C++ Object Persistence with ODB

Copyright © 2009-2011 Code Synthesis Tools CC

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Revision 1.1, January 2011

This revision of the manual describes ODB 1.1.0 and is available in the following formats: XHTML, PDF, and PostScript.

Table of Contents

About This Document
More Information
1.1Architecture and Workflow
2Hello World Example
2.1Declaring a Persistent Class
2.2Generating Database Support Code
2.3Compiling and Running
2.4Making Objects Persistent
2.5Querying the Database for Objects
2.6Updating Persistent Objects
2.7Deleting Persistent Objects
3Working with Persistent Objects
3.1Concepts and Terminology
3.2Object Pointers
3.5Making Objects Persistent
3.6Loading Persistent Objects
3.7Updating Persistent Objects
3.8Deleting Persistent Objects
3.9ODB Exceptions
4Querying the Database
4.1ODB Query Language
4.2Parameter Binding
4.3Executing a Query
4.4Query Result
5ODB Pragma Language
5.1Object Type Pragmas
5.2Value Type Pragmas
5.3Data Member Pragmas
5.4C++ Compiler Warnings
5.4.1GNU C++
5.4.2Visual C++
5.4.3Sun C++
5.4.4IBM XL C++
5.4.5HP aC++
6Database Systems
6.1MySQL Database
6.1.1MySQL Type Mapping
6.1.2MySQL Database Class
6.1.3Connection Factory
6.1.4MySQL Exceptions


As more critical aspects of our lives become dependant on software systems, more and more applications are required to save the data they work on in persistent and reliable storage. Database management systems and, in particular, relational database management systems (RDBMS) are commonly used for such storage. However, while the application development techniques and programming languages have evolved significantly over the past decades, the relational database technology in this area stayed relatively unchanged. In particular, this led to the now infamous mismatch between the object-oriented model used by many modern applications and the relational model still used by RDBMS.

While relational databases may be inconvenient to use from modern programming languages, they are still the main choice for many applications due to their maturity, reliability, as well as the availability of tools and alternative implementations.

To allow application developers to utilize relational databases from their object-oriented applications, a technique called object-relational mapping (ORM) is often used. It involves a conversion layer that maps between objects in the application's memory and their relational representation in the database. While the object-relational mapping code can be written manually, automated ORM systems are available for most object-oriented programming languages in use today.

ODB is an ORM system for the C++ programming language. It was designed and implemented with the following main goals:

About This Document

The goal of this manual is to provide you with an understanding of the object persistence model and APIs which are implemented by ODB. As such, this document is intended for C++ application developers and software architects who are looking for a C++ object persistence solution. Prior experience with C++ is required to understand this document. A basic understanding of relational database systems is advantageous but not expected or required.

More Information

Beyond this manual, you may also find the following sources of information useful:

1 Introduction

ODB is an object-relational mapping (ORM) system for C++. It provides tools, APIs, and library support that allow you to persist C++ objects to a relational database (RDBMS) without having to deal with tables, columns, or SQL and without manually writing any of the mapping code.

ODB is highly flexible and customizable. It can either completely hide the relational nature of the underlying database or expose some of the details as required. For example, you can automatically map basic C++ types to suitable SQL types, generate the relational database schema for your persistent classes, and use simple, safe, and yet powerful object query language instead of SQL. Or you can assign SQL types to individual data members, use the existing database schema, and run native SQL SELECT queries.

ODB is not a framework. It does not dictate how you should write your application. Rather, it is designed to fit into your style and architecture by only handling object persistence and not interfering with any other functionality. There is no common base type that all persistent classes should derive from nor are there any restrictions on the data member types in persistent classes. Existing classes can be made persistent with a few or no modifications.

ODB has been designed for high performance and low memory overhead. Prepared statements are used to send and receive object state in binary format instead of text which reduces the load on the application and the database server. Extensive caching of connections, prepared statements, and buffers saves time and resources on connection establishment, statement parsing and memory allocations. For each supported database system the native C API is used instead of ODBC or higher-level wrapper APIs to reduce overhead and provide the most efficient implementation for each database operation. Finally, persistent classes have zero memory overhead. There are no hidden "database" members that each class must have nor are there per-object data structures allocated by ODB.

In this chapter we present a high-level overview of ODB. We will start with the ODB architecture and then outline the workflow of building an application that uses ODB. We will conclude the chapter by contrasting the drawbacks of the traditional way of saving C++ objects to relational databases with the benefits of using ODB for object persistence. The next chapter takes a more hands-on approach and shows the concrete steps necessary to implement object persistence in a simple "Hello World" application.

1.1 Architecture and Workflow

From the application developer's perspective, ODB consists of three main components: the ODB compiler, the common runtime library, called libodb, and the database-specific runtime libraries, called libodb-<database>, where <database> is the name of the database system this runtime is for, for example, libodb-mysql. For instance, if the application is going to use the MySQL database for object persistence, then the three ODB components that this application will use are the ODB compiler, libodb and libodb-mysql.

The ODB compiler generates the database support code for persistent classes in your application. The input to the ODB compiler is one or more C++ header files defining C++ classes that you want to make persistent. For each input header file the ODB compiler generates a set of C++ source files implementing conversion between persistent C++ classes defined in this header and their database representation. The ODB compiler can also generate a database schema file that creates tables necessary to store the persistent classes.

The ODB compiler is a real C++ compiler except that it produces C++ instead of assembly or machine code. In particular, it is not an ad-hoc header pre-processor that is only capable of recognizing a subset of C++. ODB is capable of parsing any standard C++ code.

The common runtime library defines database system-independent interfaces that your application can use to manipulate persistent objects. The database-specific runtime library provides implementations of these interfaces for a concrete database as well as other database-specific utilities that are used by the generated code. Normally, the application does not use the database-specific runtime library directly but rather works with it via the common interfaces from libodb. The following diagram shows the object persistence architecture of an application that uses MySQL as the underlying database system:

The ODB system also defines two special-purpose languages: the ODB Pragma Language and ODB Query Language. The ODB Pragma Language is used to communicate various properties of persistent classes to the ODB compiler by means of special #pragma directives embedded in the C++ header files. It controls aspects of the object-relational mapping such as names of tables and columns that are used for persistent classes and their members or mapping between C++ types and database types.

The ODB Query Language is an object-oriented database query language that can be used to search for objects matching certain criteria. It is modeled after and is integrated into C++ allowing you to write expressive and safe queries that look and feel like ordinary C++.

The use of the ODB compiler to generate database support code adds an additional step to your application build sequence. The following diagram outlines the typical build workflow of an application that uses ODB:

1.2 Benefits

The traditional way of saving C++ objects to relational databases requires that you manually write code which converts between the database and C++ representations of each persistent class. The actions that such code usually performs include conversion between C++ values and strings or database types, preparation and execution of SQL queries, as well as handling the result sets. Writing this code manually has the following drawbacks:

In contrast, using ODB for C++ object persistence has the following benefits:

Overall, ODB provides an easy to use yet flexible and powerful object-relational mapping (ORM) system for C++. Unlike other ORM implementations for C++ that still require you to write database conversion or member registration code for each persistent class, ODB keeps persistent classes purely declarative. The functional part, the database conversion code, is automatically generated by the ODB compiler from these declarations.

2 Hello World Example

In this chapter we will show how to create a simple C++ application that relies on ODB for object persistence using the traditional "Hello World" example. In particular, we will discuss how to declare persistent classes, generate database support code, as well as compile and run our application. We will also learn how to make objects persistent, load, update and delete persistent objects, as well as query the database for persistent objects that match certain criteria.

The code presented in this chapter is based on the hello example which can be found in the odb-examples package of the ODB distribution.

2.1 Declaring a Persistent Class

In our "Hello World" example we will depart slightly from the norm and say hello to people instead of the world. People in our application will be represented as objects of C++ class person which is saved in person.hxx:

// person.hxx

#include <string>

class person
  person (const std::string& first,
          const std::string& last,
          unsigned short age);

  const std::string&
  first () const;

  const std::string&
  last () const;

  unsigned short
  age () const;

  age (unsigned short);

  std::string first_;
  std::string last_;
  unsigned short age_;

In order not to miss anyone whom we need to greet, we would like to save the person objects in a database. To achieve this we declare the person class as persistent:

// person.hxx

#include <string>

#include <odb/core.hxx>     // (1)

#pragma db object           // (2)
class person

  person () {}              // (3)

  friend class odb::access; // (4)

  #pragma db id auto        // (5)
  unsigned long id_;        // (5)

  std::string first_;
  std::string last_;
  unsigned short age_;

To be able to save the person objects in the database we had to make five changes, marked with (1) to (5), to the original class definition. The first change is the inclusion of the ODB header <odb/core.hxx>. This header provides a number of core ODB declarations, such as odb::access, that are used to define persistent classes.

The second change is the addition of db object pragma just before the class definition. This pragma tells the ODB compiler that the class that follows is persistent. Note that making a class persistent does not mean that all objects of this class will automatically be stored in the database. You would still create ordinary or transient instances of this class just as you would before. The difference is that now you can make such transient instances persistent, as we will see shortly.

The third change is the addition of the default constructor. The ODB-generated database support code will use this constructor when instantiating an object from the persistent state. Just as we have done for the person class, you can make the default constructor private or protected if you don't want to make it available to the users of your class.

With the fourth change we make the odb::access class a friend of our person class. This is necessary to make the default constructor and the data members accessible to the ODB support code. If your class has public default constructor and public data members, then the friend declaration is unnecessary.

The final change adds a data member called id_ which is preceded by another pragma. In ODB every persistent object must have a unique, within its class, identifier. Or, in other words, no two persistent instances of the same type have equal identifiers. For our class we use an integer id. The db id auto pragma that precedes the id_ member tells the ODB compiler that the following member is the object's identifier. The auto specifier indicates that it is a database-assigned id. A unique id will be automatically generated by the database and assigned to the object when it is made persistent.

In this example we chose to add an identifier because none of the existing members could serve the same purpose. However, if a class already has a member with suitable properties, then it is natural to use that member as an identifier. For example, if our person class contained some form of personal identification (SSN in the United States or ID/passport number in other countries), then we could use that as an id. Or, if we stored an email associated with each person, then we could have used that since each person is presumed to have a unique email address, for example:

class person

  #pragma db id
  std::string email_;

  std::string first_;
  std::string last_;
  unsigned short age_;

Now that we have the header file with the persistent class, let's see how we can generate that database support code.

2.2 Generating Database Support Code

The persistent class definition that we created in the previous section was particularly light on any code that could actually do the job and store the person's data to a database. There was no serialization or deserialization code, not even data member registration, that you would normally have to write by hand in other ORM libraries for C++. This is because in ODB code that translates between the database and C++ representations of an object is automatically generated by the ODB compiler.

To compile the person.hxx header we created in the previous section and generate the support code for the MySQL database, we invoke the ODB compiler from a terminal (UNIX) or a command prompt (Windows):

odb -d mysql --generate-query person.hxx

We will use MySQL as the database of choice in the remainder of this chapter, though other supported database systems can be used instead.

If you haven't installed the common ODB runtime library (libodb) or installed it into a directory where C++ compilers don't search for headers by default, then you may get the following error:

person.hxx:10:24: fatal error: odb/core.hxx: No such file or directory

To resolve this you will need to specify the libodb headers location with the -I preprocessor option, for example:

odb -I.../libodb -d mysql --generate-query person.hxx

Here .../libodb represents the path to the libodb directory.

The above invocation of the ODB compiler produces three C++ files: person-odb.hxx, person-odb.ixx, person-odb.cxx. You normally don't use types or functions contained in these files directly. Rather, all you have to do is include person-odb.hxx in C++ files where you are performing database operations with classes from person.hxx as well as compile person-odb.cxx and link the resulting object file to your application.

You may be wondering what the --generate-query option is for. It instructs the ODB compiler to generate optional query support code that we will use later in our "Hello World" example. Another option that we will find useful is --generate-schema. This option makes the ODB compiler generate a fourth file, person.sql, which is the database schema for the persistent classes defined in person.hxx:

odb -d mysql --generate-query --generate-schema person.hxx

The database schema file contains SQL statements that creates tables necessary to store the persistent classes. We will learn how to use it in the next section.

If you would like to see a list of all the available ODB compiler options, refer to the ODB Compiler Command Line Manual.

Now that we have the persistent class and the database support code, the only part that is left is the application code that does something useful with all of this. But before we move on to the fun part, let's first learn how to build and run an application that uses ODB. This way when we have some application code to try, there are no more delays before we can run it.

2.3 Compiling and Running

Assuming that the main() function with the application code is saved in driver.cxx and the database support code and schema are generated as described in the previous section, to build our application we will first need to compile all the C++ source files and then link them with two ODB runtime libraries.

On UNIX, the compilation part can be done with the following commands (substitute c++ with your C++ compiler name; for Microsoft Visual Studio setup, see the odb-examples package):

c++ -c driver.cxx
c++ -c person-odb.cxx

Similar to the ODB compilation, if you get an error stating that a header in odb/ or odb/mysql directory is not found, you will need to use the -I preprocessor option to specify the location of the common ODB runtime library (libodb) and MySQL ODB runtime library (libodb-mysql).

Once the compilation is done, we can link the application with the following command:

c++ -o driver driver.o person-odb.o -lodb-mysql -lodb

Notice that we link our application with two ODB libraries: libodb which is a common runtime library and libodb-mysql which is a MySQL runtime library (if you use another database, then the name of this library will change accordingly). If you get an error saying that one of these libraries could not be found, then you will need to use the -L linker option to specify their locations.

Before we can run our application we need to create a database schema using the generated person.sql file. For MySQL we can use the mysql client program, for example:

mysql --user=odb_test --database=odb_test < person.sql

The above command will log in to a local MySQL server as user odb_test without a password and use the database named odb_test. Note that after executing this command, all the data stored in the odb_test database will be deleted.

Once the database schema is ready, we run our application using the same login and database name:

./driver --user odb_test --database odb_test

2.4 Making Objects Persistent

Now that we have the infrastructure work out of the way, it is time to see our first code fragment that interacts with the database. In this section we will learn how to make person objects persistent:

// driver.cxx

#include <memory>   // std::auto_ptr
#include <iostream>

#include <odb/database.hxx>
#include <odb/transaction.hxx>

#include <odb/mysql/database.hxx>

#include "person.hxx"
#include "person-odb.hxx"

using namespace std;
using namespace odb;

main (int argc, char* argv[])
    auto_ptr<database> db (new mysql::database (argc, argv));

    unsigned long john_id, jane_id, joe_id;

    // Create a few persistent person objects.
      person john ("John", "Doe", 33);
      person jane ("Jane", "Doe", 32);
      person joe ("Joe", "Dirt", 30);

      transaction t (db->begin ());

      // Make objects persistent and save their ids for later use.
      john_id = db->persist (john);
      jane_id = db->persist (jane);
      joe_id = db->persist (joe);

      t.commit ();
  catch (const odb::exception& e)
    cerr << e.what () << endl;
    return 1;

Let's examine this code piece by piece. At the beginning we include a bunch of headers. After the standard C++ headers we include <odb/database.hxx> and <odb/transaction.hxx> which define database system-independent odb::database and odb::transaction interfaces. Then we include <odb/mysql/database.hxx> which defines the MySQL implementation of the database interface. Finally, we include person.hxx and person-odb.hxx which define our persistent person class.

