This example shows how to perform stream-oriented, partially in-memory XML processing using the C++/Tree mapping. With the partially in-memory parsing and serialization only a part of the object model is in memory at any given time. With this approach we can process parts of the document as they become available as well as handle documents that are too large to fit into memory. The example consists of the following files: position.xsd XML Schema which describes a simple object position vocabulary. The position is represented as a potentially large series of latitude and longitude measurements. position.xml Sample object position document. position.hxx position.cxx C++ types that represent the position vocabulary as well as parsing and serialization functions. These files are generated by the XSD compiler from position.xsd using the following command line: xsd cxx-tree --generate-serialization position.xsd parser.hxx parser.cxx Stream-oriented DOM parser implementation that is built on top of the Xerces-C++ SAX2 parser in the progressive parsing mode. This parser allows us to parse an XML document as a series of DOM fragments. serializer.hxx serializer.cxx Stream-oriented DOM serializer implementation that allows us to serialize an XML Document as a series of object model fragments. grammar-input-stream.hxx grammar-input-stream.cxx Input stream implementation with the special-purpose schema grammar decompression algorithm. It is used internally by the streaming parser. driver.cxx Driver for the example. It parses the input file into a series of DOM fragments which are then parsed into the object model fragments. The driver prints the information from the document as it becomes available. It also serializes the object model fragments into a new XML document (out.xml). To compile and link the example manually from the command line we can use the following commands (replace 'c++' with your C++ compiler name): c++ -DXSD_CXX11 -c position.cxx c++ -DXSD_CXX11 -c parser.cxx c++ -DXSD_CXX11 -c serializer.cxx c++ -DXSD_CXX11 -c grammar-input-stream.cxx c++ -DXSD_CXX11 -c driver.cxx c++ -o driver driver.o position.o parser.o serializer.o \ grammar-input-stream.o -lxerces-c Note that we need to define the XSD_CXX11 preprocessor macro since the source code includes libxsd headers directly. To run the example on the sample XML instance document execute: ./driver position.xml The serialization results are written to the out.xml file.