// file : xsd/cxx/tree/name-processor.cxx // license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace CXX { namespace Tree { namespace { // // typedef set NameSet; class Context: public Tree::Context { public: struct Failed {}; Context (Tree::options const& ops, Counts const& counts, bool generate_xml_schema, SemanticGraph::Schema& root, SemanticGraph::Path const& path, StringLiteralMap const& map) : Tree::Context (std::wcerr, root, path, ops, counts, generate_xml_schema, &map, 0, 0, 0), global_type_names (global_type_names_), global_element_names (global_element_names_), detach (ops.generate_detach ()), type_regex (type_regex_), accessor_regex (accessor_regex_), one_accessor_regex (one_accessor_regex_), opt_accessor_regex (opt_accessor_regex_), seq_accessor_regex (seq_accessor_regex_), modifier_regex (modifier_regex_), one_modifier_regex (one_modifier_regex_), opt_modifier_regex (opt_modifier_regex_), seq_modifier_regex (seq_modifier_regex_), parser_regex (parser_regex_), serializer_regex (serializer_regex_), const_regex (const_regex_), enumerator_regex (enumerator_regex_), element_type_regex (element_type_regex_) { NarrowString tn (options.type_naming ()); NarrowString fn (options.function_naming ()); // Type name regex. // { // Predefined rules. The most frequently used come last: global // names, two components (,type), three components // (,const,iterator), and one component (value in enum). // if (tn == "knr") { type_regex.push_back ("/(?:[^ ]* )?([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/$1_$2_$3_$4/"); type_regex.push_back ("/(?:[^ ]* )?([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/$1_$2_$3/"); type_regex.push_back ("/(?:[^ ]* )?([^,]+),([^,]+)/$1_$2/"); type_regex.push_back ("/(?:[^ ]* )?([^,]+)/$1/"); /* type_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+)/$1/"); type_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/$1_$2_$3_$4/"); type_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/$1_$2_$3/"); type_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+)/$1_$2/"); type_regex.push_back ("/[^ ]* (.+)/$1/"); */ } else { // Upper camel case or Java. // type_regex.push_back ("/(?:[^ ]* )?([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/\\u$1\\u$2\\u$3\\u$4/"); type_regex.push_back ("/(?:[^ ]* )?([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/\\u$1\\u$2\\u$3/"); type_regex.push_back ("/(?:[^ ]* )?([^,]+),([^,]+)/\\u$1\\u$2/"); type_regex.push_back ("/(?:[^ ]* )?([^,]+)/\\u$1/"); /* type_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+)/\\u$1/"); type_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/\\u$1\\u$2\\u$3\\u$4/"); type_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/\\u$1\\u$2\\u$3/"); type_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+)/\\u$1\\u$2/"); type_regex.push_back ("/[^ ]* (.+)/\\u$1/"); */ } compile_regex (options.type_regex (), type_regex, "type"); } // Accessor name regex. // { // Predefined rules. The most frequently used come last: one // component, three components (,default,value) and two // component (dom,document). // if (fn == "knr") { accessor_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+)/$1_$2/"); accessor_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/$1_$2_$3/"); accessor_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+)/$1/"); } else if (fn == "lcc") { accessor_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+)/\\l$1\\u$2/"); accessor_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/\\l$1\\u$2\\u$3/"); accessor_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+)/\\l$1/"); } else { // Java: add get. // accessor_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+)/get\\u$1\\u$2/"); accessor_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/get\\u$1\\u$2\\u$3/"); accessor_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+)/get\\u$1/"); } compile_regex (options.accessor_regex (), accessor_regex, "accessor"); compile_regex (options.one_accessor_regex (), one_accessor_regex, "one accessor"); compile_regex (options.opt_accessor_regex (), opt_accessor_regex, "optional accessor"); compile_regex (options.seq_accessor_regex (), seq_accessor_regex, "sequence accessor"); } // Modifier name regex. // { if (fn == "knr") { // any,attribute // modifier_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+)/$1_$2/"); } else if (fn == "lcc") { modifier_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+)/\\l$1\\u$2/"); modifier_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+)/\\l$1/"); } else { // Java: add set. // modifier_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+)/set\\u$1\\u$2/"); modifier_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+)/set\\u$1/"); modifier_regex.push_back ("/detach,([^,]+)/detach\\u$1/"); } compile_regex (options.modifier_regex (), modifier_regex, "modifier"); compile_regex (options.one_modifier_regex (), one_modifier_regex, "one modifier"); compile_regex (options.opt_modifier_regex (), opt_modifier_regex, "optional modifier"); compile_regex (options.seq_modifier_regex (), seq_modifier_regex, "sequence modifier"); } // Parser name regex. // { if (fn == "lcc") { parser_regex.push_back ("/(.+)/\\l$1/"); } else if (fn == "java") { // Java: add parse. // parser_regex.push_back ("/(.+)/parse\\u$1/"); } compile_regex (options.parser_regex (), parser_regex, "parser"); } // Serializer name regex. // { if (fn == "lcc") { serializer_regex.push_back ("/(.+)/\\l$1/"); } else if (fn == "java") { // Java: add serialize. // serializer_regex.push_back ("/(.