Once we are in main(), the first thing we do is create the MySQL database object. Notice that this is the last line in driver.cxx that mentions MySQL explicitly; the rest of the code works through the common interfaces and is database system-independent. We use the argc/argv mysql::database constructor which automatically extract the database parameters, such as login name, password, database name, etc., from the command line. In your own applications you may prefer to use other mysql::database constructors which allow you to pass this information directly (see Section 6.1.2, "MySQL Database Class").

Next, we create three person objects. Right now they are transient objects, which means that if we terminate the application at this point, they will be gone without any evidence of them ever existing. The next line starts a database transaction. We discuss transactions in detail later in this manual. For now, all we need to know is that all ODB database operations must be performed within a transaction and that a transaction is an atomic unit of work; all database operations performed within a transaction either succeed (committed) together or are automatically undone (rolled back).

Once we are in a transaction, we call the persist() database function on each of our person objects. At this point the state of each object is saved in the database. However, note that this state is not permanent until and unless the transaction is committed. If, for example, our application crashes at this point, there will still be no evidence of our objects ever existing.

In our case, one more thing happens when we call persist(). Remember that we decided to use database-assigned identifiers for our person objects. The call to persist() is where this assignment happens. Once this function returns, the id_ member contains this object's unique identifier. As a convenience, the persist() function also returns a copy of the object's identifier that it made persistent. We save the returned identifier for each object in a local variable. We will use these identifiers later in the chapter to perform other database operations on our persistent objects.

After we have persisted our objects, it is time to commit the transaction and make the changes permanent. Only after the commit() function returns successfully, are we guaranteed that the objects are made persistent. Continuing with the crash example, if our application terminates after the commit for whatever reason, the objects' state in the database will remain intact. In fact, as we will discover shortly, our application can be restarted and load the original objects from the database. Note also that a transaction must be committed explicitly with the commit() call. If the transaction object leaves scope without the transaction being explicitly committed or rolled back, it will automatically be rolled back. This behavior allows you not to worry about exceptions being thrown within a transaction; if they cross the transaction boundary, the transaction will automatically be rolled back and all the changes made to the database undone.

The final bit of code in our example is the catch block that handles the database exceptions. We do this by catching the base ODB exception (see Section 3.9, "ODB Exceptions") and printing the diagnostics.

Let's now compile (see Section 2.3, "Compiling and Running") and then run our first ODB application:

mysql --user=odb_test --database=odb_test < person.sql
./driver --user odb_test --database odb_test

Our first application doesn't print anything except for error messages so we can't really tell whether it actually stored the objects' state in the database. While we will make our application more entertaining shortly, for now we can use the mysql client to examine the database content. It will also give us a feel for how the objects are stored:

mysql --user=odb_test --database=odb_test

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.

mysql> select * from person;

| id | first | last | age |
|  1 | John  | Doe  |  33 |
|  2 | Jane  | Doe  |  32 |
|  3 | Joe   | Dirt |  30 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> quit

In the next section we will see how to access persistent objects from our application.

2.5 Querying the Database for Objects

So far our application doesn't resemble a typical "Hello World" example. It doesn't print anything except for error messages. Let's change that and teach our application to say hello to people from our database. To make it a bit more interesting, let's say hello only to people over 30:

// driver.cxx


main (int argc, char* argv[])

    // Create a few persistent person objects.

    typedef odb::query<person> query;
    typedef odb::result<person> result;

    // Say hello to those over 30.
      transaction t (db->begin ());

      result r (db->query<person> (query::age > 30));

      for (result::iterator i (r.begin ()); i != r.end (); ++i)
        cout << "Hello, " << i->first () << "!" << endl;

      t.commit ();
  catch (const odb::exception& e)
    cerr << e.what () << endl;
    return 1;

The first half of our application is the same as before and is replaced with "..." in the above listing for brevity. Again, let's examine the rest of it piece by piece.

The two typedefs create convenient aliases for two template instantiations that will be used a lot in our application. The first is the query type for the person objects and the second is the result type for that query.

Then we begin a new transaction and call the query() database function. We pass a query expression (query::age > 30) which limits the returned objects only to those with the age greater than 30. We also save the result of the query in a local variable.

The next few lines perform a standard for-loop iteration over the result sequence printing hello for every returned person. Then we commit the transaction and that's it. Let's see what this application will print:

mysql --user=odb_test --database=odb_test < person.sql
./driver --user odb_test --database odb_test

Hello, John!
Hello, Jane!

That looks about right, but how do we know that the query actually used the database instead of just using some in-memory artifacts of the earlier persist() calls? One way to test this would be to comment out the first transaction in our application and re-run it without re-creating the database schema. This way the objects that were persisted during the previous run will be returned. Alternatively, we can just re-run the same application without re-creating the schema and notice that we now show duplicate objects:

./driver --user odb_test --database odb_test

Hello, John!
Hello, Jane!
Hello, John!
Hello, Jane!

What happens here is that the previous run of our application persisted a set of person objects and when we re-run the application, we persist another set with the same names but with different ids. When we later run the query, matches from both sets are returned. We can change the line where we print the "Hello" string as follows to illustrate this point:

cout << "Hello, " << i->first () << " (" << i->id () << ")!" << endl;

If we now re-run this modified program, again without re-creating the database schema, we will get the following output:

./driver --user odb_test --database odb_test

Hello, John (1)!
Hello, Jane (2)!
Hello, John (4)!
Hello, Jane (5)!
Hello, John (7)!
Hello, Jane (8)!

The identifiers 3, 6, and 9 that are missing from the above list belong to the "Joe Dirt" objects which are not selected by this query.

2.6 Updating Persistent Objects

While making objects persistent and then selecting some of them using queries are two useful operations, most applications will also need to change the object's state and then make these changes persistent. Let's illustrate this by updating Joe's age who just had a birthday:

// driver.cxx


main (int argc, char* argv[])

    unsigned long john_id, jane_id, joe_id;

    // Create a few persistent person objects.

      // Save object ids for later use.
      john_id = john.id ();
      jane_id = jane.id ();
      joe_id = joe.id ();

    // Joe Dirt just had a birthday, so update his age.
      transaction t (db->begin ());

      auto_ptr<person> joe (db->load<person> (joe_id));
      joe->age (joe->age () + 1);
      db->update (*joe);

      t.commit ();

    // Say hello to those over 30.
  catch (const odb::exception& e)
    cerr << e.what () << endl;
    return 1;

The beginning and the end of the new transaction are the same as the previous two. Once within a transaction, we call the load() database function to instantiate a person object with Joe's persistent state. We pass Joe's object identifier that we stored earlier when we made this object persistent. While here we use std::auto_ptr to manage the returned object, we could have also used another smart pointer, for example shared_ptr from TR1 or Boost. For more information on the object lifetime management and the smart pointers that we can use for that, see Section 3.2, "Object Pointers".

With the instantiated object in hand we increment the age and call the update() function to update the object's state in the database. Once the transaction is committed, the changes are made permanent.

If we now run this application, we will see Joe in the output since he is now over 30:

mysql --user=odb_test --database=odb_test < person.sql
./driver --user odb_test --database odb_test

Hello, John!
Hello, Jane!
Hello, Joe!

What if we didn't have an identifier for Joe? Maybe this object was made persistent in another run of our application or by another application altogether. Provided that we only have one Joe Dirt in the database, we can use the query facility to come up with an alternative implementation of the above transaction:

    // Joe Dirt just had a birthday, so update his age. An
    // alternative implementation without using the object id.
      transaction t (db->begin ());

      result r (db->query<person> (query::first == "Joe" &&
                                   query::last == "Dirt"));

      result::iterator i (r.begin ());

      if (i != r.end ())
        auto_ptr<person> joe (i.load ());
        joe->age (joe->age () + 1);
        db->update (*joe);

      t.commit ();

2.7 Deleting Persistent Objects

The last operation that we will discuss in this chapter is deleting the persistent object from the database. The following code fragment shows how we can delete an object given its identifier:

    // John Doe is no longer in our database.
      transaction t (db->begin ());
      db->erase<person> (john_id);
      t.commit ();

To delete John from the database we start a transaction, call the erase() database function with John's object id, and commit the transaction. After the transaction is committed, the erased object is no longer persistent.

If we don't have an object id handy, we can use queries to find and delete the object:

    // John Doe is no longer in our database. An alternative
    // implementation without using the object id.
      transaction t (db->begin ());

      result r (db->query<person> (query::first == "John" &&
                                   query::last == "Doe"));

      result::iterator i (r.begin ());

      if (i != r.end ())
        auto_ptr<person> john (i.load ());
        db->erase (*john);

      t.commit ();

2.8 Summary

This chapter presented a very simple application which, nevertheless, exercised all of the core database functions: persist(), query(), load(), update(), and erase(). We also saw that writing an application that uses ODB involves the following steps:

  1. Declare persistent classes in header files.
  2. Compile these headers to generate database support code.
  3. Link the application with the generated code and two ODB runtime libraries.

Do not be concerned if, at this point, much appears unclear. The intent of this chapter is to give you only a general idea of how to persist C++ objects with ODB. We will cover all the details throughout the remainder of this manual.

3 Working with Persistent Objects

The previous chapters gave us a high-level overview of ODB and showed how to use it to store C++ objects in a database. In this chapter we will examine the ODB object persistence model as well as the core database APIs in greater detail. We will start with basic concepts and terminology in Section 3.1 and continue with the discussion of the odb::database class in Section 3.3 and transactions in Section 3.4. The remainder of this chapter deals with the core database operations and concludes with the discussion of ODB exceptions.

In this chapter we will continue to use and expand the person persistent class that we have developed in the previous chapter.

3.1 Concepts and Terminology

The term database can refer to three distinct things: a general notion of a place where an application stores its data, a software implementation for managing this data (for example MySQL), and, finally, some database software implementations may manage several data stores which are usually distinguished by name. This name is also commonly referred to as a database.

In this manual, when we use the word database, we refer to the first meaning above, for example, "The update() function saves the object's state to the database." The term Database Management System (DBMS) is often used to refer to the second meaning of the word database. In this manual we will use the term database system for short, for example, "Database system-independent application code." Finally, to distinguish the third meaning from the other two, we will use the term database name, for example, "The second option specifies the database name that the application should use to store its data."

In C++ there is only one notion of a type and an instance of a type. For example, a fundamental type, such as int, is, for the most part, treated the same as a user defined class type. However, when it comes to persistence, we have to place certain restrictions and requirements on certain C++ types that can be stored in the database. As a result, we divide persistent C++ types into two groups: object types and value types. An instance of an object type is called an object and an instance of a value type — a value.

An object is an independent entity. It can be stored, updated, and deleted in the database independent of other objects. An object has an identifier, called object id, that is unique among all instances of an object type within a database. In contrast, a value can only be stored in the database as part of an object and doesn't have its own unique identifier.

An object consists of data members which are either values, pointers to other objects (Chapter Y, "Relationships"), or containers of values or pointers to other objects (Chapter X, "Containers"). Pointers to other objects and containers can be viewed as special kinds of values since they also can only be stored in the database as part of an object.

An object type is a C++ class. Because of this one-to-one relationship, we will use terms object type and object class interchangeably. In contrast, a value type can be a fundamental C++ type, such as int or a class type, such as std::string. If a value consists of other values, then it is called a composite value and its type — a composite value type. Otherwise, the value is called simple value and its type — a simple value type. Note that the distinction between simple and composite values is conceptual rather than representational. For example, std::string is a simple value type because conceptually string is a single value even though the representation of the string class may contain several data members each of which could be considered a value. In fact, the same value type can be viewed (and mapped) as both simple and composite by different applications.

Understanding how all these concepts map to the relational model will hopefully make these distinctions clearer. In a relational database an object type is mapped to a table and a value type is mapped to one or more columns. A simple value type is mapped to a single column while a composite value type is mapped to several columns. An object is stored as a row in this table and a value is stored as one or more cells in this row. A simple value is stored in a single cell while a composite value occupies several cells.

Going back to the distinction between simple and composite values, consider a date type which has three integer members: year, month, and day. In one application it can be considered a composite value and each member will get its own column in a relational database. In another application it can be considered a simple value and stored in a single column as a number of days from some predefined date.

Until now, we have been using the term persistent class to refer to object classes. We will continue to do so even though a value type can also be a class. The reason for this asymmetry is the subordinate nature of value types when it comes to database operations. Remember that values are never stored directly but rather as part of an object that contains them. As a result, when we say that we want to make a C++ class persistent or persist an instance of a class in the database, we invariably refer to an object class rather than a value class.

To make a C++ class a persistent object class we declare it as such using the db object pragma, for example:

#pragma db object
class person

The other pragma that we often use is db id which designates one of the data members as an object id, for example:

#pragma db object
class person

  #pragma db id
  unsigned long id_;

These two pragmas are the minimum required to declare a persistent class. Other pragmas can be used to fine-tune the database-related properties of a class and its members (see Chapter 5, "ODB Pragma Language").

Normally, an object class should define the default constructor. The generated database support code uses this constructor when instantiating an object from the persistent state. If we add the default constructor only for the database support code, then we can make it private. It is also possible to have an object type without the default constructor. However, in this case, the database operations can only load the persistent state into an existing instance (Section 3.6, "Loading Persistent Objects", Section 4.4, "Query Result").

If an object class has private or protected non-transient data members or if its default constructor is not public, then the odb::access class, defined in the <odb/core.hxx> header, should be declared a friend of this object type. For example:

#include <odb/core.hxx>

#pragma db object
class person

  friend class odb::access;

  person () {}

  #pragma db id
  unsigned long id_;

The object id type should be default-constructible.

You may be wondering whether we also have to declare value types as persistent. We don't need to do anything special for simple value types such as int or std::string since the ODB compiler knows how to map them to suitable database system types and how to convert between the two. On the other hand, if a simple value is unknown to the ODB compiler then we will need to provide the mapping to the database system type and, possibly, the code to convert between the two. For more information on how to achieve this refer to the db type pragma (Section 5.2.1, "type"). Similar to object types, composite value types have to be explicitly declared as persistent using the db value pragma, for example:

#pragma db value
class name

  std::string first_;
  std::string last_;

Composite values are discussed in greater detail in Chapter Z, "Composite Value Types".

Normally, you would use object types to model real-world entities, things that have their own identity. For example, in the previous chapter we created a person class to model a person, which is a real-world entity. Name and age, which we used as data members in our person class are clearly values. It is hard to think of age 31 or name "Joe" as having their own identities.

A good test to determine whether something is an object or a value, is to consider if other objects might reference it. A person is clearly an object because it can be referred to by other objects such as a spouse, an employer, or a bank. On the other hand, a person's age or name is not something that other objects would normally refer to.

Also, when an object represents a real entity, it is easy to choose a suitable object id. For example, for a person there is an established notion of an identifier (SSN, student id, passport number, etc). Another alternative is to use a person's email address as an identifier.

