// file : tests/cxx/parser/built-in/driver.cxx // license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file // Test built-in type parsing. // #include // strlen, strcmp #include #include #include #include "test-pskel.hxx" using namespace std; using namespace test; using xml_schema::ro_string; struct any_type_pimpl: xml_schema::any_type_pimpl { virtual void pre () { cout << "{" << endl; } virtual void #ifndef XSDE_POLYMORPHIC _start_any_element (ro_string const&, ro_string const& n) #else _start_any_element (ro_string const&, ro_string const& n, const char*) #endif { cout << " start any element '" << n << "'" << endl; } virtual void _end_any_element (ro_string const&, ro_string const& n) { cout << " end any element '" << n << "'" << endl; } virtual void _any_attribute (ro_string const&, ro_string const& n, ro_string const& v) { cout << " any attribute " << n << " = '" << v << "'" << endl; } virtual void _any_characters (ro_string const& s) { cout << " any text: '" << s << "'" << endl; } virtual void post_any_type () { cout << "}" << endl << endl; } }; struct type_pimpl: type_pskel { virtual void boolean (bool v) { cout << v << endl; } virtual void byte (signed char v) { cout << short (v) << endl; } virtual void unsigned_byte (unsigned char v) { cout << (unsigned short) (v) << endl; } virtual void short_ (short v) { cout << v << endl; } virtual void unsigned_short (unsigned short v) { cout << v << endl; } virtual void int_ (int v) { cout << v << endl; } virtual void unsigned_int (unsigned int v) { cout << v << endl; } #ifdef XSDE_LONGLONG virtual void long_ (long long v) { cout << v << endl; } virtual void unsigned_long (unsigned long long v) { cout << v << endl; } #else virtual void long_ (long v) { cout << v << endl; } virtual void unsigned_long (unsigned long v) { cout << v << endl; } #endif virtual void integer (long v) { cout << v << endl; } virtual void negative_integer (long v) { cout << v << endl; } virtual void non_positive_integer (long v) { cout << v << endl; } virtual void positive_integer (unsigned long v) { cout << v << endl; } virtual void non_negative_integer (unsigned long v) { cout << v << endl; } virtual void float_ (float v) { cout << v << endl; } virtual void double_ (double v) { cout << v << endl; } virtual void decimal (double v) { cout << v << endl; } #ifdef XSDE_STL virtual void any_simple_type (std::string const& v) { cout << "'" << v << "'" << endl; } virtual void string (std::string const& v) { cout << "'" << v << "'" << endl; } virtual void normalized_string (std::string const& v) { cout << "'" << v << "'" << endl; } virtual void token (std::string const& v) { cout << "'" << v << "'" << endl; } virtual void name (std::string const& v) { cout << "'" << v << "'" << endl; } virtual void nmtoken (std::string const& v) { cout << "'" << v << "'" << endl; } virtual void nmtokens (xml_schema::string_sequence* s) { cout << "'"; for (xml_schema::string_sequence::const_iterator i (s->begin ()); i != s->end (); ++i) cout << *i << " "; cout << "'" << endl; delete s; } virtual void ncname (std::string const& v) { cout << "'" << v << "'" << endl; } virtual void id (std::string const& v) { cout << "'" << v << "'" << endl; } virtual void idref (std::string const& v) { cout << "'" << v << "'" << endl; } virtual void idrefs (xml_schema::string_sequence* s) { cout << "'"; for (xml_schema::string_sequence::const_iterator i (s->begin ()); i != s->end (); ++i) cout << *i << " "; cout << "'" << endl; delete s; } virtual void language (std::string const& v) { cout << "'" << v << "'" << endl; } virtual void uri (std::string const& v) { cout << "'" << v << "'" << endl; } virtual void qname (xml_schema::qname const& v) { cout << "'" << v.prefix () << ":" << v.name () << "'" << endl; } #else // XSDE_STL virtual void any_simple_type (char* v) { cout << "'" << v << "'" << endl; delete[] v; } virtual void string (char* v) { cout << "'" << v << "'" << endl; delete[] v; } virtual void normalized_string (char* v) { cout << "'" << v << "'" << endl; delete[] v; } virtual void token (char* v) { cout << "'" << v << "'" << endl; delete[] v; } virtual void name (char* v) { cout << "'" << v << "'" << endl; delete[] v; } virtual void nmtoken (char* v) { cout << "'" << v << "'" << endl; delete[] v; } virtual void nmtokens (xml_schema::string_sequence* s) { cout << "'"; for (xml_schema::string_sequence::const_iterator i (s->begin ()); i != s->end (); ++i) cout << *i << " "; cout << "'" << endl; delete s; } virtual void ncname (char* v) { cout << "'" << v << "'" << endl; delete[] v; } virtual void id (char* v) { cout << "'" << v << "'" << endl; delete[] v; } virtual void idref (char* v) { cout << "'" << v << "'" << endl; delete[] v; } virtual void idrefs (xml_schema::string_sequence* s) { cout << "'"; for (xml_schema::string_sequence::const_iterator i (s->begin ()); i != s->end (); ++i) cout << *i << " "; cout << "'" << endl; delete s; } virtual void language (char* v) { cout << "'" << v << "'" << endl; delete[] v; } virtual void uri (char* v) { cout << "'" << v << "'" << endl; delete[] v; } virtual void qname (xml_schema::qname* v) { cout << "'" << v->prefix () << ":" << v->name () << "'" << endl; delete v; } #endif // XSDE_STL virtual void base64_binary (xml_schema::buffer* v) { std::string tmp (v->data (), v->size ()); cout << "'" << tmp << "'" << endl; delete v; } virtual void hex_binary (xml_schema::buffer* v) { std::string tmp (v->data (), v->size ()); cout << "'" << tmp << "'" << endl; delete v; } virtual void gday (xml_schema::gday const& v) { cout << v.day (); if (v.zone_present ()) cout << (v.zone_hours () < 0 ? "" : "+") << v.zone_hours () << ':' << v.zone_minutes (); cout << endl; } virtual void gmonth (xml_schema::gmonth const& v) { cout << v.month (); if (v.zone_present ()) cout << (v.zone_hours () < 0 ? "" : "+") << v.zone_hours () << ':' << v.zone_minutes (); cout << endl; } virtual void gyear (xml_schema::gyear const& v) { cout << v.year (); if (v.zone_present ()) cout << (v.zone_hours () < 0 ? "" : "+") << v.zone_hours () << ':' << v.zone_minutes (); cout << endl; } virtual void gmonth_day (xml_schema::gmonth_day const& v) { cout << v.month () << '-' << v.day (); if (v.zone_present ()) cout << (v.zone_hours () < 0 ? "" : "+") << v.zone_hours () << ':' << v.zone_minutes (); cout << endl; } virtual void gyear_month (xml_schema::gyear_month const& v) { cout << v.year () << '-' << v.month (); if (v.zone_present ()) cout << (v.zone_hours () < 0 ? "" : "+") << v.zone_hours () << ':' << v.zone_minutes (); cout << endl; } virtual void date (xml_schema::date const& v) { cout << v.year () << '-' << v.month () << '-' << v.day (); if (v.zone_present ()) cout << (v.zone_hours () < 0 ? "" : "+") << v.zone_hours () << ':' << v.zone_minutes (); cout << endl; } virtual void time (xml_schema::time const& v) { cout << v.hours () << ':' << v.minutes () << ':' << v.seconds (); if (v.zone_present ()) cout << (v.zone_hours () < 0 ? "" : "+") << v.zone_hours () << ':' << v.zone_minutes (); cout << endl; } virtual void date_time (xml_schema::date_time const& v) { cout << v.year () << '-' << v.month () << '-' << v.day () << 'T' << v.hours () << ':' << v.minutes () << ':' << v.seconds (); if (v.zone_present ()) cout << (v.zone_hours () < 0 ? "" : "+") << v.zone_hours () << ':' << v.zone_minutes (); cout << endl; } virtual void duration (xml_schema::duration const& v) { cout << (v.negative () ? "-" : "") << 'P' << v.years () << 'Y' << v.months () << 'M' << v.days () << 'D' << 'T' << v.hours () << 'H' << v.minutes () << 'M' << v.seconds () << 'S' << endl; } }; int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 2) { cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " test.xml" << endl; return 1; } // Ignore one of the tests depending on whether long long is available. // { char* s = argv[1]; size_t n = strlen (s); if (strcmp (s + n - 12, #ifdef XSDE_LONGLONG "test-000.xml" #else "test-001.xml" #endif ) == 0) { s[n - 3] = 's'; s[n - 2] = 't'; s[n - 1] = 'd'; ifstream ifs (s); cout << ifs.rdbuf (); return 0; } } try { any_type_pimpl any_type_p; xml_schema::any_simple_type_pimpl any_simple_type_p; xml_schema::boolean_pimpl boolean_p; xml_schema::byte_pimpl byte_p; xml_schema::unsigned_byte_pimpl unsigned_byte_p; xml_schema::short_pimpl short_p; xml_schema::unsigned_short_pimpl unsigned_short_p; xml_schema::int_pimpl int_p; xml_schema::unsigned_int_pimpl unsigned_int_p; xml_schema::long_pimpl long_p; xml_schema::unsigned_long_pimpl unsigned_long_p; xml_schema::integer_pimpl integer_p; xml_schema::negative_integer_pimpl negative_integer_p; xml_schema::non_positive_integer_pimpl non_positive_integer_p; xml_schema::positive_integer_pimpl positive_integer_p; xml_schema::non_negative_integer_pimpl non_negative_integer_p; xml_schema::float_pimpl float_p; xml_schema::double_pimpl double_p; xml_schema::decimal_pimpl decimal_p; xml_schema::string_pimpl string_p; xml_schema::normalized_string_pimpl normalized_string_p; xml_schema::token_pimpl token_p; xml_schema::name_pimpl name_p; xml_schema::nmtoken_pimpl nmtoken_p; xml_schema::nmtokens_pimpl nmtokens_p; xml_schema::ncname_pimpl ncname_p; xml_schema::id_pimpl id_p; xml_schema::idref_pimpl idref_p; xml_schema::idrefs_pimpl idrefs_p; xml_schema::language_pimpl language_p; xml_schema::uri_pimpl uri_p; xml_schema::qname_pimpl qname_p; xml_schema::base64_binary_pimpl base64_binary_p; xml_schema::hex_binary_pimpl hex_binary_p; xml_schema::gday_pimpl gday_p; xml_schema::gmonth_pimpl gmonth_p; xml_schema::gyear_pimpl gyear_p; xml_schema::gmonth_day_pimpl gmonth_day_p; xml_schema::gyear_month_pimpl gyear_month_p; xml_schema::date_pimpl date_p; xml_schema::time_pimpl time_p; xml_schema::date_time_pimpl date_time_p; xml_schema::duration_pimpl duration_p; type_pimpl type_p; type_p.parsers (any_type_p, any_simple_type_p, boolean_p, byte_p, unsigned_byte_p, short_p, unsigned_short_p, int_p, unsigned_int_p, long_p, unsigned_long_p, integer_p, negative_integer_p, non_positive_integer_p, positive_integer_p, non_negative_integer_p, float_p, double_p, decimal_p, string_p, normalized_string_p, token_p, name_p, nmtoken_p, nmtokens_p, ncname_p, id_p, idref_p, idrefs_p, language_p, uri_p, qname_p, base64_binary_p, hex_binary_p, gday_p, gmonth_p, gyear_p, gmonth_day_p, gyear_month_p, date_p, time_p, date_time_p, duration_p); xml_schema::document_pimpl doc_p (type_p, "test", "root"); type_p.pre (); doc_p.parse (argv[1]); type_p.post_type (); } catch (xml_schema::parser_exception const& e) { cerr << e << endl; return 1; } catch (std::ios_base::failure const&) { cerr << "io failure" << endl; return 1; } return 0; }