This example shows how to use the sample implementation and test driver generation feature of the Embedded C++/Parser mapping. This example does not have any hand-written C++ code; everything is generated by the XSD/e compiler. The example consists of the following files: library.xsd XML Schema which describes a library of books. library.xml Sample XML instance document. library-pskel.hxx library-pskel.cxx Parser skeletons generated by XSD/e from library.xsd. library-pimpl.hxx library-pimpl.cxx Sample parser implementations that print the XML data to STDOUT. These are generated by XSD/e from library.xsd with the --generate-print-impl option. library-pdriver.cxx Sample driver for the example. It is generated by XSD/e from library.xsd with the --generate-test-driver option. To run the example on the sample XML instance document simply execute: $ ./library-pdriver library.xml The example reads from STDIN if input file is not specified: $ ./library-pdriver