// file : tests/cxx/serializer/built-in/driver.cxx // license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file // Test built-in type serialization. // #include // strtof, strtod #include // memcpy, strlen, strcmp #include #include #include "test-sskel.hxx" using namespace std; using namespace test; struct any_type_simpl: xml_schema::any_type_simpl { virtual void _serialize_attributes () { _attribute ("foo", "one"); _attribute ("test", "foo", "two"); } virtual void _serialize_content () { _start_element ("test", "inner"); _characters ("hello"); _end_element (); } }; /* struct any_simple_type_simpl: xml_schema::any_simple_type_simpl { virtual void _serialize_content () { _characters ("hello"); } }; */ struct root_simpl: root_sskel { virtual void pre () { boolean_ = 0; byte_ = 0; unsigned_byte_ = 0; short__ = 0; unsigned_short_ = 0; int__ = 0; unsigned_int_ = 0; long__ = 0; unsigned_long_ = 0; integer_ = 0; negative_integer_ = 0; non_positive_integer_ = 0; positive_integer_ = 0; non_negative_integer_ = 0; float__ = 0; double__ = 0; decimal_ = 0; string_ = 0; normalized_string_ = 0; token_ = 0; name_ = 0; nmtoken_ = 0; nmtokens_ = 0; ncname_ = 0; id_ = 0; idref_ = 0; idrefs_ = 0; language_ = 0; uri_ = 0; qname_ = 0; base64_binary_ = 0; hex_binary_ = 0; gday_ = 0; gmonth_ = 0; gyear_ = 0; gmonth_day_ = 0; gyear_month_ = 0; date_ = 0; time_ = 0; date_time_ = 0; duration_ = 0; } virtual bool boolean_next () { return boolean_ < 2; } virtual bool boolean () { static const bool v[] = {true, false}; return v[boolean_++]; } virtual bool byte_next () { return byte_ < 4; } virtual signed char byte () { static const signed char v[] = {-128, -123, 0, 127}; return v[byte_++]; } virtual bool unsigned_byte_next () { return unsigned_byte_ < 3; } virtual unsigned char unsigned_byte () { static const unsigned char v[] = {0, 123, 255}; return v[unsigned_byte_++]; } virtual bool short__next () { return short__ < 4; } virtual short short_ () { static const short v[] = {-32768, -12345, 0, 32767}; return v[short__++]; } virtual bool unsigned_short_next () { return unsigned_short_ < 3; } virtual unsigned short unsigned_short () { static const unsigned short v[] = {0, 12345, 65535}; return v[unsigned_short_++]; } virtual bool int__next () { return int__ < 4; } virtual int int_ () { static const int v[] = {-2147483648, -1234567890, 0, 2147483647}; return v[int__++]; } virtual bool unsigned_int_next () { return unsigned_int_ < 3; } virtual unsigned int unsigned_int () { static const unsigned int v[] = {0, 1234567890, 4294967295}; return v[unsigned_int_++]; } virtual bool long__next () { return long__ < 4; } virtual bool unsigned_long_next () { return unsigned_long_ < 3; } #ifdef XSDE_LONGLONG virtual long long long_ () { static const long long v[] = { -9223372036854775807LL, -1234567890123456789LL, 0LL, 9223372036854775807LL }; return long__ == 0 ? (v[long__++] - 1) : v[long__++]; } virtual unsigned long long unsigned_long () { static const unsigned long long v[] = { 0ULL, 12345678901234567890ULL, 18446744073709551615ULL }; return v[unsigned_long_++]; } #else virtual long long_ () { static const long v[] = {-2147483647L, -1234567890L, 0L, 2147483647L}; return long__ == 0 ? (v[long__++] - 1) : v[long__++]; } virtual unsigned long unsigned_long () { static const unsigned long v[] = {0UL, 1234567890UL, 4294967295UL}; return v[unsigned_long_++]; } #endif // // virtual bool integer_next () { return integer_ < 4; } virtual long integer () { static const long v[] = {-2147483647L, -1234567890L, 0L, 2147483647L}; return integer_ == 0 ? (v[integer_++] - 1) : v[integer_++]; } virtual bool negative_integer_next () { return negative_integer_ < 2; } virtual long negative_integer () { static const long v[] = {-2147483647L, -1234567890L}; return negative_integer_ == 0 ? (v[negative_integer_++] - 1) : v[negative_integer_++]; } virtual bool non_positive_integer_next () { return non_positive_integer_ < 3; } virtual long non_positive_integer () { static const long v[] = {-2147483647L, -1234567890L, 0L}; return non_positive_integer_ == 0 ? (v[non_positive_integer_++] - 1) : v[non_positive_integer_++]; } virtual bool positive_integer_next () { return positive_integer_ < 2; } virtual unsigned long positive_integer () { static const unsigned long v[] = {1234567890UL, 4294967295UL}; return v[positive_integer_++]; } virtual bool non_negative_integer_next () { return non_negative_integer_ < 3; } virtual unsigned long non_negative_integer () { static const unsigned long v[] = {0UL, 1234567890UL, 4294967295UL}; return v[non_negative_integer_++]; } // // virtual bool float__next () { return float__ < 9; } virtual float float_ () { static const float v[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 123.567, -123.567e5, -0.45e-5}; switch (float__) { case 0: { float__++; return strtof ("INF", 0); } case 1: { float__++; return strtof ("-INF", 0); } case 2: { float__++; return strtof ("NAN", 0); } default: { return v[float__++]; } } } virtual bool double__next () { return double__ < 9; } virtual double double_ () { static const double v[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 123.56789, -123.56789e8, -0.45E-5}; switch (double__) { case 0: { double__++; return strtod ("INF", 0); } case 1: { double__++; return strtod ("-INF", 0); } case 2: { double__++; return strtod ("NAN", 0); } default: { return v[double__++]; } } } virtual bool decimal_next () { return decimal_ < 5; } virtual double decimal () { static const double v[] = {0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 123.56789, -123.56789}; return v[decimal_++]; } // // #ifdef XSDE_STL virtual std::string any_simple_type () { return "hello"; } virtual bool string_next () { return string_++ < 1; } virtual std::string string () { return " test \n string "; } virtual bool normalized_string_next () { return normalized_string_++ < 1; } virtual std::string normalized_string () { return "test normalized string"; } virtual bool token_next () { return token_++ < 1; } virtual std::string token () { return "test token"; } virtual bool name_next () { return name_++ < 1; } virtual std::string name () { return "as123:345-.abs"; } virtual bool nmtoken_next () { return nmtoken_++ < 1; } virtual std::string nmtoken () { return "1as123:345-.abs"; } virtual bool nmtokens_next () { return nmtokens_ < 2; } virtual xml_schema::string_sequence* nmtokens () { using xml_schema::string_sequence; switch (nmtokens_++) { case 0: { string_sequence* r = new string_sequence; r->push_back ("one"); return r; } case 1: { string_sequence* r = new string_sequence; r->push_back ("one"); r->push_back ("two"); r->push_back ("three"); return r; } default: return 0; } } virtual bool ncname_next () { return ncname_++ < 1; } virtual std::string ncname () { return "as123_345-.abs"; } virtual bool id_next () { return id_ < 4; } virtual std::string id () { static const char* v[] = {"as123_345-.abs", "one", "two", "three"}; return v[id_++]; } virtual bool idref_next () { return idref_++ < 1; } virtual std::string idref () { return "as123_345-.abs"; } virtual bool idrefs_next () { return idrefs_ < 2; } virtual xml_schema::string_sequence* idrefs () { using xml_schema::string_sequence; switch (idrefs_++) { case 0: { string_sequence* r = new string_sequence; r->push_back ("one"); return r; } case 1: { string_sequence* r = new string_sequence; r->push_back ("two"); r->push_back ("three"); return r; } default: return 0; } } virtual bool language_next () { return language_++ < 1; } virtual std::string language () { return "en-us"; } virtual bool uri_next () { return uri_++ < 1; } virtual std::string uri () { return "http://www.example.com/foo#bar"; } virtual bool qname_next () { return qname_ < 2; } virtual xml_schema::qname qname () { using xml_schema::qname; switch (qname_++) { case 0: { qname r ("g1", "qname"); return r; } case 1: { qname r ("qname"); return r; } default: return qname ("bad"); } } #else virtual const char* any_simple_type () { return "hello"; } virtual bool string_next () { return string_++ < 1; } virtual const char* string () { return " test \n string "; } virtual bool normalized_string_next () { return normalized_string_++ < 1; } virtual const char* normalized_string () { return "test normalized string"; } virtual bool token_next () { return token_++ < 1; } virtual const char* token () { return "test token"; } virtual bool name_next () { return name_++ < 1; } virtual const char* name () { return "as123:345-.abs"; } virtual bool nmtoken_next () { return nmtoken_++ < 1; } virtual const char* nmtoken () { return "1as123:345-.abs"; } virtual bool nmtokens_next () { return nmtokens_ < 2; } virtual const xml_schema::string_sequence* nmtokens () { using xml_schema::string_sequence; switch (nmtokens_++) { case 0: { string_sequence* r = new string_sequence (); r->push_back_copy ("one"); return r; } case 1: { string_sequence* r = new string_sequence (); r->push_back_copy ("one"); r->push_back_copy ("two"); r->push_back_copy ("three"); return r; } default: return 0; } } virtual bool ncname_next () { return ncname_++ < 1; } virtual const char* ncname () { return "as123_345-.abs"; } virtual bool id_next () { return id_ < 4; } virtual const char* id () { static const