+)/serialize\\u$1/"); } compile_regex (options.serializer_regex (), serializer_regex, "serializer"); } // Const regex. // { if (fn == "knr") { const_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/$1_$2_$3/"); const_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+)/$1_$2/"); } else if (fn == "lcc") { const_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/\\l$1_\\u$2_\\u$3/"); const_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+)/\\l$1\\u$2/"); } else { // Java: all uppercase. // const_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)/\\U$1_$2_$3/"); const_regex.push_back ("/([^,]+),([^,]+)/\\U$1_$2/"); } compile_regex (options.const_regex (), const_regex, "const"); } // Enumerator name regex. // { // By default map an empty enumerator to the 'empty' word. // enumerator_regex.push_back ("/^$/empty/"); compile_regex (options.enumerator_regex (), enumerator_regex, "enumerator"); } // Element type regex. // compile_regex (options.element_type_regex (), element_type_regex, "element_type"); } protected: Context (Context& c) : Tree::Context (c), global_type_names (c.global_type_names), global_element_names (c.global_element_names), detach (c.detach), type_regex (c.type_regex), accessor_regex (c.accessor_regex), one_accessor_regex (c.one_accessor_regex), opt_accessor_regex (c.opt_accessor_regex), seq_accessor_regex (c.seq_accessor_regex), modifier_regex (c.modifier_regex), one_modifier_regex (c.one_modifier_regex), opt_modifier_regex (c.opt_modifier_regex), seq_modifier_regex (c.seq_modifier_regex), parser_regex (c.parser_regex), serializer_regex (c.serializer_regex), const_regex (c.const_regex), enumerator_regex (c.enumerator_regex), element_type_regex (c.element_type_regex) { } public: typedef cutl::re::wregexsub Regex; typedef cutl::re::wformat RegexFormat; struct RegexVector: vector { void push_back (String const& r) { vector::push_back (Regex (r)); } }; String process_regex (String const& name, RegexVector const& rv, String const& id) { bool trace (options.name_regex_trace ()); if (trace) os << id << " name: '" << name << "'" << endl; for (RegexVector::const_reverse_iterator i (rv.rbegin ()); i != rv.rend (); ++i) { if (trace) os << "try: '" << i->regex () << "' : "; if (i->match (name)) { String r (i->replace (name)); if (trace) os << "'" << r << "' : +" << endl; return r; } if (trace) os << '-' << endl; } return name; } String process_regex (String const& name, RegexVector const& primary, RegexVector const& backup, String const& id) { bool trace (options.name_regex_trace ()); if (trace) os << id << " name: '" << name << "'" << endl; for (RegexVector::const_reverse_iterator i (primary.rbegin ()); i != primary.rend (); ++i) { if (trace) os << "try: '" << i->regex () << "' : "; if (i->match (name)) { String r (i->replace (name)); if (trace) os << "'" << r << "' : +" << endl; return r; } if (trace) os << '-' << endl; } for (RegexVector::const_reverse_iterator i (backup.rbegin ()); i != backup.rend (); ++i) { if (trace) os << "try: '" << i->regex () << "' : "; if (i->match (name)) { String r (i->replace (name)); if (trace) os << "'" << r << "' : +" << endl; return r; } if (trace) os << '-' << endl; } return name; } String process_regex (String const& ns, String const& name, RegexVector const& rv, String const& id) { String s (ns + L' ' + name); bool trace (options.name_regex_trace ()); if (trace) os << id << " name: '" << s << "'" << endl; for (RegexVector::const_reverse_iterator i (rv.rbegin ()); i != rv.rend (); ++i) { if (trace) os << "try: '" << i->regex () << "' : "; if (i->match (s)) { String r (i->replace (s)); if (trace) os << "'" << r << "' : +" << endl; return r; } if (trace) os << '-' << endl; } return name; } String process_regex (String const& ns, String const& name, RegexVector const& primary, RegexVector const& backup, String const& id) { String s (ns + L' ' + name); bool trace (options.name_regex_trace ()); if (trace) os << id << " name: '" << s << "'" << endl; for (RegexVector::const_reverse_iterator i (primary.rbegin ()); i != primary.rend (); ++i) { if (trace) os << "try: '" << i->regex () << "' : "; if (i->match (s)) { String r (i->replace (s)); if (trace) os << "'" << r << "' : +" << endl; return r; } if (trace) os << '-' << endl; } for (RegexVector::const_reverse_iterator i (backup.rbegin ()); i != backup.rend (); ++i) { if (trace) os << "try: '" << i->regex () << "' : "; if (i->match (s)) { String r (i->replace (s)); if (trace) os << "'" << r << "' : +" << endl; return r; } if (trace) os << '-' << endl; } return name; } public: String find_name (String const& base_name, NameSet& set, bool insert = true) { String name (base_name); for (size_t i (1); set.find (name) != set.end (); ++i) { std::wostringstream os; os << i; name = base_name + os.str (); } if (insert) set.insert (name); return name; } private: void compile_regex (NarrowStrings const& sv, RegexVector& rv, String const& id) { for (NarrowStrings::const_iterator i (sv.begin ()); i != sv.end (); ++i) { try { rv.push_back (*i); } catch (RegexFormat const& e) { os << "error: invalid " << id << " name regex: '" << e.regex () << "': " << e.description ().c_str () << endl; throw Failed (); } } } private: map global_type_names_; map global_element_names_; RegexVector type_regex_; RegexVector accessor_regex_; RegexVector one_accessor_regex_; RegexVector opt_accessor_regex_; RegexVector seq_accessor_regex_; RegexVector modifier_regex_; RegexVector one_modifier_regex_; RegexVector opt_modifier_regex_; RegexVector seq_modifier_regex_; RegexVector parser_regex_; RegexVector serializer_regex_; RegexVector const_regex_; RegexVector enumerator_regex_; RegexVector