This example measures the performance of parsing and serialization in the C++/Tree mapping. It also shows how to structure your code to achieve the maximum performance for these two operations. The example consists of the following files: test.xsd XML Schema which describes the test vocabulary. test-50k.xml Test XML document. gen.cxx Program to generate a test document of desired size. To compile and link this program we can use the following commands (replace 'c++' with your C++ compiler name): c++ -c gen.cxx c++ -o gen gen.o To generate the test document execute, for example: ./gen 633 test-100k.xml time.hxx time.cxx Class definition that represents time. test.hxx test.ixx test.cxx C++ types that represent the given vocabulary, a set of parsing functions that convert XML documents to a tree-like in-memory object model, and a set of serialization functions that convert the object model back to XML. These files are generated by the XSD compiler from test.xsd using the following command line: xsd cxx-tree --generate-serialization test.xsd parsing.cxx Parsing performance test. It first reads the entire document into a memory buffer. It then creates a DOM parser and pre-parses and caches the schema if validation is enabled. Finally, it runs the performance measurement loop which on each iteration parses the XML document from the in-memory buffer into DOM and then DOM to the object model. serialization.cxx Serialization performance test. It first parses the XML document into the object model. It then creates a memory buffer into which the document is serialized and a DOM serializer. Finally, it runs the performance measurement loop which on each iteration serializes the object model to DOM and DOM to XML. driver.cxx Driver for the example. It first parses the command line arguments. It then initializes the Xerces-C++ runtime and calls the parsing and serialization tests described above. To compile and link the example manually from the command line we can use the following commands (replace 'c++' with your C++ compiler name): c++ -DXSD_CXX11 -c test.cxx c++ -DXSD_CXX11 -c time.cxx c++ -DXSD_CXX11 -c parsing.cxx c++ -DXSD_CXX11 -c serialization.cxx c++ -DXSD_CXX11 -c driver.cxx c++ -o driver driver.o test.o time.o parsing.o serialization.o -lxerces-c Note that we need to define the XSD_CXX11 preprocessor macro since the source code includes libxsd headers directly. To run the example on a test XML document execute: ./driver test-50k.xml The -v option can be used to turn on validation in the underlying XML parser (off by default). The -i option can be used to specify the number of parsing and serialization iterations (1000 by default). For example: ./driver -v -i 100 test-50k.xml