Note, however, that these are only guidelines. There could be good reasons to make something that would normally be a value an object. Consider, for example, a database that stores a vast number of people. Many of the person objects in this database have the same names and surnames and the overhead of storing them in every object may negatively affect the performance. In this case, we could make the first name and last name each an object and only store references to these objects in the person class.

An instance of a persistent class can be in one of two states: transient and persistent. A transient instance only has a representation in the application's memory and will cease to exist when the application terminates, unless it is explicitly made persistent. In other words, a transient instance of a persistent class behaves just like an instance of any ordinary C++ class. A persistent instance has a representation in both the application's memory and the database. A persistent instance will remain even after the application terminates unless and until it is explicitly deleted from the database.

3.2 Object Pointers

As we have seen in the previous chapter, some database operations create dynamically allocated instances of persistent classes and return pointer to these instances. As we will see in later chapters, pointers are also used to establish relationships between objects (Chapter Y, Realtionships) as well as to cache persistent object in a session (Chapter Q, Session).

By default, all these mechanisms use raw pointers to return, pass, and cache objects. This is normally sufficient for applications that have simple object lifetime requirements and do not use sessions or object relationsips. In particular, a dynamically allocated object that is returned as a raw poiner from a database operation can be assigned to a smart pointer of our choice, for example std::auto_ptr or shared_ptr from TR1 or Boost.

However, to avoid any possibility of a mistake, such as forgetting to use a smart pointer for a returned object, as well as to be able to use more advanced ODB functionality, such as sessions and bidirectional object relationships, it is recommended that you use smart pointers with the sharing semantics, such as shared_ptr mentioned previously, as object pointers.

ODB provides two mechanisms for changing the object pointer type. We can use the --default-pointer option to specify the alternate default object pointer type. All objects that don't have the object pointer explicitly specified with the db pointer pragma (see below) will use the default pointer type. Refer to the ODB Compiler Command Line Manual for details on this option's argument. The typical usage is shown below:

--default-pointer std::tr1::shared_ptr

The second mechanism allows us to specify the object pointer on an object by object basis using the db pointer pragma, for example:

#pragma db object pointer(std::tr1::shared_ptr)
class person

Refer to Section 5.1.2, "pointer" for more information on this pragma.

Built-in support, provided by the ODB runtime, library allows us to use the TR1 shared_ptr and std::auto_ptr as object pointers. Plus, ODB profile libraries, that are available for commonly used frameworks and libraries (such as Boost and Qt), provide support for smart pointers found in these frameworks and libraries. It is also easy to add support for our own smart pointers, as described in Section Y.4, "Using Custom Smart Pointers".

3.3 Database

Before an application can make use of persistence services offered by ODB, it has to create a database class instance. A database instance is the representation of the place where the application stores its persistent objects. We create a database instance by instantiating one of the database system-specific classes. For example, odb::mysql::database would be such a class for the MySQL database system. We will also normally pass a database name as an argument to the class' constructor. The following code fragment shows how we can create a database instance for the MySQL database system:

#include <odb/database.hxx>
#include <odb/mysql/database.hxx>

auto_ptr<odb::database> db (
  new odb::mysql::database (
    "test_user"     // database login name
    "test_password" // database password
    "test_database" // database name

The odb::database class is a common interface for all database system-specific classes provided by ODB. You would normally work with the database instance via this interface unless there is a specific functionality that your application depends on and which is only exposed by a particular system's database class. You will need to include the <odb/database.hxx> header file to make this class available in your application.

The odb::database interface defines functions for starting transactions and manipulating persistent objects. These are discussed in detail in the remainder of this chapter as well as the next chapter which is dedicated to the topic of querying the database for persistent objects. For details on the system-specific database classes, refer to Chapter 6, "Database Systems".

3.4 Transactions

A transaction is an atomic, consistent, isolated and durable (ACID) unit of work. Database operations can only be performed within a transaction and each thread of execution in an application can have only one active transaction at a time.

By atomicity we mean that when it comes to making changes to the database state within a transaction, either all the changes are applied or none at all. Consider, for example, a transaction that transfers funds between two objects representing bank accounts. If the debit function on the first object succeeds but the credit function on the second fails, the transaction is rolled back and the database state of the first object remains unchanged.

By consistency we mean that a transaction must take all the objects stored in the database from one consistent state to another. For example, if a bank account object must reference a person object as its owner and we forget to set this reference before making the object persistent, the transaction will be rolled back and the database will remain unchanged.

By isolation we mean that the changes made to the database state during a transaction are only visible inside this transaction until and unless it is committed. Using the above example with the bank transfer, the results of the debit operation performed on the first object is not visible to other transactions until the credit operation is successfully completed and the transaction is committed.

By durability we mean that once the transaction is committed, the changes that it made to the database state are permanent and will survive failures such as an application crash. From now on the only way to alter this state is to execute and commit another transaction.

A transaction is started by calling the database::begin() function. The returned transaction handle is stored in an instance of the odb::transaction class. You will need to include the <odb/transaction.hxx> header file to make this class available in your application. The odb::transaction class has the following interface:

namespace odb
  class transaction
    typedef odb::database database_type;

    commit ();

    rollback ();

    database ();

    static transaction&
    current ();

    static bool
    has_current ();

The commit() function commits a transaction and rollback() rolls it back. Unless the transaction has been finalized, that is, explicitly committed or rolled back, the destructor of the odb::transaction class will automatically roll it back when the transaction instance goes out of scope. If we try to commit or roll back a finalized transaction, the odb::transaction_already_finalized exception is thrown.

The database() function returns the database this transaction is working on. The current() static function returns the currently active transaction for this thread. If there is no active transaction, this function throws the odb::not_in_transaction exception. We can check whether there is a transaction in effect in this thread using the has_current() static function.

If two or more transactions access or modify more than one object and are executed concurrently by different applications or by different threads within the same application, then it is possible that these transactions will try to access objects in an incompatible order and deadlock. The canonical example of a deadlock are two transactions in which the first has modified object1 and is waiting for the second transaction to commit its changes to object2 so that it can also update object2. At the same time the second transaction has modified object2 and is waiting for the first transaction to commit its changes to object1 because it also needs to modify object1. As a result, none of the two transactions can be completed.

The database system detects such situations and automatically aborts the waiting operation in one of the deadlocked transactions. In ODB this translates to the odb::deadlock exception being thrown from one of the database functions. You would normally handle a deadlock by restarting the transaction, for example:

for (;;)
    transaction t (db.begin ());


    t.commit ();
  catch (const odb::deadlock&)

Note that in the above discussion of atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability, all of those guarantees only apply to the object's state in the database as opposed to the object's state in the application's memory. It is possible to roll a transaction back but still have changes from this transaction in the application's memory. An easy way to avoid this potential inconsistency is to instantiate persistent objects only within the transaction scope. Consider, for example, these two implementations of the same transaction:

update_age (database& db, person& p)
  transaction t (db.begin ());

  p.age (p.age () + 1);
  db.update (p);

  t.commit ();

In the above implementation, if the update() call fails and the transaction is rolled back, the state of the person object in the database and the state of the same object in the application's memory will differ. Now consider an alternative implementation which only instantiates the person object for the duration of the transaction:

update_age (database& db, unsigned long id)
  transaction t (db.begin ());

  auto_ptr<person> p (db.load<person> (id));
  p.age (p.age () + 1);
  db.update (p);

  t.commit ();

Of course, it may not always be possible to write the application in this style. Oftentimes we need to access and modify the application's state of persistent objects out of transactions. In this case it may make sense to try to roll back the changes made to the application state if the transaction was rolled back and the database state remains unchanged. One way to do this is to re-load the object's state from the database, for example:

update_age (database& db, person& p)
    transaction t (db.begin ());

    p.age (p.age () + 1);
    db.update (p);

    t.commit ();
  catch (...)
    transaction t (db.begin ());
    db.load (p.id (), p);
    t.commit ();


3.5 Making Objects Persistent

A newly created instance of a persistent class is transient. We use the database::persist() function template to make a transient instance persistent. This function has four overloaded versions with the following signatures:

  template <typename T>
  typename object_traits<T>::id_type
  persist (const T& object);

  template <typename T>
  typename object_traits<T>::id_type
  persist (const object_traits<T>::const_pointer_type& object);

  template <typename T>
  typename object_traits<T>::id_type
  persist (T& object);

  template <typename T>
  typename object_traits<T>::id_type
  persist (const object_traits<T>::pointer_type& object);

Here and in the rest of the manual, object_traits<T>::pointer_type and object_traits<T>::const_pointer_type denote the unrestricted and constant object pointer types (Section 3.2, "Object Pointer"), respectively. Similarly, object_traits<T>::id_type denotes the object id type. The odb::object_traits template is part of the database support code generated by the ODB compiler.

The first persist() function expects a constant reference to an instance being persisted. The second function expects a constant object pointer. Both of these functions can only be used on objects with application-assigned object ids (Section 5.3.2, "auto").

The second and third persist() versions are similar to the first two except that they operate on unrestricted references and object pointers. If the identifier of the object being persisted is assigned by the database, these functions update the id member of the passed instance with the assigned value. All four functions return the object id of the newly persistent object.

If the database already contains an object of this type with this identifier, the persist() functions throw the odb::object_already_persistent exception. This should never happen for database-assigned object ids as long as the number of objects persisted does not exceed the value space of the id type.

When calling the persist() functions, we don't need to explicitly specify the template type since it will be automatically deduced from the argument being passed. The following example shows how we can call these functions:

person john ("John", "Doe", 33);
shared_ptr<person> jane (new person ("Jane", "Doe", 32));

transaction t (db.begin ());

db->persist (john);
unsigned long jane_id (db.persist (jane));

t.commit ();

cerr << "Jane's id: " << jane_id << endl;

Notice that in the above code fragment we have created instances that we were planning to make persistent before starting the transaction. Likewise, we printed Jane's id after we have committed the transaction. As a general rule, you should avoid performing operations within the transaction scope that can be performed before the transaction starts or after it terminates. An active transaction consumes both your application's resources, such as a database connection, as well as the database server's resources, such as object locks. By following the above rule you make sure these resources are released and made available to other threads in your application and to other applications as soon as possible.

3.6 Loading Persistent Objects

Once an object is made persistent, and you know its object id, it can be loaded by the application using the database::load() function template. This function has two overloaded versions with the following signatures:

  template <typename T>
  typename object_traits<T>::pointer_type
  load (const typename object_traits<T>::id_type& id);

  template <typename T>
  load (const typename object_traits<T>::id_type& id, T& object);

Given an object id, the first function allocates a new instance of the object class in the dynamic memory, loads its state from the database, and returns the pointer to the new instance. The second function loads the object's state into an existing instance. Both functions throw odb::object_not_persistent if there is no object of this type with this id in the database.

When we call the first load() function, we need to explicitly specify the object type. We don't need to do this for the second function because the object type will be automatically deduced from the second argument, for example:

transaction t (db.begin ());

auto_ptr<person> jane (db.load<person> (jane_id));

db.load (jane_id, *jane);

t.commit ();

If we don't know for sure whether an object with a given id is persistent, we can use the find() function instead of load(), for example:

  template <typename T>
  typename object_traits<T>::pointer_type
  find (const typename object_traits<T>::id_type& id);

  template <typename T>
  find (const typename object_traits<T>::id_type& id, T& object);

If an object with this id is not found in the database, the first find() function returns a NULL pointer while the second function leaves the passed instance unmodified and returns false.

If we don't know the object id, then we can use queries to find the object (or objects) matching some criteria (see Chapter 4, "Querying the Database"). Note, however, that loading an object's state using its identifier can be significantly faster than executing a query.

3.7 Updating Persistent Objects

If a persistent object has been modified, we can store the updated state in the database using the database::update() function template. This function has three overloaded versions with the following signatures:

  template <typename T>
  update (const T& object);

  template <typename T>
  update (const object_traits<T>::const_pointer_type& object);

  template <typename T>
  update (const object_traits<T>::pointer_type& object);

The first update() function expects an object reference, while the other two expect object pointers. If the object passed to these functions does not exist in the database, update() throws the odb::object_not_persistent exception.

Below is an example of the funds transfer that we talked about in the earlier section on transactions. It uses the hypothetical bank_account persistent class:

transfer (database& db,
          unsigned long from_acc,
          unsigned long to_acc,
          unsigned int amount)
  bank_account from, to;

  transaction t (db.begin ());

  db.load (from_acc, from);

  if (from.balance () < amount)
    throw insufficient_funds ();

  db.load (to_acc, to);

  to.balance (to.balance () + amount);
  from.balance (from.balance () - amount);

  db.update (to);
  db.update (from);

  t.commit ();

The same can be acomplished using dynamically allocated objects and the object pointer version of the update() function, for example:

  transaction t (db.begin ());

  shared_ptr<bank_account> from (db.load<bank_account> (from_acc));

  if (from->balance () < amount)
    throw insufficient_funds ();

  shared_ptr<bank_account> to (db.load<bank_account> (to_acc));

  to->balance (to->balance () + amount);
  from->balance (from->balance () - amount);

  db.update (to);
  db.update (from);

  t.commit ();

3.8 Deleting Persistent Objects

To delete a persistent object's state from the database we use the database::erase() function template. If the application still has an instance of the erased object, this instance becomes transient. The erase() function has the following overloaded versions:

  template <typename T>
  erase (const T& object);

  template <typename T>
  erase (const object_traits<T>::const_pointer_type& object);

  template <typename T>
  erase (const object_traits<T>::pointer_type& object);

  template <typename T>
  erase (const typename object_traits<T>::id_type& id);

The first erase() function uses an object itself, in the form of an object reference, to delete its state from the database. The next two functions accomplish the same but using object pointers. Note that all three functions leave the passed object unchanged. It simply becomes transient. The last function uses the object id to identify the object to be deleted. If the object does not exist in the database, then all four functions throw the odb::object_not_persistent exception.

We have to specify the object type when calling the last erase() function. The same is unnecessary for the first three functions because the object type will be automatically deduced from their arguments. The following example shows how we can call these functions:

person& john = ...
shared_ptr<jane> jane = ...
unsigned long joe_id = ...

transaction t (db.begin ());

db.erase (john);
db.erase (jane);
db.erase<person> (joe_id);

t.commit ();

3.9 ODB Exceptions

In the previous sections we have already mentioned some of the exceptions that can be thrown by the database functions. In this section we will discuss the ODB exception hierarchy and document all the exceptions that can be thrown by the common ODB runtime.

The root of the ODB exception hierarchy is the abstract odb::exception class. This class inherits from std::exception and has the following interface:

namespace odb
  struct exception: std::exception
    virtual const char*
    what () const throw () = 0;

Catching this exception guarantees that we will catch all the exceptions thrown by ODB. The what() function returns a human-readable description of the condition that triggered the exception.