element_type_regex_; public: map& global_type_names; map& global_element_names; bool detach; RegexVector& type_regex; RegexVector& accessor_regex; RegexVector& one_accessor_regex; RegexVector& opt_accessor_regex; RegexVector& seq_accessor_regex; RegexVector& modifier_regex; RegexVector& one_modifier_regex; RegexVector& opt_modifier_regex; RegexVector& seq_modifier_regex; RegexVector& parser_regex; RegexVector& serializer_regex; RegexVector& const_regex; RegexVector& enumerator_regex; RegexVector& element_type_regex; }; // // struct Enumerator: Traversal::Enumerator, Context { Enumerator (Context& c, NameSet& set) : Context (c), set_ (set) { } virtual void traverse (Type& e) { // Process the name with enumerator name regex. // String name ( process_regex (e.name (), enumerator_regex, L"enumerator")); // Escape and unclash. // name = find_name (escape (name), set_); e.context ().set ("name", name); } private: NameSet& set_; }; // // struct Enumeration: Traversal::Enumeration, Context { Enumeration (Context& c) : Context (c) { } virtual void traverse (Type& e) { // Use processed name. // String name (e.context ().get ("name")); // If renamed name is empty then we are not generating // anything for this type and name processing is not // required. // if (renamed_type (e, name) && !name) return; NameSet enum_set; enum_set.insert (name); Enumerator enumerator (*this, enum_set); Traversal::Names names (enumerator); Traversal::Enumeration::names (e, names); // Assign name to the value type. First process the name // with type name regex. // String value_name ( escape (process_regex ("value", type_regex, L"type"))); e.context ().set ("value", find_name (value_name, enum_set)); } }; // // struct PrimaryMember: Traversal::Member, Context { PrimaryMember (Context& c, NameSet& name_set, NameSet& stem_set) : Context (c), name_set_ (name_set), stem_set_ (stem_set) { } virtual void traverse (Type& m) { if (Tree::Context::skip (m)) return; String stem (find_name (m.name (), stem_set_)); m.context ().set ("stem", stem); m.context ().set ("name", find_name (escape (stem), name_set_, false)); } private: NameSet& name_set_; NameSet& stem_set_; }; // // struct DerivedMember: Traversal::Member, Context { DerivedMember (Context& c, NameSet& name_set) : Context (c), name_set_ (name_set) { } virtual void traverse (Type& m) { if (Tree::Context::skip (m)) return; SemanticGraph::Complex& c ( dynamic_cast (m.scope ())); size_t max (Tree::Context::max (m)); size_t min (Tree::Context::min (m)); String const& s (m.context ().get ("stem")); String const& b (m.context ().get ("name")); bool def_attr (m.default_p () && m.is_a ()); // Accessors/modifiers. Note that we postpone inserting // the names into the name_set to avoid over-escaping. // String an, mn; if (max != 1) { an = find_name ( escape (process_regex (s, seq_accessor_regex, accessor_regex, L"sequence accessor")), name_set_, false); mn = find_name ( escape (process_regex (s, seq_modifier_regex, modifier_regex, L"sequence modifier")), name_set_, false); } else if (min == 0 && !def_attr) { an = find_name ( escape (process_regex (s, opt_accessor_regex, accessor_regex, L"optional accessor")), name_set_, false); mn = find_name ( escape (process_regex (s, opt_modifier_regex, modifier_regex, L"optional modifier")), name_set_, false); } else { an = find_name ( escape (process_regex (s, one_accessor_regex, accessor_regex, L"one accessor")), name_set_, false); mn = find_name ( escape (process_regex (s, one_modifier_regex, modifier_regex, L"one modifier")), name_set_, false); } m.context ().set ("aname", an); m.context ().set ("mname", mn); name_set_.insert (b); if (an != b) name_set_.insert (an); if (mn != b && mn != an) name_set_.insert (mn); // Detach. // if (detach && max == 1 && (min == 1 || def_attr)) { String dn (find_name ( escape (process_regex (L"detach," + s, one_modifier_regex, modifier_regex, L"one modifier")), name_set_)); m.context ().set ("dname", dn); } // Types. // m.context ().set ( "type", find_name ( escape (process_regex (s + L",type", type_regex, L"type")), name_set_)); m.context ().set ( "traits", find_name ( escape (process_regex (s + L",traits", type_regex, L"type")), name_set_)); if (max != 1) { m.context ().set ( "container", find_name ( escape (process_regex (s + L",sequence", type_regex, L"type")), name_set_)); m.context ().set ( "iterator", find_name ( escape (process_regex (s + L",iterator", type_regex, L"type")), name_set_)); m.context ().set ( "const-iterator", find_name ( escape ( process_regex (s + L",const,iterator", type_regex, L"type")), name_set_)); } else if (min == 0 && !def_attr) { m.context ().set ( "container", find_name ( escape (process_regex (s + L",optional", type_regex, L"type")), name_set_)); } // Data member. // m.context ().set ("member", find_name (b + L"_", name_set_)); // Default value. // if (m.default_p ()) { bool simple (true); if (m.is_a ()) { IsSimpleType test (simple); test.dispatch (m.type ()); } if (simple) { String an ( escape ( process_regex ( s + L",default,value", accessor_regex, L"accessor"))); m.context ().set ("default-value", find_name (an, name_set_)); bool lit (false); { IsLiteralValue test (lit); test.dispatch (m.type ()); } if (!lit) { m.context ().set ( "default-value-member", find_name (b + L"_default_value_", name_set_)); } } } // Element id. // if (m.is_a () && ordered_p (c)) { String id ( escape ( process_regex ( s + L",id", const_regex, L"const"))); m.context ().set ("ordered-id-name", find_name (id, name_set_)); } } private: NameSet& name_set_; }; // // struct Any: Traversal::Any, Traversal::AnyAttribute, Context { Any (Context& c, NameSet& name_set, NameSet& stem_set, bool& has_wildcard) : Context (c), name_set_ (name_set), stem_set_ (stem_set), has_wildcard_ (has_wildcard) { } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Any& a) { SemanticGraph::Complex& c ( dynamic_cast (a.scope ())); size_t max (Tree::Context::max (a)); size_t min (Tree::Context::min (a)); String s (find_name (L"any", stem_set_)); String b (find_name (escape (s), name_set_, false)); a.context ().set ("name", b); // Accessors/modifiers. Note that we postpone inserting the // names into the name_set to avoid over-escaping. // String an, mn; if (max != 1) { an = find_name ( escape (process_regex (s, seq_accessor_regex, accessor_regex, L"sequence accessor")), name_set_, false); mn = find_name ( escape (process_regex (s, seq_modifier_regex, modifier_regex, L"sequence modifier")), name_set_, false); } else if (min == 0) { an = find_name ( escape (process_regex (s, opt_accessor_regex, accessor_regex, L"optional accessor")), name_set_, false); mn = find_name ( escape (process_regex (s, opt_modifier_regex, modifier_regex, L"optional modifier")), name_set_, false); } else { an = find_name ( escape (process_regex (s, one_accessor_regex, accessor_regex, L"one accessor")), name_set_, false); mn = find_name ( escape (process_regex (s, one_modifier_regex, modifier_regex, L"one modifier")), name_set_, false); } a.context ().set ("aname", an); a.context ().set ("mname", mn); name_set_.insert (b); if (an != b) name_set_.insert (an); if (mn != b && mn != an) name_set_.insert (mn); // Types // if (max != 1) { a.context ().set ( "container", find_name ( escape (process_regex (s + L",sequence", type_regex, L"type")), name_set_)); a.context ().set ( "iterator", find_name ( escape (process_regex (s + L",iterator", type_regex, L"type")), name_set_)); a.context ().set ( "const-iterator", find_name ( escape ( process_regex (s + L",const,iterator", type_regex, L"type")), name_set_)); } else if (min == 0) { a.context ().set ( "container", find_name ( escape (process_regex (s + L",optional", type_regex, L"type")), name_set_)); } // Data member. // a.context ().set ("member", find_name (b + L"_", name_set_)); // Wildcard id. // if (ordered_p (c)) { String id ( escape ( process_regex ( s + L",id", const_regex, L"const"))); a.context ().set ("ordered-id-name", find_name (id, name_set_)); } if (!has_wildcard_) has_wildcard_ = true; } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyAttribute& a) { String s (find_name (L"any,attribute", stem_set_)); String b (find_name (escape (s), name_set_, false)); a.context ().set ("name", b); // Accessors/modifiers. Note that we postpone inserting the // names into the name_set to avoid over-escaping. // String an ( find_name ( escape (process_regex (s, accessor_regex, L"accessor")), name_set_, false)); String mn ( find_name ( escape (process_regex (s, modifier_regex, L"modifier")), name_set_, false)); a.context ().set ("aname", an); a.context ().set ("mname", mn); name_set_.insert (b); if (an != b) name_set_.insert (an); if (mn != b && mn != an) name_set_.insert (mn); // Types // a.context ().set ( "container", find_name ( escape (process_regex (s + L",set", type_regex, L"type")), name_set_)); a.context ().set ( "iterator", find_name ( escape (process_regex (s + L",iterator", type_regex, L"type")), name_set_)); a.context ().set ( "const-iterator", find_name ( escape ( process_regex (s + L",const,iterator", type_regex, L"type")), name_set_)); // Data member. // a.context ().set ("member", find_name (b + L"_", name_set_)); if (!has_wildcard_) has_wildcard_ = true; } private: NameSet& name_set_; NameSet& stem_set_; bool& has_wildcard_; }; // // struct Complex: Traversal::Complex, Context { Complex (Context& c) : Context (c) { } virtual void traverse (Type& c) { SemanticGraph::Context& ctx (c.context ()); // We leave this set around to allow other mappings to use // this information. // ctx.set ("cxx-tree-name-processor-stem-set", NameSet ()); ctx.set ("cxx-tree-name-processor-member-set", NameSet ()); // Use processed name. // String name (ctx.get ("name")); // If renamed name is empty then we are not generating // anything for this type and name processing is not // required. // if (renamed_type (c, name) && !name) return; NameSet& stem_set ( ctx.get ("cxx-tree-name-processor-stem-set")); NameSet& member_set ( ctx.get ("cxx-tree-name-processor-member-set")); stem_set.insert (c.name ()); member_set.insert (name); // Add our base's stems and members to the initial list. // if (c.inherits_p ()) { // @@ What if this types name is the same as one of base's // members? // SemanticGraph::Type& base (c.inherits ().base ()); if (base.is_a () && !base.is_a ()) { if (!base.context ().count ( "cxx-tree-name-processor-member-set")) { dispatch (base); } NameSet const& base_stem_set ( base.context ().get ( "cxx-tree-name-processor-stem-set")); stem_set.insert (base_stem_set.begin (), base_stem_set.end ()); NameSet const& base_member_set ( base.context ().get ( "cxx-tree-name-processor-member-set")); member_set.insert (base_member_set.begin (), base_member_set.end ()); } } // First assign the "primary" names. // { PrimaryMember member (*this, member_set, stem_set); Traversal::Names names (member); Complex::names (c, names); } // Derived names for members. // { DerivedMember member (*this, member_set); Traversal::Names names (member); Complex::names (c, names); } // Names for the mixed content. // if (mixed_p (c)) { // Check if we already have the mixed content down inheritance // hierarchy. // using SemanticGraph::Complex; for (Complex* p (&c); p->inherits_p ();) { if (Complex* b = dynamic_cast ( &p->inherits ().base ())) { if (mixed_p (*b)) { SemanticGraph::Context& bctx (b->context ()); ctx.set ("mixed-type", bctx.get ("mixed-type")); ctx.set ("mixed-const-iterator", bctx.get ("mixed-const-iterator")); ctx.set ("mixed-ordered-id-name", bctx.get ("mixed-ordered-id-name")); ctx.set ("mixed-aname", bctx.get ("mixed-aname")); ctx.set ("mixed-member", bctx.get ("mixed-member")); ctx.set ("mixed-in-base", true); break; } p = b; } else break; } // If not, set up the names. // if (!ctx.count ("mixed-in-base")) { String s (find_name (L"text,content", stem_set)); String n (find_name (escape (s), member_set, false)); String an (find_name ( escape (process_regex (s, seq_accessor_regex, accessor_regex, L"sequence accessor")), member_set, false)); String mn (find_name ( escape (process_regex (s, seq_modifier_regex, modifier_regex, L"sequence modifier")), member_set, false)); ctx.set ("mixed-aname", an); ctx.set ("mixed-mname", mn); member_set.insert (name); if (an != n) member_set.insert (an); if (mn != n && mn != an) member_set.insert (mn); // Types. // ctx.set ( "mixed-type", find_name ( escape (process_regex (s + L",type", type_regex, L"type")), member_set)); ctx.set ( "mixed-container", find_name ( escape (process_regex (s + L",sequence", type_regex, L"type")), member_set)); ctx.set ( "mixed-iterator", find_name ( escape (process_regex (s + L",iterator", type_regex, L"type")), member_set)); ctx.set ( "mixed-const-iterator", find_name ( escape ( process_regex (s + L",const,iterator", type_regex, L"type")), member_set)); // Text content id. // ctx.set ( "mixed-ordered-id-name", find_name ( escape ( process_regex (s + L",id", const_regex, L"const")), member_set)); // Data member. // ctx.set ("mixed-member", find_name (n + L"_", member_set)); } } // Names for wildcards. // if (options.generate_wildcard ()) { bool has_wildcard (false); Any any (*this, member_set, stem_set, has_wildcard); Traversal::Names names (any); Complex::names (c, names); // Assign names for dom_document. // if (has_wildcard) { // Check if we already have dom_document down inheritance // hierarchy. // for (SemanticGraph::Complex* p (&c); p->inherits_p ();) { if (SemanticGraph::Complex* base = dynamic_cast ( &p->inherits ().base ())) { if (base->context ().count ("dom-document")) { c.context ().set ( "dom-document", base->context ().get ("dom-document")); break; } p = base; } else break; } // If not, set up the names. // if (!c.context ().count ("dom-document")) { String stem (find_name (L"dom,document", stem_set)); String an ( escape ( process_regex (stem, accessor_regex, L"accessor"))); c.context ().set ("dom-document", find_name (an, member_set)); c.context ().set ( "dom-document-member", find_name (escape (stem + L"_"), member_set)); } } } // Names for the order container. // if (ordered_p (c)) { // Check if we already have the order container down // inheritance hierarchy. // using SemanticGraph::Complex; for (Complex* p (&c); p->inherits_p ();) { if (Complex* b = dynamic_cast ( &p->inherits ().base ())) { if (ordered_p (*b)) { SemanticGraph::Context& bctx (b->context ()); ctx.set ("order-type", bctx.get ("order-type")); ctx.set ("order-const-iterator", bctx.get ("order-const-iterator")); ctx.set ("order-aname", bctx.get ("order-aname")); ctx.set ("order-member", bctx.get ("order-member")); ctx.set ("order-in-base", true); break; } p = b; } else break; } // If not, set up the names. // if (!ctx.count ("order-in-base")) { String s (find_name (L"content,order", stem_set)); String n (find_name (escape (s), member_set, false)); String an (find_name ( escape (process_regex (s, seq_accessor_regex, accessor_regex, L"sequence accessor")), member_set, false)); String mn (find_name ( escape (process_regex (s, seq_modifier_regex, modifier_regex, L"sequence modifier")), member_set, false)); ctx.set ("order-aname", an); ctx.set ("order-mname", mn); member_set.insert (name); if (an != n) member_set.insert (an); if (mn != n && mn != an) member_set.insert (mn); // Types. // ctx.set ( "order-type", find_name ( escape (process_regex (s + L",type", type_regex, L"type")), member_set)); ctx.set ( "order-container", find_name ( escape (process_regex (s + L",sequence", type_regex, L"type")), member_set)); ctx.set ( "order-iterator", find_name ( escape (process_regex (s + L",iterator", type_regex, L"type")), member_set)); ctx.set ( "order-const-iterator", find_name ( escape ( process_regex (s + L",const,iterator", type_regex, L"type")), member_set)); // Data member. // ctx.set ("order-member", find_name (n + L"_", member_set)); } } } }; // // struct GlobalType: Traversal::Type, Context { GlobalType (Context& c, NameSet& set) : Context (c), set_ (set) { } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Type& t) { // Process the name with type name regex. // String name (process_regex ( namespace_ (t).name (), t.name (), type_regex, L"type")); // Escape and unclash. // name = find_name (escape (name), set_); t.context ().set ("name", name); // Also add renamed name if any. // if (renamed_type (t, name) && name) set_.insert (name); } private: NameSet& set_; }; // // struct GlobalElement: Traversal::Element, GlobalElementBase, Context { GlobalElement (Context& c, NameSet const& type_set, NameSet& element_set) : GlobalElementBase (c), Context (c), type_set_ (type_set), element_set_ (element_set) { } virtual void traverse (Type& e) { // First we need to figure out if we need to process this // global element. // if (!generate_p (e)) return; if (options.generate_element_type ()) { SemanticGraph::Context& ec (e.context ()); String name; if (doc_root_p (e)) { name = find_name ( escape ( process_regex ( namespace_ (e).name (), e.name (), element_type_regex, type_regex, L"element type"))); // Assign inner names. // NameSet set; set.insert (name); ec.set ( "type", Context::find_name ( escape (process_regex (L"value,type", type_regex, L"type")), set)); ec.set ( "traits", Context::find_name ( escape (process_regex (L"value,traits", type_regex, L"type")), set)); String an (Context::find_name ( escape (process_regex ("value", one_accessor_regex, accessor_regex, L"one accessor")), set, false)); String mn (Context::find_name ( escape (process_regex ("value", one_modifier_regex, modifier_regex, L"one modifier")), set, false)); ec.set ("aname", an); ec.set ("mname", mn); set.insert (an); if (an != mn) set.insert (mn); // Detach. // if (detach) { String dn (Context::find_name ( escape (process_regex (L"detach,value", one_modifier_regex, modifier_regex, L"one modifier")), set)); ec.set ("dname", dn); } // Assign name() and namespace_() names. // ec.set ( "element-name", Context::find_name ( escape ( process_regex ("name", accessor_regex, L"modifier")), set)); ec.set ( "element-ns", Context::find_name ( escape ( process_regex ("namespace", accessor_regex, L"modifier")), set)); // Data members. // ec.set ("member", Context::find_name ("value_", set)); ec.set ("element-name-member", Context::find_name ("name_", set)); ec.set ("element-ns-member", Context::find_name ("namespace__", set)); } else name = find_name (escape (e.name ())); ec.set ("name", name); element_set_.insert (name); } else { // Make sure the name is unique among global elements and // does not collide with a global type name. // String base (find_name (escape (e.name ()))); e.context ().set ("name", base); String n (e.name ()); // Assign the parsing function name. // String p; if (!options.suppress_parsing () && doc_root_p (e)) { p = find_name ( escape ( process_regex (n, parser_regex, L"parsing function"))); e.context ().set ("parser", p); } // Assign the serialization function name. // String s; if (options.generate_serialization () && doc_root_p (e)) { s = find_name ( escape ( process_regex ( n, serializer_regex, L"serialization function"))); e.context ().set ("serializer", s); } // Add the names to the set only after processing parsing and // serialization function names so that we do not over-escape // them. // element_set_.insert (base); if (p && p != base) element_set_.insert (p); if (s && s != base && s != p) element_set_.insert (s); } } private: String find_name (String const& name) { String r (name); // If we are conflicting with a type name let's first try to // simply append an underscore and only resort to ugly names // like name1, etc., if this fails. // if (type_set_.find (r) != type_set_.end ()) r += L"_"; for (size_t i (1); element_set_.find (r) != element_set_.end () || type_set_.find (r) != type_set_.end (); ++i) { std::wostringstream os; os << i; r = name + os.str (); } return r; } private: NameSet const& type_set_; NameSet& element_set_; }; struct NamespacePassOne: Traversal::Namespace, Context { NamespacePassOne (Context& c) : Context (c) { } virtual void traverse (Type& ns) { NameSet& type_set (global_type_names[ns.name ()]); GlobalType type (*this, type_set); Traversal::Names names (type); Traversal::Namespace::names (ns, names); Traversal::Namespace::names (ns); } }; struct NamespacePassThree: Traversal::Namespace, Context { NamespacePassThree (Context& c) : Context (c) { } virtual void traverse (Type& ns) { String const& name (ns.name ()); NameSet const& type_set (global_type_names[name]); NameSet& element_set (global_element_names[name]); GlobalElement element (*this, type_set, element_set); Traversal::Names names (element); Traversal::Namespace::names (ns, names); } }; struct FundamentalNamespace: Traversal::Namespace, Traversal::AnyType, Traversal::AnySimpleType, Traversal::Fundamental::Byte, Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedByte, Traversal::Fundamental::Short, Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedShort, Traversal::Fundamental::Int, Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedInt, Traversal::Fundamental::Long, Traversal::Fundamental::UnsignedLong, Traversal::Fundamental::Integer, Traversal::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger, Traversal::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger, Traversal::Fundamental::PositiveInteger, Traversal::Fundamental::NegativeInteger, Traversal::Fundamental::Boolean, Traversal::Fundamental::Float, Traversal::Fundamental::Double, Traversal::Fundamental::Decimal, Traversal::Fundamental::String, Traversal::Fundamental::NormalizedString, Traversal::Fundamental::Token, Traversal::Fundamental::Name, Traversal::Fundamental::NameToken, Traversal::Fundamental::NameTokens, Traversal::Fundamental::NCName, Traversal::Fundamental::Language, Traversal::Fundamental::Id, Traversal::Fundamental::IdRef, Traversal::Fundamental::IdRefs, Traversal::Fundamental::AnyURI, Traversal::Fundamental::QName, Traversal::Fundamental::Base64Binary, Traversal::Fundamental::HexBinary, Traversal::Fundamental::Date, Traversal::Fundamental::DateTime, Traversal::Fundamental::Duration, Traversal::Fundamental::Day, Traversal::Fundamental::Month, Traversal::Fundamental::MonthDay, Traversal::Fundamental::Year, Traversal::Fundamental::YearMonth, Traversal::Fundamental::Time, Traversal::Fundamental::Entity, Traversal::Fundamental::Entities, Context { using Namespace::traverse; FundamentalNamespace (Context& c) : Context (c) { *this >> names_ >> *this; } void