This is a "Hello, world!" example that shows how to use the C++/Parser mapping to parse XML instance documents. The example consists of the following files: hello.xsd XML Schema which describes "hello" instance documents. hello.xml Sample XML instance document. hello-pskel.hxx hello-pskel.cxx Parser skeletons generated by the XSD compiler from hello.xsd using the following command line: xsd cxx-parser hello.xsd Or if using Expat instead of Xerces-C++ as the underlying XML parser: xsd cxx-parser --xml-parser=expat hello.xsd driver.cxx A parser implementation and a driver for the example. The parser implementation simply prints the data to STDERR. The driver first constructs a parser instance from the parser implementation mentioned above and a couple of predefined parsers for the XML Schema built-in types. In then invokes this parser instance to parse the input file. To compile and link the example manually from the command line we can use the following commands (replace 'c++' with your C++ compiler name): c++ -c hello-pskel.cxx c++ -c driver.cxx c++ -o driver driver.o hello-pskel.o -lxerces-c Or if using Expat as the underlying XML parser: c++ -o driver driver.o hello-pskel.o -lexpat To run the example on the sample XML instance document execute: ./driver hello.xml