This file describes how to build and use XSD/e with Android. While it should be possible to build the XSD/e runtime library (libxsde) using GNU make and the native XSD/e build system, the amount of compiler options one has to keep track of makes this approach impractical. Instead, the configuration files and makefiles in this directory implement a split build procedure where the XSD/e build system is used to generate the XSD/e configuration header (libxsde/xsde/config.h) as well as the list of source files that need to be compiled. Then the Android build system is used to compile the source files and build the libxsde.a library. The XSD/e build system is transparently invoked by the Android build system when the XSD/e configuration file is changed. This directory also includes the Android makefile ( for the 'minimal' C++/Hybrid example (examples/cxx/hybrid/minimal) which shows how to integrate the libxsde build into your application's build, set up the include directories, as well as compile the schemas with the XSD/e compiler. To set up an application to use XSD/e, follow these steps: 1. Unpack the pre-compiled XSD/e package for your host development platform into your application's 'jni' directory. Rename the resulting directory to 'xsde' or, alternatively, adjust the MY_XSDE_DIR variable in steps 4.a/4.b. 2. Copy the xsde/etc/android/config.make configuration file to the xsde/config/ directory. The default configuration disables STL, iostream, and C++ exceptions which can be enabled if supported by the Android NDK you are using. You may also adjust other configuration parameters except for those in the "Toolchain" section. 3. Copy the xsde/etc/android/libxsde/ file to the xsde/libxsde/ directory. 4.a If you would like to integrate the libxsde build into an existing application, then in your top-level file (in the jni/ directory), replace the following line at the beginning of the file: LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) With the following fragment: MY_XSDE_DIR := xsde MY_LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(MY_LOCAL_PATH)/$(MY_XSDE_DIR)/libxsde/ LOCAL_PATH := $(MY_LOCAL_PATH) Also add the following two lines after the LOCAL_SRC_FILES definition: LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/$(MY_XSDE_DIR)/libxsde LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := libxsde 4.b Alternatively, if you would like to build the 'minimal' example from the XSD/e distribution, replace the top-level file with xsde/etc/android/minimal/ You will also need to copy over the driver.cxx and people.xsd files from the xsde/examples/cxx/hybrid/minimal/ directory. 5. Run ndk-build in the jni/ directory which should build the libxsde library as well as the application. For information on how to perform schema compilation from the Android makefile, refer to the sample file for the 'minimal' example.