// file : xsd/cxx/tree/serialization-header.cxx // copyright : Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Code Synthesis Tools CC // license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file #include #include #include namespace CXX { namespace Tree { namespace { struct List: Traversal::List, Context { List (Context& c) : Context (c) { } virtual void traverse (Type& l) { String name (ename (l)); // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate // anything for this type. // if (renamed_type (l, name) && !name) return; // operator<< (xercesc::DOMElement) // os << inst_exp << "void" << endl << "operator<< (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement&, " << "const " << name << "&);" << endl; // operator<< (xercesc::DOMAttr) // os << inst_exp << "void" << endl << "operator<< (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr&, " << "const " << name << "&);" << endl; // operator<< (list_stream) // os << inst_exp << "void" << endl << "operator<< (" << list_stream_type << "&," << endl << "const " << name << "&);" << endl; } }; struct Union: Traversal::Union, Context { Union (Context& c) : Context (c) { } virtual void traverse (Type& u) { String name (ename (u)); // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate // anything for this type. // if (renamed_type (u, name) && !name) return; // operator<< (xercesc::DOMElement) // os << inst_exp << "void" << endl << "operator<< (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement&, " << "const " << name << "&);" << endl; // operator<< (xercesc::DOMAttr) // os << inst_exp << "void" << endl << "operator<< (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr&, " << "const " << name << "&);" << endl; // operator<< (list_stream) // os << inst_exp << "void" << endl << "operator<< (" << list_stream_type << "&," << endl << "const " << name << "&);" << endl; } }; struct Enumeration: Traversal::Enumeration, Context { Enumeration (Context& c) : Context (c) { } virtual void traverse (Type& e) { String name (ename (e)); // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate // anything for this type. // if (renamed_type (e, name) && !name) return; // operator<< (xercesc::DOMElement) // os << inst_exp << "void" << endl << "operator<< (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement&, " << "const " << name << "&);" << endl; // operator<< (xercesc::DOMAttr) // os << inst_exp << "void" << endl << "operator<< (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr&, " << "const " << name << "&);" << endl; // operator<< (list_stream) // os << inst_exp << "void" << endl << "operator<< (" << list_stream_type << "&," << endl << "const " << name << "&);" << endl; } }; struct Complex: Traversal::Complex, Context { Complex (Context& c) : Context (c) { } virtual void traverse (Type& c) { String name (ename (c)); // If renamed name is empty then we do not need to generate // anything for this type. // if (renamed_type (c, name) && !name) return; // operator<< (xercesc::DOMElement) // os << inst_exp << "void" << endl << "operator<< (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement&, " << "const " << name << "&);" << endl; bool simple (true); { IsSimpleType t (simple); t.dispatch (c); } if (simple) { // operator<< (xercesc::DOMAttr) // os << inst_exp << "void" << endl << "operator<< (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMAttr&, " << "const " << name << "&);" << endl; // operator<< (list_stream) // os << inst_exp << "void" << endl << "operator<< (" << list_stream_type << "&," << endl << "const " << name << "&);" << endl; } } }; struct ElementType: Traversal::Element, GlobalElementBase, Context { ElementType (Context& c) : GlobalElementBase (c), Context (c) { } virtual void traverse (Type& e) { if (doc_root_p (e)) { // operator<< (xercesc::DOMElement) // os << inst_exp << "void" << endl << "operator<< (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMElement&, " << "const " << ename (e) << "&);" << endl; } } }; struct ElementFunction: Traversal::Element, GlobalElementBase, Context { ElementFunction (Context& c) : GlobalElementBase (c), Context (c) { } virtual void traverse (Type& e) { if (!doc_root_p (e)) return; String const& name (eserializer (e)); String const& error_handler (error_handler_type); String const& namespace_infomap (namespace_infomap_type); if (doxygen) { os << "/**" << endl << " * @name Serialization functions for the %" << comment (e.name ()) << " document root." << endl; if (e.annotated_p ()) { os << " *" << endl; write_annotation (e.annotation ()); } os << " */" << endl << "//@{" << endl << endl; } if (!doxygen) { os << "// Serialize to std::ostream." << endl << "//" << endl << endl; } if (doxygen) { os << "/**" << endl << " * @brief Serialize to a standard output stream." << endl << " *" << endl << " * @param os A standrad output stream." << endl << " * @param x An object model to serialize." << endl << " * @param m A namespace information map." << endl << " * @param e A character encoding to produce XML in." << endl << " * @param f Serialization flags." << endl << " *" << endl << " * This function uses exceptions to report " << "serialization errors." << endl << " */" << endl; } os << inst_exp << "void" << endl << name << " (::std::ostream& os," << endl << "const " << type_name (e) << "& x, " << endl << "const " << namespace_infomap << "& m = " << namespace_infomap << " ()," << endl << "const " << string_type << "& e = " << L << "\"UTF-8\"," << endl << flags_type << " f = 0);" << endl; if (doxygen) { os << "/**" << endl << " * @brief Serialize to a standard output stream with an " << "error handler." << endl << " *" << endl << " * @param os A standrad output stream." << endl << " * @param x An object model to serialize." << endl << " * @param eh An error handler." << endl << " * @param m A namespace information map." << endl << " * @param e A character encoding to produce XML in." << endl << " * @param f Serialization flags." << endl << " *" << endl << " * This function reports serialization errors by " << "calling the error" << endl << " * handler." << endl << " */" << endl; } os << inst_exp << "void" << endl << name << " (::std::ostream& os," << endl << "const " << type_name (e) << "& x, " << endl << error_handler << "& eh," << endl << "const " << namespace_infomap << "& m = " << namespace_infomap << " ()," << endl << "const " << string_type << "& e = " << L << "\"UTF-8\"," << endl << flags_type << " f = 0);" << endl; if (doxygen) { os << "/**" << endl << " * @brief Serialize to a standard output stream with a " << "Xerces-C++ DOM" << endl << " * error handler." << endl << " *" << endl << " * @param os A standrad output stream." << endl << " * @param x An object model to serialize." << endl << " * @param eh A Xerces-C++ DOM error handler." << endl << " * @param m A namespace information map." << endl << " * @param e A character encoding to produce XML in." << endl << " * @param f Serialization flags." << endl << " *" << endl << " * This function reports serialization errors by " << "calling the error" << endl << " * handler." << endl << " */" << endl; } os << inst_exp << "void" << endl << name << " (::std::ostream& os," << endl << "const " << type_name (e) << "& x, " << endl << xerces_ns << "::DOMErrorHandler& eh," << endl << "const " << namespace_infomap << "& m = " << namespace_infomap << " ()," << endl << "const " << string_type << "& e = " << L << "\"UTF-8\"," << endl << flags_type << " f = 0);" << endl; if (!doxygen) { os << "// Serialize to xercesc::XMLFormatTarget." << endl << "//" << endl << endl; } if (doxygen) { os << "/**" << endl << " * @brief Serialize to a Xerces-C++ XML format target." << endl << " *" << endl << " * @param ft A Xerces-C++ XML format target." << endl << " * @param x An object model to serialize." << endl << " * @param m A namespace information map." << endl << " * @param e A character encoding to produce XML in." << endl << " * @param f Serialization flags." << endl << " *" << endl << " * This function uses exceptions to report " << "serialization errors." << endl << " */" << endl; } os << inst_exp << "void" << endl << name << " (" << xerces_ns << "::XMLFormatTarget& ft," << endl << "const " << type_name (e) << "& x, " << endl << "const " << namespace_infomap << "& m = " << namespace_infomap << " ()," << endl << "const " << string_type << "& e = " << L << "\"UTF-8\"," << endl << flags_type << " f = 0);" << endl; if (doxygen) { os << "/**" << endl << " * @brief Serialize to a Xerces-C++ XML format target " << "with an error" << endl << " * handler." << endl << " *" << endl << " * @param ft A Xerces-C++ XML format target." << endl << " * @param x An object model to serialize." << endl << " * @param eh An error handler." << endl << " * @param m A namespace information map." << endl << " * @param e A character encoding to produce XML in." << endl << " * @param f Serialization flags." << endl << " *" << endl << " * This function reports serialization errors by " << "calling the error" << endl << " * handler." << endl << " */" << endl; } os << inst_exp << "void" << endl << name << " (" << xerces_ns << "::XMLFormatTarget& ft," << endl << "const " << type_name (e) << "& x, " << endl << error_handler << "& eh," << endl << "const " << namespace_infomap << "& m = " << namespace_infomap << " ()," << endl << "const " << string_type << "& e = " << L << "\"UTF-8\"," << endl << flags_type << " f = 0);" << endl; if (doxygen) { os << "/**" << endl << " * @brief Serialize to a Xerces-C++ XML format target " << "with a" << endl << " * Xerces-C++ DOM error handler." << endl << " *" << endl << " * @param ft A Xerces-C++ XML format target." << endl << " * @param x An object model to serialize." << endl << " * @param eh A Xerces-C++ DOM error handler." << endl << " * @param m A namespace information map." << endl << " * @param e A character encoding to produce XML in." << endl << " * @param f Serialization flags." << endl << " *" << endl << " * This function reports serialization errors by " << "calling the error" << endl << " * handler." << endl << " */" << endl; } os << inst_exp << "void" << endl << name << " (" << xerces_ns << "::XMLFormatTarget& ft," << endl << "const " << type_name (e) << "& x, " << endl << xerces_ns << "::DOMErrorHandler& eh," << endl << "const " << namespace_infomap << "& m = " << namespace_infomap << " ()," << endl << "const " << string_type << "& e = " << L << "\"UTF-8\"," << endl << flags_type << " f = 0);" << endl; if (!doxygen) { os << "// Serialize to an existing xercesc::DOMDocument." << endl << "//" << endl << endl; } if (doxygen) { os << "/**" << endl << " * @brief Serialize to an existing Xerces-C++ DOM document." << endl << " *" << endl << " * @param d A Xerces-C++ DOM document." << endl << " * @param x An object model to serialize." << endl << " * @param f Serialization flags." << endl << " *" << endl << " * Note that it is your responsibility to create the " << "DOM document" << endl << " * with the correct root element as well as set the " << "necessary" << endl << " * namespace mapping attributes." << endl << " */" << endl; } os << inst_exp << "void" << endl << name << " (" << xerces_ns << "::DOMDocument& d," << endl << "const " << type_name (e) << "& x," << endl << flags_type << " f = 0);" << endl; if (!doxygen) { os << "// Serialize to a new xercesc::DOMDocument." << endl << "//" << endl << endl; } if (doxygen) { os << "/**" << endl << " * @brief Serialize to a new Xerces-C++ DOM document." << endl << " *" << endl << " * @param x An object model to serialize." << endl << " * @param m A namespace information map." << endl << " * @param f Serialization flags." << endl << " * @return A pointer to the new Xerces-C++ DOM document." << endl << " */" << endl; } os << inst_exp << dom_auto_ptr << "< " << xerces_ns << "::DOMDocument >" << endl << name << " (const " << type_name (e) << "& x, " << endl << "const " << namespace_infomap << "& m = " << namespace_infomap << " ()," << endl << flags_type << " f = 0);" << endl; if (doxygen) { os << "//@}" << endl << endl; } } private: String type_name (Type& e) { std::wostringstream o; MemberTypeName type (*this, o); type.dispatch (e.type ()); return o.str (); } }; } void generate_serialization_header (Context& ctx) { bool elemen_type (ctx.options.generate_element_type ()); if (!elemen_type) ctx.os << "#include " << endl << endl << "#include " << endl << "#include " << endl << "#include " << endl << endl << "#include " << endl << endl; Traversal::Schema schema; Sources sources; Traversal::Names names_ns, names; Namespace ns (ctx); List list (ctx); Union union_ (ctx); Complex complex (ctx); Enumeration enumeration (ctx); ElementType element_type (ctx); ElementFunction element_function (ctx); schema >> sources >> schema; schema >> names_ns >> ns >> names; names >> list; names >> union_; names >> complex; names >> enumeration; if (elemen_type) names >> element_type; else names >> element_function; schema.dispatch (ctx.schema_root); } } }