// file : odb/relational/source.cxx // author : Boris Kolpackov // copyright : Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Code Synthesis Tools CC // license : GNU GPL v3; see accompanying LICENSE file #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace relational { namespace source { static inline void add_space (string& s) { string::size_type n (s.size ()); if (n != 0 && s[n - 1] != ' ') s += ' '; } static string translate_name_trailer (string& t, cpp_ttype& tt, cpp_ttype& ptt, cxx_tokens_lexer& lex) { string r; for (; tt != CPP_EOF; ptt = tt, tt = lex.next (t)) { bool done (false); switch (tt) { case CPP_SCOPE: case CPP_DOT: { r += cxx_lexer::token_spelling[tt]; break; } default: { // Handle CPP_KEYWORD here to avoid a warning (it is not // part of the cpp_ttype enumeration). // if (tt == CPP_NAME || tt == CPP_KEYWORD) { // For names like 'foo::template bar'. // if (ptt == CPP_NAME || ptt == CPP_KEYWORD) r += ' '; r += t; } else done = true; break; } } if (done) break; } return r; } static class_::expression translate_name (string& t, cpp_ttype& tt, cpp_ttype& ptt, cxx_tokens_lexer& lex, tree scope, location_t loc, string const& prag, bool check_ptr, view_alias_map const& amap, view_object_map const& omap) { using semantics::data_member; typedef class_::expression expression; bool multi_obj ((amap.size () + omap.size ()) > 1); string r ("query_type"); string name; bool fail (false); context& ctx (context::current ()); // This code is quite similar to view_data_members in the type // processor. // try { tree decl (0); view_object* vo (0); // Check if this is an alias. // if (tt == CPP_NAME) { view_alias_map::const_iterator i (amap.find (t)); if (i != amap.end ()) { if (multi_obj) { r += "::"; r += i->first; } vo = i->second; fail = true; // This must be a data member. // Skip '::'. // ptt = tt; tt = lex.next (t); if (tt != CPP_SCOPE) { error (loc) << "member name expected after an alias in db pragma " << prag << endl; throw operation_failed (); } ptt = tt; tt = lex.next (t); decl = lookup::resolve_scoped_name ( t, tt, ptt, lex, vo->object->tree_node (), name, false); } } // If it is not an alias, do the normal lookup. // if (vo == 0) { // Also get the object type. We need to do it so that // we can get the correct (derived) object name (the // member can come from a base class). // tree type; decl = lookup::resolve_scoped_name ( t, tt, ptt, lex, scope, name, false, &type); type = TYPE_MAIN_VARIANT (type); view_object_map::const_iterator i (omap.find (type)); if (i == omap.end ()) { // Not an object associated with this view. Assume it // is some other valid name. // return expression ( name + translate_name_trailer (t, tt, ptt, lex)); } vo = i->second; if (multi_obj) { r += "::"; r += vo->object->name (); } } // Check that we have a data member. // if (TREE_CODE (decl) != FIELD_DECL) { if (fail) { error (loc) << "name '" << name << "' in db pragma " << prag << " " << "does not refer to a data member" << endl; throw operation_failed (); } else return expression ( name + translate_name_trailer (t, tt, ptt, lex)); } expression e (vo); data_member* m (dynamic_cast (ctx.unit.find (decl))); r += "::"; r += ctx.public_name (*m); // Assemble the member path if we may need to return a pointer // expression. // if (check_ptr) e.member_path.push_back (m); fail = true; // Now we definitely fail if anything goes wrong. // Finally, resolve nested members if any. // for (; tt == CPP_DOT; ptt = tt, tt = lex.next (t)) { // Check if this member is actually of a composite value type. // This is to handle expressions like "object::member.is_null ()" // correctly. The remaining issue here is that in the future // is_null()/is_not_null() will be valid for composite values // as well. // if (!context::composite_wrapper (m->type ())) break; ptt = tt; tt = lex.next (t); if (tt != CPP_NAME) { error (loc) << "name expected after '.' in db pragma " << prag << endl; throw operation_failed (); } tree type (TYPE_MAIN_VARIANT (TREE_TYPE (decl))); decl = lookup_qualified_name ( type, get_identifier (t.c_str ()), false, false); if (decl == error_mark_node || TREE_CODE (decl) != FIELD_DECL) { error (loc) << "name '" << t << "' in db pragma " << prag << " does not " << "refer to a data member" << endl; throw operation_failed (); } m = dynamic_cast (ctx.unit.find (decl)); //@@ Temporarily translate '.' to '::' until the query is changed // to use '.' for composite member access. // r += "::"; r += ctx.public_name (*m); if (check_ptr) e.member_path.push_back (m); } // If requested, check if this member is a pointer. We only do this // if there is nothing after this name. // if (check_ptr && tt == CPP_EOF) { using semantics::type; type* t (&m->type ()); if (type* c = context::container_wrapper (*t)) t = &context::container_vt (*c); if (context::object_pointer (*t)) return e; } // Read the