The concrete exceptions that can be thrown by ODB are presented in the following listing:

namespace odb
  struct null_pointer: odb::exception
    virtual const char*
    what () const throw ();

  // Transaction exceptions.
  struct already_in_transaction: odb::exception
    virtual const char*
    what () const throw ();

  struct not_in_transaction: odb::exception
    virtual const char*
    what () const throw ();

  struct transaction_already_finalized: odb::exception
    virtual const char*
    what () const throw ();

  // Session exceptions.
  struct already_in_session: odb::exception
    virtual const char*
    what () const throw ();

  struct not_in_session: odb::exception
    virtual const char*
    what () const throw ();

  struct const_object: odb::exception
    virtual const char*
    what () const throw ();

  // Database operations exceptions.
  struct deadlock: odb::exception
    virtual const char*
    what () const throw ();

  struct object_not_persistent: odb::exception
    virtual const char*
    what () const throw ();

  struct object_already_persistent: odb::exception
    virtual const char*
    what () const throw ();

  struct result_not_cached: odb::exception
    virtual const char*
    what () const throw ();

  struct database_exception: odb::exception

The null_pointer exception is thrown when a pointer to a persistent object declared non-NULL with the db not_null pragma has the NULL value. See Chapter Y, "Relationships" for details.

The next three exceptions (already_in_transaction, not_in_transaction, transaction_already_finalized) are thrown by the odb::transaction class and are discussed in Section 3.4, "Transactions".

The next three exceptions (already_in_session, not_in_session, and const_object) are thrown by the odb::session class and are discussed in Chapter Q, "Session".

The deadlock exception is thrown when a transaction deadlock is detected by the database system. It can thrown by any database function. See Section 3.4, "Transactions" for details.

The object_already_persistent exception is thrown by the persist() database function. See Section 3.5, "Making Objects Persistent" for details.

The object_not_persistent exception is thrown by the load() and update() database functions. Refer to Section 3.6, "Loading Persistent Objects" and Section 3.7, "Updating Persistent Objects" for more information.

The result_not_cached exception is thrown by the query result class. Refer to Section 4.4, "Query Result" for details.

The database_exception is a base class for all database system-specific exceptions that are thrown by the database system-specific runtime library. See Chapter 6, "Database Systems" for more information.

The odb::exception class is defined in the <odb/exception.hxx> header file. All the concrete ODB exceptions are defined in <odb/exceptions.hxx> which also includes <odb/exception.hxx>. Normally you don't need to include either of these two headers because they are automatically included by <odb/database.hxx>. However, if the source file that handles ODB exceptions does not include <odb/database.hxx>, then you will need to explicitly include one of these headers.

X Containers

The ODB runtime library provides built-in persistence support for all commonly used standard C++ containers, namely, std::vector, std::list, std::set, std::multiset, std::map, and std::multimap. Plus, ODB profile libraries, that are available for commonly used frameworks and libraries (such as Boost and Qt), provide persistence support for containers found in these frameworks and libraries. It is also easy to persist custom container types as discussed later in Section X.4, "Using Custom Containers".

We don't need to do anything special to declare a member of a container type in a persistent class. For example:

#pragma db object
class person
  std::vector<std::name> nicknames_;

A data member in a persistent class that is of a container type behaves like a value type. That is, when an object is made persistent, the elements of the container are store in the database. Similarly, when a persistent object is loaded from the database, the contents of the container are automatically loaded as well.

While an ordinary member is mapped to one or more columns in the object's table, a member of a container type is mapped to a seperate table. The exact schema of such a table depends on the kind of a container. ODB defines the following container kinds: ordered, set, multiset, map, and multimap. The container kinds and the contents of the tables to which they are mapped are discussed in detail in the following sections.

Containers in ODB can contain simple value types, composite value types (see @@), and pointers to objects (see @@). Containers of containers, either directly or indirectly via a composite value type, are not allowed. A key in map and multimap containers can be a simple or composite value type but not a pointer to an object. An index in the ordered container should be a simple integer type.

The value type in the ordered, set, and map containers as well as the key type in the map containers should be default-constructible. The default constructor in these types can be made private in which case the odb::access class should be made a friend of the value or key type. For example:

#pragma db value
class name
  name (const std::string&, const std::string&);
  friend class odb::access;
  name ();

#pragma db object
class person
  #pragma db id auto
  unsigned long id_;

  std::vector<name> aliases_;

X.1 Ordered Containers

In ODB an ordered container is any container that maintains (explicitly or implicitly) an order of its elements in the form of an integer index. Standard C++ containers that are ordered include std::vector and std::list. While elements in std::set are also kept in a specific order, this order is not based on an integer index but rather on the relationship between elements. As a result, std::set is not considered an ordered container for the purpose of persistence.

The database table for an ordered container consists of at least three columns. The first column contains the object id of a persistent class instance of which the container is a member. The second column contains the element index within a container. And the last column contains the element value. If the object id or element value are composite, then instead of a single column they can occupy multiple columns.

Consider the following persistent object as an example:

#pragma db object
class person
  #pragma db id auto
  unsigned long id_;

  std::vector<std::string> nicknames_;

The resulting database table (called person_nicknames) will contain the object id column of type unsigned long (called object_id), the index column of an integer type (called index), and the value column of type std::string (called value).

A number of ODB pragmas allow us to customize the table name, column names, and native database types for the container both on the per-container and per-member basis. For more information on these pragmas, refer to Chapter 5, "ODB Pragma Language". The following example shows some of the possible customizations:

#pragma db object
class person
  #pragma db id auto
  unsigned long id_;

  #pragma db table("nicknames")                        \
             id_column ("person_id")                   \
             index_type ("SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL") \
             index_column ("nickname_number")          \
             value_type ("VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL")      \
             value_column ("nickname")
  std::vector<std::string> nicknames_;

While the C++ container used in the persistent class may be ordered, sometimes we may wish to store such a container in the database without the order information. In the example above, for instance, the order of person's nicknames is probably not important. To instruct the ODB compiler to ignore the order in ordered containers we can use the unordered pragma (see Chapter 5, "ODB Pragma Language" for details). For example:

#pragma db object
class person
  #pragma db id auto
  unsigned long id_;

  #pragma db unordered
  std::vector<std::string> nicknames_;

The table for the ordered container that is marked unordered will miss the index column and the order in which elements are retrieved from the database may not be the same as the order in which they were stored.

X.2 Set and Multiset Containers

In ODB set and multiset containers (referred to as just set containers) are associative containers that contain elements based on some relationship between them. A set container may or may not guarantee a particular order of the elements that it stores. Standard C++ containers that are considered set containers for the purpose of persistence include std::set and std::multiset.

The database table for a set container consists of at least two columns. The first column contains the object id of a persistent class instance of which the container is a member. And the second column contains the element value. If the object id or element value are composite, then instead of a single column they can occupy multiple columns.

Consider the following persistent object as an example:

#pragma db object
class person
  #pragma db id auto
  unsigned long id_;

  std::set<std::string> emails_;

The resulting database table (called person_emails) will contain the object id column of type unsigned long (called object_id) and the value column of type std::string (called value).

A number of ODB pragmas allow us to customize the table name, column names, and native database types for the container both on the per-container and per-member basis. For more information on these pragmas, refer to Chapter 5, "ODB Pragma Language". The following example shows some of the possible customizations:

#pragma db object
class person
  #pragma db id auto
  unsigned long id_;

  #pragma db table("emails")                      \
             id_column ("person_id")              \
             value_type ("VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL") \
             value_column ("email")
  std::set<std::string> emails_;

X.3 Map and Multimap Containers

In ODB map and multimap containers (referred to as just set containers) are associative containers that contain key-value elemenst based on some relationship between keys. A map container may or may not guarantee a particular order of the elements that it stores. Standard C++ containers that are considered map containers for the purpose of persistence include std::map and std::multimap.

The database table for a map container consists of at least three columns. The first column contains the object id of a persistent class instance of which the container is a member. The second column contains the element key. And the last column contains the element value. If the object id, element key, or element value are composite, then instead of a single column they can occupy multiple columns.

Consider the following persistent object as an example:

#pragma db object
class person
  #pragma db id auto
  unsigned long id_;

  std::map<unsigned short, float> age_weight_map_;

The resulting database table (called person_age_weight_map) will contain the object id column of type unsigned long (called object_id), the key column of type unsigned short (called key), and the value column of type std::string (called value).

A number of ODB pragmas allow us to customize the table name, column names, and native database types for the container both on the per-container and per-member basis. For more information on these pragmas, refer to Chapter 5, "ODB Pragma Language". The following example shows some of the possible customizations:

#pragma db object
class person
  #pragma db id auto
  unsigned long id_;

  #pragma db table("weight_map")                \
             id_column ("person_id")            \
             key_type ("INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL") \
             key_column ("age")                 \
             value_type ("DOUBLE NOT NULL")     \
             value_column ("weight")
  std::map<unsigned short, float> age_weight_map_;

X.4 Using Custom Containers

While the ODB runtime and profile libraries provide support for a wide range of containers, it is also easy to persist custom container types.

To achieve this you will need to implement the container_traits class template specialization for your container. First determine the container kind (ordered, set, multiset, map, or multimap) for your container type. Then use a specialization for one of the standard C++ containers found in the common ODB runtime library (libodb) as a base for your own implementation.

Once the container traits specialization is ready for your container, you will need to include it into the ODB compilation process using the --odb-epilogue option and into the generated header file with the --hxx-prologue option. As an example, suppose we have a hash table container for which we have the traits specialization implemented in the hashtable-traits.hxx file. Then, we can create an ODB compiler options file for this container and save it to hashtable.options:

# Options file for the hash table container.
--odb-epilogue '#include "hashtable-traits.hxx"'
--hxx-prologue '#include "hashtable-traits.hxx"'

Now, whenever we compile a header file that uses the hashtable container, we can pass the following option to make sure it is recognized by the ODB compiler as a container and the traits file is included in the generated code:

--options-file hashtable.options

Y Relationships

Relationships between persistent objects are expressed with pointers or containers of pointers. The ODB runtime library provides built-in support for the TR1 shared_ptr/weak_ptr, std::auto_ptr, and raw pointers. Plus, ODB profile libraries, that available for commonly used frameworks and libraries (such as Boost and Qt), provide support for smart pointers found in these frameworks and libraries. It is also easy to add support for a custom smart pointer as discussed later in Section Y.4, "Using Custom Smart Pointers". Any supported smart pointer can be used in a data member as long as it can be explicitly constructed from the canonical object pointer (@@ ref). For example, we can use weak_ptr if the object pointer is shared_ptr.

When an object containing a pointer to another object is loaded, the pointed-to object is loaded as well. In some situations this eager loading of the relationships is undesirable since it can lead to a large number of otherwise unused objects being instantiated from the database. To support finer control over relationships loading, the ODB runtime and profile libraries provide the so-called lazy versions of the supported pointers. An object pointed-to by a lazy pointer is not loaded automatically when the containing object is loaded. Instead, we have to explicitly request the instantiation of the pointed-to object. Lazy pointers are discussed in detail in Section Y.3, "Lazy Pointers".

As a simple example, consider the following employee-employer relationship. Code examples presented in this chapter will use the shared_ptr and weak_ptr smart pointers from the TR1 (std::tr1) namespace.

#pragma db object
class employer

  #pragma db id
  std::string name_;

#pragma db object
class employee

  #pragma db id
  unsigned long id_;

  std::string first_name_;
  std::string last_name_;

  shared_ptr<employer> employer_;

By default, an object pointer can be NULL. To specify that a pointer always point to a valid object we can use the not_null pragma, for example:

#pragma db object
class employee

  #pragma db not_null
  shared_ptr<employer> employer_;

In this case, if we perform a database operation on the employee object and the employer_ pointer is NULL, then the odb::null_pointer exception will be thrown.

We don't need to do anything special to establish or navigate a relationship between two persistent objects, as shown in the following code fragment:

// Create an employer and a few employees.
unsigned long john_id, jane_id;
  shared_ptr<employer> er (new employer ("Example Inc"));
  shared_ptr<employee> john (new employee ("John", "Doe"));
  shared_ptr<employee> jane (new employee ("Jane", "Doe"));

  john->employer_ = er;
  jane->employer_ = er;

  transaction t (db.begin ());

  db.persist (er);
  john_id = db.persist (john);
  jane_id = db.persist (jane);

  t.commit ();

// Load a few employee objects and print their employer.
  session s;
  transaction t (db.begin ());

  shared_ptr<employee> john (db.load<employee> (john_id));
  shared_ptr<employee> jane (db.load<employee> (jane_id));

  cout << john->employer_->name_ << endl;
  cout << jane->employer_->name_ << endl;

  t.commit ();

The only notable line in the above code is the creation of a session before the second transaction starts. As discussed in Chapter @@ ref, a session acts as a cache of persistent objects. By creating a session before loading the employee objects we make sure that their employer_ pointers point to the same employer object. Without a session, each employee would have ended up pointing to its own, private instance of the Example Inc employer.

As a general guideline, you should use a session when loading objects that have pointers to other persistent objects. A session makes sure that for a given object id, a single instance is shared among all other objects that relate to it.

We can also use the data members from the pointed-to objects in database queries (Chapter 4, "Querying the Database"). For each pointer in a persistent class, the query class defines a nested scope containing members corresponding to the data members in the pointed-to object. For example, the query class for the employee object contains the employer scope (derived from the employer_ pointer) which in turn contains the name member (derived from the employer::name_ data member of the pointed-to object). As a result, we can use the query::employer::name expression while querying the database for the employee objects. For example, the following transaction finds all the employees of Example Inc that have the Doe last name:

typedef odb::query<employee> query;
typedef odb::result<employee> result;

session s;
transaction t (db.begin ());

result r (db->query<employee> (
  query::employer::name == "Example Inc" && query::last == "Doe"));

for (result::iterator i (r.begin ()); i != r.end (); ++i)
  cout << i->first_ << " " << i->last_ << endl;

t.commit ();

An important concept to keep in mind when working with object relationships is the independence of persistent objects. In particular, when an object containing a pointer to another object is made persistent or is updated, the pointed-to object is not automatically persisted or updated. Rather, only a reference to the object (in the form of the object id) is stored for the pointed-to object in the database. The pointed-to object itself is a separate entity and should be made persistent or updated independently.

When persisting or updating an object containing a pointer to another object, the pointed-to object must have a valid object id. This, however, may not always be easy to achieve in complex relationships that involve objects with automatically assigned identifiers. In such cases it may be necessary to first persist an object with a pointer set to NULL and then, once the pointed-to object is made persistent and its identifier assigned, set the pointer to the correct value and update the object in the database.

Persistent object relationships can be divided into two groups: unidirectional and bidirectional. Each group in turn contains several configurations that vary depending on the cardinality of the sides of the relationship. All possible unidirectional and bidirectional configurations are discussed in the following sections.

Y.1 Unidirectional Relationships

In unidirectional relationships we are only interested in navigating from object to object in one direction. Because there is no interest in navigating in the opposite direction, the cardinality of the other end of the relationship is unimportant. As a result, there are only two possible unidirectional relationships: to-one and to-many. Each of these relationships is described in the following sections. For sample code that shows how to work with these relationships, refer to the relationship example in the odb-examples package.

