// file : examples/cxx/tree/custom/comments/xml-schema-custom.cxx // copyright : not copyrighted - public domain // Include xml-schema.hxx instead of xml-schema-custom.hxx here. // #include "xml-schema.hxx" #include #include #include // xml::transcode, xml::string namespace xml = xsd::cxx::xml; namespace xml_schema { type:: type () : type_base () { } type:: type (const xercesc::DOMElement& e, flags f, container* c) : type_base (e, f, c) { using namespace xercesc; // Here we are only handling a comment that is the first // node in the element's content. // const DOMNode* n (e.getFirstChild ()); if (n != 0 && n->getNodeType () == DOMNode::COMMENT_NODE) { const DOMComment* c (static_cast (n)); comment_ = xml::transcode (c->getData ()); } } type:: type (const xercesc::DOMAttr& a, flags f, container* c) : type_base (a, f, c) { // No comments for attributes. // } type:: type (const std::string& s, const xercesc::DOMElement* e, flags f, container* c) : type_base (s, e, f, c) { // No comments for list items. // } type:: type (const type& x, flags f, container* c) : type_base (x, f, c), comment_ (x.comment_) { } type* type:: _clone (flags f, container* c) const { return new type (*this, f, c); } // Serialization operators. // void operator<< (xercesc::DOMElement& e, const type& x) { // Call our base first. // const type_base& b (x); e << b; // Add the comment if any. // const std::string s (x.comment ()); if (!s.empty ()) { using namespace xercesc; DOMDocument* doc (e.getOwnerDocument ()); DOMComment* c (doc->createComment (xml::string (s).c_str ())); e.appendChild (c); } } void operator<< (xercesc::DOMAttr& a, const type& x) { // Call our base first. // const type_base& b (x); a << b; // No comments for attributes. // } void operator<< (xml_schema::list_stream& ls, const type& x) { // Call our base first. // const type_base& b (x); ls << b; // No comments for list items. // } }