#! /usr/bin/env bash # file : build/configure # copyright : Copyright (c) 2005-2017 Code Synthesis Tools CC # license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file # $1 out file # # bld_root - build root # project_name - project name # source $bld_root/dialog.bash $echo $echo $echo "configuring '$project_name'" $echo $echo $echo $echo "Please specify your platform architecture width in bits:" $echo arch_width=`read_value 32` $echo $echo "Is your platform little-endian?" $echo little=`read_y_n y` if [ "$little" == "y" ]; then byteorder=l else byteorder=b fi $echo $echo "Please select the application character encoding:" $echo $echo "(1) UTF-8" $echo "(2) ISO-8859-1" $echo encoding=`read_option "utf8 iso8859-1" "utf8"` $echo $echo "Would you like the generated code and runtime to use STL?" $echo stl=`read_y_n y` $echo $echo "Would you like the generated code and runtime to provide STL-" $echo "conforming iterators?" $echo stl_iter=`read_y_n y` $echo $echo "Would you like the generated code and runtime to use IO streams?" $echo iostream=`read_y_n y` $echo $echo "Would you like the generated code and runtime to use C++ exceptions?" $echo exceptions=`read_y_n y` $echo $echo "Is the long long int type available on your platform?" $echo longlong=`read_y_n y` $echo $echo "Is the snprintf/_snprintf function available on your platform?" $echo snprintf=`read_y_n y` $echo $echo "Would you like the parser runtime to validate against XML Schema?" $echo parser_validation=`read_y_n y` $echo $echo "Would you like the serializer runtime to validate against XML Schema?" $echo serializer_validation=`read_y_n y` $echo $echo "Would you like to include regexp support for xs:pattern validation?" $echo regexp=`read_y_n y` $echo $echo "Please select the base parser/serializer reuse style you would" $echo "like to use:" $echo $echo "(1) mixin (virtual inheritance-based reuse)" $echo "(2) tiein (delegation-based reuse)" $echo "(3) none (no reuse support)" $echo reuse_style=`read_option "mixin tiein none" "tiein"` $echo $echo "Would you like to enable support for custom memory allocator?" $echo allocator=`read_y_n n` $echo $echo "Would you like to include the default implementation of the" $echo "memory allocator functions into the XSD/e runtime library?" $echo allocator_default=`read_y_n n` $echo $echo "Would you like to build support for serialization in XDR format?" $echo "This requires the XDR API that is part of Sun RPC (rpc/xdr.h)." $echo xdr=`read_y_n n` $echo $echo "Would you like to build support for serialization in CDR format?" $echo "This requires the ACE library." $echo cdr=`read_y_n n` $echo $echo "Would you like the runtime library to support XML Schema polymorphism" $echo "(xsi:type and substitution groups)?" $echo polymorphic=`read_y_n n` parser_smap_buckets=0 parser_imap_buckets=0 serializer_smap_buckets=0 serializer_smap_bucket_buckets=0 serializer_imap_buckets=0 if [ "$polymorphic" = "y" ]; then $echo $echo "Enter the substitution and inheritance hashmaps bucket counts." $echo "Prime numbers are recommended: 53 97 193 389 769 1543 3079 6151" $echo "12289 24593 49157 98317 196613 393241." $echo $echo $echo "Parser substitution hashmap buckets:" $echo parser_smap_buckets=`read_value 53` if [ "$parser_validation" = "y" ]; then $echo $echo "Parser inheritance hashmap buckets:" $echo parser_imap_buckets=`read_value 97` fi $echo $echo "Serializer substitution hashmap buckets:" $echo serializer_smap_buckets=`read_value 53` $echo $echo "Serializer inner substitution hashmap buckets:" $echo serializer_smap_bucket_buckets=`read_value 53` if [ "$serializer_validation" = "y" ]; then $echo $echo "Serializer inheritance hashmap buckets:" $echo serializer_imap_buckets=`read_value 97` fi fi echo "xsde_arch_width := $arch_width" >$1 echo "xsde_byteorder := $byteorder" >>$1 echo "xsde_encoding := $encoding" >>$1 echo "xsde_stl := $stl" >>$1 echo "xsde_stl_iterator := $stl_iter" >>$1 echo "xsde_iostream := $iostream" >>$1 echo "xsde_exceptions := $exceptions" >>$1 echo "xsde_longlong := $longlong" >>$1 echo "xsde_snprintf := $snprintf" >>$1 echo "xsde_parser_validation := $parser_validation" >>$1 echo "xsde_serializer_validation := $serializer_validation" >>$1 echo "xsde_regexp := $regexp" >>$1 echo "xsde_reuse_style := $reuse_style" >>$1 echo "xsde_custom_allocator := $allocator" >>$1 echo "xsde_default_allocator := $allocator_default" >>$1 echo "xsde_xdr := $xdr" >>$1 echo "xsde_cdr := $cdr" >>$1 echo "xsde_polymorphic := $polymorphic" >>$1 echo "xsde_parser_smap_buckets := $parser_smap_buckets" >>$1 echo "xsde_parser_imap_buckets := $parser_imap_buckets" >>$1 echo "xsde_serializer_smap_buckets := $serializer_smap_buckets" >>$1 echo "xsde_serializer_smap_bucket_buckets := $serializer_smap_bucket_buckets" >>$1 echo "xsde_serializer_imap_buckets := $serializer_imap_buckets" >>$1