_]\\w*)(::[a-zA-Z_]\\w*)*$"), cxx_id_expr (cxx_id_expr_), trace_namespace_regex (trace_namespace_regex_), urn_mapping_ (L"#^urn.*:([a-zA-Z_].*)$#$1#"), urn_mapping (urn_mapping_), nsr_mapping (nsr_mapping_), nsm_mapping (nsm_mapping_), include_mapping (include_mapping_), trace_include_regex (trace_include_regex_), reserved_name_map (reserved_name_map_), keyword_set (keyword_set_) { // Resolve and cache XML Schema namespace. // { SemanticGraph::Nameable* n; if (schema_root.names_begin ()->name () == L"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema") { // schema_root is the XML Schema itself. // n = &schema_root.names_begin ()->named (); } else { // Otherwise, the first used schema is implied XML Schema. // SemanticGraph::Uses& u = *schema_root.uses_begin (); assert (u.is_a ()); n = &u.schema ().names_begin ()->named (); } xs_ns_ = dynamic_cast (n); } // // if (char_type == L"char") string_type_ = L"::std::string"; else if (char_type == L"wchar_t") string_type_ = L"::std::wstring"; else string_type_ = L"::std::basic_string< " + char_type + L" >"; // Default mapping. // nsr_mapping_.push_back ( Regex (L"#^.* (.*?/)??"L"(([a-zA-Z_]\\w*)(/[a-zA-Z_]\\w*)*)/?$#$2#")); nsr_mapping_.push_back ( Regex (L"#^.* http://www\\.w3\\.org/2001/XMLSchema$#xml_schema#")); // Custom regex mapping. // for (Containers::Vector::ConstIterator i (nsr.begin ()), e (nsr.end ()); i != e; ++i) { nsr_mapping_.push_back (Regex (*i)); } // Custom direct mapping. // for (Containers::Vector::ConstIterator i (nsm.begin ()), e (nsm.end ()); i != e; ++i) { String s (*i); // Split the string in two parts at the last '='. // Size pos (s.rfind ('=')); if (pos == String::npos) throw InvalidNamespaceMapping (s, "delimiter ('=') not found"); // Empty xml_ns designates the no-namespace case. // String xml_ns (s, 0, pos); String cxx_ns (s, pos + 1); if (!cxx_ns.empty () && !cxx_id_expr.match (cxx_ns)) throw InvalidNamespaceMapping (s, "invalid C++ identifier"); nsm_mapping_[xml_ns] = cxx_ns; } // Include path regex // for (Containers::Vector::ConstIterator i (ir.begin ()), e (ir.end ()); i != e; ++i) { include_mapping_.push_back (Regex (*i)); } // Reserved names. // for (Containers::Vector::ConstIterator i (reserved_name.begin ()), e (reserved_name.end ()); i != e; ++i) { String s (*i); // Split the string in two parts at '='. // Size pos (s.find ('=')); if (pos == String::npos) reserved_name_map_[s] = L""; else reserved_name_map_[String (s, 0, pos)] = String (s, pos + 1); } // Populate the keyword set. // for (Size i (0); i < sizeof (keywords) / sizeof (char*); ++i) keyword_set_.insert (keywords[i]); } String Context:: ns_name (SemanticGraph::Namespace& ns) const { using SemanticGraph::Schema; using SemanticGraph::Includes; using SemanticGraph::Imports; using SemanticGraph::Implies; using SemanticGraph::Sources; String tmp; MapMapping::ConstIterator i (nsm_mapping.find (ns.name ())); if (i != nsm_mapping.end ()) { tmp = i->second; } else { SemanticGraph::Path path; Schema& schema (dynamic_cast (ns.scope ())); if (schema.used_p ()) { // Here we need to detect a special multi-schema compilation // case where the root schemas are imported into a special // schema that doesn't have a namespace. // SemanticGraph::Uses& u (*schema.used_begin ()); SemanticGraph::Schema& s (u.user ()); if (s.names_begin () != s.names_end ()) path = u.path (); } else path = schema_path; String pair; if (!path.empty ()) { // Try to use the portable representation of the path. If that // fails, fall back to the native representation. // try { pair = path.string (); } catch (SemanticGraph::InvalidPath const&) { pair = path.native_file_string (); } } pair += L' ' + ns.name (); // Check cache first // MappingCache::ConstIterator i (ns_mapping_cache.find (pair)); if (i != ns_mapping_cache.end ()) { tmp = i->second; } else { if (trace_namespace_regex) wcerr << "namespace: '" << pair << "'" << endl; Boolean found (false); Regex colon (L"#/#::#"); for (RegexMapping::ConstReverseIterator e (nsr_mapping.rbegin ()); e != nsr_mapping.rend (); ++e) { if (trace_namespace_regex) wcerr << "try: '" << e->pattern () << "' : "; if (e->match (pair)) { tmp = e->merge (pair); tmp = colon.merge (tmp); // replace `/' with `::' // Check the result. // found = cxx_id_expr.match (tmp); if (trace_namespace_regex) wcerr << "'" << tmp << "' : "; } if (trace_namespace_regex) wcerr << (found ? '+' : '-') << endl; if (found) break; } if (!found) { String const& n (ns.name ()); // Check if the name is valid by itself. // if (n.empty ()) { // Empty name denotes a no-namespace case. // tmp = n; } else { tmp = colon.merge (n); // replace `/' with `::' if (!cxx_id_expr.match (tmp)) { // See if this is a urn-style namespace. // if (urn_mapping.match (n)) { Regex filter (L"#[.:-]#_#"); tmp = urn_mapping.merge (n); tmp = filter.merge (tmp); if (!cxx_id_expr.match (tmp)) throw NoNamespaceMapping ( ns.file (), ns.line (), ns.column (), ns.name ()); } else throw NoNamespaceMapping ( ns.file (), ns.line (), ns.column (), ns.name ()); } } } // Add the mapping to the cache. // ns_mapping_cache[pair] = tmp; } } // Parse resulting namespace string and id() each name. // String r; String::size_type b (0), e; do { e = tmp.find (L"::", b); String name (tmp, b, e == tmp.npos ? e : e - b); if (!name.empty ()) r += L"::" + escape (name); b = e; if (b == tmp.npos) break; b += 2; } while (true); return r; } SemanticGraph::Namespace& Context:: xs_ns () { return *xs_ns_; } String Context:: xs_ns_name () { return ns_name (*xs_ns_); } SemanticGraph::Namespace& Context:: namespace_ (SemanticGraph::Nameable& n) { // The basic idea goes like this: go up Names edges until you // reach Namespace. There are, however, anonymous types which // need special handling. In the case of an anonymous type we // will go up the first Belongs edge (because the first edge // is where the type was defined. // if (n.named_p ()) { SemanticGraph::Scope& s (n.scope ()); SemanticGraph::Namespace* ns ( dynamic_cast (&n)); return ns ? *ns : namespace_ (s); } else { SemanticGraph::Type& t (dynamic_cast (n)); SemanticGraph::Belongs& b (*t.classifies_begin ()); return namespace_ (b.instance ()); } } String Context:: xml_ns_name (SemanticGraph::Nameable& n) { return namespace_ (n).name (); } String Context:: fq_name (SemanticGraph::Nameable& n, Char const* name_key) const { using namespace SemanticGraph; String r; if (dynamic_cast (&n)) { return L""; // Map to global namespace. } else if (SemanticGraph::Namespace* ns = dynamic_cast (&n)) { r = ns_name (*ns); } else { r = fq_name (n.scope ()); r += L"::"; r += n.context ().get ( name_key ? name_key : ename_key.c_str ()); } return r; } SemanticGraph::Type& Context:: ultimate_base (SemanticGraph::Complex& c) { using namespace SemanticGraph; Type* b (&c.inherits ().base ()); while (true) { Complex* cb (dynamic_cast (b)); if (cb != 0 && cb->inherits_p ()) { b = &cb->inherits ().base (); continue; } break; } return *b; } // Restriction correspondance. // SemanticGraph::Element* Context:: correspondent (SemanticGraph::Element& r) { SemanticGraph::Context& c (r.context ()); if (c.count ("xsd-frontend-restriction-correspondence")) { return c.get ( "xsd-frontend-restriction-correspondence"); } return 0; } SemanticGraph::Any* Context:: correspondent (SemanticGraph::Any& r) { SemanticGraph::Context& c (r.context ()); if (c.count ("xsd-frontend-restriction-correspondence")) { return c.get ( "xsd-frontend-restriction-correspondence"); } return 0; } SemanticGraph::Compositor* Context:: correspondent (SemanticGraph::Compositor& r) { SemanticGraph::Context& c (r.context ()); if (c.count ("xsd-frontend-restriction-correspondence")) { return c.get ( "xsd-frontend-restriction-correspondence"); } return 0; } String Context:: escape (String const& name) const { String r; Size n (name.size ()); // In most common cases we will have that many chars. // r.reserve (n); for (Size i (0); i < n; ++i) { Boolean first (i == 0); UnsignedLong u (unicode_char (name, i)); // May advance i. if (first) { if (!((u >= 'a' && u <= 'z') || (u >= 'A' && u <= 'Z') || u == '_')) r = (u >= '0' && u <= '9') ? L"cxx_" : L"cxx"; } if (!