// file : xsde/cxx/serializer/non-validating/time-zone.hxx // license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file #ifndef XSDE_CXX_SERIALIZER_NON_VALIDATING_TIME_ZONE_HXX #define XSDE_CXX_SERIALIZER_NON_VALIDATING_TIME_ZONE_HXX #include namespace xsde { namespace cxx { namespace serializer { namespace non_validating { namespace bits { // Returns 0 in case of a failure and the number of // characters written otherwise. The buffer should // have space for at least 7 characters. // int serialize_time_zone (char* s, const time_zone&); } } } } } #endif // XSDE_CXX_SERIALIZER_NON_VALIDATING_TIME_ZONE_HXX