Y.1.1 To-One Relationships

An example of a unidirectional to-one relationship is the employee-employer relationship (an employee has one employer). The following persistent C++ classes model this relationship:

#pragma db object
class employer

  #pragma db id
  std::string name_;

#pragma db object
class employee

  #pragma db id
  unsigned long id_;

  #pragma db not_null
  shared_ptr<employer> employer_;

The corresponding database tables look like this:

CREATE TABLE employer (

CREATE TABLE employee (
  employer VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL REFERENCES employer (name));

Y.1.2 To-Many Relationships

An example of a unidirectional to-many relationship is the employee-project relationship (an employee can be involved in multiple projects). The following persistent C++ classes model this relationship:

#pragma db object
class project

  #pragma db id
  std::string name_;

#pragma db object
class employee

  #pragma db id
  unsigned long id_;

  #pragma db not_null unordered
  std::vector<shared_ptr<project> > projects_;

The corresponding database tables look like this:

CREATE TABLE project (

CREATE TABLE employee (

CREATE TABLE employee_projects (
  value VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL REFERENCES project (name));

To obtain a more canonical database schema, the names of tables and columns above can be customized using ODB pragmas (Chapter 5, "ODB Pragma Language"). For example:

#pragma db object
class employee

  #pragma db not_null unordered \
             id_column("employee_id") value_column("project_name")
  std::vector<shared_ptr<project> > projects_;

The resulting employee_projects table would then look like this:

CREATE TABLE employee_projects (
  project_name VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL REFERENCES project (name));

Y.2 Bidirectional Relationships

In bidirectional relationships we are interested in navigating from object to object in both directions. As a result, each object class in a relationship contains a pointer to the other object. If smart pointers are used, then a weak pointer should be used as one of the pointers to avoid ownership cycles. For example:

class employee;

#pragma db object
class position

  #pragma db id
  unsigned long id_;

  weak_ptr<employee> employee_;

#pragma db object
class employee

  #pragma db id
  unsigned long id_;

  #pragma db not_null
  shared_ptr<position> position_;

Note that when we establish a bidirectional relationship, we have to set both pointers consistently. One way to make sure that a relationship is always in a consistent state is to provide a single function that updates both pointers at the same time. For example:

#pragma db object
class position: public enable_shared_from_this<position>

  fill (shared_ptr<employee> e)
    employee_ = e;
    e->positions_ = shared_from_this ();

  weak_ptr<employee> employee_;

#pragma db object
class employee

  friend class position;

  #pragma db not_null
  shared_ptr<position> position_;

Above, to model a bidirectional relationship in persistent classes, we used two pointers, one in each object. While this is a natural representation in C++, it does not translate to a canonical relational model. Consider the database schema generated for the above two classes:

CREATE TABLE position (
  employee BIGINT UNSIGNED REFERENCES employee (id));

CREATE TABLE employee (
  position BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL REFERENCES position (id));

While this database schema is valid, it is unconventional. We have a reference from a row in the position table to a row in the employee table. We also have a reference from this same row in the employee table back to the row in the position table. From the relational point of view, one of these references is redundant since in SQL we can easily navigate in both directions using just one of these references.

To eliminate redundant database schema references we can use the inverse pragma (Section 5.3.7, "inverse") which tells the ODB compiler that a pointer is the inverse side of a bidirectional relationship. Either side of a relationship can be made inverse. For example:

#pragma db object
class position

  #pragma db inverse(position_)
  weak_ptr<employee> employee_;

#pragma db object
class employee

  #pragma db not_null
  shared_ptr<position> position_;

The resulting database schema looks like this:

CREATE TABLE position (

CREATE TABLE employee (
  position BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL REFERENCES position (id));

As you can see, an inverse member does not have a corresponding column (or table, in case of an inverse container of pointers) and, from the point of view of database operations, is effectively read-only. The only way to change a bidirectional relationship with an inverse side is to set its direct (non-inverse) pointer. Also note that an ordered container (Section X.1, "Ordered Containers") of pointers that is an inverse side of a bidirectional relationship is always treated as unordered (Section 5.3.8, "unordered") because the contents of such a container are implicitly built from the direct side of the relationship which does not contain the element order (index).

There are three distinct bidirectional relationships that we will cover in the following sections: one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many. We will only talk about bidirectional relationships with inverse sides since they result in canonical database schemas. For sample code that shows how to work with these relationships, refer to the inverse example in the odb-examples package.

Y.2.1 One-to-One Relationships

An example of a bidirectional one-to-one relationship is the presented above employee-position relationship (an employee fills one position and a position is filled by one employee). The following persistent C++ classes model this relationship:

class employee;

#pragma db object
class position

  #pragma db id
  unsigned long id_;

  #pragma db inverse(position_)
  weak_ptr<employee> employee_;

#pragma db object
class employee

  #pragma db id
  unsigned long id_;

  #pragma db not_null
  shared_ptr<position> position_;

The corresponding database tables look like this:

CREATE TABLE position (

CREATE TABLE employee (
  position BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL REFERENCES position (id));

If instead the other side of this relationship is made inverse, then the database tables will change as follows:

CREATE TABLE position (
  employee BIGINT UNSIGNED REFERENCES employee (id));

CREATE TABLE employee (

Y.2.2 One-to-Many Relationships

An example of a bidirectional one-to-many relationship is the employer-employee relationship (an employer has multiple employees and an employee is employed by one employer). The following persistent C++ classes model this relationship:

class employee;

#pragma db object
class employer

  #pragma db id
  std::string name_;

  #pragma db not_null inverse(employer_)
  std::vector<weak_ptr<employee> > employees_

#pragma db object
class employee

  #pragma db id
  unsigned long id_;

  #pragma db not_null
  shared_ptr<employer> employer_;

The corresponding database tables differ significantly depending on which side of the relationship is made inverse. If the one side (employer) is inverse as in the code above, then the resulting database schema looks like this:

CREATE TABLE employer (

CREATE TABLE employee (
  employer VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL REFERENCES employer (name));

If instead the many side (employee) of this relationship is made inverse, then the database tables will change as follows:

CREATE TABLE employer (

CREATE TABLE employer_employees (
  object_id VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL,

CREATE TABLE employee (

Y.2.3 Many-to-Many Relationships

An example of a bidirectional many-to-many relationship is the employee-project relationship (an employee can work on multiple projects and a project can have multiple participating employees). The following persistent C++ classes model this relationship:

class employee;

#pragma db object
class project

  #pragma db id
  std::string name_;

  #pragma db not_null inverse(projects_)
  std::vector<weak_ptr<employee> > employees_;

#pragma db object
class employee

  #pragma db id
  unsigned long id_;

  #pragma db not_null unordered
  std::vector<shared_ptr<project> > projects_;

The corresponding database tables look like this:

CREATE TABLE project (

CREATE TABLE employee (

CREATE TABLE employee_projects (
  value VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL REFERENCES project (name));

If instead the other side of this relationship is made inverse, then the database tables will change as follows:

CREATE TABLE project (

CREATE TABLE project_employees (
  object_id VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL,

CREATE TABLE employee (

Y.3 Lazy Pointers

Consider again the bidirectional, one-to-many employer-employee relationship that was presented earlier in this chapter:

class employee;

#pragma db object
class employer

  #pragma db id
  std::string name_;

  #pragma db not_null inverse(employer_)
  std::vector<weak_ptr<employee> > employees_;

#pragma db object
class employee

  #pragma db id
  unsigned long id_;

  #pragma db not_null
  shared_ptr<employer> employer_;

Consider also the following transaction which obtains the employer name given the employee id:

unsigned long id = ...
string name;

session s;
transaction t (db.begin ());

shared_ptr<employee> e (db.load<employee> (id));
name = e->employer_->name_;

t.commit ();

While this transaction looks very simple, it actually does a lot more than what meets the eye and is necessary. Consider what happens when we load the employee object: the employer_ pointer is also automatically loaded which means the employer object corresponding to this employee is also loaded. But the employer object in turn contains the list of pointers to all the employees, which are also loaded. A a result, when object relationships are involved, a simple transaction like the above can load many more objects than is necessary.

To overcome this problem ODB offers finer grained control over the relationship loading in the form of lazy pointers. A lazy pointer does not automatically load the pointed-to object when the containing object is loaded. Instead, we have to explicitly load the pointed-to object if and when we need to access it.

The ODB runtime library provides lazy counterparts for all the supported pointers, namely: odb::lazy_shared_ptr and odb::lazy_weak_ptr for TR1 shared_ptr and weak_ptr, odb::lazy_auto_ptr for std::auto_ptr, and odb::lazy_ptr for raw pointers. The ODB profile libraries provide lazy pointer implementations for smart pointers from popular frameworks and libraries.

While we will discuss the interface of lazy pointers in more detail shortly, the most commonly used extra function provided by these pointers is load(). This function loads the pointed-to object if it hasn't already been loaded. After the call to this function, the lazy pointer can be used in the the same way as its eager counterpart. The load() function also returns the eager pointer, in case you need to pass it around. For a lazy weak pointer, the load() function also locks the pointer.

The following example shows how we can change our employer-employee relationship to use lazy pointers. Here we choose to use lazy pointers for both sides of the relationship.

class employee;

#pragma db object
class employer

  #pragma db not_null inverse(employer_)
  std::vector<lazy_weak_ptr<employee> > employees_;

#pragma db object
class employee

  #pragma db not_null
  lazy_shared_ptr<employer> employer_;

And the transaction is changed like this:

unsigned long id = ...
string name;

session s;
transaction t (db.begin ());

shared_ptr<employee> e (db.load<employee> (id));
e->employer_.load ();
name = e->employer_->name_;

t.commit ();

As a general guideline we recommend that you make at least one side of a bidirectional relationship lazy, especially for relationships with a many side.

A lazy pointer implementation mimics the interface of its eager counterpart which can be used once the pointer is loaded. It also adds a number of additional functions that are specific to the lazy loading functionality. Overall, the interface of a lazy pointer follows this general outline:

template <class T>
class lazy_ptr
  // The eager pointer interface.

  // Initialization/assignment from an eager pointer.
  template <class Y> lazy_ptr (const eager_ptr<Y>&);
  template <class Y> lazy_ptr& operator= (const eager_ptr<Y>&);

  // Lazy loading interface.
  bool loaded () const;
  eager_ptr<T> load () const;

  // Unload the pointer. For transient objects this function is
  // equivalent to reset().
  void unload () const;

  // Initialization with a persistent loaded object.
  template <class Y> lazy_ptr (database&, Y*);
  template <class Y> lazy_ptr (database&, const eager_ptr<Y>&);

  template <class Y> void reset (database&, Y*);
  template <class Y> void reset (database&, const eager_ptr<Y>&);

  // Initialization with a persistent unloaded object.
  template <class ID> lazy_ptr (database&, const ID&);

  template <class ID> void reset (database&, const ID&);

  // Query object id and database of a persistent object.
  template <class O /* = T */>
  object_traits<O>::id_type object_id () const;

  odb::database& database () const;

In a lazy weak pointer interface, the load() function returns the strong (shared) eager pointer. The following transaction demonstrates the use of a lazy weak pointer based on the employer and employee classes presented earlier.

typedef std::vector<lazy_weak_ptr<employee> > employees;

session s;
transaction t (db.begin ());

shared_ptr<employer> er (db.load<employer> ("Example Inc"));
employees& es (er->employees ());

for (employees::iterator i (es.begin ()); i != es.end (); ++i)
  // We are only interested in employees with object id less than
  // 100.
  lazy_weak_ptr<employee>& lwp (*i);

  if (lwp.object_id<employee> () < 100)
    shared_ptr<employee> e (lwp.load ()); // Load and lock.
    cout << e->first_ << " " << e->last_ << endl;

t.commit ();

Notice that inside the for-loop we use a reference to the lazy weak pointer instead of making a copy. This is not merely to avoid a copy. When a lazy pointer is loaded, all other lazy pointers that point to the same object do not automatically become loaded (though an attempt to load such copies will result in them pointing to the same object, provided the same session is still in effect). By using a reference in the above transaction we make sure that we load the pointer that is contained in the employer object. This way, if we later need to re-examine this employee object, the pointer will already be loaded.

As another example, suppose we want to add an employee to Example Inc. The straightforward implementation of this transaction is presented below:

session s;
transaction t (db.begin ());

shared_ptr<employer> er (db.load<employer> ("Example Inc"));
shared_ptr<employee> e (new employee ("John", "Doe"));

e->employer_ = er;
er->employees ().push_back (e);

db.persist (e);
t.commit ();

Notice here that we didn't have to update the employer object in the database since the employees_ list of pointers is an inverse side of a bidirectional relationship and is effectively read-only, from the persistence point of view.

A faster implementation of this transaction, that avoids loading the employer object, relies on the ability to initialize an unloaded lazy pointer with the database where the object is stored as well as its identifier:

lazy_shared_ptr<employer> er (db, std::string ("Example Inc"));
shared_ptr<employee> e (new employee ("John", "Doe"));

e->employer_ = er;

session s;
transaction t (db.begin ());

db.persist (e);

t.commit ();

Y.4 Using Custom Smart Pointers

While the ODB runtime and profile libraries provide support for the majority of widely-used pointers, it is also easy to add support for a custom smart pointer.

To achieve this you will need to implement the pointer_traits class template specialization for your pointer. The first step is to determine the pointer kind since the interface of the pointer_traits specialization varies depending on the pointer kind. The supported pointer kinds are: raw (raw pointer or equivalent, that is, unmanaged), unique (smart pointer that doesn't support sharing), shared (smart pointer that supports sharing), and weak (weak counterpart of the shared pointer). Any of these pointers can be lazy, which also affects the interface of the pointer_traits specialization.

Once you have determined the pointer kind for your smart pointer, use a specialization for one of the standard pointers found in the common ODB runtime library (libodb) as a base for your own implementation.

Once the pointer traits specialization is ready, you will need to include it into the ODB compilation process using the --odb-epilogue option and into the generated header file with the --hxx-prologue option. As an example, suppose we have the smart_ptr smart pointer for which we have the traits specialization implemented in the smart-ptr-traits.hxx file. Then, we can create an ODB compiler options file for this pointer and save it to smart-ptr.options:

# Options file for smart_ptr.
--odb-epilogue '#include "smart-ptr-traits.hxx"'
--hxx-prologue '#include "smart-ptr-traits.hxx"'

Now, whenever we compile a header file that uses smart_ptr, we can pass the following option to make sure it is recognized by the ODB compiler as a smart pointer and the traits file is included in the generated code:

--options-file smart-ptr.options

It is also possible to implement a lazy counterpart for your smart pointer. The ODB runtime library provides a class template that encapsulates the object id management and loading functionality that is needed to implement a lazy pointer. All you need to do is wrap it with an interface that mimics your smart pointer. Using one of the existing lazy pointer implementations (either from the ODB runtime library or one of the profile libraries) as a base for your implementation is the easiest way to get started.

Z Composite Value Types

Composite value type is a class or struct type that is mapped to more than one database column. To declare a composite value type we use the db value pragma, for example:

#pragma db value
class basic_name

  std::string first_;
  std::string last_;

A composite value type does not have to define a default constructor, unless it is used as an element of a container, in which case the default constructor can be made private. If a composite value type has private or protected non-transient data members or if its default constructor is not public and the value type is used as an element in a container, then the odb::access class should be declared a friend of this value type. For example:

#pragma db value
class basic_name
  basic_name (const std::string& first, const std::string& last);


  friend class odb::access;

  basic_name () {} // Needed for storing basic_name in containers.

  std::string first_;
  std::string last_;

The complete versions of the above code fragment as well as other code samples presented in this chapter can found in the composite example in the odb-examples package.

