// file : cxx/parser/performance/driver.cxx // copyright : not copyrighted - public domain #include #include // std::unique_ptr #include // std::size_t #include #include #include #include "time.hxx" #ifdef XERCES_PARSER # include "test-xerces-pskel.hxx" # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include #else # include "test-expat-pskel.hxx" #endif // No-op parser implementation. // namespace test { struct enum_pimpl: enum_pskel, xml_schema::string_pimpl { virtual void post_enum () { } }; struct record_pimpl: record_pskel { virtual void int_ (unsigned int) { } virtual void double_ (double) { } virtual void name (const std::string&) { } virtual void string (const std::string&) { } virtual void choice1 (const std::string&) { } virtual void choice2 (const std::string&) { } virtual void choice3 (const std::string&) { } virtual void choice4 (const std::string&) { } virtual void apple (bool) { } virtual void orange (unsigned long long) { } }; struct root_pimpl: root_pskel { }; } using namespace std; int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " [-v] [-i ] test.xml" << endl << "\t -v turn on validation (default is off)" << endl << "\t -i number of iterations to perform (default is 1000)" << endl; return 1; } bool validate (false); unsigned long iter (1000); const char* file (0); // Parse command line arguments. // for (int i (1); i < argc; ++i) { string arg (argv[i]); if (arg == "-v") { validate = true; } else if (arg == "-i") { if (++i == argc) { cerr << "argument expected for the -i option" << endl; return 1; } iter = 0; istringstream is (argv[i]); is >> iter; if (iter == 0) { cerr << "invalid argument for the -i option" << endl; return 1; } } else { file = argv[i]; break; } } if (file == 0) { cerr << "no input file specified" << endl; return 1; } try { // Instantiate and connect parsers. // xml_schema::unsigned_int_pimpl unsigned_int_p; xml_schema::double_pimpl double_p; xml_schema::ncname_pimpl ncname_p; xml_schema::string_pimpl string_p; xml_schema::boolean_pimpl boolean_p; xml_schema::unsigned_long_pimpl unsigned_long_p; test::enum_pimpl enum_p; test::record_pimpl record_p; test::root_pimpl root_p; record_p.parsers (unsigned_int_p, double_p, ncname_p, string_p, string_p, string_p, string_p, string_p, enum_p, boolean_p, unsigned_long_p); root_p.parsers (record_p); // Read the fine into in-memory buffer. // ifstream ifs; ifs.exceptions (ios_base::failbit); ifs.open (file, ios::in | ios::ate); size_t size (ifs.tellg ()); ifs.seekg (0, ios::beg); char* buf = new char[size]; ifs.read (buf, size); ifs.close (); cerr << "document size: " << size << " bytes" << endl << "iterations: " << iter << endl; os::time time (0); xml_schema::document doc (root_p, "test", "root"); #ifdef _XERCES_VERSION // Xerces-C++ as the underlying XML parser. // using namespace xercesc; namespace xml = xsd::cxx::xml; namespace parser = xsd::cxx::parser; XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize (); { MemBufInputSource is ( reinterpret_cast (buf), size, file, false); is.setCopyBufToStream (false); unique_ptr parser (XMLReaderFactory::createXMLReader ()); parser->setFeature (XMLUni::fgSAX2CoreNameSpaces, true); parser->setFeature (XMLUni::fgSAX2CoreNameSpacePrefixes, true); parser->setFeature (XMLUni::fgXercesValidationErrorAsFatal, true); if (validate) { parser->setFeature (XMLUni::fgSAX2CoreValidation, true); parser->setFeature (XMLUni::fgXercesSchema, true); parser->setFeature (XMLUni::fgXercesSchemaFullChecking, false); // Xerces-C++ 3.1.0 is the first version with working multi import // support. // #if _XERCES_VERSION >= 30100 parser->setFeature (XMLUni::fgXercesHandleMultipleImports, true); #endif // Initialize the schema cache. To detect schema errors we will // need an error handler. // parser::error_handler eh; xml::sax::bits::error_handler_proxy ehp (eh); parser->setErrorHandler (&ehp); if (!parser->loadGrammar ("test.xsd", Grammar::SchemaGrammarType, true)) { // In Xerces-C++ grammar loading failure results in just a warning. // Make it a fatal error. // eh.handle ("test.xsd", 0, 0, parser::error_handler::severity::fatal, "unable to load schema"); } eh.throw_if_failed (); parser->setFeature (XMLUni::fgXercesUseCachedGrammarInParse, true); #if _XERCES_VERSION >= 30100 parser->setFeature (XMLUni::fgXercesLoadSchema, false); #endif } else { parser->setFeature (XMLUni::fgSAX2CoreValidation, false); parser->setFeature (XMLUni::fgXercesSchema, false); parser->setFeature (XMLUni::fgXercesSchemaFullChecking, false); } os::time start; for (unsigned long i (0); i < iter; ++i) { root_p.pre (); doc.parse (is, *parser); root_p.post_root (); } os::time end; time = end - start; } XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate (); #else XSD_UNUSED (validate); // Expat as the underlying XML parser. // XML_Parser xml_parser (XML_ParserCreateNS (0, ' ')); string public_id (file); os::time start; for (unsigned long i (0); i < iter; ++i) { // Using the low-level Expat-specific API to parse the memory // buffer. // root_p.pre (); doc.parse_begin (xml_parser, public_id); XML_Parse (xml_parser, buf, size, 1); doc.parse_end (); root_p.post_root (); XML_ParserReset (xml_parser, 0); } os::time end; time = end - start; XML_ParserFree (xml_parser); #endif delete[] buf; cerr << "time: " << time << " sec" << endl; double ms (time.sec () * 1000000ULL + time.nsec () / 1000ULL); // Calculate throughput in documents/sec. // double tpd ((iter / ms) * 1000000); cerr << "throughput: " << tpd << " documents/sec" << endl; // Calculate throughput in MBytes/sec. // double tpb (((size * iter) / ms) * 1000000/(1024*1024)); cerr << "throughput: " << tpb << " MBytes/sec" << endl; } catch (const xml_schema::exception& e) { cerr << e << endl; return 1; } catch (std::ios_base::failure const&) { cerr << "io failure" << endl; return 1; } }