remainder of the expression (e.g., '.is_null ()') if // the member is not composite and we bailed out from the above // loop. // if (tt == CPP_DOT) r += translate_name_trailer (t, tt, ptt, lex); return expression (r); } catch (lookup::invalid_name const&) { if (fail) { error (loc) << "invalid name in db pragma " << prag << endl; throw operation_failed (); } else return expression ( name + translate_name_trailer (t, tt, ptt, lex)); } catch (lookup::unable_to_resolve const& e) { if (fail) { error (loc) << "unable to resolve name '" << e.name () << "' in db pragma " << prag << endl; throw operation_failed (); } else return expression ( name + translate_name_trailer (t, tt, ptt, lex)); } } class_::expression class_:: translate_expression (type& c, cxx_tokens const& ts, tree scope, location_t loc, string const& prag, bool* placeholder) { // The overall idea is as folows: read in tokens and add them // to the string. If a token starts a name, try to resolve it // to an object member (taking into account aliases). If this // was successful, translate it to the query column reference. // Otherwise, output it as is. // // If the placeholder argument is not NULL, then we need to // detect the special '(?)' token sequence and replace it // with the query variable ('q'). // expression e (""); string& r (e.value); view_alias_map const& amap (c.get ("alias-map")); view_object_map const& omap (c.get ("object-map")); cxx_tokens_lexer lex; lex.start (ts); string t; for (cpp_ttype tt (lex.next (t)), ptt (CPP_EOF); tt != CPP_EOF;) { // Try to format the expression to resemble the style of the // generated code. // switch (tt) { case CPP_NOT: { add_space (r); r += '!'; break; } case CPP_COMMA: { r += ", "; break; } case CPP_OPEN_PAREN: { if (ptt == CPP_NAME || ptt == CPP_KEYWORD) add_space (r); r += '('; break; } case CPP_CLOSE_PAREN: { r += ')'; break; } case CPP_OPEN_SQUARE: { r += '['; break; } case CPP_CLOSE_SQUARE: { r += ']'; break; } case CPP_OPEN_BRACE: { add_space (r); r += "{ "; break; } case CPP_CLOSE_BRACE: { add_space (r); r += '}'; break; } case CPP_SEMICOLON: { r += ';'; break; } case CPP_ELLIPSIS: { add_space (r); r += "..."; break; } case CPP_PLUS: case CPP_MINUS: { bool unary (ptt != CPP_NAME && ptt != CPP_SCOPE && ptt != CPP_NUMBER && ptt != CPP_STRING && ptt != CPP_CLOSE_PAREN && ptt != CPP_PLUS_PLUS && ptt != CPP_MINUS_MINUS); if (!unary) add_space (r); r += cxx_lexer::token_spelling[tt]; if (!unary) r += ' '; break; } case CPP_PLUS_PLUS: case CPP_MINUS_MINUS: { if (ptt != CPP_NAME && ptt != CPP_CLOSE_PAREN && ptt != CPP_CLOSE_SQUARE) add_space (r); r += cxx_lexer::token_spelling[tt]; break; } case CPP_DEREF: case CPP_DEREF_STAR: case CPP_DOT: case CPP_DOT_STAR: { r += cxx_lexer::token_spelling[tt]; break; } case CPP_STRING: { if (ptt == CPP_NAME || ptt == CPP_KEYWORD || ptt == CPP_STRING || ptt == CPP_NUMBER) add_space (r); r += strlit (t); break; } case CPP_NUMBER: { if (ptt == CPP_NAME || ptt == CPP_KEYWORD || ptt == CPP_STRING || ptt == CPP_NUMBER) add_space (r); r += t; break; } case CPP_SCOPE: case CPP_NAME: { // Start of a name. // if (ptt == CPP_NAME || ptt == CPP_KEYWORD || ptt == CPP_STRING || ptt == CPP_NUMBER) add_space (r); // Check if this is a pointer expression. // // If r is not empty, then it means this is not just the // name. If placeholder is not 0, then we are translating // a query expression, not a join condition. // expression e ( translate_name ( t, tt, ptt, lex, scope, loc, prag, r.empty () && placeholder == 0, amap, omap)); if (e.kind == expression::literal) r += e.value; else return e; continue; // We have already extracted the next token. } case CPP_QUERY: { if (placeholder != 0 && !*placeholder) { if (ptt == CPP_OPEN_PAREN) { // Get the next token and see if it is ')'. // ptt = tt; tt = lex.next (t); if (tt == CPP_CLOSE_PAREN) { r += 'q'; *placeholder = true; } else { // The same as in the default case. // add_space (r); r += "? "; } continue; // We have already gotten the next token. } } // Fall through. } default: { // Handle CPP_KEYWORD here to avoid a warning (it is not // part of the cpp_ttype enumeration). // if (tt == CPP_KEYWORD) { if (ptt == CPP_NAME || ptt == CPP_KEYWORD || ptt == CPP_STRING || ptt == CPP_NUMBER) add_space (r); r += t; } else { // All the other operators. // add_space (r); r += cxx_lexer::token_spelling[tt]; r += ' '; } break; } } // // Watch out for the continue statements above if you add any // logic here. // ptt = tt; tt = lex.next (t); } return e; } void generate () { context ctx; ostream& os (ctx.os); traversal::unit unit; traversal::defines unit_defines; traversal::namespace_ ns; instance c; unit >> unit_defines >> ns; unit_defines >> c; traversal::defines ns_defines; ns >> ns_defines >> ns; ns_defines >> c; instance i; i->generate (); os << "namespace odb" << "{"; unit.dispatch (ctx.unit); os << "}"; } } }