The members of a composite value can be other value types (either simple or composite), containers (@@ ref), and object pointers (@@ ref). Similarly, a composite value type can be used in object members, as an element in a container, and as a base for another composite value type. In particular, composite value types can be used as element types in set containers (@@ ref) and as key types in map containers (@@ ref). A composite value type that is used as an element of a container cannot contain other containers since containers of containers are not allowed. The following example illustrates some of the possible use cases:

#pragma db value
class basic_name

  std::string first_;
  std::string last_;

typedef std::vector<basic_name> basic_names;

#pragma db value
class name_extras

  std::string nickname_;
  basic_names aliases_;

#pragma db value
class name: public basic_name

  std::string title_;
  name_extras extras_;

#pragma db object
class person

  #pragma db id auto
  unsigned long id_;

  name name_;

We can also use the data members from the composite value types in database queries (Chapter 4, "Querying the Database"). For each composite value in a persistent class, the query class defines a nested scope containing members corresponding to the data members in the value type. For example, the query class for the person object presented above contains the name scope (derived from the name_ data member) which in turn contains the extras member (derived from the name::extras_ data member of the composite value type). The process continues reqursively for nested composite value types and, as a result, we can use the query::name::extras::nickname expression while querying the database for the person objects. For example:

typedef odb::query<person> query;
typedef odb::result<person> result;

transaction t (db->begin ());

result r (db->query<person> (
  query::name::extras::nickname == "Squeaky"));


t.commit ();

Z.1 Composite Value Column and Table Names

Customizing a column name for a data member of a simple value type is straightforward: we simply specify the desired name with the db column pragma (@@ ref). For composite value types things are slightly more complicated since it is mapped to multiple columns. Consider the following example:

#pragma db value
class name

  std::string first_;
  std::string last_;

#pragma db object
class person

  #pragma db id auto
  unsigned long id_;

  name name_;

The column names for the first_ and last_ members are constructed by using the sanitized name of the person::name_ member as a prefix and the names of the members in the value type (first_ and last_) as suffixes. As a result, the database schema for the above classes will look like this:

  name_first TEXT NOT NULL,
  name_last TEXT NOT NULL);

We can customize both the prefix and the suffix using the db column pragma as shown in the following example:

#pragma db value
class name

  #pragma db column("first_name")
  std::string first_;

  #pragma db column("last_name")
  std::string last_;

#pragma db object
class person

  #pragma db column("person_")
  name name_;

The database schema changes as follows:

  person_first_name TEXT NOT NULL,
  person_last_name TEXT NOT NULL);

We can also make the column prefix empty, for example:

#pragma db object
class person

  #pragma db column("")
  name name_;

This will result in the following schema:

  first_name TEXT NOT NULL,
  last_name TEXT NOT NULL);

The same principal applies when a composite value type is used as an element of a container, except that instead of db column either the db value_column (@@ ref) or db key_column (@@ ref) pragmas are used to specify the column prefix.

When a composite value type contains a container, an extra table is used to store the elements (@@ ref Chapter X, "Containers"). The names of such tables are constructed in a way similar to the column names, except that by default both the object name and the member name are used as a prefix. For example:

#pragma db value
class name

  std::string first_;
  std::string last_;
  std::vector<std::string> nicknames_;

#pragma db object
class person

  name name_;

The corresponding database schema will look like this:

CREATE TABLE `person_name_nicknames` (
  `value` TEXT NOT NULL)

  name_first TEXT NOT NULL,
  name_last TEXT NOT NULL);

To customize the container table name we can use the db table (@@ ref) pragma, for example:

#pragma db value
class name

  #pragma db table("nickname")
  std::vector<std::string> nicknames_;

#pragma db object
class person

  #pragma db table("person_")
  name name_;

This will result in the following schema changes:

CREATE TABLE `person_nickname` (
  `value` TEXT NOT NULL)

Similar to columns, we can make the table prefix empty.

Q Session

A session is an application's unit of work that may encompass several database transactions (@@ ref Transaction). In this version of ODB a session is just an object cache. In the future versions it will provide additional functionality, such as automatic object state change flushing and optimistic concurrency.

Each thread of execution in an application can have only one active session at a time. A session is started by creating an instance of the odb::session class and is automatically terminated when this instance is destroyed. You will need to include the <odb/session.hxx> header file to make this class available in your application. For example:

#include <odb/database.hxx>
#include <odb/session.hxx>
#include <odb/transaction.hxx>

using namespace odb;

  session s;

  // First transaction.
    transaction t (db.begin ());
    t.commit ();

  // Second transaction.
    transaction t (db.begin ());
    t.commit ();

  // Session 's' is terminated here.

The odb::session class has the following interface:

namespace odb
  class session
    session ();
    ~session ();

    // Copying or assignment of sessions is not supported.
    session (const session&);
    session& operator= (const session&);

    // Current session interface.
    static session&
    current ();

    static bool
    has_current ();

    static void
    current (session&);

    static void
    reset_current ();

    // Object cache interface.
    typedef odb::database database_type;

    template <typename T>
    insert (database_type&,
            const object_traits<T>::id_type&,
            const object_traits<T>::pointer_type&);

    template <typename T>
    find (database_type&, const object_traits<T>::id_type&) const;

    template <typename T>
    erase (database_type&, const object_traits<T>::id_type&);

The session constructor creates a new session and sets it as a current session for this thread. If we try to create a session while there is already a current session in effect, this constructor throws the odb::already_in_session exception. The destructor clears the current session for this thread if this session is the current one.

The static current() accessor returns the currently active session for this thread. If there is no active session, this function throws the odb::not_in_session exception. We can check whether there is a session in effect in this thread using the has_current() static function.

The static current() modifier allows us to set the current session for this thread. The reset_current static function clears the current session. These two functions allow for more advanced use cases, such as multiplexing between two or more sessions in the same thread.

We normally don't use the object cache interface directly. However, it could be useful in some cases, for example, to find out whether an object has already been loaded.

Q.1 Object Cache

A session is an object cache. Every time an object is made persistent by calling the database::persist() function (@@ ref), loaded by calling the database::load() or database::find() function (@@ ref), or loaded by iterating over a query result (@@ ref), the pointer to the persistent object, in the form of the canonical object pouinter (@@ ref), is stored in the session. For as long as the session is in effect, any subsequent calls to load the same object will return the cached instance. When an object's state is deleted from the database with the database::erase() function (@@ ref), the cached object pointer is removed from the session. For example:

shared_ptr<person> p (new person ("John", "Doe"));

session s;
transaction t (db.begin ());

unsigned long id (db.persist (p));            // p is cached in s.
shared_ptr<person> p1 (db.load<person> (id)); // p1 same as p.

t.commit ();

The per-object caching policies depend on the object pointer kind (@@ ref). Objects with a unique pointer, such as std::auto_ptr, as an object pointer are never cached since it is not possible to have two such pointers pointing to the same object. When an object is persisted via a pointer or loaded as a dynamically allocated instance, objects with both raw and shared pointers as object pointers are cached. If an object is persisted as a reference or loaded into a pre-allocated instance, the object is only cached if its object pointer is a raw pointer.

Finally, the session caches both constant and non-constant objects, depending on whether a constant reference or constant pointer was passed to the database::persist() function (in contrast, when loaded, objects are always created and cached as non-constant). If we try to load an object as non-constant that was previously persisted and cached as constant, the odb::const_object exception is thrown. The following transaction illustartes the situation where this would happen:

shared_ptr<const person> p (new person ("John", "Doe"));

session s;
transaction t (db.begin ());

unsigned long id (db.persist (p));
shared_ptr<const person> p1 (db.load<const person> (id)); // Ok.
shared_ptr<person> p2 (db.load<person> (id));             // Exception.

t.commit ();

4 Querying the Database

If we don't know the identifiers of the objects that we are looking for, we can use queries to search the database for objects matching certain criteria. The ODB query facility is optional and we need to explicitly request the generation of the necessary database support code with the --generate-query ODB compiler option.

ODB provides a flexible query API that offers two distinct levels of abstraction from the database system query language such as SQL. At the high level we are presented with an easy to use yet powerful object-oriented query language, called ODB Query Language. This query language is modeled after and is integrated into C++ allowing us to write expressive and safe queries that look and feel like ordinary C++. We have already seen examples of these queries in the introductory chapters. Below is another, more interesting, example:

  typedef odb::query<person> query;
  typedef odb::result<person> result;

  unsigned short age;
  query q (query::first == "John" && query::age < query::_ref (age));

  for (age = 10; age < 100; age += 10)
    result r (db.query<person> (q));

At the low level, queries can be written as predicates using the database system-native query language such as the WHERE predicate from the SQL SELECT statement. This language will be referred to as native query language. At this level ODB still takes care of converting query parameters from C++ to the database system format. Below is the re-implementation of the above example using SQL as the native query language:

  query q ("first = 'John' AND age = " + query::_ref (age));

Note that at this level we lose the static typing of query expressions. For example, if we wrote something like this:

  query q (query::first == 123 && query::agee < query::_ref (age));

We would get two errors during the C++ compilation. The first would indicate that we cannot compare query::first to an integer and the second would pick the misspelling in query::agee. On the other hand, if we wrote something like this:

  query q ("first = 123 AND agee = " + query::_ref (age));

It would compile fine and would trigger an error only when executed by the database system.

We can also combine the two query languages in a single query, for example:

  query q ("first = 'John'" + (query::age < query::_ref (age)));

4.1 ODB Query Language

An ODB query is an expression that tells the database system whether any given object matches the desired criteria. As such, a query expression always evaluates as true or false. At the higher level, an expression consists of other expressions combined with logical operators such as && (AND), || (OR), and ! (NOT). For example:

  typedef odb::query<person> query;

  query q (query::first == "John" || query::age == 31);

At the core of every query expression lie simple expressions which involve one or more object members, values, or parameters. To refer to an object member we use an expression such as query::first above. The names of members in the query class are derived from the names of data members in the object class by removing the common member name decorations, such as leading and trailing underscores, the m_ prefix, etc.

In a simple expression an object member can be compared to a value, parameter, or another member using a number of predefined operators and functions. The following table gives an overview of the available expressions:

Operator Description Example
== equal query::age == 31
!= unequal query::age != 31
< less than query::age < 31
> greater than query::age > 31
<= less than or equal query::age <= 31
>= greater than or equal query::age >= 31
in() one of the values query::age.in (30, 32, 34)
in_range() one of the values in range query::age.in_range (begin, end)
is_null() value is NULL query::age.is_null ()
is_not_null() value is not NULL query::age.is_not_null ()

The in() function accepts a maximum of five arguments. Use the in_range() function if you need to compare to more than five values. This function accepts a pair of standard C++ iterators and compares to all the values from the begin position inclusive and until and excluding the end position. The following code fragment shows how we can use these functions:

  std::vector<string> names;

  names.push_back ("John");
  names.push_back ("Jack");
  names.push_back ("Jane");

  query q1 (query::first.in ("John", "Jack", "Jane"));
  query q2 (query::first.in_range (names.begin (), names.end ()));

The operator precedence in the query expressions are the same as for equivalent C++ operators. We can use parentheses to make sure the expression is evaluated in the desired order. For example:

  query q ((query::first == "John" || query::first == "Jane") &&
           query::age < 31);

4.2 Parameter Binding

An instance of the odb::query class encapsulates two parts of information about the query: the query expression and the query parameters. Parameters can be bound to C++ variables either by value or by reference.

If a parameter is bound by value, then the value for this parameter is copied from the C++ variable to the query instance at the query construction time. On the other hand, if a parameter is bound by reference, then the query instance stores a reference to the bound variable. The actual value of the parameter is only extracted at the query execution time. Consider, for example, the following two queries:

  string name ("John");

  query q1 (query::first == query::_val (name));
  query q2 (query::first == query::_ref (name));

  name = "Jane";

  db.query<person> (q1); // Find John.
  db.query<person> (q2); // Find Jane.

The odb::query class provides two special functions, _val() and _ref(), that allow us to bind the parameter either by value or by reference, respectively. In the ODB query language, if the binding is not specified explicitly, the value semantic is used by default. In the native query language, binding must always be specified explicitly. For example:

  query q1 (query::age < age);                // By value.
  query q2 (query::age < query::_val (age));  // By value.
  query q3 (query::age < query::_ref (age));  // By reference.

  query q4 ("age < " + age);                  // Error.
  query q5 ("age < " + query::_val (age));    // By value.
  query q6 ("age < " + query::_ref (age));    // By reference.

A query that only has by-value parameters does not depend on any other variables and is self-sufficient once constructed. A query that has one or more by-reference parameters depends on the bound variables until the query is executed. If one such variable goes out of scope and we execute the query, the behavior is undefined.

4.3 Executing a Query

Once we have the query instance ready and by-reference parameters initialized, we can execute the query using the database::query() function template. It has two overloaded versions:

  template <typename T>
  query (bool cache = true);

  template <typename T>
  query (const odb::query<T>&, bool cache = true);

The first query() function is used to return all the persistent objects of a given type stored in the database. The second function uses the passed query instance to only return objects matching the query criteria. The cache argument determines whether the objects' states should be cached in the application's memory or if they should be returned by the database system one by one as the iteration over the result progresses. The result caching is discussed in detail in the next section.

When calling the query() function, we have to explicitly specify the object type we are querying. For example:

  typedef odb::query<person> query;
  typedef odb::result<person> result;

  result all (db.query<person> ());
  result johns (db.query<person> (query::first == "John"));

Note that it is not required to explicitly create a named query variable before executing it. For example, the following two queries are equivalent:

  query q (query::first == "John");

  result r1 (db.query<person> (q));
  result r1 (db.query<person> (query::first == "John"));

Normally we would create a named query instance if we are planning to run the same query multiple times and would use the in-line version for those that are executed only once.

It is also possible to create queries from other queries by combining them using logical operators. For example:

find_minors (database& db, const query& name_query)
  return db.query<person> (name_query && query::age < 18);

result r (find_underage (db, query::first == "John"));

4.4 Query Result

The result of executing a query is zero, one, or more objects matching the query criteria. The result is returned as an instance of the odb::result class template, for example:

  typedef odb::query<person> query;
  typedef odb::result<person> result;

  result johns (db.query<person> (query::first == "John"));

It is best to view an instance of odb::result as a handle to a stream, such as a file stream. While we can make a copy of a result or assign one result to another, the two instances will refer to the same result stream. Advancing the current position in one instance will also advance it in another. The result instance is only usable within the transaction it was created in. Trying to manipulate the result after the transaction has terminated leads to undefined behavior.

The odb::result class template conforms to the standard C++ sequence requirements and has the following interface:

namespace odb
  template <typename T>
  class result
    typedef odb::result_iterator<T> iterator;

    result ();

    result (const result&);

    operator= (const result&);

    swap (result&)

    begin ();

    end ();

    cache ();

    empty () const;

    size () const;

The default constructor creates an empty result set. The cache() function caches the returned objects' state in the application's memory. We have already mentioned result caching when we talked about query execution. As you may remember the database::query() function caches the result unless instructed not to by the caller. The cache() function allows us to cache the result at a later stage if it wasn't already cached during query execution.