char* v[] = {"as123_345-.abs", "one", "two", "three"}; return v[id_++]; } virtual bool idref_next () { return idref_++ < 1; } virtual const char* idref () { return "as123_345-.abs"; } virtual bool idrefs_next () { return idrefs_ < 2; } virtual const xml_schema::string_sequence* idrefs () { using xml_schema::string_sequence; switch (idrefs_++) { case 0: { string_sequence* r = new string_sequence (); r->push_back_copy ("one"); return r; } case 1: { string_sequence* r = new string_sequence (); r->push_back_copy ("two"); r->push_back_copy ("three"); return r; } default: return 0; } } virtual bool language_next () { return language_++ < 1; } virtual const char* language () { return "en-us"; } virtual bool uri_next () { return uri_++ < 1; } virtual const char* uri () { return "http://www.example.com/foo#bar"; } virtual bool qname_next () { return qname_ < 2; } virtual const xml_schema::qname* qname () { using xml_schema::qname; switch (qname_++) { case 0: { qname* r = new qname (); r->prefix_copy ("g1"); r->name_copy ("qname"); return r; } case 1: { qname* r = new qname (); r->name_copy ("qname"); return r; } default: return 0; } } #endif // // virtual bool base64_binary_next () { return base64_binary_ < 6; } virtual const xml_schema::buffer* base64_binary () { xml_schema::buffer* r = new xml_schema::buffer (); switch (base64_binary_++) { case 0: { // Empty buffer. // break; } case 1: { const char data[] = "12345abcjk"; const size_t size = sizeof (data) - 1; r->size (size); memcpy (r->data (), data, size); break; } case 2: { const char data[] = "a"; const size_t size = sizeof (data) - 1; r->size (size); memcpy (r->data (), data, size); break; } case 3: { const char data[] = "ab"; const size_t size = sizeof (data) -1; r->size (size); memcpy (r->data (), data, size); break; } case 4: { const char data[] = "abc"; const size_t size = sizeof (data) - 1; r->size (size); memcpy (r->data (), data, size); break; } case 5: { const size_t size = 345; r->size (size); unsigned char v = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { r->data ()[i] = static_cast (v++); } break; } } return r; } virtual bool hex_binary_next () { return hex_binary_ < 3; } virtual const xml_schema::buffer* hex_binary () { xml_schema::buffer* r = new xml_schema::buffer (); switch (hex_binary_++) { case 0: { // Empty buffer. // break; } case 1: { const char data[] = "12345abcjk"; const size_t size = sizeof (data) - 1; r->size (size); memcpy (r->data (), data, size); break; } case 2: { const size_t size = 345; r->size (size); unsigned char v = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { r->data ()[i] = static_cast (v++); } break; } } return r; } virtual bool gday_next () { return gday_ < 3; } virtual xml_schema::gday gday () { using xml_schema::gday; switch (gday_++) { case 0: return gday (23); case 1: return gday (31, 2, 30); case 2: return gday (15, 0, 0); } return gday (0); } virtual bool gmonth_next () { return gmonth_ < 2; } virtual ::xml_schema::gmonth gmonth () { using xml_schema::gmonth; switch (gmonth_++) { case 0: return gmonth (6); case 1: return gmonth (12, 2, 30); } return gmonth (0); } virtual bool gyear_next () { return gyear_ < 2; } virtual ::xml_schema::gyear gyear () { using xml_schema::gyear; switch (gyear_++) { case 0: return gyear (2007); case 1: return gyear (-2007, -2, -30); } return gyear (0); } virtual bool gmonth_day_next () { return gmonth_day_ < 2; } virtual ::xml_schema::gmonth_day gmonth_day () { using xml_schema::gmonth_day; switch (gmonth_day_++) { case 0: return gmonth_day (6, 15); case 1: return gmonth_day (12, 31, 2, 30); } return gmonth_day (0, 0); } virtual bool gyear_month_next () { return gyear_month_ < 2; } virtual ::xml_schema::gyear_month gyear_month () { using xml_schema::gyear_month; switch (gyear_month_++) { case 0: return gyear_month (2007, 10); case 1: return gyear_month (-2007, 12, -2, -30); } return gyear_month (0, 0); } virtual bool date_next () { return date_ < 2; } virtual ::xml_schema::date date () { using xml_schema::date; switch (date_++) { case 0: return date (2007, 6, 15); case 1: return date (-2007, 12, 31, -2, -30); } return date (0, 0, 0); } virtual bool time_next () { return time_ < 2; } virtual ::xml_schema::time time () { using xml_schema::time; switch (time_++) { case 0: return time (12, 30, 30.0); case 1: return time (23, 59, 59.55, 2, 30); } return time (0, 0, 0); } virtual bool date_time_next () { return date_time_ < 2; } virtual ::xml_schema::date_time date_time () { using xml_schema::date_time; switch (date_time_++) { case 0: return date_time (2007, 6, 15, 12, 30, 30.0); case 1: return