# file : build/root.build # license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file config [bool] config.xsd.develop ?= false develop = $config.xsd.develop define cli: file cli{*}: extension = cli using in cxx.std = latest using cxx hxx{*}: extension = hxx ixx{*}: extension = ixx txx{*}: extension = txx cxx{*}: extension = cxx if ($cxx.target.system == 'win32-msvc') cxx.poptions += -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS -D_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS if ($cxx.class == 'msvc') cxx.coptions += /wd4251 /wd4275 /wd4800 cxx.poptions =+ "-I$out_root" "-I$src_root" # Extract the copyright notice from the LICENSE file. # # Note that cat is a builtin which means this is both portable and fast. # if ($build.mode != 'skeleton') copyright = $process.run_regex(cat $src_root/LICENSE, \ 'Copyright \(c\) (.+)\.', \ '\1')