If the result is cached, the database state of all the returned objects is stored in the application's memory. Note that the actual objects are still only instantiated on demand during result iteration. It is the raw database state that is cached in memory. In contrast, for uncached results the object's state is sent by the database system one object at a time as the iteration progresses.

Uncached results can improve the performance of both the application and the database system in situations where we have a large number of objects in the result or if we will only examine a small portion of the returned objects. However, uncached results have a number of limitations. There can only be one uncached result in a transaction. Creating another result (cached or uncached) by calling database::query() will invalidate the existing uncached result. Furthermore, calling any other database functions, such as update() or erase() will also invalidate the uncached result.

The empty() function returns true if there are no objects in the result and false otherwise. The size() function can only be called for cached results. It returns the number of objects in the result. If we call this function on an uncached result, the odb::result_not_cached exception is thrown.

To iterate over the objects in a result we use the begin() and end() functions together with the odb::result<T>::iterator type, for example:

  result r (db.query<person> (query::first == "John"));

  for (result::iterator i (r.begin ()); i != r.end (); ++i)

The result iterator is an input iterator which means that the only two position operations that it supports are to move to the next object and to determine whether the end of the result stream has been reached. In fact, the result iterator can only be in two states: the current position and the end position. If we have two iterators pointing to the current position and then we advance one of them, the other will advance as well. This, for example, means that it doesn't make sense to store an iterator that points to some object of interest in the result stream with the intent of dereferencing it after the iteration is over. Instead, we would need to store the object itself.

The result iterator has the following dereference functions that can be used to access the pointed-to object:

namespace odb
  template <typename T>
  class result_iterator
    operator-> () const;

    operator* () const;

    typename object_traits<T>::pointer_type
    load ();

    load (T& x);

When we call the * or -> operator, the iterator will allocate a new instance of the object class in the dynamic memory, load its state from the database state, and return a reference or pointer to the new instance. The iterator maintains the ownership of the returned object and will return the same pointer for subsequent calls to either of these operators until it is advanced to the next object or we call the first load() function (see below). For example:

  result r (db.query<person> (query::first == "John"));

  for (result::iterator i (r.begin ()); i != r.end ();)
    cout << i->last () << endl; // Create an object.
    person& p (*i);             // Reference to the same object.
    cout << p.age () << endl;
    ++i;                        // Free the object.

The overloaded result_iterator::load() functions are similar to database::load(). The first function returns a dynamically allocated instance of the current object. As an optimization, if the iterator already owns an object as a result of an earlier call to the * or -> operator, then it relinquishes the ownership of this object and returns it instead. This allows us to write code like this without worrying about a double allocation:

  result r (db.query<person> (query::first == "John"));

  for (result::iterator i (r.begin ()); i != r.end (); ++i)
    if (i->last == "Doe")
      auto_ptr p (i.load ());

Note, however, that because of this optimization, a subsequent to load() call to the * or -> operator results in the allocation of a new object.

The second load() function allows us to load the current object's state into an existing instance. For example:

  result r (db.query<person> (query::first == "John"));

  person p;
  for (result::iterator i (r.begin ()); i != r.end (); ++i)
    i.load (p);
    cout << p.last () << endl;
    cout << i.age () << endl;

5 ODB Pragma Language

As we have already seen in previous chapters, ODB uses a pragma-based language to capture database-specific information about C++ types. This chapter describes the ODB pragma language in more detail. It can be read together with other chapters in the manual to get a sense of what kind of configurations and mapping fine-tuning are possible. You can also use this chapter as a reference at a later stage.

An ODB pragma has the following syntax:

#pragma db qualifier [specifier specifier ...]

The qualifier tells the ODB compiler what kind of C++ construct this pragma describes. Valid qualifiers are object, value, and member. Pragmas with the object qualifier describe persistent object types. It tells the ODB compiler that the C++ class it describes is a persistent class. Similarly, pragmas with the value qualifier describes value types and the member qualifier is used to describe data members of persistent object and value types.

The specifier informs the ODB compiler about a particular database-related property of the C++ declaration. For example, the id member specifier tells the ODB compiler that this member contains this object's identifier. Below is the declaration of the person class that shows how we can use ODB pragmas:

#pragma db object
class person
  #pragma db member id
  unsigned long id_;

In the above example we don't explicitly specify which C++ class or data member the pragma belongs to. Rather, the pragma applies to a C++ declaration that immediately follows the pragma. Such pragmas are called positioned pragmas. In positioned pragmas that apply to data members, the member qualifier can be omitted for brevity, for example:

  #pragma db id
  unsigned long id_;

Note also that if the C++ declaration immediately following a position pragma is incompatible with the pragma qualifier, an error will be issued. For example:

  #pragma db object  // Error: expected class instead of data member.
  unsigned long id_;

While keeping the C++ declarations and database declarations close together eases maintenance and increases readability, we can also place them in different parts of the same header file or even factor them to a separate file. To achieve this we use the so called named pragmas. Unlike positioned pragmas, named pragmas explicitly specify the C++ declaration to which they apply by adding the declaration name after the pragma qualifier. For example:

class person
  unsigned long id_;

#pragma db object(person)
#pragma db member(person::id_) id

Note that in the named pragmas for data members the member qualifier is no longer optional. The C++ declaration name in the named pragmas is resolved using the standard C++ name resolution rules, for example:

namespace db
  class person
    unsigned long id_;

namespace db
  #pragma db object(person)  // Resolves db::person.

#pragma db member(db::person::id_) id

As another example, the following code fragment shows how to use the named value type pragma to map a C++ type to a native database type:

#pragma db value(bool) type("INT NOT NULL")

#pragma db object
class person
  bool married_; // Mapped to INT NOT NULL database type.

The following three sections cover the specifiers applicable to the object, value, and member qualifiers.

The C++ header file that defines our persistent classes and normally contains one or more ODB pragmas is compiled by both the ODB compiler to generate the database support code and the C++ compiler to build our application. Some C++ compilers issue warnings about pragmas that they do not recognize. There are several ways to deal with this problem which are covered at the end of this chapter in Section 5.4, "C++ Compiler Warnings".

5.1 Object Type Pragmas

A pragma with the object qualifier declares a C++ class as a persistent object type. The qualifier can be optionally followed, in any order, by one or more specifiers summarized in the table below:

Specifier Summary Section
table the table name for the persistent class 5.1.1
pointer the pointer type for the persistent class 5.1.2

5.1.1 table

The table specifier specifies the table name that should be used to store objects of the class in a relational database. For example:

#pragma db object table("people")
class person

If the table name is not specified, the class name is used as the table name.

5.1.2 pointer

The pointer specifier specifies the object pointer type for the persistent class. The object pointer type is used to return, pass, and cache dynamically allocated instances of the persistent class. For example:

#pragma db object pointer(std::tr1::shared_ptr<person>)
class person

There are several ways to specify an object pointer with the pointer specifier. We can use a complete pointer type as shown in the example above. Alternatively, we can specify only the template name of a smart pointer in which case the ODB compiler will automatically append the class name as a template argument. The following example is equivalent to the one above:

#pragma db object pointer(std::tr1::shared_ptr)
class person

If you would like to use the raw pointer as an object pointer, you can use * as a shortcut:

#pragma db object pointer(*) // Same as pointer(person*)
class person

If a pointer type is not explicitly specified, the default pointer, specified with the --default-pointer ODB compiler option, is used. If this option is not specified either, then the raw pointer is used by default.

For additional information on object pointers, refer to Section @@, "".

5.2 Value Type Pragmas

A pragma with the value qualifier describes a value type. It can be optionally followed, in any order, by one or more specifiers summarized in the table below:

Specifier Summary Section
type the database type for the value type 5.2.1
not_null object pointer cannot be NULL 5.2.2
unordered ordered container should be stored unordered 5.2.3
index_type the database type for the container's index type 5.2.4
key_type the database type for the container's key type 5.2.5
value_type the database type for the container's value type 5.2.6
id_column the column name for the container's table object id 5.2.7
index_column the column name for the container's table index 5.2.8
key_column the column name for the container's table key 5.2.9
value_column the column name for the container's table value 5.2.10

Many of the value type specifiers have corresponding member type specifiers with the same names (see Section 5.3, "Data Member Pragmas"). The behavior of such specifiers for members is similar to that for value types. The only difference is the scope. A particular value type specifier applies to all members of this value type that don't have a pre-member version of the specifier. While the member specifier always applies only to a single member. In other words, member specifiers take precedence over values specified with value specifiers.

5.2.1 type

The type specifier specifies the native database type that should be used for data members of this type. For example:

#pragma db value(bool) type("INT NOT NULL")

#pragma db object
class person
  bool married_; // Mapped to INT NOT NULL database type.

The ODB compiler provides the default mapping between common C++ types, such as bool, int, and std::string and the database types for each supported database system. For more information on the default mapping, refer to Chapter 6, "Database Systems".

In the above example we changed the mapping for the bool type which is now mapped to the INT database type. In this case, the value pragma is all that is necessary since the ODB compiler will be able to figure out how to store a boolean value as an integer in the database. However, there could be situations where the ODB compiler will not know how to handle the conversion between the C++ and database representations of a value. Consider, as an example, a situation where the boolean value is stored in the database as a string:

#pragma db value(bool) type("VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL")

The possible database values for the C++ true value could be "true", or "TRUE", or "True". Or, maybe, all of the above are valid. The ODB compiler has no way of knowing how your application wants to convert bool to a string and back. To support such custom value type mappings, ODB allows you to provide your own database conversion functions by specializing the value_traits class template. The mapping example in the odb-examples package shows how to do this for all the supported database systems.

5.2.2 not_null

The not_null specifier specifies that an object pointer or a container of object pointers type cannot have or contain the NULL value. For example:

using std::tr1::shared_ptr;

#pragma db object
class person

typedef shared_ptr<person> person_ptr;
#pragma db value(person_ptr) not_null

#pragma db object
class account

typedef std::vector<shared_ptr<account> > accounts;
#pragma db value(accounts) not_null

5.2.3 unordered

The unordered specifier specifies that the ordered container should be stored in the database unordered. The database table for such a container will not contain the index column and the order in which elements are retrieved from the database may not be the same as the order in which they were stored. For example:

typedef std::vector<std::string> names;
#pragma db value(names) unordered

5.2.4 index_type

The index_type specifier specifies the native database type that should be used for the ordered container's index column. The semantics of index_type are similar to that of the type specifier (see Section 5.2.1, "type"). The native database type is expected to be an integer type. For example:

typedef std::vector<std::string> names;
#pragma db value(names) index_type("SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL")

5.2.5 key_type

The key_type specifier specifies the native database type that should be used for the map container's key column. The semantics of key_type are similar to that of the type specifier (see Section 5.2.1, "type"). For example:

typedef std::map<unsigned short, float> age_weight_map;
#pragma db value(age_weight_map) key_type("INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL")

5.2.6 value_type

The value_type specifier specifies the native database type that should be used for the container's value column. The semantics of value_type are similar to that of the type specifier (see Section 5.2.1, "type"). For example:

typedef std::vector<std::string> names;
#pragma db value(names) value_type("VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL")

5.2.7 id_column

The id_column specifier specifies the column name that should be used to store the object id in the container's table. For example:

typedef std::vector<std::string> names;
#pragma db value(names) id_column("id")

If the column name is not specified, then object_id is used by default.

5.2.8 index_column

The index_column specifier specifies the column name that should be used to store the element index in the ordered container's table. For example:

typedef std::vector<std::string> names;
#pragma db value(names) index_column("name_number")

If the column name is not specified, then index is used by default.

5.2.9 key_column

The key_column specifier specifies the column name that should be used to store the key in the map container's table. For example:

typedef std::map<unsigned short, float> age_weight_map;
#pragma db value(age_weight_map) key_column("age")

If the column name is not specified, then key is used by default.

5.2.10 value_column

The value_column specifier specifies the column name that should be used to store the element value in the container's table. For example:

typedef std::map<unsigned short, float> age_weight_map;
#pragma db value(age_weight_map) value_column("weight")

If the column name is not specified, then value is used by default.

5.3 Data Member Pragmas

A pragma with the member qualifier or a positioned pragma without a qualifier describes a data member. It can be optionally followed, in any order, by one or more specifiers summarized in the table below:

Specifier Summary Section
id the member is an object id 5.3.1
auto id is assigned by the database 5.3.2
type the database type for the member 5.3.3
column the column name for the member 5.3.4
transient the member is not stored in the database 5.3.5
not_null object pointer cannot be NULL 5.3.6
inverse the member is an inverse side of a bidirectional relationship 5.3.7
unordered ordered container should be stored unordered 5.3.8
table the table name for the container 5.3.9
index_type the database type for the container's index type 5.3.10
key_type the database type for the container's key type 5.3.11
value_type the database type for the container's value type 5.3.12
id_column the column name for the container's table object id 5.3.13
index_column the column name for the container's table index 5.3.14
key_column the column name for the container's table key 5.3.15
value_column the column name for the container's table value 5.3.16

Many of the member specifiers have corresponding value type specifiers with the same names (see Section 5.2, "Value Type Pragmas"). The behavior of such specifiers for members is similar to that for value types. The only difference is the scope. A particular value type specifier applies to all members of this value type that don't have a pre-member version of the specifier. While the member specifier always applies only to a single member. In other words, member specifiers take precedence over values specified with value specifiers.

5.3.1 id

The id specifier specifies that the data member contains the object id. Every persistent class must have a member designated as an object's identifier. For example:

#pragma db object
class person
  #pragma db id
  std::string email_;

In a relational database, an identifier member is mapped to a primary key.

5.3.2 auto

The auto specifier specifies that the object's identifier is automatically assigned by the database. Only a member that was designated as an object id can have this specifier. For example:

#pragma db object
class person
  #pragma db id auto
  unsigned long id_;

Note that automatically-assigned object ids are not reused. If you have a high object turnover (that is, objects are routinely made persistent and then erased), then care must be taken not to run out of object ids. In such situations, using unsigned long long as the identifier type is a safe choice.

For additional information on the automatic identifier assignment, refer to Section 3.5, "Making Objects Persistent".

5.3.3 type

The type specifier specifies the native database type that should be used for the data member. For example:

#pragma db object
class person
  #pragma db type("INT NOT NULL")
  bool married_;

5.3.4 column

The column specifier specifies the column name that should be used to store the member in a relational database. For example:

#pragma db object
class person
  #pragma db id column("person_id")
  unsigned long id_;

For a member of a composite value type, the column specifier specifies the column name prefix. Refer to Section Z.1, "Composite Value Column and Table Names" for details.

If the column name is not specified, it is derived from the member name by removing the common member name decorations, such as leading and trailing underscores, the m_ prefix, etc.

5.3.5 transient

The transient specifier instructs the ODB compiler not to store the data member in the database. For example:

#pragma db object
class person
  date born_;

  #pragma db transient
  unsigned short age_; // Computed from born_.

