// file : xsd/cxx/tree/default-value.cxx // license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file #include using std::hex; using std::dec; namespace CXX { namespace Tree { namespace { void normalize (String& s) { size_t n (s.size ()); for (size_t i (0); i < n; ++i) { wchar_t& c (s[i]); if (c == 0x0D || // carriage return c == 0x09 || // tab c == 0x0A) c = 0x20; } } void collapse (String& s) { size_t n (s.size ()), j (0); bool subs (false), trim (true); for (size_t i (0); i < n; ++i) { wchar_t c (s[i]); if (c == 0x20 || c == 0x09 || c == 0x0A) subs = true; else { if (subs) { subs = false; if (!trim) s[j++] = 0x20; } if (trim) trim = false; s[j++] = c; } } s.resize (j); } void strip_zeros (String& s) { size_t n (s.size ()), i (0); if (n > 0 && (s[i] == '-' || s[i] == '+')) i++; size_t j (i); bool strip (true); for (; i < n; ++i) { wchar_t c (s[i]); if (c == '0') { if (!strip) s[j++] = c; } else { s[j++] = c; if (strip) strip = false; } } if (strip && j < n) s[j++] = '0'; // There was nothing except zeros so add one back. s.resize (j); } void make_float (String& s) { if (s.find ('.') == String::npos && s.find ('e') == String::npos && s.find ('E') == String::npos) s += L".0"; } } // // IsLiteralValue // IsLiteralValue:: IsLiteralValue (bool& r) : IsFundamentalType (r) { *this >> inherits_ >> *this; } void IsLiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c) { inherits (c); } // // LiteralValue // LiteralValue:: LiteralValue (Context& c) : Context (c) { *this >> inherits_ >> *this; } String LiteralValue:: dispatch (SemanticGraph::Node& type, String const& value) { literal_.clear (); value_ = value; Traversal::NodeBase::dispatch (type); return literal_; } void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c) { inherits (c); } // Boolean. // void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Boolean&) { collapse (value_); literal_ = (value_ == L"true" || value_ == L"1") ? L"true" : L"false"; } // Integral types. // void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Byte&) { collapse (value_); strip_zeros (value_); literal_ = value_; } void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedByte&) { collapse (value_); strip_zeros (value_); literal_ = value_ + L"U"; } void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Short&) { collapse (value_); strip_zeros (value_); literal_ = value_; } void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedShort&) { collapse (value_); strip_zeros (value_); literal_ = value_ + L"U"; } void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Int&) { collapse (value_); strip_zeros (value_); literal_ = value_; } void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedInt&) { collapse (value_); strip_zeros (value_); literal_ = value_ + L"U"; } void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Long&) { collapse (value_); strip_zeros (value_); literal_ = value_; literal_ += L"LL"; } void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::UnsignedLong&) { collapse (value_); strip_zeros (value_); literal_ = value_; literal_ += L"ULL"; } void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Integer&) { collapse (value_); strip_zeros (value_); literal_ = value_ + L"LL"; } void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonPositiveInteger&) { collapse (value_); strip_zeros (value_); literal_ = value_ + L"LL"; } void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NonNegativeInteger&) { collapse (value_); strip_zeros (value_); literal_ = value_ + L"ULL"; } void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::PositiveInteger&) { collapse (value_); strip_zeros (value_); literal_ = value_ + L"ULL"; } void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NegativeInteger&) { collapse (value_); strip_zeros (value_); literal_ = value_ + L"LL"; } // Floats. // void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Float& t) { collapse (value_); if (value_ == L"NaN") { literal_ = L"::std::numeric_limits< " + fq_name (t) + L" >::quiet_NaN ()"; } else if (value_ == L"INF") { literal_ = L"::std::numeric_limits< " + fq_name (t) + L" >::infinity ()"; } else if (value_ == L"-INF") { literal_ = L"- ::std::numeric_limits< " + fq_name (t) + L" >::infinity ()"; } else { strip_zeros (value_); make_float (value_); literal_ = value_ + L"F"; } } void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Double& t) { collapse (value_); if (value_ == L"NaN") { literal_ = L"::std::numeric_limits< " + fq_name (t) + L" >::quiet_NaN ()"; } else if (value_ == L"INF") { literal_ = L"::std::numeric_limits< " + fq_name (t) + L" >::infinity ()"; } else if (value_ == L"-INF") { literal_ = L"- ::std::numeric_limits< " + fq_name (t) + L" >::infinity ()"; } else { strip_zeros (value_); make_float (value_); literal_ = value_; } } void LiteralValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Decimal&) { collapse (value_); strip_zeros (value_); make_float (value_); literal_ = value_; } // // InitKind // InitKind:: InitKind (Kind& r) : r_ (r) { *this >> inherits_ >> *this; } void InitKind:: traverse (SemanticGraph::List&) { r_ = function; } void InitKind:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c) { inherits (c); } void InitKind:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Base64Binary&) { r_ = data; } void InitKind:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::HexBinary&) { r_ = data; } void InitKind:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameTokens&) { r_ = function; } void InitKind:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRefs&) { r_ = function; } void InitKind:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entities&) { r_ = function; } // // InitValue // InitValue:: InitValue (Context& c) : Context (c), type_name_ (c), literal_value_ (c) { } void InitValue:: dispatch (SemanticGraph::Node& type, String const& value) { value_ = value; Traversal::NodeBase::dispatch (type); } void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::List& l) { collapse (value_); if (!value_) return; SemanticGraph::Type& t (l.argumented ().type ()); String ov (value_); size_t b (0); for (size_t e (ov.find (' ')); ; e = ov.find (' ', b)) { String v (ov, b, e != String::npos ? e - b : e); os << "{"; type_name_.dispatch (t); os << " tmp ("; String lit (literal_value_.dispatch (t, v)); if (lit) os << lit; else { value_ = v; Traversal::NodeBase::dispatch (t); } os << ");" << "r.push_back (tmp);" << "}"; if (e == String::npos) break; b = e + 1; } value_ = ov; } void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Union&) { os << strlit (value_); } void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Complex& c) { Traversal::NodeBase::dispatch (ultimate_base (c)); } // anyType & anySimpleType. // void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::AnyType& t) { os << fq_name (t) << " (" << strlit (value_) << ")"; } void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::AnySimpleType& t) { os << fq_name (t) << " (" << strlit (value_) << ")"; } // Strings. // void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::String&) { os << strlit (value_); } void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NormalizedString&) { normalize (value_); os << strlit (value_); } void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Token&) { collapse (value_); os << strlit (value_); } void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameToken&) { collapse (value_); os << strlit (value_); } void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NameTokens&) { string_sequence_type ( dynamic_cast ( xs_ns ().find ("NMTOKEN").first->named ())); } void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Name&) { collapse (value_); os << strlit (value_); } void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::NCName&) { collapse (value_); os << strlit (value_); } void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Language&) { collapse (value_); os << strlit (value_); } // Qualified name. // void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::QName& t) { size_t p (value_.rfind ('#')); if (p != String::npos) { String ns (value_, 0, p); String qname (value_, p + 1, String::npos); collapse (ns); collapse (qname); p = qname.find (':'); String name; if (p != String::npos) name.assign (qname, p + 1, String::npos); else name = qname; os << fq_name (t) << " (" << strlit (ns) << ", " << strlit (name) << ")"; } else { // Unqualified name. // collapse (value_); os << fq_name (t) << " (" << strlit (value_) << ")"; } } // ID/IDREF. // void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Id&) { collapse (value_); os << strlit (value_); } void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRef&) { collapse (value_); os << strlit (value_); } void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::IdRefs&) { string_sequence_type ( dynamic_cast ( xs_ns ().find ("IDREF").first->named ())); } // URI. // void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::AnyURI&) { collapse (value_); os << strlit (value_); } // Binary. // static unsigned char base64_decode (wchar_t c) { unsigned char r = 0xFF; if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') r = static_cast (c - 'A'); else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') r = static_cast (c - 'a' + 26); else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') r = static_cast (c - '0' + 52); else if (c == '+') r = 62; else if (c == '/') r = 63; return r; } void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Base64Binary& t) { collapse (value_); if (dispatch_count_++ == 0) { if (value_) { os << "unsigned char " << data_ << "[] = {"; // Decode. // size_t size (value_.size ()); // Remove all whitespaces. // { size_t j (0); bool subs (false); for (size_t i (0); i < size; ++i) { wchar_t c (value_[i]); if (c == 0x20 || c == 0x0A || c == 0x0D || c == 0x09) subs = true; else { if (subs) subs = false; value_[j++] = c; } } size = j; value_.resize (size, '\0'); } // Our length should be a multiple of four. // size_t quad_count (size / 4); // Source and destination indexes. // size_t si (0), di (0); // Process all quads except the last one. // unsigned short v; unsigned char b1, b2, b3, b4; wchar_t prev_fill (os.fill ('0')); for (size_t q (0); q < quad_count - 1; ++q) { b1 = base64_decode (value_[si++]); b2 = base64_decode (value_[si++]); b3 = base64_decode (value_[si++]); b4 = base64_decode (value_[si++]); if (q != 0) os << ", "; if (di % 9 == 0) os << endl; os << hex; v = static_cast ((b1 << 2) | (b2 >> 4)); os.width (2); os << "0x" << v; v = static_cast ((b2 << 4) | (b3 >> 2)); os.width (2); os << ", 0x" << v; v = static_cast ((b3 << 6) | b4); os.width (2); os << ", 0x" << v; os << dec; di += 3; } // Process the last quad. The first two octets are always there. // b1 = base64_decode (value_[si++]); b2 = base64_decode (value_[si++]); wchar_t e3 (value_[si++]), e4 (value_[si++]); if (quad_count != 1) os << ", "; if (di % 9 == 0) os << endl; if (e4 == '=') { if (e3 == '=') { // Two pads. Last 4 bits in b2 should be zero. // v = static_cast ((b1 << 2) | (b2 >> 4)); os << "0x" << hex << v << dec; di++; } else { // One pad. Last 2 bits in b3 should be zero. // b3 = base64_decode (e3); os << hex; v = static_cast ((b1 << 2) | (b2 >> 4)); os.width (2); os << "0x" << v; v = static_cast ((b2 << 4) | (b3 >> 2)); os.width (2); os << ", 0x" << v; os << dec; di += 2; } } else { // No pads. // b3 = base64_decode (e3); b4 = base64_decode (e4); os << hex; v = static_cast ((b1 << 2) | (b2 >> 4)); os.width (2); os << "0x" << v; v = static_cast ((b2 << 4) | (b3 >> 2)); os.width (2); os << ", 0x" << v; v = static_cast ((b3 << 6) | b4); os.width (2); os << ", 0x" << v; os << dec; di += 3; } os.fill (prev_fill); os << "};"; } } else { os << fq_name (t) << " ("; if (value_) os << data_ << "," << endl << "sizeof (" << data_ << ")," << endl << "sizeof (" << data_ << ")," << endl << "false"; else os << "0"; os << ")"; } } static unsigned char hex_decode (wchar_t c) { unsigned char r = 0xFF; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') r = static_cast (c - '0'); else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') r = static_cast (10 + (c - 'A')); else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') r = static_cast (10 + (c - 'a')); return r; } void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::HexBinary& t) { collapse (value_); if (dispatch_count_++ == 0) { if (value_) { os << "unsigned char " << data_ << "[] = {"; // Decode. // size_t n (value_.size () / 2); wchar_t prev_fill (os.fill ('0')); for (size_t i (0); i < n; ++i) { unsigned char h (hex_decode (value_[2 * i])); unsigned char l (hex_decode (value_[2 * i + 1])); if (h == 0xFF || l == 0xFF) break; if (i != 0) os << ", "; if (i % 9 == 0) os << endl; unsigned short v = static_cast ((h << 4) | l); os.width (2); os << "0x" << hex << v << dec; } os.fill (prev_fill); os << "};"; } } else { os << fq_name (t) << " ("; if (value_) os << data_ << "," << endl << "sizeof (" << data_ << ")," << endl << "sizeof (" << data_ << ")," << endl << "false"; else os << "0"; os << ")"; } } // Date/time. // void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Date& t) { // date := [-]CCYY[N]*-MM-DD[Z|(+|-)HH:MM] // collapse (value_); size_t b (0); size_t e (value_.find ('-', value_[0] == '-' ? 5 : 4)); String year (value_, 0, e); b = e + 1; String month (value_, b, 2); b += 3; String day (value_, b, 2); strip_zeros (year); strip_zeros (month); strip_zeros (day); os << fq_name (t) << " (" << year << ", " << month << ", " << day; time_zone (b + 2); os << ")"; } void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::DateTime& t) { // date_time := [-]CCYY[N]*-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS[.S+][Z|(+|-)HH:MM] // collapse (value_); size_t b (0); size_t e (value_.find ('-', value_[0] == '-' ? 