process_name (SemanticGraph::Type& t, String const& name) { String r ( process_regex ( namespace_ (t).name (), name, type_regex, L"type")); t.context ().set ("name", escape (r)); } void process_name (SemanticGraph::Namespace& n, String const& name, char const* key) { String r (process_regex (name, type_regex, L"type")); n.context ().set (key, escape (r)); } // anyType and anySimpleType // virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyType& t) { process_name (t, "type"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::AnySimpleType& t) { process_name (t, "simple,type"); } // Integrals. // virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Byte& t) { process_name (t, "byte"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedByte& t) { process_name (t, "unsigned,byte"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Short& t) { process_name (t, "short"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedShort& t) { process_name (t, "unsigned,short"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Int& t) { process_name (t, "int"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedInt& t) { process_name (t, "unsigned,int"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Long& t) { process_name (t, "long"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedLong& t) { process_name (t, "unsigned,long"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Integer& t) { process_name (t, "integer"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger& t) { process_name (t, "non,positive,integer"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger& t) { process_name (t, "non,negative,integer"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::PositiveInteger& t) { process_name (t, "positive,integer"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NegativeInteger& t) { process_name (t, "negative,integer"); } // Boolean. // virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Boolean& t) { process_name (t, "boolean"); } // Floats. // virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Float& t) { process_name (t, "float"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double& t) { process_name (t, "double"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal& t) { process_name (t, "decimal"); } // Strings. // virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::String& t) { process_name (t, "string"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NormalizedString& t) { process_name (t, "normalized,string"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Token& t) { process_name (t, "token"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameToken& t) { process_name (t, "nmtoken"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameTokens& t) { process_name (t, "nmtokens"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Name& t) { process_name (t, "name"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NCName& t) { process_name (t, "ncname"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Language& t) { process_name (t, "language"); } // ID/IDREF. // virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Id& t) { process_name (t, "id"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRef& t) { process_name (t, "idref"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRefs& t) { process_name (t, "idrefs"); } // URI. // virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::AnyURI& t) { process_name (t, "uri"); } // Qualified name. // virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::QName& t) { process_name (t, "qname"); } // Binary. // virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Base64Binary& t) { process_name (t, "base64,binary"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::HexBinary& t) { process_name (t, "hex,binary"); } // Date/time. // virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Date& t) { process_name (t, "date"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::DateTime& t) { process_name (t, "date,time"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Duration& t) { process_name (t, "duration"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Day& t) { process_name (t, "gday"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Month& t) { process_name (t, "gmonth"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::MonthDay& t) { process_name (t, "gmonth,day"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Year& t) { process_name (t, "gyear"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::YearMonth& t) { process_name (t, "gyear,month"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Time& t) { process_name (t, "time"); } // Entity. // virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entity& t) { process_name (t, "entity"); } virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entities& t) { process_name (t, "entities"); } virtual void post (SemanticGraph::Namespace& n) { // Assign names to extra stuff in the XML Schema namespace. // process_name (n, "container", "container"); process_name (n, "buffer", "buffer"); process_name (n, "time,zone", "time-zone"); process_name (n, "content,order", "content-order"); if (options.generate_element_type ()) process_name (n, "element,type", "element-type"); if (options.generate_element_map ()) process_name (n, "element,map", "element-map"); if (options.generate_serialization ()) { process_name (n, "namespace,info", "namespace-info"); process_name (n, "namespace,infomap", "namespace-infomap"); process_name (n, "list,stream", "list-stream"); process_name (n, "as,double", "as-double"); process_name (n, "as,decimal", "as-decimal"); process_name (n, "facet", "facet"); } if (!options.generate_insertion ().empty ()) { process_name (n, "ostream", "ostream"); } if (!options.generate_extraction ().empty ()) { process_name (n, "istream", "istream"); } process_name (n, "flags", "flags"); process_name (n, "properties", "properties"); NarrowString fn (options.function_naming ()); if (fn == "knr") n.context ().set ("tree-node-key", String ("tree_node_key")); else n.context ().set ("tree-node-key", String ("treeNodeKey")); process_name (n, "exception", "exception"); process_name (n, "parsing", "parsing"); process_name (n, "expected,element", "expected-element"); process_name (n, "unexpected,element", "unexpected-element"); process_name (n, "expected,attribute", "expected-attribute"); process_name (n, "unexpected,enumerator", "unexpected-enumerator"); process_name (n, "expected,text,content", "expected-text-content"); process_name (n, "no,type,info", "no-type-info"); process_name (n, "no,element,info", "no-element-info"); process_name (n, "not,derived", "not-derived"); process_name (n, "duplicate,id", "duplicate-id"); process_name (n, "serialization", "serialization"); process_name (n, "no,namespace,mapping", "no-namespace-mapping"); process_name (n, "no,prefix,mapping", "no-prefix-mapping"); process_name (n, "xsi,already,in,use", "xsi-already-in-use"); process_name (n, "bounds", "bounds"); process_name (n, "severity", "severity"); process_name (n, "error", "error"); process_name (n, "diagnostics", "diagnostics"); if (!options.suppress_parsing () || options.generate_serialization ()) { process_name (n, "error,handler", "error-handler"); } Namespace::post (n); } private: Traversal::Names names_; }; // Go into sourced/included/imported schemas while making sure // we don't process the same stuff more than once. // struct UsesPassOne: Traversal::Uses { virtual void traverse (Type& u) { SemanticGraph::Schema& s (u.schema ()); if (!s.context ().count ("cxx-tree-name-processor-pass-1")) { s.context ().set ("cxx-tree-name-processor-pass-1", true); Traversal::Uses::traverse (u); } } }; struct UsesPassThree: Traversal::Uses { virtual void traverse (Type& u) { SemanticGraph::Schema& s (u.schema ()); if (!s.context ().count ("cxx-tree-name-processor-pass-3")) { s.context ().set ("cxx-tree-name-processor-pass-3", true); Traversal::Uses::traverse (u); } } }; // Go into implied schemas while making sure we don't process // the same stuff more than once. // struct Implies: Traversal::Implies { virtual void traverse (SemanticGraph::Implies& i) { SemanticGraph::Schema& s (i.schema ()); if (!s.context ().count ("cxx-tree-name-processor-seen")) { s.context ().set ("cxx-tree-name-processor-seen", true); Traversal::Implies::traverse (i); } } }; bool process_impl (options const& ops, SemanticGraph::Schema& tu, SemanticGraph::Path const& file, StringLiteralMap const& map) { try { Counts counts; Context ctx (ops, counts, false, tu, file, map); if (tu.names_begin ()->named ().name () == L"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema") { // XML Schema namespace. // Traversal::Schema xs_schema; Traversal::Names xs_schema_names; FundamentalNamespace xs_ns (ctx); xs_schema >> xs_schema_names >> xs_ns; xs_schema.dispatch (tu); } else { // Pass one - assign names to global types. This pass cannot // be combined with pass two because of possible recursive // schema inclusions. Also note that we check first if this // schema has already been processed which may happen in the // file-per-type compilation mode. // if (!tu.context ().count ("cxx-tree-name-processor-pass-1")) { Traversal::Schema schema; Traversal::Schema xs_schema; UsesPassOne uses; Implies implies; schema >> uses >> schema; schema >> implies >> xs_schema; Traversal::Names schema_names; Traversal::Names xs_schema_names; NamespacePassOne ns (ctx); FundamentalNamespace xs_ns (ctx); schema >> schema_names >> ns; xs_schema >> xs_schema_names >> xs_ns; // Some twisted schemas do recusive self-inclusion. // tu.context ().set ("cxx-tree-name-processor-pass-1", true); schema.dispatch (tu); } // Pass two - assign names inside complex types. Here // we don't need to go into included/imported schemas. // { Traversal::Schema schema; Sources sources; schema >> sources >> schema; Traversal::Names schema_names; Traversal::Namespace ns; Traversal::Names ns_names; schema >> schema_names >> ns >> ns_names; Complex complex (ctx); Traversal::Enumeration enumeration; // Avoid fallback on complex. ns_names >> complex; ns_names >> enumeration; schema.dispatch (tu); } // Pass three - assign names to global elements as well as // inside enums. Also note that we check first if this schema // has already been processed which may happen in the file-per- // type compilation mode. // if (!tu.context ().count ("cxx-tree-name-processor-pass-3")) { Traversal::Schema schema; UsesPassThree uses; schema >> uses >> schema; Traversal::Names schema_names; NamespacePassThree ns (ctx); Traversal::Namespace ns_enum; schema >> schema_names; schema_names >> ns; schema_names >> ns_enum; Traversal::Names ns_names; Enumeration enumeration (ctx); ns_enum >> ns_names >> enumeration; // Some twisted schemas do recusive self-inclusion. // tu.context ().set ("cxx-tree-name-processor-pass-3", true); schema.dispatch (tu); } } } catch (Context::Failed const&) { // Diagnostics has already been issued. // return false; } return true; } } bool NameProcessor:: process (options const& ops, SemanticGraph::Schema& tu, SemanticGraph::Path const& file, StringLiteralMap const& map) { return process_impl (ops, tu, file, map); } } }