This pragma is usually used on computed members, pointers and references that are only meaningful in the application's memory, as well as utility members such as mutexes, etc.

5.3.6 not_null

The not_null specifier specifies that the member of an object pointer or a container of object pointers type cannot have or contain the NULL value. For example:

using std::tr1::shared_ptr;

#pragma db object
class person

#pragma db object
class account
  #pragma db not_null
  shared_ptr<person> primary_holder_;

  #pragma db not_null
  std::vector<shared_ptr<person> > secondary_holders_;

5.3.7 inverse

The inverse specifier specifies that the member of an object pointer or a container of object pointers type is an inverse side of a bidirectional object relationship. The single required argument to this specifier is the data member name in the referenced object. For example:

using std::tr1::shared_ptr;
using std::tr1::weak_ptr;

class person;

#pragma db object pointer(shared_ptr)
class employer
  std::vector<shared_ptr<person> > employees_;

#pragma db object pointer(shared_ptr)
class person
  #pragma db inverse(employee_)
  weak_ptr<employer> employer_;

An inverse member does not have a corresponding column or table in the resulting database schema. Instead, the column or table from the referenced object is used to retrieve the relationship information. Only ordered and set containers can be used for inverse members. If an inverse member is of an ordered container type, it is automatically marked as unordered (see Section 5.3.8, "unordered").

5.3.8 unordered

The unordered specifier specifies that the member of an ordered container type should be stored in the database unordered. The database table for such a member will not contain the index column and the order in which elements are retrieved from the database may not be the same as the order in which they were stored. For example:

#pragma db object
class person
  #pragma db unordered
  std::vector<std::string> nicknames_;

5.3.9 table

The table specifier specifies the table name that should be used to store the contents of the container member. For example:

#pragma db object
class person
  #pragma db table("nicknames")
  std::vector<std::string> nicknames_;

If the table name is not specified, then the container table name is constructed by concatenating the object's table name, underscore, and the sanitized member name. The sanitized member name is obtained by removing the common member name decorations, such as leading and trailing underscores, the m_ prefix, etc. In the example above, without the table specifier, the container's table name would have been person_nicknames.

The table specifier can also be used for members of composite value types. In this case it specifies the table name prefix for container members inside the composite value type. Refer to Section Z.1, "Composite Value Column and Table Names" for details.

5.3.10 index_type

The index_type specifier specifies the native database type that should be used for the ordered container's index column of the data member. The semantics of index_type are similar to that of the type specifier (see Section 5.3.3, "type"). The native database type is expected to be an integer type. For example:

#pragma db object
class person
  #pragma db index_type("SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL")
  std::vector<std::string> nicknames_;

5.3.11 key_type

The key_type specifier specifies the native database type that should be used for the map container's key column of the data member. The semantics of key_type are similar to that of the type specifier (see Section 5.3.3, "type"). For example:

#pragma db object
class person
  #pragma db key_type("INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL")
  std::map<unsigned short, float> age_weight_map_;

5.3.12 value_type

The value_type specifier specifies the native database type that should be used for the container's value column of the data member. The semantics of value_type are similar to that of the type specifier (see Section 5.3.3, "type"). For example:

#pragma db object
class person
  #pragma db value_type("VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL")
  std::vector<std::string> nicknames_;

5.3.13 id_column

The id_column specifier specifies the column name that should be used to store the object id in the container's table for the member. The semantics of id_column are similar to that of the column specifier (see Section 5.3.4, "column"). For example:

#pragma db object
class person
  #pragma db id_column("person_id")
  std::vector<std::string> nicknames_;

If the column name is not specified, then object_id is used by default.

5.3.14 index_column

The index_column specifier specifies the column name that should be used to store the element index in the ordered container's table for the member. The semantics of index_column are similar to that of the column specifier (see Section 5.3.4, "column"). For example:

#pragma db object
class person
  #pragma db index_column("nickname_number")
  std::vector<std::string> nicknames_;

If the column name is not specified, then index is used by default.

5.3.15 key_column

The key_column specifier specifies the column name that should be used to store the key in the map container's table for the member. The semantics of key_column are similar to that of the column specifier (see Section 5.3.4, "column"). For example:

#pragma db object
class person
  #pragma db key_column("age")
  std::map<unsigned short, float> age_weight_map_;

If the column name is not specified, then key is used by default.

5.3.16 value_column

The value_column specifier specifies the column name that should be used to store the element value in the container's table for the member. The semantics of value_column are similar to that of the column specifier (see Section 5.3.4, "column"). For example:

#pragma db object
class person
  #pragma db value_column("weight")
  std::map<unsigned short, float> age_weight_map_;

If the column name is not specified, then value is used by default.

5.4 C++ Compiler Warnings

When the C++ header file defining our persistent classes and containing ODB pragmas is processed by a C++ compiler, it may issue warnings about pragmas that it doesn't recognize. There are several ways to deal with this problem. The easiest is to disable such warnings using one of the compiler-specific command line options or warning control pragmas. This method is described in the following sub-section for popular C++ compilers.

There are also several C++ compiler-independent methods that we can employ. The first is to use the PRAGMA_DB macro, defined in <odb/core.hxx>, instead of using #pragma db directly. This macro expands to the ODB pragma when compiled with the ODB compiler and to an empty declaration when compiled with other compilers. The following example shows how we can use this macro:

#include <odb/core.hxx>

class person
  unsigned long id_;

An alternative to using the PRAGMA_DB macro is to group the #pragma db directives in blocks that are conditionally included into compilation only when compiled with the ODB compiler. For example:

class person
  unsigned long id_;

#  pragma db object(person)
#  pragma db member(person::id_) id

The disadvantage of this approach is that it can quickly become overly verbose when positioned pragmas are used.

5.4.1 GNU C++

GNU g++ does not issue warnings about unknown pragmas unless requested with the -Wall command line option. To disable only the unknown pragma warning, we can add the -Wno-unknown-pragmas option after -Wall, for example:

g++ -Wall -Wno-unknown-pragmas ...

5.4.2 Visual C++

Microsoft Visual C++ issues an unknown pragma warning (C4068) at warning level 1 or higher. This means that unless we have disabled the warnings altogether (level 0), we will see this warning.

To disable this warning via the compiler command line, we can add the /wd4068 C++ compiler option in Visual Studio 2008 and earlier. In Visual Studio 2010 there is now a special GUI field where we can enter warning numbers that should be disabled. Simply enter 4068 into this field.

We can also disable this warning for only a specific header or a fragment of a header using the warning control pragma. For example:

#include <odb/core.hxx>

#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning (disable:4068)

#pragma db object
class person
  #pragma db id
  unsigned long id_;

#pragma warning (pop)

5.4.3 Sun C++

The Sun C++ compiler does not issue warnings about unknown pragmas unless the +w or +w2 option is specified. To disable only the unknown pragma warning we can add the -erroff=unknownpragma option anywhere on the command line, for example:

CC +w -erroff=unknownpragma ...

5.4.4 IBM XL C++

IBM XL C++ issues an unknown pragma warning (1540-1401) by default. To disable this warning we can add the -qsuppress=1540-1401 command line option, for example:

xlC -qsuppress=1540-1401 ...

5.4.5 HP aC++

HP aC++ (aCC) issues an unknown pragma warning (2161) by default. To disable this warning we can add the +W2161 command line option, for example:

aCC +W2161 ...

6 Database Systems

This chapter covers topics specific to the database system implementations and their support in ODB. In particular, it describes the system-specific database classes as well as the default mapping between basic C++ value types and native database types.

6.1 MySQL Database

To generate support code for the MySQL database you will need to pass the "--database mysql" (or "-d mysql") option to the ODB compiler. Your application will also need to link to the MySQL ODB runtime library (libodb-mysql). All MySQL-specific ODB classes are defined in the odb::mysql namespace.

6.1.1 MySQL Type Mapping

The following table summarizes the default mapping between basic C++ value types and MySQL database types. This mapping can be customized on the per-type and per-member basis using the ODB Pragmas Language (see Chapter 5, "ODB Pragma Language").

C++ Type MySQL type
signed char TINYINT NOT NULL
unsigned long long BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL

Note that the std::string type is mapped differently depending on whether the member of this type is an object id or not. If the member is an object id, then for this member std::string is mapped to VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL MySQL type. Otherwise, it is mapped to TEXT NOT NULL.

6.1.2 MySQL Database Class

The MySQL database class has the following interface:

namespace odb
  namespace mysql
    class database: public odb::database
      database (const char* user,
                const char* passwd,
                const char* db,
                const char* host = 0,
                unsigned int port = 0,
                const char* socket = 0,
                unsigned long client_flags = 0,
                std::auto_ptr<connection_factory> = 0);

      database (const std::string& user,
                const std::string& passwd,
                const std::string& db,
                const std::string& host = "",
                unsigned int port = 0,
                const std::string* socket = 0,
                unsigned long client_flags = 0,
                std::auto_ptr<connection_factory> = 0);

      database (const std::string& user,
                const std::string* passwd,
                const std::string& db,
                const std::string& host = "",
                unsigned int port = 0,
                const std::string* socket = 0,
                unsigned long client_flags = 0,
                std::auto_ptr<connection_factory> = 0);

      database (const std::string& user,
                const std::string& passwd,
                const std::string& db,
                const std::string& host,
                unsigned int port,
                const std::string& socket,
                unsigned long client_flags = 0,
                std::auto_ptr<connection_factory> = 0);

      database (const std::string& user,
                const std::string* passwd,
                const std::string& db,
                const std::string& host,
                unsigned int port,
                const std::string& socket,
                unsigned long client_flags = 0,
                std::auto_ptr<connection_factory> = 0);

      database (int& argc,
                char* argv[],
                bool erase = false,
                unsigned long client_flags = 0,
                std::auto_ptr<connection_factory> = 0);

      static void
      print_usage (std::ostream&);

      const char*
      user () const;

      const char*
      password () const;

      const char*
      db () const;

      const char*
      host () const;

      unsigned int
      port () const;

      const char*
      socket () const;

      unsigned long
      client_flags () const;

      connection ();

You will need to include the <odb/mysql/database.hxx> header file to make this class available in your application.

The overloaded database constructors allow us to specify MySQL database parameters that should be used when connecting to the database. In MySQL NULL and an empty string are treated as the same values for all the string parameters except password and socket. The client_flags argument allows us to specify various MySQL client library flags. For more information on the possible values, refer to the MySQL C API documentation. The CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS flag is always set by the MySQL ODB runtime regardless of whether it was passed in the client_flags argument.

The last constructor extracts the database parameters from the command line. The following options are recognized:

  --user <login>
  --password <password>
  --database <name>
  --host <host>
  --port <integer>
  --socket <socket>
  --options-file <file>

The --options-file option allows us to specify some or all of the database options in a file with each option appearing on a separate line followed by space and an option value.

If the erase argument to this constructor is true, then the above options are removed from the argv array and the argc count is updated accordingly. This is primarily useful if your application accepts other options or arguments and you would like to get the MySQL options out of the argv array.

This constructor throws the odb::mysql::cli_exception exception if the MySQL option values are missing or invalid. See section Section 6.1.4, "MySQL Exceptions" for more information on this exception.

The static print_usage() function prints the list of options with short descriptions that are recognized by this constructor.

The last argument to all of the constructors is the pointer to the connection factory. If we pass a non-NULL value, the database instance assumes ownership of the factory instance. The connection factory interface as well as the available implementations are described in the next section.

The set of accessor functions following the constructors allow us to query the parameters of the database instance.

The connection() function returns the MySQL database connection encapsulated by the odb::mysql::connection class. Normally, you wouldn't call this function directly and instead let the ODB runtime manage the database connections. However, if for some reason you need to access the underlying MySQL connection handle, refer to the MySQL ODB runtime source code for the interface of the connection class.

6.1.3 Connection Factory

The connection_factory abstract class has the following interface:

namespace odb
  namespace mysql
    class connection_factory
      virtual void
      database (mysql::database&) = 0;

      virtual details::shared_ptr<mysql::connection>
      connect () = 0;

The database() function is called when a connection factory is associated with a database instance. This happens in the odb::mysql::database class constructors. The connect() function is called whenever a database connection is requested.

The two implementations of the connection_factory interface provided by the MySQL ODB runtime are the new_connection_factory and connection_pool_factory. You will need to include the <odb/mysql/connection-factory.hxx> header file to make the connection_factory interface and these implementation classes available in your application.

The new_connection_factory class creates a new connection whenever one is requested. When a connection is no longer needed, it is released and closed. The connection_pool_factory class implements a connection pool. It has the following interface:

namespace odb
  namespace mysql
    class connection_pool_factory: public connection_factory
      connection_pool_factory (std::size_t max_connections = 0,
                               std::size_t min_connections = 0)

The max_connections argument specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections that this pool factory will maintain. Similarly, the min_connections argument specifies the minimum number of available connections that should be kept open.

Whenever a connection is requested, the pool factory first checks if there is an unused connection that can be returned. If there is none, the pool factory checks the max_connections value to see if a new connection can be created. If the total number of connections maintained by the pool is less than this value, then a new connection is created and returned. Otherwise, the calling thread is blocked until a connection becomes available.

When a connection is released, the pool factory first checks if there are blocked threads waiting for a connection. If so, one of them is unblocked and is given the connection. Otherwise, the pool factory checks whether the total number of connections maintained by the pool is greater than the min_connections value. If that's the case, the connection is closed. Otherwise, the connection is added to the pool of available connections to be returned on the next request. In other words, if the number of connections maintained by the pool exceeds the min_connections number and there are no threads waiting for a new connection, then the pool will close the excess connections.

If the max_connections value is 0, then the pool will create a new connection whenever all of the existing connections are in use. If the min_connections value is 0, then the pool will never close a connection and instead maintain all the connections that were ever created.

If you pass NULL as the connection factory to one of the database constructors, then the connection_pool_factory instance will be created by default with the min and max connections values set to 0. The following code fragment shows how we can pass our own connection factory instance:

#include <odb/database.hxx>

#include <odb/mysql/database.hxx>
#include <odb/mysql/connection-factory.hxx>

main (int argc, char* argv[])
  auto_ptr<odb::mysql::connection_factory> f (
    new odb::mysql::connection_pool_factory (20));

  auto_ptr<odb::database> db (
    new mysql::database (argc, argv, false, 0, f));

6.1.4 MySQL Exceptions

The MySQL ODB runtime library defines the following MySQL-specific exceptions:

namespace odb
  namespace mysql
    class database_exception: odb::database_exception
      unsigned int
      error () const;

      const std::string&
      sqlstate () const;

      const std::string&
      message () const;

      virtual const char*
      what () const throw ();

    class cli_exception: odb::exception
      virtual const char*
      what () const throw ();

You will need to include the <odb/mysql/exceptions.hxx> header file to make these exceptions available in your application.

The odb::mysql::database_exception is thrown if a MySQL database operation fails. The MySQL-specific error information is accessible via the error(), sqlstate(), and message() functions. All this information is also combined and returned in a human-readable form by the what() function.

The odb::mysql::cli_exception is thrown by the command line parsing constructor of the odb::mysql::database class if the MySQL option values are missing or invalid. The what() function returns a human-readable description of an error.