// file : examples/cxx/tree/streaming/parser.cxx // copyright : not copyrighted - public domain #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "parser.hxx" using namespace std; using namespace xercesc; namespace xml = xsd::cxx::xml; namespace tree = xsd::cxx::tree; class parser_impl: public DefaultHandler { public: parser_impl (); xml::dom::auto_ptr start (istream& is, const string& id, bool validate); xml::dom::auto_ptr next (); // SAX event handlers. // private: virtual void startElement (const XMLCh* const uri, const XMLCh* const lname, const XMLCh* const qname, const Attributes& attributes); virtual void endElement (const XMLCh* const uri, const XMLCh* const lname, const XMLCh* const qname); virtual void characters (const XMLCh* const s, const XMLSize_t length); private: // SAX parser. // bool clean_; auto_ptr parser_; XMLPScanToken token_; tree::error_handler error_handler_; xml::sax::bits::error_handler_proxy error_proxy_; auto_ptr isrc_; size_t depth_; // DOM document being built. // DOMImplementation& dom_impl_; xml::dom::auto_ptr doc_; DOMElement* cur_; }; const XMLCh ls[] = {chLatin_L, chLatin_S, chNull}; parser_impl:: parser_impl () : clean_ (true), parser_ (XMLReaderFactory::createXMLReader ()), error_proxy_ (error_handler_), dom_impl_ (*DOMImplementationRegistry::getDOMImplementation (ls)) { parser_->setFeature (XMLUni::fgSAX2CoreNameSpaces, true); parser_->setFeature (XMLUni::fgSAX2CoreNameSpacePrefixes, true); parser_->setFeature (XMLUni::fgXercesValidationErrorAsFatal, true); parser_->setFeature (XMLUni::fgXercesSchemaFullChecking, false); // Xerces-C++ 3.1.0 is the first version with working multi import // support. It also allows us to disable buffering in the parser // so that the data is parsed and returned as soon as it is // available. // #if _XERCES_VERSION >= 30100 parser_->setFeature (XMLUni::fgXercesHandleMultipleImports, true); XMLSize_t lwm = 0; parser_->setProperty (XMLUni::fgXercesLowWaterMark, &lwm); #endif parser_->setErrorHandler (&error_proxy_); parser_->setContentHandler (this); } xml::dom::auto_ptr parser_impl:: start (istream& is, const string& id, bool val) { // Reset our state. // depth_ = 0; doc_.reset (); error_handler_.reset (); if (!clean_) parser_->parseReset (token_); else clean_ = false; isrc_.reset (new xml::sax::std_input_source (is, id)); parser_->setFeature (XMLUni::fgSAX2CoreValidation, val); parser_->setFeature (XMLUni::fgXercesSchema, val); // Start parsing. The first document that we return is a "carcase" // of the complete document. That is, the root element with all the // attributes but without any content. // bool r (parser_->parseFirst (*isrc_, token_)); error_handler_.throw_if_failed > (); while (r && depth_ == 0) { r = parser_->parseNext (token_); error_handler_.throw_if_failed > (); } if (!r) return xml::dom::auto_ptr (0); return doc_; } xml::dom::auto_ptr parser_impl:: next () { // We should be at depth 1. If not, then we are done parsing. // if (depth_ != 1) return xml::dom::auto_ptr (0); bool r (true); // Keep calling parseNext() until we either move to a greater depth or // get a document. This way we skip the text (presumably whitespaces) // that may be preceding the next chunk. // while (r && depth_ == 1 && doc_.get () == 0) { parser_->parseNext (token_); error_handler_.throw_if_failed > (); } if (!r) return xml::dom::auto_ptr (0); // If we are not at depth 1, keep calling parseNext() until we get // there. // while (r && depth_ != 1) { r = parser_->parseNext (token_); error_handler_.throw_if_failed > (); } if (!r) return xml::dom::auto_ptr (0); return doc_; } // DOM builder. // void parser_impl:: startElement (const XMLCh* const uri, const XMLCh* const /*lname*/, const XMLCh* const qname, const Attributes& attr) { if (doc_.get () == 0) { doc_.reset (dom_impl_.createDocument (uri, qname, 0)); cur_ = doc_->getDocumentElement (); } else { DOMElement* e = doc_->createElementNS (uri, qname); cur_->appendChild (e); cur_ = e; } // Set attributes. // for (XMLSize_t i (0), end (attr.getLength()); i < end; ++i) { const XMLCh* qn (attr.getQName (i)); const XMLCh* ns (attr.getURI (i)); // When SAX2 reports the xmlns attribute, it does not include // the proper attribute namespace. So we have to detect and // handle this case. // if (XMLString::equals (qn, XMLUni::fgXMLNSString)) ns = XMLUni::fgXMLNSURIName; cur_->setAttributeNS (ns, qn, attr.getValue (i)); } depth_++; } void parser_impl:: endElement (const XMLCh* const /*uri*/, const XMLCh* const /*lname*/, const XMLCh* const /*qname*/) { // We have an element parent only on depth 2 or greater. // if (--depth_ > 1) cur_ = static_cast (cur_->getParentNode ()); } void parser_impl:: characters (const XMLCh* const s, const XMLSize_t length) { const XMLCh empty[] = {chNull}; // Ignore text content (presumably whitespaces) in the root element. // if (depth_ > 1) { DOMText* t = doc_->createTextNode (empty); static_cast (t)->appendData (s, length); cur_->appendChild (t); } } // // parser // parser:: ~parser () { } parser:: parser () : impl_ (new parser_impl) { } xml::dom::auto_ptr parser:: start (istream& is, const string& id, bool val) { return impl_->start (is, id, val); } xml::dom::auto_ptr parser:: next () { return impl_->next (); }