date_time (-2007, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59.55, -2, -30); } return date_time (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } virtual bool duration_next () { return duration_ < 7; } virtual ::xml_schema::duration duration () { using xml_schema::duration; switch (duration_++) { case 0: return duration (false, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0); case 1: return duration (true, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.0); case 2: return duration (false, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0.0); case 3: return duration (true, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0.0); case 4: return duration (false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.0); case 5: return duration (true, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.1); case 6: return duration (false, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.7); } return duration (false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } private: int boolean_; int byte_; int unsigned_byte_; int short__; int unsigned_short_; int int__; int unsigned_int_; int long__; int unsigned_long_; int integer_; int negative_integer_; int non_positive_integer_; int positive_integer_; int non_negative_integer_; int float__; int double__; int decimal_; int string_; int normalized_string_; int token_; int name_; int nmtoken_; int nmtokens_; int ncname_; int id_; int idref_; int idrefs_; int language_; int uri_; int qname_; int base64_binary_; int hex_binary_; int gday_; int gmonth_; int gyear_; int gmonth_day_; int gyear_month_; int date_; int time_; int date_time_; int duration_; }; int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 2) { cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " " << endl; return 1; } // Ignore one of the tests depending on whether long long is available. // { char* s = argv[1]; size_t n = strlen (s); if (strcmp (s + n - 12, #ifdef XSDE_LONGLONG "test-000.xml" #else "test-001.xml" #endif ) == 0) { s[n - 3] = 's'; s[n - 2] = 't'; s[n - 1] = 'd'; ifstream ifs (s); cout << ifs.rdbuf (); return 0; } } any_type_simpl any_type_s; xml_schema::any_simple_type_simpl any_simple_type_s; xml_schema::boolean_simpl boolean_s; xml_schema::byte_simpl byte_s; xml_schema::unsigned_byte_simpl unsigned_byte_s; xml_schema::short_simpl short_s; xml_schema::unsigned_short_simpl unsigned_short_s; xml_schema::int_simpl int_s; xml_schema::unsigned_int_simpl unsigned_int_s; xml_schema::long_simpl long_s; xml_schema::unsigned_long_simpl unsigned_long_s; xml_schema::integer_simpl integer_s; xml_schema::negative_integer_simpl negative_integer_s; xml_schema::non_positive_integer_simpl non_sositive_integer_s; xml_schema::positive_integer_simpl positive_integer_s; xml_schema::non_negative_integer_simpl non_negative_integer_s; xml_schema::float_simpl float_s; xml_schema::double_simpl double_s; xml_schema::decimal_simpl decimal_s; xml_schema::string_simpl string_s; xml_schema::normalized_string_simpl normalized_string_s; xml_schema::token_simpl token_s; xml_schema::name_simpl name_s; xml_schema::nmtoken_simpl nmtoken_s; xml_schema::ncname_simpl ncname_s; xml_schema::id_simpl id_s; xml_schema::idref_simpl idref_s; xml_schema::language_simpl language_s; xml_schema::uri_simpl uri_s; #ifdef XSDE_STL xml_schema::qname_simpl qname_s; #else xml_schema::qname_simpl qname_s (true); #endif xml_schema::idrefs_simpl idrefs_s (true); xml_schema::nmtokens_simpl nmtokens_s (true); xml_schema::base64_binary_simpl base64_binary_s (true); xml_schema::hex_binary_simpl hex_binary_s (true); xml_schema::gday_simpl gday_s; xml_schema::gmonth_simpl gmonth_s; xml_schema::gyear_simpl gyear_s; xml_schema::gmonth_day_simpl gmonth_day_s; xml_schema::gyear_month_simpl gyear_month_s; xml_schema::date_simpl date_s; xml_schema::time_simpl time_s; xml_schema::date_time_simpl date_time_s; xml_schema::duration_simpl duration_s; root_simpl root_s; root_s.serializers (any_type_s, any_simple_type_s, boolean_s, byte_s, unsigned_byte_s, short_s, unsigned_short_s, int_s, unsigned_int_s, long_s, unsigned_long_s, integer_s, negative_integer_s, non_sositive_integer_s, positive_integer_s, non_negative_integer_s, float_s, double_s, decimal_s, string_s, normalized_string_s, token_s, name_s, nmtoken_s, nmtokens_s, ncname_s, id_s, idref_s, idrefs_s, language_s, uri_s, qname_s, base64_binary_s, hex_binary_s, gday_s, gmonth_s, gyear_s, gmonth_day_s, gyear_month_s, date_s, time_s, date_time_s, duration_s); xml_schema::document_simpl doc_s (root_s, "test", "root"); root_s.pre (); doc_s.serialize (cout); root_s.post (); return 0; }