This example shows how to serialize XML data matched by XML Schema wildcards (any and anyAttribute) using the Embedded C++/Serializer mapping. The example consists of the following files: email.xsd XML Schema which describes a simple email format with the extensible envelope type. email.hxx C++ types that describe the email format defined in email.xsd. These are hand-written. Type map. It maps XML Schema types defined in email.xsd to C++ types defined in email.hxx. email-sskel.hxx email-sskel.cxx Serializer skeletons generated by XSD/e from email.xsd and driver.cxx Serializer implementations and a driver for the example. The serializer implementations serialize the in-memory object model defined in email.hxx to XML. The driver first constructs a sample email object using the types from email.hxx. It then creates a serializer instance using the serializer implementations mentioned above and a couple of predefined serializers for the XML Schema built-in types. Finally, it invokes this serializer instance to serialize the sample email object to an XML document which is printed to STDOUT. To run the example simply execute: $ ./driver