((u >= 'a' && u <= 'z') || (u >= 'A' && u <= 'Z') || (u >= '0' && u <= '9') || u == '_')) r.push_back ('_'); else r.push_back (static_cast (u)); } if (r.empty ()) r = L"cxx"; // Custom reserved words. // ReservedNameMap::ConstIterator i (reserved_name_map.find (r)); if (i != reserved_name_map.end ()) { if (i->second) return i->second; else r += L'_'; } // Keywords // if (keyword_set.find (r) != keyword_set.end ()) { r += L'_'; // Re-run custom words. // i = reserved_name_map.find (r); if (i != reserved_name_map.end ()) { if (i->second) return i->second; else r += L'_'; } } return r; } // String escaping. // String charlit (UnsignedLong u) { String r ("\\x"); Boolean lead (true); for (Long i (7); i >= 0; --i) { UnsignedLong x ((u >> (i * 4)) & 0x0F); if (lead) { if (x == 0) continue; lead = false; } r += x < 10 ? ('0' + x) : ('A' + x - 10); } return r; } const UnsignedLong utf8_first_char_mask[5] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xF0 }; String strlit_utf8 (String const& str) { String r; Size n (str.size ()); // In most common cases we will have that many chars. // r.reserve (n + 2); r += '"'; Boolean escape (false); for (Size i (0); i < n; ++i) { UnsignedLong u (Context::unicode_char (str, i)); // May advance i. // [128 - ] - UTF-8 // 127 - \x7F // [32 - 126] - as is // [0 - 31] - \X or \xXX // if (u < 32 || u == 127) { switch (u) { case L'\n': { r += L"\\n"; break; } case L'\t': { r += L"\\t"; break; } case L'\v': { r += L"\\v"; break; } case L'\b': { r += L"\\b"; break; } case L'\r': { r += L"\\r"; break; } case L'\f': { r += L"\\f"; break; } case L'\a': { r += L"\\a"; break; } default: { r += charlit (u); escape = true; break; } } } else if (u < 127) { if (escape) { // Close and open the string so there are no clashes. // r += '"'; r += '"'; escape = false; } switch (u) { case L'"': { r += L"\\\""; break; } case L'\\': { r += L"\\\\"; break; } default: { r += static_cast (u); break; } } } else { UnsignedLong count; UnsignedLong tmp[4]; if (u < 0x800) count = 2; else if (u < 0x10000) count = 3; else if (u < 0x110000) count = 4; switch (count) { case 4: { tmp[3] = (u | 0x80UL) & 0xBFUL; u >>= 6; } case 3: { tmp[2] = (u | 0x80UL) & 0xBFUL; u >>= 6; } case 2: { tmp[1] = (u | 0x80UL) & 0xBFUL; u >>= 6; } case 1: { tmp[0] = u | utf8_first_char_mask[count]; } } for (UnsignedLong j (0); j < count; ++j) r += charlit (tmp[j]); escape = true; } } r += '"'; return r; } String strlit_iso8859_1 (String const& str) { String r; Size n (str.size ()); // In most common cases we will have that many chars. // r.reserve (n + 2); r += '"'; Boolean escape (false); for (Size i (0); i < n; ++i) { UnsignedLong u (Context::unicode_char (str, i)); // May advance i. // [256 - ] - unrepresentable // [127 - 255] - \xXX // [32 - 126] - as is // [0 - 31] - \X or \xXX // if (u < 32) { switch (u) { case L'\n': { r += L"\\n"; break; } case L'\t': { r += L"\\t"; break; } case L'\v': { r += L"\\v"; break; } case L'\b': { r += L"\\b"; break; } case L'\r': { r += L"\\r"; break; } case L'\f': { r += L"\\f"; break; } case L'\a': { r += L"\\a"; break; } default: { r += charlit (u); escape = true; break; } } } else if (u < 127) { if (escape) { // Close and open the string so there are no clashes. // r += '"'; r += '"'; escape = false; } switch (u) { case L'"': { r += L"\\\""; break; } case L'\\': { r += L"\\\\"; break; } default: { r += static_cast (u); break; } } } else if (u < 256) { r += charlit (u); escape = true; } else { // Unrepresentable character. // throw UnrepresentableCharacter (str, i + 1); } } r += '"'; return r; } String strlit_utf32 (String const& str) { String r; Size n (str.size ()); // In most common cases we will have that many chars. // r.reserve (n + 2); r += '"'; Boolean escape (false); for (Size i (0); i < n; ++i) { UnsignedLong u (Context::unicode_char (str, i)); // May advance i. // [128 - ] - \xUUUUUUUU // 127 - \x7F // [32 - 126] - as is // [0 - 31] - \X or \xXX // if (u < 32 || u == 127) { switch (u) { case L'\n': { r += L"\\n"; break; } case L'\t': { r += L"\\t"; break; } case L'\v': { r += L"\\v"; break; } case L'\b': { r += L"\\b"; break; } case L'\r': { r += L"\\r"; break; } case L'\f': { r += L"\\f"; break; } case L'\a': { r += L"\\a"; break; } default: { r += charlit (u); escape = true; break; } } } else if (u < 127) { if (escape) { // Close and open the string so there are no clashes. // r += '"'; r += '"'; escape = false; } switch (u) { case L'"': { r += L"\\\""; break; } case L'\\': { r += L"\\\\"; break; } default: { r += static_cast (u); break; } } } else { r += charlit (u); escape = true; } } r += '"'; return r; } String Context:: strlit (String const& str) { if (char_type == L"char") { if (char_encoding == L"iso8859-1") return strlit_iso8859_1 (str); else return strlit_utf8 (str); } else return strlit_utf32 (str); } String Context:: comment (String const& str) { String r; WideChar const* s (str.c_str ()); Size size (str.size ()); // In most common cases we will have that many chars. // r.reserve (size); for (WideChar const* p (s); p < s + size; ++p) { UnsignedLong u (unicode_char (p)); // May advance p. // We are going to treat \v, \f and \n as unrepresentable // here even though they can be present in C++ source code. // if (u > 127 || (u < 32 && u != '\t')) r += L'?'; else r += static_cast (u); } return r; } String Context:: process_include_path (String const& name) const { String path (include_prefix + name); if (trace_include_regex) wcerr << "include: '" << path << "'" << endl; String r; Boolean found (false); for (RegexMapping::ConstReverseIterator e (include_mapping.rbegin ()); e != include_mapping.rend (); ++e) { if (trace_include_regex) wcerr << "try: '" << e->pattern () << "' : "; if (e->match (path)) { r = e->merge (path); found = true; if (trace_include_regex) wcerr << "'" << r << "' : "; } if (trace_include_regex) wcerr << (found ? '+' : '-') << endl; if (found) break; } if (!found) r = path; if (!r.empty () && r[0] != L'"' && r[0] != L'<') { WideChar op (include_with_brackets ? L'<' : L'"'); WideChar cl (include_with_brackets ? L'>' : L'"'); r = op + r + cl; } return r; } // Namespace // Void Namespace:: pre (Type& n) { String ns (ctx_.ns_name (n)); String::size_type b (0), e; if (st_) st_->enter (L""); do { e = ns.find (L"::", b); String name (ns, b, e == ns.npos ? e : e - b); if (!name.empty ()) { ctx_.os << "namespace " << name << "{"; if (st_) st_->enter (name); } b = e; if (b == ns.npos) break; b += 2; } while (true); } Void Namespace:: post (Type& n) { String ns (ctx_.ns_name (n)); String::size_type b (0), e; do { e = ns.find (L"::", b); String name (ns, b, e == ns.npos ? e : e - b); if (!name.empty ()) { ctx_.os << "}"; if (st_) st_->leave (); } b = e; if (b == ns.npos) break; b += 2; } while (true); if (st_) st_->leave (); } // // LiteralValue // Void LiteralValue:: normalize (String& s) { Size n (s.size ()); for (Size i (0); i < n; ++i) { WideChar& c (s[i]); if (c == 0x0D || // carriage return c == 0x09 || // tab c == 0x0A) c = 0x20; } } Void LiteralValue:: collapse (String& s) { Size n (s.size ()), j (0); Boolean subs (false), trim (true); for (Size i (0); i < n; ++i) { WideChar c (s[i]); if (c == 0x20 || c == 0x09 || c == 0x0A) subs = true; else { if (subs) { subs = false; if (!trim) s[j++] = 0x20; } if (trim) trim = false; s[j++] = c; } } s.resize (j); } Void LiteralValue:: strip_zeros (String& s) { Size n (s.size ()), i (0); if (n > 0 && (s[i] == '-' || s[i] == '+')) i++; Size j (i); Boolean strip (true); for (; i < n; ++i) { WideChar c (s[i]); if (c == '0') { if (!strip) s[j++] = c; } else { s[j++] = c; if (strip) strip = false; } } if (strip && j < n) s[j++] = '0'; // There was nothing except zeros so add one back. s.resize (j); } Void LiteralValue:: make_float (String& s) { if (s.find ('.') == String::npos && s.find ('e') == String::npos && s.find ('E') == String::npos) s += L".0"; } LiteralValue:: LiteralValue (Context& c, Boolean str) : Context (c), str_ (str) { } String LiteralValue:: dispatch (SemanticGraph::Node& type, String const& value) { literal_.clear (); value_ = value; Traversal::NodeBase::dispatch (type); return literal_; } // Boolean. // Void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Boolean&) { collapse (value_); literal_ = (value_ == L"true" || value_ == L"1") ? "true" : "false"; } // Integral types. // Void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Byte&) { collapse (value_); strip_zeros (value_); literal_ = value_; } Void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedByte&) { collapse (value_); strip_zeros (value_); literal_ = value_ + L"U"; } Void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Short&) { collapse (value_); strip_zeros (value_); literal_ = value_; } Void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedShort&) { collapse (value_); strip_zeros (value_); literal_ = value_ + L"U"; } Void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Int&) { collapse (value_); strip_zeros (value_); literal_ = value_; } Void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedInt&) { collapse (value_); strip_zeros (value_); literal_ = value_ + L"U"; } Void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Long&) { collapse (value_); strip_zeros (value_); literal_ = value_; literal_ += long_long ? L"LL" : L"L"; } Void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedLong&) { collapse (value_); strip_zeros (value_); literal_ = value_; literal_ += long_long ? L"ULL" : L"UL"; } Void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Integer&) { collapse (value_); strip_zeros (value_); literal_ = value_ + L"L"; } Void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger&) { collapse (value_); strip_zeros (value_); literal_ = value_ + L"L"; } Void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger&) { collapse (value_); strip_zeros (value_); literal_ = value_ + L"UL"; } Void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::PositiveInteger&) { collapse (value_); strip_zeros (value_); literal_ = value_ + L"UL"; } Void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NegativeInteger&) { collapse (value_); strip_zeros (value_); literal_ = value_ + L"L"; } // Floats. // Void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Float&) { collapse (value_); if (value_ == L"NaN") { literal_ = "static_cast< float > (strtod (\"NAN\", 0))"; } else if (value_ == L"INF") { literal_ = "static_cast< float > (strtod (\"INF\", 0))"; } else if (value_ == L"-INF") { literal_ = "static_cast< float > (strtod (\"-INF\", 0))"; } else { strip_zeros (value_); make_float (value_); literal_ = value_ + L"F"; } } Void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double&) { collapse (value_); if (value_ == L"NaN") { literal_ = "strtod (\"NAN\", 0)"; } else if (value_ == L"INF") { literal_ = "strtod (\"INF\", 0)"; } else if (value_ == L"-INF") { literal_ = "strtod (\"-INF\", 0)"; } else { strip_zeros (value_); make_float (value_); literal_ = value_; } } Void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal&) { collapse (value_); strip_zeros (value_); make_float (value_); literal_ = value_; } // Strings. // Void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::String&) { if (str_) literal_ = strlit (value_); } Void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NormalizedString&) { if (str_) { normalize (value_); literal_ = strlit (value_); } } Void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Token&) { if (str_) { collapse (value_); literal_ = strlit (value_); } } Void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameToken&) { if (str_) { collapse (value_); literal_ = strlit (value_); } } Void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Name&) { if (str_) { collapse (value_); literal_ = strlit (value_); } } Void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NCName&) { if (str_) { collapse (value_); literal_ = strlit (value_); } } Void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Language&) { if (str_) { collapse (value_); literal_ = strlit (value_); } } // ID/IDREF. // Void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Id&) { if (str_) { collapse (value_); literal_ = strlit (value_); } } Void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRef&) { if (str_) { collapse (value_); literal_ = strlit (value_); } } // URI. // Void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::AnyURI&) { if (str_) { collapse (value_); literal_ = strlit (value_); } } // Entity. // Void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entity&) { if (str_) { collapse (value_); literal_ = strlit (value_); } } }