5 : 4)); String year (value_, 0, e); b = e + 1; String month (value_, b, 2); b += 3; String day (value_, b, 2); b += 3; String hours (value_, b, 2); b += 3; String minutes (value_, b, 2); b += 3; e = b + 2; for (; e < value_.size (); ++e) { wchar_t c (value_[e]); if (c == 'Z' || c == '+' || c == '-') break; } String seconds (value_, b, e - b); strip_zeros (year); strip_zeros (month); strip_zeros (day); strip_zeros (hours); strip_zeros (minutes); strip_zeros (seconds); make_float (seconds); os << fq_name (t) << " (" << year << ", " << month << ", " << day << ", " << hours << ", " << minutes << ", " << seconds; time_zone (e); os << ")"; } namespace { size_t find_delim (String const& s, size_t pos) { for (; pos < s.size (); ++pos) { wchar_t c (s[pos]); if (c == 'Y' || c == 'D' || c == 'M' || c == 'H' || c == 'M' || c == 'S' || c == 'T') break; } return pos; } } void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Duration& t) { // duration := [-]P[nY][nM][nD][TnHnMn[.n+]S] // collapse (value_); size_t b (1), e, n (value_.size ()); os << fq_name (t) << " ("; if (value_[0] == '-') { os << "true, "; b++; } else os << "false, "; e = find_delim (value_, b); if (e < n && value_[e] == 'Y') { String v (value_, b, e - b); strip_zeros (v); os << v << ", "; b = e + 1; e = find_delim (value_, b); } else os << "0, "; if (e < n && value_[e] == 'M') { String v (value_, b, e - b); strip_zeros (v); os << v << ", "; b = e + 1; e = find_delim (value_, b); } else os << "0, "; if (e < n && value_[e] == 'D') { String v (value_, b, e - b); strip_zeros (v); os << v << ", "; b = e + 1; e = find_delim (value_, b); } else os << "0, "; if (e < n && value_[e] == 'T') { b = e + 1; e = find_delim (value_, b); } if (e < n && value_[e] == 'H') { String v (value_, b, e - b); strip_zeros (v); os << v << ", "; b = e + 1; e = find_delim (value_, b); } else os << "0, "; if (e < n && value_[e] == 'M') { String v (value_, b, e - b); strip_zeros (v); os << v << ", "; b = e + 1; e = find_delim (value_, b); } else os << "0, "; if (e < n && value_[e] == 'S') { String v (value_, b, e - b); strip_zeros (v); make_float (v); os << v; b = e + 1; e = find_delim (value_, b); } else os << "0.0"; os << ")"; } void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Day& t) { // gday := ---DD[Z|(+|-)HH:MM] // collapse (value_); String day (value_, 3, 2); strip_zeros (day); os << fq_name (t) << " (" << day; time_zone (5); os << ")"; } void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Month& t) { // gmonth := --MM[Z|(+|-)HH:MM] // collapse (value_); String month (value_, 2, 2); strip_zeros (month); os << fq_name (t) << " (" << month; time_zone (4); os << ")"; } void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::MonthDay& t) { // gmonth_day := --MM-DD[Z|(+|-)HH:MM] // collapse (value_); String month (value_, 2, 2); String day (value_, 5, 2); strip_zeros (month); strip_zeros (day); os << fq_name (t) << " (" << month << ", " << day; time_zone (7); os << ")"; } void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Year& t) { // gyear := [-]CCYY[N]*[Z|(+|-)HH:MM] // collapse (value_); size_t pos (value_[0] == '-' ? 5 : 4); for (; pos < value_.size (); ++pos) { wchar_t c (value_[pos]); if (c == 'Z' || c == '+' || c == '-') break; } String year (value_, 0, pos); strip_zeros (year); os << fq_name (t) << " (" << year; time_zone (pos); os << ")"; } void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::YearMonth& t) { // gyear_month := [-]CCYY[N]*-MM[Z|(+|-)HH:MM] // collapse (value_); size_t pos (value_.find ('-', value_[0] == '-' ? 5 : 4)); String year (value_, 0, pos); String month (value_, pos + 1, 2); strip_zeros (year); strip_zeros (month); os << fq_name (t) << " (" << year << ", " << month; time_zone (pos + 3); os << ")"; } void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Time& t) { // time := HH:MM:SS[.S+][Z|(+|-)HH:MM] // collapse (value_); String hours (value_, 0, 2); String minutes (value_, 3, 2); size_t e (8); for (; e < value_.size (); ++e) { wchar_t c (value_[e]); if (c == 'Z' || c == '+' || c == '-') break; } String seconds (value_, 6, e - 6); strip_zeros (hours); strip_zeros (minutes); strip_zeros (seconds); make_float (seconds); os << fq_name (t) << " (" << hours << ", " << minutes << ", " << seconds; time_zone (e); os << ")"; } void InitValue:: time_zone (size_t pos) { // time_zone := Z|(+|-)HH:MM // if (pos < value_.size ()) { String h, m; if (value_[pos] == 'Z') { h = "0"; m = "0"; } else { if (value_[pos] == '-') { h = "-"; m = "-"; } h.append (value_, pos + 1, 2); m.append (value_, pos + 4, 2); strip_zeros (h); strip_zeros (m); } os << ", " << h << ", " << m; } } // Entity. // void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entity&) { collapse (value_); os << strlit (value_); } void InitValue:: traverse (SemanticGraph::Fundamental::Entities&) { string_sequence_type ( dynamic_cast ( xs_ns ().find ("ENTITY").first->named ())); } void InitValue:: string_sequence_type (SemanticGraph::Type& t) { collapse (value_); if (!value_) return; size_t b (0); for (size_t e (value_.find (' ')); ; e = value_.find (' ', b)) { String v (value_, b, e != String::npos ? e - b : e); os << "{"; type_name_.dispatch (t); os << " tmp (" << strlit (v) << ");" << "r.push_back (tmp);" << "}"; if (e == String::npos) break; b = e + 1; } } } }